I’m excited to announce that my young adult action and adventure novel, The Collar and the Cavvarach, is scheduled to be released next month! Here is the cover, created by the talented Jack Lin:
About the Story:
Bensin, a teenage slave and martial artist, is desperate to see his little sister freed. But only victory in the Krillonian Empire’s most prestigious tournament will allow him to secretly arrange for Ellie’s escape. Dangerous people are closing in on her, however, and Bensin is running out of time. With his one hope fading quickly away, how can Bensin save Ellie from a life of slavery and abuse?
What is the Collar for, and What is a Cavvarach?
The story is set in a world very much like our own, with just a few major differences. One is that slavery is legal there. Slaves must wear metal collars that lock around their neck, making their enslaved status obvious to everyone. Any slave attempting to escape faces the dilemma of how and where to illegally get their collar removed (a crime punishable by enslavement for the remover).
Another difference is the popularity of a martial art called cavvara shil. It is fought with a cavvarach (rhymes with “have a rack”), an unsharpened weapon similar to a sword but with a steel hook protruding from partway down its top edge. Competitors can strike at each other with their feet as well as with the blades. You win in one of two ways: disarming your opponent (hooking or knocking their cavvarach out of their hands) or pinning their shoulders to the mat for five seconds.
Connect with the Author Online:
Don’t You Forget About Me
Mary Catherine Whelihan made it out of Walkerville alive once before. Can she pull it off this time? Bullies, sexual harassment, finding a corpse in the local creek… Cate’s childhood in 1980s Walkerville was murder! So what could possibly tempt her to return? A cryptic email from Eugene Marcasian, MD, her grade school crush might do the trick. Can Cate and Gene find the cause of the mysterious illness afflicting nearly all of the girls in their graduating class, including Cate herself? Or will corporate bullies continue to take down anyone who gets in their way? More importantly, can Cate stay alive long enough to get one more slice of tomato pie?
“Doesn’t signing in at the Technology Annex check-in desk blow the whole cloak-and-dagger bit?”
Gene furrowed his brow for a moment. “I’m not looking for cloak-and-dagger. I just want to buy enough time to get some answers and put a stop to whatever is making people sick. But Mary Catherine—I don’t know what kind of wasp nest we might be kicking at here.”
“Nice image.” My stomach knotted.
Gene gently but firmly grasped me by my upper arms. “I’m not kidding. If what our coffee shop friend said is true…”
I picked up where he trailed off, “Then Walkerville wasps carry some pretty wicked stingers.”
Gene nodded. “I’m willing to give it all to find the truth. I’m not sure I want you to.”
He was right. This wasn’t picking up rocks in Quaker Creek and looking for water pennies. This was digging up what two potentially deadly forces—Big Pharma and The Mob—wanted kept buried.
I forced myself to look directly into his eyes. “Search softly,” I said, “and poke with a big stick.”
Praise for Don’t You Forget About Me:
“This book has all the elements that make a book addictive: a compelling story told well with characters who are unforgettable. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll stay up all night reading.”
Sarah Reinhard, author, SnoringScholar.com and A Catholic Mother’s Companion to Pregnancy
<!–[if supportFields]> SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1<![endif]–><!–[if supportFields]><![endif]–>“This captivating murder mystery made me laugh, cry, and crave Italian food; ‘80s pop tunes are still stuck in my head. If you like mysteries that offer a good mix of suspense and science, don’t miss this book.”
“Don’t You Forget About Me…is a rollicking fun and exciting cozy murder mystery. The author’s strong and clever command of the written language makes this book an entertaining page-turner. I recommend this highly-enjoyable, cozy, clean, lively mystery to all readers!”
Therese Heckenkamp, award-winning author, Frozen Footprints
“A quirky, fun, mystery-romance that will tickle your funny bone while making your hair stand on end.”
AnnMarie Creedon, best-selling author, Angela’s Song
“It’s easy to identify and sympathize with protagonist Cate Whelihan as she returns to her hometown and faces not only the classmates who bullied her in school but also her junior high sweetheart and fellow nerd, Gene. Readers will be chuckling one moment…and biting nails the next as she faces threats, corrupt police, and the business end of a gun.”
Daria Sockey, author, The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours
Author Bio:
Erin McCole Cupp is a wife, mom, and lay Dominican who lives with her family of vertebrates in the middle of Nowhere, Pennsylvania. Her writing has appeared in Canticle Magazine, Parents, The Catholic Standard and Times, and The Philadelphia City Paper, and she is a regular contributor to CatholicMom.com. Her other professional experiences include acting, costuming, youth ministry, international scholar advising, and waiting tables. Her influences include Neal Stephenson, Gerard Manley Hopkins, and Jane Austen. Her weaknesses include iceberg lettuce, frozen drinks, and anything labeled “Visitor Center.” Erin is the author of Jane_E, Friendless Orphan: A Memoir (Broken Wheel Media, 2006), Don’t You Forget About Me (Full Quiver Publishing, 2013), and Working Mother (Full Quiver Publishing, 2013), all available on Amazon. You can find more about Erin at erinmccolecupp.com.
The Truth About Hope
by Kate James
Adult Contemporary Romance
May 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming
Who is Hope Wilson?
Is she the girl her former hometown thinks she is? Or the girl Luke Carter once loved – and maybe still does?
When Hope returns to Canyon Creek, Texas, to honor her
father’s last wishes, there’s only one person on her mind: her high school sweetheart, Luke. The boy she lied to when she had to leave Canyon Creek as a teen, finding it easier to hide what she really felt than deal with the grief of loss. Her father’s fortune could make a big difference to Canyon Creek – but Hope finds that the townspeople have a long memory about his misdeeds. With a plan to make amends on his behalf, Hope learns the truth about herself. And the truth about love.

Kate James spent much of her childhood abroad before attending university in Canada. She built a successful business career, but her passion has always been literature. As a result Kate turned her energy to her love of the written word. Her writing has been recognized with a number of awards, including first place honors for Silver Linings in both the First Coast Romance Writers’ Published Beacon Contest and ACRA’s Heart of Excellence Readers’ Choice Award. Her November Harlequin Heartwarming release, A Child’s Christmas, received first-place honors from Southern Magic, the Birmingham Chapter of the Romance Writers of America, for the 2015 Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence!
Kate married her husband, Ken, in an elegant, ocean-front wedding on a tropical island. When they are not traveling, they split their time between their properties in southern and central Ontario in Canada, with their beloved black Labs, Harley and Logan.
Kate’s next novel is the first book in her K-9 Squad Trilogy, and is scheduled for release on October 1, 2015.
Canyon Creek, Part 1
During one of our stays with our friends in Texas, we visited a breathtaking promontory close to their home. I’ve fictionalized it for The Truth About Hope. It is an important setting in the story as the event that precipitates the circumstances related to her departure and her reconnection with her high-school sweetheart, Luke, occur there. Here is the first excerpt from those fateful scenes:
Teenage Hope Before She Leaves Canyon Creek
She followed the road until it intersected with McCullock Street. With no definite plan, she turned left and continued walking until the street started to rise. There she took a right onto Yardley Drive and walked all the way to the end. The road dead ended on a promontory, which had been made into a park and observation area. It was the highest point in Canyon Creek, and it provided a panoramic view of the whole town, Gulch River snaking around its perimeter and, in the distance, the silvered surface of Stillhouse Hollow Lake.
It was early, and the park was tranquil. It would be at least an hour before the chatter of preschoolers and the exuberance of dogs would shatter the quiet. For now, it was just her and a handful of joggers taking advantage of the relatively cool temperatures.
Hope flung her backpack on a wooden bench and sat beside it. The early-morning sun gilded homes, land, river and lake, giving it all an ethereal luminosity. She’d heard that northern California was beautiful, but how could it compare to her hometown? She’d never been outside Texas. She hadn’t wanted to be.
A bubble of panic formed in her belly, and she pressed a hand over it. No, she wouldn’t let herself fall apart again. It was too important to handle her discussions today with a level head. She kept her eyes on the vista before her. The town that was her home, the town that—in one short week—she might never see again.
She blinked back the tears.
No! That couldn’t be. Of courseshe’d see the town again. She’d be back to visit her friends and, as Clarissa had pointed out, in less than a year she’d be an adult and could do as she pleased. She could come home if she wanted, and she did. Everything she knew and cared about was here. She’d just have to get through the next year and, as Clarissa had pointed out, in less than a year she’d be an adult and could do as she pleased. She could come home if she wanted, and she did. Everything she knew and cared about was here. She’d just have to get through the next year.
Follow the Tour:
May 8th – Grand Finale
Tour Giveaway
$30 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
5 Print Copies of The Truth About Hope (US/CAN Only)
1 ebook of The Truth About Hope (INT)
Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Michael M. Farnsworth
Title of book and/or series:
Brief summary of the story:
When Skylar’s enigmatic uncle warns him to stay away from the mysterious winged insects that have been sighted on other planets, he thinks little of it; no one has seen the insects on their own planet of Haladras. His uncle knows more than he’s telling, though. The creatures are not insects, but machines. And they’re hunting for Skylar. Only after Skylar narrowly escapes capture and flees Haladras with his uncle does he learn the whole truth. What his uncle reveals will shatter Skylar’s world. Torn from the girl he loves and thrust into the center of a conflict that will consume the empire, Skylar must fight for all he cares for, even as he struggles to know who he can trust.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Haladras is the principle planet for this story—hence the name. It’s a small desert planet, whose entire economy is driven by teryleum mining. Though small, because of its vast production of teryleum, it plays an increasingly vital role in the empire of which it is a part.
If we were to visit Haladras as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Haladras is a harsh place. Men do not go there to live long comfortable lives. There is little time for leisure. Its mining units are utilitarian. However, if given the chance to see it, the Gorge of Kaladra is a spectacular sight when it’s lit up at night.
What dangers should we avoid in Haladras?
The sun. The deep desert. Sand storms. Drake Blacksands. Most of all, the Trackers.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Haladras?
Like their cities, the people’s food serves one purpose: to sustain life. Food which spoils easily is of little use. They mostly eat grains, legumes, and dried meats.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Haladras?
The blaster is the most common and efficient weapon. But there are some who still carry swords.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Haladras?
Few people on Haladras are wealthy enough to own a spacecraft. Most buy passage on large spacecrafts to travel between planets. On Haladras itself, sand rovers and transports are commonly used to get about the desert. Among the younger citizenry, the personal flying devices called jetwings are popular. If you find yourself on one of the planets with a more habitable climate, you might end up riding on the back of a shaggy-haired paqua.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Haladras that we don’t see on Earth?
Though you won’t find them on Haladras, paquas do make several appearances in the story. Their most prominent feature is their long shaggy hair, which is often shorn and woven into a coarse fabric. Primarily used as beasts of burden, their gait is slow and lazy.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Haladras?
None, practically. Though, the main character will have a few brushes with the supernatural during his adventures.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Haladras? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Yes. Early in the book, synthetic osteoclasts—nanomolecular agents—are used to rapidly mend a cracked skull.
The jetwing utilizes an invisible coupling link which acts as a sort of wing between the two hand-held jet thrusters. This enables an individual to fly with his arms outstretched, as if he were a plane or a soaring eagle.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Haladras.
Teenage boys love to play Orb Scram, a game involving jetwings and a levitating sphere. There’s also sand sailing that can be done out on the dunes on a windy evening.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Haladras as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
The measure of years is reckoned by the length of the current monarch’s reign. Months are measured by the phases of its own moons.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Haladras? Please describe what it involves.
Under the current monarch’s reign, religion in the empire has withered. Some still believe in a Spirit King, who rules over the dead. Some believe he also has power in the mortal realm. But there is no active religion practiced on Haladras. The largest contingency of believers are the priests which live isolated on the frozen planet of Kyndoo Yavi.
What is the political or government structure in Haladras? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The Ahlderion empire is ruled by a king. Each official planet of the empire is governed directly by a lord. These lords pledge fidelity to the king, but are bestowed a significant amount of discretion when it comes to operating the affairs of their people. Haladras being a colonial planet, is overseen by a viceroy, who has significantly less power than a lord. The current viceroy of Haladras is Viceroy Aberforce. Generally, he is a prudent leader. Proud, but spineless.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
On Quoryn, one of the nearest planets to Haladras, there are lush forests with towering moss-strewn trees. These were inspired by the magnificent forests of the Pacific Northwest, where I live.
Author Autobiography.
Michael M. Farnsworth holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Texas A&M University. A degree that comes in handy if you’re a software engineer, which he is, but not so much if you’re a writer. As a native Texan, he should know lots about riding horses and herding cattle—but he doesn’t. He does, however, know a good deal about wrangling small children. He has four of them. When he’s not wrangling children, writing code or writing books, he’s probably building something. He lives with his wife and children in Seattle, WA.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?
Where can readers connect with you online?
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Haladras. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the Krillonian Empire (which is more of an alternate reality than a sci-fi or fantasy world), in Realm Explorers Part XXXXVI!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Katia’s Promise
(Shores of Indian Lake #4)
by Catherine Lanigan
Adult Contemporary Romance
May 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Katia Stanislaus is a top insurance agent in Chicago, but her company is about to fold if she can’t pull off a miracle. She convinces her boss to relocate to Indian Lake where she lived as a child and broke the heart of the one man whose account would be enough to save her job and her company. The only problem is that Austin McCreary has been a near recluse since the day Katia left him. Austin won’t take her calls and appears set on revenge for the pain Katia has caused him. Just seeing Austin, catapaults Katia back to the time when she was 16 and so very much in love. But it was just a teenage crush, wasn’t it?
Other Books in the Series
Links for Love Shadows
(Shores of Indian Lake #1)
Links for Heart’s Desire
(Shores of Indian Lake #2)
(Shores of Indian Lake #3)
I have always been fascinated with old cars and old coaches when I read about them in books. In Indian Lake (as well as my hometown) is an antique car museum. I wanted my hero, Austin McCreary, to have a long family history with cars. I devised a backstory of Austin’s great grandfather who was a pioneer in the auto industry around WWI. All his life, Austin has believed that his grandfather was a genius of a designer working in the Deusenberg plant in Indianapolis before moving to Indian Lake. The family “secret” is revealed in KATIA’S PROMISE, by Mrs. Beabots.
Austin has carried on his father’s work at the family auto parts manufacturing plant and still trades his antique cars. However, he has decided to build a car museum and then donate it to the city. I had so much fun researching the 1926 blue Bugatti convertible, Silver Cloud Rolls Royce and the Maserati he might own. For me, sitting in an antique car is one way of traveling back in time. The velvet upholstery that was used, the silver bud vases in the back seat, the quilted chrome dashboards, reinforce to me that these cars are literally like time machines.

Catherine Lanigan is the bestselling author of over thirty published titles in both fiction and non-fiction, including the novelizations of Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile, as well as over half a dozen anthologies, including ìChicken Soup for the Soul: Living your Dreamî, ìChicken Soup for the Writerís Soulî, ìChocolate for a Womanís Heartî, Chocolate for a Womanís Spiritî. Ms. Laniganís novels have been translated into over a dozen languages including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, and Japanese. Ms. Laniganís novels are also available on audio-cassette, CD and on electronic format. A prolific writer, she is always writing wonderful stories. She has several titles only available in ebook format on Amazon.com Several of her titles have been chosen for The Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Clubs. Her novel, The Christmas Star, won the Gold Medal Award Top Pick from Romantic Times Magazine for December, 2002, and has also won Book of the Year Romance Gold Award from ForeWord Magazine as well as Book of the Year Romance from Readerís Preference. In March, 2006 Divine Nudges: Tales of Angelic Intervention and the second in Laniganís Angel Watch series of books, was published by HCI, the Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher.
Website – Goodreads – Facebook – Twitter – LinkedIn – Pinterest
Tour Schedule:
April 19th – Launch
April 20th – Coffee Books & Art
April 21st – Deal Sharing Aunt
April 22nd – The Written Adventure
April 23rd – I Am A Reader & Zerina Blossom’s Books
April 24th – LeahSay’s Views & The Opinionated Woman’s Musings
April 26th – Wishful Endings & Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima
April 27th – Christy’s Cozy Corners, i blog 4 books, & Getting Your Read On
April 28th – Mel’s Shelves
April 29th – Katie’s Clean Book Collection
April 30th – Lisa’s Research & Reviews
May 1st – Grand Finale
Cover Reveal & Tour Giveaway
$100 Amazon Gift Card
3 ebooks of Katia’s Promise by Catherine Lanigan
Open internationally.
Ends May 8th
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Catherine Lanigan is the bestselling author of over thirty published titles in both fiction and non-fiction, including the novelizations of Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile, as well as over half a dozen anthologies, including ìChicken Soup for the Soul: Living your Dreamî, ìChicken Soup for the Writerís Soulî, ìChocolate for a Womanís Heartî, Chocolate for a Womanís Spiritî. Ms. Laniganís novels have been translated into over a dozen languages including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, and Japanese. Ms. Laniganís novels are also available on audio-cassette, CD and on electronic format. A prolific writer, she is always writing wonderful stories. She has several titles only available in ebook format on Amazon.com Several of her titles have been chosen for The Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Clubs. Her novel, The Christmas Star, won the Gold Medal Award Top Pick from Romantic Times Magazine for December, 2002, and has also won Book of the Year Romance Gold Award from ForeWord Magazine as well as Book of the Year Romance from Readerís Preference. In March, 2006 Divine Nudges: Tales of Angelic Intervention and the second in Laniganís Angel Watch series of books, was published by HCI, the Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher.
Cover Reveal & Tour Giveaway
$100 Amazon Gift Card
3 ebooks of Katia’s Promise by Catherine Lanigan
Unexpected Peril
Savage beasts kidnap Alissia Roswell as she is traveling to meet a separate group of Lamians than the ones that saved her life and physically changed her in the process—gifting her with many special abilities. Just when she was beginning to get accustomed to the bond she and Luke Harrison share, she awakes alone and trapped deep within an eerie bog to find she can no longer feel his presence or reach out to him with her mind.
Unexpected Peril, the third book in the Alissia Roswell Series, will take you to magical lands filled with strange and mysterious creatures. Will Alissia have a chance to adapt to her new life in this alternate reality, or will everything and everyone she has come to love be destroyed by an intense hatred for humanity?
Book 1, Unexpected Metamorphosis
(the eBook version of this one is free at all major online bookstores)
Alissia Roswell had worked hard to overcome her past, and she took immense pride in her independence. Just when she thought she was truly satisfied with her life, she wakes up to find herself in another reality. As she searches for answers, her body begins to change in mysterious ways, and for the first time in her life, she is forced to rely upon others. As everything spins out of her control and danger lurks around every corner, her heart begins to betray her, and her mind haunts her with memories of her past.
Join Alissia on her perilous quest full of adventure, magic, and romance as she travels the challenging road of finding one self, maybe even love along the way.
Book 2, Unexpected Entrapment
Alissia Roswell is far, far from home, and she won’t be going back any time soon. After having been sucked through a wormhole, spat out half-dead in an alternate reality, and revived by Lamians-an ancient, magical people who trigger a profound metamorphosis in Alissia, giving her powers she never thought possible-Alissia becomes the subject of Alrik Durst’s manipulation. Alrik has already usurped power in the city of Pallen, and with Alissia’s arrival, he sees his opportunity to exploit the power of the Lamians to his bidding as well, driving the land ever closer to civil war. Held prisoner in the luxurious confines of the Eldership castle in Pallen, Alissia is forced to feign memory loss to protect herself and her friends while fending off the romantic overtures of Ian Durst-Alrik’s all-too-charming son. Will the loves of her life, Grady Bolair and Luke Harrison, be able to help her escape? When she finally chooses between the two-Grady, the statesman, or Luke, the assassin-will it rip her alliances to shreds, casting uncertainty on her future?
Join Alissia as she learns to reign in her fiery personality, tries to accept her past, and struggles with the one thing that scares her most: vulnerability. Unexpected Entrapment: Alissia Roswell: Book Two will whisk you away to a world of mystical, menacing creatures and fantastic environs, where secrets abound and nothing is quite as it appears.
Author Bio:
Tianna Holley lives outside of Atlanta with her husband and children and has always been an avid reader of fantasy novels. She began writing poetry and short stories in her youth but did not pursue her passion for writing until later in life.
Although her books tend to contain violence and romance, she considers herself a PG-13 author. Her novels do not contain curse words, and her sexual content is limited to heated kissing.
She enjoys talking to her readers and offers free Skype chats to book clubs that have read her writing. You can learn more about Tianna and sign up for her monthly newsletter to receive exclusive insights into her current work in progress by going to http://www.tiannaholley.com.
We’re celebrating the RELEASE of
The Violet Hour
By Brynn Chapman
Check out the book and author info, exclusive excerpt, and enter the giveaway below…
The Violet Hour
Brynn Chapman
YA Romantic Historical Fantasy
ebook, 209 Pages
Allegra Teagarden, a musical prodigy, flees her father’s dominance and abuse while touring in pre-civil war Charleston, South Carolina. Plagued by depression over her mother’s suicide during their previous visit, she escapes in an effort to piece together the details behind her mother’s mysterious demise.
Down to her final coin, Allegra happens on Charleston’s Fancy, the first southern amusement park, which is searching for musicians for its orchestra. At first, the park seems her salvation; but she quickly realizes she has traded the dominance of her father, for the even more terrifying madness of the owner, Silas.
And more secrets.
Allegra meets the dashing Brighton LeFroy, Fancy’s engineer and pyrotechnics master. His shabby clothing cannot conceal the brilliant mind beneath. The musician’s whisper he is a witch, is obsessed with storms, and is rumored…to fly. And despite the danger, despite her own misgivings, Allegra is inexplicable drawn to him.
She ventures to his reclusive home on Fire Isle during a thunderstorm and together they seek to unravel an ancient mystery.
LeFroy stares out the window, his brow creased in thought. He remains statue-still, as he has for the past quarter hour, oblivious to the late afternoon sun that bathes his face in a beautiful golden-amber.
I stare intently, reveling in the rare opportunity to drink in his features.
His dark curly hair is in need of a cutting and his thin lips turn down as he absently bites the side of his nail, lost to himself. He is not a classic beauty—but the singularity of his face demand’s attention.
Not all women would swoon for him. But something about him draws me…makes him utterly irresistible.
The warmth on my chest again. Almost hot this time. I struggle not to look down my dress to examine what I imagined to be an inevitable rash, but all I see is the Magnolia pattern—the patch on my dress, lovingly sewn by my mother’s hand.
I banish the thought. I shall not think on her now.
Brighton clears his throat, driving away my mother’s ghost and I struggle for words. When he regards me, my tongue seems to shrivel in my mouth.
It is his eyes. They…speak. Sometimes whisper, sometimes shout.
They now squint, as whatever vexing scenario playing on his mind continues to dominate his demeanor. He doesn’t move. Doesn’t speak.
Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love—not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger’s syndrome. Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society’s downtrodden. In fiction, she’s a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. She also writes non-fiction and lectures on the subjects of autism and sensory integration and is a medical contributor to online journal The Age of Autism.
She also writes under the pseudonym R.R. Smythe .
$10 Amazon Gift Card, ebook of The Violet Hour, and Bracelet with: “Well behaved women seldom make history.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Open internationally (bracelet to US entrants only)
Ends April 21st
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A first-year college student adjusting to life in the States.
A brand-new pregnancy center desperate for new volunteers.
A mysterious phone call from a girl who’s far too young to be pregnant.
from award-winning suspense novelist Alana Terry
After volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center, Kennedy Stern finds herself a pawn in a deadly game of intrigue, at the mercy of those who consider a few innocent lives a small ransom to pay for victory.
(Be sure to see below to get your own pre-release copy of Unplanned before it hits the bookstores.)
On Tolerance, Co-Existence, and Alaskan Roommates
(a video interview with Alana Terry)
In Unplanned, Kennedy Stern’s roommate Willow is everything that Kennedy isn’t. That doesn’t mean they can’t have a great friendship, however. In this two-minute video, author Alana Terry talks about how her own college experiences helped shape Willow’s character.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqZm2ZecDLQ]
Unplanned is the newest Christian suspense novel from award-winning author, Alana Terry. PRE-ORDER the $2.99 ebook today, fill out the form below, and receive:
- a pre-release copy of Unplanned (no waiting for launch day)
- the Unplanned Bonus Materials (go behind-the-scenes with deleted scenes, bloopers, character studies, and more!)
- 30 Days of Prayer to End Abortion devotional
- an exclusive 20-minute video from the author answering readers’ frequently asked questions (includes the story of the mysterious phone call Alana received that was the basis for the novel)
Sound like a good deal?
Pre-order Unplanned from Amazon, then fill out the form below. You will receive your free pre-release copy and the extra bonus pack materials in one to two days.
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The authors over at Harlequin Heartwarming are hosting a fabulous giveaway this month! Be sure to enter and comment over on their blog on each day’s post for extra entries. Here’s all the info:
After the long, harsh winter most of us endured, what better way to celebrate spring—and our April and May Heartwarming releases—than with an exciting new giveaway? As with any celebration, the more the merrier, and we hope you will join us.
First, here are the beautiful covers of the April and May books . . .
And here’s what we have planned to warm your heart and chase away any lingering winter blahs. All eight Heartwarming authors with April and May releases have teamed up to offer two prize packs of four books each. We will also give away one grand prize consisting of all eight books and a stunning mix of “ever-blooming” spring garden flowers, for use indoors or out. These are gifts you can enjoy time and again, as you can read our books over and over, and the flowers won’t fade when winter threatens, since they’re steel, painted in bright colors.
Our first prize pack contains:
The Truth About Hope by Kate James
Katia’s Promise by Catherine Lanigan
Raising the Stakes by Karen Rock
A Case for Forgiveness by Carol Ross
These books are certain to provide hours of springtime reading pleasure!
Our second prize pack contains:
The Long Road Home by Lynn Patrick
Man of His Word by Cynthia Reese
Fighting for Keeps by Jennifer Snow
Firefly Nights by Cynthia Thomason
Another set of four wonderful stories you will surely enjoy!
Finally, our grand prize winner will receive all eight books, along with an “ever-blooming” spring garden, consisting of a bouquet of 13 white daisies, two periwinkle blue alliums and a set of 13 black-eyed Susans, a retail value of over $150 US, before shipping.
Photos and “ever-blooming” flowers from Gardener’s Supply Company (http://www.gardeners.com/)
Now if that isn’t enough, we have a
bonus book for each prize pack. Harlequin MIRA and Harlequin Intrigue author Elizabeth Heiter will include one of h
er recent releases—winner’s choice—in each of the prize packs.
There are three exciting prize packs waiting to be won. The contest runs until April 25th. Enter as often as you like. Post a comment right here on our blog for two entries, visit our Facebook pages, follow us on Twitter, and tweet about the contest once a day while it’s running! And check back here on April 26th to see if you are a lucky winner!
Happy spring . . . and happy reading!
(Please note, prize packs can only be shipped to a continental US or Canadian address. International winners will receive the books only, in e-book format.)
Photos and “ever-blooming” flowers from Gardener’s Supply Company (http://www.gardeners.com/)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Must reside in the US/CAN for print copies; if outside these countries ebooks only will be sent from the prize packs. You must be at least 13 years old to enter and if under 18 must have adult or guardian permission. This giveaway is in no way affiliated with Facebook, Twitter, Google or any other entity other than the authors involved. Void where prohibited by law.

Welcome to the
Blog Tour!
A celebration of two new sweet historical romances by Shanna Hatfield
Anyone driving on the freeway in Eastern Oregon between Pendleton and Ontario will eventually travel right past the town of Baker City. Nestled in a quaint valley with sagebrush to the south and mountains to the west and north, it truly offers a picturesque setting.
Back in the mid to late 1800s, when the town began and boomed, I wonder what people thought when they arrived. If they traveled out of the green pine tree-covered mountains, did they think they’d arrived at the last stop of civilization? Or, if they traveled north through miles and miles of rolling sagebrush-dotted hills, were they grateful to find a place to rest? One that offered a surprising number of “luxurious amenities” for the era.
This forlorn place is located south of Baker City. It always makes the imaginative, curious part of me wonder who originally lived there and built the outbuildings. Who put up the corral? Why did they live so far from town? (It really is out in the middle of nowhere). Did they have a family? What did they think of the isolated location?
This abandoned homestead inspired Thane Jordan’s ranch in Crumpets and Cowpies, the first book in my Baker City Brides series. In the story, rancher Thane Jordan reluctantly travels to England to settle his brother’s estate. He quickly discovers he’s inherited much more than he could possibly have imagined. including a niece and nephew he didn’t know existed. The children’s aunt, Lady Jemma Bryan has no desire to spend a single minute in Thane Jordan’s insufferable presence much less live under the same roof with the handsome, arrogant American. Forced to choose between poverty or marriage to the man, she travels across an ocean and America to reach his ranch in Oregon. Imagine being an English Lady, accustomed to a life that was lush, comfortable and entirely pleasant. You’re forced (for the sake of two children) to marry a man you loathe entirely, and give up everything familiar. You travel across an ocean and the vast country of America, only to spend an hour on a bumpy wagon (or buckboard in Jemma’s case) ride to discover your home in the midst of nothing but sagebrush and cattle, dirt and snakes. It would definitely have taken strength, fortitude, and bravery. Here’s a little excerpt from the story:
*** Thane has just taken Jemma for a ride to look over part of the ranch. ***
“Thank you, Thane. I enjoyed it as well. The ranch is truly beautiful. Thank you for showing it to me.”
“I’m sorry it took so long. I meant to take you out last week, but things have been so busy.”
Jemma placed her hand on his arm and looked into his face. “I understand. I know you have many responsibilities to see to and you can’t spend all your time with the children.”
Although he loved Jack and Lily, he didn’t feel a desperate need to be close to them. Rather, it was the beguiling woman standing beside him with her hand burning a hole through his shirtsleeve who captured his thoughts. “I better relieve Sam of the children. I’m sure he has grown tired of Lily asking ‘why’ and Jack wanting to find you or play with the dogs or ride his horse. Thank you for giving him his own horse, by the way. He hasn’t stopped talking about it since the moment you put the reins in his hands.”
“Every rancher needs a good horse. Jack will grow into Nick.” As she recalled Jack’s excitement at having his own horse, she smiled at Thane. “It meant so much to him for you to entrust an animal to his care.” He nodded as she turned back toward the barn door. One of Lily’s doll dresses on the ground caught her attention. When she bent over to pick it up, Thane reached out and brushed his hand over the curve of her rear. She shot upright as if she’d been branded. Fire blasted from her eyes as she spun around and glared at him. “Mr. Jordan, that is completely and absolutely unacceptable. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“And wipe that smirk off your face!”
“That, I can’t do.” Thane’s wicked smile did little to calm her pounding heart or the breath she drew in with tight, short gasps. He touched his fingers to his hat, strolled out of the barn, then looked back at her with a wink. Frustrated, she stamped her booted feet then marched to the bunkhouse. She wanted to chase after Thane, spin him around, and slap his face – or kiss him until she lost what little sense she had left. ***

The second book in the
Baker City Brides series releases Thursday, April 9!
Thimbles and Thistles takes readers back to Baker City as spring arrives and love is in the air. You can reserve your Kindle copy here:
Maggie Dalton has no need for a man in her life. Widowed more than ten years, she’s built a successful business and managed quite well on her own in the bustling town of Baker City, Oregon. Aggravated by her inability to block thoughts of the handsome lumber mill owner from her mind, she renews her determination to resist his attempts at friendship. Full of Scottish charm and mischief, Ian MacGregor could claim any available woman in Baker City as his own, except the enchanting dress shop owner who continues to ignore him. Not one to give up on what he wants, Ian vows to win Maggie’s heart or leave the town he’s come to love.

Lacy, Book 5 in the Pendleton Petticoats series, will be available for pre-orders April 9. Be among the first to order the long-awaited story of Grant Hill. Talk about losing at love… eligible banker bachelor Grant needs to find the right girl. Those attending the party will also get a first look at the cover! “Will the bonds of love be stronger than the bonds of tradition…”

It just wouldn’t be a party if there wasn’t a book available for free! Aundy, Book 1 in the Pendleton Petticoats series, will be available for free Kindle downloads April 9. Make sure you grab your copy! If you’ve already read it, tell your friends to download it. If you haven’t met the characters from Pendleton Petticoats, here’s a brief intro: Aundy (Book 1) – One stubborn mail-order bride finds the courage to carry on when she’s widowed before ever truly becoming a wife, but opening her heart to love again may be more than she can bear. Caterina (Book 2) – Frantic to escape a man intent on marrying her, Caterina starts a new life in Pendleton, completely unprepared for the passionate feelings stirred by the town’s deputy sheriff. Ilsa (Book 3) – Tired of relying on others to guide and protect her, Ilsa finally finds the strength and courage to take control of her life. Unfortunately, her independence drives a wedge between her and the man she’s come to love. Marnie (Book 4) – After giving up on her dreams for a future, Marnie finds her hope rekindled by one caring, compassionate man and the orphans who need her.

Dust off your dancing shoes and choose your formal attire for the Petticoat Ball Party on Facebook April 9, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Giveaways and games will make for a splendid event as we celebrate the release of Thimbles and Thistles and the debut of Lacy! The talented and fabulous guest authors joining in the shenanigans include:
Invite your friends to the party, and you could win a $25 Amazon Gift card. Go to the Facebook Party Page, click on the “invite” button, invite your friends, then post how many you invited. One randomly drawn person will win, but you get additional entries for every 25 people you invite! Also, ask your friends when they join the party to share that you invited them on the party wall. Each friend who mentions your name, earns you another entry in the contest! The winner will be announced prior to the start of the party April 9! http://tinyurl.com/petticoatball
To enter the drawing for a $50 American Express gift card, autographed books, digital books, chocolates, and original western artwork, fill out this form. http://tinyurl.com/petticoatballprizes
A hopeless romantic with a bit of sarcasm thrown in for good measure, Shanna Hatfield is a bestselling author of sweet romantic fiction written with a healthy dose of humor. In addition to blogging and eating too much chocolate, she is completely smitten with her husband, lovingly known as Captain Cavedweller. Shanna creates character-driven romances with realistic heroes and heroines. Her historical westerns have been described as “reminiscent of the era captured by Bonanza and The Virginian” while her contemporary works have been called “laugh-out-loud funny, and a little heart-pumping sexy without being explicit in any way.” She is a member of Western Writers of America, Women Writing the West, and Romance Writers of America.
Find Shanna’s books at: Amazon | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | Apple
Shanna loves to hear from readers! Follow her online: ShannaHatfield | Facebook | Pinterest | Goodreads | You Tube | Twitter