“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Jesus (Matt. 28:19-20 ESV) The Great Commission is one of the most familiar passages in the Bible. Churches put it up in sanctuaries and kids memorize it in children’s programs. We’re all reminded on a regular basis that it’s our job to go and make disciples of all nations. Wait. Hold on. We’re supposed to be doing this? How?
A new book from bestselling author Brad Francis seeks to answer those questions. Go Make Disciples: How Jesus Did It, How We Can Do It examines the life and ministry of Jesus to discover how Jesus turned His inner circle from followers into disciple makers who “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Brad searched the Gospels and identifies five different ways that Jesus made disciples—Example, Evaluation, Education, Equipping, and Experience—and suggests how we can adapt those same methods to modern life.
The book currently averages 4.8 stars on Amazon. One reviewer said, “If you learn best in a conversational style, talking one-on-one with a relatable mentor, then this book is a must-read for every believer.” Another went out of their way to praise the writing: “This book is clear, understandable, and very easy to read, not at all a chore to plow through like some theology books. Francis has a humorous, down-to-earth, conversational writing style, and you will feel as though you are sitting right there with him as you read. I don’t know when the last time was that I read a book this theologically sound, about this critical a spiritual issue, that was so interesting and entertaining that it just kept me turning pages.”

Plus! To celebrate the wide release, we’re giving away two collections of Brad Francis’ other books, which have all enjoyed time on Amazon bestseller lists:
The Book of the Harvest, an inspiring short story about a man in heaven who discovers a special book that makes him reevaluate how he lived his earthly life;
Emaline’s Gift, book one in The Magi Chronicles, a YA fantasy in which 13-year-old Emaline gets caught up in an ancient, magical war between the Christ following magi and the evil obeah; and
The Savvy Demon’s Guide to Godly Living, a satirical novel for mature audiences about a drunk demon who inadvertently sparks a worldwide revival by telling a pastor precisely what his church is doing wrong. One collection consists of all three ebooks; for the other, the winner gets to choose between ebooks and paperbacks. But you can only win if you enter!
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