On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Political Parties
By Rachel Magee
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

Hello and welcome! I’m so excited you decided to stop by the blog tour for Political Parties. This book is so much fun, and I can’t wait to bring it to you. There are swanky parties, midnight flights on private planes, hot air balloon festivals and a feisty heroine you are going to love. Sound exciting? That’s only the beginning…

underneath the covers – Guest Post

Party Planning 101: Five Tips from the Pros

Who doesn’t love a great party, right? Just the word conjures up thoughts of friends, laughter, good food and possibly distant memories of pin the tail on the donkey. My new book, Political Parties, is all about planning an epic party. The heroine, event planner Reece Ryan, has to work with hotshot lawyer Griffith Brighton to pull off a career changing event that is out of both of their leagues. It’s a fun story full of laughter, love and plenty of party-planning drama…

Remembrancy – Review

“While parts of the book were a little predictable, especially near the end, those same things are what made this read completely worth the investment. Political Parties is thoroughly enjoyable if you’re looking for a contemporary romance with some heart and depth.”

Colorimetry – Guest Post

Party Planning 101: Quiz – What kind of partier are you?

Everyone loves a good party, but what kind of shindig is your favorite? Take this fun quiz to find out what kind of partier you are!…

Jorie Loves A Story – Excerpt

The important thing was to stay calm. Although at this exact moment, Reece Ryan felt anything but calm. So what if this was a minor—okay, major problem? Every problem had a solution. Even major ones.

“We can fix it,” Reece said, her eyes glued to the bridal bouquet in her hand.

“Fix it?” Bella glared wide-eyed at the offending flowers as if Reece were holding roadkill.

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“…This opposites-attract story really exuded a strong chemistry, which stemmed from dislike, but quickly escalated into something tangible and sweet.

…This sweet, clean romance delivers an impactful story that made me self-reflect on what is really important in life and what I do to accomplish my goals.”

My Life Loves and Passion – Guest Post

Party Planning 101: Easy Fall Entertaining

I love fall. I love the crispness in the air, the beauty of the changing leaves and the thrill of football season. It’s a season to gather together which means it’s time to plan a party.

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

Brushing off her skirt, she looked up. “I’m so sorr…” When she looked at his face, she stopped. “You?”

She propped her fists on her hips and flipped her head so the brown curls swung over her shoulder. “Twice in one night? Friend, you need to watch where you’re going.”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt

“This is a great story. I love a good romance and this story has one, with a lot of other things happening.”

“I’m sorry. Do we know each other?” Griffith said.

She let out an exasperated sigh, which was probably meant to display her irritation but only highlighted her cute sweetheart mouth. “You tripped me before the wedding.”

Her tone hinted at the absurdity that he could forget her. At least they could agree on that. She had a certain unforgettable quality, and for a moment, he stood mesmerized by her.

Heidi Reads… – Guest Post

Party Planning 101: DIY Photo Booth

My newest book, Political Parties, is about planning a couple big, flashy events. The first party, the one the cover is based on, is over the top in almost every aspect. Crystal chandeliers hanging from oak trees, a five course menu prepared by an award winning chef, live music. Of course, it has an over-the-top price tag to go along with it…

Getting Your Read On – Review

“Rachel Magee’s writing style was entertaining and bubbly- her attention to building lovable characters made the story flow perfectly. A clean, funny romance while snuggled in a fuzzy blanket is exactly what this girl needed after a long day at work, and let’s face it, sometimes a movie just doesn’t do it the same way an adorable novel like this does. I fell in love with all the exciting twists and turns in this delightful book; this is a love story I’ll be sure to recommend.”

Rainy Day Reviews – Review & Excerpt

“This was such a fun and in-depth read, different from my typical reading choice. The book as a whole was enjoyable but there were moments that I specifically enjoyed…”

“Riiiight.” Bella’s eyes were wide. “And we think we can do this because…”

Reece brightened her smile. “Because we’re us. And this is what we do.”

Except this wasn’t what they did. When Lester offered to let her handle the next couple of corporate events, she assumed they would be more along the lines of a company Christmas party or fundraising gala. She was not expecting something this big. Or this quick. Reece should have been nervous, but there wasn’t time for that.

Oh Hey Books – Guest Post

Party Planning 101: Taking your Party to the Outdoor Festival

One of my favorite parts of my new book Political Parties is when Griffith and Reece head to the hot air balloon festival in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Surrounded by the vivid colors of the hot air balloons and the crisp fall air, things between them really start to heat up…

Reading On The Edge – Excerpt

“Ms. Ryan, I presume,” the strong voice called from behind her.

Reece scrambled to her feet to greet the owner of the voice. As she turned, her eyes met his and she stopped short.

The man standing behind her was not what she was expecting. He wasn’t silver-haired with a stout frame. This guy was young, maybe thirty, with the kind of naturally perfect hair and build that could pass for a model. All he was missing was a smile.

Bookworm Lisa – Review

“I enjoyed the moments in this book. It takes place in a short period of time, but the characters are able to get to know each other. The romance didn’t feel rushed to me. Not everything works out perfectly, but I loved how the characters were able to resolve their trials.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Political Parties

Rachel Magee
Contemporary Sweet Romance

Paperback & ebook, 246 pages

September 25th 2018 by Clean Reads

Planning one amazing party is more complicated than it sounds.

Reece Ryan is known as the best wedding planner in town, but it’s time to take her company to the next level. Getting the contract from a prestigious law firm to plan their upcoming political related events is just the break she needs to prove that she can put together more than just the perfect nuptials. Sure, these events which will receive national coverage might be slightly out of her league, but it’s nothing she can’t handle. Managing the hotshot lawyer the firm has tasked as their liaison for the project is a whole other story.

Griffith Brighton always thought the start of his political career would come from hard work and his brilliant legal mind, not throwing some fancy party. But when the firm’s managing partner asks him to work with the event coordinator to organize a fundraiser dinner for the presidential candidate, he knows it’s the opportunity he’s been waiting for to get in front of some major political players. After years of goal setting and career planning, his future finally seems to be coming together …until two weeks of working with Reece make him reconsider everything he thought to be true about life and falling in love.

GoodreadsAmazon KindleAmazon PrintBarnes & Noble

About the Author

Rachel wrote her first novel when she was twelve and entered it into a contest for young author/illustrators. Unfortunately, the judges weren’t impressed with her stick figures. So she dropped the dream of becoming a world famous illustrator and stuck to spinning stories. When she’s not busy working on her latest book, she loves to travel with her family and friends. By far, her favorite destination is the beach, which tends to work its way into most of her stories. Between vacations, you can find her at home in The Woodlands, TX with her wonderful husband, their two adventurous kids and a couple of spirited pets, all of whom share Rachel’s love of the ocean. Well, except the cat and dog. They’re both afraid of water. Find out more about what Rachel has been up to at rachelmageebooks.com.
Tour Giveaway

Prize Party Pack (US residents only):
Everything you need to throw your own party and gather your people:
· Pillow with “gather”
· Decorative Fall Scented Candle
· Brownie Truffle Baking Mix
· English Butter Fudge
$25 Amazon e-gift card (US and International residents)
Giveaway ends October 3rd

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
A Great Light
By Jennifer Ball
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

Welcome! I’m so excited to bring you my new series “The Kingdom to Come”. This first book “A Great Light” will introduce you to Prince Karhiad, a humble prince next in line to the throne, and his band of close loyal friends who live in the low social status of his kingdom. The crown prince respects his royal family, loves his parents and brother dearly, yet doesn’t align with their views of ruling the kingdom. He appreciates the authenticity that is found in his friends and the lifestyles of the lower and middle class…

My Devotional Thoughts – Inspiration for A GREAT LIGHT

This book was inspired by my favorite non-fictional person who was a humble king. Although, he was never a prince and had no royal bloodline, he was (in the plans of God) next in line for the throne — King David. The extreme trials that David faces in his lifetime are so immense, yet he stays faithful to a God he’s never laid eyes on. He never allows his status as king to make him arrogant or materialistic…

“You came out here at night?” she asked with excitement. “Did you see these lit up in the dark?” She held her jar filled with lucent flutters towards him.

“Uh, no. I didn’t see those.”

“What was the woman’s name you met last night? Maybe I know her, although I doubt I do. A Trinicitian woman wouldn’t travel out here at night. We really aren’t supposed to travel outside without a companion anyway. I think I may be the only adventurer,” she said as she got into a standing position.

“I don’t know her name. I didn’t ask. I saw this magnificently beautiful light from my balcony. The curiosity of what it could possibly be drew me out here to find it. But it…” — he looked up towards the sky where he had seen it before — “it was gone.”

Remembrancy – The Kingdoms of A GREAT LIGHT

In this first book, A Great Light, you are introduced to 3 major kingdoms — Merrhius, Trinicity, and Ananias. There is also a few other minor kingdoms mentioned, however their focus will play out in future books…

“This book is full of fascinating adventure. I like the way Jennifer separates the lands with distinctive differences. They are close in proximity but so far apart in their beliefs and the way they live…

This is an awesome story and I highly recommend it to other readers.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

“Where is Trinicity?” he blurted out. She stopped her antics, and looked up at him. She didn’t respond. “I don’t mean to be intrusive. I was… I was just wondering how long a journey it is for you to get here.”

“Not long.” They kept their deep gaze with one another.

“Do you know…” He stopped, he couldn’t possibly ask, but he just felt so comfortable with her.

“Do I know what?”

“Do you know… why do people say they can’t find it?”

Wishful Endings – Why We Read Fantasy

Why do people read fantasy books? Because the human imagination is far more creative, compelling and fascinating than reality. If all books available only had a non-fictional theme, our minds would explode with the constant mental state of reality we’d always be in. Fantasy takes a person, even if for a brief moment, into a realm of excitement at the thought of “Wow, what if…?”…

“Could you ever show me your city?”

“Oh, no! He asked it!” Faith tried not to let her anxious feelings show on her face. Karhiad just longed for this mysterious place so eagerly. He knew this place was real, irrespective of what his father believed. He was confident this fascinating girl he met in the woods wasn’t lying about where she was from. The way she spoke about trivial matters and important issues was so alluring to him. The idea of visiting Trinicity, the place she came from, was very appealing to him. Besides, he never believed it to be a myth, and now eagerly just wanted to see it all with his own eyes.

“Over the time they spend together they share about their homes. How they differ and what they share. They call for each other. Then tragedy stricks. Secrets and lies and manipulation take over…

…I like the story though and am curious what happens next.”

Declarations of a Fangirl – Good vs Evil

People are drawn to good vs evil because everyone can relate to such a battle. Even if the storyline is fantastical, everyone can relate to one of the characters in the fight. If it isn’t obviously painted out who the villain is and who the hero is, such as in Stars Wars with Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, then who is good and who is evil can be a matter of opinion. An interesting aspect of good vs evil stories is that it allows the reader/audience to see redemption in someone…

Among the Reads – Excerpt

“Rhaevaehyn. Do you know of it?”

“Vaguely. They have a monarchy.”

“Yes. We have a monarchy.” He couldn’t tell by her tone when she said ‘monarchy’ how she felt about royal dynasties. He wasn’t sure if he should follow his statement by telling her he was a prince in his kingdom. He didn’t want to appear as if he was boasting. Besides, he was still a little shocked they had never even discussed where he was from until now.

“I know.” Faith’s lack of interest let him know that this actually was not the right time to let her know his inheritance.

Reading On The Edge – Excerpt

“An old man in my city died this morning,” Faith said as she and Karhiad stacked twigs and leaves up into a pile. They wanted to see who could start a fire first without the common essentials needed to cause a spark.

“I’m sorry. Did you know him?” Karhiad wasn’t sure what level of comfort to provide her yet, so he kept gathering the driest leaves he could find.

“Yes. He was an elder that I would deliver dinner to.”

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Prince Karhiad’s Survival Checklist

√ Don’t fear anything… ever

√ Loyal friends in my circle who value me unconditionally

√ Physically train harder than what is expected of me as the prince

“I enjoyed this Christian Fantasy. Prince Karhiad is lead to Faith by a light. She was my favorite character of the book. The story is full of inspiration with the battles of good versus evil.”

Colorimetry – Excerpt

“So, um, where…” She was eager to change the subject. “Where else have you traveled? Do you journey outside your kingdom walls often? Have you met people from different cultures?”

“I’ve traveled many miles on the outer stretches of my kingdom. It was part of my training to know all the terrain. The most interesting culture I’ve encountered would have to be those living in Ananias. They don’t have walls, so I guess they are considered just a village.”

“Oh, yes. I’ve read about them. How did you find them?”

“I don’t know the details of it. When I was a young adolescent, there was a man in our military who said he found a unique culture and wanted us all to meet them. My father took me out with him and the rest of the traveling troops to encounter them.”

SilverWoodSketches – Review

“Jennifer Ball does a fantastic job of painting this world with compelling characters and vivid colors. There is some very lovely prose to immerse the reader into Karhiad and Faith’s worlds. The writing style harkens to Robin McKinley’s and other epic fantasy authors. Some readers may be put off by the heavier religious elements, but fans of more allegorical works like C.S. Lewis and Anne Elisabeth Stengl will love the message of faith behind The Kingdom to Come.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

A Great Light

(The Kingdom to Come #1)
by Jennifer Ball
Young Adult Christian Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 298 Pages
June 28th 2018 by Revelation Publishing Company
Love and war are often the same thing.
Prince Karhiad is a humble king-in-waiting. His father, King Vilsig, rules the Kingdom of Merrhius with an iron fist. While the king dreams of endless conquests, his son only wants to conquer the hearts of his subjects through love instead of fear.
Meanwhile, a dark and sinister force threatens every kingdom around. And if King Vilsig and Prince Karhiad can’t put aside their differences, an ancient sinister beast and his supernatural army will lay waste to the Kingdom of Merrhius.
On the night of Prince Karhiad’s 17th birthday, he is mesmerized by a radiant light and makes a decision to learn of its origin. That choice will force him towards answers he wasn’t seeking, a woman he wasn’t planning to fall in love with, and a destiny that will bring him great suffering yet an even greater reward. But in this gripping tale of good vs. evil, the power of love isn’t just a shield to ward off the darkness — it’s also the strongest weapon of all.

About the Author
I am a friend of Jesus who at times fails at making this is my most important relationship. I am a wife who forgets at times this is my primary job. I am a mom who at times didn’t get it right. I take lots of pictures that annoy everyone in my family except for my dog. She loves it.

I began writing short stories when I was a child. I would sit in my room for hours writing as fast as I could to keep up with my thoughts. We didn’t have a typewriter and certainly no computer. Too often my writing would turn to scribble. I ended up with lots of loose paper with many short stories written on them in half scribble that made it too difficult for others to read. Thanks to technology, I went back to my childhood passion and wrote a story that I turned into a readable book.
That’s me, to make a long story short.
Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $20 Amazon eGift Card
– Open internationally
– Ends September 19th
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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Kandi J Wyatt

Title of book and/or series: An Unexpected Adventure, book 1 of Myth Coast Adventures trilogy
Brief summary of the story: When four eighth graders discover a dragon’s egg, they must choose between protecting their treasure from the NSA or protecting their town from a growing dragon!
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: The story takes place in modern-day in a fictionalized town on the Southern Oregon Coast called Myrtle Beach. It’s rural America at its best.
If we were to visit Myrtle Beach as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? Well, since Myrtle Beach is so small, you’d not want to blink or you may pass it without realizing it. First off, you will want to slow down as you go through town. Being right on the highway, it’s easy to zip through town, but officers have been known to patrol, so be careful and do observe the speed limit.
Second, you’ll want to wave at people who wave to you. Yep, it’s that kind of a small town where everyone knows everyone and a friendly hi is acknowledged. People will notice you’re a stranger, and they’ll want to know where you’re from. Be polite and kind in response.
For a day of fun in Myrtle Beach, start up Myrtle Mountain and watch the sunrise at Camp Pinewood. Maybe even come during July when there are camps in progress. Then carefully come down the mountain—you don’t want to run into any livestock trucks on the windy road. Next make a stop at Myrtle Creek Coffee and pick up a chai latte, hot cocoa, or coffee, whichever is your flavor for a hot drink. Take your drink with you down to the docks and visit Carl’s Crab Shack. You may run into Will, unless he’s out on one of the boats. He may be willing to take you deep sea fishing or crabbing. If you don’t get out on the ocean, be sure to swing by and see the lighthouse. It’s no longer functioning, but the historical society keeps it maintained. About lunch time, head to the market and be sure to grab their turkey sandwich with homemade mustard and pickles. If turkey’s not your favorite, go for their famous hot dogs. You can either eat it there at the deli tables or take it to-go and head either to the beach or Myrtle Lake. If you have more time to spend in the area, go south about an hour and enjoy a trip up the river on a jet boat. It’s a tradition for the eighth grade class to take a fieldtrip at the end of the year and ride the boats.
What dangers should we avoid in Myrtle Beach? Probably your biggest threat would be the tourists, oh wait, did I say that? Sorry, really Myrtle Beach is the best little town because there are no real dangers. If you go out of town and up the mountains cougars, coyotes, and bears roam and often prey on the livestock, but that’s really it.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Myrtle Beach? Not unless you make a stop at the restaurant or the market. The market sells wonderful sandwiches with a homemade, spicy mustard that’s delicious. The restaurant has wonderful tacos, pizza, and a breakfast selection.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Myrtle Beach? There’s nothing special as far as fighting or weaponry. Most farmers own shotguns and hunting rifles, and every so often will threaten trespassers with them.

What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Myrtle Beach? If anything, technology can be limited in Myrtle Beach. Cell service is sketchy up the mountains, and most homes have landlines as well as cells. Internet has reached the area and kids use instagram and other social media sites.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Myrtle Beach that we don’t see on Earth? Well, the kids go looking for thundereggs. No, that’s not where Thunderbirds come from. They’re the state rock. They look like eggs, but when you crack them open they’re hollow and have gems inside of them—usually just crystals.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Myrtle Beach?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. Up until just recently, the residents of Myrtle Beach would say magic was for fantasy books, and the supernatural was only seen in answers to prayers. However, over the last month or so, some strange things have been happening. The kids discovered a dragon egg that somehow came through a time-space continuum. Just imagine what kind of havoc a grown dragon could have on sheep and cattle ranches in the area!
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Myrtle Beach?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples. Up until Harley met Professor Raleigh, there was no unusual technology, but the professor has a gun that shoots a sticky web to ensnare his prey.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Myrtle Beach. Harley plays both soccer and track. His friend, Chase, goes hunting all year round, while Will works at the crab shack and loves to fish. Some kids at school know how to wind surf and enjoy that out on Myrtle Lake, and others surf in the ocean in the town south of Myrtle Beach. If you’re in the area in the summer, you may be able to go hear a band perform at the Skillet Restaurant.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Myrtle Beach as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there? Yep, everything is the same there. The big celebration is the 4th of July. It starts with a parade, dinghy race, barbeque in the town square, and beach volleyball in the afternoon. The final event is the fireworks show which lasts for a whole hour and explodes over the ocean.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Myrtle Beach?  Please describe what it involves. Just like everywhere in the United States there are various religions. There’s only one church in town, and the pastor often jokes that he’s the best preacher in town, since he’s the only one.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? Myrtle Beach is inspired by my own town of Langlois, Oregon. The characters came from students at the school where I work. Several of them didn’t like to read or would avoid it if at all possible. So, I wondered if they’d read if I wrote them into a story. They’ve promised me they just may read it.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? None in this book, but book 2 has one of the main characters worrying about her parents’ health. If anything, the fact that a teenager carries a gun could be considered controversial, but it is very much rural America, and I wanted to stay true to that.
Author Autobiography: Even as a young girl, Kandi J Wyatt, had a knack for words. She loved to read them, even if it was on a shampoo bottle! By high school Kandi had learned to put words together on paper to create stories for those she loved. Nowadays, she writes for her kids, whether that’s her own five or the hundreds of students she’s been lucky to teach. When Kandi’s not spinning words to create stories, she’s using them to teach students about Spanish, life, and leadership.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links. My books are available in all formats (paperback, ebook, and audiobook for the first three of the Dragon Courage series).
Dragon Courage Series
Biblical Retellings:
Where can readers connect with you online? 

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Myrtle Beach.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima

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About the Book

One misfit. One prophecy. Two worlds. Being different is bad until you find out it’s the only thing that might save you.
How far would you go to fit in? Another world?
Fifteen-year-old Nova Hawthorne has a unique trait that sets her apart, yet she wants nothing more than to be normal and fit in.
She soon finds out that there’s a very real reason why she feels so out of place in this world—she’s from another one. And prophecy says she is destined to destroy them both.
Armed only with a magic she does not yet understand and the synesthesia no one else does, she must race to figure out how to stop prophecy from unfolding, find a father she’s never met and discover who she really is. Is it truly our differences that make us who we are? How can you be strong when you’re broken? And what happens when your actions bring about the very destruction you’ve been fighting to prevent?

Purchase on Amazon: http://bit.ly/ChildOfProphecyB1

About the Author

Tracy is a writer, singer-songwriter, cancer survivor and proud wife and mother. Born and raised in Central New York, she will tell you that her parents gave her the two best tools in her arsenal by reading to her and raising her in a Christian household. In spite of the long Central NY winters she continues to live there with the husband that God created just for her, and the son who is her forever best story. In her heart, she feels that her gift of writing is a little piece of magic, and that it is both her privilege and grandest adventure to find new ways to stretch a hand out to touch the wonder of this vast universe God created.


T.E. Bradford has a great giveaway! There are two notebooks, a Jade Dragon, a pack of pens, two books, and a mermaid. And that’s just for the grand prize! We also have a bonus prize of a $10 Amazon gift card. Make sure you enter below or at this link.


“The only reason she came here was because she thought everyone else would be in danger. Her mom, her grandpa … me …” He took a deep breath. “She’s got more guts than most people I know. She just doesn’t know it yet.”

Tour Schedule

September 13
Bookish Orchestrations – Intro Post
September 14
Literature Approved – Book Review
September 15
Bookish Orchestrations – Author Interview
Selina J. Eckert – Book Spotlight
September 17
Rachel Rossano’s Words – Author Interview
September 18
Bookish Orchestrations – Giveaway Winner
Conviction (The Legacy Chronicles #2) by Lauren H Salisbury
I’m Lauren Salisbury, a Christian science fiction author. If you asked me ten years ago what I’d be doing now, I would never have imagined I’d be sitting here writing a blog post about my second novel. I probably would have said I’d be in a school somewhere, teaching English and working with trainee teachers. Then I would have asked what a blog post is.
I never considered doing anything other than teach when I was younger. It was my dream job, and I loved every minute of it, even when I wanted to tear my hair out.
Still, here I am. Writing. And I’ve discovered something amazing. Wrangling the stories in my head onto a page and then sharing them with other people is just as exciting and rewarding as my last career. I’m so happy I decided to take that leap of faith.
Conviction, the second book in The Legacy Chronicles, was released on 7th September. I’ll admit this one was interesting for me because it’s my first novel involving romance. Aside from the developing relationship between Than and Menali, one of the things I enjoyed most about writing it was exploring Mirami’s reactions to the events around her. Not many science fiction novels include an entire family, and it’s something that many readers have commented on and appreciated. Mirami is seven in the first two books, and she was so much fun to write.

She’s cheeky and intelligent and loves being around babies. She also sees everything that happens so differently from the adults around her. Things are more straightforward in her world, but also much more scary and confusing, and she often has to find the courage to keep going in situations when even an adult would struggle to continue.
I love how brave she is, and also how she learns to trust and open up to Than and Menali in Conviction. I hope readers come to feel the same way about her as I do, and I look forward to writing more about her as an adult later in the series. But that’s a story for another time. Until then, check out these ten fun facts about Mirami written from her view.
Ten Things About Me by Mirami Trestam
1.   I want to have another brother or sister that will live with me so that I can help take care of them.
2.   I got Gerom in trouble for making me cry once, but I wasn’t that upset really. Just angry with him for teasing me.
3.   I have nightmares that wake me up sometimes, so I listen to what the adults in the main room are saying until I fall asleep again. They’re usually pretty boring.
4.   I don’t have a best friend because it was mostly boys in my year group and they don’t like playing make-believe with me.
5.   I always wanted to work in the Nursery when I got placed. I sometimes used to pretend not to understand the technology tests so they wouldn’t put me in the manufacturing sector instead.
6.   When I get scared or upset or lonely, I have a pebble that I hold onto, and I pray like mama showed me until I feel good again.
7.   Uncle Than is much easier to get around than mama, and he doesn’t know the rules about my chores and sleep time very well.
8.   I like telling stories to the little ones in the school-wing, but the babies are the best. They smell nice, and their hands are so small and cute.
9.   I like swimming in the lake. I wish I wasn’t too old to do that anymore.
10.            When I finish my training years, the first thing I’m going to do is find a trainee to help. I’ll tell them all the best things to do to keep the Esarelians away.


The Legacy Chronicles #2
By Lauren H Salisbury
Christian science fiction romance
Paperback and ebook
September 7th 2018
Can two people with opposing principles overcome their differences to be together?
Than has spent his life ostensibly having fun while secretly fighting for his people’s freedom. A member of the underground resistance, he is only ever serious around his comrades and his family. When an injury forces him to step down from active duty and his reluctant nurse sparks his interest, Than finds himself in uncharted territory. The fascinating woman will have nothing to do with him.
Menali’s past has taught her to keep her head down and trust that God has a reason for allowing the human race to suffer on U’du. When Than explodes into her life, he refuses to take no for an answer and challenges all of her preconceptions. He soon has her re-evaluating her priorities and wondering what life with someone like him would be like.
Thank you for taking the time to discover a little bit about me and my writing. I hope you enjoyed this brief insight into my world. If you want to find out more, please feel free to contact me through any of the sites below, and don’t forget to check out Courage and Conviction. Happy reading!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
A Cowboy’s Pride
By Karen Rock
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

Welcome back to the Cade and Loveland family saga! So far, we’ve been following the lives and loves of the Cade family. A Cowboy’s Pride is the first book featuring the Cade’s lifelong feuding neighbors, the Lovelands. Unlike the passionate, strong-willed, impetus Cades, the Loveland cowboys are tight-lipped, slow to anger, stubborn and protective of each other and those they love. This book is about second chance romance, family drama caused by old scandals, and learning never to take love for granted or squander a chance at happily-ever-after when you are lucky enough to find it… especially the second time around…

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“If you haven’t yet met the Cades and the Lovelands, now’s a great time to catch up! This is a series that must not be missed by any fans of swoony kisses, rugged cowboys, and strong heroines. The separate plot threads each are fully dimensional yet they are also seamlessly woven together to create a story you won’t want to put down. I can’t wait to spend more time with this feuding clan of cowboys (and a couple of cowgirls) and see where Rock takes them next!”

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“This love story has plenty of electrical moments, but the characters different wants and needs take the romance on a long, hard journey. The writing style carried me away, as it was so vivid and descriptive. The plot, the chemistry, the swoony kisses, the mystery, and the characters make this read very enjoyable!”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

“A lot’s changed since then.” The brahman heifer bellowed when she spied them on the fence, protective of her newborn.

“Your freckles,” he observed, watching the calf suckle.


He cocked his head and studied Katie-Lynn’s smooth, flawless skin. It resembled porcelain… fragile and untouchable… so unlike the country girl-next-door he’d known. Loved. “What happened to them?”

“My plastic surgeon lasered them off.” She said it like someone might say, my dentist cleaned my teeth. As though having a plastic surgeon was no big deal, and maybe it wasn’t in Hollywood.

“Why do you have a plastic surgeon?”

“To make me beautiful.”

He shook his head, marveling. “You already were pretty.”

The Power of Words – Review

A Cowboy’s Pride pulled me in with its beautiful cover – and while covers don’t always deliver what they promise, this one certainly does…

I loved this story, as well as the whole series, and hope it continues for a long time.

E-Romance News – Excerpt

“Would you call me a ‘bad boy’?”

“Let’s see.” Katlynn tapped her chin, breathing in the cool mountain air, fresh balsam and columbine. “You’re stubborn. Fiercely independent. Thick-headed. A loner. Extremely protective of those you love.” She paused and touched the black and blue ring around his eye. “Does that hurt?”

“Only when you touch it.”

Cole’s wry tone conjured a smile from her. “And you’re sarcastic.”

“Verdict is…”


“What’s that mean?”

Goosebumps rose on her arms at his intense expression, an intense mixture of hope and longing that pierced her straight through. “Trouble for me. Cole, I don’t want to care about you.”

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“Delving deeper into the Loveland side of this feud lets us get to know the family better since the series so far had centered around the Cade’s. I enjoyed how well the Cades were still brought into the storyline of this family as well. An enjoyable plot, great characters and a satisfying mystery kept me enthralled throughout!”

Jorie Loves A Story – Excerpt

She turned slightly in the saddle and slipped an arm around his lean waist, holding tight. “I’m glad we found each other again.”

With the reins in one hand, he linked his fingers with hers. “I’m not letting you go without a fight.” He brought Cash to a halt. “You’re my missing piece.”

He slid off the horse and large hands gripped her waist. As he lowered her to her feet, she clung to his strong forearms. He dropped a kiss against her cheek, then her eyelids through the bandanna, while she tried to control her pounding heart. “Can I take this off?” She touched her ban danna’s knot.

“Not yet.” He curved a hand around the nape of her neck.

Harlie’s Books – Review & Excerpt

“Overall, I really liked the book. Just because we find out the mystery and how it was solved by Katlynn, doesn’t mean its over. There is so much more than the feud over water. . . . Ms. Rock has done it again with the Loveland’s and Cade’s. I can’t get enough of them. Just don’t wrap it up too neatly. I believe there are still more mysteries to solve.”

“I forgot how beautiful it is up here!” Katlynn called down to Cole, pausing to watch the sun’s golden orb break across the pink horizon.

Fingers of light probed the valley at their feet. Rays gilded the majestic peaks in the distance and illuminated the sea of trees waving below. There was a magical quality to a Colorado Rockies’ sky that stirred something in her. The sky was bluer than blue, the air fresher. Cleaner. She’d forgotten how heights like this exhilarated her. At this elevation, the weight of her life, her troubles, her worries, dropped away, sandbags cut from a rising balloon.

“I haven’t.” Cole lowered himself onto the thick branch, his back against the trunk. Gripping her hand, he guided her down in front of him so their legs dangled in the air, swinging. His strong arms wrapped around her. They made her feel feminine and safe against his powerful breadth.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“From the first few pages into this book I just knew I was going to be hooked into this second chance at first love story. As everything set up, I said to myself, “Oh, here we go. This is going to be good.” And it was. So, so good. The attraction was there. The tummy butterflies were there. My emotions were engaged and I was fully invested in the story.”

It’s All About the Romance – Excerpt

“I see the way you’ve been looking at Katie-Lynn.”

“What way’s that?”

“Like you’ve still got feelings for her.”

“Dead wrong.” Cole raised his bottle for a drink to shield his expression. Travis was as sharp-eyed as a hawk, reading people and situations in an instant. A good trait for a sheriff. Not so good in a brother when you were hiding something…

“I hope so,” Travis said. “Just remember what happened after she left you.”

“Nothing happened.”

“Except you disappearing for three months.”

A Slice of Life – Review

“Karen Rock’s excellent writing never disappoints, but A Cowboy’s Pride might be my favorite book in her Rocky Mountain Cowboys series…

…A Cowboy’s Pride is filled with suspense and intrigue, as well as mystery, and it’s easy to get swept up in the drama of the three love stories featured in Karen Rock’s well-written novel.”

Teatime and Books – Review

“This is such a phenomenal tale and I immediately fell in love with the H, Cole and his strong but so sweet and very romantic personality. . . . I really enjoyed this tale and if you’re looking for a good, sweet romance then this is the book for you! . . . I’d highly recommend A Cowboy’s Pride!”

Handcrafted Reviews – Excerpt

After a beat of silence, Cole asked, “Why are you poking at me?”

Katie-Lynn passed the back of her hand across her face. “I don’t know. I just… Being around you again… I guess I still care.”“Why?”


“You’ve got everything you wanted—fame, fortune, rich men taking you out on yachts.”

“So what if they have yachts? Money?” Exasperation filled her voice.

“They can give you things.” His voice grew rough. “Things I’ll never be able to.”

Splashes of Joy – Review

“The author does a great job creating the characters and weaving them into a plot that was well thought out and planned. I missed the other books, but glad I read this one. The book that brought the series to and end with all of the excitement that has been building up since the series began. I’m sorry I missed the others, but this one was an amazing read!”

Deal Sharing Aunt – Review

“What a great book! I finally got answers to some of my questions! There were also 2 great couples that got second chances at love. There are so many different cowboy romances out there, that for awhile I stopped reading them. However this series is refreshing and new. Each new book brings couples that grew on me that I get to learn about there past, present, and wonder about there future. There is also a family rivalry/ feud that is explained in this installment. The really great thing about this book is that it also a standalone! So if you have never read the series before, you can still really enjoy this book without getting lost!”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“Several twists, hidden secrets, adventure, excitement, and emotional conflicts occur within these pages. Unhurried secrets that could set those in present bondage, free!

…The characters are so realistic and the scenes depicted so well, the reader will feel he/she is right there with them!”

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“A Cowboy’s Pride is book four from Karen Rock’s series, Rocky Mountain Cowboys. I loved this book! . . . I enjoyed the mystery they were trying to solve to find out what started the hundred year Cade-Loveland feud. Which added more intrigue to the story. Which is great! I have to admit, I cried on the last few pages. I had no idea it would end that way.

I am giving A Cowboy’s Pride a well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend this sweet story.”

Book by Book – Review

“The fourth book of Karen Rock’s Rocky Mountain Cowboys series, A Cowboy’s Pride is a delight to read. It’s everything I love to find in a cowboy romance, and I absolutely enjoyed it…

…There’s mystery, there’s romance, and it’s a whole lot of fun to read.

So, if you’re in need of a sweet, intriguing, romantic book, check out A Cowboy’s Pride. It’s a good one.”

Remembrancy – Review

“Rock builds plenty of tension, fans the flames of the rivalry we’ve come to love between the Cades and Lovelands, oozes plenty of cowboy bravado, and throws in some make-you-melt kissing scenes! All while weaving a mystery of what firmly drew the line between the Cade and Loveland families. And did I mention this is leading up to the marriage that will unite these two families?

Another fabulous, couldn’t put it down read from Rock”

Busy Bumble Bee Book ReviewsReview

“Mrs. Rock takes us on a wild ride in this book when Cole and Katie-Lynn start uncovering Loveland-Cade family secrets. When the start to learn about the real reasons for the family feud. I really enjoyed this book and loved seeing appearences from the Cade clan.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

A Cowboy’s Pride

(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #4)
by Karen Rock
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
September 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Old wounds run deep

Only the truth can heal them…

Rancher Cole Loveland has no interest in dredging up the past, but his ex-fiancée, Katlynn Brennon, has other plans. To save her struggling TV show, she’s come back to Colorado to investigate the infamous Cade-Loveland feud. Trusting Katlynn again isn’t easy—she’s already chosen her career over Cole once. But he’s beginning to realize that true love, like legends, never dies.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Award-winning author Karen Rock is both sweet and spicy—at least when it comes to her writing! The author of both YA and adult contemporary books writes sexy suspense novels and small-town romances for Harlequin and Kensington publishing. A strong believer in Happily-Ever-After, Karen loves creating unforgettable stories that leave her readers with a smile. When she’s not writing, Karen is an avid reader who also loves cooking her grandmother’s Italian recipes, baking and having the Adirondack Park wilderness as her backyard, where she lives with her husband, daughter, dog and cat who keep her life interesting and complete. Learn more about her at http://www.karenrock.com or follow her on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/karenrock5.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card

– Open internationally
– Ends September 13th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Literary Book Gifts is a brand new start up company that puts book covers on shirts and tote bags. There are even tank tops and hoodies for those who prefer them or are perhaps located in hotter or cooler climates.

I will talk about a couple of the designs in the collection. Each design is available on every type of product.
Typewriter T-Shirt Many readers are also writers. I myself, am not one, but hopefully one day I will be! This shirt depicts a vintage typewriter, a throwback to times before LCD screens and monitors. I love looking at vintage items because they can show us how far society has come in so few years.

What makes the shirts at Literary Book Gifts special is the massive variety of sizes and colors available. Men’s shirts come in sizes small to five extra large. Women’s shirts are in sizes extra small to three extra large. The typewriter shirt in particular comes in fourteen different colors. For designs in which the graphic print is in a lighter color such as the case of the Frankenstein T-Shirt there are an entirely different selection of color options available. This means that one can really personalize the shirt to their taste. Each and every piece is very unique, two people with the same design tastes could have completely different wardrobes of clothing.

Edgar Allan Poe Tote Bag Poe has always been a favorite author and poet for many. He has so many works such as The Raven and The Tell-Tale Heart I wanted to create a design that any Poe lover could appreciate. This graphic is his iconic raven perched on a skull, and the skull on a large old looking book. Combining both a gothic theme while alluding to Poe as a writer, this tote bag would make an excellent gift for any horror fan. Situated on a deep cardinal red background, the white print of the ‘Edgar Allan Poe’, skull, and book stand out in high contrast. The dark raven is visible but not as much, as if slightly hidden in the shadows.

Every tote bag is made of a strong polyester material and is available in three distinct sizes. The smallest size can be used perhaps as a lunch tote or purse, while the medium option is what one would more commonly think a standard sized tote bag may be. The large size is great for carrying around all your library books, paperbacks, and magazines. There is a size measurement chart next to each and every product listing so you can make absolutely sure you select the correct size.
Thank you so much for reading about my products!

ANNIEDOUGLASSLIMA20 is a discount code that will work for 20% at Literary Book Gifts, choose from anything in the store, and use it as many times as you like. It won’t expire.

Russel Sherrard’s book “Genesis: Book of Beginnings” is FREE for 5 Days Monday, September 3 to Friday, September 7.

Genesis: Book of Beginnings

Genesis: Book of Beginnings

This book is a Bible Study of the Book of Genesis in the Holy Bible. The Bible text used for this study is the King James Version (KJV). This Book is the first book in the Series entitled Journey Through the Bible. Genesis: Book of Beginnings Book 1. This book is a Study Guide for the Book of Genesis in the Holy Bible. The Bible text used for the study is the King James Version (KJV).

It is fitting that we should start with Genesis, which is the book of Beginnings. Genesis: The Book of Beginnings is the first book in this series of Journey Through the Bible. Genesis means “the beginning” and it is a book of beginnings. It records the creation of the world and the beginning of the nation of Israel. Chapters 12-50 focus on one man, Abraham, and his descendants. Abraham, his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob are called the patriarchs of Israel. Jacob’s twelve sons are the beginnings of the twelve tribes of Israel. Through Joseph, one of Jacob’s sons, the whole family settles in Egypt.

The word Genesis means origin or creation. Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, is a book of beginnings. It has been said that every major doctrine has its seed or beginning in Genesis. For example, the material universe, the human race, sin, the promise of the Messiah, languages and the Hebrew nation all have their beginnings in the book of Genesis. For this reason Genesis is called the seed pot of the whole Bible. Every great fact, truth and revelation is found in this book in germ form. The book of Genesis is essential to the understanding of all the other books of the Bible.

Moses wrote the book of Genesis about 1500 years before Christ. Moses received the oracles directly from God. They were not handed down by word-of-mouth (Acts 7: 37, 38). God can just as easily tell a person the past as he can the future. The book Genesis covers a time period of nearly 2500 years, from the Creation to the journey of Israel into Egypt.

After reading the book would you do me the honor to pop over to Amazon and give an honest review?

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To Get it for FREE Click on the Button Above

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Welcome to the Book Blitz for
The Rancher’s Rescue
By Cari Lynn Webb
Learn more about another Blackwell brother, read an excerpt,
sign up to review the series, and enter the giveaway below…

The Rancher’s Rescue

(Return of the Blackwell Brothers #2)
By Cari Lynn Webb
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
September 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

He isn’t home to stay

Until a mother-to-be changes his mind

Ethan Blackwell is back in Falcon Creek to save his family ranch after his grandfather disappears. When Grace Gardner reveals she’s pregnant with his child, she becomes Ethan’s top priority. But can he be the man he wants to be—preserving the Blackwell legacy and making a life with Grace—in a place he never planned to settle down?

Each book in the series will release as follows:
The Rancher’s Twins by Carol Ross, August 1st
The Rancher’s Rescue by Cari Lynn Webb, September 1st
The Rancher’s Redemption by Melinda Curtis, October 1st
The Rancher’s Fake Fiancée by Amy Vastine, November 1st
The Rancher’s Homecoming by Anna J. Stewart, December 1st


“Good Morning, Grace.”
Grace gaped and slowed on the porch steps of Brewster’s. The other half of her child’s DNA sat across from Pops. Ethan in his worn boots, faded flannel shirt and baseball cap smiled at her, stirring warmth through her. He returned his attention to the chessboard as if he’d been playing with her grandfather for years. As if this was their morning routine. As if he belonged here on this porch, waiting for her.
Waiting for her to confess.
Grace’s hand drifted to her stomach, her slight bump concealed beneath her jacket. Why did the truth have to be so complicated?
Still she couldn’t quite stall that swirl of warmth inside her from seeing Ethan.
She should be hot from irritation. She should be annoyed with Ethan for intruding on her usual morning routine. She always shared coffee and stories with her grandfather before the store opened. Before the other employees arrived. Before the customers took over the day.
Except this morning, they were a trio, rather than a duo. What was it with people inserting themselves where they didn’t belong? First, there was Sarah Ashley trying to step into the family business for the first time ever, and now, Ethan.
Was it so wrong that Grace wanted one thing to remain the same? To remain normal? In six months, nothing about her life would be either. But she could at least have her usual mornings with Pops, couldn’t she? Surely that wasn’t too much to ask.
“Sit down, Gracie.” Pops pointed at the empty rocking chair beside Ethan. The same one she sat in every morning while she listened to Pops reminisce about her grandmother or his childhood. “Your Ethan here, he already took care of your morning chores for you.” He eyed Ethan over the rims of his glasses and grinned. “Can’t ever get this girl to sit. But I got her good this morning, thanks to you.”
“I can make more coffee.” Ethan’s hand was on a stack of file folders. He glanced at her, and his guarded tone suggested he thought she needed several cups to tackle the Blackwell books.
“I’ve been making the effort to switch to tea.” Grace reached inside her purse for her special ginger tea. She was going to need to steep more than one bag this morning. Sitting next to Ethan was unsettling. She cleared her throat to smooth the accusation out of her voice and looked at him. “You’re up early.”
“Trying to get some errands done before Katie notices I’ve left.” Ethan placed a hand on his white knight and started to move the piece, but then paused to consider the chessboard as if everything hinged on this one particular move.
Whereas for Grace, everything hinged on her baby and keeping her stomach from objecting to the morning’s excitement. Would Ethan expect her to say checkmate when she told him about the baby? As if she’d neatly trapped him into being a dad. And what about marriage? She didn’t want Ethan to offer to marry her because she was carrying his child. But would he believe her?
“Keeping ahead of Katie Montgomery is almost as impossible as staying a step ahead of our Gracie.” Pops stuck his elbows out and leaned on his knees, as if anticipating Ethan’s move. As if Ethan proved a challenge to her grandfather. Ethan shifted his knight, taking Pops’s bishop. Pops rubbed his chin. “Sometimes you get lucky.”
Maybe Grace would get lucky and Ethan would confess he’d always wanted to be a father and couldn’t think of another person he wanted to have a child with other than Grace. The tea bag crinkled in her fist. What a ridiculous thought.
Only fools relied on luck.

Review Opportunities

Interested in reviewing the series? Sign up for each book by clicking on its cover.
About the Author

Cari Lynn Webb lives in South Carolina with her husband, daughters and assorted four-legged family members. She’s been blessed to see the power of true love in her grandparent’s 70 year marriage and her parent’s marriage of over 50 years. She knows love isn’t always sweet and perfect, it can be challenging, complicated and risky. But she believes happily-ever-afters are worth fighting for. She loves to connect with readers. Visit her at her website.

Blitz Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card and a copy of THE RANCHER’S RESCUE (print to US/CAN and ebook to international)
– 3 winners will each receive an ebook of THE RANCHER’S RESCUE (open internationally)

– Ends September 5th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
Fate and Fortune: Part One
By Robin Daniels

This YA Contemporary Romance is the first part
in this new duology, coming September 20th 2018…

Bryce has liked Paige since they were little but has never had the guts to act on his feelings. Paige is devastated over being dumped by her long-time boyfriend and can’t seem to move on. They’re stuck in a rut, until fate decides to pull them out.

Both Paige and Bryce are talked into seeing a fortune teller at the annual Summer’s End Carnival. Neither of them buys into the mysticism, until the psychic’s predictions start coming true. Now, the most bizarre things are happening and there isn’t a clear explanation. Each of them must figure out if they’re the subject of an elaborate hoax or a bigger plan forged by destiny.

*This book is part one of two. Books should be read sequentially.


About the Author

The most important thing to know about me is that I’m basically a sixteen-year-old trapped in an adult’s body. It’s why I feel such a great connection to all of my characters and why I love to write romantic comedy. The kid in me just wants to be goofy. Besides being a writer; I’m a wife, mother of five, volleyball enthusiast and home decorating guru. My list of favorites includes: reading, Christmas, pedicures, dessert, steak, Arizona winters and most importantly, Diet Coke.


Cover Reveal Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends September 5th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Grab Our Button!