Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:

Elise Edmonds
Title of book and/or series:
Where Carpets Fly
Brief summary of the story:
Mystery and adventure meet in a magical land of flying carpets, vibrant cities, and seafaring folk. Follow Elina Faramar’s journey from the village flying carpet shop to magic school in town. What’s her new magic teacher hiding? Why won’t anyone discuss the nearby, volatile country of Pallexon? The situation turns to a nightmare when friend Kara is mistaken for a spy. Can Elina’s wits and magic save Kara and unravel Pallexon’s secrets?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Elina lives in the fantasy country of Tamarin. It’s a southern country with a warm climate. The country is split in two by a large river, and most towns are situated on or close to the river, where it’s most fertile. The Sultan, the ruler of Tamarin, lives in a large palace in an island town called The Delta, situated at the southern mouth of the river. Elina starts life in the northern village of Darien, living with her parents above the family flying carpet shop, and then moves to the nearby town of Kamikan to live with her aunt.
The country of Tamarin has vibes of various Mediterranean and Arabian real-world cultures, with various magical elements. The story has an urban feel, and the tech is at a reasonable level of civilisation, but magic is the focus of the country’s tech, rather than innovations like steam. Elina begins to uncover a mystery about the neighbouring country of Pallexon: this country is more technologically developed, but does not have magic. Pallexon has a cooler climate, and the feel I’ve gone for is more akin to Victorian England.
If we were to visit Tamarin as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
I would recommend that you arrive during one of the quarterly Festivals. Entertainments will keep you busy for the whole weekend. The Kamikan circus is particularly celebrated, and you will see wonders like the exotic trained horses from Pallexon – a real rarity, and Elemental Magic acrobats who have amazing displays of fire and water power. Following that, the pygmy camel races are always fun, and you can finish the day off trying the various types of street food while watching a firework display.
What dangers should we avoid in Tamarin?
Tamarin itself is a pretty safe place to be at the moment. But political undercurrents are running quite high. It’s probably best not to ask too many questions about the neighbouring country of Pallexon—people might think you are a spy.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Tamarin?
Traditional Tamarin food is based around lamb or chicken in a spiced sauce. They use many spices, such as cinnamon, cumin, ginger, and pepper, together with combinations of dried fruit like raisins and apricots, to create tasty stews. These meals are often served with couscous or flat bread, and finished off with mango slices and the obligatory pot of mint tea.
In recent years, imports from other countries have increased, and you’ll find dishes that come from other cultures: roast dinners, and pies, for example – but the Tamarins often put their own twist to these dishes and make them their own.
Street food is common and everything from meat kebabs to sticky sweets to ice cream can be found, particularly at festival time.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Tamarin?
In the last war, between Tamarin and Pallexon ten years ago, the main types of warfare were armoured flying carpets, and naval warfare. The Tamarins had an advantage with their flying carpets, because at that stage, the Pallexis had no airborne weapons, but the Pallexis traditional firearms were very effective against them. The Pallexi naval fleet was also extremely powerful despite having no magic, and the war ended in a stalemate and the current uneasy treaty.
The Tamarins have some magical firearms—mainly combining the standard kind of firearms with Elemental power. There is the steam-rifle, which shoots deadly jets of steam, and the flame-rifle, which shoots fireballs. Both weapons do away with the need for bullets. The Tamarins also have Elemental grenades, which explode with the force of the particular element contained inside them: fire, water, earth, or air, creating violent earthquakes or tornados for example.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Tamarin?
The main type of transport is the flying carpet. These come in all shapes and sizes—and to suit every budget. There are tiny one-person carpets, enormous family-sized carpets with special restraints for children, and commercial carpets with the ability to secure packages below them. Inside city limits, both speed and height are highly regulated, but outside the city, the rules are relaxed. The one flaw of flying carpets is that cannot fly over large bodies of water or areas of extremely high humidity (for example, the jungle) because they absorb the water over time and sink, losing the ability to fly.
For those who don’t like or can’t afford a flying carpet, a pygmy camel is the best option. They are hardy little beasts, capable of carrying decent loads and going for long distances.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Tamarin that we don’t see on Earth?
The plants and animals you see would be very similar to somewhere like those you would see in southern Spain or Morocco. Houses favour climbing plants and decorative trees like palm trees.
The most unusual race you will come across are the river fairies. The majority of people treat them as akin to insects or birds, but those who have skill in Biological Magic know better. The fairies are sentient, and rumours abound that they might also have a sixth sense. A few people can communicate with them, but it tends to be trivial conversation. The fairies love to play with people swimming in the river, particularly children. They prefer the more rural areas, but it’s not unusual to see them in a town, however they do tend to keep more of a distance when there are crowds of people around.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Tamarin?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
There are four branches of magic in Tamarin: Tangible, Elemental, Biological, and Cognitive. Most Tamarins can do one or more types of magic, generally based on inheritance, and the amount of work they put in to develop the skill.
Tangible Magic is the ability to move physical, non-living items. For example, you could use it to shift heavy items around in your home—boxes, furniture, etc. It’s also possible to create a Tangible Charm that means an object can be moved with the use of a verbal command by anyone—this is how flying carpets are created.
Elemental Magic is the manipulation of the four elements: fire, water, earth and air. At it’s most basic level, it’s good for chores like digging the garden! At the other end of the scale, the navy use Elemental magicians to steer ships by manipulating the wind and the sea.
Biological Magic is the skill of talking to plants and animals. Plants are mastered first, and those with this skill are excellent gardeners! From there, people move on to talking to small creatures such as birds, before progressing to larger animals. Once you become proficient at talking to plants, you can persuade them to grow in certain ways and produce better fruit. You can even use them as basic weapons, using climbing plants to wrap around people’s ankles, for example!
Cognitive Magic is the ability to read people’s minds, and to telepathically communicate with other Cognitive users. It’s a secretive kind of magic, and many people are not even aware it exists, because it tends to be used for government surveillance and kept very quiet. It’s possible to read the surface thoughts of another person without them being aware of it, but reading further into someone’s mind can be painful for them and can cause damage, so this is a highly regulated type of magic. On the more benign front, it’s used by mental health healers to treat diseases of the mind.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Tamarin? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Another common use of magical technology is the glow globes. These are the equivalent of lamps and torches. They are spherical globes, that produce a glowing light when tapped—a result of an Elemental Magic Charm. Every home has glow globes. Some with the skill will permanently suspend them in midair and move them around as needed. Other people merely buy special stands to place them in. A lot of people carry a miniature version in their bag or pocket.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Tamarin.
Most villages are situated on the river’s edge. Consequently, most children can swim as soon as they can walk, and spend the little leisure time they have in or by the river. Older children will have flying carpet races outside the city limits, although these have a disreputable nature and a tendency to attract trouble.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Tamarin as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Tamarin has the same calendar as Earth. They celebrate quarterly festivals based around the solstices/equinoxes. Each festival lasts for a whole weekend, and a large proportion of the population takes the time as holiday.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Tamarin? Please describe what it involves.
No, Tamarin is a secular country.
What is the political or government structure in Tamarin?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Tamarin is ruled by the Sultan, from his palace in the Delta. The Sultan’s prime minister and chief adviser is the Grand Vizier. Each individual town is ruled by a Vizier and his committee of advisers. All Viziers report to the Grand Vizier. The position of Sultan passes on a hereditary basis, and the current Sultan’s sons are all given positions of responsibility within the kingdom. The current Sultan is a fair and just ruler, and concerned about current relations with Pallexon. He keeps a substantial army and navy.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I’ve been on holiday to Spain, and I’m fond of Mediterranean food—Spanish, Moroccan, Greek, Israeli etc, and some of the culinary and architectural details are based on real-life things that I like. I’ve always been a big fan of books with flying carpets, and I really built the world up around how I imagined a fantasy world with flying carpets in a more urban contemporary setting, rather than the traditional fairy tale/Arabian nights feel.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Elements of terrorism, slavery, economic struggles, and governmental oppression all come into the story as Elina discovers what really goes on in Pallexon. One of the main themes that comes out of the book is the importance of freedom.
Author Autobiography:
Elise Edmonds is a new writer from the South-West UK. Reading and writing have always been her doorways into another world—a way to escape and spend time walking with wizards, flying with fairies and dealing with dragons. By day she is a finance professional, and in her spare time she pursues writing as a creative outlet, to put the magic back into everyday life. In addition to reading, Elise enjoys watching movies, playing the piano, and going to Zumba classes. Her greatest loves are God, her husband, her family and friends, and her two beautiful cats.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?
Where Carpets Flyis available from Amazon, in both paperbackand Kindle ebook.

Where can readers connect with you online? 
My blog: Magic Writer
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Tamarin.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Release Celebration Blitz for

Love’s Promise
By Melissa Storm

99¢ SALE!

Love’s Promise is on SALE for a limited time! Grab a copy for your eReader while you can!

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Love’s Promsie
(The First Street Church Romances #2)
by Melissa Storm
Christian Contemporary Romance
ebook, 192 pages

March 7th 2017 by Partridge & Pear Press

She’s waiting for her prince to come … but was he right beside her all the time?

Kristina Rose Maher wants to know why fairytales never happen for fat girls. Certain that diner cook Jeff, handsome and fit, will never want her as more than a friend, she stuffs down her attraction to him. But when she finds herself facing a life-altering weight loss surgery, she discovers she’s willing to do whatever it takes to embrace life—and love—to the fullest.

Jeffrey Berkley can’t bear the thought of losing the friend he’s only just beginning to realize matters so much to him… no matter what size she is. But he is also terrified that helping her reach for her dreams will also mean finally reaching for his own—and letting down his family’s legacy in the process.

Both Kristina Rose and Jeffrey must learn to love themselves before they can find a way to make a promise to each other. Will they finally be able to lay their heavy burdens at the Lord’s feet, and trust him to bring the happily-ever-after they both crave?

Don’t miss this sweet tale of faith, love, and gastric bypass–get your copy of Love’s Promise today!

Chapter 1
“Order’s up!” Jeffrey bellowed from the kitchen as he slid a pair of plates into the window that looked out upon Mabel’s Old-Fashioned Diner.
“That was fast,” Kristina Rose said with a smile as she loaded up her round serving tray with condiments and extra napkins, then grabbed the meals he had prepared. Her teeth gleamed white against her dark complexion. The added contrast made Kristina’s smiles seem all the more special. Jeff had never been sure why, but he’d always appreciated the little jolt her happiness sent rushing through him.
“Gotta be fast,” he responded without missing a beat. “Mabel’s got a reputation to uphold, after all. And, besides, I’m starved. Gonna whip something up and take a late lunch. Want to join me? I can just as easily cook for two as I can one.”
The corners of her mouth fell, and Kristina let out a slow sigh. “I wish,” she muttered. “I started my liquid diet this morning. I’m only allowed protein drinks and chicken broth… and water, of course.”
“Sorry, sorry, I forgot!” He shooed her toward the waiting customers. Now that she’d mentioned it, he had noticed her step become a bit slower, her tray droop lower than usual.
She’d be going in for surgery later that week and absent from the diner for at least a month while she recovered. Their boss, Mabel, had insisted on it. Part of him wondered why she had even come into work at all if she’d already started her pre-surgery fast, but the answer seemed obvious enough. She’d already be missing out on a month of income as she recovered, and for a young woman living on her own, well, she needed every dollar she could scrimp and save.
And while they liked many of the same things, lived in the same city, and even came from two of the only non-white families in town, they were also different in a lot of ways, too. For starters, Kristina Rose had grown up in their tiny town of Sweet Grove, Texas, whereas Jeff hadn’t shown up until high school when his parents took over the old pharmacy downtown. He was close with his parents, always had been, but Kristina had never known her father and always seemed to prickle whenever Jeffrey asked after her mother.
But that was none of Jeff’s business, of course.
Read the rest of first three chapters HERE.

Other Books in the Series
About the Author
Melissa Storm is a mother first, and everything else second. Her fiction is highly personal and often based on true stories. Writing is Melissa’s way of showing her daughter just how beautiful life can be, when you pay attention to the everyday wonders that surround us.
Melissa loves books so much, she married fellow author Falcon Storm. Between the two of them, there are always plenty of imaginative, awe-inspiring stories to share. When she’s not reading, writing, or child-rearing, Melissa spends time relaxing at home in the company of her four dogs, four parrots, and rescue cat. She never misses an episode of The Bachelor or her nightly lavender-infused soak in the tub. Because priorities.
Release Celebration Blitz Giveaway

1 winner will receive a Kindle Fire and a signed copy of the first book in the series, Love’s Prayer
US only
Ends March 11th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!
Recently my students completed a project in which they had to create their own imaginary worlds. One part of the project involved writing a list of laws that must be followed in their world. Here are a few that I thought were particularly interesting (edited in some cases for spelling and clarity).

Every piece of furniture should be bouncy. If not, you will have to get new furniture.

If you have a pet shark, train him/her not to fight with other pet sharks. Otherwise, the president will take your pet shark

Do not steal, unless you are stealing from an enemy tribe. Otherwise, the president will steal from you. 

Whenever you see a poor person, you have to give them money. Otherwise, you have to pay $100 to the president.

If you drive a pegasus without a license, you’ll have to pay a fine.

Never hurt someone on purpose unless you are in danger, and you will most likely never be in danger here. If you break this law, your fees and deductibles will go up by ten times.

Always be happy even if you are angry inside. If you don’t stay happy, you get a fine of $100.

Everybody has to have some clothing that represents what job they have. If they don’t, they will be fired from that job.

No harming another villager. Punishment (1st time): an arm cut off, (2nd time): a leg cut off.

Don’t quit school, or you’ll have to go to school on Saturdays and Sundays for a year.

If you don’t pay taxes, you’ll have 1-2 years of triple tax.

Don’t break buildings, or you’ll have to help build 4 more buildings.

Don’t pollute the air on purpose, or you’ll have to plant 25 trees and help make cleansers for the air.

If you don’t recycle, you’ll have 2 months of cleaning service and a year of going around and helping elders recycle.

Don’t eat more than 4 packs of junk food a day, or you’ll have to go on a diet for 3-4 months.

There must be absolutely no fairies in our land.

You cannot get out of this country once you get in. If you leave the country, it leads to death.

No one can bear arms. If they do, they will be decapitated. This is not a bloody country. It is a country of peace.

People should not waste food. If they do, they would not have food the next day.

The government will not collect taxes of any sort; however, they do have the right to take a person’s home if the garbage is not taken care of daily.

Every Monday, citizens must play 80s music in their car.

You must never make a promise and not fulfill it, or else you may be fined.

You are not allowed to like the movie Frozen. Liking it will result in being kicked out of this world.

You cannot be late for work unless you have a note excusing you for being late. Punishment for tardiness to work is one week in jail.

You are not allowed to escape jail. If you do, you will be put there for eternity.

Don’t say any bad words. Otherwise, a mark will be burned into your back.

Don’t cut down any trees. Otherwise, you’ll hardly get to play with the baby dragons.

Always save energy. Otherwise, you’ll have to carry other people’s luggage.

Everybody must protect the planet. If you destroy the planet, you’ll be executed.

All unicorns must address royalty with the right titles. Otherwise, they will be forced to spend a moon practicing being polite and using the right titles. They will be required to write an 850-word essay during this time, explaining how they should address a member of royalty.

You must not use any other source of electricity besides solar power. Otherwise, you will have to live the rest of your life in jail.

No littering. Otherwise, you will have a $30,000 fine and 7 hours of picking up trash on the road.

No foul language. Otherwise, you will go to prison for one year.

No graffiti. Otherwise, you will have to start an anti-graffiti organization.

Every kid must go to school. Otherwise, you will have to go to a very strict school alone.

Do not drink poison or beverages that might hurt your health. Otherwise, you will be demoted to the lowest rank for half of your life.

Do not threaten people. Consequence: you’ll be tied upside-down and roasted.

Do not steal, or your feet will be dipped in lava.

Do not start a war. Consequence: you’ll be stoned by hot coals.

Do not harm the national animal. Otherwise, you’ll be tied on a rope and dipped into rivers and lakes and killed by the monsters in the lava.

Do not harm a kid. Consequence: you’ll be put in an arena and made to fight other prisoners.

No peeing in improper spots. Offenders will have cleaning duty for a month.

No going wild. Offenders will be banished!

I’ve had my classes do this project for several years in a row now.  Click on the links below to read some of the interesting laws created by my students in previous years:

student laws from 2016

student laws from 2015

student laws from 2014

student laws from 2013

student laws from 2011

student laws from 2009

student laws from 2008

student laws from 2007

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Missy Sheldrake
Title of book and/or series: Keepers of the Wellsprings Series
Brief summary of the story:
The Wellsprings are revered pools of magic, fiercely guarded and hidden away by fairies for decades. The Keepers of the Wellsprings series is the sweeping tale of a time when the threats of ambitious Sorcerers forced these secret sources to be revealed.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The world itself is commonly called the Known Lands. This refers to all the areas surrounding Cerion which have been explored and mapped so far. It’s a world with distinct countries and cultures much like our own, but this world is filled with magic, fairies, and other enchanted creatures. In this interview, I’ll be focusing mainly on Cerion, which is where the story begins.
If we were to visit The Known Lands as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
For a lively, exciting visit where you can get a taste of countries from all over the Known Lands, Cerion is best. This coastal kingdom is well known for its kindhearted people and its peaceful acceptance of all races and creeds. Cerion’s thriving seaside marketplace is a treasure trove of goods from all over the world. If you’re looking for a more magical adventure, you could try to gain entry to Kythshire, a fairyland where the air is thick with magic and no wish goes unanswered, but that’s no easy feat. You’ll need a good reason to visit, and a native fairy to vouch for you at its magically guarded borders.
What dangers should we avoid in The Known Lands?
Sorcerers. If you see a man or woman with black swirling marks creeping across their skin and a wild look in their eyes, keep your distance. The markings are Mage Mark, and warn of the presence of Sorcery. It doesn’t matter which country you visit, you might encounter a Sorcerer anywhere you travel. They are unpredictable, ruthless, wicked people and should be avoided at all costs.
Azi’s Sword
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Cerion?
Lately, there’s a trend in two-handed broadswords. This fighting style has mostly been a favorite of girls aspiring to be like Azaeli Hammerfel, the youngest Knight of His Majesty’s Elite. Traditionally, Cerion’s fighters have favored the longsword and shield. The kingdom’s peace hasn’t been threatened for over a century now (a fact its people pride themselves on), but if a war were to break out, Cerion’s Mages would absolutely step in to level the field with battle magic.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Cerion?
As you might imagine for a coastal kingdom, Cerion’s fish dishes are the most delectable you’ll ever taste. Mouli, the well-known cook and housekeeper for His Majesty’s Elite, has perfected a recipe for Azi’s favorite crab-stuffed rolls. This famous recipe has made its way to most every market stall worth visiting. Definitely worth a taste!
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Cerion?
Typically, the usual methods are used to travel these lands: Horses, carriages, and ships. In Ceras’lain, the White Line (the elite force which guards the White Wall at its border), fly on cygnets. These are sort of swan-like dragons. In the frozen lands of Hywilkin to the far north, the patrols are made on wyverns. In the jungles of Elespen, it’s not uncommon to see people riding elephants. There is another, very secret way to travel: Teleportation. This method is rarely used, though, because it’s prohibitively expensive and requires the traveler to be unarmed.
A Dragon, Woken from Slumber
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the Known Lands that we don’t see on Earth?
The Known Lands’ races vary from humans and elves to fairies, mermaids, and giants. The world is filled with magical creatures, familiar and unique. You might even catch a glimpse of a dragon.


What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the Known Lands?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Magic is a sacred art in the Known Lands. Because of the scourge of Sorcery recently lurking in shadows in every corner of the world, study and performance of magic are approached cautiously and with great reverence. This is because the practice of magic is intoxicating. It’s very easy to be lured from simple magical practice into the rapture and inescapable draw of Sorcery. In Cerion especially, Mages are held to a high standard. To practice magic, you must be marked as an Apprentice by a Master at an early age. You must take your learning at the Mage Academy, a strict and serious school carefully watched over by Cerion’s top Mages. Tuition is incredibly expensive. To be a Mage is a highly prestigious occupation. Mages, especially in Cerion, are respected by all.
The Crimson Warrior
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in the Known Lands?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
The Known Lands are much like our medieval times. There are, I’m sure, some ingenious inventions used, but they don’t play a major role in the books. In the third book, Tib is working on one such invention, but I won’t reveal what it is. You’ll have to read it for yourself.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in the Known Lands as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Yes. There are seven days in a week, and twelve months in a year. In Cerion, the months are named for the seasons. For example, the year begins at Midwinter. Then comes Winterswan (winter’s waning), Springsdawn, Midspring, Springswan, etc. Holidays in Cerion generally follow the seasons as well. The two biggest holidays of the year are Midwinter and Midsummer. Midwinter is similar to our Christmas, where families and friends gather to feast, dance, and exchange gifts. Since winters are harsh in Cerion, most of the Midwinter celebrating is done indoors. It’s a charitable holiday, when the well-to-do open their doors to the less fortunate for feasts and warmth. Midsummer in Cerion is a huge affair. People come from all the countries of the Known Lands to spectate at Cerion Day, a day celebrating peace in Cerion which falls exactly on Midsummer. The revelries are held outdoors, with festivals, parades, and tournaments in the Arena.
King Tirnon Gets an Unexpected Visitor
Is there a particular religion practiced in the Known Lands?  Please describe what it involves.
I have always been vague about religion in my books. My characters hold a certain respect and faith in a greater power, and have even been known to say grace at mealtimes. I’ve always assumed that certain magical abilities such as healing and Lisabella’s Peace come from a divine power (or maybe more than one), but that divine power and the worship of it has never been a central theme in the story.
What is the political or government structure in Cerion?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Cerion is ruled over by King Tirnon Plethore. The Plethore Dynasty has been in place for over a century, since Asio Plethore overthrew the Sorcerer King Diovicus as he tried to breach the borders of Kythshire. Tirnon is a humble, wise, kind king. He is fiercely loyal to his friends, a loving husband and father to family, and a thoughtful ruler. He has a council of Mages and Advisors who he listens to daily, and his respect for his people and the neighboring countries has kept Cerion at peace throughout his reign.
Flitt: Our Favorite Rainbow-Colored Fairy
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Cerion?
It’s best not to mention the fairies. It has been so long since anyone has seen or heard from a fairy that people might think you’re touched in the head if you talk about them as though they might be real. Also, it’s rude to ask a Mage to perform magic for you. Magic is a serious practice. It’s used to ward off dangers, and for practical reasons like clearing the ice from the treacherous cliff steps between the sea market and the harbor. Mages do not perform parlor tricks. Asking them to do so is an insult to their integrity.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
My books are inspired by my childhood influences. I was an eighties kid, so many of the movies I watched as a child have stayed with me throughout the years. Legend, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Dark Crystal, Disney’s Fantasia, and even Star Wars have all had an influence on my stories. I played Dungeons and Dragons as a teenager, and various fantasy-based MMORPGs for most of my adult life. My love of nature and of travel are also apparent in my books. Ceras’lain, the land of the Elves, is a tribute to my love of the forest. Elespen, which will be the setting for the next book in the series, will invoke the jungles of India and South America. I enjoy studying different cultures and traveling to new places, and that spirit, I hope, carries through in my books.
The Forest Wall in Ceras’lain
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I think the hottest button I’ve touched, and it wasn’t intentional in the beginning, is having a strong female protagonist. Azi, my lady knight, isn’t your typical fantasy heroine. She’s valiant but modest. She has confidence, but she also has self-doubt. She doesn’t try to do everything herself. She listens to those who have more experience than she does, and takes their counsel whenever she can. She truly loves her best friend Rian, and their friendship blooms into a respectful, mutual partnership. There are women in leadership roles. Aside from that, there are same-sex couples and bi-racial couples. I try to integrate many different beliefs into the books as I can, without calling attention to them. It’s accepted as the way things are. This is my way of showing the importance of love, friendship, family, and respect for all people.
Author Autobiography:
Missy Sheldrake is an author/illustrator who has been conjuring images of fairies in one form or another since she was very young. The wind in the trees and the rich scent of forest earth are her most treasured sources of inspiration, and on most mornings you will find her wandering the wooded paths, dreaming of the next adventure she hopes to put to the page.

Missy was born in Connecticut and attended Western Connecticut State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Art with a concentration in painting and illustration. Even then, in her free time, she was writing. She moved to Northern Virginia several years ago and lives there now, on the outskirts of Washington D.C., with her true love and their son. She published her first novel, Call of Kythshire, in March of 2015 and intends to keep writing as long as the fairies allow it.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
My books are available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Click here to learn more about the series.

Where can readers connect with you online? 
Almost everywhere! Click below to follow me on whichever platform you prefer:
My website (check out the “illustrations” tab to see more artwork from the series)

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Cerion.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Laura VanArendonk Baugh
Title of book and/or series: The Songweaver’s Vow
Brief summary of the story:
When Euthalia’s father trades her to Viking raiders, her best hope is to be made a wife instead of a slave. She gets her wish — sort of — when she is sacrificed as a bride to a god.
Her inhuman husband seems kind, but he visits only in the dark of night and will not allow her to look upon him. By day Euthalia becomes known as a storyteller, spinning ancient Greek tales to entertain Asgard’s gods and monsters.
When one of her stories precipitates a god’s murder and horrific retribution, Euthalia discovers there is a monster in her bed as well. Alone in a hostile Asgard, Euthalia must ally with a spiteful goddess to sway Odin himself before bloody tragedy opens Ragnarok, the prophesied end of the world.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Asgard, per Norse mythology, is a world alongside our own Midgard (“middle earth”), invisibly connected and yet a physical place itself. It is named for the Æsir, the gods who live there. I based this Asgard heavily on 9th century Denmark.
If we were to visit Asgard as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Are you the partying or clubbing types? You can always find a roaring party or a good brawl at Valhöll, the Hall of the Slain where Odin collects the best warriors to fight when Ragnarok comes. (That’s the end of the world, when the Jötnar and monsters destroy everything in a great battle against the Æsir.)
If you’re seeking a less adventurous meal, you might try Sessrúmnir or Folkvang, halls kept by the goddess Freyja. Of course, all of these are open primarily to dead humans, so there’s not much of a steady tourist industry.
What dangers should we avoid in Asgard?
There are many Jötnar from Jötunnheim, the land of the devourers. (These may be called giants in other guide books, but that’s a poor translation. They are the beings which tear apart, just as the Æsir hold together.) But they are generally on good behavior while visiting Asgard. Meeting them on other terms, however, is not advised for the casual tourist, and the management cannot be held responsible for accidents. Or intentional murders.
There are many monsters in and around Asgard as well. Fenrir is an enormous wolf, intelligent and well-spoken and suspicious. Jörmungandr is a sea serpent large enough to encompass the Midgard ocean and bite his own tail. (You can see an artist’s suggestion on our guide book cover.)
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Asgard?
The most notable food in Asgard is the epli, or fruits and berries, belonging to the goddess Idun and shared with the rest of the Æsir and Vanir. You are not likely to be served any, however, as they are for sustaining immortality. But while you’re here, do try the mead, the sweetest and strongest you’re likely to find in any of the many worlds.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Asgard?
Oh, we have all kinds! Axes and hammers are most common; even in your Midgard you have surely heard of Thor’s famous hammer Mjöllnir, which always hits its mark and always returns to him. The wealthier might also have swords, keen cutting blades for breaking shields and skulls.
We fight in groups, with powerful shield walls to link and guard us, and singly, man to man – or woman. And of course we’re happy to fight without any weapons at all, too! A warrior does not surrender merely for the lack of a weapon – a warrior is a weapon.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Asgard?
Most humans arrive in Asgard by dying. Many of our tourists prefer an alternate method of travel, so the Bifröst is another popular choice. That’s the glimmering rainbow portal one sometimes sees in the sky. (Mind the fire.)
Once in Asgard, you can see all kinds of transportation. Odin has an eight-legged horse, Sleipnir. Thor has a two-wheeled cart pulled by two powerful goats. Freyr rides an enormous golden boar with glowing bristles, or he has the beautiful ship Skíðblaðnir which can fold into a pouch to carry. Freyja’s cart is pulled by two cats, and that’s not really as funny as you might at first think.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Asgard that we don’t see on Earth?
Most of the plants and animals you’ll encounter will be recognizable, but significantly different in some way. Yggdrasill, the World Tree which holds all the worlds in its branches, is an ash like you might see at home in Midgard. Ratatoskr is a common red squirrel. Fenrir is a wolf, even if he’s the size of your turf house back home. Jörmungandr is a snake, just… oversized enough to fill the sea.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Asgard?
Magic is part of Asgard, from the epli which sustain the Æsir to the Bifröst which links Asgard to the other worlds, but we are careful with how we use it. Seiðr is a form of weaving magic practiced traditionally by women, very powerful, but we once warred over it and we fear those who use it too much.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Asgard.
Oh, we have the best games! You can throw rocks or spears at Baldr (he’s immortal and no material thing can hurt him), you can play tafl or table games, you can drink and fight each other and then drink some more…. We also have splendid hunting and fishing.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Asgard as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Our days of the week will be very familiar to you in Midgard! We have Tyr’s day, and Woden’s day*, and Thor’s day, and Frigga’s day, and then the weekend and Monday again. (Woden is what the Western lands of Midgard call Odin. They are bad at spelling. You should probably ransack them.)
And of course we have the same three seasons you do, spring, summer, and winter.* We celebrate three major seasonal festivals, Vetrnætr (“winter nights”), Jól in midwinter, and Sumarmál (“summer time”).
*Guide’s addendum: They do not mark autumn as a season. Winter begins in mid-October, celebrated with the Vetrnætr.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Asgard?  Please describe what it involves.
These are the gods themselves. They give little thought to what that entails, including their own responsibilities. (Sorry, but it’s true.)
What is the political or government structure in Asgard?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Odin is the chief and Allfather. He sits at the end of his Valhöll and watches, never eating with the others, rarely speaking. But he knows things. He knows.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Asgard?
You will find thralls (slaves) serving the Æsir and einherjar in the halls and farms. Don’t worry too much about them; they were generally killed in Midgard and sent to work here.
You’ll find that storytelling is an important part of both history and entertainment here. If you get the chance to listen to Bragi, definitely take it. He is a literal god of poetry.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Guide’s note: I visited Denmark to research Viking-era history, customs, culture, and ninth-century villages and life. I dragged my poor husband to so many historical sites and recreated villages and museums, and he waited so patiently for Legoland. What a trooper.
Author biography:
Laura VanArendonk Baugh overcame the dubious challenge of having been born without teeth or developed motor skills to become an award-winning writer of speculative fiction, mystery, and non-fiction. Her works have earned numerous accolades, including 3-star ratings (the highest possible) on Tangent’s “Recommended Reading” list. Laura speaks professionally on a variety of topics throughout the year, including writing, fan costuming, and her day job as a professional animal trainer and behavior consultant. Find her at www.LauraVanArendonkBaugh.com.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
The Songweaver’s Vow is available in ebook and paperback at Amazon and anywhere books are sold. An audiobook is planned.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
My website has a lot of background information about my research and the mythology behind the story, and discussion and comments are always welcome over at my Facebook page. I also tweet!

Want to participate in a live, online book club discussion of The Songweaver’s Vow? Sign up for details (and you’ll get a free story, too!).

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Asgard.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The SEAL’s Return
By Patricia Potter
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out…

Launch – Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

That they respect the military and reach out with a helping hand and understanding heart. And that love can often conquer even the greatest obstacles.

Nicole’s Book Musings – Welcome to Covenant Falls!

Covenant Falls is a very special town in Colorado. It has become a healing place for returning vets with the assistance of rescue animals and a quirky town population.

Three former vets – a wounded ex-Army Ranger, an Army chopper pilot and an Army battlefield surgical nurse – have found belonging, a home. . . and love there.

The newest residents are former Navy Seal Jubal Pierce and Dr. Lisa Redding in the February release of “The SEAL’s Return.” And their romance is the most troubled-filled of all.

With Love for Books – Review

“Patricia Potter writes about troubled pasts in an emphatic way. I could easily understand the emotions of her main characters. What I loved about The SEAL’s Return the most is the way she writes about animals. . . . The SEAL’s Return is a captivating story about both people and animals and I enjoyed reading it very much.”

Colorimetry – Excerpt

Jubal Pierce plucked the letter he’d received yesterday from the trash can. He’d read it, then discarded it. This time he reread it slowly and considered the proposal.

Hearts & Scribbles – Building a Fictional Town

When I started writing “A Soldier’s Promise,” the first in my Home to Covenant Falls series, I knew I had a problem. All my other books were set in an actual place: Atlanta that I knew well, Memphis that I knew nearly as well, Boston that I had visited many times. But now I was writing a book in which a small town is a character in the book. I wanted it to be a little quirky, and quite obviously I couldn’t use a real one where everyone knows everyone. The only solution was to build my own town.

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“Sometimes what you are not looking for, is just what you need most in the world! Patricia Potter takes us on an emotional journey of healing as we head back to Covenant Falls, Colorado to see the latest veteran to plan on just passing through and end up finding more than he was even looking for!”

The Silver Dagger Scriptorium – Creating the Perfect Couple

I like to create the perfect couple by creating the two people who are decidedly imperfect for each other.

When I start a book, I usually have a hero – or heroine – in mind and then visualize the polar opposite. My new book is a perfect example. I hope I have readers wonder how these two can ever resolve their differences.

Falling Leaves – Excerpt

She looked up to see two men enter Maude’s. One was Eve’s husband. The other man caused her breath to catch in her throat.

Lisa didn’t know why, exactly. It wasn’t because he was cover-model handsome. But there was something about him that was strikingly different.

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads – Researching a Book

One of my favorite aspects of writing is research. I have endless curiosity about nearly everything and everyone. I truly enjoy it when writing takes me to new places.

In The SEAL’s Return, I went on many journeys through Google. The first, of course, was about SEALs, the training they take, the type of missions they undertake, the various ranks, etc.

Angels With Attitude Book Reviews – Review

“I really enjoyed this story especially about a wounded hero who put his own suffering aside to help another.How could you not fall in love with a fellow like that?It really reminds you there is Hope and Joy for all of us within our reach.An enjoyable story about love and sacrifice that tugged at the readers emotions.”

Babs Book Bistro – Review

“The characters are ones you want to get to know and see good things happen to. I love how the author has Lisa as a caring and not a judgmental person. She cares a great deal for people. Jubal is always there for Gordon when he really needs someone. I like how everyone interacts and makes the story a real page turner.”

Cafinated Reads – Review

“This is a story of hope, belonging and finding that one true love that will heal all wounds, past and present. I will be going back and grabbing up books 1-3 if they are all as amazing as this book! Jubal’s character stole my heart instantly. Lisa’s character was chiseled perfectly, in my opinion. Definitely a keeper, if you ask me! This book is deserving of 4.5 stars and the highest “hats off” praises you can give!”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…
The SEAL’s Return
(Home to Covenant Falls #4)
by Patricia Potter
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
February 1st 2017 by Harlequin Superromance

This is the home he never expected…

With a terrifying ordeal behind him, former navy SEAL Jubal Pierce was supposed to stay in Covenant Falls, Colorado, for only a day or two. That’s it. He’s not prepared to put down roots here—no matter how intriguing the town’s new doctor happens to be. Not to mention Dr. Lisa Redding’s teen brother is on a troubled path that’s all too familiar. Suddenly Jubal finds himself entangled in the community and with deep, unfamiliar feelings for Lisa. But maybe a little detour is just what a warrior needs to find his true purpose…and true love.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

Other Books in the Series


About the Author

Patricia Potter is the USA Today Bestselling Author of more than fifty books. She has received numerous writing awards, including RT Storyteller of the Year, its Career Achievement Award for Western Historical Romance and its Best Hero of the Year Award. She is a seven-time RITA finalist and three-time Maggie Award winner. She has served as president of Romance Writers of America. The SEAL’s Return is her fourteenth book for Harlequin.
Prior to writing fiction, she was a reporter for the Atlanta Journal and president of a public relations firm.


Tour Giveaway

– 1 winner will win a $25 Amazon eGift Card
– 3 winners will win an ebook of THE SOLDIER’S PROMISE (book 1 in the Home to Covenant Falls series)
– Open internationally
– Ends February 14th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Read this fun mystery as a stand-alone, or start with book #1
 The Mystery Of Hollow Inn 
for only .99!
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What could be better than hiking, swimming, and horseback riding? Having a mystery to solve, of course! 

When Sam and Ally go off to summer camp together, they discover the secrets of Camp Whispering Pines. Set in the beautiful, rugged mountains of the Pacific Northwest, the clues are slowly revealed and it’s up to the two girls to figure it out. 

New friendships are formed, while at the same time enemies lurk nearby. The closer they get to uncovering the truth behind the camp, the further they are pushed into danger and deceit. Can Sam and Alley put all of the pieces together before it’s too late? Follow them on another thrilling tale filled with excitement and adventure, along misty, high mountain trails, and deep ravines, where the answers wait to be found!
This fun middle grade series is being called a modern-day Nancy Drew. It will take you back to your Trixie Beldon days, but are in current social settings with real issues relevant to today’s teens and pre-teens. They’re clean, wholesome stories that you and your kids will devour! 

Check out the whole series

Tara Ellis, an Amazon best selling author, lives in a small, rural town in Washington State set in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She enjoys the quiet lifestyle with her two kids and several dogs. Tara was a firefighter/EMT, and worked in the medical field for many years, before committing herself to writing young adult and middle grade novels full-time. 

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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:

Anna del C. Dye
Title of book and/or series:
A Golden Princess. Book three in A Royal Romance Series
Brief summary of the story:
“Not Trolls strength or wizard’s spell will keep me away from you”

Small for her age, Princess Nyala is determined to be noticed and someday rule with fairness and valor in Kaloma. All changes when she looks upon the stars and they predict her accident. After she awakens to a broken body, her father takes to his goblet and she steps into power in her kingdom at sixteen.

Her father said that no man would choose a half-broken princess. Is that how Prince Nicolao sees her after the accident? Her heart is unsure and out of fear she keeps him away to avoid a broken heart.

As soon the other kingdoms in the land determine the predicament of the Royal House of Kaloma, they too will prey on her vulnerability to steal her kingdom. She will have to confront new foes or lose it all.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
A Golden Princess is loosely based in Brazil. The kingdom’s name is Kaloma.
If we were to visit Kaloma as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Kaloma has very artistic people and you will find groups of dancers in many places throughout their cities.
The market place is full of delicious food, colorful materials, trinkets and animals of all kinds.  
What dangers should we avoid in Kaloma?
Kaloma’s kingdom is surrounded by many jungles. You should go only with a reputable guide and then follow all their suggestions or you may never return.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Kaloma?
Yes, but that all depends on from where are you from. They have delicious tropical fruits, but if you are from an island they may not be that new to you. They have banana plantations too, and many different kinds of bananas and also they have bounteous game.
“It pays to hold your tongue”

What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Kaloma?

They used machetes, swords and even charms to keep the peace. Though they are not afraid of knives and know how to use them well.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Kaloma?
They travel by horse, foot and wagons. They also use a bed, carried on the shoulders of four strong men.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Kaloma?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
In the neighboring kingdom of Burahm, they have astrologers. One read from the stars and foretold the Golden Princess’ accident, the death of her father and his sickness.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Kaloma.
They know and play a game they called birdy, which is a racket game of today. They also play the flat ball game, which is a hockey kind of game.
“What a way to go to war”

Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Kaloma as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?

Yes, they have four seasons. They celebrate the harvest festival every year in autumn. The girls don flower circlets in their hair and dance dressed in colorful apparel. They hold a tasting contest among the ale brewers, in the region during the festival.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Kaloma?  Please describe what it involves.
They have priests but religion is not mentioned much in the story.
What is the political or government structure in Kaloma?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Like many kingdom in this era, Kaloma has a Royal representative at it head. Right now, the throne is occupied by Princess Nyala.
The princess had to pass through quite a lot to be trusted and respected by her people after the accident that left her a half-broken body. Now peace and prosperity is the result of her ultimate sacrifice.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Kaloma?
It is said that if a single man enters the room of a single woman at night both will be punished, even put to death.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Yes, Princess Nyala’s personality and life’s tests are similar to mine. On the other hand, this story came to me as I watched a young man made of gold. His golden/brown hair, eyes and skin were stunning and I wondered how a golden princess would do for a character. The young man was actually from Brazil. That is how A Golden Princess came to be loosely based on that country.

Author Autobiography:
Anna del C. Dye was born in Valparaiso, Chile amongst some of the world’s most famous beaches. She grew up the middle, after her twin, Elena. Her mother died when she was six, but Anna was lucky enough to find a new mother in her husband’s mother whom she loves dearly. Anna accredits her mother-in-law with teaching her many things in life.

After meeting Rodney, a native of Idaho, in her hometown, Anna traveled to Utah on Christmas Eve and married him two weeks later. An article about their love story, Why Me? was published in spring 2010 by Covenant in the book Angels Round About. Anna and Rodney reside in Taylorsville, Utah and are the parents of three princes and a princess.
Early on in her life, Anna showed an affinity for sewing and took classes that rewarded her with the opportunities of doing costuming for the cast of four musicals, and a movie, which she enjoyed immensely. She is in charge of the costumes for the Elf Court in Utah’s own Fantasy Con. She is fluent in both English and Spanish.

Anna is an accomplished, multi-award winning author. She received the Editor’s Choice Award from the International Library of Poetry. Second place for the first page of A Kingdom by the Sea. Bronze medal for Elfs in a Conquered Realm.  Her short story entitled Amerine—Fairy Princess won an award in the Oquirrh Writers contest and was published by Kalkion Magazine. Her article, A New American Mother, was published by Desert Saints Magazine. Other articles about family and relationships have been published frequently in the MOMS CLUB® of Salt Lake Valley-West.

She is the author of The Silent Warrior Trilogy and four other books in her Elf Series. Anna has also published an electronic book for sixth-graders name Emerine’s Nightmare. From her new A Royal Romance Series, A Golden Princess is the stand alone book three of this series.

Anna holds a yearly Book Drive in her community and has given more that 250 books to 6 different Elementary Schools and another 1000 to 3 different Senior Centers in Utah.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? 
My books are in kobo with produce several formats
Where can readers connect with you online?

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–> https://www.amazon.com/Anna-del-C.-Dye/e/B002BLY7D2/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1486504918&sr=8-1-fkmr0

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Kaloma.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima
On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Under Gemini
By Linda Hope Lee

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out…

Launch – Note from the Author

Welcome to my Prism Book Tour for Under Gemini, a Crimson Rose novel published by The Wild Rose Press. Gemini is a fictional island in the San Juans, an archipelago between Washington State and British Columbia. I’ve long thought the islands would be a good setting for a mystery and finally an idea came to mind.

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

He turned in her direction, and their gazes met.
She offered the hint of a smile and a brief nod. He nodded and smiled, too, and then they both looked away. Meg pursed her lips and tapped her foot, wishing her contact from Gemini would arrive.

fundinmental – Excerpt

The man waiting stepped forward. “I am. I’m Eric Richards.”
“I’m going there, too,” Meg said. “Megan Evans.”
“Jones, here to pick ya up. Boat’s at the marina.” He thumbed over his shoulder to the docks. “Here, lemme take that.” He nodded at Meg’s suitcase and held out his hand.

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Excerpt

Working together. Meg’s shoulder’s tightened.
She’d counted on having the workplace to herself. Now she’d have to share it with Eric Richards. How could she do her investigating with him around? Eric’s frown told her he didn’t like the situation any better than she did.

Paulette’s Papers – Excerpt

He glanced at Megan Evans sitting in the back of the boat. In her early thirties, she had thick, dark brown hair drawn into a ponytail. Large brown eyes and a softly rounded chin gave her a vulnerable look. An air of sadness surrounded her, too. Something bad had happened, and not long ago.

Mel’s Shelves – Excerpt

Meg followed Jones and Eric along the dock. Just before stepping onto the shore, she felt her heart skip a beat. Once she set foot on land, there’d be no going back. For better or worse, at least for the duration of her employment, she’d be stuck here on Gemini Island.

Becky on Books – Excerpt

Meg followed Eric and Jones up a stone walkway lined with ferns to large double doors carved with Indian designs. Jones pushed open one door, and they stepped into a spacious, sky-lighted entry….

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This was an enjoyable book. I liked the suspense throughout the story. It was good to capture and hold one’s attention. . . . I would recommend this book to other readers.”

The Silver Dagger Scriptorium – Excerpt

. . . They reached the guest cottages, six in all, with three on either side of the road….Wolf House, Laureen had called Meg’s cottage. Looking up at her totem, Meg saw where the name came from. The carving of a wolf’s head topped the pole. Not even the bright sunlight beaming on him could dispel the menacing eyes and razor-edged teeth. She could almost hear him growl and snarl. Was he supposed to scare her? Or protect her? Meg wasn’t sure which.

Zerina Blossom’s Books – Excerpt

Clutching a small metal box, Eric paced his cottage, extending his hand in front. As he approached the phone on the counter between the kitchen and living room, he saw one of the lights on the device blink. Yep, his good ol’ bug buster picked ‘em up every time. He set down the box, unscrewed the phone’s speaker, and studied the insides. Pretty sophisticated. Carl Miller—or whoever installed the bug—was up on the latest technology. Leaving the bug in place, he put the speaker back together.

Nicole’s Book Musings – Excerpt

Nick Hinton was a former FBI agent Eric met in training at Quantico. . . . He and Eric often did favors for each other. “Can you run a check on someone for me?”
“Sure. What ya got?”
Eric scanned the nearby woods for signs someone might be nearby. Except for the soft breeze sighing through the trees, all was quiet. “Her name is Megan Evans.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Under Gemini
by Linda Hope Lee

Adult Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 234 Pages
February 8th 2017 by The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

Reeling from the deaths of her ex-husband and their nine-year-old daughter, Meg Evans suspects foul play in the mysterious auto accident. Clues lead her to Gemini Island, where she goes undercover cataloging Northwest Indian artifacts while conducting her own investigation. She doesn’t count on having to work with the enigmatic and handsome Eric Richards.

Artifact expert Eric has hidden reasons for coming to Gemini, and he doesn’t relish working with anyone who might thwart his search for answers. Will they keep their true identities and their missions hidden? Or can they learn to trust each other and together discover Gemini’s terrible secret?

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About the Author

Linda Hope Lee

Linda Hope Lee writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and mysteries. She enjoys traveling especially to small towns in search of story ideas. She’s also an artist, specializing in watercolor, pen and ink, and colored pencil. Photography provides inspiration for both her writing and her art. She lives in the Pacific Northwest, where many of her stories are set.


Tour Giveaway

– 1 winner will win a $50 Amazon eGift Card and a copy of UNDER GEMINI (ebook if international, print if US)
– 3 winners will win a copy of UNDER GEMINI (ebook if international, print if US)
– Ends February 21st

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Outlaw’s Secret
By Stacy Henrie
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out…

Launch – Note from the Author

I’m so excited to introduce readers to the Becketts brothers—one a lawman, the other an outlaw—in my next two books releasing from Love Inspired Historical. In THE OUTLAW’S SECRET, you’ll meet Tate Beckett, a Pinkerton detective posing as his outlaw twin brother Tex. You’ll also meet Essie Vanderfair, a dime novelist in need of a great story. And she hopes to find it when she begs to go along with the gang of train robbers that Tate has infiltrated. These opposites-attract characters were so much fun to write as were the outlaws Essie meets and interviews.

Bookworm Lisa – Review

“There were several instances that brought a smile to my face and I wanted how to know they were going to get out of the mess they were in. This is a fun book that is set in the “Old West”. There are outlaws, lawmen, and a feisty heroine.”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review & Interview

“This was a fun book. The characters were likable and flawed just enough.”

Q: What other genre, one day, would you like to write? Why or why not?

A: Though I’ve tried my hand at writing contemporary, I enjoy writing historicals much more. I’ve also dabbled with the idea of writing historical women’s fiction, but I love a good love story so I don’t know that I could pull off writing something without having a romance at its heart.

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“I love a romance that makes me swoon and this one does just that. Not only are the romance and characters well done, the setting is fantastic too. I felt myself transported back to the late 1800s and loved being a part of that time–when I wasn’t shivering in my boots with fear. I also really enjoyed Essie’s writing moments, which are often thoughts–she’s an interesting character with a vivid imagination and has me engrossed in her ideas. I’m definitely looking forward to what this author writes next!”

Hearts & Scribbles – Meet Tate and Essie 

Born and raised in Idaho, Tate Beckett is an identical twin. But his brown hair and blue eyes are about the only thing he shares with his brother Tex. Tate’s brother is the infamous outlaw known as the Texas Titan and Tate feels duty-bound to atone for his brother’s crimes by tracking down other outlaws in his job as a Pinkerton detective agent…

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“The Outlaw’s Secret has it all – action, adventure, romance, humor, faith and depth. It will make you smile and it will twist your heart too. It will make you hold your breath – for the kisses and again for the nail-biting action. Essie is such a fun heroine, and Tate is most definitely swoonworthy. Another fun and sweet novel by Stacy Henrie that I highly recommend!”

I Am A Reader – Undisguised: the Pinkerton National Detective Agency

While operatives were required to abide by a code of ethics—including things like not accepting reward money and working with local law enforcement—Allen Pinkerton was a staunch believer in the end justifying the means. That meant that sometimes in order for an operative to track down a criminal, the detective might have to “become” a criminal in a sense—just as Tate does by posing as his outlaw twin brother in order do to bring down the Fletcher gang.

The Power of Words – Review

“There’s nothing typical about Stacy Henrie’s newest release and she has become one of my favorite writers in the Love Inspired line. The Outlaw’s Secret has it all – character depth, humor, romance, suspense, and rich historical detail. It’s well written, entertaining, and refreshingly unusual in storyline.”

Seasons of Humility – Review

“On the romance side, it’s fun to watch Tate/Tex and Essie dance around each other, both mistrusting in turn and each fiercely determined to follow their own goals. Their journey includes moments of danger, threats to budding feelings, and a few twists.”

Kathleen Denly – Interview

Q: As an author, I often get asked how much of myself I put into my characters. So I’m curious, if you were on that train instead of Essie, how would you handle the situation?

A: I would’ve been terrified! And unlike Essie, I would have chosen to stay seated and silent and hopefully unseen.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“This was such a fun adventure. The story started off with a bang and took off from there. I settled right in and enjoyed the ride!”

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

Tate Beckett’s jaw was clenched so tight he thought it might snap. Of all the rotten misfortune. He had to run into a nosy, busybody like Miss Essie Vanderfair on his first job with Fletcher’s gang. If he wasn’t careful, this woman, with all her probing questions, would figure out he wasn’t the Texas Titan after all. Then his covert work, posing as his outlaw twin brother, would be finished.

Mel’s Shelves – Review

“Once I started reading this book, I settled in and didn’t want to put it down. It moves at a fast pace and there was never a dull moment. I enjoyed it from beginning to end and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good, clean western romance!”

Falling Leaves – Excerpt

Fletcher’s mouth curled up in a sneer. “Try me, Tex.” He lifted his hands in a mock gesture of innocence. “But now your life is tied with hers.” He walked away, adding over his shoulder, “I think you’re smart enough to figure out what that means.”

Singing Librarian Books – Review

“Stacie Henry has masterfully written a story that readers will be enthralled with from page one until the very end. This is a fairly quick and easy read that will inspire the romance in all of us! Henry has a distinct way of writing that will draw readers in as they leave the world of reality behind and enter the enjoyable and entertaining world of the Wild West.”

Colorimetry – Excerpt

Sure enough she spotted the impression of horse hooves in the dirt and a partially trampled sagebrush farther on. If she kept heading in that same direction, she would eventually stumble into the trio.

She bent forward over the horse and coaxed it to go faster. There were interviews to conduct. And no one, not even a handsome, sly, back-stabbing Texan, was going to stop her.

Zerina Blossom’s Books – Interview

Q: Is there anything you would like to say to your fans or readers?

A: Thanks for your support! I’m excited to share Tate and Essie’s story with you. If you read it and enjoy it, then look for Tex’s story in July, when you’ll find out where the Texas Titan was while Tate was impersonating him to take down Fletcher’s gang.

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Review

“The Outlaw’s Secret delivers humor, romance, faith, and some wonderfully exciting moments where death is only a step away from both hero and heroine. . . . Fans of Stacy Henrie and of western historicals will surely not be disappointed in the thrilling pages. . .”

Heidi Reads… – Review

“I was glued to the pages to find out when Essie would discover Tate’s secret, when they would give in to the chemistry building between them, and if the real Tex would make an appearance. Another great western from Stacy Henrie with suspense, action, and romance!”

Her heart beat faster as she opened her mouth and said, “Call me Essie. It’s only fair.”

A low chuckle sounded in her ears. “Try to get some sleep, Essie. We’ve got another long ride tomorrow.”

Smiling in triumph, she closed her eyes, but it was still some time later before she could turn her thoughts from the silent figure guarding the camp. And from the memory of her name on those nice, masculine lips.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

The Outlaw’s Secret
by Stacy Henrie
Christian Historical Romance

Paperback & ebook, 288 pages
February 7th 2017 by Love Inspired Historical

Lawman in Disguise

Getting taken hostage by a gang of train robbers wasn’t in dime novelist Essie Vanderfair’s plans, but interviewing these men could make her career soar. Especially since the gang includes legendary outlaw Tex Beckett, better known as the Texas Titan. Tex is famed for his protection of women and children, so she’ll be fine…right?

Keeping the gang in line was hard enough before a stubborn, beautiful writer interfered. Now Tex is scrambling to keep Essie safe, to gather evidence against the gang and most of all to hide his dangerous secrets. First, that he’s a detective working undercover. And second, that he’s not the Texas Titan at all, but Tex’s twin brother, Tate Beckett.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook DepositoryHarlequin

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Stacy Henrie is the author of western romances and the Of Love and War series, which includes Hope at Dawn, a 2015 RITA Award finalist for excellence in romance. She was born and raised in the West, where she currently resides with her family. She enjoys reading, road trips, interior decorating, chocolate, and most of all, laughing with her husband and kids. You can learn more about Stacy and her books by visiting her website at stacyhenrie.com.


Tour Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive print copies of LADY OUTLAW and THE EXPRESS RIDER’S LADY + $10 Amazon Gift Card (US only)
– 1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card (open internationally)
– Ends February 18th

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