Book Release: The Egyptian Elixir
What if you were an average person – perhaps slightly above average because you have your medical degree – and one day, someone kidnapped you and turned you into a vampire? Would you suddenly turn evil? Become a crazed animalistic brute? Or would you retain your free will and battle your demons and temptations if you could?
The Unofficial Chronicles of John Grissom is a book series created for the modern reader who wants their vampires relate-able, their relationships snarky and humorous, and their fiction historical and exciting.
Set in the Regency era, the time of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, The Unofficial Chronicles follows the life of John Grissom, a second son of middle class gentry, and a bacteriologist by profession. Having been infected with the disease of vampirism, but unable to tolerate the idea of consuming human blood, he relies on animal blood to satisfy his dark needs. And does his best to retain every ounce of humanity he possibly can.
He leads a lonely life until he stumbles on a vampiric conspiracy to overturn the monarchy with Napoleon’s help, and “rightfully” establish vampires with the power and prestige some think is their due. John, his beautiful new assistant Henrietta Isherwood, and his new friend, Gerhardt Van Helsing, the Prussian vampire hunter extraordinaire, aren’t about to let England become an enslaved state.
The trio’s fledgling beginnings as the Bow St. Odd Crimes Division (think a Regency version of the XFiles) are captured in Order of the Blood, a full length novel now available for FREE on (No, seriously, you should go check it out, because it is that good!)
Their next adventure, minus the intrepid Henrietta who convalesces in Ireland, is presented in Page Zaplendam’s newest release, The Egyptian Elixir.
 “loved, loved, loved it!” – ARC reviewer
What could possibly go wrong on a surveillance trip to Parliament? Apparently everything.
When John Grissom and Van Helsing find themselves witnesses to an assassination attempt on the Marquis of Wellesley, they discover London’s most notorious purveyor of stolen goods at the bottom of it. But his ability to influence people is odd to say the least. The vampire and the hunter investigate, but the Egyptian elixir may prove the undoing of them both.
With shades of old world science and new world sensibilities, The Unofficial Chronicles of John Grissom present a gripping take on the vampire narrative and ultimately ask the question, what truly makes a monster?
This Regency gothic won’t leave you afraid of the dark, but it will leave you admiring the fortitude and determination of one who can overcome his murderous inclinations, and still maintain an outlook on life that is free of bitterness and full of hope.
Reviewers said of Order of the Blood:
“a truly enticing novel”
“an exciting tale with real substance”
 “Read like an episode of Penny Dreadful”
 “I can’t wait for sequels”
The Egyptian Elixiris available on for $1.99
Page Zaplendam is a longtime fan of science fiction everything, dystopian novels, folk lore, fairy tales, and Regency romance. She has been a contributor to several science fiction anthologies, owns an editing and freelance writing service, and occasionally blogs at An engaging and humorous entertainer, she loves doing live interviews, public speaking, and sharing about writing and marketing craft both on her blog and on 10 Minute Novelists, the Catholic Writer’s Guild, and the Clean Indie Reads group. Interested parties may find her on twitter (@pagezaplendam), Facebook, or Goodreads, when she’s not working on becoming the next bestseller or changing diapers… or the best at changing diapers.
If you’re interested in discount and giveaway info, exclusive free fiction, and the occasional weird story, be sure to sign up for her newsletter, The Fantastical.

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Release Celebration for
Royal Design
By Sariah Wilson
ROYAL DESIGN is releasing as a Kindle in Motion ebook. Go to Amazon to see a preview of some of the special video features included. It’s so fun! And in case you need a teaser, here is one of the heroine, Bellamy Sullivan:

Learn more below and enter the fabulous giveaway…
Royal Design
(The Royals of Monterra Novella)
by Sariah Wilson
Contemporary Romance

ebook, 217 pages
February 14th 2017 by Montlake Romance

Bellamy Sullivan’s life is hardly regal. She’s a waitress from Ohio who’s been on her own since she was sixteen, working several jobs while her dreams of being a fashion designer stay just that. But everything changes when PR maven and soon-to-be-royal Lemon Beauchamp drops in to announce that Bellamy is a princess. Unfortunately, Bellamy’s newly assigned bodyguard is the last man she wants to see.

A year ago, the royal family of Monterra tasked Enzo Rannalli with confirming Bellamy’s heritage, which meant he had to get very close to her. Enzo got the confirmation he needed, but he didn’t expect their connection to be so meaningful. And he didn’t expect his sudden departure to break the young princess’s heart.

In exchange for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to kick-start her fashion career, Bellamy agrees to star on a royal reality show that will match her with the world’s most eligible bachelors. But after a series of disastrous dates make her even more grateful for Enzo’s company, she wonders if her fairy-tale ending is waiting to happen off camera.

The Royals of Monterra Series
Nestled in the Alps between Switzerland and Italy, the small kingdom of Monterra is ruled by a loving and loyal family. Thanks to magical good fortune, the gorgeous and charming royal Fiorellis always know when they have found their true love and partner, and they won’t let anything get in the way of their happily ever after. Along with their friends and extended family members, they travel the world in pursuit of love and adventure. Full of relatable heroines, irresistible heroes, and glamorous backdrops, these sweet modern-day fairy tales offer a perfect romantic escape in a world where money is no object and love conquers all.
— Sariah
Other Books in the Series


About the Author

Bestselling author Sariah Wilson has never jumped out of an airplane, never climbed Mount Everest, and is not a former CIA operative. She has, however, been madly, passionately in love with her soul mate and is a fervent believer in happily ever afters—which is why she writes romance. She grew up in Southern California, graduated from Brigham Young University (go Cougars!) with a semi-useless degree in history, and is the oldest of nine (yes, nine) children. She currently lives with the aforementioned soul mate and their four children in Utah, along with three tiger barb fish, a cat named Tiger, and a recently departed hamster that is buried in the backyard (and has nothing at all to do with tigers). Learn more about her and her work at
Release Celebration Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
Ends February 17th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: F. P. Spirit
Title of book and/or series: Ruins on Stone Hill/Heroes of Ravenford
Brief summary of the story:
A dark malevolence threatens Ravenford—the town under siege by forces unknown. Their only hope may lie in four newcomers: Lloyd, a young warrior with blades of fire, Glolindir, an elven wizard as deadly to his friends as his enemies, Seth, a cynical halfling who may be an assassin, and Aksel, a quiet gnome whose very touch can heal.
From eerie woods to haunted ruins, secret passages to hidden rooms, they must unearth the root of the darkness that has Ravenford at its mercy. With death breathing down their necks, will they rise to the challenge and become the heroes that Ravenford so sorely needs?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The story is set in the fictional world of Arinthar, on the island continent of Thac. It is a world of magic, populated by humans, mystical races and monsters, all of whom uneasily coexist together. The world has survived for many ages and numerous wars have taken place on its soil over the millennium, the last great conflict being the Thrall Wars nearly 100 years ago. Though other battles still ensue on the mainland, Thac has experienced an unusual period of quiet since then, but recent events have indicated that this brief time of peace may be coming to an end.
If we were to visit Thac as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
The world of Arithar is filled with many beautiful and strange sights. On the island continent of Thac alone, there is the eerie lighthouse, Sentilla Light. On the eastern coast, the magical tower not only lights the night sky, but makes continuous music as it does so.
There is also Kai Arborous in eastern-central Thac, the tree city of the High Elves. Located on the eastern edge of the great forest, Ruanaiaith, the breath-taking elven city sits high among the upper branches of the giant Arcarion that make up a majority of the ancient woods.
Far to the north, the gnomish city of Caprizon is built into the high cliffs on either side of the Stilwyndle. Myriads of cable cars hang over the great ravine, joining the two sides of the city together. To the south lies Lymeridia, the largest city in all of Thac, and perhaps the entire world. It is a sprawling ancient metropolis, and home to the Council of the Magi, the order that rules over all the magical users of Thac.
The island continent itself is divided down the middle by a towering wall of mountains that practically reach up to the sky. They are aptly named the Thertassels, or ‘Sky Wall’ mountains by the elves.
What dangers should we avoid in Thac?
Thankfully Thac is not nearly as dangerous these days as it was one hundred years ago during the Thrall Wars. Back then, demons, dragons, huge golems, zombies, vampires, and all sorts of other undead creatures roamed the island, killing all in sight. Though many lives were lost, thankfully their leaders, the Thrall Masters, were defeated.
The demons have since returned to the Abyss, the dragons now mostly keep to themselves, and the golems and undead have all but disappeared. However, there are rumors of dark things stirring in parts of Thac. The Bendenwoods are plagued by thieves. There are stories of giants descending from the hills and terrorizing farmsteads. Many sailors have claimed to see sea serpents off the coast. In the little town of Ravenford on the east coast, there is talk of spooky lights and sounds coming from the old ruins on top of Stone Hill to the south. The hill itself is surrounded by an eerie forest where most of the trees are dead. Nothing has grown there since anyone can remember.
The seas are also not always that friendly. Aside from serpent sightings, there are pirates the roam the waters between Thac and the mainland. However, thanks to the military might of Penwick, most pirates tend to stay away from the coast of Thac these days.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Thac?
The denizens of Thac enjoy their ale, cider, and other typical brews. Foods are typically fresh from the surrounding farms and home-made. Chicken, steak, fruits, vegetables, pies and cakes are standard fare. Though there are spells that can produce feasts fit for a king, leaving the partakers feeling refreshed and sated for days.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Thac?
The sword, shield, knives, lances, maces, clubs are your standard weaponry in Thac. Yet, some have learned to supplement their combat styles with magic. Some of the more famous groups are the Knights of the Rose, a holy order of the wind god, Cormar. They use divine magic to strike down evil creatures and fell beasts with the swords. There are also the Ruby Knight Vindicators of the great city of Dunwynn. They are another holy order, but of the goddess of law, Wee Jas. The Ruby Knights use sword and spell to vanquish their foes. Finally, there are the Spirit Blades of Penwick. Spirit Blades do not get their power from a divine source. Instead, they are a martial order, training their mind, bodies, and spirits to perform great feats that appear like magic.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Thac?
Travel in Thac is mostly by horse and wagon. Sea faring sailing vessels carry travelers around the coasts and across the channel to the vast mainland. However, there are airships that course through the skies, powered by the magic of great air elementals. Those airships are few though, mostly relegated to military endeavors.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Thac that we don’t see on Earth?
There are many magical races in Thac. Elves, dwarfs, gnomes, and halflings are a few of the friendlier ones. Yet, there are also dark elves, orcs, goblins, trolls, bugbears, all sentient, but not of the friendly variety of people. Dragons are a mixed breed. Metallic dragons are typically friendly, but the chromatic dragons are extremely dangerous to the other races. Arcarion trees can be found across the island continent, but are more prevalent in the forests of Ruanaiaith and the mainland.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Thac?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Magic is quite prevalent throughout the world of Arinthar, though not so much that it is used by everyday folk. Still, there are many different types of magic users in Thac.
Classical spellcraft magic is powered by mana, the energy in and around all things. There are two schools of spell casters, arcane and divine. Arcane casters use their intellect to drive their abilities while divine casters derive their focus from their faith. Spells are cast through a combination of material ingredients, ritual movements, and verbal commands.
There are other types of spell casters who use mana, but gain their focus through a pact with spirits. These magic users are dubbed witches and warlocks. While many mean well, spirits are an unknown quantity. Evil spirits in particular will warp their prodigies into dark witches and the like. Therefore, it is not a widely practiced art.
There is one other school of magic in Thac, or a derivative of magic. It is called Psionics. Unlike classical spellcraft, psionicists do not rely on mana as their source of energy. Instead, their power comes from within—from their spirit or soul. Psionicists use concentration to focus their abilities and do not need material items or motions to invoke their power.
Interestingly enough, there is a direct correlation between psionics and the Spirit Blades of Penwick.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Thac?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
We’ve already discussed airships. Aside from those, there are teleportation rings which can instantaneously transport a person or object to another location on the planet. There are also mage cannon which expell spheres containing great fire elementals. Those can cause massive damage to any target they hit. There are soul gems, jewels that contain the captured souls of a living creature. Those magical items can be fixed into almost any item, be it a weapon, shield, bracer, or other piece of armor, bestowing enhanced powers to the wielder or wearer. There are also rune weapons or armor which function similar to items powered by soul gems. Rune items, however, are driven by the symbols of magic, a far more preferable way to acquire power than through the enslavement of living souls.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Thac.
Entertainment in Thac is mostly found in taverns, the halls of royalty, and events. The Fair in Lukescros is yearly event that ushers in the fall season in Thac. The venue includes everything from duels and jousting to musical competitions. Music is a huge source of entertainment in Thac. Bards travel between the cities and towns, performing both song and dance, as well as telling stories and delivering news.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Thac as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
The days of the week are the same as ours. However, the months are different. These are: Ianuarius, Februarius , Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Iunius, Quintilis, Sextilis, Setembrius, Octibrius, Notimbrius, Decimbrius. There are numerous fall festivals throughout Thac including the Fair in Lukescros. There is also Festivus during the start of winter at the end of the year. Finally, there is a great celebration on Martius 15th. Known as “Freedom Day,” it is the date the last Thrall Master was defeated some hundred years ago.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Thac?  Please describe what it involves.
The world of Arinthar is a polytheistic society. There exists an entire pantheon of gods and goddess called the Ralnai. Above them all reside the seven greater powers who are never seen nor worshiped individually. Situated below the greater powers are the material gods. These are gods and goddesses who have manifested at times to their worshipers and provide focus to clerics, or divine casters, of their order. The material gods are numerous, each having their own area of dominion. For example, Cormar is the god of winds, Alaric the god of storms, and Arenor the hand of light. There are also dark gods such as Cel, the mistress of death. That is not her full name, but if one were to speak it, she would appear before them and they would die instantly.
What is the political or government structure in Thac?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
There is no one leader in Thac since the overthrow of the mad Emperor Naradon seven hundred years ago. Thac was divided into Dukedoms and Baronies since that time, and has been ruled in that manner to this day. The Council of the Magi in Lymeridia is perhaps the only central ruling body in the entire island continent. There are kingdoms on the mainland such as Lanfor and Isandor, but the rulers of Thac have little direct contact with them other than trade.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Thac?
The elves are a very old and proper race with a long history of propriety and traditions. For instance, they consider it polite to greet and complement each other with formal elven sayings. When Glolindir, the elven wizard, first meets the half-elf merchant, Pheldan, he thanks him with the phrase Aa’ lasser en lle coia orn n’ omenta gurtha. This roughly translates to May the leaves of your life tree never turn brown. Therefore, if you plan on traveling to Kai Arborous, or find yourself in the company of elves, it might be best to brush up on elvish etiquette.
Also, if you are not human, and travel to northeastern Thac, try to avoid the city of Dunwynn. Dunwyneers are extremely xenophobic, and will either run you out of town, or worse.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
The stories of Thac and the Heroes sprang from a role-playing adventure my sons and I participated in over the last few years. It started out as background material for the characters, then grew into short stories, and even entire story arcs. The Heroes series is loosely based on those stories, as sort of a legacy to my sons and our friends. Thus, some of the characters have personality traits which closely mimic some of the people in my life.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Spirituality, the belief in something greater than ourselves, the spirit of cooperation, and the overcoming of our differences are all themes within the books. Racial bigotry and the corruption of power are also two topics that frequently appear in the novels.
Author Autobiography:
F.P. Spirit has always loved fantasy. From the moment he received his very first copy of Lord of the Rings back in high school, he was hooked. Today, somewhere between work and family, F. P. manages to write sword and sorcery fantasy fiction.
His novels, Ruins on Stone Hill, Serpent Cult and Dark Monolith, are the first three books in the series Heroes of Ravenford. The series chronicles the adventures of a band of young heroes in the dangerous world of Thac. F.P. is currently working on the fourth book in the Heroes of Ravenford series, Princess of Lanfor, to be released in 2017.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
The first three books of the Heroes of Ravenford Series can be purchased on Amazon in both ebook and paperback format:
Ruins on Stone Hill –
Where can readers connect with you online?
My author website is
I also have a FB page for the Heroes series at

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I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Thac.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
A Cowboy to Keep
By Karen Rock
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out…
Launch – Note from the Author

Best of all, this novel is the prequel to my ROCKY MOUNTAIN COWBOYS series that starts November 1, 2017. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN COWBOY series chronicles the lives and loves of Jack’s ranching family, the Cades (hot-tempered, passionate rough-riding rebels) and their neighbors, the Lovelands, (laconic, stubborn, gritty loners), with whom they’ve feuded for over a hundred years. They are loyal, strong and determined cowboys who work hard, play harder and love forever. I know you’ll fall in love with them as much as I have!

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Dani’s 10 Tips to Running a Dude Ranch

Howdy all! Dani Crawford, stable manager at the Mountain Sky Dude Ranch outside of Denver, Colorado has learned a lot on the job and she’s ready to share her tips to running a dude ranch…

1. Carefully plan your horse line-up. Keep horses that don’t like each other apart, pair the right horse with the right human and always put the gassy horse in the back- lol.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is a tale of secrets, judgement, redemption, mystery, suspense and romance. , . . This was a very enjoyable book to relax with.”

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Excerpt

Jack rolled his eyes skyward and his chest rose and fell. “Ma’am. I have no quarrel with you. Let me have my gun and I’ll be on my way.”

Dani blew out a breath. “Kick it over here.” He did, and the Glock skidded to a stop at her feet. “Don’t move unless you want your head blown off.” At his nod, she snatched it up and straightened, her rifle still trained on the trespasser. “I could shoot you. It’s the law.”

“But you won’t.” He lowered his arms and crossed them.

Bookworm Nation – Review

“I really enjoyed this one. I I thought the plot and setting were a lot of fun. I also really enjoyed the characters of Dani and Jack.”

I Am A Reader – Things Bounty Hunters Hear

Jack’s been chasing criminals since bond jumpers gunned down his little brother two years ago. He wants retribution, but most of all he wants redemption since he blames himself for not protecting his sibling like he should have, as an older brother. Life on the road is hard, but he won’t quit until he takes as many lowlifes off the streets as possible so that no families have to suffer as his have. Here’s a sample of what he hears every day on the job:

1. “You’ve got the wrong guy.”

Nicole’s Book Musings – Excerpt

Dani’s stomach fluttered at Jack’s appreciative look, then he strode down the hill. When she hustled after him, he stopped at the base. “What are you doing?”

“Going with you.”

“Sorry, sweetheart, it’s too dangerous.”

With Love for Books – Review

“Karen Rock writes about a beautiful ranch with stunning horses situated in a former mining area. There are many places for a criminal to hide, both on and close to the premises, and while Jackson and Dani visit them because they’re looking for someone, I could still enjoy the vivid descriptions of the amazing countryside, a combination I liked a lot. A Cowboy to Keep is an original love story. It’s filled with suspense and at the same time it’s really romantic. I loved this fabulous story with many unexpected twists and turns.”

Reading Is My SuperPower – Interview

Around here I like to say that reading is my superpower. If YOU had a superpower, what would it be?

Karen: Hmmmm… there are so many good ones that I wish I had… I would love to fly. Sometimes I really, really wish I could make myself invisible. Also, it’d be fun to morph into different animals, like dolphins or eagles, and get to see their worlds. But, if I’m true to who I am, my superpower would be storytelling because I believe in the power of stories to uplift us and transport us from our everyday lives. I’m a big believer in hope and positivity and faith and I hope my books give that to my readers.

Urban Book Reviews – Review

“The book was intense. Sweet, hot, and intriguing. I couldn’t stop reading it. Karen Rock has created two characters that will never be forgotten. An emotional attachemwnt occurs once the book is read. Once, one reads this, it will be hard to let go. Addictive, well-written, and highly engaging. Overall, I highly recommend this romance to readers worldwide.”

The Silver Dagger Scriptorium – Jackson’s 10 Tips to Courting a Cowgirl

Howdy! Jack here. Tracking bandits is easier than chasing cowgirls. When I first lady eyes on Dani, my heart about stopped beating. Of course, she’d pulled a gun on me for snooping around the dude ranch, so that might have been a contributing factor. Still, I knew right then and there I wouldn’t rest until I’d swept her off her feet and into my arms. I don’t love often, but I love hard and I knew she was the only woman for me. Here are my tips on how best to court a strong, gutsy cowgirl like Dani:

1. Don’t leave home without your wranglers and your cowboy hat. And a little face scruff never hurt none, neither.

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

“Thought you were waiting for my signal.”

Dani’s voice was breathy.

“If I waited any longer, I’d be drawing social security.”

“Ha-ha,” she said slowly, so Jack understood exactly how funny she thought him, and, contrarily, wouldn’t suspect that she really did find him amusing.

No more flirting.

Brooke Blogs – Review

“A Cowboy to Keep was such an enjoyable book. Between Dani’s past catching up to her, the chase for Smiley, and even more twists and turns, you will find yourself staying up late to finish this one. I liked the suspense and I really liked the romance. It was tender, sweet, and believable. If you like sweet, wholesome romance plus suspense, then you will enjoy A Cowboy to Keep by Karen Rock.”

Okie Dreams Book Reviews – Review

“If you’re looking for a terrific contemporary romance with a good dabble of suspense mixed in, pick up a copy of A Cowboy to Keep by Karen Rock. It’s a great read and the perfect prequel story to what promises to be a stellar new series: Rocky Mountain Cowboys.”

Falling Leaves – Excerpt

Jack. When he smiled, Dani couldn’t help smiling. When his face turned sad, something inside her broke a little. She wished she’d met him years ago, before she’d gone left instead of right, taken the wrong turns that kept her from ever traveling beside him.

But she had him for now and she’d make the most of it.

Paulette’s Papers – Jackson’s 10 Tips to Tracking Down a Criminal

Hey all. Jack here. I’ve been tracking bond-jumpers since my brother’s murderers skipped out on their court appearance. This cowboy’s picked up a few tips for tracking down criminals:

1. A little menace goes a long way in persuading reluctant witnesses to talk.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“In addition to romance, this book has a bit of danger, mystery and suspense to liven things up. . . . It’s hard to resist a good cowboy story!”

Thoughts of a Blonde – Excerpt

All her feelings for him—hot and beautiful in her heart—dissolved on her tongue, strange, new and inexpressible.

He twined his fingers in hers, his thumb circling the center of her palm, slowly, and Dani disintegrated.

Becky on Books – Interview

Where did the inspiration for this book come from?

I’m a huge fan of westerns, especially ones with renegade heroes like Jack Cade. Those dark, conflicted cowboys tempt the good gal in all of us who hope to tame these strong, fierce men. I was also inspired by the idea that sometimes the person who most needs to forgive us for our past mistakes is ourselves. Both Jack and Dani have troubled pasts and their path to love requires them to confront, and forgive those mistakes before they can be ready for their happily-ever-after. I always want my characters to earn their happy endings and when Jack and Dani finally get there, it’s all the sweeter for the challenges they overcame.

Book Reviews – Review

“I loved this story by Karen Rock. . . . If you love cowboys, horses, and adventure, you will love A Cowboy to Keep.”

Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

And then he pulled back, his eyes on her, his expression a silent question she couldn’t answer. Instead, she reached up and kissed his scar, wanting him to know that it made him beautiful to her. How much he meant to her. How every atom of her wanted to be here with him.

He angled his head and kissed her once more, slowly and tenderly.

Fire and Ice Book Reviews – Review

“FANTASTIC!!! Another fantastic read by Karen Rock. This story not only had the chemistry between Dani and Jackson but had tons of twists and turns some that I didn’t see coming. “

Mel’s Shelves – Reasons to Vacation on a Dude Ranch

The first time I learned about dude ranches was in a funny movie titled CITY SLICKERS with Jack Palance, playing a tough as nails cowboy, and a three city boys, comedians Billy Crystal, Bruno Kirby and Daniel Stern, who are hopelessly out of their element after they sign on for a cattle drive. Watching the grandeur of the West, the freedom and sense of independence life on the range can give, I’ve always known two things: 

1. I would someday visit and/or live out west and I would write a book set here.

Lola’s Reviews – Review

“If you’re looking for a great slow building romance with a well done, but subtle suspense element I would definitely recommend this book. There was so much I enjoyed about this from the realistic and interesting main character to the wonderful setting, the suspense element which kept me on my toes and wondering about people their motivations and some side characters that made the story complete. The romance feels real and these two were so great together. This might be my favorite book by this author yet and if I am correct this is the first book in a new series!”

Zerina Blossom’s Books – Interview

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

My favorite chapter is always the Happily-Ever-After chapter. I put my characters through quite a bit before we reach the ending and it makes the final scene the sweetest of all because we know that the hero and heroine have truly earned that joy. It’s that smiling through tears part of the book and I can’t wait to write those scenes!

Don’t forget to enter the fabulous giveaway below, if you haven’t already…
A Cowboy to Keep
by Karen Rock
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
February 7th 2017 by Harlequin

Can’t stop running from the past

Dani Crawford has a secret…and if bounty hunter Jackson Cade finds out, he could ruin everything. The scarred yet handsome cowboy has tracked a dangerous criminal to the dude ranch Dani manages, and to get rid of Jack she’ll have to help him catch his man. But the closer they get to cornering their quarry the more Dani wants Jack to stay. Spending time with him is making her long for things she can never have thanks to a past mistake. And if the truth comes out she may be spending her future behind bars rather than safe in her cowboy’s arms…

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleKobo
Book DepositoryHarlequin

About the Author

In a quest to provide her ELA students with quality reading material, educator Karen Rock read everything out there and couldn’t wait to add her voice to the genre. In addition to her work as a Young Adult romance novelist, she’s now an author for Harlequin’s Heartwarming line and thrilled to pen stories that moms can share with their teenage daughters. She’s loved Harlequin books since she spent summers going through her grandmother’s Presents books that she passed along in paper grocery bags each year. As half of the writing duo J.K. Rock, Karen also pens young adult romance. When she’s not busy writing, Karen enjoys scouring estate sales for vintage books, cooking her grandmother’s family recipes, reinventing her gardens to suit her moods and occasionally rescuing local wildlife from neighborhood cats. She lives in the Adirondack Mountain region with her husband, her very appreciated beta-reader daughter, and two Cavalier King cocker spaniels, who have yet to understand the concept of “fetch” though they know a lot about love. For more information about Karen’s upcoming books, check out her website.




Tour Giveaway

– 1 winner will win the above Prize Pack: 7 Paperbacks & a $50 Amazon Gift Card (US only)
– 1 winner will their choice of an ebook of one of Karen’s backlisted titles (open internationally)
– Ends February 14th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:

Kyle Robert Shultz.
Title of book and/or series:
The Beast of Talesend (Beaumont and Beasley, Book 1)
Brief summary of the story:
A detective who doesn’t believe in magic and who is famous for debunking it ends up magically transformed into a monster. He joins forces with an eccentric enchantress in a quest to restore his humanity.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The Afterlands are a parallel universe where fairy tales all really happened, roughly two thousand years ago. The “modern” world is built upon the aftermath of all those stories. The Beaumont and Beasley series takes place in the early 1920’s E.A. (Ever After), and Book 1 is set in the city of Talesend (the Afterlands’ version of London). The Afterlands’ equivalent of the UK is the United Kingdom of Camelot.
If we were to visit Talesend as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
The city’s main attraction is the Museum of History, where you’ll find various artifacts left over from fairy tales. Few of them are actually magical, of course, but the original Mirror from the story of Snow White is on display there. It will only speak to people who have magical abilities, but trust me, a conversation with it isn’t worth the price you’ll pay.
What dangers should we avoid in Talesend?
Stay out of the city’s less savory districts. There’s a thriving black market in magical artifacts in Talesend’s underworld, and the people who trade in such things are generally quite ruthless. The ordinary people of Talesend may not believe in magic, but the criminals know it’s realーand they’re not afraid to use it.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Talesend?
For the most part, Talesend cuisine isn’t very different from what you’ll find in the England of our world. However, there is a certain cafe whose existence is known only to a chosen few, where inhuman creatures hiding amongst ordinary humans go to get more “specialized” foodstuffs. Not recommended unless you have a taste for basilisk spleen.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Talesend?
Guns are the most common weapon. The more magically-inclined use firearms that fire enchanted bullets, causing miniature blizzards, lightning storms, vaporization, temporary transformation of the target into a duck, etc. Other enchanted weaponry is common in the Talesend underworld as well: brass knuckles that impart temporary bad-luck hexes, crossbows whose bolts can swerve to find their targets, and knives that put people under sleeping curses.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Talesend?
Automobiles are a recent invention, but are rapidly becoming commonplace. Zeppelins are also used frequently. The odd horse-drawn carriage can still be seen once in a while, but they’re slowly falling out of favor.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Talesend that we don’t see on Earth?
You’re unlikely to encounter anything besides ordinary humans and animals in Talesend, as most magical species are either in hiding or presumed extinct. There are legends of monstrous wolves who roam the streets at night, but no definitive proof has ever been found of their existence. It’s as if they have some supernatural power that prevents people from gathering information about them.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Talesend? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Magic has little influence on the everyday lives of Talesend’s citizens. Most people don’t believe it exists. But sightings of monsters and bizarre phenomena are becoming more frequent every day, causing some to wonder if magic is returning to the world.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Talesend?
Since it’s the 1920’s in the Afterlands, there is no particularly advanced technology. However, more and more people are secretly using devices that fuse “modern” technology with magic.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Talesend.
Motion pictures are the latest fad in recreational activities. They’re silent, however…and quite frankly, they’re not very good by 21st-century-Earth standards.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in the Afterlands as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
The calendar is the same, and Christmas exists in the Afterlands. (As does Santa Claus.) Aside from that, Talesend celebrates two local holidays: Excalibur Day (April 17), a commemoration of King Arthur’s reign; and Hyde’s Night (November 5), a remembrance of when the nefarious Mr. Hyde’s plot to destroy the city was thwarted.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Talesend? Please describe what it involves.
Narratianism is the most common religion in Talesend. This is virtually identical to Christianity, except that God is also referred to as “The Narrator,” a being who spoke the entire multiverse into existence. There is also a cult called Arcanism, dedicated to the worship of magic itself. Followers of this faith tend to be fanatical and dangerous.
What is the political or government structure in Talesend? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Like England, Camelot is a constitutional monarchy. The current queen is Guinevere III, who recently took the throne at age seventeen. The people of Camelot are fiercely loyal to her. The Prime Minister, Everard Dwight, is less popular, as he’s rumored to have connections to Talesend’s organized crime.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Talesend?
Despite the fact that most people in the Afterlands don’t believe in magic, superstition is far more prevalent there than it is in our world. They have a thing about mirrors in particular. Don’t break any mirrors. You’ll end up a pariah, and I can’t promise there won’t be some magical consequences as well.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
My mother’s family has a European background, so I’ve drawn from that to some degree in creating the culture and atmosphere of the Afterlands (given that they are, in essence, an alternate Europe).
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
None, really. I just write to entertain, not to make statements.
Author Autobiography:
I began writing in my early teens after being bitten by a radioactive book. As a Christian, I strive to write fiction that is entertaining and wholesome, but devoid of overt “messages” or agendas. I live in the wilds of southern Idaho, removed far enough from civilization to keep humanity safe should any of my rough drafts break through the electric fence. Aside from writing, my other passions are worship music, digital art, horseback riding, and raising miniature sheep.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?
Where can readers connect with you online?
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Talesend.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Christy Nicholas

Title of book and/or series: The Enchanted Swans

Brief summary of the story: In pre-Celtic Ireland, Fionnuala was a fae princess, born to a life of luxury. She knew her duty and loved her family. She missed her mother, who died in childbirth when Fionnuala was but ten years old. Still, she had hopes and dreams of love and a full life.

All her dreams were stolen from her, ripped away in a torrent of envy and magic.

Now she must care for her three brothers while learning to live under an evil curse. Will she find a way to break the spell, or would they remain swans, tethered to three places for nine hundred years?

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: This is set in pre-Celtic Ireland, around 500BCE, just as the Tuatha de Dannan were being forced beneath the hills. It is a world where magic is normal and the ravens are trusted friends and teachers. 

If we were to visit Ireland as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? There are just so many things to see in Ireland! But if you want to see places associated with the events in the story, go to Torr Head in the northeast. It’s an amazing area, the Antrim coast is stunning.
What dangers should we avoid in Ireland? It’s not a dangerous place today. But you don’t want to fall asleep in a fairy circle. You might never come back to the world today, and be forever in the Fairy realm!

Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Ireland? Believe it or not, NOT potatoes. They were introduced in the 17th century from America. Pre-Celtic Ireland and modern Ireland have fantastic lamb, though.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in The Enchanted Swans? Magic or bronze swords. As they are Fairy, the Tuatha de Dannan cannot use our touch cold iron. This, of course, was their downfall, as the Celts had iron and used it to great effect.

What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used for travel in The Enchanted Swans? Chariots, horses, and boats for the most part. Occasionally you could ‘ride along’ in a mental flight with your bonded raven, but that was rare.

What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter? The ravens are definitely the star of the book, in my opinion. At a young age, each royal child is bonded with a young raven. This raven with grow with the child, teaching them etiquette, manners, magic, and history. They become the child’s dearest and nearest friend, protector, and confidante.

What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in The Enchanted Swans? Lots! Each person has magic, though each has a specialization, or something they excel at. Fionnuala, the main character, has a talent at healing. Her father, Lir, is great at protective wards. While anyone can do other magic, it’s difficult to do something they’re not specialized in.

Is there any advanced or unusual technology in The Enchanted Swans?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples. Not really, unless you count the new architecture for their cities Under the Hills. Since they aren’t required to be protective against invasion or weather, they can be elegant and soaring, like any fairy city should be.

Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in The Enchanted Swans. Fighter practice is common among the warriors and any royal children, learning to fight with bronze sword, spear, or arrow. Fionnuala is especially good at archery.

Is there a particular religion practiced in The Enchanted Swans?  Please describe what it involves. Since the Tuatha de Dannan are directly descended from the gods of ancient Ireland, such as Danu and The Dagda, it’s more ancestor worship than a religion. They do work with the Morrigan at one point to try to break their 900 year long curse.

What is the political or government structure in The Enchanted Swans?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? King Bodb Dearg is the High King, and his queen is Dervla the Dark. They are good, fair rulers, though Dervla is thought to have Fir Bolg ancestry, and thus her dark complexion. There are lesser kings under the high king, and King Lir, Fionnuala’s father, is one of them. He wanted to be High King, and this desire had been the start of the tale, resulting in Bodb Dearg gifting him one of his daughters as a bride, and then a second when the first died.

Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of? The Druids are the advisors, historians and entertainers of the Tuatha de Dannan, being the keepers of knowledge, magic, and law.

Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? I love Ireland. I’ve visited many times, and to me, it’s my soul’s home, mo anam bhailein the Irish. The entire land is magical, with mystical, mist clad hills undulating under the lowering clouds.

What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? Jealousy, family, duty are the main themes. Abuse and alcoholism are touched upon.

Author Autobiography: Christy Nicholas, also known as Green Dragon, has her hands in many crafts, including digital art, beaded jewelry, writing, and photography. In real life, she’s a CPA, but having grown up with art all around her (her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother are/were all artists), it sort of infected her, as it were. She loves to draw and to create things. She says it’s more of an obsession than a hobby. She likes looking up into the sky and seeing a beautiful sunset, or seeing a fragrant blossom or a dramatic seaside. She takes a picture or creates a piece of jewelry as her way of sharing this serenity, this joy, this beauty with others. Sometimes this sharing requires explanation – and thus she writes. Combine this love of beauty with a bit of financial sense and you get an art business. She does local art and craft shows, as well as sending her art to various science fiction conventions throughout the country and abroad.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
·      Amazon
·      Publisher website
Where can readers connect with you online? 
·     Facebook
·     Twitter
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Pre-Celtic Ireland.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima

What happens when Lara Croft meets Jane Austen in colonial Africa? You get the USA Today bestselling “Society for Paranormals”, a delightful cozy mystery series in which a paranormal investigator refuses to let danger, death and unwanted suitors inconvenience her in the small town of Nairobi.

The first book in the series, Ghosts of Tsavo, is free, as is the prequel and a beginner’s guide to African supernatural beings; pick up your copies from

As if that’s not awesome enough, you can pick up 8 books for $2.99! On 29 January, Stones of Nairobi (the seventh book in the series) will be released. Everyone who buys a copy in the first 48 hours of its launch will also get free access to seven more books. For all the details on this time-sensitive deal, go to

Enjoy this excerpt from Stones of Nairobi:

A cool dampness enveloped us as we descended into the tomb but it wasn’t a pleasant relief from the humid heat above. Moist slime soiled the walls. The air clung to my skin with hints of mouldering bones and unpleasant secrets. In a few steps, we were entirely swallowed by earth and shadows. The opening above our heads provided us only the dimmest illumination. Still, as the tomb we entered was not so big, it was sufficient for the purpose.

A sarcophagus filled most of the space. Carved out of a single chunk of coral, it had similar engravings on the side as the stone above it. The outline of an unusually tall man protruded out of the lid, the carved features of the face sombre and stern.

“Do we need to launch into poetry again to open this lid?” I enquired. “Or will a song and dance suffice?”

Smirking, Koki replied almost affectionately, “Insolent human.”

Approaching the sarcophagus, she gestured to me to join her. Wordlessly, we both pushed on the lid. Despite its size, it wasn’t as heavy as it appeared. I could only thank the porosity of coral for that one consolation. In preparation for the fumes that would certainly exit around us, I ceased breathing through my nose and, as the lid crashed onto the other side, I held my breath entirely.

Peering down, we came to the same realization at the same instant: Liongo’s body was gone.

“Well, how inconsiderate,” I said as I turned to Koki. “It’s one thing to drag me half way across the country to this desolate, dreary and uncomfortable isle. It’s quite another to do so for no purpose at all.”

Bewilderment was a rare, if impossible, mood for Koki and yet, in that moment, it clouded her countenance thoroughly. “I don’t understand. The body is supposed to be here.”

A glimmer caught my attention. I leaned over the edge of the sarcophagus, its cool stone pressing into my waist, and studied the phenomena through my glasses.

“There’s more writing here,” I said and read the inscription. “Cool water.” Straightening up and removing my glasses, I scoffed, “There’s nothing cool around here.”

“It’s the Maasai name for Nairobi,” Koki said, her smug smile reasserting itself. “Enkare Nairobi. Cool water. His body must have been moved there, to protect him from his enemies.”

Before we could continue discussing the whereabouts of a corpse, a deep, throaty, snarling growl vibrated around me, its volume equivalent to an entire pride of lions growling together. The earth vibrated just as we heard an explosive crashing above our heads. Bits of coral and dust loosened and fell upon our upturned faces. Something large covered the opening to the tomb.

In the resulting darkness, I heard Koki sigh.

“What is that?” I demanded, hefting my walking stick in preparation.

Koki replied in a bored tone, “That, dear Miss Knight, is why the island is deserted.”


The Case of the Curious Canine


It’s here! Book #7 in the Samantha Wolf Mysteries, and it’s a doggone good mystery!

(Although part of a series, it CAN be read on it’s own!)
The next best thing to owning your own dog is having a job where you get to take care of them. That’s what Sam figures when she, Ally, and Cassy all volunteer at a local animal shelter. But they don’t expect the trouble that comes along with the work.

When dogs start showing up at the shelter with odd symptoms, the director doesn’t seem concerned. However, strange coincidences start to happen and Sam doesn’t believe that they’re random.

Confronted with the hard decision of following either her heart or her nose for a good mystery, Sam faces an emotional dilemma. Sometimes, the right path is the most difficult and this is one challenge that’s going to take all of her friends to help solve.

Tara Ellis, an Amazon best selling author, lives in a small, rural town in Washington State set in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She enjoys the quiet lifestyle with her two kids and several dogs. Tara was a firefighter/EMT, and worked in the medical field for many years, before committing herself to writing young adult and middle grade novels full-time. 

Her on-going middle grade mystery series, The Samantha Wolf Mysteries, has hit the best seller status on Amazon in the children’s detective story genre several times, and continues to grow in popularity. The engaging, fun stories herald back to the days of Nancy Drew and Trixie Beldon, and several readers have commented that the series is of the same caliber. These are clean reads that are suitable for the whole family to read together, and are also part of the Kindle Unlimited program.





Long Lost Neighbors

By: Frances Hoelsema

Gregory Bronson learns he’ll soon be moving away from his neighbor and best friend, Alison Levin. When he tells her the shocking news, she feels her world is being turned upside down. What would she do without Greg? What would Greg do without her?
Fast forward fifteen years. Ali is engaged to Sean Whitman who can provide her with anything she could ever want. While vacationing, however, she runs into Greg. Suddenly she’s not so sure Sean is the one.
Greg finds himself just getting out of a bad relationship when he and Ali reunite. He can’t help but be attracted to her and wonder if the two of them could ever stand a chance.
As the two of them rebuild their friendship, the foundation for something more is set. But after they are interrupted with an emergency, Ali realizes she must make a choice. Will she choose her fiancé, Sean, and go through with a wedding that is already planned and paid for? Or will she give it all up for her friend, Greg, who could give her the one thing Sean doesn’t: all of himself?

  Long Lost Neighbors is a clean, contemporary romance that focuses on what it might look like for two best friends to be separated while still young and to reunite later in life. This novel is full of tough life situations, internal struggles, and sweet/steamy attraction. The best part is that you can feel good reading it AND sharing it because there’s nothing that will make you cringe!   You can find Long Lost Neighbors on Amazon in PAPERBACK for just $8.99 and EBOOK for just $2.99! And as with all of Frances Hoelsema’s novels, Long Lost Neighbors is FREE on Kindle Unlimited!   This is the third novel in Frances Hoelsema’s Neighbors Series where each novel shows some kind of love connection between neighbors. Though it’s the third and last installment, Long Lost Neighbors can be read as a complete standalone novel. For information on her first two novels, please click on the picture you’re interested in.

About Frances

  Frances Hoelsema is a wife and mother residing in Michigan where she gets to enjoy all four seasons, autumn being her favorite. After earning a degree in business and transcription, she now gets the best of both worlds by working from home as a real-time writing manager for an international transcription firm.

 In her spare time, Frances thoroughly enjoys traveling, kayaking, hiking, shopping and loving on her cats. She is also an avid reader and writer who loves to engage with others through social media. Some concepts that Frances stands for are positive parenting, homeschooling, clean eating and pursuing a relationship with Christ instead of pursuing religion. She also believes in never giving up; that everyone should keep pursuing their dreams. Frances loves to imagine a good story and write it to life so she’s always busy working on her next novel. To connect with her, please choose any of the following links:

WEBSITE          FACEBOOK          TWITTER          EMAIL

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Cassie M. Shiels
Title of book and/or series: Lady A (A Princess Tale book 2)
Brief summary of the story: 
Lady A is in terrible danger, an annoying side effect of her brother’s latest scheme. Forced to run for her life from a madman, she must return to the one place she vowed never to go again, or die. After a failed attempt on her life leaves her without a name and her memories, Lady A must fight to regain them in order to help the handsome prince defeat the madman, who is threatening their kingdom. But will she remember in time? Or will she lose everyone and everything she loves?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Lady A takes place in the country of Slavina and three of its closest towns. Veyon where Lady A and her brother Dan live. Avern where the old wheel Inn is located. Avern is also between Veyon and Saris. Saris is the capital city of Slavina where the castle and most of the story takes place. There is a little bit of magic in this country but not as much as some surrounding countries. They mostly have healing magic with select holders.
If we were to visit Slavina as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
            Go see the castle in Saris. It is huge and beautiful. The gardens at the castle are a must, especially the maze gardens. The rose gardens are a close second. If you need a place to stay there is no place better than the Old Wheel Inn in Avern.
What dangers should we avoid in Slavina?
Slavina has a river that falls into a ravine right next to Avern, between Avern and Veyon. It would be best to avoid this river and only cross at the one bridge in the town of Avern. It starts out as a normal river near Veyon but as it arrives at Avern it falls into a deadly ravine.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Slavina?
            They eat the usual mutton and bread. The drink of choice for most is ale. The castle cook is especially good at making white cakes for the royal family. They live in an area where berries grow well. Strawberries do especially well.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Slavina?
            The knights of the realm prefer swords to any other weapon. Crossbows are also used fairly often. Boot daggers are the norm for the prince and his best friends.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Slavina?
            Travel in Slavina is limited to walking, riding a horse, or a carriage. The lower class people use wagons. The technology is also limited. No electricity. They use fires, candles, and torches for light. Animals are the normal forest animals.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Slavina?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
            Magic is only being discovered in Salvina. Other nearby countries have more of it, but so far those in Salvina are only aware of healing magic. Those who hold it are healers. They are still discovering their magic. They can heal small wounds easily. Things like breaks are harder, though they can speed the healing process. Memory loss is beyond them at present.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Slavina?
            Tournaments held by the knights. Balls held by the royal family and the nobles who attend court. Court is the biggest weekly event, where all those of nobility gather.
What is the political or government structure in Slavina?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
            King William is the leader of Slavina. He is a good king. He has full control of his country but he does have a group of lords who help run their various sections of the country. They are however still under the control of the king. William cares a great deal for his people and trys to protect them and keep the peace as much as possible.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
            A little bit of medieval history has been a small influence. As well as a few movies like Ever After, and Cinderella. I spent a long time on pintrest looking at castles and medieval dresses for ideas and images to keep in mind while I wrote the story. I also took the idea of the memory loss from my own stories that I told myself when I was a little girl.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
            I think I avoided most of those. I do get into the history of Slavina where the true ruler of the country is questioned.
Author Autobiography:
Cassie M. Shiels has loved stories since she was little. Her love of writing started even before she could write words. She was one to be found, reading late into the night (wait, she still does that!), on the school bus or before she did her homework. In middle school she determined that she liked creating her own stories as much as she liked reading them; so she decided she wanted to be an author and keeps working on making that dream come true with every story idea that bounds into her head.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
Lady A is available in both paperback and ebook on Amazon.I hope to expand into other areas like nook soon.
Where can readers connect with you online?
FIND ME: at my website: On Facebook, Twitter and on Instagram as authorcassie. You are also welcome to follow me on Amazon

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Slavina.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima