Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Kendra E. Ardnek
Title of book and/or series: The Rizkaland Legends – in particular, the second book of the series, Lady Dragon, Tela Du
Brief summary of the story:
A thousand years have passed since Amber’s most recent imprisonment on the Isle of Banishment, and it’s time for her to claim her promised fifty years ruling Rizkaland. Only one person stands in the way of her making the rule permanent – the Tela Du, a girl prophesied to share her face and to be the only one capable of ending Amber’s life.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Rizkaland is a cylindrical world divided into a mainland and six islands, with thick bodies of water known as Rivs flowing between them. Water flows in every color of the rainbow, each color with its own distinct flavor and use. Also, they have something against the letter c for some reason.
If we were to visit Rizkaland as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
I’d recommend that you start your tour in Loray, the castle at the heart of the mainland, where you’ll find not only the Bookholder’s library containing the complete history of the world, but also Alphego’s Hill, where Alphego stood to create the world. You can use the Hill to travel to the replicas built on the islands and do more exploring.
What dangers should we avoid in Rizkaland?
It is generally considered a Bad Idea to be caught by Amber – for not only can she turn people to ice, but she can turn herself into a dragon. She’s only a problem when she’d not on the Isle of Banishment, though. There are also a number of vicious animals, such as kirats – a large, bear-like creature you don’t want to tangle with – in Rizkaland’s forests.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Rizkaland?
Mistletoe muffins!
And Spiced Pomella Cider is a general favorite among visitors to the world.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Rizkaland?
Predominately swords, bows, and a form of martial arts.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Rizkaland?
Predominately the horse, but on the mainland they have Haric Doors that are doormats that you can use to travel quickly to Loray and back. And Alphego’s Hill and its replicas on the islands can be used for travel.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Rizkaland that we don’t see on Earth?
Plantlife in Rizkaland is every color but green (except in autumn, when it ALL turns green).
Animals? Well, as well as kirats, there are shwazles, a reptilian beast that has a head resembling that of a camel; etrinas, a catlike creature the size of a bobcat; kloradies, a yellow bird that resembles a canary, but with a longer beak; korrens, a yak-like beast of burden; and quaggleshumps, which are birds that resemble pelicans, but are much larger, with purple feathers and donkey-like ears.
The predominate sentient race – or Eliue in the Rizkan language – apart from the humans are the elves. And on the Isle of Talking Beasts you’ll find four races of horse-like creatures called the harandas, the hinequas, the rowandas, and the kiandas.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Rizkaland?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Each elf has a semi-unique gift such as invisibility, flight, healing, a heightened sense, or some other such. The kings and queens on the mainland are given similar gifts.
The hinequas have the ability to lessen the effects of gravity, which they use for flight. Kiandas can turn themselves invisible. It is suspected that Rowandas have the ability to slow time – in any rate, they move so fast, it’s hard to tell. Harandas have the power of telepathy and teleportation, and it is with hairs from their tales that the Haric Doors are made.
The Hills function on a supernatural level.
During Tying Ceremonies, a magical cord is used to bind the couple together.
The Bookholder – the highest rank a elf can hold – owns a special Book that contains prophecies and orders from Alphego, the words of which will change depending on the need. Daughters of the Bookholder, known as Bookdaughters, have the ability to Speak prophecies.
Alphego will occasionally gift certain people with gifts beyond that to perform certain tasks.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Rizkaland?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Nothing unusual compared to our world, but there is electricity in Loray and the five castles on the Isle of Klarand.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Rizkaland.
Variations of the medieval tournaments are popular, and they do have a few ball sports, though nothing organized on the level that earth sports are these days. Royalty enjoys balls, while barn dances, of a sort, are frequent among the common people. There is a nightly recitation of the Legends – what histories are called in Rizkaland – at Loray and the Kastle by the Bookholder or a Bookdaughter, and there are a few acting companies that travel through Rizkaland and Klarand presenting plays of their own invention and ones based on the Legends.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Rizkaland as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Rizkaland has a day and year equal to ours, but their year is divided into ten months named for the original rulers of the island of Klarand, and the weeks are eight days named for the original rulers of the mainland.
The New Year is celebrated much like we celebrate Christmas, and there are a few other special days, mostly commemorating past defeats of Amber.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Rizkaland?  Please describe what it involves.
Almost everyone acknowledges the existence of Alphego, even if they don’t personally believe in him. The Hill and its replicas are regarded as places of worship, and most people will at least try to seek the advice of the Bookholder or a Bookdaughter before making major decisions. Tying Ceremonies – which are technically engagement ceremonies, but with wedding vows – are held on the Hill or one of its replicas, and are officiated by the Bookholder or a Bookdaughter if at all possible.
What is the political or government structure in Rizkaland?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Rizkaland has a monarchy, with four kings and four queens, as it is believed that it isn’t good for any one person to have absolute power. Their chief advisor is the Bookholder, and they have a number of officials and such below them to help carry out laws.
The island of Klarand and the Isle of Talking Beasts are both subject to the Rizkan monarchy, though they are recognized as separate governments. Klarand has a monarchy with only one king and queen, but the island is divided into four quarters and their power is diffused through the Lord and Lady reigning over each section.
The Isle of Talking Beasts is ruled by the Sentaur who as his name suggests, is half-human and half-horse, and is immortal as far as anyone can tell. He rules with the help of a council of seven elected from among his people.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Rizkaland?
Rizkans don’t shake hands. They press a fist to their heart and, depending on their rank, will hold eye contact, bow, or glance towards Alphego’s country or the nearest Hill.
They refer to north, south, east, and west as up, down, ea, and wea.
As mentioned earlier, they don’t like the letter “c” and will only use it to make the “ch” sound, in which case, it is used alone. In every other situation, it is replaced with “k” or “s” as applicable.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Probably, but I’m having trouble remembering anything off the top of my head. There are the boxes that the elves possess, inspired by a typo by a friend of mine, though. And the Rowandas and Hinequas come from a story game my sister and I did in the backyard once.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I never outright address the issue, but I do deal with gender norms and women in power a lot in my writing. Also predestination vrs. free will came up in LDTD, which can be a pretty controversial subject. And there was a moment when old earth vrs. new earth was mentioned.
Author Autobiography:
Kendra E. Ardnek is a homeschool graduate who picked up a pen at an early age and never put it down. The eldest of four, she makes her home in the Piney Woods of East Texas with her parents, younger siblings, giant herd of giraffes, and honor guard of nutcrackers. 
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  
The first book of the series, Water Princess, Fire Prince is available on kindle and in paperback.
Lady Dragon, Tela Duis currently available for preorder on kindle.
Where can readers connect with you online? 

They can find me on my blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, and Pinterest.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Rizkaland.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part CXIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima

J. Grace Pennington has published four science fiction novels. They each have a unique bent to them, but this one is very different. Each book is a standalone, but as with any series, you get more of the story if you read them all in order. In Reversal Zone, the main character, Andi Lloyd, becomes the only one who can save the ship and crew. Can she do it in time?

About the Book

Nothing is as it should be.
After weeks of boredom, Andi is excited when the Surveyor is called upon to rescue a freighter that mysteriously vanished in uncharted space.  Excitement quickly turns to unease when the ship encounters an unknown phenomenon—a cloud that appears not to exist.  But with the freighter’s crew in danger, the Surveyor has no choice but to venture into unknown territory.
As soon as they enter the cloud, its unstable effects wreak havoc on the ship.  They’re flying blind.  Every piece of equipment is malfunctioning.  And every member of the crew is unable to think straight or act like themselves—except Andi.
Now she’s expected to guide them through the predicament with no previous command experience and no one to turn to for support.  And with each passing hour, it becomes clear that if they don’t escape the cloud soon—they won’t escape it at all.


When I reached the bridge, the whiteness of the windows startled me.  There wasn’t a cloudy quality to it anymore—other than a couple of faint bright spots, it was just pure, milky white.
            I was also surprised to find the Captain slouching back in his chair.  I’d never seen him sit like that before, except in total defeat.
            “Second medical officer on the bridge.”
            The Captain sat up and turned around.  “Need something?”
            I stared at him for a moment.  As with Crash, his posture was odd and so was his tone.  But I went on.
            “There’s something I need to tell you.”
            “All right, tell me.”  He sat back again.
            I looked around at the other bridge officers, who were all staring at me.
            “Do you… want to go to your lounge or something?”
            “No, go ahead, tell me.”
            I hesitated.  I didn’t love the idea of talking about the radialloy in front of people I wasn’t close with.  But an order was an order—and they all knew about it, anyway.
            “Tell me, tell me,” he insisted, waving his hand as if brushing away a speck of dust.
            “Well… you remember the radialloy, sir…”
            “You might need to speak up a little.”
            I cleared my throat and went on.  “The… the radialloy, sir.  You remember that?”
            “The… oh, right.  Yes, of course.”
            This wasn’t right.  I stared into his eyes and they looked—dull.  Flat.  Not alert and intent as they usually were on a mission.
            “I… well, my knee started hurting a little when we entered the cloud.”
            “Oh, I’m sorry.”
            The silence around us was so thick that every system beep or blip seemed to slice it.  I sucked in a deep breath.  He was sorry?  That was all?
            “I thought… the Doctor thought… the cloud might be making it hurt.  I thought you might be able to figure something out about it… I…”  I stopped, feeling a little queasy from the attention and awkwardness.  All seven pairs of eyes were fixed on me.
            “Harrison!  Can’t you see the girl’s trying to help?  Why don’t you sit up and pay some attention?”
            I froze.  That could not be who it sounded like.
            It sounded like Guilders.
            Guilders never raised his voice, he never called the Captain “Harrison” on the bridge, and he had never, ever called me “the girl.”
            “Mr. Guilders, I realize that Andi is trying to help.  I’m listening to her.  That should satisfy you.”  The words were calm, slow, and casual.
            “Captain!”  I took half a step forward, willing him to understand.
            He blinked, looked at me, and sat up a bit straighter.  “Hold on… wait…”  He held up both hands, fingers stiffly separated.  “Wait now.  Something’s wrong.”
            He looked over at Guilders, who lowered his bushy eyebrows and relaxed his shoulders slightly.
            “Something… something isn’t right.”  He stared at me again.  “Andi.  The cloud is making your knee hurt?”  His eyes were alert now, but confusion furrowed his eyebrows.
            “Yes sir.”
            “I… I think that…”  He pressed a hand to his forehead.  “Ugh.  I think… that’s helpful.  Thank…”  He stood up and stumbled to one side a step.
            “Captain?”  Guilders jumped up but he also stumbled.
            The Captain kept a hand pressed to his head.  “I… Guilders, what’s…”  He shook his head, hard, several times.  “I can’t think, I don’t…”
            The lights dimmed, then brightened, then dimmed again.  I backed towards the door, watching as the Captain blinked and tapped his head with the palm of his hand.
            “I… can’t… I don’t…”
            The lights flickered again, and I looked around.  Ralston and Yanendale both had their hands pressed against their heads, and August had gone even paler than usual.  Whales and Mr. Orstin had both slumped back in their chairs and their eyelids were drooping.
            “I…” the Captain said one last time, then he wavered and dropped to the floor.
            “Captain!” I cried.
            Guilders dropped next, falling into his chair and hitting his head on the console in front of him.  I winced, and watched in shock as August collapsed, rolling out of his chair onto the floor.  Yanendale slumped over his console, motionless, Ralston went limp and fell against the wall, and Whales and Orstin’s arms dropped and their eyes closed.

            The lights dimmed, then flickered off, then red blinking lights illuminated everything, alarms sounded, and I was left on the bridge, alone, with seven unconscious men.

About the Author

J. Grace Pennington has been telling stories since she could talk, and writing them down since age five.  Now she lives in the great state of Texas, where she writes as much as adult life permits.  When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading good books, playing movie soundtracks on the piano, and looking up at the stars.
You can find out more about her writing at www.jgracepennington.com.


Grace is generously offering three prizes. A signed copy of each of her three previous novels in the series. They are each standalone stories, but they are also connected. If you would like to read more about them, you can read about them here: Radialloy, In His Image, Machiavellian.
To enter the giveaway, please fill out this form.

Tour Schedule 

Friday, October 7
Bookish Orchestrations-Tour Introduction
Rebekah Lyn Books-Author Interview
Saturday, October 8
Shout outs-Guest Post
Shire Reviews-Book Review
Sunday, October 9
Monday, October 10
Rachel Rossano’s Words-Excerpt and Guest Post
In the Bookcase-Excerpt and Book Review
Tuesday, October 11
Wednesday, October 12
Bookish Orchestrations-Giveaway Winner

Creating an enchantment to protect her friends is risky, but so is having faith in mortals!

IT’S HERE! Finally the origin of The Secret Keeper Curse is told! BELAKANE, The Origin of the Curse is a novella.The book may be a little shorter, but the story  is big on paranormal drama!

Here’s the blurb you’ll find on the back of the book:

Belakane lives during the terrifying age of the Salem Witch trials. And, unlike the women around her, she actually is a witch. When Belakane’s magic gets her best friend Martha accused of witchcraft, the powerful sorceress creates a risky enchantment to protect what’s left of the small group of friends that hide her secret.

Will Belakane’s power save her friends or will it be the demise of all she holds dear?

If you’ve already read The Secret Keeper you know that an ancient spell has the power to erase a mistake, making it like it never happened. In Book 1, that’s how Winter Merrill erases a choice that she regrets. But…she can’t imagine how her bargain with The Secret Keeper will change her life, especially when under the rules of the curse, she cannot tell her next secret AND IT’S A DOOZY THAT MUST BE TOLD TO SAVE THOSE SHE LOVES!

 Here are the links to learn more about or purchase The Secret Keeper and In The Dying Light

Now for a fun little quiz: Which of these things was most likely to get you accused of being a witch in 1692?

a.      You are a woman
b.      You are close to an animal
c.      You are middle aged
d.      You talk to yourself
e.      Milk or buttermilk spoiled while in your cooler
f.       You have moles or scars
g.      Or you were in a low social position
Okay…so it was trick question. All of these things could get you accused of being a witch in Salem 1692. Would you have been in trouble?? I would!!
In Books 1 and 2 of the series we learn about how the secret keeper curse affects the characters that live in our day, but in Belakane we get to go back in time to 1692 in Salem Massachusetts, a very hostile time and place for a real witch like Belakane.

You can pick up Belakane, The Origin of the Curse on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, I-books, and Kobo for only 1.99! Here are the links:
Barnes and Noble

Discover the Secret Keeper series with Belakane or finally learn who created the powerful secret keeper curse and why it lives on in 2016! Thanks for stopping by and may  you never need a secret keeper!
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. This one is on sale for just 99 cents, for the next two days only!

Author’s name: Jennifer Ellision
Title of book and/or series: Threats of Sky and Sea
Brief summary of the story:
Bree has spent her life as a barmaid, innocent to her father’s past and happily free from the Elemental gifts that would condemn her to a life in the King’s army.
…Until the day soldiers recognize her father as a traitor to the throne.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The world of the Threats of Sky and Sea series begins in the country of Egria, where those who possess abilities over the Elements are conscripted into the King’s armies. As time goes on, our characters are drawn further into the war the King hungers for with the island nation of Nereidium. To say much more would be to spoil you!
If we were to visit Egria as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
If you find yourself in the capital, do stop by The Soused Turkey for a drink. It’s a bit of a hole-in-the-wall, but locals speak highly of the friendly manner of the barkeep and you can get a good—well, cheap drink there.
If you prefer landmarks and architecture, the winter palace is a sight to behold—some have playfully described the view as reminding them of a beautiful frosted cake.
What dangers should we avoid in Egria?
If you happen to be an Elemental, stay well clear of the palace in the capital. It’s the King’s stronghold and, if Revealed, he’ll not only punish you for avoiding conscription, but… well… you’ll find yourself serving a lifetime in his armed forces.
Unless you’re the sort that prefers fighting for a corrupt king. Then, by all means! Snap those fingers and light a flame.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Egria?
If you do happen upon The Soused Turkey and meet the barkeep, Clift, you might ask him for a glass of Starter Cider. It’s got a heady cinnamon flavor, but careful! It’s strong stuff.
And, erm… perhaps keep your Starter Cider away from an open flame. Just in case.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Egria?
Those who don’t possess Elemental abilities favor old-fashioned steel—swords, daggers, and arrows alike. When those are tossed aside, they’ll swing a punch if need be.
But the Elementals among us heavily favor using their Elements against an enemy. Stay clear of a Torcher in a bad mood…
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Egria?
By and large, inhabitants in the world of Threats of Sky and Sea travel by hoof or by foot. That is, unless they’re travelling to or from the island nation of Nereidium, in which case, they’d need a boat.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Egria?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
The magic at play in the world of the Threats of Sky and Sea series is dependent on the powers over the Elements that certain individuals possess—and the times that the Makers deign to interfere in the affairs of mortals.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Egria?  Please describe what it involves.
Many worship the Makers—the Mother and the Father. The Egrians’ creation myth tells that the Makers created the world, after a previous one was destroyed. With this new world, they chose to imbue certain individuals with the power of the elements, in the hopes that tying them more tightly to the earth would give them a greater respect for it.
When possible, Egrians worship in the middle of the week, mid-day—interrupting their day and week to worship.
What is the political or government structure in Egria?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Egria is a monarchy, currently ruled by King Langdon, who has one son—Prince Caden.
Langdon is power-hungry. Power-mad, but he rules unchecked.
…For now.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Egria?
I’d avoid wearing the colors red or purple, if possible. The King likes to reserve purple for royalty. And, though it is an outdated practice, red was once the color worn by murderers.
Author Autobiography:
I spent a great deal of my childhood staying up past my bedtime with a book and a flashlight. When I couldn’t find the stories I wanted to read, I started writing them. I love words, have a soft spot for fanfiction, and am a master of the fangirl flail. I reside in South Florida with my family, where I live in fear of temperatures below 60 Fahrenheit.
I’m the author of the (now complete!) YA fantasy series, Threats of Sky and Sea, as well as the New Adult contemporary romance, Now and Again.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
You can find my e-books on Amazon (where Threats of Sky and Sea is 99 cents at the moment)Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo, and Smashwords. Threats of Sky and Sea also has the honor of being available as a Booktrack, as well. Booktrack is a unique reading format in which the text is scored—like a movie soundtrack that plays as you read!
My novels are also available as paperbacks and you can find some of my works in audiobook form on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes—and I am working to make sure that they are all available in that format soon!
Where can readers connect with you online? 
I’m (almost) everywhere! You can visit me on my website, jenniferellision.com, chat with me on Twitter or Instagram as @JenEllision, or come hang out on my Facebook page!
You can also get updates on my work as well as other fun stuff by signing up for my newsletter—you get a free introductory short story just for signing up!

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Egria.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part CXII!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Available for FREE from 9/30/16 to 10/04/16

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A modern day Nancy Drew

Twelve-year-old Samantha Wolf, and her best friend Ally, are excited to spend part of their summer break in the mountains of Montana. But unbeknownst to them, Hollow Inn is bathed in mystery and legend. After arriving, they soon discover that things are not going well for Sam’s Aunt and Uncle, who own the Inn. There’s vandalism, ghostly sightings, and rumors of lost treasures. Determined to help, Sam and Ally embark on a challenging journey to discover the truth.


Book #1 – The Mystery of Hollow Inn 

Book #2 – The Secret of Camp Whispering Pines

Book #3 – The Beach House Mystery

Book #4 – The Heiress of Covington Ranch

Book #5 – The Haunting of Eagle Creek Middle School

Book #6 – A Mysterious Christmas on Orcas Island

Available now for pre-order!

Book #6

Tara Ellis, an Amazon best selling author, lives in a small, rural town in Washington State set in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She enjoys the quiet lifestyle with her two kids and several dogs. Tara was a firefighter/EMT, and worked in the medical field for many years, before committing herself to writing young adult and middle grade novels full-time. 

Connect with her on FB: Facebook

Follow her on Twitter: @taraellisauthor

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Take a look at all of her books on Amazon:   Amazon
On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Release Day Blitz for

Fall of Thrones and Thorns
By Jennifer Ellision
We’re celebrating the release of this newest addition in the Threats of Sky and Sea series! If you haven’t started this series yet, you can grab the first book in ebook for only 99¢. If you enjoy fantasy, you do not want to miss it! Make sure you check out the excerpt and giveaway below as well…

Note from the Author
I grew up fascinated with stories of women in fantasy worlds, like Tamora Pierce’s works. I was captivated by tales of magic, like Sailor Moon and Harry Potter. Held spellbound by stories where people wielded the elements like another limb, as in Avatar: The Last Airbender.
These are the stories I love.
And so, I wrote books that I would want to read.
With stories like these, it’s no wonder that my debut series, Threats of Sky and Sea takes place in a fantasy world. With Elemental characters. With a strong female main character.
And with the final book in the series, Fall of Thrones and Thorns, out into the world today, that story is complete. Readers can now inhabit this world, and live with these characters as much as I do.
I hope you enjoy the adventures as much as I have.

— Jennifer

Fall of Thrones and Thorns

(Threats of Sky and Sea #3)
by Jennifer Ellision
YA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 234 pages

September 27th 2016

War hurtles in, a typhoon over the sea.

After Bree’s life was torn apart, Nereidium had represented a haven to her. A place that—if she could save it—was beyond the King’s reach.

And, at last, she’s arrived upon its shores. But things in Nereidium are not what they should be.

The land is plagued by a rash of mysterious earthquakes, the likes of which it’s never known. The governors are distracted by old traditions, while Bree and her friends grapple with changing identities and the sense that the longer they wait to take action… the greater the danger from Egria grows.

Bree is tired of living under the shadow of King Langdon’s power. And she’s tired of waiting for him to be the first to act.

In this final chapter of the Threats of Sky and Sea series, it all comes down to Nereidium or Egria. To Bree or the King. It’s kill… or be killed.

And not everyone will escape the battle unscathed.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository

Excerpt from Fall of Thrones and Thorns

My hand lingers on the window frame, thinking. I’ve read book after book about Nereidium. Every spare bit of text on a page that I could get my hands on.

Not one of them mentioned a history of earthquakes in the country.

I try to quell the pit of uneasiness that is my stomach. The instinct that tells me that, somehow, Langdon is responsible for this.

“You’ll want to add sauce to that dough.” Trycia calls my attention back to my abandoned work, nodding at it as she kneads the crust of what she’ll be serving to those who wandering their way in for a bite. “Preferably before you add the cheese and put it on a stone in the oven.”
I leave the window. Worrying over Nereidium is Breena’s chore now. I have food to make.
Still, while my hands stay busy, my mind keeps churning. This is no coincidence. That quake. Geological changes happen, of course, but the timing is too coincidental.
“So, these earthquakes… They’re a relatively recent development, then?” I ask, unable to suppress the question.
Trycia sighs, not giving me an answer as she tosses the dough into the air and catches it deftly.
Maybe she would have answered me. But I don’t find out. The door swings open, soft footsteps pad inside, and I look up as Tregle enters. My stomach flutters at the look in his eyes when he catches sight of me. The hope of a new day’s sunrise is painted on his face. Hesitant and just blooming, but beautiful.
Trycia raises an eyebrow. “Friend of yours, Fancy?” I glare at her, and she lifts her hands in a mocking show of surrender. “Sorry. Mind the fire. I can afford a break. Not as though we’ll have a crowd tonight after another quake. I’ll see myself out.”
Only when the door swings shut behind her do I let myself speak, my heart dancing a slow step in my chest.
“Adept—” I pause, collect myself, and address him, for once, without a title. “Tregle.”
This is the one good thing to come from learning that I’m not who I thought I was. I’m a commoner, just as he is. An Elemental, just as he is. We’re finally on equal footing.

Other Books in the Series
Threats of Sky and Sea (Threats of Sky and Sea, #1)

Threats of Sky and Sea

(Threats of Sky and Sea #1)
by Jennifer Ellision
YA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 360 pages
May 20th 2014
Sixteen year-old Breena Perdit has spent her life as a barmaid, innocent to her father’s past and happily free from the Elemental gifts that would condemn her to a life in the Egrian King’s army. Until the day that three Elemental soldiers recognize her father as a traitor to the throne and Bree’s father is thrown in jail—along with the secrets from his last mission as the King’s assassin. Secrets that could help the King win a war. Secrets he refuses to share.
Desperate to escape before the King’s capricious whims prove her and her father’s downfall, Bree bargains with him: information for their lives. It’s a good trade. And she has faith she’ll get them both out of the King’s grasp with time.
But that was before the discovery that she’s the weapon the King’s been waiting for in his war.
Now, time is running out. To save her father’s life and understand her own, Bree must unravel the knot of her father’s past before the King takes his life– and uses her to bring a nation to its knees.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository

Riot of Storm and Smoke (Threats of Sky and Sea, #2)
Riot of Storm and Smoke
(Threats of Sky and Sea #2)
by Jennifer Ellision
YA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 350 pages
August 17th 2015
“War draws closer, like a tide to the shore.” 
Bree and her friends have escaped the clutches of the Egrian King, but their troubles are far from over. Still reeling from the secrets that drew new breath when her father took his last, Bree sets off for the safety of Nereidium– the kingdom she’s just learned is hers. But with the King’s ire at its peak and war a certainty, Nereidium is no longer safe. As Prince Caden rallies the Egrian people against his tyrant father, Bree, Princess Aleta, and Tregle race to the Nereid shore to warn them of the incoming danger-and to put the Nereid Princess on the throne. The only trouble there: Bree can’t bring herself to reveal that the Princess is her. It’s not a dilemma she can waste time pondering. With a new weapon in his arsenal, the King’s strikes are sure to be bolder than ever before. And Bree may not be ready to wear a crown… but she won’t let her kingdom down without a fight.

Jennifer Ellision spent a great deal of her childhood staying up past her bedtime with a book and a flashlight. When she couldn’t find the stories she wanted to read, she started writing them. She loves words, has a soft spot for fanfiction, and is a master of the fangirl flail. She resides in South Florida with her family, where she lives in fear of temperatures below 60 Fahrenheit.
Jennifer is the author of the YA fantasy series, Threats of Sky and Sea, as well as the New Adult contemporary novel, Now and Again.


Release Blitz Giveaway
$10 Amazon eGift Card & the entire Threats of Sky and Sea series (Sisters of Wind and Flame, Defining Justice, Threats of Sky and Sea, Riot of Storm and Smoke & Fall of Thrones and Thorns
Open internationally
Ends October 2nd
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Have  you ever felt like too much was going on and you just couldn’t handle anything more? Or maybe someone has bothered you so much that you avoid them as much as you can, but they still keep coming back. David felt that way in Faith Blum’s short story, Faith is the Victory, and she’s here today to tell us more about her book.

About the Book

Winning story in Perry Elisabeth Design’s short story contest.
I don’t like change. I know most people get used to it, but I have never been able to. When Dad announced their move and I couldn’t go with them, I didn’t handle it well. Would I ever find the faith to be victorious?
Content warning: A character does attempt suicide, so please read with caution.
Available on Amazon and other platforms such as Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Kobo, and Scribd.
Paperback coming soon!


My dad is the manager at a big department store, and I think he does a great job. You can probably guess what Mom’s job is. A few years ago, I saw a neat job title for what she does and have told her a few times that she should get a diploma made up or something. The title is: Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations. Pretty neat, don’t you think?
During my high school years, I had the opportunity to take a couple of math classes at the local high school. With my interest in engineering, I needed some higher math that Mom wasn’t comfortable teaching me. While there, I got teased quite a bit for only attending a few classes, but could ignore that. What was harder to ignore was Carl Matthews. He was a senior when I was a sophomore and loved to rub it in that he was athletic and I was a nerd. I tried to ignore him, too, but he wouldn’t let me.
One thing about me. I stutter when I’m nervous or scared, so I try to avoid situations where I might become one or the other. Or I just don’t talk which has also worked well. When Carl talked to me, I ignored him and got labeled the most unfriendly, unsociable kid in school. I tried not to care, but every name drove deep down into me, hurting me more and more until for once, I couldn’t wait for school to end.
Three years passed and I’d just started attending the local community college to get a degree in Engineering. I planned to go to the community college until I could afford to transfer to a better one in a year or two. My first day of classes started out great! My professors were helpful and I learned quite a bit from them, even just after one day.
Everything was perfect until one of the older students ran into me. I tried to avoid him, but it didn’t work and all of my books flew around the sidewalk.
“Watch where you’re going!” he yelled. “What are you? A clumsy fool?”
I gulped when I saw the size of him. Then I recognized him. This was the star quarterback for the college football team and the most popular guy at school. “I’m s-s-sorry. I tried to s-s-stay out of your way, but—”
Carl burst out laughing. “What’s the matter? Can’t s-s-say your s’s? What’s your name?” He paused. “Wait, you look familiar. Aren’t you the mute kid from high school?”

My face burned. He had remembered. I knelt down to pick up my books and muttered, “David Conyers.”

About the Author

Faith Blum started writing at an early age. She started even before she could read! She even thought she could write better than Dr. Seuss. (The picture doesn’t show it well, but there are scribblings on the page of Green Eggs and Ham). Now that she has grown up a little more, she knows she will probably never reach the success of Dr. Seuss, but that doesn’t stop her from trying.
When she isn’t writing, Faith enjoys doing many right-brained activities such as reading, crafting, playing piano, and playing games with her family. One of her dreams is to visit Castle City, Montana. She currently lives on a hobby farm with her family in Wisconsin.
There are many ways to connect with Faith online. All of them can be found in one convenient place: http://FaithBlum.com. On her website you can find links to her various social media sites and both of her blogs.


This book doesn’t have much to do with Faith is the Victory, but if you like Westerns or stories about mail order brides, you might just like this novella. And it’s written by Faith Blum.

Truth Through the Ages Party

Faith and her friend, Amanda Tero, are hosting a Facebook party on September 30th to celebrate their new releases! There will be giveaways, games, fun times, and a grand prize. They are also giving away a set of 4 eBooks to the person who invites the most guests. So head on over, invite some friends and then ask them to vote for you in the poll. The Party link is here and the link to the poll can be found here. They are also doing some fun pre-party posts and on September 26th and 27th, they are taking questions from the guests.

Tour Schedule

September 26
Bookish Orchestrations-Tour Introduction
Ember’s Reviews-Author Interview
Karan Eleni-Excerpt
September 27
In the Bookcase-Book Review
September 28
Keturah’s Korner-Book Review and Author Interview
Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections-Why this story and theme?
September 29

Bookish Orchestrations-Tour Wrap-up

For those of you who already love The Secret Keeper series, I’m excited to announce that Belakane, The Origin of The Curse is almost here! Today, the cover reveal and just in time for Halloween, Belakane will be available for purchase October 7th!

If you haven’t discovered the O-So-Suspenseful-Uniquely-Paranormal Secret Keeper series yet you can read more about Winter and Liam and how Winter’s deal with the Secret Keeper alters her life forever!

Here is what readers have said about the series so far:

I went through the whole gamut of human emotions from guilt to happiness to horror to sorrow through the heroine”The travelogue of a  Book Addict

Couldn’t put this book down. The characters have grown and you can’t help but grow with them. The excitement and detail that is put into this story is fantastic! The way it is written has you believing that the story is real. I can’t wait for the next book.”
-Kim Snyder

To check out more reviews or purchase any of the books in the Secret Keeper series click Here

Now onto the cover reveal…and we’ll throw the blurb in just for fun! Enjoy–and may you never need a secret keeper!

 The Blurb

Belakane lives during the terrifying age of the Salem Witch trials. And, unlike the women around her, she actually is a witch. When Belakane’s magic gets her best friend Martha accused of witchcraft, the powerful sorceress creates a risky enchantment to protect what’s left of the small group of friends who hide her secret.
Will Belakane’s power save her friends or will it be the demise of all she holds dear?
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 
On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Author’s name: Leigh Statham
Title of book and/or series: The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl
Brief summary of the story: Lady Marguerite Vadnay and her trusty automaton, Outil, have settled into life in New France rather well. Marguerite is the top of her class at flight school and her future as an aerpilot is nearly secure. She has everything she wants-except a commission on the pirate hunting dirigible The Renegade. Using every card in her aristocratic arsenal, Marguerite wiggles her way onto the finest warship France has to offer. But as usual, Marguerite’s plans endanger the lives of those she holds dear-only this time no one else is going to save them. As she and Outil set off on a rescue mission they may not return from, Marguerite finally realizes it’s time to reorder her cogs. 

This steampunk adventure is littered with facts from The Golden Age of Piracy and follows (not too closely) some of the lives and adventures of the brave men and women who sailed the seas as privateers, pirates, and soldiers.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: 1600’s French Canada, Quebec — New France—filled with steampunk technology, automatons, and pirates. Arrrg!
If we were to visit New France as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? You should definitely take a tour of the St. Lawrence River and ride a dirigible over the Hudson Bay. It’s breathtaking in the spring— literally.
What dangers should we avoid in New France? Don’t get on the wrong side of a pirate, or a nun. Some of the girls at His Royal Majesty’s Flight Academy for Resilient Young Women wouldn’t be fun to run into in a dark alley if you’ve recently stolen their boyfriend. But for the most part it’s a wonderful place to visit.
The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous GirlIs there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in New France?
The fishing industry is alive and well, and given the fact that the French know how to cook better than any other nation, I’d say you’re in for a treat no matter what you order. Just make sure to get a side of gear oil for your automaton. They will take better care of you if they aren’t squeaking about their work.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in New France? Aer cannons are all the rage these days. Claude Vadnay is the most sought after engineer in all of the New World and rumor has it that he has a new hand held pistol that doesn’t use black powder.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to New France? Aerships are the most common means of travel. However, Sir Vadnay of La Rochelle recently moved to the area and had the latest autocart shipped with him from Paris. The steam powered road rollers can be seen bouncing down the dirt and cobble stone streets causing horses to balk, and ladies to faint if not prepared for the sudden appearance and swift departure of a sparkling new autocart.
What is the political or government structure in New France?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? His Royal Majesty, King Louis the XIV, is the supreme ruler of New France and its provinces. However, the pirates rule the water, and the struggle on land for power is constantly in flux between New England, New France, and the Iroquois Nation. At this point, it’s anyone’s game.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit New France? Yes! In New France women are welcome to chose a career or marry. If a man is lucky enough to be chose as a husband by one of these ladies, they will be given land and a promotion of title. The king may be in charge, but the ladies are calling the shots.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? My books are based on the true story of the life of Marguerite Vadnay, one of my great-great-great grandmothers. Plus, I’m a huge Francophile. I love the food, the fashion, the history, and especially my family stories.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? I cover women’s rights and independence quite a bit. The idea of a woman needing man to “Get by” in life or support her in an ancient one that has been challenged for as long as it has been around. I’m merely continuing that challenge with Marguerite. She will choose to settle down when she wants to, not because she has to— that is, if she ever settles down.
Where can readers buy the book? Right here: GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleKobo!ndigo
The Perilous Journey of the Not So Innocuous Girl (The Perilous Journey of the Not So Innocuous Girl #1)What About the First Book in the Series?
The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl
Lady Marguerite lives a life most 17th-century French girls can only dream of: money, designer dresses, suitors, and a secure future. Except she can’t quite commit to a life of dull luxury and she suspects she may be falling for her best friend Claude, a common smithy in the family’s steam forge. When Claude leaves for New France in search of a better life, Marguerite decides to follow him and test her suspicions of love—only the trip proves to be more harrowing than she anticipated. Love, adventure, and restitution await her if she can survive the voyage.

Based on the true story of The Daughters of the King, Louis the XIV’s social program to settle the wilds of Canada with women of noble birth, Marguerite’s steampunk adventure follows in the footsteps of nearly one thousand brave women and girls who were rewarded handsomely for trekking across the pirate-infested Atlantic to a strange land.

“The writing is solid and the world-building – that clever combination of historical detail and Ms. Statham’s imagination – is excellent.”~ The Australia Times Books
Buy it at GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleKobo!ndigo

Leigh Statham was raised in the wilds of rural Idaho, but found her heart in New York City. She worked as a waitress, maid, artist, math teacher, nurse, web designer, art director, thirty-foot inflatable pig and mule wrangler before she settled down in the semi-quiet role of wife, mother and writer. She resides in North Carolina with her husband, four children, five chickens and two suspected serial killer cats.
Leigh is also a founder of QuantumFairyTales.com and is currently serving a life sentence there as senior editor and gnome driver. She loves all things sparkly and strange that go bump in the night.

Tour Schedule
September 11th: Launch
September 12th:
The Broke Book Bank
Falling Leaves
Letters From Annie (Douglass) Lima
September 13th:
The Silver Dagger Scriptorium
Katie’s Clean Book Collection
Wishful Endings
September 14th:
Bookworm Lisa
Rockin’ Book Reviews
September 15th:
My Life Loves and Passion
deal sharing aunt
Mel’s Shelves
September 16th:
Christy’s Cozy Corners
EskieMama Reads
September 18th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway
• 1 winner will win signed copies of The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl and The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl plus some awesome Steampunk goggles (US only)

• 3 winners will win ebook sets of The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl and The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl (open internationally)

• Ends September 23rd
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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I hope you all enjoyed the trip to New France.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXXI!
-Annie Douglass Lima

I loved this book! 

Like all of Anne Elisabeth Stengl‘s anthologies, Five Magic Spindles is a collection of five very different novellas that all involve events and themes from one fairy tale – in this case, the Sleeping Beauty story. I highly recommend this fun anthology! Here’s a little information about each of the individual stories.

The Man on the Buckskin Horse
Emma, a good-hearted midwife, rushes to warn a neighbor about the hired gunman headed to his ranch but can’t prevent the catastrophe in store for his daughter.

A fairy tale retold as a Western? How fun! The author makes it work entirely without magic. This story was also unique in that the main character was neither Sleeping Beauty nor the prince.

Guardian of Our Beauty
Palli, the prophesied daughter of a king, is fated to rescue her people from the destruction called forth by a vengeful priest. 

Talk about an unusual part of the world to set a re-told fairy tale in. But the author pulled it off! I enjoyed Palli’s personality and abilities.

The Ghost of Briardale
Roselee, a ghost with a faulty memory, flits through the halls of an insane asylum in search of the mortal boy who can help her save the day. 

I thought this one was quite clever. True Heroes in this world are people who have either saved a kingdom, slain a dragon, or moved a mountain, and only a True Hero can get through the enchantment around Sleeping Beauty. How is an ordinary boy with a hero’s heart supposed to manage?

Spindle Cursed
Arabella, a living spirit trapped in her own comatose body, helplessly watches from the realm of dreams as her usurping cousin plots to destroy her once and for all. 

This story is unique in that it’s told largely from the fairy godmother’s point of view. Unlike most of the others, it begins shortly before the prince sets out to rescue Sleeping Beauty instead of before she falls into her enchanted sleep.

Out of the Tomb
Tanza, a tomb raider on a distant planet, struggles to make a living and doesn’t need a long-lost prince to complicate her difficult life. 

I have to say, this one is definitely my favorite out of the five. The author has done an amazing job of worldbuilding, perhaps the best I’ve ever seen in a story of this length. Her descriptions give a vivid picture of the planet’s history, technology, plant and animal life, and culture. In many cases, this is done with just a few well-placed words and phrases here and there that blend seamlessly with the action. I definitely want to read more by Ashley Stangl!

In summary, this is an exciting and entertaining book that is definitely worth the $3.99. Grab your copy today!

Download your Kindle copy here!

Order your paperback copy here!