Archer is a magician with a few more tricks up his sleeve than even the savviest street performer could imagine. Devilishly handsome and full of dark secrets, his devil-may-care attitude came at a price and unfortunately for him, the devil may care after all.
When he meets Hannah, a runaway whose art is more than it seems, he’s determined to keep her and her drama at arm’s length. But their souls are tied together with bonds that won’t be ignored, and it’s going to take all his skill to keep her safe from the horde that follows her every move.
Heather Sutherlin lives in Arkansas with her husband and three children. She is the author of fantasy adventures for young adults. She loves all things creative and enjoys the worlds she dreams up, longing to live the adventure alongside her characters. When she’s not at her writing desk, she is busy exploring and learning with her children or cooking big, elaborate meals in the kitchen with her husband.
You can see more of Heather at her website,

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
Peggy M. McAloon
Title of book and/or series:
“Missing”, Book 2 in the Lessons from Fiori Series
Brief summary of “Missing” – Book 2 in the Lessons from Fiori Series:
Elle Burton’s baby brother, JJ, has been kidnapped. As a newly designated guide, sworn to protect the children of Earth, she’s desperate to get him back. Elle teams up with the winged warriors from Fiori to save him … but JJ isn’t the only one in danger.
Missing follows Elle Burton and the Reflective Portals as book two in the Lessons from Fiori series. In the first book, Elle is designated as a guide to winged creatures from another dimension. Their job is to protect the children of Earth from the moment of birth until their eighth birthday. Not all human children are able to see these creatures, but Elle can and she’s eleven now.
As Elle struggles with her new designation as a guide to these creatures on Earth, she discovers she is the only one in centuries who has been able to unleash the magic of the Fiori Pendant. Everything points to the stunning revelation that she may be the girl who completes three challenges in her eleventh year, as predicted in the Sacred Scrolls of Destiny. Did she complete the third challenge when she brought Pegasus back to life?

Elle quickly learns in book two that the children who suffer at the hands of bullies (both young and old) frequently can’t find their voices to ask for help when they desperately need it. In Missing, she struggles with her demons too, finding she’s not as perfect as everyone thinks she is. Her anger at her brother’s disappearance and the frustration of being unable to bring him home is heightened by the fact that the authorities remain a heart-stopping step behind the kidnapper.

These books are filled with compassion and lean on fantasy and magic to inspire kids to be their best and help others in need while still having the courage to ask for help when they need it. You may even find yourself cheering for bullies to become better people.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Fiori is located in a parallel dimension to Earth. Things are similar to our world and yet they are quite different. Flowers can be as big as tractor tires, while elephants are miniaturized house pets. Fiori is filled with winged creatures. The Fiorins who typically protect the children have exquisite butterfly-like wings. There are warriors in Fiori who have wings more like a moth. This allows them to move more quickly in battle.
In book two, Elle travels with a female warrior named Amara, to an area of Fiori called the Fiume Valley. Human guides have never before been allowed to travel to this section. In addition to the profusion of flowers of every color and shape imaginable, there are bleak mountain ranges and far in the distance you’ll see a huge body of water similar to our oceans. The ocean waters can be seen from the cliffs, but no one has allowed Elle to explore that area yet.
I would love to share information about the Fiume Valley, but it would spoil the story for everyone. What I can tell you is that I would love to camp out there for several months. My inner child cries to go to such a magical place where all my childish dreams could possibly be realized. It’s a place where there is no war and hatred doesn’t exist. It’s a place man would destroy if given an opportunity.

If we were to travel to Fiori what would you recommend we do and which things should we avoid?
You definitely want to ride on the back of a giant-turquoise Truero to view the reflection ponds of Fiori. It is in these ponds that the reflections of every child on Earth under the age of eight appear. Through the reflections of these children, the Fiorins can travel between the two worlds.
Avoid the ruthless Zorins who dwell on the barren cliffs at all costs. It’s a rare event when a Fiorin or human guide who wanders into their territory ever returns.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Fiori?
Every Fiorin has a special power. The warrior Amadeus is capable of summoning huge storms with deadly lightning bolts, but he’s not averse to using a sword similar to King Arthur’s. Bernstein has x-ray vision and can spot the enemy regardless of where they may hide. Warriors are chosen for whatever skill is needed at the moment. The Zorins are as tall as a three-story building in Fiori, but can inhabit a human for short periods of time. At this point, the battle that mortally injured Pegasus is the only one in which a Fiorin has survived.
You can also check out my previous interview on the first book to discover more about Fiori at
Does all the action take place in Fiori?
In this book, the majority of the action is centered around JJ’s disappearance on Earth. Four Fiorin warriors are sent here to help Elle find and bring her brother home: Wyatt, Milo, Amadeus (who we’ve met previously) and Bernstein (who was introduced at the end of book 1). The Zorins are capable of entering the human body for short periods of time. This time the monsters come to our dimension to terrorize Elle into giving up the prophecy.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Fiori?
All the people and animals in Fiori are vegetarians. In Fiori, all things needed are provided. There is an old chest in Nextra’s house. When she’s hungry, she lifts the lid and there are as many hot meals as she needs already on serving plates. Evidently, you can have anything you wish for in this beautiful land.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
This book touches on the internal vulnerabilities kids struggle with when they are frightened. Elle discovers what it feels like not to be able to ask for help when you’re in trouble or afraid. Sometimes the biggest threat in our lives is the demon within, not those who invade our world. Whether it’s winged creatures, a favorite teacher, or a parent, kids can always find someone to help if they find the courage to stand up to the forces of evil that threaten them.
What is your audience?
The target audience is kids 9 through middle grade for the first two books. This is a “Coming of Age” story, so we will see Elle grow into the world of teens very soon.

Author Autobiography: 
Peggy M McAloon is on a mission to inspire kids everywhere to stand up to abuse and bullying. Her “Lessons from Fiori Series” about a young girl from Wisconsin, provides a strong female role model who isn’t afraid to show compassion or hack into a con man’s computer if the need arises. Peggy’s courageous battle with bullying, abuse, and a traumatic brain injury has enabled her to identify with both children and adults who have suffered from social injustices. 

She’s a retired trainer and speaker in the field of commercial credit. Her first book, “The Art of Business Credit Investigation” was featured in Inc. Magazine. She’s been interviewed by the Associated Press and appeared on several television news programs in her efforts to protect our water resources.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? 
“Elle Burton and the Reflective Portals” can be found in both ebook and softcover formats at most on-line retailers.  Here’s the link to Amazon:  
“Missing” is scheduled for official launch at the end of February. The ebook is currently only available on Amazon & Barnes & Noble.  Here’s the link to Amazon: 
“Elle Burton and the Reflective Portals” is also available at Audible ( and Missing is in production there. I decided to break with tradition and change the covers for the two audio versions. Mili Fay Art has provided delightful caricatures of Elle, some of our Fiorin friends, and one of the Zorins.
Where can readers connect with you online?

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Fiori.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to New Lilinar and Dubinshire, in Realm Explorers Part XCV!
-Annie Douglass Lima 

On tour with Prism Book Tours.

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About the Authors
(Each picture linked to the author’s website.)
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“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Jesus (Matt. 28:19-20 ESV) The Great Commission is one of the most familiar passages in the Bible. Churches put it up in sanctuaries and kids memorize it in children’s programs. We’re all reminded on a regular basis that it’s our job to go and make disciples of all nations. Wait. Hold on. We’re supposed to be doing this? How?

A new book from bestselling author Brad Francis seeks to answer those questions. Go Make Disciples: How Jesus Did It, How We Can Do It examines the life and ministry of Jesus to discover how Jesus turned His inner circle from followers into disciple makers who “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Brad searched the Gospels and identifies five different ways that Jesus made disciples—Example, Evaluation, Education, Equipping, and Experience—and suggests how we can adapt those same methods to modern life.

The book currently averages 4.8 stars on Amazon. 
One reviewer said, “If you learn best in a conversational style, talking one-on-one with a relatable mentor, then this book is a must-read for every believer.” 
Another went out of their way to praise the writing: “This book is clear, understandable, and very easy to read, not at all a chore to plow through like some theology books. Francis has a humorous, down-to-earth, conversational writing style, and you will feel as though you are sitting right there with him as you read. I don’t know when the last time was that I read a book this theologically sound, about this critical a spiritual issue, that was so interesting and entertaining that it just kept me turning pages.”
You can find Go Make Disciples for most ebooks (including Kindle, Nook, and iBooks) and in paperback.

Plus! To celebrate the wide release, we’re giving away two collections of Brad Francis’ other books, which have all enjoyed time on Amazon bestseller lists: The Book of the Harvest, an inspiring short story about a man in heaven who discovers a special book that makes him reevaluate how he lived his earthly life; Emaline’s Gift, book one in The Magi Chronicles, a YA fantasy in which 13-year-old Emaline gets caught up in an ancient, magical war between the Christ following magi and the evil obeah; and The Savvy Demon’s Guide to Godly Living, a satirical novel for mature audiences about a drunk demon who inadvertently sparks a worldwide revival by telling a pastor precisely what his church is doing wrong. One collection consists of all three ebooks; for the other, the winner gets to choose between ebooks and paperbacks. But you can only win if you enter!

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Frances Hoelsema, author of Growing Up Neighbors, is pleased to announce the release of the second book in her Neighbors series: Next Door Neighbors!


Elena Montgomery, an elderly victim of fibromyalgia, has two main loves in her life: Brian, her attractive and hard-working son; and Jill Stevens, her caring friend and next door neighbor. When Brian and Jill meet for the first time, they have a chemistry that no one can deny.

Although Jill finds herself wanting to get closer to Brian, she believes she can’t. Being hurt in the past, she vows to remain single the rest of her life, thinking it’s better not to love than to love and get burned. Brian, on the other hand, wants to get to the bottom of her fears and show her that not all men are the same. He is determined to win her trust, her heart and her hand in marriage. Through pain, passion and pursuit, will Brian be able to prove to Jill what true love is all about? 

Next Door Neighbors is a clean, contemporary romance that will not only pull on your heart strings, but leave you wanting to read more! Here’s an excerpt:

For the few brief seconds that they gazed into one another’s eyes, Brian’s urge to kiss Jill grew intensely. If there was ever going to be a moment to display his affection, this was it. Brian slowly, eagerly leaned over to just inches before Jill’s lips, stopping just shy of delivering their first kiss. Excited she didn’t move away, he reached his destination, brushing his lips with hers.
Their kiss started off gently, softly. It was tender and sweet. The longer it lasted, though, the more Jill had melted into it, and the deeper and more passionate it became.
She needed him.
He needed her.
But a moment later Jill froze. The heat between them instantly turned to ice as she abruptly pulled away from what the two of them were enjoying just seconds ago.
Puzzled, Brian asked, “Is everything all right?”
She couldn’t do it. As much as Jill admitted to wanting Brian and as great as their kiss was, traveling down that road again was too big a risk. And with him leaving soon, she didn’t want to start something she could never finish. Shaking her head, she said, “I’m sorry. I can’t do this. I can’t allow myself to get involved with you or any other man again.”
Providing no other explanation, she completely freed herself from Brian’s hold and ran out of the room.
Brian followed swiftly while shouting, “But I’m not like…”
With the slam of a door, Jill was gone.

Next Door Neighbors is available on Amazon at:
For more information on Frances and/or her writing, please connect with her on Facebook at OR on Twitter at: You can also find updates on her blog at:  

by Krysten Lindsay Hager
Genre: Young Adult
Release Date: March 22, 2016
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Hadley Daniels’s life seems perfect…
Before the beginning of sophomore year of high school, Hadley and her family move to a beautiful beach town, where she makes amazing new friends and lands the boyfriend of her dreams—Nick Jenkins. He’s the kind of guy every girl swoons over, and it isn’t long until Hadley discovers some are still swooning.
A famous ex-girlfriend makes matters more complicated…
After some time dating, Hadley and Nick form a deep bond. But insecurity sets in when Hadley discovers her boyfriend once had a huge crush on her friend—who just happens to be the beautiful former teen TV star, Simone Hendrickson.
The past is the past—or so they say…
Hadley confronts Nick, who confesses about his history with Simone. Though he claims to only have eyes for Hadley now, it’s hard to believe—especially when she’s blindsided with the news that Nick and Simone kissed after school.
Now Hadley must determine who is telling the truth. Love, betrayal, friendship…who needs soap opera drama when you’re busy competing with a star?




Two days passed and Nick hadn’t called again. I couldn’t blame him. After all, I had pushed for him to be honest and then had bailed on him. I’m sure he was mad at me for telling him he could tell me the truth and then I punished him for it—and he would be right. I couldn’t handle the icky feelings, and instead of being a big girl and dealing with them, I came home from school and retreated into the world of books. A world where people were kidnapped, jewels were stolen, but nobody’s heart ever got broken because in my favorite series, The Raven Chronicles, Raven’s boyfriend, Fernando, was ever faithful and loyal and would never even look at another girl. He was the perfect book boyfriend. In other words, he was fictional and didn’t exist.

I saw I had a text from Simone. Oh great, maybe she was asking for my blessing to go out with Nick, or if I was still planning to go to Watson High School next year so she could make out with him in a different hallway from my locker.

Simone: Are you mad at me? Nick said you’re upset because you found out he used to like me.

Oh fabulous. He told her the whole gross story. Well, of course he did, seeing as how he was always over with her clique and he could tell the love of his life anything.

Krysten Lindsay Hager is an obsessive reader and has never met a bookstore she didn’t like. She’s worked as a journalist and humor essayist, and writes for teens, tweens, and adults. She is the author of the Landry’s True Colors Series and her work has been featured in USA Today and named as Amazon’s #1 Hot New Releases in Teen & Young Adult Values and Virtues Fiction and Amazon’s #1 Hot New Releases in Children’s Books on Values. She’s originally from Michigan and has lived in South Dakota, Portugal, and southwestern Ohio. She received her master’s degree from the University of Michigan-Flint.
1,400 miles. 3 countries.  2 men she can’t trust. What could go wrong? 


FINDERS KEEPERS is the first book in the new Jane Barnaby Adventures series:

It should have been a simple job. All archaeology student Jane Barnaby had to do was pick up a box her professor needed and deliver it to him at his dig site, along with his new car. Yes, his office was in Oxfordshire, and his dig site was in Spain, a trip of 1,400 miles across three countries and two bodies of water. Still, it should have been simple. And it was, until Jane discovered she picked up the wrong box by mistake. Not the one with boring pottery samples, but instead the one with priceless ancient Egyptian artifacts. The one that a team of international art thieves is after. Now she’s chasing – and being chased by – the thieves. And she’s picked up a pair of passengers who claim they can help her outwit them, get her professor’s pottery back and return the artifacts to their rightful owner. If only she could figure out which one of them is working with the thieves and which one she can trust in this high-stakes game of finders keepers.

It’s available everywhere eBooks are sold: Amazon (Kindle or Paperback) Smashwords Barnes & Noble (Nook or Paperback) Apple iBookstore Kobo


About the author
J.J. (James) Dibenedetto’s fans would swear he’s got a sixth sense when it comes to seeing into the minds of others and often wonder if his stories could possibly be fiction. He enjoys suspending disbelief with suspenseful paranormal tales that are a perfect blend of reality meets fantasy. His popular Dream Series continues to delight readers with each and every exciting installment. Born in Yonkers, New York, he currently resides in Arlington Virginia with his beautiful wife and a cat he is sure has taken full advantage of its nine lives. When it comes to the cat, he often wonders, but then again it might just be his imagination.
You can follow him at his website, on Facebook and on Twitter. And you can find all his books (including the complete Dream Series) on Amazon and on audiobook at 

Here’s an excerpt from Finders Keepers:

The thieves simply made a mistake. Whether Tom had put his box in the wrong room, or whether the thieves had gotten their wires crossed, who knew? She’d had trouble reading Professor Welldon’s writing; she hadn’t been sure if she was meant to go to Room 16 or Room 18 herself. It hadn’t mattered because the thieves had already gotten there and made the choice for her. 

“When they finally got where they were going, they opened it up, and you can imagine their surprise.” Jane noted the vagueness there; she assumed Alex knew exactly where that was and, for whatever reason, didn’t want to say. She didn’t challenge him; she kept up her happy façade instead, and he went on. “They knew they couldn’t go back and steal the right box, but they had the label on your pottery, they knew where it was supposed to go.”

“They’re headed to Mallorca!” Jane couldn’t help herself; the words just poured out. “They’re going to wait there until I show up and try to trade, the pottery for the artifacts!” She knew she’d said too much. Alex’s eyes lit up, just for an instant, when she mentioned Mallorca. That was something, obviously, he hadn’t known. But he caught himself almost immediately, and so did she. She wondered if he knew that she knew he was putting on an act. She wondered if he knew that she knew that he knew she was, too. And she wondered if she had any aspirin in her purse, because that train of thought was giving her a headache.


Last, but not least, to celebrate the launch of FINDERS KEEPERS, I’m giving away a signed paperback copy of either this new book, or any one of my Dream Series novels (winner’s choice). For your chance to win, just click HERE to enter!)

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:K.M. Weiland
Title of book: Dreamlander
Brief summary of the story: 
Every night, Chicago-born journalist Chris Redston dreams of a woman riding a black warhorse through the mist. The only thing she ever says is, “Don’t come.” And then she shoots him—every single time. And every single time, he wakes up in a cold sweat and wonders … what if dreams aren’t what we’ve always been told they are?
Only one person in a generation may cross the barrier of dreams to reach the other world—a world of war-scarred countries and fallen faiths. When Chris finds himself on the far side of his dreams, he must hurl himself into battle to save a princess from her own people, two worlds from annihilation, and himself from a dream come way too true.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Lael is a parallel world to our own. Every person in our world also has a body in Lael–in which they live while dreaming in our world, and vice versa. I had a lot of fun building Lael. In the beginning, it was much more medieval. No technology. Very Crusades era. But then I had the fun idea for the water-powered guns. That immediately gave me a 16th-century/Three Musketeers vibe. So I started exploring that era a little more, particularly in regards to fashion and architecture. The skycar was a very late addition, during the last big rewrite.
If we were to visit Lael as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? 
I really love the skycar stations, particularly the five-story Faramore Station in the capital city. Réon Couteau, with its waterfall caverns, was pretty fun too. And I love the Karilus Wall, just for sheer geographic massiveness.
What dangers should we avoid in Lael? 
Mostly, the war. The neighboring duchy of Koraud, on the eastern border, is threatening war, especially now that rumors are circulating of the resurrection of its famed warlord Faolan Mactalde. Plus, there’s the threat of religious and political unrest from the Nateros protesters—a faction of fanatical traditionalists—within Lael’s own borders.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Lael? 
The traditional meal at the ceremony to anoint the latest Gifted—the only person in a generation who can cross between the “dream” world of Lael and the “real” world—includes capon with olives and chestnuts, roasted salmon, eggs with cream and honey, chocolate-covered dassberries, and craniss wine.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Lael? 
Single-shot firearms, powered by a hydraulic system that draws moisture from the air, are popular. However, they take too long to reload to be of any use in close combat.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Lael? 
Horses and skycars are the most common. The skycar is a glass-encased cable car that glides upon the steel cables that crisscross most of the country. The skycar trains run on a basic pulley system, operated by steam engines at stations spaced along the tracks. Depending on variables such as rain and wind, the skycars can maintain the speed of a horse’s gallop all the way across half the kingdom, gliding half a league above terrain too rough with hills and lakes to offer straight roads.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Lael that we don’t see on Earth? 
You might encounter Cherazii—a race of berserking warriors, who are servants to the traditions of the Gifted, passed down through the ages. Their skin is the color and translucency of an egg white, veined with blue. Both men and women traditionally wear their hair long, veiling but not hiding the batwing ears that rise two or three inches above their heads.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Lael?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
There is no magic in the traditional sense, only the ability of the Gifted to cross between the worlds and use the sacred Orimere—or “dreamstone”—to transport physical objects from one world to the other.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Lael as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Although the Cherazii keep their own time among themselves, pretty much everyone recognizes the central calendar of 365 days a year. The hours are counted down from dawn. Laelers observe several holy days, including the Commemorating Festival, the Feast of the Camp, and the Day of Prayer. They also customarily celebrate the king’s birthday, a day of prayer and thanksgiving at the end of the harvest, and, although not official, a mid-winter week of merry-making.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Lael?  Please describe what it involves.
Lael is monotheistic and worships the “God of all.” Clergy are paid by the tithe tax of the people. The entire government is actually considered to be part of the church. But only a select few actually stand in the position of “pastor” or “orator.” The priests in the city temples are chosen and elected in much the same manner as the judges. A man does not have to be ordained to preach, so many smaller churches throughout the country exist, but these men are not paid by the government.
What is the political or government structure in Lael?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Lael is a monarchy, currently ruled by King Tireus II. He is a strong, if not particularly diplomatic, leader, but he will be remembered primarily as the father of the current Searcher, Allara Katadin—whose responsibility is to find and guide the Gifted when he first crosses into Lael.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
The original idea for the book was my brother’s. He suggested I write a story about a parallel world we visit in our dreams. My imagination took it from there!
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
The primary theme of the book centers around the conundrums and difficulties of faith. I wanted to build a fantasy society in which religion was widespread and widely accepted, but I dealt with Chris—my “real world” character—and his faith much more subtly, because, although I wanted to deal with religious themes, I didn’t want the story to necessarily be one that was about his personal redemption. So I got to discuss faith-based elements much more obviously in the POV of the dream-world character Allara.
Author Autobiography:
K.M. Weiland lives in make-believe worlds, talks to imaginary friends, and survives primarily on chocolate truffles and espresso. She is the IPPY and NIEA Award-winning and internationally published author of the Amazon bestsellers Outlining Your Novel and Structuring Your Novel, as well as Jane Eyre: The Writer’s Digest Annotated Classic. She writes historical and speculative fiction from her home in western Nebraska and mentors authors on her award-winning website Helping Writers Become Authors.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?  Please include links.
Dreamlander is available in paperback, Kindle, Nook, and Kobo.
Where can readers connect with you online?

Readers can find me on my website, my writing blog HelpingWriters Become Authors, Facebook, and Twitter.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Lael.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Fiori, in Realm Explorers Part XCIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima

When thirteen-year-old Sam Barrette’s baseball coach tells her that her attitude’s holding her back, she wants to hit him in the head with a line drive. Why shouldn’t she have an attitude? As the only girl playing in the 13U league, she’s had to listen to boys and people in the stands screaming things like “Go play softball,” all season, just because she’s a girl. Her coach barely lets her play, even though she’s one of the best hitters on the team.
All stakes now rest on Sam’s performance at baseball training camp. But the moment she arrives, miscommunication sets the week up for potential disaster. Placed at the bottom with the weaker players, she will have to work her way up to A league, not just to show Coach that she can be the best team player possible, but to prove to herself that she can hold a bat with the All-Star boys.

On Being a Teacher/Author
Stacy Barnett Mozer is a third grade teacher and a mom. She started writing books when a class of students told her that there was no way that a real author who wrote real books could possibly revise their work as much as she asked them to revise. She’s been revising her own work ever since.

A couple of year ago a parent of a former student sought me out to let me know how much her daughter missed being in my class. She said her daughter told her, “Mrs. Mozer gets it, Mom. She’s a writer.” What her daughter meant by that is that she knew that I understood what it’s like to work hard. To keep going even when other people haven’t connected to your vision.
As a teacher I have incredibly high standards for my students. I expect them to take ownership over their work and to strive make it the best it can be. But working at becoming your best is challenging. You have to accept that you may have to do things more than once before you get it right. By bringing my own experience as a writer to my class, I am able to show them that nobody gets things right the very first time, not even their teacher. As we look through pages of my marked up manuscripts, they understand that everyone needs feedback and that they can’t take it personally when the piece they thought they loved still needs a bit more attention before it can be shared with the world. They see first hand that real authors who write real books do revise more than I ask them to revise.
The other amazing thing I get to bring to my students is a personal connection to authors. My students love hearing about my experiences at SCBWI writer’s conferences, rubbing elbows with many of the authors whose books lines our shelves. They also get to meet some of them when friends stop by for Skype visits or because they are in the neighborhood. My new favorite thing to do is to ask authors if I can video tape a hello message. Having an author say hi means so much them. They rush right over to the author’s book and read with gusto because they feel a personal connection.
Teaching brought me to writing. Writing strengthens my teaching. It’s a great match. Even if I had never published a book, I would have been glad I became a writer.
The Sweet Spot launched from Spellbound River Press on March 25. You can find purchase information at Visit Stacy online at You can follow her on twitter at @SMozerand on Facebook at
Click here to enter to win one of five copies of The Sweet Spot!

  Title: Drawn To You
  Author: Liwen Y. Ho
  Genre: Christian Romance, Asian American Romance
  Release Date: March 21, 2016

  Blurb: Wanted: A man who can handle his alter ego. Quick reflexes recommended. Feisty and adventurous, art teacher Sam Koo is used to getting what she wants, including talking her way out of traffic tickets. When it comes to money matters though, she’s a lost cause. Her studio is in trouble, and there’s no way of charming herself out of this mess. Police officer Lucas Choi is the last person she expects to rescue her. Handsome and rule-abiding, he was the best—and worst—part of her high school experience. When they meet a decade later, he’s still on her case and quick to point out her flaws. Their differences drive each other crazy, but also draw them closer. The attraction is tangible, yet so are Sam’s fears. Will she choose to protect her heart or trust the only man who ever rejected her?

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 ***This novella is part of the Taking Chances series, but each book in the series is a STANDALONE book.***

Can love overcome the past?
Can love be colorblind?
Can love embrace differences?

Liwen Y. Ho works as a chauffeur and referee by day (AKA being a stay-at-home mom) and a writer by night. In her pre-author life, she received a Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Western Seminary, and she loves makeovers of all kinds, especially those of the heart and mind. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her techie husband and their two children, and blogs about her adventures as a recovering perfectionist at

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