Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. This one is temporarily being discounted to just 99 cents!

Author’s name:
M.T. Magee
Title of book and/or series:
The Treasure of Gwenlais  The Rienfield Chronicles Book 1
Brief summary of the story:
Princess Laurel of Gwenlais finds herself tragically and quickly thrust into a world of danger, so unlike the idyllic and sheltered life she has known. These dangers from an unknown enemy also unexpectedly throw her into the arms of Caleb, the warrior Prince of Heathwin, the nearby kingdom with which Gwenlais has a tense alliance.  The more refined people of Gwenlais find their neighbors and protectors of the West necessary, but consider them uncouth and sometimes barbaric. The long and bloody feud between Heathwin and the mysterious, frightening, and misunderstood, race of beings called the Rabkins, had finally reached an uneasy truce, by the hard fought and diligent efforts of Prince Caleb. This fragile agreement was soon shattered by an attack from outside that threatens both kingdoms of Gwenlais and Heathwin. Laurel and Caleb find themselves not only fighting for the peace and existence of their kingdoms, but fighting for their newfound love that is imperiled at every turn from a nameless enemy, and their own people as well.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The world I have created comes from the inspiration of both my Scottish heritage and my husband’s Irish descent, with pride and respect for both cultures. The beauty of the Scottish Highlands, as well as the lush rolling meadows of Ireland, serve as a backdrop for the mythical realm of Rienfield. Many of the names of villages and towns that are used are actual names of towns and villages of Scotland and Ireland. They are used in direct correlation for what their rich past made them known for and is applied with loving respect for their history in the story. Many of the names of the characters are Irish, Scottish, or Gaelic, again showing my love and admiration for our heritages. The characters also speak Old Irish, from time to time, referring to it as ‘old speak.’
If we were to visit the kingdoms of Gwenlais and Heathwin, as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
If you were to visit the kingdom of Heathwin in the Planting season (spring) you would be able to enjoy the wonderful Planting Festival. Filled with music, dancing, visiting merchants, and wonderful food. If you were visiting the kingdom of Gwenlais during the Harvest Festival, you would see the city of Gwenlais full of merchants and local farmers displaying their crafts and local crops. As well as traveling minstrels, acrobats, and even the Princes of Heathwin would be there as well.   
What dangers should we avoid in Gwenlais and Heathwin?
In Gwenlais there is always a danger of raiders or highway men so best to not travel alone on the roadways at night. In Heathwin the land is much wild and untamed. Creatures such as Dragon’s Tooth, and Boracs live in the deep forest. A Dragon’s Tooth in a man eating plant which closely resembles a mossy tree stump. It had poisonous tendrils which feel out for unsuspecting victims, then quickly grabs them dragging them to their waiting jaws. The Boracs are clumsy but vicious creatures the size of large dogs. They are hairless with long tails and hides, with large floppy ears almost hiding their faces, covering their long jaws filled with sharp teeth. They will catch and eat anything in their path if they can.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Gwenlais or Heathwin?
Gwenlais is a kingdom of rich farmlands. So anything from their many farms and gardens is always on the menu. They are particularly proud of their honey, which they make mead with. And raise an ugly little animal called a Gork. It resembles a small wooly pig with horns and a rather large head. However, it is prized for its succulent rich meat. In Heathwin, most of their produce and crops come from Gwenlais, but they have lovely apple orchards, and also enjoy wild game such as venison, wild boar, and salmon.   
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Gwenlais and Heathwin?
The warriors are mainly from the kingdom of Heathwin and are typical of the fighting style of Medieval Scotland and Ireland, between the 12th and 15th centuries. Broad swords, long bows, cross bows, as well as hand to hand are used. They also train and use large cats called Scimitar Cats, because of their long front fangs for defense and to track slavers and raiders.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Gwenlais or Heathwin?
Again what was commonly used in Medieval times, wagons, horses, boats, oxen carts, etc.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Gwenlais and Heathwin that we don’t see on Earth?
As mentioned earlier, Dragon Tooth, Borac, Gorks. But also glow moths, tiny blue sprite dragons, that glow blue at night. Also the noble and misunderstood race called Rabkins. That is the fellow you see peering out of the woods on the cover. Though they appear to be animals, they are actually an intelligent and mysterious race of beings that at first only Prince Caleb of Heathwin can talk to. There is also the Kadesh. They look like to be child-sized people who resemble rodents. They are traveling merchants, love bright colored clothing, and are Prince Caleb’s favorite informers, as they travel throughout the realm of Rinefield.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people there?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
I really don’t use magic, hence no wizards or magicians. Rather I use abilities that certain races such as the Rabkins have. The characters have to work so to speak to achieve their agendas. Knowledge in highly regarded. Princess Laurel, the heroine, leans to become a healer or Ollam, as they are called. Scribes are the record keepers and spiritual leaders of the people.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Gwenlais or Heathwin?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Only the use of colored stones surgically implanted into the skulls of the Scimitar Cats to help control them.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Gwenlais or Heathwin.
All the people of both kingdoms enjoy music, dancing, and playing games such as Fidchell (ancient game of checkers) Tablut (ancient game of chess) Pass the Boar (a dice game favored among children) as well as reading, horseback riding, especially in Heathwin. Both Kingdoms love art and sculptures. Archery is a favorite sport in both kingdoms as well.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Gwenlais and Heathwin as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Seasons are mentioned such as Winter, Planting season, Growing season, and Harvest season.
NO days of the week are mentioned, a month is a month, two weeks is called a fortnight. Festivals in Planting and Harvest are celebrated. The royal family in Heathwin has a Family gathering yearly in winter. Another example is instead of saying a person is so many years they say seasons. In the beginning of the story Princess Laurel is 18 seasons, Prince Caleb is 28 seasons.  
Is there a particular religion practiced in Gwenlais and Heathwin?  Please describe what it involves.
The people of both kingdoms worship an entity called The Maker. There are no churches or temples, though men called Scribes are considered the spiritual leaders as well as historians and they keep track of all the histories of the realms. The household heads are encouraged to lead their families in a prayer of thanks at meals and gatherings.  One day out of the week is considered a day of Prayer and Reflections, where local businesses are closed and families are encouraged to spend the day together at home in prayer and reflection.
What is the political or government structure in Gwenlais and Heathwin?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? Iwenlais is a monarchy fashioned after the early rulers of Britain. King Garron is the ruler at this time. He is a fair and just ruler, though he does tend to still carry the old bigotries of his father and grandfather in regards the people of Heathwin, who they have an alliance with.  In Heathwin the structure of rule is very fashioned after the Clans of Scotland, with King Fergus, Prince Caleb’s father, being the king and Chieftain of his Clan. He is a well loved and respected leader as his father and older brothers were harsh in their dealings with the other Clans.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit?
The people of Gwenlais, where the heroine Laurel is from, tend to consider themselves more refined, never really having to fight or defend themselves as the Sentinels, or warriors of Heathwin do this for them, in exchange for growing crops and livestock for Heathwin. The people of Heathwin tend to be more relaxed and sometimes bawdy in their behavior, which those of Gwenlais tend to find uncouth. Both tend to misunderstand each other often. The ruling family of Heathwin and their Clan as well as the Sentinels, speak “old speak”, which is actually Irish Gaelic. Caleb then begins to teach Laurel how to speak it as they draw closer. I loved introducing this aspect into the story. Readers will never have to wonder what is being said as I make the dialogue meaning clear, with the explanation given by the characters.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? My grandparents are from Scotland and my husband’s family from Ireland, county Clare to be exact. We both have a love of history and the medieval period is my favorite. I also enjoyed studying Irish Gaelic.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Without standing on a soap box, I do touch on the subject of brutality against women, as it sadly has become a trend in many genres. Basically making it something that is frowned upon, especially by the younger generation. As well as the prejudices and misunderstandings of different races and cultures towards each other.
Author Autobiography:
My name is M.T. Magee and I live in New England on our small farm with my husband and son. We raise an assortment of silly goats, quiet rabbits, far too many ducks and chickens, and a high strung Border collie cross named Gronk. I have always loved fantasy and fell in love with Tolkien at age eleven. I read all of his works at age twelve. I have been writing stories since I was ten years old and have always wanted to be an author. After fulfilling my dream of becoming a nurse, marrying the love of my life and having two wonderful sons, I have finally been able to fulfill my first dream of publishing my first book. My youngest son is severely disabled and I am his full-time caregiver. The long winter months here in New England make it virtually impossible to go out very often, so I used this time to begin my story The Treasure of Gwenlais. Fifteen months and 1144 pages later I am very happy to present my story to all of you. I love strong female characters, who are still able to convey a sense of vulnerability and be very relatable. I also love strong male leads who are not afraid to show their soft side. Love of family is important to me as I am sure it is to everyone and I convey this in my story. So welcome to the world I have created and I hope you enjoy visiting often.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book? 
My book is currently in e-book format, and I am very happy to announce I am now having a promotion running from Mar.21st until the 25th for .99 regularly 3.99.  I currently have over 20 five star reviews. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015IQ0LW2?*Version*=1&*entries*=0
Where can readers connect with you online? 
I have a lovely website with beautiful pictures, music, excerpts, and reviews. http://www.mtmageeauthor.com/

I have a twitter acct. https://twitter.com/Mtmagee1013M

My author page on Facebook www.facebook.com/therienfieldchronicles/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

As well as my Gwenlais board on Pinterest where you can see the inspirations behind the story as well as the next books that will be coming in the series. https://www.pinterest.com/frumpyfarmer/the-treasure-of-gwenlais-the-rienfied-chronicles-b/

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Gwenlais and Heathwin.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Lael, in Realm Explorers Part XCIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima

The Wrecked and Yours Second Chance Trilogy is now complete with book three, A Beautiful Wreck. Written to be a stand alone, this sweet romance is all about hope restored.

Blurb: Her love may heal him, but his secret may destroy her. One terrifying, emotional mission to return a family heirloom sends Cassie on an unexpected search for the person she never knew she needed. Luke is tough, strong, and was once the best cop in town. Until the mob took away the one person he ever wanted. Now he’s trapped in fear over the man he’s become. Cassie wants to bring him redemption, but fears she will never open her heart again.Each is the only one who can understand the other.If they’d just let their walls down.

  Author bio- CeeCee James is a wife, mom, owner of two mini-dashchunds, writer, and watercolor artist. Most of all, she is a survivor. The story about overcoming strife is one that resonates with her. She lived it herself. An advocate for adult survivors of child abuse, her Ghost No More series is her true story of surviving and healing from childhood trauma. CeeCee’s blog- Her fictional series, Wrecked and Yours, is about love, secrets and navigating life. It’s romantic, uncertain and messy, like life often is. It’s describes their season to make a choice, “look at life honestly and deal with it, or continue to run away.” CeeCee absolutely loved writing it, and hopes it resonates with you because everyone has an important story of what they’ve overcome. 

CeeCee James Author Page- How to reach CeeCee James— My journey as an author first started as a child who loved to read. Growing up in a household that was often painful, in and out of foster care, I made my escape in several favorite books, who continue to be favorites to this day. 
 My first favorite that is near and dear to my heart is the James Herriot All Creatures Great and Small series. Those four books made me laugh, cry, and feel like there was a place of goodness and hope still in this word that set me on my own personal journey to find that place. He was an amazing author. 
 My second favorite books are the C.S. Lewis series, The Chronicles of Narnia. Yes! Still a favorite. It was here I saw other kids escape to new lands, and I lived vicariously through them. They reminded me to be brave, and continue to look for the beauty and whimsy in the world. I adored reading them out loud to my own children, over cups of hot cocoa. As an adult, my favorites have gone far and wide. 
But nothing has yet measured up to J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. His world building skills continue to hold me in awe. These books have influenced my own writing, which centers on the main characters emotional journey. I try to drop in whimsy, and beautiful moments that are all around us all the time. 
Thanks for letting me share! 
CeeCee James

Nyssa Glass is a reformed cat burglar turned electrician’s apprentice, settled into a life repairing videophones and radio-sets. However, when her past comes calling, she finds herself forced into one last job. No one has entered Professor Dalhart’s secluded mansion in almost a decade, at least not and returned to tell the tale. If Nyssa wants to ensure her freedom, she’ll brave the booby trapped halls and mechanized maids. Nyssa has skills, but this house has more than its share of secrets. As she steps into the cobwebbed halls lined with dusty mirrors, she has to wonder. Is the House of Mirrors really abandoned?

My Review:
Five stars. I really enjoyed this book! I haven’t read much steampunk before, and Nyssa Glass was a great introduction to the genre. I enjoyed the main character and her creativity in solving problems, as well as her technical and mechanical abilities. The author made it sound quite realistic, obviously having done her homework on some of those devices and their uses. This is a fairly quick read and a hard-to-put-down adventure story. I recommend it!

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Click here to preorder the book on Amazon.

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Sterling R. Walker

Title of book and/or series:
The Orphan Ship Trilogy (contains three previously published books, The Orphan Ship, The Lost Sheep, The Last Orphan)

Brief summary of the story: This is hard to do without giving too much away, so this is the back cover blurb for book one, The Orphan Ship:
Stranded 225 million kilometers from home on Mars Station, cousins Jake O’Brien and Lorina Murphy are drawn into a fledgling effort to help the hundreds of abandoned street children who call the station home. Jake becomes a medical apprentice in an outreach clinic, while Lorina volunteers at a juvenile shelter. They soon discover that their efforts may be in vain because something much more serious than poverty plagues Mars Station.
Also stranded on Mars Station, ship’s captain Danae Shepherd faces the difficult task of hiring replacement crew after an alien virus claims the lives of four in her employ, including her husband. She stumbles upon the same problem that has Jake and Lorina stumped: why are homeless children disappearing without a trace?

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Mars Station, a biosphere city home to two million inhabitants. My books are also set in some locations on Earth, including Lahaina, Maui; Bangkok, Thailand; and Guangzhou, China.

If we were to visit Mars Station as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
The economy is so bad that it’s not a place you’d want to visit. The central park would be attractive but it’s been taken over by the homeless.

What dangers should we avoid in Mars Station?
The corrupt Central Intelligence Police, commonly known as CIPs.

Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served?
It’s an international station so every type of food on Earth can be found on Mars. There are food vendors/kiosks everywhere. Meat is too expensive for all but the very rich, so most people exist on a vegan diet.

What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common?
Regular guns that use bullets, although they’re more advanced (tiny semi-automatic pistols).

What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel?
The main character, Captain Danae Shepherd, owns a passenger starship, but there are also merchant ships, warships, and freighters. Ground transportation is solar-powered, including solar cycles and solar cars. There are also electric trams driven by androids for mass transport around the station.

Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Mars Station?
Anti-grav (to move heavy items, hands free) and an assortment of advanced medical devices, including scanners which can detect any internal illnesses or damage, Hemorrhage Freeze, probe androids for surgery, fusion lasers for mending broken bones, synthetic blood, bone, flesh for restoring any damaged body part, and a machine that can restore neural pathways in the brain, just to name a few.

Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment.
Holo-vids, which are just 3D movies.

Is there a particular religion practiced?
All Earth religions are practiced openly and harmoniously (even Islam).

What is the political or government structure?
Mayor and city council that are elected.

Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The station police chief is the real leader. He controls the police, the courts, and the council like a mafia boss.

Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I’ve been to Maui, Bangkok, and Guangzhou, so it was easy to create futuristic versions of these places. I’ve also adopted children from China and Thailand, have volunteered in foster care, and visited many orphanages, so I have a lot of insight when it comes to homeless children. I have a special love for Asian cultures and mention many details when my characters travel to Thailand and China.

What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Human trafficking, especially as it relates to children.

Author Autobiography:
Author Sterling R. Walker has been writing since she was old enough to spell. She earned a BA in English from North Carolina State University, with an emphasis in Creative Writing. The Orphan Ship is her first published young adult science fiction novel. It was awarded a 2012 silver medal from Children’s Literary Classics.
Walker lives in Holly Springs, North Carolina, with her husband and five of her six children, including two daughters adopted from China. Her oldest son is married, and she has one grandson.  

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
My first three books are on Kindle, Nook, Apple, and Kobo, and in paperback. The trilogy is just on Kindle, for now. Click here to buy book one in paperback: http://www.amazon.com/Orphan-Ship-Sterling-R-Walker/dp/1484980360/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1456509169&sr=1-1
Click here to buy my new release on Kindle:

Where can readers connect with you online?

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Mars Station.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Fiori, in Realm Explorers Part XCII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
On tour with Prism Book Tours.

Welcome to the Re-Release Celebration for

Pieces of Eight
By Melissa Wright
Pieces of Eight, a YA/NA Fantasy, has been re-released with a fantastic new cover! Check it out and enter the giveaway below…

(Frey Saga #2)

The story of Frey continues in this, the second book of the series.
After revealing her dark history, Frey is forced to join with a group of strangers whose pasts seem to intertwine with her own. She struggles to regain her memories and her full power, only to discover there is more danger on the other side. Except now, there is no turning back.

Other Books in the Series
(Frey Saga #1)

Unaware she’s been bound from using magic, Frey leads a small, miserable life in the village where she’s sent after the death of her mother. But a tiny spark starts a fury of changes and she finds herself running from everything she’s ever known.

Hunted by council for practicing dark magic, she is certain she’s been wrongfully accused. She flees, and is forced to rely on strangers for protection. But the farther she strays from home, the more her magic and forgotten memories return and she begins to suspect all is not as it seems.

FREE in ebook everywhere.

(Frey Saga #2.5)
Molly dreamed her whole life of living in a world of magic… until the day she walked into one. This short story falls between The Frey Saga Book Two: Pieces of Eight and the third book, Rise of The Seven.

Rise of the Seven
(Frey Saga #3)
As Frey works to regain control of the North, a small silver dagger nearly brings her end. She raises her guard and proves her abilities, but another attempt on her life, from what appears to be fey, reveals not all are pleased with her return. If she could only figure out the force behind the attacks, she might be able to relax enough to decide what to do about her other problem… Chevelle.

About the Author

Melissa Wright is the author of the Frey Saga and Descendants Series. She is currently working on the next book, but when not writing can be found collecting the things she loves at Goodreads and Pinterest.

Re-Release Giveaway

$10 Amazon eGift Card, signed copy of FREY, and swag
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Ends March 16th

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Get your romance fix!

Do you love that “ahhhh” feeling you get when you read a sweet romance? Especially when you get to that inevitable happy ending? Tamie Dearen’s romantic comedy series, The Best Girls, can satisfy that craving. And the first book of the series, Her Best Match, is currently free. But beware…. it’s addicting! The limited-time price-reduction for Her Best Match is already in effect, in preparation for March 13, the day of the big sale and the release of A Rose in Bloom, a serial romantic comedy. Unlike anything you’ve ever read before, A Rose in Bloom was written and published in small parts, week-by-week, on Tamie Dearen’s blog, to the simultaneous delight and frustration of her devoted readers. Now, for the first time, the complete serial romance will be available to read as a novella. You can pre-order for only 99¢, but only though the March 13 release day! her-best-match-02


Feisty, stubborn, and bored with life in Texas, Anne Best is about to get more than she bargained for. The lovely widow heads off to the Big Apple for a job interview, expecting no more than a few days adventure in New York City, only to find herself with a new job working for the most infuriating man she’s ever met.   Billionaire Steven Gherring is one of New York’s Most Eligible Bachelors, and he has every intention of staying that way. But Gram has other ideas. She’s on a not-so-secret campaign to find a wife for her grandson.   As fearless as she is clumsy, Anne tackles every challenge (including her new boss) enthusiastically, with two lone exceptions… public speaking and recognizing her own feelings. Passions rise along with hemlines as Gram joins forces with Anne, a veteran matchmaker, to find the perfect match for Steven. Get Her Best Match free on Amazon, Nook, iTunes, and Kobo! Best Girls Banner 2014-08-17 at 2.58.51 PM

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Elyssa Rose has delicate flowers in her hands and a muscular guy on her mind.

The talented owner of A Rose in Bloom is determined to make a success of her floral business. And she doesn’t want or need a man’s help or interference! But trouble shows up in the form of her handsome, but antagonistic, neighbor, Jaxon McCall, a gym owner whose sole purpose is to buy her building from her.

Jaxon McCall once had his eye on Elyssa’s building, but now he can’t take his eyes off her.

Magnetic attraction draws them together, even as their stubborn personalities drive them apart. A Rose in Bloom is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Discounted to 99¢ through the March 13 release date!
  Author Square


Tamie Dearen lives with her very romantic husband of thirty-three years. She has two beautiful daughters, two amazing son-in-laws, and one awesome grandson. She plays piano, flute, harmonica, keyboards, and guitar, and loves composing and art. And she hates housework. She has been a dentist in private practice for thirty years. She stays busy playing on her church’s praise team and leading a weekly Bible study. In her spare time, she writes books.   Tamie specializes in writing “clean’ books without excessive violence, offensive language, or explicit sex. She has published a Romantic Comedy series called The Best Girls, which includes a free novella and four full-length novels, and recently published her first Christian Romance, Noelle’s Golden Christmas. She has also published the two books in a Young Adult Fantasy series, Alora: The Wander-Jewel, and Alora: The Portal. To combine her love of music with her writing, Tamie composed the background music for the Alora Series video trailer and a Christmas song, which is linked in the back of Noelle’s Golden Christmas. Her latest book, A Rose in Bloom, a romantic comedy serial story, is available for pre-order and will be released March 13.

Tamie met her husband as a freshman in college when she acted out of character on a whim. One night in the library lobby, she spied a cute guy with his first name written on the back of his shirt. She called out his name. When he approached to talk to her, she pretended that she’d met him before, asking about his classes and how he liked college. To her surprise and delight, he also pretended that he knew her, but of course he didn’t know her name. They continued this false relationship for two months. Each time they saw each other, an event that occurred three times per week at the cafeteria, he would pretend he knew her. Meanwhile, all of Tamie’s friends were careful not to reveal her name to him. When he finally admitted his ignorance of her name, he was astonished to learn the truth. And the rest is history.

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Michael Bergman

Title of book: The Kingdom of Arke Book I Fading Light
Brief summary of the story: My story unfolds while following the life of a young boy, named Ryker. He is an orphan living on the streets of Tervan. The story begins while Ryker is being chased over rooftops and through the streets of the Shuul. He escapes his pursuer, only briefly, and is captured that night by a shadowy being with glowing red eyes engulfed in a black cloud.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: The Kingdom of Arke: Fading Light takes place on the Island of Arke, which is surrounded by a vast sea. When The King first landed on Arke, the island was a desolate wasteland filled with monstrous creatures. With the help of His Paladins, The King defeated the creatures and cleansed the island. After establishing The Kingdom of Arke, The King helped many races from other islands in the vast sea to find safety and new homes within the Thraans and Shuuls of Arke.
If we were to visit Arke as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
There are many sights to witness in Arke. There is the Spine or Tsudesah as many call it, a mountain range that stretches from Mount Tsudah to the lake Marruhs. The Tsudesah splits the island nearly in half. On his journey, Ryker will experience many sights and places, so you’ll have to tag along with him to see the beauty that resides in Arke.
What dangers should we avoid in Arke? If at all possible, DO NOT travel through the streets of either the Thraans and Shuuls on moonless night. The Shadow Keepers or Khoshekh, as they refer to themselves, are always looking for their next victim. What they do with those they capture is a mystery. No one has ever lived to tell about it.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Arke? Arke is still in the age of the sword. So the weaponry resembles that of the medieval period in Europe. The Drudin Gaur, are men looking to get coin through intimidation and cruelty. The Shafel Gaur, however are men who would gladly give their life for those they protect.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Arke? Horseback and horse drawn carts and carriages are the most common form of transportation. Many other forms of transportation will open up to Ryker as his journey progresses, though you’ll have to find out along with him.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Arke that we don’t see on Earth? There are many. I can only give you the names they call themselves. Those who did trade with them have ceased and those that did forgot what they looked like. The Tsudians live in Mount Tsudah. The Osuhrians live in the western plains of Arke. The Kevaak live in the massive forest to the east. The Ves live on the peninsula near the bay of fangs. There are many other races that reside in Arke, though even their names have been forgotten.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Arke?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. Magic, in itself does not exist in Arke. However the Venahtri, The King’s Light, does. It resides throughout the kingdom in and around everything. Many people have completely forgotten it even exists. Some claim it never did. Ryker will find out first hand what is true about the Venahtri and The King.

Is there a particular religion practiced in Arke?  Please describe what it involves. This will be more of an author’s note than my previous answers. I did not want to create a religion in Arke because I myself don’t believe in religion. I believe in the Bible that true religion is caring for the widows and the orphan. Religion in itself resides all around us and that is what I portrayed in Arke. I don’t want to single one act out as religion. I think that every act you do for the glory of our God and King is religion.
What is the political or government structure in Arke?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? The King left the island long ago and left His Son, with the aid of the Drudin, to rule in his stead. What happened next is unclear; The King’s Son is gone as well. Now the Drudin and their Gaur rule The Kingdom of Arke with an iron fist and a ruthless heart. The people are hopelessly oppressed by the Drudin and their greed for power. Though they claim The King himself gave them authority to rule Arke their ways of judgment doesn’t reflect that of The Kings.
Author Autobiography: 
Michael Bergman is an aspiring young author from western Kentucky. He works full time as a marine technician and an electrician. Michael’s family operates an orphanage located in Hinche, Haiti, which currently provides for thirty-five children. While growing up, Michael was an avid reader who hoped to someday become an author. He was especially inspired by the works of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Michael resides in Eddyville, Kentucky, with his beautiful wife, Marissa.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?  Please include links.
You can read a short preview of the book at http://bookstore.westbowpress.com/Products/SKU-001016540/The-Kingdom-of-Arke.aspxand purchase, paper, hard backed as well as ebook there.
Where can readers connect with you online?
Instagram: @mbergman531
Author Note
The kingdom we live in now has forgotten and forsaken our great and mighty God and His Son Jesus. Our world began in much the same way that Arke did, but acts of human selfishness took us further away from the light of the King. I believe that God helped me to create the Kingdom of Arke to tell the story of His infinite love toward His creation.
            We cannot fathom how desperately God loves us. He loves all of us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to dwell among us and teach us how to serve Him and shed light on the world. Jesus took on the darkness of sin itself for all of us, and He destroyed it at the cross with His crucifixion. With the darkness destroyed, Jesus rose from the grave and poured out His spirit of light for each and every one of us.
            I hope that this story will reveal to others the light that I have found. I want everyone to see the terrible contrast between light and dark within this world. I believe there is a darkness that is consuming all of us, one that we don’t even see, that we are not even aware of.
            I believe we are allowing sin’s shadow to suffocate us and blind us from the beautiful light of God’s love.
            There is hope. The light shall come forth and consume all shadow of sorrow and fear. It will rise like the dawn, evaporating the cold and bitterness of night, bringing a glorious new day.
            With all my heart, I hope the words you have read have helped you to see the lightto see it for the first time or to see it anew. I hope these words speak into your heart, speaking life over death and joy over sorrow. I pray that you will draw closer to the light.
            Let us become citizens of the light, keepers of its infinite glow. Let us rid this world of all shadow. Let us shine forth until all might see His light through us.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Arke.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to Mars Station, in Realm Explorers Part XCI!
-Annie Douglass Lima

What Inspired Nyssa Glass and the House of Mirrors?

H. L. Burke is the author of several works of fantasy … many of which involve dragons. Her latest is a YA Steampunk Novella, which she describes as Jules Verne meets Mary Shelley meets H. G. Wells … Here she discusses the inspiration for Nyssa Glass and the House of Mirrors, a seed that planted itself and wouldn’t let go until it sprouted out of her brain and onto the page. 
One of my favorite pastimes is adventure games. I love flexing my totally-useless-in-real-life puzzle solving muscles. Sure, I can’t fix a computer, change a car’s oil, or drive a stick shift, but dang it! I can mess with gadgets and find clues inside a simulated world until I have solved the mystery, found the treasure, escaped from Alcatraz … whatever.
The common theme for these games is playing as someone dropped into an environment, often a strange or creepy one, who has to explore to find their way out again. My favorites include the Myst series (especially the visually stunning Riven) and Drawn: The Painted Tower (which my eight-year-old also enjoys) … oh, and the Nancy Drew series. 
So with Nyssa Glass I started from a similar concept and just asked myself questions about how it would work within my story … is my character trying to escape this maze of puzzles and traps? Or is she trying to get in? If she’s trying to get in, why? Is she a thief? Is she a bad person or does she have a reason for jimmying locks and cracking safes? What would drive her? Would she be alone the entire book? Who would she have to talk to? What sort of challenges would she have to face? Ooh, and what if there were robots … killer robots?
Once that was decided, I approached each scene as if it were either a puzzle to solve or a clue to find. In the story Nyssa has to navigate a series of challenges, ranging from brain teasing riddles to knock-down-drag-out fights with mechanized maids swinging brooms at her head. I hope to take the reader on a ride. 
So if you think you might want to come along on an adventure of killer robotic proportions, check out Nyssa Glass and the House of Mirrors, releasing on Amazon March 20th, 2016. It is available for pre-order for the special price of $0.99 until March 14th, so grab your copy early!
Nyssa Glass and the House of Mirrors
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Coming June 2016


Other books in the Alissia Roswell Series:

 Alissia Roswell left her abusive, childhood home immediately following her high school graduation–swearing she would never return. After ten years of hard work, she’s finally satisfied with her place in life. Highly independent, she takes great pride in needing no one other than herself. When she learns of her father’s sudden death, she decides to return to her hometown for the funeral. A visit to the old oak tree concealing her teenage diary pulls her into an alternate world, where her body begins to change in mysterious ways. As everything spins out of her control, with danger lurking around every corner, she’s forced to rely upon others. Her mind soon becomes her enemy, haunting her with memories from her past, while her heart teases her with the inconceivable notion of love. Join Alissia on her perilous quest full of adventure, magic, and romance as she travels the challenging road of finding oneself–maybe even love along the way.

“A twisted and complex plot, with spellbinding intrigue. The characters are deep and multi-dimensional, and the unpredictable, non-stop action builds to a crisis point at the end. Even the romantic aspect is non-linear and captivating.” – Tamie Dearen, author of the Alora Series
“Interesting, different & creative ideas filled this novel with a ton of imagery.” 
“Love! Love! Love! Can’t get enough of this novel!!!” 
“The twists and turns kept my attention at all times!” 
“Unexpected Metamorphosis has everything I love about modern fantasy. New worlds, strong female leads, gripping action sequences, and beautiful scenery that captivates the imagination.” 
– Reviewers on Amazon

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Alissia Roswell is far, far from home, and she won’t be going back any time soon. After having been sucked through a wormhole, spat out half-dead in an alternate reality, and revived by Lamians—an ancient, magical people who trigger a profound metamorphosis in Alissia, giving her powers she never thought possible—Alissia becomes the subject of Alrik Durst’s manipulation. Alrik has already usurped power in the city of Pallen, and with Alissia’s arrival, he sees his opportunity to exploit the power of the Lamians to his bidding as well, driving the land ever closer to civil war. Held prisoner in the luxurious confines of the Eldership castle in Pallen, Alissia is forced to feign memory loss to protect herself and her friends while fending off the romantic overtures of Ian Durst—Alrik’s all-too-charming son. Will the loves of her life, Grady Bolair and Luke Harrison, be able to help her escape? When she finally chooses between the two—Grady, the statesman, or Luke, the assassin—will it rip her alliances to shreds, casting uncertainty on her future? Join Alissia as she learns to reign in her fiery personality, tries to accept her past, and struggles with the one thing that scares her most: vulnerability.
Unexpected Entrapment: Alissia Roswell: Book Two will whisk you away to a world of mystical, menacing creatures and fantastic environs, where secrets abound and nothing is quite as it appears.

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Savage beasts kidnap Alissia Roswell as she is traveling to meet a separate group of Lamians than the ones that saved her life and physically changed her in the process—gifting her with many special abilities. Just when she was beginning to get accustomed to the bond she and Luke Harrison share, she awakes alone and trapped deep within an eerie bog to find she can no longer feel his presence or reach out to him with her mind.

Unexpected Peril, the third book in the Alissia Roswell Series, will take you to magical lands filled with strange and mysterious creatures. Will Alissia have a chance to adapt to her new life in this alternate reality, or will everything and everyone she has come to love be destroyed by an intense hatred for humanity?
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About the author:

Tianna Holley lives outside of Atlanta with her husband and children and has always been an avid reader of fantasy. She began writing poetry and short stories in her youth but did not pursue her passion until later in life. Although her books tend to contain violence and romance, she considers herself a PG-13 author. Her novels do not contain curse words, and the sexual content is limited to heated kissing. She enjoys talking to her readers and offers free Skype chats to book clubs that have read her writing. You can learn more about Tianna and sign up for her monthly newsletter to receive exclusive insights into her current work in progress by going to her website.

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Courting Cassandry
(Hearts in Autumn #2)
by Joyce DiPastena
Adult Historical Romance
ebook, 348 pages
February 17th 2016
Is it too late for second chances when the girl you loved in your youth comes back into your life?
Gerolt de Warenne became guardian to a child-heiress named Cassandry when he was only nineteen-years old. As he watched her grow into a lovely young woman, he found himself falling in love with her, but Cassandry viewed him as an older brother. So, burying his feelings, he gave permission for her to marry another.
Twenty-four years later Gerolt and Cassandry meet again. With the loss of their respective spouses, Gerolt hopes to finally court Cassandry, but she desires to remain a widow. Instead, they agree to a betrothal of their children.
Matters become complicated as their friendship begins to evolve into the romance Gerolt has always wanted. But by the law of the medieval Church, Cassandry and Gerolt can’t marry if their children do. Can they find a way to be together? Or must they sacrifice their future for the love of their children?
“Courting Cassandry” is a “Hearts in Autumn” romance, medieval romances revolving around heroes and heroines “in the autumn of their years.” Because love isn’t only for the young!

The First Book in the Series

Loving Lucianna (A Hearts in Autumn Romance, #1)Loving Lucianna
(Hearts in Autumn #1)
by Joyce DiPastena
Adult Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 220 pages
October 11th 2014
Sir Balduin de Soler gave up long ago on love. He never had the means to support a wife until an unexpected advancement in his fifties allows him to reassess his future just as the lovely Lucianna enters his life. 
Lucianna Fabio harbors a secret, painful memory from her past that has kept her unwed, as well. Now in her forties, she thought herself too old to marry until she meets Sir Balduin. Now suddenly their lonely autumn lives feel very much like spring again . . . until Lucianna’s brother appears without warning and threatens to revive the secret that will destroy Lucianna’s second chance at love. 
“Loving Lucianna” is the first in Joyce DiPastena’s new “Hearts in Autumn” romance series, medieval romances revolving around heroes and heroines “in the autumn of their years.” Because you’re never too old to fall in love!

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleKoboiTunesSmashwords

Medieval Rules of Inheritance

by Joyce DiPastena
Sometimes well-meaning readers question the lines of inheritance in my medieval romances. More familiar with the popular and wide spread Regency romance, they assume that the strict rules of inheritance that basically disowned the rights of daughters during the Regency or even Victorian eras have always stood in England. This was not the case.
It is true that after the Norman Conquest of 1066, the law of primogeniture whereby the eldest son alone inherited a father’s lands became the common law in England. If the eldest son died, then the brother next in line stood to inherit, and so on down the line of brothers. The goal was to keep the main wealth contained in the inheritance (which usually equated with land) concentrated in the hands of one man, rather than continually dividing and thus diluting that inheritance among multiple sons, and grandsons, and great-grandsons, etc.
(sons inherited first because they could offer military service to their lord)
However, according to the common law of England during the Middle Ages, if all the sons died, or if there were no sons at all, the inheritance did not pass to the next collateral male relative (uncle, cousin, nephew) as it did during the Regency. If there were no sons or if all the sons died childless, then daughters were next in line to inherit.
(sisters could inherit if all their brothers died or if they had no brothers)

Thus women could and did inherit, at times, great wealth. Women, however, were considered incapable of managing and defending great tracts of land. Every man who held land owed fealty (military service) to some man of higher standing, with the men of highest standing owing fealty to the king himself. Since women could not participate in military service, some man had to perform this service on their behalf. An heiress, therefore, regardless of age, came under the guardianship of the man to whom her father or husband had owed fealty. This guardian had the power to choose a husband for the heiress who could perform the military responsibilities required in that day and age. The woman had no choice of whom she would marry, unless a particularly generous guardian, like the hero of Courting Cassandry, gave his assent to the marriage.

Joyce DiPastena dreamed of green medieval forests while growing up in the dusty copper mining town of Kearny, Arizona. She filled her medieval hunger by reading the books of Thomas B. Costain (where she fell in love with King Henry II of England), and later by attending the University of Arizona where she graduated with a degree in history, specializing in the Middle Ages. The university was also where she completed her first full-length novel…set, of course, in medieval England. Later, her fascination with Henry II led her to expand her research horizons to the far reaches of his “Angevin Empire” in France, which became the setting of her first published novel, Loyalty’s Web (a 2007 Whitney Award Finalist).

When she’s not writing, Joyce loves to read, play the piano, and spend time with her sister and friends. A highlight of her year is attending the annual Arizona Renaissance Festival .
Joyce is a multi-published, multi-award winning author who specializes in sweet medieval romances heavily spiced with mystery and adventure. She lives with her two cats, Clio and Glinka Rimsky-Korsokov, in Mesa, Arizona.

Tour Giveaway

$20 See’s Candies Gift Certificate (if US) or $20 PayPal Cash (if international)
Copies of Loving Lucianna and Courting Cassandry (signed print if US, ebook if international)
Ends March 12th

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