Floyd and I enjoyed a wonderful vacation in Myanmar and Vietnam over Christmas break! Scroll to the bottom for links to blog posts about other parts of the trip.

Here are some of our memories from the area of Mingun, about an hour’s boat ride upriver from Mandalay.

From Mandalay, we took a boat an hour or so upstream to Mingun (or Min Gun), on the opposite bank. Just boarding the boat was an adventure!
This is a huge stupa (temple with no inside – it’s solid) begun in 1790 and never completed. Supposedly, an astrologer told the king who commissioned it that when it was finished, the king would die, so he halted construction. The cracks were caused by a huge earthquake in 1839.
Don’t be fooled by the fake door on the front. This structure has no inside – it’s solid all the way through, except for a tiny shrine in the front.
We climbed up to the top – lots of steps, and (as at all stupas and temples in Myanmar) we had to go barefoot. We found most of them to be quite clean, but sadly, this one had trash all around. Walking barefoot there felt quite gross!

The view from the top.

Near the unfinished stupa is a gigantic, famous bell.
The Mingun Bell is the second-largest bell in the world, and the largest bell that actually rings.

Random locals kept asking to get their pictures taken with us!
These ox carts were all over Mingun, taking tourists around.

Across from the huge unfinished stupa are the remains of two giant lions built to guard it. They didn’t look very lion-like to us, but then, they both lost their heads (which rolled into the nearby Irrawaddy River) in the earthquake.
Another of the lions.
Want to see more memories from our trip? Click on the links below!
Bagan-Mandalay River Cruise
Mandalay City
Ubein Bridge
Floyd and I enjoyed a wonderful vacation in Myanmar and Vietnam over Christmas break! Scroll to the bottom for links to blog posts about other parts of the trip.

Here are some of our memories from an evening at Myanmar’s famous Ubein Bridge. This is the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world. The area is famous for its gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. There are also plenty of venders and souvenir sellers ready to cater to tourists.

Long before dusk, the serious photographers got into position to prepare for the sunset.
Locals fishing near the bridge.

One of several areas selling food and drink just below the bridge.

Some of the snacks for sale.
More snacks.

I enjoyed watching a farmer plowing his field with a team of oxen before heading home for the evening.

I was hungry, and this looked like the best snack option there. The little deep-fried and breaded fishies were actually really tasty, especially when dipped in the spicy sauce.
Sunset at last!
Want to see more memories from our trip? Click on the links below!
Bagan-Mandalay River Cruise
Mandalay City
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
Liam Gibbs
Title of book and/or series:
In a Galaxy Far, Far Awry
Brief summary of the story:
He calls himself Master Asinine. Don’t laugh.
With the might of the underworld at his back, Asinine plans to rule the—well, pretty much everything. He’s got a planet-destroying laser and just bullied the galaxy’s major criminal organizations into forming an unstoppable force he calls “The Bad Guys.”
Standing against him is his one-time comrade-in-arms Matross Legion, a somewhat neurotic green-skinned Trioxidillian. He and Asinine haven’t spoken since Asinine killed their best friend, which, as you can imagine, somewhat soured their relationship.
Gathering a small team of people with hyperabilities, Matross prepares to confront his old enemy. Trouble is, Asinine is also getting ready, and he has all the usual evil mastermind tricks up his sleeve—and a few surprises for an old friend. So don’t laugh at Master Asinine. At least, not to his face.
All bets are off in this book series that combines the most amazing parts of space operas and comic books.
Nothing is more dangerous than a halfwit who controls all crime!
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
In a Galaxy Far, Far Awry evolves in the galaxy of Renovodomus, a society that revolves around the advertising dollar and the hilarious inanity of its citizens. Even the military organizations are no exception, run by the whims of sponsors and corporate advertisers.
And, in a universe where super powers and absurdity run rampant, the advertising dollar might be the most dangerous controlling force to run the gears that operate society.
It’s all fun and games until someone loses…no, wait. It’s always fun and games in Renovodomus.
If we were to visit Renovodomus as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Check out Intergalactic Protection, the ruling military authority of the galaxy. Or stop by Space Cow, the most prevalent fast-food chain in the galaxy, and taste their Still Mooing Value Meal, pending the review of the cow’s endangered species status! Study hyperabilities at any of Renovodomus’s top universities, like that one…or that one over there!
What dangers should we avoid in Renovodomus?
Avoid the chicken at all costs. Oh, and heed all traffic signals and road signs.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Renovodomus?
Anything unusual or distinct can be found at any of Renovodomus’s eateries. Try Space Cow’s Is It Beef? We’ll Find Out Together soft taco or Gastro Challenge’s You’ll Hope It’s Not Gangrenous turkey burger. And, hey, if you’re feeling adventurous, you’ll love Vegan Catapult’s Mouth in a Flower Bed, a lush salad rich with lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and soil! Nummy in your tummy!
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Renovodomus?
The most prevalent weaponry is the inborn superpowers, the hyperabilities, of Renovodomus’s citizens: eye lasers, fire control, self-multiplication, or the power of sarcasm!
Oh, and there’s no lack of fighting styles, which range from gunplay, horse-and-gunplay (they go really well together for that added craziness), and military-based hand-to-hand combat.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Renovodomus?
Technology abounds in the world of the future. Let’s start with the haunt control, the most prevalent voice-activated technology that controls the environment around you, so automated that it makes things seem haunted. Want a chair? Just ask your house to bring you one. Or how about latent technology, another software that stores objects in computer memory for later use? What a space saver!
Super futuristic space vehicles? No shortage there, with flying civilian transports (civ-trans) and military transports (mil-trans). You’ve also got starships, transports that operate on an interplanetary level, that come in several different classes, ranging from Trojan class to Titan class for those times you need to ship out an entire military!
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Renovodomus that we don’t see on Earth?
Futuristic animals come typically in two forms: the thundermammal (giant mammalian beasts used to herd and are good for eating when the family visits), and the gnawl (smaller than the thundermammal but no less tasty with a good barbecue sauce). Oh, and the rhinoceros, which is like the rhinoceros of today but leash-trained. They love their treats and walkies.
Sentient races come in all shapes: the Virillian, a reptilian race that doesn’t speak but acts rather antisocially toward each other and members of other species (you gotta wonder how they propagate); the Trioxidillian, a hairless, green-skinned species; and the Gharalgian, an orange-skinned species whose members have voices that sound high-pitched and grate on your spine.
Unfortunately the plant life in Renovodomus is not too exotic…except for the Death Ray Bulb, which may or may not try to eat you as you pass by! Ah, just kidding. It’ll probably only try to steal your wallet. 
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Renovodomus.
No disappointment here. Renovodomus’s national sport is extreme couponing, which is left undefined except that it involves clipping coupons, competitively shopping for the lowest prices…and bloodthirsty combat! The winner takes home the Voucher Cup. The loser? Well, let’s just say paying full price for a jar of pickles is a disgrace.
The other dominant sport is capture the flag, with a rabid fan base exceeding the millions and a league boasting no less than four hundred separate teams. Go, Mongolian Yurts, go!
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Renovodomus as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Since Terrans (humans) were the first settlers in Renovodomus, the clock operates the same as it does today, with days taking 24 hours and hours taking 60 minutes. Since the advertising dollar rules all, the most celebrated holiday is Boxing Day because of all its sales, and Christmas is now known only as Boxing Day Eve. But beware the sales season! It’s a cutthroat shopping period out there.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Renovodomus?  Please describe what it involves.
The only mentioned religion is Alaphan, which bears such a striking similarity to Christianity that….hmm…one wonders if it’s Christianity in the future.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
My inspiration comes from the loves of pop culture I held growing up as a child. I immersed myself in comics and science fiction, and so I took my interests—Spider-Man, Star Wars, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Futurama, The Tick, Spaceballs, X-Men, and innumerable others—and enthusiastically mashed them together into this super awesome series. I also love making people laugh—it’s my special gift—and so I want to give that gift to the world. Therefore, though this series is a superhero-inspired space opera, it’s also an extreme comedy, where the laughs put the reader in danger of snorting milk out of their noses in public.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
There are no hot-button topics in In a Galaxy Far, Far Awry. It’s a lighthearted world where the reader can escape the pressures of life. Sit back, have a laugh, and don’t worry about a thing. Not everything has to be dark and controversial, am I right?
What is your audience?
My amazing audience is both men and women ages 18 to 60 who love comics and science fiction culture. These are the people who frequent comic book stores, who love watching Star Warsor Star Trek, who hungrily wolf down helpings of Futurama. However, since there is no sex, no swearing, and comical violence in the books, the series is suitable for anyone aged 12 and over, depending on reading level. Since debuting my series, I’ve found a lot of children are interested in finding out more. And who am I to turn down a young reader?
Author Autobiography:
Liam Gibbs knew he was destined to write at age four, when he authored a breathtaking account of a cow who ate grass. The bovine saga failed to catch the public’s eye but earned the budding author parental acclaim. Since those early times, he’s gone on to write the novella Superpowered and humorous articles for various magazines.
A twenty-year veteran of the brutal world of hand-to-hand comic book fandom, Gibbs cut his teenage teeth on titles such as Spider-Man, X-Men, New Warriors, and other Marvel comics.
Gibbs graduated college with a degree in professional writing, which included classes on fiction writing and story structure. He lives on the balmy shores of Ottawa, Canada, where he relaxes by watching staggeringly awful horror and science fiction movies. A health and fitness nut, he shoots lasers from his eyes, uses the word exclusive incorrectly, and once wrestled an exclusive brontosaurus. True story.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? 
Two fantastic/unbelievably fantastic books in the series have been released so far, both in paperback and Kindle format.
Book 1, Serial Fiction Sideshow, can be found on Amazon.
Book 2, Home Sweet Home Invasion, can also be found on Amazon.
Where can readers connect with you online?
Readers can connect with the series and its author in so many places.
·      Like the series on Facebook
·      Follow the series on Twitter
·      Connect with the series on Linkedin
·      Chat the series up on Google+
·      Trade snapshots with the series on Instagram
·      Come by for a visit and a quick coffee at the series’ web site
·      Get the latest news dropped right in your e-mail with In a Newsletter Far, Far Awry

·      Holler at the series’ author by e-mail (he’s a nice guy)

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Renovodomus.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the Biblical/Fantasy realm of the Tethered World, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Review & Excerpt Tour Grand Finale for
Make Me a Match
By Melinda Curtis, Cari Lynn Webb, & Anna J. Stewart

Did you enjoy meeting Cooper, Ty, and Gideon, three childhood friends all grown up and seeking love? If you missed any of the excerpts or reviews, go back and check them out now…

Launch – Intro to the Compilation

And in Kenkamken Bay, Alaska, childhood friends: Cooper Hamilton, Ty Porter and Gideon Walker are family: they’ve dreamed together, failed together and stalled out in life together. And now they plan to change their futures together as match-makers.

Heidi Reads… – Review

“. . . once they put their efforts into helping the single members of the community improve their social lives the stories got more fun as they came up with interesting group activities to do in the dead of winter. The first two stories were okay but I loved the third one!”

I Am A Reader – Excerpt from Baby, Baby

The inner front door opened and a woman stepped in. She was wrapped from neck to snow boots in a reddish-brown parka that made her look like a stuffed sausage. Conversation in the room died away as every pair of male eyes turned toward her. She peeled off her knit cap, revealing shoulder-length, glossy blond hair and artfully applied makeup.

Christian Chick’s Thoughts – Review

“Sometimes, novellas that are connected but are written by different authors don’t feel cohesive, but in this case, the collection flowed seamlessly from one novella to the next.”

Colorimetry – Excerpt from Baby, Baby

And the witty, handsome man she’d met ten months ago with the mischievous smile? He wasn’t witty—he was speechless. He wasn’t handsome—his dark hair brushed his shoulders unevenly and grew from his chin in short, thick stubs. He wasn’t smiling—his lips formed a shell-shocked, silent O.

Zerina Blossom’s Books – Excerpt from The Matchmaker Wore Skate

Kelsey Nash, the beautiful, backstabbing columnist, had returned to K-Bay. The pretty looks belied an icy inner strength; the watered-down bourbon doe eyes camouflaged a shrewd nature.

deal sharing aunt – Excerpt from The Matchmaker Wore Skates

Ty leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Let’s be clear, K.J., we’ve seen these ladies before. They’ve taken our survey before. You’ve done nothing for me.”

Wishful Endings – Excerpt from Suddenly Sophie

As gray as Gideon saw his world, Sophie lightened up any space she walked into with her ebullient and gregarious personality—character traits Gideon both appreciated and worried about. Not everyone was as protective as he was prone to be when it came to Sophie Jennings.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“The first book sets things up and the last one ties things together. I liked that each book was by a different author. It helped separate the characters and define them as individuals with their own voice.”

Mel’s Shelves – Review

“The authors did an amazing job of making the stories seamless. The major characters were in each of the stories and they were consistent. I also love that the stories are all clean! If you’re looking for a fun Valentine’s Day read, check this one out!!”

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“4 STARS! . . . This is a compilation of three short stories that revolve around a group of friends.”

Underneath the Covers – Excerpt from Suddenly Sophie

If she’d ever doubted the universe was determined to make her its comic relief, she now had solid proof. Stuffy Gideon probably disapproved of Sophie’s tendency toward taking chances, but what was the point in living if you weren’t going to go after life with a bit of gusto and purpose?

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“I loved that each story has a unique voice, which is really pronounced by having a different author write each one. I enjoyed my time in Kenkamken, Alaska with these great people!”

Make Me a Match: Baby, Baby\The Matchmaker Wore Skates\Suddenly SophieMake Me a Match
by Melinda Curtis, Cari Lynn Webb, and Anna J. Stewart
Adult Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
February 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Three bachelors turned…matchmakers?

BABY, BABY: One special night with Cooper Hamilton gave Nora Perry a precious gift. But no way is the sweet-talking salesman the right guy for her…or is he?

THE MATCHMAKER WORE SKATES: Former pro athlete Ty Porter could get burned when he falls for the beautiful reporter who ruined his career—and could now expose his most zealously guarded secret!

SUDDENLY SOPHIE: Gideon Walker has a long history with free-spirited flower shop owner Sophie Jennings. But when the banker-matchmaker fixes her up with potential candidates, he realizes he’s made a terrible mistake…

Award winning, USA Today bestseller Melinda Curtis writes the Harmony Valley series of sweet and emotional romances for Harlequin Heartwarming, and the sweet romantic comedy Bridesmaid series. A Memory Away is Book 6 in the Harmony Valley series. Brenda Novak says: “Season of Change has found a place on my keeper shelf”. Melinda also writes hotter romances as Mel Curtis. Jayne Ann Krentz says of Blue Rules: “Wonderfully entertaining.

Cari Lynn Webb lives in Alabama with her family. If she isn’t at her computer, she can usually be found: picking up her daughters from school, dropping off at swimming or soccer practice or running into the grocery store for that one thing she forgot on her shopping list. She loves escaping into a romance and her e-reader can usually be found in her passenger seat. Visit her at: www.carilynnwebb.com.

WebsiteGoodreadsFacebookTwitter – Pinterest

You’ve met Anna J. Stewart (or someone like her) before. She was the girl who spun in circles on the playground hoping her Wonder Woman costume would magically appear before playing cops and robbers a la Charlie’s Angels–as Sabrina (she was the smart one). Anna was the girl in the back of the class with a paperback romance hidden in her algebra book (and yes, she failed algebra).

Growing up in the 70′s and 80′s meant there weren’t a lot of YA books, so she ventured early into mainstream fiction and read Stephen King’s CARRIE at the age of 8. Discovering Nora Roberts and romance novels early in high school opened her eyes to the wonders of storytelling and the beauty of a happily ever after.
So here she is, many years later with an English degree from CSU Sacramento, an RWA Golden Heart nomination behind her, countless stories in her head, and a serious addiction to STAR TREK, SUPERNATURAL, and SHERLOCK. She recently wrapped up a nearly 8-year stint working as assistant to NYTimes bestselling author Brenda Novak where she helped run Brenda’s annual online auction for diabetes research. When she’s not writing or reading (which she never has enough time for!), she’s working on dollhouse miniatures and tolerating her overly-affectionate cat named Snickers (or perhaps it’s Snickers who tolerates her).
Website – Goodreads – Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest – Instagram
Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
Copy of Make Me a Match (print if in the US, ebook if outside the US)
Copy of A Memory Away by Melinda Curtis (print if in the US, ebook if outside the US)
Copy of The Bad Boy from Butterfly Harbor by Anna J. Stewart (print if in the US, ebook if outside the US)
Ends February 12th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!
Floyd and I enjoyed a wonderful vacation in Myanmar and Vietnam over Christmas break! Scroll to the bottom for links to blog posts about other parts of the trip. (Some links may not work until all the posts are live.)
Here are some of our memories from the couple of days we spent in the city of Mandalay in Myanmar.
I enjoyed a ride on the back of one of Mandalay’s many bike taxis!
We had a simple but tasty dinner at this little restaurant. They don’t have many choices on the menu, but the “twist potato” with sausage in the middle was really good! (I recommend it with ketchup.)
We went for a LONG walk in Mandalay one afternoon/evening. (I think Floyd estimated we went something like 65 city blocks?) We had hoped to visit Mandalay Palace, but it was getting toward evening and the complex was closed to guests, or at least to foreigners. So we strolled along a pathway that ran along the outside of the moat sort of thing.
It was beautiful to look at in the dusk!
Eventually (after dark) we ended up on Mandalay Hill, where there’s a set of temple buildings so lit up with colored lights that we both thought they looked like something you’d find in Disneyland. But no, they’re active centers of Buddhist worship.

We hired a taxi driver to take us to the top of the hill, where Su Taung Pyai, an especially famous gold-plated pagoda, looks down over the city.
Looking up at Su Taung Pai’s dazzling dome.

Decorations in Su Taung Pyai’s interior.
On our way back to our hotel in the evening, we passed through a night market in which a group of young people were playing a very interesting game. It was fun to watch! Can you figure out the rules?
Want to see more memories from our trip? Click on the links below!
Bagan-Mandalay River Cruise
Ubein Bridge
Floyd and I enjoyed a wonderful vacation in Myanmar and Vietnam over Christmas break! Scroll to the bottom for links to blog posts about other parts of the trip.
Here are some of our memories from the all-day boat ride we took between the cities of Bagan and Mandalay.
It was FREEZING cold and still dark when we first boarded the boat. It was fun watching the sun rise over the Irrawaddy (also called Ayeyarwady) River.
I played around with different settings on my camera. This one made the colors look more like sunset, but trust me, the sun was just rising!
Another dawn shot from the river.
A random village we passed along the way. We saw quite a few of these – it was a long trip!
Approaching Mandalay. I guess the river bank is the local spot to hang laundry.
Apparently it’s also the spot to wash clothes and bathe!
Want to see more memories from our trip? Click on the links below!
Mandalay City
Ubein Bridge
Floyd and I enjoyed a wonderful vacation in Myanmar and Vietnam over Christmas break! Scroll to the bottom for links to blog posts about other parts of the trip.
Here are some of our memories from the cooking lesson we signed up for, where we learned to make traditional Burmese food on Christmas Day! (Find out more about it on Trip Advisor here.)

This lady, May, was our host. The lesson was held at her house, mostly on her back porch and in her yard. She had a wonderful little garden where we picked fresh herbs and vegetables to add to the food!
She set out a few basic ingredients and supplies, and we started by peeling and chopping what she told us to.
At one point I got to crush raw garlic and ginger in a mortar with a pestle. Later, I crushed peanuts in the same mortar (it didn’t get washed out in between). The result was quite a zesty-flavored peanut paste! We used it (along with the garlic/ginger mixture) in a number of different dishes.
She had a row of charcoal burners set out on her porch. At her instruction, Floyd and I and one other student cooked a number of separate dishes in them. The main courses included prawns, chicken curry, fish cakes, and pork, but there were quite a few cold salads (none involving lettuce) as well.
We put a giant green eggplant in the coals to cook.
Here’s what it looked like after a while.
The finished version. The inside was all gooey and ready to be scooped out to be added to a salad.
Stirring the chicken curry. Most of the broth disappeared as it simmered.

This is May with the library she started in her garage, available for kids and adults in the neighborhood to use 24/7. 20% of the proceeds from her cooking classes go toward the library.
These were the tasty salads we made!
Our fish cakes and prawns. So yummy!

May made us this tasty thick soup. I’m not sure what was in it.
Dessert (a store-bought surprise from May) was made from coconut, sticky rice, and jaggery (palm sugar). Delicious!
Here we are with all the different foods! Or at least what was left of them by the end of the meal.
Want to see more memories from our trip? Click on the links below!
Bagan-Mandalay River Cruise
Mandalay City
Ubein Bridge

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
Fear of Falling
By Catherine Lanigan
Coming March 1, 2016, from Harlequin Heartwarming…

(Shores of Indian Lake #5)
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 Pages

Her best bet is to stay away

Was Olivia hearing this right? The one man in Indian Lake she’d found truly intriguing since, well, forever—the hopelessly handsome heir to the region’s most successful farming operation, Rafe Barzonni—was involved in horse racing? That made him, and her sudden attraction, downright dangerous. He wasn’t just out of her league. He was a gambler. Like her father. With the shame of her father’s racetrack betting addiction still haunting her, Olivia can’t be part of that world. Rafe’s world. She can’t trust him, or his magnetism. But there’s something deep in his incredible blue eyes that keeps drawing her closer…

AmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

The Other Books in the Series

Catherine Lanigan is the bestselling author of over thirty published titles in both fiction and non-fiction, including the novelizations of Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile, as well as over half a dozen anthologies, including “Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living your Dream”, “Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul”, “Chocolate for a Woman’s Heart”, Chocolate for a Woman’s Spirit”. Ms. Lanigan’s novels have been translated into over a dozen languages including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, and Japanese. Ms. Lanigan’s novels are also available on audio-cassette, CD and on electronic format. A prolific writer, she is always writing wonderful stories. She has several titles only available in ebook format on Amazon.com Several of her titles have been chosen for The Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Clubs. Her novel, The Christmas Star, won the Gold Medal Award Top Pick from Romantic Times Magazine for December, 2002, and has also won Book of the Year Romance Gold Award from ForeWord Magazine as well as Book of the Year Romance from Reader’s Preference. In March, 2006 Divine Nudges: Tales of Angelic Intervention and the second in Lanigan’s Angel Watch series of books, was published by HCI, the Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher.

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Want to join the upcoming tour? Click on the banner to go to the sign-up!

Cover Reveal Giveaway

$25 Amazon eGift Card
3 ebooks of Fear of Falling
Open internationally
Ends February 7th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Julie Elizabeth Powell
Title of book and/or series:
The Star Realm #1 The Avalon Trilogy (#2 Invasion #3 Secrets Of The Ice).  The Avalon Trilogy is the whole story but each is an adventure in itself.
Brief summary of the story:
Five children – Davie Jenkins, Ben Jenkins, Chrissie Abbott, Anne Miller and Billy Kennedy – are chosen by the Time Keeper of Avalon (Ezrin) to redress the balance of both his world and theirs (called Elsewhere by the inhabitants of Avalon).  They must find seven elements and save someone in time, before everything is lost and DarkStar consumes them all. 
The further two books of the story see them battle a myriad of creatures and puzzles – the ending should be a complete surprise; everything is answered in the final few pages of Secrets Of The Ice.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The Star Realm is just one world that makes up the Orb of Caprice, an orb that houses billions if not trillions of heptagonal worlds; each one created through imagination via Elsewhere (from either a story, a song, a poem, a dream or a spark of an idea, forever increasing in size). The Star Realm has locations such as the Elysian Forest, the Rainbow Pool and waterfall (where fairies and other magical creatures meet and play), on the right of the Meadow and Star Hamlet, which is a longer walk to the north.  There is also Melodise, where the Drawfrons reside, which is filled with music, in addition to the secret fairy site – and much more.  But it also has Puzzle Woods – a dangerous and mysterious place.
The children visit another world within the Orb in #2 Invasion (The Dark Reaches) and the Dominion Of Ice, in the final book of the trilogy, #3 Secrets Of The Ice.  Each has their own dangers and wonders.
Avalon is the heart, while the Orb of Caprice is classed as encasing numerous outer worlds.
If we were to visit the Star Realm as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Melodise, for sure, where concerts take place daily and are a wondrous spectacle. You mustn’t miss out on the Elysian Forest where you might spot a fairy, if you’re lucky.  If you visit Star Hamlet, there is a bookshop, and small bakery, where the most delicious fare can be tasted.  There is also a blacksmith and John Smith is a marvel at making almost anything.  If you visit the apothecary, however, it is worth noting that guests must be careful not to touch anything – a heavy lesson learned by Billy.  Sometimes the bandstand is filled with musicians and magicians, but that depends on the time of year.  For those of a sturdy physique, then a climb through the mountains would be worthwhile, however, I cannot promise that they will find the magical entrance so to visit the scribe.
I would not recommend Puzzle Woods for any with a weak heart, but those with adventure in their veins may enjoy a brief visit – and you may even meet Brogan, one of the goblins that live in a secret underground realm.  He often tramps the Woods, so you may be fortunate. 
Warning: please beware the Watchers.  Actually, it may be a good idea to stay clear of Puzzle Woods altogether; it’s easy to spot the dense collection of trees on the left of the meadow, where sits Chamber, the Gatekeeper; so visitors are unlikely to wander in by mistake, although anything is possible within these worlds.
What dangers should we avoid in the Star Realm? 
Puzzle Woods and watch out for Melpomene’s Trap – Ben will tell you in detail all about that dreadful place. And if someone is trying to bar your way, then there may be further ‘traps’ and holes that lead to the Below Worlds, and I wouldn’t suggest any of those for the unseasoned traveller.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the Star Realm? 
The wonderful thing about the Star Realm is that you can wish for any type of food or drink – that in itself is unusual enough.  However, this is not the case for the other worlds they visit, so, unless you really understand your magical prowess, and spirit heart, please refrain from visiting.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in The Star Realm? 
Swords.  Magic.  Potions.  Spells. Intelligence. Bravery.  Friendship.  Belief.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the Star Realm?
It depends on where you go.  The royal family has a carriage and unicorns, but mostly magic is used to travel.  Time is a strange thing in the Orb, for one minute you can be walking away from, say, a tree, and the next, that tree looks a speck in the distance.  There are portals too, but it’s best to search the map for the correct landing locations – you don’t want to end up in the dragon’s jaw.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in The Star Realm that we don’t see on Earth?
Odd plants of various colours, shapes, sizes and textures.  The most unusual ‘creature’ I would say is Kimeranet (K –ime – ee –ran – eh).  His story is complex and sad.  He is a mixture of more than one animal, including: bear, lion and human.  Although his nature is kind and he has compassion for every living thing.
The Star Realm is home to goblins (some good, some evil), gnomes, fairies, angels, drawfrons (lesser and greater), witches, talking flowers and a complex range of seemingly human-type inhabitants – to mention a few.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in The Star Realm?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Magic is hugely important, as is Time.  Nourishment can be ‘wished’ by visitors.  Star Hamlet, however, grows food in the fields and uses horses to plough etc. – it is much like a medieval lifestyle, as of Elsewhere.  That’s not to say a sprinkle of magic is not used.
Ezrin is the Time Keeper and uses magic in many ways – he does not have a wand, but can use Time to manipulate where he must.  Apollone, too (the owner of the apothecary) uses the magic that is set deeply within the Realm, for all manner of things.  Every inhabitant of the Star Realm can call upon magic, but each differently from another.  Magic is not always used for good.  I cannot say too much here so as not to spoil the plot of the story.  But if magic is manipulated in the wrong way, for example, to steal another’s youth or beauty, then you can imagine the consequences.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in the Star Realm?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Ezrin has what he calls a gyro-monitor, for when he examines the Orb of Caprice from Avalon (the Orb sits in the atmosphere outside of the heart of Avalon) and it is from here that visitors would have to launch into their adventure.  In addition to this, the gyro-monitor allows him to move easily up and down to keep an eye on the Utopian Passage and Thoughts, which are in the shape of clouds.  It houses a lectern where he can scrutinise Time on many levels and possibilities.
The underground realm also has what has been named a Tramvolator – this allows easy passage to and from Puzzle Woods for those who have the golden dust. The Tramvolator was created from the White, which makes up much of the secret underground tunnels of these friendly goblins – secret because they must hide from Stubbling, a terrible goblin with a lust for power.  Seer Bowls are also a means of ‘watching’ and ‘finding’.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in The Star Realm.
Brogan’s underground world has a few, and I’ve mentioned Star Hamlet’s and Melodise’s fun with music.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in The Star Realm as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
No.  Time has its own beat in the Star Realm.
Is there a particular religion practiced in the Star Realm?  Please describe what it involves.
What is the political or government structure in the Star Realm?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
There is the Star Council – twelve members including Ezrin, Kimeranet, Somat, Ea’s, Monanic, Privithis, Psyche, Talocan, Asshuran, Mithraw, Lokian and Sivan (head).  This council decides many things to help with the running of Avalon and its outer worlds.  This is where it is decided what to do about the unnerving counter-balance and how it’s destroying not only their worlds but that of Elsewhere.  Each member has an important role for the running of Avalon and its outer worlds.
Sivan has charge of a special staff that can push back the ravages of time upon the holder – he is extremely old and wise; hence why he is ‘leader’. 
There is also a king, queen and princess in the Star Realm who have lost control somewhat because… no spoilers.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit The Star Realm?
Respect the lands and those within it.  Although this sentiment is not held by all.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
The Star Realm was inspired by a book I’d written, called Gone.  This was written in answer to the question: Where had my daughter gone? after she’d been severely brain damaged at the age of two.  She was left an empty shell for seventeen years and that question haunted me until she died a second and final time.  For if she was no longer ‘here’ then where was she?  I created a world and went in search of her – the Star Realm was born.
The world was too good to waste (Avalon and the Star Realm from the Orb) so I used it to create an epic fantasy adventure.  The story became so big that I had to break it into three – The Avalon Trilogy.  #2 Invasion takes place in another, darker world of the Orb, as does #3 Secrets Of The Ice, so to complete the story – I hope those who read it will love or at least appreciate the ending.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Environment (its ruination) corruption, the loss of the imagination and power-hungry individuals.
Please share a brief author autobiography.
I cannot ignore my dreams, so many of them, with names and places and ideas that spark my imagination and compel me to write; to create stories, whether fantasy or horror, or mystery or psychological thriller or murder or even humour and adventure.  So, my garden is sown, flourishing, with all manner of growth, and still the dreams come.
Julie Elizabeth Powell, my soul lingering within my imagination; maybe you’ll join me?
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
Each of the books is available separately or together as a trilogy; omnibus edition.  I live in England but I’ve included USA links too.
The Star Realm is available in theUK in Kindle format as well as in the USA.  If you prefer paperback, then Lulu has a copy.  For #2, Invasion it’s also a Kindle edition in the UKand USA.  The same goes for #3, Secrets Of The Ice, as a Kindle edition in the UKand USA.  Luluhas each of these in paperback. 
If you’d like the Omnibus Edition, in the UKor USA, it’s only offered in Kindle format because it is too big for paperback.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
Website 2 – http://julizpow.wix.com/julieelizabethpowell  (work in progress)
GOODREADS – https://goo.gl/DcTSOO
Amazon UK page – http://goo.gl/XK8TOj
Amazon USA page – http://goo.gl/cT0DCK
Audible – UK – http://goo.gl/Un3ExL
Audible – USA – http://goo.gl/MjNtaJ
I hope that The Star Realm, Invasion and Secrets Of The Ice will soon be audiobooks, as are my other works.
I also read many, many stories and review them all – not that they are all good, but most are and they come from the independent pool of writing rather than the bland and formulaic books you find in shops.
There, that’s little about one of the many worlds I’ve created.  The Star Realm – and the rest of The Avalon Trilogy – can be read (or read to) from 8-100.  It is directed at a younger audience (12+) but then I think it could suit YA and, of course, those young at heart.
Thank you for reading this, and special thanks to Annie Douglas Lima for including some of my work in Realm Explorers.  I do have 19 titles in a variety of genres (soon to be 20, with a whole range of other projects on the go), but only The Avalon Trilogy and Knowing Jack are for a younger audience. 

Here is a video book trailer for The Star Realm, if anyone is interested?  Thanks.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to The Star Realm.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the galaxy of Renovodomus, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Floyd and I enjoyed a wonderful vacation in Myanmar and Vietnam over Christmas break! Scroll to the bottom for links to blog posts about other parts of the trip.
Here are some of our memories from the city of Bagan, which is famous for the hundreds upon hundreds of temples scattered across the landscape just outside (and even inside) of town.

Floyd and I rented little electric scooters and spent most of two days driving around on a self-guided tour.
Locals make their living all through the area.

Some of the temples had ancient writing and artwork inside.
We met a friendly local artist named Koko, who showed us around and volunteered to take some pictures for us.
We bought this painting from Koko (the scene shows his conception of paradise). After he spent hours of his day showing us around for free, we kind of felt like we had to buy something from him as thanks. Unfortunately, it turned out to be REALLY expensive! ($75 U.S. was his starting price, and we did bargain it down a little, but not much. Unfortunately, by the time we heard the price, it was a little too late to back down.)
Some of the temples had external stairways that we could climb up. They were all extremely steep, and we had to take of four shoes and socks every time.
Even monks like to explore ancient monuments (and take pictures with their smart phones)! These two spoke good English and agreed very courteously to take Floyd’s and my picture, when we asked them to. One of them took a picture of us at the same time, so I didn’t feel bad asking to take one of them.
Whoops. We didn’t see this sign until AFTER we had climbed up to the temple (along with dozens of other tourists). Honest!
Lots of tourist hired these little horse carts for the day, along with a guide to show them around. 
A secret interior stairway up to the top of one of the temples! Koko, our volunteer guide who grew up in the area, showed it to us. It felt like something Indiana Jones would experience!
Want to see more memories from our trip? Click on the links below!
Bagan-Mandalay River Cruise
Mandalay City
Ubein Bridge