I adore audiobooks, so naturally I want other audiobook lovers to be able to listen to my stories. This summer I teamed up with veteran television reporter and co-anchor Terry Murphy to bring my short story Ino’s Love to life. Terry is best known for her nine years (1990–1998) anchoring the tabloid show Hard Copy and, since 2003, reporting for the entertainment show Extra.   She has done a fantastic job with Ino’s Love and I can’t wait to hear what readers have to say. (Read on for my interview with Terry.)

Why turn a short story into a 28-minute audiobook?
Short stories are enjoying a resurgence these days as more and more people have instant access to books, including audiobooks, on their smart phones. Shorter reads are easier to digest; a reader can finish a story and experience a sense of resolution in a matter of minutes. And audiobooks make this even more convenient because they’re hands-free. I love listening to a great audiobook while I’m driving, cooking, and cleaning house, even when I’m lounging in the pool. Others do too. So making all of my books and stories into audiobooks is part of my marketing plan.

Of all of the stories I’ve written, Ino’s Love is one of my favorites. I absolutely loved writing it. I don’t remember what inspired me to create the characters of Ino and Ruby, but it must have been work-related because I was working as a hospital case manager at the time. My days were filled with helping patients (and their families) find ways to remain comfortable and cared for at home when faced with long-term illness or disability.

I also did a short spell as a home health nurse myself, and had a lot of experience as a nursing assistant caring for the elderly in nursing homes and as an LPN and RN in the hospital. I have a soft spot for patients like Ino. I respect those who care for them with integrity and help them to maintain their dignity.

This story displays the love that can exist between caregiver and client. There may be a few questionable actions on the part of Ino and Ruby (no spoilers!), but it’s the love between them that stays with the reader.

Ino’s Love was originally published in Kaleidoscope magazine, 2009.

Ino prepares a Christmas feast for her successful CEO son, but when he’s too busy to spend the holiday with his mother, she shares her dinner and gifts with her home health aide. Sometimes, the people who love us best are not family.

Interview with narrator/producer Terry Murphy
What is it about Ino’s Love that motivated you to audition for the role of producer/narrator?

“Ino’s Love really touched my heart. Sadly today, so many adults either ignore or forget about their parents. And as I’ve gotten older, I realize it’s the little things from my sons that make me the happiest now. Ino also beautifully illustrates how simple gestures from a stranger can bring such joy to a senior citizen’s life.”

Were there any challenges to preparing for or performing this role?

“The biggest challenge for me was trying to capture Ino’s personality in my voice. And it was equally difficult alternating between Ruby and Ino’s ages. Ino’s Love was my first fiction recording, and I am very proud of my collaboration with you.”

Please tell us about your background in television and news.

“My career in television news began at WKRC in Cincinnati, first as a reporter and then as one of the first anchor women in Ohio. After anchor positions in Detroit, Chicago and Los Angeles, I was selected to in 1989 to co-anchor Hard Copy, Paramount Studio’s nationally syndicated and very successful tabloid show. Before my retirement last year, I worked as Senior Producer on Warner Brothers nationally syndicated entertainment show, EXTRA, starring Mario Lopez. I was blessed with a national daytime Emmy Award for my work in 2014.”

How did you get started in audiobook production/narration?

“When I retired from the entertainment business and moved back from Los Angeles to my hometown of Columbus Ohio, I realized I still had something to offer, namely my voice!  So my husband built me an audio booth in our basement, I invested in some high end equipment, and began working with a voice coach to add more variety to my tone. He suggested auditioning for audiobooks, and the rest is history.”

What other books have you narrated?

“All of the other books I’ve narrated are non-fiction works, including one on how to control mood swings, and another on the burgeoning marijuana dispensary business across the country.”

How has the market for audiobooks changed over the course of your media career?

“The market for audiobooks is growing by leaps and bounds.  More people are traveling further distances to and from work, and desire to listen to something more engaging than a top forty or all-news radio station.”

If you could produce/narrate any book in or out of print which would it be?

The Magnificent Ambersons is one of my all-time favorite books, and is at the top of my list.”

What advice do you have for authors who would like to market their books in audio?

“My advice to authors is, if you don’t have a broadcast quality voice, put your ego aside and hire a professional.”

What would you tell those who are embarking or wish to embark on a career as a producer/narrator for audiobooks?

“To all aspiring narrators I would remind them to be prepared to spend many long hours recording and editing, but the end result is a very rewarding career.  Also, begin listening to voice actors on television and radio, spend money for the best equipment, and invest in a professional coach. And most importantly, don’t take rejection personally. You may not be right for one project, but perfect for another!”

What was the best job you ever had?

“Definitely Hard Copy was my favorite job.  It thrust me into the national spotlight, and we covered several major stories, including the trials of Michael Jackson and O.J. Simpson.”

Since its publication as an ebook on Kindle in December 2013, Ino’s Love has been steadily gaining great reviews and is rated 4.9 stars on Amazon. Here’s what a few readers had to say:
“The author packs so much into so little space. This is what a short story should be.”
“Such a tender story of love…giving love, receiving love; reminding us again that it’s not the “things” in our lives that are important, but the relationships.”
“A great writer can make you fall in love with a character quickly. Ms. Sciucco proves to be such a writer with this short story.”
“All I had left when the tale ended was the question: ‘Why isn’t this included in the full disclosure for new home health aides?’ Because it is such a delightful short read, and yet it depicts just how important these people are to the patients they serve.”

Purchase Ino’s Love
Ino’s Love in audiobook is available on Amazon for $3.46, on Audible and iTunes  for $3.95. It’s also available as a Kindle book for $.99, and is free on Kindle Unlimited.
Connect with Marianne Sciucco

    Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

    Author’s name: C.N. Pinckard
    Title of book and/or series: Arising from Darkness
    Brief summary of the story:
    Meranda decides she has had enough of the way Gavid treats her and feels away from him. She runs into the King of Yevin and is immediately put to death by Gavid.  King Ledric heals her and discovers she is a Riftrider with a strange birthmark on her shoulder. Treidon discovers his true love in Meranda and is his a Riftrider as well.  She talks about a lord name Siebrien who plans on over taking the realm.  They all rush to Elmwick and give Meranda the trials, but she is plagued by Nightmares and demons who wish her dead.  No one knows the real reason, but they find a way to make the trials and hopefully stop Siebrien.
    Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
    I created this world with the thoughts of the different regions of the world, artic (snow region), the flat lands (the grasslands region) the desert (desert region), and the forest (the forest region.).  each has it’s own dangers and troubles, just like here on Earth.
    If we were to visit Seilla as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
    Going to Elmwick to see the monstrous tall trees.
    What dangers should we avoid in Seilla?
    There are kinds of dangers, from plants that could eat a man whole to goblins, trolls, orcs, ogres and even Lizardmen.
    Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Seilla?
    No, mostly mutton, veal, and the like.
    What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Seilla?
    Combat consists of swords, daggers, axes, typical, but there are some not so typical. Such as the hair cat o’nine tales, and the spiked chains
    What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Seilla?
    Mostly animals are used to travel. Although there is a special race that use their abilities to travel and help others travel through the shadows.
    What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Seilla that we don’t see on Earth?
    For one, the sentient races are Goblins, orcs, gnomes (not the cute garden variety either.), lizardmen, trolls, barbarians, elves, kobalds, dwarves and dragons.  Animals are typical, but some not so typical the ankheg which is a flesh eating large bug. Or the cockatrice.  There are monsters everywhere in the Realm of Seilla.
    What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Seilla?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
    There are always magic and supernatural at play in the Realm of Seilla. There are demons that constantly are plotting against the entire realm, and magical abilities are either studied or come natural.
    Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Seilla?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
    Yes, there is an ore named Ultrim that holds a magic that is cast on it. For example if you cast cold on the metal, it will constantly keep cold, thus helping the elves of the realm keeping their meats cold,  if you cast lightening on it, it will keep that electricty and provide power to the realm.  There is also running water in the realm as well, it is powered by the spells of filtration and constant flow.
    Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Seilla.
    There is jousting, skilled events for each of the classes (ranger, riftrider, knight, fighter, etc)

    Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Seilla as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
    No, weeks are 10 days a week, month is 40 days, years are 400 days.  On the land of Yevidin there are fall festivals, spring festivals, summer celebrations and a winter celebration.  Barbarians, Dwarves and Kobalds have their own.
    What is the political or government structure in Seilla?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
    The typical Medieval ruling, monarch, lords, ladies, dukes and dutchesses, etc.
    Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Seilla?
    There are a few, to become a shadow elf you must face several trials.
    Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
    My book 1 has been influenced by the military and other events of pop culture. 
    What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
    Demons, we all have them, we all fight them.  They are always out to get us and will try and destroy us.  We have to use our strength, faith and courage to fight them.
    Author Autobiography:
    C.N. Pinckard is from Bossier City, Louisiana where she lives with her husband of twenty years (seven time cancer surviver) and two autistic boys. Her own autism spurred her love of reading fantasy. When she graduated from the small rural school she attended, she soon married and began her family, all the while dreaming of the day when she would begin her journey writing. In the present day, C. N. Pinckard enjoys every minute of working on her Riftrider’s Return series as well as making jewelry, bookmarks, and handmade textures to use with photography or cover art.
    Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
    Where can readers connect with you online? 

    Twitter: @CNPinckard

    Website: http://kelinrose.wix.com/cnpinckard

    I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Seilla.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

    Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

    Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy land of Pippington, in Realm Explorers Part LXVIII!
    -Annie Douglass Lima

    On tour with Prism Book Tours.

    Release Day Blitz for
    Once Upon a Marriage
    By Tara Taylor Quinn

    Intro to Once Upon a Marriage
    This is what happens when three college friends decide to buy an old apartment building…

    Welcome to the Historic Arapahoe! (If you’ve been here before, welcome back!) Though most of the residents here are elderly, they’re still getting up at five-thirty in the morning to work, they’re still going on romantic dates, changing the insides of their toilets, and protecting those around them. Including the three thirty-one-year-old friends who recently purchased the building so that the elderly, fixed income residents wouldn’t be forced into nursing homes or be put out on the street.

    Who’s really taking care of whom remains to be seen. Or maybe, this is life, everyone doing what they can to take care of each other. Marie, one of the three owners, has been taking care of others most of her life. She owns the coffee shop on the first floor of the building and spends her days trying to make life a little easier, a little more pleasant for everyone around her.

    There’s a stalker hanging around. And her father, a womanizer who broke up their family but also managed to be a good dad, is struggling. Marie tends to it all. And she’s still lonely. Because, ultimately, she can’t trust.

    I think, in today’s world, many of us struggle with trust issues. I also believe that happiness depends on our ability to trust, and that trust is still rewarded. I’m just not sure I can convince Marie of that fact…

    Once Upon A Marriage is her story.

    — Tara Taylor Quinn

    Once Upon a MarriageOnce Upon a Marriage
    (The Historic Arapahoe #2)
    by Tara Taylor Quinn
    Adult Contemporary Romance
    Paperback & ebook, 368 Pages

    October 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming

    Anyone could be hiding a secret…

    Marie Bustamante does not trust or love easily. Growing up with a philandering father and an overprotective mother, she comes by her reservations honestly. So after only three months, how can she be falling for her best friend’s bodyguard? This isn’t like her at all. But Elliott Tanner is strong, gorgeous and…trustworthy. Honest. At least he seems to be. Of course, some things about him remain a mystery. Protecting the privacy of his clients is Elliott’s job. That doesn’t mean he’s hiding anything from her. Does it?

    AmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin
    Also in the Series

    Once Upon a Friendship

    (The Historic Arapahoe #1)
    by Tara Taylor Quinn
    Adult Romance
    Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
    July 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming
    They’re a team…not a couple!
    Falling for Liam was unthinkable. He and Gabi had been best friends since college, nothing more. And crucially, now Liam was her client and needed her to be focused on his case. Gabi could never risk their friendship — or Liam’s freedom — over these feelings. They could never be a couple, anyway. He was Liam Connelly, the handsome and privileged son of a billionaire. She was Gabrielle Miller, the girl who’d fought her way out of poverty and put herself through law school. They were unlikely friends to begin with. Anything more was impossible. Unless…he felt it, too.
    Amazon – Barnes & Noble – Harlequin

    The author of more than 70 original novels, in twenty languages, Tara Taylor Quinn is a USA Today bestseller with over six million copies sold. She is known for delivering deeply emotional and psychologically astute novels of suspense and romance. Tara is a recipient of the Reader’s Choice Award, a five time finalist for the RWA Rita Award, the Reviewer’s Choice Award, the Bookseller’s Best Award and appears frequently on bestseller lists, including #1 placement on Amazon lists. Tara is the past-president of Romance Writers of America and served eight years on that board of directors. She has appeared on national and local TV across the country, including CBS Sunday Morning and is a frequent guest speaker. In her spare time Tara likes to travel, climb Arizona mountains, and inline skate.
    Tara is a supporter of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. If you or someone you know might be a victim of domestic violence in the United States, please contact 1-800-799-7233. 
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    Blitz Giveaway

    $10 VISA Gift Card & print copy of Once Upon a Friendship (US only)
    2 ebooks of Once Upon a Friendship (INT)

    Ends October 7th

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    On tour with Prism Book Tours.

    When the Right One Comes Along (K-9 Trilogy, #1)When the Right One Comes Along
    (K-9 Trilogy #1)
    by Kate James
    Adult Contemporary Romance
    Paperback & ebook, 293 Pages

    October 1st 2015 by Harlequin

    Brought together by disaster. Kept together by love.

    In the aftermath of a deadly earthquake, it’s chaos for trauma surgeon Jessica Hansen. Among the many victims, one patient stands out: San Diego Police K-9 search and rescue officer Cal Palmer.

    Cal vows to help Kayla, a child orphaned by the disaster. But he needs Jessica’s help. Will their shared concern for Kayla and for Cal’s canine partner, Scout, allow them to put aside their personal torments and discover the difference love can make?

    Amazon – Barnes & NobleHarlequin – iTunesKobo


    He signaled to Scout, ordering him to do a quick search to make sure they weren’t leaving anyone behind. The dog didn’t give any indication that there was anyone else present.
    A light vibration had Cal bracing himself again and grabbing for Scout’s collar. The rumble passed and he exhaled.
    Back in the atrium, he strapped Scout into the hoisting harness and tugged on the guywire, signaling to the firefighter to lift him out. When the harness came back down, Cal secured himself in quickly, and gave the two tugs to let Adam know he was ready. He could hear the winch kick in and he began his slow ascent.
    He was almost at the top of the atrium, nearing the elevator shaft, when he felt what seemed to be a gust of air whoosh down the opening. Simultaneously, the building shuddered again, and Cal started to swing and twirl on the hoisting rope. With the next tremor, he was catapulted toward a solid interior wall. He leaned back to try to control his motion and was able to maneuver sufficiently to cushion the impact with his legs when he collided with the wall. The force sent him careering backward. Just as he was twirling around once again, another rumble emanated from the ground beneath and seemed to rise up to engulf him. An ominous grating sound followed.
    Cal’s blood ran cold as he watched a ceiling beam tear loose to his right. Still anchored to a column by some rebars, it hurtled toward him like a battering ram.
    He thrust back and as far out as possible, and flailed his legs to increase the swing of the rope. Unable to control his spin, he was propelled in the opposite direction from the one he’d intended, right into the path of the beam.

    Kate James 2.jpg

    Kate James spent eight years of her childhood living in foreign countries as her professional parents travelled on business. She lived in four countries and spoke five languages before settling down in Canada again to attend university. After graduating with a degree in civil engineering, she held a variety of positions in the field of real estate development and operations, and ran three substantial organizations. While her writing during this period was mostly business related, including presentations and speeches she delivered both nationally and internationally, her passion is and always has been fiction.

    Kate’s business and personal experiences enable her to write fiction with a deep, often first-hand knowledge of what she is writing about. This approach makes Kate’s stories richer and more vivid.

    Kateís goal is to entertain you with well-written, engaging stories, set in intriguing places and with strong, likeable characters. ìI hope my stories bring you pleasure and entertain you. Nothing pleases me more than receiving feedback from people who have chosen to spend their valuable leisure time with one of my books,î notes Kate.

    Kate married her husband, Ken, in an elegant, ocean-front wedding on a tropical island. When they are not traveling, they split their time between their properties in southern and central Ontario in Canada.

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    Grand Prize: Spa Gift Basket and a print copy of When the Right One Comes Along (US/CAN only)

    2nd Prize: $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of When the Right One Comes Along (print if US/CAN, ebook if international)

    3 ñ 3rd Prizes: copy of When the Right One Comes Along(print if US/CAN, ebook if international)

    Ends October 16th

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    A Time of Grace, Book Two

    All Our Empty Places 
    All Our Empty Places  – Book Two in the “A Time of Grace” trilogy – by Alicia G. Ruggieri
    In 1935, when the bank calls in her mortgage, Sarah Picoletti – now a penniless widow – finds herself and her children on the brink of homelessness. Sick at heart, she plans to beg her brother in New Jersey to take her family in.
    Then Doctor Samuel Giorgi knocks on her door. Godly and well-off, Sam seems to have put the careless ways of his youth behind him, and he also appears to have one desire: to make Sarah his wife, two decades after he broke their engagement.
    However, nothing prepares Sarah for the storm that breaks once she makes her decision. Everywhere she turns, the errors of her former choices confront her, insisting on her inferiority and the irreparable brokenness of her past. Sarah begins to wonder if Christ really can bring true redemption or if He is limited by her frailty.
    Meanwhile, her daughter Grace faces new challenges in her own life. When her relationship with Paulie changes unexpectedly, Grace realizes that she must make a decision with the potential to alter both of their futures.
    Compassionate and intensely poignant, All Our Empty Places paints the portrait of a mother and daughter with broken pasts, who dare to step into a future overflowing with the grace of the Cross.
    Alicia G. Ruggieri writes Christ-centered fiction that speaks of redemption. She received her B.A. in Communications and History from Rhode Island College and lives with her husband and their emotionally-disturbed pug on the New England coast.
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AliciaGRuggieri
    Blog: http://www.abrighterdestiny.blogspot.com
    Twitter: @aliciaruggieri
    Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/AliciaGRuggieri
    Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/author/aliciagruggieri
    All Our Empty Places (A Time of Grace, Book 2) – http://amzn.com/B014JVJYCK
    The Fragrance of Geraniums (A Time of Grace, Book 1) – ON SALE for $0.99 through October 31, 2015 – http://amzn.com/B00P4PB7W6
    One winner will receive – a signed softcover of All Our Empty Places; a mug with 2 Corinthians 12:9 inscribed on it; Caramel Apple Biscotti; and Harvest Spice Pumpkin White Hot Chocolate mix. (Open to U.S. residents only due to shipping costs.)
    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

    Author’s name:

    Linda M David
    Title of book and/or series:
    The Firestone Crystal
    Brief summary of the story:
    Agathea Fulstropp (prefers to be called Thea) becomes the first Earth pupil at The Firestone Academy on Planet Aruuliah after coming into possession of a strange crystal.  Not only does she have to contend with strange, alien technology and lessons in telepathy and astral projection, but also hostile aliens and a mysterious cave creature that continuously invades her dreams.  What can it possibly want from her?
    Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
    On the planet of Aruuliah the sky is pale mauve with just a hint of violet, and has a bright red sun.  It is a world filled with an abundance of exotic trees which dwarf everything around them, and strangely-shaped plants and flowers, the like of which has never been seen on Earth.  The wealth of colour is amazing, their vibrancy, stunning and the air, clean, pure and fresh.
    The Firestone Academy itself is a vast circular complex of gleaming glass and marble buildings set out like the rings of a circle, each joined together by open walk-ways and glass corridors.  The centre of the complex comprises an attractive courtyard which is encircled by the Halls of Residence, consisting of Celestial House, Cosmic House and Asteroid House.
    The middle ring of buildings house the Chambers of Learning, where all lessons take place as well as several Lecture Halls, the Halls of Dining and Communication Chambers, while the outer ring contains the Halls of Knowledge and Great Meeting Hall.  They are bordered by the Recreation Zone where students can engage in sport and leisure activities, buy supplies and sweets and eat at the Fun-Food Café.
    If we were to visit Aruuliah as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
    Utopia is the planet’s main city and it is, as you would expect, very futuristic.  All of the buildings are constructed from glass and marble that gleam and sparkle from top to bottom.  The unique structure of each building sees them reaching dizzying heights and are built in such a way that seem to defy gravity itself.  They also have their own individual shape and style that manages to fit in with the overall design of the city, giving it a certain sense of majestic splendour.  Although the first book is set mainly on school grounds, in the second book there is a trip to Utopia’s famous Leisure Centre, where the students learn to hover-skate.
    What dangers should we avoid in Aruuliah?
    Aruuliah is not really a dangerous place, however, it is very early on in the series, so there are a lot of things I haven’t discovered yet!
    Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Aruuliah?
    Oh, too many to mention!  The Fun-Food Café at the Academy has a very interesting menu.  Their specialty is the Thunderbolt Sizzler, an extremely hot and spicy burger, Crispy-Crusted Weedroot, which are long, curly crispy-fried chips made from an assortment of tasty local vegetables and Honey-Roasted Warty Bread, a kind of sweet-flavoured pizza.  There is also a dessert called a Chocolate-Chilly Shock, which freezes your entire body for ten seconds, allowing you to savour the flavour as it slides down your throat. 
    The Molten-Lava Shakes are also popular with the students, a steaming-hot milky drink that bubbles thickly when poured and comes in a variety of flavours such as Crystalized Ginger, Candied Orange and Butterscotch Toffee.
    What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Aruuliah?
    Aruuliah is a peaceful planet, however I have a feeling Book 3 may involve some combat.
    What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Aruuliah?
    From Earth, travel to Aruuliah is via portal, where an ‘invisible window’ in space opens up and when you just step through, a brief moment of weightlessness is experienced.
    Travel to the Firestone Academy is via a vehicle known as a Tierrapod.  This is metallic silver in colour and shaped like a giant bullet, with the main body being made from a bright, sparkling metal, while the top and sides are glass.  All transport on Aruuliah uses hover technology or flies.  They moved on from the wheel long ago!
    What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Aruuliah that we don’t see on Earth?
    In the first book, we are introduced to sprogletts which are tiny humanoid creatures, about three inches in height.  They come in a variety of colours and are completely hairless.  Upon reaching maturity, and depending upon their habitat, they take on the characteristics of their environment.  For example, those living in or near water may develop fins and gills, whilst those living in an area populated by birds or specific insects may grow wings or feathers.  They will blend in and camouflage themselves in order to live in harmony with their surroundings and commune with nature. 
    There is also a mysterious cave-dwelling creature, but I can’t reveal too much about that in case I spoil the surprise.  Other creatures, such as gruzzlings and cheebles are introduced in Book 2.
    What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Aruuliah?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
    There is no magic as such, however, at the Academy, there is a powerful concentration of energy in the Gardens of Meditation and Tranquility which the students are taught to use to increase their own energy levels.   By merging their consciousness with nature and the natural energy it provides, the state of kinaaja can be achieved.    There are ten stages of kinaaja and at each stage, students can accomplish different things, such as promoting plant growth, seeing auras and engaging in astral projection.
    Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Aruuliah?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
    Most mundane tasks such as making beds, taking baths and showers and cleaning are fully automated.  There are also Duplicating Machines which are programmed with foods and dishes from a wide range of planets and are voice activated.  By stating the name of the planet and dish you would like, the machine dispenses a compartmentalized tray with different sized, shaped and coloured pills.  At the push of a button on the tray, the pills transform into the requested meal (which tastes just like freshly-made food).  By pushing another button on the tray, any left-overs simply disintegrate leaving the tray clean and spotless.
    Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Aruuliah.
    Apart from hover-skating, there is a game called Dodge-Ball Dilemma available.   The game involves two teams of up to six players, each of whom possess a total of three soft balls, filled with a thick, luminous fluid.  Players have to hit the members of the other team with these balls which are designed to burst on impact.  A computer-controlled ball is then released which automatically targets any player spattered with the slimy gunge.  There are several levels to this game which could end up with as many as five of these balls targeting the players at any one time.  Once the player is hit, they are out.  Although it is a lot of fun to play, all players end up drenched in a wet and sticky liquid that takes forever to wash off.
    Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Aruuliah as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
    Strangely enough yes, they are exactly the same.  Students have lessons all week and have weekends off.  There are half-term holidays and although the end-of-year-holiday is not called Christmas, the concept is the same.
    Is there a particular religion practiced in Aruuliah?  Please describe what it involves.
    There are a range of religions, as on Earth, however inhabitants tend to lean towards a more spiritual type of existence rather than a religious one.
    What is the political or government structure in Aruuliah?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
    There is a main Council of the Coalition of Developing and Evolving Planets, which was established to ensure that all planets and people exist in balance and harmony with one another.  The Leader of the Council is Caziel, whose wisdom and knowledge is sought by many.
    Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
    I consider myself to be a spiritual person, so I have tried to incorporate this into the book, such as the meditation practices and awareness of energy.  Also, the importance of having balance and harmony in one’s life.
    The first part of the second book is actually located on the island of Nevis, where my parents are from.  I was able to include information on some of the island’s natural beauty and attractions, as well as their annual cultural festival, Culturama.
    What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
    I think the main topic in this instance would be issues about race.  Thea has always been the only black student at her previous schools (on Earth) and so, has always felt different from her peers.  That feeling of ‘not fitting in’ has never left her, however, when she enrolls at the Firestone Academy, every student is different as they are all from different planets, yet it’s not a big deal.   
    Students and staff are from all over the Universe and are descended from reptilian, animal and bird species, all of whom have evolved into humanoid beings.  There are a multitude of skin colours, from the palest to the darkest imaginable in a variety of patterns and markings.  There are also a range of appendages and attachments, from tails and horns to tentacles and feelers, additional skin augmentations in the form of spikes and ridges, and an assortment of fur and feathers, talons, claws and webbed feet!  Thea finds that now she is the one who has to learn to accept others’ differences in the same way that they readily accept hers.
    Author Aautobiography:
    Linda David was born in Cyprus to parents who both hail from the Caribbean island of Nevis. Although she was raised mainly in England, she has also lived in Germany as well as St Kitts and Nevis in the West Indies.  She has always enjoyed reading and was encouraged to do so from a very early age, and that is partly what inspired her to write.  Even today she can remember the excitement and wonder she used to experience as a child when reading fantasy and adventure stories, so she hopes that through her own writing, she will be able to inspire and encourage other children’s interest and pleasure in reading as well.
    Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? 
    My books are available on Kindle and Paperback here. 
    Where can readers connect with you online? 
    More information can be found at my website.  I can also be contacted through twitter and my Facebook Page.

    I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Aruuliah.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

    Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

    Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part LXVII!
    -Annie Douglass Lima
    Fall Into Reading Banner
    Happy fall! It may not feel like fall here in Taiwan, but I guess technically it is. In some parts of the world people are already starting to prepare for winter (and of course in other parts, they’re welcoming spring), but in Taiwan we’re looking forward to cooler weather in the hopefully not-too-distant future.

    So, who’s ready to celebrate the change of seasons with a good book? If you live where it gets cold at night at this time of year, maybe you’re looking for the perfect book to curl up in front of the fireplace with. Personally, I’m looking forward to being able to read out in my hammock again without sweating! In either case, I have just the thing for you!
    I’ve collaborated with a number of other authors in putting together a “Fall Into Reading” sale. The first page on the website has all the books on sale categorized by genre, so you can easily find the type of thing you like to read. Here are the genres we are featuring:

    children’s books
    middle grade
    young adult
    mystery/suspense/legal thrillers
    clean romance
    paranormal/fantasy/science fiction

    Some books on that page are FREE and others are discounted. All four of my novels are represented there – three are significantly discounted and one is free, so if you don’t have copies of all of them yet, now’s your opportunity!

    If you want to find other clean books that aren’t necessarily on sale, check out the second page. All the same genres are represented there, plus one more: humor! (Some of these books are permanently FREE.)

    I hope you find some books that are just right for you. And feel free to tell your friends!

    NEXT DOOR TO A STAR by Krysten Lindsay Hager
    Genre: Young Adult Romance
    Publisher: Limitless Publishing
    Release Date: September 1, 2015

    Hadley Daniels is tired of feeling invisible.
    After Hadley’s best friend moves away and she gets on the bad side of some girls at school, she goes to spend the summer with her grandparents in the Lake Michigan resort town of Grand Haven. Her next door neighbor is none other than teen TV star Simone Hendrickson, who is everything Hadley longs to be—pretty, popular, and famous—and she’s thrilled when Simone treats her like a friend.
    Being popular is a lot harder than it looks.
    It’s fun and flattering when Simone includes her in her circle, though Hadley is puzzled about why her new friend refuses to discuss her former Hollywood life. Caught up with Simone, Hadley finds herself ignoring her quiet, steadfast friend, Charlotte.
    To make things even more complicated, along comes Nick Jenkins…
    He’s sweet, good-looking, and Hadley can be herself around him without all the fake drama. However, the mean girls have other ideas and they fill Nick’s head with lies about Hadley, sending him running back to his ex-girlfriend and leaving Hadley heartbroken.
    So when her parents decide to relocate to Grand Haven, Hadley hopes things will change when school starts…only to be disappointed once again.
    Love gone bad.
    Is this really what it’s like to live…Next Door To A Star?

    ~ Available on KINDLE UNLIMITED ~
    Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/1N7IHWI
    B&N Paperback: http://bit.ly/1PQf9Mc
    Books A Million: http://bit.ly/1M07cGF
    Tagline: “They like me…they like me not.”
    The school year should end right after spring break, because all anyone can focus on is summer vacation. You can’t learn anything new, because all you can think about is all the fun stuff you’re going to do once you don’t have to get up at the butt crack of dawn. Summer always seems full of possibilities.
    Nothing exciting ever happens during the school year, but maybe, during summer vacation, you could run into a hot celebrity and he’d decide to put you in his next music video. Okay, it wasn’t like I knew anybody that happened to, but my grandparents did live next door to a former TV star, Simone Hendrickson, and Simone was discovered in an ice cream parlor one summer. Of course, she lived in L.A. at the time and was already doing plays and commercials, so the guy who discovered her had already seen her perform. But hey, it was summer, she got discovered, and that was all that mattered.
    Amazing stuff didn’t happen to me. You know what happened to me last summer? I stepped on a bee and had to go to the emergency room. They’re not going to make an E! True Hollywood Story out of my life. I didn’t go on exotic vacations—like today, I was being dragged along with my parents to my cousin’s graduation party. Most people waited until at least the end of May before having a grad party, but Charisma was having hers early because she was leaving on a trip to Spain. I was dreading this party because I didn’t want to listen to everybody talk about how smart and talented Charisma was—making me feel like a blob in comparison—but my mom RSVP’d even though I said I’d rather die than go. My death threats meant nothing. But still, for some strange reason, I had a feeling this summer was going to be different.


    Krysten Lindsay Hager is an obsessive reader and has never met a bookstore she didn’t like. She’s worked as a journalist and humor essayist, and writes for teens, tweens, and adults. She is the author of the Landry’s True Colors Series and her work has been featured in USA Today and named as Amazon’s #1 Hot New Releases in Teen & Young Adult Values and Virtues Fiction and Amazon’s #1 Hot New Releases in Children’s Books on Values. She’s originally from Michigan and has lived in South Dakota, Portugal, and southwestern Ohio. She received her master’s degree from the University of Michigan-Flint.
    On tour with Prism Book Tours.

    Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army (The Earthman Jack Space Saga, #2)Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army
    (The Earthman Jack Space Saga #2)
    by Matthew Kadish
    YA Sci-Fi
    Paperback & ebook, 663 Pages

    September 15th 2015 by Twelve Oaks Media

    After his heroic battle against the Deathlords on the Ghost Planet, Jack Finnegan is looking forward to arriving at Omnicron Prime, the capitol planet of the Galactic Regalus Empire -the largest and most advanced civilization in the universe.

    Things are looking bright for Jack. He has his unconventional group of friends, his mystical spaceship, and the girl of his dreams -Princess Anna. Not to mention a secret mission that could save Earth and everyone he cares about.

    But things get complicated when he arrives at Omnicron. Not only is Jack uncomfortable being thrust into the spotlight for his courageous actions to save the universe, but he soon finds life in the Empire isn’t everything he’d dreamed it would be.

    His friends abandon him to pursue their own interests. Greedy and cunning politicians conspire to steal his spaceship. Even his relationship with Anna is strained now that she’s gone from being “the girl next door” to the most powerful woman in the universe.

    But beneath all that lies a new and terrifying threat from the Deathlords. A threat that grows in secret, slowly spreading throughout the Regalus Empire like a plague, and it threatens to destroy from within the only thing powerful enough to stop the Deathlords and their malicious rampage throughout the galaxy -the Empire itself.

    Worst of all -Jack is the only one who knows about this new threat, and no one will believe his warnings.

    Suddenly, the Empire is no longer safe for Jack and his friends. Even the people they’ve come to rely on the most can no longer be trusted. As those he’s sworn to protect turn against him, how can Jack hope to save the day?

    Fighting the Deathlords was one thing. Fighting the “good guys” is quite another. Will Jack be able to find the strength to be the hero the universe needs?

    Or will he finally be defeated by this Secret Army?

    Amazon – Book Depository

    Also in the Series
    Earthman Jack vs. the Ghost Planet (The Earthman Jack Space Saga, #1)
    Earthman Jack is like Harry Potter meets Star Wars. A sweeping, epic space opera full of adventure, humor, magic, and coming of age. Fun for readers of all ages!
    AmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository

    6 Star Trek Books All Sci-Fi Fans Should Read (Even If They Don’t Like Star Trek)
    If you’re a Trekkie, then chances are you’ve picked up a Star Trek-themed book before.  But the barrier to entry to some of these novels may be rather large if you aren’t a fan of the TV show.  The good news is that some Star Trek novels are so good, they can appeal to any fan of sci-fi, even if they don’t like Star Trek!  Here are the top 5 Star Trek books sci-fi fans should check out if they’re looking for a good read.
    Enterprise: The First Adventure by Vonda N. McIntyre – Before J.J. Abrams gave us a new version of Captain Kirk’s origins, Nebula winning sci-fi author Vonda McIntyre wrote this masterful novel about a young Captain Kirk having to come to grips with his command — including the uptight Spock, who considers his new captain to be a loose cannon (sound familiar?). For fans of later Star Treks who’ve never quite understood why the Kirk/Spock/McCoy relationship is so important to the series, McIntyre does a great job of establishing and developing that relationship, and showing just why that particular trio are so epic. This is a great place for people unfamiliar with Star Trek to start, for obvious reasons.
    Planet of Judgement by Joel Haldeman – From the author who brought us The Forever War, Planet of Judgment has a lot of the great Star Trek staples, some big philosophical questions, and lots of huge space-opera action. The story centers on the Enterprise stumbling upon a rogue planet in space, orbited by a sun no larger than a pea – a circumstance impossible to explain by any known scientific law. Assuming the star to be an artificial construct, a landing party is dispatched to the planet’s surface, and becomes trapped.  Unable to contact the Enterprise, Captain Kirk must battle to solve the riddle of a planet where no equipment works and the laws science don’t seem to apply.  This is also one of the most adult of the Star Trek novels (not surprising, if you’ve read any of Haldeman’s other works), with the redshirts getting their faces ripped off and the Enterprise crew actually talking about sex.
    Harbinger by David Mack –The first novel in the fan-favorite Star Trek: Vanguard literary spin-off series which focuses on Starbase 47, otherwise known as “Vanguard.”  In essence, this book is like the pilot episode of a new Trekshow, with lots of new characters and great themes to kick things off, so a new reader won’t get lost.  The tale centers around the Enterprise being damaged after traveling to the edge of the galaxy and stumbling upon an unknown Federation space station dubbed “Vanguard.”  Captain Kirk is puzzled over the existence of this starbase, and it eventually becomes a focal point of contention among the Tholian Assembly, the Orion Syndicate, and the Klingon Empire, who are suspicious about the Federation’s motives for exploring and colonizing such a little-known region of space. 

    Prime Directive by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens – These two authors have a long and varied career with Star Trek, but their first novel in the Star Trek Universe is arguably the best they’ve ever done.  At the story’s center is one of the most in-depth analysis of Starfleet’s most cherished law: The Prime Directive.  This epic story examines what happens when Captain Kirk breaks the Prime Directive, causing a huge disaster in which the Enterprise is all but destroyed. Kirk is shamed and drummed out of Starfleet in disgrace, and the rest of the Enterprise bridge crew has to scatter and go into hiding, enacting an elaborate plan to bring Kirk back.  The book pushes the characters to their limits and shows that, even when things are at their worst, this crew is at their best.
    Redshirts by John Scalzi – Aside from the obvious Star Trek reference in the title, this book isn’t really a Star Trek novel.  However, it does have a lot of fun playing with tropes from science fiction, referencing everything from Stargate to Dune, but especially Star Trek.  When the main character joins the crew of the starship Intrepid, he is expecting a relatively easy gig working in a lab.  He soon realizes, however, that something very strange is going on, and low-ranking crew members are dying almost faster than they can be replaced.  A group of low-ranking crewmen (the “redshirts”) decide the only way to survive their stint on the Intrepid is to figure out what is going on.  To save themselves, they embark on a strange journey that blurs the lines between reality and fiction.  The book becomes increasingly meta and philosophical as the story progresses, and there is also an undercurrent of irony and humor as the adventures of the crew become progressively more and more outrageous. Redshirts has a bit of a Hitchhiker’s Guide-esque tone at times, and is just laugh-out-loud funny at others. This book pokes a lot fun at itself and the science fiction books and shows it draws from.
    Earthman Jack vs. The Ghost Planet by Matthew Kadish – Okay, so I’m biased since I wrote this myself.  But I can’t deny the influence Star Trek had on me.  If you enjoy action, excitement, and humor, then you should also read this novel, because it is my love-letter to all things science fiction, and has even been called “Harry Potter meets Star Trek.”  And the best part is you can download it for free from my website!  So now you really have no excuse not to read it.
    Author Profile Headshot

    About The Author:  Matthew Kadish is a Renaissance man, certified evil genius, and novelist.  Much like Scottish cuisine, the bulk of his creations are based on dares.  He is the most talented writer ever.  His mother tells him so every day.  Get a free copy of his book Earthman Jack vs. The Ghost Planet at www.EarthmanJack.com.  His latest novel, Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army, is available now.

    Matthew Kadish is an independent author and world-recognized evil genius. When he isn’t writing or being evil, he enjoys relaxing at the beach and videos of puppies. Much like Scottish cuisine, most of his literary works have been based on dares. He currently lives in Las Vegas and always bets on black, because Westley Snipes has yet to steer him wrong in life. He is the most talented author ever. His mother tells him so every day.

    WebsiteGoodreads – FacebookTwitter

    Tour Schedule

    Tour Giveaway
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    3 copies of Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army (Print to US entrants, ebook to International)
    Ends October 2nd

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    Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

    Author’s name: James Gardner
    Title of book and/ or series: The series title is the Redemption of Aria. The first book is called Silver’s Journey.

    Brief summary of the story: Silver, an average New York teenager, finds himself mysteriously transported to a new world, where he must undertake a momentous journey to Braknór and face countless dangers along the road.

    Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: Aria is a land of wonders with many distinct cultures, clans, and tribes, each with something different to offer. There are dangerous and uncharted territories to the east, forests that hold their fair share of mysteries and unusual creatures, towns and cities offering varying views on religion, government, and society. 

    If we were to visit Aria as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? 
    It really depends on the kind of person you are! If you’re a sightseer, then you’d want to stop by Dexon, with its peculiar layout and magnificent castle, and if you’re feeling adventurous, the great walled city of Braknór would be a marvel to behold. If you enjoy traveling to modern day malls on Earth, then you’d be thrilled to visit the town of Crowduria with the most active market in the realm. On another note, any lovers of nature would enjoy spending time in the Arian Plain with its lush, pleasant air and beautiful scenery, or a trip to the Sea of Light that dances to the beat of the stars in the night. And for any thrill seekers out there, the Berullian Forest is the place to be, offering many creatures to hunt as well as a chance sighting of some rare animals.

    What dangers should we avoid in Aria?
    The answer to this question relies heavily on the specific location in Aria. First of all, you should always keep an eye out for bandits, pickpockets, and your occasional group of unfriendly hunters. But if you should find yourself in the Berullian Forest, keep an eye out for the Zwarkrade, vicious pack hunters that have uncanny wit and dangerous intellect, wild boars… oh, and those pesky branches and roots that seem to have a mind of their own. If you’re foolish enough to journey to the Madgeroost, you’ll most likely have to deal with the Grackle, a seven foot bird with a frighteningly sharp beak and blinding speed (a little tip: don’t look directly into its eyes). Finally, if you survive an encounter with the Grackle and for some unfathomable reason want to stay in the Madgeroost, you’ll have to watch out for exiles from Dexon and Warkreig, but above all, keep low and out of sight. The Madge is always watching.

    Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Aria?
    If you want a meal that’s easy on the stomach, you’d probably enjoy Crowdurian stew with beef and gravy, but if you’re a real connoisseur of exotic foods, then you may be offered a Zwarkrade by the Gerridi tribes or boiled fish by the Nazka (if you live that long with them).

    What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Aria?
    The most common weapon used is a one-handed sword, but the different cultures of Aria have unusual fighting styles. The people of Warkreig prefer massive two-handed swords that can crush down upon an enemy in one powerful blow, whereas the people of Dexon use two shorter swords for quick, deft strokes. Barbarians from the north seem to enjoy ramming their enemies using a heavy wooden shield with a prominent spike in the center, and of course, there are more specific weapons for precise uses like short spears for killing wild boar or longbows with bodkin arrows for armor-piercing.

    What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Aria?
    The main method of transportation is by horse, but there is an unusual way that Arians use that seems to have dwindled in modern society: walking.

    What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Aria? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
    Magic plays no role in Aria, but there is definitely something supernatural about the place, especially surrounding the followers of the King, (God) who seem to be blessed in countless ways, sometimes imperceptibly, but sometimes in a undeniably huge miracle.

    Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Aria? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
    The technology of Aria is set around a Middle Age world that is somewhat parallel to ours. Most of the technology is the same, if not very similar.

    Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Aria.
    Arm wrestling is a common competition that many taverns host for fun, but for the more serious, there are contests of skill such as archery and swordplay as well as tests of strength, wit, and speed.

    Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Aria as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?

    The year round calendar is the same in Aria as on Earth, but there are some holidays that the people celebrate. One for followers of the King is the birth of Jesus. The Warkreig have various special feasts and traditions to honor the chiefs of the past who performed great feats.

    Is there  particular religion practice in Aria? Please describe what it involves.
    In Aria, there is no dominating religion. The Crowdurians are a polytheistic society, believing in hundreds, if not thousands of different gods. The people of Braknór most often tend to be atheist, or to be generous, deists, at best believing only in the existence of a god. But all throughout the land, there are followers of the King, who worship Him in prayer and seek to do His bidding. No matter where you go, there’s always some of them around.

    What is the political or government structure in Aria? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
    Ethron is the self-proclaimed ruler of Aria and has stretched his mighty hand across the region. However, at heart, he is a tyrannical villain with only a heart for himself. Under his overview, the different cultures of Aria have different leadership roles. Crowduria has a single king (Fergusop), the Nazka and Warkreig have a chief that dictates the law, and the people of Dexon have two kings to balance the power in the nation.

    Are there any unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Aria?

    There are no particular practices that would land you in hot water if you overlooked them, per se, but it’s always best to know how each city or town operates so that you can best know how to react. For example, you will always need to keep your guard up in Crowduria because there are plenty of smooth talkers who will try to relieve you of your hard earned cash. Oh! One more thing… It’s a ‘cultural practice’ for any kind visitors to the Nazka to become their slaves for life, so… don’t visit.

    Has anything in your actual life inspirited the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
    Most of the people groups in Aria are purely born of my imagination, and a lot of the places are merely the fantasies of my mind. But in a very real way, the entire book is an allegory of life, focusing around the different kinds of people you will meet. I feel that many of the pieces of advice given by the sage characters of this book are either truths that I have learned in my life as a Christ follower, or words that God put into my head at the time.

    What, if any, “hot button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
    There are no real controversies or hot topics discussed in my book; it instead focuses on a young man’s journey to knowing God on a deeper level.

    Author Autobiography:
    James Gardner was born in January, 1999. He is a homeschooler with a passion for writing. In 2013, he began creating a story about a fictional world named Aria. Through the encouragement of family and friends, he brought the world to life. When he isn’t working on his next book, he enjoys spending time with friends and playing sports. Currently, he resides with his parents in their home in Florida.

    Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book? 
    My book can be purchased in print at http://www.amazon.com/Silvers-Journey-Redemption-Aria-Book-ebook/dp/B011SWLFJI/ref=sr_1_1_twi_2_kin?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1438969726&sr=1-1&keywords=the+redemption+of+aria

    Where can readers connect with you online?
    Readers can connect with me through my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Redemption-of-Aria-by-James-Gardner/475531112616774?ref=bookmarks 

    I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Aria.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

    Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

    Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the planet Aruuliah, in Realm Explorers Part LXVI!
    -Annie Douglass Lima