Best Friends…Forever? (Landry’s True Colors Series) by Krysten Lindsay Hager

Tag line: Good friends have your back, but some go behind it.
Blurb: Landry Albright hopes the new year will start off in an amazing way—instead she has to deal with more frenemy issues, boy drama, and having most of her best friends make the cheerleading squad without her. Suddenly, it seems like all anyone can talk about is starting high school next year—something she finds terrifying.
Landry gets her first boyfriend, but then gets dumped just as things come to a head with her friends, Peyton and Ashanti. She feels lost and left out, but finds good advice about dealing with frenemies from what she considers an unlikely source. Landry faces having to speak up for what’s right, tell the truth (even when it hurts), and how to get past the fear of failure as she gets another shot at competing in the American Ingénue modeling competition.
I was so nervous the night of the basketball game. At first, I didn’t even want to go into the gym, but I mustered up the courage just as the game ball went streaking past my head and I almost got knocked over by a referee. The ref blew the whistle and went to hand the ball off. Vladi was standing right there and he nodded at me. Peyton squeezed my arm as we sat down, but I didn’t think it was that big a deal because he didn’t smile at me or anything.
          “Duh, he was playing basketball, but he acknowledged your existence,” she said.
         “Kind of like how that cheerleader who keeps screaming out his name is acknowledging him?” I pointed to the girl with glossy straight brown hair who was doing back flips on the sidelines.
        “Forget her. He must like blondes anyway. He didn’t check me out after all,” she said.
         I checked around to see if Carey was there, but I didn’t see her. I did see India sitting with Doug and Cristian though. I poked Peyton, but she had already seen them.
         “Devon would kill her,” she said.
         “Um, should we tell her? They just started talking again,” I said. I didn’t want to get in the middle of another fight and I could tell that Peyton felt the same way. Besides, it wasn’t like Doug was Devon’s boyfriend. I’m sure India thought she would be safe since other than her and Devon, the rest of us hadn’t gone to the away games before. Peyton said we should try to avoid them after the game so we could pretend that we never saw them together. However, I ran into her on my way out of the bathroom at halftime.
         “Landry,” India’s aqua blue eyes widened. “Are you here to see Vladi?”
         I nodded and we both stood there. Peyton came in to see what was taking so long and almost passed out when she saw India.
         “You guys, could you not say anything to Devon about this? I came by myself and I just ran into Doug here,” India said.
         Peyton and I acted like we hadn’t even seen Doug. I knew India had to be lying because who would go to a game by herself? We agreed not to say anything. The whole time I worried about what would happen if Devon found out that I knew about Doug and India. Peyton told me to relax because we weren’t doing anything wrong. I wasn’t sure which was worse: keeping a secret from Devon or breaking up her friendship with India?

India walked in, tossing her shiny, honeyblonde hair behind her. She walked right over to the girls at the juice machine and hugged the one with the mascara problem. Then India pulled out her Little Rose compact and started applying pink blush right in the hallway. She totally fit in with those other girls — India appeared about sixteen, beautiful, and like she belonged there.
Meanwhile, I was standing in a corner with Ericka, who had a snowman sweater on and was wearing a hair scrunchy — a scrunchy. It wasn’t as if she was trying to be retro either. Only little kids and my bus driver, Mrs. Jackson, wore scrunchies. At least Ashanti was super pretty, but I wasn’t so sure about how I came across. Did I look like a kid or a teenager? I had worn a royal blue turtleneck and jeans because I didn’t want to call any attention to myself. Part of me would have liked to have the effect that India did when she walked in, but there was also a part of me that would have been perfectly comfortable wearing an invisibility cloak for the next four years of high school. At least being a “nobody” would have been better than being a friendless loser.
Book Trailer:
Author Bio: Krysten Lindsay Hager is the author of the Landry’s True Colors Series, a clean reads young adult series. Krysten writes about  friendship, self-esteem, fitting in, middle school and high school, frenemies, modeling, crushes, values, and self-image in both True Colors and Best Friends…Forever?
Krysten is an Amazon international bestselling author and book addict who has never met a bookstore she didn’t like. She’s worked as a journalist and writes middle grade, YA, humor essays, and adult fiction. She is originally from Michigan and has lived in Portugal, South Dakota, and currently resides in Southern Ohio where you can find her reading and writing when she’s not catching up on her favorite shows. She received her master’s degree from the University of Michigan-Flint.
What people are saying about True Colors (Landry’s True Colors Series Book One):
From Teenage Book Recommendations in the UK: “This is a fantastically relatable and real book which I feel captures all of the insecurities and troubles which haunt the modern teenage girl. It is about a young model who has to go through tough times when she is torn between a life as a model and managing her friendships. You learn which friends she can most trust and which will create the drama typical of teenage life. Follow the life of Landry and try to see if you can find out which are her true friends before their true colours are revealed. This book is all about relationships, hopes and truth. I loved this book!”
From Books & Authors Spot: This book is such an inspiration for those who just care about their looks and are tensed about them. This thing is looks aren’t everything. This book is related to every teen’s problem. Hager has written a very inspiring novel.
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GOD TELLS THE SUN TO SHINE: An amazing story of love and forgivenessBy Femi Bolaji
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About the Book:

God tells the Sun to Shine is a short story about ambition, love, intrigue and forgiveness. The main character is the second-born of twin boys Esau and Jacob. Jacob struggles to come to terms with the privileges that the natural birth order accords the first-born twin Esau. He becomes so obsessed with the desire to become the alpha male in the family enterprise that he plots with their mum to upstage Esau. Although his plan succeeds, he is forced to flee the homeland after Esau plots to kill him in retaliation. For two decades, his life in exile is marked by turmoil in love, marriage and work. When a business arrangement goes pear shaped and he is faced with bankruptcy and the loss of his family, he decides instead to return to his country and face his nemesis – Esau. How will Jacob maneuvre his way through the ordeal?


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Femi Bolaji is a seasoned writer and commentator on topical Christian themes. He likes to tell Bible-based stories in contemporary language and style that would appeal to all, yet with profound insight and application to the pressures of modern day living. He is an alumnus of the Bartlett, University College London. He lives in London, United Kingdom.

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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  
Don’t forget!  At the bottom of this post there is a link to enter a giveaway for a number of free books, including Prince of Malorn!

Author’s name: Annie Douglass Lima
Title of series: Annals of Alasia
Titles of books: The main trilogy consists of Prince of Alasia, In the Enemy’s Service, and Prince of Malorn.  There is a short companion book entitled Annals of Alasia: The Collected Interviews.
Brief summary of the series:
Each book in the trilogy deals with events surrounding the same major political incident: the invasion of the kingdom of Alasia by the neighboring kingdom of Malorn.  Prince of Alasia begins on the night of the Invasion and describes what happens to twelve-year-old Prince Jaymin after he is forced to flee for his life.  In the Enemy’s Service tells the story of those who were not able to escape from the Alasian palace when the enemy invaded.  Prince of Malorn begins several months earlier and focuses on the Malornian perspective of the events leading up to the Invasion.  In each of the books, main characters from the others make brief appearances and interact with each other at the point where the timeframes and settings overlap.  Though each of the three can stand on its own, they each fill in gaps left by the others and together provide a much more complete picture of what was going on in the two kingdoms.
Annals of Alasia: The Collected Interviews is a collection of twenty-four “interviews” I conducted with major and minor characters in the other three books.  Though not a novel in and of itself, it is interesting to read alongside the trilogy.  In the interviews, characters reveal more about their personalities, motivations, and backgrounds, talking about themselves in their own “voice” and giving extra insights into the events of the series.  You can download it for free here.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The kingdom of Malorn is mostly surrounded by a huge mountain range that curves around it to the east, south, and west.  To the north, the Grenn River separates Malorn from Alasia.  The Impassable Mountains, as their name suggests, are dangerous and difficult to travel through even in summer, and almost impossible in winter.  The highest peaks are covered with snow all year round. 
Two races of people live in Malorn.  The Mountain Folk are a small, nomadic tribe of hunters and gatherers who live in extended family groups up in the Impassables.  Each family keeps a flock of goats for milk and meat.  They seldom venture down to the “Lowlands”, as they call the rest of Malorn, except when they must trade for supplies in one of the foothill towns.  But they are suspicious of Lowlanders, whom they accuse of cheating them in trade and mistreating them, and they avoid interaction with them whenever possible.
Lowlanders (who think of themselves simply as “regular” Malornians) live mostly on the plains, where they make a living through a variety of trades.  Many work as farmers, since the weather there is mild and ideal for growing a variety of crops.  Coffee grows well in the foothills, so you’ll find coffee farmers there, but few Lowlanders care to venture much higher than that.  Miners do travel into the mountains in search of gold, but again, most of them prefer to set up camp in the foothills where it’s safer and life is easier.  Those who live on or travel into the lower slopes of the Impassables are suspicious of Mountain Folk, whom they regard as dirty and primitive.  They often accuse the Mountain Folk of cheating them in trade and stealing crops.
If we were to visit Malorn as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
If you like hiking or mountain climbing, there are numerous rugged and scenic spots to explore.  If shopping is your thing, you may enjoy browsing some of the high-class shops in Sazellia, the capital city, where you can buy fine clothing, jewelry, or gold decorations for your home.  Music is popular throughout the Lowlands, and minstrels can often be found performing in taverns, parks, or on street corners.  It’s polite to leave a coin or two if you stop to listen.  The best musicians perform in large concert halls where admission is expensive, but if people like a street minstrel’s performance, they may hire him or her to play for a party or special event at a more reasonable price.
What is the political or government structure in Malorn?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Malorn is a constitutional monarchy, so the king there has less power than in neighboring Alasia.  The government is made up of a High Council, which includes the king and up to 19 other members, and a majority vote among them is required to pass new laws or make most decisions for the kingdom. 
King Kerman passed away under suspicious circumstances four years ago.  His son, Prince Korram, was still too young to take the throne (the legal minimum age for kingship in Malorn is 18), so a regent was chosen from among the king’s High Council to hold the reins of power until the prince came of age.  An honorary member of the High Council in the meantime, the prince can offer input into the running of the government but has little real power.  Regent Rampus, on the other hand, has done much to improve life for Malorn’s citizens and thus has been gaining popularity throughout the kingdom.  Conveniently, his political opponents have almost all dropped out of the picture due to a variety of unfortunate circumstances.  Rumor has it that if Prince Korram were prevented for any reason from taking the throne next year, the High Council would be sure to select Rampus as the next king.  In the meantime, Rampus continues to rule in Korram’s name, and the kingdom rests assured in the knowledge that their beloved regent is assisting the inexperienced prince in his royal duties.
Prince Korram is concerned that Rampus may not be planning to allow him to survive to his eighteenth birthday next year.  But there is no one to turn to for help, since practically everyone of any consequence in the kingdom is under the regent’s control in one way or another.  Even the military answers to him.  Only Malorn’s reclusive Mountain Folk, who care nothing for Lowland politics, are certain not to be influenced by any threats, bribes, or promises from Rampus.  And so Korram determines to journey into the Impassables to recruit his own personal army from among them, hoping thus to protect himself until he can legally claim his rightful throne.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Malorn that we don’t see on Earth?
A root vegetable similar to a turnip, called lumjum, grows plentifully in the mountains.  Other plants in Malorn are pretty much the same as those you’d find in similar climates on Earth.  If you trek high enough up in the mountains, you may glimpse a snowcat, though I don’t recommend trying to find one or getting close to it if you do.  This pure white, long-haired feline is about the size of a tiger and at least as dangerous.  Korram has two separate (and very different) encounters with snowcats during his time in the Impassables.
Humans are the only sentient race in Malorn.  However, Mountain Folk would argue that their horses are more intelligent and affectionate than mere animals.
What dangers should we avoid in Malorn?
It would be unwise to venture into the Impassables alone or with anyone not familiar with the area.  Besides the risk of getting lost, you would probably have difficulty finding food, unless you’re experienced in wilderness survival and living off the land.  In addition, you would face the possibility of blizzards and avalanches on the higher slopes.  Wild animals, including snakes, wolves, bears, and snowcats, are plentiful there.  If you met any Mountain Folk, they would be unlikely to help you for free, though for enough money they would probably sell you goat milk or a little of their food.
You would be much safer in the Lowlands, though there is always the risk of encountering pickpockets and other petty criminals in the cities.  Regent Rampus is not to be trifled with, but unless you plan on speaking out publicly against his leadership, you are not likely to attract his attention.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Malorn?
I hope you like coffee!  It’s by far the most popular beverage in the Lowlands and is available at any time of day anywhere food or drinks are served.  You can request it pretty much however you like, but it’s most commonly brewed strong and served with cream.  Lunch and dinner often include either potatoes or a variety of flatbread made with several types of grain, served beside vegetables (and meat, for those who can afford it).  A popular breakfast dish among the upper class involves eggs scrambled with cheese and sausage.
Mountain Folk have an unusual meal schedule which they fit around their day’s work schedule.  They typically wake up early to milk their goats, and then they share a small “meal” of goat milk.  after that, two or three members of the extended family group will take the goats out for the day to graze on a nearby slope (the grass is better the higher you go).  They will usually pack leftover cooked meat or other food to eat later in the day.  Meanwhile, the rest of the family will spend the next few hours working in the area where they are camped (usually in a valley by a stream or river).  They fish and gather nuts, berries, lumjum, and other edible plants, or they may go further afield to hunt.  They also spend time shaping tools from wood, stone, or bone; gathering firewood; or skinning animals they have caught, tanning their hides, and sewing them into clothing or bags or tents.  In the autumn, they will butcher several of their goats and dry the meat to last through the winter.  They keep busy at these tasks through most of the day, but they do take a break in the mid morning for breakfast.  In the early evening when the goats are brought back to camp, everyone stops their other work to help milk them.  After that, they eat supper and drink the milk together.  Both breakfast and supper can consist of meat, fruit, and small fried cakes made from mashed lumjum.  Though they don’t eat lunch, Mountain Folk snack on berries or anything else edible they come across throughout the day.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Malorn?
Soldiers in the Lowlands fight with broadswords.  Mountain Folk make wooden spears, though they’re primarily for fishing.  They occasionally use them to protect their goats from predators or to scare Lowlanders who they feel are threatening them, but on the whole they are a peaceful people and practice no traditional fighting techniques.  This makes Korram’s job all the harder when he seeks to raise and train an army from among them.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Malorn?
Lowlanders usually ride horses (or mules, if they’re traveling in the foothills).  Carriages are common among the upper class, and farmers will take their crops to market in carts or wagons.  Mountain Folk use horses as pack animals when they move camp every few weeks to find fresh grazing.  They seldom actually ride them, though, except occasionally for short hunting trips.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Malorn as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Yes, they are the same, though only Lowlanders use them.  Mountain Folk don’t keep track of days or months, measuring time only with seasons and phases of the moon.
Every year, Mountain Folk look forward to the Mid-Autumn Gathering.  This week-long event is basically a reunion in which their entire tribe comes together in a certain valley deep in the Impassables.  During this time, most work ceases, and friends and extended family members who haven’t seen each other since last year can relax and enjoy each other’s company.  Weddings always take place at this gathering.  It’s also a time to share news and discuss any issues of interest to the whole tribe.  During the rest of the year, the Mountain Folk live and travel in extended family groups, usually of ten to fifteen people, but at the annual Gathering, these groups are often rearranged so people can spend the coming year with different relatives.  Occasionally unmarried young adults will arrange to spend a year with someone else’s family, especially if they are hoping to get to know a friend of the opposite gender better.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Malorn.
Most Malornians in the Lowlands are more interested in the performing arts than in sports.  Horse races are popular, though, and many people from the middle and upper class enjoy social outings on horseback through meadows and farmland, often including a picnic. 
For most of the year, Mountain Folk lead busy lives that don’t leave much room for sports and games.  In the Mid-Autumn Gathering, however, they often engage in activities such as archery and spear-throwing contests, and young people play games similar to tag and hide-and-seek on horseback.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Racial prejudice is a theme I delve into in Prince of Malorn.  Those Mountain Folk and Lowlanders who are willing to get to know each other and learn the reasons behind their cultural differences find that they are not as different as they had thought.  But they come to realize that they can’t just blame the other group and sit around waiting for “them” to stop mistreating “us”.  Both sides have wronged each other over the years, and both need to be willing to take the first step toward reconciliation.  I believe it’s the same in our world: it’s easy to hide behind cultural differences and assume that “they” are strange and different and “we” are normal, and “they” are in the wrong for any conflict or misunderstandings.  But if we’re willing to get to know each other and learn about each other’s cultures, I think we’ll all discover that we’re not as different as we might think.

Author Autobiography:

Annie Douglass Lima spent most of her childhood in Kenya and later graduated from Biola University in Southern California. She and her husband Floyd currently live in Taiwan, where she teaches fifth grade at Morrison Academy. She has been writing poetry, short stories, and novels since her childhood, and to date has published eight books (three YA action adventure/fantasy novels, a collection of character interviews, one puppet script, and four anthologies of her students’ poetry, all available through the links in the sidebar to the right). Besides writing, her hobbies include reading (especially fantasy and science fiction), scrapbooking, and international travel.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
Prince of Alasia ($2.99 temporarily 99 cents)
In the Enemy’s Service ($2.99 temporarily 99 cents)
Prince of Malorn ($3.99 temporarily 99 cents)
Annals of Alasia: The Collected Interviews (available for free!)
Where can readers connect with you online? 

Click here to enter to win free books – including a Kindle copy of Prince of Malorn – in the Ultimate Reading Quest!

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Malorn.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to a science fiction world known simply as The City, in Realm Explorers Part XXXXII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
“Isn’t that what you planned to do all along? Stop them from trampling on that human soul?” -Casey, Sons of Earth.

It began on the manufacturing floor of the factory I work in. I was a brand new operator in a pharmaceutical plant, adjusting to the new regimen and rules. There were so many rules! Any product that didn’t meet the strictest of parameters was ‘reject’–garbage. One day I got this funny idea. What if we were manufacturing clones? What would the factory do with clones that didn’t meet their specifications?
With the idea of human ‘reject’–garbage clones–Sons of Earth was born.
A manufactured person is no person at all. Designed to fight and die, Dominic escaped from the metallic womb of Caspian Genetics. He knows that if he is found out he’s as good as dead, but he cannot forget that his brothers are enslaved. 
He matches his wits against Caspian’s might. But how can Dominic stand against an industry that denies his personhood when he doubts his own humanity? As his plans unravel, Dominic is forced to face the question: Was he lied to? Is he human after all?
Can you just ‘throw out’ a human being? I suspect a normal, rational person would say no. But what if we believed they weren’t really human? Some might think this is a giant leap, but I would contend that dehumanization is easier and more common than you’d think. Case in point: the YouTube comment section.
Have you heard the adage “Do unto others as you would have them do for you?” This golden rule is nowhere to be found in comment section debates, where the slightest difference of opinion is grounds for ridiculous name-calling. Unfortunately, I cannot exempt myself from this tendency, in the interest of full disclosure. Why do we do this? On a subconscious level we don’t believe they’re as human, or as valuable as we are.
Let’s move down a layer. One of the main arguments in the prolife/prochoice abortion debate is ‘When does the fetus become a human being?’ By the grounds of ‘it isn’t a person,’ thousands of babies are aborted. The motto, “To keep you is no benefit. To destroy you is no loss” could be aptly applied.
So it doesn’t take a big stretch in my overactive imagination to picture clones that didn’t quite make spec being fatally injected and incinerated. Rights? They have no rights. Those who are good enough are sold, and their owners do what they please with them.
Dominic, Casey and Justine do not call them worthless. Dominic calls them his brothers. Caspian Genetics treated him like scum, and he’d like to serve it back to them. Casey and Justine are devout Christians and see the clones as God’s creation, just as they are. But they are just blue-collar workers, nobodies themselves.

A penniless son of a drunk struggles to make a good life for his family. A clone’s search for revenge lands him in a relationship that will break the heart he didn’t know he had. An unlikely alliance challenges an industry.
What is a life worth? Explore this with me in Sons of Earth.

Geralyn Wichers writes from Manitoba, Canada. When not writing, or working in the factory, she can be found running down the sidewalks and trails of her hometown, singing in the church choir, or staring into space–possibly all while carrying a massive book.

Author’s blog:
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A themed tour through Prism Book Tours.

Covering HomeCovering Home
Heidi McCahan
Adult Inspirational Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 310 Pages

January 18th 2015 by Snug Corner Cove Press

On assignment in Japan, television personality turned sportscaster Britt Bowen is determined to land an interview with the most reclusive pitcher in baseball and prove she can succeed in a demanding profession. A relationship with a self-absorbed professional athlete is the last thing Britt needs. 

Shunning all media attention, former All-Star pitcher Caleb Scott is focused on rebuilding his career in Japan, far from his past and the horrible tragedy that nearly ruined him. Then he meets Britt, who is everything he vowed to avoid. 
But it doesn’t take long before Caleb is battling his attraction toward Britt. While she works to uncover his secrets, she can’t deny she’s drawn to his wounded soul. At a crossroads, Caleb must decide if he can break free from his past mistakes and give love another chance. And Britt must choose between advancing her career – or falling in love.

Behind the Scenes of Covering Home

A novel about a female sportscaster and a professional baseball player set in … Japan? How did you come up with that? How much research went into the writing of this novel?
These are the most frequent questions I’ve answered from readers. Often a story idea sort of percolates in my head and I play with it for a while and see if I can build a whole novel from that one idea. But Covering Home came to be in a much different fashion.
Initially, I saw a call for submissions from a publisher for a story set in Tokyo, Japan that featured a bat, a bell, and an angel. For the non-writers out there, a call for submissions is something writers pay attention to because it’s the publisher’s way of telling writers what they are looking for. This particular publisher wanted a novella, which is about 25,000 words or so. As soon as I dropped Britt Bowen and Caleb Scott in the lobby of that hotel, I knew I had something special going on. Once the characters came to life on the page, I couldn’t stop at a novella. It was sooo much fun to write. It wasn’t always easy, though, and I stopped and started many times. But I kept going and eventually had almost 90,000 words in the first draft. Needless to say, some serious editing and re-writing went on. Many authors say the re-writing phase is where the magic happens, but I still find it to be a daunting task. I did work that bat, bell and angel in there, too. You’ll have to see if you can find all three.
A trip to Japan several years ago helped me describe the scenes in Tokyo, including the train rides, the experience of attending a baseball game and some of the cultural observations. But the scenes involving eating at the restaurants, the differences between baseball in Japan versus the US, as well as the inside of the hotel (and the amusement park outside) required quite a bit of research.
In a former career, prior to marriage and children, I worked as an athletic trainer at a university and watched A LOT of baseball games. The banter between the athletes, an athlete’s response to injury, the experience of being in a dugout, were all things I’d witnessed at the college level. Even though I’m not a sportscaster, I was able to piece together enough details to create believable scenes. Writing the parts about Caleb pitching the ball required research, as well as the rules of the game that impact wins and losses. That was perhaps the most grueling part because I wanted to get it right.
I’m proud of this fun, sweet romance. Not only does it have a subtle message of hope and redemption, it also gives readers an opportunity to see a little slice of life in a land you might not have visited yet. I hope you all enjoy reading Covering Home.

Heidi McCahanHeidi McCahan is a Pacific Northwest girl at heart. She spent her formative years in Alaska, where her unique upbringing, coupled with Alaska’s breathtaking scenery, fueled her active imagination and loosely inspired her debut novel, Unraveled
Heidi graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Medicine from Whitworth University and a Master’s Degree in Athletic Training from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. After a brief career as a Certified Athletic Trainer, Heidi married her husband, Steve. They currently live in North Carolina with their three boys. 
When Heidi isn’t stepping on Legos, chauffeuring the boys around suburbia or watching one of their many sporting events, she loves to read and write heartwarming romance.


Follow the Tour

18th: Launch
31st: Grand Finale

Tour-Wide Giveaway

– US Grand Prize: Birchbox 3-month subscription ($30 value) & signed paperback of Covering Home (US Only)
– Gift Card Grand Prize: $20 Gift Card for Amazon/iTunes/B&N (winner’s choice) & an ebook of Covering Home (open internationally)
– Ends April 7th

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Prism Book Tours

A themed tour through Prism Book Tours.

The Best Laid Plans (Chicago Sisters, #2)The Best Laid Plans
(Chicago Sisters #2)
Amy Vastine
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback, 368 Pages

March 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming

She planned on falling in love. Just not with him!

Emma Everhart’s life is going according to plan. Finish nursing school with flying colours? Check. Get a great job in the ER? Check. Marry a handsome doctor and have two babies, three years apart? Not quite yet. But with a dreamy new doctor joining the hospital staff, she’s so close she can almost taste the wedding cake. Now is not the time to let the tall, dark and flirtatious paramedic Charlie Fletcher distract her! He may be the best date and best kiss she’s ever had, but he’s definitely not part of her plan. No matter how he makes her feel.

Amazon – Barnes & Noble – Harlequin

The Better Man (Chicago Sisters)The Better Man
(Chicago Sisters #1)
by Amy Vastine
Adult Romance 
Harlequin Heartwarming
January 1st 2014

Kendall Montgomery’s six-year-old son has barely spoken in the past year, locked in his world of silent grief. Then one day, he spots his dead father across a crowded street.

Max Jordan moved to Chicago to be closer to his own son and prove he can be a better father than his deadbeat dad. His striking resemblance to Kendall’s husband and his track record with fatherhood make her determined to keep her distance – until Max helps her little boy come out of his shell. But can she trust him with their future? How can she be sure he won’t take off just when they need him most?

Thanks so much for having me on your blog today and Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all the readers out there! St. Patrick’s Day isn’t my most favorite holiday but it does make me a little excited. March 17th means spring is almost here and we might finally get to put our winter coats away here in Chicago. It also makes me feel lucky.

The Irish are synonymous with being lucky. Apparently it’s an American thing not an Irish thing. The Irish immigrants and the Irish Americans who were part of the gold and silver rush of the 19th century were associated with a lot of good fortune. It became a joke that the Irish must be lucky because they didn’t have the smarts to be so successful. Ouch!
I am not of Irish descent, by my husband is. His maternal grandmother’s family was Irish. We were lucky enough to get to visit Ireland with his parent back in the late 90’s. It was a gorgeous place with some of the friendliest people I have ever met. I understood once I got there why green is the color of the Irish. Everything over there is the most beautiful shade of green. My husband had lawn envy for sure!
I think we all wish for some luck now and then. Some people carry around a lucky charm or some go through some superstitious ritual to ensure some good fortune. We want to be lucky in Las Vegas. My dad is always feeling lucky when he buys a lottery ticket. But money isn’t the only thing we seek the help of luck to find. There are many out there hoping to get lucky in love.
If you think about it, if we all have a perfect match out there, how lucky do we need to be to find that person? That’s the big question for Charlie Fletcher in The Best Laid Plans. He’s beginning to fear he’ll never be that lucky. When he finds the person he believes is perfect for him, he worries he’s not lucky enough to be the perfect person for her.
Charlie doesn’t need luck, though. Luck doesn’t win you love. Charlie gets the girl because of who he chooses to be each and every day. Sometimes we have a little bit more control over our destiny than we think. Don’t chase the rainbow, looking for the pot of gold. BE the rainbow and the pot will come to you! Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everybody.

Author pic

Amy Vastine has been plotting stories in her head for as long as she can remember. An eternal optimist, she studied social work, hoping to teach others how to find their silver lining. Now, she enjoys creating happily ever afters for all to read.
In September of 2012, she saw a tweet about Harlequinís So You Think You Can Write contest. She entered, hoping for nothing more than a little feedback from some people in the business. Amazingly, The Weather Girl made it into the semi-finals, thanks to the many wonderful voters out there! The manuscript didnít make it to the finals, but the editors over Harlequin were still interested. A few revisions later and The Weather Girl was contacted for publication with Harlequin Heartwarming ñ a dream come true!
Amy lives outside Chicago with her high school sweetheart-turned-husband, three fun-loving children, and their sweet but mischievous puppy dog.
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Follow the Tour
15th: Launch

Tour-Wide Giveaway

– $50 Amazon gift card & signed paperback of The Best Laid Plans (ebook if international winner)
– 5 copies of The Best Laid Plans (paperback to US winners and ebooks to international winners) and Chicago swag and Sweet and Heartwarming Bracelet for (US winners only)
Ends March 29th

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Prism Book Tours

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured books. 

Author’s name: Annie Douglass Lima
Title of series: Annals of Alasia
Titles of books: The main trilogy consists of Prince of Alasia, In the Enemy’s Service, and Prince of Malorn.  There is a short companion book entitled Annals of Alasia: The Collected Interviews.
Brief summary of the story:
Each book in the trilogy deals with events surrounding the same major political incident: the invasion of the kingdom of Alasia by the neighboring kingdom of Malorn.  Prince of Alasia begins on the night of the Invasion and describes what happens to twelve-year-old Prince Jaymin after he is forced to flee for his life.  In the Enemy’s Service tells the story of those who were not able to escape from the Alasian palace when the enemy invaded.  Prince of Malorn begins several months earlier and focuses on the Malornian perspective of the events leading up to the Invasion.  In each of the books, main characters from the others make brief appearances and interact with each other at the point where the timeframes and settings overlap.  Though each of the three can stand on its own, they each fill in gaps left by the others and together provide a much more complete picture of what was going on in Alasia and Malorn.
Annals of Alasia: The Collected Interviews is a collection of twenty-four “interviews” I conducted with major and minor characters in the other three books.  Though not a novel in and of itself, it would be interesting to read alongside the trilogy.  In the interviews, characters reveal more about their personalities, motivations, and backgrounds, talking about themselves in their own “voice” and giving extra insights into the events of the series.  You can download it for free here.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
I’ll focus mainly on the kingdom of Alasia in this post.  It has four medium to large cities (Almar, Tainabi, Wistra, and Mosra), along with hundreds of smaller towns and villages.  Alasia is on a peninsula just north of Malorn, which is its only bordering nation.  Its culture, level of technology, etc. are much like that of medieval Europe.  The climate is warm in the summer and uncomfortably cold in the winter, though you won’t often find snow except up in the hills.  The people who live there are human, and there are no other sentient races.

If we were to visit Alasia as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
If you enjoy swimming or sunbathing, Alasia has miles and miles of beautiful beaches, and you might see dolphins playing in the surf or sea lions sunning themselves there.  A large factory in the city of Wistra produces glass for the kingdom for both practical and decorative purposes; they give free tours, and there is a gift shop where you can purchase glass tableware and other souvenirs.  You should definitely make sure you stop by the capital city of Almar to see the magnificent palace on its hill overlooking the sea, although you probably won’t be allowed inside unless you have royal connections.
What dangers should we avoid in Alasia?
As in most cities anywhere, I would recommend staying away from low-income areas at night, especially if you’re alone.  Overall, though, Alasia has been primarily a safe and peaceful kingdom until recently.  Now, you’ll want to avoid the Malornian soldiers (easily identifiable in their red and black uniforms) who patrol the streets of every major city along with many of the smaller towns.  Though officially looking for the missing prince who slipped through their fingers on the night of the Invasion, they also tend to be looking for trouble.  Avoid antagonizing them or even catching their attention if you can help it, and if you’re lucky they will leave you alone.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Alasia?
If you’re fortunate enough to be invited to a royal banquet, you will be served delicacies such as roast venison in a honey glaze, smoked salmon with lime sauce, and/or apricot stuffed quail.  At an average inn, you might eat roast pork or beef with gravy, mixed vegetables, and bread or potatoes.  In the coastal towns, little stands selling fresh grilled seafood are common.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Alasia?
The military uses broadswords and shields, along with bows and arrows. Twelve-year-old Prince Jaymin is skilled with both the bow and sword, though neither does him much good when he is forced to live in disguise.  Erik, Jaymin’s young bodyguard, is an expert in using unarmed combat against sword- and dagger-wielding opponents, which is a more useful and much less common skill.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used for travel in Alasia?
Those who can afford one usually ride a horse, and many people in the middle or upper class also own a carriage, wagon, cart, or small buggy, depending on their occupation.  Boat travel between coastal cities is common as well.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Alasia.
Bow hunting is common throughout the kingdom, and garden archery is a popular hobby among the upper class.  It’s also common for wealthy families to have their sons trained in fencing (using unsharpened weapons only).  Many families entertain themselves indoors (especially on winter evenings) by telling stories, singing, or playing card games.  Outside, children often jump rope or play a sport similar to soccer.  Those who can’t afford a real ball will fashion a makeshift one from a bundle of rags tied up tightly with twine.
What is the political or government structure in Alasia?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Alasia is a monarchy.  King Jaymin III was the ruler until he was assassinated by invaders from neighboring Malorn.  Now the kingdom is under the control of Malorn’s Prince Korram, with Regent Rampus holding the reins of power until young Korram comes of age.  The Malornian conquerors have been gripping Alasia with an iron fist, levying new taxes and carefully controlling who is allowed to travel where.  They have also seized control of important products such as glass and have begun sending them back to Malorn.
Jaymin III was a benevolent ruler but not really in touch with the lives of citizens in the middle and lower classes.  His newly orphaned son, Prince Jaymin IV, has his eyes opened as he is forced to live in disguise in an especially poor part of a poor town.  Coming face to face with poverty and need in the lives of ordinary citizens, young Jaymin is determined to improve his people’s lives someday if he is ever able to claim his rightful throne. 

Author autobiography:

Annie Douglass Lima spent most of her childhood in Kenya and later graduated from Biola University in Southern California. She and her husband Floyd currently live in Taiwan, where she teaches fifth grade at Morrison Academy. She has been writing poetry, short stories, and novels since her childhood, and to date has published eight books (three YA action adventure/fantasy novels, a collection of character interviews, one puppet script, and four anthologies of her students’ poetry, all available through the links in the sidebar to the right). Besides writing, her hobbies include reading (especially fantasy and science fiction), scrapbooking, and international travel.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?

Prince of Alasia 
In the Enemy’s Service 
Prince of Malorn 
Annals of Alasia: The Collected Interviews (available for free!)
Where can readers connect with you online? 

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Alasia.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the kingdom of Malorn, in Realm Explorers Part XXXXI!
-Annie Douglass Lima

 On tour with Pristm Book Tours.

It’s the Grand Finale for THE SWEET ROMANCE TOUR:
Rough Edges
By Kimberly Krey

Did you miss any of the sweet EXCLUSIVE CONTENT from this tour? 
If you did, go back and learn more about this book and series now!

Brooke Blogs – Excerpt

     Their eyes met once more, and a shot of heat flooded his chest like a liquid bolt of lightening, forcing his pulse to rush. “I’ve missed you,” he blurted.
     Her eyes widened in response, and Braden wondered if he’d been too bold. He’d hardly meant to speak it. It’d been more of a thought. A longing, really.

Pieces of Whimsy – Braden’s Workshop

I thought it might be fun to take a look at Braden’s workshop, or at least the way I picture it…
(Photo Details ID 11628233 © Gleb Semenov |

Beck Valley Books – The Second Chances Series

Now for a peek into the rest of the Second Chances Series:

Rough Edges
(Second Chances #1)
by Kimberly Krey

Paperbook & ebook, 322 Pages
January 23rd 2015

Rough Edges starts off my newest series, Second Chances – a companion to the Sweet Montana Bride series. Featuring some of the characters you know and love, this series will give Allie, Logan, and a new character, Bree, (you’ll meet her in Allie’s story) a second chance at romance. If you haven’t read the Sweet Montana Bride series, no worries. This series, as well as each book within, will stand alone just fine. Now for a bit about the book.

Divorced mother, Allie Emerson, never imagined she’d be raising two teenage girls on her own. Between parenting and paying the bills, she hasn’t even thought about meeting a man. That changes once she hears local carpenter, Braden Fox, is in need of a secretary. Back in high school, Allie had done all she could to deny the sparks burning between her and Braden; but would the chemistry still be there after all this time?

Braden has heard all about what Terrance did to Allie and the girls. He’s been planning to stop by and see how she’s getting along, but Allie beats him to it by showing up at his shop in search of a job. Her unexpected visit reignites the old flame Braden used to torch for her; trouble is, old feelings of resentment return as well. Allie did choose Terrance over him, after all. And as much as Braden wants Allie in his life, he’s not sure he can open his heart to her again.

With a second chance at romance, will the bumps in their relationship be too much to get over, or will this carpenter learn to smooth out the past?

Allie Emerson gets her happy ending at last in my new release, Rough Edges, available now on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

About Kimberly Krey

Writing Romance That’s Clean Without Losing the Steam!

I’m a reader of good, clean romance, a lover of family time and Diet Coke, and the ultimate hater of laundry.

I’m not patient enough to enjoy yoga, or tall enough to be great at basketball, but I do love to run – anywhere but on a treadmill. I love the sound of a rainstorm when I have no place to go, the feel of Soft Lips chap Stick on my lips, and the first peek of blue water as we round the mountains toward our favorite getaway in Bear Lake.


Tour Giveaway

To celebrate the release of Rough Edges, the author is giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to one winner, and a paperback of Rough Edges to another. Good luck, all!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Prism Book Tours

A themed tour through Prism Book Tours.

The Bluebird Bet (Welcome to Tall Pines # 2)The Bluebird Bet
(Welcome to Tall Pines #2)
Cheryl Harper
Adult Contemporary Romance

March 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Winning isn’t everything…

To other people Dr. Elaine Watson never loses. Period. So she won’t miss out on a chance to restore the Bluebird Bed-and-Breakfast. The owner’s son, Dean Collins, seems just as determined as she is. A famous photojournalist, he hasn’t been home in years, so why does he want to turn the Bluebird, a charming old B and B, into a fishing camp?

With just a few weeks to create the winning plan, Elaine has no choice but to spend time with the guy. She’s drawn to the handsome, wounded man, but being with Dean would mean giving up the future she’s been dreaming of… And Dr. Elaine Watson never gives up.

AmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

You Don’t Have to Choose, The Bluebird Bet

Elaine Watson had handled a lot of disapproval from her parents for being too serious, too driven, too scientific growing up. Now, she has a job she loves because of all that study. What’s surprising is that she can do more with that passion than prescribe antibiotics. She can encourage other girls like herself.
When you were a girl, what career did you dream of?


“I really like your tights, Hailey. Did you wear those to impress me?” They were striped with all the colors of the rainbow. Elaine looked at her pale green scrubs and wished for more color of her own.
“I like rainbows. Did you know you can only see a rainbow if you’re standing with your back to the sun?” Hailey nodded her head to add extra weight to her delivery. “It’s true.”
“Of course. Did you know that rainbows are made from light bouncing off raindrops?” Elaine answered.
Hailey rolled her eyes again, and Elaine knew she had to up her game.
“Uh, yeah. Did you know double rainbows are caused when light is reflected twice? And you can have even three or four rainbows together, although I’ve never seen one of those.” Hailey looked a little brokenhearted at the confession.
Elaine glanced at her mother and then back to Hailey. Obviously, the girl loved science. Hailey might be Elaine a couple of decades ago.
Her mother waved a hand, a slightly rueful smile on her face. “Unless you want to do this all day, I’d move on, Dr. Watson. I keep hoping she’ll grow out of it, start asking for makeup and pop music.” 
That was another reminder of the young Elaine—a mother who wanted her to be something she wasn’t.
“Maybe she’ll be a doctor someday,” Elaine said.
Hailey straightened her shoulders and smoothed down her skirt again. “I’m going to be the president someday.”
Elaine studied her face. “Maybe you could be both.”
Hailey brightened as if the idea of choosing had been a real problem.

Back Cover Copy

Winning isn’t everything…to other people 
Dr. Elaine Watson never loses. Period. So she won’t miss out on a chance to restore the Bluebird Bed-and-Breakfast. The owner’s son, Dean Collins, seems just as determined as she is. A famous photojournalist, he hasn’t been home in years, so why does he want to turn the Bluebird, a charming old B and B, into a fishing camp? 
With just a few weeks to create the winning plan, Elaine has no choice but to spend time with the guy. She’s drawn to the handsome, wounded man, but being with Dean would mean giving up the future she’s been dreaming of… And Dr. Elaine Watson never gives up.

Buy Links


Cheryl Harper discovered her love for books and words as a little girl, thanks to a mother who made countless library trips and an introduction to Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House stories. Cheryl enjoys strong characters that make her laugh. Now she spends her days searching for the right words while she stares out the window and her dog snoozes beside her. Visit her website to find out more.




Tour-Wide Giveaway

– $25 Amazon gift card (open internationally)
– Signed print copies of A Minute on the Lips & The Bluebird Bet (US only)
– 5 ebooks of The Bluebird Bet (to be gifted through Amazon or B&N)
Ends March 24th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow the March Tour!
4: Launch
5: My Devotional Thoughts
6: Wishful Endings
8: JoJo’s Corner
9: Colorimetry & Babs Book Bistro
10: i blog 4 books
11: I Am A Reader
12: Katie’s Clean Book Collection & The Written Adventure
13: Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima
15: Paranormal Books
16: Getting Your Read On
17: Grand Finale

Prism Book Tours

Sarah Anne’s Expedient MarriageBy Cathy Lynn Bryant & Jessica M. Dorman
Amazon Buy Button

About the Book:

Knowing he was about to die, Sarah Anne’s beloved father had arranged for her to marry Alexander Swyndhurst II. Alexander, a recent widower, had no intention of taking another wife; but after learning the young woman’s situation—that she had been the object of at least one man’s unwanted attentions, and that she would soon be left alone and unprotected—he had agreed to the marriage. He had one stipulation, however: He and Sarah Anne would live separately—he in Bristol, England, and she in Amesbury, Massachusetts Bay Colony. Sarah Anne had agreed wholeheartedly with this arrangement. Will Alexander have a change of heart? What of the dangerous man from her past? What will happen while her husband is away—leaving her alone with only the servants? Even though there are connections, each novel in the series may be read as a stand-alone.



Cathy Lynn Bryant & Jessica M. DormanInspired by interesting characters and events uncovered while doing genealogical research, mother and daughter writing team, Cathy Lynn Bryant and Jessica Marie Dorman, who live in beautiful New England, have masterfully woven the stories of real people and fictional characters from the 17th and 18th centuries to develop inspirational, romantic, works of historical fiction. The Unshakable Faith series includes the following titles: Book 1 Lost Love and Shipwrecked–Madeline Pike Finds Hope in the New Land; Book 2 Grandmother’s Namesake; Book 3 Sarah Anne’s Expedient Marriage.

Follow Cathy Lynn Bryant & Jessica M. DormanWebsite | Facebook | Twitter

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  a Rafflecopter giveaway This book blast is hosted by Crossreads. We would like to send out a special THANK YOU to all of the CrossReads book blast bloggers!