A Themed Tour through Prism Book Tours.

Dragon Rising
by Rachel E. Fisher
YA Dystopian

In his freshman year at Columbia University, future journalist Asher Grey is forced to face his darkest demons when the world falls to pieces. A champion Tai Chi swordsman, he will be tested to his limits just to survive. With a heavy heart and swift hand, he must reach deep inside himself to discover what it means to be a Dragon.

Excerpt 8

From Asher’s journal

June 20th, 2033

Days without food – 0
Days without sleep – 0

Thank God I still have my journal! I have no idea why it matters, but it does. It’s…

Anyway. I was robbed last night while I slept. I guess I should be grateful that I’m still alive. (And I’m not being tortured. Bonus.) And I’m grateful that they didn’t see my sword and take it.

It sucks that I lost the beans though. %&#*@. I haven’t eaten anything real in… I was saving it like dessert. Isn’t that crazy? Moldy donuts for dinner and a bean can tucked in my fist like it was chocolate pudding. And now it’s gone.


The Eden’s Root Trilogy

                  Emergence (Eden's Root Trilogy #3)
(Eden’s Root Trilogy #1)      (Eden’s Root Trilogy #2)      (Eden’s Root Trilogy #3)

About Rachel Fisher

I am a wife and entrepreneur living and working in Florida. I am also a graduate of Mount Holyoke College, where I majored in Biology. It was always my assumption that I would end up making research my life. Though it did not work out that way in the end, my passion for Biology remains intact.

I have always loved biology-based science-fiction and the young adult genre. It is in this vein that I offer my work.

WebsiteTwitter – FacebookGoodreads

Tour-Wide Giveaway
$20 Amazon Gift Card and an ebook of Dragon Rising
19 ebooks of Dragon Rising
Ends October 12th

Follow the Tour:

Prism Book Tours
This is a guest post by author and poet Christopher Reilley.

I throw my heart up into the sky –
honest joy pinwheeling on errant breeze.
Take this, this simple song and do what you will,
throw it into the abyss of the center,
hide it where the sand meets the sea,
bury it beneath the scales of monsters.

Surely somewhere, somewhen,
it will be found by one who needed to find it.
It will be measured, wondered about, recited.
Perhaps a high note might stun a pragmatist
or maybe the low throb of its rhythm
will find a gaunt heart to give its warmth to.

But mark me well, oh gentle reader,
one fine day, when the world least expects it
the love that is crafted in this simple voice
will spin and whirl, dip and dive, breathing for clouds.
One whose world needed exactly this voice to set it free
will slap life with fevered palm and be its master.


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email us at PrismBookTours(at)gmail.com with “The Better Man GF” in the subject line.
A Themed Tour through Prism Book Tours.

We’re blitzing the GRAND FINALE for
The Better Man by Amy Vastine!
The Better Man, which is the beginning of the new Chicago Sisters Series, is set in the busy city of Chicago, but is full of family, friendship, and love. It’s also from the clean romance Heartwarming line of books from Harlequin.

Did you miss any of the tour? You still have time to go back and check out all the stops and enter the amazing giveaway!

Launch – Intro and Excerpt
The Better Man is the first book in the Chicago Sisters Series, which introduces us to the three Everhart sisters, Lucy, Kendall, and Emma. All three sisters live in the Lincoln Park area, and even though the story has a big city backdrop, the focus is still on family and community. These sisters always have one another’s backs, even though they couldn’t be any different…
Colorimetry – Guest Post
In The Better Man, the heroine of the story is an interior designer. This profession was born out of my love of all things HGTV, of course. I think I can lose whole days to that channel. I love all the shows about surprise makeovers and house flippings, but my favorite is Property Brothers…
The Written Adventure – Guest Post
Kendall Montgomery is the middle sister and the heroine of The Better Man. Her sisters are always there for her, even if they drive her a little crazy sometimes…. Despite their different views on life, Lucy and Emma never fail to support their sister through the toughest times of her life…

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review
Kendall is facing reality now. She’s a very talented and gifted designer and artist and is now able to use those abilities to make a living. Based off of her life experiences and relationships, she’s a little gun-shy, with good reason. I loved watching her evolve. Being a mother isn’t easy and doing what’s best for your kids isn’t always easy, either, but, as Kendall learns, the hard things are often the most rewarding.

Book Freebies, Contests, Sweepstakes, and Giveaways – Guest Post
Today I thought I would introduce you to Max, the hero. In my mind, Max always looked like and had similar personality traits as the character Ryan Gosling played in the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love. Easy on the eyes, charisma and charm, and let’s not forget great fashion sense. Max is always well put together and did I mention he often has a five o’clock shadow? I love a guy with a little scruff!..

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review
This story is so sweet! I love the characters, and can’t wait to read more books about Kendall’s sisters. Amy has definitely become one of my new favorite authors!

The Wonderings of One Person – Guest Post
The hero in The Better Man is new to Chicago. Max has recently moved there from Los Angeles. To help a guy out, I thought I would suggest a few romantic spots in the Windy City that he or anyone here for a visit might want to consider…

SBM Book Obsession – Excerpt

“Trevor’s been gone just over a year,” she said wearily. The anniversary of his death had led to Simon’s regression. It seemed every time Kendall thought they were making some good progress, something would set him back. She was not going to give her son another reason to worry. “Simon does not need to see me running around with men on dates. He needs me home. He needs to know I’m not ever going to leave him.”
His father had left. His father had left them both.

“Avoiding a date here and there isn’t going to make him better.”

My Love for Reading Keeps Growing – Excerpt
Nana!” Simon burst into the foyer, his drawing clenched in his hand. You wont believe it! Youll never believe who we saw today!
Kendall gave her mother an apologetic grimace, but Nana was too startled by Simons verbosity to notice. Who? Who did you see?” she asked, crouching down to his level. He handed her the picture hed drawn.
My dad! We saw my dad right down the street!
Kelly P’s Blog – Guest Post

In the story, a young widow and mother is hired to remodel a restaurant managed by a man who happens to look exactly like her dead husband. It’s a messy romance but one that I hope wins your hearts…

J.R.Richardson Fics – Review
And the twist. Which I refuse to ruin for you. But let me just say, Amy. Well flipping done, my friend. Because you know I love stuff like this. And the way you wove this tale, and took me along for the ride, quite willingly, I might add . . . and revealed everything just the way it was supposed to be revealed, at the exact time it needed to be revealed . . . made me smile so big. I just love the way my heart was happy for (almost) everyone, in the end.
Pretty Girls Read Books – Excerpt
He mirrored her movement to keep her from escaping and put a hand on her arm when she tried once more to move around him. It was the first time he’d touched her since their disastrous introduction. Kendall couldn’t stop the déjà vu that it prompted. The last time she saw Trevor alive, she’d been storming away and he’d tried to stop her. The memory jolted through her like an electrical shock.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Max said firmly. “I will be here. Every day. Whether you want me here or not.”
Getting Your Read On – Review
The relationship between Max and Kendall grows slowly and as it does, we learn more back history about them both.  The unfolding process was well written.  Max and Kendall struggle separately and they struggle together.  Of course, my favorite bits are when they support each other.
Deal Sharing Aunt – Excerpt

The three of them got busy painting and embellishing the costume. Their collective laughter created a lightness Kendall hadn’t felt in a long time. Seeing Simon act like a normal six-year-old freed her from the year’s worth of guilt and worry she’d been carrying around. This wasn’t like having Trevor around. It was better.

My Devotional Thoughts – Review
There are a couple of things about the book that truly stand out as dynamic stylistic characteristics. For one thing, the author switched back and forth between the man’s and women’s perspective. Not all authors have the knack for doing that, but this author does. I also appreciate the fact that the author introduces a child who is grieving the death of his father in a unique way. I found that to be a realistic element that will connect with others who have been in that position.
Southern Chelle – Review
I love books like this that grip you and you don’t want to put them down! (This was a book that did that.) The Better Man seemed to have a different storyline than any other book that I have ever read. It was extremely refreshing to read totally new content.
Undercover Book Reviews – Review

First time ever reading from this author and was completely impressed. Her work is well written and easy to follow. This particular storyline is heart grabbing.

Bookworm Lisa – Review
I am enjoying this story.  Two separate people, each with a child with a need to be parented.
The hard obstacle to overcome is that Max look like Kendall’s deceased  husband, It lends a unique situation to the story… 
Reader Girls – Excerpt
Winner!” Max jumped her last checker and threw his hands up in the air, victorious. Im pretty sure you cheated,” Kendall mumbled.
Dont be a sore loser.
Im not, but I was killing you. Your massive comeback is fishy, admit it.
Maxs mouth dropped open. That is a lie. There was nothing fishy about my comeback. You opened up that side for my guy to get through!”                                  
Are you going to give Max kisses because he won?” Simon asked, completely putting an end to their playful argument.

My Life, Loves and Passion – Review & Excerpt

“It’s better that you rip the Max Band-Aid off now rather than later,” Lucy said while they cooked. “Simon will get over it. So will you. It’s always better to be the one who walked away instead of the one left behind.”

“Which one were you again?” Kendall asked, recognizing that Lucy’s guard was down.

“Ha-ha. I’ve been both. At the same time,” she added. “Now, stop making this about me.”

I Am A Reader – Guest Post
At the heart of the story is Kendall and Simon, a mother and son who are both still grieving the loss of their husband/father. Kendall struggles with how to help ease her son’s anxiety after his father’s death. Feeling helpless is something to which all parents can relate. Kendall is sensitive to her son’s needs and has to find a way to balance what he wants with what he needs. It’s not always so easy to distinguish between the two…
Lola’s Reviews – Review

I really enjoyed this story, it had some really sad and some really happy moments. The characters where what made this book shine, they all had a past, personality and motives, even the side characters. This book has a fun and quirky cast of characters and I enjoyed seeing them interact with each other.

Wishful Endings – Review
The Better Man was quite an original story and one I haven’t read before in this genre. The leading man looks almost exactly like the heroine’s dead husband and this causes all sort of issues because they have to work together. Sparks definitely fly, both good and bad, but the author kept a great balance between heavier issues (such as Kendall’s son who has become mostly mute as a way to deal with his father’s death), humor, and then those sweet romantic moments.

The Better Man (Chicago Sisters)The Better Man
by Amy Vastine
Adult Romance 
Harlequin Heartwarming
January 1st 2014

Kendall Montgomery’s six-year-old son has barely spoken in the past year, locked in his world of silent grief. Then one day, he spots his dead father across a crowded street.

Max Jordan moved to Chicago to be closer to his own son and prove he can be a better father than his deadbeat dad. His striking resemblance to Kendall’s husband and his track record with fatherhood make her determined to keep her distance…until Max helps her little boy come out of his shell. But can she trust him with their future? How can she be sure he won’t take off just when they need him most?


Amy Vastine has been plotting stories in her head for as long as she can remember. An eternal optimist, she studied social work, hoping to teach others how to find their silver lining. Now, she enjoys creating happily ever afters for all to read.
Amy lives outside Chicago with her high school sweetheart-turned-husband, three fun-loving children, and their sweet but mischievous puppy dog.
Website – Goodreads – Facebook – Twitter

Tour-Wide Giveaway

– Gift Card Grand Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card and a signed paperback (US) or ebook (INT) of The Better Man

– US Grand Prize: Signed paperback of The Better Man plus swag (shown above)

– 5 copies of The Better Man (paperback for US and ebooks for INT)
– Ends October 5th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Prism Book Tours
This is a guest post from author Nina Bingham.

Looking for answers without having to go to counseling? The Never Enough workbook is a new approach to recovery! More than just convenient and affordable, it’s the therapeutic answer for the busy self-helper. NEVER ENOUGH: A Recovery Workbook will uncover the roots of addictive behaviors, obsessive thinking, and eating disorders. This work-at-your-own pace program provides state-of-the-art, research-proven methods of controlling worry, and correcting compulsive thinking. This workbook will enable you to:
* Determine the root reasons for addictive behavior and obsessive worrying
* Develop more effective coping skills
* Accept loss and gain the strength to move beyond it
* Understand how to change ingrained patterns which have held you back.

When it comes to addictions, obsessive thinking and eating disorders, they tend to get the “upper hand.” Before you know it, your thinking has been hijacked, and you’re the unwitting slave to unhealthy, self-defeating behaviors. This workbook is crammed with self-intervention exercises that enable you to quickly put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life again.
Here’s a do-it-yourself recovery method that’s easy to use, yet delivers results that will blow your mind! 

 Click here for a free preview on Amazon
“To break free from addictive thoughts and habit patterns, the underlying causes of the behavior must be identified and understood. Otherwise we are ever dieting and failing, ever detoxing and relapsing, a vicious, never-ending cycle of failure. At some point we must face our fears if we want our life to change. We must become consciously aware of why we are being driven like slaves…”
“Addictive and compulsive thought isn’t logical; it is emotional. Because of this you cannot “reason” with these drives. Most of them defy logic, because they occur unconsciously, out of our conscious awareness. When asked to explain the behaviors, we cannot account for the grip they have upon our lives.”

“Learn a process for disputation of negative thinking which can rewire the brain towards more rational, objective thinking, less negative and worry thinking, and more positive behavioral outcomes.”

Readers say you need to read this book because:
5.0 out of 5 stars 

A thoughtful and effective approach to addiction. Really helped me.
By Ponekin Amazon Reviewer 
Format: Kindle Edition
This book was a life changer for me. Instead of the AA approach to feeling guilty about my addiction, this book allowed me to learn about the root causes of addiction and helped me to face my problems from the comfort of my own home and at my own pace. The book is filled with exercises that really make you think about your life. I am extremely grateful to have found this approach to addiction, and plan on re-reading and using the book for the rest of my life.

5.0 out of 5 stars
Wonderful, helpful, comprehensive book for everyday people & the struggles we all go through

By Grown-up Tinkerbelle Amazon Reviewer
Format:Kindle Edition
This workbook gives an enormous amount of helpful tips and suggestions for working through…well…life! There is no one who couldn’t benefit from this book in some way, as we are all human and each of us has something we struggle with. The comprehensive nature of this workbook is such that you could literally flip to a section that inspires you for that day and choose to answer those questions and ponder the ideas without having to go from start to finish. It is a resource that should be kept around to revisit during the times we really feel we need help, as well as the times we just feel like pondering our habits or we feel inspired to improve our lives.
This covers so many compulsive issues. She is brilliant! I think she is more than just that. She is fabulous. If you have issues with addiction, OCD,grief or any harmful thought patterns. This book can help!

If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, you’ll love this book! Click To Buy


Chapter 4: Just Me and My Trauma

The following self-interventions were selected from a multitude of psychotherapeutic sources, and they may invoke unexpected cathartic reactions. Be assured that unexpected strong emotion is an expression of inward pain. Unless these feelings are allowed to surface, we are mired in denial, and will stay psychologically and behaviorally regressed. I suggest you consciously give yourself permission to feel your feelings before you begin these exercises, and to allow yourself to remember the trauma that originally evoked the coping mechanism of addiction or obsessional thinking. Unless problems see the light of day, your soul may never know the freedom it deserves.

Addictions and obsessions are a method of coping with psychological stress and pain. And, the greater the exposure has been to stress, trauma, abuse and pain, the more severe our symptoms can be. Trauma is not defined by what occurs as much as how we experienced what occurred. What may be traumatic for one person might not be perceived as trauma by the next. A universal defining element of trauma is that it produces emotional and physical distress. Experiencing a traumatic event is not rare. About 60% of men and 50% of women are exposed to a traumatic event in their lifetime. Half of these reported multiple exposures to trauma. Traumas are underreported, so these numbers are low estimates. Stress can reactivate unresolved psychological conflicts, or “old wounds.” Stress is the trigger for re-engaging old feelings of victimization. People who have been traumatized share common feelings, such as: anxiety, depression, anger, fear, betrayal, disappointment, guilt or shame, disbelief, anger, isolation, feeling victimized or violated, insecurity, feeling unsafe, distrust, and a sense of some responsibility for the incident or event.

Other reactions may include intrusive thoughts about the event, nightmares, sleep disturbances, feeling jumpy or “on guard,” and concentration difficulties. Some people have difficulties in relationships, sexual difficulties, and may even think of suicide or self-harm. Individuals with PTSD are 6 times more likely to attempt suicide. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a diagnosis of severe trauma, has been associated with higher levels of anger and hostility. Anger is the result of having been hurt. Think about it: the last time you hit your head, your automatic reaction (after the, “Ouch!”) may have been anger. Anger always follows the more fundamental feeling of rejection or betrayal. Anger can cause a domino-effect of poor decision-making, dismissal from jobs, relationship troubles, etc. Although anger is a natural emotion and must be expressed in order for a person to be emotionally healthy, how we express it is very important. 

Trauma survivors therefore must learn extraordinary coping and communication skills. The link between addictions, obsessive/compulsive behaviors, eating disorders and trauma has been documented by research. In other words, trauma tends to create unhealthy coping patterns. We use unhealthy methods to rid ourselves of: anxiety, depression, grief, numbness, nervous energy, anger, guilt, physical pain, insomnia, and traumatic memories, among others. While our coping method of choice temporarily pacifies our needs, it prevents: self-awareness, personal growth, impairs our ability to recognize dangerous situations, removes our inhibitions (and the boundaries we had set), and impairs our ability to escape unhealthy people and places. In short, it controls us. Sometimes, anger or a thirst for revenge may be the only thing that is still keeping us “connected” to our past. When we refuse to forgive, we are refusing to bring closure to the past. This may be because we unconsciously fear we won’t be connected any longer to the person who hurt us, or to our childhood. Being unwilling to forgive others may also be a means of avoiding forgiving ourselves as well. Forgiving others may mean having to accept the reality that I am not perfect, either. Sometimes that is a bitter pill to swallow, especially if we have felt we were the “victim.” Part of us may want to go on blaming. Forgiveness takes away the victim status, making us responsible for our own happiness. If we haven’t offered forgiveness, we keep creating an identity around our pain. I heard a definition of forgiveness I really like: Forgiveness is simply the refusal to hurt the person that hurt you. By consciously engaging with the trauma memory, the individual learns that it isn’t necessary to avoid or deny the traumatic reminder. You might have heard the saying, “Forgive and forget?” That is suppression, and it’s a self-destructive way to handle resentment. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have to pretend like it didn’t happen. You can forgive them and remember.

Self-Intervention Exercise: Forgive and Remember

“I feel__________________________________________________________________
when you (action)_________________________________________________________
because it makes me/made me feel like________________________________________.”

Make your request:

“So my request is that you (action) ____________________________________________.”

Express your commitment to move past the hurts which you sustained:

Self-Intervention: Resolving Regrets

Steps 8 & 9 of Alcoholics Anonymous ask the recovering alcoholic to make amends to all people they harmed through their alcohol-induced behavior. “These steps are designed to achieve two goals. First, they help repair damaged relationships and second, they provide the other who has been hurt by the alcoholic, an explanation of how alcohol caused the behavior” (Sacks, 2003). You may decide to share these thoughts with others who you feel you have hurt, or you may decide to settle it in the privacy of your own heart, but hanging on to past guilt and regret is not doing anyone any good. It only serves as a self-punishment, and you are attempting to put the old, negative ways behind you. Shame is another word which represents feelings of low self-esteem, belittlement, humiliation, embarrassment and stigmatization or alienation. Shame is the feeling of being “broken,” that something is “wrong” with me. Shame is often experienced as the inner, critical voice that
judges whatever we do as “not good enough,” inferior, worthless. The shaming inner voice can do considerable damage to our self-esteem. For some, their inner critical judge is continuously providing a negative evaluation of what they are doing, moment-by-moment, and play-by-play. Do yourself a favor: begin to release the self-hate and self-blame right now.

Self-Intervention Exercise: Regrets Liberation Therapy

Learning from the “voice of guilt” can be liberating. Answer the following:

1. Describe the situation that led to the guilt or regret:
2. Describe your current emotions after re-telling the story:
3. Describe behaviors that are yours vs. behaviors that are truly not yours (what part of the story is not your responsibility?):
4. Describe inconsistencies between your values and behaviors:
5. Write a heartfelt intention to make amends for the larger problems which your addicted self caused:
6. Describe what you’ve learned about yourself from the experience?
7. What would you do differently in the future?
8. Express your willingness to forgive yourself:
9. List specific steps you can take to resolve the guilt (making an apology, making restitution, performing a symbolic gesture which gives the opportunity for self-forgiveness):
10. Explain how being free of guilt could liberate you:

Post-Traumatic Growth
There is an “up-side” to trauma known as, “post-traumatic growth.” Response to trauma can result in either a risk factor or a healing factor. Researchers Tedeshi and Calhoun (1995) identified positive psychological changes as “post-traumatic growth,” and they include: improved relationships, openness, appreciativeness, strength and spiritual growth. “No one would wish traumatic events for themselves or others, but the present findings show their experience is sometimes associated with character strengths.” Maybe you’ve heard the slogan, “Get better, not bitter?” According to Tedeshi and Calhoun (1995), “The effects of these traumatic events are not uniformly negative.” Growth can result from trauma. Author Belleruth Naparstek says about trauma, “Trauma: that great terrorizer-produces heroes. No one has to override fear the way a trauma survivor does.” Donald Meichenbaum adds, “The story of PTSD is the tale of the indomitable and indefatigable human spirit to survive and adapt.” Trauma doesn’t have to define us, it can refine us.

While I’m busy giving interviews and fundraising for my next book, “Once The Storm Is Over: From Grieving to Healing After the Suicide of My Daughter,” due out Feb. 2015, I’d love to hear how this workbook enabled you to live more freely and happily! Contact me at my website

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  (One of these is FREE at the moment!)

Author’s name: K.M. Carroll
Title of book and/or series: Chronocrime, book 2 of the Spacetime Legacy
Brief summary of the story: 
When his girlfriend’s corpse from the future appears in the present, Indal, exiled chronomancer, is summoned to solve the crime. But what at first appears to be a simple murder turns deadly when the corpse rises and tries to kill Carda, Indal’s friend and Strider of Chronos–at the behest of a confederate of criminals.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: 
The characters are all young adults living in Phoenix, Arizona. I only know of one major urban fantasy writer who sets books in Phoenix–it’s like this place nobody ever thinks about.
There are also several major worlds the heroes visit over the course of the series. In Chronocrime, we visit Bythia, a parallel world with a hotter climate–so their version of Phoenix is quite a bit nastier, with a much lower population.
Tyrona, on the other hand, is a shattered world of floating continents. It’s held together by the blood, sweat and tears of the space and gravity mages–while the factions living on the continents wage a perpetual world war. It’s a bit harder to wage war when the continents drift around, but they manage it. We glimpse it in Chronocrime, and visit it in depth in book 3: Wraithblade.
There’s also the Chronostrider Council, an entire governing body housed inside a cube the size of a city, floating in the fifth dimension.
If we were to visit the world of Spacetime as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? 
Definitely take a spin around the multiverse! Hang out with some chronomancers, and maybe have them check your timeline to help you avoid unpleasant obstacles. Then find a strider, or space mage, to teleport you around to various landmarks.
Tyrona, despite its dangers, is amazingly rugged and beautiful. Very few semi-destroyed worlds are inhabitable, and sunset over the Rift Sea is one of the wonders of the worlds. If you’re lucky, you’ll glimpse the star shard at the planet’s core, which generates the gravity that holds the world together.
What dangers should we avoid in the world of Spacetime? 
Be careful who you cross! Among the various otherworldly races running around, the Nevelves are a world of magic-starved people who have figured out ways to drain a mage of their powers.
While the magic is force magic only–time, space, and gravity–it’s quite enough to kill you in a number of unpleasant ways. As Indal found out, it’s possible to have your body interwoven with a second body on a higher dimensional level, a process called splicing. He was spliced with a lycanthrope, and is now a functional werewolf. But instead of his change being triggered by the full moon, it’s triggered when he tries to work magic.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the Spacetime multiverse? 
Depends where you go. Carda gained several pounds after he discovered the famous pastries crafted by Rothdaran chefs. The hot peppers cultivated by the dragons of the Twin Draconia make our terrestrial peppers look positively anemic.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the Spacetime multiverse? 
Many mages combine magic with more practical firearms or knives. While magic can do many things, no one can conjure a spell faster than a bullet can travel.
A magic battle is something to see, however. Space magic manifests as green fire, while time magic manifests as violet lightning. A skilled mage can use those elements to maim an attacker, while altering time or bending space. A space mage can wrap space around themselves, bending light and all attacks around them. They can’t move while wrapped in space, but they’re also invisible and untouchable.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the Spacetime multiverse? 
Lots of people favor portals, since they’re a door that can open wherever you want it to. There’s also the Highway, an interdimensional road that stretches in an infinite loop through nothing. Speaking your destination causes the Highway to direct you to a portal to your destination.
This also means that it’s possible to drive a car from one world to another. Sometimes this is very useful, if a neighboring world has, for instance, really awesome road infrastructure.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the Spacetime multiverse that we don’t see on Earth? 
There are the Felicians, or cat-people, whose world was destroyed, and now are scattered across the worlds as refugees. Their women look exactly like human girls, but with cat ears and tails. Their men have a more feline look, with heavier noses and jaws, and sometimes their fingernails resemble claws.
There are the Angeli, a race of mortal angels who act as guardians for strategic people. They are constrained to lead moral lives, or their semi-corporeal wings will darken from gold to black. A blackwing angelus is one of the most dangerous beings in existence.
There is also Ben, a black lizard the size of a house cat. He’s a time elemental who is addicted to shiny things. He may or may not become a giant black dragon in his future.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the Spacetime multiverse?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
For time and space mages, magic is useful for all sorts of shortcuts in day to day life. For instance, teleporting all the groceries from the trunk of the car into the house. Or locking that newly-poured cup of coffee in a time-stop when one has to rush off and answer the phone. A quick teleport will save you a cumbersome drive across town. For fun, try trapping a friend in a magic circle and see if their magic is strong enough to break your spell.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in the Spacetime multiverse?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples. 
Technology usually means an artifact imbued with magic. For instance, in book 2, we encounter a cube like a silver playing dice, but it contains a huge amount of healing power, contributed by an angelus.
In book 3, we’ll see a wraithblade–a dagger with a semi-phased blade that can open doors between worlds. It’s also very effective at killing people.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in the Spacetime multiverse. 
In book 2, Carda and Xironi get their hands on a videogame system from the world Ramand–it functions purely in holographic projections, which the player passes their hands through.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in the Spacetime multiverse as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there? 
Since our heroes are based on Earth, they celebrate typical American holidays. But many worlds celebrate the birth of Christ, as well as the summer and winter equinoxes, and various seasonal festivals.
Is there a particular religion practiced in the Spacetime multiverse?  Please describe what it involves. 
All typical Earth religions apply. Several of our heroes are quietly Christian–and there are no atheist chronomancers. They can look into the timeline probabilities, and see the hand of God at work. This is universally terrifying.
What is the political or government structure in the Spacetime multiverse?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? 
The Chronostrider Council is a governing body and bureaucratic office. They facilitate trade agreements between worlds, negotiate peace treaties, and otherwise try to keep everyone playing nice together. The High Council is four senior mages–two space mages, two chronomancers–and the Strider of Chronos, a person possessing the Spacetime Legacy, which gives them the powers of both time and space.
In addition, there is the Lower Council, a fluctuating number of elected officials who represent various worlds.
In general, the Council is fair enough, but of course there is some corruption. And there are those who would love to seize all that power for themselves.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit the world of Spacetime?
Among mages, it’s immensely rude to teleport into someone’s house uninvited. Many people set up wards to prevent such an intrusion.
Among chronomancers, it’s frowned upon/borderline illegal to check your own timeline. Besides the fact that it’s almost impossible to see your own timeline, it messes up a person’s mind to know what will happen to them, as well as how they’ll die, if they’re foolish enough to look that up.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
My husband invented the Spacetime world in high school, because he grew up in Phoenix and always considered it home. I now have the privilege to write its books, and we collaborate closely on plots and characters. We now live in Phoenix, so I get to experience the heat, monsoons, and freeways first hand. I can also drive out and explore places I want to put in a book.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Not so many of those–yet. While Storm Chase and Chronocrime mostly deal with immense magical threats, Wraithblade deals with a character who has been on mind-controlling drugs most of her childhood. She’s experiencing a cold-turkey detox over the course of the story, which, I suppose, becomes a commentary on such drugs. I didn’t set out to make a statement, though. That was simply one of the many ways the antagonists kept her tractable.
Author Autobiography:

Kessie Carroll lives in Phoenix, AZ with her husband and four children. In between homeschooling and otherwise managing a household, she writes in odd moments. Writing is her TV.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?  
Storm Chase is available on Amazon and Smashwords
Chronocrime is available on Amazon and is now FREE for a limited time!

Where can readers connect with you online? 
Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/netraptor01

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the world of Spacetime.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Dragonspeir in Realm Explorers Part XVII!
-Annie Douglass Lima

This is a guest post from author R. Leonia Shea.
LM Image 2E with Text

Legendary Magic is the third book in my Relic Hunter fantasy series and it tells the tale of Dr. Arienne Cerasola’s adventure to find another lost relic. This time, she is on a mission with a team of other familiar characters from the Relic Hunter series and each member brings a unique talent to help track the relic from it’s first appearance in the myths and legends of the ancient Celts and to its last appearance during the late middle ages (sometimes known as the “dark ages”). Naturally, things don’t go quite as smoothly as Arienne hopes – so there are obstacles, pitfalls, and more than a few funny scenes.

I began Legendary Magic a few years ago, but felt Arienne needed to get her feet wet on other adventures before diving in to this one. I had a great time researching the artifacts which are part of this story. By the time I was ready to put the story together, I had to trim the research down to a manageable size so the story didn’t get lost in the history and the history could add dimension to the story. As a writer, I want to take my readers on a journey where they’ll learn a little history while they’re having a good time. Legendary Magic was crafted to deliver on both fronts.

I always want to give the reader a few hours where they can get lost in an adventure and leave their real-life worries behind. From the time I was a little girl, reading was my favorite escape. In fact, it was a family hobby. My grandfather read about archaeology, my mother read mysteries, and my aunt read fantasy. When my husband and I were dating, we’d have “reading dates” because he also had a passion for history and archaeology. My reading tastes are much more eclectic – from historical fiction to romance and fantasy with a sprinkling of history thrown in to round things out! Legendary Magic blends many of those interests into one story.

I have preview chapters available on my blog:
Chapter 1: http://wp.me/p2cIO8-k9
Chapter 2: http://wp.me/p2cIO8-kr
Chapter 3: http://wp.me/p2cIO8-l2

Here are a few of my favorite lines from the book:

Arienne on archaeology

Sometimes you get lucky like Schliemann did in Troy and Carter did in Egypt; most times you just move a lot of dirt.

Arienne on being tech-savvy

His cell was about forty models newer than mine and I stared at it in the palm of my hand as if he’d just thrown me a bomb and told me to diffuse it.

Arienne on the beauty challenges of work

My copper colored waves had frizzed to epic proportions, and the open car window had blown one side back while the other side fell forward, giving me a lopsided look, like a Chia Pet left in the same position on a sunny window sill for too long.

If you’re ready for a fun adventure, buy Legendary Magic. http://amzn.to/1pvlYEq
I’ll be busy writing the next installment in Arienne’s adventures, but I’d love to hear from you – you can find me on Facebook (Author R. Leonia Shea) or check out the Relic Hunter Series Page http://on.fb.me/1ppF03H or follow me on Twitter http://bit.ly/VINA1n

Prince of Malorn is an action/adventure fantasy novel geared toward young adults.  In it, one major obstacle stands between seventeen-year-old Prince Korram and the throne that is his birthright: Regent Rampus.  Temporary ruler of Malorn, Rampus has no intention of giving up his position when the crown prince comes of age – or of allowing the prince to live long enough to reach that age. 

Desperate to build an army of his own to stand against the regent, Korram treks into the Impassable Mountains to try to recruit the one segment of Malornian society not under Rampus’s control.  But can he lead a band of untrained hunters and gatherers to victory against the full might of the Malornian military?  Or will they all be crushed by the grasping hand of the regent before the prince can claim his rightful throne?

Following is a brief scene from the perspective of a villain in the novel.  Scroll to the bottom to see how to purchase your copy of Prince of Malorn!
Dannel reined his horse up before the last building on the street, a one-story brick structure with peeling paint and a sagging roof, typical for this part of town. Torches flickered invitingly on either side of the closed door, fainter torchlight leaking through the cracks in the window shutters along with strains of off-key singing. A hanging sign cut in the shape of a wide cup announced the tavern’s name: The Rusty Flagon.

A man smoking a pipe was leaning against the wall in such a position as to have easy access to the weapon obviously hidden under his cloak. He eyed Dannel silently, and Dannel gave him a courteous nod as he dismounted.

At this early hour, the hitching bar out front was only half full, so there was plenty of space for Dannel to tie up his horse. He took his time strolling up to the door, staring into the torchlight all the while so his eyes would adjust and he wouldn’t have to walk in squinting.

When he was ready, Dannel turned the handle and pulled the door open, the sound of raucous singing flowing out into the night air as he did so. The Rusty Flagon was a nondescript establishment, notable neither for its appearance and cleanliness, nor for the quality of its food and drink. But there were plenty of little tables in dim corners barely touched by the light from the torches up front, where customers could carry on secretive conversations or finalize shady business dealings under cover of the music. The bartender, Dannel was nearly sure, hired people to belt out drinking songs over and over to cover the sound of any conversation guests might wish to keep private. The watchers outside, including the one Dannel had seen and others he knew must be lurking nearby, were always quick to give warning if authorities were ever spotted approaching. The proprietor never asked any questions of his guests or tried to engage them in casual conversation. As long as they paid for their drinks and left a tip to cover the cost of any damage, he didn’t bat an eyelash over the occasional unexpected mess or business deal gone violently wrong. Dannel knew; his own blood had contributed to the stains on the floor in one of the back corners many years ago.

The bartender, his strength and agility belied by the belly that hung over an apron as stained as the floor, was making his rounds of the tables with a pitcher of beer in one hand and ale in the other for refills. Dannel caught his eye, and the man hurried over to join him.

“That fellow at the table there by the left wall,” Dannel began, pointing with his eyes. “Was he here last night too?” It was too dim to see a face clearly from across the room, but Dannel recognized the profile. The bartender would have seen him when he first entered and again when he ordered a drink.

“Oh, I don’t pay no attention to who’s here when,” the man was quick to assure him. “Folk can come and go from the Flagon whenever they want, and it’s none o’ my business. Besides, I got a real bad memory for faces.”

Dannel fished a silver coin from his pocket. “Try hard to remember.”

The man glanced at the coin, peered in the indicated direction, and frowned as though in thought. “You know, it’s coming back to me now. He was here last night, and the night before as well. Sat alone at that same table for a couple of hours before he finally left, and he looked kinda worried if you ask me.”

Good. Smiling, Dannel pulled out a second coin and handed them both to the man. “Bring me a pint of ale, and keep the change.” He wove his way around the tables toward the left side of the room, his shoes sticking slightly with each step.
Click here to read an interview with Dannel.
Annie Douglass Lima spent most of her childhood in Kenya and later graduated from Biola University in Southern California. She and her husband Floyd currently live in Taiwan, where she teaches fifth grade at Morrison Academy. She has been writing poetry, short stories, and novels since her childhood, and to date has published seven books (three YA action adventure/fantasy novels, one puppet script, and three anthologies of her students’ poetry). Besides writing, her hobbies include reading (especially fantasy and science fiction), scrapbooking, and international travel.

Buy Prince of Malorn in paperback

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From the Back Cover:

God’s leadings reveal the necessary steps to be taken in a given situation.  They give direction, clarity, strength, encouragement and comfort.  Divine impression, audible voice, prophetic utterance, angelic visitation and divine dream are still channels of God’s leadings today.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  (Hebrews 13:8 NIV)

Included are biblical examples of different ways God has led people and many of Henry Ndauguibe’s personal testimonies.  Through the principles included in The Leadings of God, you can recognize God’s leadings in your own life, and experience the rich guidance that they bring.


Henry Nduaguibe was born in Umuati-Nsulu, Nigeria.  He graduated from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, obtaining bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Agricultural Biology.  He has worked as an educator at various levels of education, secondary to university, for many years in different countries.  In addition, he has served in a number of Christian ministries.  He and his wife Tamari live in the United States with their two sons Alex and Chikacha.

Get your copy now from Createspace (preferably) or from Amazon.  Hey, tell others about the book and like me on Facebook.  What about writing a quick review for me on Amazon.com?  Thanks in advance.  
It’s in the House: Lessons from a Widow Woman – Getting What You Need & More!
By Michelle Word Hollis

About the Book:

In this book you will discover the powerful lessons, from the Biblical story of the Widow’s Oil, that will help you overcome any difficulty you are currently facing. You will learn easy to implement strategies that will cause positive transformation in your thoughts and actions. The lessons are based upon Biblical principles that you can use daily for successful living. God has given us a blueprint in His Word that will help us build a grand life no matter where we are currently in life. The principles contained in these pages have withstood the test of time; they are universal truths! The lessons and principles are simple to understand, as well as, implement for those who would dare try and keep trying. Making a lasting permanent change does take time, practice, and patience, but you can do it!


Michelle Word Hollis is a native of St. Louis, Mo. She is a wife and a mother. She received her undergraduate degree from SIUE and her MBA from UOP. Michelle is a life long learner and enjoys many other personal pursuits. Michelle is a new author, but she has been writing privately for many years. Michelle’s Pearlable Woman book series will explore spirituality, family, life, and love. In the series, she will share lessons that have stood the test of time. These lessons are pearls of wisdom from the lives of Biblical women that can be applied to our contemporary lives.

Follow Michelle Word HollisWebsite | Facebook | Twitter

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Enter below to enter a $50 Amazon gift card, sponsored by author Michelle Word Hollis! a Rafflecopter giveaway This book blast is hosted by Crossreads. We would like to send out a special THANK YOU to all of the CrossReads book blast bloggers!

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s name:

LeAnna Shields
Title of book and/or series:
The Alestrion Chronicles
Brief summary of the story:
Aira’s life of slavery turns into a life of freedom and fame when she is rescued and returned home. After a year as an apprentice to a griffin keeper she quickly becomes Tanul’s most famous griffin racer, but that’s not the life she was meant for. In a twist of fate she becomes the only one who can save the life of the king from an assassination attempt only to discover that she is in fact his long lost daughter and heir to the throne.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Tanul is an earth-like planet and the only populated planet in the system of the same name. The surface is mostly covered in water except for a several island nations. Most of the story takes place on the planet’s central island Kabber-ka between the capital city and a small village called Delthen.
If we were to visit Tanulas tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
If you were to visit the Planet Tanul the first thing you would see is the capital city. Built entirely of constantly growing crystal, the city is an ever changing rainbow depending on the stone’s color and the time of day. The crown of the city and center of power is the Palace complex. For entertainment I recommend a day at the griffin race.
What dangers should we avoid in Tanul?
Overall, Tanul is a very peaceful and safe place to be. The only danger that should be avoided is a pesky egg-stealing black griffin. Motive for his thievery is unknown as of yet.  Also, there is a shadowy figure that’s rumored about, named Techneon.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Tanul?
The fruit vendors that line the streets are always willing to give a sample of their wares. Especially of their Zeeda melon, a pink fleshed melon that has a flavor some would compare to a strawberry.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Tanul?
The popular fighting style is the use of the Ilon Char: a set of steel fans used for self defense.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Tanul?
The main modes of transportation while on world are the hover car and tramways. But the most popular and exhilarating way to get around is on the back of a griffin.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Tanul that we don’t see on Earth?  
The sentient races you will encounter on Tanul vary. The central continent is inhabited by the Tanulians, a race of humanoids. They stand at 6 ft. tall, have white hair, and have an average lifespan of 200 yrs.  They share the island with another race called the Eltheen, their mixed-race children called the Ta’ran Muth, and a race known as the Greyon who inhabit the mountains. The Outer Islands are inhabited by other more secretive races: there are the Tykerians, a race of half snake half humans, the Unari, and the Marshlender. Also there are the griffins, majestic telepathically sentient creatures that have the head of an eagle and the body of a lion.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Tanul?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Holographic communications and space ships are some of the advanced technology.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Tanul.
For entertainment there are the griffin races. Young Tanulians come together and race with their griffin partners through canyons. The Commander’s Cup race is the highest event of the season and the winner become head of the griffin racer’s guild, called The High Wing Commander. 

Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Tanul as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
The days of the week are similar, if slightly shorter than Earth’s. The Spring Festival and the migration of the lunar butterfly (a beautiful six winged bio-luminescent insect) are highly celebrated events. There’s also the newly instated Victory Festival.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Tanul?  Please describe what it involves.
Under Princess Aria, the following of Alestrion, the great phoenix, has been revived, along with the prophecies concerning him and an interest in the tomes of the law.
What is the political or government structure in Tanul?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The political structure on Tanul is a matriarchy/democracy. Right now the High Queen Nalan and her family are in charge: her husband High King Arameus, her son King Alistare, his wife Queen Icallia, and daughter Princess Aria. Under their reign and leadership the planet has become quite prosperous, and the people are very excited to see what the future brings with newly crowned princess Aria’s rule.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Tanul?
Two cultural practices that are readily observable are the Nish Alen, and an ear wrap worn by locals. This is given to a child when he or she has undergone a maturing process called the chrysalis. They also place small crystals beside their eyes to mark their place in society. Merchants, herbalists, racers and warriors each have a different color and arrangement. These are presented to an apprentice upon graduation.  

Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
My love of mythology inspired a few of the cultures, such as the Tykerians; they’re based loosely on the mythical creatures called the Naga.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Slavery and abuse are very lightly touched on in the fact that Aria is rescued from slavery and life with an abusive grandfather to become a future ruler.

Author Autobiography:

LeAnna Shields  was born in Texas but raised in Colorado. She learned at a young age that she had a vivid imagination and a talent for creating adventures. She currently lives in the Denver area where she writes and tends to her garden.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)? 
My books can be found on www.Amazon.com in paperback and for Kindle.
They can also be found on www.Barnesandnoble.com

Where can readers connect with you online? 
Readers can find me on Twitter @inkweilder
On Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/LeAnnashields/
and on my website http://www.griffinpilot.com

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Tanul.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the World of Spacetime in Realm Explorers Part XVI!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at [email protected] for more information.