Book Blurb
The church was empty when I dragged myself out of the pew and headed out the door.  As I opened the door, the corner of my eye caught a flicker of movement which I chose to ignore.  I walked down the steps and was nearly bowled over by two wild boys.  With arms grown strong and quick from man-handling two brothers growing up, I grabbed the two boys before they had a chance to escape me.
Anna Stuart is comfortable with her life.  She may be a 30 year old spinster, but she has her routine and enjoys taking care of her father and older brother.  One letter shatters all her routines, comfort, and enjoyment.  After learning of her brother’s death, Anna feels like her life will never be the same again.
Then she meets two motherless boys.  Did God place them in her life to lead her to a new vision of life?  Can she trust God to give her the desires of her heart before she even knows what they are?

Food in the 1870s
By Faith Blum
One of my beta-readers challenged me to add the food and the price paid in one or more of the scenes where Anna goes shopping. At first, I was rather intimidated with the task of finding the prices she would have paid back then, not to mention what kind of food they ate. With no refrigerators or freezers, fresh meat would have been difficult unless they bought it from the butcher or killed an animal themselves. They also had to can everything that wouldn’t keep otherwise.
I’ve never been very good at figuring out what to type into the search engine so I can get the results I am looking for. Sometimes I get it the first time, sometimes it takes a few wording changes, and sometimes I totally fail. When I finally decided to bite the bullet and do some research, I struck gold.
Not only did I find a wonderful list of what the prices were in 1870, but the list also included how much it costs for everything and anything that they sold during that time period. From horses, to buggies, to weapons and ammunition to chairs, material, and jewelry. It was the perfect list!
But that wasn’t all! I also found three online recipe books from that time period. I was thrilled! I now have recipes to include in my stories and can describe in further detail how my characters make them. Here is one of the scenes that I doctored up after my research success:
Friday was similar to Wednesday except that instead of going through clothes in the morning, I spent the morning shopping for material and food. I bought flour, butter, lard, sugar and the material needed for new shirts. The total I spent—with Pastor Jenkins’ money—was actually less than either of us were anticipating; only $1.70 instead of the $2.00 I was anticipating.
After school, the boys finished their homework and we scrubbed the kitchen down. The Jenkins men would have a cold supper, but it would be in an extra clean kitchen and at least two of them didn’t care as long as their da wasn’t doing the cooking.
The kitchen was clean, the table was set and supper was on the table. Pastor Jenkins wasn’t home when I left, but I had to get home or my da and Caleb would be grumping that their supper wasn’t ready. I left the boys with careful instructions on how to behave and what to do before their da got home.
When I stepped outside, I took a deep breath and worked up the energy to walk home. I couldn’t wait until their house was scrubbed so I could get on with some of the normal chores for once. Chores like bread baking and doing the laundry. Chores I used to dislike.
Do you ever have trouble researching things online? Do you have a favorite website for historical information?  Feel free to answer in the comments below!
About the Author

An avid reader, Faith Blum started writing at an early age. Whether it was a story about the camping trip that summer or a more creative story about fictional characters, she has always enjoyed writing. When not writing, Miss Blum enjoys reading, crafting, playing piano, leading on the Holy Worlds Christian Writing Forum and playing games with her family (canasta, anyone?). As a history enthusiast who has been fascinated for years with the Old West, Faith has endeavored to create a clean, fun, and challenging Western story. Faith lives with her family on a hobby farm in the Northern Midwest, where she enjoys the many cats they have.
Find Faith on:
Click here to preorder Be Thou My Vision.

To enter the giveaway for an Advanced Reader copy of Be Thou My Visionand an ebook copy of Aundy by Shanna Hatfield go to Faith’s blog and leave a comment to either ask her a question, or make a comment about what you think about the article.
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s name:Ashley Hodges Bazer

Title of book and/or series: Heralds of the Crown: Poison
Brief summary of the story: 
As part of a sect called the Strages, Marcella is ordered to execute fierce assaults on the Logia—gifted believers in the triune deity known as the Crown. After receiving a vision, she begins to question her allegiance and finds herself seeking counsel from a leader in the Logia faith, whom she was sent to annihilate.
When her mentor, Thaed, uncovers her betrayal, he orders her to do the unthinkable—kill the Logia leader who has become her friend. Her choice will result in either the destruction of the Logia or her own death.
The series of Strages attacks call the Logia to prepare for a major battle. In doing so, Gaultier Lassiter is enlisted. When he discovers an unconscious young woman buried in a snowdrift, his world is turned upside down. She has no memory and no ability to speak—only a strange symbol carved into her chest.
The question of her identity leads to a journey of legendary proportions. Between his own personal struggles with his estranged brother, his unmet potential, and the murder of a close friend, Gaultier fights to cling to his faith. And once the mystery is solved, will Gaultier be prepared to face the truth?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: 
The Circeae System is home to many beings, just like us. There’s nothing spectacular or outlandish about them, but they do have space flight technology that allows them to travel the system with relative ease.
Three stars—Vetus, Aevum, and Novus—and seven inhabitable moons surround the heart of the system, the bustling planet Crenet. Each star has its own rotation of planets.
The religious beliefs of the system are widespread, but the focus of the saga is the Logia. They are believers in truth, justice, honor, and good. Their counterparts are the Strages, but little is known of them aside from the fact that they are pure evil. They are apathetic toward humans, and act cruelly and thoughtlessly.
The Logia lead the system in peace and prosperity, culminating in the reign of the Ruler Prince, Ternion. Unrest, however, leads to his deposition, allowing the Progressive Legacy—a powerful and cruel government—to take over the system. This cosmic war also results in a religious holocaust.
If we were to visit the Circeae System as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? 
On Ossia, you would see the Sunlight Gardens. They are indeed a sight to see. Tersus, the neighboring moon, is where much of the Progressive Legacy’s Elite live. Reveille has an exceptional Zephyr academy, where many Legacy officers have studied. Archet is the primary weapons maker for system. And finally, the shipyards on either side of the system—Atrum or Tzigane—are impressive as well.
What dangers should we avoid in the Circeae System? 
The star Vetus is dying. For reasons unknown, its energy is dwindling, leaving most of the surrounding planets uninhabitable. Dark things seem to come from that rotation, given that it is home to the leaders of the Progressive Legacy, the Tribunal.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the Circeae System? 
Under the rule of the Progressive Legacy, you’d be hard-pressed to find anything but rationed protein paste. But if you know the right people, you can get your hands on a sunberry or a pulpmelon.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the Circeae System? 
Those who have their minds on the past tend to use swords and daggers. However, as the Legacy grows in strength and number, many more have learned to use a pincer (Plasma Induced by Negatively Charged Elemental Reaction)—a plasma gun. There’s also something that resembles a cattle prod called a stinger, as well as an APL (Activated Projectile Launch ) rifle, which can shoot several different devices, including tracers, immobilizers, and detonators.
What types of vehicles, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the Circeae System? 
The primary modes of travel between planets and moons are space crafts and shuttles of varying sizes and speeds. Ground transport includes utility vehicles and cruisers.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the Circeae System that we don’t see on earth? 
On Oresed, legend speaks of a gentle animal called a braeshore that could be ridden. One of the more exciting plants is the subluce tree. When looked at with the right state of mind and heart, the leaves shimmer and glow.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the Circeae System?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. 
There are some who believe in magic, to be sure. However, followers of the Crown know the true source of power comes from the Creator King. Through Him, human beings have the power to physically heal (restoration), mentally or emotionally heal (reconciliation), and use other gifts such as wisdom, strength, leadership, and communication. Of course, there are those who abuse such gifts and learn much darker ways to do “magic.”
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in the Circeae System?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples. 
The technology, much like in Star Wars, is assumed rather than explained. The people of the Circeae System are able to travel through space comfortably and relatively quickly, but I don’t go into details as to the “how”.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in the Circeae System. 
A favorite pastime is tossball. Sadly, in the Legacy years, books are forbidden, however a small contingent of folks enjoy reading and re-telling the legends of Kincade the Space Sailor.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in the Circeae System as on earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there? 
Yes, the Circeae System uses the same time measurements we are familiar with on Earth, however, longer time periods are measured in a different way. The major epochs that span the saga are identified as Coronam Tempus (Crown’s Time—prior to the arrival of the Ruler Prince), Prince’s Reign (the reign of Prince Ternion, the Ruler Prince), and PLR (Progressive Legacy Rule).
Is there a particular religion practiced in the Circeae System?  Please describe what it involves. 
Two distinct religions stand out and are in a constant struggle. On one side are the Logia. These are benevolent, kind followers of the Crown, the triune god of the Circeae System. They also have supernatural gifts, unlike their counterparts, the Lumen. They, too, follow the Crown and support the Logia. Enemies of the Crown are known as the Strages and the Crepusculum. Like the Logia, the Strages have supernatural abilities, but theirs come from much darker sources. They seek to end the Logia and the glory of the Crown.
What is the political or government structure in the Circeae System?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? 
At the start of the series, the Logia have a good hold on the system. They anticipate the coming of the Ruler Prince, who will lead the system in peace and prosperity. Great unrest shakes the throne, however, allowing a more sinister force to take control and depose the Ruler Prince. A trio of beings—who can only be described as inhuman—lead the rise of the Progressive Legacy, a military-based government with an iron fist.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit the Circeae System? 
Several lesser-known breakout religions embrace a few crazy rituals. The Ghosts, a band of freedom fighters, have been known to use such actions to prevent arrest.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? 
Definitely the culture. I am a Christ follower, and I wanted to explore that in a science-fiction setting. I also tend to use names of people or places around me, but slightly distorted. For instance, the first characters I created in this series were Selah and Gray (Valor).Selah is an anagram of my name minus the y, while Gray is an anagram of my husband’s name.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? 
I touch on a lot of Christian themes, but I avoid getting preachy. You will not find a sermon on forgiveness, but you’ll find a character struggling with that. You won’t get hammered with a message of redemption, but you’ll see the idea woven into the epic storyline.

Author Autobiography: 

Ashley Hodges Bazer is the author of Heralds of the Crown: Poison and its following books, Fusion and Reconciliation. She’s often decked out in bellbottoms and grooving out on the lighted dance floor. Okay, not really, but she does have a thing for the BeeGees. She lives in Colorado with her husband and three children. After earning her bachelor’s degree in theatrical stage management from Arizona State University, she went on to work for Disneyland in that capacity. A love affair with books led her to work for several different bookstores. Currently a producer for an international daily radio program, she’s learning to balance working, writing, and momming duties. Her debut novel, Asylum, was traditionally published by WestBow Press in 2012. When she’s not writing, she’s crocheting or belting out Broadway show tunes. And she’s a real duchess!

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?– Kindle – paperback

Barnes&– Nook

Smashwords – various formats
Kobo – various formats 
Where can readers connect with you online?


I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the Circeae System.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Tanul in Realm Explorers Part XV!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at [email protected] for more information.

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Sci-fi Tour
A Prism tour though Prism Book Tours.

Are you interested in reading about futuristic societies where there are aliens and space travel, technological advancement, robots and utopias? If so, then check out the books that were featured on this 
Sci-Fi Tour! 

September 2nd – Launch

September 3rd – Halfskin and Clay by Tony Bertauski hosted at Beck Valley Books

We’re often convinced if we just get this, whatever this is, our suffering will end. Yet with all of today’s advancements, why does utopia still seem to be something achievable only after death while dystopia our human inheritance?

Can technology change this?

Suppose that medical bioengineers invent a synthetic stem cell, a biomite, that can replace any cell in your body…


Halfskin (Halfskin, #1)Halfskin
(Halfskin #1)
276 Pages
Biomites are artificial stem cells that can replace any cell in your body. No more kidney failure, no severed spines or blood disease. No cancer. Pharmaceuticals become obsolete. With each dose of biomites, we become stronger, we become smarter and prettier.

We become better.

At what point are we no longer human?

AmazonBarnes and Noble
Clay (Halfskin, #2)Clay
(Halfskin #2)
278 Pages
This psychological thriller will keep them second-guessing every move while they elude Marcus Anderson and the governing agency that seeks to rid the world of biomites. But in the end, they’ll all discover just how deep the betrayal goes.
AmazonBarnes and Noble
Tony Bertauski: During the day, I’m a horticulturist. While I’ve spent much of my career designing landscapes or diagnosing dying plants, I’ve always been a storyteller. My writing career began with magazine columns, landscape design textbooks, and a gardening column at the Post and Courier (Charleston, SC). However, I’ve always fancied fiction.

And I’m a big fan of plot twists.


September 4th – The Glory by Mister JMI hosted at Nocturnal Predators Reviews
In need of Glory 

Frustrated and embarrassed by its struggle to defeat the Tikal rebels, the United States Space Force dumped its resources into the development and construction of a new class of warship. After nine years of research and development, trial and error, the final product was beyond impressive. Integrating the bleeding-edge of current technologies and completely inventing new ones, the new warship was an absolute marvel. The ship was a perfect harmony of the highest levels of speed, agility, weaponry and defensive capabilities. The awe-inspiring warship was leaps ahead of everything else in the known universe…

The GloryThe Glory
(The Glory #1)
579 Pages
The Glory and it is a fun, funny, exciting, character-driven sci-fi book that follows Adam Whitlock in his journey to join the United States Space Force in hopes of becoming captain of The Glory, the best ship in the fleet. Meanwhile, brewing tensions between the humans and a group of alien races is on the verge of becoming a full-scale war.

Founder of Fictitious Fox Publishing, author of The Glory and owner of a sweet head of hair, Mister JMI is a longtime lover of the art of storytelling.

At the age of 12, Mister JMI knew he wanted to become a writer. Unfortunately, his dream was delayed for over a decade to suffering from a severe case of chronic procrastination. Now fully recovered, Mister JMI is ready to unleash a deluge of exciting, funny and fantastic stories for your entertainment.

So sit back, relax and enjoy.


Would you like a receive a copy of The Glory? Send an email request to this email.

September 5th – Parched by Georgia Clark hosted at Mythical Books

How to Research A Sci-Fi Novel 

(if You Know Nothing About Robots) 

I did a ridiculous amount of research for my second novel, Parched. So much so that when compiling it all for this guest blog post for the Prism book tour, I found myself wondering 1. I am crazy and 2. If knowing it was going to take as much time as it did, if I’d do it all again. (Answers are ‘yes’ and ‘yes’).

My jumping off point for Parched was this: a girl in love with a robot. What did I know about robots? Well, I’d seen Bladerunner a few dozen times…

312 Pages
Robots, renewable resources, and romance get tangled together in this thrilling futuristic adventure novel about a utopian city struggling to keep its peace.

“Bold futurist adventure with unusual romance, riveting action and ominous ecological red flags.” —Kirkus Reviews

Georgia Clark is an Australian writer and performer based in Brooklyn. She is the author of the young adult novels SHE’S WITH THE BAND (Allen & Unwin) and sci-fi/romance PARCHED (Holiday House). Widely published online and in print. Won some awards/grants/residencies. Has a play on at the NY Fringe festival. Pretty keen on cheese plates. 

Tour-Wide Giveaway

$15 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
Ebooks of Halfskin and Clay (INT)
Signed copy of Parched (US Only)
Ends September 14th
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Prism Book Tours
Special Discount ~ Limited Time Only

Special Time-Sensitive Giveaway! The first 25 readers who enter the giveaway below will receive a free audiobook from award-winning author Alana Terry. She’s also giving away a $100 amazon card, a hundred free audio downloads, and a free ebook to anyone who signs up! 

About Slave Again: After escaping a North Korean prison camp, Mee-Kyong is hustled over the border and sold into the Chinese underworld. She vows to survive, but sheer determination and willpower won’t save her this time. Is she fated to remain a slave forever?

Slave Again is a Christian suspense novel from award-winning author Alana Terry, whose debut novel, The Beloved Daughter, won awards from Women of Faith, Grace Awards, The Book Club Network, and Readers’ Favorite.

NEW BOOK RELEASE: Slave Again by Alana Terry is hot off the press, and both the ebook and paperback are at a steep (30-60%) discount!! Prices will go up soon, so grab your copy today.
 Slave Again book trailer (contains one mildly violent image)

About the Author: Alana is passionate about human-rights issues in North Korea and has devoted her writing to raise both awareness and funds to help North Korean refugees find freedom and safety. You can learn more about her work with Liberty in North Korea at

Check out Slave Again now before the price goes up, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s name: David G. Johnson
Title of book and/or series: Chadash Chronicles: Book 1-Fool’s Errand, Book 2-Mystic’s Mayhem, Book 3 (out late 2014)-Paryn’s Gold, and the prequel short story Saga of the Everking
Brief summary of the story: 
On the far side of the universe God has created a new world, the world of Chadash, where two groups of angels battle for the souls of men.  Chadash is a world filled with magnificent beings, ancient races, epic heroes, and evil forces seeking to conquer or destroy.  An unlikely band of heroes, a teenage thief, a holy warrior, a barbarian prince, a priest, a half-feline huntress, and an outcast necromancer, are drawn together for what was to be a simple job, but soon transforms into a much greater adventure.  Come along to the world of Chadash, where heroes strive and battle as unwitting pawns in an even greater struggle.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: 
Chadash is a roughly earth-like planet, but is filled with many sentient races.  It is a vast land of dangerous creatures, hostile enemies, and exotic landscapes which will capture the imagination of readers and give them a wondrous new world to explore along with the heroes.
If we were to visit Chadash as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?  
Well, Chadash is a vast and varied land, so that question would be a bit like asking what a visit to North America would be like.  Canada is very different from Mexico.  Maine is vastly different from California.  So for the rest of the discussion, let’s focus on the northwest region of the continent of Ya-Erets, where most of the action from the first three books takes place. It is a more civilized and relatively homogenous area of Chadash.

The first of the many must-see highlights for northwest Ya-Erets would be the independent city-state of Aton-Ri. It is truly a melting pot, where races serving the angels serving the One Lord, the Malakim, mix and mingle with the races serving the rebellious and evil angels, the Ayabim. The only rules for residence in Aton-Ri is a willingness to live in peace, and an agreement to fight in defense of the city if needed. No matter how different one is, they can find a home in Aton-Ri.

A second don’t-miss place would be the amazing stone spires of the Durgak city of Stonehold.  The Durgak are master miners and stone carvers as well as the most accomplished armorers on Chadash.  Visiting the epic and vast halls carved from the very Dragonspine Mountains themselves is a sight to awe the most stoic visitor.
A third place would be the paragon of civilization in the northwest, the crown jewel of Parynland, the city of Paryn’s Gate.  Epic architecture with nature themes run through the city, as though the Ketarynne Forest to the north had extended its essence into Paryn’s Gate to infuse the city.  Spotting Ketarynne’s main inhabitants, the reclusive and elegant V’rassi, is easy to do in Paryn’s Gate, as most of the Parynlanders have at least a trace of V’rassi blood in their family lines.
Finally, one of the most exotic cities to visit is the tent city of Klalih’, the capital of the nation of Rajik. The city has very few permanent structures, but is built by the nomadic Rajiki horsemen as a vast sea of colored tents. Vendors from all the tribes gather in the winding and ever-shifting market streets of the nomadic city, and sights, sounds, smells and tastes to delight any visitor can be found here.
What dangers should we avoid in northwest Ya-Erets? 
One of the heroes, Melizar, who has traveled much further than any of the others, refers to the northwest as “a cradle of civility and peace, compared to the rest of the world.”  Still, it is not without its dangers. There are the “death grass” adders that inhabit the plains of the northwest, and their bite can kill a full-sized horse with a single bite.  The Wild Lands to the south of Darkmoor are filled with Goblinoid tribes and it is an area best avoided if at all possible.  Finally, if enjoying the hospitality of the cosmopolitan city of Aton-Ri, the southwest part of the city, especially around the neighborhood known as The Barrows, is best to avoid after dark. Although, if one is an adventurer seeking information, The Iron Cur Tavern, or “Mok’s Place” as the locals call it, sits on the edge of The Barrows and is the place to go in Aton-Ri.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in northwest Ya-Erets? 
Ah, yes! There is one delicacy that is craved by adventurers and travelers with purses heavy enough to afford it. yochamabread is a specialty made by the Moors of Darkmoor. Being a swamp, food spoils very quickly in Darkmoor and bread cannot be kept for more than a day without going moldy.  So the Moors have developed a baking technique using resin from the Yocha tree which grows everywhere in Darkmoor. They oven-seal the bread by baking it in the resin, and as long as the hard, resin shell remains intact, the bread will be just like it was fresh-baked for up to two or three weeks! Eating well on the road is difficult, but for those who can afford it, yochamabread can make the difference between eating and dining on the road.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in northwest Ya-Erets? 
Well, in earth terms it is a society just on the brink of the gunpowder age.  There is one nation of inventors in eastern Ya-Erets, the Duchy of Kimara, whose technological advancements are starting to make their way into other nations. Powder weapons are not uncommon, but they do show up very occasionally in the hands of travelers.  Much more common are typical swords, maces, clubs, spears, bows and arrows, crossbows, etc.  There are some advanced fighting styles, as various schools of martial monks are known in a few societies.  The monks can be very dangerous fighters, but they are not undefeatable and often have their own weaknesses or idiosyncrasies which can be exploited.  This, added to the fact that the monks are very few in number compared to the overall population of Ya-Erets, helps keep them from becoming too overwhelming a force.  Additionally the often competing philosophies of the different schools mean that opposing monk schools often also serve to keep each other in check.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to northwest Ya-Erets? 
Again, barring Kimara, which is said to have invented steam powered vehicles, horses and wagons are the normal mode of travel. Some races are very fleet of foot and prefer to run rather than ride. This is seen in the story in the person of Arreya, a half-Zafirr (feline humanoids) huntress and one of the heroes of the first three books.  Other races, which aren’t encountered in the first three stories, have wings and can fly.  This includes the Ouati, bird-like humanoids, the Zza-zree, bee-like insectoids, and some of the Great Wyrms, like dragons of old.  But of course Wyrms have been extinct since CY666, everybody knows that, right? But there are rumors…

What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in northwest Ya-Erets that we don’t see on earth? 
Chadash is filled with other races, because of the manner and purpose for which it was created. There are so many, but other than the ones I have already mentioned in other answers, and only limiting to the races common to northwest Ya-Erets, there are still quite a few.  Goblinoids include races like Orcs, Hobgoblins, and Ogres, and are quite common in the Wild Lands and the Dragonspine Mountains.  Giants, called Nephilim, also are found fairly commonly in the Dragonspines.  The more dangerous forest of Dotham Woods is home to reptiloids and their ilk, as well as many insectoid races.  I have already mentioned the Durgak (think fantasy dwarves) of Stonehold City and the V’rassi (think fantasy elves) of Ketarynne Forest, but there are also the human race of Adami, which are very similar to the humans of earth.  The Qarahni, another human race, are large, hearty barbarians who inhabit the Clan Lands of the north.  Goldain, one of the main heroes in the story, is a prince of the Wolf Clan Qarahni. Mitsar, or halflings, are also often seen in and about Aton-Ri, although their main homeland is actually in northeast Ya-Erets. Wolf-like humanoids called Fenriri, and their half-human offspring the Fenratu, are very common in the northwest, especially given a large population of them reside in eastern Ketarynne and Lubanwood.  That covers most of the races that appear in the first three books, but as Melizar rightly said, there is a vast and wondrous world out there, and other parts of Ya-Erets, which the heroes will visit in future stories, contain many more wondrous races.

What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in northwest Ya-Erets?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. 
The “magic” in all of Chadash is no different than on earth.  What?  Yes, there is “magic” on earth.  We see it throughout the Scriptures.  Like in the Bible, there are three kinds of supernatural powers that manifest on Chadash. 
“Oth” powers are like the miracles of the Bible. They are given only by God, called the One Lord on Chadash, and are at His discretion.  They can be one-time occurrences in answer to a specific prayer for help, or can be gifted longer term.
“Kashaph” are the second type, and this is like the dark powers of sorcery condemned in the Bible.  Such things come from the fallen angels, the Ayabim, and include the dark powers of necromancy, conjuration, and even divination.  There is often conflict within the heroes when Melizar, a necromancer, uses his kashaph powers around the characters who are followers of the One Lord.  It is truly a test of patience, but also a good lesson in how we can deal with people in the real world who think, act, and behave in ways very different to us.  We can choose to condemn or to teach. Too often in the real world, Christians choose the former, but fortunately, the wise and patient leader of the heroes, the holy warrior Gideon, chooses the latter.
“Koach” are the final type of powers, and they are the most mysterious of all.  The are not studied like the kashaph powers, or specifically asked for like the oth gifts, but are granted totally at the discretion of the One Lord for His purposes. Some races seems to have certain koach powers, like the Solana’s control of light, or the Piqa manifestation of electricity. Others, like bard song koach or some of the human monks’ ability to manifest elemental powers, are not tied to racial attributes. Then there are the Qatoni, Mitsar with koach gifts, many of whom are nature priests called druids.  They believe in the One Lord as the creator of nature, but do not have the formalized religion of the typical One Lord priests.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in northwest Ya-Erets?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples. 
Not really.  Thatcher, one of the heroes, has a knack for inventing and loves coming up with various gadgets and gizmos.  Most of what could be called “technology”, however, would be found in Kimara.  There may be a visit to Kimara in later books, but it is not part of the northwest and not really featured in the first three books.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same on Chadash as on earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there? 
It is very close.  There is still a seven day week, but each month on Chadash is 28 days long, so exactly four weeks.  There are thirteen months in the year, thus making Chadash’s year one day shorter than ours, i.e. 364 days.  There is no leap year on Chadash. The one holiday which plays prominently in the stories is Rest Day, which is the seventh day of every week.  It is observed very closely to the way the Sabbath would have been observed in Scripture, but not universally.  Most races and nations have wandered far from the teachings of the One Lord, but the V’rassi follow closely the tenets of the Old Testament observances, living quite closely a picture of what Messianic believers would live in today’s world on earth.  The Parynlanders, mostly at least partially descended from the V’rassi, tend to hold closer to the observances as well, and Paryn’s Gate is the one city in northwest Ya-Erets that still keeps the tradition of Rest Day.
Is there a particular religion practiced in northwest Ya-Erets?  Please describe what it involves. 
There are both many, and none.  Some societies follow very closely the worship of the One Lord.  This is especially true of the servant races of the Malakim, or the angels who serve the One Lord.  These servant races are not completely free-willed, but their half-human offspring, should they breed with one of the human races (i.e. Qarahni, Adami, Mitsar, Raphaim, Arba-Zeroa) are. The humans, and half-bloods, being free-willed, often choose their own path.  Some do worship the One Lord, while others have chosen to worship the fallen angels, the Ayabim, or some other false gods of Ayabim invention. Many have a general awareness of spirituality on some level, but have no true belief or worship.  In many ways, Chadash isn’t that different from earth, is it?
What is the political or government structure in northwest Ya-Erets?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? 
Being a bastion of civilization on the continent, the northwest is a collection of cooperating nations who rule individually in their own area, but who govern the region collectively through the efforts of the Northwest Diplomatic Council, or NDC.  The NDC member nations are the independent city-state of Aton-Ri, Rajik, Darkmoor, Parynland, and Cyria.  These are human-led nations for the most part.  Stonehold hosts the NDC and if necessary the Durgak agree to serve as mediators for disputes, given their neutrality to the external politics of the other nations.  It seems to work well for the most part, and the NDC has managed to be the chosen way to settle international disputes for nearly three decades.  The NDC was formed after the end of the Parynland-Cyria war.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? 
Yes, actually.  I live internationally now, and have been a minister and visitor to many nations in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia during my lifetime.  I love the vastly different cultures, customs, foods, etc I have encountered in my travels, so in my books I felt it was important to create a deep and realistic world where readers could travel with the heroes and get to experience some of the wonders of different places and different people.  Also I have a master’s degree in Biblical Languages, so I really enjoyed incorporating Hebrew into the V’rassi culture as their racial language.  It gives an ancient feel to Chadash, and a three-dimensional aspect to some of the terms that have crept into other languages and cultures throughout Ya-Erets.  That love of history, and fascination with how current events have developed from historical ones, is a key factor in my worldbuilding, so when readers get my books, they get a world that feels real despite the wildly fantastical elements I incorporate.  Readers of epic fantasy should get an epic world.  If I fail to do that, I feel I have short-changed my readers.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? 
Well, the faith element in my book is present, but not smothering.  It occurs naturally within the story and characters.  Some will dislike the book because it is written from a Christian worldview, regardless of how skillfully or subtly the faith elements are presented.  Other unbelievers have said in reviews, they appreciated that I was up front in the Foreword that it was written from a Christian worldview, but that engaging with the faith elements was not necessary in order to enjoy the story.

I also have gotten a little flak for presenting the idea of repentant angels.  I understand human tradition doesn’t like that idea, but I, and a group of biblical scholars who I engaged to beta read for me, went through Scripture and could not discover anywhere that the idea is specifically excluded.  We know there are some angels, specifically named at the judgment, who will not repent.  I respected the biblical account there by leaving all those named angels still on earth with Lucifer to play out the Bible’s timeline as written.  But there are many, many more angels than are specifically named in Scripture, and there is no Scripture which specifically says that there could not be some repentant angels. Speculative fiction is all about asking the “what if” question, so that is what I did as part of the backstory and setup for the world of Chadash.  I know some believers won’t like that, but honestly, I open the door, if someone can prove to me from Scripture that anything I have written is outside the “gray area” or is specifically precluded by what the Bible says, I will pull my books from the shelves right away.  I have no desire to countermand God’s word, but I also have chosen to write within the boundaries of freedom of the letter of God’s word and not to be deterred by the tradition of men.

Author autobiography: 
I worked for many years as a senior manager for various Information Technology companies.  Late in life, I came to faith in Christ, and that turned my life in a whole new direction.  I knew from day one that I intended to serve him, but had no idea what that meant.  The wonderful pastor who led me to Christ encouraged me to enroll in Seminary, so I came to Christ in August and was in Seminary by the following May.  Years later I have completed my MDiv in Biblical Languages with a concentration in International Church Planting, and we currently live in Asia serving as living witnesses to our faith.  Writing is another love I have had for my whole life, especially of Fantasy and Science-Fiction, and God has given me a way to expand my ministry with the gift of writing.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?  
The books can be found on Amazon. For those wishing to save 99 cents, you can actually get a free copy of the short-story teaser/intro to Chadash, Saga of the Everking, from Smashwords or B& for the Nook.  If you are a kindle reader, you can get the mobi file from Smashwords or just get it for 99 cents on Amazon directly.
Saga of the Everking (free edition on Smashwords)
Saga of the Everking (99 cent version on Amazon)
Fool’s Errand: Chadash Chronicles Book One
Mystic’s Mayhem: Chadash Chronicles Book Two
Where can readers connect with you online?  
There are a number of places.
On Twitter: just @RvDavidGJohnson
On my Facebook author page:
On my webpage:
On my Speculative Fiction blog:
I would truly love to connect with any readers who might have questions, comments, or encouragement for the Chadash Chronicles series.  I have a special email I have set up for correspondence related specifically to my writing or the Chadash Chronicles series as well.  That email is [email protected]

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Chadash.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the Circeae System in Realm Explorers Part XIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at [email protected] for more information.

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s name: Meredith Mansfield

Title of book and/or series: The Shaman’s Curse, Book 1 of the Dual Magics series
Brief summary of the story:
Vatar risked his life to try to save his friend–and failed. Now he has an implacable enemy in the vengeful shaman, who blames Vatar for the death of his only son. In his isolation, Vatar finds some comfort in daydreams. He knows the strange girl he sometimes imagines is just that–a dream. She’d better be.
Because, if she’s real things could get even worse for Vatar. The accepted magic of Vatar’s plains tribe wouldn’t enable him to see or communicate with a girl he doesn’t even know–or know where to find. That would be more like the magic passed down in certain, closely-guarded bloodlines among the ruling class of the coastal cities. And that’s bad. Very bad.
Unlike their own, Vatar’s people think the city magic is evil. If the shaman ever found out, it could be the weapon he needs to destroy Vatar. And yet, finding a way to accept the other side of his heritage may be the only way Vatar can ultimately defeat his enemy.
The two kinds of magic have always been totally separate. Until now.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Unfortunately, I haven’t given this world as whole a name, so let’s refer to it as The World of the Dual Magics. The peoples in it generally only know their own little corner of it (a coastal city, the central plains, or a hidden mountain valley). A few may have traveled to another location, but they don’t tend to think of the world as a whole. Yet. I plan to work on a map (other than my pathetic hand-drawn one) for the publication of the second book in the series, The Ignored Prophecy (this December).
Basically, the cities are scattered along the western coastline or accessible by river. These cities are all ruled by the Fasallon, though the bulk of the population is not Fasallon. Caere is the only one of those cities that comes into the first book in the series. Inland from the coast is a broad, trackless plain where the semi-nomadic Dardani live and tend their herds of horses and cattle. East of that is a huge, mostly uninhabited forest, backing up onto high, impassable mountains. In a valley beyond the mountains, if you can find the single pass that crosses them, there’s another civilization that is both eerily like and in some ways very different from that of the Fasallon.
If we were to visit the World of the Dual Magics as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Tourist attractions would be thin on the plains. If you were to visit the coastal city of Caere, though, you’d be well advised to be there in the summer, for the Festival, when the Sea Gods (or at least, what the Caerean think are their Sea Gods) parade through the streets.
What dangers should we avoid in the World of the Dual Magics?
Caere is pretty tame and well-patrolled. Dragons haven’t been seen in about 600 years. Unless, of course, you have Fasallon magic and aren’t already part of their system. Then you’d better keep your head down.
It wouldn’t be a good idea to try to cross the plains without an experienced Dardani guide. It’s not just the usual dangers–thunderstorms, lions, bears, and wolves. Without knowledge of a route that will take you to a waterhole at least a couple of times a day, it’s too easy to get lost and die out there. And you run the risk of Themyri raiders if you try to follow the river.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the World of the Dual Magics?
Vatar and the Dardani wear long knives, often of Caerean steel. They also use the bow for hunting. However, Vatar is a terrible shot with the bow, so he mostly concentrates on the spear, by preference a long horseman’s lance. Apart from steel or iron implements traded for in Caere, the Dardani are a bronze-age people.
In Caere, only the Guard would carry weapons at all, often a short thrusting sword.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the World of the Dual Magics?
Most travel over any distance is done either on horseback or by ship. It’s death to try to walk across the plains. Wagons would only be useful within the cities or their immediate environs. Otherwise, there aren’t roads suitable for wagons.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the World of the Dual Magics that we don’t see on Earth?
The only sentient beings are people. No elves or dwarves, etc.
However, there are a few unusual creatures. Most notable is the forest tiger, which is rather like a saber-toothed tiger, but with rhinoceros-like armor. Very dangerous and very hard to kill.
Otherwise, one might see wyverns in the mountains. On the plains, there’s a wild horse that has spots like a leopard, almost impossible to see at any distance and impossible to catch. And in the forest, there’s a funny little flying-squirrel-like creature with a mane like a lion.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people there?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used
As the series title suggests, there are two kinds of magic in this world.
One is acquired by initiation into one of the clans of the plains people, the Dardani. It’s a kind of spiritual connection to the clan totem spirit. For example, Vatar is Lion Clan, which means that he can sense when lions are present and get a general sense of their mood. His friends can do similar things with the wild horses, eagles, or ravens. The shaman can do more, but any Dardani can do that much. However, the Dardani do not consider this magic and would take offense if you called it that.
In the coastal cities, the Fasallon closely guard a different kind of magic that is inherited from one’s parents. Almost every Fasallon can use Far Speech (we’d call it telepathy) and Far Sight (the ability to see something or someone with far away, especially if there’s some sort of connection). Other, more-valued Talents include Fore Sight (prophecy), certain rare healing abilities, and most valuable of all, transformations–the ability to make oneself or something else to appear to be something or someone else. The most Talented can actually change themselves into something else. This ability is key to their rule in Caere and the other cities.
Things get really interesting when the two kinds of magic combine. There’s a hint of that in The Shaman’s Curse, but it will really become important in the second book of the series, The Ignored Prophecy, which will be published in December.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in the World of the Dual Magics.
The Dardani play a game like a cross between basketball and polo. It’s played on horseback, on a triangular field, with three teams of five riders each. It’s the highlight of their midsummer celebration. Having three teams makes the game as much about shifting alliances as about the skill of the players.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
The Dardani separate their year into six segments, one named for each of the clans.  The lunar cycles within those segments are referred to as First and Second, as in First Wolf or Second Lion.  The cycle starts in mid-winter with Wolf, followed by Bear and Horse. Midsummer separates Horse from Eagle, which is followed by Lion and finally Raven.  It is considered propitious to be born in the season of your Clan totem.  Second best would be within the season of one of the allied clans (Horse/Lion/Eagle vs. Raven/Wolf/Bear). Vatar was born during Second Wolf, an ill-favored season for a member of the Lion Clan.
Is there a particular religion practiced in the World of the Dual Magics?  Please describe what it involves.
Among the Dardani, religion revolves around each clan’s totem Spirits.  They don’t consider their connection to these Spirits to be magic and they have a strong superstitious dread of what they do call magic.
Historically, the Caereans worship Sea Gods. However, the Fasallon have essentially hijacked this religion, impersonating the Sea Gods to bolster their unquestioned rule in the coastal cities.
What is the political or government structure?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Caere is ruled by the Fasallon High Council, made up of the most magically Talented representative of each bloodline. Smaller, day-to-day issues that don’t merit the attention of the High Council or their bureaucracy would be handled by the various guilds.
The Dardani aren’t so much ruled as led by their chiefs. Each clan may have several chiefs, chosen by popular acclaim for a life lived with honor. Either men or women may be selected as chiefs. There is usually a good representation across age ranges among the male chiefs. Women chiefs are more likely to be older widows. This is a practical consideration. Younger married women are usually to be found living with their husband’s clan. The chiefs work mainly by trying to create consensus within their clan or, together, within the tribe.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit?
If you should go out to visit the Dardani during their summer gathering of the clans at the Zeda waterhole, don’t go for a walk around the waterhole with a Dardani. Especially don’t accept any gifts offered on such a walk–unless you mean it. These are courtship rituals. You might find yourself married and living in a sod hut before you knew it.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Well, I seem to be incapable of putting the ocean anywhere but on the west. (West-coast girl, here.) Specific locations may borrow somewhat from places I’ve visited. For example, Caere’s climate is a little like San Francisco’s.

Author Autobiography:

Professionally, I’ve been a financial analyst and a visual basic programmer. I also have a paralegal certificate, although I’ve never worked in that field. It’s anybody’s guess what I’ll be when I grow up.

Imagining stories and writing have always been an important part of my life. It’s one I’ve finally could get serious about while I cared for my mother who had Alzheimer’s disease.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?  
The ebook is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, and more.
The print book is available on Amazonand other sites.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
My blogis probably the best place to find me.
My twitter handle is @MansfieldMJ (But I’m hardly ever there.)

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the World of the Dual Magics.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Chadash in Realm Explorers Part XIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at [email protected] for more information.

DoubtBy Anne-Rae Vasquez

About the Book:

Harry Doubt, a genius programmer and creator of the popular online game ‘Truth Seekers’, has a personal mission of his own; to find his mother who went mysteriously missing while volunteering on a peacekeeping mission in Palestine. His gaming friends and followers inadvertently join in helping him find her; believing that they are on missions to find out what has happened to their own missing loved ones. During Harry’s missions, Cristal and the team of ‘Truth Seekers’ stumble upon things that make them doubt the reality of their own lives. As they get closer to the truth, they realize that there are spiritual forces among them both good and evil, but in learning this, they activate a chain of events that start the beginning of the ‘end of the world’ as they know it.


Anne-Rae Vasquez is currently writing “RESIST” book 2 of the Among Us Trilogy. Her latest novel Doubt, Book 1 of the Among Us Trilogy was released on November 9, 2013 at the Rain Dance Book Festival. Among Us Trilogy is a book series about a group of outcasts (online gamers) who band together to investigate who or what is behind the catastrophic events happening around the world. Her previous novel, Almost a Turkish Soap Opera, was adapted into a screenplay and later produced into an award winning feature film and web series and was her directorial debut. Aside from her artistic work, Anne-Rae is the creator/producer and host of Fiction Frenzy TV (, a VLog channel featuring indie artists and authors. She also freelances as a journalist for Digital Journal, an online magazine Other works include: Gathering Dust – a collection of poems, Salha’s Secrets to Middle Eastern Cooking Cookbook published by AR Publishing Inc. and Teach Yourself Great Web Design in a Week, published by (a division of Macmillan Publishing).

Follow Anne-Rae Vasquez
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Enter below to enter a $50 Amazon gift card, sponsored by author Anne-Rae Vasquez! a Rafflecopter giveaway This book blast is hosted by Crossreads. We would like to send out a special THANK YOU to all of the CrossReads book blast bloggers!

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

 Author’s name:

Valerie Howard
Title of book and/or series:
Brief summary of the story:
Mara has been a prisoner in the slave yard since she was a young girl. Her crime: treason. Her penalty: death by the hand of the King. One day, Prince Justinius visits the slave yard and gives Mara a surprising ultimatum. Will she choose to side with her enemies to spare her life? Or will she stay loyal to the rebellion and get the punishment surely coming her way? Avalon is an allegorical novella depicting the Christian life.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Avalon is a large kingdom ruled by King Aldus. It’s a land with an old-world feel without cars, electricity, or modern conveniences. The kingdom is covered in lush, thick forests and dirt traveling paths. 
If we were to visit Avalon as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
I would recommend going to the King’s palace. It’s glamorous, gargantuan, glittering with gold and jewels, and gushing with beauty. The hosts are absolutely perfect, and you’ll want to stay there forever– just because you can!
What dangers should we avoid in Avalon?
Druett and his knights are the rebels who try to steal King Aldus’s crown. They might smooth talk you into joining their murderous plots, so you should avoid the deep woods where they are scheming and planning underground.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Avalon?
The slaves in the slave yard eat disgusting gruel, moldy bread, and rotting fruit, but the free servants of the King dine on delicious milk, honey, fruit, pastries, and berries. No meat is served in Avalon, and everything eaten is naturally produced, so that’s a bit unique.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Avalon?
Weapons in Avalon would be similar to medieval weapons: swords, bows and arrows, battle axes, etc. Weapons are rarely seen in the book. The guards prefer to beat the prisoners using their hands or feet.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Avalon?
Good old-fashioned horse-drawn carts and carriages, walking, or running– that’s how people get around in the Kingdom of Avalon. There are no cars, no bikes, no taxis, planes, trains, or modern vehicles.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Avalon?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Prince Justinius is the only one in this story that has supernatural powers. He can read minds and tell the future.
What is the political or government structure in Avalon?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The government is a monarchy, with King Aldus as the sovereign king, Prince Justinius as his son, and Druett as an ex-knight who tries to turn the hearts of the citizens against Aldus and overthrow his reign.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Avalon?
If you side with the rebels, you will pay the price, so it’s best to be on King Aldus’s side…
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
The book is an allegory of the Christian life, specifically the salvation experience from start to finish, so in a way, yes. I based the main character’s physical appearance on my own appearance because, in a sense, this is my story of becoming a Christian and walking with Christ.

Author Autobiography:

Valerie Howard was born and raised in rural Maine. She is the wife of a youth pastor and a stay-at-home-mom to an energetic two-year-old. She has been writing stories ever since the second grade. Ever since then, she’s written 14 books and plays for children, teens, and adults. She’s worked tutoring children in math and reading, and she’s an official choco-holic.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  
Paperback and Kindle editions are available on Amazon.
Where can readers connect with you online?  
On my blog, my Facebook page, and on Twitter.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Avalon.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to a World of Dual Magics in Realm Explorers Part XII!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at [email protected] for more information.

Don’t forget to check out the GIVEAWAY
at the end of this post for a chance to 
WIN some fantastic prizes!

We are thrilled to announce that The Dreamstone, book two in The Dream Keeper Chronicles is now available in audiobook. If have never had the opportunity to listen to an audiobook before, now is your time! An audiobook is a wonderful way to enjoy a book. It brings a level of richness and art to the book you can’t get with just words alone.

Dorothy called it Oz, Alice Called it Wonderland, but Nightmares call it HOME.
There is a world inside our own, 
but we can’t see it when we are 
awake—only when we sleep. 
It is then we find ourselves in Dreams.  

Synopsis for book 1: The Dream Keeper

When an evil shifter takes over the gateway to the realm of Dreams, it falls to 14-year-olds Parker and Kaelyn to stop him. Their only hope lies with Gladamyr, the Dream Keeper, but can they trust a Nightmare to save their world?

Synopsis for book 2: The Dreamstone

When Parker’s mom is dreamnapped by the wicked Mab, it is up to him and Kaelyn to save her. When they return to Dreams, they discover Mab isn’t their only problem. Gladamyr has lost his powers and the only way to get them back is to become what he fears the most—a nightmare.

Check out what people are saying 
about The Dream Keeper Chronicles!

“A fun, fantastic ride through both Dream and Nightmare. Brooks has written a book that can be enjoyed by young and old alike. Bravo!” ~Michaelbrent Collings, bestselling author of The Billy Saga

“A wild stallion of a story: fast, thrilling, and unpredictable. If this one isn’t a kid-pleaser, I don’t know what is.” ~Michelle Isenhoff, author of the Taylor Davis Series 

“I listened to The Dream Keeper on audiobook and absolutely loved it! Anthony Bianco did an outstanding job of bringing each character to life.” ~L.R.W Lee, author of The Andy Smithson Series

“My heart hammered and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the page. I felt every emotion the characters did, I laughed, I cried, I felt fear while reading this book.” ~Amazon reviewer

“If you like the Percy Jackson, Fablehaven, or the Harry Potter series, you’ll love this!” ~Amazon reviewer

Check out this interview 
with the narrator, Anthony Bianco!

What have you enjoyed most about narrating The Dream Keeper Chronicles?
Bringing the mythology that Mikey has created to life. There is a sense of innocence, wonder, and possibility on the world of Awake and Dreams. Our dreams are one of the nearest things we still have to magic. And discovering the story has helped remind me to continue to look for the magic in the world around me.
How did you go about finding a distinct voice for each character?
Many times Mikey provided some kind of description of the character that would inform the choices I would make. Age, gender, body size/ shape. I imagine how the voices sound when I am reading and do my best to apply those changes when I get in the booth. I would like to think that all of the choices that I made were informed by the text. I did my best to fully imagine what Mikey created and trust that when he is satisfied with the result I have done my job. 
You work as a professional actor; do you find your profession helps you in narrating books?
I find it incredibly helpful. The fact that I am not in front of an audience doesn’t make a lot of a difference to me. The act of storytelling is the same no matter what the medium. Many of the skills needed: articulation, breath support, vocal flexibility, emotion (to highlight a few) all come into play when recording. When you are in the booth you have to be hyper aware of every movement and sound. Even though nobody can see what you look like, any extraneous movements can cause sounds which can be picked up by the mic. It is essential to have the physical and vocal awareness to keep those sounds to a minimum. At the same time you can’t allow that to keep you from bing expressive and energized when telling the story. It can be a tricky balance sometimes. But the years of training help to balance those factors.
Is there a character in the book you related to the most and why?
I think Gladamyr was the easiest to relate to, even though he is a Dream keeper. I love the tortured heroes. Plus, Gladamyr’s powers are the coolest! Many of my favorite fantasy characters have been Shape-shifters or have had an ability similar to Gladamyr. It probably appeals to the actor in me, being able to shift and morph would be like the ultimate costume change.
If you were to dream up a nightmare what would it be?
Absolutely terrifying. Probably something similar to Minion, a monster made from a swarm of spiders. When I have nightmares they are the worst. I am usually being chased by a dark formless, shifting shadow (not unlike Gladamyr now that I think about it). There are always lost of teeth and it is fast; constantly changing throughout the dream. The worst nightmares know when to change and get worse when you think it can get any worse. 
How do you manage to smoothly accentuate the “voice” of the different characters? 
Breath, breath, breath. You can’t transition from voice to voice without the proper breath support to fuel the instrument. If it sounds smooth it is a combination of quality editing and quality vocal control by the narrator.
How did you become a book narrator? Did anything specific prompt you to undertake this career?
A friend encouraged me to pursue it. He made the transition from actor to narrator full time and thought I would also be good at it. So, he gave me the initial push. I haven’t been able to make that transition fully, though. I am still working and audition for gigs in bother careers. As well as working at a coffee shop and doing odd work as a ranch hand and landscaper to make ends meet. I am still at the begging of my narrating career but what has prompted me to continue to pursue it is the flexibility to create my own hours, work from home, and the complete artistic control of the storytelling.

Narrator Bio:
Anthony Bianco is a professional actor living and working in Denver, Colorado. He is a native Oregonian and has been acting and storytelling for the past eighteen years. He received a BFA in Acting with a minor in Shakespeare Studies at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon. Anthony then went on to receive is MFA in Acting from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Anthony moved to Denver five years ago and has worked for three seasons with the Denver Center Theatre Company, one season at Colorado Shakespeare Festival and most recently appeared as Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby at the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities.

Author Bio:

Mikey Brooks is a small child masquerading as an adult. On occasion you’ll catch him dancing the funky chicken, singing like a banshee, and pretending to have never grown up. He is the author/illustrator of the best-selling middle-grade series The Dream Keeper Chronicles, The Stone of Valhalla, and The Gates of Atlantis: Battle for Acropolis. His picture books include the best-selling ABC Adventures: Magical Creatures and Bean’s Dragons. His art can be seen in many forms from picture books to full room murals. He loves to daydream with his three daughters and explore the worlds that only the imagination of children can create. Mikey has a BS degree in English from Utah State University and works full-time as a freelance illustrator, cover designer, and author. As a member of the Emblazoners, he is one of many authors devoted to ‘writing stories on the hearts of children’ ( You can find more about him and his books at:

Check out the books!

The Dream Keeper
Kindle | Nook | Kobo | Paperback | Hardback | iTunes | Audible
The Dreamstone
Kindle | Nook | Kobo | Paperback | Hardback | iTunes | Audible

Check out this interview 
with the author, Mikey Brooks!

Question: Tell us a little about your “real” (non-writing) life — family, job, church life. Does it give you inspiration for your writing? Does it get in the way of your writing, or are there times when you get help from people or circumstances?

Answer: I am the daddy of three princesses. So my life is a blur of pink sequins and purple lace. If you look closely I do in fact sparkle, and it’s not because I am a vampire. I have a wonderful wife who is my mentor, editor, proof reader, and constant companion. I use her first name as my last name (I go by a pen name) because she does so much for my writing I have to include her somehow. I work fulltime as an author and freelance illustrator. I have two callings in my church. I am the Stake historian. Which means I get to collect all the histories throughout the various congregations in my area and compile them into an Annual History that is then kept at the church’s History Library in downtown Salt Lake City. I am also a Sunday School instructor. My family and my church callings do help me with my role as a writer. I get tons of inspiration and support from my girls. My callings at church help me study old stories from the scriptures (which help inspire other stories) and being a historian helps me keep up to date on my editing skills.
Question: Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?
Answer: I love spending time with my daughters. We could do just about anything and I would be happy as long as they were happy. My favorite game to play is what we call Imagination. We turn the couch in the living room into whatever we imagine (say an airplane, rocket ship, pirate ship, or submarine) and go on make believe adventures. I also enjoy reading to them every night before bed. Right now were on #16 of the Magic Tree House books. Once they’re in bed I enjoy snuggling up with my wife and watching a tragically sappy chick flick.
Question: Since you have several books out, tell us what you think works for promotion. What are your thoughts on ebooks versus print books and different ways to let people know about you and your books?
Answer: My books are a little different than the average writer. I have a very small market. My books are for kids. I can only do so much online stuff to catch the kids’ attention. When I do online marketing I try to target parents of tweens, teachers, and librarians. What works best for children’s authors, like me, is making a mark in schools. I sell more physical books at signings than eBooks online. I think it’s because I can interact better with the kids who then go hit up their parents for the cash.
Question: Have you done anything writing-related, but besides actually writing your books, that seemed to get a lot of positive response? Something that encouraged you?
Answer: As an author I get to participate in lots of writer conference presentations and panels. When on those I try to share my experience in my path to publication. I want people to know that no one else can write their book except them. So often as writers we get discouraged. I try to help lift others up. One day after I shared my experiences on a panel I had one of the attendees tell me I had helped them decide NOT to give up on their dream of publishing a book. That meant a lot to me and helps me remember to pay it forward and continue to help others.
Question: Tell us about your newest book. Make us want to read it.
Answer: The Dreamstone is the exciting continuation of The Dream Keeper. In the first book 14 year old Parker and Kaelyn had to stop a nightmare from taking over Dreams and coming into our world. They team up with a dream keeper named Gladamyr who is himself a reformed nightmare. In this adventure they have to return to Dreams to save Parker’s mom who has been dreamnapped by the evil Mab.
If you have ever wondered why we dream this series is for you. Dreams is a place. We all go there, but don’t see it how it really is . . . until now. Dorothy called it Oz, Alice called it Wonderland, but Nightmares call it HOME.
Question: What is the “message” of your writing? (For example, is your purpose to encourage old-fashioned values, encourage romance, or do you have different purposes in different books?)
Answer: Each book I write seems to gain its own theme. For the Dream Keeper Chronicles what stands out is the idea of being true to yourself no matter the cost. I hope that readers, especially kids, learn that we are not all created equally—we’re all different and supposed to be different. So often we are expected to fix in some kind of social norm. And sometimes to “fit in” we choose to hide who we truly are. I hope that kids can learn they can be themselves and still “fit in”.
Question: What is your current WIP?
Answer: I am currently finishing up the last book in The Dream Keeper Chronicles: The Dream Makers. This is the exciting conclusion of the series and it will surprise you what happens. I don’t want to give away too much but know that Parker and Kaelyn will come face to face with the scariest nightmare ever created: Mares.
I also have a fantastic book coming out next week called The Gates of Atlantis: Battle for Acropolis. This is part of a six book series all written by different authors. It’s about a secret magical society trying to save their world from destruction. In my book a 13 year-old boy name Talon discovers he is the key to saving Atlantis and he sets off an adventure that will lead him to the famous Bermuda Triangle to face Atlantis’ evil villain Phoibos. These books are filled with mermaids, nymphs, giants, banshees, and tons of magic. I am thrilled they are coming out soon.
Question: How many books do you have out?  Are you planning a specific number altogether, either in this series or separately?
Answer: I have two books out in The Dream Keeper Chronicles. The third, The Dream Makers, comes out in the fall. It will be the final book of the trilogy; however, I have had fans ask me to write a prequel which I just might do. I have a middle grade fantasy-adventure standalone called The Stone of Valhalla which has been on Amazon’s bestselling list since it came out in April of this year. I have The Gates of Atlantis: Battle for Acropolis coming out next week (July 29). I also have several picture books available that I author/illustrated including ABC Adventures: Magical Creatures, also an Amazon bestseller.
Question: Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life?
Answer: I use a lot of the personalities of people around me in my characters. I also put a lot of myself in them. In The Dream Keeper you’ll find a lot of my childhood nightmares are the same ones that Parker and Kaelyn have to fight. I like that they are courageous enough to stand up to them. When I was their age I don’t know if I could have been as brave.
Question: What are your future projects?
Answer: Once I finish up The Dream Makers I will push a little harder in securing an agent for my super fun middle-grade book The Witches of Roosevelt Elementary, which just won 1st place in my chapters’ League of Utah Writers Writing Competition. It’s a fun story about two kids that discover their parents are keeping a huge secret from them: they are witch hunters. When their parents go missing, witches invade their school disguised as glamorous lunch ladies.
After I get that one squared away I plan on working on my first ever middle-grade steampunk novel. It should be quite the adventure. I have been brewing over the story idea for too long and can hardly wait to get started.
Author bio:
Mikey Brooks is a small child masquerading as an adult. On occasion you’ll catch him dancing the funky chicken, singing like a banshee, and pretending to have never grown up. He is the author/illustrator of the best-selling middle-grade series The Dream Keeper Chronicles, The Stone of Valhalla, and The Gates of Atlantis: Battle for Acropolis. His picture books include the best-selling ABC Adventures: Magical Creatures and Bean’s Dragons. His art can be seen in many forms from picture books to full room murals. He loves to daydream with his three daughters and explore the worlds that only the imagination of children can create. Mikey has a BS degree in English from Utah State University and works fulltime as a freelance illustrator, cover designer, and author. As a member of the Emblazoners, he is one of many authors devoted to ‘writing stories on the hearts of children’ ( ). You can find more about him and his books at:
You are welcome to follow Mikey on all of his social media sites:

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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s name:
Adam Bolander
Title of book and/or series:
Brief summary of the story:
Every mythical creature we have ever heard stories about is real, driven into hiding by the murderous Slayers.  When Porter Collins, a promising young Slayer, is sent to hunt down Sarah Heisen, a sphinx who has never known freedom, an accident occurs that forces the two of them to team up, putting events in motion that will shake the earth to its core.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The Slayer and the Sphinx takes place in the shadows of our world, the places we never look.  The Mythics are everywhere, if you can see the signs, but they work hard to make sure they go unnoticed.  The Slayers, likewise, stick to the shadows, but only because that’s where they will find their prey.  There are things of wonder and magic in the Mythic realms, but are seldom seen by humans because of their fear of the Slayers.
If we were to visit the Mythic realms as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
I would recommend seeking out the Historian’s Tower.  It is an ivory tower that reaches to the heavens, inside of which you can find detailed reports of every moment of history, from the present to the very beginning of time.  You’ll have to find it first, though, which can be a little tricky.  First, you have to know where the tower is located.  Then, you have to expect it to be there.  Any nonbelievers who stumble across it won’t even see it, because they don’t expect to see it.
What dangers should we avoid in the Mythic Realms?
The Slayers, for one.  They may think they are virtuous warriors fighting the good fight and protecting the human race, but in actuality they are vicious brutes who have hunted innocent Mythics to extinction almost since the beginning of recorded time.  Even other humans aren’t safe, as they will not hesitate to kill anybody they think has aided their enemies in any way.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the Mythic Realms?
Between the Slayers and the Mythics, there are very few (if any) fighting styles that are not actively used in battle.  Both sides prefer to use swords and magic rather than guns, but are hardly at a disadvantage because of it.  One of the more notable fighting styles used in The Slayer and the Sphinx is Dominic Vega’s, second in command in the Slayers’ ranks.  He always carries around a bag full of handmade wooden javelins, which he can use for either long range or melee combat.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the Mythic Realms?
A common way to travel in The Slayer and the Sphinx is teleportation.  People and creatures with the ability to use magic can use this to transport themselves wherever they want to go.  Attempting this without practice, though, can make you end up miles away from your intended destination – a lesson that Sarah learns the hard way.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the Mythic Realms that we don’t normally see on Earth?
There are far too many to name.  If you’ve heard a story about a monster or mythical creature, it’s most likely true.  Some of the creatures used the most in The Slayer and the Sphinx are sphinxes, elves, djinns, dwarves, gnomes, chimera, satyrs, and gryphons – amongst many, many others.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the Mythic Realms?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Magic can be used by anybody, if they know how.  Some creatures can use magic more easily than others, which is why human magic users are so rarely seen outside of corps like the Slayers.  They must always be careful, because overestimating their abilities can often prove fatal.  To Mythics like sphinxes, djinns, and elves, it comes more naturally.
What is the political or government structure in the Mythic Realms?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The Mythic society is governed by someone called the Arch-Mythic.  In this case, it is a gryphon named Rayalga.  There is no rule as to what type of Mythic the Arch-Mythic must be, but it is usually a large, intimidating creature.  This gives their underlings a sense of security, knowing they are being watched over by such a strong Mythic.  The Arch-Mythic also employs Commanders to watch over the various Secret Sanctuaries in his absence.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I’ve spent the majority of my life living in a forest, so most of my stories usually take place in one.  It’s always interesting to wonder what is out there, hiding in the trees, watching you even when you’re not watching them…
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Equality, and to cast away hate and prejudices.  The Mythics want to live in peace, without the threat of being hunted down, but the Slayers will never willingly grant them that.  I also try to show that there is good and bad in everyone.  The Slayers may be murdering innocent creatures, but they do it because they have been taught to believe that the Mythics are mindless killing machines that would not hesitate the wipe out the human race if given the chance.  Likewise, the Mythics have adopted the mindset that they are poor, innocent victims, and the Slayers are the ones to blame.  None of them recall the events that, ironically, forced the humans’ hand in forming the Slayers.  Nor will they acknowledge the corruption in their own hearts when they start to view the human race as a whole the same way the Slayers view them.
Author Autobiography:
I grew up struggling with several learning disabilities.  All my life, I loved to read, and it had always been a dream to write my own books.  It took me until my junior year of high school to overcome my disabilities and realize that dream, and now I can’t imagine ever doing anything else.  I have written and published seven books so far, and one currently updating on the internet, with plenty more on the way!

Where can we purchase your book(s)?  
All the links to buy my books can be found on my website,
Where can readers connect with you online?
They can check out my website, or they can follow me on Facebook and Twitter. 

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the Mythic Realm.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Avalon in Realm Explorers Part XI!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at [email protected] for more information.