A themed book tour through Prism Book Tours.

The Cinderella Theorem (The Lily Sparrow Chronicles)The Cinderella Theorem

(The Lily Sparrow Chronicles #1)

by Kristee Ravan
YA Urban Fantasy
Paperback, 367 pages
March 17th 2014

Fairy tales are naturally non-mathematical. That is a fact, and fifteen-year-old Lily Sparrow loves factual, mathematical logic. So when her mother confesses that Lilyís deceased father is (a) not dead, (b) coming to dinner, and (c) the ruler of a fairy tale kingdom accessible through the upstairs bathtub, Lily clings to her math to help her make sense of this new double life (1 life in the real world + 1 secret life in the fairy tale world = a double life).

Even though itís not mathematical, Lily finds herself being pulled into a mystery involving an unhappy Cinderella, a greasy sycophant called Levi, and a slew of vanishing fairy tale characters. Racing against the clock, with a sound mathematical plan, Lily attempts to save her fairy tale friends while proving that normality = happiness.


My Review: ****

This is definitely the most unique fantasy novel I’ve read in a long time (and I read a lot of fantasy)!  I love the main character and the way she views the world in terms of math.  Everything she experiences is part of a math problem to her.  For example, “I stood stupidly off to the side like an extra piece of information in a word problem.  (Sarah has three marbles and seven pencils.  Danette has two pencils.  How many pencils do Sarah and Danette have together?  Answer = nine pencils.)  I was the three marbles that no one needed.”  I thought this was a hilarious but vary effective personality trait for her.  The writing style is humorous and easily kept my attention all the way through.

On the negative side, some scenes lapsed into “telling, not showing”, and I felt a few details could have been tied up better at the end.  Plus, there were some typos and errors in punctuation and general English usage.  The consistent mistakes in capitalization and punctuation around direct quotations were especially irritating and showed a lack of professional editing.

However, I still felt that the book was written well enough to merit four stars in spite of those issues.  The main character was unique and definitely stood out in a way that makes her story memorable for all the right reasons.  I’m looking forward to reading more by this author.

-Annie Douglass Lima

Calling for Reviewers!

We’re looking for reviewers! You don’t need a blog to sign up, but you do need to at least post a review on Amazon. Other sites (blog, Goodreads, etc.) are also appreciated. Reviews must be completed by the end of November. To sign up, please fill out this form.

Kristee Ravan
Kristee Ravan lives in Oklahoma with her husband, daughter, and pet fish, Val (short for Valentine). She wanted to be many things as she grew up including a general, an artist, and an architect. But she never bothered to say, “I want to be a writer when I grow up.” She was always writing stories and thought of herself as a writer anyway. She sent her first story to a publisher in the sixth grade. (It was rejected – in a nice way.) When she is not making up stories in her head, she enjoys reading, juggling, green smoothies, playing dollhouse with her daughter, and hearing from her fans. You can contact Kristee at the facebook page for her Lily Sparrow books: The Lily Sparrow Chronicles.

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Tour-Wide Giveaway

5 copies of The Cinderella Theorem (print for US winners, ebook for international winners)

Ends August 31st

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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August Dates:

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Skye Malone’s Blog

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Sarah’s StoryLines

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Deal Sharing Aunt


A Backwards Story

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Coffee, Books and Me

I Am A Reader

Dividing by Zero

24 – Grand Finale

Prism Book Tours

Amish Romance 40 Book Boxed SetBy Becca Fisher

About the Book:

This collection features 40 Amish Romance stories by Becca Fisher including:

The Amish Wedding Series
Rebecca Lapp has her life back together after a tough break up. She’s found a new man and is finally happy once again. But when her ex comes back into town wanting her back, Rebecca will be forced to make a decision that will change her life forever.

The Chasing Heaven Series
Hannah Bieler’s wedding is more than just cause for celebration. It gets her sisters wondering when they will get married, who they’ll fall in love with, or whether God has other plans for them entirely. But it becomes clear that although the Amish are simple people, their love lives are anything but.

The Let Love In Series
When Jenna loses her husband in a horrible accident, she never thinks she can love again. But she suddenly finds herself a single Amish mother and knows that her children need a father figure in their lives. So when a handsome stranger rides into town a year later and takes a liking to Jenna, she has to decide if she can ever let love in again, or risk losing a man that could bring her happiness.

The If I Stayed Series
Hannah and Sadie Miller have always been desperate to explore the world. So when rumspringa comes, they want to go to the big city. But are the sisters willing to risk losing everything that’s important to them when their parents insist that they stay in Lancaster?

The Amish Christmas Series
Joshua Zook and Sadie Miller have been dancing around their feelings for months. But just as Joshua works up the nerve to admit how much he cares for Sadie, he realizes that he may be too late to win Sadie’s heart.


“I’m Becca Fisher and I write sweet Amish romances featuring simple people with complex love lives. I’m devout in my faith, relish time with my family, and seek to bring joy to as many lives as possible. I would love to have you as a reader. God bless. If you would like to be the first to know about my new books, join my mailing list here http://eepurl.com/s3WIT.”

Follow Becca Fisher
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Enter below to enter a $50 Amazon gift card, sponsored by author Becca Fisher! a Rafflecopter giveaway This book blast is hosted by Crossreads. We would like to send out a special THANK YOU to all of the CrossReads book blast bloggers!

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s name: Cynthia P. Willow
Title of book and/or series:  The Karini and Lamek Chronicles
Brief summary of the story:  
The Karini and Lamek Chronicles is an endearing fairy tale of High Fantasy. Enter a world of fairies, dragons, dwarves, and elves in The Land of Serenity, a magical world where possibilities are endless and truth makes a difference.
From one reviewer: “Cynthia does an expert job of creating memorable and interesting characters who rapidly endear themselves to you with their exploits and personality traits. Her book[s] are good for young readers, with lots of action and adventure to hold their interest while also being very parent-friendly.” ~ Krystine Kercher
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: 
The Land of Serenity is a beautiful land full of lush forests, scenic mountains, and a huge castle! Fairies dance on flower petals, dwarves mine for diamonds, and then there are the dragons…. are they good or evil?
If we were to visit The Land of Serenity as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? 
The mushroom village where the fairies live would be a lot of fun. Just watch your step! Then we could split into groups to see which group could find the secret cave first! A visit to Mount Flog to meet the snow parrots would be interesting, but bring a snow suit! We could hop in a mine cart and visit the dwarves…diamonds anyone? If you’re not scared of getting lost in the woods, we could hike up Mount Chesney and search for Natas’ cottage. If nothing else, we’d have to take a tour of the castle.
What dangers should we avoid in The Land of Serenity? 
Well, watch out for the dragons, giants, and trolls. But they’re nothing compared to Natas.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in The Land of Serenity? 
There’s no telling what Filmer will cook, but he specializes in dumplings. The fairies would love to serve you tea and cakes though!
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in The Land of Serenity? 
It depends on who it is, but many use wands, teleportation, and animal transformation. In other words, MAGIC!
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to The Land of Serenity? 
The Land of Serenity is full of mythical creatures. Just about anything you can think of is there. If you can tame a dragon, you can hitch a ride on it. Then again, it might be more fun to befriend a witch and hop on the back of her broomstick!
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in The Land of Serenity?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Magic plays a huge role in the Land of Serenity. There are good witches and wizards, and there are evil ones. We learn in book 1 a secret that has to do with magic, but I don’t want to reveal it.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in The Land of Serenity?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Not really. For the most part, the folks in The Land of Serenity live a lot like people in medieval times did.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in The Land of Serenity as on earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Yes. The days are the same. The only holidays that are mentioned are birthdays. Several characters celebrate their birthdays in The Land of Serenity. One particular party starts off with a bang and ends in a huge battle.  Wedding celebrations are also big in The Land of Serenity.
Is there a particular religion practiced in The Land of Serenity?  Please describe what it involves.
Not directly. Characters demonstrate faith in God, but I don’t go into a whole lot of detail with it. However, the good morals and lessons in the stories reflect my own Christian upbringing.
What is the political or government structure in The Land of Serenity?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The Land of Serenity is supposed to be ruled by a king, but that was before the dragons took over….
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I’ve always had a love for fantasy. I passed that love onto my children, and they were the inspiration for these stories. I began writing book 1 when my son (now 17) was 8 years old, and my daughter (now 14) was 5. The villain in book 1 (Ocamar) was named by my son. Once we came up with the land and the names of a few characters, it took off! There would be no Land of Serenity without my children. 
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Magic is controversial enough! As a writer who is also a Christian, I have had to defend this series, but most Christians are accepting of it once they realize it’s not much different than the writing of C.S. Lewis. The Bible is clear when it comes to the presence of evil, and fantasy and the use of magic is one way to demonstrate good versus evil.

Author Autobiography:

Cynthia P. Willow writes Christian fiction and fantasy for all ages. She lives in Georgia with her husband, three children, and their family pet—a Morkie named Madam Alice Bellatrix.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?  
All of my books are in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. Select books are available in other eBook formats such as Nook and Apple. Please visit my website www.cynthiapwillow.comfor links to all my books. Some of my series are available in bundles to save you $$$!  For example, click here for the 3-book bundle for this series!

Where can readers connect with you online? 
Cynthia’s website: www.cynthiapwillow.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CynthiaPWillow
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cynthiapwillow

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the Land of Serenity.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the Mythic realms (hidden right here in our own world!) in Realm Explorers Part X!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at [email protected] for more information.

Today I welcome Author Monique Bucheger and her newest book to my blog!

Let’s learn a bit about Monique:

When Monique Bucheger isn’t writing, you can find her playing taxi driver to one or more of her children, plotting her next novel, scrapbooking, or being the “Mamarazzi” at any number of child-oriented events. Even though she realizes there will never be enough hours in any given day, Monique tries very hard to enjoy
the journey that is her life.
She shares it with a terrific husband, her dozen children, an adorable granddaughter,  a son-in-law, three cats, and many real and imaginary friends. She is the author of several books and plans to write many more. You can find more about Monique and her works at:

Monique Bucheger (author of The Secret Sisters Club: A Ginnie West Adventure)

Buy the book on Amazon  

Now for the fabulous book!

Twelve- year-old BFFs, Ginnie West and Tillie Taylor, are matchmaking geniuses. Together, they maneuvered Ginnie’s widower-dad into proposing to Tillie’s divorcee-mom. Sweet! Certain they are well on their way to sisterhood, each girl is floored when Tillie’s lousy-excuse-for-a-father puts in an appearance after a six year absence. Too bad “lousy dad repellant” doesn’t come in a can. Even though Tillie’s dad has sobered up and is determined to make amends, Tillie would rather he just disappear again. If he stays, “Operation: Secret Sisters” may need to be renamed “Operation: Not Gonna Happen.” If that’s not bad enough, the biggest bully in seventh grade comes over often and wishes he could call the West’s farmhouse “home.” When the bully’s abusive dad shows up as well, Ginnie thinks it’s time to change her family’s motto from “When you’re here, you’re family” to “There’s no more room at the West’s.”

Come Join the blog tour:

Blog Tour and Dates
August 4th
August 5th
August 6th
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August 7th
August 8th
August 9th
August 10th
August 11th
August 12th
August 13th
August 14th
August 15th
August 16th
August 17th

And Don’t forget to come to the party!!

Click on Cover to See it on Amazon

What do you do when all you’ve thought important seems like a charade? Meet Lainey Sparks, worship leader turned Christian recording artist. People look to her to lead them to God but she doesn’t know her motives anymore. Then she’s introduced to Nick DeAngelo, a man with a secret. Could he ruin her reputation and ultimately her career? Or is he the only one she knows to lean on when tragedy strikes? 

The first book in the Faith & Fame series. Novella Length Christian Romances.

**99 cents for a limited time


 The bright sky of the afternoon waned to gray shadows and the light breeze began to blow harder. Nick gathered up the blanket as I fiddled with my phone. I’d taken a few shots of the blanket in the leaves, the trees, and fading sunshine.
“Do you mind?” I held up the phone and smiled convincingly.
“Of me?”
“One of you, one of…us.”
He shrugged, put the knapsack back on the ground and turned towards the camera, posing. “Duck face?” He asked teasing with a smile.
I shook my head, letting out a loud laugh. Click. Covering my mouth with my hand, I quickly looked at the picture I’d taken of him on my phone. It sobered me. He was so handsome, I ached. And still it didn’t do him justice. It hadn’t captured his heart.
“You and I.” He came up next to me and encircled my waist with his arm. I could feel his warm hand lazily skimming my hip. I held up the phone. “Ready?”
He tucked his cheek next to mine, skin to skin. His face had a faint feel of stubble. He smelled of leather, and musk, and…man. I clicked a few pictures. He turned his lips to my cheek and kissed me. Click.
“Do you mind if I?” He pulled his phone from his back pocket, settling back close to me.
“Sure.” We posed again.
I looked down at our feet. Mine in high black boots and his in the calf-skin shoes. I aimed the phone. Together in a park in Chicago on a sunny day, I’d started to fall in love. 

 Cover Reveal for Book 2 in the Faith & Fame Series, Stormy Towne

Lainey Sparks – Lead Singer of Christian Band, Depth Stormy Towne – Heiress to the Towne Fortune Caroline Winters Food TV Celebrity Chef
See Laura’s website HERE for book listings on other online retailers such as Barnes & Noble or Kobo. 

 Blog Tour Graphc with Swirl   
Annie, thank you for being a host on my New Release Blog Tour. I decided to create this character interview as a conversation among the Cole brothers. I tucked a subtle hint about one of the boys into the conversation.

Afternoon with the Cole Boys

Max, Ricky, and Sam snaked through the underbrush, arriving at their fort ten minutes after the final school bell rang. “How long you think Jessie is gonna keep going to these tutoring sessions?” Ricky asked.

“Until he’s caught up and his grades improve,” Sam replied.

“It was more fun when he didn’t care about school and we could all hang out together. I miss going hunting or fishing anytime we wanted,” Ricky said.

“Remember the first time we took him hunting?” Max asked. “He had just turned ten and had been begging us to take him out for weeks.”

Sam laughed. “Yeah, he was barely taller than the rifle, but he managed to bring home a rabbit and two ducks.”

“All those days of hiding in the woods with me when Pop was out of blood taught him the importance of keeping quiet,” Max said.  “The animals didn’t even seem to know we were there, they’d come within feet of us before catching our scent and taking off.”

“You both would do good to take some interest in your own school work,” Sam said.

“What’s the point?” Max frowned. “I’m almost done and will probably end up being sent to Vietnam. All I need to know over there is how to keep my head down.”

“You don’t know you will called up and what about when you come home? You don’t want to work at the grocery store forever do you?” Sam asked.

 Max opened his pocketknife, picked up a stick, and started shaving off the bark.

“I’m going into construction when I get out of school,” Ricky said. “I won’t need to know about English or science or any of that boring stuff.”

Sam sighed. “Well, I’m glad Jessie is trying to improve his grades and we need to be supportive of him. I think it would be pretty cool to have an astronaut in the family.”

Max looked up from his whittling and grinned. “Wouldn’t that be a real punch in the face to Pop?” 

“Give Dad a break, he’s trying to get his life back together and I think he’d be proud of Jessie if he made it into the astronaut program,” Sam said.

“Yeah, yeah, enough talk about school. Let’s go fishing.” Ricky pushed himself off the ground and brushed some leaves off his shorts.

“A nice big trout for dinner does sound good,” Max agreed.

The boys raced through the trees, across the ditch, and down the dirt road to the back door of their house. Ricky arrived first, bending over to catch his breath, Max and Same close behind, barely winded. “You okay, Ricky?” Sam asked with concern. Ricky nodded, taking large gulps of air. Max pulled three fishing poles from a tangled mess in a corner near the back door while Sam located the tackle box. When Ricky’s breathing returned to normal the boys set off toward the river.

About the Book

The four Cole boys suffer abuse at the hands of an alcoholic father, while largely being left to their own devices by a heartbroken and overworked mother. Their adventures on their island home have become a welcome escape, and one of the only things in life the boys can truly rely on. Jessie, the youngest and a dreamer, becomes enamored with US plans for manned space flight and its race to the moon, stirring his own dreams of one day becoming an astronaut. In a strange twist of fate, it is the space program and the momentum it gains that abruptly brings their beloved island life to an end. The family is forced to move to the city and start anew. Life in town creates new challenges, financial pressures, news of the Vietnam War and the impending threat of the military draft for Max the eldest of the Cole brothers.

About the Author    

Another Rebekah Lyn
Rebekah Lyn is a popular Indie writer with a strong following of loyal readers who enjoy her inspirational novels of Faith, Adventure, and Hope. She is a Christian with a heart for new beginnings, and her desire is to reflect that in each of her books. Rebekah is a sandal-loving native Floridian, growing up in Titusville, Florida, within sight of the Kennedy Space Center. This was an exciting time to live on the Space Coast, with launches taking place on a regular basis. Growing up, the best place to watch a launch was at the edge of the Indian River, just blocks from Rebekah’s home. Fond memories abound of windows rattling and dogs barking as the big Saturn rockets or the Space Shuttles raced into the heavens. Sonic booms made everyone jump as the astronauts returned from space, and sometimes she could get a glimpse of their return in the skies above her home. She will always be proud of America’s space program. An eye witness to the Challenger disaster on January 28, 1986, she and her fellow classmates watched with horror as the historic event unfolding before them. This event became a personal and lasting memory. An active participant in social media, Rebekah enjoys interacting with her readers, particularly at her her signature “Tea with the Author” events.

Rebekah Lyn Invites you to purchase books and e-books through: Amazon   Barnes and Noble Smashwords   iTunes 

Connect with Rebekah through:  

Website: http://www.rebekahlynbooks.com
Blog: http://www.rebekahlynskitchen.wordpress.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RebekahLyn1
Facebook: http://facebook.com/authorRebekahLyn

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/rebekahlynbooks/rebekah-lyn

Email: [email protected]
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5444665.Rebekah_Lyn
Independent Authors Network: http://www.independentauthornetwork.com/rebekah-lyn.html

Rebekah Lyn Books


Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s Name:

Peggy M. McAloon
Brief summary of the story:
Book 1 of the Elle Burton series, Elle Burton and theReflective Portals, is about a young girl who encounters winged creatures from another dimension on her tenth birthday. Her first encounter is at Wolske Bay in Menomonie, WI where she captures one of the creatures entering Earth from a reflective portal (her own reflection in the lake). She is enticed by these creatures to help them protect the children of Earth by becoming an Earth Guide.
Being a guide seems like the opportunity of a lifetime. Elle is an ordinary kid and has always loved helping others; now she’ll have magical assistance. Not everyone wants her to succeed. There are evil forces that do everything in their power to keep guides like Elle from offering support to those in need. Can Elle be brave enough to oppose them?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Fiori is unlike any place on earth. There are more flowers than you have seen in your entire life. Some are as large as a tractor tires with centers as big as a meat platter. The inhabitants of Fiori live in rustic stilt houses scattered in and among the flowers where they can gaze down at the beautiful valleys of flowers below them. There are reflecting ponds throughout the valley. Fiorins depend on them to travel between Fiori and Earth. The sky is burnished with the red, purple, and gold shades of the most spectacular sunsets imaginable. There are no clouds in the sky and the ground is covered with carpets of orange, crimson, and yellow. Azaleas, bougainvillea, ice-blue calathea, and thousands of white kukui blossoms fill the valleys.
Amadeus Fighting a Zorin
If we were to visit Fiori as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Definitely attend an event at Mother Blue’s Temple. The structure looks like the Doric temples in ancient Greece.  Columns adorn the outer part of the colossal building, reaching up toward the crimson sky.  The structure is completely covered in the softest of pearl-white flower petals. Enter through the arched entrance to enjoy one of the many banquets there.  Strings of flowers cover the entrance.  Brilliant metallic golds adorn the white inner walls.  Golden chandeliers hang from the ceiling and art tapestries hang on the walls, depicting scenes from Fiori and from the human world. Taking a ride on the back of a turquoise Truero in a reflective pond is an absolute must! If you are extremely lucky and Mother Blue is particularly fond of you, you may be able to tour the land on the back of Pegasus.
What dangers should we avoid in Fiori?

 Fiori is bordered on one side by a rugged mountain range where the Zorins live. The Zorins live in the cliff dwellings there. They resemble an alligator although they do walk upright on their hind legs towering nearly 10 feet tall. The creatures have soulless sulfur-colored eyes with bulbous eyelids. They are covered by scales (avocado and tobacco brown with globs of tarry mucus attached to them). You will immediately notice the dozens of sharp and horribly stained teeth in their huge mouths if you are unlucky enough to run into one.  No one has ever returned to Fiori after a close encounter with these creatures. Zorins can take the shape of a human (both adult and infant), causing confusion for both Fiorins and earthlings. Fiorin Perimeter Control rules require that you get no closer than 150 yards to the outer perimeter of Fiori. They can use their uncanny ability to suck in huge amounts of air and draw in any Fiorins or humans unlucky enough to be near them.

Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Fiori?
While in Fiori, anything you may need is provided. Whatever your favorite foods, they will magically appear as desired.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Fiori?
In book one, the only weapons utilized against the Zorins are wooden poles and spears. Zorins do have deadly reactions to pollen, which is one of the reasons the valleys of flowers protect the Fiorins. There are no modern weapons in Fiori.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in Fiori?
In Fiori the creatures that live there have wings. They need no other form of transportation. Human Guides who are visiting can travel on the backs of Pegasus and the Trueros. Otherwise, they can ride in carriages pulled by giant spiders.
a truero

What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Fiori that we don’t see on earth?
Things seem a bit backwards in Fiori compared to Earth. Spiders are huge and elephants are house pets. The turquoise Trueros are very much like swans yet they are large enough to carry a human on their back. The plants and flowers are gigantic compared to their counterparts on Earth. Fiorins, when they travel through the reflective portals (through the reflections of the children of Earth), are the size of butterflies in Earth’s dimension, but they are equal in size to humans in the realm of Fiori. They look very human-like with larger eyes than humans and wings like a butterfly or fairy. The Zorins have already been described. They look rather like an alligator but walk on their two hind legs in an upright manner.

What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Fiori? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
All Fiorins have the ability to sing a “Siren Song” that can drive a human insane. They use this to protect children if they have enough time. They are not allowed to physically harm any human but can inflict temporary pain to prevent harm to a child under the age of 8. Fiorins are assigned to every new-born baby on Earth. They breathe the first breath of life into the child so they will have a kind heart. Some do not make it to the child before birth because of trickery initiated by the Zorins.

Each Fiorin then has one special power. Amadeus, the warrior, has the ability to summon huge storms with wind and lightning. Milo is capable of blowing himself up into a giant sponge to protect children who may fall or be injured in a car accident.
Medallion on Mother Blue’s Necklace
Medallion on Mother Blue’s Necklace

Mother Blue, the Empress of the Fiorin colony in Book 1, has multiple powers and a bronze necklace that holds the secret to her powers. The necklace can only be activated by the human guide who has been predicted to come to Fiori during their 11th year in the Sacred Scrolls of Destiny. It has been given to numerous guides in the past, but no one has had the ability to unleash the magic. No one knows yet the extent of the magic that the necklace holds. The necklace had magical powers only for Mother Blue and the “chosen one” as predicted in the Sacred Scrolls. The chosen would accomplish 3 major challenges during his/her 11th year. Mother Blue had loaned the bronze pendant to other guides, but no one had yet been able to unleash the magic. Now it’s Elle’s turn to try.

There is a magic fountain in Mother Blue’s Temple. She is able to look into it on the day a child reaches the age of 8 to determine what the future holds for them on Earth.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Fiori? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
When you think of Fiori, think of the Garden of Eden. Magic exists, but there is no modern technology.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Fiori.
Fiorins are a very simplistic race. They turn huge flowers into May poles and swings with the assistance of spider webs. They also fashion elevators utilizing spider webs. They live in the natural surroundings and revel in food, dance, and song.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Fiori as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
A brief second on Earth is the equivalent of hours and hours in Fiori. Most Fiorins are thousands of years old in Earth time. They do not marry as do the people of Earth. They consider themselves to be part of one huge family. The days are continuous. Night never falls. The sky is filled with the colors of the most vibrant sunset you have ever seen. Fiorins acknowledge holidays celebrated in all countries on Earth but they do not celebrate any specific Fiorin holidays. Celebrations are spontaneous when an Earth Guide has a major victory against evil.
What is an Earth Guide?
Earth Guides are chosen by Mother Blue through her knowledge gained through the magic fountain. They are humans who are able to move throughout Earth through a wish. Fiorins can only travel on a wish with an Earth Guide. The Human Guides are the only ones (other than some children under the age of 8) who can see the Fiorins on Earth. It is their responsibility to offer whatever assistance the Fiorins may require to protect the children of Earth. Guides are life-long assistants but they do have free-will and can decide to quit if they so desire. All memories of Fiori and the winged creatures will then disappear from their memory.
Are there any other creatures that assist the Fiorins?
Fiorins have the ability to communicate with all animals on Earth. They also employ messengers to carry messages between Fiorins and Earth Guides. (We know these messengers as carrier pigeons, although other birds can carry messages in times of great need)
Is there a particular religion practiced in Fiori?

We are not aware of any particular religion in Book 1 of the series other than a tremendous respect for the environment.
What is the political or government structure in Fiori? Who is in charge there at the moment and what kind of leader is she?
All Fiorins are equal. The leader is Mother Blue. She has the undying love and support of all her subjects. She leads with compassion and love for all Fiorins and the people of Earth. This is how it has been for centuries and no one questions her authority or knowledge. She acts more as a mother figure than an absolute ruler. Free-will is encouraged.
Bellengrath Gardens, AL: Similar to the Land of Fiori

Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I would have to say that everything in my life has inspired the realm of Fiori. I was raised in a very religious home. Most of our activities outside of school were centered in the church. I loved the stained glass windows; most especially the one that had a beautiful angel. The Fiorins are based on my childhood vision of what my guardian angel might look like. Fiori is a combination of my vision of what I believe heaven might be like and a section of walkway in Bellengrath Gardens in Mobile, AL that are alive with azaleas in the spring of the year. Flowers of every description adorn the property and it is as close to what I would hope heaven would look like as anything I have ever seen next to the tulip fields in the Netherlands.

What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Elle Burton and the Reflective Portals is about a young girl who has been chosen as a Guide at a very young age. She faces the challenges of bullying and parental abuse in this first book. As a victim of child abuse I understand how terrifying the threats are that a child is subjected to. It is my hope that we can inspire children through storytelling to trust enough to find an adult who can help them as Olivia did when she finally admitted to Elle why she was hiding in the bathroom at school.  This is a different approach to the problems of bullying and abuse. Children are more aware of these issues than we give them credit for. The protagonist, Elle Burton is a normal young girl who can inspire kids to stand up to bullying and abuse and become more empowered than they have ever been before through a delightful and believable fantasy.
Peggy McAloon
Author Autobiography: 
Author Peggy McAloon retired from the field of commercial credit, is the author of The Art of Business Credit Investigation, and is a recognized trainer and speakerShe enjoys watercolor art and has received national awards for her efforts in the conservation of water resources. Her own journey through child abuse, depression, and a debilitating car accident elevated her desire to help children cope with their challenges in such a way that they are inspired and empowered.
Peggy McAloon with Anneka Rogers

Eleven year-old Anneka Rogers acted as a consultant on the book. Her insistence that the class bully be “saved” provides the framework for one of the most exciting chapters in the book. Anneka is eleven years old and has participated in Tour Cross Country Team, CORE Values Program, Battle of the Books, 4-H, and Running Club.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book? 

“Elle Burton and the Reflective Portals” is available in both e-book ($2.99) and soft-cover ($13.95)
at Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.  It is also available at the author’s website.
Where can readers connect with you online?

Website: http://peggymcaloon.com
Email:  [email protected]

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Fiori.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the Land of Serenity in Realm Explorers Part IX!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at [email protected] for more information.

The Jesus Diet: How the Holy Spirit Coached Me to a 50-Pound Weight Loss
By Robin Merrill

About the Book:

In The Jesus Diet: How the Holy Spirit Coached Me to a 50-Pound Weight Loss, Author/Poet Robin Merrill shares her weight loss experiences through 30 Bible devotions designed to inspire others to join her on her journey toward improved spiritual, and physical, health.


robin 12 web (2)
Robin Merrill is the author of several books, including The Jesus Diet: How the Holy Spirit Coached Me to a 50-Pound Weight Loss (30 Devotions), two collections of poetry from Moon Pie Press, and five Scholastic Book Fair books. Her poems, short stories, articles, and essays have appeared in hundreds of publications, including The Cafe Review, Ledge Magazine, Margie, Pearl, Spoon River Poetry Review, and Stolen Island Review. Three of her poems have been featured on The Writer’s Almanac with Garrison Keillor. She is a 2013 recipient of an Emerging Artist Award from St. Botolph Club Foundation of Boston. Robin is also a performance/slam poet who has competed at the national level. She has her MFA from Stonecoast and frequently leads creative writing workshops for writers of all levels.

Follow Robin Merrill
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Enter below to enter a $50 amazon gift card, sponsored by author Robin Merrill! a Rafflecopter giveaway This book blast is hosted by Crossreads. We would like to send out a special THANK YOU to all of the CrossReads book blast bloggers!

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s name: Tony Breeden

Title of book and/or series:  
The series is called Otherworld. Luckbane was published in 2013. The forthcoming sequel is called Soulbright.

Brief summary of the story:
In a dystopian future, online gaming is the ultimate escape, until one corporation offers players a chance to play their favorite sword, steam and sorcery game live and in-person on a terraformed alien world. A ragtag group of Champions has been assembled to stop the dread Firelord, last of the Dark Lords, from obtaining Godspell, an artifact so powerful that it can alter reality itself. Along the way, the players face dragons, steampunk robots, hackers, aliens and whatever perils the Gamelords think will improve their ratings, because Otherworld isn’t just a game; it’s reality TV.

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
There are actually three worlds I had to create for the Otherworld series. There’s the dark, dystopian future reality (which I unofficially think of as Realworld) controlled by the Megacorporations, where players immerse themselves in virtual reality games, like Impworld. There’s Impworld, the universe’s most popular sword, steam and sorcery game. And then there’s Otherworld, which is essentially Impworld 2.0 on a terraformed alien world. While I had to create entire histories, creatures and cultures for all three worlds, the majority of the story takes place on Otherworld [aka the continent of Wanjur on planet Tarak].

If we were to visit Otherworld as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
If you don’t do anything else, I recommend that you visit Cabon Gabrielle, City of Shields. Cabon Gabrielle itself offers a wide variety of tourist attractions. Thanks to its Sky Docks and dragonrail system, the Pearl of Olden is only a few days journey from wherever you happen to be. You can visit the Ogreball Stadium, peruse the magical artifacts in Arcanum Alley [if you can find it!], feast with the dwarves in the Mountain Hall tavern, dance with werewolves and vampyres at Club Blood, visit the griffon riders at the Royal Aerie, or take in a dragon’s-eye view of the city and its several story tall flying Shields from the top of Seneschal Tower. And don’t forget to visit the Lonely Ogre Inn while you’re there! More adventures have begun, passed through and ended at the Ogre than any other destination on the planet.

What dangers should we avoid in Otherworld?
What would be the fun in that?
In all seriousness, most of the indigenous life should be avoided at all costs. Fliers are harmless, but there’s no such things as a safe wog. Named after the late Dr. Henry Woggenstein, wogs are largely unclassifiable bug-reptiles [a tentative taxon at best] with too many teeth, eyes, tentacles, claws, pincers, etc. They’re basically everything we feared aliens would be.
One should also avoid Mot Hadrall, period. Only serious gamers brave it. It is not a place for tourists. They don’t call it the Accursed City for nothing; it boasts an 85% kill rate. Most players never even make it to the castle!
It goes without saying that venturing into a Dark Lord’s castle, a dragon’s lair or an orc village will not end well. And don’t antagonize the imps!

Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Otherworld?
Earth foods grow to fairy tale proportions in the miraculous soil of Tarak. In fact, all “normal”-sized trees on the terraformed continent of Wanjur are actually pygmy varieties of Earth plants. You can also expect to eat rabdil [elephantine rabbit/armadillo crossbreeds] meat, a standard throughout the universe ever since the gentle giants were created through genetic manipulation. Of course, Otherworld offers a wide variety of foods that are culturally specific to elves, humans, dwarves, et cetera. Just be aware of dishes which may fight back!

What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Otherworld?
Otherworld is a sword and sorcery environment with steampunk elements. Weaponry ranges from standard swords, axes, halberds, crossbows and siege engines to pistols, alchemical phials, dragonbreath cannon, walking battle platforms, and more exotic magical weapons, like gauntlets of ogrish strength, firebows and Godspell, a weapon that can alter reality itself.

What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Otherworld?
To reach Otherworld, one has to board a heilo platform and travel to a distant star system. Don’t worry; you’ll be in cryosleep during the journey and it only takes a month or so. From the Tarak system’s heilo platform, your stasis pod will be transported by solar sailor to Lunabase, orbiting the gameworld planet. Once you awaken and get over your bout of stasis sickness (sorry, it affects all living things), you can shuttle down to the Shakar Landing Field and book passage to the continent of Wanjur, but don’t forget to check out the Otherworld Zoo before you leave! There are a wide variety of ways to travel. Steampunk machines, ships that sail the skies and seas, zeppelins, dragonrails, terrestrial steeds (horses, dragonish warstriders, etc). One can also travel by magical bubble, carpet and dragonfly copter.

What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Otherworld that we don’t see on Earth?
Otherworld is filled with all manner of creatures you won’t see anywhere else outside of a movie or virtual video game. Dragons, goblyns, bugbears, minotaurs, elves, dwarves, vampyres, ophidians… the list of fantasy creatures and races goes on and on.
One of the character races unique to the Impworld/Otherworld environs are borogs. In game lore, borogs crash landed on Obsidius [the Impworld planet] during the latter part of the Third Age. Borogs are heavyworlders; being from a planet with greater gravity than the one they’ve crashed upon, they are much stronger and agile than many other races. They are divided into three people groups: Reigans rule by psionic superiority; horned Volktans are the warrior class; and Tagnars make up the slave working class. Some of the Tagnars have rebelled against their masters and found refuge amongst the Free Peoples of Obsidius.
On a similar theme, Realworld Earth has also seen the creation and rebellion of Homo adaptis, or mutants. Pantropic mutants come in several forms, depending upon where they were meant to serve. Fur-covered mutants work in arctic regions, gilled mutants farm the oceans, etc. They were created to mine near-airless Martian mines, fight our wars and basically do anything else Homo sapiens considered too low or dangerous. The War of Martian Independence and the subsequent Mutant Wars have allowed mutants to gain recognition of their basic human rights, but racial tensions are still high.
On realworld Tarak, one might encounter a strange, towering plant called the drubulb. Drubulbs are the home of the enigmatic dru, an insectoid hive that may or may not be sapient. When the continent of Wanjur was terraformed for gameplay, not even pocket nukes could remove the dru or their drubulbs, so the Gamelords have simply posted warning signs around them.

What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Otherworld?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used
The gameworld is filled with supernatural creatures, such as ghosts, wraiths, vampyres and werewolves. Some creatures are inherently magical; for example, dark-skinned, golden-eyed shadus elves can blend into shadows, glow in the dark and walk on any surface [even upside-down] at a thought. Some imps are nearly magic incarnate.

By the rules of the game, the phases of the two moons determine the level of power a spellcaster has at his disposal. Thrice annually, both Sylvanus and Ikon the Magebane wax full and a magic-user’s potential is at its peak. Unfortunately, their power drops to its lowest ebb roughly two weeks prior and following this “doubling,” making them vulnerable during this time. Spellcasters keep track of their power levels via a magical tattoo on their forearm. The sigil resembles a stylized hourglass, where the current stage of each moon was represented in its own hemisphere. In order to gain this tattoo, one takes the quidnunc, a gauntlet of challenges administered by representatives of the Magus Council to determine the spellcasters worthiness for the art. The Magus Council has governed the lawful use of magic ever since its formation during the Second Age. Those who pass are legally sanctioned to learn and practice magic. Those who fail are denied all but the meanest of spells on pain of death.

To refuse the quidnunc is to place a deathmark on one’s own head. The Magus Council keeps careful track those with budding magical abilities and sends its dread Inquisitors to hunt down renegades who chose to practice magic unmarked. Once cornered, they are given the choice to submit to the quidnunc or be executed. Inquisitors also bring magus to justice for crimes involving magic (which sometimes brings them into jurisdictional conflicts with local authorities, especially those who do not recognize the Magus Council’s authority) and those practicing the Forbidden Arts. Inquisitors are especially zealous these days, ever since a small army of largely unmarked wizards and witches had experimented with powerful, but unpredictable wyld magicks, resulting in the cataclysmic Magewar.

Non-magus can use magical artifacts. In general, all you have to do is figure out how to turn them on and then point them in the right direction.

Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Otherworld?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
The magic of Otherworld is made possible by nanites, while its creatures are largely made possible by biological robots called simulacrums, or sims. Some players opt not to play live, instead piloting avatars [basically remote-controlled sims] via nodal implants from Lunabase. The game also features a variety of steampunk technology, fueled by either soulstones, technofairies, or plain old-fashioned lowtech. To give an example, when visiting the City of Shields, one can see giant walking battlestations called Sentinels patrolling its walls, zeppelins harbored in its Sky Docks and dwarven gyrocopters buzzing through its skies.

Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Otherworld.
The most popular games within the most popular game in the universe are gladiator-type games and ogreball.
Ogreball was invented by ogres trying to train their cubs in the art of semi-organized team combat. The original version involved real weapons and a casualty rate. Several types of balls are used. Metal studded, leather clad balls are primarily used for making points. There are also a few metal or stone balls of larger size, used mostly as wicked, bone-breaking dodgeballs. Lastly, there is a large, ogre-sized wicker ball, inside of which is placed an unlucky prisoner (human, goblin, pig, etc.). Ogres were also known to use bombs and severed heads in gameplay. The rules of the ogrish game are uncertain. There are no goal posts; however, there is a large earthwork in the center. The floor of the playing pit is graded away from the earthworks, so that the balls will roll into ditches at either end of the pit. There, other ogre players collect the balls and launch them from oversized slingshots or, in the case of the wicker cage, a catapult. The object of the ogrish version is two-fold: beat the other team senseless until only your team is alive and/or conscious and beat the snot out of the wicker ball. It is pretty much a huge, rule-less battle with players using clubs to bash the balls at each other or to simply bash each other senseless, while mega-slingshot operators pummel everyone indiscriminately.
The civilized game utilizes an official court of play. The stadium is set up to resemble an ogreball pit with seats lining the tops of the perimeter of a rectangular field. Goal nets are placed at two opposite corners. A low net similar to a tennis court net halves the field, emulating the ogrish earthwork barrier. A pass exists on either side of the net. A semi-circle is marked off around the net in which only the goalie can occupy. He cannot leave this area. All players are protected with leather armor. The goalie bears a shield and his choice of either an ogreball club or racket. The guard players stay on their side of the net and are armed with ogreball clubs. Skirmishers can go anywhere on the field, except the goal zone. Skirmishers are armed with rackets. Unlike the ogrish version, players are not permitted to bludgeon each other. There are only two types of ball in play: medium sized leather-bound rubber balls and large leather-bound rubber balls. The field includes anywhere from 20 to 30 of the smaller balls, divided evenly along the sides of the net at the start of play and 2 to 4 of the larger balls, placed in the passes in even numbers. Smaller balls are worth 2 points apiece per goal. Large balls are worth five points. Play continues until the last ball has been caught in the nets, thus ending a set. A game consists of 1 to 4 sets, agreed upon beforehand. Balls which overshoot the net are tossed back into play. A standard game includes twenty 2-point balls and two 5-point balls at the start of a set. A championship game consists of thirty smaller balls and four larger balls and a large wicker cage ball [unoccupied] worth 20 points. No bombs or severed heads are utilized in the civilized version.

Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Otherworld as on earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
The days of the week are the same as they are on Earth. Tarak has two moons. The aptly-named Feast of Two Moons occurs when both moons are full, every 4 months.

Is there a particular religion practiced in Otherworld?  Please describe what it involves.
Realworld religions find their place in the game alongside fantasy dragon cults and such. Islam, Chrisianity, Judaism and Buddhism are still very much alive. Protestants and Catholics have, for the most part, unified. The Church utilizes shepherds, bishops and paladins. The Church is headed by a ruling Council.
One particular cult of note in Otherworld is Corpus Dracon, which loosely translates as the Boy of the Dragon. Each cell is led by a Locutor Draconis, or Dragon-speaker, who tells his followers the will of the coming Dragon Kings. Corpus Dracon has no tome; its ultimate authority lies with the Locutor’s word [locally] and the Grey Prophet [ultimately]. Their aim is to usher in the Age of Dragons, ruled by the Dragon Kings. It matters not one whit to these cultists that dragons are savage destructive creatures who haven’t the slightest bit of interest in governance. The Grey Prophet is a magus who conjures illusions to back up his various prophecies; his true identity is unknown.

What is the political or government structure in Otherworld?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The realworld is controlled by the Megacorporations. Only Israel and Switzerland have retained their national identities. AmeriCo controls Earth’s Western hemisphere, and thus is generally referred to as the West. EuroCorp controls Europe and northern Asia. The Islamic Confederacy ruled Afrika, the Middle East, and India. Imperial AsiaCorp, termed the East by most, owned Australia and the remainder of Asia. Each controls various interests in Antarctica and on the lunar colonies, both points of constant friction. Each blames the other for the fact that the Mars Colonies have successfully declared their independence. Everyone works for the Megacorporations or one of their various sub-companies. GameComm is a company of AmeriCo. It uses the West’s heilo wave technology to make travel to and from Tarak a possibility. The West benefits by mining Tarak’s levitanium [the element that makes hovertech possible, once only found on Mars or random asteroids] and by receiving a share of Tarak’s supercrops. GameComm uses indentured Colonists to harvest its crops and work its mines. There is growing concern that GameComm will request recognition of its separate Megacorporational status due to its Tarak holdings and due to the fact that GameComm also owns Earth Robitics Limited, the largest producer of robots in the universe. The current Vice President of Tarak Operations, and the face of GameComm for all intents and purposes, is Kenneth Gabriel. He is pompous, self-assured and ruthless in his pursuit of ratings. He lords over Tarak from his hoverthrone in Lunabase’s Command Center.

Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Otherworld?
Cultural practices vary according to the character races and kingdoms of the game. You’re going to need a handbook or a guide if you don’t want to end up tossed into a dungeon somewhere. Good luck.

Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
In general, history inspires and informs my locations, cultures, etc. Some of the battle scenes, creatures and artifacts were inspired by watching my own kids play. For example, when I attacked my youngest son with a plush spiked club [you have got to get one of these if you have boys!], he defended himself with a plush alligator. Thus Grundy the Ogre’s live alligator “club” was born. ;]

What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Luckbane doesn’t really touch on any hot-button issues, though it mentions a few I’ll likely explore later, like what it means to be human and how genetic manipulation, robot sapience, etc., might affect our views of human rights, how we practice religion, etc.
Author Tony Breeden Under Attack

Author Autobiography:

I’m from West Virginia, home of the Mothman, the Flatwoods Monster and Gray Barker, who likely invented the Men in Black. I’ve been an avid sci-fi/fantasy/steampunk/monster/comic book fan all my life and I have a wonderful wife and four adventurous boys who share my geek fandom. I credit my late aunt Sharon for giving me the writing bug; she helped me make my very first book about dinosaurs, loving illustrated in crayon. I basically write the movies in my head.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  

You can purchase Luckbaneand all of my other books in both paperback and Kindle formats at

Where can readers connect with you online?

The best way to find out more about me and my books is to visit http://TonyBreedenBooks.com or join us on Facebook at http://facebook.com/tonybreedenbooks.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Otherworld.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Fiori in Realm Explorers Part VIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at AnnieDouglassLima(at)gmail(dot)com for more information.

A themed book tour through Prism Book Tours.

Reese's Cowboy Kiss (Sweet Montana Bride Series #1)
Reese’s Cowboy Kiss
(Sweet Montana Bride #1)
by Kimberly Krey

Adult Romance
Paperback, 307 Pages
May 13th 2014 by Candle House Publishing

Texan pageant winner, Reese Taylor, has a former classmate who wants her dead. Now she must leave her friends and family to enter a protection program on Emerson Ranch. A group of good-looking cowboys awaits her, but Reese has her eye on Blake Emerson, the one man too busy with the ranch to give her a chance.

Blake Emerson has no time to go lookin’ for love. He’s got a ranch to run, positions to fill, and an ache in his heart from love gone wrong. So when he agrees to harbor a witness to help on the ranch, Blake assumes his first two problems are solved. But he never dreamed his new guest would be a woman. One he was destined to lose his heart to.

With sparks burning hot and danger around the bend, one question lingers in his mind: Has he only added to his list of troubles, or has Blake just found the woman of his dreams?

*While this book is considered clean romance, it contains passionate kissing and a few mild curse words.*

Amazon – Barnes & Noble
Other Books in the Sweet Montana Bride Series:
Jade's Cowboy Crush (Sweet Montana Bride Series #2) Cassie's Cowboy Crave (Sweet Montana Bride, #1)
Amazon                       Amazon
Barnes & Noble           Barnes & Noble

About Kimberly Krey

Image of Kimberly KreyI’m a writer of contemporary clean romance, a lover of home, family, & friends, & the ultimate hater of laundry.
A few of my favorite things: Diet Coke, Cafe Rio, and novels by Marcia Lynn McClure.

I do not go anywhere without: SoftLips Chapstick and Altoids Smalls.

~ Let’s Talk Brisket – Reese’s Recipe ~
Reese’s Cowboy Kiss Tour and $100 Giveaway with
Prism Book Tours 

In the Sweet Montana Bride Series, the Emersons like to welcome newcomers with a nice, big meal. So when Reese came with a family recipe of her own, they were thrilled to serve up the savory beef brisket. In the book I refer to it as Texan BBQ, but I always had this delicious dish in mind. It is one of my favorites, and definitely worth trying at home.
Slow-cooked Beef Brisket
Kimberly Krey
1 large beef brisket (plan on about one pound (uncooked) per person. This will result in approx. ½ pound portion sizes. *Don’t be alarmed to see it marbled with a good amount of fat. That is what makes it so tender.
1-2 tsp garlic salt
1 small bottle of liquid smoke (hickory is my favorite)
Aluminum Foil
Lay several long sheets (about 3 ½-4 feet each) of aluminum foil on counter in a criss-cross pattern, sort of like you’re creating a large foil snowflake.
Place raw (unwrapped) brisket in center and pierce several times with paring knife on both sides.
Next, generously pour liquid smoke over top and proceed to rub it into the meat. Repeat this on both sides as well. It will drip off and pool onto the foil, which is fine. That’s partially what the layers are for.
Once that’s done, sprinkle garlic salt over the entire thing and begin to wrap, flipping it over each time you seal up one layer. But first, notice which side is most fatty, and keep track – you’ll want that on top. Wrap layer by layer, until you’re down to the last one, again, assuring the fatty side is on top, and place it in a crockpot on low for approx. 8-10 hours depending on size. (Sometimes it requires a little push along the edges, or just a bit of time to reduce in size before the lid fits.) 
When done, peel away foil layers and trim off the fat. The brisket can now be sliced, but it will most likely be tender enough to simply shred away pieces with a fork and set onto a serving plate, or back into heated crockpot.
Serve this with warmed Famous Dave’s Original BBQ sauce. Sides that go well with this dish are: steak fries, BBQ beans, home made mac & cheese, fresh corn on the cob, Texas Toast, and or coleslaw.

Reese’s Cowboy Kiss is available now on kindle for just $3.99. Paperback is available too.
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Tour-Wide Giveaway

– $100 Amazon Gift Card
– Open Internationally
– Ends August 10th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Come along for the ride!
July 21 – Launch
July 22 – Kelly P’s Blog & Mary Terrani.com
July 23 – I Am A Reader
July 24 – Christy’s Cozy Corners
July 25 – Musings of ImmortalsLetters from Annie (Douglass) Lima
The Wonderings of One Person
July 27 – Wishful Endings
July 28 – Book-Marks the Spot
July 29 – Undercover Book Reviews & My Devotional Thoughts
July 30 – The Written Adventure & Sarah’s StoryLines
July 31 – Katie’s Clean Book Collection & Southern Chelle
August 1 – Bookworm Lisa & Reviews By Molly 
August 3 – Grand Finale

Prism Book Tours