About Druid Warrior Prince


Juli D. Revezzo


Druid Warrior Prince is the first novel in my historical fantasy series, Celtic Stewards Chronicles. If you haven’t been introduced to it yet, the series is about a family who owns a patch of land on which the Irish gods of the Tuatha dé Danann, their druids, and a special squad of elite warriors fight an ancient, magical battle against mythic evil for the fate of the world, every 500 years. In this first volume, entitled Druid Warrior Prince, Gwenevieve Macken, is the steward and lives in 6th Century Ireland. The progression Gwen’s up through time is why I can’t say the series is purely historical fantasy; it is, but it’s not, due to the modern setting of a later, related volume (Passion’s Sacred Dance).

For me, the combination of fantasy, history, and myth is something that has intrigued me for a long time, especially Celtic mythology. I have been studying up on it ever since I first found the Arthurian tales. A while back, I fell into Irish mythology, and have barely resurfaced since. J That’s where the world and war of the Celtic Stewards Chronicles came from. There’s a tale in the myths that says the evil god Balor one day did the unthinkable and refused hospitality to a druid of the Tuatha dé Danann. Well, the withholding of said hospitality was a major slight, in the eyes of the Celts, and so this druid did what you’d expect. He told tales of this king’s snub to his kin, and they decided to go to war with the king over it. (As I said, major slight!) That story, got me thinking, what if the war didn’t just end at the conclusion of the tale we have written down? What if Balor kept poking at his enemies, by way of threatening humanity, or otherwise causing trouble so the Tuatha dé Danann would have no choice but to defend humans from Balor’s potential destructive wrath?

That thought gave rise to a war fought every 500 years under the watchful eye of one family, as ancient Celtic wars were fought with a druid on hand to oversee it all, and from there to myCeltic Stewards Chronicles of which, Druid Warrior Prince, is on sale (and soon to be released at all Ebook vendors).

The official synopsis is as follows:

Gwenevieve Macken’s well-ordered world falls into chaos as encroaching interlopers scheme to possess both her and her land. Although she’s been trained to spot the signs of inhuman evil in men, the amassing armies take on guises she never expected.

When a foreign guardian presents himself as her only option for salvation, Gwenevieve must make a choice between her desires, and fulfilling the mythic fate to which she was born. A forced marriage to a Tuatha dé Danann warrior isn’t part of her plan.



Should you like to check it out, it’s available at Amazon, in ebook and paperback and soon to come elsewhere. And it’s on a special Kindle Countdown sale August 31, should you wish to save a few pennies. You can find it here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Warrior-Prince-Celtic-Stewards-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B076H7KRV5

The entire Celtic Stewards Chronicles can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076KK77N5

I hope you will enjoy them. And before I go, I’d like to say thank you to Annie for allowing me to come here and tell you about the series. J

Juli D. Revezzo loves fantasy and Celtic mythology and writing stories with all kinds of  fantastical elements. She is the Antique Magic paranormal mystery series and the Celtic Stewards Chronicles series as well the steampunk romances, Vesta’s Clockwork Companions, and Watchmaker’s Heart, the Gothic (fantasy) romances, Lady of the Tarot and House of Dark Envy , and many more. She is also a member of the Independent Author Network and the Magic Appreciation Tour.

To learn more about this and future releases, visit her at:


Sign up for her newsletter at: https://jdrevezzo.crazedfanboy.com/connectwme.html

Like her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julidrevezzo

or follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/julidrevezzo

See the new book trailer here: https://youtu.be/tDYzRktV3Lw

The Darkened Land
The Seven Towers Book 1
by Larry Paris
Genre: Epic Christian Allegorical Fantasy 

Separated from the world of darkness by a bottomless chasm lie the stones of light. The King has built a bridge from that world to His kingdom across the chasm to give people access once again to the stones. He has established seven cities of light and seven towers as beacons to The Darkened Land.

Seven Towers

Seven cities of might
Seven towers of light
In the land of was
And will be

Lachlaniel’s world is a world of complete darkness, but across the Godwin River there are stones of light. When he sees the light for the first time and beholds the wonder of the stones, Lachlaniel sets out for the Godwin accompanied by Ewald, the woodsman. But creatures of darkness, who hate the light and the stones, pursue them. Guided by Kesniel and protected by Velius they reach the Great City Agapay and the Bridge. The stones lie just beyond, but the quest has aroused The Great Evil.  Nameless and powerful he bends his might to crush the city and put an end to the light in his dominion. The city is now in peril.

 “Remember your city. Remember those you love. Remember your families. Remember your King, and fight with might and main this day. Remember also ‘the horse is prepared for battle, but the victory is the King’s’.” He stepped down and moved towards the massive doors. “Arm yourselves!” The doors swung open at his touch. “For King and country!!” he shouted and moved through the doors.

The Darkened Land is epic fantasy at its very best…

If you love Tolkien, you won’t want to miss this premier novel by Larry Paris”

— T.E. Bradford, Author of the Divide Series

**On Sale for only .99 cents!!**
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Larry Paris was born in 1957. He began writing in High School. He graduated from Dallas Baptist University, is a licensed minister, and resides in central Texas. He writes allegories in science fiction and fantasy. Larry is a disciple of Jesus Christ, and loves to tell stories that relate to Him and the Christian life.
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Accidentally On the Run 
An Accidental Superhero Story Book 1 
by Jes Drew 
Genre: Superhero Romantic Suspense 
Gabriel Cooper is just another cop on the NJPD- well, just another cop, except with almost psychic instincts. When those instincts lead him onto a bus to capture a hostile, he’s exposed to a mysterious bomb. Still, it seems like just another adventure he walked away from. Except that suddenly, his instinct is becoming his primary sense to keep out of trouble- and there is a lot of trouble.
Braelin Cunningham has no family, but she does have her best friend Gabe. She’ll do whatever it takes to protect him from the mysterious League of Incredible Supermen. As long as Braelin gets to be by the side of her best friend and secret crush, she’ll do it. Even if it means going on the run when more than the League get interested with Gabe’s newfound abilities.
On the run together, it seems like no matter where they turn, danger is there. When it comes to having superpowers, apparently, you can run- but you can’t hide. 
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Jes Drew is the author of the Ninja and Hunter trilogy, the Howling Twenty trilogy, the Kristian Clark saga, the Castaways trilogy, and Mind of Darkness. She lives with her mom, dad, younger sister, four younger brothers, and two dogs, obsessing about her true love, Captain Steve Rogers. There is a possibility that she may or may not be a superhuman, but she hasn’t discovered her powers. Yet. Also, she might be a spy, but that’s classified. 
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Two holographic stickers, an ebook copy of The Time I Saved the Day (another one of my books), and a five-dollar Amazon gift card 
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Curious About Owls 
Curious Kids Series Volume 1 
by Chelsea Falin 
Genre: Children’s Picture Fact Book 
Welcome to the first volume of the ‘Curious Kids Series’! Kids are naturally curious about the world around them. These series aims to help fill that curiosity and teach them about the world around them. With bright, colorful pictures and simply written facts, the ‘Curious Kids Series’ is exactly what parents are looking to fill those bookshelf spaces!
In this first volume, we explore owls. Why don’t you see them during the day? How do they eat their food if they don’t have teeth? Do they all live in trees? All the questions your kids have… answered!
Do you have a topic you’d like the series to cover? Send an email to the address inside the book! Suggest a topic that gets chosen and receive a free copy of the book! We want to write the stuff parents want their kids to read! 
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Curious About Wolves 
Curious Kids Series Volume 2 
Welcome to the another volume of the ‘Curious Kids Series’! Kids are naturally curious about the world around them. These series aims to help fill that curiosity and teach them about the world around them. With bright, colorful pictures and simply written facts, the ‘Curious Kids Series’ is exactly what parents are looking to fill those bookshelf spaces!
In this volume, we explore wolves. Why do wolves look a lot like dogs? Do wolves have families? Where do wolves live? All the questions your kids have… answered!
Do you have a topic you’d like the series to cover? Send an email to the address inside the book! Suggest a topic that gets chosen and receive a free copy of the book! We want to write the stuff parents want their kids to read! 
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Curious Kids Gives Back Book Program: 
I believe all children deserve to be Curious Kids, and that’s why I’m implementing a BRAND NEW PROGRAM to help support literacy in local and at-risk children! As part of The Curious Kids Gives Back Book Program, I’ll be donating a paperback to a local or at-risk child for every ten paperbacks sold! 
Millions of children are eligible for the CURIOUS KIDS GIVES BACK BOOK PROGRAM! If your child is between the ages of birth and twelve and either (A) lives in one of the six designated local areas [see below, (B) attends a Title I Funded School District, (C) lives on a state or federally-recognized reservation, or (D) lives in a rural area with a population of less than 100, they’re eligible! We’ll be expanding eligibility requirements as time continues! 
Current designated local areas:
Cape May and Cumberland Counties in New Jersey
Pasco and Hernando Counties in Florida
Fayette and Calhoun Counties in West Virginia 
How can you support the literacy program? Simple! Buy your children any of the Curious Kids Series (more coming soon) and the rest is taken care of! 
Want to sign a child up for the give back program? Just fill out this simple form: 
Chelsea Falin is the self published author of 21 current titles, including five contemporary fiction novels. She is, as always, working on her newest title.
Chelsea was born and raised in the small town of Dade City, located in west-central Florida. Currently, she resides in southern New Jersey. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, fishing, hiking, biking, traveling, and spending time with her friends or family. 
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The City That Barks and Roars 
by J.T. Bird 
Genre: Mystery Fiction 
Animals rule the world
They hit cafes for breakfast then nine to five at the office, and fritter away evenings at jazz clubs. 
But paradise is still a distant dream, for there are devils amongst the angels.
Lucas Panda is missing; clues on the riverbank suggest he was probably kidnapped. Enter Frank. Who else you gonna call? Hard-boiled penguin and the finest detective in town. And meet his new partner, Detective Chico Monkey – yeah, the wisecrackin’ kid with all the snappy suits. But the stakes have been raised; three more creatures are missing and the citizens of Noah’s Kingdom are faced with possible extinction. Can the grouchy bird and plucky young ape save the city from doom? Or, will evil prevail and escape the claws of justice?
‘Animal noir’ peppered with plenty of humour; this thrilling debut novel from award-winning comedian JT Bird is an intriguing blend of Jungle Book and Chinatown (Zootopia for grown-ups?! Watership Down with Fedoras!?) – perfect for fans of animal fiction, or mysteries, adventure and crime. A gripping yarn, packed with weird and wonderful creatures, for youngsters and adults alike (or anyone who’s crying out for anthropomorphic detectives!!) 
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J T Bird is an award-winning stand-up comedian from North London, where he lives with his wife and child. His humble abode sits neatly between the former homes of HG Wells and Robert Louis Stevenson…so there’s no pressure to write something utterly successful and wonderful.
Bird was actually ‘The Chosen One’ that prophets foresaw would rescue the world from all the powers of darkness – however, he opted for a career as a clown and author instead…
Another little known fact – his father was sent from the future to protect him from an android assassin, and his mother’s possessed by a demon – but hey, we all have family issues right?! 
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$25 Amazon ,E-book of The City That Barks And Roars 
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The Journey of Bell
A True Depiction of Obedience to Christ 
by Merideth Deeds 
Genre: Nonfiction, Pet Memoir 
For thirteen years, my beloved Bell loved me unconditionally. Through the many challenges of life that I faced, she was always there by my side with unwavering loyalty and dedication. Her obedience to me is a beautiful depiction of how we, as Christians, should strive to please the Lord who is our master in Heaven. God’s Word ensures us that all good things come from above, and I think that includes our four-legged angels on Earth who love and honor their masters so fiercely and bring us so much joy. 
**Only .99 cents ** 
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I am a native of Texas, born and raised in a small town. I graduated from Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas in 2008 with a Bachelor’s degree and from Tarleton State University in 2019 with a Master’s in English and Curriculum. I currently am a full time teacher, mother, and wife.
God has put writing on my heart in order to inspire and encourage others that are currently or have experienced similar tribulations in life. My hope is that my stories will give others hope and comfort through the trials they face throughout their lives.
My first story, Lonely Road of Faith, is inspired by real-life events and me and my husband’s broken paths that eventually led back to each other and to God. 
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It’s Not Over 
Eva Rae Thomas Mystery Book 6 
by Willow Rose 
Genre: Mystery, Thriller 
Former FBI-profiler Eva Rae Thomas is back in a heart-pounding novel of suspense. It’s so shocking it’ll have you sleeping with your lights on. 
Peter and Mary Marshall went on a vacation with their son and daughter but returned without their children. They went missing from their hotel room one night while the couple was downstairs in the restaurant for dinner. 
They never saw them again. 
Ten years later, the Marshalls have put the murder of their children behind them, moved to a different state, and had another child, a son. 
When he disappears during a vacation trip to Florida, the parents are suddenly in the limelight again. Public opinion seems to be that this can be no coincidence. These things don’t happen twice to the same people, do they? 
Former FBI-profiler, Eva Rae Thomas is doing well in her life, and things are calm until an FBI agent suddenly shows up, asking for her help with the case of the missing child. 
The kidnapper seems to have a message for Eva Rae since she was the one who supposedly solved the case ten years ago. 
As she digs into the disappearance of the boy, racing to save the child’s life, she realizes this psychopathic killer lurking in the shadows has unfinished business, and he’s not stopping till his debt is paid in full. 
IT’S NOT OVER is the sixth book in the Eva Rae Thomas Mystery Series. 
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Check out the rest of the series here! 
The Eva Rae Thomas Mystery Series 
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The Queen of Scream aka Willow Rose is a #1 Amazon Best-selling Author and an Amazon ALL-star Author of more than 60 novels.
She writes Mystery, Thriller, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense, Horror, Supernatural thrillers, and Fantasy.
Willow’s books are fast-paced, nail-biting pageturners with twists you won’t see coming. Several of her books have reached the Kindle top 10 of ALL books in the US, UK, and Canada. She has sold more than three million books.
Willow lives on Florida’s Space Coast with her husband and two daughters. When she is not writing or reading, you will find her surfing and watch the dolphins play in the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. 
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The Art of Short Story and Novella Writing 
Savvy Writer’s Book #2 
By Kim Knight 
Genre: Self-Help, Writing, Nonfiction 
Compared to novel writing, short stories and novellas need special and different skills that every writer should master. Readers love shorter stories! From Kim Knight, the award-winning and number #1 best-selling author of 365 Days of Writing Prompts for Romance writers, The Art of Short Story and Novella Writing writer’s reference is perfect for both seasoned and aspiring writers of all genres. The Art of Short Story and Novella Writing will help you perfect, sharpen, and increase your skills and abilities when writing engaging shorter stories, novellas, or novelettes for both stand-alone and series stories. With detailed and practical steps, the sole aim of this guide is to help writers confidently write within a high demand and well-paid market. With easy-to-engage-with chapters, discover the practical art of short story and novella writing. The Art of Short Story and Novella Writing includes practical exercises to help you master the skills to write your next series of stories: 
•Story-telling styles for short stories: how and why it should differentiate from novel writing. 
•Character development with limited word count. 
•Strengthening themes and plots with limited word count. 
•Where and how to start a shorter story to capture reader’s attention. 
•Creating compelling stories with peaks and satisfying endings for readers, with a small word count. 
•Learn about the market, paid writing contests, and where to submit shorter stories. 
Each chapter has a dedicated writing space for every practical exercise, and for plotting your ideas and characters. Writing compelling shorter stories with meaning, and well developed characters is not easy! But, with The Art of Short Story and Novella Writing, you will ramp up your skills set and become a master of the technique. Note: the paperback will allow writers to make notes, carry out the exercises, and throw away the hundreds of notepads us writers have sitting around. 
Available in e-book ( $2.99) and paperback ($5.99) , audio version on its way! 
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Kim was born in 1983 and from London in the UK. She’s a mother to a beautiful little boy, and a proud award-winning author (awarded Best Romance 2017 for A Stranger in France), and #1 Best-Selling Author (365 Days of Writing Prompts for Romance Writers). She’s also a contribution writer at Aspiring Authors Magazine LLC. Kim started her journey as a traditionally published author and later dived into self-publishing also.
As a reader she’s head over heels in love with romance, historical fiction, crime fiction, African- American, suspense and thriller genre books. As a writer, Kim enjoys creating stories with a diverse and multi-cultural line up, within the romance, romantic suspense and general thriller and crime genres. When she’s not reading, or writing stories of her own her other passions include practising her French, astrology, fashion, make-up artistry, drawing, spending time at her sewing machine dressmaking, watching make -up and beauty tutorials on YouTube, letter writing and being a mum.
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The Call of the Lorica Book 1 
by Anne C. Miles 
Genre: Fantasy 
Two Worlds. One Fate.
A bard. A wizard…and a college student from Kentucky.
Sara Moore is having crazy dreams. Gryphon and dragon crazy.
The scary part? Waking up, with scratches and splinters. Is she losing it because of stress? Her twin sister is in a coma. One more unfinished sculpture will fully tank her grades. Goodbye bachelor’s degree, hello failure.
It’s enough to make anyone sleepwalk.
Choosing to defy the Conclave, Trystan risks capture and mind control to find a magical lute through a shadow network. Dane meets a sinister stranger and barely escapes with his life. Together, guided by a fae only known as Sara, they will end an ancient curse…or die trying.
“A richly conceived fantasy with a grand emotional payoff.” -Kirkus Reviews 
**On Sale for only $1.99 Aug 1st and later!!** 
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Book Trailer 
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awYWsyVByBk]

Anne C. Miles, an award-winning author, was born in Chicago Heights, Illinois in 1971. She successfully avoided writing fiction for years by blogging and extensive journaling. However, one day, she logged into a writing site and scribbled. She kept going, and now cannot stop. Her book, Sorrowfish, was named Best Fantasy of 2019 by Indies Today. A chapter within the second book (not yet published) won an honorable mention from the Writers of the Future contest in 2020.
Anne designs and builds websites with her husband and enjoys video games. She was confirmed in the Anglican Church (ACNA, High Anglican) in 2016. When Anne isn’t working or writing, she plays violin badly and spoils her grandchildren.
She is hard at work on the next book of her series, The Call of the Lorica. 
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Android’s Daughter 
by Marshal Northrup 
Genre: Science Fiction 
A beautiful android steals a baby. 
Andrea is an assassin who lives in a floating city.
When on the job, she decides to steal a baby. With
the help from a friend, she raises the child to the age
of training. But nothing is what it seems, and the true test begins. 
If you like to read good science fiction and laugh, then you will want to read Android’s Daughter. 
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I live in Northeastern Oklahoma with my wife. I love to write science fiction because you’re writing about things that may be possible. 
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