On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Read along with us on the EXCERPT TOUR for 
the third book in the YA/NA Urban Fantasy Descendants Series:

Reign of Shadows
By Melissa Wright

Chapter One
Heat pulsed through the warehouse, liquid fire pushed by some unseen force. Metal screamed and block crumbled, tearing away every protection she had from the gale. But it was not the light of fire that accompanied the wind, not the brightness of a flame. It was dark beneath the haze of fog.
It was a shadow.
Brianna jolted awake, sitting up to find the darkness of her room. It was there again, that urge to fight and the impulse to run, but she forced it down, not allowing herself to be afraid. Not even conceding to the desire to click on the bedside lamp. She took two deep breaths, committing the details to memory: the tang of metal in her mouth, the sulfur that hung on the too-hot wind, and the sound beneath the screeching, that steady beat of footsteps heading toward her.
Quiet laughter floated in from the front room and she closed her eyes, willing the calm back before pulling her feet over the edge of the mattress and onto the plush carpeting of her Council bedroom floor. It would be her sister outside. And her Logan.
She ran a hand over her face. They didn’t understand. As far as anyone knew, it was all over. The terror they’d faced with Morgan, with the prophecy, all of it gone. But in less than a day since waking from that affair, the aftermath not even cleared away, she’d begun having the new visions.
The real ones.
She shuffled across the floor in darkness, hand held out to catch the edge of the dresser, purposely not thinking about why her mind had labeled them as such, not allowing herself to panic at the ideas that had flooded her in the last hours. She would work through them, but it would have to be one thing at a time. Brianna reached up, blindly feeling for the switch that would illuminate the washroom, and flinched at the sight of her reflection, the glimpse of something as it flashed in the too-green eyes staring back at her.
One thing at a time, she reminded herself, feeling the heat pulse through her fingertips, the skin prickle the length of her arm. Brianna pulled her hair back into a ponytail to splash her face with water, barely sparing another glance at her reflection before sliding into a pair of borrowed jeans and leaving the darkness of the bedroom to join the others.

July Tour Schedule:

23 – Launch

Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima
My Life, Loves and Passion
Kelly P’s Blog
Musings of Immortals

Book n Blog

Christy’s Cozy Corners
Mythical Books

Book-Marks the Spot
Simplistic Reviews

Nocturnal Predators Reviews
Katie’s Clean Book Collection
Mary Terrani.com

My Devotional Thoughts

The Wonderings of One Person

The Written Adventure

Dalene’s Book Reviews
Deal Sharing Aunt

The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club

30 – Release-Day Blitz

Reign of Shadows
(Descendants #3)
By Melissa Wright

Brianna can see her future, but itís the past that haunts her. Plans laid in place centuries ago are threatening not only her and her sister, but all of the Seven Lines. As the shadows plot their way to old rule, the visions shift again. Her power has led to some hard choicesóand the occasional stab woundóbut this set of futures holds nothing but darkness.

Unable to bear the idea of losing the footing they’ve so recently gained, she turns the soldiers of the Seven. But with shadows hidden among the ranks, can she overcome the path they’ve set in place, or is she blindly following their lead?

More About the Descendants Series and the Author

What is your motivation behind this series?
The idea for the Descendants Series came to me while writing the Frey Saga. I was toying with Frey’s powers and the thought of that talent in the current world, the ability to use mind control on humans, really inspired me. I made a few notes, but once the first paragraphs were down, the story took root and I couldn’t help but keep going. One of the most enjoyable aspects was Aern’s laid back style playing off Emily’s fierce and stubborn attitude toward their situation. As a writer, it was great fun.

Why did you want to write it? 
It was nice to change up the style in such a dramatic way. I’d been writing swords and castles, so being able to use a cell phone and sarcasm was kind of a relief. The Descendants Series is certainly more fast paced and action driven, but perhaps the scariest change for my part was writing the first book from a male lead’s point of view. And scaring yourself sometimes is a good thing. There was never a dull moment writing Aern.

What do you hope readers will take with them when they read this last book in the series? 
To me, things really come full circle with the characters, their relationships, and the dilemma of facing their lot in life. I think they’ve learned a lot, they’ve definitely been through some trials, but it was nice to give them that sense of understanding and the chance to see how things truly are. They had to either accept it or fight to the end, but it was nice to give them the choice.

Do you have a favorite scene? 
I actually surprised myself with this one, because Brianna and Logan had some tender moments that really had them taking over the spot for my favorite couple in the series. When she’s showing him her power and plainly stalling, then he takes her hand and tells her it will be okay, talks about Saturday mornings … yeah, that.

Share something about you that is unique – maybe about how/where you write… or favorite snack foods? 

I listen to a lot of audiobooks, so sometimes when I’m writing it’s as if I can hear the characters’ voices in my head. I tend to just let that “voice” talk through the scene, fingers clicking furiously across the keys, and when I’m really in the zone I don’t always realize exactly what I’ve written. This sounds bizarre, and it probably is, but when I go back and proofread later, I find myself laughing out loud at some of the things that character said — because it doesn’t seem like something I’d write – Ever.

So maybe I should have just said I love chocolate almonds 😉

The other books in the Descendants Series

Shifting Fate (Descendants Series, #2)Shifting Fate
(Descendants #2)
by Melissa Wright

According to prophecy, Brianna Drake was born to save the world. The trouble is, she doesn’t have the slightest idea how. Her visions should have given her the answer, but theyíre beginning to shift, making the danger too unpredictable, even for a prophet.

If she can just help her sister restore their hidden powers, she might be able to stop whatís coming. But an old enemy returns, and heís got plans for Brianna and her visions.

What neither of them knows is that fate has given a stranger one chance to find her. He was trained to protect the chosenóbut if he fails, the future will crumble.

Shifting Fate is the second book in the Descendants Series (following Bound by Prophecy) and focuses on Brianna and Logan.

There is a teaser posted here and the first chapter posted here, but beware, it’s full of spoilers from the first book.

Purchase from Amazon , Barnes and Noble, and the Book Depository. Can also purchase in audio at iTunes and Audible.

Bound by Prophecy

(Descendants #1)
by Melissa Wright

Twenty-two-year-old Aern is done watching his brother destroy the only thing that matters. He never wanted to take Morganís place among council, never wanted to rule their hidden world. But when the key to the prophecy is found, a young girl named Brianna whom Morgan will destroy, Aern knows he has to take action.

What he really wants, is for things to go back to normal. But now heís kidnapped a girl, and his brotherís men are after him. His only hope is to join with the Division, but they have plans of their own, and itís the last thing Aern is willing to do.

Emily just wants her sister back. She doesn’t care about the prophecy, or realize whatís at stake. But when she goes after Aern, the truth of the matter uncoils, and Brianna isn’t the only one whoís in danger.

Suddenly, theyíre at the center of a secret war, and unless they can work together, theyíll both have a sacrifice too big to make.

You can read an excerpt of Bound by Prophecy here.

Get the ebook for FREE on Nook and Kindle. Can also purchase from the Book Depository, and in audio at iTunes and Audible.

About the Author

Melissa Wright is the author of the Frey Saga and the new Descendants series. Melissa spends her time working on novels, but when not writing she can be found on Goodreads and Pinterest.

Website – Blog – Goodreads – Twitter – Pinterest – Google+

Tour-Wide Giveaway

Grand Prize: $15 Amazon Gift Card and ebook copies of all three Descendants’ books
3 – ebook copies Shifting Fate or Reign of Shadows (winner’s choice)
Open internationally
Ends August 7th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s name: Krystine Kercher

Title of book and/or series:
The series is Legends of Astarkand; the books are A Shadow On The Land (#1); King’s Ride (#2); and Eiathan’s Heir (#3). I plan to add another couple of books before the series is wrapped up.
Brief summary of the story:
Wary of the mysterious tenders of lake and stream, terrified of the immortal prince Vodan’s plagues and storms, and alienated from the Dreamsender by their efforts to appease Vodan, Kandians seek a deliverer. A five-hundred-year-old prophecy brought Bjorn Horsa north over steep mountain passes to confront Vodan. Before he can be anyone’s deliverer, he must first take up the mantle of Eiathan’s Heir and ascend the throne of Astarkand.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Isolated by high mountains to the south and west, and the ocean to the east, the kingdom of Astarkand is located in a northern temperate zone with long, heavy winters and cooler summers. While vast tracts of forest still cover less accessible parts of kingdom, Astarkand is known more for its rich, rolling hills of farmland and several volcanos.
If we were to visit Astarkand as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
There is a lot to do in Astarkand! You can visit Lake Bleuet and sing with the mermaids, or camp in the giant’s ruins near Braskfut to view the firebirds as they perform their nightly dance. Climbing Mt. Brask is a suitably hazardous adventure to excite any adventurer! No one living now in Astarkand has ever seen the top because it’s covered year-round in clouds.

Be sure to pay your respects to the king at Hearthing Castle. If you’re very fortunate, he might even invite you to go boar hunting with him in the forests between Hearthing and Hardeburg.

Map of Astarkand

What dangers should we avoid in Astarkand?

Don’t go swimming in Lake Bleuet or the Limbler River! The water is extremely cold, and you can die from hypothermia, even in high summer.
Mermaids are always on the lookout for likely husbands. If you have a mishap at sea and a mermaid rescues you, men, be prepared to never see dry land again! Women, you’re on your own…
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Astarkand?
The head baker at Hearthing Castle makes an excellent pigeon pie, but you’ll have to ask him to remove the feet before he puts the pigeons in.
If you prefer haggis and mead instead, pay a visit to Earl Moggan! He’ll fix you up.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Astarkand?
Knights in Astarkand wear a combination of steel plate armor and chain mail, and prefer long, one-handed swords that they can swing while holding a shield. They also armor their horses.
Downsmen like Ernie Hay O’Dell rarely go toe-to-toe with an enemy, preferring to strike from ambush. They excel in martial arts, dueling, and archery, and wear only boiled leather as protection.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Astarkand?
Kandians use horses, boats, and their own feet to get around. While they also use wagons for transporting goods, even the high roads maintained by the king are quite bumpy. Many bridges in Astarkand wash out every spring. Kandians have adapted by using ferries at major crossings.
Mermaids use selkies in their cities the way Kandians use horses. They also catch rides with dolphins and larger fish and water mammals when necessary.
The Perfect rarely use any conveyance other than their feet or their portals.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Astarkand that we don’t see on Earth?
a mermaid in Astarkand
Other sentient races you might encounter in Astarkand are: the Perfect (Kandians call them elves, but they aren’t); mermaids, possibly even giants.
White firebirdshave become very rare and found now only on Brask Mountain. Firebird feathers fluoresce when they’re exposed to fast-moving air, as when the firebirds chase moths at night. The resulting light can be painfully bright.

Fleuders are everywhere, and multiply like vermin. Fleuders look like very hairy, brownish-gold cacti on six stubby legs, and make a grinding sound when agitated. Their mouths are located on their underside between their legs. They also tend to shed, and some people are allergic to fleuder hair.

Fleuders eat decaying vegetation and prefer to live under or near the northern cabbage palm; a large clump-forming wild plant with cabbage-shaped tops with large leaves that shade from white through pink to purple as they age. In winter, the top of a cabbage palm sheds its loose outer leaves, leaving behind a tightly furled tulip-shaped center. Gardeners cultivate the cabbage palm for its beauty, but farmers try to keep it out of their fields.

While not living in Astarkand itself, but confined in a narrow mountain valley to the south, there is also a large, fire-breathing dragon.

Other creatures sometimes found in or near Astarkand: black squirrels, wolverines, dire wolves, and gar cats.

What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Astarkand?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used:
Most Kandians believe that magic is an elf-gift and cursed, but Woden’s priests do small magics such as summoning or contacting their master. They call their master Woden, but his real name is Vodan.
The Immortal Vodan can control the weather. He’s especially talented with ice and storms, but he can also create plagues. His lady-wife, Ashielle, is the ultimate green thumb. If it is possible, she can make a plant do it!  Vodan and Ashielle’s daughter Gunhild is a sorceress who shapeshifts. She is also adept at using and curing poisons, and crafts new creatures out of human and animal flesh.
Mermaids are believed to have magical powers, but they instead rely on the Dreamsender for provision and protection from Vodan’s terrible schemes. Their ability to be half fish in the water, and their uncanny voices and wild beauty are due to Gunhild’s unethical tinkering with their genes.
Gunhild is also to blame for the race of giants and for the creation of fleuders.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Astarkand?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Vodan’s scrying bowl, which he uses to spy on Kandians, and the portals the Perfect use to transport themselves across long distances. Humans have difficulty seeing the permanent portals, although they can sometimes fall into them and be swept away. Most of the portals used in these stories are temporary.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Astarkand.
Kandian men like to test each other’s mettle at tourneys with sword duels, wrestling, racing, and jousts, but they also enjoy dancing with the ladies, hunting with hawks or dogs, and most other medieval forms of entertainment. Everyone in Astarkand is fond of music! Troubadours and bards are welcomed into every tavern and house, from the humblest hovel to the king’s castle.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Astarkand as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Astarkand’s calendar year is pretty close to our own, however they measure time differently, in New Kandian Reckoning (NKR) years instead of so many years A.D.
Kandians celebrate the turning of the seasons: the first blade of spring, the summer flowering, harvest, Yuletide, and the new year. They also throw parties when electing their mayors and city council, at weekly markets, and summer fairs. Depending on the social importance of the people involved, birthdays, weddings, and funerals can also be a cause for celebration.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Astarkand?  Please describe what it involves.
Bjorn Horsa and his men celebrate the religious holidays on the church calendar, but they weren’t raised in Kandia, where believers have been persecuted for five hundred years.
The average Kandian was raised sacrificing to Vodan on Woden’s Day; to Ashielle when they plant and harvest their fields, and when they sit down to eat; and to Gunhild when an unexplained death occurs. Everyone in Astarkand fears Woden’s priests, who demand harsh sacrifices, even human lives.
What is the political or government structure in Astarkand?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Astarkand has been ruled since its founding by a succession of kings. The country began as a constitutional monarchy but has devolved to become feudal in structure.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Astarkand?
It is okay to wipe your mouth on the tablecloth and to eat your ‘trencher’ if you’re a commoner (trenchers are made out of flatbread). Be sure to bring your own cutlery with you whatever your rank, because no one will lend you their personal set, and you might wind up eating with your fingers.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
The rolling hills of Astarkand’s central provinces remind me of places I knew in my childhood; and the tangled scrub forest along the Joompsbette River reminds me of the peaty swamps and bottomland along streams in South Carolina.
Eating with your fingers is an acceptable practice in parts of Asia, just as it is sometimes in Astarkand.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
The ecological cost of deforestation, and the grim realities and abuses inherent in a feudal society where those at the top hold all the power and those at the bottom are powerless and at their mercy.

Author Autobiography:

Krystine Kercher is a former MK (missionary kid) from West Papua, Indonesia, where she grew up having lots of adventures with her friends in the expat and local communities. Now she writes fantasy and science fiction from a Christian perspective while sharing her love of adventure with her readers!

Krystine is also a mother to two children who like to read her books. She loves her tuxedo cat, Shelah, who is by turns naughty and affectionate. She also loves gardening, sewing, and creating artwork using a variety of media.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)? 

Find A Shadow On The Land (book 1) on Amazon,  Smashwords,  Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, and Inkbok.

Find King’s Ride (book 2) on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble,  iTunes, Kobo, and Inkbok.

Find Eiathan’s Heir (book 3) on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble,  iTunes, Kobo, and Inkbok.

Where can readers connect with you online? 

Check out my author website, and connect with me on Goodreads, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, and Twitter.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Astarkand.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy land of Otherworld, in Realm Explorers Part VII!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at [email protected] for more information.

Winter in the Soul by Jennifer Novotney

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX5yYhX7lwQ
In a world divided by power and greed, seventeen-year-old Lilika harbors an intense desire to return to Winter in the Soul, the place her family left to escape the darkness that was manifesting from a coldness of the soul.
When she meets Talon, their connection is evident right from the start, and together they travel through the Black Kingdom to recover Lilika’s stolen locket. And in search of an answer to the mystery behind Winter in the Soul.
Lilika holds the key to stopping the darkness from spreading. The fate of their world lies in her hands. Will she stop the Black Kingdom before its darkness overtakes them all, or will they succumb to the darkness that is spreading across the land?
Author Bio:
Jennifer Novotney was born in Burbank, California and lived in Los Angeles for most of her life until settling in North Eastern Pennsylvania with her husband and daughter. She attended California State University, earning a bachelors degree in journalism, and Northern Arizona University, earning a masters degree in English. After college, she spent several years writing and teaching, including at Pennsylvania State University.
Website: www.jennifernovotney.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jennovotney
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jen.novotney
Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20869515-winter-in-the-soul
Anaiah Press: http://www.anaiahpress.com
Interview with the Author

Question: What do you think prepared you or qualifies you to write in your chosen genre?

Answer: I think fiction is one of those genres where writers don’t necessarily need classical preparation in order to succeed. That said, I do have a Master’s Degree in English, which definitely helped. The other preparation really included a lot of hard work and practice. Fiction writing takes a willingness to work at your craft and improve your storytelling.
Question: Tell us a little about your “real” (non-writing) life — family, job, church life. Does it give you inspiration for your writing? Does it get in the way of your writing, or are there times when you get help from people or circumstances?
Answer: In my non-writing life, I’m an English teacher, wife, and mother. Teaching gives me so much inspiration for my writing because I am with young adults all day long. I get to experience the world through their eyes and discover what makes them tick. Life does sometimes get in the way of my writing due to time. Sometimes, there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done, but I’m very tenacious and usually manage to hit my writing goals regardless of what life throws at me.
Question: Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing? 
Answer: I’m very active and love exercising. I go swimming with my daughter several times each week and walking with a friend through my development. It’s fun to be social and get exercise at the same time. I read all kinds of books, both fiction and non-fiction. I enjoy spending quality time with my husband and daughter. I also like to cook and bake. There’s usually a fresh batch of banana bread in our house.
Question: Tell us about working with any people who help you create your books — do you use beta readers? Hire an editor or proofreader? How do you get your covers?
Answer: Working with Anaiah Press on my book has been amazing. I went through several levels of editing before the final product was ready for readers. I worked with editors from Anaiah on developmental, content, and line edits before the final read through and I think it shows in the quality of my book, Winter in the Soul. Anaiah also designed the fantastic cover and layout.
Question: Have you done anything writing-related, but besides actually writing your books, that seemed to get a lot of positive response? Something that encouraged you?
Answer: I’ve always been good at writing in school. I think that’s why I became an English teacher in the first place. My bachelor’s degree is in Journalism, and I excelled in that style of writing as well, but just didn’t see myself in that career. Academic writing has always been a strong suit of mine and I was constantly encouraged by my teachers and professors to become a teacher myself.
Question: What is the “message” of your writing? (For example, is your purpose to encourage old-fashioned values, encourage romance, or do you have different purposes in different books?)
Answer: I think the main message of my writing is to inspire readers. I love reading books with an encouraging or inspirational message and I wanted to create fiction that had the same effect on readers. In my own life, I’ve had to motivate myself on many occasions that the path I was taking was the right one or that I would succeed with hard work. I’m largely inspired from within and my writing organically translates that message of inspiration to my readers.
Question: Tell us one place you visited or person you met, that made a big impression on you, and why.
Answer: I got the chance to meet a New York Times number one best selling author. She gave me some great advice. She said that she’s always promoting a book, editing another book, and writing a third book at any one time. That put things into perspective for me of how much work and time becoming a successful writer really takes. I could tell that she really loved it too. She loves her fans, her books, and the whole process. That made a big impression on me because I saw first hand how she made it work.
Question: Share something that’s amazing, touching, or that makes you angry.
Answer: Getting a book published is no easy feat. They romanticize it in the movies for sure. I’d read so many stories of authors being discovered and having their work gain so much success, but it is definitely not an easy road. When Anaiah Press offered me a contract for Winter in the Soul, it was literally a dream come true. I’d wanted to be a published novelist for as long as I can remember and to have that dream realized was like no other feeling in the world.
Question: How many books do you have out?  Are you planning a specific number altogether, either in this series or separately?
Answer: Winter in the Soulis my debut novel. It’s a young adult fantasy and we are planning for it to be a series. I’m working on the sequel, but I don’t have a set number of books I plan to write for this series. I think the possibilities are endless with the characters and their world. I also have other projects in the works and plan on writing for a very long time, so I don’t necessarily have a set number of books I’d like to write. I’ll keep writing as long as the ideas come to me.
Question: What are your future projects?
Answer: I’m working on a few projects now in several different stages. I have a young adult novel that I’ve just completed. I also have an idea for an inspirational nonfiction book I’m going to start next month. I constantly have new ideas and am working on several different writing projects at any one time. Winter in the Soul will always hold a special place in my heart because it was my first novel and the work that connected me with Anaiah Press. 

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/winter-in-the-soul/id898049246?mt=11

Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00LT8DMV6


Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/452937
includes 5 autographed posters and 5 keychains

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A Nation Under JudgmentBy Richard Capriola

About the Book:

A Nation Under Judgment defines wisdom as “the ability to see things from God’s point of view.” It reviews our nation’s social polices, including hunger, poverty, the environment, marriage, and homelessness, as well as others, from a Scriptural point of view. It empowers readers to consider if our nation is moving away from being One Nation Under God.


Rick Photo Jpeg
Richard Capriola spent many years as a hospital chaplain. He completed four years of Clinical Pastoral Education in preparation for becoming a chaplain. In addition to his pastoral care experience, he has served as a ministry outreach leader for a Midwestern church and has been a mental health counselor at both a regional crisis center and psychiatric hospital.

Follow Richard CapriolaWebsite

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Enter below to enter a $50 amazon gift card, sponsored by author Richard Capriola! a Rafflecopter giveaway This book blast is hosted by Crossreads. We would like to send out a special THANK YOU to all of the CrossReads book blast bloggers!

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s name:  Laura VanArendonk Baugh
Title of book and/or series:
The Kitsune Talesseries includes so far Kitsune-Tsuki, Kitsune-Mochi, and “The Lonely Frost” (appearing in Specter Spectacular and Weird and Wondrous Work later in 2014). Another novel is quite likely!
Brief summary of the story:
In Kitsune-Tsuki, we meet Tsurugu, an onmyouji who has been hired by the warlord to protect his new bride from a kitsune, or shape-shifting fox spirit, which is rumored to be near. The question is, how does one find a shape-shifter who may not even exist?
Kitsune-Mochifollows Tsurugu-sama and many of the characters into a new threat, as supernatural forces threaten Kaede-dono’s life with the warlord in a wholly new and very real way.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
This is Not-Japan of the Heian-Kamakura transition, roughly AD 1200. I have winked and called it “Not-Japan” because I took a few liberties to make some aspects more accessible for readers or to fudge a couple of historical facets closer together, but it’s fairly close to the historical culture.
Naka no Yoritomo is a daimyou, or warlord, subject to the shogun and fighting quiet battles of influence with other daimyou. Tsurugu Kiyomori is a talented onmyouji, which was actually a court position in the Heian era, a mystic practitioner responsible not only for supernatural protection but divination and calendar-keeping. All the supernatural elements in the story – the shape-shifting kitsune, music-loving tanuki, strong water-dwelling kappa, and more – are authentic Japanese folkloric elements popular for centuries of storytelling.
If we were to visit Naka-dono’s home as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
First of all, be very polite. Manners and accomplishment are everything in this society, and a beautiful girl’s marriage chances or a man’s political career can be spoiled by sloppy handwriting. Poetry is exchanged to settle everything from courtship to politics, and the quality of a poem can make or break one’s career. Speak carefully and with great consideration.
That said, this era produced poetry which has been honored for centuries, so take the time to read some of what’s passed to you. And then go outside to marvel at the military prowess which is being developed at the head of Japan’s shogunate.
What dangers should we avoid?
Well, offending the wrong person might result in such social dishonor or death, and that would certainly be inconvenient during your visit. There’s also the concern of Naka-dono’s shadows, stealthy spies and assassins to take care of that business which shouldn’t be discussed too openly. In future centuries, their descendants will be known as shinobi or ninja, but this is their misty past.
And of course there are thousands of varieties of youkai, or supernatural creatures. Many are harmless, some are friendly and benevolent, many are indifferent, some are mischievous but mostly harmless, and some like the water-dwelling kappa prefer to prey on human flesh. Don’t worry, we’ll help you to avoid the most dangerous!
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served?
Well, sushi and the hibachi haven’t been invented yet! But you’ll be served a lot of rice and vegetables, as Buddhism is making great inroads and has reduced the amount of meat consumed. What meat is eaten may be consumed raw, which will startle your tourist palette, or you may eat cooked fish. All the seaweed you eat will help to grow your hair – ladies of quality in this era had hair which reached to the floor or even trailed several feet behind!
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common?
Tsurugu works mostly in onmyoudou, a way of reading and influencing the contrasting forces of nature, male and female, and the five elements of wood, fire, earth, air, and water. (You may have heard of something like onmyoudou; its counterpart in old China eventually developed into Feng Shui.) You will frequently see him using circles and shikigami, spirit-infused paper servants, or reading a chokubanfor celestial alignments.
The shadows, however, train in taijutsu, the use of the body as a weapon. They are more than competent with other weapons as well, knife and staff, but they know how to use their own weight and strength to advantage when they have nothing else.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel?
Ox-cart is one of the primary methods of travel, for those who can afford it, though foot and palanquin are also seen. Horses, too, are ridden by those worthy and wealthy.
Technology is typically medieval, all muscle and levers, even though Tsurugu’s grasp of astronomy and natural science is daunting.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter that we don’t see today?
Your biggest surprise will be the youkai. This word is frequently translated to English as “demon,” but that’s a pretty poor translation; it means only something that is not human. A better translation for Westerners would be something like “elves,” which also are distinctly not-human and yet are seen in many varieties: Santa’s elves, Tolkien’s elves, elves which abduct children, elves which help shoemakers.
Youkai may be tiny creatures the size of a hummingbird or nightingale, or they may be enormous beings larger than Naka-dono’s spacious house. They may be as friendly as the polite beto-beto-san, who walks invisibly behind you until you gesture him ahead, or as dangerous as the fearsome oni which devours men. In general, it’s best to be cautious and polite.
The kitsune is a fox which can take the shape of a human, possibly even mimicking the appearance of someone you know. A kitsune has between one and nine tails, depending upon age and power, and it may be benevolent or malicious. They are clever and they are known to move among humans, but there are a few clues which might reveal one in disguise.
Sadly, the friendly kawausocannot be seen at all in modern Japan, as this shape-shifting river otter has been driven to extinction in its otter form.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people?
Onmyoudou informed the lives of everyone in this era – it was magic and astronomy and meteorology and the calendar, all in one. An onmyoujiwas responsible for divining an auspicious day for beginning a new project and for deflecting negative energies. The emperor’s court kept official onmyouji, regarded just as any other government official might be.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment.
We’ve mentioned the poetry, which was everywhere as the accepted form of communication. Men and women exchanged poetry in courtship before they met. Social status depended upon one’s graceful handwriting and turn of phrase. A moon-gazing party, in which the participants drank sake, wrote poetry, and read it aloud for prizes, might be a typical overnight indulgence among the elite.
If that seems like a ridiculous pastime, consider the sport of golf today, which is simultaneously a hobby and yet a negotiation field for many businessmen.
Is there a particular religion practiced in this era?
The native religion is Shinto, but Buddhism has been widely adopted and in some cases blended.
What is the political or government structure?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Naka no Yoritomo is a daimyousworn to serve the shogun, but his word is law in his own land (and many other places). He’s aware of his power and tries to use it fairly, though he is also aware of the great potential for betrayal and treachery in this shifting political climate.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Classism and sexism are inherent and powerful in this society. The elite view the lowest classes as animals, and women are greatly restricted in education, autonomy, and voice. Kaede, Naka-dono’s wife, and Murame, a farmer’s daughter, are two very different examples of how women find power and agency in this world.

Author Autobiography:

Laura was born at a very early age and never looked back. She overcame childhood deficiencies of having been born without teeth or developed motor skills, and by the time she matured into a recognizable adult she had become a behavior analyst, an internationally-recognized and award-winning animal trainer, a popular costumer/cosplayer, a chocolate addict, and of course a writer. She speaks at conventions on Japanese Folklore & Mythology and writes books about murder and magic and mystery and hope. Find her at www.LauraVanArendonkBaugh.com.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  
The Kitsune Talesbooks are available in both ebook and paperback. You can find Kitsune-Tsuki on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords, and Kitsune-Mochi on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. “The Lonely Frost” is a short story in the series, in Specter Spectacular, available from World Weaver Press later in 2014.
Other titles and upcoming appearances can be found at Amazonor my website.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
My website and blog is www.LauraVanArendonkBaugh.com, and I always welcome comments! In addition I love to chat with readers on Facebook and via Twitter (@Laura_VAB). And please do say hello if we happen to be at the same writers’ or geek convention!

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to “Old Japan”.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Astarkand in Realm Explorers Part VI!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at [email protected] for more information.

A themed book tour through Prism Book Tours.

A Perfect Secret  (Rogue Hearts, #3)
A Perfect Secret
(Rogue Hearts #3)
by Donna Hatch

Adult Historical Romance
Paperback, 348 Pages
December 14 2013              
Desperate to protect her father from trial and death, Genevieve breaks off her engagement with Christian Amesbury and marries a blackmailer. After a year of marriage, she flees her husband’s violent domination only to have fate bring her back to Christian. Just when she thinks she’s started a new life of safety and solitude, her husband tracks her down, stalks her, and threatens everyone she loves.

Still brokenhearted over Genevieve’s betrayal a year ago, Christian can’t believe she’s come back into his life–and worse, that she’s done it on the anniversary of his brother’s death, a death that haunts him. Though tempted to throw her back into the river where he found her, he can’t leave her at the mercy of the terrifying man she married.

When her husband torments Genevieve and puts his family in danger, Christian will do anything to protect those he loves…anything except give Genevieve another chance to break his heart.

AmazonBarnes & NobleBook DepositorySmashwords
Donna 2013 (1)About Donna Hatch
My passion for writing began at the tender age of 8 and Iíve been hooked ever since. Of course, I also wanted to be an actress and a ballerina, but one out of three isnít bad, right?

In between caring for six children, (7 counting my husband), my day job, my free lance editing and copy writing, and my many volunteer positions, I manage to carve out time to indulge in my writing obsession. After all, it IS an obsession. My family is more patient and supportive than I deserve.

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Excerpt from Chapter 2 

“Of course it’s her concern.” Wickburgh began swinging his walking stick, narrowly missing a flower-filled vase atop a Chippendale side table. “You see my dear, your father was about to find the means by which to settle a debt with me.”
Genevieve narrowed her gaze. “I doubt very much my father owes you a gambling debt since he seldom gambles.”
“Oh, but he did, a wager of the worst kind—with fate.”
Papa said more forcefully, “Genevieve, leave us.”
Genevieve offered an apologetic smile to her father and cast an open glare at Wickburgh. “I assume you have vowels to prove this gambling debt?”
“I do, indeed—a letter that my brother dictated on his deathbed. It only just arrived.” He withdrew a folded paper and waved it in front of them. “I must warn you however; it is much more damming than a mere gambling debt. This letter is very revealing about the part your father played in a mutiny.”
Any other time, she would have been frightened of this stern man who watched her too closely, too hotly, but at the moment, her righteous anger overpowered her fear. Her face flushed in indignation at his horrible lies. “Impossible. Papa would never take part in a mutiny. He served king and country faithfully for many years.”
She folded her arms, wishing she were taller and better able to look Papa’s accuser in the eye to prove he didn’t frighten her. Really, it was difficult to be impressive when one was barely five feet tall. But she made up for it with what she hoped would be a fearsome glare.
With a measured smile, Wickburgh handed her the letter. “Read it for yourself. Quite a diverting tale.”
She snatched the document from his hands and read, the blood draining out of her face. The letter did, indeed, narrate a convincing and condemning story about her father and his crew mutinying when he’d served as second lieutenant. Surely this mutiny story was a lie.
She waved the letter in front of the viscount. “I don’t believe this. It can’t be true.”
Wickburgh gestured to her father. “Ask him.”
“That won’t be necessary. My father is a good man.”
Wickburgh merely watched her with that hungry, possessive stare of his. Genevieve rubbed sweaty palms down her skirts. She glanced at Papa who had sunk into a chair with his head in his hands, his shoulders slumped as if utterly defeated. For the first time, doubt crept in. A knot twisted in her stomach.
Her father lowered his hands, staring at the floor. “It’s true.”
Genevieve’s legs collapsed and she slumped into the nearest settee. This went beyond her imagination, so far outside of her safe and happy world that she couldn’t think of what to do.
Her dear papa—the man who carried her on his back and romped with her in the fields of wildflowers, who taught her to read Latin and speak French and learn mathematics even though it was unpopular for girls to be so educated, who doted on Mama with the care of a nurse—how could he have committed such a terrible crime? There had to be some mistake, some other explanation.

Tour-Wide Giveaway

– Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and an ebook (INT) or print copy (US Only) of A Perfect Secret OR The Stranger She Married (winner’s choice)
– 5 ebooks of A Perfect Secret
– Open Internationally
– Ends July 20th

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Follow the Tour:

6/30 – Launch

Cherry Mischievous
Kelly P’s Blog
I Am A Reader
A Thousand Words A Million Books
Bookworm Lisa
The Wonderings Of One Person
Getting Your Read On
Mel’s Shelves
Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
The Written Adventure
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing
The Wonderings of One
Deal Sharing Aunt
I Love to Read and Review Books 🙂
Southern Chelle
The Bookish Fairy
Wishful Endings
Katie’s Clean Book Collection
Pieces of Whimsy
My Devotional Thoughts
Platypire Reviews
Book-Marks the Spot
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima

7/13 – Grand Finale
Prism Book Tours
To post this Cover Reveal (html) and add your Social Media to the Rafflecopter, email us at prismbooktours(at)gmail.com with “Bonds of Loyalty” in the subject line!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Welcome to the Cover Reveal for:

Bonds of Loyalty
By Jennifer K. Clark, Stephonie K. Williams
YA/Adult Historical Romance
August 2014 by Covenant Communications, Inc.

“It shall be the son, the firstborn in the new monarchy, who shall quiet the fears and unite the nation again.”
The infamous prophecy declaring that the firstborn would be a boy is the last thing Sarah wants to deal with. As if being newly engaged isn’t difficult enough, she’s still coming to terms with the fact that the first eighteen years of her life were a farce. The prophecy—the reason she had been secreted away from her family and her royal heritage to begin with—wasn’t supposed to disrupt her life any more than it previously had. But when unexpected events force her to leave her fiancé, Prince Alexander, Sarah must return to her home country of Kyrnidan to face her destiny. 
Reunited with her royal family, Sarah is thrust into the political turmoil that surrounds her ancestral home. To make things worse, her arrival has upturned the long-held prophecy.
As the voices of distension mount against her, Sarah turns to her bodyguard, Luther, for protection. But Luther’s protection comes with a price. Propelled into a plot that threatens her life and the welfare of the entire kingdom, Sarah must determine where her love and loyalty truly lie. Torn between two men, she will now have to face her fears and undertake a journey of self-discovery that will change the fate of a nation….
Mark of Royalty is the book previous to this. Although Bonds of Loyalty is the continuation of Sarah’s story it is a stand alone book.

Mark of RoyaltyMark of Royalty
by Jennifer K. Clark, Stephonie K. Williams
YA/Adult Historical Romance
January 1st 2011 by Covenant Communications
At a time when royal infants are marked at birth, a royal advisor makes a terrible misstep — and an infant princess must be secreted away to save her life. Named Sarah by Miranda, the woman who agrees to raise the child as her own, the girl is unaware of her royal heritage — even though Miranda has done all she can to pair Sarah with the king’s nephew, Lord Chad. But unexpected events prevent the expected betrothal.
Determined to fulfill her devoted mother’s wishes, Sarah reserves her heart for Chad despite her growing affections for another man. But as plots against the crown unfold, someone accidentally discovers Sarah’s mark of royalty — setting the stage for discoveries that will shake the kingdom to its core.
You can find a music video for Mark of Royalty here and a book trailer here.
AmazonBarnes and Noble

Jennifer K. Clark and Stephonie K. Williams are sisters by chance but became friends by choice when a year of rooming together at college taught them how to get along. Now “play”-at-home moms, separated and living in different parts of the country, they stay in touch and support each other in their individual projects.

Jennifer K. Clark lives in the small rural town of Wellington Utah, as much as her husband wishes it was Wellington New Zealand. After years of entertaining her three children with infamous made-up stories, she decided to put her imagination to good use and became an author. She likes to add a touch of romance to her novels along with a healthy dose of adventure. Fueled by Lindt Chocolate Truffles and Sour Patch Kids, she now spends a copious amount of time with the characters in her head. In her spare time she likes to create science experiments with the ingredients in her potions cupboard, debate which Doctor is her favorite (currently the 10th…or maybe the 11th), and—when she has time—watches the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice.


Stephonie K. Williams makes her home in a quaint farming town in eastern Iowa with her husband, three cats, and a budding ninja. Two of her favorite things in Iowa are the fireflies (aka lightning bugs) and cows, especially the calves. Despite having lived there for 15 years she still misses the majesty and tranquility of the mountains of Utah where she grew up. She has a vast collection of fortune cookie fortunes because she has yet to determine if it is unlucky to throw them away. She also loves to quill, the art of rolled paper, not to be confused with quilting.

Stephonie is passionate about education and enjoys visiting schools to teach classes on creative writing. She has written poetry, short stories, and dissertations, although Mark of Royalty was the first of her work that she was brave enough to submit for publication.

Website – Goodreads – Facebook – Twitter


$25 Amazon Gift Card
Open internationally.
Ends July 16th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s name:  William Woodall

Title of book and or series:  
The Tyke McGrath Series.  There are five books in this series, including Nightfall, Tycho, Avenger, Freedom, and Elysium.  Readers can begin either with Tycho or with Nightfall (which is more of a prologue).  This series is a loose continuation of both the Last Werewolf Hunter series and the Unclouded Day series, but readers need not have read those other series first before enjoying this one.

Brief summary of the story:
This series follows the adventures of a boy named Tycho McGrath (Tyke to his friends) who is a brilliant high school genetics student in Tampa when he discovers that a man-made plague known as the Orion Strain is about to wipe out all human and animal life on earth.  He and several friends and family members escape to the partially terraformed Moon to survive, and from there the story progresses for the next five years as Tyke grows up, falls in love, fights unexpected enemies, and sometimes learns a thing or two about his purpose in life and how hard it can be to fulfill the expectations of others.  In the process he slowly moves from being an indifferent Christian who isn’t terribly interested in spiritual things to a mature believer ready to take up the work that God has assigned to him.

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:  
This series takes place in the real universe, about a hundred and fifty years in the future.  Most of the action takes place on the Moon, Venus, Mars, and Titan (a large moon of Saturn).

If we were to visit any of these places as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?  
There are lots of things to see and do, especially on the Moon since it was purposely designed to delight tourists.  Some of Tyke’s favorite places are the emerald green beaches of the Summer Isles in the Sea of Tranquility, the skyscraper-sized cliffs where visitors can jump a thousand feet into Lake Boscovich, and Trinity Bay on the Sea of Serenity, where visitors can hunt the edible blue Hamburger Crabs among the cypress trees.  Tyke also particularly loves the beautiful golden meadows of Eleuthera above the Cytherean Sea on Venus, and the thousand-foot Angel Falls on Mars.  The most fascinating thing on Titan is the Temple of Muwamanth, which is built of solid ice in the middle of a black jungle.  There are many other things, too.  

What dangers should we avoid in this future time?  
The leftover spores of the Orion Strain are still present all over the earth, a constant danger if you’ve never been vaccinated.  Depending on where you went, you’d have to contend with deadly heat or bone-chilling cold, hostile aliens and humans, poisonous gases, lack of food/water/air, radiation poisoning, horrific storms, vicious mutant animals, and dangerously unreliable equipment.  Not to mention traitors who might stab you in the back at any time.
Tharsis Region, Mars

Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in these worlds?  On most of these worlds the food is typical American, but on Titan one might be served a salad made of chunks of tar and sprinkled with gasoline, with a sharp piece of bone to eat with.  It would be an inedible meal, of course, but the A’rum would consider it rude not to serve you.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in these worlds?  
Human weaponry generally includes both bullets and lasers, depending on the situation.  Humans also use taser-like stunners when they don’t wish to kill.  It’s common to wear silvery, reflective “mirrorsuits” as armor against lasers.  The A’rum of Titan have no metal, so their weaponry is made entirely of string and pieces of bone.  This usually involves slings, whips, and knives.

What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to these worlds?  
Humans have land rovers, jets, and spacecraft of various kinds.  The A’rum either walk or fly.

What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in these worlds that we don’t see on earth?  
Most plants and animals are typical earthly ones, except on Titan.  There you would find the sentient A’rum who resemble large hairless bats and whose body chemistry is based on acetylene rather than sugar.  There are also “fish” and “eagles” on Titan with similar body chemistry.  Plants include “algae” and succulent “elephant ear trees” with large flat leaves and lots of thorns, which will pull apart like taffy and spontaneously melt and then boil if a human holds them in his hand.  To any living thing on Titan, the body of a human being feels hotter than a blowtorch.  On the Moon one would find several genetically-engineered plants and animals including freshwater versions of marlin and giant kelp, vampire roaches which travel in swarms and attack other animals for blood, highly aggressive “monsters” which resemble giant beavers with needle-sharp teeth, the blue Hamburger Crabs which were designed to taste like hamburger meat when roasted, and many species of flowers found nowhere else.

What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of the people in this series?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.  
There is no magic in these worlds, but the supernatural does play a part.  Characters have true dreams of things they couldn’t have known otherwise, and there is miraculous healing sometimes.  There are sometimes supernatural objects such as the Guardian Stones and holy water.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in the future?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.  
One of the most interesting is the tachometer, a device used for observing what will take place in the future.  It can also transport individuals to the future, although it’s strictly a one-way trip with no possible return.  There are advanced methods of genetic engineering, computer design, and engine propulsion.  There are also several methods available for terraforming new worlds (that is, transforming them into places where earthly living things could survive).

Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in the future.  
There is reverse bungee-jumping on Deimos, in which people take advantage of the low gravity to jump thousands of feet into the sky and then fall back to the ground.  There’s big-game monster hunting in the Altai crater swamps on the Moon.  One could visit Ukert Springs for a skin exfoliation treatment by the Doctor Fish who live there.  The survivors are fond of having beach parties every Saturday night with music and dancing and food.  Otherwise there are all the usual human games like football, baseball, etc.  

Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in these worlds as on earth?  What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?  
The human calendar is the same everywhere, but on the Moon daylight and dark each last for two weeks at a time and on Venus they last for 58 days apiece (not to mention the sun rises in the west).  On Mars an extra 40-minute “hour” is inserted at midnight every day to keep up with the rotation of the planet.  On Titan a “year” is really seven earth years long, and every three and a half years on the equinoxes, the three Kings come together at the Temple of Muwamanth for a holy festival, during which time no fighting is permitted anywhere in the world.

Is there a particular religion practiced in these worlds?  Please describe what it involves.  
The survivors of Earth are mostly Christians.  The A’rum on Titan believe in God and have a tradition of prophets who dream true dreams to tell the others what He wishes of them.

Land of Snow, the Moon
What is the political or government structure in the future?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?  
The A’rum live in widely scattered clans of about a hundred members each, ruled by one member with unquestioned authority.  There are three “kingdoms” on the planet, each ruled by one King who controls all the clans in his territory.  At the time of the story, the King of Dilmun was a wicked heretic who attempted to kill Tyke and his friends.  The small band of human survivors are led by Philip Carpenter, since most of them are his children or relatives anyway.  He’s a very brave and wise leader who came to this time from the past via the tachometer.  Mars is ruled by an iron-fisted military dictator known as Colonel James Burns, and Venus is controlled by his henchman Colonel Luke Bartow.  Both of them are cruel, ruthless men who will do anything to maintain power.  The rebel forces on Mars and Venus are commanded by Captain Brandon Stone, who is rather philosophical and places a high value on life.

Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit the future?  
The A’rum deeply admire honor, and love to wage bloody warfare with each other over the slightest of insults.  They are utterly ignorant of the concept of romantic love, since everything on the planet (including them) reproduces only by budding.  From time to time they will award the title of akiri to someone who has acted with exceptional bravery and honor.  They don’t comprehend money, and the only things of special value among them are “jewels” which are actually small bits of shiny meteoric iron.  Those fortunate enough to own one of these jewels often like to string them on necklaces. 

Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your series?  
Some of the locations are ones that I’m personally familiar with, like Texas and Florida.  The geography and conditions on the other worlds are factual information which I didn’t need to make up; I simply had to fill in the blanks about what those places might be like if they were partially terraformed.  Even the conditions on Titan are as real as we have any way of knowing.  That said, the tree covered with chewing gum in Nightfall and several other minor places and things did come from my real life.

What, if any, hot-button or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?  
I don’t really think anything in this series is controversial, or at least not intentionally so.  The characters frequently discuss very deep and philosophical topics such as the nature of God and the soul, thorny moral dilemmas, what exactly it means to live as Christian and as a scientist, and many other things of that sort.  But these aren’t debates, they’re simply individual characters trying as best they can to understand God and to live according to what He would have them do.

Author Autobiography  

I was born and raised in the Arkansas hills, though I’ve also spent considerable time in Texas since then.  I became a Christian at the age of 16 and all my books are written for God’s glory.  I’ve been a science teacher and a counselor for many years, and I love working with  young people. 

Where and in what formats can we purchase your books?  
All my books can be purchased in formats compatible with almost all e-readers. 
Click here for Amazon Kindle Editions,
Click here for Apple, Sony, Nook, & Kobo Editions.
Click here for Paperback Editions.  (These are also available on Amazon)

Where can readers connect with you online?  My Official Author’s Website is the best place to connect with me.  It’s a large site full of information and freebies.  Here you’ll find free short stories and poetry, MP3 tracks of all the music mentioned in my books, downloadable discussion questions for each book, pictures and maps of characters and places, quotable quotes, interviews, commentary, links to source materials, and contact information.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip through time to our universe in the future.  Questions about the planets and moons or the series?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the world of “Old Japan” (based on actual Japanese history and folklore) in Realm Explorers Part V!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers?  Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at [email protected] for more information.

Hope DeferredBy Elizabeth Maddrey

About the Book:

Christian fiction for women.

It’s been a tough year. Twin sisters June and July and their husbands spent the last year trying to start a family. Now, as the sisters work with fertility specialists to see how medicine can help them conceive, each must determine what treatment is right for them in the midst of overwhelming options, none of which promise immediate results.

Will their deferred hope leave them heart sick, or start them on the path to the fulfillment of their dreams?


Elizabeth Maddrey began writing stories as soon as she could form the letters properly and has never looked back. Though her practical nature and love of math and organization steered her into computer science for college and graduate school, she has always had one or more stories in progress to occupy her free time. When she isn’t writing, Elizabeth is a voracious consumer of books and has mastered the art of reading while undertaking just about any other activity. Elizabeth is a member of ACFW and lives in the suburbs of Washington D.C. with her husband and their two incredibly active little boys.

Follow Elizabeth Maddrey
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Enter below to enter a $50 amazon gift card, sponsored by author Elizabeth Maddrey! a Rafflecopter giveaway This book blast is hosted by Crossreads. We would like to send out a special THANK YOU to all of the CrossReads book blast bloggers!

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  

Author’s name:  
Lia London
Title of book and/or series:  
The Gypsy Pearl
Brief summary of the story:  
Caz has lived on an Interplanetary City Station all her life and is bored to the point of rebellion.  When a fight with a class bully gets her sent to a reformatory on “the Surface”, she heads down to the planet Caren full of anticipation.  She hopes for adventure, and is more than rewarded with it when she meets an escaped delinquent, gypsies, and the alien creature that travels with them.  A bizarre encounter with the creature leaves Caz with a gypsy pearl inside of her arm, and the side-effects alter the course of her destiny.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:  
The planet Caren is somewhat Earth-like, though it spins a little faster, causing more violent fluctuations in the weather.  There is an ocean with golden beaches, and mountains with green forests.  The overall climate is approaching tropical.  There are only about a dozen colonies on the entire planet, all located on the land mass just north of the planet’s equator.  The colonies are like small villages, each with some specific purpose that serves the Granbo Solar System (with its two other inhabited planets and the Interplanetary City Station system).  The Rik Peninsula is known for fishing, but it also hosts the juvenile Lamond Reformatory for delinquent youths.
If we were to visit Caren as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?  
Definitely spend some time scuba diving, as the water is not too deep, and is not teeming with predators.  Charter a fishing expedition on a hovercraft.

What dangers should we avoid in Caren?  
The mountain and forest regions have some dangerous animals, most notably the black vipers.  They are fat snake-like things whose venom can kill in less than a minute.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Caren?  
Most meals feature revos, which are a root vegetable akin to turnips or potatoes.  They can be prepared in a variety of ways.  Also duspies are like a purple cross between grapes (in clusters) and corn (on stalks).  These are primarily eaten raw as a fruit, but can also be made into juice.  The leaves of the Rik trees are also used by gypsies to make tea.  The leaves contain medicinal properties that aid the memory.  Rik Tea, however, is not sold in most public houses.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Caren?  
Laser rifles are used by guards at the Reformatory or security patrols, but in general, the colonies on Caren do not have much weaponry.  Crime is not rampant, and weapons would mostly only be used for defense against wild animals.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel on or to Caren?  
To get to Caren, one would have to have gone through Quarantine on an ICS (if traveling from another planet), and then be vaccinated against local diseases.  A Ferry (an egg-shaped shuttle with no windows) takes passengers into the atmosphere from the ICS and then uses parachutes for a water landing.  From there, a hovercraft water ferry comes to retrieve the passengers and takes them to the docks.  Magnetic planks attach to the docs, and from there people can travel by foot, by wheeled vehicles that have a driver’s cabin and a passenger cab in the back, or by skimmer–which is a two-seater motorcycle/scooter type thing that can travel parallel to the ground regardless of the angle of the terrain.  There are also standard 4-seater type planes.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Caren that we don’t see on earth?  
The aforementioned vipers are the largest animals indigenous to Caren, but faneps–humanoids about the size of a cat with larger eyes and razor sharp fishy teeth–can be found in swarms in the mountains and forests.  These animals (unbeknownst to almost everyone) are telepathic.  Sometimes they are “domesticated” and travel with gypsies as guard-dog type help, but generally they are considered repulsive and dirty.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Caren?  
The Gypsy Pearl itself (the one in Caz’s arm) carries a supernatural power to make her much stronger physically, able to heal from wounds quickly, and able to defy gravity if in falling situations so that she can land safely.  She can also link herself mentally to work in unison with other faneps, again defying gravity in certain maneuvers.  There is more to come, but in this volume of the trilogy, that’s all we get to see.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Caren?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.  
Comlinks are egg-shaped communicators that can link from the Surface to any ICS in range.  The communication display is a blue-ish cone of  holographic display.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Caren.  
Children often play with Turbo Chips, like playing cards except that each plastic piece has different shapes and purposes.  There is a digital end to it, too.  Holographic ids replace TV. 
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Caren as on earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?  
Earth holidays are not referenced, but the 7-day week has been artificially imposed regardless of what is actually happening.  The rotation of the planet makes for 20 hour days.
What is the political or government structure in Caren?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?  
Each of the colonies on the various planets has its own Governor, though as recently as 50 years ago, there was a Queen on Caren who managed to unify the colonies on her planet and several on the other two planets (Craggy and Type).  That was known as the Empire.  She was assassinated, and the colonies went back to autonomy loosely guided by the Granbo Charter, a series of laws put in place to keep relations between colonies efficient, mutually beneficial, but mostly isolated.  It’s as if everyone only interacts as much as they absolutely have to.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Caren?  
Caren citizens and gypsies don’t mix much.  Gypsies will be hired for migrant work, and often can make a living trading valuables like the gypsy pearls, but groups just don’t mingle much.  

What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?  
The whole trilogy will be looking at the balances of power, and whether or not uniformity for efficiency’s sake is truly the most productive (or happy) way to live.

Author Autobiography:  

I was born in Oregon, but spent several years living in North Carolina, Scotland and Guatemala as well as traveling in Europe and South America.  Since my youth, I have loved to read and write, as well as sing.  Starting in grade school, I wrote skits for class presentations and school assemblies, and by my freshman year in college had written a musical comedy which was produced by Salem, Oregon’s Children’s Educational Theaters summer troupe.  I taught English, Geography, and Spanish in high schools and private language institutes until my first child was born, at which time I became a stay-home mom, tutoring for pay and writing scripts and narrations for non-profit organizations (choral, dramatic, educational and religious).  In 2011, I published my first full-length novel, The Circle of Law, and entered the world of indie publishing.  Since then, I have published four more books with a fifth due out this fall.  Last year, I created Clean Indie Reads, a blog and FB network promoting books free of explicit content.  We now have over 700 authors and a readership beyond my most ambitious aspirations.  I have returned to Oregon and live with my husband, two children, a dog, and a cat.  I’m also a black belt in Taekwondo.

Lia London as a “Wild Thing” when Performing a Dramatic Interpretation of
“Where the Wild Things Are” in a Church Talent Show

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  The Gypsy Pearl is available through Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback format.
Where can readers connect with you online?  Come see me at LiaLondonBooks.com or on Facebook or Twitter!

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Caren.  Questions about the planet or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the planets and moons of our solar system a hundred fifty years in our future, in Realm Explorers Part IV!
-Annie Douglass Lima

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