Take the 21 Day Challenge!
Get 5 FREE eBooks – 2 Days Only
10/17/13 and 10/18/13
PLUS enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!


Why 21 Days?
It’s a commonly known fact that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. You may spend 21 days trying to form a good exercise routine or kick a bad habit, but what about taking 21 days to form a new spiritual habit? .

That’s the reason for the 21 days series – to provide you with 21 days worth of biblical devotions to help you form new habits that draw you closer to Christ. And for two days only (October 17th-18th, 2013) we’re giving all 5 books away for free. After that, they will be available for only 99 cents each. So what do you say? Will you join us in strengthening your walk with God? If so, download one or all of the books below at no cost to you during our free promotion – and scroll down to enter to win a $50 Amazon gift card as our gift to you!  

Be Inspired…Join the 21 Day Challenge!
Download 5 Free eBooks for 2 Days Only


Book #1: 21 Days of Generosity
generosity challenge

Living a Life of Generosity: 21 Days of Generosity Challenge

If so, consider embarking on this 21 Days of Generosity through this short but powerful eBook.

Download on Kindle Here


Book #2: 21 Days of Faith
faith challenge
Living a Life of Faith: 21 Days of Faith Challenge
If so, consider embarking on this 21 Days of Faith Challenge through this short but powerful eBook.
Download on Kindle Here


Book #3: 21 Days of Gratitude
gratitude challenge

During a season of transition in my life, I found myself overwhelmed with negative emotions like self-pity and a complaining spirit. It was as if a dark cloud had descended over me. I prayed and asked God for wisdom on how to overcome these negative emotions. And I sensed Him leading me to do this 21 days of gratitude challenge.

Over the course of the 21 days, God began to change me as I spent intentional time being grateful for all I have been given. I did this through writing in my journal each day and also sending a hand-written thank you note to someone different each day.

And now I want to share what I learned with you in the short, but powerful book.

Download on Kindle Here


Book #4: 21 Teen Devotionals… for Girls!
teen devotionals for girls
Our lives are ruled by habits. We are defined by them. How our days play out, how we act and react, and even how we eat, sleep and talk are all affected by our habits – for better or for worse. It’s said that it takes 21 days to form a new habit or break an old one, so why not spend the next 21 days forming a habit of spending time with God? If you’ve got 21 days, we’ve got 21 devotions specifically written for today’s teen girls.

Are you up for forming a habit of spending time with your Creator? If so, download this book and get started on these devotionals!

Download on Kindle Here


Book #5:21 Teen Devotionals… for Guys!
teen devotionals for guys

Teen Devotionals… for Guys!, brought to you by FindYourTrueStrength.com, are written for teen guys who want to find their true strength in Christ, these devotions designed to be read, pondered on and applied to daily life. We want you to know that the Bible isn’t just a book that’s over 2000 years old. It’s completely applicable to our lives today – even as teenagers. We know that girls and guys don’t face the same issues in high school – not even close. So these devotions were written with today’s teen guys in mind. Go ahead. Dig in. Find your true strength in Christ.

Download on Kindle Here


Enter to Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

Enter below to win a $50 amazon gift card, sponsored by Body and Soul Publishing
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  This book blast is hosted by Crossreads. We would like to send out a special THANK YOU to all of the CrossReads book blast bloggers!

I read The Beloved Daughter on my Kindle not long ago and was deeply moved by it.  The story is gritty and heartbreaking in places, but at the same time touching and inspiring.  It burdened me to pray more for the people of North Korea, especially Christ’s followers who have been imprisoned and are enduring unspeakable suffering for their faith.  

Today Alana Terry, author of The Beloved Daughter, is visiting my blog.  She was kind enough to answer a few questions I had about her book, and below she talks about the newly-released audio version, as well as a giveaway!

Annie: I’m curious how you were able to describe in so much detail what goes on behind closed doors in such a closed country.  What kind of research went into the writing of this novel?

Alana: Most of the research I gleaned was from reading and listening to interviews with defectors from North Korea. I also found resources from certain ministries like Voice of the Martyrs incredibly useful.

Annie: I like the way you preface each chapter with a verse from scripture.  They’re not the common verses that we see quoted all the time, either!  What inspired you to do this, and how did you choose what verses to use?

Alana: I can’t specifically remember why I chose to include Scripture passages with each chapter. I guess it probably went back to wanting to point my readers to the Lord. It’s such a heavy story that maybe God knew we would all need some Scripture thrown in there. As far as the verses go, I don’t really like just quoting the verses that have been hashed and rehashed until we’re numb to them. The Bible is so full of poetic imagery, so it wasn’t too hard to find verses to go with the tone of each section.

Annie: What can we expect in the rest of the series?

Alana: My next novel, “Not Alone,” is a follow-up to “The Beloved Daughter,” although it’s not exactly a sequel. It takes one of the minor characters from “The Beloved Daughter” and carries her story on. I hope to publish “Not Alone” as the first in a suspense trilogy, however my wrists have been giving me trouble and my writing is not proceeding as fast as I hoped. You can see the trailer for “Not Alone” at alanaterry.com/not-alone

More about the Novel and Audiobook:

The Beloved Daughter, an inspirational suspense novel by award-winning author Alana Terry, is a story of persecution and triumph set in the oppressive North Korean regime. The audiobook version of Alana’s bestselling debut novel is narrated by Kathy Garver, a four-time Audie award winner and Lifetime Achievement Award recipient from the Motion Picture Council. (You might also recognize Kathy as Cissy from the TV show Family Affair.)

(Listen to a sample of Kathy reading from The Beloved Daughter.)

Two Audiobooks for the Price of One!

If you order The Beloved Daughter audiobook and are one of the first 25 customers to email the receipt to [email protected], you will receive a code to also download a free version of What, No Sushi, book one in Alana’s new historical fiction/time travel series for kids!

The Beloved Daughter

Synopsis: In a small North Korean village, a young girl struggles to survive. It is her father’s faith, not the famine of North Hamyong Province, that most threatens Chung-Cha’s well-being. The Beloved Daughter follows Chung-Cha into one of the most notorious prison camps the contemporary free world has known. Her crime? Being the daughter of a Christian.

     *Winner, Women of Faith Writing Contest
     *1st Place, Book Club Network Book of the Month

     *Amazon Bestseller (#5 Christian Suspense)


“…an engaging plot that reads like a story out of today’s headlines…” ~ Women of Faith Writing Contest

“The Beloved Daughter is a beautifully written story that is…both personal and representative of the challenges that many North Koreans still face today.” ~ Sarah Palmer, Rescue Team Coordinator at Liberty in North Korea

“The author does a phenomenal job… HIGHLY RECOMMENDED – but have tissues handy.” ~ Pauline Creeden, Editor AltWit Press

“…the most compelling Christian novel I have read.” ~ Temujin Hu, Author of The Rage

(Click here to order your own copy of The Beloved Daughter.)

Enter The Giveaway

The author’s friend Nicole makes beautiful hand-made earrings out of bark, coral, and even teeth and bones. Six winners! To see what kind of work Nicole does, check out her etsy shop.

A sample of Nicole’s nature-inspired earrings

And don’t forget to email your receipt of The Beloved Daughter auidobook to receive a free audio download of What, No Sushi, Alana’s children’s chapter book about the Japanese-American internment camps!


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Floyd and I just got back from an overnight getaway in Ali Shan, one of Taiwan’s beautiful mountain areas.  It’s famous for its spectacular sunrise, which is the main reason most people visit.  (However, I must confess that in the picture below, we’re standing in front of a mural!)

We stayed in a nice little bed and breakfast called Tea Garden (their “Mountain Hometown” location).  It was small but cute and easy to get to.  Click here to read Floyd’s review of it on AAA.  Below is the room we stayed in.   
We arrived Monday late afternoon, and they let us check in early.  Then we got back in the car and drove up to Ali Shan National Scenic Area to make sure we knew how to get there for the sunrise the next morning.  It was about an hour’s drive from Mountain Hometown along steep, winding mountain roads.  The park entrance fee was pretty reasonable (450 NT – about US$14 – for the two of us and our car, with Floyd’s student discount).  We found ourselves in a little shopping area with a visitors’ center, restaurants, gift shops, and even a 7-Eleven, all surrounded by scenic forest criss-crossed with hiking trails.  There was a train station there too, where we bought tickets for the next day’s 5:10 a.m. departure to Chushan, the famous sunrise spot.

Ali Shan’s Forest Railway is quite famous in Taiwan.  We saw lots of tourists taking pictures of each other in and in front of the little red train, on the tracks, and by the various railway signs.

Back at Mountain Hometown, we enjoyed a tasty dinner (ordered in advance on their website when we made our reservation) and hit the sack early.  The alarm rang at 3:30 a.m., which I think is probably the earliest I’ve ever purposely woken up to start my day!  We packed up, loaded our car, and drove back up the mountain in some of the thickest fog I’ve ever seen.  It was a little scary, but we made it safely back up to Ali Shan Scenic Area with time to spare.  We boarded the train (standing room only) and enjoyed a 40-minute ride up to Chushan.
There was an observation area at the top with a viewing platform, souvenir shops, restrooms, and stands selling savory-smelling hot foods and drinks.  Yep, that’s how people enjoy the beauty of natural wilderness here in Taiwan!

When we first got there (a little before 6 a.m.) it was still pitch black, but as the sky gradually lightened, we saw that the mountainscape below us was covered in clouds.  Gradually the clouds began to clear, and everyone waited breathlessly, hoping hard that there would indeed be a spectacular sunrise worthy of the tales we’d all heard.  

The sun was supposed to rise at 6:15, and as the moment approached, more and more of the mountains became visible.  But at exactly 6:14, a massive bank of fog came surging in from the south and settled heavily over everything, reducing visibility to a few yards.  And that was our Ali Shan sunrise.

We took the train back down through the fog to where we’d started and then enjoyed a long hike along one of the trails through the forest.
Of course, bear in mind that a “hiking trail” in Taiwan is usually a wide, smoothly paved route with handrails when it gets steep and frequent warning signs in the “dangerous” sections.  Ali Shan’s trails were no exception!

You can also expect lots of strict signs about what is not allowed in that particular corner of nature.

I guess they didn’t want us to leave the path?

The warning sign above was on a suspended bridge over a stream.

I like the parts that prohibit “frolicking” and instruct visitors not to “make annoying sounds” or “engrave text and graphics” on “panels”!

The trees in Ali Shan’s forest are mostly Taiwan red cypress.  They were all covered with moss and were quite beautiful.  Through a combination of the growth process and the effects of rot, many of the trees and stumps had twisted themselves into all sorts of unusual shapes. 

Various animals supposedly live in the forest, but besides the occasional bird, the warty little guy below was the only wildlife we spotted in Ali Shan.

Below: trees have the right of way on Ali Shan trails!

Partway through our hike we came to a little museum with displays about Ali Shan’s historic railroad, lumber industry, and aboriginal people.  It would have been more meaningful if we could read Chinese, but the exhibits were still interesting.  I wouldn’t recommend a trip to the area just to see the museum (it only took us about ten minutes to see everything), but if you’re there anyway, it’s worth taking a look.

At one point we came to an open area by a temple where people were selling trinkets and snacks.  We bought pork sausages on sticks from this lady; they came with a saucer of seasoned powder for dipping.  (The powder was tangy and complemented the salty sausage flavor nicely – but be careful not to inhale as you’re about to take a bite!)  We asked what other kinds of sausages she had, and turns out there were several different meats represented.  The black ones are cuttlefish!

After several hours of hiking, we returned to the visitors’ center area for lunch.  It felt as though we had stayed all day, but of course that was because our day had started so early.  We drove back to Taichung tired but satisfied that we had done (as far as we could tell) nearly all there was to do in Ali Shan.  Too late, we discovered that the sunset is apparently pretty impressive there too, but for now we’ll have to content ourselves with the pictures we took by a mural.

Welcome To CrossReads’ Fall Into Reading Book Sale!

Where We Invite You to Fall into Good, Wholesome Books – and Save Money!

During the week of October 7th, readers can get books by several of their favorite CrossReads Christian authors who have joined together to offer their books at bargain prices.
Monday through Friday (the 7th-11th), readers can get over 30 books during our book sale and enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card to get even more books to read!
Then, we invite you to hop over to CrossReads on Saturday, October 12th, to get 9 books absolutely free and find out who won the giveaway!
The books included in the book sale are listed below – fiction first, followed by nonfiction, and then the giveaway – enjoy!


Mystery, Suspense and Thrillers

Serenity Springs, Ohio by Lillian Duncan Mystery/Suspense

An abandoned bird; an ailing aunt; and an unhappy fiancé. What else could happen? Oh, yeah—a murder! Chief of Police, Matthew Travis moved home to avoid the violence of being a big city police officer, but murder shatters the peace and tranquility of his hometown.
It appears to be an open and shut case. A troubled teenager at the scene covered in blood with the murder weapon in his hand is arrested. Unfortunately, as Matthew ties up loose ends, his once open and shut case unravels.
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Times of Turmoil by Cliff Ball

In this prequel to Times of Trouble and Times of Trial, we follow how the Evans family gained their riches and eventually their power to influence events in the United States. We see important events that the Evans family gets themselves involved in: such as the return of the Israelites to Israel, the assassination of President Kennedy, the terrorism of 9/11, and eventually events that lead to government tyranny in the United States with the sole purpose of destroying Christianity and its influence in the United States.
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Times of Trouble by Cliff Ball

The Atwood family watch the US descend into chaos as the End Times approach.
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Times of Trial by Cliff Ball Thriller Christians are persecuted when the President declares a dictatorship as the End Times approach.

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John Ryan by Cliff Ball

Jon Ryan has to deal with government healthcare as a doctor before the End Times.
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The Mystery of the Indian Carvings by Gloria Repp
Middle Grade/Mystery
A young teen is sent to visit her Canadian relatives who have a wonderful dog, but disappearing artifacts and a spiteful cousin threaten to ruin her hopes for the future. She can’t help wondering: does God care?
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The Difference Between Night and Day by Melissa Turner Romance Nathaniel Taylor was a Christian who thought believers were exempted from “dark times.” That was until he entered his own long time in the dark. When he meets Lilly, a young woman in danger, it sends him on a journey to discover the difference between night and day and that during dark times, the Light is hidden, not gone.

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Rock and A Hard Place by Bonnie Blythe Christian Romance Faith Conrad is used to striving. After more or less raising her twin sisters because of an absent father and ailing mother, she knows the meaning of responsibility. She had to drop out of high school to pay the bills, hamstringing her future. When handsome Bureau of Land Management ranger Shane Zadopec rescues her from a rock climb gone wrong and reveals that he’s a photographer too, she feels threatened and rebuffs his attempts to get close. Will she ever picture them together?

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Forewarned by Debra Ullrick Christian Romantic Suspense After a near fatal accident in the Colorado wilderness, Jasmine Moore suffers during the harsh Steamboat Springs winters. Unable to socialize because of pain, she goes online in hopes of finding some new friends to fill the void the long, lonely winters bring. A budding online friendship develops, and soon, Jasmine finds herself in danger.

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Déjà vu Bride by Debra Ullrick Christian Romance Furious with God, Olivia Roseman vows to never trust Him again. Why should she? Once again her prayers have gone unanswered, and once again another loved one has been ripped from her. With no job and only a few dollars, Olivia makes a choice to start over again. Without God and without love. However, her handsome new boss isn’t going to make forgetting God or keeping her vow to never love again very easy.

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Winter’s Past by Mary E. Hanks Romance When Winter speaks at a conference in Coeur dAlene, Idaho, and her ex-husband shows up, she is shocked by the change in him. Radically different from the self-absorbed guy she remembers, he stands before her crying—crying!—and humbly asks her forgiveness. This man who broke her heart, betrayed her, is now gut-wrenchingly sincere in his apology, prays for her like a long-lost friend, and he has a request. One unbelievable request that could change everything.

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Use Coupon Code: YQ38K

Three Hearts, One Town by Sarah Jae Foster Historical Romance More than courage, she needs faith.

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Rocky Mountain Oasis by Lynnette Bonner Christian Historical Romance He’s different from any man she’s ever known. However, she’s sworn never to risk her heart again. Brooke Baker, sold as a mail-order bride, looks to her future with dread but firm resolve. If she survived Uncle Jackson, she can survive anyone. When Sky Jordan hears that his nefarious cousin has sent for a mail-order bride, he knows he has to prevent the marriage. No woman deserves to be left to that fate. Still, he’s as surprised as anyone to find himself standing next to her before the minister.

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A Heart’s Home by Laura J. Marshall Christian Historical Romance Novella set in 1746, India Born in England and raised in India by her father after her mother’s untimely death, Asyra has been ostracized from her small village most of her life. News of her impending marriage arranged by her grandmother back in England only serves to confuse her further about who she is and where she fits in. When Madras is attacked by the French before Asyra’s ship sails, she must pretend to be the wife of her grandmother’s agent, who happens to be the elder brother of her intended. Can she move beyond prejudice to find her place in the world?

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To Protect and Serve by Staci Stallings Contemporary Romance What happens when a control freak falls for a fireman with a death wish? Lisa Matheson runs a semi-successful ad agency that’s on the brink of falling apart. Her employees are incompetent and her schedule has become exhausting. When she takes on a client with a brilliant idea for a big conference, she thinks that maybe, finally this is her lucky break. However, the fire station wasn’t what she had in mind for finding conference speakers. When she falls for a handsome but shy firefighter, it’s possible that life might just be going her way for a change.

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Armored Hearts by Pauline Creeden and Melissa Turner Lee Fantasy Steampunk When a crippled young lord rescues a girl falling from a tree, it reveals a secret about himself and his mother’s side of the family that could put him at the center of a war with beings he thought only existed in fairy tales. Tristan Gareth Smyth lived his entire life stuck at home at Waverly Park and left behind while his Grandfather makes trips to London, all because of his blasted wheelchair. Then an American heiress falls in his lap, literally, and he must find a way to keep her at a distance to protect not only his secret, but everyone around him from an assassin sent to kill him.

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Time and Again by Deborah Heal

The olden days aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. . .
Abby thinks tutoring an “an economically disadvantaged adolescent” as her college service project for the summer will be a snap. Merrideth, her sullen 11-year-old student, thinks “No thanks, I don’t need a babysitter.”It’s difficult for Abby to break through Merrideth’s emotional wall. The girl has been closed down ever since her parents’ divorce, especially since she was forced to move to the dilapidated old house that her mom inherited. But when her dad sends her a top-of-the-line computer to make up for it, Abby and Merrideth discover a crazy program that invites them to “Take a Virtual Tour” of houses around the world– including Merrideth’s.
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Unclaimed Legacy by Deborah Heal

Those who have read Time and Again know that Abby Thomas is a college student on a summer service project with 11-year-old Merri. And they know that the summer is not going the way Abby had expected—but in a good way. For one thing, she meets a very nice guy named John Roberts. And for another, she discovers a strange computer program called Beautiful House that lets her fast-forward and rewind life. Not her own, of course, but those of the people who lived in Merri’s old house.
And now Beautiful House comes in handy when Abby, John, and Merri agree to help the “Old Dears” next door with their family tree. Except Abby and John learn more about one of the ladies’ ancestors than they ever wanted to know. Convicted in 1871 of murder and arson, Reuben Buchanan is a blight on the family’s reputation. But was he really guilty? Abby and John must get inside the mind of a murderer to find out.
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Return to Kingsley by Cynthia P. Willow Fantasy Thirteen-year-old Callie dreams of having her own adventure in the magical world of Kingsley like her grandmother and her great-great grandmother before her. But she doesn’t have very high hopes since the portal to Kingsley was shut fifty-two years ago. Little does she know that the inhabitants of Kingsley are in desperate need. A plague is killing Kingsley’s creatures. But Callie doesn’t live on the lake, nor does she have the magical bracelet to allow her to breathe underwater. How will she get to Kingsley? And will she figure it out in time to save the land?

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The Captives by Precarious Yates YA Fantasy When the mermen and peaceful aquavians turn violent, who will restore the seas?

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Other Fiction

Sanctuary by Pauline Creeden Apocalyptic Science In a heart-racing thriller described as Falling Skies meets The Walking Dead, Jennie struggles to find a safe place for what’s left of her family. But it seems as though there is no place sacred, no place secure. First the aliens attacked the sun, making it dimmer, weaker, and half what it used to be. Then they attacked the water supply, killing one-third of Earth’s population with a bitter contaminate. And when they unleash a new terror on humankind, the victims will wish for death, but will not find it… When the world shatters to pieces around her, will Jennie find the strength she needs to keep going?

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Rain Dance by Joy DeKok
Contemporary Christian Fiction
What happens when a Christian woman facing a childless future and a woman seeking an abortion are waiting to see the same doctor? What if after that “chance” encounter they are unable to forget each other? What if they find themselves drawn together in spite of their drastic differences by their surprising similarities? What if they somehow find the courage to become friends?
Rain Dance takes the reader into the hearts of these two women as they journey closer to the heart of the One who offers hope and healing.
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Diving in Deep by Nora Ballew
Young Adult
How thin is thin enough? Just as her family’s troubles start to mount in their new home town, Kelly Eberly dives head first into a strict diet and rigorous swimming routine. Nearly drowning in an ocean of doubts and insecurities, and feeling lost and alone in a new place, Kelly wants nothing more than the “nice normal family” her mother talks about.

Before long, even within the chaos that is the Eberly family, everyone is noticing her dramatic weight loss. Her aunt is praying. Her brother is lecturing. Even her new friends are studying her under a microscope. How thin is thin enough? If she gets too thin, will she be able to stop; or is she in too deep? With so much going on in her family, will anyone be able to help her resurface?

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Deep Blue Sea by Valerie Howard
Women’s Contemporary Fiction
Jamie Walker’s life is a mess. She lives like a widow while her husband leaves for weeks at a time on business. She is childless, lonely, and depressed, and now her job as an editor at a magazine is in jeopardy. Not to mention the fact that her past mistakes are threatening to overwhelm her at any moment. Jamie has two options: swallow the bottle of sleeping pills in her husband’s nightstand or reach out to the God she’s been running from since she was eighteen.
Which will she choose and how long can she live like this?
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Sunshine Leaking, edited by Annie Douglass Lima
Created by fifth-grade students, Sunshine Leaking features poetry in a variety of styles, from free verse to diamond poetry, tanka, and haiku. Proceeds from the sale of this anthology will benefit Josie’s Angels, a nonprofit organization that provides food, education, and a secure living environment for impoverished, abused, and at-risk girls in the Philippines.
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Autumn Changes by Beverly Nault
Women’s Fiction
Along with shorter days and cooler nights, big changes are stirring up Cherryvale! While the trees along the CherryPath exchange summer-green garments to autumn’s crimson and gold, Grace and Maggie scurry to prepare for the town’s annual Harvest Festival, but spar over how to help pop star Tiffany Lane adapt to her new lifestyle and adoptive hometown. A surprise visitor—or two—spice up the town like cinnamon in Grace’s pumpkin walnut muffins just in time for “The Scrapbook’s” preview opening. The second book in The Seasons of Cherryvale, Autumn Changes continues the stories of the friendly folks and charming small town introduced in the much loved Fresh Start Summer. Will peaceful Cherryvale be the same after all the changes blown in on the autumn wind?
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The Billionaire’s Gift by Edward Iwata
A greed-driven CEO seeks a higher purpose with the help of his devout secretary.
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Daughter of the King by Carlene Havel and Sharon Faucheux
Biblical Fiction
Princess Michal was the youngest daughter of Saul, the first king of Israel. In an age when fathers arranged marriages, Michal dared to fall in love with a handsome young musician named David, from the little town of Bethlehem.
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Experience Life in Poetry by Shannon Sonneveldt

This is volume two in the Experience Life in Poetry series, a series focusing on observations about life. The second volume focuses on relationships including those between family, friends and romance. The poems are a mixture of fun, sweet, sad and touching moments and experiences, but then life is all these things as well.

Enjoy your journey through life in poetry.
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What If… Super Hero’s Were Real? by Shannon Sonneveldt
Children’s Book
JJ loves to imagine new worlds where anything is possible. In this book, we see the world he creates using his imagination as he plays the ‘What If‘ game with his mom. A world where superheroes are real.
Not only are superheroes real, but everyone has the potential within themselves to become a superhero if they believe in themselves and their unique gifts. A group of young superheroes band together to form the Warriors of Truth and are in a race to help others see their potential before the Band of Bullies can get to them first and convince them that they are unworthy.
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My Journey With Jesus Christ by Corine Hyman Children’s eBook My Journey with Jesus Christ is a personalized devotional, designed to help a child grow in their relationship with Christ while teaching them the key principles of the Christian faith.

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21 Prayers for Teen Girls by Shelley Hitz and Heather Hart
Prayer Book
Depression, Purity, Acceptance, Peer Pressure – these are all issues that teen girls face today. But how do we deal with it?
Prayer is the avenue that is recommended the most. We hear all the time that if we are struggling with something, we should pray. But how do we do that?
In “21 Prayers For Teen Girls” Shelley Hitz and Heather Hart model prayers for dealing with many of the issues teen girls may be confronted with on a daily basis. They encourage teens to pray along and make a habit out of praying for God to mold them into the woman He created them to be – a woman whose true beauty is found in Christ.
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Teen Devotionals… For Girls! by Shelley Hitz, Heather Hart and Contributing Authors

90 devotions that will take teen girls on a journey through God’s Word, learning about different areas in the Bible thet can relate to. Followed by ideas for ways they can be applied to real life, and a prayer. Written with teen girls who want to find their true beauty in Christ, the authors encourage you to read one each day, think on it and apply what you have learned to your life.
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Purposeful Planning by Phyllis Sather Christian Living “Late for an appointment, a man hurried out and hailed a cab. Jumping in, he said to the driver, “Get going and drive as quickly as you can.” After a few blocks, he impatiently asked, “Are we almost there?” “Almost where?” replied the driver. In his hurry the passenger had failed to give the driver the address of his destination. That may seem like an unlikely story, yet today many people are so busy trying to keep up with the rapid pace of living, they haven’t stopped to consider what their goal in life is.” Millie Stamm Our book Purposeful Planning will help you figure out what goals the Lord would like you to have as a person and as a family.

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Complete by Arabah Joy Christian Living Research shows it takes only 21 days to change the way we think. In Complete, Arabah Joy takes readers on a 21 day journey to think about themselves truthfully: that in Christ, we are complete. Believe it. Live it. 21 Days.

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21 Days of Generosity Challenge by CJ Hitz
Christian Living
Do you want to live a life of generosity? Do you want your life to be a blessing to others? Do you want to have a giving spirit that overflows from a heart that is fully trusting in God as provider? If so, consider embarking on this 21 Days of Generosity through this short but powerful eBook.
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Thoughts on Being Left Behind by Phyllis Sather Christian Living At one time or another we all feel left behind – whether because of illness, loss of a loved one, or the busyness of parenting and/or homeschooling. These timeless pieces, written by someone who went from the life of an active and involved woman to a near invalid within just a few weeks, speak to the heart of anyone who feels like they’ve been put on the shelf and possibly forgotten.

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The Godly Man’s Picture & A Godly Wife by Puritan Thomas Watson Spiritual Growth The soul being so precious, and salvation so glorious-it is the highest point of prudence to make preparations for the eternal world. It is beyond all dispute, that there is an inheritance in light; and it is most strenuously asserted in Holy Scripture that there must be a fitness and suitability for it (Col. 1:12). If anyone asks, “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?” the answer is, “He who has clean hands, and a pure heart” (Psalm 24:4). To describe such a person is the work of this ensuing treatise. Here you have the godly man’s portrait, and see him portrayed in his full lineaments.

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Forgiveness Of Injuries by John Angell James Spiritual Growth “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times;” thus inculcating a breadth of forgiveness widely removed from the narrow law of the Rabbis on the one hand, or the supposed liberality of Peter on the other. Let us examine, then, the basis on which this doctrine rests, and the arguments by which it is sustained.

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And Now For A Giveaway!

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Don’t forget to hop on over to CrossReads on Saturday to find out who won and get some free books!
Today I’m happy to host a writer friend of mine, Brad Francis, on my blog.  I recently read his new book The Savvy Demon’s Guide to Godly Living, and it made an impact on my life in a way few books ever have.  Here’s Brad to talk a little more about the story and what inspired it, then I’ll be back on with my review of the book at the end.

First of all, I want to thank you, Annie, for giving me the opportunity to come to your blog and talk about my new book. The Savvy Demon’s Guide to Godly Living is the longest book I’ve ever written, and in many ways the most challenging, but I’m very pleased with the final product and am glad to put it out into the world.
It all begins with a drunk demon. His name is Melchior and the reason he’s been drinking is that he’s so bored with his day-to-day life. He’s assigned to an entire church full of Christians. They’re active in church activity—attending services and programs, classes and studies—but their impact on their community is nonexistent…which means that Melchior has nothing to do, so he’s bored out of his mind. He ends up visiting the pastor of the church to tell him exactly what he’s doing wrong and inadvertently starts a revival in the process. What happens as the result of that visit comprises the bulk of the book.
Why did I write it? You can probably guess based on the description. I’m concerned about the state of the Church, both in the United States where I live and around the world. Nominalism seems to run rampant anywhere that has a legacy of Christianity. We hear wonderful reports of the way faith is spreading in the Muslim world and in places of intense persecution. I’m certainly not trying to suggest that there is no one passionately following Christ in the US, but the statistics show that: regular churchgoers live nearly identical lives to the rest of the world, rarely (if ever) share their faith, and do not make disciples. That’s what the research indicates. Does anecdotal evidence paint a different picture?
And, I assure you, I am not observing all this from some sort of high horse, scoffing down at good-hearted believers who have gotten off track. A great deal of the temptations and distractions in this book come directly from my personal experiences. I feel the pull of the world. I wish I didn’t. I wish I always lived a life in line with what I know to be true. I wish my life looked more like the godly men and women whom the Holy Spirit develops throughout the course of this book. Maybe that’s one of the differences between fiction and real life. I know that God is working in me, but, alas, the progress is slower than it is for my characters. Of course, maybe they’re much quicker to surrender to His will than I am.
These are some of the issues I was working through personally while writing this book. I’m blessed and excited to see that God has already started to use this novel in the lives of some of its readers, and I hope and pray that He uses this story for His glory.

That, after all, is what it’s all about.


Brad Francis is the author of the Christian fantasy series The Magi Chronicles and the best-selling short story The Book of the Harvest. He is also a published playwright and his short scripts are performed in churches around the United States. Brad lives in Radcliff, Kentucky, with his wife, Shannon, and two daughters, Madison and Sage. He writes to glorify God.
Click here to buy The Savvy Demon’s Guide to Godly Living or read more about it, including its nine four- and five-star reviews, on Amazon.

Annie’s Review of The Savvy Demon’s Guide to Godly Living
* * * *
Though I expected to enjoy this book (and I certainly wasn’t disappointed), I didn’t anticipate being changed by it.  
Brad Francis’s writing style reminds me of a Christian version of Douglas Adams.  As I read, I often caught myself laughing out loud at his ridiculous descriptions, witty word usage, or dryly humorous commentary by “the Narrator.”  But then I would find myself gulping guiltily as some unapologetically direct, pulling-no-punches remark struck home.  Prepare to be both entertained and convicted (and perhaps occasionally moved to tears) in your journey through these pages – not an easy combination to pull off, but Brad Francis does it and does it well!
As much as I enjoyed the read, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend The Savvy Demon’s Guide to Godly Living to all readers.  If it had a rating, I think it would be at least PG-13 for drug use, profanity, sex, and violence.  (The profanity is almost all blanked out except for the first letter, but it’s obvious what words the characters are saying.)  However, very few instances of these are gratuitous, at least in my opinion.  Brad Francis certainly doesn’t condone such activities or treat them lightly.  The first few chapters, especially, deal with what certain people’s lives are like before they give them over to the Lord’s control, and the author paints a realistic picture of the vices they are involved in.  Most of that tapers off early on in the story, however, as the characters begin to change.  Still, some of the content near the beginning (and a little that keeps showing up here and there through the rest of the book) could be offensive to some readers, so if you’re sensitive about such things, brace yourself.
Having said that, I really think that reading The Savvy Demon’s Guide to Godly Living would be a worthwhile experience for most Christian adults, especially pastors and those involved in ministry.  Not an entirely pleasant experience at times, perhaps, but valuable.  It forced me to take a closer look at the practical side of how I live out my relationship with the Lord, and it reminded me that being religious doesn’t equal following Christ.  A few nonfiction books I’ve read have had similar (though for the most part less powerful) impacts on my spiritual life, but I don’t recall ever reading a novel that’s managed it anywhere near this effectively.  I’m grateful for the ways God has used this book to reshape my outlook and renew my sense of purpose in living for Him.
The only reason I didn’t give The Savvy Demon’s Guide to Godly Living five stars is because, from a storytelling point of view, I felt that it sagged a bit in the middle.  The beginning sucked me in right away, and for the first third or so of the story, I could hardly put the book down.  The last third was equally gripping, holding my attention right up to the end.  But the pace slowed in the middle with what – at least to me – seemed more information than necessary about the characters’ activities and processes of spiritual growth.  While everything that took place would certainly have been crucial to the characters’ own lives if they were real people, I felt that some chapters were a tad heavy on details and events that didn’t really add to the story for readers.
Overall, reading The Savvy Demon’s Guide to Godly Living was a moving experience that impacted me far beyond what I had expected.  I think it would be almost impossible for anyone who is (or wants to be) serious about their faith not to be changed after reading it.  Though I seldom reread books, this is one I will probably pick up again sometime, at the very least so I can look back over all the sections I highlighted and ask myself whether I’m living them out the way God nudged me to at the time.  Praise the Lord for the way He can use even a work of fiction to work in us and bring us closer to Himself!

I’m excited to feature fellow author Anne Elisabeth Stengl’s new book Goddess Tithe on my blog today.  I’ve really enjoyed all the others in the Tales of Goldstone Wood series, and I can’t wait to read this one!  Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the bottom for your chance to win a free copy.

Title: Goddess Tithe
Author: Anne Elisabeth Stengl
Series: Tales of Goldstone Wood
Expected Release Date: November 12, 2013
Publisher: Rooglewood Press
Page Count: 130 pages
The Vengeful Goddess Demands Her Tithe

When a stowaway is discovered aboard the merchant ship Kulap Kanya, Munny, a cabin boy on his first voyage, knows what must be done. All stowaways are sacrificed to Risafeth, the evil goddess of the sea. Such is her right, and the Kulap Kanya‘s only hope to return safely home.

Yet, to the horror of his crew, Captain Sunan vows to protect the stowaway, a foreigner in clown’s garb. A curse falls upon the ship and all who sail with her, for Risafeth will stop at nothing to claim her tithe.

Will Munny find the courage to trust his captain and to protect the strange clown who has become his friend?

Goodreads * Blog Page

You can learn more about Goddess Tithewhich novel it’s connected to and read Chapter 1, here: 

Excerpt from the Story:

Here is an excerpt from the middle of the story. In this scene, Munny has been ordered to Captain Sunan’s cabin to clear away his breakfast . . . an unexpected task, for a lowly cabin boy would not ordinarily dare enter his captain’s private quarters! Munny hopes to slip in and out quietly without attracting the captain’s notice. But his hopes are dashed when Sunan addresses him, asking how their strange, foreign stowaway is faring:
“And what do you make of him yourself?”
Munny dared glance his captain’s way and was relieved when his eyes met only a stern and rigid back. “I’m not sure, Captain,” he said. “I think he’s afraid. But not of . . .”
“Not of the goddess?” the Captain finished for him. And with these words he turned upon Munny, his eyes so full of secrets it was nearly overwhelming. Munny froze, his fingers just touching but not daring to take up a small teapot of fragile work.
The Captain looked at him, studying his small frame up and down. “No,” he said, “I believe you are right. Leonard the Clown does not fear Risafeth. I believe he is unaware of his near peril at her will, suffering as he does under a peril nearer still.”
 Munny made neither answer nor any move.
“We will bring him safely to Lunthea Maly, won’t we, Munny?” the Captain said. But he did not speak as though he expected an answer, so again Munny offered none. “We will bring him safely to Lunthea Maly and there let him choose his own dark future.”
“I hope—” Munny began.
But he was interrupted by a sudden commotion on deck. First a rising murmur of voices, then many shouts, inarticulate in cacophony. But a pounding at the cabin door accompanied Sur Agung’s voice bellowing, “Captain, you’d best come see this!”
The Captain’s eyes widened a moment and still did not break gaze with Munny’s. “We’ll keep him safe,” he repeated. Then he turned and was gone, leaving the door open.
Munny put down the pot he held and scurried after. The deck was alive with hands, even those who were off watch, crawling up from the hatches and crowding the rails on the port side. They parted way for the Captain to pass through, but when Munny tried to follow, they closed in again, blocking him as solidly as a brick wall.
“Look! Look!” Munny heard voices crying.
“It’s a sign!”
“She’s warning us!”
“It’s a sign, I tell you!”
Fearing he knew not what, Munny ran for the center mast and climbed partway up, using the handholds and footholds with unconscious confidence. Soon he was high enough to see over the heads of the gathered crew, out into the blue waters of the ocean. And he saw them.
 They were water birds. Big white albatrosses, smaller seagulls, heavy cormorants, even deep-throated pelicans and sleek, black-faced terns. These and many more, hundreds of them, none of which should be seen this far out to sea.
They were all dead. Floating in a great mass.
Munny clung to the mast, pressing his cheek against its wood. The shouts of the frightened sailors below faded away, drowned out by the desolation of that sight. Death, reeking death, a sad flotilla upon the waves.
“I’ve never seen anything like that.”
Munny looked down to where Leonard clung to the mast just beneath him, staring wide-eyed out at the waves. “How could this have happened? Were they sick? Caught in a sudden gale? Are they tangled in fishing nets?”
There was no fear in his voice. Not like in the voices of the sailors. He did not understand. He did not realize. It wasn’t his fault, Munny told himself.
But it was.

Anne Elisabeth Stengl makes her home in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she lives with her husband, Rohan, a kindle of kitties, and one long-suffering dog. When she’s not writing, she enjoys Shakespeare, opera, and tea, and practices piano, painting, and pastry baking. She studied illustration at Grace College and English literature at Campbell University. She is the author of the Tales of Goldstone Wood, including Heartless, Veiled Rose, Moonblood, Starflower, and Dragonwitch. Heartless and Veiled Rose have each been honored with a Christy Award, and Starflower was voted winner of the 2013 Clive Staples Award.

Anne Elisabeth is offering two proof copies of Goddess Tithe as prizes! (U.S. and Canada only) 

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Cover Reveal Blitz by Prism


Title: UnEmbraceableBy: Precarious Yates

About the Book

From the author of “Revelation Special Ops” comes a terrifying, hauntingly real and daringly hopeful tale of betrayal and love.

Leonard, a computer programmer, has a unique gift: by words alone he can calm violent situations. Which is helpful with all these kids running around the streets behaving like zombies. He has his own set of sorrows to face, but he’s prepared for anything. Anything except Tamar, and the thunderous inkling that she will be his wife. This doesn’t make any sense to Leonard. She stole his wallet. And his heart. Painful circumstances ripped family and stability from Tamar’s grasp, but with gutsy tenacity she faces life head on. Meeting the gorgeous and single Leonard changes everything. But surely a guy like him would never fall for a girl of the streets like her.
LINK to KINDLE | LINK to PAPERBACKPrecarious Yates 2Precarious Yates

Precarious Yates lives in Texas with husband, daughter, sheep, dogs, chickens, rabbit, lizard and by the time you read this some other exotic creature her husband or daughter has brought home. She had studied the plight of and worked toward the abolition of modern slavery for over a decade before sitting down to write Revelation Special Ops. She was further inspired by the work of her sister-in-law, who helped to found Love146, an organization that works to raise awareness about human trafficking and builds safe homes in vulnerable regions. Yates spent several years overseas as a missionary in Ireland, and also did missions work in India and the Philippines. Her passion for literature has become her means of further educating young adults of the realities of modern slavery, while producing hope through the power of Christ Jesus in us.
Follow Precarious YatesWebsite | Facebook | Twitter

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Enter below to enter a $50 amazon gift card, sponsored by author Precarious Yates! a Rafflecopter giveaway This book blast is hosted by Crossreads. We would like to send out a special THANK YOU to all of the CrossReads book blast bloggers!

Today I’m excited to feature a guest post by 17-year-old author Joshua Bedford.  Below he shares a brief devotional in which he discusses his passion for the Lord and for seeing people live for Him, as well as describing a little about himself and his book.  Enjoy!  And don’t forget to take a look at his book and website at the links provided!


There is a big difference between claiming Christ, and living Christ. The statement I open the next paragraph with can be considered judgmental. I am not here to judge you, but to observe how I act and how I see others acting, and then state how I should act, and how all Christians should act. The difference between claimingChrist, and living Christ is found in whether you allow Him to shine through you, or live your life your way.
Many people claim Christ, but few live like it. What happens if we claim Christ? What happens if we claim Christ, but don’t live like it? We can look to 1 John 1:5-7 for this answer.
5 This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin
Let’s break this down verse-by-verse, and see what God is saying to us. In verse 5, we are told that God is Light, and in Him is no darkness. God is perfection! God is pure in everything He does. This Light represents God, and God is perfect. Light is God, and God is Light. When you let God’s Light shine through you, you are letting God Himself work through you.
In verse 6, it tells us what happens if we claim Christ, but do not live like it. If we do this, we are told we lie and do not practice the truth. We cannot just claim Christ as our Savior, then keep living in the things of this world. He has to be our Lord, the ruler of everything, even our lives; then He can be our Saviour.

In verse 7, we are told that if we claim Christ, and live like it, then the blood of Christ will cleanse us from our sin. If we claim Christ, and live solely for Him, then He will save us. One thing that is absolutely necessary for us to understand is that works are not what saves us; it is Christ and His sacrifice that saves us. We show that He is our Lord through these works, and if He truly has saved us, then we will gladly shine for Him.

We are told to walk in the light, and we looked at what this means. This is the difference between claiming Christ, and living Christ. As Christians, we are called not only to proclaim Him as our Savior, but also to live our lives for Him, allowing Him to shine through us. This is the reason I have written my first book weShine: Foundations of a Strong Walk With God. It is a foundational guide to growing stronger in your walk with Christ, giving you the knowledge you need to start your journey of faith correctly.

You can find the paperback version of this book at bit.ly/weshine.

More information can be found on the official website at weShineSeries.com.

Also feel free to drop by JoshuaBedford.com/the-book for other information.

You are probably wondering what led a young man to write a book, or want to know a little about the author. Well, my name is Joshua Bedford, I blog and design websites at JoshuaBedford.com, and I seek to aid Christians in their mission: to be a shining light for Christ.
In the summer of 2011 I decided I wanted to learn web design, and started writing devotions as content for the website I was making. Later that summer, I heard 4 different variations of the phrase, “Let your light shine before others” from 4 different pastors, read it in my daily reading, and in an article online. The common sense in me told me something was being revealed to me. I prayed, asking God what all it meant. Through this, 1LightforGod.netwas started. I was able to further my website design, but put more emphasis on learning more about God, writing, and sharing that writing with others. I wanted to reach others for Him. Before long, I was writing one devotion a week. After a few months of writing, I found I love to write. From this love came the excution of the idea to help others grow in their walk with Christ through a book. Click the image below for more information on this book.


This morning at school the electricity went out.

There was a time when that wouldn’t have been a big deal.  Back when I was a fifth grader, it might have meant simply the inconvenience of having a slightly dimmer classroom (which perhaps wouldn’t have been a very noticeable difference – I can’t recall how big our windows were or how much natural light they let in).  If it happened on the day when we were scheduled for our weekly trip to the computer lab, the teacher would have had to plan something else for forty minutes or so, but otherwise, our day would have continued exactly the way it always did.  And considering that power outages are fairly common in Kenya, where I grew up, I’m assuming that probably did happen at school fairly often.  The fact that I don’t specifically remember any such instances just goes to show that they were no big deal.

But here and now, in Morrison Academy in Taiwan in September of 2013, it is a big deal.

I was sitting at my desk in my classroom getting ready for the day, and at about 7:20 a.m., the power suddenly went out. This is a rare enough occurrence here that I had no way even to guess how long it would be out, though of course I hoped it would only be for a few minutes.

I remember years ago, when I was working as a substitute teacher in California, there was a time when we had a lot of rolling blackouts because the whole area was short on power.  One of the schools I subbed at had a list of instructions for teachers to follow in the event of a blackout.  Things like, “Whenever possible, continue teaching normally,” and “If any parents show up in the middle of the day to pick up their children, remind them to sign them out in the office first.”  I remember laughing about it at the time, thinking how silly American schools were to treat a simple blackout like a natural disaster.

But it wasn’t so funny today, and I must confess that the question of whether there was a chance school might even be cancelled did cross my mind.  I immediately started thinking about my lesson plans and all the little daily tasks that involve electricity, and how I would have to change things if it didn’t come back on.


First of all, my parent helpers were scheduled to come in right before school started to make my photocopies for the week.  Some of those were papers I’d been planning to use that morning.  What would I do if the copy machine wasn’t working in time?  In addition, I had promised to print something that my husband Floyd needed for a high school activity he would be helping with in less than an hour, but obviously my own classroom printer wasn’t functioning either.  As soon as I thought of that, I picked up the phone to call Floyd and let him know, but I had forgotten that without electricity, the classroom phones wouldn’t work.

When my fifth graders first arrive in the morning, they’re supposed to do several things to get ready for the day.  One of those is sharpen their pencils, which most of them do on our electric pencil sharpener (those who don’t have mechanical pencils, that is).  They’re also supposed to pull their homework out and get it ready to hand in.  Today that would have meant printing a document they had typed at home on their Alphasmarts, which is accomplished by taking the Alphasmart over to our classroom printer and holding it up to a sensor on the front, then pressing “print”.  When they’re done with that, they’re supposed to read the week’s Bible memory verse from the screen in the front of the room where I project it from my computer and then copy it down onto their Bible verse sheet.  None of those activities would be possible without electricity.

While the students are doing those things and generally getting ready for the day, I have a few things I normally do too.  I always check the school website to check what the two choices for hot lunch entree are, ask the students how many of them want each kind, and then submit the totals to the cafeteria on a Google form.  Then I record any absences or tardies on the online attendance form.


Every Monday morning, the student of the week gets to pick a people group that doesn’t have the Bible in its language, from Wycliffe’s book From Akebu to Zapotec, for the class to pray for.  After I read the blurb in the book about that group and its culture, I normally use Google Maps on the SmartBoard to show the students that part of the world.  They always enjoy zooming in, often close enough to see individual roads and buildings as well as larger features like mountains and rivers.  In addition, as part of the day’s Bible lesson, I had been planning to use the projector to show the students a slideshow about the life of Joseph that I had put together with pictures I’d found online.

At least the reading lesson would be easy enough to do without electricity, but after recess our class was scheduled to visit the computer lab for our spelling pretest.  That’s right, we take all our spelling tests at www.spellingcity.com, where I type in the words ahead of time and the students can take tests, play games, and practice in various ways with the words from our weekly list.  Through their headphones, they hear the words read aloud and used in sentences, and after they’ve typed them all in, the computer grades it instantly.  When they print their tests, it displays their total score both as a percentage and with the exact numbers they got right and wrong, as well as showing each word the way they typed it (marked with an X or a check mark).  (Quick plug: it’s a great teacher time saver, and the basic subscription is free!)

After spelling, our writing lesson would have been fine without electricity for the most part.  But I knew the students would miss the instrumental music I usually play from my computer in the background to inspire them while they write.  In the afternoon, things would get a little more challenging.  When I teach math, I always go to the textbook website and project the particular page we’re working on onto the SmartBoard.  It’s easier to read through the instructions together and work on the practice problems when the students can come up front and show their work right by the problem itself.


In science, we’ve been learning about the different body systems.  In addition to reading a couple of pages from our textbook and filling out a worksheet,  I had two short movies from a science website that I had been planning to have the students watch and take notes on: one about the skeletal system and the other about the muscular system.

In short, my lesson plans for every subject except reading would have to change in some way.  My head spun as I realized how much I count on technology (electricity-requiring technology!) in almost everything I teach now!

But though it would be inconvenient, there were ways around my planned technology use.  However, there was one BIG problem that I could see no way around – one that would make a September day in Taichung very difficult to deal with.  That was the one that made me wonder if there was any possibility school might be cancelled or at least dismissed early if the power failure lasted all day.

We would have no air conditioning.

Already, at 7:30 a.m., with the a/c and fans only having been off for ten minutes and no one but me in the room, I was sweating.  What would it be like in there with twenty-six pre-adolescents as the day wore on?  I opened the windows and door for airflow (at that point it was still a little cooler outside than in) and braced myself to find out.

Before the students even arrived, though, I discovered something else.  The water on campus wasn’t working.  Fortunately I had a full water bottle in my purse, but the students wouldn’t be able to use the drinking fountains or sinks, and the toilets wouldn’t flush.  (I’m guessing this was because, though Morrison has its own water supply, the pumps in our water tower are electric.)

When my kids lined up outside the classroom, already uncomfortably warm and all discussing the electricity problem and how we were to survive the day without any, one of them was already worried about the water issue.  “Mrs. Lima, I just used the bathroom, but it wouldn’t flush, and I can’t wash my hands!”  I directed him to the container of hand sanitizer we keep in the classroom.  First electricity-related problem of the day, solved.  If only the rest would be that simple.


When the students were all at their seats, I passed around the little hand-held pencil sharpener I keep at my desk to those whose pencils needed sharpening, and encouraged students who had their own to share with each other as well.  I wrote the memory verse on the whiteboard for them to copy.  I told them just to put away their Alphasmarts and not to worry about printing their social studies review until tomorrow.  And I offered rubber bands to anyone with long hair who wanted to tie it back and keep it off their neck.  (Sweat was starting to drip by this time, and about half the girls took me up on that.)  Four more problems dealt with.  So far, so good.

We started our Bible lesson in prayer today (usually we pray at the end).  There were plenty of volunteers eager to ask God to please bring back our air conditioning, and when I reminded them, to thank Him for the blessing of electricity that we get to enjoy most of the time, which many in the world don’t have.  Afterward, I had them bring their Bibles, workbooks, and pencils, and we lined up and went to go sit outside.  I knew that in a couple of hours it would be way too hot for that to be an option, so we might as well take advantage of the not-yet-scorching temperatures while we could.

The Bible lesson outside went okay, though there was so much background noise out there that I had to half yell the whole time just so the students would hear me.  Many of them were almost completely inaudible when I asked them to read a verse aloud or share an answer.  I was afraid my voice would wear out completely if I taught out there for very long, so it was a relief when we lined up to go back inside after the lesson was over.

But the classroom was starting to bear an uncanny resemblance to a sauna, so I was all set to let the students head back outside again for their silent reading time.  Then, to everyone’s surprise, all of a sudden back came the electricity!  The moment the lights went on, the room filled with delighted gasps and exclamations of relief, quickly followed by cheers when I turned on the air conditioning and all the ceiling fans.  Twenty-six sweaty, sticky students and one very thankful teacher prayed together and thanked God for restoring our power.


Altogether, the electricity was only off for about an hour and a half, and when I think back about it, I have to chuckle.  In retrospect, it really doesn’t seem like a very big deal.  Growing up in Kenya, power failures that lasted for hours – sometimes even a day or more – were a common occurrence.  The greatest inconveniences then were usually having to remember not to open the fridge more than absolutely necessary and needing to use flashlights or drippy candles at night.

But the technology that adds so many conveniences to our lives and makes certain aspects of teaching both easier and more challenging can be very hard to live without when it’s gone!  I felt quite powerless, pun intended, at the thought of possibly going a whole day without electricity here and now.  I think it’s good to occasionally be reminded, though, that life – even life in as technologically advanced and blessed a school as Morrison – is still possible without electricity.  If nothing else, the inconveniences and the sweat can remind us to count our blessings and pray for those who live in much more challenging circumstances.

And I’m glad school wasn’t cancelled after all!

Here and now are the perfect place and time to get your copy of Unclaimed Legacy.

Now? Because it’s only 99 cents for Kindle (for the month of September only). Here? Because buying it enters you in my giveaway of the complete Time and Again trilogy (personally signed by yours truly) AND a pretty mug for your morning coffee. Hint: You might want to keep the mug and Kindle book for yourself and give the signed copies of the trilogy as a gift. The Rafflecopter giveaway entry form is below, but first let me tell you about Unclaimed Legacy.

Those who have read Time and Again know that Abby Thomas is a college student on a summer service project with 11-year-old Merri. And they know that the summer is not going the way Abby had expected—but in a good way. For one thing, she meets a very nice guy named John Roberts. And for another, she discovers a strange computer program called Beautiful House that lets her fast-forward and rewind life. Not her own, of course, but those of the people who lived in Merri’s old house. And now Beautiful House comes in handy when Abby, John, and Merri agree to help the “Old Dears” next door with their family tree. Except Abby and John learn more about one of the ladies’ ancestors than they ever wanted to know. Convicted in 1871 of murder and arson, Reuben Buchanan is a blight on the family’s reputation. But was he really guilty? Abby and John must get inside the mind of a murderer to find out. And while they’re rummaging around in the Old Dears’ family history, they also find Nathan Buchanan, a heroic relative connected to the Lewis and Clark Expedition—and a legacy waiting to be reclaimed. But the most important discovery they make is that God’s promise to bless a thousand generations is true. “In this sequel to Time and Again Deborah Heal has taken pieces of real life history and woven them [into] a fantastic story geared to keep the reader entertained and on the edge of their seat… I adored every single bit of this. It has the perfect blend of history and action-packed suspense to keep young adults glued to the pages… I think she has mastered a home run here. This one easily rates a 5 out of 5 stars for me…and I hope it will work its way to the top of the best seller lists for young adults.”

— Pirate2240 “Kat” Amazon Reviewer

The Clue of the Unclaimed Legacy
The blurb above doesn’t say a lot about it, but Unclaimed Legacy features my heroes Lewis and Clark. I’ve always been fascinated by them, partly because I knew the explorers spent the winter of 1803 at Hartford, Illinois, near where I grew up in Woodburn. They chose that site for the camp they called Camp River Dubois, because it was near the mouth of the Missouri River, which they would ascend the next spring. The captains spent the winter laying in supplies and training their men. I decided it would be fun to let Abby “time-surf” back to see Camp River Dubois. . .

Continue reading HERE to get my clues about Unclaimed Legacy.

As the blurb says, sometimes when Abby and John are “time-surfing” they learn more than they want to know about people from the past–like Bertram White a violent husband. Read my companion article about him HERE. Read a free chapter of Unclaimed Legacy HERE) Now, enter the contest to get your Kindle copy of Unclaimed Legacy for 99 cents and a chance to win the complete trilogy in paperback, personally signed by me. Oh, and a mug.

Time Travel Trilogy by Deborah Heal

a Rafflecopter giveaway Deborah Heal Author Every Hill and Mountain (Time and Again) Read Now – http://bit.ly/13tVyYJ Twitter – @deborahheal