Funny how the waning twilight of life shines so brightly on one’s mistakes. Nearing his eightieth birthday, family patriarch Elias Blackwell can only hope it’s not too late to rectify a few of his. Namely, his relationships with his five grandsons, Jonathon, Ethan, Ben, Tyler, and Chance. With both the operation of the Blackwell Family Ranch and the boys’ upbringing entrusted to him after the tragic death of his son and daughter-in-law, he made a mess of both. Now the boys are scattered to the winds and the family legacy is in jeopardy. Bringing his family back together is going to take every bit of the ingenuity, shrewdness, and tenacity Elias is known for. And, yes, maybe it’ll even take a bit of deception to instigate the Return of the Blackwell Brothers.
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
August 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming
She’s not the country nanny he advertised for
But she could be perfect for him…
Jon Blackwell needs a woman ready to tackle the duties of a cattle ranch and two lively, take-no-prisoners twin girls. But ever since Lydia Newbury showed up at his six-generation Montana spread, the frazzled single father is rethinking, well, everything. The Philadelphia dazzler is a marvel. What he doesn’t know is the secret that has Lydia on the run…
“But…how is that possible?”
“What do you mean?”
“Stuck out here in the middle of nowhere taking care of someone else’s kids? This is the life you want?”
Lydia stared back at him, hoping her heart wasn’t showing in her eyes. “Um…” She turned and held her arms out in front of her. “This isn’t exactly nowhere. Pretty sure it’s the most beautiful place on earth.”
“I’m not trying to put you on the spot here, it’s just that I’m wondering why.”
In that moment, she wished she could tell him everything. But what would he think of her? There wasn’t a situation in the world that would cause Jon Blackwell to run from his problems the way she’d always run from hers. Maybe, she could tell him a little, though. Tanner’s warnings surfaced but she brushed them away. She’d keep things vague.
“Well, Jon, I’ve made some mistakes. I haven’t had great luck with relationships.” With a little grimace, she went on, “There’s no luck involved. It’s more that I get involved with the wrong guys. The last one was a real piece of work. I had a difficult time getting out of the relationship.” Gripping the rock she’d gathered, she continued, “That’s part of the reason that I took this job, to get away from him. I needed to get out of Philadelphia.”
Jon’s eyes homed in on her like a laser beam. “Lydia, did some guy…? What are you talking about? If someone hurt you, I’d like to know about it.”
Lydia’s heart fluttered helplessly in her chest. She couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to have a man protect her for once, or at least to not want to hurt her. And not just any man, but this man, who was strong and smart and good. Too good, maybe, because he ended up with a woman who took advantage of that goodness. She ignored the little voice that reminded her that she was currently doing the same.
But she didn’t want to be. She wanted to protect him, too, from the wiles of Ava and Marilee. She wanted to help him in every way that she could—take care of his girls, support him on the ranch and keep him from working too hard. She wanted to be his partner. And love them all in the way they deserved.
“Um…he didn’t hurt me physically.” Lydia had often thought he wanted to. She suspected he’d been abusive in other relationships. “But he could be rough and the threat of more was always there. Verbal abuse, yes. I worked for him so that made it all worse.” She sighed. It was so difficult to explain without explaining. “At the end, I lived in constant fear.”
Lydia watched his mouth flatten out to a thin, angry line. “You deserve so much better.”
“Thank you. I know I want better.”
“What do you want?” His voice was low and deep and somehow made her want to cry a little.
You, her heart answered immediately. It hurt that she couldn’t say it, so she looked out at the view again. Doing her best to lighten the moment, she tossed the rock from the cliff and answered in a teasing tone, “Oh, I don’t know. Not much really. Just love, safety, security… And someday…maybe my own horse.”
Her attempt at levity didn’t work.
Jon looked out toward the horizon. He was still and appeared calm. But Lydia knew him better now. Tension radiated from him and she knew it wasn’t anger. Her breath stalled as her pulse began to pound fast and hard. His expression was pure Rancher Blackwell—grave and solemn and almost unreadable. Almost, because she could see the vulnerability there. She knew he had feelings for her, too. The attraction between them had been simmering hotly since he’d kissed her on Easter. What she hadn’t known was what those feelings entailed or how strong they were. But now she did. And at that moment, all of the reasons why they couldn’t be together flew out of her head. Which left only her heart, aching and craving his love. Just say it, she silently pleaded. Because no matter what happened long-term she wanted to hear the words at least once in her life from a person she wanted to hear them from.
He faced her again, his gray-blue gaze ensnaring hers. Her heart jumped into her throat. “What if I told you that I want those things, too? And what if I told you that I didn’t ever want to let you go, not even when the girls leave for college?”
Review Opportunities
About the Author
USA Today bestselling author Carol Ross grew up in small town America right between the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade Mountains, in a place where you can go deep sea fishing in the morning and then hit the ski slopes the same afternoon. The daughter of what is now known as free range parents, she developed a love of the outdoors at a very early age. As a writer, Carol loves to breathe the life she has lived into the characters she creates, grateful for the “research material” that every questionable decision, adrenaline-charged misstep, and near-death experience has provided.
Blitz Giveaway
– 1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card and a copy of THE RANCHER’S TWINS (print to US/CAN and ebook to international)
– 3 winners will each receive a copy of THE RANCHER’S TWINS (print to US/CAN and ebook to international)
Welcome, welcome! I’m so excited to once again be on tour with Prism Book Tours. Bachelor Remedy is the fifth book in my Seasons of Alaska series. The hero, Tag James, has made a guest appearance in every previous book. In addition to his reluctant status in Rankins as the town’s Most Eligible Bachelor, he also has the distinction of being my Character Most Requested to Get His Own Story. Tag is everyone’s favorite – in his world and mine! When I set out to find a heroine to win his heart I knew she’d have to be really special – and a little unexpected. I think Ally is his perfect match, even if they do get off to a rather, er, muddy start. I hope you enjoy Tag and Ally’s story!
Ally my best,
“What I’m saying is that I can’t let you win.”
Sliding her gaze toward the hand still on her shoulder, she said, “Thanks for the warning. Better be careful, though. All this looking out for me and I’ll wonder about your intentions.”
He went hands up, palms out, eyes wide, like she’d just caught him robbing a bank. “No, no. I don’t… I’m not thinking about you…like that. I promise.”
An invisible pain hit her in the chest, so sudden and powerful that she brought a hand up and placed it there. She glanced away, forcing a smile that felt brittle enough to crack her face. How could she have been so stupid? He could have any woman he wanted. Why in the world would he consider…whatever it was she’d been thinking?
“You do have to pay attention to what you are reading. If you are a reader that skims as they read you may miss some great details of this book. Tag and Ally both are familiar with the medical field but Ally likes to stay true to her roots as well. They mesh so well together. This is an excellent read.”
5) What inspired this book?
In a general sense, the main character, Tag James, was overdue for an HEA. He’s made an appearance in every previous Seasons of Alaska book. Readers seem to love him almost as much as I do, and I’ve received the most requests for him to get his own story. So there’s that.
When it came to setting him up with the right woman, I knew I needed a strong conflict. Ideally, one that had them at odds externally and internally, so that he couldn’t easily brush her off. Tag is a pilot who owns an air transport company that does emergency medical evacuations. Since health and alternative medicine is sort of a hobby of mine, it seemed like a good place for them to butt heads. I think it worked out beautifully and I hope readers do, too!
“The combination of combustive chemistry, tormented tension, an ex-girlfriend set on getting her man back, and an abundance of opinionated family members make this book a great read.”
He went with “Yes, I am. That’s exactly what I’m going to say. Except it’s I… I shouldn’t have—”
She interrupted, “You mean I shouldn’t have? I kissed you.”
“No, I mean, I know you did. But I shouldn’t have let you.”
“Let me? You seemed to enjoy it. In fact, you kinda took over there at the end. Which is no surprise. You’re used to being in control, huh? To having things go your way?”
“No! I mean, yes, of course, I enjoyed…kissing you. Obviously. But we shouldn’t have. And we’re not going to do it again. I should have, I mean I shouldn’t have…and, yes, I like being in control of…certain things. But what does that have to do with this? I don’t even know what I’m saying…” Words lost, thoughts jumbled, he scraped a restless hand along the bench beside him.
What are you working on right now? What can readers look for from you in the next year?
I’m currently working on Book 6 in my Seasons of Alaska series. This is Iris and Flynn’s story. And all I’m going to say about it is that Flynn is not having an easy time taking their relationship out the friend zone!
My next book comes out in August and I could not be more excited about it! The Rancher’s Twins is the first in a five-book, multi-author continuity series called Return of the Blackwell Brothers.
Here’s my pitch: When their grandfather goes AWOL five hot rancher brothers are called home to help on the family ranch. They’re bucking family issues, wrangling their personal demons and getting all tangled up in love! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist – it’s my first rancher book.)
It’s been such an incredible experience to work on this project with my four best author friends – Cari Lynn Webb, Melinda Curtis, Amy Vastine, and Anna J. Stewart. The books will be released one per month, August through December.
She froze.
So did he. Then he sighed because what he wanted to do was pull her close and wrap his arms around her.
“Look, Ally, I’m the one who is let down. I like you, obviously. I’ve already told you that. And I’m beyond flattered that you would even entertain the thought of being interested in me.”
She stepped toward him, right into his comfort zone, and his pulse took off like a helicopter rotor at full speed.
“How could any woman not be interested in you?” Her voice was all soft, like she was about to tell him a secret, and his blood went hot as he remembered what happened last time she’d gotten this close…
“Bachelor Remedy is a sweet romance, as one would expect from the Heartwarming line, but there’s an unexpected complexity and depth in this story that I loved. Carol Ross is an excellent writer and her words flow smoothly across the page with wisdom and emotion. Family members from previous books in this series are involved, but this story easily stands alone.
…Bachelor Remedy is a wonderfully entertaining read. Highly recommended.”
“This was a delightful tale of adventure, intrigue and romance….
This is a fast-paced tale of the rescue services we often take for granted, set within the majestic land of Alaska.
The story was very well-written, captivating the reader’s interest most of the time.” – LAWonder10
“Such a good story. I really like the relationships with Tag and his family and extended family.
The characters are well-developed and easy to feel their emotions. They all have distinctive personalities. I found myself really liking all of them…
I would highly recommend this book to other readers.” – Vickie
“James. Tag James,” he supplied.
“Tag, huh?” Reaching out, Rita gave his shoulder a playful nudge. “You’re it.”
Wait… What? Was this woman hitting on him while Ally was sitting right here?
Rita thrust her ID in Ally’s general direction with a flat “Thanks, hon.” Eager blue eyes remained fastened on Tag. “Is this little cutie your daughter?”
Ally slid a hand across the table, threaded her fingers through Tag’s and pitched her voice to sweet. “Wife, actually. Thank you, Rita, for your meticulous and painstaking commitment to the law. You’re a credit to your profession.”
“Oh…” Rita drawled, her pale cheeks turning nearly as pink as her lip gloss. “Um…you’re welcome. Are you guys ready to order?”
Ally and Tag make a really great couple but he is just not sure of the age difference. Love how he flies patients to other hospitals or from the site they got injured… I enjoyed all the characters of the book but I believe Ally was my favorite.”
She realized she was staring when he asked, “Is something wrong? Am I too early? I know I’m not late.”
“Um, no. I was just admiring your…you, to be honest. Your eyes change colors, sometimes green, sometimes brown. You’re so…”
Right before her, his eyes darkened, and he made a sound, part chuckle, part incomprehensible mutter while grasping the back of his neck in that way he did when he was uncomfortable. He took a step toward her. Her heart jumped toward him. She wondered if he was going to kiss her. That would be a nice change, since she’d been the one making all the moves up to this point. Which was funny, now that she thought about it, because she’d never kissed anyone first. Ever.
Until him.
“Noted,” she replied calmly. “My turn.”
Ally almost laughed at his look of utter confusion. “You said we were establishing ground rules. You gave me yours. If this works the way I think it does, then it’s my turn to outline my rules?”
Narrowing his gaze, he studied her like he was puzzling out this detail. His eyes burned into hers, and she couldn’t tell if they were green or brown. Inexplicably, the back of her neck began to tingle.
“Ms. Ross writes a true winner in the line and of course, I’m one of their biggest cheerleaders. They are heartwarming, funny, relevant with romance abound. Ms. Ross delivers a winner!”
Ally felt the back of her neck prickle. Her gaze swept across the sea of people and quickly latched onto Tag’s. His knowing grin paired with a quirk of one brow suggested he’d been waiting for her to catch sight of him. A furnace blast of heat radiated from her core all the way out through her skin. She returned the smile, and the next thing she knew they were moving toward each other.
“Hey,” he said, stopping in front of her. “Nice of you to come today.”
“I think my favorite part of the story was the basketball game at Tag’s family gathering. It had some great laugh out loud moments in it.
Bachelor Remedy is a great book to pick up for a nice romantic read.”
“I enjoyed the fact that this book had a character of Native American descent. . . . I did enjoy Carol’s writing style and look forward to reading other books by her.”
“Are you…serious with this?” Slipping an arm behind him to grip the back of the bench, she inched toward him, studying his reaction. “Do you really not…?”
She scooted closer. Desire and terror looked to be at war on his face. He stared at her lips and leaned away from her at the same time. She would have laughed if it wasn’t so exasperating.
“Not what?” The question sounded strained. He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
Ally planned every beat of her next move because she wanted to catch him off guard, wanted to see the heat flare in his eyes, wanted to elicit a reaction without giving him time to think.
“Bachelor Remedy was a fun read, that kept me up late trying to finish.
I loved the setting and think the cover perfectly captures this book…
If you enjoy clean contemporary romance novels, I think you’d like reading Bachelor Remedy.“
“Bachelor Remedy by Carol Ross has a vivid setting, engaging characters, and an electric chemistry between the protagonists. The small town feel adds to its charm, and lots of twists and turns keep reader interest high. While Tag and Ally may appear to be opposites in many ways, they actually have a lot in common where it really matters. There is still plenty to be said for the whole ‘opposites attract’ theory, however, and their witty banter and sizzling romantic tension prove why. A sweet story with just enough spice to be swoony!”
“Did you or did you not see a woman who you interpreted as too young for this job and then decided that you’d teach her a thing or two? You, with your wisdom honed from years of experience, would come to the aid of an inexperienced, newbie female colleague?”
“No!” That he was not doing. “Nope. No way. Don’t even try that on me.”
“Don’t try what on you?”
“There’s no misogyny or ageism or sexism or racism or any other ‘ism’ going on here. I have four sisters and a boatload of female cousins, all of whom are younger than me. Each one is equally as smart and capable as I am, more so in many, many ways. This isn’t about any of that. This is about your workplace attitude, your approach and your lack of respect. After your behavior yesterday, I would have come in here today if you were an eighty-six-year-old man wearing a honey badger suit.”
“I wanted these two characters to be alone, away from their lives, and just fall in love. However they had obstacles in their way. I would love to find out how they are living 10 years down the road. I am giving this book a 5/5.”
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
April 1st 2018 by Harlequin Superromance
She’s the most unconventional woman he’ll ever meet…
and the cure for a perennial bachelor?
Raised by her healer grandfather, former army medic Ally Mowak knows her alternative approach to traditional medicine puts her at odds with most of her Alaskan town. That includes Tag James, the rugged transport pilot with the sprawling family and political ambitions. Ally couldn’t be more wrong for the aspiring senator. Then why does everything feel so right when they’re together?
USA Today bestselling author Carol Ross grew up in small town America right between the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade Mountains, in a place where you can go deep sea fishing in the morning and then hit the ski slopes the same afternoon. The daughter of what is now known as free range parents, she developed a love of the outdoors at a very early age. As a writer, Carol loves to breathe the life she has lived into the characters she creates, grateful for the “research material” that every questionable decision, adrenaline-charged misstep, and near-death experience has provided.
– 1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon e-gift card and a copy of Summer at the Shore (signed copy to US and Canada, ebook to international)
On tour with Prism Book Tours.
Her Thanksgiving Soldier by Leigh Riker
After ten years of war, black-ops soldier Caleb Henderson must decide whether to stay in the military – it’s all he knows – or to come home. Daisy McCall just might be his answer, but she doesn’t want to love another man in uniform.
Read it HERE!
Award-winning author Leigh Riker began her career with short stories then novels, and she still loves to write romance. When not writing, or thinking about writing, she likes to read, watch movies (funny or sad), dig in the garden, travel, and play the piano – with gusto if not finesse. At home in the Southeast she is (of course) working on a new novel.
Website – Goodreads – Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest
Other Heartwarming Titles by this Author
She deserves a man she can count on
Eight years ago Brigham Collier broke their engagement, and Molly Darling’s heart, when he put the military first. Now Molly is a childless widow, and the returning soldier’s back in town – with the most adorable baby she’s ever seen. He needs help looking after Laila, left in his care by a fallen teammate. But time is running out. Who will keep Laila when duty calls again?
Molly can’t turn her back on an orphan, but Laila reawakens her longing for a family of her own. And her feelings for Brig. If he shared her dream – instead of living for the next dangerous mission – she might dare say yes to him again. But he’ll never leave his post, and she won’t trust him with her heart a second time.
Goodreads – Amazon – Barnes & Noble – Harlequin
We’ll be highlighting 13 FREE short stories by beloved Harlequin Heartwarming authors that will be available from Harlequin during November via their site. Not only that, but all Heartwarming print titles are 30% OFF during November from Harlequin as well! Use code HEART1115.
Don’t miss any of these FREE novellas! Stop by each of the tour stops each day:
11/2: Snow Day Baby by Amy Vastine
Singing Librarian Books, The Power of Words, & Katie’s Clean Book Collection
11/4: Wedding at Turkey Run by Liz Flaherty
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing, Babs Book Bistro, & Heidi Reads…
11/6: Her Thanksgiving Soldier by Leigh Riker
Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima, Mel’s Shelves, & Brooke Blogs
11/9: Mr. Right All Along by Jen Snow
Katie’s Clean Book Collection, Min Reads and Reviews, & Love thy Shelf
11/11: Falling for the Cowboy by Sophia Sasson
Kindle and Me, The Power of Words, & Colorimetry
11/13: The Marriage Gift by Tara Taylor Quinn
deal sharing aunt, Babs Book Bistro, & Brooke Blogs
11/16: Heart of a Hero by Pamela Tracy
Writing Pearls, Wishful Endings, & Waiting For Wentworth
11/18: Thankful for You by Karen Rock
Christian Chick’s Thoughts, Getting Your Read On, & Love, Laughter, Friendship
11/20: Autumn at Jasper Lake by Carol Ross
Reading Is My SuperPower, I Am A Reader, & Colorimetry
11/23: The Firefighterís Promise by Kate James
Canadian Book Addict, Mel’s Shelves, & Beck Valley Books
11/24: Wedding of His Dreams by Cari Lynn Webb
Bookworm Lisa, Kindle and Me, & Zerina Blossom’s Books
11/25: The Sweetheart Tree by Rula Sinara
The Written Adventure, Reading Is My SuperPower, & Writing Pearl
11/26: Married by Thanksgiving by Melinda Curtis
Heidi Reads…, Love, Laughter, Friendship, & Singing Librarian Books
11/29: Grand Finale
11/30: Facebook Party
Join us for
A Heartwarming Thanksgiving
We’ll be highlighting 13 FREE short stories by beloved Harlequin Heartwarming authors that will be available from Harlequin during November via their site. Join the fun by stopping by any or all of the tour stops, stopping by the Facebook Party (with additional giveaways), and entering the fabulous giveaways! We hope you find something to warm your heart and help you get into the holiday spirit!
Goodreads Giveaway
13 Harlequin Heartwarming Books
Enter on Goodreads HERE.
Pinterest Giveaway
Pin one or both of the above images to spread the word and enter to win this adorably festive Thanksgiving Table Set:
Pinterest Prize includes: four reversible, quilted placemats, four matching napkins, hand-painted matching napkin rings, matching table runner, matching quilted hot pad/trivet, floral centerpiece in pot, and hand-crafted pilgrim pair.
– Enter via the Rafflecopter below
– Open to US only
– Ends December 4th
Tour Giveaway
Grand Prize: Harlequin Heartwarming Year Subscription (Provided by Harlequin and to US/CAN only)
$40 VISA card (US only)
13-Book Heartwarming Prize Pack: The Best Laid Plans, Back to McGuffy’s, If I Loved You, Love, Lies & Mistletoe, First Comes Marriage, Once Upon A Marriage, Small Town Secrets, Winter Wedding Bells, If Not For A Bee, When The Right One Comes Along, Wedding of His Dreams, After The Silence, and A Memory Away (print copies if US, ebooks if international)
8-Book Prize Pack: The Best Laid Plans, If I Loved You, Love, Lies & Mistletoe, First Comes Marriage, Once Upon A Marriage, Winter Wedding Bells, If Not For A Bee, and After The Silence (print copies if US, ebooks if international)
Ends December 4th
On tour with Prism Book Tours.
October 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming
You can’t always play it safe
With four sons dependent on her, Janie Everett needs to keep her life uncomplicated. Now famous scientist Aidan Hollings is disrupting her orderly world, starting with the rescue of a…bumblebee.
Aidan is only passing through her Alaska wilderness town, and wasn’t planning to bond with her two older boys. Or become so attracted to the widowed journalist. His globe-trotting days may be be over if he’s able to show Janie that they can share the adventure of a lifetime–together.
Carol Ross lives with her husband and one loveable miscreant of a dachshund in a small town in Washington close to both the ocean and the mountains. She adores the Pacific Northwest because it provides her with endless opportunities for the activities she lovesóhiking, running, skiing, and spending time outdoors. Although she enjoys reading in many genres, she writes what she loves the mostóromance, especially light-hearted stories about the fun, flirty, and often-tumultuous path toward a happily ever after. For a complete list of her books, social media links, giveaways, and other fun stuff stop by and visit her new website:
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Yellow jacket/party crasher/watermelon stealer
There are certain critters that in spite of their diminutive stature, never fail to strike fear in the hearts of even the bravest among us – snakes, spiders, rats, bats. I’ve even seen people get the
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The grumpy bald-faced hornet, otherwise known as “my nemesis.” |
I’ve seen big, strong, completely rational men run screaming like babies. I’ve seen graceful, composed women gyrate around like the worst So You Think You Can Dance audition imaginable. Brave Aunt Betty uses her corn on the cob to whack at the bee with one hand while wielding her paper plate like a shield. Uncle Stan abandons both Aunt Betty and his potato salad and sprints toward the house. Chairs are overturned, drinks are spilled, plates of cherished dessert are sacrificed. My stepdaughter will literally drop whatever is in her hands—phone, food, purse, expensive glassware, whatever, it doesn’t matter, and disappear like Speedy Gonzales. The
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The lovely and graceful, ever-busy, honeybee
Now I know what you’re all thinking. Bee stings hurt. They do. I know this. I’ve had too many to count. As a child I was blackberry picking with my best friend’s family and fell over a fallen log right into a nest of bald-faced hornets. In case any of you aren’t familiar with this type of wasp, it’s particularly aggressive and lightning fast. I’ll never forget my terror—or the pain. Luckily, my friend’s dad was picking nearby and knew immediately (by my screams no doubt) what had happened. He scooped me up and sprinted down the hill like an Olympic hurdler, scaling downed logs and pulling
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Sweet, determined, diligent bumblebee
I have a newfound respect for these industrious creatures after writing If Not for a Bee, especially the hardworking honey and the noble bumble. In this book, scientist Aidan Hollings is in
First, here are the beautiful covers of the April and May books . . .
And here’s what we have planned to warm your heart and chase away any lingering winter blahs. All eight Heartwarming authors with April and May releases have teamed up to offer two prize packs of four books each. We will also give away one grand prize consisting of all eight books and a stunning mix of “ever-blooming” spring garden flowers, for use indoors or out. These are gifts you can enjoy time and again, as you can read our books over and over, and the flowers won’t fade when winter threatens, since they’re steel, painted in bright colors.
The Truth About Hope by Kate James
Katia’s Promise by Catherine Lanigan
Raising the Stakes by Karen Rock
A Case for Forgiveness by Carol Ross
These books are certain to provide hours of springtime reading pleasure!
The Long Road Home by Lynn Patrick
Man of His Word by Cynthia Reese
Fighting for Keeps by Jennifer Snow
Firefly Nights by Cynthia Thomason
Another set of four wonderful stories you will surely enjoy!
There are three exciting prize packs waiting to be won. The contest runs until April 25th. Enter as often as you like. Post a comment right here on our blog for two entries, visit our Facebook pages, follow us on Twitter, and tweet about the contest once a day while it’s running! And check back here on April 26th to see if you are a lucky winner!
Happy spring . . . and happy reading!