Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. (In this case, you can get it for free!)

Author’s name: Alex McGilvery
Title of book and/or series:  Tales of Ever After (an anthology)
Brief summary of the story:  A Week After Midnight is a follow up of the classic Cinderella. What happens when the farm girl moves into the palace? The prince is shy, and the magic has worn off, or has it?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: The story is set in a fairy tale land, but it has problems with drought and taxes. I have a fair number of fairy tale stories, so imagine it connecting with Snow White’s land over to the west, and mountains with trolls to the north. While I don’t name it in the story, I think of it as Charmant, a Kingdom of Prince Charmings I created decades ago.
If we were to visit Charmant as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
The palace is always interesting, but there are also local craftspeople who would love to show you the work they do. After all, someone needs to pay for all that luxury.
What dangers should we avoid in Charmant
While the evil witches live to the west, one should be careful when buying apples from old crones, you never know. And if you get lost in the woods, neither gingerbread houses nor porridge are recommended for consumption.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Charmant?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. 
Magic is mostly the province of the nobles, with the occasional exception for seventh sons. The people of Faerie who have maintained the enchantments for generations are getting bored, so they might get silly and confuse the stories, there is nothing quite like the Frog Prince and the Seven Giants. Good thing his name was Jack.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Charmant? 
While one can count on royal balls for one reason or another, the regular folk are busy farming and working, but do find time to poke fun at the royals while drinking a pint or two at the inn.
What is the political or government structure in Charmant?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Being a magic Kingdom, the government is nominally a monarchy, but as in most places the bureaucracy does all the real work. A wise ruler lets them get on with the day to day business and concentrates on doing what royals do best, which is alternately befriended and annoying the Faerie.
Author Autobiography:  
Alex is an author and editor. He’s been writing books for decades, but only started publishing in the last ten years. He now has 16 books in print. He writes in genres from fantasy to horror to thriller to steampunk to contemporary fiction. He has a free collection of fairy tales and other stories.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  
All my books are available in all formats in most ebook retailers. With the ISBN on the book sample page at https://alexmcgilvery.com one can order a print book from a bookstore. Here is the landing page to take you to the retailer of your choice. https://www.books2read.com/ap/x2o0ZR/Alex-McGilvery
Where can readers connect with you online?  
On alexmcgilvery.com you can read samples of all my books as well as some of the short stories he’s written over the years. You can also connect through my facebook page www.facebook.com-/Author.AlexMcGilvery.
“A Week After Midnight” is a short story in the Fellowship of Fantasy anthology Tales of Ever After, which is available for FREE! Find out more below.
Rescue a princess, meet a mermaid, win your reward.

The authors of the Fellowship of Fantasy tackle fairy tales from once upon a time to happily ever after. Explore twists on old tales and brand new magical stories. Meet feisty mermaids, friendly lampposts, and heroes who just might be monsters themselves.

This fourth anthology from the Fellowship of Fantasy will lead you on a quest for entertainment and storm the castle of your imagination. So make a wish and enter the deep dark woods to find stories that will make you laugh, shiver, and maybe even fall in love.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Charmant.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
Are you an author of a sci-fi or fantasy novel that takes place in another world? Click here to find out about having it featured on Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima

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Faith Blum has a new book. And it’s not a Western! *gasp* It is a fairy tale retelling set during the time of King Saul. Read on to learn more about the book.

About the Book

A wicked priestess, a morally corrupt king, and two children stuck in the middle…

Hadassah and Gidal love their parents and will do anything for them. When Priestess Basmat tell Ehud and Jerusha to pay their debt, they cannot and she takes Hadassah and Gidal as her slaves for two years.
The priestess works them hard, but there are two other servants to divide the load with, so they cope as well as they can. Then King Saul comes in disguise requesting the priestess’s other services—as a medium.
Will Hadassah and Gidal trust Adonai to take care of them? What will happen after Priestess Basmat comes face-to-face with the prophet Samuel?
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D939ZPL
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40227896-trust-and-obey

About the Author

Faith Blum is a small-town Wisconsin girl. She’s lived in, or outside of, small towns her whole life. The thought of living in a city with more than 60,000 people in it scares her, especially after some interesting adventures driving through big cities like Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.
Faith currently resides in the middle of the state of Wisconsin with her husband and their cat, Smokey. She is blessed to be able to have writing as her full-time career with household work and cooking to do on the side. She loves to paint walls as long as she doesn’t have to do hallways or ceilings.
When not writing, you can find her cooking food from scratch due to food allergies (fun), doing dishes (meh), knitting, crocheting, sewing, reading, or spending time with her husband (yay!). She is also a Community Assistant for the Young Writers Workshop and loves her work there. She loves to hear from her readers, so feel free to contact her on her website.


Faith Blum is doing a giveaway with her blog tour. She is offering a paperback copy of Trust and Obey as well as a magnet with the cover on it! You can enter here.

Tour Schedule

June 26
Bookish Orchestrations – Introductory Post
Frances Hoelsema – Book Spotlight
Rachel Rossano’s Words – Book Spotlight
June 27
RockandMinerals4Him – Book Review
Shannon’s Blog – Book Spotlight
June 28
Wildflower Acres – Book Spotlight
June 29
Purposeful Learning – Book Review
The King and His Kingdom – Book Review
June 30
Bookish Orchestrations – Giveaway Winner

Behind the scenes of Burning Rose: Song of the Sword
Writing Burning Rose took around two years, from the publication of the first novella to
the final paperback. Of course, that wasn’t non-stop writing. I published each of the three
novellas contained in the paperback separately as ebooks, then pulled them together for the first
book of Legends of Light.

The nice thing about ebook publishing is that it’s very easy to change a document and
correct a typo or even make more drastic changes to a story after publication. My second novella
in Legends of Light, Song of the Sword, is my only novella that underwent noticeable changes
after publication. Although it is second in the series, it is actually the earliest novella of the three
that I wrote. With each novella I publish, I learn more about writing and style. So I went back
and polished up Song of the Sword. I also added several chapters. Roinette, sister to the main
character, had about half the page time in the first version as she does now. But I got some
suggestions from a friend and ended up weaving her into the story to make her a large secondary
character. I also clarified backstory and deepened some thematic bits.
Read the full retelling in my new paperback collection, Burning Rose!

A war, founded in ancient legends, changes the lives of those it touches forever.
Elissa, a villager from the northern mountains, attempts to save her brother and ends up trapped
in a hidden valley with a strange host and a treacherous enemy.
Evrard, the Wingmaster of the Prince’s army, races against his own weakening powers to
discover the location of his twin and save her from deadly mistbenders.
Haydn, a pardoned rebel from Tauscher’s army, confronts shadows of myth and former
comrades in his struggle to keep his sister safe and find the stolen Stormestone.

Before the war, before the legends, before the Separation, there was a man who started it all.
There was a curse, a promise, and a sacrifice. There was the Oathkeeper.
Fairy tales retold as you have never heard them before.
ROSE OF THE OATH: Beauty and the Beast

ROSE OF THE NIGHT: a Rose of the Oath prequel
Order Burning Rose now!

Hope Ann is a Christian wordsmith, avid reader, and dedicated author. Her time is taken up with
writing, reading, playing with inspirational photos, blogging, helping care for the house and eight younger siblings, and generally enjoying the adventures of life on a small farm at the crossroads of America. She is the author of Legends of Light is currently working on several projects including a fantasy novel and futuristic trilogy. You can find out more about her at

Rooglewood Press invites you to join the adventure of the Five Poisoned Apples creative writing contest!

The cover model/photographer is WYNTER CLARK. Want to peek at her photography website? Here it is.

And, as always, the gorgeous cover design was done by the amazing JULIA POPOVAwhose website is here.

Ever After
Aya Ling
(Unfinished Fairy Tale Series, #3)
Publication date: May 20th 2017
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

Kat has survived. She returns to Athelia as herself, Katherine Wilson. Edward, elated at learning she is alive, vows to bring her back to the palace. The obstacles, however, seem impossible to overcome. Marriage between a royal and a commoner is not recognized, not to mention that he is already legally bound to Katriona Bradshaw, who will do anything to keep her position as princess.
And there’s even more to worry about. Due to an uncommonly harsh winter, the people of Athelia have been suffering from inflated food prices, and are getting irritated at supporting the small, elite group of aristocrats. An uprising in a neighboring country only adds fuel to the fire.
Can Kat and Edward finally get a happily-ever-after?

Add to Goodreads / Pre-order
Previous books in the series:

Author Bio:
Aya is from Taiwan, where she struggles daily to contain her obsession with mouthwatering and unhealthy foods. Often she will devour a good book instead. Her favorite books include martial arts romances, fairy tale retellings, high fantasy, cozy mysteries, and manga.
She is currently working on Ever After, Book 3 in the Unfinished Fairy Tales series, to be released in 2017. For exclusive bonus scenes, giveaways, and new release info, visit ayaling.com

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Diane Rapp
Title of book and/or series: Dragon Knight: And the Heart’s Blood Curse
Brief summary of the story:
While sleeping off a large meal, Dragon is rudely awakened by a foul-tempered witch. Bellatrix becomes hysterical upon learning that Dragon ate her daughter, and the witch performs an irrational act.  Dragon tried to explain that the girl was already dead when she arrived in his cave, but the witch wouldn’t listen to reason.  She invokes the Heart’s Blood Curse which transforms Dragon into a human knight—a disgusting situation. To reverse the horrid spell, Dragon must perform a brave deed for a young sorceress, who is the only being that can return him to his magnificent dragon-form once again.  Dragon must learn to fight in human guise to save humans from a vile demon.  Many obstacles lie in his path, and he must learn to get along with humans to complete the quest—revolting idea.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
This fractured fairy tale takes place in two separate realms, a magical realm and a mundane world (modern Earth) that are linked by a common history.  The magical realm was separated from the mundane world in centuries past, after ordinary people stopped believing in the power of magic.  Of course magic had to go somewhere and the magical realm formed.  Both realms are threatened by the Underworld, where demons and ghouls exist. As you might guess, it’s a very hot place.
The magical realm was a happy and safe place until the demon Sandoval arrived from the Underworld.  He learned to capture dead musicians from the mundane world and use their potent music to change people into vile creatures, such as vampires, zombies, giant spiders, harpies, and ghosts. 
If we were to visit the magical realm as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Tourists could visit a western ghost town, the zombie castle, a vampire villa, or a black canyon filled with giant spiders.  As you might guess, there are dangers in each place.  It is recommended that visitors hire a magical fairy for a guide if they wish to survive the journey. 
What dangers should we avoid in the magical realm?
Regular people in the magical realm fall victim to mundane music when Elvis, John Lennon, Janice Joplin, Johnny Cash, or Jimmie Croce sing!  Be sure to bring heavy-duty ear plugs to avoid hearing these famous dead musicians, or you might become a giant spider, zombie, ghost, vampire, or harpy.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the magical realm?
Human food is similar to the mundane world.  However, Dragon’s favorite dish is “maiden” and he enjoys water liberally laced with brimstone.  A human knight could hardly imbibe such exotic fare, therefore, Dragon consumes bland human food and drink during the journey—a disgusting idea.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the magical realm?
The magical realm favors the Earthly time period when knights defended feudal kingdoms.  Swords, bows and arrows, and magic are the weapons employed by knights and wizards.  When the demon uses mundane music as a potent weapon, local wizards were caught off guard and had no spells to counteract his attack.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in the magical realm?
Horses and travel by foot are common unless you happen to possess wings like dragons and fairies.  It’s slow travel for Dragon with many dangers to face along the trail.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the magical realm that we don’t see on Earth?
Animals and people originated from the same stock as the mundane realm, however, new creatures evolved from centuries of concentrated magic.  Creatures like fairies, unicorns, ogres, and dragons are commonplace in the magical realm.  Since pure magic dripped down stalactites onto eggs, dragons emerged as the most magnificent creatures of power.  Vibrant waves of magic (similar to northern lights) changed colors in the sky and plants or trees fed by magical rain. 
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the magical realm?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Magic is in the air and in the water and it fuels all power in the magical realm.  As most formidable magical creatures in the kingdom, dragons were slaughtered by Sandoval’s minions.  Dragon may be the last of his kind to exist and the only creature capable of killing Sandoval.  As magic gets sucked away while musicians perform their songs, Sandoval becomes stronger.
There is also a different kind of magic in the mundane world.  When wizards cross into the mundane world, they discover that magic wands turn into smart phones, magical transportation exists in a Prius automobile.  They learn about the magic in music and must prevent the demon from capturing Jimmy Buffett.  They pray that Dragon and Robyn can destroy Sandoval in the magical realm before all is lost.
What is the political or government structure in the magical realm?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
This is a feudal society with castles and kings, sorcerers and knights, the usual fairy tale stuff.  Wizards are governed by the Ministry of Magic which creates rules.   A Ministry guide is sent to help wizards navigate through the mundane world, and he provides mundane money and advice about using smart phones and laptops.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I enjoyed reading fantasy stories like The Princess Bride and the Xanth series by Piers Anthony—a very funny series full of puns about mythical creatures.  I decided to add humor that might appeal to adults in this fairy tale and hope readers might enjoy a bit of fun.  (I also included three short stories to provide a sample of my more serious writing for readers.)
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
In this story “Global Warming” is caused when the demon cracks the barriers between the worlds and lets heat leak through from the Underworld.  He plans to use Jimmy Buffett’s volcano song to destroy the barriers between the worlds and allow the Underworld to rule supreme!
Author Autobiography:
Diane Rapp became an entrepreneur when she opened her own dog grooming salon in Santa Barbara, California. She spent the next thirty years as a small business owner; she sold real estate, started an office supply/copy center, and performed free-lance advertising design. During all those years Diane wrote stories as a cure for insomnia.
After teaming up with her daughter to write a tour guide book to the Caribbean, Diane’s daughter gave her the idea of writing a mystery set on cruise ships in the Caribbean.  The result became three High Seas Mysteries.  But Diane’s favorite genre is science/fantasy. Diane’s love of animals shines through in a series that incorporates telepathic wolves and dogs into her stories.  (There are dragons in the series as well.)  Readers can enjoy four novels with more in planning stages.

Diane’s most recent release is a combined historical adventure and modern mystery.  “Golden Legacy” features two stories in one novel.  A journal written by Ginny in 1888 becomes important to familiar modern characters from Diane’s High Seas Mysteries.  The characters use Ginny’s journal and other clues left by subsequent ancestors to find a hidden family treasure near Ouray, Colorado.  Diane includes actual old-time photos in the book to enhance readers’ enjoyment during the adventure.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
Dragon Knight: And the Heart’s Blood Curse is available in Kindle and Print formats exclusively from Amazon at viewBook.at/DKnight 
Where can readers connect with you online?
Visit www.quicksilvernovels.com to learn more about all of Diane’s books and connect by e-mail.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the magical realm.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy kingdoms of Trabor and Shayal, in Realm Explorers Part CXVI!
-Annie Douglass Lima

I loved this book! 

Like all of Anne Elisabeth Stengl‘s anthologies, Five Magic Spindles is a collection of five very different novellas that all involve events and themes from one fairy tale – in this case, the Sleeping Beauty story. I highly recommend this fun anthology! Here’s a little information about each of the individual stories.

The Man on the Buckskin Horse
Emma, a good-hearted midwife, rushes to warn a neighbor about the hired gunman headed to his ranch but can’t prevent the catastrophe in store for his daughter.

A fairy tale retold as a Western? How fun! The author makes it work entirely without magic. This story was also unique in that the main character was neither Sleeping Beauty nor the prince.

Guardian of Our Beauty
Palli, the prophesied daughter of a king, is fated to rescue her people from the destruction called forth by a vengeful priest. 

Talk about an unusual part of the world to set a re-told fairy tale in. But the author pulled it off! I enjoyed Palli’s personality and abilities.

The Ghost of Briardale
Roselee, a ghost with a faulty memory, flits through the halls of an insane asylum in search of the mortal boy who can help her save the day. 

I thought this one was quite clever. True Heroes in this world are people who have either saved a kingdom, slain a dragon, or moved a mountain, and only a True Hero can get through the enchantment around Sleeping Beauty. How is an ordinary boy with a hero’s heart supposed to manage?

Spindle Cursed
Arabella, a living spirit trapped in her own comatose body, helplessly watches from the realm of dreams as her usurping cousin plots to destroy her once and for all. 

This story is unique in that it’s told largely from the fairy godmother’s point of view. Unlike most of the others, it begins shortly before the prince sets out to rescue Sleeping Beauty instead of before she falls into her enchanted sleep.

Out of the Tomb
Tanza, a tomb raider on a distant planet, struggles to make a living and doesn’t need a long-lost prince to complicate her difficult life. 

I have to say, this one is definitely my favorite out of the five. The author has done an amazing job of worldbuilding, perhaps the best I’ve ever seen in a story of this length. Her descriptions give a vivid picture of the planet’s history, technology, plant and animal life, and culture. In many cases, this is done with just a few well-placed words and phrases here and there that blend seamlessly with the action. I definitely want to read more by Ashley Stangl!

In summary, this is an exciting and entertaining book that is definitely worth the $3.99. Grab your copy today!

Download your Kindle copy here!

Order your paperback copy here!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
Scarred Beauty
By Jennifer Silverwood
Coming December 1st 2016…

(A Wylder Tale, #2)
YA Dark Fantasy

Vynasha has become prisoner with the other wyld beasts of the castle, but she is not alone. In the howling darkness her majikal bond with the Dungeon Master, Grendall grows, awakening the dormant power in her blood.

Yet as she discovers the true nature of the other beasts, she learns she must embrace madness in order to free them all. Vynasha is willing to do anything to end the curse, even if that means transforming into a monster.

Burried secrets come to light in this seductive sequel to Craving Beauty, the Gothic retelling of the classic fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast, where nothing is exactly as it seems and the heroine must be her own hero.

Pre-order from:

Other Books in the Series

Craving Beauty
(A Wylder Tale, #1)
by Jennifer Silverwood
YA Dark Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 239 pages
October 31st 2015

Vynasha has spent the last four years tending her mother’s roses and looking after her nephew. The fire that killed their family has left her scarred and put Wyll on the brink of death. Soon the first frost will come down from the mountains and she knows this winter will be his last.

Until a strange beggar appears on the road, telling her of the majikal Source that can heal her Wyll. With nothing left to lose, Vynasha braves the forbidden Wylder Mountains to seek out a cure and her fate.

A lost kingdom is uncovered by an equally lost girl, but the castle is not abandoned as she believes. Shadows cloaking unseen eyes watch. Tapestries whisper from the hidden corners, wondering if the one to break their curse has come. And a hungry beast waits, ready to devour her soul.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository

Wolfsbane’s Daughter
(A Wylder Tale Novella)
by Jennifer Silverwood
YA Dark Fantasy
ebook, 52 Pages
February 25th 2016

Wolfsbane and his daughter Resha are on a never ending quest in the Wylder Mountains, to wipe out the wolves who destroyed their village. Before their enemies stole everything she loved, Resha cared for little beyond learning how to be a hunter. After, she learned a hunter must be prepared to fight as well as flee. Now she cares for nothing but revenge.

Until she discovers two majikal humans half frozen in the forest. Resha has a choice, to follow her instincts and leave the strangers to the wolves, or save them. Yet the enemy is on the prowl and there is little time for Wolfsbane’s daughter to find safe haven before they are discovered.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleSmashwords

Jennifer Silverwood was raised deep in the heart of Texas and has been spinning yarns a mile high since childhood. In her spare time she reads and writes and tries to sustain her wanderlust, whether it’s the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania, the highlands of Ecuador or a road trip to the next town. Always on the lookout for her next adventure, in print or reality, she dreams of one day proving to the masses that everything really is better in Texas. She is the author of the Heaven’s Edge series, Stay and Silver Hollow.


Other Books by the Author

Cover Reveal Giveaway

ebooks of all six of Jennifer’s books: Silver Hollow, Qeya, Ohre, Stay, Craving Beauty, and Wolfsbane’s Daughter (Open Internationally)

Copies of the first two books in A Wylder Tales: Craving Beauty (print) and Wolfsbane’s Daughter (ebook), plus swag (US Only)

Ends June 29th

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

It’s the Grand Finale for
Craving Beauty
By Jennifer Silverwood
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0Pq1Sa-Bd8?rel=0]

Did you come along with us as the classic fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast is retold in a Gothic setting where nothing is exactly as it seems and the heroine must be her own hero? If not, go back and check out each stop…

Launch – Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?
Sometimes there is no knight in shining armor coming to rescue the damsel. Sometimes the damsel has to be the hero. I hope readers will find their courage, along with our heroine, Vynasha, to realize they too are beautiful beyond their inner and outer scars.
Painted Words Reviews – Review

“Whatever you think you know, forget it, you are probably wrong. As I said earlier, there is so much going on within the pages of this book you won’t know what to expect but that is what makes this book so utterly amazing. It was so different. It took a classic fairy tale one that I absolutely adore and made it something more. It made it something new.”

Mythical Books – The Characters & an Introduction to Craving Beauty

Craving Beauty is yet another adaptation of the beloved fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast, with a darker twist. Elements of Gothic romance and high fantasy flesh out this retelling. I have always wanted to read a high fantasy retelling of my favorite fairy tale, so I decided to write one. . . .My story is different from other retelling’s because it focuses less on the romance and more on the journey of Vynasha.

deal sharing aunt – Author Interview

6. What would you like my readers to know?
Craving Beauty, Vol. 1 is a gothic romance as well as a high fantasy retelling of Beauty & the Beast. While it is a clean YA Fantasy, be prepared for a lot of mayhem and magic. And don’t be too surprised by the blood and beasts, or cloak and dagger. In the end, Craving Beauty is about finding courage and your own inner beauty despite all obstacles. Hope you will join me in Vynasha’s journey!

Singing Librarian Books – Review

“Author Jennifer Silverwood will blow you away with her latest release, Craving Beauty. In this rendition of Beauty and the Beast, Jennifer has created a twist on the story that readers will fall in love with from page one. Although a little darker than I originally thought it would be, this novel is filled with a delightful story and excellently developed characters.”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“If you are a fan of Beauty and the Beast type of story you will love this. It is a story of a girl with a tragic life who finds herself in a castle filled with Beasts and other enchanted characters.”

Cover2Cover – Review

“This is a story of love and loss, sacrifice and finding the strength within oneself to beat the odds.”

Colorimetry – Interview with Vynasha

The following interview was the last time anyone from the village of Whistleande had contact with her before Vynasha and her nephew, Wyll disappeared this winter. They are currently presumed dead by the local magistrate. One can only ponder what would drive these poor souls into a forest populated with danger and shrouded in myth.

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

The creature’s heavy limbs pounded upon the floor with every scrape of its claws. Roars echoed her flight over the crimson carpet. The hall was black as pitch without the light of the fire and candles. It wasn’t long before she felt the creature’s hot breath above her neck. Her heart pounded as she pushed harder and barely missed colliding with a column. She pivoted to avoid one agony, only to feel the rip of claws sinking around her waist.

Then she knew no more.

Bookworm Lisa – Not Your Average Beauty

As I mentioned before, Vynasha is not your average “Beauty”. She was beautiful once, but now is covered in scars. She has little interest in romance or personal goals but doesn’t consider herself to be selfless. From an early age, like so many women today, she learned to get by on her own. Sometimes the prince doesn’t come in time and the damsel has to rescue them both. In “Craving Beauty”, Vynasha will discover that her inner beauty, like her bravery comes in many shapes and sizes.

Writing Pearls – Promo

Zerina Blossom’s Books – What I Learned From Craving Beauty

Of all the projects I’ve worked on since I started writing professionally, Vynasha’s story has stuck with me the longest. It has been drafted and re-drafted, revised and edited and revised again. At times I wanted to throw in the towel and give up because I thought I would never see the day it would publish. Some authors in that position might have set it aside for a later date, or put it away for good to collect dust. And I might have done exactly that except for one thing, I love the story. I love gothic romances and fairy tale retellings, and “Craving Beauty” is somewhat of a conglomerate of the two. It has elements of horror and high fantasy with the necessary Byronic hero and a heroine who isn’t your average “Beauty.”

Teatime and Books – Promo
J. L. Mbewe – Interview

What are you working on now? What’s next for you?
As you might have guessed, I’m already hard at work on the sequel to Craving Beauty, as well as polishing up the companion novella, Wolfsbane’s Daughter. I’m also working on a contemporary adult romance novel called “Moonlight.” I hope to publish all three this next year, so be on the lookout for news from my website!

Reader Girls – Excerpt

The beast growled as it dragged her back into the shelter of the room. She felt a powerful arm, muscle and sinew straining against her body as it tucked her against its brown mane. She was too dazed to do anything but cling to the creature in turn as it barreled through the castle. Slowly, her muscles relaxed enough for her to almost enjoy that wild rocking sensation and the thump of the beast’s heartbeat.

alwaysjoart – Wylder Tales

Craving Beauty is the first book in a three part series. The next, Wolfsbane’s Daughter is a companion novella and in-between for volumes one and two. It follows the journey of a few side characters you’ll meet in volume one. We will get an up close and personal glimpse of Wolfsbane’s mute daughter, Resha as she looks after Wyll. Wolfsbane and Resha both have major parts to play before the story plays out in volume two. I had a lot of fun diving into a different perspective, since the other two books are told from Vynasha’s point of view. Also, because Resha was born and raised in the forbidding Wylder Mountains, she gives us a closer look at the new world Vynasha and Wyll have traveled to.
Craving Beauty
(A Wylder Tale, #1)
by Jennifer Silverwood
YA Dark Fantasy

Paperback & ebook, 239 pages
October 31st 2015

Vynasha has spent the last four years tending her mother’s roses and looking after her nephew. The fire that killed their family has left her scarred and put Wyll on the brink of death. Soon the first frost will come down from the mountains and she knows this winter will be his last.

Until a strange beggar appears on the road, telling her of the majikal Source that can heal her Wyll. With nothing left to lose, Vynasha braves the forbidden Wylder Mountains to seek out a cure and her fate.

A lost kingdom is uncovered by an equally lost girl, but the castle is not abandoned as she believes. Shadows cloaking unseen eyes watch. Tapestries whisper from the hidden corners, wondering if the one to break their curse has come. And a hungry beast waits, ready to devour her soul.

Other Books by the Author

Silver Hollow Qeya (Heaven's Edge #1) Ohre (Heaven's Edge, #2) Stay

Jennifer Silverwood
Jennifer Silverwood was raised deep in the heart of Texas and has been spinning yarns a mile high since childhood. In her spare time she reads and writes and tries to sustain her wanderlust, whether it’s the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania, the highlands of Ecuador or a road trip to the next town. Always on the lookout for her next adventure, in print or reality, she dreams of one day proving to the masses that everything really is better in Texas. She is the author of the Heaven’s Edge series, Stay and Silver Hollow.
Tour Giveaway

$20 Amazon eGift Card & ebook of Craving Beauty (INT)
Print copy of Craving Beauty + swag (Us Only)
Ends November 27th

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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:

Jessica L. Elliott
Title of book and/or series:
Charming Academy series
Brief summary of the story:
The Charming Academy series begins with Charming Academy, the story that tells what happened before, “Once upon a time…” Each following story is a retelling of a classic fairy tale with a few new twists and turns, particularly in giving more details about what the prince was doing. My goal was to create fairy tales that both girls and boys would love.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The series takes place in Sanalbereth, a fairy-ruled empire that is meant to be a past version of Earth. As the princes go on their quests, they run into the same kind of places you might find at home, only a little wilder and more dangerous.
If we were to visit Sanalbereth as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Well, you should certainly stop in Biberseth, the capitol city, to see Charming Academy for Boys and Fair Damsels Academy for Young Ladies. Then you can see where all the excitement beings as you watch princes and princesses train for the dangers of being on a quest. But if you really want to know where to go and what to do, you’ll have to talk to Uncle Sebastian. He knows every nook and cranny of the place and is a great storyteller to boot. I believe he lives in Rendorlin, but he travels a lot so you could find him just about anywhere.
What dangers should we avoid in Sanalbereth?
Be careful when traveling to stay clear of the highwaymen and bands of thieves in the mountains. There are also dragons, sea serpents and other beasts that would gladly see you as a main course. Most dangerous, however, are the witches. I’m not talking about the Sisters who work at the schools. We’re talking wicked witches. They may look sweet and charming, but watch out!
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Sanalbereth?
Most people ride horses or take carriages. If you’re lucky enough to encounter a kind-hearted dragon, she might let you ride on her back. But don’t count on it. Your best bet would be to visit Phillip in Maltisten and buy a horse from him. He’s got the best horses in Sanalbereth.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Sanalbereth that we don’t see on Earth?
There are many wild creatures in Sanalbereth. There are dragons and sea serpents and occasionally you’ll find enchanted princes as frogs, beasts or other things. If you’re very quiet in the woods, you might be lucky enough to come across a unicorn. You can also find fairies, imps, mermaids and other enchanting peoples.

What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Sanalbereth?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
The fairies have a kind of magic that gives peace and abundance to the peoples of Sanalbereth. They can also use it to send messages and teleport themselves and others at the end of a quest. There are also witches. Some are good, like the Sisters who live at the schools. They use their magic mainly for disciplinary purposes (don’t ever stick your tongue out!) but also to protect the schools and students. Some witches are evil and they are often a source of trouble to questing princes. One prince very nearly became a dog biscuit! The magic in Sanalbereth is often very subtle and might be overlooked by the casual observer, but it is there.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Sanalbereth.
Depending on where you are, you can find jousting tournaments and dressage competitions throughout Sanalbereth. The people here love their horses. There also art competitions, dances and festivals to meet all you entertaining needs.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Sanalbereth as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
The calendar is the same. The fairies celebrate the changing of the seasons and each province has its own festivals and celebrations. For example, the farming provinces always have a splendid Harvest Festival.
What is the political or government structure in Sanalbereth?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Sanalbereth is an empire divided up into provinces ruled by human kings and queens, most often Prince Charmings who have completed their quests. The empire is ruled by the fairy king and queen who oversee the governance of Sanalbereth. The king is good-hearted and kind. He and the queen regularly travel to the different provinces, especially at times of weddings and coronations within the royal families.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Real life often inspires my writing. Uncle Sebastian’s love for travel and adventure stems from my own wanderlust, though I haven’t been able to act on it as often as he has. My characters often have bits and pieces of people I know. But the best example of this is in the second book, Finding Prince Charming. Allegra is terrified of frogs because I am terrified of frogs, and really all amphibians. Can’t stand slimy things! *shudder
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I can’t think of any super controversial topics in my books, but each of them deals with different challenges. In Prince Charming’s Search, a character is suddenly faced with abuse and manipulation. Becoming Prince Charming takes a look at split personalities and The Ultimate Prince Charming follows two characters overcoming grief. So I guess depending on who you ask, these could be considered controversial. However, I’ve tried to handle each one delicately and show a positive outcome.
Author Autobiography:
If you ask my mother, she’ll tell you I’ve been writing since I could hold a pencil and telling stories even before that! I went to Emporia State University where I graduated in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. Never quite found a teaching job and after getting married, I started looking at writing again. The Charming Academy series is based on bedtime stories I told my youngest brother when I visited home on weekends during my college years. I have three adorable children who keep my life busy and crazy! My husband is a teacher and moved us to southwest Kansas where we have fallen in love with our community and this beautiful area of the state.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
All of my books are available in print at Amazon. You can also order signed copies directly from me at my website. I’m still working on getting everything in ebook, but for now Charming Academy and The Ultimate Prince Charming are available on Smashwords.  

Where can readers connect with you online? 

I have a website which is a good source of information for finding my books and keeping up with me. You can also follow me on Amazon, Goodreads, and Twitter, like me on Facebook, and favorite me on Smashwords.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Sanalbereth.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the planet of Shatterworld, in Realm Explorers Part LXII!
-Annie Douglass Lima