On tour with Prism Book Tours.

It’s the Fantasy Prism Tour Grand Finale for

By W.R. Gingell

Servant of the Crown
By Melissa McShane
The Frey Saga
By Melissa Wright

If you love fantasy, we hope you enjoyed the exclusive content shared on the tour. 
If you didn’t get a chance to check out each book and their stops now…

by W.R. Gingell
NA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 300 Pages
August 10th 2015

She’s not a princess . . . but then, he’s no prince.

Polyhymnia is deep in enchanted sleep. High in a tower, behind an impenetrable barrier of magical thorns, she sleeps, dreams, and falls ever deeper into her curse.

Woken by a kiss, Poly finds herself in an alien world where three hundred years have passed and everyone she has ever known is dead. Luck, the enchanter who woke her, seems to think she is the princess. Understandable, since he found her asleep on the princess’ bed, in the royal suite, and dressed in the princess’ clothes.

Who cursed Poly? Why is someone trying to kill her and Luck? Why can’t she stop falling asleep?

And why does her hair keep growing?

Sometimes breaking the curse is just the beginning of the journey.

Amazon – Book Depository

“What If…” Guest Post @ Mythical Books

With Spindle my what if? was what if Sleeping Beauty wasn’t actually the princess? From that first little seedling of what if? I also ended up with what if she slept for more than three hundred years instead of one hundred? I was fascinated with the thought of how much life would have changed for her. Language would have evolved and passed her by, her loved ones and family would almost certainly be dead, and both the political and social aspects of life would have changed completely.

More at Mythical Books.

W.R. Gingell

W.R. Gingell is a Tasmanian author who lives in a house with a green door. She spends her time reading, drinking an inordinate amount of tea, and slouching in front of the fire to write. Like Peter Pan, she never really grew up, and is still occasionally to be found climbing trees.
Website – Goodreads – Twitter

Servant of the CrownServant of the Crown
(The Crown of Tremontane, #1)
by Melissa McShane
Adult Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 405 Pages
July 15th 2015 by Night Harbor Publishing
Alison Quinn, Countess of Waxwold, is content with her bookish life—until she’s summoned to be a lady-in-waiting to the Queen of Tremontane’s mother for six months. Even the prospect of access to the Royal Library doesn’t seem enough to make up for her sacrifice, but Alison is prepared to do her service to the Crown. What she’s not prepared for is Prince Anthony North, Queen Zara’s playboy brother, who’s accustomed to getting what he wants—including the Countess of Waxwold.
When the fallout from an unfortunate public encounter throws the two of them together, Alison has no interest in becoming the Prince’s next conquest. But as the weeks pass, Alison discovers there’s more to Anthony than she—or he—realized, and their dislike becomes friendship, and then something more—until disaster drives Alison away, swearing never to return.
Then Alison is summoned by the Queen again, this time to serve as Royal Librarian. A threat to Tremontane’s government, with her treasured Library at stake, draws Alison into the conflict…and into contact with Anthony once more. Can they work together to save the Royal Library and Tremontane? And can she open her heart to love again?

Exclusive Excerpt @ Brooke Blogs

“Without thinking, Alison whipped her hand out of his grasp and brought it around hard to slap the Prince’s face. The sound of her bare palm striking his cheek carried unnaturally far in the crowded, overfull ballroom. The dancers nearest them stopped to stare, and their stillness spread outward until half the floor was occupied by unmoving figures. The music went ragged and then stumbled to a halt. The Prince stood with his hand pressed to his cheek, his eyes wide and unblinking in surprise. Alison felt her breath coming in short, quick pants that left her dizzy…”

More at Brooke Blogs.

Melissa McShane

Melissa McShane grew up a nomad, following her family all over the United States, and ended up living in the shadow of the Wasatch Mountains with her husband, four kids, and three very needy cats. Her love of reading was always a constant during those uncertain years, and her love of writing grew out of that. She wrote reviews and critical essays for many years before turning to fiction, and was surprised at how much she liked it. She loves the fantasy genre and how it stretches the imagination.

Website – Blog – Goodreads – Pinterest

The Frey SagaThe Frey Saga
by Melissa Wright
YA/NA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 779 pages
February 1st 2013

This collection includes The Frey Saga Book I: Frey, Book II: Pieces of Eight, the short story Molly, and Book III: Rise of the Seven.

Unaware she’s been bound from using magic, Frey leads a small, miserable life in the village where she’s sent after the death of her mother. But a tiny spark ignites a fury of changes and she’s suddenly being hunted by council and forced to rely on strangers for protection. But the farther she strays from home, the more her magic and forgotten memories return and she starts to suspect the band of strangers are not what they seem. They help her find her rightful place and destroy the bonds, but securing her future might be more than she can do with magic alone.

Exclusive Excerpt of book I, Frey, & Sneak Peek of book IV, Venom and Steel @ Beck Valley Books

    “The library was chaos. Books and pages, precious scrolls and ancient casting ledgers strewn over the wood plank floor. I’d never seen this room molested by their madness and the shock of it had me stumbling to a standstill. They had lost all regard for it, broken their own rules. They were a wild people, but they did have at least some barriers.
    If there was one thing the fey respected, it was knowledge.”

Melissa Wright is the author of the Frey Saga and Descendants Series. She is currently working on the next book, but when not writing can be found collecting the things she loves at Goodreads and Pinterest.

Tour Giveaway
$30 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
Signed copy of Spindle (Us only)
Print copy of Servant of the Crown (US only)
Ebook of The Frey Saga (INT)
Ends September 18th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 
Author’s name: H.R.B. Collotzi
Title of book and/or series:
Avonoa Series: The Secret of Avonoa (Book One), The Shadow of Avonoa (Book Two)
Brief summary of the story:
The Secret of Avonoa:
            Parents are wrong. Teachers are wrong. His leader tries, but fails. The young dragon Dak can’t imagine why he still bothers to do as he’s told. However, dragon law could take his life if he disobeys, so he’s forced to pass the Krusible. The most important test in a young dragon’s life, the Krusible is the only way to gain freedom from the Rock Clouds where his dragon ruck lives, but he can’t manage to remain silent for it. If he doesn’t earn freedom, he might as well crawl into a cave and let his fire consume him.
            When Dak’s two best friends, Tog and Priya, leave for an exciting mission, Dak is left behind because of his fourth failed attempt at the Krusible. Instead of remaining behind to endure his punishment, Dak does exactly what everyone feared he might, and secretly follows them. Once on the surface world, Dak quickly learns – in the face of temptation, savagery, torture and possible death – the significance of the secret of Avonoa.
The Shadow of Avonoa:
            “Stay away from the surface world!” That’s what Hiro told himself. In fact, that’s what he teaches young dragons now. Humans are dangerous, violent, and evil – best to avoid. That’s all Hiro wants now, too. Until a human shows up in his lair and ruins everything!
            Princess Anna tricks Tog, Hiro’s best friend, into sneaking her back into Hiro’s life. Even with the story of a dangerous creature attacking, Hiro refuses her pleas for help. But when the dragons learn that previous involvement with the humans has dire lasting effects, Hiro is forced to investigate. With death sweeping over the land, Hiro’s intervention discovers possibilities none could imagine – least of all, him.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
            The world of Avonoa is much like our world with forests, rivers, mountains and grasslands, except for a few big differences. Avonoa has three moons and one sun. Avonoa also has an enormous mountain in the center with several floating mountains hovering around it. The Inner Mountain, as it is called, is so high it’s difficult for even a dragon to reach the top. One of the dragon rucks of Avonoa lives in the floating mountains surrounding the Inner Mountain. They are called the Rock Clouds. Other rucks live in the desert (a highly desirable place for the sun and warmth), the frozen northern waste (where dragons have become adapted to the cold and ice), and the islands off the eastern coast of Avonoa (where dragons reportedly swim to hunt).
            Other points of interest in Avonoa might be Centaur River, so large and long that it cuts Avonoa in two. The centaurs live on the plains at the head of Centaur River. The Black Forest, named for the trees grown so thick that very little light gets through the branches, even in the winter.
If we were to visit Avonoa as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
            If you’re a dragon, you could visit one of the rucks throughout the land. Have a game of Catch It or a race to the other side of the Rock Clouds.
            If you’re human, sail on Teardrop Sea or take port in Fallen City in the shadow of Kingstor Noble where the king of the Noble Kingdom lives. Order a snork delicacy at an inn in the Just Kingdom, but never a homemade one from a clan mother. Visit a faerie shaman and try to barter the price of a love potion. Visit the Cave of Invisibility in the Allegiant Kingdom where it is said many have entered, disappeared and returned again to tell fabulous tales of small gray creatures on the “other side”.
What dangers should we avoid in Avonoa?
            If you’re a dragon, avoid humans! They’re monsters. Real ones! They’ll try to kill you and rip out your brain. If you speak in front of one, dragon law says you must kill them! If they offer you something shiny, just take it and run. They think dragons barter for lives. Stupid humans.
            If you’re human, avoid dragons! But if you get cornered by one, make sure you have something shiny or sparkly to offer it. It doesn’t have to be necessarily expensive or extravagant, just shiny. Usually, you can offer this to the dragon and they’ll leave you alive.
            And avoid centaurs! They hate faeries more than humans, but they would sooner kill a human than speak to one!
            Also avoid the Black Forest – for all creatures! There are all manner of dangerous creatures in the Black Forest, including scorrands (giant two-headed lizards with rows of teeth like swords) and banshees (large black bird-like creatures that kill by screaming at you)! Also, if you see a small floating bulb that changes colors and is propelled by a single tentacle – DON’T TOUCH IT!
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Avonoa?
            Among dragons (as the viewpoint this adventure is written from), you would only eat meat, with the occasional sprig of mint as a treat and a single flarote bulb if you’re sick.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Avonoa?
            Swords! Although several clans in the Just Kingdom have begun adopting spears for use, the Five Kingdoms of Avonoa were built upon the use of the Five Swords of Avonoa. Each Kingdom has a sword imbued with majikal (spelling is on purpose) powers to give the owner (the ruler of each kingdom) that quality. Nobility to the Noble Kingdom, Justice to the Just Kingdom, Honor to the Honorable Kingdom, Courage to the Courageous Kingdom and Loyalty to the Allegiant Kingdom. Having five kingdoms ensures that there’s never an equal divide of power.
            Many staff guards (the lowest rank of soldier) are hired into the Noble army and use only a pike or spear until they learn to use a sword. Once skill increases the staff guard can apply and test for a promotion in rank.
            They also use bows and arrows and crossbows. King Philip of the Noble Kingdom is rumored to favor the bow. Humans have large crossbows used only for shooting thick, heavy bolts they call “dragon killers”.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Avonoa?
            Mostly horses and wagons are used by humans. Faeries can fly or walk. Centaurs use only their own hooves and dragons their own wings or claws.
*Note: Distance is measured As The Dragon Flies among all creatures! Dragons can fly faster than a horse can run on a straight open space, but obviously for much longer.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Avonoa that we don’t see on Earth?
            Dragon, centaurs, faeries, and possibly small, gray creatures called goblins, but that might just be myth.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Avonoa?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
            Magic, or majik as is it known in Avonoa, is widely acknowledged. Every species has majishuns of varying degrees of experience. Anyone can perform majik if they know what to do and how to do it. If not, it can be dangerous and possibly fatal to dabble.
            Majik in Avonoa is usually a mixture of objects, ingredients and/or symbols chanted over with specific incantations in order to achieve a desired outcome. Rhythm and cadence are fundamental in the use of majik as well as majikal objects.
            Objects must be majikally enchanted to use at a later date, such as majikally enchanted glowing orbs used for light, or majikally enchanted cloth that doesn’t get wet. Crystal balls are majikally enchanted crystal and filled with dragon tears. They are used to see the past, present or future, but they’re extremely rare seeing as it’s difficult to find a dragon crying.
            Faeries of Avonoa use majik most often. They have the highest number of master majishuns, or shaman, in Avonoa. A shaman can give many answers to questions and fix many problems, but always at a price. Although the number of faeries in Avonoa is low compared to other species, they are considered the strongest race for their use of majik.
            Since centaurs hate everything to do with faeries, they also avoid majik and its uses. They do have majishuns and lesser shaman among them, but they are usually shunned by other centaurs.
            Humans have few advanced shaman, but they have some. Most faeries try to keep the secrets of majik within their own families, therefore, it’s difficult for humans to find someone to learn from.
            Dragons don’t use majik. They are majikal creatures and each has a strong characteristic of majik, but they don’t put them to use. Although Visi, the prophetess dragon, is a highly skilled shaman, she lives far away from other dragons so they can’t take advantage of her skills.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Avonoa?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
            Any “advanced technology” would be made from majik. Avonoa is still a medieval-type world, but enjoys comforts from common uses of majik.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Avonoa.
            Several varieties of games and sports are common among different species in Avonoa.
            Dragons enjoy any flying races, like “Catch It”, where an object is thrown and others race to catch it first. However, the most popular game would be “Tossing Riddles”, where they throw riddles back and forth to each other. But don’t be the one to “drop it”!
            Centaurs play games of strength and agility. They love doing obstacle courses!
            Among faeries the most popular sport is a game called Touratege. A small ball is bounced between hands and feet while participants fly across a field trying to place it in the opposing basket.
            Humans play similar games to all of these, but the most popular sport is fighting. Human men from all over Avonoa will gather to watch fighting matches between champions. This sport is the major reason humans are seen as barbaric by other species.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Avonoa as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
            Number of days of the week are the same, although they have different names and aren’t mentioned for clarity sake. (Besides, dragons don’t worry about such things.) Months of the year are different though. There are fifteen months in the year. The year is separated up into five three-month seasons. Those seasons are; spring, summer, autumn, winter then fall. Rain doesn’t stop often in fall and this is the season in which book two is written. Book one is written in the winter preceding.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Avonoa?  Please describe what it involves.
            Almost everyone in Avonoa believes and worships (in some form or another) in the Seven High Gods of Avonoa. Those gods are: Shurka, god of the sun; Shurta, god of the moons; Khurta, god of the stars; Kruh, god of the clouds; Tarsa, god of the wind; Tarka, god of flight; Tartaku, god of the sky. There are numerous lesser gods who are worshipped as well.
            There is one group of humans called the Hamees who only believe in one all-knowing, all-powerful god. They are often ridiculed and scorned for their beliefs, but they are a peaceful people. They take solemn oaths to care for others and always be honest.
What is the political or government structure in Avonoa?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
            Avonoa is divided into five kingdoms. King Philip rules the Noble Kingdom, King Torodov rules the Courageous Kingdom, Queen Sarador rules the Allegiant Queendom, King Theodor rules the Honorable Kingdom, and King Grisivere rules the Just Kingdom.
            The rulers emulate the characteristics of their kingdom. While the Just Kingdom is just in their punishments, they might be less brave to face those punishments than someone from the Courageous Kingdom, etc.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Avonoa?
            All species and kingdoms have nuances in their everyday way of life. For the most part, humans are accepting of foreigners and their misunderstanding of those nuances. Humans would be more forgiving than other species.
            Among faeries, never bring up the centaurs. Among centaurs, never use faerie language or speak of faerie culture. And, of course, dragons and centaurs can’t stand humans, but faeries tolerate them.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
            Not really, I try to make everything as unique and individual as possible. I love dragons, that’s why I write books from a dragon’s point-of-view. I did name the three highest-ranking centaurs after my three kids. I love names and when I hear a name I like, I’ll use it in my writing. Like Priya, I met an awesome Indian woman named Priya and I had to use it for an amazing dragon!
            The biggest thing inspired by my own life is the season of Fall. I love rain, so I decided to create a season just for me. Three months of nothing but rain!
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
            I try to avoid controversy in my writing, but a major issue all these creatures have is not accepting each other for their beliefs and cultures. In the second book, The Shadow of Avonoa, the protagonist, Hiro, begins to see how those judgments against other species might be wrong. Book three, The Heart of Avonoa, is where Hiro really begins to change his mind and heart about the differences between others and himself.
Author Autobiography:
            I was born in Berlin, Germany as an army ‘brat’. Early in life I found a love for telling stories, but when my parents told me to stop lying I kept them inside my head. When I got older (and hopefully wiser) I decided to turn those ‘lies’ into stories again. I began a serious (if you can call fantasy ‘serious’) writing career in 2010. The Secret of Avonoa is my first published novel with book two in the Avonoa series, titled The Shadow of Avonoa, NOW AVAILABLE!! I also have a couple of modern-day sci-fi novels that I plan to re-vamp into young adult novels when my dragon series is finished. I currently live in Minnesota (yes, by choice) with my husband and our three kids.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?
AMAZON! The Secret of Avonoa is available in paperbackor on Kindle. The Shadow of Avonoa is available in paperback, I’m still working on getting it available on Kindle, but hopefully soon!
Where can readers connect with you online?
Facebookand Twitter are great, but my website is best!

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Avonoa.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Aria, in Realm Explorers Part LXV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  
(This one is temporarily on sale.  Get it at 99 cents for three days only!)

Author’s name: C.E. Wilson

Title of book and/or series: To Nowhere/Standalone
Brief summary of the story:
From the moment Lyris is treated to coffee by a beautiful stranger, she has no idea that her life is about to change forever. In her enthusiasm to start at a new school with a new boyfriend, Lyris is almost able to look past his oddities. Almost. The way he eyes up her striking red hair. The way he loves that she’s seventeen. “The perfect age.” And the way he’s gone from all but begging to show her a specific room in a specific house to making her swear never to even think about it again.

When Lyris doesn’t take his strange warnings seriously, she finds that nothing could have prepared her for what lay behind that door.

Suddenly, Lyris finds herself in a world no one would believe. A world where she’s only a few inches tall and giants aren’t creatures from fairy tales. Where humans are no longer the dominant race, but pets auctioned off to the highest bidder. Lyris understands the true danger of such a place, but there seems to be one person on her side. Her kind and surprised captor. And while Brindt appears to be sweet and trustworthy, he also straddles the line between seeing her as an equal and a cute animal.

Lyris has to get home… before the one person she can turn to becomes the one person who can’t let her go.

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The world that Lyris finds herself in is a place that I don’t think too many humans would want to visit. It’s very similar to our own world in many respects, but it has one pretty large difference (pun intended!) – it is a land where humans are no longer the dominant race, and rather are pets kept by sixty-foot giants. Very Brobingnagian. 😉 Only in this world, unlike Jonathan Swift’s, pet humans are pretty commonplace thanks to other humans called Targeters. These are the ones who pick and choose certain humans and sneak them through the portals to bring them back into the world of giants.
If we were to visit To Nowhere as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? I would strongly recommend not visiting if you enjoy having your independence or being seen as a person. Giants in this world are always looking for a cute new pet and if you’re not careful, you may end up thrown in a cage and played with by giant children… just like your pet hamster as a kid. If you do find yourself there, be sure to try the bluemelon.
What dangers should we avoid in To Nowhere? I would avoid the giants if at all possible. Not that you could. Once you’re trapped in this world, odds are the best you can hope for is a kind owner who might see you as an entertaining pet. Good luck.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in To Nowhere? There are a lot of blue foods in this world. Bluemelon and starfruit especially. Plus, humans might find it odd that the giants in this world do not eat meat. In fact, they find it disgusting and primitive that humans do.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in To Nowhere that we don’t see on Earth?  Haha, I’m pretty sure people don’t see sixty foot giants roaming around on Earth. Ahh! But that would be so cool if we could!
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in To Nowhere?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples. Collars for pet humans play a very special role in this world. By wearing a collar, humans are able to actually communicate with giants, if the giant is interested that is.  The issue is that they’re expensive and it’s easier for giants to treat humans as pets if they aren’t able to understand what these cute little living dolls are actually saying, so few humans are allowed the privilege of wearing one. They are a neat little device used to manipulate the throat muscles so when a human speaks a sentence, a giant can clearly understand them through an earpiece. But like I said, few humans are allowed such an honor as to speak with their giant owner.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit To Nowhere? Redheads are considered the most valuable type of human. Red hair is extremely rare among giants in To Nowhere, so any redheads who come along are much sought after by wealthy giants. There used to be interest in brightly colored haired humans, but once they found out the color was fake, they lost interest.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? It’s not so much a controversial topic – most people would agree that slavery or ownership of one sentient being by another is wrong.  What is dealt with here is more the idea of dehumanization – if you are able to see another creature as being less than human it opens the door for a lot of things that are normally considered monstrous. In this book, since human beings are so much smaller than the giants and are rarely able to communicate with their captors, it makes sense for the giants to keep humans as pets. Crazy huh? And kind of scary. I touch on this issue a lot in my books including my older book “The Promise” and my upcoming release “The Boy with Words.” I love to talk about overcoming differences in a world where some crazy physical or social factor creates a schism. Usually, I tackle size, but there’s nothing I love more than when two characters overcome their differences to trust and care for one another.
Author Autobiography:  
C.E. Wilson is currently living in Pittsburgh, PA with her husband, daughter, two dogs and two cats. She loves horror movies and shoujo manga. She is at peace when it rains and enjoys the fall because of football and all things pumpkin. Her favorite subject to write about is size difference, but enjoys trying her hand at all things fantastical.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?  
Paperbacks coming Fall 2015!!!!!!!!!
Where can readers connect with you online?

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to To Nowhere.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part LXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:

Jessica L. Elliott
Title of book and/or series:
Charming Academy series
Brief summary of the story:
The Charming Academy series begins with Charming Academy, the story that tells what happened before, “Once upon a time…” Each following story is a retelling of a classic fairy tale with a few new twists and turns, particularly in giving more details about what the prince was doing. My goal was to create fairy tales that both girls and boys would love.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The series takes place in Sanalbereth, a fairy-ruled empire that is meant to be a past version of Earth. As the princes go on their quests, they run into the same kind of places you might find at home, only a little wilder and more dangerous.
If we were to visit Sanalbereth as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Well, you should certainly stop in Biberseth, the capitol city, to see Charming Academy for Boys and Fair Damsels Academy for Young Ladies. Then you can see where all the excitement beings as you watch princes and princesses train for the dangers of being on a quest. But if you really want to know where to go and what to do, you’ll have to talk to Uncle Sebastian. He knows every nook and cranny of the place and is a great storyteller to boot. I believe he lives in Rendorlin, but he travels a lot so you could find him just about anywhere.
What dangers should we avoid in Sanalbereth?
Be careful when traveling to stay clear of the highwaymen and bands of thieves in the mountains. There are also dragons, sea serpents and other beasts that would gladly see you as a main course. Most dangerous, however, are the witches. I’m not talking about the Sisters who work at the schools. We’re talking wicked witches. They may look sweet and charming, but watch out!
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Sanalbereth?
Most people ride horses or take carriages. If you’re lucky enough to encounter a kind-hearted dragon, she might let you ride on her back. But don’t count on it. Your best bet would be to visit Phillip in Maltisten and buy a horse from him. He’s got the best horses in Sanalbereth.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Sanalbereth that we don’t see on Earth?
There are many wild creatures in Sanalbereth. There are dragons and sea serpents and occasionally you’ll find enchanted princes as frogs, beasts or other things. If you’re very quiet in the woods, you might be lucky enough to come across a unicorn. You can also find fairies, imps, mermaids and other enchanting peoples.

What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Sanalbereth?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
The fairies have a kind of magic that gives peace and abundance to the peoples of Sanalbereth. They can also use it to send messages and teleport themselves and others at the end of a quest. There are also witches. Some are good, like the Sisters who live at the schools. They use their magic mainly for disciplinary purposes (don’t ever stick your tongue out!) but also to protect the schools and students. Some witches are evil and they are often a source of trouble to questing princes. One prince very nearly became a dog biscuit! The magic in Sanalbereth is often very subtle and might be overlooked by the casual observer, but it is there.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Sanalbereth.
Depending on where you are, you can find jousting tournaments and dressage competitions throughout Sanalbereth. The people here love their horses. There also art competitions, dances and festivals to meet all you entertaining needs.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Sanalbereth as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
The calendar is the same. The fairies celebrate the changing of the seasons and each province has its own festivals and celebrations. For example, the farming provinces always have a splendid Harvest Festival.
What is the political or government structure in Sanalbereth?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Sanalbereth is an empire divided up into provinces ruled by human kings and queens, most often Prince Charmings who have completed their quests. The empire is ruled by the fairy king and queen who oversee the governance of Sanalbereth. The king is good-hearted and kind. He and the queen regularly travel to the different provinces, especially at times of weddings and coronations within the royal families.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Real life often inspires my writing. Uncle Sebastian’s love for travel and adventure stems from my own wanderlust, though I haven’t been able to act on it as often as he has. My characters often have bits and pieces of people I know. But the best example of this is in the second book, Finding Prince Charming. Allegra is terrified of frogs because I am terrified of frogs, and really all amphibians. Can’t stand slimy things! *shudder
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I can’t think of any super controversial topics in my books, but each of them deals with different challenges. In Prince Charming’s Search, a character is suddenly faced with abuse and manipulation. Becoming Prince Charming takes a look at split personalities and The Ultimate Prince Charming follows two characters overcoming grief. So I guess depending on who you ask, these could be considered controversial. However, I’ve tried to handle each one delicately and show a positive outcome.
Author Autobiography:
If you ask my mother, she’ll tell you I’ve been writing since I could hold a pencil and telling stories even before that! I went to Emporia State University where I graduated in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. Never quite found a teaching job and after getting married, I started looking at writing again. The Charming Academy series is based on bedtime stories I told my youngest brother when I visited home on weekends during my college years. I have three adorable children who keep my life busy and crazy! My husband is a teacher and moved us to southwest Kansas where we have fallen in love with our community and this beautiful area of the state.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
All of my books are available in print at Amazon. You can also order signed copies directly from me at my website. I’m still working on getting everything in ebook, but for now Charming Academy and The Ultimate Prince Charming are available on Smashwords.  

Where can readers connect with you online? 

I have a website which is a good source of information for finding my books and keeping up with me. You can also follow me on Amazon, Goodreads, and Twitter, like me on Facebook, and favorite me on Smashwords.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Sanalbereth.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the planet of Shatterworld, in Realm Explorers Part LXII!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Cover Reveal for Alora: The Portal

The compelling story of the young soulmates, Alora and Kaevin, continues…

The adventure begins with Alora: The Wander-Jewel.

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Fifteen-year-old Alora has visions.

Only while in the shower. And only of one stranger: a handsome boy with long brown hair, intense green eyes, and the oddest clothes. A boy who vanishes whenever she opens her eyes.
And then one day, he doesn’t…
Alora’s safe world is soon turned upside-down as she’s thrust into another realm where her soulmate waits, magic abounds, and unfathomable evil seeks to claim her.

The epic fantasy continues in Alora: The Portal.

Portfolio Alora 2 2015-08-20 at 8.52.48 AM

Cover design by StunningBookCovers.com

If one of them dies, they both die.

Bound together as soulmates, something compels Alora and Kaevin to abandon the safety of their refuge for the dangers of Kaevin’s realm. The soulmates arrive in the midst of a raging battle as Stone Clan warriors defend their capital, an attack made more deadly by the pervasive evil of her father. Alora and Kaevin face mortal danger as they fight against man and magick to preserve Kaevin’s home and heritage. For Alora’s father will have her allegiance. Or her death.

Praise for Alora

“…I have to admit – I wish the book had not ended! …The romance is sweet rather than steamy making this a clean read for young adults, but the action and adventure is thrilling enough to keep any age reader turning pages…” Today’s Visions “I found Alora to be a breath of fresh air in the YA fantasy genre! … A YA fantasy with characters you will adore and cheer for, Alora is a book I would recommend to any of my friends!” Books Are Sanity Alora: The Portal is available on Amazon for the special pre-order price of 99¢ through the August 31 release date! As a bonus, Alora: The Wander-Jewel will be FREE on August 30 through August 31! Find Tamie Dearen on her website, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter.

Excerpt from Alora: The Wander-Jewel

Alora fought the urge to beat on the tile wall. He’d disappeared again. Who was this boy she kept seeing? Why did he only appear when she was in the shower? He seemed so real, and she could have sworn he looked as confused as she felt. As if he was trying to figure out who she was, as well. Was he a figment of her imagination? His eyes were so unusual. They were green. Not an ordinary green, but a deep, intense jade, the color of her aunt’s emerald ring. He was really cute, although he wore his wavy brown hair a little long for her taste. Yet she could only see his head—never his clothes or the background. Today he’d tied his hair back in a ponytail. Surely the fact he’d changed his hair was significant. Wouldn’t a figment of her imagination have his hair the same every time? She peeked around the shower curtain at the clock on the bathroom counter. It was five a.m. on a Saturday, and she had chores to do, feeding the horses and letting the chickens out. But it was winter, so she had plenty of time to spare before the rising sun tolled the beginning of her responsibilities. Living on a ranch in the backcountry of Montana meant cold winters, lots of work, and little time for leisure. It was the only life she’d ever known, and she usually enjoyed it, despite the heavy work involved. But right now, she wanted another stab at seeing that boy. The image was always so fuzzy. If only he wouldn’t disappear when she opened her eyes. She couldn’t summon his visage at will. He didn’t come every time she closed her eyes in the shower; it seemed to happen when she was relaxing and letting the water beat down on her head and shoulders. Maybe, if she were soaking in the tub, she might see his image again. She pushed the curtain back, put in the stopper, and turned the faucet on full blast. As an afterthought, she added bubble bath, filling the tub with fragrant suds. Soon the bath was full, with aromatic bubbles foaming on top. She eased into the soothing water, closing her eyes at the blissful caress of the heat on her tight muscles. And she waited. Anticipating. Would he come? She tried to stay alert, but the relaxing warmth seeped into her skin, lulling her to sleep. Awakening with a start in the cold water, disappointment formed a knot in her stomach—he’d never appeared. She released some water down the drain and added hot water, swirling it around until the temperature was comfortable again. She had five more minutes before she had to abandon her bath to start her workday. She lay back down, sinking below the water with her eyes closed, swishing the fresh water over her skin to remove the bubble bath film, her face floating above the surface to breathe. He appeared. She held her breath, clamping her eyes shut tight, trying to hold the image as long as possible. Though the apparition was still slightly blurry, she could see all of him, head to toe. She took advantage of her increased perception, thoroughly studying his image. She almost clapped her hands when her mental measurement estimated his height at over six feet. At five feet ten, she was taller than most boys her age. But she scolded herself for examining him as if he were a potential boyfriend. He wasn’t even real. His clothes were made of supple-looking brown leather. The attire was odd—held together with ties and toggles rather than buttons or zippers. The fit was close enough that his well-formed muscles were evident. She noted his long hair was tied back, as it had been earlier. She could only see the front of him as he stood frozen, stock-still, with his mouth agape, his jewel-green eyes wide and… moving. His eyes were moving, up and down, as if he were scanning her body as she had done. And it occurred to her if she could see all of him, he might be able to see all of her. She gasped, opening her eyes to dispense with the specter. But his image remained, now sharp and clear. And he seemed to be standing in her bathroom. She cowered under the water, attempting to hide under the few remaining bubbles. His eyes dropped down to her navel, and as they widened, he whispered, “Wendelle?” Lunging for her towel on the floor, she screamed at the top of her lungs. Hastily covering herself and preparing to leap from the tub, she looked up, only to discover the vision was gone—if indeed it had been a vision.

Read the first two chapters of Alora: The Wander-Jewel here.

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Laurie Penner
Title of book and/or series: Secrets of Gwenla
Brief summary of the story: Trapped inside a towering fortress, young Julyiah seeks to understand Gwenla’s ancient riddles. As truth is revealed, Julyiah’s heart takes her to both breathtaking and terrifying places. Evil forces try to stop her, for she has discovered how to free the enclosed community from some old and deadly deceptions.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: Victory Valley is a lot like a peaceful secluded valley on Earth, except that it is completely enclosed within fortress walls, and has been for 400 years. No one is allowed outside the walls, so no one knows what is out there. A spring rises from the upper end of the valley and runs through the lower end, providing water for farms. The ranchers raise cows, sheep, and goats. Only a few horses and dogs were permitted inside before the walls were sealed. Tall trees are rare, because the Agricultural Authority only allows edible or useful plants to grow in the limited space.
Underneath the ground level, the city of Durnee lies in a huge cavern, where the wicked master of the Underground enslaves the poor, and profits from his evil deeds. Valley leaders teach that people who live down there have been deceived by the Lying Wind, but some valley dwellers still travel there by night to gamble, drink, or visit the infamous Durnee Hotel.
If we were to visit Victory Valley as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? Be sure to see the towering North Wall, where the wealthy leaders live. It has some spectacular stones and other rich ornamentation. The Listening Hall is available for hearing the Music, but you have to get past the guards, who check you for unwanted air movement when you enter. Near the Listening Hall are rooms where you can read the sacred books and listen to safe music anytime, for a price.
What dangers should we avoid in the Valley? Stay out of the Underground and be wary of any breeze, because it might be the Lying Wind.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the Valley? Yes, be sure to try the napcot fruit, good fresh or dried. Several of the women make excellent breads, plus you’ll want some leaky root for dessert. Nutritious chakia roots are abundant in the Underground, but they don’t have much flavor.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the Valley? Weapons have not been needed much yet, though a time is coming when they will be. The Valley Law maintains order by carrying swords, though they have rarely been needed (yet).
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in Victory Valley? Horses, wagons, and carriages.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Victory Valley that we don’t see on Earth? Teka bushes provide valley dwellers with dinner-plate sized leaves for paper, and they grow prolifically both above and below ground. One can write on a Teka leaf with a piece of charcoal, erase it and reuse it several times. When it grows limp, it makes a sturdy cleaning cloth, never wearing out completely.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the Valley?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. All of the adults in Victory Valley have an unusual ability to live both in the real world and in their hearts, at the same time. A child reaches this ability after he or she passes through the Understanding, which might be a good or bad experience. Whenever an adult hears true Music, his or her heart takes off to breathtaking places, and at that moment, amazing things might happen in the physical world as well as in the heart.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in the Valley?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples. Light rocks come in various sizes and qualities, but any light rock will glow after being charged in the sun. One can carry a small one to light a pathway. Larger, clearer ones light a house or entire area. Warming rocks are used both to heat and to cool, depending on how they’ve been temperature-charged. Sound rocks can record music. Many songs were recorded back in Gwenla’s time on these rocks and put into boxes. When someone opens the box, the song plays back. The music cells and Listening Hall have plenty of music boxes for the people to listen to while studying the sacred books.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Victory Valley?  Please describe what it involves. Music is a major part of a valley dweller’s life in worship of the One, and the leaders expect the people to attend the Listening Hall every week to hear teaching from the sacred books and listen to songs from the music boxes. Listening to the Music or the Voice outside of this format is considered wayward, even though the books themselves talk about this phenomenon. The kind of music people hear in the valley is a matter of great importance and plays a key part in the outcome of the story.
What is the political or government structure in the Valley?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? Normally there are five male leaders in charge of the community and the religion, although when Gwenla was alive, her word was dominant. If a leader gains distinction or seniority, he might be included as one of the three high leaders.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit the Valley? When you greet someone, be sure to ask, “Where are you?” rather than, “How are you?” Since you can’t see into someone’s heart, the person could be falling off a cliff or in the middle of a fire and you wouldn’t know it, other than by studying their emotional state or asking them.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? In my own life, as in many others, there is often a question of how much we should be controlled by government or religious leaders. This theme is represented in the book.
Author Autobiography: Laurie has been writing for over forty-five years, starting when she was fourteen years old on her first inspirational mystery/romance novel. Whether it’s non-fiction or a novel, Laurie’s goal is to encourage people with personal issues to build character in the midst of their trials.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?  On Amazon: Secrets of Gwenla e-book   Secrets of Gwenla paperback

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Victory Valley.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Sanalbereth, in Realm Explorers Part LXI!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  This one is available for FREE!  There’s also a giveaway at the bottom to win a fun little prize!

Author’s name:
RJ Conte
Title of book and/or series:
Lucent Sylph: A Short Story
Brief summary of the story:
Lucas Thissel has something he fears: an alien species of palm-sized glass fairies called Lucent Sylphs. They came through a portal from a metaphysical dimension, and they indenture themselves as slaves to human beings. Too much neglect or unkindness, and they will cloud over and disintegrate. Too much love and their hearts are overcome and burst.

And one has attached herself to Lucas.

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Unlike our universe, which is physical and scientifically measured by our five senses – the dimension of Sylpha is completely metaphysical, meaning that everything is boiled down into single energy/emotion forces.  Sylpha has a “sun” type of inner core blasting an umbrella of love and positive emotion.  Lucent Sylphs don’t have bodies in Sylpha.  They are love/energy forces.  However, the umbrella of their “sun’s” core only extends so far.  Outside of its reach, Lucent Sylphs die. 
How are Lucent Sylphs born?
Lucent Sylphs are born from moments of extreme joy.  They are asexual and genderless creatures, taking on a gentle female appearance in our world.  When they are extremely overwhelmed by moments and feelings of love and happiness, they spontaneously produce an infant version of themselves which are encased in self-sustaining energy cocoons.  Lucent Sylphs live for just under one of our human years in these cocoons, maturing.  When they are born, they feed off of the “sun’s” positive energy force and go on existing in Sylpha.  They have homes and living spaces of sorts, which would be indiscernible to a human’s five senses.
Lucent Sylphs cannot give love-energy to each other on Sylpha or on earth.  On Sylpha, they get it from their “umbrella-sun.”  On earth, they can only get it from humans, who are conduits of emotion.  They can feel attachment to others – and they feel strongly – but it translates into nothing that they can ingest.  Therefore, on earth, Lucent Sylphs don’t seek out each other, because they would starve and die.  They are only equipped to take in affection, not give it out – unless it is in birthing other Lucent Sylphs, something that could never happen on earth due to the inability to sustain great joy in a stable, positive environment.
How do they die on Sylpha?
When a Lucent Sylph dies of old age, and they are inside of the Love-Sun bubble’s umbrella, they are sucked back into the sun’s life force, and continue the circle of life.  They live much longer than we do.
What made them seek contact with earth?
Too many years of peace and success on Sylpha has led to an overpopulation problem.  Not only are too many Lucent Sylphs being born, but too few are dying, which causes the Love-Sun to shrink.  The Lucent Sylphs end up crowded and unable to bear their numbers, which leads to poverty and positive-emotion-starvation.  After hundreds of years, this will lead to unrest and unhappiness, which will reset the problem of overpopulation and help them build, but, in the meantime, it’s hard to watch your own kind get pushed out into the negative atmosphere and disintegrate, as well as poverty and starvation slowly killing off your family members you birthed back when you were happy.
Since this is not a three-dimensional world, things we’d find physically impossible, like traveling to the nearest star, is easy for them.  Channeling a sufficient amount of positive energy, they opened up a portal to a parallel point in a physical realm (earth) where they can barter for an element that can be turned into more Love for their sun’s umbrella: our gold.  The element Au, when passing through a dimension-sorting, metaphysical portal, turns into positive energy on their planet.
Therefore, when new Lucent Sylphs are born, many are marked for “death on earth” right away and sent in their cocoons – with a certain emotional wavelength (that turns into a pod) included to send the gold back – to earth. 
Here on earth, we are a people of sinful, negative, selfish emotions.  Love is small, corrupted, and we are stingy with it.  Our physical bodies are weak compared to love-energy forces.  We have no driving “sun of love” to keep emotions stable.  Living on our planet, for them, is like living with too little oxygen that occasionally just turns off for the fun of it.
Why does a Lucent Sylph look like a glass fairy on earth?
The translation of one alien creature into another is incomplete.  Due to the suffocating lack of love on earth, a Lucent Sylph – a powerful, strong, long-living creature on her planet – ends up translating into a fragile, tiny, see-through being on earth.  There just isn’t enough positive emotion present on earth, as the conditions aren’t perfect, to give her size, flesh, or many internal organs.  She has a “heart” and veins that hunger after love and search out positive energy sources, but not much else of them translates well into a 3D physical universe. 
My book cover was designed by me, and I chose the images, leaving it to a graphic designer to put the images together.  However, due to not being able to communicate the circulatory system well, I went back in and drew all of her veins in by hand on the cover.  😛
I’ve also included a sketch I drew myself of Nissa – the main Lucent Sylph in the story.  It’s light, since I only did it in pencil, but I hope to someday paint it in watercolor. 
Lastly, here’s an anime picture I inverted.  It is also a good, glassy representation of what Nissa might look like.  🙂
What language do they speak on Sylpha?
“Lucent” means “transparent,” and “sylph” means “fairy.”  Humans named them.  Even “Sylpha,” the land, was named by a human.  There are no such thing as names or language on Sylpha.  People recognize and communicate with each other on specialized emotional wavelengths.  Languages on earth are easy for Lucent Sylphs to translate and mimic, since they are tangible and auditory.  They don’t require controlled emotion and are simplistic in nature compared to how Lucent Sylphs communicate on Sylpha, which requires all of their heart and soul.  A Lucent Sylph can speak in any language required of it on earth.
What dangers do Lucent Sylphs encounter on earth?
Our atmosphere, weather, heat, cold, etc. doesn’t harm them in the slightest.  You could take a jackhammer to a Lucent Sylph and you wouldn’t crack their thin, fragile-looking bodies in the slightest.  Drop them in boiling water, throw them off a cliff, pitch them into outer space, etc.  It wouldn’t harm them.  They are not made of physical elements, even though you can touch and feel them.  They don’t need our air, water, and sunlight to stay alive.  They have wings because gravity works so much less on them, and, on Sylpha, they, more or less, “swim” through their atmosphere like a sound or light wave.  The flying or swimming translates into wings on earth.
However, ignore them or feel hatred for them in your heart?  They’re dead in a flash.  Obsess over them and adore them?  They explode.  They’re vulnerable in a very unique way.
Why bother paying the gold?  Why not just cheat them and enslave them fully?
Dishonesty, deceit, and cheating a Lucent Sylph fails every time.  Even if you don’t say it out loud, your selfish negative emotions will kill them.  The first Americans that tried to get away without paying their dues back to Sylpha for their Lucent Sylph pet, saw their fairies disintegrate in seconds.  They come over willingly to keep the overpopulation problem lower and to beg for gold to be sent back and be converted into love-like energy.  They promise servitude in exchange.  They expect to be treated fairly.  No Lucent Sylph is going to leave the portal area without making sure the gold goes through. There’s no way you can cheat them.  You emanate a non-physical emotion that can’t be measured by science.  But it is food, water, and oxygen to a Lucent Sylph.  They will see through you in an instant and die on you.  Do what they say if you want to enjoy their unique company.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Sylpha? 
Lucent Sylphs worship God, our Father, and the Maker of their world – the giver of Love.  He is the creator of their love-sun, that set their planet in emotion.  Unlike human beings, they need no words to be spoken or written down to teach them about God.  Instead He speaks straight to their hearts about His tangible love, righteous holiness, and power.  J
What is the political or government structure in Sylpha?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Elders are respected, on the whole, and everything is peaceful, devoid of negativity and ill-will, due to living under a love-umbrella, and being creatures of love.  No one is elevated above anyone else.  Decisions are made, typically unanimously, as a group.  They aren’t quite a Borg group out of Star Trek or anything – they have their own will – but it is very much muted compared to humans’ individualistic thoughts and ideas.  Lucent Sylphs are focused on the greater good, organization, and peace.  However, they are not angered by humanity and its blatant negativity and sinfulness.  Instead, they are compassionate, and consider themselves mere observers and servants.  They are incredibly humble creatures, who would do whatever their master told them to do.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I have gone through some very, very difficult circumstances this year.  I have lost people in every way imaginable: I moved away from where I had been living for a decade, I lost people spiritually and emotionally, and I lost a little sister to death.  The balance of loving others and being willing to be hurt was weighing very heavily on my mind when I wrote this story.  I wrote it in 24 hours, in a fit of emotion, and then took the next four months to edit it.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Alcoholism, neglective parents, and the brevity of life.
Author Autobiography:
RJ Conte, formerly Rachael Lynn Thomas, has kissed only one boy in her entire life. And she married him, inspiring her to write about sweet or powerful love stories ever since.

RJ Conte writes realistic, issue-driven fiction that explores human nature and the depths of the soul, while pointing readers to their Creator.  She has four other novels and novellas (all featuring a unique love story) here on Amazon.com

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
All for free!
I want to make Lucent Sylph available everywhere for free, but I am currently trying to convince Amazon.com to do so for me!  If you’d like to support me and pay the 99 cents, it’s available on Amazon.com in ebook form here.
And, in paperback, on Lulu.com

Where can readers connect with you online? 
I write a blog on parenting, publishing, painting, and perorating at http://blonderj.wordpress.com/
I also have an author Facebook account and am on Twitter.

I am currently running a giveaway for only today.  Win your own glass fairy (pictured at left)!  Simply share a link to Lucent Sylph on your blog, wall, or any social media TODAY, and comment on this post or my blog telling me you did so.  Winners will be announced tomorrow, the 4th.  🙂

If you’d like to test your heart, and see if you would be able to keep a Lucent Sylph alive, there’s a fun quiz on Playbuzz that will tell you your result!  🙂

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Sylpha.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the Underworld, in Realm Explorers Part LIX!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.  
You can download today’s book for FREE today only!

Author’s name: Katy Huth Jones
Title of book and/or series: Mercy’s Prince
Brief summary of the story: As second son of the King of Levathia, seventeen-year-old Valerian desires the quiet life of a scholarly monk. But when he fails to save his older brother in battle, Valerian must instead become crown prince. While a traitorous knight schemes against him, Valerian meets Mercy, a pacifist Healer with whom he can speak mind-to-mind like the great dragons. Their bond emboldens Valerian to seek out the legendary dragons and ask for their help against the monsters who killed his brother. Can Valerian survive the traitor’s assassins long enough to find the dragons? And if he does, can he convince them to lay aside their hatred of humans and help him save the land from destruction?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: Levathia was discovered 300
years ago by Valerian’s ancestor, who led several ships of people to a “new world” when they had to escape persecution in their homeland. It’s a peninsula with a jagged mountain range called the Dragon’s Backbone dividing the land in two. The north has rocky hills, evergreens, and lonely moors, while forest blankets much of the south. The land was called Levathia after the discovery of the many large dragon species.
If we were to visit Levathia as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? Definitely visit The Keep, the largest castle and seat of government in the north not far from the Dragon’s Backbone mountain range. Castle Westmoor is the most beautiful castle, situated on the western coast, and nearby are many lovely beaches.
What dangers should we avoid in Levathia? Unless you can speak mind-to-mind, you’ll want to avoid the sea dragons and be very careful around the great flying dragons. The most dangerous creatures are the river dragons, because they can’t be reasoned with.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Levathia? If you were to visit the pacifists in The Village of Peace, you would be served vegetarian meals, all rather bland. Mercy makes a great savory potato pie, though.  In other places about Levathia one can eat mutton, venison, wild pig, and some fowl supplemented by root vegetables and various types of squash and cabbage. Except for berries, fruit is a rare delicacy. The bread grains are coarse but flavorful. If you visit The Keep, you will most likely get to taste one of the head cook’s amazing confections, which are works of art with amazing detail.

What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Levathia? Because the original settlers encountered dragons of various sizes, some extremely large and dangerous, swords were abandoned in favor of spears and bows, in order to more effectively defend against the dragons. Now that Prince Valerian has found the 300-year-old sword of his ancestor, the lost arts of crafting swords and fighting with them will be revived.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Levathia? The society of Levathia most closely resembles Earth’s twelfth century, so most people walk, ride in horse-drawn carts, and those who can afford them ride horses. Master Murray, the armorer at The Keep, is trying his best to improve technology, but it’s a slow process.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Levathia that we don’t see on Earth? The plants are similar with a few exceptions, such as shaggy beard trees, Dragon’s bane (a beautiful but poisonous plant), and blue balmflower, which is used to control pain. The most obvious creatures that remind the traveler he/she is no longer on Earth are the many dragon species: the great flying, fire-breathing dragons who are fully sentient but can only communicate with a few gifted humans, the large sea dragons with a limited ability to communicate, the river dragons which can grow to the size of saltwater crocodiles, the scavenger dragons which resemble Komodo dragons, and the smaller ones: gliding tree dragons and crawling burrowing dragons. The reptilian Horde from the neighboring land of Mohorovia use weapons and primitive tools, but their species has a hive mentality and does not value the individual.
Some authors go to drastic measures to avoid actually writing their manuscripts.
Here’s the result of one of Katy’s sewing projects: Prince Valerian, Mercy, and the dragon leader Albinonix.

What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Levathia?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. There is no magic, per se, but a very few individuals are supernaturally gifted by the Most High. Valerian is a Seer and has the ability to read people’s thoughts and emotions when he makes direct eye contact. Mercy has the gift of Healing which not only enables her to see damage within and mend injuries but to touch plants and know which parts can aid in Healing. Unfortunately she has to be careful, because using the gift takes energy from her. Valerian and Mercy have the rare gift of being able to speak mind-to-mind with the great dragons, and also with one another, a hereto unknown gift.

Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Levathia. Every spring the king holds court at The Keep and during that time hosts a tournament, featuring a joust, individual weapons competitions, Highland games, and races for the squires. Music and dancing are popular throughout the land. Valerian’s squire, Kieran MacLachlan, is especially gifted at dancing.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Levathia as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there? Yes, there are 12 months and 7 days in a week. There is a big feast held in each of the four seasons, and the king’s birthday (May 1) is a national holiday.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Levathia?  Please describe what it involves. The religion of Levathia is similar to a simplified version of the medieval Catholic church. Since the people fled their homeland and have lost contact, the highest office in the church is a bishop. The pacifists are a sect that broke away from the traditional church because they refused to fight or cause any harm to man or beast.
What is the political or government structure in Levathia?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he? Levathia is a feudal society, with the land divided into seven provinces. King Orland is supreme ruler, a wise and just man, though he doesn’t understand the importance of studying history and law in making judgments, as Valerian strives to do.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Levathia? Most people, men and women, wear their hair short, with the exception of the pacifists, who never cut their hair and wear it in a braid of three strands to represent the Triune God.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? The only possibly controversial topic would be how war and violence affects those with peaceful hearts and backgrounds.
Author Autobiography: Katy Huth Jones grew up in a family where creative juices overflowed and made puddles to splash in. When not writing or sewing or drawing or taking photos, Katy plays piccolo and flute in a regional symphony. She lives with her husband Keith in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. Their two sons, whom she homeschooled, have flown the nest and live creative lives of their own.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links. Right now Mercy’s Prince is only available through Amazon in paperbackand Kindleformat.  The Kindle version is free today (July 20th)!
Where can readers connect with you online? 
I have a blog, a facebook page, and am on twitter and pinterest.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Levathia.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy realm of The Underworld, in Realm Explorers Part LVII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Jaye L. Knight’s new novella, Half-Blood, has been released! Learn more about this prequel story to Ilyon Chronicles and make sure you also enter the tour giveaway at the bottom!
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About the Book
The gasps and murmuring grew. Though some were hardly more than whispers, clear words reached Jace’s ears—dangerous, monster, animal, soulless. He tried to back away from their accusing eyes, but the collar pulled hard against his throat and held him in place.

For all his years as a slave, Jace has known nothing but the hatred people hold for his mixed blood—one half human, the other half the blood of a race considered monsters. Always, he is the outsider and quickly learns it is better to keep to himself. But, when his volatile ryrik blood leads him to do the unthinkable, he is thrown into a world of violence and bloodshed.

Forced to become a gladiator, Jace finds more and more of his heart dying as his master works to break down his will not to become the monster everyone believes he is. When a stranger interferes with his master’s harsh punishment, Jace’s world is upended yet again. But with it comes the possibility of hope that has long since died. Could the man possibly hold the key to escaping the hopeless darkness that is Jace’s life? Is there such a thing as life beyond the cruelty of slavery?
See where Jace’s story all began . . .
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Haven’t discovered the world of Ilyon yet? Find out more at the official Ilyon Chronicles website!
About the Author
JayeAuthor2015Jaye L. Knight is an award-winning author, homeschool graduate, and shameless tea addict with a passion for Christian fantasy. Armed with an active imagination and love for adventure, Jaye weaves stories of truth, faith, and courage with the message that even in the deepest darkness, God’s love shines as a light to offer hope. She has been penning stories since the age of eight and resides in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.
You can connect with Jaye on her website, blog, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Etsy, and on her new fiction forum where you can interact with other readers of the series.

Share in the excitement of the release and enter to win a themed giveaway pack! Prizes include an autographed copy of Half-Blood, a blue feather bookmark hand crafted by Jaye, a bronze sword pendant, and a $5 Amazon gift card! (Giveaway is open to US residents only. Cannot be shipped internationally.)

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Tour Schedule
Tuesday, July 14

Wednesday, July 15

Thursday, July 16

Friday, July 17

Saturday, July 18

Sunday, July 19

Monday, July 20

Tuesday, July 21

Wednesday, July 22

Downtown. Coffee shop. 2 AM.
One minute, Josh is firing off sarcastic remarks at his best friend Marc – the next, they’re running from shape-shifters. Apparently, even best friends don’t share all their secrets.
Now Josh is in danger. He can see the monsters among the humans.
When Marc is kidnapped, Josh finds himself pulled into the schemes of the fae courts, and throws in his lot with Marc’s allies: the lovely Larae, a human named David, and the fighter, Eliaster. But what began as a rescue mission becomes something much more involved…
And all Josh wants to do is get out before it’s too late.
Forged Steel is a new adult urban fantasy by H. A. Titus, releasing on July 17th. It will be available in print (Amazon) and ebook (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks, and Scribd). If you’d like a chance to win free books, ask questions, and hear trivia about the writing/publishing of Forged Steel, there will be a Facebook event party on July 17th from 7-9 pm eastern time on the author’s page, H. A. Titus Author.

The first five chapters are vailable for preview on Wattpad.