Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name: Andrea Buginsky
Title of book and/or series: Striker’s Apprentice: The Chosen Series, Book Three
Brief summary of the story:
As a young hunter seeks a trainer, The Chosen prepare for an unforgettable adventure.
With Nature and Phantasma back in order, Halli and Silvor have settled into their new life in Drumple. During a visit from Striker, Kaidyla and Lumina, a request from an old friend of Halli’s family sparks a new challenge when she asks Striker if he’ll train their young son, Dylan. Working with Dylan gives Striker a chance to be a mentor once again, as he had been in his past.
This brings The Chosen to an area of Phantasma Halli has never seen before. What new dangers might be lurking in the forest? Will Halli have a reason to use her powers?
But Halli and Silvor are facing a new journey of their own, one that will change their lives forever. What is in store for The Chosen’s future? Will this latest escapade prepare them for what is yet to come?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Phantasma is the world where The Chosen live. It is a small world, with various areas, towns, forests, regions, and the Capitol City, The Castle of the Elves, which lies in the middle of Phantasma. To the East of the Castle is Drumple, the small Dwarf village. To the West of the Castle of the Elves is Loch Moss, a very strange area covered in a thick slime. There is a bridge going over the Loch, connecting it from the East side to the West side, and another bridge crossing it from the North side to the South. To the West of Loch Moss lies The Swamp Lands. This is a very dangerous area that leads to The Darkness, Phantasma’s most dangerous area. North of Loch Moss is the forest area where many of Phantasma’s creatures can be found, the Caprice Forest and the Shamrock Forest. The forests lead to Londonham, Londonham is the home of the goliaths, the gentle giants. It lies to the furthest West of Phantasma, safely north of The Darkness. It’s big, full of large trees and buildings, and built to resemble the outdoors, as the goliaths love nature. North of the Castle of the Elves lie mountainous areas where the air grows colder and snow begins to fall. It’s blocked by South Gate, the southern entrance to Ogre Land where the ogres are from. If you’re determined to get to the northern region of Phantasma, bring some friends to help get you through the ogres’ village and cross through the North Gate. North of Ogre Land is Polard, the most northern point on Phantasma.
If we were to visit Phantasma as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
You definitely want to visit the Castle of the Elves! It’s the Capital of Phatasma, and the best place to run into many of Phantasma’s safe creatures. The best hunting spots are the Caprice and Shamrock forests. I recommend camping here for a few nights. Drumple is a very friendly town to visit. The dwarves love visitors, and will treat you to an ale at the Tavern. You can take in the beautiful views of the Ironworks Castle at the top of the mountain. But Londonham is my favorite village to visit. The goliaths are very friendly, and the area is magnificent, with so many wonderful creatures that will take your breath away…
What dangers should we avoid in Phantasma?
You should avoid the Loch, but if you want to go to the Caprice and Shamrock forests directly from the Castle of the Elves, it may hard to do so. Be sure you have a good hunting party with you. And I’d recommend avoiding the Ogres that live within the South and North Gate region, but if you want to visit Northern Phantasma, again, this is unavoidable. Make sure you have another large hunting party with you. Do not, however, under any circumstances, go to the Darkness!
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Phantasma?
No, you’ll pretty much find a variety of foods from the animals and vegetation that are native to each region.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Phantasma?
You’ll see all kinds of arrows, swords, and blades, not to mention fantastical magic spells. There aren’t many common fighting styles, but you may come across some friendly dueling as you travel through.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Phantasma?
The only way to travel across Phantasma is to walk or on horseback. Due to the distance, I definitely recommend horseback.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Phantasma that we don’t see on Earth?
You’ll meet the goliaths, and see many odd creatures, including ogres, matadors, sea creatures, and various other creatures spread throughout the land. Plant life is everywhere, from many different species of flowers and trees, to the darker plant life in the marshes.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Phantasma? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Magic is a huge part of Phantasma. There are mages, druids, shamans and paladins. You’ll mages casting a wide variety of spells, druids and shamans communing with nature, and paladins both fighting and healing. All of this magic is used when battling evil creatures on Phantasma.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Phantasma? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
No, in fact, you’ll feel as though you stepped back in time to when there were knights on horses protecting their kingdoms.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Phantasma.
If you’re a hunter, you can hunt for sport. Most of the gatherings happen in taverns and eateries in various villages across Phantasma. There are several celebrations throughout the year at the Castle of the Elves, hosted by Queen Laurali and King Jerome.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Phatasma as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Yes, they are the same. There aren’t any particular special events or celebrations exclusively only to Phantasma.
What is the political or government structure in Phantasma? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The Castle of the Elves is the center of Phantasma, and is the kingdom. This is where Queen Laurali and King Jerome live, the rulers of Phantasma. They are both wonderful, fair-minded, and kind rulers.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Some of the characters’ personalities and names are based on my family and friends.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
None that I can think of. I do touch on coming-of-age issues, such as learning who you are and coming into your own.
Author Autobiography:
Andrea Buginsky is a freelance writer with a BA in Mass Communication-Journalism from the University of South Florida. She has always wanted to be a published writer, and decided to try to write fantasy books for teens. The Chosen is her first book, and was released on December 14, 2010, to her delight.
Andrea has written five more books since:
- Nature’s Unbalance: The Chosen, Book 2
- Striker’s Apprentice: The Chosen, Book 3
- Destiny: New Avalon, book 1, a YA fantasy
- Fate: New Avalon, book 2, a YA fantasy
- My Open Heart, an autobiography of growing up with heart disease.
She is currently writing the fourth book in The Chosen series.
Andrea lives in Kansas with her family, which includes her two precious puppies.
You can visit Andrea on her website or Google+
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)? Please include links.
The Chosen: The Chosen Series, Book One Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble Nook | Print
Nature’s Unbalance: The Chosen Series, Book Two Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble Nook | Print
Destiny: New Avalon, Book 1 Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble Nook | Print
Fate: New Avalon, Book 2 Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble Nook | Print
My Open Heart Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble Nook | Print
Where can readers connect with you online?
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Phantasma. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Levathia, in Realm Explorers Part LVI!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name: Shari L. Tapscott
Title of book and/or series: Pippa of Lauramore, Book 1 in The Eldentimber Series
Brief summary of the story:
With her future happiness resting on a traditional marriage tournament, Princess Pippa decides to take matters in her own hands and choose handsome Galinor of Glendon to be her victor. She’ll do everything in her power to ensure her prince wins—even if she must win for him.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Lauramore is a small kingdom tucked away in the western mountains of Elden. Unlike the jagged peaks farther north, Lauramore’s mountains are soft-stepped terraces blanketed with meadow grass and moss. Tall evergreen woods grow thick father to the south, and if you travel into the valleys, you may wander into the dark bogs where the grim boars make their homes. Many claim Lauramore to be the most beautiful of Elden’s kingdoms, but it’s not without its dangers.
If we were to visit Lauramore as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
You must travel to Palace Lauramore, which is located atop the terraces to the north of the kingdom. A waterfall, fed by a freshwater lake in the terrace above, cascades down next to the palace gardens and falls to a pool below. The sight is especially spectacular in late spring when the runoff is at its peak. However, the falls still run strong through summer when Lauramore holds most of its festivals.
What dangers should we avoid in Lauramore?
Lauramore is considered a fairly safe place to live and travel through as long as you avoid the lower forests. Up higher you may run into an occasional mountain cat, but they are skittish and tend to attack the grazing sheep more often than people. There are rumors that the cries of night-dwelling glasselns—large felines with feathered wings—have been heard recently, but the creatures haven’t been seen in years, and most consider the rumors to be gossip. Still, it would be prudent to use caution if traveling at night.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Lauramore?
Frozen sheep’s milk cream is a delightful treat, especially when paired with mountain cherry pastries.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Lauramore?
Those staying to the main roads may travel by wagon or carriage, but those who wish to venture into the forests must travel by horse or foot. The terraces are steep and, in many places, the paths are narrow.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Lauramore that we don’t see on Earth?
Gold eldentimber trees can be found in the lower forests, as can blue goodleburgen bushes. A variety of smaller plants may also be found, from flowering yallow to medicinal waterchivel. Be cautious of poisonous daphantha berries—they grow in clusters in the higher regions and look similar to blueberries.
If you’re lucky, you may spot a silver stag, though they are elusive. Fairies have been known to inhabit the forest as well, but they don’t tend to stay in one place long. Dragons live farther north. You are likely to find one if you actively seek them out, but with the peace treaty in effect, they tend to keep to themselves.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Lauramore? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Magic is forbidden to humans, who do not possess it naturally. Any enchanted items must be obtained from fairies, dragons, gimlies, or other naturally magic creatures. For example, Princess Pippa wears a purity ring that is dragon enchanted. At one time, wizard-aided breathing spells were frequently used to harvest black pearls from the lake above the palace, but this practice is now forbidden.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Lauramore.
The summer festivals are the highlight of the year. There are archery contests, jousting, and hand-to-hand combat events for both nobility and villagers. Traveling gypsies will often perform as well. Prince Percival and his brother Alexander lead large hunting parties later in the season.
What is the political or government structure in Lauramore? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Lauramore is a monarchy, with the king at present being King Ewan. Many consider him a good and fair king but there are some who feel he is too friendly with Errinton, a harsh kingdom to the far north.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Lauramore was highly inspired by the mountains near Silverton, Colorado. The area is pristine and almost unreal in its beauty. The creatures and plants I created were often just a mish-mash of things I love. Many of the plants were inspired by real flowers and herbs. The waterfall next to the palace is an image I’ve had in my head since I was young—I’m not entirely sure where it came from.
Author Autobiography:
I live with my husband and two children in Western Colorado. Pippa of Lauramore is my first published novel, and I hope to write a great many more. I love to read, and my favorite stories are the ones with dashing heroes, brave heroines, and a large assortment of plucky side-characters.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?
Pippa of Lauramore is available for Kindle and in paperback, and you may buy it on Amazon.
Where can readers connect with you online?
Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name:
Michael Eash
Title of book:
The Living Light
Brief summary of the story:
A rebellion long planned by the King’s top adviser begins to take shape. As the villain builds his army in secret and forges alliances with old enemies, his experiments open a portal toour world. With Terrmara’s unique resources and technology from the earth, he plans to rule his world and take his rightful place as King.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Terramara is the western most continent of my fantasy world. It’s covered mostly in rolling hills and towering mountains. However, a large peninsula juts out from the mainland and is entirely covered in woods.
If we were to visit Terramara as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
A trip to the King’s city, Atlantia, would be worth your while. It’s the largest gathering of peoples in the world. Inside the city, the citadel of the King is a must see. It’s shaped like a five-pointed star and painted in colors of the sunset. A golden tower rises above the city to give visitors a view of the Great Western Ocean.
The Wooded Peninsula is worth a long stroll as the sunlight filters through the evergreens. Both the tree-top village of Yamara (think Star Wars) and the fabled Elvish city Lena lie within its borders.
What dangers should we avoid in Terramara?
If you made it in before the war, you would need to be on the lookout for Rogues. Rogues are a highly organized group of thieves, bandits, and pirates. Many were drivenout when the continent was first settled,but enough remain to threaten the unprepared traveler.
If you arrived during the war, Antlatia and Lena would be the only 100% safe places. Anywhere else you’d risk detainment or being caught in the middle of a battle. Natas is ruthless in his war against the King and will kill you out of spite.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Terramara?
Not necessarily. The common folk eat homegrown fruits and vegetables and purchase grain and wild game when they can. The deer living in the Wooded Peninsula are highly prized by hunters.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Terramara?
Most elves and men carry some kind of blade. The wealthy customize their swords to their fighting styles. The Prince, hated enemy of Natas, wields a katana-like sword. The elves of the Wooded Peninsula prefer a good bow but will use knives and daggers in a pinch. The giant men from the mountains are the only ones to use war axes, but the most uncommon weapons are wielded by the elves of the flame. This sect of the elvish race fights with claw-like weapons attached to their wrists, freeing their hands to use their unique abilities.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Terramara?
The original settlers sailed to Terramara across the Ocean and kept their ships to defend against Rogues. The Rogues also maintain a fleet on the southern coasts. Elves and their allies are the only ones that ride Griffins, the intelligent creatures have sided with the King. Riding bareback is an experienceunlike anything you can imagine.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Terramara that we don’t see on Earth?
Plant life is relatively similar to Earth thanks to the environment, but there are many sentient races spread across the continent. Elves are the most common species in Terramara. Five separate cultures have arisen over the years.
Light Elves are what you would find in a Lord of the Rings world and inhabit villages and towns alongside humans. Wood elves are an offshoot of the Light Elves that live on the peninsula and prefer the long bow to the sword.
Twilight Elves are the most ancient elven races and migrated later to Terramara after escaping a bloody civil war in their homeland. Their hair turns a silvery-gray before adolescents and their eyes carry a violet pigment, allowing them better night vision. Older Twilight Elves, most of them veterans of war, are the best warriors to be found.
The Elves of the Flame are a mysterious group. They are blessed with a magic that enables them to call fire to their hands and control it. Their ancestors came from the Twilight Elves’ homeland.
The last group are the Dark Elves, those who’ve joined Natas and been corrupted by his power. Natas is a Dark Elf.
One other race populates Terramara.The Chromes usually stick to their vast, underground caverns. They migrated around the same time as the Twilight Elves and settled in the mountains. They are a strong, dark-skinnedrace of enormous proportions. Some stand as high as nine feet though the average is closer to seven. They are hardy miners and make powerful soldiers should the need arise.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Terramara? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
The Elves of the Flame are born with their abilities to call fire to their aid. The only other aspects I would deem ‘magical’ are the swords of The King and The Prince. They give off a wholesome, living light that can tell if a person is a faithful follower or a traitor sided with Natas.
As far as the supernatural, this whole story is an allegory waiting to be discovered by the reader. It’s not so over the head that a typical reader couldn’t ignore it if they wanted to, but it’s there for a reader to find.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Terramara? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Several crystalline elements exist in Terramara that don’t exist on Earth. It is unknown whether their properties are magical, chemical or both. These stones are used to propel small, flat-bottom boats at high speeds.
Natas has found a way to utilize these in combination with Earth’s projectile weapons. The results are devastating.
What is the political or government structure in Terramara? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Terramara is divided into four primary regions. The southernmost islands are dominated by the Rogues and their fleet. The Mountain Ranges just north of the islands belong to the Chromes.Their capital is the underground fortress-city of Argonum. Light Elves and Humans inhabit towns and villages scattered near the coasts and rivers. Each city oversees its villages and is ruled by a governor answerable to the King. The remaining Elvish races live in homesteadsscattered thorugout the Wooded Peninsula. Lena is a central meeting place known only to the elves. It is used as a hidden refuge in times of trouble and Natas, the leader of the rebellion, will do anything to burn it out of existence.
The King is the ultimate authority and is like no other being in Terramara. Light purer than the sun radiates from him at all times and inspires courage in his followers and dread in his enemies. No warrior can match his skill with the blade or his compassion. The King and his son are central figures in the fight for Terramara.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Terramara?
Last names were invented by the elves and most humans don’t have one yet.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
The Wooded Peninsula came from my love of Washington State’s evergreens. Even when the skies are gray,the trees are still full of life and color. Beyond that, both the Bible and the Tolkien’s Lord of The Rings influenced Terramara’s creation.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I touch slightly on the moral issues of killing in war, but only as is appropriate for Middle School or Young Adult audiences.
Author Autobiography:
This is my third year of serious writing. I published The Living Light at seventeen and haven’t stopped writing since. Currently, I’m working my way through my college degree while tweaking the second short-story in my Sci-fi/superhero series. I love Christian Speculative Fiction (Fantasy, Sci-fi, and all the related genres) and think it’s a great way to reach an entertainment-hungry generation searching for direction.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?
Where can readers connect with you online?
I’m still working on building my blog/website.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Terramara. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Lauramore, in Realm Explorers Part LIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Introducing the release of Unexpected Peril, the third book in the Alissia Roswell Series–a passionate fantasy romance without the guilt.
Savage beasts kidnap Alissia Roswell as she is traveling to meet a separate group of Lamians than the ones that saved her life and physically changed her in the process—gifting her with many special abilities. Just when she was beginning to get accustomed to the bond she and Luke Harrison share, she awakes alone and trapped deep within an eerie bog to find she can no longer feel his presence or reach out to him with her mind.
Unexpected Peril, the third book in the Alissia Roswell Series, will take you to magical lands filled with strange and mysterious creatures. Will Alissia have a chance to adapt to her new life in this alternate reality, or will everything and everyone she has come to love be destroyed by an intense hatred for humanity?

The eBook version of Unexpected Metamorphosis, the first book in the series, is now FREE at all major online bookstores.
Alissia Roswell worked hard to overcome her past, and she took immense pride in her independence. Just when she thought she was truly satisfied with her life, she wakes up to find herself in another reality. As she searches for answers, her body begins to change in mysterious ways, and for the first time in her life, she is forced to rely upon others. As everything spins out of her control and danger lurks around every corner, her heart begins to betray her, and her mind haunts her with memories of her past.
Join Alissia on her perilous quest full of adventure, magic, and romance as she travels the challenging road of finding one self, maybe even love along the way.
Her adventure continues in Unexpected Entrapment, the third book in the series.

Alissia Roswell is far, far from home, and she won’t be going back any time soon. After having been sucked through a wormhole, spat out half-dead in an alternate reality, and revived by Lamians—an ancient, magical people who trigger a profound metamorphosis in Alissia, giving her powers she never thought possible—Alissia becomes the subject of Alrik Durst’s manipulation. Alrik has already usurped power in the city of Pallen, and with Alissia’s arrival, he sees his opportunity to exploit the power of the Lamians to his bidding as well, driving the land ever closer to civil war. Held prisoner in the luxurious confines of the Eldership castle in Pallen, Alissia is forced to feign memory loss to protect herself and her friends while fending off the romantic overtures of Ian Durst—Alrik’s all-too-charming son. Will the loves of her life, Grady Bolair and Luke Harrison, be able to help her escape? When she finally chooses between the two—Grady, the statesman, or Luke, the assassin—will it rip her alliances to shreds, casting uncertainty on her future? Join Alissia as she learns to reign in her fiery personality, tries to accept her past, and struggles with the one thing that scares her most: vulnerability. Unexpected Entrapment: Alissia Roswell: Book Two will whisk you away to a world of mystical, menacing creatures and fantastic environs, where secrets abound and nothing is quite as it appears.

What people are saying about this series:
*****Ok, I’m totally hooked! I can’t wait for ‘Unexpected Beginning’! Every time I think I know what is going to happen next, there’s an unexpected twist that I have to adjust to. Alissia is a damaged but indomitable heroine with a lot of issues, grit and pure stubbornness. Her metamorphosis is more than purely physical as you continue thru the series, but she still remains true to herself. She is determined to forge her own path but fate keeps tossing her challenge after challenge. I would strongly encourage you to start at the first book and work your way through. This author is obviously one to keep an eye on………..
*****Great imagery and attention to detail. I am looking forward to reading the rest of this series from an up-and-coming author.
*****Loved this book! The author did a great job with the “unexpected.” I found myself going from one emotion to the next. Excitement, frustration, joy, and ending with anxious anticipation of what will happen next in Alissia’s adventures. Can’t wait for book three.
Tianna Holley lives outside of Atlanta with her husband and children and has always been an avid reader of fantasy novels. She began writing poetry and short stories in her youth but did not pursue her passion for writing until later in life.
Although her books tend to contain violence and romance, she considers herself a PG-13 author. Her novels do not contain curse words, and her sexual content is limited to heated kissing.
She enjoys talking to her readers and offers free Skype chats to book clubs that have read her writing.
Tianna’s website Goodreads author page Amazon author page Twitter Google+ Pinterest Instagram
Rooglewood Press is delighted to introduce their third fairy tale novella contest—
Five Magic Spindles
a collection of “Sleeping Beauty” stories
The challenge is to write a retelling of the beloved fairy tale in any genre or setting you like. Make certain your story is recognizably “Sleeping Beauty,” but have fun with it as well. Make it yours!
Rooglewood Press will be selecting five winners to be published in the Five Magic Spindles collection, which will be packaged up with the phenomenal cover you see here. Maybe your name will be one of the five listed?
All the contest rules and information (how to enter, story details, deadline etc.) may be found on the Rooglewood Press website. Just click HERE and you will go right to the page.
Rooglewood Press’s first collection,Five Glass Slippers, is available for purchase, and our second collection, Five Enchanted Roses, is scheduled to launch on July 27, and is currently available for pre-order. Be certain to get a copy of each and see what previous winners did with their wonderful retellings.
Cover Illustration Credit:
This cover illustration was rendered by Julia Popova, “ForestGirl.” You can find out more about this gifted artist on her website: www.forestgirl.ru
Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name:
Laurel A. Rockefeller
Title of book and/or series:
The Peers of Beinan Series (in chronological order):
● Goodbye A672E92 Quintus
● The Poisoned Ground
● The Great Succession Crisis
● The Ghosts of the Past
● Princess Anyu Returns
Brief summary of the story:
Nobles and royals battle against each other for power, wealth, and prestige. Behind the scenes an alien race secretly pulls puppet strings in a quest for revenge against one of their own reborn as a Beinarian.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Located in a bar-spiral galaxy on the other side of M31 Andromeda, planet Beinan is properly known as B345A15 Quartus. Five times the size of Earth, Beinan orbits a blue-white star as its fourth planet. A thick upper atmosphere protects Beinan from the intense heat of its sun. On the ground, humans and animals breathe chlorine gas (called nirlar). Beinarian plants convert toxic oxygen (called bilast) into nirlar.
The planet itself has four continents: Dong-bei, Xi-bei, Dong-nan fang, and Xi-nan fang. The largest ocean is called “Amba Mederi.” The weather is generally stormy with upper atmosphere hurricanes common. From the ground stars can only be seen near the poles where the atmosphere is thin enough for starlight to penetrate.
If we were to visit Beinan as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
The capital city of Hejing is always delightful — or rather was before Lord Yelu began his reign of terror. The coastal city of Bira Hecen, home to house Miyoo, features many grand and ancient temples cut out from the cliffs that protect the city from the Amba Mederi Ocean. In addition, Bira Hecen is home to Our Lady Healing Centre which terrorists famously destroyed in BE 6777. The rebuilt healing centre is one of the top hospitals in all of Beinan. In honour of the many healers who perished in the attack, the healing centre built a beautiful memorial garden that is a must-see. A fountain sits at the heart of this, the names of each healer killed in the bombing lovingly inscribed into it, including that of Lady Healer Keelia of house Ten-Ar, Lord Knight Elendir’s late mother.
If you can gain permission, take a visit to the nearby Isle of Ben-Ar where you will be treated to the sights and sounds of protected wildlife. In particular look for the sacred falco albus, the divine messengers of the goddess Abka Gahun whose temple makes the island a popular pilgrimage site. You can recognize falco albus by their huge wingspans and snowy white feathers, though it can take a sharp eye to spot them when they are hunting. Along the beach, look for raks, a type of crustacean that looks like a cross between a lobster and a crab. Fishing for raks is perfectly legal and the meat is quite delicious.
If an old-world style pub is more your fare, head to the town of Luton in Dong-bei and go to the Luton Town Jiudian. You’ll get great food, friendly service, and the chance to gossip with the locals.
What dangers should we avoid in Beinan?
These are dangerous times. Terrorists have targeted healing centres planet-wide, especially those staffed by houses Ten-Ar and Gurun.
In addition, visitors to the southwestern continent of Xi-Nan Fang must be careful about the air quality. Xi-Nan Fang is home to most of the planet’s mining operations. As a result, toxic bilast pollutes the air. If that is not enough, radioactive argene dust and argun ore is everywhere, the inevitable product of the area’s many mining operations.
Rumour has it that Nan-li City in Xi-Nan Fang is home to the most dangerous of the terrorists. Watch your back if you dare tread there!
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Beinan?
The Luton Town Jiudian is an excellent pub for affordable and quality dining. The steamed rak tails and rak legs are especially well prepared. Complete your meal with seasoned buttered bread, an assortment of cheeses, minced fruit, and berries, including kelan, nanla, and nara berries.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Beinan?
Beinarian nobles use both heritage and modern weapons including laser épée, laser crossbows, and laser spears. Knights of Ten-Ar are known for their circling martial arts styles which resemble ba gua gongfu to Earth humans.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Beinan?
Low altitude shuttles are the primary form of transportation planet-wide. Mid-range shuttles operate within the B345A15 solar system, readily moving within and across all Beinarian atmospheric, aquatic, land, and intrasolar environments. Star craft are largely small to medium sized vessels used to travel between worlds and between galaxies.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Beinan that we don’t see on Earth?
Beinan is full of many plants and animals, all of them silicon based. On planet Beinan plants breathe in toxic bilast (oxygen) and release nirlar (chlorine gas) which is breathed in by animals of all types, including Beinarian humans. Nanla, nara, and kelan trees grow in abundance, producing some of the tastiest fruits and berries. Animals include losos (a type of salmon), rak (a cross between a lobster and a crab), konyn (a long haired rodent whose fur is sheared for wool), falco albus (a massive white bird of prey), and songbirds fabuku and fafiku.
Human life is not native to planet Beinan. Beinarians arrived from their original homeworld of A672E92 Quintus nearly 7000 yen-ars ago.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Beinan? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used
Beinarians are naturally psychic though to what degree largely depends on the individual. Members of houses Miyoo and Ten-Ar cultivate their psychic and precognitive abilities more than the other houses, particularly among the priestesses of Miyoo and the knights of Ten-Ar. The dominate religion on Beinan, headed by the High Priestess of Miyoo, teaches reincarnation, a belief abhorrent to its monotheistic rivals in house Shem. As a result the idea of past lives and past life memories are mainstream across Beinarian society.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Beinan? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Modern weapons on planet Beinan use lasers and plasma bolts such as in laser spears, laser crossbows (laser beams firing plasma bolts), and laser épées. Low altitude and mid-range shuttles fly instead of moving on the ground. Trains run on a monorail in an advanced version of maglev technology. Star craft are able to travel to worlds in distant galaxies, often doing so with the help of advanced alien technology.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Beinan.
Beinarian nobles and royals love fine food and dancing, particularly the Beinarian variant on English country dancing. In addition martial arts, fencing, and archery remain popular across many noble houses.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Beinan as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
There are 197.26 beinors (Beinarian days) per yen-ar (Beinarian years). Beinors (Beinarian days) are numbered 1 to 197 or 198 in the case of a yeap yen-ar. “Beinor 1” is the start of the Beinarian yen-ar and is typically celebrated with fireworks, feasting, and dancing.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Beinan? Please describe what it involves.
There are two major religions on planet Beinan. The primary religion worships a triple goddess similar to the Morrigan of ancient Britain. The three goddesses are: Abka Biya (goddess of the moon), Abka Gahun (goddess of birds of prey), and Banumu Hehe (goddess of Beinan the land). The high priestess of house Miyoo heads this dominant religion where both women and men serve as priestesses and priests as equals. In this tradition, belief is in reincarnation. Direct, mystical experiences are the main ways that worshippers discover and understand the goddesses. Science is regarded as a sacred form of religious expression. As you might expect, environmental stewardship is also key to belief and practice as the divine faces are manifest across nature. Followers of the triple goddesses uphold generally liberal values, allowing worshippers to follow their own conscience on matters of marriage, child rearing, divorce, and sexuality.
The other major religion is centred in house Shem where they worship the Shemai, a male creator god similar to the one worshipped in Abrahamic religions. People are believed to be born and die only once after which they go into an eternal afterlife. Like in the Abrahamic religions, worshippers have a written scripture they use to learn about and understand the Shemai’s commands. Religious leadership is restricted to men with priests called sacerdos and the high priest called sacerdos maximus. Psychic abilities are regarded as evil and perverse. Values are conservative with non-marital sex, contraception, abortion, and divorce all highly discouraged.
What is the political or government structure in Beinan? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Beinan is ruled by a feudal constitutional monarchy based on medieval, renaissance, and modern England and Scotland. The Great Council of Beinan serves as the lawmaking branch of government with delegates from all of the noble houses represented; excluding the non-noble houses of Plover, Skeinera, and Croften making these houses a form of under class. Executive and supreme judicial powers are vested in the monarchy. Kings and queens rule with the consent of the Great Council and, in theory, can be overthrown at any time if they abuse their power. In practice, government corruption runs rampant enabling absolute despots like King Gareth I (The Poisoned Ground) free rein to do as they please.
Dynastic change is achieved by votes of the Great Council. As dynastic change is usually contested (often by force of arms) by the outgoing noble house, the Great Council rarely votes in favour of it.
Most of the Peers of Beinan Series focuses on the Gurun dynasty which reigned the longest in the Beinarian Era. The Legacy of Princess Anlei begins with Queen Isabelle and her consort Prince Bevin, a knight of Ten-Ar. The last Gurun monarch in the trilogy is Queen Constance the Kind who is eventually overthrown by the murderous Lord Yelu in The Great Revolution. Queen Constance’s daughter Princess Anyu escapes at the end of “The Ghosts of the Past” with her exile, return to Beinan, and fight against Lord Yelu’s tyranny being told in the series’ final book, “Princess Anyu Returns.”
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
The Peers of Beinan Series follows in the Star Trek tradition of offering thought provoking explorations of social issues.
In particular the Poisoned Ground was ripped from the headlines with its look at the effects of strip mining on local communities. In this novella government corruption and corporate greed come together to endanger the population of the southwestern city of Nan-li, consciously ignoring safety measures designed to protect the city. In part two of the Poisoned Ground I look at rape and domestic violence with a special message to women.
In the Legacy of Princess Anlei Trilogy I look at how in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology might be abused for political purposes if we are not careful to put in place strong ethical standards.
Finally I explore the question of terrorism and religion in the Ghosts of the Past, reflecting on my own 9/11 experiences living just five to ten miles from the World Trade Center at the time.
Author Autobiography:
Born, raised, and educated in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, author-historian Laurel A. Rockefeller has written over a dozen book titles since August 2012 including The Peers of Beinan science fiction series, American Stories, the Legendary Women of World History biography series, and her latest passion: the My First Cockatiel Series.
A literary author with a cosy fireside narrative style, Ms. Rockefeller’s books come to life in audio editions narrated by Mr. Richard Mann on Audible and UK Audible.
A devoted animal lover, Ms. Rockefeller is owned by her two beautiful cockatiels, both of whom will be moving with her to England following approval of her UK residency visa.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
Find these and other Peers of Beinan Series books on Amazon:
Enjoy the Legendary Women of World History Series on Amazon:
Enjoy the entire Legendary Women of World History Series on Smashwordsin your choice of formats.
UK residents: come out to Southcart Books in Walsall and discover the Peers of Beinan and Legendary Women of World History Series from the comfort of their cosy reading room or head to their Amazon store.
Where can readers connect with you online?
Skype: peersofbeinan
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Beinan. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Aerisia, in Realm Explorers Part LI!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Scales:A Falling in Deep Collection novellaby Pauline Creeden, published on May 26, 2015
Verona is a bottom feeder. She is the one mer in her clan who is considered the ugliest and least intelligent. Growing up with the constant bullying and abuse wasn’t the worst of what her kind had in store for her. At seventeen years old, she must now endure “The Reckoning.” The scales will measure her worth to her clan. Will she endure thirty days as a land-walker to gather information and knowledge to appease her clan and return a valued member? Will she wait three years, until she is twenty, and find a mer of her kind to accept her and marry her? Or will she suffer exile for the rest of her life?
TO KEEP FROM SCREAMING, I bite hard on my lip. The copper mixture of blood and saltwater mingles on my tongue. Mer claws rake against my back. The barnacles on the post to which I’m tied stab me in the chest. Pain sets my body on fire. Everything burns. I squeeze my eyes shut tight and keep my silence. “Ugly.” “Repugnant.” “Unsightly.” “Ignorant.” “Bottom Feeder.” Each word cuts as deep in my flesh as the physical wounds my clan inflicts. It can’t last long. I can endure this. As soon as the sharks catch scent of my blood they will come, and the Mer will scatter. The world spins around me like a whirlpool. My breaths come quick and shallow, my heart pounds faster in my ears. Each second is an eternity, until I realize fresh wounds are not adding to the burning in my skin. The elder’s sharp tongue whispers in my ear. “Now you will be measured.” My wrists fall free of the post as he cuts the ties. Exile. My Reckoning has begun.

About the Author:
Pauline Creeden is an award-winning author, horse trainer, and overall book ninja. She becomes the main character in each of her stories, and because she has ADD, she will get bored if she pretends to be one person for too long. Her debut novel, Sanctuary, won 1st Place Christian YA Title 2013 Dante Rosetti Award and 2014 Gold Award for First Place YA Horror Novel.
Stalker Links: Website: http://paulinecreeden.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/PaulineCreeden Twitter: http://twitter.com/P_Creeden Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulinecreeden/
Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name:
H. L. Burke
Title of book and/or series:
Lands of Ash: Elemental Realms Book One
Brief summary of the story:
After decades of Elemental Invasions, the once flourishing Kingdom of Forra has been reduced to ruins. A band of survivors pulls together in one last attempt to defend their homes and families as the Elementals make a push to wipe them out completely.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
At the beginning of the book, the majority of the continent is a scorched wasteland with the humans clinging at the edges in scattered settlements. These include the forested Mountain’s Feet and a swath of land near the sea called the Green Band. Few cities remain, most humans dwelling in small hidden encampments. The Fire Realm is a parallel version of the human land, but with fiery molten seas and hot acrid atmosphere, perfect for the Fire Elementals who live there but inhospitable to humans. Of course, the rains and seas of the human lands are just as deadly to the Elementals.
If we were to visit Forra as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Stay near the sea. Much less chance of getting toasted there. The mountains and forests that remain are beautiful, old growth pines, pristine air, but every year more land is devoured by the fires.
What dangers should we avoid in Forra?
If you see a swirling blue whirlpool of light forming on the ground, that’s a portal. Elementals come through portals. Elementals burn things. Run!
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Forra?
When fighting Elementals, water is your friend. Large settlements will often have water bucket brigades or even wooden tubes set up to pipe water onto open portals. There is also a special metal called “icestone,” a blue ore, cold to the touch, found in glacial melts. This is poison to Elementals and even a scratch from an icestone blade will cause an Elemental to break apart. However, icestone is rarely found in large deposits so normal steel blades, stone-tipped arrowheads, and other mundane weapons are frequently used.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Forra?
Horses are rare. They were never common in the northern reaches of the kingdom where packrams and goat carts are the more common means of transport, and so most were lost when the valley burned. Packrams are large, horned sheep, about the size of donkeys. The males are used as beasts of burden and the females for milk.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Forra that we don’t see on Earth?
Elementals come in multiple sizes. They are born as tiny “Sparks” out of the heat of their world. As they expand they become “Flares” and finally “Inferno Lords.” They also have the ability to reanimate human corpses into the mindless but still deadly “Charred.” Charred resemble blackened corpses with a flaming core giving them strength. They can fade, becoming smoke, to travel and avoid weapons, but lack the intelligence needed to be truly formidable foes.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Forra? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Humans have two varieties of magical healers. The abilities are hereditary, and while both can heal the sick or injured, they are polar opposites in their approach. A syphonic healer draws lifeforce from one individual to bolster another. The absorption of energy becomes addictive to syphonics, and they often steal energy from others when they don’t really need to. A syphonic’s powers are also an effective weapon, as they can weaken or even kill a person (or Elemental) by drawing away their lifeforce.
An empathic, however, heals with shared energy. She/he draws on her own lifeforce and the powers of memory and emotion. Empathics feel the emotions of those they are in contact with and can read their patient’s memories during the healing bond. Also, if you harm an empathic, identical harm will immediately befall you, but the sword cuts both ways. If an empathic healer strikes another, he/she will feel identical pain, and if an empathic kills, they will perish.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Forra? Please describe what it involves.
With most of the society scattered and living hand to mouth, organized religion is almost non-existent. Few temples remain, but some people still keep faith in an unnamed Creator. The most widespread remaining practice is that of the Late Litany. People awaken after midnight to say prayers, meditate, or make an offering. The traditional offering is three bowls, one with water, one with a live coal, and the other with some form of plant life, often a flower. Water offerings are often given over graves, to cleanse the souls of dead in preparation for the afterlife.
In recent years, a cult has arisen that worships the invading Elementals.
What is the political or government structure in Forra? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
When the Royal City fell in the early days of the invasions, the last King of Forra left no heir. A militia rose up from the various settlements in order to drive back the Elementals and protect the remaining human settlements. Militias are controlled by influential village leaders, usually the oldest man, and certain “hero captains” have sprang up, most notably Draven at Fork Vale Fortress and brothers, Karvir and Ketyl, out of the isolated Haven.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I grew up in rural Oregon, and wildfires were a yearly occurrence. I remember specifically one night when we were ordered to evacuate our home and the sense of dread knowing that a wall of fire was creeping towards my house, but I could do nothing about it. (Thankfully our home always stayed out of harms way. We kept it pretty clear and irrigated.) There’s something so primal, destructive, and yet alluring about fire. Also, seeing the burned out skeletons of trees and blackened earth was emotionally gutting.
I’m also a military wife, and a major theme in the book is seeing fathers and husbands go off to war. To me there is nothing scarier than that, and so in some ways in this book I was playing with my worst fears.
Author Autobiography:
I’m a life long fangirl who always had plenty of free time on my hands to spend with books and exploring the woods. I married my high school crush who had grown up to be a handsome US Marine, and we have two daughters together. My long term goal is to be a cat, but if that doesn’t work out, I’m content with “writer/mom” on my resume. I am the author of multiple fantasy novels, including the four part series “The Dragon and the Scholar Saga”, the series is a full length fairy tale centered on the friendship between young scholar, Shannon, and a dragon with a mysterious past.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?
My books are available in paperback and ebook through Amazon.com. You can view my author page at this link.
Where can readers connect with you online?
Thank you so much for coming to join us as we reveal a fantastic new cover!Every summer has its love story, and this compilation has 6 fantastic stories that range from historical fiction to contemporary, paranormal, and fantasy!
First, please let me introduce you to the stories included in the compilation:
Summer Hearts: 6 Summer Tales of Sweet Romance
Book Synopsis:
Dreaming in California:
In the summer of 1967, Hollywood actress, Lucinda Baker, appears to have it all– fame, money, and an all too doting fiancé. Dark traits begin to emerge from the man she’s pledged to marry, and he threatens her. Lucinda must now lean on her best friend, celebrity photographer, George Creston to escape the clutches of the dangerous relationship. Together they are forced to summon courage, and trust each other in desperate circumstances. Will they find love in the process or lose everything they hold dear, including their lives.
A Summer of Stars:
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McKinley Graham has escaped to her summer getaway to regain her perspective and her health. Zane Davidson has taken refuge in the lovely seaside community, welcoming the healing balm of the salty sea air and his childhood home to mend his wounds. They aren’t looking for love, but their attraction is too explosive to ignore. Against the backdrop of starry nights and sultry kisses, they come to realize that even love may not be enough to save them from the angry storm of his past that threatens to destroy their dreams!
Drowning Sandy:
The water is calling…
and Sandy can no longer resist the urge to unleash her mermaid form. But a simple swim in Lake Ontario ends when she discovers the truth of her own banishment. When long-time crush, Alardo, seems to shift in a direction she never dreamed possible, Sandy must make a choice — mermaid or human? Once she chooses, she can never go back.
Summer Holiday:
In the summer of 1905, Lizzy Gordon’s father dismisses her desires to be a doctor, demanding she become a teacher—a profession which does not allow women to marry.
Teacher Brent Pierce is dedicated to expanding young minds, but circumstances are forcing him to take over the family farm.
Before the summer is over Lizzy and Brent will be forced to make hard decisions. Can they find the courage to each stand up for themselves and still be together?
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Shark Boss:
When Tara takes up a job at the local aquarium, her colleagues warn her about their harsh boss, Mr. Carter Jones. She soon discovers how impatient he can be, but she also can’t deny her fascination and attraction to him. Carter can’t stop watching Tara as she works but holds back from her because of his secrets. If she knew what he was, she would never want him. Could the reason for Carter’s moods be related to something more troubling than what’s on the surface? Tara soon discovers Carter’s secret, and it only bonds them closer. But the curse starts to take over Carter’s life, and he won’t give his heart to a beautiful woman when he can only cause her pain.
The Best Place to Meet a Man:
Jeff goes to the beach to run and clear his head. Meredith goes to the beach intent on burying her nose in her book. In this contemporary romantic comedy, these two collide when Meredith’s two young nephews come up with other plans.
Next, here is a little about the fabulous authors who contributed:
(In the same order as their books appear in the compilation)

Debbie Lee
Debby Lee was raised in the cozy little town of Toledo, Washington. She has been writing since she was a small child and has written several novels, but never forgets home.
The Northwest Christian Writers Association and Romance Writers of America are two organizations Debby enjoys being a part of. Publications, thus far, include a series of short stories titled The Butterfly Fairytales Collection, and a novella with Barbour Publishing.
As a self-professed nature lover, and an avid listener to 1960s folk music, Debby can’t help but feel like a hippie child who wasn’t born soon enough to attend Woodstock. She wishes she could run barefoot all year long, but often does anyway in grass and on beaches in her hamlet that is the cold and rainy southwest Washington.
During the football season, Debby cheers on the Seattle Seahawks along with legions of other devoted fans. She’s also filled with wanderlust and dreams of visiting Denmark, Italy, and Morocco some day.
Lisa Watson
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Her latest story is a Sweet Romance. A Summer of Stars, is one of the novellas in the Summer Hearts Compilation. This exciting new collection featuring five additional authors, and their sweet, beach-themed romances, will be released May 2015.
Lisa works at a technology consulting firm, is the co-publicist for RT BookReview Magazine’s annual RT Booklovers Conventions, and host for Reader’s Entertainment Radio show.
Married for nineteen years, with two teenagers, and a Maltipoo, Brinkley, Lisa lives outside Raleigh, NC and is avidly working on a sweet romance, and her next series.
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Sarah Daley
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At the age of six, she became a reading machine. Devouring everything she could possibly get her hands on. In high school she almost failed English three times because of her detest for writing book reports. Today, Sarah writes whatever stories haunt her dreams, and struggles to focus on one idea at a time. When she isn’t enjoying time with her family, or writing, you will find her nose stuck in a book, or out walking and enjoying the sunshine.
Drowning Sandy is her debut novella!
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Links to find out what is coming next:
Carol Malone
Award-winning author Carol Malone has successfully combined her three passions – romance, sports, and writing in her two highly-rated books, Fight Card Romance: Ladies Night, and Ladies Night Christmas sequel. She was the first woman to write a romance for the all-male dominated genre. Carol invites her readers to scramble into a front row seat for a thrill-ride of suspense, sports, and romance. If not hammering out new tales, Carol’s loves reading, sports, and hanging with her author husband on the coast of California.

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Kathy loves reading and writing even more. She homeschools her three kids, so in between unsuccessfully explaining the difference between subject and predicate or how to divide fractions, she enters an imaginary world of troubled and passionate characters whose stories take over the page. Kathy lives in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa, where the summers are hot, the winters cool, and bugs thrive. Her first published novel, Wedding Gown Girl, came out in 2012 with Astraea Press. She belongs to the Romance Writers of South Africa Group (ROSA) which has been her greatest support and inspiration the last few years.
Robyn Echols
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Robyn Echols has been writing since she was in junior high school. By choice, she spent most of her evening hours in her “dungeon”, as her mother called her downstairs bedroom, writing stories, only joining her family in front of the television upstairs when her favorite programs were playing. She has spent hours learning and teaching family history topics, and focuses on history from a genealogist’s perspective of seeking out the details of everyday life in the past. Several of her family history articles have been published in genealogy magazines.
Now Robyn resides with her husband in California near the “Gateway to Yosemite” and has fun researching and writing the books that she hopes will interest and entertain her readers. She writes Young Adult/New Adult and contemporary fiction under Robyn Echols and adult historical romance under her pen name, Zina Abbott.
When Robyn isn’t busy piecing together novel plots, she stays busy piecing together quilt blocks.
Compiled by R M Alexander
RM Alexander is an author of clean romances that are sometimes contemporary, sometimes paranormal or suspense, but are always ruled by the heart of true romance.
With characters who look for love in the wrong places and are victims or the worse kinds of betrayal while fighting for what they want and believe in, RM’s novels promise a good read with unexpected twists and turns.
When she’s not writing, RM is spending time with her husband and two small children in Michigan. She loves to travel, especially to Walt Disney World, and can often be found on Twitter or Facebook chatting with other authors and readers.
Cover designed by: Creative Book Covers

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Amazing Author Adventures
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Elaine’s a Book a Holic
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Lands of Ash
a new epic fantasy by author H. L. Burke.
After decades of Elemental Invasions, human civilization has been pushed to the brink of extinction. A band of survivors pulls together in one last attempt to defend their homes and families as the Elementals make a push to wipe them out completely.
Author Bio:
Born in a small town in north central Oregon, H. L. Burke spent most of her childhood around trees and farm animals and was always accompanied by a book. Growing up with epic heroes from Middle Earth and Narnia keeping her company, she also became an incurable romantic.
An addictive personality, she jumped from one fandom to another, being at times completely obsessed with various books, movies, or television series (Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Star Trek all took their turns), but she has grown to be what she considers a well-rounded connoisseur of geek culture.
Married to her high school crush who is now a US Marine, she has moved multiple times in her adult life but believes that home is wherever her husband, two daughters, and pets are.
She self-published her four part fantasy/romance series “The Scholar and the Dragon,” followed by YA Steampunk Fantasy Beggar Magic, and a children’s chapter book. She is now working on an epic fantasy trilogy.
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