By Sea & Sky
The Sky Pirate Chronicles Book 1
by Antoine Bandele
Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Pirates

With no magic, no brawn, and no pirate crew, Zala seeks to steal back the one treasure that matters to her most: her husband.
To succeed she needs a ship—and not just any ship, but the latest, secret invention by the Vaaji Empire. An airship.
Zala will have to use her wits to overcome scoundrels and nobles alike on her journey through the clouds.
But if she’s smart enough, she may just have what it takes to save her husband—and go down in history as the first sky pirate.
Delve into a pirate fantasy inspired by the West Indies, The Swahili Coast, and Arabia, where Zala will encounter ruthless raiders, arrogant aristocrats, and imperial secrets.
By Sea & Sky is Antoine Bandele’s sophomore novel, the first in the Sky Pirate Chronicles trilogy, a pirate fantasy.

I really enjoyed this unique fantasy novel. It’s so rare to find a fantasy story that isn’t set somewhere reminiscent of Europe, but this setting bears not the slightest resemblance to it. I grew up in East Africa, so when I read the blurb and saw that part of the setting was inspired by the Swahili coast, I was immediately intrigued. I could hardly wait to start the book, and I wasn’t disappointed. It was really fun to see fantasy terms that were based on Swahili words, and to meet characters that don’t look or act European. Actually, the characters’ races was another of my favorite parts of the story. I can only think of a few other fantasies I’ve read that had non-white characters, and none at all in which none of the characters were white. (And why should we assume by default that people would have white skin in a totally different world, anyway?) A variety of human cultures and magical beings were represented, all of them distinct and well-developed. There were enough details about history, geography, government, and religion to make for some great worldbuilding without bogging the story down with them.
My personal preference is for more emphasis on characters’ interpersonal relationships and less nonstop action, so some of the battle scenes seemed to drag on a bit, but that’s just me. The story opens with a particularly long battle sequence, and while I might otherwise have been tempted to put the book down after a chapter or two of fighting, the lead character kept me turning pages. Her love and loyalty toward her husband, and her determination to get the ingredients for the medicine he desperately needs even when surrounded by battling pirates, make her a relatable character whom I couldn’t help but care about.
The book could have used a better edit, with grammar and punctuation errors sprinkled throughout. But I’m an obsessive-compulsive proofreader, so these things jump out at me. The errors weren’t bad enough that they’d be likely to bother most people. Overall, I recommend By Sea and Sky to anyone who likes action and adventure or fantasy in a refreshingly unique setting. (And I suggest flipping to the end of the book first to see a great drawing of the three main characters, if you want to be able to picture them clearly as you go adventuring with them.)
Book Trailer:

He lives in Los Angeles, CA with his girlfriend, where he produces work on YouTube for his own channel and others, such as JustKiddingFilms, Fanalysis, and more. During the summer he is a camp counselor. Whenever he has the time he’s writing his debut series: Tales from Esowon.
Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!
Ashes of Ailushurai
The Esfah Sagas Book 1
by Christopher D. Schmitz
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Dwarves, elves, & goblins collide…
…Esfah is another world originally from the creators of Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance.
Here there be dragons!
When a reluctant Dwarven adventurer undertakes a quest on behalf of his blind father, he accidentally awakens an ancient evil banished ages ago. Now, with dark elves and goblinoid trogs snapping at his heels, Hy’Targ must prevent a powerful lich from reuniting with the ancient bones of his lover. Failure means a new age of darkness will spread across the land.
Prince Hy’Targ of the Irontooth vagha would much rather stay in the library and read about the exploits of others. In his studies, however, he uncovers the tale of a powerful artifact he believes could restore his father’s sight. On his quest, he accidentally triggers a trap that releases an ancient undead general that was long ago sealed away to prevent him from beginning a planet-wide uprising of the dead. Hy’Targ knows that this fiend must be destroyed before he can regain his full strength, and he knows where the lich has escaped to.
Journeying towards the creature’s dark tower, he enlists the help of the few souls who believe him, one of whom is an imprisoned thief that must first be freed… a thief who is linked to their problems more closely than they realize. He stole the sacred bones the lich is after and undead scouts pursue his every move. Can this band of unlikely heroes prevent a second rise of the Black Tower?
Book Trailer
Rise and Fall of the Obsidian Grotto
The Esfah Sagas Prequel
Elves. Dwarves. Blood Oaths & Dragons.
There are far worse things crawling upon Esfah than goblins…
…some, even swords and sorcery cannot defeat.
A devious elder monster allies with the lava elves of the Obsidian Grotto. She promises to provide an elven general with arcane weapons to throw down their dwarven enemies, and also the support of a black magic wielding cult hidden within the Nhur-Gale Forest. General Shedakor assumes that any bargain with such a dark creature would extract a high cost… but can he afford to pay it?
Meanwhile, on the far side of Esfah. An elven hero from the northern coasts embarks on a mission to protect his home from the goblins of Brackishomme swamp. But Davian Whisperwynd is prone to rash vows and the gods will not release the adventurer from a promise to lay down his sword: an oath that complicates things when he promises a beautiful enchanter that he will retrieve an item from the lair of the Death god himself.
Neither knows it, but the gods of fate have interlinked their destinies.
In the mid 1990s there was one fantasy RPG that ruled them all: D&D, of which Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, and many other books and gaming worlds were a part of. It’s publisher, TSR, created another gaming world that won Game of the Year in 1995. That world was Esfah.
In eons past, when time was young and creation malleable, the four powers of Nature — earth, air, fire, and water — the children of Nature, gods in their own rights, brought forth two races of beings to care for their fledgling world of Esfah, created by the all-father, Tarvenehl. One race, the Selumari or coral elves, was created to husband the fluid forces of air and water. The other race, the Vagha, a dwarvish race, embodied the stability of earth and the tempering power of fire. Together, these two peoples worked to nurture their infant world into something glorious and beautiful… but then another god revealed himself: Death…
**Only .99 cents!**
Christopher D. Schmitz is an author of fiction and nonfiction books. Before throwing himself into book writing he had published short fiction in more than twenty outlets. In addition to a day-job working with teenagers, he also writes for a local newspaper, speaks/sells books at comic-cons and other festivals, runs a blog for authors, and makes an insanely tiny amount of money playing the bagpipes.
He grew up as a product of the 1980s and thinks Stranger Things is “basically my biography.” He lives in rural Minnesota where he drinks unsafe amounts of coffee with his family and three rambunctious dogs. The caffeine shakes keeps the cold from killing him.
A copy of the strategy dice game this book series is based on (Dragon Dice) which was originally created by the makers of D&D in 1995 (approx $50 value) plus 5x copies of the audible book The Esfah Sagas: Rise and Fall of the Obsidian Grotto
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Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name: Antoine Bandele
Title of book and/or series: By Sea & Sky: An Esowon Story (The Sky Pirate Chronicles Book #1)
Brief summary of the story:
With no magic, no brawn, and no pirate crew, Zala seeks to steal back the one treasure that matters to her most: her husband.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
African fantasy world inspired by mythology and folklore from the African diaspora and Pan African countries.
If we were to visit Port Kidogo as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
I’d definitely suggest hitting up the Seaborne Inn where you can get the best drinks—if not the best food. You’ll want to stop here mostly to get the lay of the land. There’s always gossip brewing about the latest on the island… just don’t piss off the brewmaster who frequents there or he might slip something nasty in your drink.
What dangers should we avoid on The Ibabi Isles?
Unless desolation and barren islands are your thing, I’d suggest staying far away from here. Some even say the lands are cursed by the merfolk who used to live near its depths.
Karim |
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Jultia?
In Jultia, you might be surprised to find that there are no forks or spoons or other eating utensils. Almost all food is consumed by hand or by a spongy sourdough called injera (inspired from real live injera from Ethiopia), which often wraps around meats and veggies during meals.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common on The Sapphire Isles?
The thing about the Sapphire Isles… it’s an intersection of many other regions. You’ll see Northern straight swords, Eastern curved sabers, Ya-Seti recurved bows, and Southern Spears. While the kinds of weapons you’ll come across are diverse, the fighting style is all the same. Many on the isles call it the “palm wine dance”. Almost everyone seems half drunk when they fight one another, even in brutal competition like the fighting arenas near Port Zanziwala.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to al-Anim?
Though merely at the start of its major use, the Vaaji have started to construct airships to transport themselves from their coastal desert nation all across Esowon and beyond.
Shomari (a pakka) and Fon (an Aziza) |
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Esowon that we don’t see on Earth?
In Esowon, especially in the more densely populated cities and towns you might find an aziza (usually half or quarter). These diminutive fae creates come from the Kunda Jungles, but many of those who are half or quarter breed have been disbanded or exiled from the ancient jungle and forced to live among humans and pakka. The pakka, also known as cat-people, are more common than the aziza. They stand slightly shorter than the average human but they are far more dexterous and nimble.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Esowon? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Magic is a dying thing in the world of Esowon. In centuries past almost everyone had it, and almost everyone could do extraordinary things (i.e. manifesting storms/moving mountains/predicting the distant future). But during the timeline of By Sea & Sky, nations that were built on magic are looking for alternative ways to dominate… the primary focus being technology. Many marriages are now determined by how much magical blood is within the bride and groom.
Lishan |
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Esowon? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Yes, the mentioned airships are new to the world of Esowon. These ships are fueled by old magic in the form of skyglass found throughout the world (usually compacted within old mountains).
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Esowon.
The Vaaji favor a game called King’s Way, which is very similar to Earth’s chess. Southern Esowoni enjoy a game called stone and marbles, which is based on mancala.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Esowon as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Though Esowon has similar days and weeks to Earth, the people do not refer to months as months, but rather as moons. In fact, weeks aren’t weeks all the time. Sometimes, individuals (usually of the Old Faith) will say Àyá’s cycle instead of week. You see, this world has two moons. The big moon, or Yem’s moon, revolves around the world every 28 days, while Aya’s moon revolves around the planet every 7 days. So the people of the world have a perfect measurement of their weeks and months (yes, in reality this would break their world, particularly their ocean currents but… magic).
Jelani |
Is there a particular religion practiced in Esowon? Please describe what it involves.
There are many religions in the world of Esowon, but the two focused in By Sea & Sky are Jo’bara (the Old Way) and al-Qiba (the One True Faith). Devotees of Jo’bara believe in the continued influence of the Old Gods, even though said deities have been gone for thousands of years. Devotees of al-Qiba only put their faith in one God name Shati (or Shati’ala if you use Her honorific). Shati is known to have given humans magic way back when humans were nothing more than primitives beating stones together. And thus, those of al-Qiba pledge faith to her, and her alone, as she gave humans not only magic, but free will, and more importantly, their inventive minds.
What is the political or government structure on The Sapphire Isles? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Currently the reigning “government” on the Sapphire Isles is the golden lord and his Golden Court. Under him are several tide lords who oversee the seven major isles of the Sapphire Seas. The political structure is based around a meritocracy of earning gold for the golden lord. It is the aspiration of many “aggressive entrepreneurs” (aka pirates) to bring enough plunder to Golden Lord Zuberi to be accepted to the Golden Court in Port Zanziwala. At this place, it’s said that a person can live well into old age without worry about coin ever… so long as Lord Zuberi likes what you bring him.
Zala |
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit the Sapphire Isles?
Were you to visit Port Kidogo or any of the smaller towns, there is an old tradition called Six-Nights which is a huge event when there is a major loss of life or an important figure has died. It might be better if I just leave an excerpt from the prequel novella, Stoneskin, about this tradition…
The whole of the Six-Nights celebrated among the islanders was dedicated to two Gods: Ibanujẹ, the Goddess of Grief, and Ùkú, the God of Death. Six colors ranged throughout the festival, from the deep blues of denial, the stark reds of anger, the neutral grays of bargaining, the muted ash of depression, the vivid yellows of acceptance, and the simple black of death and finality. Each color lined the square by way of flags and tapestries strewn about storefronts, stoops, and tavern doors. Each night was dedicated to one face of grief, then ending with an homage to Ùkú’s power, so that He may take their loved ones into the ancestral planes.
Tonight, the rich colors of blues dominated the decor, whether it was adorned along a building’s banners or sewn into gomesi dresses worn by the women or kanzus by the men. The blue represented the face of denial. It was important everyone knew what they were fighting against. Everyone knew how easy it was to go numb, to feel like everything was meaningless. Jelani had felt that deeply throughout the day. The point wasn’t to forget the dead or to forget the event. The point was to make sure the dead didn’t die in vain. The point was to stir up the senses, to shake the weight of that overwhelming apathy that could so easily overshadow everything in one’s life.
Issa |
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I’ve certainly been inspired by my real-life research but not much in the way of my real-life experience (that’s reserved for my contemporary young adult novel I’ve also got).
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
There aren’t too many hot takes in this book unless you have an issue with same-sex relationships.
Author Autobiography:
I’ve been a creative kid, whether writing stories, drawing comics, or directing home movies. I remember the first time I thought I was a “published” author. My father took my brother and me to an office supply store, where we got our books (which were made out of wide-ruled notebook paper) laminated and copied.
It felt so legit.
In elementary school, I kept filling out more notebooks with my stories. I was even brave enough to share those stories with friends during recess. The underside of the playground slide became my own library, but the only inventory was my books. They were stories about kung fu fighting teenagers who were stuck in their own dreams (still might develop that one day), or fan fiction covering my favorite franchises.
Growing up in Los Angeles, only a few miles from Hollywood, I started flirting with the film industry. This became my focus throughout my young adult years. I majored in Multimedia at California State University Northridge (though my diploma is still incomplete). That eventually got me on YouTube which (for most filmmakers in those early days) was the best place to archive and share your work. YouTube has turned into a different beast today, but I still seek out that sense of community it had among like-minded individuals.
If there is one thing that encompasses my life so far, one theme, it would be the pursuit of art. Whether I’m writing, drawing, editing or otherwise (though I really wish I had a talent for music), I’ve always been drawn to crafting art. That’s all I’m really about when it comes right down to the bare bones, everything stripped away. I’m fueled by creating make-believe, letting my imagination take me to wonderful worlds filled with characters who speak to my inner muse.
So join me here on my small corner of the internet (a bit of an upgrade to the underside of a playground). I want to share my creativity with you.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)? Please include links.
If you want to support me directly, the best way to do that is through my website, where I sell signed copies and audiobooks direct.
Where can readers connect with you online?
The best way to contact me, my home base, is my website:
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Esowon. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
Are you an author of a sci-fi or fantasy novel that takes place in another world? Click here to find out about having it featured on Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Author: M.L. Farb
Narrator: Neal Arango
Length: 8 hours and 59 minutes
Series: The King Trials, Book 1
Publisher: Maria Farb
Released: May 12, 2020
Genre: YA; Fantasy

In a land where stories of the Shadow Demon keep children shivering in bed and tales of the Yorel bring hope to the commoner, Yosyph is both the reason for their fear and their hope. By day, Yosyph appears nothing more than a mute tavern-hand. By night, he plans a revolution and slips through shadow, rescuing those marked for death by the xenophobic queen. When he learns that thousands of his people will be sent as slaves to the mines, he must choose — fight the royal army with an ill-prepared rebellion or journey to the land of his ancestors through the deadly King’s Trial. If he succeeds, he’ll win his kin’s loyalty and their help. His journey grows complicated when he rescues a maiden and enrages a prince, but if he doesn’t return with help in time, the people he’s loved and secretly served will be gone. Whitney Awards Nominee 2019

Ever since M. L. Farb climbed to the rafters of a barn at age four, she’s lived high adventure: scuba diving, rock climbing, and even riding a retired racehorse at full gallop–bareback. She loves the thrill and joy. She creates adventures, fantasy, and fairy tale retellings. “The writing style is smart and engaging. Brave young men, vivacious heroine. Vibrant world, exciting stakes… I’d recommend to fans of Blades of Acktar, The Queen’s Thief, and The Minstrel’s Song!” – H.S.J. Williams, author of Fairest Son “Her voice and storytelling were addicting.” – L.P. Masters A Whitney Awards Nominee 2019

Neal Arango has always had a great passion for performing and making people smile from a young age. His first role was Sneezy in a performance of Snow White in the 3rd grade. Ever since then, he pursued acting wholeheartedly, getting roles in high school plays and majoring in theater in college, as well as doing community theater. Reading books has always been another great passion, especially of the sci-fi and fantasy genre and after learning about audiobooks and learning he could do both of those, it has been like a dream come true to be able to truly do what he loves.
I received this audiobook as part of my participation in a blog tour with Audiobookworm Promotions. The tour is being sponsored by M.L. Farb. The gifting of this audiobook did not affect my opinion of it. 
Yosyph appears to be a mute tavern-hand by day, but by night he is the leader of a growing rebellion against the abuses of the crown. He is tall and lean, with swarthy skin and black hair. Whip marks scar his back. His green eyes stand out from his otherwise dark features. He prefers to speak with hand signs, but will use words when necessary. He’s a brilliant strategist, but also a loner. Most only know him by the title Yorel. And even those closest to him don’t really know him. If I were to cast him for a movie: A young version of Col. Brandon from Sense and Sensibility (Alan Rickman). Not because they look anything alike, but because the character has dry humor, is reserved and shy around people, confident in what is right, has a troubled past, and puts others’ needs above his own.
Prince Halavant is a “spoiled godling”. He is shorter and more muscular than Yosyph, with tanned skin and a face rounded by opulent living. He bleaches his blond hair and wears it in ringlets. Despite his dandy looks, he is adept at sword fighting and insults. His two main focuses in life are duels and his betrothed, Katrin. If I were to cast him for a movie: Young King Arthur from the TV series Merlin (I haven’t watched this series but several readers mentioned that Halavant reminded them of this Arthur). Another option could be Westley (Cary Elwes) from Princess Bride. And a bit of the temper of Capt. Boone (Cary Elwes) in the Jungle Book. Confident, cocky, and full of pomp.
Though short, with pale freckled skin and red hair reaching almost to her knees, Katrin isn’t small in personality. She goes through life with a fiery energy matching her hair. Her wit can lift or wound others. Don’t get in the way of her throwing knives. If I were to cast her for a movie: Eowyn from Lord of the Rings. Again not because of looks. She is courageous, opinionated, and impulsive. Doesn’t wait on someone else to tell her what to do.
An itinerant laborer, Galliard laughs his way through troubles and annoyances. He is sun-baked and topped with an untamed mop of sandy hair. His right hand is missing the pointer finger at the first knuckle. If I were to cast him for a movie: Miles Hendon (Errol Flynn) from the 1937 Prince and the Pauper. He’s an amused, kind, if disbelieving, protector. One reader compared him to Gandolf—wise and much more than he seems.
Farid: Bonus character glimpse
One reader compared him to a “dark Yoda” or a “dark Mr. Miyagi”. He’s wise but seems unpredictable. 
10 fun, random facts about M. L. Farb
- As a child, I couldn’t walk across a room. I danced, spun, skipped, ran, or otherwise moved, but I couldn’t just walk.
- I love climbing, rappelling, and horseback riding. But I hate roller coasters and bungee jumping.
- I lived in St Petersburg, Russia for half-a-year teaching English to kindergartners. I learned to wash my clothes in a bathtub, filter and boil my drinking water, and love my sweet, crayon-eating, kids.
- I have slight dyslexia. ‘b’ and ‘p’ sometimes flip flop on me. But it also means I can read a book upside-down.
- I love reading to my children. We’ve enjoyed books from Dr. Seuss to Les Misérables. Maniac Magee is one of our favorites.
- I’ve journaled almost every day since I turned seventeen. I capture conversations, descriptions, happenings, and quotes. I explore ideas. Through the years I’ve written well over a million words. It prepared me to become an author.
- Plumbing Repair is my nemesis. I’m grateful I don’t have to battle it very often. In the end, I always win, but I feel like I’ve fought an archvillain who pulled every dirty trick in the book, including Chinese water torture in claustrophobic conditions.
- I live with a vivid imagination. I dream in 3-D, technicolor, and occasionally with my eyes open. This is a bane when it comes to nightmares. I will not watch horror movies.
- The King’s Trial started as a bedtime tale I told my little sisters over twenty years ago.
- I have an accent. People often ask me where I’m from. Maybe it’s my reader’s accent. I’ve read out loud enough different books in character, that perhaps it stuck.

Plugging you into the audio community since 2016.
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Redeemed, the second book in the Supervillain Rehabilitation Project ,releases August of 2020! Check out the awesome cover below!
To celebrate the release of Book 2, Book 1 is 99 cents on Amazon this week only!
Redeemed: Supervillain Rehabilitation Project #2
An idealistic heroine. A reformed villain. A troubled teen.
Can the Supervillain Rehabilitation Project form a family out of this mess?
Still working out her team’s dynamic as well as her own fledgling romance with former villain Fade, Prism is blindsided when her superiors order her to take on another rehabilitation subject or risk having her team broken apart. Then her best friend and fellow superhero, Tanvi, foils a robbery but injures a super-powered teen in the process. Guilt stricken, she begs Prism to let the young girl, Alma, AKA Soulbird, be their next project.
Alma fills a gap in the team and works her way into the group’s hearts. However, her past stalks her, as the villain who forced her into a life of crime in the first place doesn’t want to let her escape into hero life without a fight.
Can Prism and her team redeem Alma from her past, or will the villain life drag the girl out of the SVR and out of their reach forever?
Born in a small town in north-central Oregon, H. L. Burke spent most of her childhood around trees and farm animals and was always accompanied by a book. Growing up with epic heroes from Middle Earth and Narnia keeping her company, she also became an incurable romantic.
An addictive personality, she jumped from one fandom to another, being at times completely obsessed with various books, movies, or television series (Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Star Trek all took their turns), but she has grown to be what she considers a well-rounded connoisseur of geek culture.
Married to her high school crush who is now a US Marine, she has moved multiple times in her adult life but believes that home is wherever her husband, two daughters, and pets are.
She is the author of a four-part fantasy/romance series entitled “The Dragon and the Scholar,” the Award Winning (2016 Realm Award for Young Adult Fiction) Nyssa Glass Steampunk series, and MG/Fantasy “Cora and the Nurse Dragon,” among others.
Sign up for her monthly newsletter at
Cabernet would give almost anything to be remembered–except his freedom.
Cursed to be eternally forgotten, Cabernet grew up walking a dangerous, lonely line between the world of mankind and the world of fairy. Now known only by a faceless reputation as a rogue and fairy aficionado, he wanders ceaselessly with the cat Maugrim as company.
Then the king dares order him to eliminate a magical foe in northern waters, and threatens to attack fairy lands if Cabernet refuses. As an increased annoyance, he is saddled with a stiff naval officer, the king’s elderly personal advisor, and the advisor’s nurse, a charming young woman named Rosemary who can inexplicably remember him.
Cabernet wants to complete this mission quickly without actually facing the enemy, a dangerous enchantress who nearly killed him before. But sea perils and fearsome monsters blindside his every trick and turn. Moreover, he is somehow growing fiercely attached to the human tag-a-longs.
As the enchantress’s deadly net tightens around them, Cabernet must face the terrors of his past in order to save his new-found family–and future.
Enjoy this standalone YA fantasy that combines dark whimsy with fairy tale magic, plus a side of Oliver Twist and an enchanting romantic subplot.
Author Bio
Rebekah Shafer is a thirty-something-year-old living in Georgia, USA, who got tired of spending an awful lot of time and energy trying to Be an Adult the Right Way.
Now she writes stories in a small house painted green on the inside, with plenty of jazz vinyl albums, a problematic front lawn, and two grey cats who look just enough alike to confuse house guests.
Instagram: @rebekahnovella
In the Double Agent’s Service
a fantasy novel by Annie Douglass Lima
Book Description:
Erik would give his life to protect King Jaymin. However, when an old enemy shows up with new schemes, that may not be enough.
Anya longs to be noticed by the king’s handsome bodyguard. But as she finally gains Erik’s attention, the notorious spy and double agent Dannel blackmails her into fulfilling a favor she has owed him for years. Anya is forced into a terrible choice: save Erik’s life, or protect her homeland.
Can Erik and Anya thwart an assassin and prevent a war before Dannel destroys everything that matters to them and to the kingdom?
In the Double Agent’s Service is the final book in the Annals of Alasia. Here’s a glimpse of the rest of the series!
An orphaned prince and his young bodyguard must disguise themselves and go into hiding after the kingdom of Alasia is overrun by invaders. Can Prince Jaymin save his kingdom – and himself?
Enslaved by invaders, Anya spies on the enemy to help her captive people – but when her own father is implicated in the betrayal that led to the Invasion, can she save him?
Can Prince Korram recruit an army from among the elusive Mountain Folk and claim his rightful throne before power-hungry Regent Rampus crushes them all?
The lone survivor of a brutal attack, can teen warrior Tarvic reclaim his honor and find a way to fight for his crippled kingdom under enemy occupation?
Pursued by assassins, can Princess Kalendria help her brother reclaim his throne and prevent a war – and catch the handsome neighboring king’s attention while she’s at it?
An orphaned prince. A devious double agent. A well-meaning merchant who may have just doomed his kingdom. Meet the citizens of Alasia and Malorn and prepare to be drawn into a tangled web of war and intrigue.
With the first six books ALL free or discounted, this is the perfect time to grab the whole series! Click here to see the Annals of Alasia series on Amazon.
Meanwhile, here is the first scene from In the Double Agent’s Service!
The smell of dry dirt.
A hard, gritty surface beneath his cheek.
Erik mentally catalogued the sensations in order of their intensity. He opened his eyes, blinked, and added another to the list.
Where am I? He struggled to sit up, and his pulse spiked at the realization that he couldn’t use his hands or feet. His ankles were bound together, and his wrists were tied behind his back.
What’s going on? Erik forced himself to a sitting position, noting the dirt floor beneath him, a rough wall at his back. Brushing his fingers over what he could reach of it, he discovered that the wall seemed to be made of the same hard-packed earth as the floor.
Am I underground? Though not completely smooth, the surfaces were too flat to be natural. Not a cave, then, but perhaps a cellar of some sort.
Or a cell.
He held his breath, straining his ears for any sound in the darkness. “Hello?” he whispered.
There was no response.
“Hello?” he said, a little louder. The acoustics hinted that he was in a small room. His head, already sore, throbbed anew at the sound of his own voice.
Erik leaned against the wall behind him, trying to keep calm. What happened? And where’s Jaymin?
Jaymin. Erik’s pulse started racing again. Had something happened to Jaymin?
Calm down, he ordered himself. He couldn’t afford to give in to panic. Instead, he would investigate his surroundings. Perhaps Jaymin was lying unconscious nearby.
Erik struggled to his feet and promptly smacked his head on a low ceiling. Dropping to his knees with a grunt of pain, he drew in a deep breath while a wave of dizziness rolled over him. When it passed, he shifted to a sitting position, bound legs in front of him. Moving slowly because every movement set his head throbbing, he began to crawl crab-like on his backside, feet, and hands. Keeping one shoulder against the wall, he scooted forward.
It didn’t take long to discover he was in a circular room, the walls curving back around toward where he had started. After eight steps, if he could call them that, his toes bumped something hard. Feeling with his feet, he discovered a stair in front of him, perhaps eight inches high. Shifting his weight, he leaned forward and took a little crouching jump into it. Another stair lay above it, and another. When he jumped onto the third stair, he winced as his injured head bumped the ceiling again.
Craning his neck and brushing an uninjured part of his forehead lightly back and forth against it, Erik discovered that the ceiling was made of wooden boards. Ducking lower with every hop so as not to bump it again, he made his way up the rest of the stairs until they ended at the wall. Twisting around, he hunched over awkwardly and ran his elbow back and forth across the low ceiling. As he had expected, a rectangular trapdoor lay just above him. He could feel the seams where its edges didn’t quite meet the surrounding boards. The hinges must be on the other side, but he thought he could detect a keyhole at one end. Nothing happened when he pushed up against the door with one shoulder, not that he had expected it to open for him.
Descending the steps again, Erik felt his way around the rest of the room. Eleven shuffling steps took him all the way around its circumference and back to the stairs. Criss-crossing the middle several times, he discovered it was completely empty.
If Jaymin wasn’t in here, where was he? Erik sat down and leaned against the wall, his head pounding from the exertion. Bending to brush it gently against his raised knees, he could feel a lump on his right temple. In addition, his upper lip was swollen and tasted like blood. It felt as though he had some bruises on his arms and torso, as well.
Erik closed his eyes — not that it made any difference in the complete darkness that surrounded him — and strained to recall what had happened. Had he and Jaymin been on a trip? He thought he remembered something about embarking on a journey. Where were they going? Was there an ambush? What happened to the palace guards who always accompanied the royal carriage?
Surely Jaymin couldn’t be dead. No one would kill the king but take his bodyguard captive. Would they?
And why would anyone take a bodyguard captive in the first place?
About the Author
Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name:
M. L. Farb
Title of book and/or series:
Vasilisa, The Hearth and Bard Tales book 1
Brief summary of the story:
Vasilisa has always been strong. She’s strong enough to break the arm of the bully that daily taunts her. She won’t because she and her mother are servants at the Orlov manor, and her mother would be punished for her retaliation. Instead Vasilisa bides her time until she is sixteen and can return to the forest.
Only Staver, the master’s son, shows her kindness. His friendship pulls as strong as the forest, but their classes are divided forever by law. She is a forest born, fatherless servant and her future at the manor holds mockery filled drudgery.
War threatens. The forest calls. Will she stay to protect the one who can never be more than a friend, or flee to the peace that the forest offers?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Snowy day on a bridge in St. Petersburg
Ruska is a cold land. The people are strong, for they yearly fight winter. Those who win live to see another summer. Those who do not, find a home in earth that is frozen half the year. Come and enter a land of wolves and ogres, tsars and wars, and forests vast enough to hold whole nations. A land where the servant will always be the servant—unless. Come see.
If we were to visit Ruska as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
If you know some of the nobility, you will want to visit a manor house or even a palace. Their distinctive onion-shaped domes show from miles away, but it is the inside that is truly a marvel. Many Ruskan pass the long winter by creating beautiful carvings and paintings. Geometric paintings cover doorways and ceilings, intricate rugs and tapestries hang on the walls to help keep the cold away, and inlaid furniture grace the rooms. Watch for intricate clocks, like the one with a peacock that spreads its tail feathers.
If you are like me, the forest will draw you more than the palaces. Ancient forests spread across lands that could swallow whole nations. Birch and pine stretch above trillium. Peat bogs and meadows open to the sun. Otters play in streams, goshawks hunt, and shrikes sing their fierce evening song. These are not places to travel carelessly. Wolves, bears, and ogres roam the depths. Your visit may turn into a permanent stay.
What dangers should we avoid in Ruska?
The Scythians dwelling to the south live a nomadic life on windswept steppes. They are as fierce and unyielding as their land. If they decide to attack while you are visiting, flee. They sweep through, killing indiscriminately. A child is no safer from their sabers than a soldier.
Also avoid upsetting the nobility. They can be even more vicious and unforgiving than the Scythians.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Ruska?
Door in St. Basil’s Cathedral
Ruskans usually start the day with a slice of almost black rye bread slathered in butter topped by an equally thick slice of cheese or meat. On special occasions they take buckwheat (which isn’t a grain but rather the cousin of rhubarb), soak the seeds overnight, and the following morning cook it up in milk. It is rich, nutty, and has a chewy/creamy texture. You’ll never find anything else like it.
Other favorites: Borscht—a beet soup, Pelmeni—a dumpling stuffed with meat and onions, and Blini—a thin pancake eaten with jam and sour cream.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Ruska?
The longbow is preferred for both hunting and fighting. But it takes great strength to draw it. Some bows have 200-lbs draw weight. Imagine lifting a 200-lb weight with your arm, shoulder, and back, then holding it steady so the shot goes where you want it.
The Ruskan also use the Shasqua, a slightly curved sabre with a single edge. It is effective for both cutting and thrusting.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Ruska? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Some people are able to shape-shift. However if they shift their shape, they also shift to animal senses, though they retain their human thought. Depending on the animal shifted to the world changes color, the faintest liquid trail becomes visible in the ultraviolet range, scents overpower, and sound takes on new dimensions. It is overwhelming for the first time user of this magic.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Ruska.
The Hopak is an acrobatic dance, usually danced by men. It requires immense athletic strength, agility, and balance. It is often performed in celebration by soldiers, and has no set steps, rather the dancers compete against each other to see who can outperform the other. Some of the steps are squat and kick out legs, crouch with legs crossed and alternately touch knees to the ground, cartwheel, flips, and leaps.
What is the political or government structure in Ruska? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The tsar’s word is law. Each child from their first year of speech swears an oath to love, honor, and protect the tsar—not once but on each name day.
Within the manor the lord and lady have absolute control over their servants and slaves. There is no court that a servant can plead for justice against an unjust master. Marriage between social-classes is not only frowned upon, but illegal.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Ruska?
Many Ruskans love music, especially the balalaika, a triangular stringed instrument. It can be played like the guitar or the larger stringed instruments, like the bass.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I lived in St. Petersburg, Russia for 6 months. I’ll never forget entering adulthood surrounded by a city and culture older than my home nation. And I’ll always remember the kindness and goodness of the people.
The idea for Vasilisa came from a children’s picture book Serpent Slayer: And Other Stories of Strong Women by Katrin Tchana. To save the man she loved, a woman disguised herself as a man and had to pass three tests of strength, skill, and strategy. The picture book took on tall-tale quality as the woman injured her opponents in wrestling and shattered a tree by shooting it with an arrow. How did she become so strong? I wrote Vasilisa to answer that question.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
This is what some of my readers are saying about Vasilisa:
“Public unrest, self-discovery, … and the choice to be good or evil.”
“Vasilisa must find the courage to face her deepest fears and challenge her deepest held beliefs about her past.”
Author Autobiography:
Ever since I climbed up to the rafters of our barn at age four, I’ve lived high adventure: scuba diving, hiking, climbing, and even riding a retired racehorse at full gallop—bareback. I love the thrill and joy.
Stories give me a similar thrill and joy. I love living through the eyes and heart of a hero who faces his internal demons and the heroine who fights her way free instead of waiting to be saved.
I create adventures, fantasy, fairy tale retellings, and poetry. I live a joyful adventure with my husband and six children. I am a Christian and I love my Savior.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)? Please include links.
My books are available on Amazon in both ebook and paperback formats, plus one audiobook.
The King Trials:
The King’s Trial — Whitney Awards Nominee 2019
The King’s Trial audiobook (just released)
The King’s Shadow
Hearth and Bard Tales:
Where can readers connect with you online?
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Ruska. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
Are you an author of a sci-fi or fantasy novel that takes place in another world? Click here to find out about having it featured on Realm Explorers!
Life: 1. Brenna James: 0.
An AWOL talent, an enemy-occupied hometown, and a Life Shade boyfriend—Brenna James just wants
something to go right. Although her family has been given sanctuary in Syeira, Brenna will never be safe
as long as Rune is hunting down and killing Firebrands.
Can someone please wake her up already?
When a prophecy sends Brenna and Baldwin on a confusing quest, they aren’t sure where to begin. They
must find the Caelestis Staff, a powerful object that both cuts and mends space itself. Rune wants it too,
and he’ll use any lethal tactics necessary to obtain it.
Yeah, nightmare material right there.
A traveling oasis, plenty of man-eating mermaids, and one Skeleton King later, Brenna seriously doubts
she has the edge she needs to confront Rune. When Brenna’s faced with the biggest test of her life, will
she burn like the Firebrand she is? Or will she burn out?
Fantasy isn’t just elves, dwarves, and dragons. And it isn’t just magical spells either. Imagine Harry Potter
without The Golden Snitch. Or Percy Jackson without Riptide, his sword he wears around his neck.
Or the Chronicles of Narnia without the wardrobe. Sometimes, it’s the draw of a magical, mystical item,
something the hero can find or use that adds wonder to our stories. I love creating magical items, and
here are a few that found their way onto the pages of Burn.

The Stones of the Spring are like crystal-lined geodes that filter out
sicknesses and bacteria for the citizens of Ginselwyn. While
these went missing in Flare, we find out what happened to them in Burn.
The snake medallions are medals with a crystal-studded snake on the front.
Many of Rune’s soldiers wear one hanging from the front
of their breastplate. When Brenna finds one, she can’t bring herself to get
rid of it, although the
beautiful design is a reminder of the man who wants her dead.
When Brenna and Baldwin go on a short quest, they find a leather journal and a
bottle labeled Respiraqua. They’re not sure what the
substance does or why it was hidden. When Abira discovers its purpose,
more questions are raised. Can
they still use it? Should they? Or does this kind of thing have a short shelf life?
Dragonscale silk is a lustrous, satiny material made from
the scales of a real dragon. And best of all? It’s fireproof!
With Rune searching for the Caelestis Key (which should lead to the powerful
Caelestis Staff), Brenna and Baldwin must find it before he does. Since no
one knows what the staff or the key looks like, this is a difficult mission.
I had such fun creating all these items. I hope you enjoy reading about them!
Burn is available at Amazon, Barnes
& Noble, iBook, Kobo, and any other online retailer, and Burn can be requested at any bookstore
or library.
Cerberus Cover Reveal!
Fantasy author A. R. Silverberry is stopping by today for a cover reveal of his forthcoming short story collection, Cerberus, Tales of Magic and Malice. To celebrate, he’s giving away prizes! And the book, available for pre-order, will be on sale for $0.99 from now until a short time after it’s released. To enter the contest, just use the handy Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post, where you’ll also find the pre-order link. But first, the cover!
Cerberus, Tales of Magic and Malice, by A. R. Silverberry |
From Master Storyteller
A. R. Silverberry
Nine Timeless Tales of Enchantment
Does Magic Exist? Discover the strange and curious events that unfold when …
- A belligerent bailiff has his fortune told
- A little girl searches for one last spell
- A reclusive actress receives a mysterious knock on her door
- An orphan fights to survive in the shadow of a menacing terror
Don’t stop there … a wizard, a friendless boy, a devil cat, and Shakespeare’s fairy queen lie within. From the boundless imagination of A. R. Silverberry, these irresistible tales conjure up a wondrous brew of MAGIC AND MALICE. FEATURING SEVEN ALL-NEW STORIES: Cerberus, Tangles, The Willow Sister, Titania, Blaze, and The Mask
From the Introduction:
Mystery and magic reside in both strange and mundane places. The same may be said of the heroes and heroines, big or small, who quest there as well as the beasts, human or otherwise, that they battle. Skeptical? Take a gander at the locales and folk that occupy the tales in this volume.
Three Steaks and a Box of Chocolates: Stuck in a desolate town and down on his luck, Doc Turner takes on a mysterious case. He gets more than he bargained for.
Cerberus: Bailiff Giles Dunstable is hell-bent on stopping the spread of superstition in his village. But his beliefs are sorely tested after the witch of the Hevyl Mountains reads his fortune.
The Willow Princess: Separated in childhood, two sisters struggle against a terrible enchantment to reunite and claim their birthright.
The Demon Monkeys: The mountain hides a secret. Deep in winter, the orphan girl Scamp fights to survive in the shadow of a menacing terror. When a stranger crosses her path, her life changes forever.
Tangles: Lessy needs one last spell. But it, like everything else, has faded.
Titania: After a mysterious encounter on her doorstep, a reclusive actress battles doubt and disability to take on her greatest role.
Blaze: In 1689, the lonely servant boy Davie fights to protect his one friend from the malice of a heartless earl.
The Tea Party: A dying Sir Wainwright offers his selfish sons one last invitation to tea …
The Mask: Jessica Lansing is certain her tyrannical methods will win her Teacher of the Year. But her plans start to unravel when little Christopher makes a singular mask.
This ’twas but a sip, dear reader. For the full spell, drink on …
Click this link to Pre-order the book from Amazon. It goes live on May 18!
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About the Author:
A. R. Silverberry writes science fiction and fantasy for children, teens, and adults. His novels, Wyndano’s Cloak and The Stream, earned numerous awards, including the Benjamin Franklin Award gold medal for Juvenile/Young Adult Fiction. He lives in California, where he explores enchanted forests, searching for pixies and elves.
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