Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name:
Lara Lee
Title of book and/or series:
Gryphendale and The Shadow of the Gryphon – Truthseeker Book 1
Brief summary of the story:
Join three travelers on a witty adventure set in an exotic fairy world. An unusual brownie adventurer named Arthur, and the twin princes, Timothy and Nathaniel, join forces to travel to the underside of their coin-shaped world to break the curse that has turned Nathaniel’s fiancee into stone. Arthur must face his traumatic past as he leads Nathaniel and Timothy on the same journey that killed his friends more than forty years before, getting them all stuck far from home with only one impossible way home. Things continue to go wrong when they learn that this curse is just the beginning of more significant problems threatening to destroy the Guardian of the Ocean. Struggling through a debilitating injury, Nathaniel must risk everything to save the ones he loves. Timothy must let go of his dark magic past to use his fire magic against the alliance that threatens to destroy the world with water. Even if they succeed, death might be their only reward.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Gryphendale is the faerie realm that we sometimes call the Seelie kingdom. It is a floating disk-shaped island located in the center of the earth. It has a tiny sun and moon of its own creating both day and night, but time moves differently there. Their stars are just glittering gems on the inside of the earth’s crust reflecting the light of their sun.
In the distant past, faeries and humans lived together, but because of greed and evil schemes, this could not continue. The creator god, the great blue Gryphon, separated the worlds. A person cannot travel through the earth’s crust to get there. Instead, there exist four portals to connect our worlds.
The underside of their world is called the Shadow of the Gryphon. It is made up of mostly ocean inhabited by nomadic sea-people such as the kelpies, selkies, and merrow. The small land mass on that side is populated by the nix. That realm is ruled by the Guardian of the Oceans.
My books and stories all take place in this world about the size of the state of Texas, both past and present. I wander this land often and would love to introduce you to my favorite places. Safe travels!
If we were to visit Gryphendale as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Both sides of this world are inhabited. The top is made up of nine countries ruled together as the single kingdom of Gryphendale. Each country is dominated by a different race of faerie. The sprites live in tree houses in the tops of the great forest of Caoneag. The shape-shifting hiru live in human-like houses scattered throughout Cuelebre. The gnomes live inside the massive trees of Dwende. The Gryphendale Ocean is the realm of the merpeople, while the river and great lake are ruled by the undine. The ogres dwell deep in the mountains of Rokurokubi. Aberdour is the country of the industrious brownie farmers. The huldra hunt in the forests of Samodivas. They used to own the dryads as slaves, but once freed, the dryads now rule the young country of Greenbow in their historic homeland. The Nomad Desert lies outside of these kingdoms and is inhabited by those who want no king.
What dangers should we avoid in Gryphendale?
Many creatures inhabit Gryphendale who have no country of their own. The giant trolls eat all meat no matter the source. The Red Ladies are magic vampires stealing the life potential of wanders. Deadly animals, thieves, and grumpy ogre could all cause trouble if a traveler isn’t careful, but the people of Gryphendale are friendly to help you out of a bind.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Gryphendale?
Humans would recognize most foods, but they do have a lot more purple varieties of crops such as purple berries and purple wheat. They also have a unique, intoxicating drink made from distilled cinnamon which they call tonic. Don’t drink it though! It burns human throats.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Gryphendale?
The various faerie races have their own fighting styles, but most use some kind of sword suited to their strengths. One exception is that the hiru transform into long serpent-like dragons. Some rare people do use magic. The Adder Warlocks use dark magic to kill, but those who follow the Way of the Gryphon often avoid violence if they can. Rogue wizards and magic creatures also get involved in the battles, but you never know what will happen with them!
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Gryphendale?
To get to Gryphendale from the human world, you would need to use one of the for portals. In Gryphendale, most people walk or swim. They do ride horses, giant salamanders, carriages, wagons, mules, and the odd steam-powered horseless-carriage.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Gryphendale that we don’t see on Earth?
This is the hardest question of them all! Since it is a faerie world, most fairie creature do exist even if they don’t have a home country. The nine countries on the top side are sprites, hiru, merpeople, undines, brownies, gnomes, huldra, and the ogres. The underside has nix, kelpies, selkies, and a dragon. You can also find banshees, satyrs, trolls, vampires(Red Ladies), phoenix, unicorn, gryphon, seraphs, and talking animals.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Gryphendale? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
All was made by the creator god, the great blue Gryphon. All magic comes from him to sustain the worlds. Seers learn how to pour themselves into the magic potential in each living thing to create good things. Dark magic seeks to steal this magic potential and force it to their will. This is destructive and deadly. All magic and magical creatures were created with abilities to care for the world in unique ways.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Gryphendale as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Time does move differently between the faerie world and the human world, but they count time the same way (hours, minutes, days, etc.) The two main holidays are the winter and spring solstice. There are some political holidays to celebrate a monarch or an event such as the Day of Remembrance.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Gryphendale? Please describe what it involves.
The beliefs of Gryphendale vary greatly. Some claim to believe nothing at all. Some think magic comes from nature. Other believe in the Gryphon. Even the interpretation of these beliefs can vary some.
What is the political or government structure in Gryphendale? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The governments in the books change drastically, but usually, there is an elected monarch that is often passed down to their children. This varies from country to country.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I grew up in Florida in which I obsessed about mermaids as a child. I never could read enough fairytales. When my husband and I moved to Scotland for four years, I became emersed in the folklore of Great Britain. Scotland, specifically, has a rich history of faerie stories. I describe inns and taverns for places I visited in Edinburgh and then hills and dirt roads of the countryside. I know exactly how far one can walk in a day because I have done it. Gryphendale was my magical interpretation of my travels.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I talk about why do bad things happen to good people in the novel Gryphendale. It has no answers, but just some observations. In The Shadow of the Gryphon, I talk about letting go of past mistakes. Sometimes we are unable to move on because we refuse to forgive ourselves.
Author Autobiography:
Lara Lee is the author of Gryphendale, a young adult fantasy fiction novel. Sometimes, she is also a graphic designer, wife, mother, and Sunday school teacher. After growing up in Florida with her head stuck in various books, she ran away to Oral Roberts University to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Graphic Design and a husband. Then, she worked professionally with the children’s curriculum publisher, Mentoring Minds in Texas before following her husband on a crazy adventure in Scotland for four years where her son was born. She has lived in three states and four countries and has visited even more destinations with an insatiable curiosity that shows up in her writing. Currently, she lives in Crosby, Texas with her husband and son who both regularly participate in her misadventures and random schemes.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?
Where can readers connect with you online?
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Gryphendale. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Battle is O’er
By Laura Vosika
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Author Interview
What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read [The Battle is O’er]?
I hope they’ll feel as if they walked beside Shawn and Niall for a time, and all the rest in the story, that the inhabitants of the Blue Bells world have become people they knew and cared about. And many readers seem to very much feel that way. I hope they’ll carry with them the beautiful story of a man who recognizes his flaws and makes a decision to turn himself around. I hope they’ll remember the humorous moments and the poignant moments and smile long after the book is closed.
“…I enjoyed every bit of plot that I read and could take the storyline seriously. . . . I would recommend this to lovers of fantasy novels, and now-complete series with complex storylines, characters, and worldbuilding.”
Clive moved in silence beside him for a time, flashing his light around the cells that opened on their right, and down another passage.
“That one comes to a dead end,” Shawn said. “I’ll take a look. Stay here. Be ready for anything.”
He followed the passage, quickly, his mind on Niall. His brother would be searching too, neither of them knowing if Simon had crossed or not. He hoped Niall would be okay—not ambushed by Simon. He hoped he wouldn’t be ambushed himself, nor Clive, nor the chief. He doubted they could take on a medieval knight with years of brutal warfare under his belt.
Yes, Let’s Go Back to the Old Couple
Inverness, Present
“So you want to tell me where you were for a year?” his mother asked. “I’ve given you plenty of space, but I’ve waited long enough and I think you owe me some answers.”
Shawn stared into the fire. “An old couple in the west of Scotland?”
Carol snorted. “One of many stories you’ve told. if it were true, you’d have said so from the start.”
He took another long drink, letting the tea thaw out his insides. “What has Amy told you?”
Carol shook her head. “Nothing I can make sense of. A ring from Robert the Bruce. You turned up in the tower of Glenmirril. None of it makes sense.”
Shawn set the tea mug down, rose, and lifted the linen shirt made by Christina, revealing the scar.
Simon Arrives at Claverock
Claverock Castle, Northumbria, December 1317
Simon stared up with pride at the great stone walls of Claverock, at his banners snapping on its towers. His steward had kept the place up. It was all worth it, he thought. He drew breath. This was his moment! “Open the gates!” he bellowed up at his towers. “Your Lord of Claverock is home!”
Men looked down from the walls above the gatehouse. One pointed and shouted. Two ran, and soon the portcullis creaked, lifting. His steward raced through, falling to one knee, as he cried, “My Lord! My Lord, is it really you? We thought you dead, my Lord!”
Niall and Company Meet Christina Coming Home
Scottish Highlands, December 1317
They were two days into the ride, when a scout came racing back to them, spurring his garron. “Lochmaben ahead!” he shouted joyfully. “Milady Christina rides with them!”
Cheers rose from the men of Glenmirril. Relief washed through Niall. Their ruse with James Angus had not entirely silenced the whispers, though Margaret had been stalwart in looking down her nose at those who did so, reprimanding them and silencing them. He was grateful the rumors had not diminished the love of the people of Glenmirril for Christina.
Niall Meets Joan
Creagsmalan, Southwest Scotland, January 1318
Niall waited in the hills outside Creagsmalan as Conal, Lachlan, and Owen rode in. He and Hugh sat on a pair of boulders, watching sunrise spill light over the water beyond the town.
“Are ye sure she’ll believe it?” Hugh’s eyebrows suddenly furrowed. “Surely she knows the Bruce will not return his lands until he swears fealty.”
“Hope,” Niall said. “She wishes to believe it. Moreover, Bruce is known for mercy. She will count on that, for she does not wish to leave Scotland.”
Angus Warns Shawn
“Sit down. We need to talk.” Angus’s voice snapped Shawn’s attention back to the hospital room. Angus sat in a wheelchair by the hospital window, wearing jeans and a heavy fisherman’s sweater, a book in his hand. He laid it down on his lap.
“You’re up!” Shawn stopped in the doorway, feigning energy. In truth, he’d had multiple late nights, on top of a heavy load of arranging for the album Ben wanted out yesterday. He wanted nothing more than to be in bed, asleep. But when he collapsed in bed, he turned and rolled restlessly through the dark hours with nightmares—if he slept at all.
“Shut the door.”
“It is full of action, danger and romance, plus more…”
“I found the novel to have an interesting premise with realistic characters and development. I like that the story was told from the past, future, and present. Overall, it was an interesting book…”
Simon Meets Eamonn Again
“Good to go home to your young bride, eh?” The man gave a wink as he waved for a stable boy.
Simon grinned. It felt odd and light on his face. Smiles, in his experience, had always been a deliberate tensing of muscles. This time, his features moved on their own, without his will, and his heart lifted, too.
“Cat’s got your tongue,” the man laughed. “She must be a fair delight to the eyes!” He slapped his horse on the rump and melted into the crowd, leaving Simon alone and feeling foolish in the midst of the courtyard, as more men poured through the gates.
Amy Sees the Pool
He mentioned it as we entered his foyer. “By the way, I put in a pool.” A pool in the yard, I thought, a small pool or a hot tub on the deck. But this—this is beyond what anyone would conceive from, “by the way, I put in a pool.”
I stand on the terrace where Shawn loved to barbecue. Black velvet sky shows overhead. Starlight shines down—but now it pours through a glass ceiling. I catch my breath as I take it in—on my right, a room like a medieval castle vault; stone walls with Gothic arches at intervals, alternating between windows of leaded glass and stone niches framing….“Sconces,” I breathe. “You put in sconces.”
“They’re electric,” he says defensively. And then, with the child-like joy I loved, the innocent joy that made me believe his public self was the facade: “You like it?”
Beatrice and Simon
Northumbria, England, 1318
Beatrice’s head shot up as the door burst open, yanking back from her husband’s embrace.
“Sir Kenrick….” The guard, Erol, stumbled to his knees, shoved by a man in chain mail.
“Lord Claverock!” Kenrick jumped forward, reaching to help his man up off the floor as he said, “Why did you not send word you were coming? I’d have met you in the hall.”
Beatrice backed up, gripping her shift close as she studied her cousin. She’d not seen him in years, not since he’d been a vile boy, dropping spiders in her hair. The malice in his eyes had not changed.
“The Battle is O’er blends the excitement of a modern thriller, with the immersive details of the best historical fiction. Vosika clearly shows her writing chops here, drawing her story forward with a cast of colorful and relatable characters living through extraordinary circumstances. I’d highly recommend this to fans of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series.”
Escaping the Bishop’s Palace
Linstock, 1318
“Is he dead?” Lachlan whispered, looking at the man on the frosty ground.
Owen shook his head, working at the bolts on the huge doors. “A potion is all. He’ll appear to have fallen asleep at his post.” At the same moment, they heard a shout from the courtyard. Owen eased the door open a crack. They slipped through, onto the dock that ran alongside the castle wall and pulled the door shut behind them.
Lachlan scanned the river, whispering, “Conal!” His breath hung in the air.
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…
The Battle is O’er
(The Blue Bells Chronicles #5)
By Laura Vosika
Historical Time Travel, Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 470 pages
March 23rd 2018 by Gabriel’s Horn Press
In the gripping conclusion to The Blue Bells Chronicles, just as Shawn is steadily regaining all he feared he had lost forever—his career, his son, and even Amy’s heart—he learns of MacDougall’s vengeance against Niall, for the act Shawn himself committed. He wrestles with a prophecy and an ancient letter that never changes, a letter that details the fate of his own son, if he cannot stop it—and possibly the fate of the world itself, as he learns of Simon Beaumont’s plan to use his knowledge of the future to destroy it.
Shawn’s selfishness once cost him everything. His newfound selflessness may do the same.
Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Laura Vosika is the author of the beloved series, The Blue Bells Chronicles, a tale of time travel, action and adventure, romance and redemption, ranging across modern and medieval Scotland. She runs Gabriel’s Horn Press, and is active in poetry as a member of the League of Minnesota Poets, routinely performing at local open mics. She has appeared in The Star Tribune, and on WCCO and Channel 12, and hosted Books and Brews with Laura Vosika on AM 950.
Tour Giveaway

– l winner will receive a print copy of Blue Bells of Scotland (book one in the series) and a Team Shawn or Team Angus t-shirt (US only)
– 1 winner will receive an ebook of Blue Bells of Scotland (open internationally)
– Ends June 27th
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name:
D.R. Grady
Title of book and/or series:
Seeking: Warrior King
Brief summary of the story:
With her beloved mother dying, Crown Princess Raene of Montequirst must prepare to be queen and choose a husband within hours of the death. By law, he must be the greatest warrior in the land. The only man who fits that description, who she can tolerate, is her friend and mentor, Vidar the Loyal. He’s a member of the elite Aasguard warriors, who have never married in their centuries of existence.
While the mightiest men of the nation circle Raene in an attempt to boost their own rank and wealth, a neighboring country is also making plans against Montequirst. With the aid of his clumsy dragon companion, Vidar has been teaching Raene to wield her legendary sword in order to defend her throne. Meanwhile, they’re both battling an attraction neither understands.
Can they possibly break the age-old traditions that bind them and choose their heart’s desire?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Montequirst is a prosperous, busy country. The homes are well cared for and the crops plentiful. Their animals are considered among the finest in the surrounding regions.
A queendom—Montequirst has been run by a queen for the last five hundred years. Queen Margina, Raene’s mother, dies and leaves the throne to her beloved daughter, Raene.
The men of Montequirst use swords and canons to defend themselves. Sword fighting, and being a warrior, is the best profession for a male, although there are other options. If the nation is wealthy enough, it might also have an Aasguard warrior and dragon to guard the treasury, which Montequirst does.
Aasguard warriors, such as Vidar the Loyal, are no longer human, but are a more advanced version. For instance, they can withstand dragonfyre. While not immortal, they are difficult to kill. If they are fortunate enough to have a dragon companion, the long years aren’t so lonely.
If we were to visit Montequirst as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
The farmers markets would offer an array of fruits and vegetables, and fine wares. And now that spring is upon them, even more so. If you’re fortunate enough, you might be invited to one of the many manor homes for a meal and perhaps a gathering.
What dangers should we avoid in Montequirst?
Don’t run afoul of Aern, the castle dragon. He contains plenty of dragonfyre.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Monequirst?
Again, swords are prevalent. Hand-to-hand combat skills are a necessity, and if you achieve the proper rank, you might be trained to blast a canon. (Be aware, only males are always trained in swords and self-defense. A ridiculous notion Raene chaffs against.)
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Monequirst?
Horses are prevalent for one person. But for multiple people and to convey wares, they use cream colored transports, hulled out cocol pods, which are round and after being outfitted with seating and wheels, make a comfortable mode of transportation. The original fruit is used in the making of many products in Montequirst.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Montequirst? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Handheld crystals, after some wizardry, have the capability of texting one another, keeping track of appointments and tasks, and the like. Whether these simple crystals are magic or technology is up for debate.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Montequirst as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Montequirst is much like Earth in the weeks and months. They do enjoy four seasons.
As for holidays, the day Raene’s mother, the Queen of Montequirst, dies will be known as Accession Day. Also, a celebration every year will mark Raene’s wedding—an indication of their continued prosperity.
What is the political or government structure in Montequirst? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Montequirst is again, a queendom. Raene’s mother ruled before her, and upon Queen Margina’s death, Raene rules. Her husband, who is made a king upon their marriage, protects her and oversees their vast military. He aids her should she need it, but Raene has been learning the queen’s duties since birth. Her choices—such as the warrior she chooses to wed—will determine whether the nation’s current prosperity continues, or not.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Montequirst?
Besides the antiquated practice that upon her mother’s death, Raene is therefore forced to name her husband? Yes, and she has a few pithy things to say about this barbaric practice as well as the lack of sword and self-defense training for all females.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
A battery ad, and then a dream, inspired this first story in the series. Book two is entitled Seeking: Maiden Queen. Book two takes up where book one left off with two characters we meet in book one.
Author Autobiography:
-Clean, heartwarming stories, every time.-
D.R. Grady is the author of over twenty clean, heartwarming romance novels. She lives with her husband near Hershey, PA and adores chocolate, laughing, collecting bags, books, and shoes. Oh, and writing clean stories that resonate with others.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)? Please include links.
You can purchase Seeking: Warrior King at the following retailers:
The paper book is coming…
Where can readers connect with you online?
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I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Montequirst. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name: Annie Douglass Lima
Title of book and/or series: The Nameless Soldier (book 4 in the
Annals of Alasia)
Other books in the series:
Prince of Alasia
In the Enemy’s Service
Prince of Malorn
Brief summary of the story:
What do you do when you’re the only survivor?
Nineteen-year-old Tarvic bears the name of a mighty hero from Alasia’s past. However, the young soldier feels anything but heroic when he regains consciousness to find himself the lone survivor of a brutal attack by invaders from the neighboring kingdom.
Forced to leave his identity behind, Tarvic is thrust into civilian life in the role of protector to three war orphans. When the four of them encounter a mysterious stranger, he must choose between keeping the young girls safe and taking on a mission that could help free his kingdom. Can Tarvic live up to his noble name and find a way to balance his duty and his dreams?
The Nameless Soldier is the fourth book in the Annals of Alasia, but the series can be read in any order, and each book can stand on its own.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Alasia has long been a peaceful kingdom, with only occasional minor border skirmishes with neighboring Malorn. There hasn’t been an actual war in six generations … until recently when the Malornians attacked, invading suddenly with no apparent provocation.
If we were to visit Alasia as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Alasia is a peninsula, with hundreds of miles of beautiful coastline. It’s winter now, so not an ideal time for swimming or sunbathing, but the scenery would still make for a gorgeous stroll along the water in many areas.
Ordinarily, I would suggest visiting the king’s palace in the capital city of Almar, if you can manage to get an invitation. But the palace has been taken over by Malornians and turned into their headquarters, so it would be best to stay away.
For a taste of local culture, try visiting one of the large markets, where vendors sell everything from fresh baked pastries to leather goods to homemade cheese. There are taverns and restaurants where you can stop for a drink or a meal, but you’ll want to be careful. Malornian soldiers frequent many of them, and some go around looking for trouble.
What dangers should we avoid in Malornian-occupied Alasia?
Try to stay away from Malornian soldiers if you can. Lately they have been pillaging crops and livestock from farming communities. After one very close call at the farm where he’s staying, Tarvic finds a creative and unusual way to make sure anyone else who passes that way won’t steal from them. The soldiers also sometimes harrass civilians in the cities, so it’s best to give them a wide berth and not make eye contact as you pass. If you travel into or out of Almar, the capital, you can expect to be stopped at one of the roadblocks. If you cooperate, chances are you won’t be harmed, but they’ll want to search your cart or wagon. (Rumor has it they’re looking for someone ….)
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Alasia?
That depends on your budget or whom you’re visiting. Tarvic and the three girls he ends up helping don’t have money to spare, though they have access to milk and butter thanks to the family’s cows. Their meals tend to consist of watered-down soup or thin slices of bread with plenty of butter and tall glasses of milk. However, if you can afford to eat at a restaurant, you could dine on roast beef and other hearty fare.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Malornian-Occupied Alasia?
The Malornian soldiers carry swords around with them, but they don’t allow Alasians to bear arms in the city. If you arrive with a weapon, you can expect to have it confiscated as you enter town. Tarvic is a trained hunter and makes good use of the sturdy bow and arrows that once belonged to the girls’ father. Later he seizes the opportunity to use them for more than just hunting ….
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Alasia?
Most people ride on horseback or in a cart or wagon if they have one. At one point Tarvic and the girls are forced to make a journey on foot, bringing supplies along in a wheelbarrow.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Alasia.
Like most Alasian soldiers, Tarvic enjoys card games, though he learned his lesson about playing for money when he lost two days’ pay to a man in his company named Dannel. He was surprised to learn that the girls under his care know most of the same card games he does, and the four of them often play in the evenings. The youngest girl, Sennie, doesn’t have much concept of strategy and needs lots of help from her sisters, but the four of them have a good time together just the same.
What is the political or government structure in Malornian-occupied Alasia? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Officially, Malorn is ruled by the teenage Prince Korram (his father King Kerman died a few years ago). Young Korram is technically now the ruler of Alasia as well. However, since Korram is not yet eighteen, a regent named Rampus assists him in the rule of both kingdoms. Partway through the story, Rampus moves to Alasia to oversee his – er, Korram’s – new conquest.
Author Autobiography:
Annie Douglass Lima spent most of her childhood in Kenya and later graduated from Biola University in Southern California. She and her husband Floyd currently live in Taiwan, where she teaches fifth grade at Morrison Academy. She has been writing poetry, short stories, and novels since her childhood, and to date has published seventeen books (four YA action and adventure novels, five fantasies, a puppet script, six anthologies of her students’ poetry, and a Bible verse coloring and activity book). Besides writing, her hobbies include reading (especially fantasy and science fiction), scrapbooking, and international travel.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
Click on the following links to see or purchase the books on Amazon:
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The Nameless Soldier
Prince of Alasia
In the Enemy’s Service
Prince of Malorn
Annals of Alasia: The Collected Interviews (not available for purchase, but click on the link to tell me your email address and I’ll send you a free copy!)

Where can readers connect with you online?
Sign up for my email list to find out when I release a new book (and receive a free copy of Annals of Alasia: The Collected Interviews):
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Malornian-occupied Alasia. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima
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The Nameless Soldier is book 4 in the Annals of Alasia young adult fantasy series. Haven’t read all (or any) of the others? That’s okay! The books can be read in any order, and each one can stand on its own.
What do you do when you’re the only survivor?
Nineteen-year-old Tarvic bears the name of a mighty hero from Alasia’s past. However, the young soldier feels anything but heroic when he regains consciousness to find himself the lone survivor of a brutal attack by invaders from the neighboring kingdom.
Forced to leave his identity behind, Tarvic is thrust into civilian life in the role of protector to three war orphans. When the four of them encounter a mysterious stranger, he must choose between keeping the young girls safe and taking on a mission that could help free his kingdom. Can Tarvic live up to his noble name and find a way to balance his duty and his dreams?
Where to Get a Copy:
Click here to buy the ebook or paperback from Amazon.
Not sure if you’ll like the story or not? Take a look at the first chapter and see!
The Nameless Soldier
Chapter One
Tarvic woke to the sound of a distant yell, abruptly silenced. He pushed his blankets aside and sat up, puzzled, but heard only the light patter of rain on the canvas. “What was that?”
Drevel, his roommate in the barracks and tentmate out on campaigns like this, stirred and rolled over. “What?”
“I heard something. Someone shouting.”
“It’s probably just another drill.” But Drevel sat up too, shoving his own blankets away, as Tarvic crawled over and untied the tent flap.
A blast of wintry air and raindrops greeted him as he leaned out, peering across the tent-studded hillside. Clouds hid the moon and stars, and on every side the thick dark of the forest leaned in from the edges of the large clearing. But the telltale flickering light of distant torches sent shadows leaping over tents and across the open spaces between them. Why would someone be using torches out here? Any soldier in camp had easy access to lanterns among the supplies.
Something was wrong. Very wrong. Tarvic pulled back into the tent and yanked on his breeches and jacket.
They both heard the next yell, closer this time, and then the unmistakable clash of swords. Both men snatched up their own swords, jamming their feet into their boots and fumbling for shields. From all around them, shouts of alarm erupted as men in their company woke up.
And then the enemy was upon them. Horses exploded through the camp, trampling tents and the soldiers just crawling out of them. Riders leaned low off their mounts’ backs, swinging swords and waving torches.
Halfway out of his tent, Tarvic threw himself flat on his face to avoid a slash that would probably have decapitated him. He scrambled to his feet, only to be knocked off them again by a blow that he barely caught on his shield.
Light, shadows, horses, blades, rain. Chaos raged through the clearing to the sound of crashing metal, pounding hooves, shouts of challenge and desperation. Tarvic regained his feet and fought as best he could from the ground while enemy riders thundered around him. Dodging and ducking, he aimed for the men’s legs and tried to keep out from under their horses’ hooves. With no idea who he was fighting or why, his only goal to stay alive for the next heartbeat, he dodged and darted through the tumult looking for spots where horses and enemy swords weren’t. All around him, men fought and ran and crumpled to lie as limply as the trampled tents.
Slipping and stumbling in the mud, Tarvic felt a surge of satisfaction as his sword met flesh and an enemy yelled in pain. And then the man wheeled his horse and charged back toward him, and Tarvic turned to flee.
He tripped on something soft that groaned. Pain shot through Tarvic’s wrist as he caught his fall, and only a quick roll saved him from being trampled as the man’s horse cantered over him.
Its rider wheeled again, and Tarvic rose to his knees, barely raising his shield in time to protect his face. The force of the blow threw him backward, jarring his already sore wrist.
Another horse leaped over him, and Tarvic cried out in pain as a hoof struck him on the shoulder. He stumbled to his feet, ducking low to present as small a target as possible, and ran through the melee.
He saw fewer people on foot now, more obstacles in the mud. Was it cowardly to flee from a battle you couldn’t win? Nothing in Tarvic’s eight months in the military had prepared him for this. Not counting occasional minor border skirmishes, the kingdom of Alasia hadn’t seen an actual war in six generations. Besides routine patrols, city peacekeeping, and the frequent drills and training, the military’s primary duties involved escorting merchant wagons through robber-frequented stretches of rural highway and keeping an eye on the sections of coastline where seafaring raiders were known to attack. Tarvic had never fought in a battle that involved more than a handful of opponents at a time, and none of those opponents had been anywhere near this organized — or this deadly.
If we escape, we can regroup somewhere safer and — A hard blow to the back knocked him to the ground again as another horse pounded over him. Giving up all pretense of courage, Tarvic scrambled to his feet once more and fled for the edge of the clearing and the relative safety of the trees beyond. I can’t do anything here. They’re going to slaughter us all!
He was practically there when another rider appeared in front of him, leaning low with sword outstretched. Tarvic almost impaled himself on the blade, raising his shield just in time. He fought back frantically as the man slashed, swinging his weapon again and again. I need my horse! Military training had included nothing about how to fight a mounted enemy from the ground. But Lightning was tethered in the row of makeshift stalls on the far side of the camp, probably prancing restlessly under his blanket and wondering why his rider didn’t come to spur him into battle.
Tarvic didn’t even see the blow that almost killed him. His ears barely registered the thudding of more galloping hooves from behind, nearly drowned out by the rain and the sounds of battle. But the world exploded in light and pain as something struck the back of his head harder than anything had ever hit him before.
He lurched forward, feeling his sword drop from limp fingers. Managing two steps before his legs buckled, he was just conscious enough to recognize the urgent need to crawl. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Or they’ll kill you out here. That was the only thought left in his mind as he pulled himself toward the concealing shadows behind the line of tree trunks. And then even that faded, giving way to darkness.

Want to know what happens to Tarvic? Click here to purchase the book and find out!
About the Author:
Annie Douglass Lima spent most of her childhood in Kenya and later graduated from Biola University in Southern California. She and her husband Floyd currently live in Taiwan, where she teaches fifth grade at Morrison Academy. She has been writing poetry, short stories, and novels since her childhood, and to date has published seventeen books (fantasy, YA action and adventure novels, a puppet script, anthologies of her students’ poetry, and a Bible verse coloring and activity book). Besides writing, her hobbies include reading (especially fantasy and science fiction), scrapbooking, and international travel.
SERIES: The Valarsard Chronicles
BOOK ONE: The Ravening Heart of the Wolf
BOOK TWO: The Wolf in Winter
AUTHOR: Erin Eldridge
AUTHOR BIO: I live in Christchurch, New Zealand. The city is still rebuilding after the devastating earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. I have been a teacher for most of my life, most recently, a teacher of deaf students. Currently, I do part time support work with International students at a boys’ college. I’ve taught overseas as well, in Africa and in Brunei. I have two children, one of who, my daughter, lives in the UK and the other, my son, lives around the corner! I started writing two years ago and have completed four books: a contemporary romance, two war stories and a medieval fantasy. I have many more ideas for stories yet to come.

BOOK ONE SYNOPSIS: A brutal medieval warlord believes his lost true love has returned to him from the grave. A young girl is uprooted from the sheltered life that is all she has known and must learn to survive in a violent and pitiless world where man is wolf to man. A valiant young warrior loses his heart to her, but the unforeseen tears them apart. Fate conspires to throw all three into each other’s path with shattering results. A colorful cast of minor characters helps to create a stunning, stained-glass-montage of an adventure that will enthrall readers young, old, and in-between.
BOOK TWO SYNOPSIS: Following the dramatic events that closed Book One, the Valarsards settle back into harmonious co-existence. But tranquility is short-lived, enemies are close at hand, and both the wolf and the eagle are called upon as never before to protect loved ones and avert further tragedy.
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Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name:
Olivia Lynn Jarmusch
Title of book and/or series:
The Tales of Tarsurella #1: The Coronation, The Tales of Tarsurella #2: The Rebellion
Brief summary of the story:
Something is brewing. Like the far-off rumble of a train in the distance, a rebellion is stirring. A cry for change arises in the midst of a traditional monarchy, where King Addison has inherited the throne. Who are the underground troublemakers? What is stirring their defiant banner and demand for change? Find out in The Rebellion! (The Tales of Tarsurella #2)
Vanessa Bennett lands her dream job working at the Palace in Tarsurella. She struggles to balance everything on her plate: life in a new country, stressful deadlines, crabby co-workers, college classes at the local University, and blossoming feelings of romantic adoration toward her boss–King Addison. Keeping up with her To-Do list, while trying to earn respect in Addison’s male-dominated administration, presents its challenges. Nevertheless, she can’t help but fight a reoccurring thought and the excitement rising with it: is Addison interested in her?
Addison is adjusting to his new role as King. Rumors of a rebellious uprising among the youth in Tarsurella intensifies, as acts of violence and protest break out across the city. Addison is determined to uncover the hidden instigator who fearlessly blogs democracy-driven ideals with a secretive pen name. Will Addison discover and expose the fiery rebellion leader? Or will his efforts fail to stop the rebellious thoughts spreading like wildfire, causing a heartbreaking rift in his divided nation?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The tiny nation of Tarsurella is located in modern day Europe, between France and England.
If we were to visit Tarsurella as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
The crowning jewel of Tarsurella is most certainly the Palace of Tarsurella. Tourists flock from all over the world to visit the ancient Palace, which is listed as one of the Top 25 Must See Palaces in Europe. The capital city is totally adorable as well, and has tailored their downtown area to appease to tourists. Tourism is what keeps this tiny little nation afloat, so a vast majority of jobs within Tarsurella are connected to the tourist industry. Main Street offers classic carriage rides and is speckled with gift shops and restaurants on every corner. The historic downtown area strives to keep some of the charm of their early years, so you can find employees dressed in vintage paper boy outfits and women in fanciful hoop skirts, entertaining the crowds. Ice-cream and fudge are a huge tourist fave! Eating at The Royal Restaurant is a must, as well as strolling through the Queen’s Gardens. Especially in the springtime, when everything is in bloom, and there’s a lively little flower festival! Tarsurella has a lot to offer to Tourists, so I hope you’ll come take a trip!
What dangers should we avoid in Tarsurella?
Tarsurella has always been a safe, friendly, welcoming country. But political unrest is stirring, and has resulted in recent riots and protests in the streets. It’s a tough time for the nation. I’d hate to say, “Don’t come to Tarusrella, because you never know what might happen on the streets”, but honestly, things have been very rocky. So please still come visit, but just stay aware of your surroundings, and pray for the peace of this country!
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Tarsurella?
Sea food is pretty big in Tarsurella, as it is in many parts of the Europe, but Clark Myers, the head cook at the Royal Restaurant, is famous for his seafood dishes. Many travel to this country just so they can get a taste of Clark’s food! One of his most popular dishes is a Sea Food Melody, with oyster, crab, sushi and clam sea-weed wraps, dipped in a sweet tangerine sauce. Foodies pretty much freak out after their first bite. Tarsurella is also known for their fried baby octopus.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Tarsurella.
One of Tarsurella’s biggest sports and favorite pastimes is horse racing. The Bellington Derby is one of the largest races in Tarsurella, where families gather to watch their favorite thoroughbreds thunder down the track and compete for a large monetary sum. Horse racing, often referred to as “The Sport of Kings”, has a very rich history in Tarsurella.
What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly in Tarsurella?
Tarsurella celebrates most all of the same holidays we do here in the States. Founders Day – often jokingly referred to as Orange Throwing Day, is a traditional celebration of Tarsurella history. The holiday is very similar to the Fourth of July, with extravagant picnics, fireworks, and sparklers. The Orange Throwing competition is a comical tradition that some have abandoned, but many locals still get a kick out of it.
What is the political or government structure in Tarsurella? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Tarsurella is a traditional monarchy. Prince Addison has recently inherited the throne from his father, and he now reigns as King. Many within Tarsurella believe the King shouldn’t have absolute power, and the y desire to see a constitutional monarchy established, which means all political decisions would be handled by a new government, and parliament. Though parliament is actively involved with voting on decisions made within the country, many citizens would still like to see Tarsurella shift into a more traditional, democratic form of government.
In my personal opinion, I think Addison is doing a fantastic job running the country, but I can see how his traditional Christian values might feel like too much like a controlling theocracy for this progressive generation. I guess the best way to tell how Addison is truly doing with his role, is to come visit Tarsruella and find out!
Author Autobiography:
I’m a twenty-something author, singer, and songwriter. I enjoy crafting YA fiction that is pure, lovely, inspirational, and of course, entertaining! When I’m not writing, you can usually find me playing guitar, blogging, drinking peppermint tea, connecting with new friends, planning my next trip to Disney, or pinning images of Europe and Golden Retriever Puppies.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
You can come to
www.livylynnblog.com or find all my titles on Amazon, both in paperback and on Amazon Kindle.
Where can readers connect with you online?
I’m pretty much everywhere, haha!
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I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Tarsurella. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima
BeachBoundBooks is pleased to be coordinating a Book Blast for Author Michael John Sullivan and the SockKids. The SockKids are partners with Friends of Kids With Cancer, a non-profit organization that helps kids be kids during their cancer treatments. We are honored to help out with YOUR help too. The blast will run from April 30 – May 14, 2018.
The Socks
Sale of the Socks will benefit Friends of Kids with Cancer.
About the Book
The SockKids – Solving The Mystery Of Your Missing Socks! Where do our missing socks go? Readers find out in our children’s series, The SOCKKIDS. We follow the Socker family through many adventures; from encountering the slobbery mouth of the family dog to meeting Santa as he comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve to helping a fireman save a baby to the most shy Socker going to the school dance for the first time. Thanks to the time-travel opportunities afforded by the spin cycle of the washer, they learn about some of the most important humans in the world. Children two and up and their parents will be drawn to the diversity of the family and the universal and timeless lessons they teach: don’t be afraid of new experiences, treat others as you would like to be treated, and of course, beware of the spin cycle!

Where Do Our Missing Socks Go? We tell you! Readers find out in our children’s series — The SOCKKIDS. We follow the Socker family through many adventures, from encountering the slobbery mouth of the family dog to meeting Santa as he comes down the chimney to helping a fireman save a baby to the most sky sock going to the school dance for the first time. Thanks to the time-travel opportunities afforded by the spin cycle of the washer, the Sockers learn about some of the most important humans in the world. Children two and up and their parents will be drawn to the journeys of the family and the universal and timeless lessons they teach: don’t be afraid of new experiences, treat others as you would like to be treated, and of course beware of the spin cycle! In this book’s story, we read about Sudsy landing on the foot of inventor Ben Franklin. Sudsy, the bug-playing boy sock, discovers with Ben Franklin the wonders and dangers of electricity. The book includes safety rules and discussion questions put together by an experienced classroom teacher in helping parents and children respect the power of electricity.

The SockKids focus on educating children and adults how bullying affects us all and what we can do about it.
Do you know where your socks go when they go missing in the washing machine? Well, the SockKids know! The SockKids are a mismatched family of socks that sometimes time travel through the spin cycle, teaching universal lessons of love and kindness, and focusing on creating a greater awareness of the many social issues that children are faced with today. The SockKids help to educate and encourage children from 2 to 92 to find solutions in helping to make this a better world.
In this story, Sudsy and Wooly discover their human is being bullied at school and team up against bullies with Ethan’s newest friend, Olivia. They discover bullying hurts everyone and staying silent is not an option.
More Inside! Children’s counselor and licensed therapist, Jamie Ross, gives adults and children guidelines on how to handle bullies.
About the Author
Michael John Sullivan is the creator of the SockKids. Constantly searching for his socks, he wondered whether the missing foot comforters had found another pair of feet to warm. So he searched and searched, until he discovered these elusive socks likely time traveled. Before his interest in socks, Michael started writing his first novel while homeless, riding a NYC subway train at night. After being rescued off the train, he spent much of the past two decades helping raise two daughters while working at home in New York.
Michael eventually returned to his subway notes in 2007 and began writing Necessary Heartbreak: A Novel of Faith and Forgiveness (Simon & Schuster, Gallery Books imprint). Library Journal named Necessary Heartbreakone of the year’s best in 2010. His second novel, Everybody’s Daughter (Fiction Studio Books, 2012) was named one of the best books of 2012 by TheExaminer.com. He completed the trilogy by having The Greatest Gift published by The Story Plant in 2015.
Michael has written articles about the plight of homelessness for CNN.com, The Washington Post.com, Beliefnet.com, the Huffington Post, and America Online’s Patch.com service. He is a former board member of the Long Island Coalition For the Homeless.
About the Illustrators
Shelley Larkin performs many tasks for the SockKids. She develops ideas, co-writes books, and is the marketing and promotions director. She has spent a lifetime of wondering where her missing socks go. The SockKids are grateful to finally solve this mystery for her.
She loves that children and their parents are drawn to the diversity of the SockKids family and the universal and timeless lessons they teach: don’t be afraid of new experiences; treat others as you would like to be treated, and of course, beware of the spin cycle! In addition, she is dedicated to finding the right soap for Sudsy.
Shelley is also a passionate child advocate, working with a variety of cause-driven organizations such as Destination Imagination, Up & At It!, Child Abuse Prevention Council, 3 Strands, the International Bullying Prevention Center, and Big Brothers, Big Sisters Youth Organization. Shelley has developed a keen sense of awareness of what children experience today in dealing with such important issues including bullying and recognizes the importance of putting into place the type of value-added programs that will effectively strike a nerve in preventing our youth from losing their way to a safe and productive future.
In her spare time, she is an event planner and resides in California.

Susan Petrone lives in Cleveland, Ohio with her husband, her daughter, and two silly dogs. When she isn’t writing SockKids stories, she writes novels and short stories (her work has been published in Glimmer Train, Featherproof Books, The Cleveland Review, Muse, Conclave, and Whiskey Island) writes about her beloved Cleveland Indians at ItsPronouncedLajaway.com for ESPN.com’s SweetSpot network. Her most recently, Throw Like A Woman, was published by The Story Plant in 2015.
Alexandra /SugarSnail dreamed of becoming an illustrator since childhood, even though she didn’t know the profession actually existed. She later graduated from college with an MFA in graphic design.
She never gave up on her dream, so she decided to do what she loved best – become a children’s illustrator. SugarSnail’s beautiful artwork can be seen in many children’s books.
To reach Alexandra Gold/SugarSnail, follow her on Facebook.
Book Blast Giveaways
Prize: One winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card or $50 PayPal cash prize, winner’s choice and a second winner will receive One pair of SockKids Socks
Giveaway ends: May 14, 11:59 pm, 2018
Open to: Internationally
How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.
Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author, Michael John Sullivan and is hosted and managed by Stacie from BeachBoundBooks. If you have any additional questions feel free to send an email to [email protected].
TITLE: Nila: Water (Book One)
RELEASE DATE: March 21, 2018
AUTHOR: Daniel G Linsteadt
CATEGORIES: Fantasy/Paranormal/Supernatural
SYNOPSIS: Nila-Water, the first in a series, emerges as a blend of the parallel realities that
Seth lives in. Developing a debilitating illness with an excruciating skin condition, he has lived a
life of isolation. He escapes to the bedtime stories told by his father, of a beneficent race of Nila,
who live on earth and in the oceans. Suffering also the loss of his father, who abruptly
disappears from his life, he becomes attracted to his beautiful, tantalizing caretaker, Kate, who
shares the house entrusted to him by his father. They mutually agree he should undergo four
risky treatments recommended by his doctor, Eshe, to curb his ailing condition.
The questionable intentions of Seth’s powerful father for humans and for Nila are
revealed during the course of treatments. Are Seth’s real-life experiences during the
treatments actually his new life in the ocean, or a result of the drug being administered?
ONE-LINER: An unusual medical treatment leads Seth into a heroic role in a mystical life
based on his father’s bedtime stories of the oceanic Nila race.
BOOK PAGE: http://ravenswoodpublishing.com/bookpages/nilawater.html
AUTHOR BIO: Author of Oaf in Ophir and Oaf in Bear River, Daniel shares his passion for
inspiring and uplifting stories—where entering the realm of the magical and spiritual blend with
the heartbeat of all life—and creatures see answers to those deep questions that stir within us.
Daniel received two BAs from the University of California Santa Barbara and spent most of his
career as an IT programmer, but his passion is creating stories.
EMAIL: [email protected]
PUBLISHER EMAIL: [email protected]
AMAZON US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BKWM4DD
AMAZON UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07BKWM4DD
AMAZON CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07BKWM4DD
The Nila story was created out of my love for the ocean and my unending questions of why I exist, and what is the purpose of life.
After a winter storm, my wife and I walked the Coronado Island beach. The summer accumulation of sand had been stripped away by the aggressive waves and the sand dollars with it. Left behind was an exposed pile of rocks, which required work to traverse. Scattered about on these jagged stones were large pink and opalescent spiral shells. Surprisingly, many of them were only cracked and chipped, and the seagulls had yet to discover the awaiting treasure. Life still stirred within each intact shell, their flesh slightly exposed. As I sat rubbing a battered shell with my thumb and gazing out over the rough, gray water, I pondered the meaning of life and how it might be to live in the ocean. Playing with conjured up images, and adding a few of my own potent life experiences, Nila entered my life.
A storyline and characters began to emerge over the next month while I resisted the urge to write. For I knew it would be an all encompassing project. My wife awoke me from a potent dream one fateful night, and I knew it was time. Once the words began to flow, the characters began to take on a life of their own. They guided me down paths I had not considered. Each character was a part of me, and each response to a question or situation came from my heart, which needed to be explored.
Not needing a storyboard or feeling the need to bend the story toward my agenda, I wrote linearly. I’m still amazed how the words Sam spoke in the very first chapter organically came to fruition in the third book, Nila-Fire. Writing this story became a love affair—my wife had to remind me to eat or take a break. Often at the end of an emotional charged chapter I would step out into the real world. Sometimes not sure what was going to happen next, I would go for a walk under the forest canopy, barefoot on wet sand of a receding tide, or lie back in a chair under the shade of my favorite maple tree. On more than one occasion my walk was cut short from a flood of knowing, and I’d hurry back to my laptop. It was as if Sam was telling me his story and I only dictating.
Like in real life, a person opens up organically … only seeing the vulnerabilities willing to be revealed. The Nila characters also unfolded in the same manner. Discovering a potential lover is the foreplay, which is how Sam, Seth, Eshe and the other characters unveiled themselves to me. Each contained one of my qualities: determined, timid, sassy, kind, and loving. Each situation called out a different me. The story provided a way for merging all my strengths and fragilities. An internal healing is what I gained.
So, be careful of first impressions—even of yourself. Actions and behaviors may shift from appearing negatively charged to being positive when a higher perspective is achieved.

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Release Blitz for
Beyond a Darkened Shore
By Jessica Leake
Beyond a Darkened Shore
by Jessica Leake
Young Adult Historical Fantasy
Hardcover & ebook, 384 pages
April 10th 2018 by HarperTeen
The ancient land of Éirinn is mired in war. Ciara, princess of Mide, has never known a time when Éirinn’s kingdoms were not battling for power, or Northmen were not plundering their shores.
The people of Mide have always been safe because of Ciara’s unearthly ability to control her enemies’ minds and actions. But lately a mysterious crow has been appearing to Ciara, whispering warnings of an even darker threat. Although her clansmen dismiss her visions as pagan nonsense, Ciara fears this coming evil will destroy not just Éirinn but the entire world.
Then the crow leads Ciara to Leif, a young Northman leader. Leif should be Ciara’s enemy, but when Ciara discovers that he, too, shares her prophetic visions, she knows he’s something more. Leif is mounting an impressive army, and with Ciara’s strength in battle, the two might have a chance to save their world.
With evil rising around them, they’ll do what it takes to defend the land they love…even if it means making the greatest sacrifice of all.
Praise for the Book
“Beyond a Darkened Shore is thrilling and romantic. This is a must-read for lovers of fantasy, mythology, and folklore.” – Kody Keplinger, New York Times bestselling author of The DUFF and Run
“With undead armies, flesh-eating spirit horses, and a powerful heroine, fantasy, romance, and historical-fiction readers will have a great time.” – Booklist
“While Morrigan and Odin are terrifying, raven-haired Ciara is the star. Beautiful, strong, and independent, she is the perfect warrior princess. Epic historical fantasy filled with deadly creatures, simmering romance, and nonstop action.” – Kirkus Reviews
The waves viciously beat against the worn rock, sending sprays of white water into the air. It should have been deterrent enough, but the Northmen were relentless. Their longship had already landed. Men poured from its side like a wave of death. As I took in the square sail—white with a crimson skeletal dragon—my heart beat a furious rhythm in my chest. I’d fought countless Northmen in battles throughout our kingdom, but the sight of that sail still made every muscle in my body clench in warring fear and anger—and memory.
My clansmen’s blood staining the earth red—
—my sister’s hand in mine as we tried to escape—
—her eyes wide as the blood trailed down her throat, and me, screaming, screaming—
I shook my head, banishing the memories before they could weaken my mind further. Sleipnir snorted and pawed the ground in response. Like other horses, he could sense my emotions. But unlike other horses, my apprehension only made him bolder.
Fergus wheeled his horse over to me and spat on the ground. “Let us pray the blood of the raiders will flow this day.”
I glanced at the men assembled beside me and frowned. A Northman longship of the size of the one on our shore could hold at least sixty men, far more than our own crew. “The battle can go no farther than this cliff—not this time.”
“I will cover you as best I can,” Fergus said. “You search for their leader.”
I tightened my grip on the hilt of my sword. My arm muscles tensed, and my heart pounded. Anticipation of the battle was always the hardest: the prickling adrenaline, the torrent of memories, the cold dread. I endured it all because my sisters and mother were huddled in fear in their room. We were the only things preventing them from being killed.
I snapped my attention back to the battle. The Northmen had begun the treacherous climb to our stronghold. With any luck, we would pick them off as they emerged at the top of the cliff. The Northman raiding strategy was always to ambush. Instead of recognizing such actions as dishonorable, they seemed happy to live to fight again. They wouldn’t expect us to be waiting for them, and if we could defeat their leader quickly enough, they might retreat. There was no dishonor in retreat in their eyes either, not when their strategy to ambush meant they were usually slinking into a castle and catching its warriors unawares.
Holding the high ground was our advantage. We had to make it count.
With a shout, the first man made it to the top. He showed a momentary flash of surprise that we were lying in wait for him, but he recovered quickly. Battle-axe raised and shield in front of his chest, he charged. More of the enemy followed, their armor and long beards making them indistinguishable from one another. My clansmen made rivers of their blood.
About the Author

Jessica Leake is the author of the adult novels Arcana and The Order of the Eternal Sun, both with Skyhorse. She worked for years as a psychotherapist, but even though she loved her clients, she couldn’t stop writing. She lives in South Carolina with her husband, four young children, lots of chickens, and two dogs who keep everyone in line. Beyond a Darkened Shore is her YA debut. Visit her at www.jessicaleake.com.
Release Blitz Giveaway

1 winner will receive a copy of Beyond a Darkened Shore + $25 Amazon Gift Card
US only
Ends April 14th
a Rafflecopter giveaway