I read The Beloved Daughter on my Kindle not long ago and was deeply moved by it.  The story is gritty and heartbreaking in places, but at the same time touching and inspiring.  It burdened me to pray more for the people of North Korea, especially Christ’s followers who have been imprisoned and are enduring unspeakable suffering for their faith.  

Today Alana Terry, author of The Beloved Daughter, is visiting my blog.  She was kind enough to answer a few questions I had about her book, and below she talks about the newly-released audio version, as well as a giveaway!

Annie: I’m curious how you were able to describe in so much detail what goes on behind closed doors in such a closed country.  What kind of research went into the writing of this novel?

Alana: Most of the research I gleaned was from reading and listening to interviews with defectors from North Korea. I also found resources from certain ministries like Voice of the Martyrs incredibly useful.

Annie: I like the way you preface each chapter with a verse from scripture.  They’re not the common verses that we see quoted all the time, either!  What inspired you to do this, and how did you choose what verses to use?

Alana: I can’t specifically remember why I chose to include Scripture passages with each chapter. I guess it probably went back to wanting to point my readers to the Lord. It’s such a heavy story that maybe God knew we would all need some Scripture thrown in there. As far as the verses go, I don’t really like just quoting the verses that have been hashed and rehashed until we’re numb to them. The Bible is so full of poetic imagery, so it wasn’t too hard to find verses to go with the tone of each section.

Annie: What can we expect in the rest of the series?

Alana: My next novel, “Not Alone,” is a follow-up to “The Beloved Daughter,” although it’s not exactly a sequel. It takes one of the minor characters from “The Beloved Daughter” and carries her story on. I hope to publish “Not Alone” as the first in a suspense trilogy, however my wrists have been giving me trouble and my writing is not proceeding as fast as I hoped. You can see the trailer for “Not Alone” at alanaterry.com/not-alone

More about the Novel and Audiobook:

The Beloved Daughter, an inspirational suspense novel by award-winning author Alana Terry, is a story of persecution and triumph set in the oppressive North Korean regime. The audiobook version of Alana’s bestselling debut novel is narrated by Kathy Garver, a four-time Audie award winner and Lifetime Achievement Award recipient from the Motion Picture Council. (You might also recognize Kathy as Cissy from the TV show Family Affair.)

(Listen to a sample of Kathy reading from The Beloved Daughter.)

Two Audiobooks for the Price of One!

If you order The Beloved Daughter audiobook and are one of the first 25 customers to email the receipt to [email protected], you will receive a code to also download a free version of What, No Sushi, book one in Alana’s new historical fiction/time travel series for kids!

The Beloved Daughter

Synopsis: In a small North Korean village, a young girl struggles to survive. It is her father’s faith, not the famine of North Hamyong Province, that most threatens Chung-Cha’s well-being. The Beloved Daughter follows Chung-Cha into one of the most notorious prison camps the contemporary free world has known. Her crime? Being the daughter of a Christian.

     *Winner, Women of Faith Writing Contest
     *1st Place, Book Club Network Book of the Month

     *Amazon Bestseller (#5 Christian Suspense)


“…an engaging plot that reads like a story out of today’s headlines…” ~ Women of Faith Writing Contest

“The Beloved Daughter is a beautifully written story that is…both personal and representative of the challenges that many North Koreans still face today.” ~ Sarah Palmer, Rescue Team Coordinator at Liberty in North Korea

“The author does a phenomenal job… HIGHLY RECOMMENDED – but have tissues handy.” ~ Pauline Creeden, Editor AltWit Press

“…the most compelling Christian novel I have read.” ~ Temujin Hu, Author of The Rage

(Click here to order your own copy of The Beloved Daughter.)

Enter The Giveaway

The author’s friend Nicole makes beautiful hand-made earrings out of bark, coral, and even teeth and bones. Six winners! To see what kind of work Nicole does, check out her etsy shop.

A sample of Nicole’s nature-inspired earrings

And don’t forget to email your receipt of The Beloved Daughter auidobook to receive a free audio download of What, No Sushi, Alana’s children’s chapter book about the Japanese-American internment camps!


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I’m excited to feature fellow author Anne Elisabeth Stengl’s new book Goddess Tithe on my blog today.  I’ve really enjoyed all the others in the Tales of Goldstone Wood series, and I can’t wait to read this one!  Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the bottom for your chance to win a free copy.

Title: Goddess Tithe
Author: Anne Elisabeth Stengl
Series: Tales of Goldstone Wood
Expected Release Date: November 12, 2013
Publisher: Rooglewood Press
Page Count: 130 pages
The Vengeful Goddess Demands Her Tithe

When a stowaway is discovered aboard the merchant ship Kulap Kanya, Munny, a cabin boy on his first voyage, knows what must be done. All stowaways are sacrificed to Risafeth, the evil goddess of the sea. Such is her right, and the Kulap Kanya‘s only hope to return safely home.

Yet, to the horror of his crew, Captain Sunan vows to protect the stowaway, a foreigner in clown’s garb. A curse falls upon the ship and all who sail with her, for Risafeth will stop at nothing to claim her tithe.

Will Munny find the courage to trust his captain and to protect the strange clown who has become his friend?

Goodreads * Blog Page

You can learn more about Goddess Tithewhich novel it’s connected to and read Chapter 1, here: 

Excerpt from the Story:

Here is an excerpt from the middle of the story. In this scene, Munny has been ordered to Captain Sunan’s cabin to clear away his breakfast . . . an unexpected task, for a lowly cabin boy would not ordinarily dare enter his captain’s private quarters! Munny hopes to slip in and out quietly without attracting the captain’s notice. But his hopes are dashed when Sunan addresses him, asking how their strange, foreign stowaway is faring:
“And what do you make of him yourself?”
Munny dared glance his captain’s way and was relieved when his eyes met only a stern and rigid back. “I’m not sure, Captain,” he said. “I think he’s afraid. But not of . . .”
“Not of the goddess?” the Captain finished for him. And with these words he turned upon Munny, his eyes so full of secrets it was nearly overwhelming. Munny froze, his fingers just touching but not daring to take up a small teapot of fragile work.
The Captain looked at him, studying his small frame up and down. “No,” he said, “I believe you are right. Leonard the Clown does not fear Risafeth. I believe he is unaware of his near peril at her will, suffering as he does under a peril nearer still.”
 Munny made neither answer nor any move.
“We will bring him safely to Lunthea Maly, won’t we, Munny?” the Captain said. But he did not speak as though he expected an answer, so again Munny offered none. “We will bring him safely to Lunthea Maly and there let him choose his own dark future.”
“I hope—” Munny began.
But he was interrupted by a sudden commotion on deck. First a rising murmur of voices, then many shouts, inarticulate in cacophony. But a pounding at the cabin door accompanied Sur Agung’s voice bellowing, “Captain, you’d best come see this!”
The Captain’s eyes widened a moment and still did not break gaze with Munny’s. “We’ll keep him safe,” he repeated. Then he turned and was gone, leaving the door open.
Munny put down the pot he held and scurried after. The deck was alive with hands, even those who were off watch, crawling up from the hatches and crowding the rails on the port side. They parted way for the Captain to pass through, but when Munny tried to follow, they closed in again, blocking him as solidly as a brick wall.
“Look! Look!” Munny heard voices crying.
“It’s a sign!”
“She’s warning us!”
“It’s a sign, I tell you!”
Fearing he knew not what, Munny ran for the center mast and climbed partway up, using the handholds and footholds with unconscious confidence. Soon he was high enough to see over the heads of the gathered crew, out into the blue waters of the ocean. And he saw them.
 They were water birds. Big white albatrosses, smaller seagulls, heavy cormorants, even deep-throated pelicans and sleek, black-faced terns. These and many more, hundreds of them, none of which should be seen this far out to sea.
They were all dead. Floating in a great mass.
Munny clung to the mast, pressing his cheek against its wood. The shouts of the frightened sailors below faded away, drowned out by the desolation of that sight. Death, reeking death, a sad flotilla upon the waves.
“I’ve never seen anything like that.”
Munny looked down to where Leonard clung to the mast just beneath him, staring wide-eyed out at the waves. “How could this have happened? Were they sick? Caught in a sudden gale? Are they tangled in fishing nets?”
There was no fear in his voice. Not like in the voices of the sailors. He did not understand. He did not realize. It wasn’t his fault, Munny told himself.
But it was.

Anne Elisabeth Stengl makes her home in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she lives with her husband, Rohan, a kindle of kitties, and one long-suffering dog. When she’s not writing, she enjoys Shakespeare, opera, and tea, and practices piano, painting, and pastry baking. She studied illustration at Grace College and English literature at Campbell University. She is the author of the Tales of Goldstone Wood, including Heartless, Veiled Rose, Moonblood, Starflower, and Dragonwitch. Heartless and Veiled Rose have each been honored with a Christy Award, and Starflower was voted winner of the 2013 Clive Staples Award.

Anne Elisabeth is offering two proof copies of Goddess Tithe as prizes! (U.S. and Canada only) 

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