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On tour with Prism Book Tours
It’s the Grand Finale of the REVIEW & EXCERPT TOUR for
Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
by Helen Conrad
Run Run Runaway (book one in the series) is
FREE for Kindle from today through June 4th!!!
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Run Run Runaway
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima – excerpt
“Jennifer Thornton, when are you going to grow up?”
Her head shot up at the familiar voice, but the late afternoon sun was behind him, wrapping him in a mantle of light spears. All that stood out was a set of very wide shoulders and the vague outline of dark glasses hiding his eyes.
Christy’s Cozy Corners – ExcerptShe smiled at him, and his face softened, eyes hooded but not unfriendly.
“I’ll be waiting for your call,” he teased back.
Kelly P’s Blog – ExcerptHe turned and looked at her. “No pictures of boyfriends?” he asked softly.“No one special in your life?”
My Ereader and Me – ExcerptHe hesitated for a moment, watching her. The tumbling chestnut curls invited an affectionate hand to rake through and put them in order. When she looked up at him, her eyes barely visible beneath the windblown hair, she looked so forlorn and vulnerable he had the urge to sweep her up in his arms . . .
I Am A Reader – ExcerptAh, if she only dared tell him! “Let’s race,” she challenged. “Down to the pier and back. The winner gets … a kiss,” she said wildly, dropping his arm.
Astrid laughed softly. “Don’t worry about it, dear.” She dabbed powder on her nose from a golden compact. “Reid is obviously fascinated with you for the moment.”
deal sharing aunt – ReviewWho doesn’t argue with their parents? I was proud that Jennifer went home and tried to reconnect with her parents. She definitely got her stubbornness from her dad. I enjoyed reading about Destiny Bay and I am reading A Little Blackmail next!
The Wonderings of One Person – Excerpt
She didn’t really panic. A strange, white blankness came over her. Her mouth opened in a silent scream, and she tried to think carefully, logically, all the while the earth was rushing toward her as though she were in a jet plane aimed into the side of a mountain.
Jennifer is quite the wild child. It remains a mystery why she chooses to throw herself out of airplanes, among other dangerous things, until later on in the book.
The Reading Diaries – ReviewThe book is a quick read that I finished in one afternoon it was hard to put down I had to see how Jennifer’s story would play out. I love a good clean romance that has a great story that is well written that teens as well as adults will enjoy. This is my first book by the author but I’m excited to read the next installment in the Destiny Bay Series.
Mythical Books – ExcerptIt occurred to Jennifer that the more she ate, the less time she’d have for talking. “You know what, this dessert list looks awfully good. Could you add a hot fudge sundae to my order?” She smiled at the waitress.
Tressa’s Wishful Endings – Review I liked how carefree, but responsible (because she really is regardless of what others think) Jennifer is. I loved her teasing and fun nature. She definitely had her insecurities and they were her downfall on more than one occasion, but they fit her character.
I enjoyed the beach town where the book was set. It was fun to imagine what it would be like to live in a beach community.
Getting Your Read On – ReviewI liked the interactions between Jennifer and Reid. You feel the history and connection between them.
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing – Excerpt
“We can’t talk in here,” Reid yelled, his lips almost pressed against Jennifer’s ear.
“You’re not supposed to talk in here,” she yelled back.
The Written Adventure – ExcerptHis smile grew slowly and he reached for her again. “Jenny, Jenny, how could I ever have doubted you? I think maybe you’re an angel sent to comfort us all.”
It ‘s a novel sweet, soft and clean, talks about love, friendship and family.

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A Little Blackmail
Kelly P’s Blog – Excerpt
“Vanessa, Vanessa,” he murmured, grinning. “How you’ve changed from the passionate woman of my dreams.”
“I’m not Vanessa,” she hissed.
“Sit,” he ordered, and she sat. “What would you like to eat?”
“I’m not hungry,” she said, though a sudden rumbling in her stomach reminded her that she hadn’t eaten a thing since breakfast…
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing – Excerpt
“Look at her. After she travels, she goes into some sort of a time warp. She can hardly remember her name …”
“I can remember yours,” she said sweetly, pretending to smile, but glaring at him from beneath lowered lashes. “‘Mud,’ wasn’t it?”
Tressa’s Wishful Endings – ReviewMatt was also a fun male protagonist with all the usual charming personality (when he wanted to be charming) and good looks. There was definitely plenty of romantic tension between him and Janet.
All That’s Written … – Excerpt“What?” His outrage echoed in her head. “Where are you?”She hesitated. What in the world was she going to tell him? If she told him the truth, he and Howie would be over here in no time, ready to rescue her. She couldn’t have that.
I Am A Reader – Excerpt
“Do I look like her?” she asked.
“Like Vanessa?” He wasn’t sure, actually. He’d seen Vanessa’s picture in the magazine article about Matt and his enormously successful oil operations in Brazil and Argentina. He knew Vanessa was attractive, with long black hair — so that fit fine. That article was what had given him the idea to try this elaborate hoax.
“You’re much prettier,” he admitted.
My Ereader and Me – Excerpt
She frowned at him… “She was pretty surprised to hear she’d already been replaced by another phony Vanessa.”
He considered what she said for a moment, then shrugged, as though the whole affair hardly concerned him at all. “Never mind,” he said lightly. “You make a much better Vanessa than she did.”
The Wonderings of One Person – ExcerptMaybe it was her sweet red mouth or the way her black hair brushed against her cheek. Maybe it was the way her smile seemed to light up the sky, sending a wave of intoxicating warmth through him. Whatever it was, for the moment at least, he was hooked.
Mythical Books – Intro from AuthorJanet’s life has been academic and protected until now. Mistakes are made and her cat ends up being taken by Matt Carrington as a prop in a con he’s running against a sweet old lady. Janet takes the plunge into the dark side when she tries to steal her Alexander back and gets caught up in Matt’s plot, blackmailed into pretending to be his wife. Con men are usually charmers, and Matt is no exception. Soon Janet is torn between what she knows is right—and what her heart begins to feel.
Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review I thought it was funny that the opening scene showed Janet as a cat burglar trying to steal a cat. She isn’t that type of person at all. She values honestly above all else and hates to be caught in a lie, but that’s exactly where she finds herself when she is discovered by the one who “stole” her cat–Matt.
The Reading Diaries – Review I like that Janet is a character that feels real, she’s had loss in her life but she’s learned to move on. I knew right off the bat that Matt was perfect for Janet he just has to win her over and not scare her away
LibriAmoriMiei – ReviewIt ‘s a story written really well, is smooth and addictive, once you start it is hard to quit. It ‘s a novel sweet and funny , even a little mysterious .
i blog 4 books – Review
A Little Blackmail picks up with Matt Carrington (brother of Reid Carrington from Run Run Runaway). Matt is obviously hiding something, so Janet’s unexpected arrival (behind the curtains of his second story bedroom!) definitely has the potential to complicate things. I was delighted by the “marriage” of convenience aspect—another favorite storyline of mine.
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima – ExcerptHe looked over at Janet on the bed, her dark hair spilled out in a midnight cloud. She looked like an angel against the white sheets. It had been a long time since a woman had captured his natural male inclinations like this one had. He tried to hide it with jokes and lighthearted banter, but it was there. It never left him.
Getting Your Read On – ReviewMatt comes off as the bad guy at first but as bits of the story come out, we learn right along with Janet what Matt is really up to. Maybe he isn’t quite as bad as he first appeared to be.
The Written Adventure – ExcerptShe waited, heart pounding, in case anything inside was going to react, if any alarm was going to go off. There wasn’t a sound. Holding her breath, she pushed a little more. The door glided smoothly, leaving a six-inch opening. Janet stared at it, waiting, her heart beating furiously.
Christy’s Cozy Corners – ExcerptHe grinned. “Right after we’re married.”
“Oh.” She hardly knew which way was up any longer. “Are we getting married?”
“Am I getting ahead of things?” he asked, looking alarmed. “I don’t want to scare you. Forget I said that.” He kissed her softly…

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Moving Too Fast
Book Intro
Kelly P’s Blog – Excerpt
Reaching out lazily, he pretended to brush a curl from her cheek and tuck it behind her ear. He gave her another wink and turned to go, making his way back across the lawn.
Carrie watched him go, breathing hard in a way that was pure embarrassment…
“Do you know him?”
Carrie shook her head. “I’m not sure. Who is he?”
“Grant Carrington. The race-car driver.”
deal sharing aunt – ReviewThe author has created a great series with characters that could be my neighbors. The Carringtons are definitely sought after men.
My Ereader and Me – Excerpt
“To chance encounters,” he said, his eyes making the statement provocative.
“To miraculous escapes,” she countered, her chin rising with the challenge.
There was a charged tension between them as their gazes locked, and then the low rumble of his laugh spilled out, the rich, textured sound of it rubbing against her in a way that did nothing to soothe her jangled nerves.
Mythical Books – ExcerptGrant’s cool gaze took in exactly what was going on. He looked at Carrie and immediately saw the anger in her eyes. They’d been baiting her and she was furious. A deep feeling of pure satisfaction filled him. Their loss just might be his gain after all.
I Am A Reader – Excerpt“You came back,” he answered shortly. “I wasn’t sure you would.”
She gestured toward the padded table. “Of course I came back. You can’t scare me off that easily.”
The Wonderings of One Person – Excerpt
The ocean breeze blew her hair across her face, and Grant reached to brush it back. Emotion welled up inside her, and she grabbed his hand, pressing it to her face, pressing the palm to her lips.
“Oh, Carrie,” he said, groaning as though in pain, pulling her into his embrace. “What am I going to do with you?”
Katie’s Clean Book Collection – ReviewCarrie is a very naive and inexperienced woman and feels that Grant is a danger to be around, just like a Big Bad Wolf (I loved that part!). She’s also pretty stubborn and quick to assume. Yet, she sure is willing to give her heart away faster than she wanted to.
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing – Excerpt“Do you always get what you want?” she prodded, gazing up from beneath her dark lashes.
He touched her chin with one lone finger. “Always,” he said, and it was as much a warning as a promise.
Tressa’s Wishful Endings – ReviewBy far Moving Too Fast was my favorite from this series! It had a dark and brooding bad boy for the male protagonist and a sweet and lovable female protagonist. There was plenty of romantic tension with just a few intense kisses…
The Reading Diaries – ReviewGrant has issues but maybe that’s why I like him so much he’s very much a broken guy who needs a girl to heal his heart.
i blog 4 books – ReviewCarrie’s determination to help Grant recover from his injury—despite the fact that he thinks he can recover on his own—was a great match for Grant’s stubbornness. I enjoyed seeing how Carrie grew throughout the book, to the point where she was a strong character rather than someone who has trouble standing up for herself.
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima – ExcerptCarrie shuddered, averting her gaze. She was deeply troubled by what he’d told her. She was beginning more and more to understand why he was so hard on himself, so hard on her.
Getting Your Read On – ReviewThe attraction, chemistry and emotion in this book are on high at all times.
The Written Adventure – Excerpt“You’ll have to accept it, Carrie.” His voice was rough, but gentle. “I don’t know who I am when I’m not racing. I need it. I have to go. And I may never be back.”
She was living her own worst nightmare. “I can’t accept that,” she repeated.
Christy’s Cozy Corners – ExcerptHe sighed, shaking his head. “It’s different for me now.” Reaching across the gulf that separated them, he touched her cheek with his fingertips. “I . . . I’ve got you.”
This is the funniest novel in the series, but is also very sweet and romantic.
The author has also created for this story characters realistic, fun and very different from each other.
A must read for those who love romance ………
Run Run Runaway
Destiny Bay Romances – Forever Yours
by Helen Conrad
Adult Romance
Paperback & Ebook, 169 pages
March 28th 2014 by Doorknock Publishing
Run Run Runaway is the Sweet Edition of My Little Runaway, the story of Reid Carrington and Jennifer Thornton.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
The trouble is, when you run from your problems, you often find out your biggest obstacle is along for the trip–it’s you! Reid Carrington realizes that when he finds Jennifer and recognizes the quiet desperation in her eyes. Can he save someone who doesn’t want to be saved? Or like a lifeguard rescuing a swimmer, will she pull him down into the undertow in the end?
Recipes for Jennifer’s Mango Salsa and Tilly’s Bruschetta included.
A Little Blackmail
Destiny Bay Romances – Forever Yours
by Helen Conrad
Adult Romance
Paperback & Ebook, 172 pages
March 28th 2014 by Doorknock Publishing
A Little Blackmail is the Sweet Edition of Wife For A Night, the story of Janet Cardona and Matt Carrington.
Sometimes you have to break the rules to right a wrong.
Janet Cardona is usually a by-the-book good girl–but when Matt Carrington won’t give her cat back, she sees red. Rules mean nothing when there’s an animal to be saved. So when she’s caught in a burglary and blackmailed for it, she finds she can’t refuse. Matt only needs her to pretend to be his wife for a day or two so that he can run a scam he’s involved in. But once the pretense gets going, he begins to yearn for the real thing. Now Janet has to decide if she can let herself fall for a con man.
Recipes for Crab Open-faced Sandwiches and Basic Asian Soup included.
Moving Too Fast
Destiny Bay Romances – Forever Yours
by Helen Conrad
Adult Romance
Paperback & Ebook, 165 pages
March 28th 2014 by Doorknock Publishing
Moving Too Fast is the Sweet Edition of Too Scared To Breathe, the story of Grant Carrington and Carrie Harlow.
A sweet old-fashioned girl–
–isn’t what Grant Carrington is looking for. A man who lives for speed and danger, he’s only slowed down because he’s been forced to by an injury. Carrie Harlow isn’t his type, but he needs her in order to heal. She knows she’s playing with fire, but she feels she can help him and she goes for it—even though she knows she’s endangering her own heart as she fixes his.
Recipe for Carrie’s Chicken Picatta included.

Helen Conrad is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 90 romances (over 15 million copies sold) published under various pseudonyms with Harlequin, Silhouette, Loveswept, and others. She is currently revamping and rewriting much of her backlist–some available in the US for the first time–to present on Kindle.
A Little About the Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
“The Destiny Bay Romances take place in the sort of beach town I’ve always loved–and now I live in one! But writing about beach towns came first and this series is centered on the rich, influential Carrington family living along the California Coast, and in Hawaii. These are good-looking, fast-driving, hard-hitting men and women whose impulses lead them into trouble every time–and inevitably to fall in love.
The original series includes language and love scenes that aren’t, for the most part, especially harsh and explicit–but some of my readers from my years writing sweets for Harlequin as Raye Morgan have asked if we couldn’t have sweet and clean versions–and I thought–what a good idea!
These are basically the same stories…but with the conflicts softened a bit, the language cleaned up, and no explicit love scenes. There are still a few adult situations, but they’re muted. Consider these the PG versions.
I hope you enjoy them!”
Tour-Wide Giveaway
– US Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and paperbacks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
– INT Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and ebooks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
Welcome to my stop for the REVIEW & EXCERPT TOUR for
Moving Too Fast
Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
by Helen Conrad
Moving Too Fast is only $0.99 for
Kindle from now until Sunday, June 1st!
Moving Too Fast
Destiny Bay Romances – Forever Yours
(Sweet Edition #3)
by Helen ConradAdult Romance
Paperback & Ebook, 165 pages
March 28th 2014 by Doorknock Publishing
A sweet old-fashioned girl–
–isn’t what Grant Carrington is looking for. A man who lives for speed and danger, he’s only slowed down because he’s been forced to by an injury. Carrie Harlow isn’t his type, but he needs her in order to heal. She knows she’s playing with fire, but she feels she can help him and she goes for it—even though she knows she’s endangering her own heart as she fixes his.
Recipe for Carrie’s Chicken Picatta included.

[Pin, share, or tweet this image for an extra entry in the giveaway.]

Helen Conrad is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 90 romances (over 15 million copies sold) published under various pseudonyms with Harlequin, Silhouette, Loveswept, and others. She is currently revamping and rewriting much of her backlist—mainly into the Destiny Bay Romances Series. The first six, the Forever Yours Series, are being rewritten as Sweet Editions.
Website – Facebook – Goodreads
A Little About the Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
“The Destiny Bay Romances take place in the sort of beach town I’ve always loved–and now I live in one! But writing about beach towns came first and this series is centered on the rich, influential Carrington family living along the California Coast, and in Hawaii. These are good-looking, fast-driving, hard-hitting men and women whose impulses lead them into trouble every time–and inevitably to fall in love.
The original series includes language and love scenes that aren’t, for the most part, especially harsh and explicit–but some of my readers from my years writing sweets for Harlequin as Raye Morgan have asked if we couldn’t have sweet and clean versions–and I thought–what a good idea!
These are basically the same stories…but with the conflicts softened a bit, the language cleaned up, and no explicit love scenes. There are still a few adult situations, but they’re muted. Consider these the PG versions.
I hope you enjoy them!”
Tour-Wide Giveaway
– US Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and paperbacks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
– INT Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and ebooks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
– 2 sets of ebooks of
Run Run Runaway,
A Little Blackmail, and
Moving Too Fast (INT)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The other stops on this tour:
Run Run Runaway
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 18
A Little Blackmail
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 25
Moving Too Fast
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 30
Jun 1
June 2 – Grand Finale
An Excerpt from the Story:
He turned back to the sink. “But right now I’m interested in cleaning these fish. What do you think? Can we eat them all tonight?”
Carrie shuddered, averting her gaze. She was deeply troubled by what he’d told her. She was beginning more and more to understand why he was so hard on himself, so hard on her.
“I was thinking of sending out for pizza,” she said teasingly.
“Not on your life. We’ll make a huge cioppino.” He whacked off another head and it went shooting across the kitchen. “Oh, get that, will you?”
“You must be kidding!” she cried, half laughing.
He looked at her skeptically. “I’m not going to have much success in getting you to sauté the eyeballs, am I?”
Before she could answer he scooped up a handful of minnows and reached for the neck of her jersey top. Squealing, she backed away, but hardly fast enough. By the time they were finished, they both smelled like a fish market and had to go outside to hose off, but it was worth it.
It was days like this that gave her hope. They went through some serious jolts in their relationship, but the moments of warmth and laughter always came tumbling in just in time to save the emotional connection that was just growing between them.
At least, that was the way she saw it. She wasn’t so sure about him.
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Welcome to my tour stop for the
A Little Blackmail
Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
by Helen Conrad
Special Price!
A Little Blackmail is only $0.99 for Kindle from now until Sunday, May 25th!
Destiny Bay Romances – Forever Yours
(Sweet Edition #2)
by Helen Conrad
Adult Romance
Paperback & Ebook, 172 pages
March 28th 2014 by Doorknock Publishing
Sometimes you have to break the rules to right a wrong.
Janet Cardona is usually a by-the-book good girl–but when Matt Carrington won’t give her cat back, she sees red. Rules mean nothing when there’s an animal to be saved. So when she’s caught in a burglary and blackmailed for it, she finds she can’t refuse. Matt only needs her to pretend to be his wife for a day or two so that he can run a scam he’s involved in. But once the pretense gets going, he begins to yearn for the real thing. Now Janet has to decide if she can let herself fall for a con man.
Recipes for Crab Open-faced Sandwiches and Basic Asian Soup included.
[Pin, share, or tweet this image for an extra entry in the giveaway.]
Helen Conrad is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 90 romances (over 15 million copies sold) published under various pseudonyms with Harlequin, Silhouette, Loveswept, and others. She is currently revamping and rewriting much of her backlist—mainly into the Destiny Bay Romances Series. The first six, the Forever Yours Series, are being rewritten as Sweet Editions.
A Little About the Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
From Author Helen Conrad
“The Destiny Bay Romances take place in the sort of beach town I’ve always loved–and now I live in one! But writing about beach towns came first and this series is centered on the rich, influential Carrington family living along the California Coast, and in Hawaii. These are good-looking, fast-driving, hard-hitting men and women whose impulses lead them into trouble every time–and inevitably to fall in love.
The original series includes language and love scenes that aren’t, for the most part, especially harsh and explicit–but some of my readers from my years writing sweets for Harlequin as Raye Morgan have asked if we couldn’t have sweet and clean versions–and I thought–what a good idea!
These are basically the same stories…but with the conflicts softened a bit, the language cleaned up, and no explicit love scenes. There are still a few adult situations, but they’re muted. Consider these the PG versions.
I hope you enjoy them!”
Tour-Wide Giveaway
– US Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and paperbacks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
– INT Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and ebooks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
– 2 sets of ebooks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast (INT)
The other stops on this tour:
Run Run Runaway
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 18
A Little Blackmail
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 25
Moving Too Fast
May 26 – Book Intro
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 30
Jun 1
June 2 – Grand Finale
Are you a blogger and want to receive information about new tours? Go HERE.
Are you an author or publisher and would like to have us organize a tour event? Go HERE.
He looked over at Janet on the bed, her dark hair spilled out in a midnight cloud. She looked like an angel against the white sheets. It had been a long time since a woman had captured his natural male inclinations like this one had. He tried to hide it with jokes and lighthearted banter, but it was there. It never left him.
But he knew better than to make an attempt at seduction. And when the urge surfaced, he raged at himself silently. She doesn’t trust you. She doesn’t want you. Leave her alone.
“Tell me, Janet,” he said aloud. “What’s your theory? Why do you think I’m doing all this?”
“To somehow get your hands on Mavis’s money,” she said promptly, then grimaced. How could she be so attracted to a man she suspected of being such a jerk?
He laughed ruefully. Darn it all, in a way, she was right. “So you really think I’m a con artist, do you?”
Janet turned away as he rubbed himself all over with the yellow towel. “If you’re not a con artist, why are you so concerned with keeping her happy and unquestioning?”
“Maybe it’s because I like her. Maybe it’s for her own good.”
“Or maybe it’s for some other reason. Like finding out something about her that you can use for blackmail.” That came off the top of her head, but once she’d said it, she rather liked it.
He laughed aloud. “Is that your theory? What a larcenous mind you have, kiddo. Why did you agree to go along with this little masquerade if you thought I was such a crook?”
“Because you were blackmailing me. So I figure it might be your go-to con system.” She lifted her chin and challenged him in the dark. “The more I can learn about how you do it, the better prepared I’ll be.”
He stepped out of her line of vision and dropped the towel from around his hips, slipping into pajama bottoms. Then he came back close to the side of the bed. “Not a bad idea, sweetheart. And it turned out you were pretty good at it, didn’t it?” His voice was soft with teasing. “We’re both good at it. Hey, what do you say we team up, travel all across the country . . . Make a fortune.” Without waiting to be invited, he sat down on the edge of her bed.
She glared at him, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell him to move away. She liked having him close like this. “Deceiving people?” she accused.
His eyes glittered in the moonlight. “Sure. We’d be great.”
“Like Bonnie and Clyde?”
“Much classier than that. Matt and Vanessa. And no bloodshed.” He pretended to shudder. “Nothing so messy and common.”
Launching the REVIEW & EXCERPT TOUR for the
Run Run Runaway
Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
by Helen Conrad
Run Run Runaway is the Sweet Edition of My Little Runaway, the story of Reid Carrington and Jennifer Thornton.
They say you can’t go home again—but Jennifer’s going to try.
It’s not her idea. In fact, she fights it—but she’s always been in love with Reid Carrington and she knows how much he wants her to make the attempt—so she takes the leap, risking her own happiness. Meanwhile, Reid thinks he’s going to make her come back to face her responsibilities, but he ends up learning a few things about himself—and about Jennifer—that change his life for the better.
This sort of story always appealed to me. It’s actually a story of self-sacrifice. We all have times when people we love don’t understand why we do things we feel we have to do. Jennifer leaves home so she won’t have to tell her parents a truth they don’t want to know about her brother. They see it as selfish willfulness. She knows it’s really just the opposite. But her sacrifice is worth it to preserve their peace of mind. And once Reid fully understands her motives, he loves her more than ever. Still, it isn’t easy getting there!
Run Run Runaway
Destiny Bay Romances – Forever Yours
by Helen Conrad
Adult Romance
Paperback & Ebook, 169 pages
March 28th 2014 by Doorknock Publishing
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
The trouble is, when you run from your problems, you often find out your biggest obstacle is along for the trip–it’s you! Reid Carrington realizes that when he finds Jennifer and recognizes the quiet desperation in her eyes. Can he save someone who doesn’t want to be saved? Or like a lifeguard rescuing a swimmer, will she pull him down into the undertow in the end?
Recipes for Jennifer’s Mango Salsa and Tilly’s Bruschetta included.
“Jennifer Thornton, when are you going to grow up?”
Her head shot up at the familiar voice, but the late afternoon sun was behind him, wrapping him in a mantle of light spears. All that stood out was a set of very wide shoulders and the vague outline of dark glasses hiding his eyes.
“Who says I have to grow up?” she asked lightly, reaching under her chin to unclip the strap on her helmet, then pulling the hard hat from her head and shaking her full head of chestnut curls free. “I learned long ago that grownups never have any fun.”
She peered into the shimmering light, trying to see his face. That voice was so familiar.
“There’s a lot more to life than fun,” he said softly. “You must be twenty-three years old by now. Haven’t you learned that yet?”
“Twenty-four,” she corrected automatically. She knew who it was now. Leaning back, she let loose the natural smile that so many called irresistible.
“Reid Carrington,” she said, letting out a long sigh as she said it. It had been ages since she’d said that name aloud, but she’d never forgotten it. It was written on her heart. A bubble of happiness rose in her throat. “You always were trying to teach me something, weren’t you?”
“Was I?” He stepped closer, and she could see the outlines of his handsome face. “The way I remember it, you were the one trying to teach me.”
Despite herself, Jennifer blushed, then bent to hide her smile. If he was going to bring up the silly way she used to chase him when she was a kid, she’d deny everything.
What a crush she’d had! Every summer, she’d spent the long, lazy days mooning over the handsome older boy next door. She must have made his life miserable.
“It has been a long time,” she said, wishing she could see him better. “Almost five years.”
“You look the same.” His voice had a curiously emotional quality, and she frowned, wondering why. “Just the same.”
“You look different.” She pulled herself up to stand before him, and now she could see his face clearly. All of it except the blue eyes. They were still covered by the dark glasses.
“You look very Junior Chamber of Commerce, now.” She grinned, examining his wrinkle-free slacks and the expensive pale blue shirt with the little polo player over the pocket. “Or is that an insult? Should I say Junior Stockbroker?”
She laughed softly, enchanted with seeing him again. He brought back all the good memories of the past. The ugly stuff that she tried so hard to blot out had nothing to do with Reid. She’d often wondered over the years how he was doing.

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Helen Conrad is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 90 romances (over 15 million copies sold) published under various pseudonyms with Harlequin, Silhouette, Loveswept, and others. She is currently revamping and rewriting much of her backlist—mainly into the Destiny Bay Romances Series. The first six, the Forever Yours Series, are being rewritten as Sweet Editions.
A Little About the Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
“The Destiny Bay Romances take place in the sort of beach town I’ve always loved–and now I live in one! But writing about beach towns came first and this series is centered on the rich, influential Carrington family living along the California Coast, and in Hawaii. These are good-looking, fast-driving, hard-hitting men and women whose impulses lead them into trouble every time–and inevitably to fall in love.
The original series includes language and love scenes that aren’t, for the most part, especially harsh and explicit–but some of my readers from my years writing sweets for Harlequin as Raye Morgan have asked if we couldn’t have sweet and clean versions–and I thought–what a good idea!
These are basically the same stories…but with the conflicts softened a bit, the language cleaned up, and no explicit love scenes. There are still a few adult situations, but they’re muted. Consider these the PG versions.
I hope you enjoy them!”
Tour-Wide Giveaway
– US Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and paperbacks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
– INT Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and ebooks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
– 2 sets of ebooks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast (INT)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The other books coming up on this tour:
A Little Blackmail
May 19 – Book Intro
May 23
May 25
May 26 – Book Intro
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 30
June 2 – Grand Finale
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