Young Adult, Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy

Date Published: April 13, 2021

Publisher: Acorn Publishing

Orion City has been on lockdown for ten years. Courtney Spencer, a disillusioned barista doomed to live a “normal” life in a quarantined fishbowl, is certain she’ll never see over the Wall again. Until one rainy evening, Courtney unintentionally befriends W, an eccentric customer who leaves a switchblade in the tip jar. The unexpected acquaintance soon opens the door to a frightening string of questions that flips everything she knows upside down. Stumbling into a world of secrets, lies, and disturbing truths, Courtney grapples with a burning temptation to look again at the Wall. Surrounded by citizens trained to ignore its looming shadow, Courtney no longer can. Intrigued and terrified to expand her world, Courtney finds herself toeing a knife’s edge between the law and justice, learning quickly that the two are not always compatible. She wants to cling to her morals. She also wants to stay alive. But most of all, she wants to see a certain customer again, despite everything in her whispering W is dangerous. In a gritty urban clash of hope and fear, passion and survival, The Walls of Orion explores the edges of light, dark, and the gray in between.

About the Author

A world-romper from the Pacific Northwest who quite enjoys the label “crazy,” T.D. Fox supplements a hyperactive imagination with real life shenanigans to add pizzazz to her storytelling endeavors.

Armed with a bachelor’s degree in Intercultural Studies, her favorite stories to write usually involve a clash of worldviews, an unflinching reevaluation of one’s own internal compass, and an embrace of the compelling unease that arises when vastly different worlds collide.

When not recklessly exploring inner-city alleyways during midnight thunderstorms in the States, she can be found exploring rainforests without enough bug spray somewhere along the equator.

Contact Links

Facebook: T.D. Fox

Twitter: @TDFoxAuthor


Instagram: @TDFoxAuthor

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A Guest Post by Kim McMahill

A Measure of Madness by Kim McMahill

Inspiration for a Series

I am often asked how I come up with ideas for my books. Inspiration comes from many different places including dreams, travel, childhood experience grossly exaggerated, and current issues. Most of my novels have been stand-alone adventure and romantic suspense novels, but my most recent project has been the Risky Research Series. The idea for this suspense series began to emerge as I started getting to an age when keeping fit and healthy started taking a little more effort and a lot more research.

Nearly every woman I know, myself included, educates herself about nutrition, exercise, fitness, diets, etc. in order to live a healthier life, manage a medical issue, or to lose weight. I’ve found there is so much information out there that it is difficult to sort out fact from fiction. The diet and nutrition industries are worth billions, which makes it even more challenging to ascertain who or what to trust. With so much on the line for something that impacts nearly everyone, there is plenty of opportunity for corruption and crime to infiltrate the industry, making it perfect fodder for a crime series.

So, about six years ago I started the series with A Dose of Danger, which deals with a potential miracle diet pill and those who will stop at nothing to keep it off the market. Book 2, A Taste of Tragedy, revolves around a deadly sweetener, and book 3, A Foundation of Fear, explores the role of lobbyists and politics in the industry. The latest novel in the series, A Measure of Madness, was released on April 9, 2021. There are also two short-story prequels available for free download, A Formidable Foe and Midnight in Montana. Here’s a bit more on the latest novel, A Measure of Madness.


FBI agent Devyn Nash’s pursuit of a deadly organization heats up in this fourth installment of the Risky Research series.

The FBI locates the mastermind behind Coterie, but attempts to bring him in result in a shootout that sends Coterie’s members scrambling for cover. When Devyn’s partner is left fighting for his life in a Puerto Rican hospital, she becomes more determined than ever to bring them to justice.

Devyn’s decision to ignore her orders and pursue the head of Coterie to Brazil puts her job and her relationship with Sheriff Gage Harris in jeopardy, but she is unwilling to allow those responsible for so much death to live out their lives in paradise.


“Let me guess, J.R. fast-tracked it to Brazil?”

“Very perceptive, Melonis.”

“Just a lucky guess since he apparently has a fondness for Brazilian bamboo, and it just so happens to be a country without an extradition agreement with the U.S.,” Nick said.

A nurse entered and interrupted their conversation. She checked Nick’s vitals and made notes on his chart. “Don’t visit too long, he needs his rest,” the nurse stated as she hustled out of the room.

“I’ll leave you two alone. I hate always being the third wheel. Just do as Morgan says and take care of yourself. The doctors think you’ll make a speedy recover if you don’t do anything reckless or stupid.”

“Speaking of reckless and stupid, have a nice flight to Rio and try not to get killed,” Nick rasped.

Devyn shot Morgan a scathing look.

“What? How could I have said anything, you’ve been with me the whole time? He just knows you too well.”

She shook her head and took Morgan in her arms. “Take care of him, and take care of yourself.” Devyn hugged her friend tight, hoping it wasn’t for the last time.

To learn more about the Risky Research Series or to Download your copy of any of Kim’s novels, visit:


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Kim McMahill

More About the Author

Kim McMahill grew up in Wyoming which is where she developed her sense of adventure and love of the outdoors. She started out writing non-fiction, but her passion for exotic world travel, outrageous adventures, stories of survival, and happily-ever-after endings soon drew her into a world of romantic suspense and adventure fiction. Along with writing novels Kim has also published over eighty travel and geographic articles, and contributed to a travel story anthology. She has had the opportunity to live in Hawaii, New Mexico, South Dakota, Iowa, and Colorado, but has finally returned home to Wyoming. When not writing she enjoys gardening, traveling, hiking, puzzles, playing games, and spending time with family.

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Thank you so much for letting me stop by and share some great news. A Foundation of Fear, a romantic suspense novel and the third book in my Risky Research Series, has just been released. Also available is a short story prequel to the series titled, A Formidable Foe, which is available for free download from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Here’s a little more about A Foundation of Fear.

FBI Special Agent Devyn Nash is obsessed with taking down Coterie, a deadly group out to control the multi-billion-dollar diet product industry. The FBI’s plan to expose Coterie places Devyn’s best friend and her partner’s fiancé in the crosshairs of this ruthless organization. Can Devyn protect her friend and bring the coldblooded killers to justice before they strike again while distracted by injury, a sexist bully, and a long-distance relationship with a handsome Wyoming sheriff?
Lobbyist and Coterie assassin Sofia Wilks wants nothing more than to regain control of her life. Sofia knows Agent Nash is nipping at her heels, but the FBI agent isn’t the worst of her fears. She is drawn to a man who has the power to destroy her.
The man flipped the sign outside the door to read‚ “Privacy Please,” before slipping silently into the dimly lit room. The sound of the harmonic overtones from the Tibetan singing bowls reverberated throughout the serene space. Aromas from exotic oils and incense assaulted his senses, momentarily distracting him from his mission. As he shut the door, it clicked loudly.
“It’s about time. I thought maybe you had forgotten about me,” the woman in the hot tub stated.
“Of course not, Ms. Blair, just continue to relax while I prepare your robe,” he replied.
Cucumber slices obscured her vision. He silently walked up behind her and knelt down. Placing his hands on her shoulders he began to gently knead her muscles.
“Oh, that’s wonderful,” she said as she slid lower into the water.
 He continued to masterfully massage her shoulders until her body became limp from complete relaxation. He slowly eased her lower and lower into the steaming cauldron. The water began to lap at her chin. He could feel her start to tense.
“That’s enough. I’m ready to get out now,” she demanded…

Kim McMahill grew up in Wyoming which is where she developed her sense of adventure and love of the outdoors. She started out writing non-fiction, but her passion for exotic world travel, outrageous adventures, stories of survival, and happily-ever-after endings soon drew her into a world of romantic suspense and adventure fiction. Along with writing novels Kim has also published over eighty travel and geographic articles, and contributed to a travel story anthology. Kim currently resides in Colorado, and when not writing, she enjoys gardening, traveling, hiking, and spending time with family.

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