On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Sweet Home Montana
By Lynne Marshall
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Note from the Author

I’m so happy to be back touring with Prism and am excited to share my new book Sweet Home Montana with everyone. This is book number three in the Charity, Montana trilogy for TULE publishing. It is the sweetest of all three books, in my opinion. Think Hallmark movies and you understand what I’m talking about. No angst or deep drama, but definite issues that both characters must face and “fix”, so they can move forward to a truly fulfilling life…

It’s All About the Romance – Excerpt

She had been volunteering at The Acres, as the crew called it, for three years, and Dr. Anderson insisted it was time to move on. To finish that degree in business. Get a job that paid more. In the real world. For Erin, Healing Heart Acres was as real world as she wanted to be. Because it was the place that helped put broken people back together.

Maybe I should start telling her how much I love giving the tour and that I never want to work with the animals again. The absurd reverse psychology trick made her smile.

“Oh, glad to see you’re happy about your schedule,” Elsbeth Anderson said, stepping out of nowhere, catching Erin mid-grin.

Uplifting Reads – Review

“As Erin and Wade’s lives weave together, there are naturally some bumps along the road. It’s all about how they work through those struggles to understand each other and to nurture the relationship they find themselves embarking upon, in spite of their personal struggles.

This was the perfect book to curl up with on a cold and rainy fall day.”

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

Mid-chew, he glanced at the door, surprised, and very pleased, to see Erin come in. He smiled, watched, and waited as she made her entry…

With a toddler?

“Choc milk,” the little brown-haired girl said, all excited.

“Just like I promised.” Erin was completely at ease with the child, guiding her toward the counter to make their order.

Unexplained disappointment surprised Wade, along with a slew of questions about Erin. Was she married? He hadn’t noticed a ring. But, since the kid looked so much like her, she was obviously a mother.

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

A flashy silver sedan drove up and parked in the lot, and a father-son duo straight out of the pages of Gentleman’s Quarterly magazine got out. The son was sullen, casting a suspicious gaze, as if thinking this was the dumbest idea he’d ever heard of. Breaking with GQ chic, he wore a silly knit cap that stood out for two reasons, it wasn’t that cold, and there was a moose face on it. It took confidence to pull off the look.

The father seemed determined, as many parents were when they arrived, usually after having Healing Heart Acres recommended by someone in the professional community—a teacher, therapist, or pastor. The parents often arrived hoping to find the magic solution to help their kid. Erin knew the look, even though it was on an exceptionally young-looking father’s face.

Paulette’s Papers – Excerpt

After the usual welcoming remarks for the acres each person introduced themselves. She saved the father and son for last.

“I’m Wade Conrad. Grew up in Charity, around an hour from here. Heard about Healing Heart Acres and wanted to check it out.”

He seemed pleasant enough, but got his story out fast, probably out of courtesy, unlike Mrs. Pimento who’d gone on and on. Yet, watching and listening to Wade excited Erin, a feeling she’d nearly forgotten where men were concerned. The immediate excitement he provoked in her, was also terrifying. Fortunately, she’d only have to deal with the younger version of him.

Colorimetry – Excerpt

Why did the man make her edgy? Probably because she’d rarely been around such a devastatingly handsome male. She glanced to Brent, sure to become as commanding as his father as he matured. He, unlike his attentive father, watched a ground squirrel instead of the corralled animals, probably not listening to a word she said.

She showed everyone how to hold grain on a flat palm, so the sheep only ate the food and didn’t nibble their fingers. Everyone always got a kick out of that, except Brent, who clearly wasn’t interested.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“If you are looking for a sweet, gentle romance to curl up with on a cool fall evening, then look no further. This book has all the feel good elements with likable characters and a believable story line.”

Stacking My Book Shelves! – Excerpt

A sharp whistle pierced the air, the kind cowboys used on cattle drives. “Erin!” Wade’s voice called out before she stepped inside. She stopped, turned, waited for the tall, dark-haired and green-eyed man to reach her. Again, an unwanted reaction circled her skin. But she wasn’t here to swoon, she was here to be helpful. He obviously had a problem with his son.

Cover Lover Book Review – Review

“Sweet Home Montana encompasses sweet, gentle, unhurried romance. It’s a story of personal growth—stepping out of complacency and exploring a deeper, more satisfying life.”

underneath the covers – Excerpt

To keep communication open, nervous as Erin was to have a conversation alone with Wade Conrad, she smiled and widened her eyes. “Need some extra encouragement?” Hoping he couldn’t pick up on her reaction to him.

He was probably used to it with all women. How could he not be, growing up looking like that? He probably didn’t even notice anymore.

“How’d you guess?”

“I’ve been reading Brent’s body language. He’s not here voluntarily, is he.” It wasn’t a question.

Remembrancy – Review

“Lynne Marshall gives readers a taste of small-town Montana life (and made me crave some huckleberry pie in the process) in this sweet romance…

Sweet Home Montana is a read to snuggle up with in front of a fire or under that plaid flannel blanket. Get ready for a little romance this fall.”

Nan Reinhardt’s Blog – Excerpt

Once Wade took off, Erin recovered and wandered over to Brent, who sat on a bench staring at his boots. “Mind if I join you?”

He glanced up. Rather than answering, he tipped his chin up, as in yes.

She sat gingerly on the other end of the bench. “I guess I read you wrong.”

He tossed her a confused and perturbed glance. “He tell you I don’t talk to him because he doesn’t like being my brother?”

Book Lover in Florida – Excerpt

“What’s the point of this place? Why should I come here?” Brent asked.

“How about, for starters, for the sake of a new experience?” Erin replied. “We offer a chance for people to learn about themselves by participating in activities like daily care routines with our animals. It’s a chance to do something good, too. Then all we do is talk about it afterward.” She carefully left out the part about talking about their feelings. “It’s no biggie.” She played it down, knowing how resistant some teens were about anything they were uncomfortable with. “A lot of teenagers wind up really enjoying it. By the way, the horses would rather hang out with their peers, too.”

Becky on Books – Review

“I really enjoyed Erin and Wade’s story, and was rooting for them to work things out from the very first page. The complications along the way were believable, and though resolved a bit easily, everything was still plausible. The secondary characters–including Brent, Rosie, and Diana–made the story feel well-rounded and Charity, Montana seem like a place I’d love to visit–and eat some pie.”

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“I enjoyed this sweet story. I felt connected to Erin Chase from the start. I love that she worked at a horse therapy center. What a unique profession!”

Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader – Review

“This book is gentle and sweet. Erin and Wade are wonderful.”

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

Wade stood in the back in the main house as the video history about Healing Heart Acres and equine therapy played. Instead of paying attention, he thought about how he’d wound up back home.

After a long pause in communicating with his father, Wade’s excuse being he was too busy, always too busy, his dad had called, and Wade had thought the worse.

“Dad? Is anything wrong?”

“No, Son, everything’s right, I mean great. It’s been ages since we’ve talked.” So true, and unacceptable, and that made his calling suspicious and Wade’s guilt-o-meter whirl.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“This is a sweet & cute romance set in more than one delightful small town with gorgeous scenery and a quirkiness apparently inherent to Montana. There is more ‘telling’ than i like (rather than showing me) and some of the Montana-isms felt a bit awkward with the flow of the story. But overall these characters will quickly win you over, and so does their story – thanks to Marshall’s warm writing voice and sweet plot. If you’re a fan of Hallmark movies, this is a great pick for your reading list!”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Sweet Home Montana
(Charity, Montana Book #3)
By Lynne Marshall
Contemporary Romance
Print & ebook, 278 Pages
September 27th 2018 by Tule Publishing

Entrepreneur Wade Conrad is called home to act as a temporary guardian for his teenage half-brother, who’s acting out and needs strong guidance. Wade feels they are both floundering, so he seeks help for Brent at Healing Heart Acres, an equine therapy center.

Erin Chase has been working as an equine therapist since her fiancé called off their wedding with no explanation three years ago. She personally enjoys the peace found through animal therapy and believes in passing on the gift. When Erin meets Wade, she’s instantly drawn to his concern for his brother, as well as his kindness and charm.

Wade treasures time spent with Erin. They both long for more, but Wade’s leaving for California soon and his brother’s needs come first. Will he take a chance on love before it’s too late?

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleiBooksKoboGooglePlay

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Lynne used to worry she had a serious problem with daydreaming, then she discovered she was supposed to write the stories in her head. A late bloomer, Lynne came to fiction writing after her children were nearly grown. Now she battles the empty nest by writing stories which always include a romance, sometimes medicine, a dose of mirth, or both, but always stories from her heart. She is a Southern California native, married for almost thirty years, has two adult children she is super proud of, is a dog lover, cat admirer, a power walker, and fellow traveler on this wild road called life!


Tour Giveaway

2 winners will receive ebooks of Her Baby, His Love and Their Christmas Miracle
Open internationally
Ends October 17th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Forever a Father
By Lynne Marshall

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Author Interview

Q. What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

A. I hope readers understand that past struggles may hold us back, but it is possible to move on and enjoy life and love again. Hope is the word I’d love for readers to remember. No matter how tough things may be, never give up hope, because hope can sometimes work miracles. It did for Daniel Delaney and Keela O’Mara, oh, and little Anna, too.

Among the Reads – Review

“I enjoy books with children in them, especially when the author gets their behavior consistent with their ages. Author Lynne Marshall created such a lovable character in Anna, the almost 5-year-old daughter of Keela. . .

I also really appreciated that the tragedies in each of their lives were explained early on in the book instead of having the hints throughout and them not revealed until the end. It helped to better understand their motivations.”

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

Dear Reader,

I’m so happy to share my twenty-fifth Harlequin book, Forever a Father, the launch book for The Delaneys of Sandpiper Beach trilogy. In book one, I introduce Daniel Delaney, the eldest brother, and Keela O’Mara, a young lady from Ireland who works for him. The more I got to know Daniel and Keela, the more I rooted for them and their happily-ever-after. If any couple deserved it, they did, but both had been disillusioned by love and have the emotional scars to prove it.

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“Adorably sweet and heart-wrenching all in one! My heart was stolen by a four year old! 🙂 Such a great story! . . The Delaney family is really down to earth and fun to spend time with, and I’m looking forward to more to come in this trilogy!”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

Keela had never seen her daughter smile so much.

Every time she watched “Doctor Dan” with Anna, Keela’s heart warmed and her thoughts wandered to a secret and special place.

Suddenly, he got serious and turned to Anna. “Maybe it’s time you dropped the doctor part and just call me Dan?” He glanced at Keela, as if to get her approval about letting Anna call him that. She nodded.

Deal Sharing Aunt – Review

“This is a story that will have you crying along with the characters. Especially at the end of the book. I really liked the family togetherness and how they spent time together with extended family. I hope that the next two books in the series keep us updated on this couple.”

Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang! – Excerpt

A lyrical laugh eased out of Keela’s mouth, and it never failed to grab his attention. She might as well be singing.

“I’d never say that, Mrs. Haverhill. You’re in great shape—”

The sixtyish lady tossed Daniel a deadpan look that seemed to say, Do you believe the crock she’s feeding me? More, please.

He smiled and added a benevolent nod.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is a touching, yet, endearing tale of two people whose situations were very different, yet, both had been betrayed. Each were coping in the best way they could. Would it be enough?

The Book Cover was well-chosen and the Title passable but perhaps not a great choice. However, the development of the characters and portrayal of the background scenes were realistic to the point the reader felt he/she was a part of the story.”

Paulette’s Papers – Excerpt

Keela’s phone rang and she stepped inside her office to answer it. With the copier going, Daniel couldn’t hear the conversation, but as he gazed through the large office window, he noticed her brows were lowered. She said something else, then glanced toward the ceiling in a frustrated manner while listening. Just as his copies were done, she hung up, her shoulders slumped and her usual smile inverted. “Thanks for the too-late heads-up,” she raised her voice to the phone on her desk.

Jorie Loves A Story – Excerpt

“I need help!” She used her outdoor voice, which startled him, and he jumped out of his chair to assist her by lifting her under the arms. Man, she was light, hardly weighed anything. So vulnerable and completely dependent on him. So trusting. Precious. She pushed the button for water, but her mop of curls got in the way. Her face got wet and she giggled. He almost smiled.

“Here,” he said, balancing her on his bent knee and thigh, and holding her hair out of the way with one hand. She slurped to her heart’s content, coming up only when she needed to breathe.

It’s All About the Romance – Excerpt

“You’re smart!” Why did everything she say come out like an exclamation? Still, her compliment caught him off guard and he cracked a smile for the first time that afternoon. Okay, so she was kind of cute.

He glanced at his watch again. All of fifteen minutes had passed since he’d been handed the job of childcare provider, and Keela wouldn’t be through until five. Now what should they do?

Busy Bumble Bee Book ReviewsReview

“This is the first book I have read by Mrs. Marshall and it was a great start to a new series. It was sweet, tender, and touching.

I really liked Daniel and Keela’s characters. I thought they were just right for each other. . .

I really enjoyed this book. I thought as I mentioned above that it was sweet and tender. I loved Daniels family and their family bond. And I can’t wait for his brothers books.”

Nicole’s Book Musings – Excerpt

Anna nodded, as serious as a little kid could be. Keela took the tiny, tangerine-colored backpack covered in animated movie characters off the child’s shoulders, unzipped it and fished out some crayons and a coloring book. “You can make some nice pictures for Daddy for when you see him next.” Then she escorted the girl to the chair opposite Daniel’s desk. The one he reserved for his patients. There was a small table with assorted magazines next to it. She could color on that. She was so tiny, and probably worried about the big mean-faced man. He tried to smile to ease her concerns, but failed. It wasn’t her fault she’d been stuck with him, old mean-face, who was still hurting and lost and, so far, unable to move on.

A Striking Viper, Caught in a Tangled Web – Review

“Ms. Marshall works hard to establish a sense of the characters and the town and community for her readers. . . . overall, this was a sweet romance to read. I enjoyed reading how the two of them worked to overcome their own insecurities to take a chance on love.”

Becky on Books – Review

“Forever a Father is a sweet romance about two people who are starting over…but who both have many issues in their past that are standing in their way. . . . The book is the first in The Delaneys of Sandpiper Beach series, and introduces us to a charming town and family that has two more single sons whose stories are due to follow soon.”

underneath the covers – Excerpt

She’d imposed her daughter on him, and what could she expect—that he’d love it? Thank the heavens it had ended well and she still had a job. But a flare of sadness made her think how Anna’s own father hardly ever wanted to spend time with her. At least Daniel had taken her for ice cream, maybe not because he wanted to, but because he was a decent guy. That alone made him different from her ex.

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

The day she’d first met Daniel Delaney, she’d tried her best to remain professional but knew her dire need for employment cracked through her job-applicant veneer. Please hire me. Please. Please. Please? His natural good looks had set her off-kilter, but she’d quickly focused beyond his shocking green eyes and his sturdy rugby build, the charming Irish smile she’d recognize anywhere. There was absolutely no reason for her to notice his stylishly cut, thick brown hair, but she had.

Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader – Review

“He doesn’t know exactly what is about her and her little girl but they make him want things he didn’t think he would ever want again.
This story is a sweet romance and good read.”

Brooke Blogs – Excerpt

Daniel finished assessing his last rescheduled patient, then went to his office, ready to pick up where he’d left off earlier, practicing his presentation for tomorrow, before he’d been interrupted by Anna. Even though the clinic was empty, he closed the door. The winding tangle in his chest since Anna walked in, reminding him of what he’d lost, pinched tighter. He sat, squeezed his eyes closed and, covering them with his hand, pressed his temples with thumb and fingertip. He stayed like that for a few moments, listening to his breathing, fighting off the pain, the grief, grasping at the calm that always eluded him at times like this. Don’t do it. Do. Not. Do it.

Simply Kelina – Review

“It was a very quick read as it is only a little over 200 pages. I will say, this moved very fast. . . . I ended up enjoying this story though. If you are looking for a cute read, I definitely recommend this.”

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Forever a Father
(Delaneys of Sandpiper Beach #1)
by Lynne Marshall
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 224 pages

March 1st 2018 by Harlequin Special Edition
GoodreadsAmazonB&NBook Depository


“Will you be my dad?”

Ask me anything but that.

Once upon a time, Dr. Daniel Delaney had it all. But he lost it in the blink of an eye, and he won’t let himself fall again—not even for his dedicated new assistant, Keela O’Mara, and her adorable, lonely little girl, Anna. Resisting a starry-eyed four-year-old is tough enough. Denying her perfect, loving single mom may be more than Daniel can handle…

Other Books in the Series (coming soon)

About the Author

Lynne Marshall has been traditionally published with Harlequin as a category romance author for more than ten years with over twenty-five books, and more recently with TULE Publishing, she has also gone hybrid with self-publishing. She is a Southern California native, has been married to a New Englander for a long time, and has two adult children of whom she is super proud. She is also an adoring grandmother of two beautiful little girls, a woman of faith, a dog lover, a cat admirer, a meandering walker, a curious traveler, and an optimistic participant in this wild journey called life.

Tour Giveaway

3 winners will receive their choice of one print book from Lynne Marshall’s Home in Heartlandia series: A DOCTOR FOR KEEPS, HER PERFECT PROPOSAL, and FALLING FOR THE MOM-TO-BE (if US, winner will receive their book signed)

Open internationally
Ends March 7th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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