On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

We’re blitzing the GRAND FINALE for:
A Love Like Ours
By Becky Wade
Did you miss any of the excerpts or reviews for this tour? There’s still time to check them out and to order your copy of A Love Like Ours by May 17th to have part of your proceeds go to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund (more details on the Launch).

Launch – Letter from Author Becky Wade

“I’ll be giving a percentage of my earnings on A Love Like Ours from whenever the book starts selling through May 17th to IFHF.”

Babs Book Bistro – Review

“…this is the first book I have read by this author and it will not be the last.”

     Turning, he squinted beneath the brim of his black Stetson and tried to make out who was coming toward him. A small woman with long, wavy blond hair. She wasn’t on the barn staff; that he knew. He angled toward her more fully.
     And then, very slowly, recognition began to slide over him. The hair on his arms rose.
     It couldn’t be her. Not after all this time. And yet the rational part of his brain understood that it could be. He knew she’d moved back to Holley. His mom had been nagging him to see her ever since, but he’d wanted no part of that, no part of her.
     Yet here she was.

Bookworm Lisa – Review

“Jake was a marine. The wounds he carries from his time in Iraq are not all visible to the eye. He has a scar on his face, but his real battle is in the PTSD that is a part of his everyday life. I really liked that the book looked into a topic that is the battle that extends long after a soldier leaves the military. The book looks at how everyday situations can impact a person struggling with PTSD.”

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

     Jake’s poor face. His poor, ravaged face, both undeniably handsome and unbearably exhausted. As big and strong as he was physically, he was also wounded. He needed someone to care about him.
     Following pure instinct, she stepped forward and reached up to place her hands on either side of his face.
     “No,” he rasped, trying to pull back.
     “Shh,” she replied, firm. She’d purposely placed her hands in the same position on both sides of his face, favoring neither the perfect side nor the scarred.

“Tackling a serious issue that many in our military face is no easy feat, but Ms. Wade does it well. The story isn’t too heavy, as it’s balanced with romance, fun, family, horses, and religion. I love reading about this Porter Family and can’t wait for more!”

Pieces of Whimsy – Excerpt

     He had only two goals where Lyndie was concerned: to interact with her as little as possible and to keep her safe.
     Whispering Creek Horses took every precaution with their exercise riders. In the past, a few had sustained minor injuries but none had been seriously hurt. There was no reason to worry about Lyndie.
     He should be more concerned about himself. He couldn’t afford to let a pretty blonde mess with his head.

“The slow progression for Jake is so satisfying to read. I loved the flow of the book and I loved learning in bits about both Jake and Lyndie. This is one of those “feel good” books leave you so content in the end. It’s a great addition to this Porter Family series. I loved it!”

I Am A Reader – Excerpt

     How long had it been since she’d experienced a stirring of desire for anyone? Ages. A couple of years at least. It was fun and harmless to . . . tingle . . . over someone again. It wasn’t as if Jake was in danger of returning her feelings. Or as if this altered her intentions toward him.
     She was determined to help him and his horse. The kind of help she had in mind for Jake had nothing to do with Valentine’s Day emotions and everything to do with God’s power to redeem.

     Jake stopped at Silver Leaf’s stall. The horse had his head down, chewing hay. It took Jake a moment to spot Lyndie’s small form in the dim space. She sat to one side, her back against the wall, her knees drawn up and her arms wrapped around them. She must have heard him coming because she was already gazing up at him. Her lips tipped into a gentle smile.
     For a long moment Jake stared at her. Foolish woman, sitting in a horse stall for hours every day. Even more frustrating, looking at him as if she liked him and trusted him. Looking at him as if she believed he was worthy of her friendship and trust. Raw pain gathered in his chest.

“A Love Like Ours was another special read from Becky Wade. I loved the characters and finally reading Jake’s story…which was such a sad, yet beautiful story.”

Worthy2Read – Review

“Character-driven, A Love Like Ours was a joy to read — and re-read. As Lyndie and Jake get to know one another again, Lyndie breaks through the walls Jake has built (and those surrounding Silver Leaf) to be an instrument of hope and healing. Wades characters are flawed individuals, ones the reader can relate to and cheer for. Her novel captivates the reader from the prologue.”

My Devotional Thoughts – Spotlight

A Love Like Ours (Porter Family #3)A Love Like Ours
(Porter Family #3)
by Becky Wade
Christian Contemporary Romance

Paperback, 368 Pages
May 5th 2015 by Bethany House Publishers

Deeply scarred from a day he wishes he could forget during his military service, Thoroughbred trainer Jake Porter has given up on love. He struggles against symptoms of PTSD, lives a solitary life, and avoids relationships.

When Lyndie James, Jake’s childhood best friend, returns to their hometown of Holley, Texas, Jake cautiously hires her to exercise his Thoroughbreds. Lyndie is tender-hearted, fiercely determined, and afraid of nothing, just like she was as a child. Jake trusts her with his prized racehorse, Silver Leaf, then battles his hopes for his horse against his increasing fear for Lyndie’s safety.

Though Jake and Lyndie have grown into very different adults, the bond that existed during their childhood still ties them together. Against Jake’s will, Lyndie’s sparkling, optimistic personality begins to tear down the walls he’s built around his heart. A glimmer of the hope he’d thought he’d lost returns. Will Jake ever be able to love Lyndie like she deserves, or is his heart too shattered to mend?

AmazonBarnes & NobleChristian BookBook Depository

During her childhood in California, Becky Wade frequently produced homemade plays starring her sisters, friends, and cousins. These plays almost always featured a heroine, a prince, and a love story with a happy ending. She’s been a fan of all things romantic ever since.

Becky and her husband lived overseas in the Caribbean and Australia before settling in Dallas, Texas. It was during her years abroad that Becky’s passion for reading turned into a passion for writing. She published three historical romances for the general market, put her career on hold for many years to care for her kids, and eventually returned to writing sheerly for the love of it. She’s delighted to be penning warm, wry, and heartwarming contemporary romances for the Christian market. She’s the Carol Award and Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award winning author of My Stubborn Heart, Undeniably Yours, and Meant to Be Mine.

These days Becky can be found failing but trying to keep up with her housework, sweating at the gym, carting her kids around town, playing tennis, hunched over her computer, eating chocolate, or collapsed on the sofa watching TV with her husband.


Other Books by the Author

Links for My Stubborn Heart
AmazonBarnes & NobleChristian BookBook Depository
Links for Undeniably Yours (Porter Family #1)
AmazonBarnes & NobleChristian BookBook Depository
Links for Meant to Be Mine (Porter Family #2)
AmazonBarnes & NobleChristian BookBook Depository

Tour Giveaway

$50 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
Signed copy of A Love Like Ours (US Only)
1 Kindle ebook (gifted through Amazon) of A Love Like Ours (INT – if available in your area)
Ends May 4th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To post this Grand Finale and add your Social Media to the Rafflecopter, 
email us at PrismBookTours(at)gmail.com with “Meant to Be Mine GF” in the subject line.

A book tour hosted by Prism Book Tours.


Meant to Be Mine
by Becky Wade

Happy Mother’s Day! In Meant to Be Mine, Celia has been living as a single mother and then later in the story has to figure out who she is as a woman as her daughter becomes less dependent on her. We want to thank all you moms out there who give so much of yourselves to do what you do!! It isn’t easy being a mother all the time, but it is also one of the best jobs for all the love given and received.

Meant to be Mine (A Porter Family Novel, #2)

Meant to Be Mine
(A Porter Family Novel #2)
by Becky Wade

Christian Romance
May 2014 by Bethany House Publishers
Ty Porter has always been irresistible to Celia Park. All through high school—irresistible. When their paths cross again after college—still irresistible. This time, though, Ty seems to feel exactly the same way about Celia. Their whirlwind romance deposits them at a street-corner Las Vegas wedding chapel.
The next morning they wake to a marriage certificate and a dose of cold reality. Celia’s ready to be Ty’s wife, but Ty’s not ready to be her husband. He’s a professional bull rider, he lives on the road, and he’s long planned to settle down with the hometown girl he’s known since childhood.
Five and a half years pass. Celia’s buried her dreams so that she can afford to raise her daughter. Ty’s achieved all of his goals. Or thought he had, until he looks again into the eyes of the woman he couldn’t forget and into the face of the child he never knew he had.
How much will Ty sacrifice to win back Celia’s trust and prove to her that their spontaneous marriage can still become the love of a lifetime?

Did you miss any of the stops along the tour? 
You can go back and check them out now!

May 5
Tressa’s Wishful Endings – Review
“It had a perfect mix of romance, heartbreak, well-fleshed characters, inspiration, hope, and a small-town setting….Truly a well-written, heartfelt, and enjoyably sweet story!”
I Am A Reader – Excerpt
     “I’m not Mrs. Porter.” Teasing tinged her voice. She didn’t want to be too hard on him, not when the notion of him wanting to marry her was so outrageously flattering.
     “Determined to wait until after the ceremony, huh?” He tipped the dealers and requested a tray so that he could pack up his chips. “You coming?”
     “Definitely.” She didn’t want to tell him this, at the risk of seeming pathetic. But she’d follow him anywhere.
Rina’s Reading – Review
“Read this if you enjoy contemporary romance with twists, cowboys and cute little girls. And great (clean, but sweep you off your feet) kisses.”
May 6
The Wonderings of One Person – Excerpt
     There he was.
     She forgot how to breathe.
     He was striding down the sidewalk towards her, a few shops away and closing, looking up, probably to find the sign that said Jana’s.
     She’d anticipated that he’d look handsome. But ‘handsome’ was something you might say about a male model in a magazine ad; it was too stiff and flat an adjective for Ty Porter.
     Ty Porter had the kind of appeal that pulled your gaze to him and wouldn’t let you look away.
JoJo’s Corner – Review
“I think this story will ring true and resonate with many readers- that love isn’t always like a Disney fairy tale. If you’re a fan of great love stories with memorable characters- don’t miss this one!!!!”
Heidi Reads… – Review
“I was surprised by how much I loved this book! The secret baby theme isn’t my favorite, but the author was so skilled in portraying the complex emotions of the characters, I was immediately drawn in and couldn’t put the book down!…I definitely recommend this book and can’t wait to read the rest of her books!”
May 7
Copywrite1985 – Review
“Ty Porter and Celia Parker got married in Vegas after dating four days. It shouldn’t have worked, and for a long time, it didn’t. But God had a plan to save the bull rider and the baker’s marriage, and He carried it out despite their stubbornness, bitterness, and inability to forgive. This reader really enjoyed being along for the ride.”
Kindle and Me – Review
“I am so glad that I read this. It delved deeper into all aspects of relationships with their sacrifices and trust issues. It was an eye opener for me. I definitely will be reading the rest of the series.”
Redpillows – Review
“This is truly a fun read and the simpleness of the story is beautiful. The author has also brought out the strong belief people have in God and in the end how that can shape or change a person’s life if you just believe. This is a beautiful story of love, understanding and trust, the lengths to which people can go to protect the ones they love or to gain the trust of the people they love.”
Little Lisa – Spotlight
“I LOVED THIS BOOK! I loved the banter, the romance and the theme of forgiveness! I couldn’t put the book down and recommend it to all!!!”
Add Librarian – Review
“It’s romance with just the right touch of faith at it’s heart. The characters are spot on and the pacing is fantastic.”
May 8
Katie ‘ Clean Book Collection – Review
“I absolutely loved the journey Ty and Celia went on in their discovery of what truly matters in life. The journey to true love isn’t always easy, but it can be so much fun, as well as sweet and romantic.”
Christy’s Cozy Corners – Excerpt
     “Aw,” he crooned. “Watching me ride gave you a little thing for me, didn’t it sweet one?”
     She turned a withering look on him. “What kind of a thing?”
     “A burning love kind of a thing.”
     “Admit it, you missed me while I was gone.” 
     “Not in the least.” 
     “Still hate me?” 
Tell Tale Book Reviews – Excerpt
     If he could feel a calm sort of kindness toward Celia, that would be good. That’s what he’d been going for tonight.
     Instead, when she’d opened her door, pleasure had rushed through him at the sight of her. After years on the road, seeing her standing in front of him with a bright, good-smelling house behind her had felt like coming home. The kind of home that had nothing to do with her fool apartment.
The Written Adventure – Excerpt
     Once Pummeler had disappeared down the passage where all bulls disappeared, Ty lifted his hat, smiled at the crowd, and turned in a circle to acknowledge their support. The down-home commentators with the chicken-fried-steak accents called him a ‘fan favorite’ and a ‘three time world champion’ and ‘third in the season’s standings’.
     “Nice try, Pummeler.” Celia shook her head and fast-forwarded. 
     Ty rode again and stayed on again. 
     Unfortunately no one would be denting Ty’s arrogance tonight.
Elle in Organic Shoes – Review
“If you are looking for a cute story full of witty banter and to sink your teeth into be sure to check out this book as well as Becky Wade’s other stories.”
Life Isn’t Always a Fairytale – Review
“I just got through Becky Wades new book called Meant to Be. If you haven’t read any books by Becky, I highly recommend it! She is a delight….It’s truly great and I give it five stars!”
May 9
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing – Review
“I just loved everything about this book. I loved that it made me mad, and laugh and cry. I mean, when an author does that to me, I just want to jump up and down. I know, kind of crazy, but I love it when a book can bring such emotions out of me….It was sweet, funny, and just an all around great read.”
Batch of Books – Review
“It’s official. I’m a die hard Becky Wade fan. I love her books. They are real and heartfelt stories that I connect to….I would highly recommend this book to fans of Christian fiction and romance. It’s a beautiful reminder that marriage is sacred to God.”
Getting Your Read On – Review
“The Christian elements are there but aren’t overpowering. The story really shines through and I enjoyed it all a lot. In fact, when I finished this book, which is the second in the series, I went right to Amazon to check out the other books by this author.”
Coffee Books and Me – Review
“I just love the simplicity and the beauty of the story. It’s about love and forgiveness. It’s one of those books you want to read if you want to relax and unwind.”

About the Author

During her childhood in California, Becky Wade frequently produced homemade plays starring her sisters, friends, and cousins. These plays almost always featured a heroine, a prince, and a love story with a happy ending. She’s been a fan of all things romantic ever since.
Becky and her husband lived overseas in the Caribbean and Australia before settling in Dallas, Texas. It was during her years abroad that Becky’s passion for reading turned into a passion for writing. She published three historical romances for the general market, put her career on hold for many years to care for her kids, and eventually returned to writing sheerly for the love of it. She’s delighted to be penning warm, wry, and heartwarming contemporary romances for the Christian market. Her CBA debut, My Stubborn Heart, was a finalist in both the RITA and INSPY awards. Undeniably Yours kicked off her Texas-set Porter Family series. Her newest contemporary romance, Meant to Be Mine, has just hit shelves!

These days Becky can be found failing but trying to keep up with her housework, sweating at the gym, carting her kids around town, playing tennis, hunched over her computer, eating chocolate, or collapsed on the sofa watching TV with her husband.

Website * Goodreads * FacebookTwitter * Pinterest
Tour-Wide Giveaway

Prize #1: $50 Visa gift card and a paperback or ebook copy of Meant to Be Mine (open internationally)
Prize #2: 1 lb. of Starbucks coffee and signed copies of Undeniably Yours and Meant to Be Mine (US Only)
Prize #3: Box of See’s Chocolates and signed copies of Undeniably Yours and Meant to Be Mine (US Only)

May 4 – 18

a Rafflecopter giveaway 
Prism Book Tours
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