Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Precarious Yates
Title of book: The Heart of the Caveat Whale trilogy
Brief summary of the story:
I’m sure you are simply dying to meet some mermaids, but you’ll have to be patient, unless you can breathe under water. And you probably want to meet a few aquavians—
You mean you’ve never heard of aquavians?
These swarthy skinned beauties look human but live under the sea in Aiqua Marrin. They can survive just as well on land, but don’t like to stay too long. Their favorite past times are laughter and play.
Except the MerKing comes along and corrupts all of these fun-loving creatures. To top it off, the once friendly mermen are now violent.
There seems no end to the MerKing’s desire to conquer Aiqua Marrin. His conquests move from sea to land. Continents and islands fall prey to his relentless attacks. And he’s near unstoppable, as long as Shunda does not rise up against him.
Shunda, a gentle and lonely orphaned aquavian, has no idea he’s the key to freedom for both the aquavians and the merfolk.
The Heart of the Caveat Whale trilogy is now available in a single volume! Find the long lost Captives. Learn the secrets of Pyromarne. Discover the power of The Tiller and the Song. Lounge on the beaches of Hoondiake. Swim among the icebergs of Iyunsha. Visit the garden between the volcanoes. Dare to plunge to the depths of Loesheen Sea. Come to Aiqua Marrin with me!
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Welcome to the world of Aiqua Marrin! There’s quite a bit of water here, more ocean than even on earth. You may want to wear your swimsuit. Perhaps a mermaid tail.
If we were to visit Aiqua Marrin as tourists, what would you recommend we see or do there?
Definitely visit the beaches of Hoondiake, especially those along the Fodun Sea. But don’t go swimming yet…not unless you know how to wield a trident.
What dangers should we avoid in Aiqua Marrin?
The Sukta Lagoon, in the Fodun Sea, is full of trouble. But it’s not as terrifying as the eidolons’ cave.
Is there a distinct or unusual food or meal that might be found on Aiqua Marrin?
Obviously, most of the food is seafood. On Hoondiake, Shunda finds human food to be very spicy, like jellyfish stings on his tongue. However, the food from the Ulys, the river people, is always very sweet. And you’ll most likely drink tea if you spend a day with the Ulys. Hot tea, lots of sugar.
What types of weaponry or fighting style the are common in Aiqua Marrin?
The mermen taught the aquavians how to use tridents. The sides of the tridents near the tips are razor sharp.
There are also the kokoduk swords. A prince of Hoondiake is trained to fight using a pair of these swords.  
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Aiqua Marrin?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Aquavians rarely employ magic, except for their pearl belts. These belts help the aquavians acclimate quickly to new environments. But the MerKing tries to exploit all the magic he can, particularly the magic in the mystery meat he eats and the strange metal called pyromarne.
Iyunshins, the aquavians from the frozen realm of Iyunaha, have magic stones that respond to verbal commands. Shunda hopes he doesn’t blunder the commands before he learns the power of his own words.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Aiqua Marrin that we don’t see on Earth?
You’ll want to stay away from bohundogots. These creatures have sixty foot long squid-like tentacles, crab-like legs, and are able to climb onto land for brief periods to snatch their prey or smash buildings.
Nunateesh flyers are gigantic, gentle, ten-eyed swimmers who glide through the waters on nomadic journeys. Some of these are employed by aquavians to help transport them swiftly from one sea to another.
Most of the other creatures are either familiar from our world, or, like the sea dragon, exponentially larger.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I wrote The Heart of the Caveat Whale in the weeks and months following the devastating tsunami on St. Stephen’s Day 2004. It’s crazy how an event on the other side of the world can impact someone so completely. I spent the next few years polishing the story into its current form. I hope you enjoy!
Author Biography:
Precarious Yates lives in Texas with husband, daughter, dogs, chickens, sheep and by the time you read this some other exotic creature her husband or daughter has brought home. She had studied the plight of and worked toward the abolition of modern slavery for over a decade before sitting down to write Revelation Special Ops. She was further inspired by the work of her sister-in-law, who helped to found Love146, an organization that works to raise awareness about human trafficking and builds safe homes in vulnerable regions. Yates spent several years overseas as a missionary in Ireland, and also did missions work in India and the Philippines. Her passion for literature has become her means of further educating young adults of the realities of modern slavery, while producing hope through the power of Christ Jesus in us.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?
Where can readers connect with you online?
There’s the blog for The Heart of the Caveat Whale. And the blog for Precarious Yates.  I also have a Facebook page, and an author page on Amazon.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Cambrogi.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the kingdom of Arke, in Realm Explorers Part XC!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:

Anderson Atlas
Title of book and/or series:
Surviving the Improbable Quest
Brief summary of the story:
Allan mysteriously arrives on Lan Darr, a planet with three moons, poisonous plants, and watchful shadows. A stone wall towers over him, hiding a dense and ancient city. He needs to escape the dark forest whose trees are marked with blood and find his way home. Trouble is, Allan is a paraplegic and his wheelchair is nowhere to be seen.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The inhabitants of Lan Darr are as advanced as humans were in the 1800’s and just as brutal to each other as well. The rulers of the city of Dantia own slaves and do as they please, especially at the expense of weaker individuals. Allan is in for quite a rude awakening when he’s shoved into a cage by an ornery creature shaped like an ostrich but with a much larger, crooked beak and bloodshot eyes.   
If we were to visit Lan Darr as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
First of all, I would recommend going with an armed group of guards. Once you’ve obtained the proper permits from Killian Crow, I’d recommend visiting the capital city of Dantia. It’s traversed by canals and the buildings are ten stories tall or more. The food is very diverse and Dantians do love their sweets.
What dangers should we avoid in Lan Darr?
The pyramid-shaped flowers have a sharp piston tucked inside their delicate petals that pack quite a punch. Its effects have been likened to sticking your finger in a light socket. If you run into this plant by accident, jump into the canal, then, while submerged, remove the piston from your skin. The pain will fade in an hour or so.
I’d also avoid the Jibbawk’s territory. It’s a hunter and always looking for its next meal. If you see a red ‘X’ on the trunk of a tree, get out of there.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Dantia?
Yes. Dantians serve crispy baguette style breads with different types of spreads. Nupkinkle spread tastes very much like whipped cream and cherries. Nupkinkle spread contains red seedpods. They’re soft and velvety and about the size of a nickel. The texture has frightened away many travelers, but bite into it and the juices are magnificent!
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Dantia?
Killian Crow and his policemen have various tools at their disposal, but most notable are the shock poles. Shock poles are powered by rare energy crystals and last a thousand years when used as a light source. When used in shock poles, they die in about five years. The underground Tinkers, a society of free thinkers, steal the energy crystals from shock poles so that the people of Dantia have a light source other than candles.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Dantia?
Narrow boats are used to traverse the canal system. It’s a wonderful, quiet way to get around the city. The city is thirty miles across and has many exciting events going on, including circuses and traveling sideshows. If you can’t get to them by boat you’ll have to walk.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Lan Darr that we don’t see on Earth?
Hetaphants are very popular. They are elephant-like creatures that are used to build things and to carry large stones to construction sites. They are intelligent and caring. They help Allan in a desperate time of need, to his surprise.
I’d also like to mention the pesky Chicubs that crawl into buildings and steal things and have similar dispositions as Earth ferrets, though not as cute.
Mytheather is also a wonderful plant. It’s as strong as steal and as flexible as a spider’s web.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Dantia? 
The most famous of the Tinkers is Mizzi. He’s constructed blimps, a rudimentary engine and even powered exoskeleton legs for Allan with an energy crystal. He lives in humble surroundings, believing that his inventions are only to help others and not himself. When Allan meets him, Allan knows he’s found a friend on this strange planet. Hope seems a little more attainable.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Dantia.
The Testing. There is only one way for a slave to be freed in Dantia. They have to pass a series of dangerous, and sometimes fatal, tests. The tests change every year but they push the contestants to the very edge.
What is the political or government structure in Dantia?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Killian Crow is the leader and he rules with an iron fist. It is his way, or no way.
Author Autobiography:
Anderson Atlas is an author and illustrator from Tucson, Arizona. He’s driven to bring thrilling stories, hopeful messages, and such enchanting hooks that young adults will experience the spark that reading ignites.  
As an illustrator, Anderson is dedicated to pairing his stories with stunning visuals. He believes that reading is essential to happiness and so is art. Combining the two is a symbiotic act of his creation process.
When Anderson is not drawing or writing he’s hiking with his 6 year old daughter, playing guitar, reading, sailing or watching movies with his wife and step-son.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book? 

Where can readers connect with you online? 
Thank you for reading and I sincerely hope you like Allan Westerfield: Off-World.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Lan Darr.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the world of Cambrogi, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. You can even enter a giveaway to win a Kindle Fire or one of three Starbucks gift cards!

Author’s name:

Heather L.L. FitzGerald
Title of book and/or series:
The Tethered World, book 1 of the The Tethered World Chronicles.
Brief summary of the story:
Sixteen year old Sadie Larcen learns that her family is involved with a world of creatures that once lived in the Garden of Eden. When her parents disappear, she has to travel to this world with her siblings to rescue them—much to her dismay.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Before the Great Flood, God moved the creatures in the Garden of Eden to large pockets in the earth, below ground. The largest, most central location is in the Pacific Northwest. Their “sky” is a giant geode that glows and provides light due to the Flaming Sword of Cherubythe—the very sword held by the angel (cherub) in Genesis, preventing humanity from returning to the Garden. 
A variety of creatures from folklore and the Bible live in the Tethered World. Gnomes, Dwarves, Leprechauns, Trolls, Elves, Ogres, and Nephilim are the main denizens in book one. There are legends of such creatures all over the world because they make occasional visits “topside” (as they refer to those that live on top of the earth’s crust, rather than under it). The Gnomes are the creatures endowed with protecting the powerful Sword.
If we were to visit the Tethered World as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? 
Walking through the Faery Meadow is a good place to start. What looks like large dandelions gone to seed are really thousands of gossamer Faeries. The Faeries are used by the Gnomes and Dwarves as an instantaneous, emergency transport. You might disappear and find yourself in the charming city of Vituvia with the Gnomes, or in the rocky fortress of Berganstroud with the Dwarves. Of course, the real luxury is across the Berganstroud mountains in Calamus, realm of the Nephilim. They are wealthy and proud and have built a sprawling city on the banks of the River Gambrell.
What dangers should we avoid in the Tethered World?
There are several creature groups that won’t be very hospitable. The Ogres of Skellerwad are particularly fond of making sport of humans (when given the rare opportunity). Avoid their island at all costs. Plus…you wouldn’t enjoy crossing the stinking Sulfur Sea to get there anyway. The Trolls are the other major danger. Their creepy castle, the Eldritch, carved into Mount Thrall, holds many mysteries and dangers. And the Trolls often employ the Dark Dwarves to do their dirty work, so stay away from them as well. Oh! And there are Sleeping Serpents that you don’t want to wake . . . 
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the Tethered World?
Vegetation doesn’t thrive in the imitation sunlight quite like it would in the real sunshine. But through the ages, the creatures have learned to adapt. The Gnomes, in particular, have hearty gardens. Of course, there’s no rain below the earth’s surface, but there is a daily dose of mist which serves to hydrate the plants. This moisture allows mushrooms and moss to become quite prolific! Therefore, you can expect many creative dishes with both of those ingredients. 
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the Tethered World?
Good old fashioned hand to hand combat is still the means of warfare. Swords, daggers, catapults, and bows and arrows. 
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the Tethered World?
I mentioned traveling by Faery earlier, but that is more the exception. The Dwarves use horses—many of them smaller and pony-size. The Gnomes have domesticated a creature that’s unique to the Tethered World. Clovenboars (nicknamed “Toboggans” for the way they slink across the countryside), are creepy to behold but only dangerous if you’re a Troll or Leprechaun. They have the ability to see Leprechauns that have made themselves invisible. Built low to the ground, like a panther, they’re just the right size for a Gnome. It would be undignified to put a petite Gnome on top of a huge animal like a horse. Some of the Nephilim can fly, if they were born with wings (like the royal family). Finally, there are legendary Hippogriffs that have been tamed by the Trolls for riding in combat.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the Tethered World?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
The magic is inherent to the creature in book one. Leprechauns can become invisible, Faeries can transport others in an instant. Gnomes can “interface” with animals, which makes them excellent at training squirrels and rabbits for entertainment purposes. The Elves of Willowmist are also able to become invisible, but they’re friendly—unlike the mischievous Leprechauns.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in the Tethered World.
The Dwarves will often travel topside to work, learn a new skill, or dumpster dive (“no one knows how to waste things like Americans!”). The royal Nephilim family will hire Dwarves as a form of entertainment for their parties. The Dwarves will act out shows or movies that they’ve been exposed to topside. As mentioned earlier, Ogres will make sport of humans, if they can get their clammy hands on one. Though all the creatures have their downtime activities, I only mention the two examples here, in the story.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in the Tethered World as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Yes, they are fairly connected to the rhythm of life topside. Though the concept isn’t really discussed, it is implied. The night time hours are a bit different, however. The glowing geode “sky” dims for about a six hour period, called “dusktime.” Because the creatures below are hardy folks, they need less recuperation and sleep. 
Is there a particular religion practiced in the Tethered World?  Please describe what it involves.
The creatures are all quite aware of their history and how they came to be in the Tethered World. They see the evidence of God’s provision on their land every day in the form of light given by the Sword. Though there are some creatures that wish to deviate from acknowledging their Creator, overall there is the recognition of God in their purpose and plans.
What is the political or government structure in the Tethered World?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The Gnomes are the guardians of the Sword, so they are small but powerful. However, they are also humble about their status and also rely on a monarch that is human to help them rule. Currently the ruler is Queen Judith (soon to retire). The queen has a cabinet of Gnomes that help her rule. The Dwarves have a chief but are loosely structured. They are allied with the Gnomes and work together well. 
In the last ten years, the Trolls have had a leader come to power that seems to be part tyrant, part religious icon. The Dwarves and Gnomes are keeping a wary eye on what the Trolls are doing under his leadership.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
They say to write “what you know” so, yes, there are many things that are personally part of my life. The setting in Orchards, Washington (aka Vancouver) is where I grew up. The landmarks mentioned, including the local fast-food establishment, are places I know and love (and miss! I live in Texas now). 
The main character, Sadie, has an autistic brother, Brock. I have an autistic son. With autism so prevalent, I wanted to make it a normal part of my main character’s life—the way sports or even race might be part of a character’s identity. In fact, it’s Brock’s uniqueness that gives him a special role to play in the Tethered World. 
Beyond that, just about all of my characters or the towns/realms in the Tethered World are names of family and friends that have been tweaked. I love to give a nod to those that I care about. 
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
My main character is homeschooled. Again, it’s treated in a very matter-of-fact way, like autism. Both things have come across everyone’s radar these days. It merely supplies a backdrop to her character—the same way a character from a divorced family has that life-event that colors their decisions. 
Author Autobiography:
I’m a right-brained individual and have always loved anything creative, especially writing. Writing a book has been on my bucket list since before anyone called it a bucket list! Reading to my kids lead me to stories that I hated to part with. Why did the Chronicles of Narnia have to come to an end, for Pete’s sake? Same with Gregor the Overlander series from Suzanne Collins. Good stuff. I hope to write books that leave people feeling the same way. 
Although I was already writing on my own, I began to blog about seven years ago. Had the privilege of being selected as a blogger/reviewer for The Old Schoolhouse magazine, online. One of the books I reviewed led the author, Susan K. Marlow, to ask if I was a writer too. She became my mentor who has encouraged me and taught me more than I could ever repay. I’ve enjoyed being a contest judge for her fan fiction contests the last three years. I’m also a member of the North Texas Christian Writers group and help to lead the Manet Writer’s group.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book? 
The Tethered World is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, both in paperback and eBook. I will also offer autographed copies on my website. 
Where can readers connect with you online?
Through my website/blogFacebook, Pintrest: (Belongs to my main character, Sadie!), Character blog: (Sadie’s mom has a blog about legendary creatures, and you can follow it!), Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads.

This post is part of the Books & Beverages Blog Tour hosted by Mountain Brook Ink publishing! We’re so excited that you are joining us for the next two weeks of fun. We look forward to introducing you to some new authors — maybe you’ll even find a new favorite! The tour begins here and goes through March 1, 2016, ending with Anna Weaver Hurrts. Please check below for the complete schedule of the tour.
Each stop will include an opportunity to enter for a FREE KINDLE FIRE as the grand prize, as well as three runner-up opportunities to win a $10 Starbucks gift card! Check the bottom of the post for either a Rafflecopter FORM or a Rafflecopter link for your chance to enter!
2/15 – http://anniedouglasslima.blogspot.com/ Annie Douglass Lima
2/18 – http://www.sandrarobbins.net/ Sandra Robbins
2/19 – http://www.jlmbewe.com/index.php/blog/ Jennette Mbewe
2/20 – http://plentifulpursuits.com Erika Keswick
2/21 – https://mdeshaies.wordpress.com/ Marisa Deshaies
2/23 – https://agreateryes.wordpress.com/ Crystal Scott
2/24 – http://thegatheringfire.wordpress.com Stephanie Florentino
2/25 – http://dianasbookit.blogspot.com/ Diana Montgomery   
2/26 – http://www.liztolsma.comLiz Tolsma
2/27 – http://sarahruut.com/ Sarah Ruut
2/28 – http://notbybread.wordpress.com Ashley Taylor
3/1 – http://www.annaweaverbooks.com/giveaways Anna Weaver Hurrts
Featured Authors:

Heather L.L. FitzGerald – Debut author of young adult fantasy series, The Tethered World Chronicles
Kimberly Rose Johnson – Multi-published author of sweet romance series, The Wildflower B&B Romance
Angela Ruth Strong – Multi-published author of Finding Love in Sun Valley, Idaho, book one in the Resort to Love series

GIVEAWAY – Mountain Brook Ink will be giving away ONE KINDLE FIRE as a grand prize, and three Starbucks gift cards as runner-up prizes. Winners will be chosen at random.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the Tethered World.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the planet Lan Darr, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXIV!

-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
Liam Gibbs
Title of book and/or series:
In a Galaxy Far, Far Awry
Brief summary of the story:
He calls himself Master Asinine. Don’t laugh.
With the might of the underworld at his back, Asinine plans to rule the—well, pretty much everything. He’s got a planet-destroying laser and just bullied the galaxy’s major criminal organizations into forming an unstoppable force he calls “The Bad Guys.”
Standing against him is his one-time comrade-in-arms Matross Legion, a somewhat neurotic green-skinned Trioxidillian. He and Asinine haven’t spoken since Asinine killed their best friend, which, as you can imagine, somewhat soured their relationship.
Gathering a small team of people with hyperabilities, Matross prepares to confront his old enemy. Trouble is, Asinine is also getting ready, and he has all the usual evil mastermind tricks up his sleeve—and a few surprises for an old friend. So don’t laugh at Master Asinine. At least, not to his face.
All bets are off in this book series that combines the most amazing parts of space operas and comic books.
Nothing is more dangerous than a halfwit who controls all crime!
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
In a Galaxy Far, Far Awry evolves in the galaxy of Renovodomus, a society that revolves around the advertising dollar and the hilarious inanity of its citizens. Even the military organizations are no exception, run by the whims of sponsors and corporate advertisers.
And, in a universe where super powers and absurdity run rampant, the advertising dollar might be the most dangerous controlling force to run the gears that operate society.
It’s all fun and games until someone loses…no, wait. It’s always fun and games in Renovodomus.
If we were to visit Renovodomus as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Check out Intergalactic Protection, the ruling military authority of the galaxy. Or stop by Space Cow, the most prevalent fast-food chain in the galaxy, and taste their Still Mooing Value Meal, pending the review of the cow’s endangered species status! Study hyperabilities at any of Renovodomus’s top universities, like that one…or that one over there!
What dangers should we avoid in Renovodomus?
Avoid the chicken at all costs. Oh, and heed all traffic signals and road signs.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Renovodomus?
Anything unusual or distinct can be found at any of Renovodomus’s eateries. Try Space Cow’s Is It Beef? We’ll Find Out Together soft taco or Gastro Challenge’s You’ll Hope It’s Not Gangrenous turkey burger. And, hey, if you’re feeling adventurous, you’ll love Vegan Catapult’s Mouth in a Flower Bed, a lush salad rich with lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and soil! Nummy in your tummy!
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Renovodomus?
The most prevalent weaponry is the inborn superpowers, the hyperabilities, of Renovodomus’s citizens: eye lasers, fire control, self-multiplication, or the power of sarcasm!
Oh, and there’s no lack of fighting styles, which range from gunplay, horse-and-gunplay (they go really well together for that added craziness), and military-based hand-to-hand combat.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Renovodomus?
Technology abounds in the world of the future. Let’s start with the haunt control, the most prevalent voice-activated technology that controls the environment around you, so automated that it makes things seem haunted. Want a chair? Just ask your house to bring you one. Or how about latent technology, another software that stores objects in computer memory for later use? What a space saver!
Super futuristic space vehicles? No shortage there, with flying civilian transports (civ-trans) and military transports (mil-trans). You’ve also got starships, transports that operate on an interplanetary level, that come in several different classes, ranging from Trojan class to Titan class for those times you need to ship out an entire military!
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Renovodomus that we don’t see on Earth?
Futuristic animals come typically in two forms: the thundermammal (giant mammalian beasts used to herd and are good for eating when the family visits), and the gnawl (smaller than the thundermammal but no less tasty with a good barbecue sauce). Oh, and the rhinoceros, which is like the rhinoceros of today but leash-trained. They love their treats and walkies.
Sentient races come in all shapes: the Virillian, a reptilian race that doesn’t speak but acts rather antisocially toward each other and members of other species (you gotta wonder how they propagate); the Trioxidillian, a hairless, green-skinned species; and the Gharalgian, an orange-skinned species whose members have voices that sound high-pitched and grate on your spine.
Unfortunately the plant life in Renovodomus is not too exotic…except for the Death Ray Bulb, which may or may not try to eat you as you pass by! Ah, just kidding. It’ll probably only try to steal your wallet. 
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Renovodomus.
No disappointment here. Renovodomus’s national sport is extreme couponing, which is left undefined except that it involves clipping coupons, competitively shopping for the lowest prices…and bloodthirsty combat! The winner takes home the Voucher Cup. The loser? Well, let’s just say paying full price for a jar of pickles is a disgrace.
The other dominant sport is capture the flag, with a rabid fan base exceeding the millions and a league boasting no less than four hundred separate teams. Go, Mongolian Yurts, go!
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Renovodomus as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Since Terrans (humans) were the first settlers in Renovodomus, the clock operates the same as it does today, with days taking 24 hours and hours taking 60 minutes. Since the advertising dollar rules all, the most celebrated holiday is Boxing Day because of all its sales, and Christmas is now known only as Boxing Day Eve. But beware the sales season! It’s a cutthroat shopping period out there.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Renovodomus?  Please describe what it involves.
The only mentioned religion is Alaphan, which bears such a striking similarity to Christianity that….hmm…one wonders if it’s Christianity in the future.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
My inspiration comes from the loves of pop culture I held growing up as a child. I immersed myself in comics and science fiction, and so I took my interests—Spider-Man, Star Wars, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Futurama, The Tick, Spaceballs, X-Men, and innumerable others—and enthusiastically mashed them together into this super awesome series. I also love making people laugh—it’s my special gift—and so I want to give that gift to the world. Therefore, though this series is a superhero-inspired space opera, it’s also an extreme comedy, where the laughs put the reader in danger of snorting milk out of their noses in public.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
There are no hot-button topics in In a Galaxy Far, Far Awry. It’s a lighthearted world where the reader can escape the pressures of life. Sit back, have a laugh, and don’t worry about a thing. Not everything has to be dark and controversial, am I right?
What is your audience?
My amazing audience is both men and women ages 18 to 60 who love comics and science fiction culture. These are the people who frequent comic book stores, who love watching Star Warsor Star Trek, who hungrily wolf down helpings of Futurama. However, since there is no sex, no swearing, and comical violence in the books, the series is suitable for anyone aged 12 and over, depending on reading level. Since debuting my series, I’ve found a lot of children are interested in finding out more. And who am I to turn down a young reader?
Author Autobiography:
Liam Gibbs knew he was destined to write at age four, when he authored a breathtaking account of a cow who ate grass. The bovine saga failed to catch the public’s eye but earned the budding author parental acclaim. Since those early times, he’s gone on to write the novella Superpowered and humorous articles for various magazines.
A twenty-year veteran of the brutal world of hand-to-hand comic book fandom, Gibbs cut his teenage teeth on titles such as Spider-Man, X-Men, New Warriors, and other Marvel comics.
Gibbs graduated college with a degree in professional writing, which included classes on fiction writing and story structure. He lives on the balmy shores of Ottawa, Canada, where he relaxes by watching staggeringly awful horror and science fiction movies. A health and fitness nut, he shoots lasers from his eyes, uses the word exclusive incorrectly, and once wrestled an exclusive brontosaurus. True story.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? 
Two fantastic/unbelievably fantastic books in the series have been released so far, both in paperback and Kindle format.
Book 1, Serial Fiction Sideshow, can be found on Amazon.
Book 2, Home Sweet Home Invasion, can also be found on Amazon.
Where can readers connect with you online?
Readers can connect with the series and its author in so many places.
·      Like the series on Facebook
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·      Come by for a visit and a quick coffee at the series’ web site
·      Get the latest news dropped right in your e-mail with In a Newsletter Far, Far Awry

·      Holler at the series’ author by e-mail (he’s a nice guy)

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Renovodomus.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the Biblical/Fantasy realm of the Tethered World, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Julie Elizabeth Powell
Title of book and/or series:
The Star Realm #1 The Avalon Trilogy (#2 Invasion #3 Secrets Of The Ice).  The Avalon Trilogy is the whole story but each is an adventure in itself.
Brief summary of the story:
Five children – Davie Jenkins, Ben Jenkins, Chrissie Abbott, Anne Miller and Billy Kennedy – are chosen by the Time Keeper of Avalon (Ezrin) to redress the balance of both his world and theirs (called Elsewhere by the inhabitants of Avalon).  They must find seven elements and save someone in time, before everything is lost and DarkStar consumes them all. 
The further two books of the story see them battle a myriad of creatures and puzzles – the ending should be a complete surprise; everything is answered in the final few pages of Secrets Of The Ice.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The Star Realm is just one world that makes up the Orb of Caprice, an orb that houses billions if not trillions of heptagonal worlds; each one created through imagination via Elsewhere (from either a story, a song, a poem, a dream or a spark of an idea, forever increasing in size). The Star Realm has locations such as the Elysian Forest, the Rainbow Pool and waterfall (where fairies and other magical creatures meet and play), on the right of the Meadow and Star Hamlet, which is a longer walk to the north.  There is also Melodise, where the Drawfrons reside, which is filled with music, in addition to the secret fairy site – and much more.  But it also has Puzzle Woods – a dangerous and mysterious place.
The children visit another world within the Orb in #2 Invasion (The Dark Reaches) and the Dominion Of Ice, in the final book of the trilogy, #3 Secrets Of The Ice.  Each has their own dangers and wonders.
Avalon is the heart, while the Orb of Caprice is classed as encasing numerous outer worlds.
If we were to visit the Star Realm as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Melodise, for sure, where concerts take place daily and are a wondrous spectacle. You mustn’t miss out on the Elysian Forest where you might spot a fairy, if you’re lucky.  If you visit Star Hamlet, there is a bookshop, and small bakery, where the most delicious fare can be tasted.  There is also a blacksmith and John Smith is a marvel at making almost anything.  If you visit the apothecary, however, it is worth noting that guests must be careful not to touch anything – a heavy lesson learned by Billy.  Sometimes the bandstand is filled with musicians and magicians, but that depends on the time of year.  For those of a sturdy physique, then a climb through the mountains would be worthwhile, however, I cannot promise that they will find the magical entrance so to visit the scribe.
I would not recommend Puzzle Woods for any with a weak heart, but those with adventure in their veins may enjoy a brief visit – and you may even meet Brogan, one of the goblins that live in a secret underground realm.  He often tramps the Woods, so you may be fortunate. 
Warning: please beware the Watchers.  Actually, it may be a good idea to stay clear of Puzzle Woods altogether; it’s easy to spot the dense collection of trees on the left of the meadow, where sits Chamber, the Gatekeeper; so visitors are unlikely to wander in by mistake, although anything is possible within these worlds.
What dangers should we avoid in the Star Realm? 
Puzzle Woods and watch out for Melpomene’s Trap – Ben will tell you in detail all about that dreadful place. And if someone is trying to bar your way, then there may be further ‘traps’ and holes that lead to the Below Worlds, and I wouldn’t suggest any of those for the unseasoned traveller.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the Star Realm? 
The wonderful thing about the Star Realm is that you can wish for any type of food or drink – that in itself is unusual enough.  However, this is not the case for the other worlds they visit, so, unless you really understand your magical prowess, and spirit heart, please refrain from visiting.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in The Star Realm? 
Swords.  Magic.  Potions.  Spells. Intelligence. Bravery.  Friendship.  Belief.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the Star Realm?
It depends on where you go.  The royal family has a carriage and unicorns, but mostly magic is used to travel.  Time is a strange thing in the Orb, for one minute you can be walking away from, say, a tree, and the next, that tree looks a speck in the distance.  There are portals too, but it’s best to search the map for the correct landing locations – you don’t want to end up in the dragon’s jaw.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in The Star Realm that we don’t see on Earth?
Odd plants of various colours, shapes, sizes and textures.  The most unusual ‘creature’ I would say is Kimeranet (K –ime – ee –ran – eh).  His story is complex and sad.  He is a mixture of more than one animal, including: bear, lion and human.  Although his nature is kind and he has compassion for every living thing.
The Star Realm is home to goblins (some good, some evil), gnomes, fairies, angels, drawfrons (lesser and greater), witches, talking flowers and a complex range of seemingly human-type inhabitants – to mention a few.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in The Star Realm?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Magic is hugely important, as is Time.  Nourishment can be ‘wished’ by visitors.  Star Hamlet, however, grows food in the fields and uses horses to plough etc. – it is much like a medieval lifestyle, as of Elsewhere.  That’s not to say a sprinkle of magic is not used.
Ezrin is the Time Keeper and uses magic in many ways – he does not have a wand, but can use Time to manipulate where he must.  Apollone, too (the owner of the apothecary) uses the magic that is set deeply within the Realm, for all manner of things.  Every inhabitant of the Star Realm can call upon magic, but each differently from another.  Magic is not always used for good.  I cannot say too much here so as not to spoil the plot of the story.  But if magic is manipulated in the wrong way, for example, to steal another’s youth or beauty, then you can imagine the consequences.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in the Star Realm?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Ezrin has what he calls a gyro-monitor, for when he examines the Orb of Caprice from Avalon (the Orb sits in the atmosphere outside of the heart of Avalon) and it is from here that visitors would have to launch into their adventure.  In addition to this, the gyro-monitor allows him to move easily up and down to keep an eye on the Utopian Passage and Thoughts, which are in the shape of clouds.  It houses a lectern where he can scrutinise Time on many levels and possibilities.
The underground realm also has what has been named a Tramvolator – this allows easy passage to and from Puzzle Woods for those who have the golden dust. The Tramvolator was created from the White, which makes up much of the secret underground tunnels of these friendly goblins – secret because they must hide from Stubbling, a terrible goblin with a lust for power.  Seer Bowls are also a means of ‘watching’ and ‘finding’.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in The Star Realm.
Brogan’s underground world has a few, and I’ve mentioned Star Hamlet’s and Melodise’s fun with music.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in The Star Realm as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
No.  Time has its own beat in the Star Realm.
Is there a particular religion practiced in the Star Realm?  Please describe what it involves.
What is the political or government structure in the Star Realm?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
There is the Star Council – twelve members including Ezrin, Kimeranet, Somat, Ea’s, Monanic, Privithis, Psyche, Talocan, Asshuran, Mithraw, Lokian and Sivan (head).  This council decides many things to help with the running of Avalon and its outer worlds.  This is where it is decided what to do about the unnerving counter-balance and how it’s destroying not only their worlds but that of Elsewhere.  Each member has an important role for the running of Avalon and its outer worlds.
Sivan has charge of a special staff that can push back the ravages of time upon the holder – he is extremely old and wise; hence why he is ‘leader’. 
There is also a king, queen and princess in the Star Realm who have lost control somewhat because… no spoilers.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit The Star Realm?
Respect the lands and those within it.  Although this sentiment is not held by all.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
The Star Realm was inspired by a book I’d written, called Gone.  This was written in answer to the question: Where had my daughter gone? after she’d been severely brain damaged at the age of two.  She was left an empty shell for seventeen years and that question haunted me until she died a second and final time.  For if she was no longer ‘here’ then where was she?  I created a world and went in search of her – the Star Realm was born.
The world was too good to waste (Avalon and the Star Realm from the Orb) so I used it to create an epic fantasy adventure.  The story became so big that I had to break it into three – The Avalon Trilogy.  #2 Invasion takes place in another, darker world of the Orb, as does #3 Secrets Of The Ice, so to complete the story – I hope those who read it will love or at least appreciate the ending.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Environment (its ruination) corruption, the loss of the imagination and power-hungry individuals.
Please share a brief author autobiography.
I cannot ignore my dreams, so many of them, with names and places and ideas that spark my imagination and compel me to write; to create stories, whether fantasy or horror, or mystery or psychological thriller or murder or even humour and adventure.  So, my garden is sown, flourishing, with all manner of growth, and still the dreams come.
Julie Elizabeth Powell, my soul lingering within my imagination; maybe you’ll join me?
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
Each of the books is available separately or together as a trilogy; omnibus edition.  I live in England but I’ve included USA links too.
The Star Realm is available in theUK in Kindle format as well as in the USA.  If you prefer paperback, then Lulu has a copy.  For #2, Invasion it’s also a Kindle edition in the UKand USA.  The same goes for #3, Secrets Of The Ice, as a Kindle edition in the UKand USA.  Luluhas each of these in paperback. 
If you’d like the Omnibus Edition, in the UKor USA, it’s only offered in Kindle format because it is too big for paperback.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
Website 2 – http://julizpow.wix.com/julieelizabethpowell  (work in progress)
GOODREADS – https://goo.gl/DcTSOO
Amazon UK page – http://goo.gl/XK8TOj
Amazon USA page – http://goo.gl/cT0DCK
Audible – UK – http://goo.gl/Un3ExL
Audible – USA – http://goo.gl/MjNtaJ
I hope that The Star Realm, Invasion and Secrets Of The Ice will soon be audiobooks, as are my other works.
I also read many, many stories and review them all – not that they are all good, but most are and they come from the independent pool of writing rather than the bland and formulaic books you find in shops.
There, that’s little about one of the many worlds I’ve created.  The Star Realm – and the rest of The Avalon Trilogy – can be read (or read to) from 8-100.  It is directed at a younger audience (12+) but then I think it could suit YA and, of course, those young at heart.
Thank you for reading this, and special thanks to Annie Douglas Lima for including some of my work in Realm Explorers.  I do have 19 titles in a variety of genres (soon to be 20, with a whole range of other projects on the go), but only The Avalon Trilogy and Knowing Jack are for a younger audience. 

Here is a video book trailer for The Star Realm, if anyone is interested?  Thanks.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to The Star Realm.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the galaxy of Renovodomus, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
John Thornton
Title of book and/or series:
The Colony Ship Eschaton (Completed ten book series, beginning with Recovery of a Colony Ship)
The Colony Ship Vanguard (Completed eight book series beginning with Finding the Vanguard)
The Colony Ship Conestoga (in progress series with three books, beginning with Quest for the Conestoga)
Brief summary of the story:
Set about 170 years in the future, the Earth is a radioactive wasteland.  The last remnant of humanity lives in Dome 17, but the dome is failing.  Scientists have developed two new and unproven technologies: faster-than-light travel, and teleportation.  Both have significant limitations, but offer hope. 
Roughly one hundred years before, the people of Earth launched seven enormous generational colony ships each having immense biological habitats containing flora, fauna, and people.  These seven ships (Vanguard, Marathon, Warren, Conestoga, Eschaton, Trailblazer, and Zubalamo) were sent on separate journeys to distant solar systems with the hopes that in several generations, the colony ships would find a new home for humanity.  However, all seven ships were considered lost.
The desperate people in Dome 17 seek to locate one of those lost colony ships by sending two person adventurer teams in faster-than-light scout ships.  The FTL technology can only carry so much mass, so the scout ship and two pilots are the maximum amount that can be sent.  The mission is to find one of those colony ships and if it is still functional build a teleportation receiving pad on that ship.  Then the people of Dome 17 will use a sending pad to connect to the newly built receiving pad and teleport the survivors onto the colony ship thus escaping the dying Earth and failing dome.  It is a race against time, technological problems, and the unknown in an attempt to save humanity.
Each series follows the team of adventurers to a separate colony ship.  Therefore the three different series all start in the same place, Dome 17, but then each series tells what happens with the missions to those ships.   
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
There are three basic ‘worlds’ in my novels; Dome 17, the mechanical aspects of the colony ships, and the biomes on the colony ships. 
The first ‘world’ is the sterile and dry life of humans in Dome 17.  There are no animals, flowers, or any type of biology except for the food rations that are grown in rigidly controlled ways.  Water is precious.  Every part of life is tightly controlled and regulated, as the fifteen hundred people wrestle to keep the dome functional, and understand what is happening.  They are desperate to survive, and plan to use their new and unproven technology in the attempts to reach a colony ship.
The colony ships are gigantic and comprise the other two ‘worlds’ if I can use that term.  Basically they consist of a core needle ship which houses the propulsion systems, navigation, and mechanical aspects of the spacecraft.  So there are lots of technology places and engineering as you would expect in a huge spaceship.  The needle ship carries eight separate biological habitats.  The other part of the colony ship, the third ‘world’.  These enormous cylinders are placed in piggyback fashion on the needle ship and have different ecological climates inside, from tropical to savannah to coastal plains, to aquatic zones, ect…  The biological habitats were designed to mimic the natural environments of Earth.  These biomes also serve as the homes for the generations of humans who will live there until the colony ship reaches its destination world. 
However, all seven of the colony ships have suffered some kind of failures.  The novels describe how the ships have failed, and what the adventurers discover as they explore those derelict ships.  
If we were to visit the colony ships as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Each colony ship is in a different condition.  Some of the habitats look very beautiful, while other may not be functional at all.  To the people from Dome 17, who have never seen animals, or plants, or any natural setting, the biology is amazing.  So watch for the reactions of the adventurers to things they have only read or studied in history books.  Also observe for the interacts between the hundred-year old colony ship technology and the new and advanced technology the adventurers bring with them from Dome 17. 
What dangers should we avoid in the colony ships?
Be very careful.  Nature and technology may have changed drastically in the hundred years the colony ships have been in flight.  Watch out for the animals that are still roaming the habitats, but also be aware that some humans may still be living some kind of life on those ships.  How has their technology worked?  How has it failed?  And will the adventurers from Dome 17 find a safe place to go?    
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the colony ships?
The Dome 17 people are used to processed food ration bars and strict controls on water.  The people who live in the biological habitats have a totally different idea of food. 
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in colony ships?
As part of the limited equipment the Dome 17 people are able to bring in the FTL scout ship, they each have a high tech pistol which is fusion powered.  However, Dome 17 was a stable and internally safe place, so they are not used to fighting or combat at all.  The wild animals of the biological habitats, and colony ship humans may be very different.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the colony ships?
The faster-than-light scout ship is very limited in cargo space.  So the two adventurers have only the basic gear needed to build the teleportation receiving pad.  Fusion packs, molecular torches, pistols, medical kits, and a set of data sticks and data stick readers.  Additionally, they do have an artificial intelligence system (an AI) built into the scout ship.  The AI has its own personality and the goal of assisting in making the mission a success.  Each AI is self-aware, sentient, and able to verbally interact with the adventurers via a personal com-link.  It is unknown to the adventurers what the affects of faster-than-light travel will have upon them and their equipment.  
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the colony ships that we don’t see on Earth?
All the life in the colony ships originated on Earth, but has been in the colony ship’s biological habitats for one hundred years.  So there may be variations on different predators, prey, and plants.  Also, as isolated biomes, each colony ship might have had mutations, or new strains of disease.  The adventurers hope to find stable, safe, biological wildernesses on the colony ships.  The plot involves what they do find. 
Since the colony ships have been in space on their journeys for one-hundred years, there is the possibility that alien lifeforms may have discovered them. 
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in colony ships?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
One of the colony ships, the Eschaton, was built for a religious group.  They saw it as a form of Noah’s Ark to save them.  Spirituality, dreams, and visions still play a significant role in some of those people’s lives. 
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in the colony ships?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Permalloy is a new type of super-hard metal which was used to construct the colony ships.  It is spun as a liquid and then hardened into whatever shape is needed.  There are also technological methods of altering gravity to provide for Earth normal gravity in the biological habitats.  The colony ships have built in artificial intelligence systems, but they are one-hundred years inferior to the ones the adventurers have. 
Additionally, there are automacubes, robotic maintenance drones, which tend to the engineering needs of the colony ships.  None of the adventurers know the functionality of any of the systems on the colony ships.       
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in your books.
In Dome 17 the people play a game called ricochet ball.  This helps them to keep fit and provides an entertainment outlet.  
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in the colony ships as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
The biological habitats were designed to mimic Earth, so there is a solar cycle.  This gives the biomes day and night rhythms. 
Is there a particular religion practiced in the colony ships?  Please describe what it involves.
Religious practices vary depending on which colony ship is investigated, and what its specific background was.  Also, the intervening years have allowed any humans to survive to adopt new and unique religious practices. 
What is the political or government structure in the colony ships?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
These are great questions, and the plot involves the adventurers trying to uncover just who or what is in control of the colony ships.  Originally each ship had a flight crew that oversaw the operations of the colony ship, as well as a separate government looking out for the people living in the biological habitats.  What remains of those original designs is revealed throughout the stories and varies from colony ship to colony ship, and even from biological habitat to habitat.  For example, the people in the tropical habitat may have a whole different way of operation from those in the coastal plains habitat. 
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit the colony ships?
There is a huge clash of cultures between the humans from Dome 17, and those humans who have survived on the colony ships.  Levels of technology, societal expectations, and the difference between living in Dome 17 and living in a biological habitat play a big part in the stories.  
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Oh dear, well, yes.  Everything in my life has shaped and influenced my writing. 
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I strive to write realistic characters.  So the people in my books deal with all kinds of emotions.  From elation over the first sight of an animal, to fear of the unknown, to deep depression, to post-traumatic stress, I write about people who are not superheroes, but individuals caught up in circumstances greater than they have ever encountered before.  How will they relate to each other?  How will they deal with loss?  How will they cope with the deaths of friends? 
Author Autobiography:

I have a widely diverse background. I worked as an ICU RN for 10 years in various, cardiac, surgical, and medical units. I was at the bedside when a myriad of people died.  I also saw some wonderful stories of triumph over adversity.
I also have an advanced case of arthritis which has resulted in my having seven total joint replacements, and stopped me from continuing to work as a nurse.  I have worked part time visiting the elderly, shut-ins, and others for the last 18 years.  
I am married, have four grown and married daughters, and three pets.  Two silly dogs and an ancient cat (18 1/2 years old) share our home with us.  
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?  
My books are available on Kindle for only $.99 each, and in paperback.  The easiest place to get them is on Amazon. 
Where can readers connect with you online? 
I have a Facebook page, which is the best place to contact me.  
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the colony ships.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the Star Realm, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:

H. L. Burke
Title of book:
Cora and the Nurse Dragon
Brief summary of the story:
Cora’s a young girl who dreams of being a dragon jockey but whose father disapproves of dragons being kept in captivity. She struggles to balance her father’s beliefs with her own passions. When she gets a hold of a dragon egg that hatches into the nurse dragon, Cricket, though, she learns a lot about dragons, her father, and sacrifice.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The world is an alternate version of ours, and Farrington would be a typical American town, except with a technology level of about 1920 … and dragons. The kids use 20’s slang. The people wear 20’s fashion. They have automobiles and the wealthier families have electric lights and telephones … but instead of horses or greyhounds, people race dragons, kids keep small dragons instead of goldfish and slightly larger ones instead of cats. 
If we were to visit Farrington as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
I’d definitely take in a dragon race. They’re exciting, and the popcorn at the stadium is decent. A dozen snake-like dragons with wings moving faster than the eye can see, racing around the track, snapping at each other’s tails, leapfrogging over each others heads … nothing like a dragon race. 
What dangers should we avoid in Farrington?
While the races are exciting, the gambling feeds a criminal element. Seedier neighborhoods host gangsters, off-track betting, and even dragon smuggling. 
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Farrington that we don’t see on Earth?
Obviously, dragons. The dragons come in multiple sizes and colors. The most common are the mayflies, short-lived dragons that kids hatch from eggs and raise in glass tanks until they die of old age, usually within two months. Luckier kids get cat-sized dragons, the most common of which are steamers (blue dragons who breathe water vapor), strikers (red dragons who breathe fire), and sparkers (yellow/gold dragons who breathe electric sparks). Then of course you have the racers, about the same size as horses, long, elegant, and fast. 
Is there a particular religion practiced in Farrington?  Please describe what it involves.
Since it is an alternate Earth with basically the same history, my characters do practice Christianity. Cora’s best friend is a preacher’s daughter and that has some influence on her as she makes decisions about whether or not to follow laws she believes to be unjust. 
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
When I was a kid, pizza parlors had vending machines where you’d get plastic eggs with prizes inside for a quarter. The displays on these machines promised all sorts of shiny goodies, but I’d never get what I wanted, always something disposable instead. I used that as an influence, in the idea of kids buying dragon eggs in hope of getting a pet, but instead only getting short-lived dragons that would die just as they were becoming fond of them. 
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
To some extent, Cora’s dad has a controversial parenting style. Cora is basically allowed to do what she wants, and while he sets some boundaries—not allowing her to drop out of school—he refuses to force his moral compass on his daughter. She makes choices he doesn’t approve of, in choosing to raise dragon eggs and in idolizing the dragon jockeys, but he lets her make them and only provides guidance. It’s not a parenting style that would work for all families or situations, but Mr. Harrison is a character I very much respect. One beta reader compared the relationship between him and Cora to Atticus and Scout, and while I don’t think it is quite at that level, I love that I got compared to a story as timeless as To Kill a Mockingbird, at least in a small way.
Also, there are some thoughts about disobeying unjust laws and defying societal expectations to do what’s right, though they are approached in terms of fantasy situations.

Author Autobiography:
An avid reader and self-proclaimed “geek princess,” H. L. Burke has been obsessed with the fantastic all her life. Now a mom of two girls and the wife of a handsome US Marine, she seeks out wonder wherever she can find it. 

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?
The book is available through Amazon.com and kindle unlimited as an ebook (pre-order until January 31st) and available soon as a paperback through all major book sellers mybook.to/nursedragon
Where can readers connect with you online?  

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Farrington.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 
Author’s name: N. A. Cauldron
Title of book and/or series: Book 1 of the Cupolian series. Anya and the Secrets of Cupola
Brief summary of the story: Deep in the walls of Cupola lies a secret. A 200 year old magical secret. And it’s up to Anya and her friends to solve it.
Meet Anya, a twelve year old girl with utterly no direction in life. Meet Taika, her best friend who can make a potion strong enough to cure a weregoblin, but may forget to warn you that it can explode at any moment. And then there’s Gevin. Yeah … well … Gevin’s just Gevin, isn’t he? These three unlikely heroes will have to brew potions, battle monsters, and even endure the night-of-the-overturned-chicken-stool before discovering the deepest mysteries of Cupola.
Brief description of Cupola: During the events that took place in book 1 of this historical series, Cupola was very similar to your medieval Europe. There was a castle with a courtyard and a wall, and on the east side of this were the houses of the Cupolians. Much like modern America, the houses were separated into subdivisions of poor and rich and in between. In other words, there was a good side of town, and a bad.
If we were to visit Cupola as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? Well, since this happened so long ago, that would be very difficult, but I will say this. Some people would have probably wanted to visit the shops and merchants of course, get some local items to take home. They might have wanted to watch the spoonpole tournament or sneak into the annual ball. But I think most people today will find that the library is where the action is. Now that we know the secrets revealed to us by Anya and her friends, the library has become our historical hub. There you will find artifacts and historical documents.
What dangers should we avoid in Cupola? During the time of book 1, it would have been very dangerous to stray too far from the queendom.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Cupola? This is a very interesting question. One of the things I have discovered is the similarity between our culture and some of yours, particularly those of Southern, Jewish, and Native American descent. And one of the places this is most represented is in the food. For example, we have grits, fry bread, and narfel nuggets. According to my research, narfels are actually Kosher rodents. Looking like a large guinea pig or a small hog, they chew the cud, but they have a split hoof. They’re pretty tasty too!
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Cupola? During the time discussed in book 1, which we now call the Great Revealiing, the main fighting was with swords, arrows, and daggers. Although that has obviously changed since then, and we have Anya and her friends to thank for that.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Cupola? Cupola was very simple then. Everyone walked or rode horses, and the horses were mainly used for pleasure or sport.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Cupola that we don’t see on Earth? I believe the only organisms different from earth that I talk about in book 1 are narfels, flabberflies, and gramwhats. But I would have to check my records.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Cupola?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. Magic played an enormous role in Cupolian lives, they just didn’t realize it. To learn more, I suggest you read my book Anya and the Secrets of Cupola. For that is when Cupola … realized its ignorance, if you will.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Cupola. Ah, spoonpole! Commonly called two spoons and a pole, spoonpole has been a tradition of Cupola for centuries. As many people as want to can play in it at a time. There are no team member limits. Each team has a tall pole guarded by one of their players. Each player, including the guard, has two sticks with a leather cup/spoon on the end. They use these sticks to carry a ball to their designated pole. Everytime they touch a pole with their ball, their team scores a point. In fact, I was shocked to find out that spoonpole is identical to stickball that is played by Native Americans. They even have the same history! Stickball was used to solve disagreements between your tribes instead of war, thus preventing a lot of deaths. Spoonpole was also used to prevent war. Extraoridinary!
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Cupola as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there? Oddly yes. We have a seven day week. Our seasons are the same. The main events celebrated during Anya’s childhood were the annual ball and spoonpole tournament. It was a week long celebration in the queendom! Nowadays, of course, we celebrate more holidays, as there is so much more to celebrate.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Cupola?  Please describe what it involves. As so many earthlings do, I choose not to discuss religion or politics.
What is the political or government structure in Cupola?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? Excellent question!  During the time of the Great Revealing, and the horrible Dark Ages prior, the monarch of Cupola was always the first born, whether male or female. If it were a queen, Cupola was a queendom. If it were a king, Cupola was a kingdom. The spouse of the monarch ruled if, and only if, the ruling monarch died before their first born was able to take over. Anya and her family were ruled by Queen Pernicity. Her eldest daughter was set to take over whenever she retired. Now, what kind of leader she was … I’ll leave that up to the reader. Things are different now, of course.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Cupola? I think a visitor’s biggest concern would be that it was believed and taught that Cupolians were the only humans in existance. So visiting at the time would have simply been out of the question. Nowadays we do offer visitation, but it is seasonal, and the allowed area are limited.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? I love our history so much that I absolutely had to tell others about it! When I realized the popularity of my work had grown past Cupola and into the realms of earth too, I was shocked! And then to learn of all the similarities between our two worlds…
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? I’m not really familiar with your controversial topics. I know that there are modern Cupolians who disagree with my portrayal of the historical events. They believe that it should be 100% factual. But I find that ever so boring, so while it is entirely based on truthful events and people of Cupola, it is a work of fiction.
Author Autobiography: 
N. A. Cauldron grew up on the outskirts of modern Cupola.  As a young child, she enjoyed listening to the tales told of Cupolian’s history.  This ultimately led to a successful career as a research historian and her recent authorship of historical fiction.  She is an avid herbologist, and spends her free time hunting out and collecting rare herbs for her potion making.  She is especially fond of the snaggled tooth humpmoss, and has been known to spend weeks at a time on fungal expeditions.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  The paperback can be pre-ordered and bought from me, or from Amazon when it is released. If you buy it from me directly, you can get it signed! The ebook can be pre-ordered or bought from Amazon.

Where can readers connect with you online?  Everything about me can be found at http://nacauldron.com/. My blog, my calendar of events, everything.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Cupola.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. One of them is available for FREE!

Author’s name:
Matthew Kadish
Title of book and/or series:
The Series is called The Earthman Jack Space Saga.  The first book is called “Earthman Jack vs. The Ghost Planet,” and the second book is called “Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army.”
Brief summary of the story:
The story centers around a young boy from Earth named Jack.  He’s kind-of a slacker, isn’t all that bright, and is also a bit of a troublemaker.  But he’s got a good heart and maybe possesses more courage than smarts.  The Earthman Jack Space Saga is the tale of how this kid became the greatest hero the universe has ever known, and we get to see him grow and mature from that unassuming underachiever he was at the beginning of the tale to a kick-butt superhero who is the universe’s only hope for survival at the end of it.  It’s an epic story filled with massive battles, deceit, treachery, magic, spaceships, aliens, robots, mind-boggling technology, friendship, coming of age, life lessons, tragedy, humor, adventure, mystery, and pretty much every other adjective known to exist.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Since this is a massive, sprawling space opera, there are multiple locations that make up this universe. Even though it’s set in our “Milky Way” galaxy, there are a number of planets, moons, asteroids, space stations, and other habitable bodies that exist within it.  The basic background of the universe is that long ago, there was an Ancient race of advanced beings who helped to populate galaxies and then suddenly (and mysteriously) disappeared.  There is now a galactic Empire based on the technology these Ancients left behind, and this Empire is being attacked by mysterious aliens who may or may not have had something to do with the disappearance of The Ancients.  This Empire consists of 100 planets, and a number of colonies, outposts, and space stations encompassing roughly 30,000 lightyears of space.
I don’t really have an official name for the universe I’m creating, so I just lazily refer to it as “the Jackverse,” named after my main character, Earthman Jack.
If we were to visit the Jackverse as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Oh, there are many great vacation destinations in the Jackverse, depending on what it is you enjoy.  For those looking for culture, they can tour the Hive Mind of Valghanna VII which houses the largest repository of art and literature in the known universe, including the complete collected works of the famed poet Vonnugat Van Habledorff (known more commonly as ‘Lil VonVan), encompassing approximately 7,000 volumes written in iambic pentameter, each of them containing sonnets where he rhymes the word “shoeboxes” with itself in every line – a feat previously believed impossible even by the most hardened of literary snobs.
For those interested in history, one can visit the capitol planet of the Empire, Omnicron Prime.  Though Omnicron has a long and colorful history, like being the capitol of the infamous “Twilight Empire” – a rival Empire manned by autonomous, sentient robots a thousand years previously – it was chosen as the new capitol for the Empire after the original homeworld – Regalus Prime – was destroyed by the Deathlords.  Capitol City, the seat of Imperial Government on Omnicron Prime, contains massive supertowers which are tens of thousands of feet tall, each one catering to specific worlds of Imperial members and housing millions of life forms.  Capitol City also consists of up to 200 levels, called “stratums,” with each stratum housing various commercial and residential districts.  The stratums and supertowers make Capitol City one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the universe, and also makes it a “melting pot” for every culture and race represented within the Empire.
If one is interested in more entertainment-based venues, they can travel to the pleasure planet of Vas Lagas, 98% of which is covered in ocean, which makes it easy to house numerous man-made islands for beach living and tropical nightlife.  Vas Lagas is also surrounded closely by an unregulated asteroid belt where numerous casinos operate.  “Resortroids,” as they’re called, run the gamut from “cheap & seedy” to “luxurious and family-friendly” and cater to any and all types of tourists and vacationers.  In fact, it’s just been announced that the Convention for Leisure & Anti-Social Male Escapism (also known as LAME Con), the largest pop-culture convention in the universe, will be re-locating there after outgrowing its old venue.
There are literally millions more destinations to recommend to tourists travelling through the Jackverse.  For a complete list of getaways, please see The Intergalactic Wayfarer’s Guide to Tourist Traps for more ideas and great offers on lodging.  (Be sure to use promo code “Earthman”)
What dangers should we avoid in the Jackverse?
As with anything in life, the Jackverse is not without its fair share of hazards.  Anything that shoots at you should probably be avoided, if you’re not into that type of thing.  There’s also your run-of-the-mill space piracy, malfunctioning robots, and the rare swarm of space insects which will consume any and all matter they come into contact with.  Mysterious viruses which cause intense illness followed by turning one into a violent, rampaging zombie have been known to break out on occasion.  Oh, and an evil, malevolent race of aliens called Deathlords which like to kill anything they meet and blow up entire planets.  It’s recommended you avoid them at all costs.  They’re kinda jerks.  And, of course, don’t drink the water on the third moon of Davlos Penumbra.  It’s been known to cause explosive diarrhea, followed by explosive vomiting, followed by an even more explosive build-up of ear wax.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the Jackverse?
The Jackverse has a wide palate of intergalactic delicacies to be enjoyed, depending upon your species.  Food runs the gamut from spicy fried larvaworms (a bar-food favorite) to slow-cooked spiced Gourvine belly in a sweet-and-sour mustard glaze (particularly favored among Gourvines, who are well-known cannibals).  Though most food is of the replicated variety, since it takes large agricultural resources to cater to such a huge Empire, occasionally you can enjoy a genuine Demonsaur steak, which is heralded to be one of the most tender, succulent, and flavorful pieces of meat in all of existence.  As long as you’re okay with dozens of Ramballah hunters dying to provide your meal, since Demonsaurs are also one of the deadliest animals in all of existence.  But boy, do they sure pair well with a nice glass of nectarplum wine!
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the Jackverse?
Though some cultures still use melee weapons and projectile weapons, the primary weapon used in the Jackverse is some form of “plasma gun.”  Essentially, these guns fire superheated bolts of gas, and can appear to look as though they are “laser bolts” as they light up from the chemical reaction of the plasma being heated.  The plasma bolts tend to melt whatever they come into contact with, and the heat of the gas can be adjusted depending on the goal of its use.  For instance, when engaging on a firefight in a spaceship, the heat level would be toned down so as not to pierce a ship’s hull.  Plasma weapons also use gas canister magazines, which make the weapons lighter weight and allow them to hold greater ammunition since gas is far more compressed than projectile weapons such as bullets.  While a typical handgun may hold just 12 rounds before needing to reload, a plasma gun can hold hundreds of rounds in its compressed canister magazine.
Fighting styles vary from culture to culture and species to species.  For instance, a species with six hands will have a different fighting style than a species with only two hands.  Most fighting styles are catered to a species’ specific anatomic strengths and weaknesses.  A truly skilled fighter must know the vulnerabilities of the race he’s facing to best defeat them.  This can make close-quarter combat and hand-to-hand combat complicated.
The best fighters in the Jackverse are usually “Warrior Paragons,” who are trained in the way of the Free Mind.  Paragons tend to favor melee weapons since it’s easier for them to control and exert their unique brand of “magic” through them.  Because of their “free minds,” they often have knowledge of how best to defeat whatever opponent they may be facing, and they can quickly learn new styles of fighting by simply opening their mind and discovering the knowledge of how to fight the way they need to in order to win.  This makes Paragons extremely formidable opponents in any combat situation.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the Jackverse?
Travel methods vary depending upon which planet one is on and that culture’s preferred modes of transportation.  But the most common ones on a planetary level involve teleportation, which facilitates matter transference locally, allowing fast travel across great distances on the surface of planets (but at great energy expenditure). 
Between planets, one can travel through the Portgate network, which is a network of stable wormholes which allow instantaneous travel across thousands of lightyears of space.  Portgates are extremely safe and reliable, however, they were built by the Ancients long ago, so the network is limited to a certain number of planets, and no new Portgates are able to be made, thus limiting the number of destinations one can travel to using this method of transportation. 
If the destination is outside of this network, one must rely on hyperspace travel to go somewhere.  Though hyperspace allows for faster than light travel, it still takes much longer than a Portgate.  Depending upon the destination, a hyperspace trip can take days, weeks, or even months – and that’s on pre-scouted hyperspace lanes.  Deviation from these routes could lead to fatal collision with gravitational bodies.  However, sticking to these routes can also leave one vulnerable to piracy.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the Jackverse that we don’t see on Earth?
There are actually far too many to list here, but I can give some examples of each.  For instance, there is a plant named Solanacus, which is more commonly known as “dreamleaf.” The Solanacus plant is mainly used as a recreational or medicinal drug.  It is a purple, cabbage-like plant which only grows on the dark-side of the Barbitol Moons.  Its leaves are often harvested, dried, and consumed for its psychological and physiological effects.  Chemical compounds in the plant shift brainwaves from Alpha state to Theta state, mimicking the effects of REM and NREM sleep cycles while the consumer remains conscious and aware.  This allows those who consume dreamleaf to stay awake for long periods of time with no adverse side-effects from sleep deprivation.  It is a popular recreational drug for those who work long hours, students cramming for exams, and partiers who wish to avoid feeling tired.  While under effects of dreamleaf, users can experience “waking dreams” that bleed into their conscious reality.  While not harmful in low to moderate use, continued heavy use of dreamleaf has been known to cause permanent dream states.
As far as animals go, there is a wide and varied bestiary across the galaxy, ranging from domesticated pets to wild beasts.  One of the most peculiar is the Lucheep, a small animal with fur that reflects light around it, causing it to be practically invisible to the naked eye.  Though harmless and docile, large packs of these animals can cause all types of problems, particularly if they wander into busy roads.  Though their fur is highly sought after to create “stealth suits” for military purposes, it takes a great deal of patience and skill to raise these animals, since it is easy for them to wander off and never be found again.  Also, because their fur is practically invisible, even when shaved off them, it makes building such suits a difficult and trying endeavor, making Lucheep shepherding a risky and potentially unprofitable endeavor.
When it comes to sentient races, there are over 50 sentient races within the Empire alone, and that doesn’t count those that exist outside the Empire.  The Jackverse has an extremely diverse and eclectic collection of sentient life, ranging from slug-like Scollums to sentient colors such as #00B2EEn (who is able to communicate with all shades of the color blue).  There are the monstrous, hulking Rognoks, the rock-like Recklek, the boisterous Stonehooligans, the dragon-like Izards, and the multi-colored Visini.  And that’s just scratching the surface!
However, Regals are the dominant race within the galaxy, mostly due to their colonization efforts of other inhabitable planets.  They are descended from a race known as The Ancients.  Those with stronger genetic links to the Ancients tend to be tall and beautiful, fair in complexion and with great skill of body and mind.  Regals tend to be slender, graceful, and strong, with slightly pointed ears that have a subtle leaf-shape to them.  Regals are very similar to humans, and though those with strong genetic links to the Ancients may look close to perfect, not all Regals have such strong ties.  Those with weaker links to the Ancient gene can have various differing appearances.  But even though hair color, eye color, height, and weight may differ, Regals tend to be very homogenous, and are by-and-large Caucasian in appearance.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the Jackverse?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
In the Jackverse, the “magic” that exists is basically science we have yet to fully understand.  The magic is based on a holistic synergy of the body, mind, and soul which is referred to as a “Free Mind.”  Essentially, the magic system is based on two things – quantum physics and the biocentric theory of reality.
In quantum physics, existence essentially comes down to the consciousness of the person observing their reality.  In essence, quantum physics says that our brains “make things real.”  And until we make an observation, an infinite amount of possibilities exist in our reality.
The biocentric theory of reality is a theory that says consciousness creates life, not the other way around.  This theory essentially states that sentient consciousness uses quantum physics to form the reality we find ourselves in, as opposed to our environment forming the life that exists within it.
By meshing these two concepts together, those who wield “magic” in the Jackverse essentially use quantum physics to change the reality around them.  They can manifest into reality weapons, vehicles, armor, and pretty much anything else their brain can come up with.  Since quantum physics states that everything already exists – including knowledge – someone with a “Free Mind” can conceivably know everything there is to know in the entire universe.
By aligning one’s body, mind, and soul, and achieving a “Free Mind” capable of manifesting anything, it would appear as though one is able to perform supernatural feats.  The Ancients are a race that created astounding wonders that break the very laws of physics using this method.  In the Jackverse, there is a group called “Paragons” who study the teachings of the Ancients and strive to achieve a Free Mind.  These are the primary “magic users” of this universe.  However, it is hard to free one’s mind from all its limitations, so most Paragons are only able to achieve small amounts of quantum physics-based magic, depending on their skill level.
Because this is so difficult, Paragons are relatively rare.  However, the Emperor of the Empire usually has a strong connection to the technology of the Ancients, which is based on this “magic,” and the Emperor and his offspring are usually the ones who are naturally gifted when it comes to achieving “Free Minds.”
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in the Jackverse?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
There is a multitude of advanced and unusual technology at play in the Jackverse, mostly from the creations of The Ancients.  Some of the Ancient’s greatest technological advancements have been studied and secularized so that their use becomes common, while other advances are so complicated and hard to understand, that they have yet to be replicated.
In terms of advanced technology, one example is hyperspace travel.  In the Jackverse, this is how spacecraft traverse large distances between planets at faster than light speeds.  Essentially, an engine called a Brane Accelerator creates a field that excites the particles that form membranes between dimensions (known as “branes”), allowing windows into other dimensions which can be crossed.  Hyperspace is a mirror dimension to our reality, but whereas our universe is constantly expanding and growing, Hyperspace is constantly contracting and shrinking, making distances far shorter than they are in regular space and time.  By entering the hyperspace dimension and engaging lightspeed engines which accelerate ships to 99% the speed of light, starships are essentially travelling “faster” than lightspeed in our reality, without actually breaking the laws of physics.  And since the hyperspace dimension is linked to our own, when a ship reaches a certain destination in hyperspace and exits back into normal space, they come out at basically the same location, even though it took far less time to get there.
Probably the most unusual technology known to exist takes the form of “Great Seals.”  Great Seals are remnants of the civilization of The Ancients and are responsible for creating mind-boggling feats of scientific engineering that bend (and sometimes even break) all known laws of science.  Though no one fully understands how Great Seals operate, it is theorized that a collective form of corporeal knowledge is housed in a chamber behind a Great Seal, which the Seal then manifests into reality.  In this respect, the Seal acts like a sentient consciousness, one powerful enough to alter reality based on the corporeal knowledge it houses.  This allows for the creation of wondrous things, such as habitable planets with a breathable atmosphere but no plant life or nearby star.  The entire Portgate network is powered by one such Great Seal as well.  Though powerful, only a few Great Seals have been discovered to date, and their study is ongoing.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in the Jackverse.
For those looking for recreational activities in the Jackverse, there is a multitude to choose from.  Popular activities include going to the holocinema, nightclubs, and robot wrestling matches.  One of the more popular games in the Jackverse is a card game known as Loquir, which is a game similar to poker, but with multiple elements of strategy to it.  Loquir can be played for fun or for money, and is a large part of any gambling establishment in the galaxy.
For those looking for more of a mental challenge, one can partake in the game of Optiass, a chess-like strategy game played on a 12×12 board using holographic figures as board pieces.  Each figure has its own Artificial Intelligence, and can only be moved on the board by having the player convince it to perform the desired action.  Players communicate with the pieces by holding a “thought stone” which allows them to have mental conversations with the pieces.  The goal of the game is to get one’s pieces to move so that the Emperor piece of the opponent is captured.  Because of each piece’s unique personality, this can be quite challenging.  Some pieces will not act as the player wants them to, particularly if the piece realizes it is about to be sacrificed, in which case it may choose to act in its own best interest.  Both sides play in turns, and games have been known to last anywhere from a few hours to months or even years, depending on the difficulty setting of the A.I. being used.
Each culture in the Jackverse has its own type of sports that it enjoys watching or participating in.  For instance, the Egoi like to partake in a sport called Mentat, which consists of two Egoi entering a circular ring and trying to use psychic abilities to push the other player out of this ring.  Though exciting to other Egois, most races find the sport to be rather boring since it mostly consists of two beings staring at each other for long periods of time.  Another example is the popularity of the Orean dance competitions, where the most powerful politicians in the Orean race show-off their sweetest moves.  Though popular among other races, Oreans communicate through body language, and find these dance-offs rather stale, since to them, they are the equivalent of watching political debates.  And then there’s the Stonehooligan sport of ROCKBALL, which is essentially an excuse for Stonehooligans to headbutt each other.
However, probably the most popular sport among the Empire is the sport of Gravityball.  Gravityball combines elements of football, basketball, roller-derby, and rugby in various degrees of gravity.  A typical Gravityball court is divided into five vertical arenas, each with its own anti-gravity generator.  The goal of the game is to get the gravityball from the bottom arena to the top in order to score.  The weight of the ball decreases the higher up it gets, whereas the weight of the players are inversely proportional, with the first arena being nearly zero gravity for the players and the top arena being normal gravity.  Players use magnetic grind boots to skate along rails within the Gravityball court, and use a grappling hook to pull them to other levels, as well as trip up other players and steal the ball.  A typical Gravityball match is two hours long, and is normally comprised of two teams consisting of 8 players each.  Because of its fast-paced and chaotic nature, it has transcended cultures to become an almost universally loved sport.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in the Jackverse as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
All calendar measurements vary depending on the planet one is on, but there is a “Universal Timedate” which is based on the revolution and rotation of the Empire’s original homeworld, Regalus Prime.  Though not all planets in the Empire adhere to the Universal Timedate standard, it is used throughout the universe for the purpose of commerce, shipping, and communication.  A typical day on Regalus Prime was very close to that of Earth’s, so its minute/hour/day/week/month schedule is very similar.
Every culture within the Empire celebrates their own holidays and special events, such as the Stonehooligan culture on the planet Brittlecore.  Known to be some of the hardest laborers in the universe, the Stonehooligans are also the hardest partiers in the universe and will declare holidays for the smallest of things as an excuse to cut loose.  Their latest holiday, “My friend Remar found a penny on the ground” day, was said to have lasted several weeks and created a shortage of good beer on the planet.
Outside of these “local” holidays, there are universal holidays set out by the Imperial Government and the dominant religion of the Empire, The Church Of The Great Observer.  For instance, “Foundation Day” is a universal holiday celebrating the founding of the Empire by its first Emperor, Arcturus I, who was the first man to discover and utilize technology from The Ancients and unite his planet under one government.
Then, there is Chrimeria, which is the big religious holiday of the Church of the Great Observer.  Chrimeria is a month-long time of reflection where those who follow the religion are meant to examine their lives of the past year and try to right their wrongs using the teachings of the church.  However, the holiday has become quite commercialized, since most people choose to right their wrongs by sending gifts to others as a form of atonement, thus creating an intense retail season for the month of Chrimeria.
Is there a particular religion practiced in the Jackverse?  Please describe what it involves.
The Jackverse has numerous religions which are practiced within it, since each culture tends to support multiple different religions based on its species’ history.  However, there are some religions which are extremely popular and attract followers across planetary and cultural boundaries.  For instance, The Church of RNGsus of Pre-Determined Destiny (the RNG Church or, informally, RNG) is a popular galactic religion dedicated to the God of Random Number Generation.  Followers believe in pre-determined destinies and that through random numbers they can be guided toward doing what they need to do to in order to follow the path fate has laid out for them.  The church is most widely recognized for its RNGsus booths, which can be found throughout the galaxy.  They are a great source of income for the church and give followers guidance on what to do by printing tickets with random numbers that correspond to advice on how to live one’s life.  Members of the church can also roll church-sanctioned dice to assist them when making decisions.  There are a number of actual church buildings where the congregation of RNGsus gather to worship.  Their services are often described as being very similar to games of Bingo.
However, the official religion of the Empire is that of the Church of the Great Observer.  It was started by Emperor Arcturus I and the first Order of Peers, based off the teachings of the Ancients.  The doctrine of the church preaches the existence of a “Great Observer” who watches over the universe, and is responsible for manifesting everything within it.  The Great Observer is the embodiment of a true Free Mind, and possesses knowledge of all things, thus being “all seeing and all knowing.”  Followers of the church believe that all life is connected to this Great Observer, and that all living beings are part of him.  It is said that should the Great Observer ever blink, even for one second, all of existence would cease.  It was Arcturus’s belief in this Great Observer that led him to adopt the symbol of an all-seeing eye to be the official crest of his family, and thus the symbol for the Empire at large.  The religion is said to foster “free minds” in its followers, creating a culture of learning, freedom, and acceptance among its congregation.
What is the political or government structure in the Jackverse?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The central government of the Jackverse is known as “The Galactic Regalus Empire.”  Though imperialism is typically frowned upon as a system of government, it has been found to be the most effective way to govern lightyears-worth of territory.  Democratic or republic-based governments, though good on a planetary level, are far too inefficient on the galactic level.
The Regalus Empire is essentially a constitutional monarchy, with an Emperor at its head.  Though the Emperor has certain reserve powers, his job is primarily as a figurehead, and his primary responsibility is the use and discovery of Ancient technology for the benefit of the Empire.
There are two major governing bodies within the government, known as the Council of Juniors and the Council of Elders.  These are the government bodies which make the laws, with the Council of Juniors representing member planets of the Empire based on population and the Council of Elders representing all the member planets equally.
There is a judicial branch called the Royal Judiciary which consists of a “Council of Seven” and acts as a watchdog group to not only enforce the laws, but keep the Emperor in check as a way to prevent tyranny from taking hold.  The executive body is known as the Directory, and consists of five Directors who oversee their own little slice of the Empire.  Since the Empire is so massive, it is impossible for one being to oversee all of it, thus, the Directors have a great deal of flexibility in how they run their own sections of the Empire, but they must also reach majority agreement in order to govern the Empire as a whole.
The governing of individual planetary systems falls to regional governors known as “Legacies.”  A Legacy is a title that is usually passed down from generation to generation, ensuring consistency in the governing of a planetary system.  The Empire allows all planets to govern themselves on a local level, but Legacies oversee entire planets and ensure that Imperial law is enforced.  Essentially, a Legacy is the ruler of their own “mini-empire,” with every planet, outpost, settlement, and space station in their system under their control.  Legacy titles can only be granted or revoked by the Emperor.
At the time of Earthman Jack’s adventure, the only member of Legacy Prime still alive is Princess Glorianna, who is next in line to become Emperor on her 18th birthday.  She is a young girl who is overwhelmed by her position, and it is unclear what type of ruler she will one day become.  However, with Jack’s support, she may just grow to be one of the greatest Emperors the universe has ever seen.  Only time will tell.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit the Jackverse?
Indeed, and it is entirely dependent upon which culture or race one is interacting with.  An example of this is the Tygarian race, which appends silent letters to their names as a way to dignify certain achievements.  To possess a silent “K” in one’s name is the mark of a great warrior.  However, pronouncing the “K” is considered to be an insult and a direct challenge to the Tygarian who possesses it.  Thus, mispronouncing a Tygarian name with a silent “K” in it, even by accident, could in fact lead to a deadly encounter.
Because it is so easy for a “faux pas” to occur between cultures, it is highly recommended that one always travel with a certified attaché android that is fluent in the various cultures of the universe to best advise one on how to deal with all the different species one will encounter on their travels.

Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?

Pretty much everything in my life inspires the different aspects of the world I’m creating in my books.  I love taking normal, mundane things I see around me and giving them a unique, sci-fi twist and coming up with something fun and different.  A lot of what I create comes from pop-culture influences from the 80’s and early 90’s.  In lots of ways, this story is a love-letter to the sci-fi I grew up enjoying, and I find it a lot of fun to build this world out and make it feel real (even if most of what I come up with is a bit goofy).
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Pretty much everything you can think of, but not blatantly.  For instance, in the Jackverse, there is an alien race that bases its class system on the color of one’s skin.  In their culture, most beings have yellow skin, but the upper class have blue skin and the elite have purple skin.  Criminals and undesirables have red skin.  A white-skinned being is said to be the pinnacle of existence, while a black-skinned being is said to be inherently evil.  They think the skin is a reflection of the soul, so what a person is on the inside is reflected on the outside.  Of course, this brings into play issues of race and what one’s skin color really means.  It’s not an overt way of analyzing the role skin color plays in society, but it does allow me to underhandedly convey the message “racism is bad, m’kayyy?”
The story I’m writing has lots of themes, ranging from personal responsibility, to religion and spirituality, gender issues, political beliefs, and a host of other hot-button topics.  But they’re never the focus and it’s not preachy.  The great thing about sci-fi is that as an author, I can mask different messages in the cloak of fiction and explore them in a non-threating way for the reader.  This way, if the reader doesn’t agree with my viewpoint, they won’t get turned off by the story, and if they do agree with my viewpoint, they’ll enjoy the story even more.
Author Autobiography:
Matthew Kadish is an independent author and world-recognized evil genius. When he isn’t writing or being evil, he enjoys relaxing at the beach and videos of puppies. Much like Scottish cuisine, most of his literary works have been based on dares. He currently lives in Las Vegas and always bets on black, because Westley Snipes has yet to steer him wrong in life. He is the most talented author ever. His mother tells him so every day.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?  
You can purchase my books in the usual places – Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, etc.  If you’d like to check out the Jackverse yourself, try reading the first book in the series “Earthman Jack vs. The Ghost Planet.”  I actually give a special edition of the book away at my website, which contains special features like full page illustrations, interviews, and appendixes that you can’t get in the retail version.
If you want to check out the first book, just head over to www.EarthmanJack.com to download it for free.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
I am all over the interwebz!  If you’re interested in checking out my inane ramblings and getting glimpses into my rather boring and nerdy life, feel free to cyberstalk me.  I make it SUPER easy!
And of course, my official website www.MatthewKadish.com!

I’m pretty active, so if you have any questions about the series of the universe I’m creating, feel free to contact me.  I love hearing from readers!

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the Jackverse.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Cupola, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXI!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Lynnette Roman
Title of book and/or series: Ruby Eyed Devil: Book #1 in the R.E.D. series
Brief summary of the story:
The First of the Seven Desolations of the Tatum Scrolls has come to pass through the decimation of the Salt Sea. The golden webs of destiny have responded in kind by entangling the lives of the most unlikely candidates for its work. Individuals from Earth, the Skylands, and the Waterworld will be brought together through a barrage of tragedies, to bring about the unfolding of a prophecy whose events will spread to the four pillars of the Earth. 

The resurrection of an ancient evil is underway and with it the Second of the Seven Desolations will be revealed. The LORD has opened his armory and called forth a name, centuries old. A name to be risen from the ashes, restored, and branded upon His chosen. A title birthed out of war and scarlet flames for such a time as this. 

His chosen shall be called—The Ruby Eyed Devil. 

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:  Earth, Sea and sky have been linked together through feuds, and prophecy. Each having their own hierarchy.
If we were to visit as tourists, what would you recommend that we do there? Get close to God.
What dangers should we avoid? Avoid the whip of the Silver Tail at the Fountain of the Two Calves. Its tip slices through both body and soul.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served? Caribou stew in the Arctic.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common? Weapons of the Skylands are the bolts of the heavens, while those of the Waterworld use fire.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel? Polar bears are used as companions. Transportation is an innate gift used by those of the supernatural.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter that we don’t see on Earth? The Meviathum are the legendary creatures of the sea.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of the people?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. There is no such thing as magic. Only skill and innate gifts. Of the Meviathum, they possess the ability, at the time of their deaths, to “gift” the next generation with a skill they do not already possess in order to enhance their lineage with greater powers.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment there. Hunting.
Is there a particular religion practiced?  Please describe what it involves. Jehovah is the one true God. Though many others are mentioned, such as Chemosh, Molech, Nergal, Diana, Ashteroth, and others, there is none like unto Jehovah.
What is the political or government structure there?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? In the Waterworld, the Queen Meviathum is the strongest among her kind and bears the most weight of enhancing and continuing her line by any means necessary. While in the Skylands, Duliars reign. Duliars are born, not elected. Because they are so few they are not permitted to die, only sleep, until it is their turn to reign again.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? Bible study.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? Jehovah is God and not another.
Author Autobiography: 
I was born in Royal Oak, MI and raised in Detroit, MI. I am 34 years old. I’ve taught Sunday School and Bible Study for years at the church where I reside in New Haven, MI. Mostly, the Old Testament Stories of the Bible give inspire my writing. I love the ‘thrust” into leadership roles, the fights, and the “Callings” of God.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?  
Ruby Eyed Devil is in ebook format for now on both Amazon and Smashwords. The ebook will also be available next month, October 2015, at Apple, Barnes and Noble, Sony Books, etc.  Also the hardcover will be available at that time as well.

Where can readers connect with you online?  I’d love to be friends on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lynnette.roman.79and feel free to follow me at https://twitter.com/RomanLynnette!
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Mysia.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the sci-fi worlds of the Jackverse, in Realm Explorers Part LXXX!
-Annie Douglass Lima