Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
Mandy Fender
Title of book and/or series:
Sparrow: Defier Series Book Two
Brief summary of the story:
The fight has only just begun…
Lennox Winters is guilty. She stood in defiance against the Regime when no one else would. Now, she must train to become a Sparrow and fight for what she believes.
When the war breaks out in her hometown, she is forced to decide whether she will obey orders or rebel against the authority she respects. Either way, she must protect those she loves most, no matter the dangers.
As she navigates new territory with her loyal best friend, she’ll risk her life, and even her soul, for victory.
In war, sacrifice is inevitable.
Is her faith enough to get her through the fire?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
I like to refer to my world as ‘Defier Nation’. It is a dystopian setting in the not-so-distant future America. The land is no longer the land that we know. In the book, a weapon called the Global Weather Simulator has changed the game and Defiers must fight to stand for their faith against all odds.
If we were to visit Defier Nation as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
I would recommend getting to a Sparrow City safe zone as fast as you could and look out for patrolling drones – they’re everywhere.
What dangers should we avoid in Defier Nation?
The weather is unpredictable. There is no more forecasting it; the enemy is controlling it, setting off cataclysmic shifts in the atmosphere to further his rule. There are also drones, Prowlers (genetically altered humans), and Regime soldiers to watch out for.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Defier Nation?
MREs are the most practical source of sustenance for the Defiers now that the landscape is unpredictable.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Defier Nation?
There are some pretty cool technological weapons in the Defier Series. The Sparrow scientists have concocted a blue serum that can drop the enemy to their knees, while the Regime has Venom VI that can turn a human, well, let’s just say, not so human anymore. Science and technology play a big role in this series and progresses slowly to allow the reader in the world as the MC, Lennox, discovers it herself.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Defier Nation?
There are incredible motorcycles called Vanishers that the Sparrow scientists have created to be silent and invisible, along with the rider for a short period of time. Plus, military Humvees are always good way to transport soldiers.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Defier Nation?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
There are a few things I have not mentioned yet and one is the Sparrow suit which is covered in nanotubes that literally act as a bulletproof shield. Sparrows also have Sapphire Shields that take the spherical shape when needed and provide a clear protective barrier so that you can hide behind it and still see the enemy. And my favorite little device would have to be the adaptor blade that the scientists tweaked the molecular structure to shape-shift to the tool you need when you need it. I sure wish I had one! J
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Defier Nation.
These days are pretty somber, but Sparrows have a good time in CTT – Critical Thinking Tactics, where they compete against each other in virtual worlds. The virtual worlds can be anything their imagination can think up.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Defier Nation?  Please describe what it involves.
The Defiers and Sparrows are those who have chosen to stand and serve Jesus Christ and they try desperately to practice what they believe even when it’s hard or seems impossible.
What is the political or government structure in Defier Nation?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Well, while the rest of the world is under the rule of Ahab, who is a dictator and plans to destroy everyone who stands in his way of being the new world leader, the Sparrows live by the Word of one King, and His name is Jesus.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
While the location is America, the culture is inspired by the bravery I have seen and heard about from fellow Christians. I take the true stories I read from the Bible and let them inspire me to create worlds that deep and true.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
It is the classic tale of good vs. evil, light vs. dark, yet doesn’t push off to the supernatural only. This series takes the challenges of hot-button issues and causes the reader to think and question what they would do should the challenge ever arise in their life.
Author Autobiography:
Mandy Fender is a wife, mother, women’s pastor, and writer. She is a blogger for Broken, Beautiful, and Bold, and has a monthy inspirational article in the Westside Sol. Her work has received the Readers’ Favorite Five Star Seal and the Redemptive Fiction Award of Excellence by Radiqx Press, and her short story, Samara of Shalocke, is published with Epifiction.
She wants to love like Christ and follow Him in all that she does. Through her writing she hopes to inspire, uplift, and encourage.
Her books are always written with Christ in mind.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? 
To purchase books from the Defiers Series click HERE.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
I would love to connect with readers! They can find me at:
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Defier Nation.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:   Aimée Marie Bejarano
Title of book and/or series:  Aiden Jenson Presents, The Gateway (part one)
Brief summary of the story:  
A single mother’s world comes crashing down when a paranormal creature appears through a supernatural gateway in her home.  The creature kidnaps her eldest child then returns for another on the same day of the week. Meanwhile, a popular journalist, Aiden Jenson, on a new assignment will go toe to toe with this creature to get the story. But one thing he wasn’t expecting. He’s beginning to care for more than just his impending deadline. When all of Grace’s children are stolen, she and Aiden know they must enter the gateway.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:  
The world is an alternate dimension, a realm belonging to the creature. The more you read, the more you realize it is in some part of hell. It is a blazing hot, rocky surfaced dome with an ambience of red throughout.
If we were to visit the gateway as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?  
I’d recommend you hide within the shadows so you’re not seen.
What dangers should we avoid in the gateway?  
You must avoid remaining in the creature’s realm too long as it is extremely hot. You must also avoid allowing the creature to know of your presence or you may wind up lost in his realm forever.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the gateway?  
No. Food and water is withheld in the gateway.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the gateway?  
You will see a good deal of fighting with double edged swords within the gateway.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the gateway?  
It is far too hot for any sort of technology to last within the gateway. Anyone can enter but it doesn’t mean you can escape.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in that gateway that we don’t see on Earth?  
You will encounter a worm which dies not. It has no eyes and merely uses its senses to find fresh meat.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the gateway?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.   
There is a great deal of supernatural elements in this story. For instance, some question the existence of portals and this story explores what happens when one is opened. No one seems to know how or why at first, but when the gateway materializes, smoke arises and a paranormal creature steps through to earth, you will see all the supernatural details of the story.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?  
Just a dream. I fell asleep one evening and had a frightening dream.  That’s when Aiden Jenson Presents, The Gateway came to fruition.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?  The existence of God, Jesus and Satan is a big topic. It is an ever growing controversial subject. Some have their own version or belief of God while others may not believe in Him or in Satan at all. That is spoken of in great detail.
Author Autobiography: Reverend Aimée Marie Bejarano is a Christian YA Author of inspirational, historical fiction and paranormal thriller/horror novels. She’s a country girl living in the great state of Texas. Aimée’s a musician and has worked with the youth for years. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys cooking, and gardening. Her inspiration comes from the Lord and delves into good books, movies and things of the supernatural and paranormal enlightening people to what God’s word says on the controversial subjects. On cool evenings, she loves taking leisure walks. Writing is not only a calling but a means to get away into the world of imagination. Aimée is an ordained Reverend and loves the youth, personal prayer and welcomes prayer requests.
Aimée began writing at the age of 16 when home schooled. A simple creative writing assignment turned into a book.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
My novel can be found not only in kindle but in paperback at a considerable discount.  My author link here www.amazon.com/author/aimeebejaranois the best way to find both the kindle and paperback.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
Author and Friend Page- Facebook.com/aimeemarie.bejarano
Book Page-  Facebook.com/Jesusoftheparanormal
Twitter-  @Spokenamos
Myspace- Myspace.com/author.aimee
Pinterest pinterest.com/Spokenamos

Blog-  Aspiretobewhoyouweremeant.wordpress.com 
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the gateway.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: A. J. Bakke

Title of book and/or series: Crashing the Game, 3rd in the Hidden Level Trifecta
Brief summary of the story:
Three friends are teleported into a dimension that was created based off of online video games. Unfortunately, the dimension was built with evil intentions so they have to find a way to shut it down.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
There is a world called Deart that is hovering on a dimensional border, poised to crush Earth into oblivion if it ever falls through. A magical barrier currently keeps the worlds apart, but since they are so close, magical anomalies allow for cross over between both worlds. Some of the characters involved are from Earth, some are from Deart.
The main focus of the story is in the gaming dimension which I had a blast creating because I like playing World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2. It was fun referencing some of the different ‘cliche’ personalities and phrases one comes across in gaming. I liked putting my characters in clothes designed for aesthetics rather than practical use in a battle situation.
Since my imagination had no boundaries (not that I really let it have boundaries, anyway) I was able to make up some fantastical scenery for them to travel through like peacock palm trees.
Some of the characters had no experience with gaming at all, so they make some comical errors. And of course, there has to be a few glitches thrown in there! Ah, the frustrations of falling through the ground and getting stuck! Or lagging atrociously.  
If we were to visit the gaming dimension as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Ride horses through the different zones and admire the scenery! Check out the local inn for each town to enjoy a delicious meal. Ride the dragrizzles across the Chasm of Fiery Wrath! Visit the puzzle maze that will put your courage to the test! (I highly recommend going in as an avatar rather than your own body due to many potential hazards)
What dangers should we avoid in the gaming dimension?
Stay on the roads if you don’t want to fight a lot of random monsters. It’s terribly annoying to have to waste time constantly fighting one monster, then another, then a whole mob of them.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the gaming dimension?
Not really, though the food and drink have funny names like a ‘Fizzy Bobble’ or a ‘Dancing Duck.’
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the gaming dimension?
Magical spells and gaudily decorated weapons come with some awesome special effects, especially when players find the upgrades.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the gaming dimension that we don’t see on Earth?

What game is complete without…DRAGONS?
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the gaming dimension, Deart and Earth?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Between all three dimensions, Earth isn’t particularly aware of magic. Deart relies more on magic than technology and is more of a medieval, old western, sword and sorcery setting.
The gaming dimension is made entirely of magic and happily defies many laws of physics. In that dimension, spells are cast by a certain set of motions as per the rules for that particular setting.
Regular magic on Deart and Earth prefers to be in the shape of a sphere somehow. However, the rules are very bendy and really, magic knows no bounds if someone has the fortitude to make it do what they want. Thankfully, there aren’t a lot of folks with that powerful of a gift.
There are mages, who use magic as an outside force to affect things.
There are radiants, who can use magic to affect minds.
And there are resonants, who can’t really use magic themselves, but they can be tied to and enhance a mage’s power. It requires a mage to tie a resonant to a radiant.
There is my little catch phrase “Cats are attracted to power.” Where there is magic, there are cats.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
The Ape Caves for part of it. I love horseback riding, so there are horses in there. And, of course, online gaming!
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Much of the story encircles a character who suffered a lot of physical and emotional abuse in the recent past.
Author Autobiography:
I love writing books and riding horses! I have six cats who like to flop on the couch with me when I read, write, or watch stuff on Netflix. I have one awesome, human roommate, and I am a companion home provider for an individual with autism who also happens to be my cousin.
I like to read fantasy, mostly. And, as you may have guessed, I enjoy playing World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2.   
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?  Please include links.
You can find my books roaming the wilds of Amazon!
Where can readers connect with you online?

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the gaming dimension.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXVIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Gwen Dandridge
Title of book and/or series: The Dragons’ Chosen
Brief summary of the story:
The dragons came from beyond the Crystal Mountains, demanding a virgin sacrifice…and Princess Genevieve learns she’s it when she’s handed a golden token–the mark of the chosen. Genevieve accepts her fate. She must, in order to save her kingdom. But the journey to her final destiny is complicated by the arrival of Chris, a 1970s Berkeley co-ed. To Chris, the whole scenario reeks of deception. Where she comes from, corsets are for burning and virgins are hard to find. She’s sure the dragons are out for more than innocent blood, but the only way to find out what they really want is to accompany Genevieve on her journey. Not what she had planned for her freshman year of college. Genevieve is duty-bound–unless Chris is right. Then her sacrifice would mean nothing. Other than woe to those who duped her…
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
This story begins in the grassy hills and valleys of the medieval kingdom of Verdeux. Off to the west are the steep Fandrite mountains and within that–the Crystal caverns.

If we were to visit Verdeux as tourist, what would you recommend we see or do there?
It depends on your level of adventure. If you’re the adventurous type, head beyond the borders of Verdeux to the Crystal caves and explore the depths of these. There you can marvel at the curious rock formations that grow within. The Fens would also be interesting—if you have a high tolerance for midges and other biting insects. For those of you who are not so daring, the castles are wonderful, cool in the warm summers and fun to explore. For myself, I would be off horseback riding across the rolling hills of Verdeux!
What dangers should we avoid in Verdeux?  
Verdeux is a stable country without many predators. Once out in the wilderness, there are many dangers: fire boars, wolves and, of course, dragons!
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Verdeux?
Roasted fire boar if you are in the company of dragons! Otherwise, normal fair for that time: mead, ale and wine to drink; game to eat (venison, pheasant, grouse). It’s a heavy meat culture so you wouldn’t see many green vegetables. J
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Verdeux?
Swords, bows, trebuchets, lances are all incorporated in warfare in medieval Verdeux.
What type of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Verdeux?
Horses and horses pulling carts. Carriages haven’t been invented yet so riding in carts is pretty rough.
Tell us about any sports, games or activities that are available for entertainment in Verdeux.
Princess Genevieve and her father are both avid chess players. Most of the royals play card and board games to while away the hours. During the evenings troubadours are invited to sing and play during dinner. Storytelling is widely used as a way of passing time and socializing. You could join in at a country dance, it doesn’t take much talent, just a desire to have fun and enjoy the music. During evenings, skits are put on by the locals. Sit down and enjoy the show.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I’ve traveled quite a lot in my life and lived in different cultures. I also read widely. These have strongly influenced my writing. Chris lives in a 1970’s Berkeley culture and I lived there during the 1980’s. Genevieve’s world is more medieval French. My stay in France for three months, climbing castle walls and scrambling over drawbridges, gave me a smattering of insight into what a medieval world might have looked like.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
In the book I touch on a number of hot-button issues but in a gentle and subtle way. I want people to think.
1. What are the desirable traits for females in different societies?
In my book, Genevieve and Chris are both strong females in their worlds and both define strength differently. Is strength defiance or is there strength in sacrifice? Is standing up for yourself important or is submitting yourself to the greater good the better way. At any given time, how do you tell which way is best?
2. What does it mean to be human? What defines that?
3. What is most important in love?
Genevieve and Chris have to answer these questions. For each woman there are different  issues and different choices. How does one decide? What qualities would you want in a partner and why? What qualities would you willing to sacrifice for the perfect partner?
4. Who are you outside of the world that you are raised in?
Would you behave differently if transported across the world to a different culture? Would you change as a person or would you adhere to what you already know?
5. How do you react to adversity? Both Genevieve and Chris are presented with difficult situations. Each one reacts based on her understanding of how the world works. Could there have been another way?
Author Autobiography: Not so long ago, my life centered around Morris and Sword dancing, I started writing around the time I ended my fifty-bell habit. During the last fifteen years I have belonged to SCBWI and have been active within the group. My golden retriever and my husband keep me hiking and roaming the hills. I dabble in stained glass, baking and gardening. When opportunity arises, I also make weird piñatas and hang out in my tree-house.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?  The Dragons’ Chosen is available as a paperback or in epub, mobi, pdf, lrf, pdb, txt or html versions.
The paperback and kindle versions are available here:
The pdf version can be found at:
Where can readers connect with you online? 
I love to hear from readers. Contact me at my facebook account at https://www.facebook.com/Gwen-Dandridge-Author-674339635928556/
Or on my web page at www.gwendandridge.com

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Verdeux.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another fantasy world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXVII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:  B. Roman
Title of book and/or series:  The Moon Singer Trilogy, a YA/Kids Fantasy series, comprises three books: The Crystal Clipper, The War Chamber, and The Wind Rose.
Brief summary of the story:  
David Nickerson is a teenager trying to cope with a series of family crises:  his father’s unemployment, his deafness after a serious illness, his crippled sister’s mysterious disappearance, and the death of his mother.  David’s confused life takes on mystical qualities when he acquires three sacred artifacts that have extraordinary powers, and all are tied to the appearance of the enchanting sailing ship, Moon Singer, that transports him to astonishing dimensions of time and space.  The people David encounters in these other worlds all have a soul connection to him and their lives are destined to intertwine many times over. 
The power of music to heal, to transform, to create life – or destroy it – plays a major role in the trilogy.  When he must rescue a young princess with the gift of healing and immortality in her song, held prisoner in a palace tower, David believes he will also rescue his sister Sally. Strangely, too, David finds he can hear for the first time in years and is transformed into a young man who can “hear” what others cannot, and who can “see” what others deny.  Thus, his “disability” becomes his greatest gift. Using crystal power and his music knowledge David discovers the means to work through his own personal problems and create a better world for everyone he loves.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:  
Although David visits other worlds, past and future, the stories have a contemporary feel.  The real world location is David’s coastal home town of Port Avalon, where his family heritage is one of ship building and sailing; this is his anchor environment where the family drama and surprising miracles take place. 

Even though I’ve created fantasy locations for David’s adventures, we come to see that he is really experiencing a higher consciousness, but David doesn’t quite know where he is: Past? Present? Future?  Are they all one and the same?  Discovering the truth is part of David’s enlightenment.
The Crystal Clipper is the Fairy Tale adventure to The Island of Darkness which has the aura of a medieval era with all the inherent dangers for its inhabitants.  For example, the people are enslaved by the evil High Priestess Jaycina, and Princess Saliana is a prisoner in the Prism Palace tower and forced to sing to keep Jaycina immortal.
In The War ChamberDavid is transported to the island of Coronadus which experiences a limbo of sorts where there is no wind or electrical power following a catastrophic earthquake that separated the city from the mainland.  The citizens live a very simple life much like one would find in a commune, are very ecology minded, and mostly pacifists. But war looms!
The Wind Rose takes place mostly in Port Avalon where David is a music prodigy at a city college and uncovers a Machiavellian plot by a mad music professor to destroy his city and all of civilization.  But a solution evades David so he decides to return to the Island of Darkness which has become the Kingdom of Light again, a vastly beautiful and ethereal city of sophistication and soul evolution. Here, everything becomes clear for our hero.
You mentioned that the power of music plays a vital role in the stories and David becomes a music prodigy.  How and why is David’s character deaf?  
David was normal hearing for seven years before developing a serious illness.  During that time his mother taught him music, and subsequently sign language and lip reading.  In his young teens, David develops extraordinary powers in worlds he never knew existed, because of his deafness: this important aspect of his character allows me to demonstrate how David hears the voices of intuition and inspiration and finds his own unique strengths. Normal hearing people who meditate are always instructed to do so in a quiet, silent environment – “Be still, and know…” David learns how to use his natural silence – the “music of his soul” – to find answers to complicated, almost unsolvable problems and in doing so his “disability” becomes his greatest gift.
If we were to visit The Island of Darkness as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?  
Well, you would be drawn to the Prism Palace, a shimmering vision amidst an otherwise dark and dense terrain.  At first glance, it appears to be a crystal of monolithic proportions.  It is deceptively transparent, with near-blinding refractions of light that obscure its interior from view.  You might also be fascinated by the Glass Volcano where sacrifices are made of people who have displeased Jaycina.  Instead of being thrown in the fire, an enormous flash of electrical energy surges between the lodestone and the victim’s breastplate.  He is literally magnetized and lifted high into the air, floating on the electrical current like a puppet on a string.  The lodestone is then pushed aside, cutting off the free-floating electrical current and the victim plunges helplessly into the depths of the volcano, screaming his life away.
The Prism Palace on the Island
            (art credit:  Crystal Wisdom Palace artwork used with permission by Ron Kurz, Ellen Laura, Mary Jean Valente)
What dangers should we avoid in The Prism Palace? 
You would want to avoid the Tower where the worshipped and feared Glass Snake abides.  And stay away from the palace Temple and the Altar of Initiation.  Using hypnotic suggestion, the High Priestess entices people to hand over their personal crystals containing their bio-codes – which contain their genetic maps and all their memories – and makes them her slave.  And don’t ever get lost in the Palace corridors or you will encounter a deceptive Labyrinth of Mirrors and “…your eyes will be unable to see what your heart knows is true.”
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in The War Chamber?  
Since the citizens of Coronadus put down their weapons and chose to be pacifists, when there is a disagreement they must appear before the War Council where battles are confined to theories and strategies.  The only weapon allowed is the agility of their mind and the degree of their debating skills.   The War Council, comprised of only women, decide who the better tactician is.  Why are only women on the Council? Because the people believe women are the creators of life – are peaceful and reasonable – and men, unfortunately, are the destroyers. 
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Coronadus?
Since the Great Destruction, all of the machinery – electronics, cars, appliances, light fixtures, etc. -lie dormant because there is no electricity to power them.  Cooking is done by solar and refrigeration is created by using insulated cooling bins placed underground.  As for the boats, which were very sophisticated with both sails and engines, not only is there no energy to propel them but no wind at all to lift the sails. So no one is able to travel to or from Coronadus, and it is a mystery how David and the Moon Singer arrived there. 
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in all the books?  
Crystal power is the catalyst.  David has a collection of colorful crystals that he experiments with for fun and fascination, including a beautiful Rose Crystal which represents faith and unconditional love.  But things don’t begin to “magically” happen until he is given a unique Singer crystal, which is shaped like a small sailboat.  When David lays out a Star of David grid pattern of his gems, the Singer ignites the power of all of them in a kaleidoscopic fury. The majestic clipper ship Moon Singer appears – a breathtaking vessel made of pure crystal and gold, which transports David on all of his adventures.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I own a Singer crystal, shaped like a small sailboat, that inspired the Moon Singer trilogy’s first adventure, “The Crystal Clipper.” I found this unique crystal at a workshop (actually, it found me – which is what crystals are programmed to do). In pondering its energy, a story began to take shape and guided me through writing all of the adventures. Young David Nickerson came by his own Singer because it was meant for him; he is the one true owner of the Singer crystal which manifests into the Moon Singer ship which takes David on all of his adventures.  Because the sacred gem holds all of the secrets and knowledge of the universe, it is David’s vehicle to learn about life, courage, selflessness and unconditional love.
What is the significance of the Moon Singer that it should be made of crystal and gold?  
Centuries ago a cataclysmic event was prophesied and it was feared that all the great knowledge that had been acquired would be destroyed if it were recorded in books.  So, some very wise scholars programmed a large vein of crystals with all the knowledge of the Universe then rematerialized them into the earth.  They trusted, when the time was right, that the crystal would surface and be attracted by people who would use this wisdom well. Many years later, this vein was discovered by prophets who realized that the power of the crystal held the potential for greatness as well as the potential for evil.  So they broke up the vein and fashioned it into the three masts of the ship Moon Singer, which represent Love, Wisdom and Truth. The men set the ship adrift on a pre-programmed course to another dimension where she would be safe from unscrupulous men.  Before they did, however, they chiseled a bit of crystal from each mast and fashioned the chips into the Singer crystal. The Singer is the only crystal that can activate the Moon Singer’s many powers. 
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Occult subjects that were once looked upon as fringe or “out there” have become mainstream:  reincarnation, soul travel, extrasensory perception, clairaudience and clairvoyance, crystal power, communication with the dead and so forth.  I touch on all of these
What message do you hope your readers will take away from the stories?
I realize that teens today are attracted to pop culture that focuses on dark and violent themes, but I hope my stories will offer kids a balance, especially if they are just beginning to ponder metaphysical thoughts and concepts.  Of course, my goal is to give them an enjoyable, suspenseful, and uplifting reading experience.  I also hope that many adults will read the stories and find them thought-provoking and inspiring.
Author Autobiography:  
Since childhood, I’ve been torn between two worlds: writing and singing. It’s difficult to serve “two masters,” as they say, but I was compelled to do so. When I was not singing, I was writing; when I was not writing, I was singing. Now I do both. (While still working a day job!). I’ve learned that one creative expression nurtures the other. Much of my writing has a musical theme somewhere in the plot, or is the plot. Whether it’s in my non-fiction writing about the power of music itself, in picture books and stories and, of course, in writing music and lyrics for songs.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
There are links to all of my books on my Creativia author page where readers can learn more about me and about the power of music and magical adventures  – then go to the Amazon link if they are interested in buying.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
Email:    [email protected]
Amazon author page: (US & UK)  www.amazon.com/author/bromanbooks
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/BRomanMoonSinger/
Twitter:  @BMoonSinger1

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the Kingdom of Light.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXVI!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Krista Wagner

Title of book and/or series: The Gold

Brief summary of the story:
Ten-year-old Amanda is constantly teased and tormented in school. Her home life is less than satisfactory where her widower father, who is often away on business trips, leaves her in the care of her indifferent teenaged sister. Worse, not a day goes by when Amanda doesn’t miss her mom. TO escape reality, Amanda creates fantasy stories, but when she discovers a talking golden pebble, her imagined world turns into a new-fangled reality.

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
A woodland with forest animals that are friendly, a place touched by magic and weather that the surrounding world is unaffected by, and then the rural world that is invaded by the enchantment of the forest.

If we were to visit Sagle, Idaho as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
The forest. And the creek behind Amanda’s house.

What dangers should we avoid in Sagle?
Watch out for the bullies at school.

What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Sagle?
Feet and the magic change of time.

What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Sagle that we don’t see on Earth?
Forest animals that look like regular animals but are as friendly as those Amanda creates in her stories.

What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Sagle?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
There is a talking pebble. And there are magical creatures. And then there is the sense of time that is distorted when the intrusive world becomes blurred by the too-real ‘normal’ world.

Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Sagle.
1.      Frisbee
2.      Pogo Bounce Ball
3.      Drive-in Movie Theatre

Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Sagle as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Yes. However, there are some points in time that are accelerated and some that are reversed.
All major US holidays are celebrated.

Is there a particular religion practiced in Sagle. Please describe what it involves.
Christianity. Believing in Jesus as one’s Savior and citing the Bible for words of wisdom.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
My visits to my Aunt’s and Uncle’s house in Sagle.
Author Autobiography:
Krista Wagner graduated from National University with an MFA in Creative Writing. Her debut novelIntent, a spiritual dramatic thriller, was published in 2014. Her psychological thriller, Rian Field, released in 2016. The Gold, a middle-grade fantasy, was published in 2016. She has been an English Instructor since 2008. She enjoys suspenseful films, reading the Bible, and spending time with her family.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?  
Amazon: https://amzn.com/B01GT7BOYI
Where can readers connect with you online? 

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Sagle.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Ciella Naden
Title of book and/or series: Faowyn
Brief summary of the story:
Fourteen-year-old Evely takes a nature walk in the forest to collect fern leaves for her biology class. But what she discovers there will question how she sees nature.
Evely enters another world full of giant talking animals. This is Faowyn’s world…where foxes are royal guardians who live to protect humans. But from what?
If we were to visit The Shinrin Kingdom as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
You definitely have to visit Aloof, the gigantic owl. In fact, just let him be your tour guide. Also, make sure you visit Rose’s garden. You’ll leave mind-blown.
What dangers should we avoid in The Shinrin Kingdom?
Just across the field is an “enter at your own risk” place because the evil, blood-sucking Chishio roam there, and they hunt humans.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in The Shinrin Kingdom?
If you arrive in time for breakfast, you’re likely to be served duck eggs and turkey bacon. Also, Rose likes to put herbs in your drink, so watch out.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to The Shinrin Kingdom?
No transportation is needed; you just sort of stumble upon it if you’re out walking in the forest.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in The Shinrin Kingdom that we don’t see on Earth?
Most of the animals in The Shinrin Kingdom will look familiar, but they are all much bigger than they are on Earth. They walk on their hind legs, and they talk! The Chishio are wolf-like creatures, but they are far viler than Earth wolves.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in The Shinrin Kingdom?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Faowyn, his mother, and his sisters all have powers in which they can control certain elements. Faowyn can make balls of fire in his paws and throw them when needed. Faowyn’s mother can turn things to ice or make snow. There are more cool things to learn in the story.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in The Shinrin Kingdom as on Earth?
The time in The Shinrin Kingdom does not pass nearly as quickly as it does on Earth.
Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The Shinrin Kingdom is ruled by Faowyn’s mother and father, King Trestor and Queen Icelia. The Chishio Kingdom is ruled by the leader of the pack, Master Ashton. 
Author Autobiography:
Ciella Naden is the 16-year-old daughter of Author Cynthia P. Willow. She began her writing career with a home-school assignment when she was only thirteen years old. Cat Tales and Whiskers was published the following year. Ciella has now published her second book Faowyn.
Ciella began acting at the local theatre at age 16, and is currently taking acting classes. She runs her own crocheting business to pay for acting expenses. She LOVES foxes and hopes to have her own one day. She enjoys playing digital rhythm games, listening to music, watching Anime, swinging, and singing.
Ciella’s dream is to one day act in television and movie roles. She admires Nat Wolff, Freddie Highmore, and Helena Bonham Carter.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
Instagram: ciella_naden99
YouTube: Faowyn book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh0IoEIQXx4
Cat Tales and Whiskers book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBv2ADzZERg
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the Shinrin Kingdom.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 
Today only, the first book in the series is on sale for 99 cents!

Author’s name:
Walter Cantrell
Title of book and/or series:
Disciple’s Quest

Books currently available:
Disciple’s Quest: The Adventure Begins, Disciple’s Quest 2: The Adventures of Jeremiah and Zeal, Disciple’s Quest 3: Esther and Overcomer: Women of God

Coming 2017 and beyond:
Disciple’s Quest 4: Warriors of God, Disciple’s Quest 5: The Judgment of God, Disciple’s Quest 6: The Kingdom of God
Brief summary of the story:
The Disciple’s Quest series starts out in a similar way as Pilgrim’s Progress. The main character lives in the Town of Lost and discovers that he owes a debt to an Invisible Being. This propels him to embark on a Quest, and the story unfolds from there. The journey that Disciple travels is a mirror to the challenges and hardships Christians encounter in their everyday lives. While the story starts off in a similar fashion as Pilgrims Progress, readers soon discover that they’re in a much different setting with more relatable characters and a more fleshed out world. In Book 2, two more characters are introduced who are on a parallel journey, and then two more in Book 3. By the end of Book 3 all of the characters are brought together, and they form a team that becomes the focus of Books 4-6. Once the series gets to Book 4, it becomes more like Lord of the Rings with an emphasis on the big picture battles that Christians face as a group.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
In Books 1-3, the world unfolds from the perspective of the individuals on their Quests. What we learn in these first books is there are towns and cities that function in a similar technological era of Late 1700’s America. Those on the Quest experience a realm of existence that those not on the Quest are not even aware of. For those on the Quest, they experience spiritual battles where the enemies are personified as giants, ogres, trolls, goblins, and other creatures that resemble animals or half-animals.
In later books we will learn that the areas outside the Quest are known as the Outer Realm, and the land occupied by those on the Quest is representative of the Kingdom of God. What you also learn in Book 4 is that the goal of the Forces of Darkness is to confine those on the Quest to as small an area as possible, while those on the Quest are trying to expand that area to encroach further into the Outer Realm.
What dangers should we avoid on The Quest?
There are always dangers that are lurking around every corner. You won’t be able to avoid them, and in fact your chosen path may take you directly into their strongholds. But what you can do is be prepared.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common on The Quest?
When each person starts their Quest, they are given Armor and a Sword. These weapons correspond to the armor outlined in Ephesians 6.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel on The Quest?
Most travel is by foot, but horses, wagons, and donkeys are also used.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter on The Quest that we don’t see on Earth?
Most of the plants and animals are the same as we would encounter on the earth at this time. There are a few exotic plants and fruit trees, but usually these are a warning that something isn’t right.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people on the Quest?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Almost everything on The Quest is supernatural from the standpoint that it is a spiritual existence that is unknown to those who live in the Outer Realm, but there is no magic along the lines of what would be found in a Harry Potter book.
Is there a particular religion practiced?  Please describe what it involves.
Those who live in the Outer Realm practice a variety of religions, but all those on the Quest worship Jesus Christ in accordance with what we know as Evangelical Christianity.
What is the political or government structure in this land?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
We’ll learn in Book 5 that in the Outer Realm there are a variety of local and governmental rulers throughout the earth. Some are more tolerant of those on the Quest than others. The governmental authority in the land where my characters travel is more tolerant that most places on the earth, but that is quickly changing.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Many of the battles are taken from my own experiences in individual and corporate spiritual warfare.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
In a way, all of my books are controversial because they present a strong Evangelical Christian view that there is only one way to God. But in Book 2, I deal with some hot-button topics such as homosexuality, racism, gender roles in marriage, the tensions between Law and Gospel, and the role of the Holy Spirit.
Author Autobiography:
I’ve never been one to read Christian Fiction because I considered it a waste of time. If I was going to spend time reading, then I was going to read the Bible or other serious non-fiction Christian books. But in October of 2014 I read Pilgrims Progress for the first time, and I was struck by all the possibilities of conveying Biblical teaching in an adventure story. Soon thereafter I got the idea to write Disciple’s Quest, and the series was born. I had been working on a non-fiction Christian book off and on for a couple of years, but I hit a roadblock in early 2014, so I put that book on shelf. But when I began to write Disciple’s Quest, I discovered that all the research and time I had put into the non-fiction book translated really well into the context of the world of Disciple’s Quest.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
My books are available in Paperback and Kindle. Click Here to buy my book in Kindle Format.   Today only this first book in the series is on sale for just 99 cents!
Where can readers connect with you online? 

I hope you all enjoyed The Quest.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the Shinrin King, in Realm Explorers Part XCXIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
Lisa Rector
Title of book and/or series:
Chronicles of the Half-Emrys series. Master of Lies, The Two Masters, and Master of Time.
Brief summary of the story:
Each novel in this series tells the story of a different half-emrys. The immortal emrys live in the realm Gorlassar, apart from the humans, who they believe are corrupted. As the novels unfold, we learn that two emrys have ventured into the mortal world. Their children are the half-emrys—part human and part immortal—and from their mixed heritage, they have the ability to wield the powers of light and darkness.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
My world involves several realms or planets. The immortals live on Gorlassar, an entirely separate planet from Bryn, where the mortals dwell. Gorlassar and Bryn are connected by a portal. The majority of my stories take place on Bryn. The three realms in the west are separated by a barren expanse from the sprawling realm Morvith in the east. Morvith is home to the Dark Dragon riders, and within its borders is the eternal prison of an evil god.
If we were to visit Bryn as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? 
Between the three realms is the Great Forest. It’s called great because the trees are roughly forty feet in diameter and mass together, sometimes creating an impassable barrier. Many of the adventures take place within the forest because of its extensive history. The forest didn’t always have gargantuan trees. Even if you found your way into the depths of the Great Forest without being hopelessly lost, you might not want to ride the rickety lifts into the canopy hundreds of feet in the air, where a civilization of little people—the Eilian—dwell. These clever folk adapted to living in the treetops, but watch out, they’ll talk your ear off. If you are lost and lucky enough, the tegyd—the deer-people—will find you and take you to their underground realm of glowing cave crystals and soaring cavernous halls.
What dangers should we avoid in Bryn?
It shouldn’t be a problem to avoid Nudd, the stagnant swamp in the north, where the flower fey—the Gwri—live. But sadly, not all my characters have done so. Whether on a mission for the Dark Master or a group of daring explorers, nothing can thwart Gwri magic. When blessed by the Gwri, you will be altered forever. These mysterious flower fey have been known to cross portals into other worlds as well. If you feel the pull of compelling magic and hear nearly imperceptible giggles that you swore weren’t real, you’re in big trouble.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Gorlassar?
In the immortal realm, my emrys rarely use man-made weapons. The emrys are imbued with light from the Creator, and they harness the light and project it from their bodies in a myriad of ways. They can shield, blast, immobilize. The light quickens their physical frame so they are stronger, faster, more perceptive then mortals. Their greatest asset is their ability to discern the light in others and sense emotion on a soul-reaching level.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Gorlassar and Bryn? 
Ah, the mortals are so fortunate. Once the emrys decided the mortal world was safe, they brought their dragons into Bryn. What once took a month to travel takes a day. Dragons are fabulous messengers, and with the riders’ dragon stones, messages can even be passed mentally over vast distances, even across the portals between worlds.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Bryn that we don’t see on Earth?
Bryn has all types of beings made by the Creator—the Master of Light. Humans, deer-people, flower fey, little people, and immortals. Bryn is also home to malformed creatures that the Creator’s brother—the Dark Master—made. These beings are creatures formed by the darkness. One such monstrosity is a Shadow Soul, a parasite that corrupts and even maddens creatures of light.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Bryn? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
My worlds are governed by the powers of light and darkness. Both are real tangible energies that dwell within the heart-centers—the spiritual centers—of every creature. The light heals and gives my emrys their immortality, and through the dragon stones that many of my emrys wear, the dragons have that same immortal life. The power of darkness sounds evil, and truly, its might seems to grow from vile deeds (it even mutates organic life) but many of the half-emrys prefer its grounding capabilities. Both powers are harnessed as weapons. Both have abilities that emerge over time.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Bryn? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
My Eilian are an inventive, ancient race. They were clever enough to invent the pulley and many other advances. One Eilian even admits to his ancestor being blown up when he “founded the oven.” But that remains to say, their race was secluded for a while, and technological advances were occurring in other realms and on other planets at the same time.
The emrys have been able to get away with fewer advances in Gorlassar than we have on earth because they harnessed their light to do simple things, like heating water, eliminating the need for a water heater. Electricity has been unnecessary because emrys cast orbs of light into the air and even make rocks glow to light up a palace floor. Still, my stories are, what you might say, medieval, with horses and dragons as the mode of travel and knights fighting with swords on Bryn.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Gorlassar. 
Because Gorlassar is a protected realm and the emrys are charged with protecting the dragons, the emrys are trained in combat. Many mock tournaments are held to hone their skills in the event that evil might breech the protective barrier between worlds. On Bryn, mortals enjoy a good jousting tournament or sword fight. A yearly fall festival is held in the capitol of Talfryn, which draws subjects from across the three mortals realms for a week of satiating fun.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same on Bryn and Gorlassar as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Time moves the same on Bryn as Earth. Bryn celebrates the cycles of their moon. It must be noted that Bryn has its own separate solar system, as does Gorlassar. It must purely be coincidence that time moves the same on these three spheres.
Is there a particular religion practiced on Bryn and Gorlassar? Please describe what it involves.
Because these two worlds are connected, they honor the same Creator. Deian is like our world’s God, and so he has an evil counterpart, Cysgod. Without getting into the nature of Christian religion, I am just going to say, that every world in my novels has a god, and it is not the same as ours. Other worlds might have other Creators, and those might emerge as other stories are written.

Eternal laws govern the people of Bryn and Gorlassar, such as the law of forgiveness or the law of sacrifice. When these laws are enacted, powers move into play and have been known to benefit the enactors. The immortals and mortals can choose which Creator to honor. Both Creators have rivaling mights, and they bestow their powers on to those who follow them.
What is the political or government structure on Bryn? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The immediate world that you are introduced on to Bryn is the three realms. At one point, all three were ruled by kings, but as time progressed, lords have taken over rule. Lord Brenin is our noble, young ruler of Terrin, the western realm near the sea. His father died when he was an infant. Brenin’s uncle rules the neighboring realm in the southeast. In the northeast, a mad tyrant, Lord Caedryn, rules. Lord Caedryn came from Morvith after being exiled.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Gorlassar? 
Because of the light the emrys carry, they are held to higher laws governed by the light. Emrys discern the emotion of those around them, and because of this acute ability, their touch is limited and very intimate. Emrys are able to bind themselves to others in several ways. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. The spiritual bond is akin to a mortals’ marriage. It involves the exchange of light between two individuals and is an eternal commitment. Mental and emotional bonds may be done among friends. They may be undone. A physical bond is the consummating after marriage. This is obviously done in conjunction with the spiritual bond. If an emrys of pure light bonds physically without the spiritual bond, they will fall—transition to a Dark Emrys. A half-emrys, who already possesses both darkness and light, has a bit wiggle room. They can transition to a Dark Emrys by other vile deeds. What matters are the intents of the half-emrys and the purity of those intentions.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Sure has. All the beliefs are taken from my faith. The Creators. The laws. The light that is in all my beings is the same as the Light of Christ that is in us, with the exception of my characters’ light being from a different god.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Morality. But it is woven in to how my emrys deal with their purity and innocence. Off-page intimacy does happen between non-wedded characters, but it is not always in their control. It’s mainly to create new consequences.

Author Autobiography:
Lisa Rector is a Maryland native and can’t imagine living anywhere else. She married her high school sweetheart for time and all eternity in the Washington D.C. Temple after she fell in love with his endless sense of humor. Lisa enjoyed a short stint as a labor and delivery nurse before becoming a stay-at-home mom for her two beautiful daughters. In addition to her newfound love of writing, her passions are gardening, yoga, and her faith in Jesus Christ. Her favorite delights are decadent homemade cakes, cookies, or brownies—never store-bought.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?
My novels can be purchased on Amazon in paperback and eBook. Check out my author page to see everything in one glance.
Where can readers connect with you online? 

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Bryn and Gorlassar.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
Debbie Erickson         
Title of book and/or series:
The Secret of the Golden Heart / Golden Heart Series – Book I
Brief summary of the story:
A young boy is on a journey to find the secret of his mom’s golden heart heirloom and discovers that he must fulfill her destiny—on another planet—with his annoying twin. Will faith play a part?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Planet Dia in the Trifold Galaxy. The planet is dying.
If we were to visit Dia as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
The entire world is like a Garden of Eden with waterfalls, castles, and majestic mountains to explore.
What dangers should we avoid in Dia? 
Watch out for the three-headed snake, a flying dinosaur named SanDorak, and the forest.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Dia?
Same as Earth’s; vegetables, meat, and fruit.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Dia? 
Bows & arrows and swords.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Dia?
Since it’s a fantasy, there are prehistoric creatures, giant flying dinosaurs, and flying Friesian stallions.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Dia that we don’t see on Earth?
A tree that bears all kinds of fruit, prehistoric animals, and the people of Dia have a slight glow, depending on the intensity of light.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Dia?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
I don’t consider that there is any magic really, just unusual happenings.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Dia as on Earth?
No. A day on Dia equals a year on Earth.
What is the political or government structure in Dia?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
King Malakon is the ruler, but he’s not a good man.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Ever since I watched The Wizard of Oz as a child, I fell in love with fantasy stories.
Author autobiography:
Debbie’s love for writing began at an early age. After finishing some online courses, her love of writing grew, and she wanted to write for children.
She stays connected to various websites and blogs on the craft of writing.  She also has an interest in writing historical fiction someday, but she enjoys fantasies since her first encounter with Baum’s Wizard of Oz–she likes imaginary worlds and time travel.
Some of her favorite authors are C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, and J.K.Rowling, and of course Lord of the Rings Trilogy.  
She was a peer counselor for a pregnancy care center and feels every life is important. She believes that adoption should be the choice instead of abortion.
God is the Rock of her salvation and Partner in her life’s journey; staying focused and grounded are important elements of life.
She enjoys family; her dog, Ringo; stargazing on a clear night; the smell of a bookstore; and playing golf. 
She wants to encourage children to find their own passion and pursue their dreams, and she hopes that everyone will have the perseverance to reach their goals.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book? 
They can also visit my website here and click on Books. They will also find a book trailer there.
Where can readers connect with you online?

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Dia.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXI!
-Annie Douglass Lima