Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Lana Axe
Title of book and/or series: The Golden Owl – Clockwork Calico Book 1
Brief summary of the story:
Calico Cogg is a cat like no other. Rescued from the streets of Ticswyk by esteemed inventor Lionel Cogg, she has been fitted with implants to enhance her natural feline abilities. When Lionel is kidnapped, Cali must put her skills to the test to free him.
Dark schemes are in the works—a plague of tiny clockwork spiders are wreaking havoc on the city’s inhabitants. Only Cali, with help from her trusted mouse friend Emmit, can get to the bottom of it all. With a criminal mastermind planning a major heist, Cali must race against time to unravel his plot before he escapes with the city’s greatest treasure.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Ticswyk is a steampunk city that’s not quite London, not quite St. Louis. It’s set in the Victorian era, but with the addition fantastic technology.
If we were to visit Ticswyk as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Not to be missed is the Exhibition, a showcase of technological inventions held once a year. It’s the highlight of the town, drawing visitors from across the globe. It’s also home to one of the finest museums around, featuring art and artifacts from all over the world.
What dangers should we avoid in Ticswyk?
Ticswyk is home to several Guilds, most of which function like organized crime. It’s best to stay away from them. In addition, if you spot any sort of clockwork spiders skittering about town, it’s best to stay as far from them as possible.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Ticswyk?
Ticswyk actually has a fine selection of eating establishments. Bakeries offer a wide variety of sweets, and the selection of tinned cat food is top notch.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Ticswyk?
Sentinels powered by steam are not uncommon guarding some of the more upscale establishments. Most buildings employ security systems of some sort, ranging from simple cameras to automatic missile launchers.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Ticswyk?
Horses do their fair share of the work in Ticswyk, pulling carts and transporting passengers around the cities. But visitors from distant locations prefer to travel by balloon or airship. Steam powered engines are also starting to be seen around town, pulling carriages without the need of a horse.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Ticswyk?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Cali herself is the most fascinating piece of technology in Ticswyk. Enhanced with implants designed by her dear friend, Lionel, she is given extraordinary abilities that set her apart from other felines. She’s faster, jumps higher, and sees farther than any other cat. Her mousing abilities are unparalleled.
What is the political or government structure in Ticswyk?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Unfortunately, the corrupt Guilds run most facets of the city. They have a hand in almost everything, bribing those in charge to pass laws in their favor. They even bribe the police to look the other way when crimes are committed. Anyone not associated with the Guilds risks being run out of town.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
My four dear cats are the inspiration for Cali and her feisty feline attitude. The 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, MO (my home state) as well as the infamous Sherlock Holmes as written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle heavily inspired the setting for this series.
Author Autobiography:
Lana Axe lives in Missouri near the edge of the woods. She is inspired by her love of nature to write about elves, magic, and adventure. Growing up in Mark Twain’s backyard inspired her love of fiction from an early age. She grew up an avid reader and went on to study literature in college.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?
The Golden Owl is available on Amazon Kindle and in paperback.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Ticswyk.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the planet Dia, in Realm Explorers Part XCX!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
Shaun Stevenson
Title of book and/or series:
Book 1: Secret of the Lost King
Book 2: Sword of the Broken Son (Coming Fall 2016)
Book 3: Skin of the Dragon Lord (Coming Winter 2017)
Tale 1: Betrayal of the Green Archer
Brief summary of the story:
Long ago, the Emperor Morogh stole the throne of Tanniyn from the rightful king. Ruling from the Dark Castle, Morogh seeks three lost children spoken of in a prophecy from the night he took over the kingdom. Those three children are the only ones who may be able to end Morogh’s reign forever.
With the Emperor’s soldiers on their tail, Jack, Maggie, and Molly must escape and find a traitor, restore a lost king, and discover the secret memory the three of them share. Hidden away in the depths of their minds is knowledge – knowledge Morogh wants very badly. And once Morogh gains that knowledge? He will remain Emperor for all eternity.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Tanniyn is a kingdom built by the Northern Kings long ago before those same kings abandoned everything and disappeared. From the eastern mountains to the swamps of the south, the people live in fear of the Emperor Morogh and the ancient evil some believe still exists beneath the ground.
If we were to visit Tanniyn as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Visiting some of the local villages would give a great flavor of the daily life, and there are some magnificent views in the Eastern Mountains from the Star Castles, hidden above the clouds. There are also the Star Tropics to the east of the mountains, one of the last beautiful oases left in the kingdom. Palm trees, and long, white beaches stretch for miles along inland seas.
Some have found the stained glass windows of the Dark Castle where the Emperor Morogh rules to be quite enchanting. Some say the windows depict the ancient legends of the kingdom, but others say there is more truth in two specks of glass than any book.
What dangers should we avoid in Tanniyn?
Watch out for quicksand pits in the swamps. Creatures lurk beneath the muck, waiting for helpless travelers who wander a little too close. Also, I would generally recommend avoiding the Library of Secrets located beneath an active volcano. Every quarter hour the volcano erupts rock and ash, changing the landscape dramatically. When visiting the Library of Secrets, be sure to avoid the catacombs as they are filled with ancient prisoners and hungry arachnids. And never, ever, drink the water of any fountain. Its effects could be… hazardous to your health and wellbeing.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Tanniyn?
Once a paradise, food of all kinds grow throughout the kingdom wildly. You may find some berries growing along the path through the woods, or you may find some beautiful rainbow trout hopping its way upstream. Generally, grains are the meal of the land, and every farmer is worth their weight in wheat.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Tanniyn?
Scrapy fighters abound in Tanniyn, trained long ago by the Grand Weapons Master of the Star Tropics. However, since Emperor Morogh took over and murdered the Grand Weapons Master, true training in swordplay and archery have gone by the wayside – at least for the common people.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Tanniyn?
Most travel by foot or horseback, but the elite have elaborate carriages that will take them throughout the kingdom. However, why anyone would leave the safety of their home is beyond even the wisest of Tanniyn.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Tanniyn that we don’t see on Earth?
Everything wants to eat you. From the deadly plant pods of the Star Castles to the quicksand lurkers to the large arachnid living away its years in the Library of Secrets, the best plan is to lock your doors at night and hope nothing has crawled in while you weren’t watching.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Tanniyn?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Supernatural forces are definitely afoot in Tanniyn. Whenever the kingdom’s fate is threatened, there is always one chosen to bear the weight of visions. Once selected, this person will fall asleep in Tanniyn and wake up elsewhere. Whether they actually arrive in other lands through their dreams is a mystery, but ancient legends come to life once the waking world fades away.
Once, a prophet lived in the Dark Castle, and his prophecy about the Three Lost Heroes still haunts the kingdom. Alas, he was killed during the coup that allowed the Emperor Morogh to take the Dark Castle, and his prophetic skills died with him.
There are also many supernatural items throughout the kingdom. Most of these have been hidden away, but some remain known. The Book of Secrets mysteriously contains knowledge of every known act and secret within the kingdom, but written in a strange language only Caretakers of the book will understand. The Golden Sword is rumored to grant unspeakable strength to anyone who holds it, but it was lost long, long ago in the Star Castle Wars. Other secrets lurk within the depths of the kingdom, waiting for the right person to come along and unleash them.
What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
The people of Tanniyn celebrate few precious holidays, but the Week of Grains is most definitely the one event everyone looks forward to. Celebrated secretly in recent years, the Week of Grains is a time when villages band together and dance away the weeks after harvest, hoping for another bountiful year. Many villages perform special songs, and orators share the stories of legends long told.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Tanniyn?  Please describe what it involves.
There are some who believe in God, and read the stories of the ancient Bible, but most typically fear an ancient power – spoken of in hushed whispers but never spoken outside the safety of homes. Some say this power ruled the land long ago, but others say it doesn’t exist. No one truly knows, not even the Caretaker of Secrets in the Library of Secrets. Those pages went missing from The Book of Secrets a thousand years ago…
What is the political or government structure in Tanniyn?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Tanniyn is a monarchy, ruled from the Dark Castle by one King. In the past, a group of kings from the north ruled the land from the Star Castles in the Eastern Mountains, but they were driven north ages ago. Currently, the Emperor Morogh rules from the Dark Castle, and he rules with a spiked fist, plowing over any who would dare stand in his way.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I have always loved world travel, and so far I only have two continents left to visit: Antartica and Australia. I don’t know if I’ll ever make it to the South Pole, but Australia is on my bucket list. From riding camels through the deserts of northern Africa and exploring the snowy woods in Heidelberg, Germany, to watching the sun rise on the eastern coast of Russia to the overgrown mountains of Ecuador, I love seeing everything this world has to offer. I would definitely not be surprised if those real life locations have sneaked their way into Tanniyn. I’ve only begun exploring this world, and can’t wait to see what else is hiding away in the corners of this enchanted kingdom.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Family is a complicated topic. So often in middle grade fiction, parents are portrayed in two ways: extremely aloof and useless, or they are generally good people who care about their kids.
But my experience in life is that there are many kids growing up without a parent. Or with parents who are dangerous. Or who watch their parents do awful things. It’s a scary idea to wrestle with them. For Secret of the Lost King, I wanted to tackle the question: What if someone discovered their parents were not good people? What if someone who wanted a family became part of a family that wasn’t good?
While the book doesn’t go anywhere near some of the horrors children today face, it does look at the concept of parents who are not good people.
Author Autobiography:
I have always loved a good story. Ever since I picked up my great-grandmother’s copy of THE WIZARD OF OZ as a second grade reader, I’ve always known that stories, writing, and adventures on the written page were in my future. I love to read, and some of the my favorite authors to follow are Travis Thrasher, Brandon Mull, Wayne Thomas Batson, and Robert Liparulo. I’m also a movie fanatic, and more than once I have heard that some of my books read like 1980’s adventure films. When I’m not writing, I spend my time as a Children’s Pastor, telling stories and sharing hope.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?  Please include links.
My books are available on Amazon in both ebook and printformat.
Where can readers connect with you online?
Visit my website: shaunstevensonbooks.com for info on all of my books, as well as blog posting and exclusive behind the scenes content. You can also sign up for my email newsletter and receive a bonus short story for free: Thrones: Betrayal of the Green Archer.

You can also find me on my Facebook page, on Twitter, on Goodreads, or on my Amazon Author Page.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Tanniyn.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the steampunk world of Ticswyk, in Realm Explorers Part XCIX!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Annie Douglass Lima

Title of book and/or series: The Gladiator and the Guard (sequel to The Collar and the Cavvarach, both in the Krillonian Chronicles series)

Brief summary of the story:

Bensin, teenage slave and martial artist, is just one victory away from freedom. But after he is accused of a crime he didn’t commit, he is condemned to the violent life and early death of a gladiator. While his loved ones seek desperately for a way to rescue him, Bensin struggles to stay alive and forge an identity in an environment designed to strip it from him. When he infuriates the authorities with his choices, he knows he is running out of time. Can he stand against the cruelty of the arena system and seize his freedom before that system crushes him?

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:

The story takes place in the Krillonian Empire, which is in a world whose culture and technology are almost exactly like our own in most ways. The main difference is that slavery is legal there. To learn more about the Krillonian Empire, click here to read my Realm Explorers post from last year. In today’s post, however, we will focus on life in Red Arena, one of four huge martial arts stadiums in the city of Jarreon. Bensin spends most of the story as a prisoner in Red Arena, where up to 100 gladiators undergo rigorous training during the week and compete on weekends against other arenas.

If we were to visit Red Arena as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?

First of all, arrive early. Red Arena’s weekend games are very popular, and while there are enough seats that they don’t often sell out completely, you’d better arrive at least an hour ahead of time if you want a spot at the front.

There’s only one thing for tourists to do at Red Arena. Watch the gladiators fight! Usually they duel against warriors from another arena, one pair of combatants at a time. Other times they are involved in “wars”, in which two “armies” of ten or twelve gladiators fight each other. Sometimes the arena managers plan other special events; for example, there’s an occasion in the story when a number of gladiators stand ready to compete with a number of different weapons. Random members of the audience get to pick numbers from a hat (a new one every five minutes), and this determines the order in which the gladiators are sent out to join the melee with their weapon of choice. 

Every now and then, Red Arena rents out its facility for other popular events, such as the annual Grand Imperial Cavvara Shil Tourney (open to male and female competitors in a variety of age groups). Bensin competes in the Grand Imperial in the book’s opening scene (before he becomes a gladiator), as well as in The Collar and the Cavvarach.

What dangers should we avoid in Red Arena?

Gladiators are dangerous and unpredictable, but a sturdy chain-link fence separates the central combat area from the stands, so spectators will never come in direct contact with them. 

However, should you ever be unfortunate enough to end up as a gladiator in the arena yourself, that would be a whole different story. Although the weekend games are usually not intended to result in death (that would be a waste), accidents can and do happen. Gladiators fight with razor-sharp weapons, after all, and injuries are common. In addition, gladiators tend to be violent by nature, and in the course of daily life in the arena, they are constantly looking for opportunities to prove that they’re tougher than those around them. Newcomers, especially, tend to be victimized until they learn to stand up for themselves. Fighting (except during official combat practice times with a trainer supervising) is strictly against the rules due to the danger of “damaging valuable arena property”. There are always multiple guards standing ready to put a stop to any altercations with the help of their shockwhips and dartblowers (more about those later). However, any gladiator would tell you that proving yourself is always worth the cost. If they’re quick, they can usually get in a few blows before the guards step in.

How and why do gladiators come to work in Red Arena in the first place?

Few people come voluntarily. Gile Murton, Red Arena’s manager, sometimes purchases slaves from their owners, if he finds some who are especially skilled in martial arts. In the city of Jarreon, enslavement (usually involving sale by auction) is a common punishment for certain crimes. So if Gile hears that a talented athlete, soldier, or someone else with the right skill set has been convicted of a crime and enslaved, he will place a bid in an attempt to secure the person for the arena. He occasionally offers a contract to a free martial artist, but this is rare, and it’s even rarer for anyone to accept it. Becoming a gladiator means being paid a generous sum in advance and then committing to a lifetime in the arena – and gladiators’ lives are notoriously short. As you can imagine, not many people would choose such an option, even though few outsiders have any idea of the strict training conditions and cruel treatment glads in Red Arena face on a daily basis.

Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Red Arena?

Everything served in Red Arena meals is healthy, designed to keep gladiators’ energy up. In between workouts, they are served protein drinks with fresh ingredients and herbal supplements designed to help them rehydrate quickly, speed up healing, etc. They also snack on energy bars.

What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Red Arena?

The arena features a number of different martial arts, some of which are familiar in our world. Boxing, wrestling, mu tokk, Skeyvian scimitar dueling, spear fighting, Nelirian double daggers (fought with a dagger in each hand), and cavvara shil are the main ones mentioned. 

Cavvara shil is Bensin’s area of expertise. It involves a combination of kickfighting, which is similar to our kickboxing, and cavvara dueling, in which fighters strike at each other with a sword-like weapon called a cavvarach that has a hook about halfway along the top edge of the blade. You win a duel either by disarming your opponent (hooking, kicking or knocking the cavvarach out of his hand) or by pinning his shoulders to the ground for five seconds. Fighters wear a narrow shield-like guard, called a shil, on one forearm, and use it to block an opponent’s blows or kicks.

This scale model of a cavvarach was designed by a high school student at Morrison Academy and printed for the author on a 3D printer.

What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Red Arena?

Transportation in the Krillonian Empire is pretty much the same as on Earth. Spectators could arrive at the arena by car or bus. Steene (Bensin’s former owner, coach, and friend) drives his decrepit blue pickup truck there a few times in his desperate attempts to find a way to rescue Bensin (and at one point, his truck breaks down in the arena parking lot and has to be towed). Gladiators sometimes travel by bus to compete at other arenas.

Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Red Arena? 

Technology in the Krillonian Empire as a whole is very similar to that found on Earth today. There are a few unusual items in use there, however. Guards and trainers at Red Arena always carry shockwhips: long, stiff whips with an adjustable strap that fastens around the user’s wrist. The whips deliver a painful blow that leaves a welt for several days. Pressing a button on the handle sends an electrical charge through the whip, and anyone struck with it then receives a painful electric shock. Gladiators are regularly lashed with shockwhips as a penalty for fighting or other rule breaking, or as a consequence for failing to meet the fitness goals their trainers set during workouts.

Red Arena guards also use dartblowers, which are little tubes about the length of a finger, worn on a cord around the neck. They contain tiny darts which, when they pierce the skin, cause a person to go limp and lose control of most muscles for several minutes. This is useful if glads are fighting each other, threatening arena staff, or otherwise engaging in potentially dangerous activities. A prick from a dart will leave them slumped motionless on the floor long enough for anyone in danger to get away or for guards to call for reinforcements. The glad is conscious and can still hear what’s happening around him, he just can’t move or open his eyes. The dart wears off gradually, and after that, he’ll have a headache for several hours. 

Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Red Arena.

During breaks after meals and between workouts, gladiators hang out in the rec room and play cards. A card game called ruple is particularly popular. 

When a gladiator defeats his opponent out on the sand, he is rewarded with a day of “champion privileges”. This involves a morning of exciting virtual reality video games and an afternoon of movies and (healthy) snacks. As you might expect, the video games and movies are always quite violent.
What is the political or government structure in Red Arena?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?

Well, there isn’t a government, as such, but Red Arena does have a hierarchical structure.

The manager’s name is Gile Murton. He oversees arena operations and does everything he can to acquire talented new warriors and make sure they become vicious killers to raise Red Arena’s ratings and bring in as much money as possible. He makes no secret of the fact that he doesn’t care about anyone or anything unless they bring profit to the arena. However, he can put on a very warm front when he’s trying to recruit potential gladiators, and he always acts friendly and proud toward glads who have just won in the arena games. However, he has no qualms about using people in whatever ways suit his purposes. All the gladiators at Red Arena hate him, and so do most of the guards and trainers. 

Riddior Chelgo is Red Arena’s training manager. He oversees the ten trainers and their training plans for the gladiators under them, and often pulls glads aside himself for special training sessions. Genuinely friendly, he is the only arena employee who ever engages in casual conversation with the gladiators. He is generous with compliments and leaves the criticism to others. Gladiators like and respect him, and he doesn’t fear them as Gile and the guards do. He doesn’t carry a shockwhip or dartblower, though he’s always accompanied by guards who do.

There are ten trainers at Red Arena, each responsible for ten gladiators. They create and are constantly updating individualized training plans for each glad, adjusting them when necessary to make allowance for injuries. Trainers have the extra incentive of a generous financial bonus whenever a glad in their “ten” wins in combat against another arena.

An assistant trainer works with each trainer, helping to supervise the gladiators’ workouts and combat practice. They take over training responsibilities twice a week when trainers have the day off.

Guards are always present during the day, ready to protect trainers if the glads in their ten turn on them. Some guards patrol the arena at ground level, shockwhips and dartblowers at the ready. Others look down on the gym, rec room, etc. from balconies at the second-floor level, where they can use their dartblowers as necessary while keeping well away from any possible danger.

What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Red Arena that we don’t see on Earth?

There are no plants or animals at the arena, and humans are the only sentient beings in the Krillonian Empire. They come in a variety of races, closely coinciding with races found on Earth, though their cultures don’t necessarily match. Bensin, a Tarnestran, has “light skin, short blond hair, and green eyes” (though hair and eye color can vary). Nelirians, like Bensin’s friend Ricky, have “narrowed eyes and high cheekbones”. Imperians such as Steene are described with “medium brown skin and straight black hair”. Skeyvians, like Riddior, have “dark skin and kinky black hair”. 

Slavery in the Krillonian Empire is not based on race; people from any race can be enslaved as a punishment for certain crimes. (Attempting to help slaves escape is one such crime.) Large numbers of people from certain provinces, such as Tarnestra, have been enslaved all at once as a consequence for resisting Imperial annexation.

How can gladiators leave the arena?

Permanently? There’s only one way: in a bodybag. But Steene is determined to find a way to get Bensin out alive, no matter the cost….

Author Autobiography:

Annie Douglass Lima spent most of her childhood in Kenya and later graduated from Biola University in Southern California. She and her husband Floyd currently live in Taiwan, where she teaches fifth grade at Morrison Academy. She has been writing poetry, short stories, and novels since her childhood, and to date has published twelve books (two YA action and adventure novels, four fantasies, a puppet script, and five anthologies of her students’ poetry). Besides writing, her hobbies include reading (especially fantasy and science fiction), scrapbooking, and international travel.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? 

The Collar and the Cavvarach is available in paperback and Kindle format on Amazon here.

The Gladiator and the Guard is available on Kindle here or in other digital formats (Nook, PDF, etc.) here.

My other books can be found here.

Where can readers connect with you online? 

Email: [email protected]

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Red Arena.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the land of Tanniyn, in Realm Explorers Part XCVIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Sue Bridgwater with co-author Alistair McGechie
Title of book and/or series: The Skorn Series; Legends of Skorn, Perian’s Journey, Shadows of the trees.
Brief summary of the stories: Legends of Skorn is a short story reproducing the myths and origin-tales of the world of Skorn, as compiled by Aril, Scribe of Saracoma.  It is published in Dreamless Roads, a collection edited by Jan Hawke. 

Perian’s journey begins high on a mountain when he first sees a beautiful flower at the heart of a dark thorn. It is to be a journey beset with many perils and filled always with contrast, as the forces of good and evil in the outer world mirror the successes and failures of Perian’s own life. In the classic tradition of the great quest stories, Perian encounters a wizard, a dragon, and high adventure; and also the betrayal and love, sorrow and joy, of everyday life. Perian’s Journey is both an adventure story told in spare resonant prose, and an interior journey, as a boy grows to manhood and confronts his personal destiny.

Shadows of the Trees is a longer mythological novel set in the Second Age, that tells the story of Saranna and Drewin, two of the Goddess Iranor’s children, who live with their mother on the Isle of the West Wind, which lies outside of time. When Drewin makes two amulets, Iranor is incensed, and Saranna and Drewin are cast out into the world of passing years. They are separated at sea and follow different paths in pursuit of an understanding of their sin and acceptance of their mortality.

A third novel, The Dry Well, is now in preparation and follows the further adventures of Saranna.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Skorn was created by the great Goddess Ellanna as she drifted through the cosmos before Time began.  It is a world of magic, wizards and adventure with wide deserts, forests and magical seas.
If we were to visit Skorn as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Do not miss the mighty trees of the Forest lands, the great horses of Lassian, the songs and cheer of the East Isles in the north, or the heady joys of Sharn the Dissolute with its many taverns and inns. 
What dangers should we avoid in Skorn?
Some evil forces still lurk in hidden places of Skorn – beware Kemara the Sorceress, Groddin the Guardian of the mountain gates, the fierce Priests of Sen-Mar.  Avoid the deserts of IssKor.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Skorn?
I fear the magical fruits of Lavrum are all gone, but the wines of Mardara are renowned, and the fresh fish of both the East and West Isles is outstanding.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Skorn?
Sword, spear, bow and arrow, magic.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in Skorn?
Horse and donkey-back, horse-drawn vehicles, and long walks!
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Skorn that we don’t see on Earth?
Skorn bears a strong resemblance to earth except for its pantheon of Goddesses and Gods, and the people of the sea, the Leartendans.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Skorn?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
The magics of Skorn are subtle and delicate, emanating from Iranor and her children as well as from some of the primeval forces of the world.  On the evil side, powers of binding, control and imprisonment; on the good, the sweet musics of the West Wind from Iranor’s isle that strengthens and sustains those in trouble.  The wizards are learned in lore but are not supernatural beings – they serve the lady Siannor, daughter of Iranor.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Skorn.
In the east Isles in the long winters they hold Reylings, gatherings for song and story and dancing.  Children all over Skorn sing and chant traditional sings and rhymes. 
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Skorn as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there? 
See diagram below

Is there a particular religion practiced in Skorn?  Please describe what it involves.
Religious practice varies between countries; all the Goddesses and Gods are Children of Iranor and in most lands are seen as beneficent and caring.  In IssKor the people were long under the harsh and punitive regime of the Priests of Jaren the Terrible.
What is the political or government structure in Skorn?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
This varies; there are kingdoms, theocracies, and loose associations of peoples in the different countries.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Skorn?
Not unique, but it is wise not to annoy deities, dragons or wizards!  It is considered polite to say when entering a home, ‘Peace be on your house’ and when someone is leaving, ‘peace attend your path.’
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your books?
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your books?
Oppression and religious bigotry.
Sue Bridgwater
Author Autobiography:
SUE BRIDGWATER was born in Plymouth in 1948 and after 20 years in Hackney, East London has now retired home to Devon. She has generally earned her living as a librarian, and has been writing seriously since the early 1980s. Sue read English at Bedford College, London, graduating in 1970. Her M. Phil. in Children’s Fantasy Fiction was done externally during her children’s pre-school years, and was awarded in 1984.  She was a Tutor in Literature and Creative Writing from 1982-96 for the Workers’ Educational Association (London District) and the Centre for Extra-Mural Studies, University of London (now a part of Birkbeck College, University of London). Sue has completed a Birkbeck College Certificate in Creative Writing, September 2002-June 2004, developing fiction techniques and skills.  Her main interest is in Fantasy and Science Fiction. She is currently working on the third novel in the Skorn sequence and on non-fiction in the field of Mythopoeic studies.
Alistair McGechie was born in 1946 and was brought up in Harrow in Middlesex. He has always liked numbers and he eventually ended up working in local government doing educational statistics. He is not actively involved in this area of work anymore, but retains an interest in educational matters. He has now retired to Letchworth in Hertfordshire.
His degree was in philosophy and he has always been interested in this approach to ideas. He continues to read and study this subject (which gives him a license to study anything). Sometimes, the philosophical questions are connected with the fantasy writing in interesting ways. It is not clear exactly what the connection is: you would have to read the stories to get some idea: it may be that the work of Ursula Le Guin has had more influence.
Alistair took up writing through the Workers’ Educational Association, where he met Sue Bridgwater, who encouraged him to write fantasy stories. They worked together on the first Skorn book, Perian’s Journey. This developed into the Skorn project and they ended up working together on that.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
All the books listed in this post can be purchased in paperback or eFormat  HERE
Where can readers connect with you online?  HERE
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Skorn.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the authors will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to a gladiatorial arena in the Krillonian Empire, in Realm Explorers Part XCVII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 
Dawn has the first three books in the series set up with reduced prices this week starting at $0.99 for the first book and $1.99 for the other two (and she rarely has books 2 and 3 on sale!). Kindle Countdown deals increase in price over time, so the sooner you buy them, the more of a discount you’ll receive off the list price!

Author’s name: Dawn Blair

Title of book and/or series: Sacred Knight: The Three Books (Legend 1), Manifest the Magic(Legend 2), To Birth a Destiny(Legend 3), and History of a Dead Man(a companion novella). There are two more titles still to be released.
Brief summary of the story: 
It’s about a young man, Steigan, who discovers that magic is returning to his world. He’s always been told that magic is evil and dangerous, so he sets out to stop it. To do this, Steigan has to find three books that contain the secrets to restrain magic. In his quest, he learns about his namesake, who was both saint and betrayer to the Temple. Saint Steigan had been responsible for hiding away the books a thousand cycles before. When Steigan finds the books, he gets led into a larger quest to discover why magic was taken from the world and to defeat the enemies that couldn’t be overcome before.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
My planet has a tilt to its orbit which keeps one side constantly facing the sun and the other pole is always away. There are three continents on this planet that I’m currently aware of: the northernmost which always faces the sun, and this area is very much fashioned like ancient Arabia. It’s sandy and sparsely populated. The southernmost continent is obviously like Antartica. It is just too inhospitable to make a living on that part of the planet, especially where they are in nearly constant darkness and cold, so no one lives there. I imagine that there have been shipwrecks down there, with no rescue or salvage missions planned – at least none I’m aware of. Located near the equator, with most of the land falling in northern hemisphere is the third continent. It is here where my Sacred Knight series takes place. There is no official name for the continent as the three main civilizations splitting it the land would never get along long enough to decide on a name. The west holds the territories of New Lilinar. To the southeast beyond the Palin Mountains is Plenelia. To the northeast is the kingdom of Dubinshire. These are smaller towns throughout, some falling under the larger domain’s control and some remaining independent. The planet has one sun, but it is orbited by three moons which make the nights very bright because there are always at least two in the sky.
If we were to visit as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
While you’re in New Lilinar, you’ll want to visit the Temple. It sits in the middle of a lake which is pretty much the center of town. If you’re brave, you might want to see if you can sneak into the ruins of Lilinar. But beware; there are nasties in there. It truly is as haunted as the rumors say.
When you visit Dubinshire, you’ll want to tour the main castle. The nobility of Dubinshire have always been very nice and humble. Ask to see the curios that Lord Ithanes gathered over the cycles. We’re not sure how many of them work, but they certainly are pretty with their silver and gold and crystals. There’s also Dubinshire Park where they hold the annual Springsday Festival. From here, you can see far out over the ocean for miles. If you dare to look down from the cliffs, you might see one of the fisherman from Montikovert. Legend has it that Montikovert broke away from Dubinshire after a civil war. Today, the citizens get along well enough for trade, but there’s still a few animosities that run deep.
Aside from these two major towns, there are a number of smaller, quaint towns that you can visit or take a sail from one port town to the next for easy traveling. If you’re lucky, you might run into a centaur or two in the less populated areas. They don’t much like to visit Dubinshire or New Lilinar for all the stares they get.
What dangers should we avoid in New Lilinar and Dubinshire?
At the moment, gargaxes have been spotted flying around near New Lilinar. Certainly that’s just someone’s imagination gone wild though. After all, gargaxes are a mythical beast, told of to scare children, right?
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in New Lilinar and Dubinshire?
Strickleberries. Oh, my word! Strickleberries can be eaten right off the bush. Just be careful of the prickly leaves. If you really want a treat, just heat the berries up a bit and that makes them as sweet as can be. They make all sorts of things with strickleberries: ale, tea, pie, jam, tarts, cake, bread, syrups, etc. The list goes on and on. Steigan is absolutely addicted to strickleberries, which is probably why I’ve heard so much about them. 
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in New Lilinar and Dubinshire?
Swords are the main weapons used. Daggers are commonly used as secondary weapons.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to New Lilinar and Dubinshire?
Most travel is on horseback or with a carriage or wagon pulled by horses.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in New Lilinar or Dubinshire that we don’t see on Earth?
I’ve mentioned the centaurs. They aren’t very fond of humans, so a sighting is really rare. But they need supplies too and often trade for what they require. Generally, they keep to themselves. It hasn’t always been this way, so I’m told, and at one time they got along very well with the humans. The world just hasn’t been the same since the fairies went away.
Another rare sight is the unicorns. Steigan’s unicorn, Tyana, is probably the most well-known because she’s frequently with him. But to see another unicorn is nearly unheard of.
Should we talk about the gargaxes here too? Well, yes, they are a sentient race if you hold the term loosely. They start off as Shant’olin, ghostly wisps with barely any form at all. Once they have taken enough of someone’s soul, they transform into a gray beast with wings. These winged beasts circle in the sky looking for magic. They’re purpose was once to keep the humans scattered into small groups over the land so that no one group got too powerful. Now they are just hungry for magic, so watch out for them.
Then there are the cahasters, or at least one that I know of. He’s about the size of a large kitten but looks like a baby dragon. Oh, he’s so cute! Or is he? I just don’t know if I’d want to trust a cahaster with my life.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in New Lilinar and Dubinshire?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Insider secret here: magic is returning. A thousand cycles ago, the crazy Queen of Lilinar sealed away magic after her kingdom was destroyed during The Breaking, a time when the domini and maeges turned on each other. Or that’s the story. Now, many people in New Lilinar believe magic is superstitious nonsense. They both hate and fear the people of Dubinshire, who are said to still practice magic.
Of course, the Plenelians really hate magic, so much so that they recently started a war with New Lilinar called the Palin Wars. Even though the domini of New Lilinar drove back the Plenelians at the time, the people of New Lilinar still aren’t sure why the Plenelians initiated their attacks.
It is said that the mythical creatures known as gargaxes feed on a person’s magic, and that they can poke a hole in a person’s magical aura which will keep draining the person’s magic and feeding the gargax until the person dies. Let’s hope that’s not true because no one knows how to heal such a wound and if the gargaxes are returning…
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in New Lilinar or Dubinshire?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
No, not really. I do have some theories about this though as I have often wondered why in a basically a thousand years or two time there hasn’t been much change in technology. Galault, the watcher of worlds, gave me the answer. This planet is orbited by three moons so it’s very uncommon for there to be a moonless night. Often, there are two moons in the sky at any given time. These drown out many of the stars. So, since no one has ever had the chance to study the movement of the stars, there has been no need for mathematics. The people of this world have yet to discover that their planet has a dual elliptical orbit around their sun, with one of the ellipses being a shorter timespan than the other. Not by much, but it does slightly warp their years. Because of all this, no true calendar has been developed. They mark time by the seasons. Dubinshire has four seasons because they are higher in the mountains: warming, growing, harvesting, and cold. New Lilinar which is down in a vast valley has three seasons: rainy, growing, and harvesting. Because their continent is pretty much on the equator of their planet, it never snows in New Lilinar. Dubinshire, again being higher in the mountains, does get snow. Plenelia will occasionally get snow since they are kind of in-between the two and does have a chain of mountainous terrain.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in New Lilinar or Dubinshire?
There is the Brackchoi triathalon which is run every seven years. I’ve never been to one of these, but I’m told the event is quite fun. It involves horseback riding, running, caber tossing. 
The Tachin Board is a game played in taverns which is similar to darts except the point is to land your dart in a special area which allows you to move a piece on a board which is similar to the three dimensional chess boards seen on Star Trek.
Card games are also popular in New Lilinar and its territories. At one time, divination cards were popular.
In Dubinshire, there is a game similar to mancala, but that can occasionally get a little bloody, so I’m told.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in New Lilinar and Dubinshire as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
As mentioned above, there is no true calendar. As some reader will undoubtedly note, when Steigan finds the tomb of his namesake, Saint Steigan, there is a dated inscription on the tomb. This is because when Lilinar and Dubinshire were actually friendly countries and the world was prosperous, many saperes did try to establish a way to mark time. They tried to come up with a calendar system, but they were just beginning to note that it wasn’t accurate. They were so close to discovering the dual orbits of their planet and being able to calculate an adjustment for that when Lilinar was destroyed in The Breaking. Now I’m sure the saperes of Dubinshire had enough information to make the adjustment and if not, they still continued their work. But as the people of Lilinar went through The Reunification, Holy Sapere Tanold did not think this was a priority and probably had all the work burned, if it hadn’t already been destroyed in The Breaking. Many of the traditions that Lilinar had, such as the tri-lunar ceremony, were done away with as New Lilinar rose from the ashes. After Holy Sapere Tanold died, it was decided that a Holy Sapere should only rule for 15 years, after which he went to serve on the Council of Elders for the remainder of his life. That’s when they began the Sacred Knight challenges to determine the next Holy Sapere. During a Sacred Knight challenge, candidates for the position of Holy Sapere chose two Sacred Knights to represent them during the three tests. The first challenge is standard: the Sacred Knights go out tracking a wastile, a rather large and brightly feathered bird. The next two challenges vary during every contest and are chosen by the Council of Elders. The council read the results of the contests to determine which candidate the Goddess prefers.
Is there a particular religion practiced in New Lilinar or Dubinshire?  Please describe what it involves.
Both Dubinshire and New Lilinar have Holy Saperes, but in each territory their functions are a little different. Dubinshire still follows the old ways. They have become very secretive about their religion and close it off to only citizens of Dubinshire. I would hope that they send saperes out among their citizens to help give them guidance and direction, since the chapel in Dubinshire castle cannot possibly hold all the citizens of Dubinshire, but they won’t even answer that question for me.
New Lilinar does have saperes that travel, both within New Lilinar and to its outlying territories.  Also, many of the citizens in the outlying towns perform a role as a sapere as well as have other duties in the towns where they live; that is to say that they have primary jobs and only dedicate themselves to service of the Temple on their rotating shifts. Steigan’s adoptive father, Sim, is a good example. Sim owns an inn and tavern, but he also is a sapere of second rank.
New Lilinar worships the Goddess Alityka. There is speculation as to her having once been a warrior who led an uprising against Gohaldinest and its demons, but since neither Gohaldinest nor demons exist, either she was successful or it was just a story. The stories of Alityka and her beliefs are written down in a book called the Lilton. I have come across old versions of the Lilton which look a little strange to me, almost as if their words were erased and written over. I guess the clerics who once translated all the old texts occasionally made errors. That has to be it, right?
What is the political or government structure in New Lilinar or Dubinshire?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
New Lilinar is lead by the Holy Sapere as discussed above. Holy Sapere Adonid is about to be replaced and move onto the Council of Elders. Steigan has been chosen as Sacred Knight for Sapere Martias, a most unlikely candidate. Rarely seen in public, Adonid is a soft-spoken man who moves with a gentle grace. With his long, straight blond hair, he looks absolutely divine in the Holy Sapere robes, which come behind his head like a sunburst.
Dubinshire is currently ruled by Lord Irragon. He seems like a pleasant enough man and a good ruler. Of course, he’d knew that I’d just come from New Lilinar, so he was probably trying to make a good impression. I’m told his daughters are quite beautiful, but I haven’t seen either of them around.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I came up with the idea of strickleberries long before I started wildcrafting my own herbs. I was out on a foraging workshop when I first came across Oregon Grapes. I knew I’d found my strickleberries! In learning about Oregon Grapes, I was able to develop my strickleberries in more detail. Of course, there is no “Oregon” in my book, so I was really glad I already had a name. More of my own herbalism and love of precious stones comes out in the second and third books of the series as we delve deeper into the magic.
The ideas for the saperes in a town to hold dual roles came out of our own history. Many of the ancient Egyptian priests also had other jobs or other functions within their society.
The outside of the Temple in New Lilinar is actually based on Bodiam Castle. I had to change the inside to fit my story, but when I saw the castle on the lake, I knew it was my Temple.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Well, there are a couple of scenes that I like people to be aware of with The Three Books. My character’s adoptive parents own a tavern. There’s a scene early in the book where Steigan thinks his life has just fallen apart (oh, little does he know how bad it’s going to get!). He goes back to the tavern and orders up some strickleberry ale. Now, he’s pretty sure that his ma has watered it down, but it’s his first experience with alcohol. I never say that there is an age limit on drinking in my world and for all I know, giving mead and ale to kids might be perfectly acceptable on this planet. It probably is. But here’s the backstory: my mother was an alcoholic and so I have very strong views on alcohol. My son was 13 when he was reading a draft of this and came to me with the question, “Mom, are you sure you want to do this?” I told him to keep reading and finish the scene and we’d talk about it after he finished. When he had, he came back and said that he was good with the scene and how it wrapped up. There were ramifications to the drinking. It’s also the last time Steigan does so – a lesson well learned.
There is another scene where the princess from Dubinshire is trying to get physically close Steigan. I wanted a scene to show a female character as an aggressor because it does happen. Now, Steigan is an orphan and realizes that his life is given to the Temple as one of their warriors. He certainly doesn’t want to leave any fatherless children behind and he knows what this kind of behavior can lead to, so he puts a stop to her. Don’t think he wasn’t enchanted by her though; he spends the rest of the book trying to resist after she’s awoken new feelings within him. He’s no saint after all.
Author Autobiography:
Just ask and I will tell you I’m a multi-dimensional, time-traveling tour guide. I love telling stories about noble hearts and fantastic places. In addition to writing, I also draw and paint, which has lead me into other areas such as comic illustration, animating, and photography. Because I’ve always loved cartoons and would have loved to be a voice actor had I known that it was actually a career choice, I’ve recently started recording my own audiobooks.

In addition to my Sacred Knight series, I’m writing another series called The Loki Adventures, novellas about Loki, Norse god of mischief and his life under parole in Midgard. I wrote a non-fiction editing book for authors titled The Write Edit. I’ve won numerous awards for writing, art, and photography and have collectors of my paintings in Canada, Spain, Australia, and the United States. When I have extra time, I work on a webcomic called Weblinks about vampires trying to save the world.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?  Please include links.
Currently, my books are all on Kindle and available for print through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I do plan on expanding my distribution in May, making the titles available through other outlets such as Kobo. Please watch my website for availability.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
All of my books can be found at www.morningskystudios.com as well as my page on Amazon. You can also find links to book trailer videos for Sacred Knight at each place as well as on YouTube.
Sacred Knight has a Facebook page.
On my blog, you can also sign up for my newsletter which is full of additional writing and art goodies. I’m also on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to New Lilinar and Dubinshire.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the _____ world of ______, in Realm Explorers Part XCVI!
-Annie Douglass Lima

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
Peggy M. McAloon
Title of book and/or series:
“Missing”, Book 2 in the Lessons from Fiori Series
Brief summary of “Missing” – Book 2 in the Lessons from Fiori Series:
Elle Burton’s baby brother, JJ, has been kidnapped. As a newly designated guide, sworn to protect the children of Earth, she’s desperate to get him back. Elle teams up with the winged warriors from Fiori to save him … but JJ isn’t the only one in danger.
Missing follows Elle Burton and the Reflective Portals as book two in the Lessons from Fiori series. In the first book, Elle is designated as a guide to winged creatures from another dimension. Their job is to protect the children of Earth from the moment of birth until their eighth birthday. Not all human children are able to see these creatures, but Elle can and she’s eleven now.
As Elle struggles with her new designation as a guide to these creatures on Earth, she discovers she is the only one in centuries who has been able to unleash the magic of the Fiori Pendant. Everything points to the stunning revelation that she may be the girl who completes three challenges in her eleventh year, as predicted in the Sacred Scrolls of Destiny. Did she complete the third challenge when she brought Pegasus back to life?

Elle quickly learns in book two that the children who suffer at the hands of bullies (both young and old) frequently can’t find their voices to ask for help when they desperately need it. In Missing, she struggles with her demons too, finding she’s not as perfect as everyone thinks she is. Her anger at her brother’s disappearance and the frustration of being unable to bring him home is heightened by the fact that the authorities remain a heart-stopping step behind the kidnapper.

These books are filled with compassion and lean on fantasy and magic to inspire kids to be their best and help others in need while still having the courage to ask for help when they need it. You may even find yourself cheering for bullies to become better people.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Fiori is located in a parallel dimension to Earth. Things are similar to our world and yet they are quite different. Flowers can be as big as tractor tires, while elephants are miniaturized house pets. Fiori is filled with winged creatures. The Fiorins who typically protect the children have exquisite butterfly-like wings. There are warriors in Fiori who have wings more like a moth. This allows them to move more quickly in battle.
In book two, Elle travels with a female warrior named Amara, to an area of Fiori called the Fiume Valley. Human guides have never before been allowed to travel to this section. In addition to the profusion of flowers of every color and shape imaginable, there are bleak mountain ranges and far in the distance you’ll see a huge body of water similar to our oceans. The ocean waters can be seen from the cliffs, but no one has allowed Elle to explore that area yet.
I would love to share information about the Fiume Valley, but it would spoil the story for everyone. What I can tell you is that I would love to camp out there for several months. My inner child cries to go to such a magical place where all my childish dreams could possibly be realized. It’s a place where there is no war and hatred doesn’t exist. It’s a place man would destroy if given an opportunity.

If we were to travel to Fiori what would you recommend we do and which things should we avoid?
You definitely want to ride on the back of a giant-turquoise Truero to view the reflection ponds of Fiori. It is in these ponds that the reflections of every child on Earth under the age of eight appear. Through the reflections of these children, the Fiorins can travel between the two worlds.
Avoid the ruthless Zorins who dwell on the barren cliffs at all costs. It’s a rare event when a Fiorin or human guide who wanders into their territory ever returns.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Fiori?
Every Fiorin has a special power. The warrior Amadeus is capable of summoning huge storms with deadly lightning bolts, but he’s not averse to using a sword similar to King Arthur’s. Bernstein has x-ray vision and can spot the enemy regardless of where they may hide. Warriors are chosen for whatever skill is needed at the moment. The Zorins are as tall as a three-story building in Fiori, but can inhabit a human for short periods of time. At this point, the battle that mortally injured Pegasus is the only one in which a Fiorin has survived.
You can also check out my previous interview on the first book to discover more about Fiori at http://anniedouglasslima.blogspot.com/2014/08/realm-explorers-part-viii-visit-fiori.html
Does all the action take place in Fiori?
In this book, the majority of the action is centered around JJ’s disappearance on Earth. Four Fiorin warriors are sent here to help Elle find and bring her brother home: Wyatt, Milo, Amadeus (who we’ve met previously) and Bernstein (who was introduced at the end of book 1). The Zorins are capable of entering the human body for short periods of time. This time the monsters come to our dimension to terrorize Elle into giving up the prophecy.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Fiori?
All the people and animals in Fiori are vegetarians. In Fiori, all things needed are provided. There is an old chest in Nextra’s house. When she’s hungry, she lifts the lid and there are as many hot meals as she needs already on serving plates. Evidently, you can have anything you wish for in this beautiful land.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
This book touches on the internal vulnerabilities kids struggle with when they are frightened. Elle discovers what it feels like not to be able to ask for help when you’re in trouble or afraid. Sometimes the biggest threat in our lives is the demon within, not those who invade our world. Whether it’s winged creatures, a favorite teacher, or a parent, kids can always find someone to help if they find the courage to stand up to the forces of evil that threaten them.
What is your audience?
The target audience is kids 9 through middle grade for the first two books. This is a “Coming of Age” story, so we will see Elle grow into the world of teens very soon.

Author Autobiography: 
Peggy M McAloon is on a mission to inspire kids everywhere to stand up to abuse and bullying. Her “Lessons from Fiori Series” about a young girl from Wisconsin, provides a strong female role model who isn’t afraid to show compassion or hack into a con man’s computer if the need arises. Peggy’s courageous battle with bullying, abuse, and a traumatic brain injury has enabled her to identify with both children and adults who have suffered from social injustices. 

She’s a retired trainer and speaker in the field of commercial credit. Her first book, “The Art of Business Credit Investigation” was featured in Inc. Magazine. She’s been interviewed by the Associated Press and appeared on several television news programs in her efforts to protect our water resources.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? 
“Elle Burton and the Reflective Portals” can be found in both ebook and softcover formats at most on-line retailers.  Here’s the link to Amazon: ViewBook.at/ElleBurton  
“Missing” is scheduled for official launch at the end of February. The ebook is currently only available on Amazon & Barnes & Noble.  Here’s the link to Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Missing-Lessons-Fiori-Peggy-McAloon/dp/0962779210/ref=sr_1_1?tag=geolinker-20&ie=UTF8 
“Elle Burton and the Reflective Portals” is also available at Audible (http://adbl.co/1ysdBo6) and Missing is in production there. I decided to break with tradition and change the covers for the two audio versions. Mili Fay Art has provided delightful caricatures of Elle, some of our Fiorin friends, and one of the Zorins.
Where can readers connect with you online?
FACEBOOK AUTHOR PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/peggymoundmcaloon/

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Fiori.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to New Lilinar and Dubinshire, in Realm Explorers Part XCV!
-Annie Douglass Lima 
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:K.M. Weiland
Title of book: Dreamlander
Brief summary of the story: 
Every night, Chicago-born journalist Chris Redston dreams of a woman riding a black warhorse through the mist. The only thing she ever says is, “Don’t come.” And then she shoots him—every single time. And every single time, he wakes up in a cold sweat and wonders … what if dreams aren’t what we’ve always been told they are?
Only one person in a generation may cross the barrier of dreams to reach the other world—a world of war-scarred countries and fallen faiths. When Chris finds himself on the far side of his dreams, he must hurl himself into battle to save a princess from her own people, two worlds from annihilation, and himself from a dream come way too true.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Lael is a parallel world to our own. Every person in our world also has a body in Lael–in which they live while dreaming in our world, and vice versa. I had a lot of fun building Lael. In the beginning, it was much more medieval. No technology. Very Crusades era. But then I had the fun idea for the water-powered guns. That immediately gave me a 16th-century/Three Musketeers vibe. So I started exploring that era a little more, particularly in regards to fashion and architecture. The skycar was a very late addition, during the last big rewrite.
If we were to visit Lael as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? 
I really love the skycar stations, particularly the five-story Faramore Station in the capital city. Réon Couteau, with its waterfall caverns, was pretty fun too. And I love the Karilus Wall, just for sheer geographic massiveness.
What dangers should we avoid in Lael? 
Mostly, the war. The neighboring duchy of Koraud, on the eastern border, is threatening war, especially now that rumors are circulating of the resurrection of its famed warlord Faolan Mactalde. Plus, there’s the threat of religious and political unrest from the Nateros protesters—a faction of fanatical traditionalists—within Lael’s own borders.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Lael? 
The traditional meal at the ceremony to anoint the latest Gifted—the only person in a generation who can cross between the “dream” world of Lael and the “real” world—includes capon with olives and chestnuts, roasted salmon, eggs with cream and honey, chocolate-covered dassberries, and craniss wine.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Lael? 
Single-shot firearms, powered by a hydraulic system that draws moisture from the air, are popular. However, they take too long to reload to be of any use in close combat.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Lael? 
Horses and skycars are the most common. The skycar is a glass-encased cable car that glides upon the steel cables that crisscross most of the country. The skycar trains run on a basic pulley system, operated by steam engines at stations spaced along the tracks. Depending on variables such as rain and wind, the skycars can maintain the speed of a horse’s gallop all the way across half the kingdom, gliding half a league above terrain too rough with hills and lakes to offer straight roads.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Lael that we don’t see on Earth? 
You might encounter Cherazii—a race of berserking warriors, who are servants to the traditions of the Gifted, passed down through the ages. Their skin is the color and translucency of an egg white, veined with blue. Both men and women traditionally wear their hair long, veiling but not hiding the batwing ears that rise two or three inches above their heads.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Lael?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
There is no magic in the traditional sense, only the ability of the Gifted to cross between the worlds and use the sacred Orimere—or “dreamstone”—to transport physical objects from one world to the other.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Lael as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Although the Cherazii keep their own time among themselves, pretty much everyone recognizes the central calendar of 365 days a year. The hours are counted down from dawn. Laelers observe several holy days, including the Commemorating Festival, the Feast of the Camp, and the Day of Prayer. They also customarily celebrate the king’s birthday, a day of prayer and thanksgiving at the end of the harvest, and, although not official, a mid-winter week of merry-making.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Lael?  Please describe what it involves.
Lael is monotheistic and worships the “God of all.” Clergy are paid by the tithe tax of the people. The entire government is actually considered to be part of the church. But only a select few actually stand in the position of “pastor” or “orator.” The priests in the city temples are chosen and elected in much the same manner as the judges. A man does not have to be ordained to preach, so many smaller churches throughout the country exist, but these men are not paid by the government.
What is the political or government structure in Lael?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Lael is a monarchy, currently ruled by King Tireus II. He is a strong, if not particularly diplomatic, leader, but he will be remembered primarily as the father of the current Searcher, Allara Katadin—whose responsibility is to find and guide the Gifted when he first crosses into Lael.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
The original idea for the book was my brother’s. He suggested I write a story about a parallel world we visit in our dreams. My imagination took it from there!
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
The primary theme of the book centers around the conundrums and difficulties of faith. I wanted to build a fantasy society in which religion was widespread and widely accepted, but I dealt with Chris—my “real world” character—and his faith much more subtly, because, although I wanted to deal with religious themes, I didn’t want the story to necessarily be one that was about his personal redemption. So I got to discuss faith-based elements much more obviously in the POV of the dream-world character Allara.
Author Autobiography:
K.M. Weiland lives in make-believe worlds, talks to imaginary friends, and survives primarily on chocolate truffles and espresso. She is the IPPY and NIEA Award-winning and internationally published author of the Amazon bestsellers Outlining Your Novel and Structuring Your Novel, as well as Jane Eyre: The Writer’s Digest Annotated Classic. She writes historical and speculative fiction from her home in western Nebraska and mentors authors on her award-winning website Helping Writers Become Authors.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?  Please include links.
Dreamlander is available in paperback, Kindle, Nook, and Kobo.
Where can readers connect with you online?

Readers can find me on my website, my writing blog HelpingWriters Become Authors, Facebook, and Twitter.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Lael.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Fiori, in Realm Explorers Part XCIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. This one is temporarily being discounted to just 99 cents!

Author’s name:
M.T. Magee
Title of book and/or series:
The Treasure of Gwenlais  The Rienfield Chronicles Book 1
Brief summary of the story:
Princess Laurel of Gwenlais finds herself tragically and quickly thrust into a world of danger, so unlike the idyllic and sheltered life she has known. These dangers from an unknown enemy also unexpectedly throw her into the arms of Caleb, the warrior Prince of Heathwin, the nearby kingdom with which Gwenlais has a tense alliance.  The more refined people of Gwenlais find their neighbors and protectors of the West necessary, but consider them uncouth and sometimes barbaric. The long and bloody feud between Heathwin and the mysterious, frightening, and misunderstood, race of beings called the Rabkins, had finally reached an uneasy truce, by the hard fought and diligent efforts of Prince Caleb. This fragile agreement was soon shattered by an attack from outside that threatens both kingdoms of Gwenlais and Heathwin. Laurel and Caleb find themselves not only fighting for the peace and existence of their kingdoms, but fighting for their newfound love that is imperiled at every turn from a nameless enemy, and their own people as well.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The world I have created comes from the inspiration of both my Scottish heritage and my husband’s Irish descent, with pride and respect for both cultures. The beauty of the Scottish Highlands, as well as the lush rolling meadows of Ireland, serve as a backdrop for the mythical realm of Rienfield. Many of the names of villages and towns that are used are actual names of towns and villages of Scotland and Ireland. They are used in direct correlation for what their rich past made them known for and is applied with loving respect for their history in the story. Many of the names of the characters are Irish, Scottish, or Gaelic, again showing my love and admiration for our heritages. The characters also speak Old Irish, from time to time, referring to it as ‘old speak.’
If we were to visit the kingdoms of Gwenlais and Heathwin, as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
If you were to visit the kingdom of Heathwin in the Planting season (spring) you would be able to enjoy the wonderful Planting Festival. Filled with music, dancing, visiting merchants, and wonderful food. If you were visiting the kingdom of Gwenlais during the Harvest Festival, you would see the city of Gwenlais full of merchants and local farmers displaying their crafts and local crops. As well as traveling minstrels, acrobats, and even the Princes of Heathwin would be there as well.   
What dangers should we avoid in Gwenlais and Heathwin?
In Gwenlais there is always a danger of raiders or highway men so best to not travel alone on the roadways at night. In Heathwin the land is much wild and untamed. Creatures such as Dragon’s Tooth, and Boracs live in the deep forest. A Dragon’s Tooth in a man eating plant which closely resembles a mossy tree stump. It had poisonous tendrils which feel out for unsuspecting victims, then quickly grabs them dragging them to their waiting jaws. The Boracs are clumsy but vicious creatures the size of large dogs. They are hairless with long tails and hides, with large floppy ears almost hiding their faces, covering their long jaws filled with sharp teeth. They will catch and eat anything in their path if they can.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Gwenlais or Heathwin?
Gwenlais is a kingdom of rich farmlands. So anything from their many farms and gardens is always on the menu. They are particularly proud of their honey, which they make mead with. And raise an ugly little animal called a Gork. It resembles a small wooly pig with horns and a rather large head. However, it is prized for its succulent rich meat. In Heathwin, most of their produce and crops come from Gwenlais, but they have lovely apple orchards, and also enjoy wild game such as venison, wild boar, and salmon.   
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Gwenlais and Heathwin?
The warriors are mainly from the kingdom of Heathwin and are typical of the fighting style of Medieval Scotland and Ireland, between the 12th and 15th centuries. Broad swords, long bows, cross bows, as well as hand to hand are used. They also train and use large cats called Scimitar Cats, because of their long front fangs for defense and to track slavers and raiders.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Gwenlais or Heathwin?
Again what was commonly used in Medieval times, wagons, horses, boats, oxen carts, etc.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Gwenlais and Heathwin that we don’t see on Earth?
As mentioned earlier, Dragon Tooth, Borac, Gorks. But also glow moths, tiny blue sprite dragons, that glow blue at night. Also the noble and misunderstood race called Rabkins. That is the fellow you see peering out of the woods on the cover. Though they appear to be animals, they are actually an intelligent and mysterious race of beings that at first only Prince Caleb of Heathwin can talk to. There is also the Kadesh. They look like to be child-sized people who resemble rodents. They are traveling merchants, love bright colored clothing, and are Prince Caleb’s favorite informers, as they travel throughout the realm of Rinefield.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people there?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
I really don’t use magic, hence no wizards or magicians. Rather I use abilities that certain races such as the Rabkins have. The characters have to work so to speak to achieve their agendas. Knowledge in highly regarded. Princess Laurel, the heroine, leans to become a healer or Ollam, as they are called. Scribes are the record keepers and spiritual leaders of the people.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Gwenlais or Heathwin?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Only the use of colored stones surgically implanted into the skulls of the Scimitar Cats to help control them.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Gwenlais or Heathwin.
All the people of both kingdoms enjoy music, dancing, and playing games such as Fidchell (ancient game of checkers) Tablut (ancient game of chess) Pass the Boar (a dice game favored among children) as well as reading, horseback riding, especially in Heathwin. Both Kingdoms love art and sculptures. Archery is a favorite sport in both kingdoms as well.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Gwenlais and Heathwin as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Seasons are mentioned such as Winter, Planting season, Growing season, and Harvest season.
NO days of the week are mentioned, a month is a month, two weeks is called a fortnight. Festivals in Planting and Harvest are celebrated. The royal family in Heathwin has a Family gathering yearly in winter. Another example is instead of saying a person is so many years they say seasons. In the beginning of the story Princess Laurel is 18 seasons, Prince Caleb is 28 seasons.  
Is there a particular religion practiced in Gwenlais and Heathwin?  Please describe what it involves.
The people of both kingdoms worship an entity called The Maker. There are no churches or temples, though men called Scribes are considered the spiritual leaders as well as historians and they keep track of all the histories of the realms. The household heads are encouraged to lead their families in a prayer of thanks at meals and gatherings.  One day out of the week is considered a day of Prayer and Reflections, where local businesses are closed and families are encouraged to spend the day together at home in prayer and reflection.
What is the political or government structure in Gwenlais and Heathwin?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? Iwenlais is a monarchy fashioned after the early rulers of Britain. King Garron is the ruler at this time. He is a fair and just ruler, though he does tend to still carry the old bigotries of his father and grandfather in regards the people of Heathwin, who they have an alliance with.  In Heathwin the structure of rule is very fashioned after the Clans of Scotland, with King Fergus, Prince Caleb’s father, being the king and Chieftain of his Clan. He is a well loved and respected leader as his father and older brothers were harsh in their dealings with the other Clans.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit?
The people of Gwenlais, where the heroine Laurel is from, tend to consider themselves more refined, never really having to fight or defend themselves as the Sentinels, or warriors of Heathwin do this for them, in exchange for growing crops and livestock for Heathwin. The people of Heathwin tend to be more relaxed and sometimes bawdy in their behavior, which those of Gwenlais tend to find uncouth. Both tend to misunderstand each other often. The ruling family of Heathwin and their Clan as well as the Sentinels, speak “old speak”, which is actually Irish Gaelic. Caleb then begins to teach Laurel how to speak it as they draw closer. I loved introducing this aspect into the story. Readers will never have to wonder what is being said as I make the dialogue meaning clear, with the explanation given by the characters.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? My grandparents are from Scotland and my husband’s family from Ireland, county Clare to be exact. We both have a love of history and the medieval period is my favorite. I also enjoyed studying Irish Gaelic.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Without standing on a soap box, I do touch on the subject of brutality against women, as it sadly has become a trend in many genres. Basically making it something that is frowned upon, especially by the younger generation. As well as the prejudices and misunderstandings of different races and cultures towards each other.
Author Autobiography:
My name is M.T. Magee and I live in New England on our small farm with my husband and son. We raise an assortment of silly goats, quiet rabbits, far too many ducks and chickens, and a high strung Border collie cross named Gronk. I have always loved fantasy and fell in love with Tolkien at age eleven. I read all of his works at age twelve. I have been writing stories since I was ten years old and have always wanted to be an author. After fulfilling my dream of becoming a nurse, marrying the love of my life and having two wonderful sons, I have finally been able to fulfill my first dream of publishing my first book. My youngest son is severely disabled and I am his full-time caregiver. The long winter months here in New England make it virtually impossible to go out very often, so I used this time to begin my story The Treasure of Gwenlais. Fifteen months and 1144 pages later I am very happy to present my story to all of you. I love strong female characters, who are still able to convey a sense of vulnerability and be very relatable. I also love strong male leads who are not afraid to show their soft side. Love of family is important to me as I am sure it is to everyone and I convey this in my story. So welcome to the world I have created and I hope you enjoy visiting often.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book? 
My book is currently in e-book format, and I am very happy to announce I am now having a promotion running from Mar.21st until the 25th for .99 regularly 3.99.  I currently have over 20 five star reviews. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015IQ0LW2?*Version*=1&*entries*=0
Where can readers connect with you online? 
I have a lovely website with beautiful pictures, music, excerpts, and reviews. http://www.mtmageeauthor.com/

I have a twitter acct. https://twitter.com/Mtmagee1013M

My author page on Facebook www.facebook.com/therienfieldchronicles/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

As well as my Gwenlais board on Pinterest where you can see the inspirations behind the story as well as the next books that will be coming in the series. https://www.pinterest.com/frumpyfarmer/the-treasure-of-gwenlais-the-rienfied-chronicles-b/

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Gwenlais and Heathwin.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Lael, in Realm Explorers Part XCIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Sterling R. Walker

Title of book and/or series:
The Orphan Ship Trilogy (contains three previously published books, The Orphan Ship, The Lost Sheep, The Last Orphan)

Brief summary of the story: This is hard to do without giving too much away, so this is the back cover blurb for book one, The Orphan Ship:
Stranded 225 million kilometers from home on Mars Station, cousins Jake O’Brien and Lorina Murphy are drawn into a fledgling effort to help the hundreds of abandoned street children who call the station home. Jake becomes a medical apprentice in an outreach clinic, while Lorina volunteers at a juvenile shelter. They soon discover that their efforts may be in vain because something much more serious than poverty plagues Mars Station.
Also stranded on Mars Station, ship’s captain Danae Shepherd faces the difficult task of hiring replacement crew after an alien virus claims the lives of four in her employ, including her husband. She stumbles upon the same problem that has Jake and Lorina stumped: why are homeless children disappearing without a trace?

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Mars Station, a biosphere city home to two million inhabitants. My books are also set in some locations on Earth, including Lahaina, Maui; Bangkok, Thailand; and Guangzhou, China.

If we were to visit Mars Station as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
The economy is so bad that it’s not a place you’d want to visit. The central park would be attractive but it’s been taken over by the homeless.

What dangers should we avoid in Mars Station?
The corrupt Central Intelligence Police, commonly known as CIPs.

Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served?
It’s an international station so every type of food on Earth can be found on Mars. There are food vendors/kiosks everywhere. Meat is too expensive for all but the very rich, so most people exist on a vegan diet.

What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common?
Regular guns that use bullets, although they’re more advanced (tiny semi-automatic pistols).

What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel?
The main character, Captain Danae Shepherd, owns a passenger starship, but there are also merchant ships, warships, and freighters. Ground transportation is solar-powered, including solar cycles and solar cars. There are also electric trams driven by androids for mass transport around the station.

Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Mars Station?
Anti-grav (to move heavy items, hands free) and an assortment of advanced medical devices, including scanners which can detect any internal illnesses or damage, Hemorrhage Freeze, probe androids for surgery, fusion lasers for mending broken bones, synthetic blood, bone, flesh for restoring any damaged body part, and a machine that can restore neural pathways in the brain, just to name a few.

Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment.
Holo-vids, which are just 3D movies.

Is there a particular religion practiced?
All Earth religions are practiced openly and harmoniously (even Islam).

What is the political or government structure?
Mayor and city council that are elected.

Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The station police chief is the real leader. He controls the police, the courts, and the council like a mafia boss.

Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I’ve been to Maui, Bangkok, and Guangzhou, so it was easy to create futuristic versions of these places. I’ve also adopted children from China and Thailand, have volunteered in foster care, and visited many orphanages, so I have a lot of insight when it comes to homeless children. I have a special love for Asian cultures and mention many details when my characters travel to Thailand and China.

What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Human trafficking, especially as it relates to children.

Author Autobiography:
Author Sterling R. Walker has been writing since she was old enough to spell. She earned a BA in English from North Carolina State University, with an emphasis in Creative Writing. The Orphan Ship is her first published young adult science fiction novel. It was awarded a 2012 silver medal from Children’s Literary Classics.
Walker lives in Holly Springs, North Carolina, with her husband and five of her six children, including two daughters adopted from China. Her oldest son is married, and she has one grandson.  

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
My first three books are on Kindle, Nook, Apple, and Kobo, and in paperback. The trilogy is just on Kindle, for now. Click here to buy book one in paperback: http://www.amazon.com/Orphan-Ship-Sterling-R-Walker/dp/1484980360/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1456509169&sr=1-1
Click here to buy my new release on Kindle:

Where can readers connect with you online?

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Mars Station.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Fiori, in Realm Explorers Part XCII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Michael Bergman

Title of book: The Kingdom of Arke Book I Fading Light
Brief summary of the story: My story unfolds while following the life of a young boy, named Ryker. He is an orphan living on the streets of Tervan. The story begins while Ryker is being chased over rooftops and through the streets of the Shuul. He escapes his pursuer, only briefly, and is captured that night by a shadowy being with glowing red eyes engulfed in a black cloud.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: The Kingdom of Arke: Fading Light takes place on the Island of Arke, which is surrounded by a vast sea. When The King first landed on Arke, the island was a desolate wasteland filled with monstrous creatures. With the help of His Paladins, The King defeated the creatures and cleansed the island. After establishing The Kingdom of Arke, The King helped many races from other islands in the vast sea to find safety and new homes within the Thraans and Shuuls of Arke.
If we were to visit Arke as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
There are many sights to witness in Arke. There is the Spine or Tsudesah as many call it, a mountain range that stretches from Mount Tsudah to the lake Marruhs. The Tsudesah splits the island nearly in half. On his journey, Ryker will experience many sights and places, so you’ll have to tag along with him to see the beauty that resides in Arke.
What dangers should we avoid in Arke? If at all possible, DO NOT travel through the streets of either the Thraans and Shuuls on moonless night. The Shadow Keepers or Khoshekh, as they refer to themselves, are always looking for their next victim. What they do with those they capture is a mystery. No one has ever lived to tell about it.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Arke? Arke is still in the age of the sword. So the weaponry resembles that of the medieval period in Europe. The Drudin Gaur, are men looking to get coin through intimidation and cruelty. The Shafel Gaur, however are men who would gladly give their life for those they protect.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Arke? Horseback and horse drawn carts and carriages are the most common form of transportation. Many other forms of transportation will open up to Ryker as his journey progresses, though you’ll have to find out along with him.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Arke that we don’t see on Earth? There are many. I can only give you the names they call themselves. Those who did trade with them have ceased and those that did forgot what they looked like. The Tsudians live in Mount Tsudah. The Osuhrians live in the western plains of Arke. The Kevaak live in the massive forest to the east. The Ves live on the peninsula near the bay of fangs. There are many other races that reside in Arke, though even their names have been forgotten.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Arke?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. Magic, in itself does not exist in Arke. However the Venahtri, The King’s Light, does. It resides throughout the kingdom in and around everything. Many people have completely forgotten it even exists. Some claim it never did. Ryker will find out first hand what is true about the Venahtri and The King.

Is there a particular religion practiced in Arke?  Please describe what it involves. This will be more of an author’s note than my previous answers. I did not want to create a religion in Arke because I myself don’t believe in religion. I believe in the Bible that true religion is caring for the widows and the orphan. Religion in itself resides all around us and that is what I portrayed in Arke. I don’t want to single one act out as religion. I think that every act you do for the glory of our God and King is religion.
What is the political or government structure in Arke?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? The King left the island long ago and left His Son, with the aid of the Drudin, to rule in his stead. What happened next is unclear; The King’s Son is gone as well. Now the Drudin and their Gaur rule The Kingdom of Arke with an iron fist and a ruthless heart. The people are hopelessly oppressed by the Drudin and their greed for power. Though they claim The King himself gave them authority to rule Arke their ways of judgment doesn’t reflect that of The Kings.
Author Autobiography: 
Michael Bergman is an aspiring young author from western Kentucky. He works full time as a marine technician and an electrician. Michael’s family operates an orphanage located in Hinche, Haiti, which currently provides for thirty-five children. While growing up, Michael was an avid reader who hoped to someday become an author. He was especially inspired by the works of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Michael resides in Eddyville, Kentucky, with his beautiful wife, Marissa.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book?  Please include links.
You can read a short preview of the book at http://bookstore.westbowpress.com/Products/SKU-001016540/The-Kingdom-of-Arke.aspxand purchase, paper, hard backed as well as ebook there.
Where can readers connect with you online?
Instagram: @mbergman531
Author Note
The kingdom we live in now has forgotten and forsaken our great and mighty God and His Son Jesus. Our world began in much the same way that Arke did, but acts of human selfishness took us further away from the light of the King. I believe that God helped me to create the Kingdom of Arke to tell the story of His infinite love toward His creation.
            We cannot fathom how desperately God loves us. He loves all of us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to dwell among us and teach us how to serve Him and shed light on the world. Jesus took on the darkness of sin itself for all of us, and He destroyed it at the cross with His crucifixion. With the darkness destroyed, Jesus rose from the grave and poured out His spirit of light for each and every one of us.
            I hope that this story will reveal to others the light that I have found. I want everyone to see the terrible contrast between light and dark within this world. I believe there is a darkness that is consuming all of us, one that we don’t even see, that we are not even aware of.
            I believe we are allowing sin’s shadow to suffocate us and blind us from the beautiful light of God’s love.
            There is hope. The light shall come forth and consume all shadow of sorrow and fear. It will rise like the dawn, evaporating the cold and bitterness of night, bringing a glorious new day.
            With all my heart, I hope the words you have read have helped you to see the lightto see it for the first time or to see it anew. I hope these words speak into your heart, speaking life over death and joy over sorrow. I pray that you will draw closer to the light.
            Let us become citizens of the light, keepers of its infinite glow. Let us rid this world of all shadow. Let us shine forth until all might see His light through us.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Arke.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to Mars Station, in Realm Explorers Part XCI!
-Annie Douglass Lima