On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for

Legacy of the Heart
By Danica Favorite, Stacy Henrie, Tina Radcliffe, Terri Reed & Sherri Shackelford

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from Stacy Henrie

Thanks for being a part of the LEGACY OF THE HEART tour. . . . We hope you enjoy this collection of sweet inspirational romance.
— Stacy

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“If you love a mix of historical and contemporary, this is the perfect collection for you. Each story gives readers a taste of each individual author’s style and voice, so it’s also a great way to ‘meet’ some authors you’ve perhaps never read before. The stories are all unique and sweet, with tender romance, humor, and lots of heart. A great weekend read!”

Uplifting Reads – Review

“So these five stories, all woven together by this mystical locket, all have their own charm (pun somewhat intended). I think romance readers will find that at least one of these couples and stories appeals to them. Another great summer day read.”

Cafinated Reads – Review

“This was a good, quick read. I enjoy reading anthologies and this is one of the best collections of romances I’ve read in quite some time. These authors truly knew what to bring their fans and gave them a beautiful book filled with hope, longing and inspiration.”

Remembrancy – Review

“Each author in Legacy of the Heart lends her voice and style to the overall collection that has a strong cohesion with the introduction of the locket. A definite must-read from lovers of novellas, lovers of romance, or lovers of a great story collection.”

Christian Bookshelf Reviews – Review

“Legacy of the Heart was a wonderful novella collection. I enjoyed all five of the stories and liked how some were historical and others were contemporary. The way the locket played a part in each novella was interesting and I really enjoyed how it connected them.”

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“I enjoyed all five of these stories. I did find them predictable but I did not care. Such a good, sweet, clean, and romantic book. I give Legacy of the Heart 4 1/2 stars. It is most definitely worth a read.”

Heidi Reads… – Review

“I enjoyed the stories in this collection and seeing the locket pass from one character to another. The first two stories are historical, and the last three are contemporary.”

Splashes of Joy – Review

“Legacy of the Heart is a collection of 5 really wonderful romance stories. For me, reading these stories in the order that’s in the book was better for me to understand and get the full stories. . . . What interest and fun it was to see this locket play out in each other the stories, in its own way. I highly recommend this book for those looking for a good clean romance collection.”

Among the Reads – Review

“I enjoy novella collections that have a common thread woven through them like this. The authors did a great job with the continuity of the theme. I was impressed by the way the characters who were introduced in one story were so naturally and seamlessly carried into the next as the main character.”

Brittany McEuen – Review

“Legacy of the Heart was such an enjoyable novella collection! . . . I liked the continuity that the locket brought to the collection, yet, I also appreciated that the novellas were each unique in the way the locket played into the plot. . .

This is definitely a good collection to grab hold of for fans of sweet and inspirational romance!”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Legacy of the Heart
By Danica Favorite, Stacy Henrie,
Tina Radcliffe, Terri Reed & Sherri Shackelford
Inspirational Romance, Novella Collection

ebook, 378 Pages

June 22nd 2018 by Beyond the Page Publishing

An antique locket with the power to inspire everlasting love unites the five stories in this stunning collection of historical and contemporary inspirational romance novellas!

In Heritage of Love, Danica Favorite takes us to the Chicago world’s fair, where a chance encounter will spark an opportunity for true love, if only the young couple can first overcome polite society’s rigid rules . . .

Stacy Henrie tells the story of a sheriff desperate to escape the matchmaking efforts of the women in his small town, only to discover that his attempts to sidestep them may lead to eternal love and happiness in By Any Other Name . . .

Tina Radcliffe’s Forget Me Not paints the picture of a charming antique store, where love will blossom when two strangers learn the secret about a long-ago hurt and a love that never died . . .

In The Lost Locket, Terri Reed introduces readers to two people who have given up on love and will fight their undeniable attraction until it may be too late . . .

And in Winning the Fireman’s Heart, Sherri Shackelford shows us two long-time friends forever searching for the perfect mate, until a gesture of kindness reveals the love that’s always been waiting for them . . .

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleKobo
About the Authors
A self-professed crazy chicken lady, Danica Favorite loves the adventure of living a creative life.

She and her family recently moved into their dream home in the mountains above Denver, Colorado. Danica loves to explore the depths of human nature and follow people on the journey to happily-ever-after. Though the journey is often bumpy, those bumps are what refine imperfect characters as they live the life God created them for. Oops, that just spoiled the ending of all of Danica’s stories. Then again, getting there is all the fun.


A USA Today bestselling author, Stacy Henrie is the author of more than a dozen inspirational historical romance novels and novellas. Her books include Hope at Dawn, a 2015 RITA Award finalist for excellence in romance. Born and raised in the West, where she currently resides with her family, Stacy enjoys reading, road trips, interior decorating, chocolate, and most of all laughing with her husband and kids.


Originally from Western, N.Y., Tina Radcliffe left home for a tour of duty with the Army Security Agency stationed in Augsburg, Germany, and ended up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. While living in Tulsa she spent ten years as a Certified Oncology R.N., followed by a move to Colorado, which led to a career as a library cataloger. A freelance writer for over twenty years, Tina is an RWA Honor Roll member, a two-time RWA Golden Heart finalist, two-time ACFW Carol Award finalist, and a 2014 ACFW Carol Award winner. She currently resides in Arizona, where she writes fun, heartwarming romance.


Terri Reed’s romance and romantic suspense novels have appeared on Publishers Weekly Top 25, Nielsen’s Bookscan Top 100, have been Amazon Bestsellers and featured in USA Today, Christian Fiction Magazine, and Romantic Times Magazine, finaled in the Romance Writers of America’s RITA contest, National Reader’s Choice Award contest, and American Christian Fiction Writers’ The Carol Award contest.


Sherri Shackelford is an award-winning author of inspirational, Christian romance novels for Harlequin/HarperCollins Publishers. A wife and mother of three, Sherri’s hobbies include collecting mismatched socks, discovering new ways to avoid cleaning, and standing in the middle of the room while thinking, “Why did I just come in here?” A reformed pessimist and recent hopeful romantic, Sherri has a passion for writing. Her books are fun and fast-paced, with plenty of heart and soul.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends August 1st

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Grab Our Button!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for

The Truth Between Us
By Tammy L. Gray

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Interview with the Author
1. What was your motivation behind writing THE TRUTH BETWEEN US?
One of my goals in writing is to have a deeper meaning come through the story. Since this book is the second in a series, I always knew April and Sean would get their happy ending, but choosing the inspirational thread was a little more challenging. I wanted to show how even the strongest of people can hurt in silence. April is tough, guarded and defensive. But she also has a myriad of wonderful qualities—loyalty and kindness—if she would lonely allow herself to love. As her arc progressed, I could clearly see her need to understand unconditional love and did my best to show how God’s love doesn’t come with strings or conditions. 
Remembrancy – Review
“In The Truth Between Us, Gray focuses on how the unconditional love of one person covers over years of fighting to measure up to others expectation, seeking acceptance to the point of losing who you are meant to be.
It’s not an easy road to traverse, there are switchbacks, wrong turns, potholes, and deep ruts to navigate along the way. But with friends to navigate her back to the route, April just might find herself.”
Chapter 1 – Sean

Nine months, twenty-seven days, and four hours.

The last time he’d had contact with the woman he was supposed to marry. The woman who’d chosen misguided loyalty and lineage over his unconditional love. 

Sean drummed his left fingers against the steering wheel, his right hand occupied with the ring April had so easily returned. He slid the smooth gold onto his pinky, the same way he had in the jewelry store to measure its size. It stopped at his knuckle, the light bouncing off the diamond in an array of beautiful colors. 
“The second book in Tammy Gray’s Bentwood series, and it was just as attention-grabbing as the first!This one has April as the main character, and I was completely hooked into her and her life!
I was enthralled and captivated by her story…
Ms. Gray skillfully wove life lessons, and much truth, into this story line. We need to let go of who we think others are demanding us to be, and look for the person God wants us to be.”
“When I started reading The Truth Between Us, I wasn’t sure what to think. . . . But as I kept reading and got to know them each better, I found myself drawn into the story, which ended up being a beautiful tale of redemption and forgiveness.
…Though it took me a while to get into, The Truth Between Us is a really engaging story, and I’ll definitely be coming back for book three.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed this story and am thrilled to have discovered the writing of Tammy L. Gray. The Truth Between Us is an extremely well-written relationship drama with a strong, compelling plot and themes of grace and redemption. Honestly, I never wanted to put it down.”
Uplifting Reads – Review
“They have such a beautiful and rich past together, stretching way back to their early days. And it just feels like so much was a misunderstanding that they never had a chance to work through. Reading this was a great way to relax on a hot summer’s day. I want to read the first book in the series now, to get a better understanding of this book. And I would be interested in reading the next one to follow up on where everyone goes, and to figure out what is happening with some of the other characters.”
“I appreciate how Tammy Gray has met these characters where they are at, largely broken and faithless. The subtle introduction of Christianity is unseen and realistic, given entry by the desires written on their hearts, the natural law, and those God has put in their path.”
Chapter 2 – April

She slipped away quietly and continued toward the altar as if the wedding march were playing through the wind. A melody imprinted in her soul with each careful step. 

At the front, the white wooden arbor draped with lace and held together at the corners by bouquets of pink roses, was just like the one April had seen in a magazine, but Sean had staunchly vetoed the idea of a fancy arbor, not wanting anything to distract from the beauty of their venue.

Or the beauty of his bride, he’d said, ruining her chance to argue. He was the only person she knew who could make her cave with so little effort.
C Jane Read – Review
“Once I connected with the characters I couldn’t put the story down. This is an emotional story filled with a powerful message of discovering yourself, a wonderful example of unconditional love and what trust really means.”
“The Truth Between Us takes us on a roller coaster of emotions, from passion to anger to hurt to redemption and everything in between. Sean and April are complex characters and their story is as layered as they are. Tammy L. Gray is extremely skilled at writing in such a way that the reader feels part of the story too, and nothing feels forced or out of place. The sweet ending and the undertones of redemption do not cancel out the rawness of the story itself, rather it gives the journey an edge of grace that makes it all worth it.”
Book by Book – Review
“So, if you like to read romantic, character-based fiction, add The Truth Between Us to the TBR. Tammy L. Gray tells the story so well that it’s hard not to enjoy it. I know I certainly did (so much so that I’m once again left very eager to read more of the series), and I recommend it.”
“With The Truth Between Us, I had nothing to worry about, and here’s why: Sean Taylor.
I had a hard time liking the other main characters until later in the book. But Sean, I loved from the start, for the same reasons all the Bentley Brats love him: he’s funny, he’s daring, he’s passionate, he’s authentic.
…I found a story that shows the great impact of being loved unconditionally, and how very different that kind of love is from the conditional kind.”
Faithfully Bookish – Excerpt
Chapter 3 – April

The hostess smiled at her warmly, and April motioned toward the man already standing to greet her. Aiden had secured a table next to the towering windows at the back of room. They faced north, allowing the sky to reflect the beauty of dusk without the spotlight of the setting sun. With the light to his back, a halo encircled his blond head and saintly face. Lucifer himself would be jealous of the effect.
Wishful Endings – Excerpt
Chapter 3 – April

“I pay attention.” His tone was casual, as was the way he dismissed the waitress with a nod. “Especially to people who fascinate me.”

“Careful Aiden, one might think you’re flirting.” She was amazed at the ease in which she threw out those words when warning sparks were firing through her body. “You forget I’ve known you too long to be charmed by your looks and good manners. You offered a proposition. Get to it.”
– Sean

Sean wasn’t sure about anything anymore except that in three days he’d be face to face with the two people who’d trampled his heart. “Surprising her is the only way I’ll know if we still have a chance.” She was too good at hiding her feelings. Too good at shutting out every single emotion she didn’t want to feel.

“Okay. But know this. If a blow up occurs, I will take her side.” Andrew had abandoned the Duncan kingdom and had admitted more than once that he didn’t understand his sister’s choices. Still, his loyalty was unwavering.
“This is a great story. I shows just how evil people can be and how power and money can tear a family apart.

The characters are well-developed and I enjoyed the group of friends. The way they continued to remain close for so many years was fun to see…
I would recommend this book to other readers.”
“There’s an abundance of depth and richness and beauty to this book and the series it’s in, to its characters and their relationships, and to the themes present throughout. I’m very much looking forward to revisiting all these characters that tug on my heartstrings, that make me think, and that have become real to me in Ms. Gray’s next addition to the Bentwood Series.”
Among the Reads – Review
“I really loved Sean. He was so alive. His love for April was so incredible it almost hurt to see. He’d loved her ever since they were kids. Waiting patiently. It was the kind of love every girl dreams of. A sacrificing, forever kind of love. Sigh…
This book chews you up, spits you out and then puts you back together again. It leaves you with tears in your eyes and yet a satisfied kind of warmth in your chest at the end…”
Christen Krumm – Review
“If you are needing a sweet escape from this summer heat (and let’s be honest … with the heat wave this week, who doesn’t?) you aren’t going to want to miss Tammy L. Gray’s The Truth Between Us.
The newest addition to Gray’s Brentwood series is every bit as toe tingling as I hear the first one is…
I felt like this book was down to earth. It was a little bit gritty — just like you’d encounter in real life, and I found that very refreshing.”
Heidi Reads… – Review
“I’ve been eagerly anticipating April and Sean’s story since meeting them in the first book and wondering how on earth the author planned to get them back together. . . . They have great chemistry, even when they are in the midst of conflict, and the process of reconciliation was gratifying. I appreciated the positive influence of Caroline, a newcomer to the group of longtime friends, and once again I’m anxiously awaiting the next book in the Bentwood series!”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

The Truth Between Us
(Bentwood #2)
By Tammy L. Gray
Inspirational Contemporary Romance
ebook, 252 Pages
July 12th 2018

Nine years to win her. Three years to love her. And one decision that destroyed it all.

April Duncan was raised with three clear truths: the family name is absolute, ambition and success rule over every emotion, and love always comes with strings attached. Image was everything in her carefully crafted world… until the mirror cracked.

Sean Taylor was April’s best friend, the one man who taught her it was okay to let her guard down and to rely on someone. She trusted him. She loved him. Which made his deception the darkest kind of cruelty.

Now, nearly a year later, she’s ready to leave her failed engagement in the past and get back her life and her estranged family, even if it means dating a man solely for his connections. She’ll never again choose love over loyalty.

Sean has spent his entire life breaking barriers, facing challenges, and never giving up. Until one impossible choice destroyed his future and left him no option but to flee from the woman who annihilated his heart.

Now he’s back in Bentwood and determined to make her hear the truth and rebuild the trust he shattered. But April has become a mere shell of the woman who claimed his heart long ago.

Winning her back is more than just seizing a victory, because if he fails… the girl he’s loved for a lifetime will disappear forever.

The Truth Between Us is the second book in the Bentwood series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but it is recommended that you begin with book one to get the full experience among this tight group of family and friends.


Other Books in the Series

Until I Knew Myself
(Bentwood #1)
By Tammy L. Gray
Inspirational Contemporary Romance
ebook, 264 Pages
March 8th 2018

RITA Award-winning author Tammy L. Gray delivers an unforgettable new series following five struggling friends in search of the true meaning of family through secrets, betrayal and the unexpected influence of an outsider…

Tyler Mitchell grew up an orphan, taken in by his best friend’s family when he was only sixteen. Even though ten years have passed, and he’s been given everything he should ever want—a loving home, an adoring girlfriend, a successful career, and lifelong friendships—Tyler has always felt a foreigner in his own life.

When a surprising phone call reveals the death of his biological grandfather, Tyler’s seemingly perfect life starts to unravel. The people he loves most in world have kept from him the greatest secret of all—knowledge of his father’s family.

Now hunting for more information about his past, Tyler discovers nothing is quite as it seems. And the definition of family is far more complicated than choosing between blood and loyalty.


About the Author

Tammy L. Gray lives in the Dallas area with her family, and they love all things Texas, even the erratic weather patterns. She writes modern Christian romance with true-to-life characters and culturally-relevant plot lines. She believes hope and healing can be found through high quality fiction that inspires and provokes change.

Her characters are real, relatable and deep, earning her a 2017 RITA award in the Romance with Religious and Spiritual Elements category.

When not chasing after her three amazing kids, Tammy can be spotted with her head in a book. Writing has given her a platform to combine her passion with her ministry.


Tour Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive a Kindle ebook of UNTIL I KNEW MYSELF, book one in The Brentwood Series, and a $10 Amazon eGift Card
– Open internationally
– Ends July 25th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Her Family’s Defender
By Kim Findlay
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they read it?

People can change. Troy grows into a better man, and we see that reflected through Bridget’s responses to him through the course of the story.

Also, what you see on the surface isn’t always the truth. Michelle judges Troy based on what she sees – a hockey player without any problems, which is a stark contrast to her own life. She discovers there’s more to his story. Michelle is dealing with her own problems, beyond the financial pressures that are apparent on the surface. And those rise up unexpectedly.

Mostly, I hope readers enjoy these characters, and the journey they take to find their HEA.

It’s All About the Romance – Troy’s Tips on Parenting

Kids will lie about their bedtime.

Beer is not an appropriate snack…

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“This book is so sweet, delightful, heartwarming and, at times, emotional. I thought it was pretty good. Michelle and Troy were great, relatable characters, with perfect chemistry.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

If only it could have been Mitch, still with them in every way. Coming in hot and sweaty from a run and pulling her into his embrace while she squealed, and he pretended not to understand what she was squealing about…

Troy raised his eyebrows. “Hello?”

Michelle forced herself to glance up, and she saw amusement in his eyes. He thought she was tongue-tied from staring at his naked chest. As if. Yes, she was staring at him, but she could handle an attractive body. It was remembering the past that would bring her down.

The Power of Words – Review

“Her Family’s Defender by Kim Findlay is different from typical books that I read, in that it brought me into the world of Canadian ice hockey, and I thoroughly enjoyed it…

Kim Findlay has crafted an entertaining story that romance fans will enjoy, even those not particularly interested in sports (like me). I look forward to much more from this author.”

I Am A Reader – Troy

He’s gone from winning the Stanley Cup, hockey’s highest prize, to battling cancer, and now he’s figuring out who he is after these experiences. He’s 6’2″, in excellent physical shape, and he’d agree that he’s good-looking. But his life is changing…

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is a well-written book. There are things that happen to us in our lives that are hard to deal with and difficult to put behind us.

This book is a wonderful love story with people who are dealing with many of the hardships we all have to deal with. “

E-Romance News – Excerpt

What did he want from Michelle anyway? He remembered all his own arguments against dating mothers. They had responsibilities, and that wasn’t something he wanted to take on. And just as important, they had kids, and kids shouldn’t be hurt.

Right now, though, the idea of responsibility wasn’t scaring him. It wasn’t a vague thing anymore; these were two kids he was attached to. Being responsible for them sounded okay. Better than okay. Being part of their family tonight, and the taco night…he’d truly enjoyed that.

And he’d move heaven and earth to make sure those two weren’t hurt.

Hardcover Feedback – Review

“I loved this book! From when Michelle and Troy first meet until the end this was such an enjoyable and fun read…

I’d recommend Her Family’s Defender to fans of contemporary romance, it was just wonderful.”

Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader – Review

“Her Family’s Defender is the Second book in the A Hockey Romance series by Kim Findlay. . . . This is a great family friendly romance and I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“If you are craving a sports romance that will make you smile and swoon, with characters you’ll quickly come to care about, then Her Family’s Defender is a great choice for you! The Canadian setting was a nice change of pace and, even though I know basically nothing about hockey, I really enjoyed that dimension to the story as well. Additionally, I loved the role that the characters from book 1 played in this novel despite the fact that I have yet to read their particular story. A cute story with layered characters and a sweet message!”

underneath the covers – Michelle

Michelle is focused on her family. She grew up in a military home, moving around, and enlisted herself, where she met and married another recruit. He came back from deployment suffering from PTSD, and eventually committed suicide…

Britt Reads Fiction – Review

“Her Family’s Defender was an nice story. I really liked Troy, who began the story as a quintessential bachelor, but by the end was intricately entwined in the Robinson family…

I liked Michelle. . . . I enjoyed their family dynamic, and especially enjoyed the way Troy fit right in.

…I enjoyed this title and look forward to reading more from this author.”

Stacking My Book Shelves! – Excerpt

“I don’t need a babysitter,” Angie spat out, giving her mom the side eye. “But Mom’s afraid to leave us completely alone at night.” For twelve the kid could really give attitude.

“If you don’t want a babysitter, what are you doing here?” Troy asked.

Angie sighed, burdened by these slow-witted adults. “Mom doesn’t trust us. She got someone to come for the night, just as if we were babies, but that person canceled. I can take care of my brother. I just need a responsible adult I can call if anything happens,” Angie retorted.

“Am I responsible enough?” Troy asked with a grin.

Remembrancy – Review

“As a hockey fan who is enjoying cheering for her team in the playoffs, what more could I ask for than a hockey romance? How about one with miscommunication and dislike between the guy and gal? Or with a couple of kids in the mix?”

Colorimetry – Occasions when coffee is required
When the handsome hockey player across the hall knocks at your door early on a Saturday morning to offer hockey tickets…

Nicole’s Book Musings – Review

“I really enjoyed this one. . . . This book had all the feels, but also a good amount of humor. I just gobbled this book up.”

Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

If he was honest, the day he’d been told the cancer was gone had been incredible, in a completely different way.

But that victory had been humbling and private, and something he hoped never to repeat again. The Cup he intended to win again if he could.

He wasn’t going to tell all that to a twelve-year-old, though, so he simply said that not much could top hoisting the Cup over your head.

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“Emotion filled and reality laced! From the first page, we are captivated by the emotional journey these two characters are embarking on as they set out to pick up the pieces of their ravaged lives and find a way to carry on. . . . Overall, a solid read.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…
Her Family’s Defender
(A Hockey Romance #2)
by Kim Findlay
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
May 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

He has home advantage…

But she’s got a strong defensive play.

Hockey star Troy Green never gives up. Not on the ice. Not when he battled cancer last year. And not when it comes to his new neighbor, Michelle Robinson. Troy only wants to help the struggling single mom and her sweet kids, but soon he’s falling for her. Is Troy finally ready to trade in his bachelor life and become a family man?

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequinKobo
Other Books in the Series

Crossing the Line
(A Hockey Romance #1)
by Kim Findlay
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
March 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Icebreaker or endgame?

Can two devoted athletes make room in their lives for love?

Mike Reimer knows from experience that hockey and relationships don’t mix. And hot-tempered swim coach Bridget O’Reilly couldn’t be more wrong for the widowed pro goalie, aka the Iceman. As the playoffs approach, Mike’s growing feelings for her could melt the hardest heart. But what if being with Bridget means letting down his team…and, worst of all, himself?

About the Author

Kim Findlay lives in Toronto, Canada, with her very handsome husband, two strapping sons, and possibly the world’s cutest spaniel. When she can get time away from her accounting business, Kim can be found traveling, sailing, reading, or writing, depending on the season, time of day, and her energy level. You can find her at kimfindlay.ca, @missheyer74, or on Facebook.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon e-Gift Card and an ebook of Crossing the Line

– Open internationally
– Ends May 9th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
Never Doubt a Duke
By Regina Scott

This sweet Regency romance is the first book in her new Fortune’s Brides series.
Coming May 18th 2018…

After spending the last ten years following her late husband on campaign, the irrepressible Jane Kimball finds herself badly in need of a position to support herself. Marriage holds no appeal; she’s not likely to find a husband like her Jimmy again. But when Miss Thorn of the Fortune Employment Agency offers her a post with the Duke of Wey, Jane feels drawn to help the lonely widower with his three daughters. He may seem a bit aloof, but Miss Thorn’s cat Fortune approved of him. Why should Jane doubt a duke?
Alaric, Duke of Wey, commands his staff, his tenants, and the halls of Parliament, managing vast holdings in England and across the seas. Why is it he cannot manage his own daughters? As an old danger rears its head, he comes to rely on Jane’s practical nature, her outspoken ways to navigate the waters of fatherhood. And when necessity dictates he take a wife, thoughts turn to an unlikely governess who might make the perfect bride.
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleSmashwords

Grab your FREE ebook from Amazon here!
About the Author

Regina Scott started writing novels in the third grade. Thankfully for literature as we know it, she didn’t sell her first novel until she learned a bit more about writing. Since her first book was published in 1998, her stories have traveled the globe, with translations in many languages including Dutch, German, Italian, and Portuguese. She now has more than forty published works of warm, witty romance. She and her husband of 30 years reside in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. Regina Scott has dressed as a Regency dandy, driven four-in-hand, learned to fence, and sailed on a tall ship, all in the name of research, of course.
Cover Reveal Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive ebooks of the five books in the Uncommon Courtships series: An Uncommon Christmas (novella), The Unflappable Miss Fairchild, The Incomparable Miss Compton, The Irredeemable Miss Renfield, and The Unwilling Miss Watkin
– Open internationally
– Ends April 28th

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Bad Boy Rancher
By Karen Rock

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

The Cade and Loveland family drama continues with the third book in my Rocky Mountain Cowboys series! The Cade and Loveland ranching families, neighbors who’ve been feuding for over a hundred years, are full of such interesting and complicated characters who face, and overcome, personal challenges in unique and inspiring ways to find true love and happiness…

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“From the toe-tingling romance to the larger-than-life characters, Karen Rock does a fabulous job of delivering this story! I was completely captivated from the very first chapter…

This is a book that is full of hope and connections and I loved every minute spent in this small Rocky Mountain town.”

The Power of Words – Review

“I fell in love with this series with the first book, Christmas at Cade Ranch, and the stories just keep getting better, maybe because I’m crazy about this family and look forward to each return visit. The issues this story touches on are relevant and real – addiction, PTSD, survivor guilt…

Bad Boy Rancher is a moving and highly entertaining story in every way.”

I Am A Reader – Excerpt

“Surprise!” Justin’s family shouted.

Javi ran around him chanting, “Happy birthday! Happy birthday!”

Justin backed up a step. “No.”

His mother, Joy, strode through the doorway. She shoved silver strands behind her ear and peered at him anxiously from behind frameless glasses. “It’s been a long time since we…we wanted to do something nice, honey… Wanted to celebrate…”

His boots dropped down one tread. “No.” He would not, couldn’t celebrate his life. Not when his twin brother lay six feet under, buried along with Justin’s broken promises, the ones they’d whispered to each other in the womb: fidelity, unity, brotherhood.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“Bad Boy Rancher by Karen Rock is another excellent book in the Rocky Mountain Cowboys series! It doesn’t shy away from gritty issues like PTSD, survivor guilt, addiction, etc. But it also provides plenty of humor and sweet, tender moments. And of course toe-curling swoonliciousness. This is truly a heartwarming story as well as a stellar romance with great character growth. I’m looking forward to more books in this series!”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

Brielle’s cell phone buzzed on the seat beside her. She risked a glance down at the number, recognized it as her new employer’s, then reached for it, slowing as she approached an intersection.

Her fingers closed on the metallic rectangle just as the dark shape of a biker raced into view, barreling straight at her.

Her pulse slammed in her veins.

Was he crazy?

A Slice of Life – Review

“When it comes to realistic behavior and human emotions, KarenRock doesn’t disappoint, and the third book in her Rocky Mountain Cowboys series, Bad Boy Rancher, is no exception…

The author delves deep into the human psyche in order to express the emotions Justin, Brielle, and others feel throughout this Rocky Mountain Cowboy journey, providing a compelling and informative read.”

Two Points of Interest – Review

“I found the main characters to be enjoyable and realistic. Both Justin and Brielle are flawed and want each other but try to overcome the obstacles in their “relationship”…

A very enjoyable read for anyone who loves romance novels or a fan of this series.”

Deal Sharing Aunt – Review

“Cowboys are not my favorite genre, but Justin is not your ordinary cowboy. He is full of guilt and tries to cheat death. He can not get over the loss of his brother. During a chance encounter, when he is tempting death, he meets Brielle. She is a strong woman. What a great heroine….

This was a really fun read, and I can not wait to read more about these characters.”

Faithfully Bookish – Review & Excerpt

“I’m so thankful for stories that tackle tough issues to stretch and grow our compassion and understanding. I definitely recommend this story to readers who enjoy a little more heat in their sweet romance and everyone who loves a good underdog or cowboy or adventurist hero and thoughtful storyline.”

“What are you afraid of, Justin?”

That snapped his spine straight. “Nothing.” “Then prove it. I dare you to spend the next ten weeks here, at the clinic.”

“Dare?” Was she joking? This wasn’t kid stuff… To him, it was life-and-death. And the way Brielle got under his skin, opened him up, was downright dangerous. If he accepted, he’d need to keep his distance. “I’m not going to any group talks.”

She pondered that a moment then sighed. “Fine. Go only if you want to, which I’m betting will be plenty.”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Reviews

“I really loved this book from start to finish. I have loved this Cade clan from the start and their’s something about this family that just makes you rally around them. I can’t wait for Jewel’s book.” – LAWonder10

“You did it again, Karen Rock! I love the Cades and the Lovelands. This series of books is so good… I highly recommend this book to other readers. It’s a great read.”- Vickie

Busy Bumble Bee Book Reviews – Review

“This book has all the feels in it. I’ve known from the start of these Cade family member’s that I have wanted to get to Justin’s book. And Mrs. Rock does not disappoint with this one…

I really loved this book from start to finish. I have loved this Cade clan from the start and their’s something about this family that just makes you rally around them. I can’t wait for Jewel’s book.”

Remembrancy – Review

“In Bad Boy Rancher, Karen Rock tackles topics that are difficult: addiction, depression, and PTSD to name a few. Each of the members of Second Chance is unique in their circumstances yet the same in that they are on their way to healing. Rock’s ability to humanize these disorders is top-notch.”

Janice’s Book Reviews – Review

“I enjoyed visiting the Cade family again and loved the addition of the pug in the story. Also really enjoyed Javi in the book, the little boy in the first book. This is really a good series.”

E-Romance News – Excerpt

“You don’t want to lose anyone else.”

This close, Brielle could smell Justin’s minty, warm breath. “No,” she admitted.

“Then get to know them. Come to my ranching workshop tomorrow.”

“I don’t know if I can,” she confessed. “It’s not easy for me…like it is for you.”

His short laugh rushed across her cheek. Their eyelashes tangled. “You think it’s easy for me? I hate talking to people.”

Harlie’s Books – Review & Excerpt

“Yall this series. I’m telling you, READ IT!!! Ms. Rock nailed Justin to a tee. Okay, so I may be partial to Ms. Rock because I’ve read her since she started but every one of her books in this series is heartfelt, at times funny, the men are sexy as heck and the heroines are perfect for them. Every couple has baggage and it’s quite a ride to see them work it out separately and then together for the all-important HEA.”

Are you ready to go?” There was a brief catch in Brielle’s voice as Justin tucked her loose scarf into her coat collar.

“There’s something I want to show you first.”

“Maybe another time.” She twisted a cross pinned to the lapel of her jacket. “I’ve still got work to finish and—”

Her words cut off as he laced his fingers in hers. “Work will be there in the morning.

This won’t.”

Nicole’s Book Musings – Review

“I really love this series because it just pulls all the emotions and feels out of me. This book is intense with the emotion… I couldn’t have been rooting any more for these two to find a HEA. It’s definitely a book you don’t want to pass up. “

Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang! – Excerpt

Justin pressed a finger beneath Brielle’s chin, tipping it up until their gazes tangled. “Stop hiding from me,” he murmured, his voice hoarse with the strain of keeping himself in check.

“I’m right here,” she whispered.

The enticing scent of raspberries emanated from her, and he nearly groaned with the torment. He traced the outline of her lips with one finger.

She started to pull away, but he halted her by sliding his fingertips over the smooth flesh of her upper arms. Her answering shiver was both rousing and scary. It amazed him that he kept her captive with no more than his touch.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“This book is like the perfect storm. It has all the elements coming together to make it so enticing to me…

I loved that both these main characters were strong yet not. They both had broken bits that needed fixing and healing yet they were still fighting the good fight. The attraction was zingy and instant and it just kept building. The kissing was yummy.

This is such a great series. I’m loving it. Each book can stand alone but I would highly recommend reading them in order because you will be happier and more satisfied if you do.”

underneath the covers – Excerpt

Justin traced her jaw with the callused pad of his index finger. “Do you still believe in God?”

The moon disappeared behind clouds, and the light coming through the stained-glass windows dimmed.

“I do, but I don’t hear Him anymore. He stopped answering me after my breakdown, stopped talking through me—like He blames me, too. Bill wasn’t the only suicide. Another member of his squad killed himself on leave, with his personal handgun. A couple months later, a third member of his company overdosed. A year later, Stan Dobbins, one of the only survivors of the group ambushed before Easter, redeployed for the third time and shot himself in the head.” She leveraged herself up to face Justin. “That’s why I’m not stronger.”

“You haven’t healed yet. Didn’t you tell me therapy’s hard work?”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Bad Boy Rancher

(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #3)
by Karen Rock
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 368 pages
April 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

He’s not the only one who needs saving…

But maybe they can save each other?

Dark, brooding, dangerous…and possibly suicidal. Renegade rancher Justin Cade was exactly the kind of man former army chaplain Brielle Thompson needed to avoid after escaping the horrors of Afghanistan with an honorable discharge—and PTSD. The whole point of moving to the remote Rocky Mountains of Colorado was to leave the darkness behind, not fall back into it. But falling she is…


Other Books in the Series

Christmas at Cade Ranch
(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #1)

by Karen Rock

Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
November 7th 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming

The Christmas they never had.

James Cade has one priority: keep the family ranch running smoothly in the wake of his younger brother’s death. With Jesse’s ex, Sofia Gallardo, and her young son, Javi, stranded at Cade Ranch over Christmas, this task just got a lot harder. The longer Sofia and Javi stay, the harder it is to imagine the ranch without them. James couldn’t save his brother from his inner demons, but he can give his nephew a secure future. Maybe more—if he can figure out how to trust Sofia, and stop feeling like he’s betraying Jesse. Because trying to stop thinking about beautiful, determined Sofia is impossible.


Falling for a Cowboy
(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #2)
by Karen Rock
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 368 pages
January 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Doesn’t he get that she’s blind?

Barrel racer Amberley James wants to join the premier rodeo circuit more than anything, but she faces the ultimate hurdle when she loses her eyesight to a rare genetic condition. All she’d ever wanted seems out of reach. Giving up is the only option…until her best friend and local hero Jared Cade steps in. The last thing she wants is Jared’s help. But his persistence at encouraging her to get back in the saddle is ridiculously annoying. And undeniably inspiring…


About the Author

Award-winning author Karen Rock is both sweet and spicy—at least when it comes to her writing! The author of both YA and adult contemporary books writes sexy suspense novels and small-town romances for Harlequin and Kensington publishing. A strong believer in Happily-Ever-After, Karen loves creating unforgettable stories that leave her readers with a smile. When she’s not writing, Karen is an avid reader who also loves cooking her grandmother’s Italian recipes, baking and having the Adirondack Park wilderness as her backyard, where she lives with her husband, daughter, dog and cat who keep her life interesting and complete. Learn more about her at http://www.karenrock.com or follow her on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/karenrock5.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive print copies of CHRISTMAS AT CADE RANCH and FALLING FOR A COWBOY by Karen Rock, WISHES AT FIRST LIGHT by Joanne Rock, A SKY FULL OF STARS by Samantha Chase, WHAT IT TAKES by Shanon Stacey, and FAMILY TREE by Susan Wiggs (US only)
1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon Gift Card (open internationally)

– Ends April 11th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Release Blitz for
The Soldier’s Homecoming
By Patricia Potter
The Soldier’s Homecoming
(Home to Covenant Falls #5)
by Patricia Potter
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
April 1st 2018 by Harlequin Superromance

He’s looking for roots. She won’t be tied down.

Army ranger Travis Hammond needs to heal physical and emotional wounds. A job in Covenant Falls checking out equine therapy programs for veterans is a start, but it’s only temporary. And he doesn’t need a partner, especially some reporter with the persistence of a terrier and irresistible green eyes. Like Travis, Jenny Talbot’s just passing through town. Unlike Travis, Jenny knows exactly where she’s going next—back to the Middle East, as soon as she recovers from her own war injury. But there’s a bend in the road for both of them.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin


Travis led the way around a stand of trees, and suddenly they faced the falls. Water tumbled over a high cliff to the rocks below. A rainbow arched above it. A cool breeze carried spray to where they stood, sprinkling them. A look of pure enchantment crossed her face, turning it from attractive into beautiful. He had the damndest urge to take Jenny in his arms and hold her against him.

If it had been just a physical reaction, he could step away. Her delight, though, made him smile inside – and he hadn’t done that in a long time. He started to reach for her, to touch her. Snap out of it. Keep it strictly business.

Travis stepped back. Away from temptation.

“It’s beautiful,” Jenny said, licking at the moisture around her lips with her tongue. It was a natural enough reaction and sensuous without intent. He was suddenly warmer. He wanted to put his arms around her and share that sense of awe.

Bad idea. He wasn’t ready for another relationship, even a short one, and suspected she wasn’t ready for one, either. She’d been injured and was using this time to heal. He’d met many military correspondents during his years overseas, and most were as addicted to the adrenaline as soldiers were. She would be gone in a few days, and after he completed a short project for a friend, he would, too.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Patricia Potter is the USA Today Bestselling Author of more than fifty books. She has received numerous writing awards, including RT Storyteller of the Year, its Career Achievement Award for Western Historical Romance and its Best Hero of the Year Award. She is a seven-time RITA finalist and three-time Maggie Award winner. She has served as president of Romance Writers of America. The Soldier’s Homecoming is her fifteenth book for Harlequin.
Prior to writing fiction, she was a reporter for the Atlanta Journal and president of a public relations firm.

Come back for the upcoming tour, launching next week here!

Blitz Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally
– 1 winner will receive signed print copies of THE SOLDIER’S PROMISE, TEMPTED BY THE SOLDIER, A SOLDIER’S JOURNEY, and THE SEAL’S RETURN (US only)
– Ends April 6th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Blitz for
The Start of Us
By Rachel John

The Start of Us

(A Change in Plans #1)
by Rachel John
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 156 pages

November 10th 2017

When Corrie Windsor’s roommate dies in a car accident, she leaves behind her four-year-old daughter, Ella. Corrie loves the little girl and hopes to adopt her, but instead, she’ll have to stand by while Ella’s uncle steps in to take custody. If things aren’t awkward enough, there’s a chemistry between them that neither wants to acknowledge.

Preston Ford can’t imagine instant parenthood, especially considering he just chickened out of proposing to his girlfriend. However, once he meets Ella, there’s no other choice. The time he spends with her and Corrie solidifies an alliance between the three of them, a plan to give Ella the stability she needs. But reality can sometimes turn the best of plans upside down.

With more than one heart hanging in the balance, how long can their platonic teamwork really last? Romance has never been this complicated.

On SALE for 99¢ March 19th – 25th!

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository


“Ask her to dance,” Ella prompted. Her big brown eyes, so much like April’s, shined up at him. Only her hair was different, a dark brown instead of April’s blonde.

“What?” Preston looked at the doll she was shaking in his face.

“Sprinkles wants to dance. You have to ask her to dance.”

Preston snuck a glance at Corrie, who was holding back silent laughter, and then in his best doll voice said, “Sprinkles, may I have this dance?”

The two dolls swayed together, and Preston felt like the world’s biggest idiot. But if this was what Ella wanted to do, that’s what they’d do. Whether he adopted her or not, he was still her uncle, and he wanted her to have good memories of him.

Loretta cleared her throat and stood up. “I’m going to go. Ya’ll keep getting acquainted. Preston, give me a call later and we’ll talk. Bye, Ella.”

Ella waved. “Bye, Miss Loretta.”

Corrie looked a little panicked to see the woman go. He couldn’t blame her. He’d been in the apartment for five minutes and now they were left alone together to figure things out. He needed to explain how long he was staying. When he’d thought about spending a week with Ella, taking the time to make a careful decision, he hadn’t even thought about the roommate tagging along. She was just this person offering temporary housing. Having met her, she seemed like someone a little more important to Ella than that.

He ran a hand through his hair. “Um, I can go whenever you need me to. I don’t want to make you feel like I won’t leave if you give me a gentle hint. Although I’m here for a week, and I’d like to come over every day. My flight is next Tuesday. I can change it though, if I need to.”

Corrie came over and sat on the couch next to where they were playing on the floor. He had to look away from her long legs perched at eye level. Corrie wasn’t model-gorgeous like Nicole, but she was pretty enough to make the room feel smaller when he looked at her. He liked the sprinkle of freckles across her little snub nose and her big green eyes. He mentally smacked himself. They had things to work out, and dumb guy hormones would only make that harder.

“Spend as much time with Ella as you need. Would you like to stay for dinner?”

“That would be great.” The thought of eating alone in a restaurant was not appealing.

Ella reached up and pulled on Corrie’s arm. “Play with us, Corrie. You can have Buttercup. She wants to dance with…um, what’s your name again?” Ella turned her questioning eyes to Preston.

“Preston,” he prompted.

“Dance with Preston,” Ella insisted.

Corrie sat next to them and gave Preston an amused look. “Okay, Ella, but only for a minute. Then maybe we should play something else.”

Preston bounced his doll back and forth next to Corrie’s, although his eyes were trained on the wall behind her. He could ham it up for Ella, but having Corrie playing along ramped up the embarrassment ten-fold. Somehow it reminded him of slow dancing with a girl for the first time at a seventh-grade dance. He hadn’t been able to make eye contact then either.

And just released & on SALE…

Better with You

(A Change in Plans #2)
by Rachel John
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 162 pages
March 11th 2018

Paige Parker has no time for romance. She’s too busy building up her house-flipping business. But when a charming guy comes between her and the house she wants, Paige is a little more torn than she expected. For a girl who’s always gone with her firm business sense, she’s not sure how to trust her heart.

When it comes to dating, Shaun Randall is not about to get serious with anyone. He has his mother to take care of and enough family secrets to keep him running from any girl who gets too close. Spending time with Paige starts out as a means to get the house he wants, but every time he thinks it’s time to bail, he finds himself drawn in a little more.

When is it worth taking a chance on love?

On SALE for 99¢ in ebook for a limited time!

About the Author

Rachel John is the author of books filled with awkward humor and sigh-inducing romance. When not burning dinner or chasing kids, Rachel can be found working on family history, writing, reading, or putting off writing by staring at Facebook. She lives in Arizona with her husband, four crazy kids, and her desert tortoise.


Blitz Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends March 23rd

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Forever a Father
By Lynne Marshall

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Author Interview

Q. What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

A. I hope readers understand that past struggles may hold us back, but it is possible to move on and enjoy life and love again. Hope is the word I’d love for readers to remember. No matter how tough things may be, never give up hope, because hope can sometimes work miracles. It did for Daniel Delaney and Keela O’Mara, oh, and little Anna, too.

Among the Reads – Review

“I enjoy books with children in them, especially when the author gets their behavior consistent with their ages. Author Lynne Marshall created such a lovable character in Anna, the almost 5-year-old daughter of Keela. . .

I also really appreciated that the tragedies in each of their lives were explained early on in the book instead of having the hints throughout and them not revealed until the end. It helped to better understand their motivations.”

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

Dear Reader,

I’m so happy to share my twenty-fifth Harlequin book, Forever a Father, the launch book for The Delaneys of Sandpiper Beach trilogy. In book one, I introduce Daniel Delaney, the eldest brother, and Keela O’Mara, a young lady from Ireland who works for him. The more I got to know Daniel and Keela, the more I rooted for them and their happily-ever-after. If any couple deserved it, they did, but both had been disillusioned by love and have the emotional scars to prove it.

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“Adorably sweet and heart-wrenching all in one! My heart was stolen by a four year old! 🙂 Such a great story! . . The Delaney family is really down to earth and fun to spend time with, and I’m looking forward to more to come in this trilogy!”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

Keela had never seen her daughter smile so much.

Every time she watched “Doctor Dan” with Anna, Keela’s heart warmed and her thoughts wandered to a secret and special place.

Suddenly, he got serious and turned to Anna. “Maybe it’s time you dropped the doctor part and just call me Dan?” He glanced at Keela, as if to get her approval about letting Anna call him that. She nodded.

Deal Sharing Aunt – Review

“This is a story that will have you crying along with the characters. Especially at the end of the book. I really liked the family togetherness and how they spent time together with extended family. I hope that the next two books in the series keep us updated on this couple.”

Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang! – Excerpt

A lyrical laugh eased out of Keela’s mouth, and it never failed to grab his attention. She might as well be singing.

“I’d never say that, Mrs. Haverhill. You’re in great shape—”

The sixtyish lady tossed Daniel a deadpan look that seemed to say, Do you believe the crock she’s feeding me? More, please.

He smiled and added a benevolent nod.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is a touching, yet, endearing tale of two people whose situations were very different, yet, both had been betrayed. Each were coping in the best way they could. Would it be enough?

The Book Cover was well-chosen and the Title passable but perhaps not a great choice. However, the development of the characters and portrayal of the background scenes were realistic to the point the reader felt he/she was a part of the story.”

Paulette’s Papers – Excerpt

Keela’s phone rang and she stepped inside her office to answer it. With the copier going, Daniel couldn’t hear the conversation, but as he gazed through the large office window, he noticed her brows were lowered. She said something else, then glanced toward the ceiling in a frustrated manner while listening. Just as his copies were done, she hung up, her shoulders slumped and her usual smile inverted. “Thanks for the too-late heads-up,” she raised her voice to the phone on her desk.

Jorie Loves A Story – Excerpt

“I need help!” She used her outdoor voice, which startled him, and he jumped out of his chair to assist her by lifting her under the arms. Man, she was light, hardly weighed anything. So vulnerable and completely dependent on him. So trusting. Precious. She pushed the button for water, but her mop of curls got in the way. Her face got wet and she giggled. He almost smiled.

“Here,” he said, balancing her on his bent knee and thigh, and holding her hair out of the way with one hand. She slurped to her heart’s content, coming up only when she needed to breathe.

It’s All About the Romance – Excerpt

“You’re smart!” Why did everything she say come out like an exclamation? Still, her compliment caught him off guard and he cracked a smile for the first time that afternoon. Okay, so she was kind of cute.

He glanced at his watch again. All of fifteen minutes had passed since he’d been handed the job of childcare provider, and Keela wouldn’t be through until five. Now what should they do?

Busy Bumble Bee Book ReviewsReview

“This is the first book I have read by Mrs. Marshall and it was a great start to a new series. It was sweet, tender, and touching.

I really liked Daniel and Keela’s characters. I thought they were just right for each other. . .

I really enjoyed this book. I thought as I mentioned above that it was sweet and tender. I loved Daniels family and their family bond. And I can’t wait for his brothers books.”

Nicole’s Book Musings – Excerpt

Anna nodded, as serious as a little kid could be. Keela took the tiny, tangerine-colored backpack covered in animated movie characters off the child’s shoulders, unzipped it and fished out some crayons and a coloring book. “You can make some nice pictures for Daddy for when you see him next.” Then she escorted the girl to the chair opposite Daniel’s desk. The one he reserved for his patients. There was a small table with assorted magazines next to it. She could color on that. She was so tiny, and probably worried about the big mean-faced man. He tried to smile to ease her concerns, but failed. It wasn’t her fault she’d been stuck with him, old mean-face, who was still hurting and lost and, so far, unable to move on.

A Striking Viper, Caught in a Tangled Web – Review

“Ms. Marshall works hard to establish a sense of the characters and the town and community for her readers. . . . overall, this was a sweet romance to read. I enjoyed reading how the two of them worked to overcome their own insecurities to take a chance on love.”

Becky on Books – Review

“Forever a Father is a sweet romance about two people who are starting over…but who both have many issues in their past that are standing in their way. . . . The book is the first in The Delaneys of Sandpiper Beach series, and introduces us to a charming town and family that has two more single sons whose stories are due to follow soon.”

underneath the covers – Excerpt

She’d imposed her daughter on him, and what could she expect—that he’d love it? Thank the heavens it had ended well and she still had a job. But a flare of sadness made her think how Anna’s own father hardly ever wanted to spend time with her. At least Daniel had taken her for ice cream, maybe not because he wanted to, but because he was a decent guy. That alone made him different from her ex.

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

The day she’d first met Daniel Delaney, she’d tried her best to remain professional but knew her dire need for employment cracked through her job-applicant veneer. Please hire me. Please. Please. Please? His natural good looks had set her off-kilter, but she’d quickly focused beyond his shocking green eyes and his sturdy rugby build, the charming Irish smile she’d recognize anywhere. There was absolutely no reason for her to notice his stylishly cut, thick brown hair, but she had.

Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader – Review

“He doesn’t know exactly what is about her and her little girl but they make him want things he didn’t think he would ever want again.
This story is a sweet romance and good read.”

Brooke Blogs – Excerpt

Daniel finished assessing his last rescheduled patient, then went to his office, ready to pick up where he’d left off earlier, practicing his presentation for tomorrow, before he’d been interrupted by Anna. Even though the clinic was empty, he closed the door. The winding tangle in his chest since Anna walked in, reminding him of what he’d lost, pinched tighter. He sat, squeezed his eyes closed and, covering them with his hand, pressed his temples with thumb and fingertip. He stayed like that for a few moments, listening to his breathing, fighting off the pain, the grief, grasping at the calm that always eluded him at times like this. Don’t do it. Do. Not. Do it.

Simply Kelina – Review

“It was a very quick read as it is only a little over 200 pages. I will say, this moved very fast. . . . I ended up enjoying this story though. If you are looking for a cute read, I definitely recommend this.”

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Forever a Father
(Delaneys of Sandpiper Beach #1)
by Lynne Marshall
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 224 pages

March 1st 2018 by Harlequin Special Edition
GoodreadsAmazonB&NBook Depository


“Will you be my dad?”

Ask me anything but that.

Once upon a time, Dr. Daniel Delaney had it all. But he lost it in the blink of an eye, and he won’t let himself fall again—not even for his dedicated new assistant, Keela O’Mara, and her adorable, lonely little girl, Anna. Resisting a starry-eyed four-year-old is tough enough. Denying her perfect, loving single mom may be more than Daniel can handle…

Other Books in the Series (coming soon)

About the Author

Lynne Marshall has been traditionally published with Harlequin as a category romance author for more than ten years with over twenty-five books, and more recently with TULE Publishing, she has also gone hybrid with self-publishing. She is a Southern California native, has been married to a New Englander for a long time, and has two adult children of whom she is super proud. She is also an adoring grandmother of two beautiful little girls, a woman of faith, a dog lover, a cat admirer, a meandering walker, a curious traveler, and an optimistic participant in this wild journey called life.

Tour Giveaway

3 winners will receive their choice of one print book from Lynne Marshall’s Home in Heartlandia series: A DOCTOR FOR KEEPS, HER PERFECT PROPOSAL, and FALLING FOR THE MOM-TO-BE (if US, winner will receive their book signed)

Open internationally
Ends March 7th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Focus On Love
By Candee Fick

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Author Interview

Q: What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

A: Since it’s a sweet romance, I want readers to leave with a sigh, a sappy smile, a warm fuzzy feeling, and a new book boyfriend in Ryan. I want readers to have experienced the highs and lows of the journey along with Liz and then participate vicariously in her victory. But mostly along the way, I hope readers feel the tug toward a deeper or new relationship with the Creator of everything who still wants to be their personal Friend.

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

At least she’d finally seen Jerry’s true colors. But was it too late to fight for her place? If she needed to stay, completing her degree would have to wait.

She squared her shoulders and faced her dad. “Logo designer aside, do these shirts mean I can finally start working with you? Because I’d love to see us expand into new areas and revamp our website.”

Dad waved a hand dismissively. “Jerry’s full of ideas for doing all that. What we really need is office support.”

More of Jerry’s words came flooding back to her. “You don’t need a business degree to answer the phones and stuff envelopes.” Liz’s stomach clenched along with her fists.

Better to know the truth than to cling to hope. “Are you ever going to give me a chance to step behind the camera?”

Remembrancy – Review

“This book does exactly what the title suggests. It focuses on love. . . .the love of family as well as friends, . . and a healthy helping of God’s love are all represented within its pages. . . .

I was a bit disappointed when I reached the end of this book. Liz and Ryan are people I could have hung out with for another hundred pages. But I will take comfort in the hop of another excellent read from Candee Fick in the future.”

Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang! – Guest Post

Can You Really Find Love on the Job?

My husband and I met while working at a private high school. He taught math while coaching football and baseball. I taught chemistry and coached cross country and track.

We might never have talked outside of polite conversation at staff meetings, except for the fact we had a handful of matchmaking students in common. Have you ever been around hormonal teenagers especially near Valentine’s Day? They latched onto the idea that the single teachers at the school really should get married and brought up not-so-subtle hints about every other week.

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

“You look happy.” The man’s intense gaze swept over her face and she resisted the urge to squirm when he nodded, as if he had her figured out.

“I just got a miracle. Didn’t think God did those anymore, at least for me.” She really needed to thank Dani for praying.

The man smiled, and the serious expression on his face transformed into a look of one who enjoyed life. Laugh lines emerged beside his eyes, along with a deep dimple to the right of a crooked smile reminiscent of Grandpa O’Neill. “I believe He’s got a few more miracles up His sleeve. At least I hope so. Actually, that’s why I’m here.”

“Are you an actor?” With this handsome man around, the theater could get interesting.

His eyes widened in surprise and then shifted toward the ticket window with its display of show posters. “No.”

The Power of Words – Review

“Focus on Love is the first book I’ve read by Candee Fick and I really enjoyed it. Set in the Wardrobe Dinner Theater world of Colorado, we meet Liz and her two roommates, Dani and Gloria. Dani’s story was told in the previous book, Dance Over Me (which I’m eager to read), and Focus on Love is Liz’s story, which stands alone. . . .

The ending felt a little rushed, but hopefully we’ll see more of Liz and Ryan in the next book. Focus on Love is a sweet and entertaining read that I thoroughly enjoyed.”

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Excerpt

“So is this guy any good, or does he just have a business card?”

Liz reached under the bed for her laptop and turned it on. “He has a website listed, so he might have a portfolio online. We’d better check him out and save Mr. Sheridan the hassle.”

“Sure.” Dani whacked her with a pillow. “Check him out or check out his work?”

Heat rose in her face. Curse her pale complexion. “Both?” Except, after Jerry the Jerk, the last thing she needed was to date another photographer.

I Am A Reader – Guest Post

Ten Workplace Romances On the Big Screen

In fiction—and in real life—romance can blossom in the middle of a working relationship. Come to think of it, each of my previous two novels have also featured couples falling in love while keeping up with the day job. But rather than discuss specific books with workplace romances—which perhaps not all of us have read—I started thinking about other stories we romance-genre-lovers can talk about. The stories on the big screen. The “chick-flicks” that make us smile.

So, without further delay, here are ten popular movies (including two classics) where two lonely hearts working together find love.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“Another sweet romance from Candee Fick! The warm characters move right into your heart, and the dinner theater atmosphere (with its delightful nod to C.S. Lewis’ Narnia) is vivid and unique. In fact, the photography and theater elements in Focus on Love give readers a fascinating picture into each of these creative worlds. Ryan and Liz are very relatable characters, and their attraction is palpable. (Some great kisses too!) Overall this is a heartwarming story of love and grace in various forms, and a great choice any time of the year!”

Colorimetry – Excerpt

Within minutes, she had almost tripled the number of pictures on her memory card with a variety of solo and group shots. One of the actors suggested they silently sneak onto the stage itself since the curtain was down and the audience was making plenty of noise while eating their dinners. Soon she had close to live-action images, taken with the large props and backdrop, to add to her collection.

The buzz of energy grew each time the shutter clicked as Liz sank deeper into a creative zone. How was it possible to have such laser-targeted focus on her subjects that her camera almost became a natural extension of her imagination?

She hadn’t felt such freedom in years.

Paulette’s Papers – Guest Post

Liz Foster’s Practical Tips to Balance Work and Love (and Life)

Today I’d like to introduce you to Elizabeth Foster. In addition to acting at The Wardrobe Dinner Theatre, you’ll often find her with a camera strapped around her neck. Still, since it’s February and love is in the air, I thought I’d ask Liz about mixing romance with the theater.

Theater romances are unique. Of course, there’s the typical proximity factor because the cast spends so much time together during rehearsals and performances. However, sometimes an onstage romance between two characters bleeds over into a backstage attraction too, but those usually don’t last because it’s hard to tell when the acting ends and reality begins.

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

About a hundred feet from the front doors, she spotted the tall cowboy exiting a large truck parked nearby, and her stomach whirred like her fast-action shutter.

Of course, it had to be nerves about showing her pictures to the Sheridans in front of the professional photographer—nothing to do with how handsome he was.

Ryan grinned as his long stride brought him quickly to her side. “Fancy meeting you here this morning. Liz, right?”

Faithfully Bookish – Review

“This author has been recommended to me by a couple of my dearest bookish friends so I had high expectations for this story yet Focus on Love did not disappoint! I’m so happy with this experience and I look forward to reading the author’s backlist and future works.”

Cafinated Reads – Excerpt

Liz nudged her camera bag out of the way of her feet and swiveled to face Ryan during the drive.

Of course, from this angle she could easily admire the muscles in his forearms below the rolled-up sleeves of his dress shirt as he steered into traffic. A suit jacket hung on a hook behind his seat.

“My mom served on the foundation’s board for several years.”

“Wait a minute… I didn’t think you were from around here.”

“I’m not.” He glanced over with a grin. “I grew up on a ranch in Montana.”

Among the Reads – Review & Guest Post

“I simply loved Focus on Love! It is such a lovely story of faith, love and learning the incredible love that God has for us.”

Ryan Callahan’s Version of “Should I Stay or Should I Go?”

Today, I’d like to introduce you to award-winning photographer Ryan Callahan. My first question is how did a Montana cowboy like you end up working for the Bricker Communications empire?

Glad to be here. (Tips his hat) My adventure started because of a photo contest I saw advertised in my uncle’s camera shop. The grand prize was a trip to tag along with a famous photographer on a shoot. Well, he looked past my inexperience and eventually lobbied to get me an internship with the company. I’ve since moved up the ladder and my mentor is now the CEO. You could say it all started with a lucky break, but I know it was a God-thing.

Locks, Hooks and Books – Excerpt

“I should have guessed you’d be out here with a camera.”

She turned to face Ryan as he leaned out the open window. “You should have seen it. It was magical. And gorgeous.”

“Yes, I see.” He eyed her rather than the trees.

A sudden warmth flooded her cheeks as she swung her camera bag around to her side and hurried around to the passenger side of his truck. She’d be wise to remember that while flirting was fun, it was too soon to feel anything more than friendship for Ryan, no matter how tempting.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“I would highly recommend this book to other readers. It is a sweet love story and also has several life experiences that the characters have to make decisions about and then endure them.”

underneath the covers – Excerpt

“Do you want to help me with the middle?” Liz grinned as the little girl nodded like a bobblehead doll. Soon she straddle-walked behind Hannah as they packed the snow tight, then angled their path to intersect where the guys smoothed out the giant base. The activity tugged at memories of the year Grandpa O’Neill had helped her build a snowman and stole Grandma’s scarf for a decoration.

“Hannah, that’s the best middle I’ve ever seen.” Ryan’s praise brought a sweet smile from the precious little girl, filling more of the lonely spots in Liz’s heart. “But do you think Liz can lift it up here?”

“You could help, you know.” Liz paused to straighten a kink out of her back.

“I could.” He waggled his eyebrows, then moved to face her.

With his arms under hers, they lifted the middle section and then sidestepped toward the base. One could imagine they were almost hugging … if not for the icy mass between them.

And only if one were prone to imagining the start of a romance where friendship grew.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Focus On Love
(The Wardrobe Dinner Theater #2)
by Candee Fick
Inspirational Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 192 pages

February 13th 2018 by Bling! Romance

Free-spirited Elizabeth Foster turned her back on her father’s photography business to pursue musical theater, but a career on the stage remains second to a career behind the camera. The possibility of a one-show contract means she’s a few weeks from unemployment forcing her home, and her dreams of pursuing professional photography reemerge. With photography and theater opportunities unfolding before her, Elizabeth faces her biggest challenge yet—listening to her heart.

Meanwhile, sought-after photographer Ryan Callahan has put his career on hold to help his sister’s family, but the promise of a bigger assignment could lure him away so he can begin building a family of his own. With professional opportunities and personal obligations pulling at him, Ryan faces his toughest challenge—balancing family, relationships, and work.

If given the choice, what dreams would develop for Elizabeth and Ryan? And will they learn to trust each other enough to focus on love?


Other Books in the Series
Dance Over Me
(The Wardrobe Dinner Theater #1)
by Candee Fick
Inspirational Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 268 pages
September 2016 by Bling! Romance
Danielle Lefontaine, a fledgling actress raised to the lullaby of Broadway, searches for her long-lost brother and her place on the stage, but a jealous cast member and numerous fruitless leads threaten to drop the curtain on her dreams and shine a spotlight on her longing for a place to belong. 
Meanwhile, Alex Sheridan is living his dream except for someone to share it with. When Dani dances into his life, he hopes he’s found the missing piece to his heart but fears the bright lights of the stage could steal her away. Will the rhythm of dancing feet usher in their deepest desires or leave them stranded in the wings?

About the Author

Candee Fick is a multi-published author in both fiction and non-fiction. She is also the wife of a high school football coach and the mother of three children, including a daughter with a rare genetic syndrome. When not busy with her day job, writing, or coaching other authors, she can be found cheering on the home team at sporting events, exploring the great Colorado outdoors, indulging in dark chocolate, and savoring happily-ever-after endings through a good book.

Tour Giveaway
There are two specific prizes below for this tour. You can also find a giveaway on Goodreads here and another release celebration giveaway here.

1ST PRIZE: 1 winner will receive autographed copies of Catch of a Lifetime, Dance Over Me and Focus On Love, as well as a $25 Shutterfly gift card

2ND PRIZE: 1 winner will receive an autographed copy of Focus On Love

US only
Ends February 28th

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

We’re celebrating the release of
A Mistletoe Kiss
By Jennifer Faye

A perfectly sweet holiday romance to cozy up to the fire with!
Read an excerpt from the book and enter the giveaway below…

A Mistletoe Kiss

(Tangled Charms #2)
by Jennifer Faye
Contemporary Romance
ebook, 236 pages

December 19th 2017 by Tule Publishing

Jaded by love, Suzanna Simms has resigned herself to focusing on her art business. But with Christmas quickly approaching, she receives word that her family is returning to Marietta. And Suzanna failed to mention that her latest relationship had ended abruptly. Now she’ll have to admit to her family that she failed at love—again.

Enter Sergeant Jake Hamilton, a new resident to Marietta and Suzanna’s next door neighbor. He’s not looking for anything permanent, he’s just passing through Marietta for the Christmas season, hoping to keep to himself. But when Suzanna’s family mistakenly assumes that Jake’s her boyfriend, he agrees to continue the charade.

Suzanna is certain she’s immune to his rugged good looks and sexy smile until they find themselves standing under the mistletoe. When Jake finds her kiss sweeter than her sugar cookies, he knows he’s in trouble. But it’s too late by then… the Christmas charade is on.


There was something in the air…

Change was coming to Marietta.

Or more than likely it was a bit of wishful thinking.

Tomorrow was the first of December, when the Christmas frenzy kicked into high gear. Suzanna Simms usually found this to be the most fabulous time of the year. But this year, she just wanted the holidays to quietly pass her by. She rushed into the kitchen. Her gaze immediately moved to the clock on the microwave. It blinked “PF.” Power failure. Apparently the power had gone off last night just long enough to reset all of the clocks in the house, including her alarm clock.

A glance at her phone let her know she only had two more minutes before she was late for work. That never happened to her. She hated to be late for anything. And today they were switching the autumn decorations for Christmas ones at her jewelry/craft shop, Tangled Charms.

Suzanna grabbed the coffeepot and poured it into her mug. She’d never make it through the morning without some strong caffeine. She glanced in the kitchen cabinet for the lid. Suddenly the hot liquid scorched her skin. She righted the coffeepot. Setting it aside, she rushed to the sink. As cold water soothed the burn, she assured herself there was definitely something amiss in the air.


She glanced down at Pixie. “Hey, girl. I didn’t forget you. Honest.”


The black-and-white six-month-old kitten rubbed affectionately over Suzanna’s legs. Suzanna bent over and scratched behind Pixie’s ear. When Pixie wasn’t testing her boundaries, she was the sweetest furbaby. And she wanted her breakfast. First, Suzanna sopped up the coffee from the countertop. And then she placed a bowl containing canned cat food on Pixie’s mat. Satisfied that her morning chores were complete, Suzanna slipped on her coat and red scarf.

With her coffee in one hand and her oversized purse slung over her shoulder, she rushed out the door of her townhouse. A gust of icy cold air rushed past her. She snuggled deeper in her coat. December had blown in with a distinct chill. And so another blustery winter was about to descend upon Marietta, Montana.

She was halfway down the sidewalk when she spotted movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head to find a big—make that a ginormous—brown-and-white Saint Bernard running toward her. Its ears flapped as it ran and its jowls did the same. The closer it got, the bigger it seemed. Why couldn’t it be a Chihuahua or a Yorkie?

The breath caught in Suzanna’s throat as her palms grew clammy. Please stop.

She took a step back. There was no way she was going to outrun that dog. It let out a deep bark. Woof-woof.

And then all two hundred pounds or so of the dog was standing in front of her. She stared at it and it stared back at her with big brown eyes.

She should say something—do something, but panic had her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. And her heart felt as though it were lodged in her throat. She’d been afraid of dogs since she’d been bitten when she was young.

She should look around for someone to help her, but she didn’t dare take her gaze off the dog. The dog began sniffing her shoes and her jeans. What was it thinking? The dog circled her—

“Rufus, what are you doing?” asked a male voice.

The dog glanced up. Woof!

Once the dog ran to the man, Suzanna relaxed her stiff muscles and glanced over at the man.

“Don’t worry. He won’t hurt you.” The man sent her a friendly smile as the dog sat down next to him.

It was cold out, quite literally, and here this man was strutting around outside in a short-sleeved black T-shirt. It clung to his muscled chest, broad shoulders, and bulging biceps. She swallowed hard and struggled to recall what she’d been about to say.

Her gaze lifted up and up. My he’s tall. At least six feet of muscle. His jawline was chiseled with some scruff on it. His hair was short—like military short. And his eyes were blue. Not just blue. But a sky blue, the kind that she could get lost in for hours. He was quite a sexy package.

“You must be my new neighbor.” The townhouse next to hers was up for rent. She just hadn’t realized anyone had moved in.

About the Author

Award-winning author, Jennifer Faye pens fun, heartwarming contemporary romances with rugged cowboys, sexy billionaires and enchanting royalty. Internationally published with books translated into nine languages. She is a two-time winner of the RT Book Reviews Reviewers’ Choice Award, the CataRomance Reviewers’ Choice Award, named a TOP PICK author, and been nominated for numerous other awards.

1 winner will receive an ebook of SPRINKLED WITH LOVE and a $10 Amazon eGift Card
4 winners will receive an ebook of SPRINKLED WITH LOVE
– Ends December 23rd

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