On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Book Tour Grand Finale for

Sanctuary Cove
By Kate James
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out…

Launch – Note from the Author

In Sanctuary Cove, when New York-based communications executive Emma Meadows finds her personal and professional life in shambles, she retreats to her lakefront cabin in the Adirondack Mountains. Aiding an injured animal at the side of a rain-drenched road, she meets local veterinarian Joshua Whitmore. . .

“The mystery adds just the right touch to the story–it keeps things interesting and causes some friction for the characters to grow from, but it’s not overpowering. The romance is sweet and tender, if a bit on the quick side. Overall, it’s a highly entertaining and enjoyable read.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Character Descriptions

Josh comes from a family of healthcare professionals, but he decided to choose a different path. He’s a veterinarian, passionate about his job and the animals that come under his care. . .

“As often in her books, Kate James catches the reader’s attention with the first page then gradually builds on the intrigue, with added mystery and momentum, leading to a strong climax. “

“I loved the characters and the setting. I could feel the characters’ emotions and got a good sense of their excitement and disappointments. . . . I would definitely recommend this story to other readers. “

“My name’s Emma Meadows. There’s been an accident. A dog—or possibly a wolf. He’s been hit. He’s bleeding and his leg’s broken. But he’s alive and he’s in a lot of pain.” She knew she was babbling, but she couldn’t help it. Animals were her soft spot. She walked back toward the dog as she spoke, and with a sinking heart noted that the feeble growl had been replaced by whimpers and shallow breathing.

Becky on Books – Interview

What are you working on right now? What can readers look for from you in the next year?

In addition to Sanctuary Cove, I will have two more releases this year. Home to Stay, the fourth book in my award-winning San Diego K-9 Unit series releases on July 1st, and A Priceless Find, a sequel to A Child’s Christmas, will be released on October 1st. Home to Stay is in production now and A Priceless Find is in the editing stage.

Sanctuary Cove is a great unique book with a wonderful heartwarming ending. . . . If you like small town romance combined with amazing dogs and a gripping plot Sanctuary Cove would be a very good choice.”

Emma was excited. Why hadn’t she thought of training service-and-therapy dogs before? She could do it! She had the time, at least for now. And Josh was willing to stand by her again in this, as he had been with just about anything she’d done since she’d arrived in Sanctuary Cove.

She looked up at him and was about to thank him…

But in Josh’s eyes, Emma saw what was in his heart.

“While I had no doubt that I would enjoy this book, it actually exceeded my expectations and I was pleasantly surprised by the wide range of emotion this story evoked.”

deal sharing aunt – Interview

How long does it take you to write a book?

On average, it takes me three months to write a book. There’s usually another three to four months for the three stages of the editing process, but during that time I’m already working on my next manuscript.

“I loved the moments when they were close and helping each other. Josh is an excellent supporter of Emma- strong and capable. I just really liked them both. I’m also coming to realize that with Kate James, there is probably going to be a dog or two involved in the story as well!”

The kiss was light. Yet Emma’s heart skipped a few beats. With her eyes still closed, she ran her tongue across her upper lip and let out a soft, involuntary “hmm.” Opening her eyes, she saw Josh’s smile.

“Shall we get ready to go?” he asked, with laughter dancing in his eyes.

“I love Emma and Josh. They’re so cute together, and being animal lovers gives them extra points. The storyline in this story is one that could totally happen today. . . . I definitely recommend Sanctuary Cove to clean romantic suspense lovers!”

Mel’s Shelves – The Best Friends of Sanctuary Cove

If you’ve read any of my previous books, you’ll know that I like to give prominent roles to my furry, four-legged characters, too. The response to these characters has been so positive, I decided to have not one, not two, but three canine characters in Sanctuary Cove. If I’m completely honest, they forced their way into the story, and I couldn’t say no!

A Slice of Life – Review

Sanctuary Cove is a gripping story involving politics, right and wrong, and the love of nature and animals. I would highly recommend this suspense-filled adventure to anyone who is looking for a well-written book that’s intriguing until the end.”

Josh was appalled. If it was true, that things had escalated to this level, Emma was in danger, too. He thought he understood what she’d been trying to do. He wanted to protect her, to reassure her, but knew he had to tread carefully to prevent her from continuing to try to push him away.

Sanctuary Cove was a fun, easy-to-read story and I think it’s a great book if you’re looking for a light romance, with a little bit of suspense thrown in.”

Falling Leaves – Excerpt

Leaning against the wall by the steps leading down, he indulged in watching Emma for a few moments.

She lay on the sofa, her lips slightly parted and curved into a soft smile, her skin glowing with the flickering candlelight. A few strands of hair had escaped from the clip on top of her head, and were curling around her face.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Emma’s Cottage

Emma’s cottage is situated on a large, secluded property, on a knoll overlooking a small, private lake. The location looks like this . . .

Harlie’s Books – Review

“Overall, I just loved Emma and Josh. They took their time in their romance and realized just how much they truly meant to each other. Bravo to the people at Harlequin for this line. You have a fan for life. Did I mention that there are dogs and puppies?”

Rosanna Leo – Spotlight
Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

She pointed to the stand-alone shed a couple of hundred feet away from her cottage. “I can fence off an area inside. She’ll be safe in there. I can set up an outside enclosure for her, too.”

“Emma, you can’t save every wounded creature that comes your way,” he said softly. “Let’s get her checked over first.

Don’t forget to check out the giveaway below…

Sanctuary Cove

by Kate James
Adult Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages

March 1st 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Can his safe haven be enough for her?

Emma Meadows never imagined that sticking to her principles against an act of corruption by a New York senator would cost her her job as VP of communications. Heartbroken, she retreats to her cottage in the Adirondacks to lick her wounds and, in the process, rescues an injured dog that only Josh Whitmore can save.

The veterinarian works diligently to bring dog and woman back to full fighting form, until allegations against the senator become more serious. Seeing Emma’s reaction to the increasing pressure, Josh realizes that inevitably she’ll find a way back to the top…and he’ll likely lose her for good.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequiniBooks!ndigo

About the Author

Kate spent much of her childhood abroad before attending university in Canada. She built a successful business career, but her passion has always been literature. As a result, Kate turned her energy to her love of the written word. Kate’s goal is to entertain her readers with engaging stories featuring strong, likable characters. Kate has been honored with numerous awards for her writing. She and her husband, Ken, enjoy traveling and the outdoors, with their beloved Labrador Retrievers, Harley and Logan.

Kate would love to hear from you! You can connect with her by email, through her website, her Facebook pageTwitter, or mail at PO Box 446, Schomberg, ON, L0G 1T0, Canada.


Tour Giveaway

US/CAN PRIZE PACK, which consists of:

– San Diego K-9 Series T-shirt (winner’s choice of size S, M or L)
– San Diego K-9 Series tote bag
– San Diego K-9 Series mug and a small pack of gourmet coffee
– Signed copy of When Love Matters Most (second book in the San Diego K-9 Series)
– Signed copy of The Truth About Hope
– When I Found You (third book in the San Diego K-9 Series) key chain
– An assortment of bookmarks and bookplates
Open to US/CAN only

Ends March 21st

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Release Celebration Blitz for

Love’s Promise
By Melissa Storm

99¢ SALE!

Love’s Promise is on SALE for a limited time! Grab a copy for your eReader while you can!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBLm9Im_vsk?rel=0?ecver=2]
Love’s Promsie
(The First Street Church Romances #2)
by Melissa Storm
Christian Contemporary Romance
ebook, 192 pages

March 7th 2017 by Partridge & Pear Press

She’s waiting for her prince to come … but was he right beside her all the time?

Kristina Rose Maher wants to know why fairytales never happen for fat girls. Certain that diner cook Jeff, handsome and fit, will never want her as more than a friend, she stuffs down her attraction to him. But when she finds herself facing a life-altering weight loss surgery, she discovers she’s willing to do whatever it takes to embrace life—and love—to the fullest.

Jeffrey Berkley can’t bear the thought of losing the friend he’s only just beginning to realize matters so much to him… no matter what size she is. But he is also terrified that helping her reach for her dreams will also mean finally reaching for his own—and letting down his family’s legacy in the process.

Both Kristina Rose and Jeffrey must learn to love themselves before they can find a way to make a promise to each other. Will they finally be able to lay their heavy burdens at the Lord’s feet, and trust him to bring the happily-ever-after they both crave?

Don’t miss this sweet tale of faith, love, and gastric bypass–get your copy of Love’s Promise today!

Chapter 1
“Order’s up!” Jeffrey bellowed from the kitchen as he slid a pair of plates into the window that looked out upon Mabel’s Old-Fashioned Diner.
“That was fast,” Kristina Rose said with a smile as she loaded up her round serving tray with condiments and extra napkins, then grabbed the meals he had prepared. Her teeth gleamed white against her dark complexion. The added contrast made Kristina’s smiles seem all the more special. Jeff had never been sure why, but he’d always appreciated the little jolt her happiness sent rushing through him.
“Gotta be fast,” he responded without missing a beat. “Mabel’s got a reputation to uphold, after all. And, besides, I’m starved. Gonna whip something up and take a late lunch. Want to join me? I can just as easily cook for two as I can one.”
The corners of her mouth fell, and Kristina let out a slow sigh. “I wish,” she muttered. “I started my liquid diet this morning. I’m only allowed protein drinks and chicken broth… and water, of course.”
“Sorry, sorry, I forgot!” He shooed her toward the waiting customers. Now that she’d mentioned it, he had noticed her step become a bit slower, her tray droop lower than usual.
She’d be going in for surgery later that week and absent from the diner for at least a month while she recovered. Their boss, Mabel, had insisted on it. Part of him wondered why she had even come into work at all if she’d already started her pre-surgery fast, but the answer seemed obvious enough. She’d already be missing out on a month of income as she recovered, and for a young woman living on her own, well, she needed every dollar she could scrimp and save.
And while they liked many of the same things, lived in the same city, and even came from two of the only non-white families in town, they were also different in a lot of ways, too. For starters, Kristina Rose had grown up in their tiny town of Sweet Grove, Texas, whereas Jeff hadn’t shown up until high school when his parents took over the old pharmacy downtown. He was close with his parents, always had been, but Kristina had never known her father and always seemed to prickle whenever Jeffrey asked after her mother.
But that was none of Jeff’s business, of course.
Read the rest of first three chapters HERE.

Other Books in the Series
About the Author
Melissa Storm is a mother first, and everything else second. Her fiction is highly personal and often based on true stories. Writing is Melissa’s way of showing her daughter just how beautiful life can be, when you pay attention to the everyday wonders that surround us.
Melissa loves books so much, she married fellow author Falcon Storm. Between the two of them, there are always plenty of imaginative, awe-inspiring stories to share. When she’s not reading, writing, or child-rearing, Melissa spends time relaxing at home in the company of her four dogs, four parrots, and rescue cat. She never misses an episode of The Bachelor or her nightly lavender-infused soak in the tub. Because priorities.
Release Celebration Blitz Giveaway

1 winner will receive a Kindle Fire and a signed copy of the first book in the series, Love’s Prayer
US only
Ends March 11th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The SEAL’s Return
By Patricia Potter
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out…

Launch – Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

That they respect the military and reach out with a helping hand and understanding heart. And that love can often conquer even the greatest obstacles.

Nicole’s Book Musings – Welcome to Covenant Falls!

Covenant Falls is a very special town in Colorado. It has become a healing place for returning vets with the assistance of rescue animals and a quirky town population.

Three former vets – a wounded ex-Army Ranger, an Army chopper pilot and an Army battlefield surgical nurse – have found belonging, a home. . . and love there.

The newest residents are former Navy Seal Jubal Pierce and Dr. Lisa Redding in the February release of “The SEAL’s Return.” And their romance is the most troubled-filled of all.

With Love for Books – Review

“Patricia Potter writes about troubled pasts in an emphatic way. I could easily understand the emotions of her main characters. What I loved about The SEAL’s Return the most is the way she writes about animals. . . . The SEAL’s Return is a captivating story about both people and animals and I enjoyed reading it very much.”

Colorimetry – Excerpt

Jubal Pierce plucked the letter he’d received yesterday from the trash can. He’d read it, then discarded it. This time he reread it slowly and considered the proposal.

Hearts & Scribbles – Building a Fictional Town

When I started writing “A Soldier’s Promise,” the first in my Home to Covenant Falls series, I knew I had a problem. All my other books were set in an actual place: Atlanta that I knew well, Memphis that I knew nearly as well, Boston that I had visited many times. But now I was writing a book in which a small town is a character in the book. I wanted it to be a little quirky, and quite obviously I couldn’t use a real one where everyone knows everyone. The only solution was to build my own town.

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“Sometimes what you are not looking for, is just what you need most in the world! Patricia Potter takes us on an emotional journey of healing as we head back to Covenant Falls, Colorado to see the latest veteran to plan on just passing through and end up finding more than he was even looking for!”

The Silver Dagger Scriptorium – Creating the Perfect Couple

I like to create the perfect couple by creating the two people who are decidedly imperfect for each other.

When I start a book, I usually have a hero – or heroine – in mind and then visualize the polar opposite. My new book is a perfect example. I hope I have readers wonder how these two can ever resolve their differences.

Falling Leaves – Excerpt

She looked up to see two men enter Maude’s. One was Eve’s husband. The other man caused her breath to catch in her throat.

Lisa didn’t know why, exactly. It wasn’t because he was cover-model handsome. But there was something about him that was strikingly different.

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads – Researching a Book

One of my favorite aspects of writing is research. I have endless curiosity about nearly everything and everyone. I truly enjoy it when writing takes me to new places.

In The SEAL’s Return, I went on many journeys through Google. The first, of course, was about SEALs, the training they take, the type of missions they undertake, the various ranks, etc.

Angels With Attitude Book Reviews – Review

“I really enjoyed this story especially about a wounded hero who put his own suffering aside to help another.How could you not fall in love with a fellow like that?It really reminds you there is Hope and Joy for all of us within our reach.An enjoyable story about love and sacrifice that tugged at the readers emotions.”

Babs Book Bistro – Review

“The characters are ones you want to get to know and see good things happen to. I love how the author has Lisa as a caring and not a judgmental person. She cares a great deal for people. Jubal is always there for Gordon when he really needs someone. I like how everyone interacts and makes the story a real page turner.”

Cafinated Reads – Review

“This is a story of hope, belonging and finding that one true love that will heal all wounds, past and present. I will be going back and grabbing up books 1-3 if they are all as amazing as this book! Jubal’s character stole my heart instantly. Lisa’s character was chiseled perfectly, in my opinion. Definitely a keeper, if you ask me! This book is deserving of 4.5 stars and the highest “hats off” praises you can give!”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…
The SEAL’s Return
(Home to Covenant Falls #4)
by Patricia Potter
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
February 1st 2017 by Harlequin Superromance

This is the home he never expected…

With a terrifying ordeal behind him, former navy SEAL Jubal Pierce was supposed to stay in Covenant Falls, Colorado, for only a day or two. That’s it. He’s not prepared to put down roots here—no matter how intriguing the town’s new doctor happens to be. Not to mention Dr. Lisa Redding’s teen brother is on a troubled path that’s all too familiar. Suddenly Jubal finds himself entangled in the community and with deep, unfamiliar feelings for Lisa. But maybe a little detour is just what a warrior needs to find his true purpose…and true love.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

Other Books in the Series


About the Author

Patricia Potter is the USA Today Bestselling Author of more than fifty books. She has received numerous writing awards, including RT Storyteller of the Year, its Career Achievement Award for Western Historical Romance and its Best Hero of the Year Award. She is a seven-time RITA finalist and three-time Maggie Award winner. She has served as president of Romance Writers of America. The SEAL’s Return is her fourteenth book for Harlequin.
Prior to writing fiction, she was a reporter for the Atlanta Journal and president of a public relations firm.


Tour Giveaway

– 1 winner will win a $25 Amazon eGift Card
– 3 winners will win an ebook of THE SOLDIER’S PROMISE (book 1 in the Home to Covenant Falls series)
– Open internationally
– Ends February 14th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Long Lost Neighbors

By: Frances Hoelsema

Gregory Bronson learns he’ll soon be moving away from his neighbor and best friend, Alison Levin. When he tells her the shocking news, she feels her world is being turned upside down. What would she do without Greg? What would Greg do without her?
Fast forward fifteen years. Ali is engaged to Sean Whitman who can provide her with anything she could ever want. While vacationing, however, she runs into Greg. Suddenly she’s not so sure Sean is the one.
Greg finds himself just getting out of a bad relationship when he and Ali reunite. He can’t help but be attracted to her and wonder if the two of them could ever stand a chance.
As the two of them rebuild their friendship, the foundation for something more is set. But after they are interrupted with an emergency, Ali realizes she must make a choice. Will she choose her fiancé, Sean, and go through with a wedding that is already planned and paid for? Or will she give it all up for her friend, Greg, who could give her the one thing Sean doesn’t: all of himself?

  Long Lost Neighbors is a clean, contemporary romance that focuses on what it might look like for two best friends to be separated while still young and to reunite later in life. This novel is full of tough life situations, internal struggles, and sweet/steamy attraction. The best part is that you can feel good reading it AND sharing it because there’s nothing that will make you cringe!   You can find Long Lost Neighbors on Amazon in PAPERBACK for just $8.99 and EBOOK for just $2.99! And as with all of Frances Hoelsema’s novels, Long Lost Neighbors is FREE on Kindle Unlimited!   This is the third novel in Frances Hoelsema’s Neighbors Series where each novel shows some kind of love connection between neighbors. Though it’s the third and last installment, Long Lost Neighbors can be read as a complete standalone novel. For information on her first two novels, please click on the picture you’re interested in.

About Frances

  Frances Hoelsema is a wife and mother residing in Michigan where she gets to enjoy all four seasons, autumn being her favorite. After earning a degree in business and transcription, she now gets the best of both worlds by working from home as a real-time writing manager for an international transcription firm.

 In her spare time, Frances thoroughly enjoys traveling, kayaking, hiking, shopping and loving on her cats. She is also an avid reader and writer who loves to engage with others through social media. Some concepts that Frances stands for are positive parenting, homeschooling, clean eating and pursuing a relationship with Christ instead of pursuing religion. She also believes in never giving up; that everyone should keep pursuing their dreams. Frances loves to imagine a good story and write it to life so she’s always busy working on her next novel. To connect with her, please choose any of the following links:

WEBSITE          FACEBOOK          TWITTER          EMAIL

Hi, I’m Author Angela Carling and I’m excited today to tell you Shackled. This book, Shackled, has an amazing  story, one that pushed me to write this important and suspenseful story. Today I’m excited to share the new cover and make a big announcement! Shackled, originally written as stand-alone story will stand-alone no longer!  I’ve already begun work on part two of this truly emotional story inspired by my sister’s own real-life struggle. The new book will be called RELEASED! If you’ve read Shackled and ever wondered what happened to Ryan, Released will change everything!

Before I forget…you can get Shackled on sale Thursday and Friday December 15-16 for .99 super cheap cents Here on Amazon 
or to learn more about all my young adult books click Here

When people read Shackled, they have a strong reactions one way or the other. Here’s what they are saying….

“I can’t remember the last time I read a book in one afternoon, but once I started reading, I couldn’t stop!”

“I was impressed by how Angela Carling tackled such a sensitive topic. You experience Lucy’s emotions with her, including her struggles when she starts to notice Ryan’s behavior changing. This is my favorite aspect of this novel. In such novels you more than often feel for the character but you do not always feel what they feel, as if you are that character. I also loved how she developed Lucy’s relationship with Mason. If only all those in Lucy’s situation had a Mason.”

“Read this book! And then read it with your sons and daughters. Make this very important subject part of what your family discusses.”
Yay! It is time for the the blurb and, a little about Shackled, and best of all, the new cover created by the talent Kaelen Carling.

After shy, quiet Lucy and her family move from their small hometown in Minnesota to Seattle, Washington, she is surprised when Ryan, the most popular boy at school asks her out. Soon, she is swept up in a whirlwind romance and her naïve and trusting nature allows her to fall head over heels in love with her too-good-to-be suitor. Suddenly, Lucy finds herself enraptured by the excitement of her new relationship, leaving her blinded to the warning signs of danger ahead. Can her fairy tale romance last, or will she find that her prince charming is more like a wolf in sheep’s clothing?


 Want a little more? Here’s an excerpt from the first chapter of Shackled. Happy Reading and most of all Happiest of Holidays!!
If you’d asked me about my life a year ago, I would’ve told you it was boring, white-bread, middle-class-peanut-butter-and-jelly-sandwich-in-my-pink-polka-dot-lunch-bag-every-day boring. That was before everything changed. That was before I met him. 
So, here I am a year later, on the floor of some stranger’s parked car, trying not to breathe for fear of being discovered. The inside of the car reeks of day old fast food and dirty feet, but I don’t dare raise my head, even for cleaner air. Instead, I wait for the headlights to fill the cracks where the doors’ hinges leave tiny fissures in the metal, letting small bits of light through. I know the light is coming from his headlights and when the light passes over me, there will be a brief window of opportunity I can use to escape and run for my life. 
Finally, after I hear the distinctive ping of his diesel engine, and his precious cherry red Mercedes passes me, I carefully open the door and climb out of the backseat as noiselessly as possible. My eyes dart nervously, taking in my surroundings. The long, orderly, suburban street looks quiet. All the houses are black, with the exception of a few scattered televisions sending pulsing light out into the night. Now is my chance. 
Mason is only ten houses away and he has the tools to free me from this hellish nightmare. He knows my anguish. Tonight he will be my white knight. Keeping low to stay in the shadows, I begin to move as quickly as I can down the street. I can see Mason’s house now. My skin starts to prickle with anticipation. Adrenaline is coursing through my veins and has been for several hours. 
I stand up, making myself taller than the car for the first time all night. Suddenly, I realize how sore my back is and a little yelp escapes my mouth as my vertebrae complain at their mistreatment. My guard is down for ten seconds, and somehow, from some invisible hiding place, a dark figure emerges and grabs me from behind. 
It happens so fast that I don’t even yell. All that comes out is a small murmur, not even enough to rouse the sleeping dogs. I feel his arms wrap around me like a straight jacket and I thrash wildly, made more powerful by my fear. Still, his strength trumps mine and he holds me tight. 
“It’s okay, Lucyloo,” he coos in my ear. “I got ya.” He knows I don’t want to be held. His words are coming from some demented place from within him, some place that he kept hidden from me when we first met. 
For a second, I rest, letting him believe that I am giving up. I need the time to think. No one is coming for me. He made sure of that. The worst part is that I let him. I even defended him when my friends warned me and then eventually left me, growing tired of my excuses. I watched him lull my parents, creating a persona that they could trust. 
Heck, I believed him too. He looked the part—clean-cut, good grades, well spoken. Everything my parents wanted for me. His words were just right and his beautiful blue eyes were like quicksand, pulling me in, deceiving me without giving away the danger. Now I‘m in knee deep, covered in the toxic lies of his trap. I am like an insect, tangled in his sticky web of deceit, but I still have one last trick up my sleeve. 
I know his ego is huge, and his need to feel control consumes his every waking thought. At least I finally understand this now. Taking a breath, I force my rigid body to seem relaxed. I lay my head back against his chest and let him feel my hair against his neck. He always likes that. 
He doesn’t let go, but his stance loosens just the tiniest bit. “You got me,” I purr as I lie against him. “How did you know I wanted you to get me?”

Thanks for stopping by!

“Would You Rather” Interview with the authors of Kisses, Kids and Bundles of Joy!
1) Would you rather drink coffee or tea?
Cindy K. Green: This is an easy one for me. I am a total tea drinker. (In fact, I am one of those odd ones who actually hates coffee!) If you came to my house, I would have a myriad of different types of teas to choose from, and I would serve it to you in a proper cup and saucer (no mugs please). My favorite is green tea with a bend of acai and blueberry.
2) Would you rather live on the east coast or on the west coast of the US?
Lindi Peterson: I love this question because I’m on the east coast, in Georgia, while my brother and his family live in Seattle, the city I call my favorite city in America. I’ve spent a few weeks in Seattle over the years, but never for an extended period of time. If you’ve never been you must go! The green is different in Seattle. It’s hard to explain, but it’s how I see it. The city itself is amazing, Lake Washington and the surrounding area is beautiful. Seattle is my west coast experience and I’ve said for years if the rest of my family would move there with me I’d go in a heartbeat. But they won’t, and I’m kind of partial to living with my husband, so I’m staying on the east coast. Don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful here, too. We have coastline and mountains within a short driving distance. So my east coast body wants to live on the west coast, but that may simply be a case of the grass is always greener on the other side. (No pun intended on the green thing!)
3) Would you rather have a castle in Scotland or a countryside villa in Italy?
Trisha Grace: This is a tough one! I love historical romance, so a castle in Scotland would be a dream come true. But I have a soft spot for Italy, too. It’s a beautiful country, and I went there for my honeymoon. If I really have to choose, I’ll rather have a . . . castle in Scotland. As beautiful as a countryside villa in lovely Italy would be, I’ve never been to Scotland. For a city girl, a castle is something I’ve only ever seen in movies and pictures. So yeah, castle in Scotland it is!
4) Would you rather watch a football game or baseball game?
Jenn Faulk: Honestly, I would much prefer to watch a basketball game over football or baseball either one! But if given a choice between the two in this question, I would pick football, mainly because baseball moves sooooo slowly. I went to a MLB game with my husband a couple of months ago (he got me there by promising me a lot of trips to the concession stand), and we made it all the way to the fifth inning with NO home runs! I told him, “If this was an NBA game, we’d be up seventy points by now.” (See why I prefer basketball?) Football is the same! I like seeing action on the field, not everyone just standing around, ha ha!
5) Would you rather vacation on the beach or in the mountains?
Cindy Flores Martinez: I’m fortunate to live close enough to the beach and the mountains that I can visit both places. But if I had to choose only one of them to vacation at, it would have to be the beach. Although the mountains are beautiful, there’s just something about being by the ocean that’s much more exhilarating for me. I also find that the mountains are a bit more isolated compared to most beach towns, which is awkward for this suburb girl who is used to being around a lot of people.
6) Would you rather go horseback riding or whitewater rafting?
Tanya Eavenson: I love horses so horseback riding for sure! My husband and kids are another story. They go whitewater rafting every year in Georgia. I rather stay dry! =)
7) Would you rather live in Hawaii or Alaska?
Liwen Y. Ho: Definitely, without a doubt, in a heartbeat—Hawaii! I am a beach girl and the beaches of Hawaii are breathtakingly beautiful. I love Hawaii so much that I made the island of Oahu the setting for my story, Tropical Kiss Or Miss. I wouldn’t mind visiting Alaska though; I have an aunt who’s lived there for over thirty years.
Snuggle up with seven brand new, never before published Christian winter romances from bestselling and award-winning authors. Kisses and kids abound in this collection of novellas that will warm your heart all winter long.
On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Christmas at the Grand Hotel: White Pine Island Novellas #1 and #2Christmas at the Grand Hotel

(White Pine Island Novellas #1 & #2)
by Amie Denman & May Williams
Adult Contemporary Romance, Christmas
ebook, 179 pages

October 1st 2016

Welcome to White Pine Island! Just a few miles off the coast of Georgia, this island is accessible only by boat, plane, and your imagination. Many residents call the island home year-round, but day visitors and tourists bring plenty of excitement with them. Like other resort islands, there are quaint shops, cool restaurants, and friendly bars. There are several resorts on the island, but the queen of them all is the elegant Grand Hotel on a bluff with an ocean view. Owned by the extensive, multi-generational Phillips family, the Grand Hotel offers elegant service, five course dinners, and plenty of romance.

Ned & Bethany by May Williams

Sometimes the heart hits a hole in one…

Bethany Hinkle arrives at White Pine Island’s Grand Hotel for her sister’s wedding and to do a little environmental snooping. She snaps pictures of the hotel’s pristine golf course to ensure its compliance with EPA standards. Soon, she realizes that the course’s manager is as attractive as the course he so carefully protects.

Ned Phillips feels the weight of family expectations squarely on his broad shoulders. The Phillips Family has owned and operated the Grand Hotel for three generations. For now, he manages the hotel’s golf course and makes plans for its future—plans that could be destroyed by Bethany’s spying. He gets close to the lovely environmentalist to watch for her next move until he gets too close to let her go.

Ellen & Pete by Amie Denman

What happens when you fall in love with your best friend just when it’s too late?

All her life, Ellen Phillips has loved working for her family’s Grand Hotel on White Pine Island. Flying the hotel’s airplane and piloting the island ferryboat while knowing someday she will inherit the luxurious resort is a fairy tale existence she has no desire to change. She’s always loved Pete McCormack, too. After all, he’s her best friend, confidante, and playmate. Until she suddenly sees him in a different light just before Christmas.

Pete McCormack has made sacrifices for his family’s golf cart rental business on the island, choosing to stay home and run it instead of pursuing his dream of his own career on the mainland. When his parents announce their plans to sell the business so Pete can leave the island, he has to choose between the future he thought he always wanted and his newfound love for the woman he would be leaving behind.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleiBooksKobo

Christmas Away from Home
Waking up on Christmas morning at home and padding downstairs to see what’s under the tree by the fireplace is priceless. However, I’ve had quite a few joyous holidays on the road. If you love over-the-top decorations, fine food, and none of the worries of having company coming over, you may love Christmas in an elegant hotel.
My first Christmas away from home was on my honeymoon. My husband and I married in December and took a trip over the holidays to Key West, Florida. I used many of the experiences from that trip in one of my first beach books Blue Bottle Beach. Is there any place more unique than Key West? We stayed in an elegant hotel, and I remember thinking how strange it was to hear Christmas music while wearing sandals and beachwear. I’m from the snowy Midwest where Christmas apparel is flannel. And more flannel.
One of the most beautiful places I’ve seen at Christmastime is the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina. If you ever have the chance to see that amazing home built by a man for his new wife (how romantic!), you should go during the holidays. There is a candlelit tour, and the entire mansion sparkles with decorations.
Because I have family in Orlando, I’ve spent the Christmas and New Year’s holidays enjoying the Disney parks and hotels many times. No one can have any doubt that Disney knows how to celebrate. The ornate trees and garlands in the theme parks are larger than life, and the hotels are beautifully decorated. One of their hotels has a carousel made of gingerbread and chocolate, and another has a life-sized house made of gingerbread. It’s magical.
Perhaps my favorite memory of traveling at Christmastime was something you might not expect. My husband and I took our sons to Washington, DC, for a long weekend. We saw the National Christmas Tree on the Capitol grounds, the train display in front of the White House, and we even ice-skated on a temporary pond in front of the National Archives building.
In Christmas at the Grand Hotel, some of the characters are year-round residents of the island and some are there for a special holiday, but all of them have a Christmas they’ll never forget.

— Amie
Amie Denman lives in Ohio with her husband, sons, cats, and dog. When she’s not reading or writing, she enjoys walking and playing outside. Born with an overdeveloped sense of curiosity, she’s been known to chase fire trucks on her bicycle just to see what’s going on. Amie believes that everything is fun: especially roller coasters, wedding cake, and falling in love.

May Williams is convinced that she read every book in the public library of her hometown as a kid. Today, her house sags under the weight of books. If she’s not reading or writing, May can be found pursuing her other two passions – sewing and running. May lives happily in a little town on the shores of Lake Erie with her husband, two children, three cats, and one oversized dog.

Tour Schedule

October 16th: Launch
October 17th: Katie’s Clean Book Collection & Book Lover in Florida
October 18th: Nicole’s Book Musings & The Silver Dagger Scriptorium
October 19th: Falling Leaves & Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima
October 20th: underneath the covers & Beck Valley Books
October 21st: Brooke Blogs & Teatime and Books
October 23rd: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway
1 winner will receive Under the Boardwalk and Carousel Nights by Amie Denman (US only)
1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
Ends October 28th
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Grab Our Button!
On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for

Sophie’s Path
By Catherine Lanigan
We hope you enjoyed coming along with us and Frenchie, as we got to know more about Sophie’s and Jack’s stories! If you missed any of the tour stops, go back and check them out now…

Launch – From Frenchie’s Point of View

Bark! Sorry. Hi! My name is Frenchie. I’m a six and a half pound Yorkie Poo and I’m here to welcome you to “The Shores of Indian Lake” series by Catherine Lanigan. If you are returning to our small town, I’m glad to meet you, too. This is a new role for me, being a star, I mean. I’ve been a rescue dog, which wasn’t fun. I like to have a family. In fact, I have to have humans to love. Humans can be fun but they can also be pretty clueless about the essentials in life. Take Sophie Mattuchi and Jack Carter, for instance. I thought I’d never get these two together.

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“I adored Frenchie, the dog, who really helped thread the story line together. The characters are multifaceted and have depth. I love the process they each developed in. This is a town that I would love to read more about.
I recommend this to readers who enjoy a clean romance with good characters and depth.”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Excerpt

Still, the guy moved with the grace of a panther. He was the kind she couldn’t help being attracted to. Her nerve endings sizzled as if touched with electrodes. She couldn’t stop the pounding of blood through her veins that didn’t come from exercise. It was automatic. She was being Sophie.

Brooke Blogs – Sophie Mattuchi

Jeremy was a heroin addict. Sometimes he would pass out and forget to feed me or give me water. He loved me very much and I loved him. That’s when he decided he had to give me up. The day we met Sophie, I knew she had a heart as big as outdoors.

Hardcover Feedback – Review

“I really liked Sophie. I loved her desire to help others, how she volunteered and helped her friends, but I didn’t like how she stretched herself so thinly…but thought it was nice she had people in her life that cared and tried to keep her in check.”

Wishful Endings – This or That

Are you guys ready to get to know a little more about Catherine? Here we go:
Chocolate or fruity candy?
Chocolate… Always
I’m with you there 100%. 🙂 Read a book or watch TV?
Read and read more. I seldom watch television anymore, but I do watch movies on DVD.

Nicole’s Book Musings – Jack Carter

Meeting Jack for a little dog like me was pretty intimidating at first. He’s a big guy. Strong. And handsome—for a human. He looks like that movie star, Hugh Jackman. Jack’s been running for years. The first thought in my head was that if I came to live with him, he might want me to run with him. He has long legs. Mine are short and I knew this wasn’t going to work.

EskieMama Reads – Excerpt

Sophie continued drying his pants’ legs, pretending she hadn’t heard what he’d just said. She was thankful she was on the floor because being this close to Jack, in this intimate setting, had turned her bones to jelly.

deal sharing aunt – Interview

What would you like my readers to know?
I especially love to hear from readers. It is from your comments and desires that I steer my course of the next book. God willing, I hope to write 26 Shores of Indian Lake stories in all. In each of the up-coming books, I introduce new characters who will have their own stories in the future. Mrs. Beabots will always be the anchor that holds everyone together, the matchmaker who wants to see every one happy.

Colorimetry – Humans Can be So Silly

As a dog, I hear a lot of gossip and advice-giving. I heard every word of Sophie’s concern for me when she and Mrs. Beabots were making tarts for the Recovery Alliance.
Jack’s office is a hot-bed of confidential material. Of course, this is due to his clients who are buying insurance to protect their children and families. But sometimes, they don’t want insurance for errant children or grandchildren. Sometimes they have lost their jobs and have to stop their premiums. Or some have medical issues. It’s really sad what humans have to deal with sometimes. No wonder they need us dogs so desperately to love them.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“. . . but the story is a good one and worth sticking with. If you love a gentle romance with slow build, you will love this book.”

underneath the covers – Nurses Make Great Girlfriends

I’ve decided that if I were a human and since I’m female, I’d be a nurse like Sophie. For starters, even though she was on her “self-improvement” regime and she was eating healthy, her nursing career also taught her that we all only live once.

Falling Leaves – Review

“I definitely recommend this book to everyone, whether you’re in the middle of struggle or you’re just content with your life.
A story of trust, forgiveness, hope, pain, death and love that you will cherish.”

Sophie's PathSophie’s Path

(Shores of Indian Lake #6)
Catherine Lanigan
Adult Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages

July 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Her choice. His consequences.

Nurse Sophie Mattuchi has seen a lot of angry patients in the ER, but no one’s ever rattled her like Jack Carter. He has no right to blame her for his friend’s death. Sophie did everything she could. Didn’t she? Yet his accusations sting, and that sets off all kinds of internal alarms. She’s never cared this much about any man’s opinion of her. But Jack is different. He stirs up feelings. Strong feelings. Guilt. Anger. Attraction. Curiosity. Sympathy. Sophie’s definitely not interested in Jack, but even if she was, he’d never forgive her for the decision she made that night in the hospital. Would he?

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

Other Books in the Series


Catherine Lanigan is the international bestselling and award-winning author of forty published titles in both fiction and non-fiction, including the novelizations of Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile, as well as over half a dozen anthologies, including “Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living your Dream”, “Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul”, and more. Ms. Lanigan’s novels have been translated into dozens of languages including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, and Japanese. Ms. Lanigan’s novels are also available in E-books on Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com, Apple Store, Mobi and Kobo. Several of her titles have been chosen for The Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Clubs. Her Vietnam war-based novel, The Christmas Star, won the Gold Medal Award Top Pick from Romantic Times Magazine and has also won Book of the Year Romance Gold Award from ForeWord Magazine as well as Book of the Year Romance from Reader’s Preference.

Lanigan is the author of a trilogy of non- fiction books regarding angelic intervention in human life: Angel Watch, Divine Nudges and Angel Tales published by HCI and Cedar Fort.

Skyhorse published Lanigan’s “how-to” book on writing: Writing the Great American Romance Novel.

Lanigan was tasked by the NotMYkid Foundation to write a non-fiction book addressing teen addictions. Ms. Lanigan’s first Young Adult adventure novel, The Adventures of Lillie and Zane: The Golden Flute, was published by Cedar Fort.

Currently, she has published six novels in the Shores of Indian Lake series for Harlequin Heartwarming: Love Shadows, Heart’s Desire, A Fine Year for Love, Katia’s Promise and Fear of Falling. Sophie’s Path pubs July, 2016. She has recently contracted for three more in the series: Danger Zone, Wedding for Isabelle and A Bride for Mica.

As a cancer survivor, Ms. Lanigan is a frequent speaker at literary functions and book conventions as well as inspiring audiences with her real stories of angelic intervention from her Angel Tales series of books. She is an outspoken advocate for domestic violence and abuse and was honored by The National Domestic Violence Hotline in Washington, D.C. (THE EVOLVING WOMAN). She has been a guest on numerous radio programs including “Coast to Coast” and on television interview and talk show programs as well as blogs, podcasts and online radio interview programs.

Tour Giveaway
$50 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends August 5th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Faith Blum’s newest novella is available! This one is double trouble! Not only is it about twins, but these twins have reckless and adventurous spirits. When they go against their family, they run into more trouble than they bargained for.

About the Book

Just as I am, without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Eve and Evangeline Collins are adventurous twins who decide to take a risk and head west as mail order brides. Their parents are less than pleased, but do nothing to stop them. Eve and Eva don’t realize their danger until they stop just outside Cheyenne. Will they ever see their family again? 

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for

The Bridal Bouquet
By Tara Randel
We hope you enjoyed getting to know more about flower shop owner Kady and undercover DEA agent Dylan as they face someone who threatens Kady’s life and the possibility of finding love. If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out now…

Launch – Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

I love to read and any book that makes me sigh at the end is a keeper. As an author, I want to sweep readers away to a world they can lost in. With The Bridal Bouquet, I wanted to write a story that makes readers laugh, sigh and worry about the welfare of my characters. This book delivers all.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Author Interview & Review

4. You are the author of ten novels, correct? Which novel did you find the most enjoyable to write? In what ways?
Twelve, actually. It sounds so weird to say that. I’ve enjoyed writing the Heartwarming books, mostly because I love romance and weddings, so it’s a good mix. Honestly, The Bridal Bouquet was probably my favorite. I loved the premise from the beginning, which gave me lots of ways to go in the story. I also loved the suspense element. This added layer gave me areas to explore that I had so much fun with. I also write mysteries, so the more I work on these types of books, the more fun I have.
Also, I had a blast creating the hero’s brothers. The family dynamics took off out of the blue and I gladly went for the ride. I never expected the boys to take over. Maybe they’ll have their own stories in the future…
“This was a delightfully, refreshingly, “clean” story about a woman obsessed about winning a floral convention entry. It wasn’t just vanity, she had a lot depending on it. It would affect the rest of her life! . . . I totally loved it!”

underneath the covers – The Language of Flowers
Because of her love for flowers, Kady is convinced that discovering the personalities of her bride and groom is the important first step. Some brides know right away what their floral theme will be, but for others, Kady quizzes the couple to help with the final decision. What is their outlook on love, romance and marriage? Do certain colors have an emotional response for the couple? Upon gathering all the information, Kady then picks the perfect flowers to personalize the special day.

Mel’s Shelves – Creating the Perfect Wedding…from the Florists Point of View
In The Bridal Bouquet, Kady’s dream is to take the family floral shop into the world of weddings. Love and romance may not be on the table for Kady at the beginning of the story, but her love for flowers remains steady throughout, a plus when coming up with fresh ideas for her clients.

Becky on Books – Author Interview & Review

Where did the inspiration for this book come from?
This is the fourth book in The Business of Weddings series. My editor and I discussed coming up with three wedding professionals for this book contract and the first one was a florist. I knew I wanted to have suspense elements in this story, so I plotted with this in mind. I love hunky, Alpha males and the DEA hero in this book fits the bill! Also, researching flowers was lovely. The history behind bouquets is quite interesting.
“A sweet romance with a touch of romantic suspense–a fun read!”

JoJo’s Corner – Review

“I absolutely LOVE wedding stories and Tara Randel’s The Business of Weddings series is one of my favorites! . . . This novel is full of humor, memorable characters and romance combined with elements of suspense. I give The Bridal Bouquet 5 long stemmed roses out of 5!”

Bookworm Lisa – Review

“As a reader, you know most of the things going on behind the scenes, just waiting for the characters to discover them. For me, it helped to cheer them on and hope that everyone is happy when it all comes out in the open. I really can’t say a lot more, because I like this book and am giving it a high recommendation.”

EskieMama Reads – The History of Flowers and Weddings
Today, weddings are as different and special as a bride’s vision. There are so many reasons a bride picks certain flowers; personal taste, sentiment, elegance, romance, to name a few. From full-blown, colorful bouquets to brides carrying a single stemmed rose to make a statement, the choice of flower for all wedding related events are vast. But where did the tradition of wedding flowers originate?

deal sharing aunt – Excerpt

Blowing out a relieved breath, she looked over her shoulder, glimpsing the most unusual pair of blue eyes she’d ever seen. Actually, blue wasn’t entirely correct. A hint of silver turned them an unusual shade of metallic gray. The man’s somber expression matched the concern she read there and his very handsome face garnered all her attention.

“Steady there.” His husky voice spoke close to her ear, sending a waterfall of shivers over her skin.

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review

“I loved The Bridal Bouquet! Kady and Dylan are so much fun. I love the banter between them. There is also another romance that develops in the book, but I won’t spoil it for you. The plot is both romantic and suspenseful. If you are a fan of clean romance novels, you will surely love The Bridal Bouquet.”
Harlie’s Books – Review

“Oh my, a sweet contemporary that I read twice. Yes, twice. I loved, just loved this book. I’m a sucker for flowers so this book was right up my alley. . . . In the end, I loved the sweet romance of Kady and Dylan. It wasn’t rushed and had a few twists in it that I LOVED. Plus, the suspense element is on point for these characters.”

Hardcover Feedback – Review

“I loved reading The Bridal Bouquet! The characters were well written and I liked almost all of them, with the exception of the ones you aren’t supposed to like. . . . The romance between Kady and Dylan was so sweet! I loved watching them getting to know each other and see their feelings for each other grow.”
23 Review Street – Review

“The Bridal Bouquet is a sweet, romantic story that has handsome DEA agents, amazingly strong women and an wonderfully written story that will make you wish it wouldn’t end. I would recommend anyone who loves a unique love story and of course a wedding!”

Getting Your Read On – Review

“I loved Kady. There was something so human about her and her need to find acceptance and support from the people she loves. . . . This book was a clean romance with a touch of suspense and danger. It kept me interested from beginning to end.”

With Love for Books – Tips for Choosing a Florist for Your Wedding & Review
In The Bridal Bouquet, Kady Lawrence, co-owner of the Lavish Lily, works with brides to make the dreams of their big day come true. As any wedding professional, she advises her clients to research, then choose a florist who will carry out the vision. Flowers are an important statement at a wedding, and the bride and groom need to communicate their wishes in order for a florist to carry out the theme.

“The Bridal Bouquet is a quick and easy read and it’s very enjoyable. I think it’s an amazing read with a heartwarming theme.”

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“I love a good romance, but when there are other elements involved, it really draws me in. With a mystery and some suspense involved, this story really turns into more than the light, fluffy read, like I was expecting–there’s more meat to the book. . . . This is a great read for those who enjoy a clean, contemporary romance with some suspenseful threads woven in.”

Bloomfield of thoughts – Review

“The book is a clean romance novel and can be read as a stand-alone book as well. The book depicts the usual boy meets a girl and falls in love, the story though is a simple read for anyone who loves romance novels.”

Colorimetry – Top Wedding Flowers 
Many types of flowers are popular for weddings. Some brides know the exact flowers they want for their special day, others need a little help deciding. A professional florist, like Kady Lawrence from The Bridal Bouquet, work with brides to make their dreams come true.

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“There’s romance, there’s deceit, there’s family drama, there’s criminal activity … what more could we want?”

The Bridal BouquetThe Bridal Bouquet

(The Business of Weddings #3)
Tara Randel
Adult Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages

June 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Who will catch a lifetime of love?

Winning the annual wedding bouquet design competition may be the closest Kady Lawrence gets to the altar. She has to come in first or risk losing the shop that’s been in her family for generations. Her main competition is Jasmine Matthews. But it’s Jasmine’s son who’s caught Kady’s attention. 

Kady has no inkling Dylan’s a DEA agent on a case in Cypress Pointe, and Dylan wants to keep it that way…until Kady’s targeted. Determined to keep her safe, Dylan risks a lot more than blowing his cover…he risks losing Kady forever.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

Other Books in the Series
Magnolia BrideMagnolia Bride
(The Business of Weddings #1)
Tara Randel
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 209 pages
July 1st 2014 by Harlequin Heartwarming
Married for a day, in love for life 
Nealy Grainger knew that returning to Cypress Pointe meant an inevitable encounter with her teenage crush, and momentary husband, Dane Peterson. She could handle it. She wasn’t the wounded girl who’d left Cypress Pointe years ago, heartbroken and furious when Dane had annulled their marriage the day after they’d eloped. 
Now one of L.A.’s most in-demand celebrity event planners, Nealy’s only come back for a vacation and to help with her sister’s wedding—not for a reunion with her long-lost love. But the more their paths cross, the more the sparks fly! Maybe their connection isn’t over just yet….,

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

Honeysuckle Bride

Honeysuckle Bride

(The Business of Weddings #2)
Tara Randel
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 201 pages
December 1st 2014 by Harlequin Heartwarming

One part happiness. Two parts love.

Relocating to the coast of Florida after becoming guardian of her best friend’s twin daughters could be the best move LA celebrity chef Jenna Monroe ever made. This is her chance to create a stable, loving home—something she never had. But can she be the mother the girls need?

Wyatt Hamilton thinks she can. The rugged charter boat captain, who came home to Cypress Pointe still grieving the death of his son, has faith in her. But the feelings he awakens in Jenna both exhilarate and frighten her. Because Wyatt no longer believes in forever… Unless she can convince him otherwise.

Tara Randel is an award-winning, USA TODAY bestselling author of eleven novels. She is currently working on new stories for Harlequin Heartwarming, as well as books in a new series, Amish Inn Mysteries. Her next Heartwarming, part of The Business of Weddings series, will be released in June 2016. Visit Tara at www.tararandel.com. Like her on Facebook at Tara Randel Books.

Tour Giveaway

ONE WINNER will receive a tote bag including the first three books in The Business of Weddings series (US only)
ONE WINNER will recieve a $25 Amazon eGift card (open internationally)
Ends June 24th
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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