True freedom happens only when you choose to be free.

Eleven-year-old Drake Bailey is an analytical thinker and the genius of the Timekeeper crew. However, no logic or mathematical acumen can change the color of his skin, or prepare him for this third Timekeeper mission in antebellum Georgia. To survive, Drake must learn to play the role of a plantation slave and when confronted with the brutality, hatred, and racism of the deep south, he’ll have to strategically keep one move ahead of his sadistic captors to ensure his lineage continues.

In a dark world of Voodoo, zombies, and ritualistic sacrifice, the Timekeepers must ensure a royal bloodline survives. Can Drake remove both literal and figurative chains to save both himself and a devout slave girl from a terrible fate? If he can’t summon the necessary courage, humanity could stand to lose one of its greatest leaders.


Drake read over their Timekeeper mission again. Blood. Deep south. Race. Broken. Soul. Red flags waved through his mind like a category five hurricane. He’d seen one too many movies and documentaries to know 1855 was not a great time in history for people with his skin color. Drake shut the Timekeepers’ log, and shook his head vehemently. “There’s no way in hell I’m gonna go on this mission, Lilith!”

Lilith wrinkled her long, narrow nose. “I understand why you have these fearful feelings, Drake, but I do not choose where you go into the past. Belial is the one who holds that power, and seeks to disrupt history whenever he sees a chance.”

“May I see the Timekeepers’ log, Drake?” the Prof asked. 

“Sure, Prof, but I’m still not going,” Drake replied, passing the log over.

“Can he do that?” Ravi asked, glancing at Treena.

“I don’t think so. It’s like signing a contract for a movie. You’re committed to finishing the film or you face the studio lawyers. Case closed, gavel down.”

“Lilith isn’t a judge.” Ravi looked at Lilith. “Right?”

“No, Ravi, I am not your judge, but what Treena said rings true. You were all chosen as Timekeepers for a reason, and are bound by this covenant,” Lilith replied, unclasping her hands. “That is all I can offer you.”

“Fine. I’ll just remove my Babel necklace,” Drake said, digging under his shirt. “Problem solved.”

“Drake, why are you freaking out like this?” Jordan asked, helping Amanda to her feet. “It can’t be as bad as fighting the Nazis in our second mission.”

“Yeah, or being interrogated in the Gestapo Headquarters by Belial’s creepy crony Marcus Crowley,” Ravi added.

“Why don’t you ask Amanda why she puked? It wasn’t because she had warm and fuzzy feelings about this mission,” Drake argued.

Melody wiped Amanda’s chin. “Do you feel well enough to speak?”

“I…I think so.”

Professor Lucas whistled. “Now I see why Amanda was sick to her stomach. Using the words deep south and the date as a clue, this mission puts us in the antebellum era, six years before the American Civil War began. This period was filled with so much hate, racism, turmoil, and political upheaval, I’m willing to bet these emotions went right through her.”

“If Uncle John is right, why would Belial want to change anything back then?” Jordan asked, frowning. “That slithering douche-bag lives for human suffering during those dark times in history.”

“Exactly.” Drake removed his Babel necklace. “So why tempt fate?”

“N-no, Drake, you have to come.” Amanda reached for his hand, and squeezed it. “Trust me, you’re an important part of this mission.”

“Huh? How?”

“It’s hard to explain. I just know you have to be there.”

The book is available at the following links:









About the Author:

Sharon Ledwith is the author of the middle-grade/young adult time travel adventure series, THE LAST TIMEKEEPERS, and the award-winning teen psychic mystery series, MYSTERIOUS TALES FROM FAIRY FALLS. When not writing, researching, or revising, she enjoys reading, exercising, anything arcane, and an occasional dram of scotch. Sharon lives a serene, yet busy life in a southern tourist region of Ontario, Canada, with her spoiled hubby, and a moody calico cat.

Learn more about Sharon Ledwith on her WEBSITE and BLOG. Look up her AMAZON AUTHOR page for a list of current books. Stay connected on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, PINTEREST, LINKEDIN, INSTAGRAM, and GOODREADS.

Power in Time by Erudessa Gentian

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Erudessa Gentian

Title of book and/or series: Power in Time, Epoch 1 of Kynaston Royal Saga

Brief summary of the story:

Twenty-year-old Larkspur is trapped 2,000 years in the future, but that’s not her biggest problem. Bestowed with strange superpowers, she’s adopted by one of the most powerful families known to the four inhabited planets. As heir, she’s responsible for an entire kingdom she didn’t know existed a few days ago. But when tragic surprises emerge from her past, Lark must decide where her loyalties will lie—past, or future?

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:

Evren is the third successfully terraformed planet. It is a little smaller than Earth, has two moons, and four extra months in a year. Jewel and metallic tones are the most common colors found there.

If we were to visit Evren as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?

Check out some of their nature reserves. The preservation of wildlife and natural resources is important there.

Power in Time by Erudessa Gentian

Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Evren?

Evren was mostly settled by people from modern-day Europe and New Zealand, and some of their traditional foods came along. Their fruit is known for its succulence.

What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Evren?

Laser weapons are common, especially guns.

What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Evren?

Sky Trams are used for long travel, hovercraft is used for daily travel. Holograms are used in a lot of technology, including computers, maps, and text.

Cats as a species didn’t take well to the terraformation process, so all breeds are considered endangered and protected.

What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Evren that we don’t see on Earth?

There are no alien races in Kynaston Royal Saga, but plants do differ from planet to planet. Mostly in their colors, but some plants evolved differently depending on the chemical makeup of the planet.

Power in Time by Erudessa Gentian

What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Evren?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.

Magic is known as Arcane Science, but it’s not studied deeply. Some people are born with the ability to manipulate an element (air, electricity, fire, water, etc.), but it’s considered useless. It takes too much energy to actually do, you’d die before it would be useful.

In Kyanston Royal Saga, a select few are given bio-bots, which help enhance the gift.

Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Evren as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?

Weekdays are the same, but Evren has four extra months than Earth (one for each season).

Christmas is still a traditional holiday, and Evren’s Foundation Month is celebrated every two years.

What is the political or government structure in Evren?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?

It depends on the country. The main story takes place in the Kingdom of Lothar, the first country on Evren, and still the largest/most powerful.

Erudessa Gentian

Avi Kynaston is the current monarch, well loved by the people. He inherited a kingdom on the brink of collapse, and led them back to prosperity. He just adopted Larkspur as his daughter and heir.

Author Autobiography:

Erudessa Gentian is a firm believer that clean entertainment can be powerful. Inspired by her love of cultures and learning, she produces dynamic art to spark imagination and touch souls.

Erudessa writes in multiple genres, but specializes in fantasy and historical fiction. She posts about lifestyle, travel and so much more on her blog.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.

All of Erudessa’s work can be found on her website.

Power in Time can be found on most major ebook retailers. Paperbacks are currently available on Amazon and her website.

Erudessa Gentian

Where can readers connect with you online?

You can find all of Erudessa’s social links and newsletter signup on her Contact Page.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Evren!  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!

Are you an author of a sci-fi or fantasy novel that takes place in another world? Click here to find out about having it featured on Realm Explorers! -Annie Douglass Lima

The Electric Girl
by Christine Hart
Genre: YA SciFi Fantasy, Magic Realism
Polly Michaels is trying to forget that her mom has cancer. She keeps busy at school and plods through a normal social life. Until a freak electrical storm and a unicorn appear in the orchard next to her house.
Sy’kai wakes on an orchard floor to the smell of rotting cherries and wet earth. She doesn’t know where she is-or what she is-but she knows something is hunting her.
Polly recruits her friends to find the mysterious creature she saw from her window while Sy’kai, a confused shape-shifting endling from another dimension tries to piece her mind back together. Once the human girls find Sy’kai (whom they nickname Psyche) the mystery unravels and the danger facing all of them comes into focus.
A gritty struggle ranges throughout the girls’ rural hometown and in the wild terrain around it. All while two questions hang over their heads. Can an alien deliver a miracle for a human mother? Can a group of teens defeat an interdimensional demon?
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Located on BC’s beautiful West Coast, I write from my suburban home outside Vancouver. I love writing about places and spaces with rich history and visually fascinating elements as a backdrop for the surreal and spectacular.
In addition to my undergraduate degree in writing and literature, my background also includes corporate communications and design. I am a current member of the Federation of BC Writers and SF Canada.
When not writing, I have a habit of breaking stuff and making stuff – in that order – under the guise of my Etsy alter-ego Sleepless Storyteller. I share my eclectic home and lifestyle with my metalworking husband, dancing daughter, and future rocket scientist son.
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Planetary Anthology Series Set 11

Genre: Mixed Fantasy, SciFi, Speculative
with stories by Bokerah Brumley, Karl Gallagher, Carlton Herzog, G. Scott Huggins, C.S. Johnson, P.A. Piatt, J.F. Posthumus, James Pyles, Denton Salle, Ben Wheeler, Josh Young, Richard Paolinelli, Arlan Andrews Sr., J.M. Anjewierden, Dana Bell, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Karina L. Fabian, Rob Fabian, A.M. Freeman, Julie Frost

Saturn. The Ringed Planet. Harbinger of ideas and wonder. The planet that gave birth to the modern era of science envisioning the myriad of multi-colored rings circling the planet, one of the reasons for the invention of the telescope and the second largest in our solar system. These are the stories of Saturn, the great Titan. Tales of time, age and endings.


As usual with anthologies, some of these stories are better than others. I was surprised to find that not all of them have anything to do with Saturn. It was disappointing to discover that most of them have obviously not been professionally edited, and others contain completely unnecessary profanity that did nothing to add to the story or to character development. There are a few winners in here, but a lot of the stories just didn’t grab me. Overall, this anthology earns three stars from me.

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Sunder of Time
(The Mason Timeline #1)By Kristin McTiernan Time Travel/Alternate History Paperback & ebook, 380 Pages May 12, 2015

Isabella Jaramillo is accustomed to getting what she wants.

Living a comfortable life as the daughter of the world’s sole time travel magnate, Isabella has never suffered the irritation of being told no.

Only now she has gone too far and her soon-to-be ex-husband tells her no in the most vengeful way possible—by sabotaging her trip to the past, sending her to a distant land where the locals do not speak her language and are far from impressed by her haughty demeanor.

Now a slave, Isabella makes some surprising allies and discovers the truth behind her father’s rise to power and the terrible price the entire world paid for it. Somehow, she must break free and find a way home, not only to save herself, but to restore history to its rightful direction.

(Affiliate links included.)Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Bookshop
Other Books in the Series
Fissure of Worlds(The Mason Timeline #2)By Kristin McTiernanTime Travel/Alternate HistoryPaperback & ebook, 323 PagesOctober 9, 2017
Knowledge isn’t power. It’s dangerous.

At first, she thought they’d do the right thing. A new timeline created by a misbehaving time traveler, a whole society crushed under theocratic oppression. Surely, the council would see reason. Surely, they’d help her fix the timeline.

They didn’t.

Now jailed and under the constant, unblinking eye of her own personal guard, Shannan must fight not only for her freedom, but for her own sanity.

Her one ally is Paul Canaan, a member of the Council but not truly one of them. Living a life of secrets and lies, Paul works in the shadows to free Shannan, and himself, from the artificially created timeline oppressing them both.

Together, Shannan and Paul will have to escape their watchers—before they, and the world, are trapped in a history that should never have been.

(Affiliate link included.)Goodreads | Amazon

Etienne imagined his father-in-law had been listening to the call, muffling his laughter as Isabella just unilaterally ended their marriage.  She never did anything without Daddy’s leave.  So Etienne had played nice, put on the happy face. Of course he was all right with the annulment.  He was fine with his whole life being over.
Now he would be the laughingstock of Miami society, his fate to become a cautionary tale for other silly Spanish girls who even thought of slumming with an Anglo.  The annulment would be featured on society pages all over the country, probably in Mexico and Cuba as well.  Meanwhile, the grieving widow Esperanza Macias would get a promotion, a feature in the Miami Crier, and the standard condolence allowance from the Senate.  Her husband had died in service to the Republic, so her life was going to improve dramatically. Etienne’s, on the other hand, was circling the drain.
The idea struck him suddenly.  Martin Macias had been declared Lost without much investigation. Everyone, including him, had simply accepted the disappearance of three people—husbands and fathers all—as simply “one of those things.” No one had been hauled in for questioning; certainly no one was going to be punished.
A giddy excitement washing over him, Etienne looked around the living room once more, searching for the keys to his launch station. Spying them, he finally left the armchair and grabbed the errant keys off the floor.  He headed out the door, his lips stretched into a satisfied smile.
About the Author

Kristin McTiernan was born the daughter of a career military man and spent her childhood bouncing from one country to another. Her love of writing surfaced early, and upon discovering the double threat of comic books and Star Trek in middle school, Kristin spent the majority of her spare time creating new worlds and interesting people to populate them. Following in her parents’ footsteps, Kristin enlisted in the Marine Corps at 17 and, upon her discharge three years later, settled into a life pursuing her love of words. She achieved her bachelor’s degree in English from Emporia State University in her home state of Kansas and works as an editor to support her writing addiction. She lives in Kansas City with her husband and dog.

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Tour Giveaway

One winner will win a Kindle gifted copy (gifted directly through Amazon) of Kristin McTiernan’s supernatural mystery trilogy: Black Magic Omnibus: Books 1 – 3 of the Siren Song Series (US only)

Ends February 24, 2021


Android’s Daughter 
by Marshal Northrup 
Genre: Science Fiction 
A beautiful android steals a baby. 
Andrea is an assassin who lives in a floating city.
When on the job, she decides to steal a baby. With
the help from a friend, she raises the child to the age
of training. But nothing is what it seems, and the true test begins. 
If you like to read good science fiction and laugh, then you will want to read Android’s Daughter. 
Goodreads * Amazon
I live in Northeastern Oklahoma with my wife. I love to write science fiction because you’re writing about things that may be possible. 
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$25 Amazon 
Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway! 
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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Donna E. Lane
Title of book and/or series: 
Whisperers Series – Sky Light Falls: Whisperers Book One; Sky Light Rises: Whisperers Book Two; Sky Light Ends: Whisperers Book Three (coming in July 2020)
Brief summary of the story:
The series takes place in another universe. The planet you visit was created as a single planet, where a variety of sentient species lived in harmony. One type of species is called Whisperers. They are made of light and energy and move freely through space and time. The other species are all matter-based humanoid creatures. Before the reader joins the story in Book 1, a revolt took place on the planet where a faction of the Whisperers joined with the 12 humanoid species to try to overthrow the Divinethos. In response, the Divinethos divided the one planet into two. The First World remained as it was created, but the Divinethos bound the Second World in time, making it have a beginning and an end. The revolutionaries were exiled to the Second World. As a result, those Whisperers lost their light and were left only as energy. They are now called Dark Ones. Over the course of thousands and thousands of years, the 12 species’ descendants forgot about the First World. When you join the story, the end of the Second World is approaching, so the First World’s Whisperers have now come to try and help those on the Second World who would listen. In Book One, the end begins as a cataclysmic natural disaster, a meteor strike, leaves devastation in its wake. Most of the planet is uninhabitable, and the few survivors must learn to work together if they are going to live. But the Dark Ones have other plans and use some of the survivors to bring further destruction. It is up to a child born with mystical powers, those who follow her, and the Whisperers to stop the Dark Ones from taking over the world. In Book Two, the survivors mourn. Their leaders are dead, their resources are gone, and their world has plunged into darkness. Hope seems a distant memory. The group of survivors splinters, relationships are broken, and they face unspeakable loss. While evil plots the culmination of its plan to seal the eternal fate of the world, the Whisperers lead one group of survivors to their only hope, a hidden orb that can pierce the darkness enveloping their world and rejoin the two planets. To find the orb, the ragtag group faces a series of trials they can only complete with the help of the Whisperers. Book Three follows the group as, aided by the Whisperers, they are tasked with transporting the magical orb to the high mountain to open a portal to the First World before their sky light goes supernova. On the way to the mountain, the Dark Ones confront them, and a massive battle ensues. Will they face their own despair and fear, overcome their desire for power, reach the high mountain, defeat the dark forces, and place the orb in time?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: 
The First World is a place of great beauty, with crystalline waterfalls, emerald plains, and mountain spires reaching into a brilliant sky, but its most critical feature is it is unbound by time, meaning the world and its inhabitants can move freely through time and space. The Second World is bound in time and is a pale echo of the First World. When the reader joins the story, the Second World has been devastated by a series of natural disasters, so much of the world is uninhabitable.
If we were to visit the Second World as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? 
The best place to visit is the high mountain, where the Jacinthi prophets live; however, be warned: the Dark Ones have taken over the mountain during Book Two, so avoid the region during that time frame.
What dangers should we avoid on the Second World? 
The Dark Ones are everywhere, so their presence poses a constant threat. In addition, most of the waters in the western world are tainted, so don’t drink them! Watch out for earthquakes, which can happen at any time, as well as ice storms where ice falls the size of boulders, and fire from the sky, because as the sky light expands, the atmosphere is burning.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the Second World? 
If you are hanging out with the group transporting the orb, you’re in luck. They have a delicious fruit, given to them by the Whisperers in the cave where they faced their trials, that restores their health. But beware anything served by the Dark Ones: their food appears as delicacies, but in reality it is…well, I don’t want to spoil your appetite.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common on the Second World? 
The Whisperers fight with swords and light and fire. Most of the humanoids use basic implements as weapons as they are more primitive, but one of the 12 humanoid species have mechanical devices like bombs – and have even built a machine that creates black holes.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the Second World? 
The Whisperers transport freely through space and time, so they don’t need vehicles. In Book Three, the magical child rides a panther-like creature with wings. Other than that, the creatures walk.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter n the Second World that we don’t see on Earth? 
The Jasperi are tree dwellers with dark green skin and fluffy tails like squirrels but the size of humans. The Emraldi, grassland dwellers, look like child-sized fairies with pearlescent skin. The Topazi are desert dwellers who look like tan-colored kimodo dragons but are larger than humans. The Jacinthi live on the high mountain and look somewhat like huge snowy owls. The Saphiri (think mermaids) are ocean dwellers. The Onyxi, cave dwellers, look somewhat like large black bears but are quite timid. The Carneli, cliff dwellers, look somewhat like red wolves. The Chalcedi look like hawks and live in an aerie on the mountain on the opposite side of the world from the high mountain They equal or exceed the Jacinthi in size. The Beryli look somewhat like seals and like in the gulf waters. The Turqosi live in the wetlands. They are a warrior race who look like the spitting dinosaurs with the frill around their heads from Jurassic Park. The Chrysoli, plains dwellers, are newly introduced in Book 3. They appear lionesque.  And finally, the Amthysti – the only species that looks like humans – live in a tower they built in the center of the world.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the Whisperers series?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. 
The Whisperers appear very magical to the inhabitants of the Second World since they travel through space and time freely. The child who helps the Whisperers in Book One can manipulate fire. The Dark Ones can manipulate thoughts and can shoot electricity from their fingertips. The magic of the Whisperers and the child is used to fight against the Dark Ones. The magic orb is used to open a portal to the First World.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in the Second World?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples. 
The Amthysti are the only species with any level of technology. Their crowning achievement is their black hole creating device; however, they haven’t learned how to control it, so if it was ever used, the black hole would grow without limits and would consume the worlds.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in the Second World. 
They are too focused on survival for games, for the most part. The Onyxi play a game called Stones, where they flip pebbles at the wall to see who can land closest. The Emraldi like to roll and tumble down hills for fun.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in the Second World as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there? 
The inhabitants of the Second World speak in terms of cycles, related to the rise and fall of their sky light. The cycles are shorter than Earth cycles, as are their seasons. They don’t celebrate any holidays or special events, because they really don’t have much to celebrate.
Is there a particular religion practiced in the Whisperers series?  Please describe what it involves. 
The Whisperers worship the Divinethos. They desire to bring the inhabitants of the Second World back to the same worship, but the inhabitants have no recollection of the Divinethos or the First World. During the course of the series, the group transporting the orb come to know the Divinethos and return to worship. The Dark Ones worship Skia Skotos, their Dark Lord. Skia Skotos seeks to bring the Second World’s inhabitants under his rule.
What is the political or government structure on the Second World?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? 
A thousand years ago, a huge war broke out between the 12 species that almost destroyed the Second World. A treaty divided the 12 species, giving each a portion of land and prohibiting contact between them, so the 12 species have had no contact for a thousand years, until the meteor strike destroyed so much of the planet and forced them to work together. Before that time, each species had their own form of government. Now, there is no government.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit the Second World? 
The Jacinthi have a unique burial ritual, which becomes significant in Book Three. The Chrysoli own slaves and force them to do all their labor. The Chalcedi use substances to heighten their senses and create a type of hysteria for battle. The Beryli issue challenges and fight each other for the ruling position in their culture. The Topazi mate for life and always remain in pairs.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? 
The Book of Revelation was my inspiration.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? 
Good vs. evil, the consequences of slavery, the consequences of drug use, the question whether scientific discovery without limits is always a good thing, the exploration of the true nature of evil, demonic inhabitation, eugenics, euthanasia.
Author Autobiography: 
Dr. Donna E. Lane is an award-winning author, Professor of Counseling at Mercer University and a Christian counselor in private practice since 1993.  She writes Christian fiction, Bible studies, devotionals, Christian apologetics, children’s books, and professional books such as her book on trauma treatment. She is a regular presenter at local, regional, national, and international conferences and workshops on such topics as trauma, grief and loss, Christian marriage counseling, Christian parenting, early childhood education, therapeutic writing, and soul care.  Donna is married to David Lane. They have two grandchildren, Coen and Petra, and three children: Hayden, Lindsey, and Cody, who passed away in 2007 after a battle with a degenerative neurological disorder. Cody’s journey informs much of her writing.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links. 
The Whisperers series is available on Amazon in paperback and kindle formats, and on Kindle Unlimited. Book Three will be released in July 2020. Here are the links:
Where can readers connect with you online? 
Twitter: @Doctordelane
Instagram: @doctordelane
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the Second World.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
Are you an author of a sci-fi or fantasy novel that takes place in another world? Click here to find out about having it featured on Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 
Note on this piece: There is love scene after they are married and it is NOT explicit.

Author’s name: Dana Bell writing as Belle Blukat

Title of book and/or series: Novella called The Woman He Won
Brief summary of the story: Marcie got dumped on a strange world after getting caught in a tornado. She awakens injured, in pain and is rescued by Lir a dark haired male with red eyes. He is both a healer and warrior self-exiled for a wrong he thinks he committed. As the weather grows cold he takes Marcie with him to his home and introduces his new mate to his mother. At the Little King ceremony Lir is challenged for Marcie, who must make the most difficult decision of her life.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: The world has several moons, severe weather which caused massive damage and loss to the natives in the past. With their seeming primitive culture, the surprise twist is that they are not exactly what they seem.
If we were to visit as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? The odd island and how difficult it is to reach.
What dangers should we avoid in the Township? If you are a woman, don’t go there. You will be fought over by the men.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served? Feasting meats and vegetables.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the Township? One on one combat and daggers.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the Township? A large hairy beast who can jump great distances. Elevators and homes above the trees.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the Township that we don’t see on Earth? Odd plant like creatures that crawl around on the outside of the windows.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used. Not really.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples. The homes they live in have things like a stove, indoor plumbing and was built by their ancestors long ago, along with some sort of computer they can talk to.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in The Township as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there? They have a celebration of the Little King. He was a leader long ago who helped saved their people. Everything is seasonal.
What is the political or government structure?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? They are ruled by Elders who make all decisions.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit? If you just share a bed with a man you are considered his mate.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Funny story on this one. I also write fanfiction and I was thinking of writing a love story with Luke on the island. However, I liked the idea so much I turned it into an original piece instead. I included a Wizard of Oz twist with how my heroine arrived and the two characters took me on a journey to their semi-happy ending. The dwellings my characters lived in came from seeing the tops of buildings that literally looked like they were floating on the trees. It was also my first attempt at writing a romance, which I submitted thinking it would be rejected. They loved it and published the novella.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? The dangers of genetic manipulation and the possible unfortunate outcomes, plus women’s rights when it comes to marriage.
Author Autobiography: Owned by two cats, Adara and Taj, Dana Bell writes stories staring her fur babies often. She loves to tell tales set in places she has lived or visited, has a fascination for lighthouses, Yellowstone National Park, super volcanoes, and doll houses which have taken over her basement. Her published books include Winter Awakening and God’s Gift. Her short fiction can be found in various anthologies for SFFH and she writes romance as well.  She lives in Colorado and works a day job so her cats have a warm house, food and lots of toys.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
Where can readers connect with you online? 
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the Township.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
Are you an author of a sci-fi or fantasy novel that takes place in another world? Click here to find out about having it featured on Realm Explorers!
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 
Author’s name: Dana Bell
Title of book and/or series: God’s Gift
Brief summary of the story: Three siblings, Larry, Susanna, and Jeanie are allowed to board the last colony ship that leaves Earth before Yellowstone explodes. During the voyage they bond with others and are caught by surprise when survey reports do not match with the world they landed on. Susanna and Kal get separated by a lion like being and get lost during a heavy rain storm. Larry, Susanna and Jack, a young officer, search for them. They meet one of the Charon tribes and are taken to the Rover ship where they are reunited with Susanna and her companion. The colony is removed to another planet by the governing body of the Five Systems and in the end, a small group must decide which Rover family they will go with and be the long awaited messengers.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story: The story starts in Colorado Springs and moves to Mountain Home, Idaho. Part of it takes place on the ship and then on Charon, a world inhabited by intelligent felines, with odd colored plants and lots of rain.
What dangers should we avoid in Charon? Don’t go unless invited.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Charon? Odd mixtures of vegetables or nuts and spicy drinks.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Charon? The Charon hunt with claw and fang.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Charon? The Charon walk on two legs but the visiting traders called Rovers travel by spaceship.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter that we don’t see on Earth? Different color vegetation, caves, rough weather and large intelligent felines who don’t wear clothes. Introduced as well are Felcat. They keep the history of many worlds and most think they are just domestic pets.  The Rovers are introduced, as are the Aarkon’s military.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples. The Rovers carry a round globe for light and some of the women are healers.
Is there a particular religion practiced? Please describe what it involves. The Charon believe in God and have been waiting for the promised messengers to arrive. The Rovers believe in the All Knowing One and some of the healers the Great Mother.
What is the political or government structure? Tribal with female leaders for each group.  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she? No consolidated leadership.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book? All the cats I’ve been owned by and behaviors observed while visiting various zoos and wildlife refuges like tigers, lions, leopards, snow leopards, servals and many more. Since I’ve visited Colorado Springs and grew up in Idaho I used those as locations. The description of the eruption was as accurate as possible since I remember the dark cloud and total silence after Mt. St. Helens went off. We had ash all summer long, cooler temps and lots of rain. Charon came out of my imagination of how I thought an alien world might look and be so a feline race could thrive.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book? When the colonist discover there is a native species, there is some concern their effect on them might be like what happened with the American Indians. It has a direct bearing on the decision made by the colonists at the end of the book.
Author Autobiography: Owned by two cats, Adara and Taj, Dana Bell writes stories staring her fur babies often. She loves to tell tales set in places she has lived or visited, has a fascination for lighthouses, Yellowstone National Park, super volcanoes, and doll houses which have taken over her basement. Her published books include Winter Awakening and God’s Gift. Her short fiction can be found in various anthologies for SFFH and she writes romance as well.  She lives in Colorado and works a day job so her cats have a warm house, food and lots of toys.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?  Please include links.
Kindle and Print on Amazon
Nook Book & Print from Barnes and Noble
Where can readers connect with you online? 
Note:  Next book in the series called Homefall Search is in progress. It happens just before and concurrently with God’s Gift.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Charon.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
Are you an author of a sci-fi or fantasy novel that takes place in another world? Click here to find out about having it featured on Realm Explorers!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Mind of Mine
By C. F. E. Black
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Interview with the Author

What motivated you to write this particular story?
Two reasons: First, I fell in love with the characters and the idea of sharing thoughts. I just couldn’t get the characters out of my head once they arrived. Second, I want to encourage teenagers. I have been working with teenagers since I graduated from college, and I just can’t explain how great they are to work with every day. They deserve all the love and encouragement we can give them, and I hope my books do that. I hope this book in particular tells teenagers that they matter, that their thoughts and opinions matter, and that (really important to me) they take the time to consider how they define themselves.
Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

As I stand, I try to ignore the spinning in my head. Pru eyes me gripping the side of my chair for support. Marcus is rising, his arms boasting grooves and bulges as he pushes himself up. He sees me staring, and for just a moment longer, I wait to look away.

All sixteen of us are standing now. Dr. Yamaguchi says in her hypnotic voice, “To whom much is given—”

As one, we say, “—much is expected.”

Remembrancy – Review

Mind of Mine is an interesting YA science fiction read but also a cautionary tale. Life on the other side of the fence comes with its own difficulties.”

Andi’s Young Adult Books – Excerpt

Only when I am with Marcus does the opaque white door before me not freeze my insides. Only with him am I not afraid of what happens behind this door. Streaming with Marcus is the one thing that feels like it belongs to me, even more than my research, which could be deleted at the touch of a button. Marcus cannot be deleted from my mind, nor I from his. And that makes me feel like, at least to him, I exist as an individual.

That is why we do this, after all. To remind us—most often just me—who we really are. Especially after a punishing day of deluge in the box—a day spent hooked up to fifteen other minds crashing simultaneously into my own—I need a grounder. I need this.

Colorimetry – Excerpt

Someone shuts the chamber doors and the lights above us dim. A man in a charcoal suit emerges from beneath us into a shaft of light on the stage. The Director. Daddy, as I like to call him. My teeth grind against each other.

“Thank you, Order members, for coming to this impromptu meeting.”

Like we had a choice.

Fiction Aficionado – Review

“Wow! This one definitely sucked me in. I love it when speculative fiction explores a premise that seems to promise so many benefits—for example, overcoming our perceived shortcomings and limitations—but ends up demonstrating that the sacrifices made in the process actually de-humanize us rather than elevating us to a higher way of living. . . . this story really did have me hooked from cover to cover. I look forward to seeing more from this author!”

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

The rooftop. Oh, the air! The stars, hidden behind the city’s haze, pale in comparison to the blinking lights of Atlanta—each light a testament to human ingenuity and the desire to push harder, further, against the night. Marcus sits on the concrete, back facing me. He looks over at the sound of the door announcing my arrival. His smile flips into a frown in less than a second.

A week and a half have passed since they cut off our paired streaming. In almost eight months, a week hasn’t gone by without an exhilarating dose of Marcus’ emotions and the grounding feeling that I mean something to him. Until now.

Jypsylynn – Review

“The question at the heart of the story is a complex one with no right answer. The story is compelling, sharp and thought provoking. Although it is speculation, the premise is plausible. I liked V because of her daring. She questions the system that she has always accepted. I enjoyed the story because it really gives you something to think about after the last page. The ideas will stay with you. I’ve become a fan lately of speculative fiction, and Mind of Mine is a great example of excellent story telling in this genre. Definitely try it out!”

I’m Into Books – Excerpt

“Let him alone.” Pru’s stony voice edges in from the doorway. Her arms are crossed and her mouth flat.

Flavius whips an angry glare at her. “He’s been boxed. Can’t remember who he is. It’ll come. Just give him a minute.”

“Leave him,” Pru demands. “Each time one of us gets the box, it affects us all. Let him suffer. Maybe then he won’t do whatever it was again.” She spears me with her gaze then spins on her heel and disappears.

Jessica Belmont – Review

“I love that this is a debut because there is so much right about this book. The plot is captivating and keeps you drawn in. I really enjoy C.F.E. Black’s writing. She really knows her audience and pays close attention to what she’s writing. Fantastic. I recommend checking this one out!”

Red Headed Book Lady – Review

“A wonderful debut by C.F.E Black and a new to me author!!

This is more of a YA and if you love sci-fi then this is for you. A great mixture of both!!”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post, if you haven’t already…

Mind of Mine

By C. F. E. Black
Young Adult SciFi
Paperback & ebook, 302 Pages
August 7th 2019 by Illuminate YA
Raised to put science over self, V must link her brain with fifteen other people, making her one of the world’s smartest humans. With this privilege comes a life dedicated to continual research inside a secluded facility, a life devoid of freedom.
But V is losing her identity and unable to predict which face will peer back at her from the nearest mirror. Escaping this life will mean freedom to think for herself—and abandoning everything and everyone she’s known and loved.
When your thoughts and speech are no longer private, freedom comes at a price. But for V the price may be her life.
(Affiliate links included.)
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository
About the Author

If you’re a teen, I work for you.

I write for you. I teach for you.
Seven days a week I seek to shine light into the world-darkened lives of young people, whether it be in a high school Spanish class, a youth group Sunday school class, or a coffee shop with my computer writing my next book.
I want my writing to be a bright spot on a dark shelf, a source of truth among many lies. You guys deserve books like this.
I live in north Alabama with my son, two droopy hound dogs, a cat named Sprinkles, and my superhero husband. No, really, he saved my life once. It’s a cool story.
If you want to know more about me, my writing, or my escapades as a teacher, please visit my blog.
Mind of Mine is my first novel.
Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a print copy of MIND OF MINE and a $25 Amazon gift card
US only
Ends September 4, 2019

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