J. Grace Pennington has published four science fiction novels. They each have a unique bent to them, but this one is very different. Each book is a standalone, but as with any series, you get more of the story if you read them all in order. In Reversal Zone, the main character, Andi Lloyd, becomes the only one who can save the ship and crew. Can she do it in time?

About the Book

Nothing is as it should be.
After weeks of boredom, Andi is excited when the Surveyor is called upon to rescue a freighter that mysteriously vanished in uncharted space.  Excitement quickly turns to unease when the ship encounters an unknown phenomenon—a cloud that appears not to exist.  But with the freighter’s crew in danger, the Surveyor has no choice but to venture into unknown territory.
As soon as they enter the cloud, its unstable effects wreak havoc on the ship.  They’re flying blind.  Every piece of equipment is malfunctioning.  And every member of the crew is unable to think straight or act like themselves—except Andi.
Now she’s expected to guide them through the predicament with no previous command experience and no one to turn to for support.  And with each passing hour, it becomes clear that if they don’t escape the cloud soon—they won’t escape it at all.


When I reached the bridge, the whiteness of the windows startled me.  There wasn’t a cloudy quality to it anymore—other than a couple of faint bright spots, it was just pure, milky white.
            I was also surprised to find the Captain slouching back in his chair.  I’d never seen him sit like that before, except in total defeat.
            “Second medical officer on the bridge.”
            The Captain sat up and turned around.  “Need something?”
            I stared at him for a moment.  As with Crash, his posture was odd and so was his tone.  But I went on.
            “There’s something I need to tell you.”
            “All right, tell me.”  He sat back again.
            I looked around at the other bridge officers, who were all staring at me.
            “Do you… want to go to your lounge or something?”
            “No, go ahead, tell me.”
            I hesitated.  I didn’t love the idea of talking about the radialloy in front of people I wasn’t close with.  But an order was an order—and they all knew about it, anyway.
            “Tell me, tell me,” he insisted, waving his hand as if brushing away a speck of dust.
            “Well… you remember the radialloy, sir…”
            “You might need to speak up a little.”
            I cleared my throat and went on.  “The… the radialloy, sir.  You remember that?”
            “The… oh, right.  Yes, of course.”
            This wasn’t right.  I stared into his eyes and they looked—dull.  Flat.  Not alert and intent as they usually were on a mission.
            “I… well, my knee started hurting a little when we entered the cloud.”
            “Oh, I’m sorry.”
            The silence around us was so thick that every system beep or blip seemed to slice it.  I sucked in a deep breath.  He was sorry?  That was all?
            “I thought… the Doctor thought… the cloud might be making it hurt.  I thought you might be able to figure something out about it… I…”  I stopped, feeling a little queasy from the attention and awkwardness.  All seven pairs of eyes were fixed on me.
            “Harrison!  Can’t you see the girl’s trying to help?  Why don’t you sit up and pay some attention?”
            I froze.  That could not be who it sounded like.
            It sounded like Guilders.
            Guilders never raised his voice, he never called the Captain “Harrison” on the bridge, and he had never, ever called me “the girl.”
            “Mr. Guilders, I realize that Andi is trying to help.  I’m listening to her.  That should satisfy you.”  The words were calm, slow, and casual.
            “Captain!”  I took half a step forward, willing him to understand.
            He blinked, looked at me, and sat up a bit straighter.  “Hold on… wait…”  He held up both hands, fingers stiffly separated.  “Wait now.  Something’s wrong.”
            He looked over at Guilders, who lowered his bushy eyebrows and relaxed his shoulders slightly.
            “Something… something isn’t right.”  He stared at me again.  “Andi.  The cloud is making your knee hurt?”  His eyes were alert now, but confusion furrowed his eyebrows.
            “Yes sir.”
            “I… I think that…”  He pressed a hand to his forehead.  “Ugh.  I think… that’s helpful.  Thank…”  He stood up and stumbled to one side a step.
            “Captain?”  Guilders jumped up but he also stumbled.
            The Captain kept a hand pressed to his head.  “I… Guilders, what’s…”  He shook his head, hard, several times.  “I can’t think, I don’t…”
            The lights dimmed, then brightened, then dimmed again.  I backed towards the door, watching as the Captain blinked and tapped his head with the palm of his hand.
            “I… can’t… I don’t…”
            The lights flickered again, and I looked around.  Ralston and Yanendale both had their hands pressed against their heads, and August had gone even paler than usual.  Whales and Mr. Orstin had both slumped back in their chairs and their eyelids were drooping.
            “I…” the Captain said one last time, then he wavered and dropped to the floor.
            “Captain!” I cried.
            Guilders dropped next, falling into his chair and hitting his head on the console in front of him.  I winced, and watched in shock as August collapsed, rolling out of his chair onto the floor.  Yanendale slumped over his console, motionless, Ralston went limp and fell against the wall, and Whales and Orstin’s arms dropped and their eyes closed.

            The lights dimmed, then flickered off, then red blinking lights illuminated everything, alarms sounded, and I was left on the bridge, alone, with seven unconscious men.

About the Author

J. Grace Pennington has been telling stories since she could talk, and writing them down since age five.  Now she lives in the great state of Texas, where she writes as much as adult life permits.  When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading good books, playing movie soundtracks on the piano, and looking up at the stars.
You can find out more about her writing at www.jgracepennington.com.


Grace is generously offering three prizes. A signed copy of each of her three previous novels in the series. They are each standalone stories, but they are also connected. If you would like to read more about them, you can read about them here: Radialloy, In His Image, Machiavellian.
To enter the giveaway, please fill out this form.

Tour Schedule 

Friday, October 7
Bookish Orchestrations-Tour Introduction
Rebekah Lyn Books-Author Interview
Saturday, October 8
Shout outs-Guest Post
Shire Reviews-Book Review
Sunday, October 9
Monday, October 10
Rachel Rossano’s Words-Excerpt and Guest Post
In the Bookcase-Excerpt and Book Review
Tuesday, October 11
Wednesday, October 12
Bookish Orchestrations-Giveaway Winner

I loved this book! 

Like all of Anne Elisabeth Stengl‘s anthologies, Five Magic Spindles is a collection of five very different novellas that all involve events and themes from one fairy tale – in this case, the Sleeping Beauty story. I highly recommend this fun anthology! Here’s a little information about each of the individual stories.

The Man on the Buckskin Horse
Emma, a good-hearted midwife, rushes to warn a neighbor about the hired gunman headed to his ranch but can’t prevent the catastrophe in store for his daughter.

A fairy tale retold as a Western? How fun! The author makes it work entirely without magic. This story was also unique in that the main character was neither Sleeping Beauty nor the prince.

Guardian of Our Beauty
Palli, the prophesied daughter of a king, is fated to rescue her people from the destruction called forth by a vengeful priest. 

Talk about an unusual part of the world to set a re-told fairy tale in. But the author pulled it off! I enjoyed Palli’s personality and abilities.

The Ghost of Briardale
Roselee, a ghost with a faulty memory, flits through the halls of an insane asylum in search of the mortal boy who can help her save the day. 

I thought this one was quite clever. True Heroes in this world are people who have either saved a kingdom, slain a dragon, or moved a mountain, and only a True Hero can get through the enchantment around Sleeping Beauty. How is an ordinary boy with a hero’s heart supposed to manage?

Spindle Cursed
Arabella, a living spirit trapped in her own comatose body, helplessly watches from the realm of dreams as her usurping cousin plots to destroy her once and for all. 

This story is unique in that it’s told largely from the fairy godmother’s point of view. Unlike most of the others, it begins shortly before the prince sets out to rescue Sleeping Beauty instead of before she falls into her enchanted sleep.

Out of the Tomb
Tanza, a tomb raider on a distant planet, struggles to make a living and doesn’t need a long-lost prince to complicate her difficult life. 

I have to say, this one is definitely my favorite out of the five. The author has done an amazing job of worldbuilding, perhaps the best I’ve ever seen in a story of this length. Her descriptions give a vivid picture of the planet’s history, technology, plant and animal life, and culture. In many cases, this is done with just a few well-placed words and phrases here and there that blend seamlessly with the action. I definitely want to read more by Ashley Stangl!

In summary, this is an exciting and entertaining book that is definitely worth the $3.99. Grab your copy today!

Download your Kindle copy here!

Order your paperback copy here!

Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: A. J. Bakke

Title of book and/or series: Crashing the Game, 3rd in the Hidden Level Trifecta
Brief summary of the story:
Three friends are teleported into a dimension that was created based off of online video games. Unfortunately, the dimension was built with evil intentions so they have to find a way to shut it down.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
There is a world called Deart that is hovering on a dimensional border, poised to crush Earth into oblivion if it ever falls through. A magical barrier currently keeps the worlds apart, but since they are so close, magical anomalies allow for cross over between both worlds. Some of the characters involved are from Earth, some are from Deart.
The main focus of the story is in the gaming dimension which I had a blast creating because I like playing World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2. It was fun referencing some of the different ‘cliche’ personalities and phrases one comes across in gaming. I liked putting my characters in clothes designed for aesthetics rather than practical use in a battle situation.
Since my imagination had no boundaries (not that I really let it have boundaries, anyway) I was able to make up some fantastical scenery for them to travel through like peacock palm trees.
Some of the characters had no experience with gaming at all, so they make some comical errors. And of course, there has to be a few glitches thrown in there! Ah, the frustrations of falling through the ground and getting stuck! Or lagging atrociously.  
If we were to visit the gaming dimension as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Ride horses through the different zones and admire the scenery! Check out the local inn for each town to enjoy a delicious meal. Ride the dragrizzles across the Chasm of Fiery Wrath! Visit the puzzle maze that will put your courage to the test! (I highly recommend going in as an avatar rather than your own body due to many potential hazards)
What dangers should we avoid in the gaming dimension?
Stay on the roads if you don’t want to fight a lot of random monsters. It’s terribly annoying to have to waste time constantly fighting one monster, then another, then a whole mob of them.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the gaming dimension?
Not really, though the food and drink have funny names like a ‘Fizzy Bobble’ or a ‘Dancing Duck.’
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in the gaming dimension?
Magical spells and gaudily decorated weapons come with some awesome special effects, especially when players find the upgrades.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the gaming dimension that we don’t see on Earth?

What game is complete without…DRAGONS?
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in the gaming dimension, Deart and Earth?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
Between all three dimensions, Earth isn’t particularly aware of magic. Deart relies more on magic than technology and is more of a medieval, old western, sword and sorcery setting.
The gaming dimension is made entirely of magic and happily defies many laws of physics. In that dimension, spells are cast by a certain set of motions as per the rules for that particular setting.
Regular magic on Deart and Earth prefers to be in the shape of a sphere somehow. However, the rules are very bendy and really, magic knows no bounds if someone has the fortitude to make it do what they want. Thankfully, there aren’t a lot of folks with that powerful of a gift.
There are mages, who use magic as an outside force to affect things.
There are radiants, who can use magic to affect minds.
And there are resonants, who can’t really use magic themselves, but they can be tied to and enhance a mage’s power. It requires a mage to tie a resonant to a radiant.
There is my little catch phrase “Cats are attracted to power.” Where there is magic, there are cats.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
The Ape Caves for part of it. I love horseback riding, so there are horses in there. And, of course, online gaming!
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Much of the story encircles a character who suffered a lot of physical and emotional abuse in the recent past.
Author Autobiography:
I love writing books and riding horses! I have six cats who like to flop on the couch with me when I read, write, or watch stuff on Netflix. I have one awesome, human roommate, and I am a companion home provider for an individual with autism who also happens to be my cousin.
I like to read fantasy, mostly. And, as you may have guessed, I enjoy playing World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2.   
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?  Please include links.
You can find my books roaming the wilds of Amazon!
Where can readers connect with you online?

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the gaming dimension.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXVIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
One day while I was busy mindlessly entering data into the computer at work, I put on my head phones and started listening to the book. I was hooked from the first few sentences. In fact, I stayed up late when I got home (even though I had to get up early the next morning) to finish the book.” -Amazon Reviewer

With solid craft and poignant world building, Aubrey Hansen has outlined a future both horrifying and realistic. I appreciated Hansen’s character building skills.” -Amazon Reviewer
I loved this book! I didn’t realize it was a short novella, and I wished it would have been longer.” -Goodreads Reviewer
“The story was fascinating. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but everything came together in the end and it made sense.” -Goodreads Reviewer


Aubrey is offering three paperback copies of her book, Red Rain. This book will have the new cover on it. And the grand prize offering will also have the paperback of Faith Blum’s book, Heaven’s Jubilee, a Christian futuristic collection of short stories. To enter the giveaway, please fill out this Google form (you do not need a Google account to enter). The only required entries are your name and email address, but the more you do, the more chances you have to win.


<!–[if gte mso 9]>
“Daddy, you’re home early,” I declared as I walked in the

He pushed his computer away from him. “I’ve been home almost
all day. I had a special meeting at the lab—that’s it.”

I sat down next to him at the table. “They had ‘special
meetings’ today at school, too.”

He noted my frown. “What is it, Phil?”

He stared at me quietly while I told him about Mrs. Nolan.

When I was done, he shook his head. “I’m sorry, Phil.”

“I love you, Daddy.”

“My meeting wasn’t much more pleasant. I was told that I’ve
received a commission to work on a special project—requested by name, they tell

I tipped my head. It sounded like good news.

Daddy got up and started to pace.

It wasn’t good news.

“The assignment… is for a base on Mars.”

I wasn’t sure what to make of that.

“And you would not be permitted to come with me.”

I looked up at his face. He was already looking at me.

“The commander says. ‘Regulations.’ The assignment is for
me, not you.”

“Where… would I go?”

“Nowhere.” Daddy gripped his arms behind his back. “I will
not go, I will not take the commission. Philadelphia, I will not leave you.” He
drew a breath and added, “Not if I have a choice.”

I looked away. My eyes fell on the picture frame hanging on
the wall across the room. I got up and walked over to it. The image displayed a
picture of Daddy and I; Daddy usually left that one up, because it didn’t hurt
to look at it.

I waved my hand in front of the sensor several times. The
digital pictures scrolled slowly, dancing through a time lapse. I stopped when
I reached the picture I was looking for.

I stepped away, crossed my arms behind my back, and regarded
it. In the plain metal frame sat a young man, not quite 19. His thick dark hair
stuck up in the front, and his lab coat was pulled around his shoulders. He
stared calmly at the camera, not smiling—the smile was in his eyes. I knew; I
had grown up with my older brother’s eyes smiling on me.

“They sent Ephesus to Mars,” I said aloud.

“Yes,” my father replied.

“They didn’t give him a choice.”


I stared hard at the image of my brother’s face, wishing the
pixels could move. Finally I finished my thought.

“And he never came back.”

It was several minutes before my father replied. “No,” he
said finally. And again, “No, he didn’t.”

Tour Schedule

June 2
Bookish Orchestrations-Tour Introduction and Excerpt
Laurel’s Leaves-Author Interview
June 3
Gabriellyn-Excerpt and Author Interview
Joyful Peacock-Author Interview
June 4
Another OtherWorld-Character Interview with Philadelphia
June 5
Mary’s Writing World-Book Spotlight
Rachel Rossano’s Words-Excerpt and Author Interview
June 6
Tale Weaver-Author Interview
June 7
BookishOrchestrations-Tour Wrap-up and Giveaway Announcement
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
Lisa Rector
Title of book and/or series:
Chronicles of the Half-Emrys series. Master of Lies, The Two Masters, and Master of Time.
Brief summary of the story:
Each novel in this series tells the story of a different half-emrys. The immortal emrys live in the realm Gorlassar, apart from the humans, who they believe are corrupted. As the novels unfold, we learn that two emrys have ventured into the mortal world. Their children are the half-emrys—part human and part immortal—and from their mixed heritage, they have the ability to wield the powers of light and darkness.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
My world involves several realms or planets. The immortals live on Gorlassar, an entirely separate planet from Bryn, where the mortals dwell. Gorlassar and Bryn are connected by a portal. The majority of my stories take place on Bryn. The three realms in the west are separated by a barren expanse from the sprawling realm Morvith in the east. Morvith is home to the Dark Dragon riders, and within its borders is the eternal prison of an evil god.
If we were to visit Bryn as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there? 
Between the three realms is the Great Forest. It’s called great because the trees are roughly forty feet in diameter and mass together, sometimes creating an impassable barrier. Many of the adventures take place within the forest because of its extensive history. The forest didn’t always have gargantuan trees. Even if you found your way into the depths of the Great Forest without being hopelessly lost, you might not want to ride the rickety lifts into the canopy hundreds of feet in the air, where a civilization of little people—the Eilian—dwell. These clever folk adapted to living in the treetops, but watch out, they’ll talk your ear off. If you are lost and lucky enough, the tegyd—the deer-people—will find you and take you to their underground realm of glowing cave crystals and soaring cavernous halls.
What dangers should we avoid in Bryn?
It shouldn’t be a problem to avoid Nudd, the stagnant swamp in the north, where the flower fey—the Gwri—live. But sadly, not all my characters have done so. Whether on a mission for the Dark Master or a group of daring explorers, nothing can thwart Gwri magic. When blessed by the Gwri, you will be altered forever. These mysterious flower fey have been known to cross portals into other worlds as well. If you feel the pull of compelling magic and hear nearly imperceptible giggles that you swore weren’t real, you’re in big trouble.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Gorlassar?
In the immortal realm, my emrys rarely use man-made weapons. The emrys are imbued with light from the Creator, and they harness the light and project it from their bodies in a myriad of ways. They can shield, blast, immobilize. The light quickens their physical frame so they are stronger, faster, more perceptive then mortals. Their greatest asset is their ability to discern the light in others and sense emotion on a soul-reaching level.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Gorlassar and Bryn? 
Ah, the mortals are so fortunate. Once the emrys decided the mortal world was safe, they brought their dragons into Bryn. What once took a month to travel takes a day. Dragons are fabulous messengers, and with the riders’ dragon stones, messages can even be passed mentally over vast distances, even across the portals between worlds.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Bryn that we don’t see on Earth?
Bryn has all types of beings made by the Creator—the Master of Light. Humans, deer-people, flower fey, little people, and immortals. Bryn is also home to malformed creatures that the Creator’s brother—the Dark Master—made. These beings are creatures formed by the darkness. One such monstrosity is a Shadow Soul, a parasite that corrupts and even maddens creatures of light.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Bryn? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
My worlds are governed by the powers of light and darkness. Both are real tangible energies that dwell within the heart-centers—the spiritual centers—of every creature. The light heals and gives my emrys their immortality, and through the dragon stones that many of my emrys wear, the dragons have that same immortal life. The power of darkness sounds evil, and truly, its might seems to grow from vile deeds (it even mutates organic life) but many of the half-emrys prefer its grounding capabilities. Both powers are harnessed as weapons. Both have abilities that emerge over time.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Bryn? If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
My Eilian are an inventive, ancient race. They were clever enough to invent the pulley and many other advances. One Eilian even admits to his ancestor being blown up when he “founded the oven.” But that remains to say, their race was secluded for a while, and technological advances were occurring in other realms and on other planets at the same time.
The emrys have been able to get away with fewer advances in Gorlassar than we have on earth because they harnessed their light to do simple things, like heating water, eliminating the need for a water heater. Electricity has been unnecessary because emrys cast orbs of light into the air and even make rocks glow to light up a palace floor. Still, my stories are, what you might say, medieval, with horses and dragons as the mode of travel and knights fighting with swords on Bryn.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Gorlassar. 
Because Gorlassar is a protected realm and the emrys are charged with protecting the dragons, the emrys are trained in combat. Many mock tournaments are held to hone their skills in the event that evil might breech the protective barrier between worlds. On Bryn, mortals enjoy a good jousting tournament or sword fight. A yearly fall festival is held in the capitol of Talfryn, which draws subjects from across the three mortals realms for a week of satiating fun.
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same on Bryn and Gorlassar as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Time moves the same on Bryn as Earth. Bryn celebrates the cycles of their moon. It must be noted that Bryn has its own separate solar system, as does Gorlassar. It must purely be coincidence that time moves the same on these three spheres.
Is there a particular religion practiced on Bryn and Gorlassar? Please describe what it involves.
Because these two worlds are connected, they honor the same Creator. Deian is like our world’s God, and so he has an evil counterpart, Cysgod. Without getting into the nature of Christian religion, I am just going to say, that every world in my novels has a god, and it is not the same as ours. Other worlds might have other Creators, and those might emerge as other stories are written.

Eternal laws govern the people of Bryn and Gorlassar, such as the law of forgiveness or the law of sacrifice. When these laws are enacted, powers move into play and have been known to benefit the enactors. The immortals and mortals can choose which Creator to honor. Both Creators have rivaling mights, and they bestow their powers on to those who follow them.
What is the political or government structure on Bryn? Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The immediate world that you are introduced on to Bryn is the three realms. At one point, all three were ruled by kings, but as time progressed, lords have taken over rule. Lord Brenin is our noble, young ruler of Terrin, the western realm near the sea. His father died when he was an infant. Brenin’s uncle rules the neighboring realm in the southeast. In the northeast, a mad tyrant, Lord Caedryn, rules. Lord Caedryn came from Morvith after being exiled.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit Gorlassar? 
Because of the light the emrys carry, they are held to higher laws governed by the light. Emrys discern the emotion of those around them, and because of this acute ability, their touch is limited and very intimate. Emrys are able to bind themselves to others in several ways. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. The spiritual bond is akin to a mortals’ marriage. It involves the exchange of light between two individuals and is an eternal commitment. Mental and emotional bonds may be done among friends. They may be undone. A physical bond is the consummating after marriage. This is obviously done in conjunction with the spiritual bond. If an emrys of pure light bonds physically without the spiritual bond, they will fall—transition to a Dark Emrys. A half-emrys, who already possesses both darkness and light, has a bit wiggle room. They can transition to a Dark Emrys by other vile deeds. What matters are the intents of the half-emrys and the purity of those intentions.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Sure has. All the beliefs are taken from my faith. The Creators. The laws. The light that is in all my beings is the same as the Light of Christ that is in us, with the exception of my characters’ light being from a different god.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Morality. But it is woven in to how my emrys deal with their purity and innocence. Off-page intimacy does happen between non-wedded characters, but it is not always in their control. It’s mainly to create new consequences.

Author Autobiography:
Lisa Rector is a Maryland native and can’t imagine living anywhere else. She married her high school sweetheart for time and all eternity in the Washington D.C. Temple after she fell in love with his endless sense of humor. Lisa enjoyed a short stint as a labor and delivery nurse before becoming a stay-at-home mom for her two beautiful daughters. In addition to her newfound love of writing, her passions are gardening, yoga, and her faith in Jesus Christ. Her favorite delights are decadent homemade cakes, cookies, or brownies—never store-bought.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book(s)?
My novels can be purchased on Amazon in paperback and eBook. Check out my author page to see everything in one glance.
Where can readers connect with you online? 

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Bryn and Gorlassar.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world, in Realm Explorers Part XCXII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Sterling R. Walker

Title of book and/or series:
The Orphan Ship Trilogy (contains three previously published books, The Orphan Ship, The Lost Sheep, The Last Orphan)

Brief summary of the story: This is hard to do without giving too much away, so this is the back cover blurb for book one, The Orphan Ship:
Stranded 225 million kilometers from home on Mars Station, cousins Jake O’Brien and Lorina Murphy are drawn into a fledgling effort to help the hundreds of abandoned street children who call the station home. Jake becomes a medical apprentice in an outreach clinic, while Lorina volunteers at a juvenile shelter. They soon discover that their efforts may be in vain because something much more serious than poverty plagues Mars Station.
Also stranded on Mars Station, ship’s captain Danae Shepherd faces the difficult task of hiring replacement crew after an alien virus claims the lives of four in her employ, including her husband. She stumbles upon the same problem that has Jake and Lorina stumped: why are homeless children disappearing without a trace?

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Mars Station, a biosphere city home to two million inhabitants. My books are also set in some locations on Earth, including Lahaina, Maui; Bangkok, Thailand; and Guangzhou, China.

If we were to visit Mars Station as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
The economy is so bad that it’s not a place you’d want to visit. The central park would be attractive but it’s been taken over by the homeless.

What dangers should we avoid in Mars Station?
The corrupt Central Intelligence Police, commonly known as CIPs.

Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served?
It’s an international station so every type of food on Earth can be found on Mars. There are food vendors/kiosks everywhere. Meat is too expensive for all but the very rich, so most people exist on a vegan diet.

What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common?
Regular guns that use bullets, although they’re more advanced (tiny semi-automatic pistols).

What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel?
The main character, Captain Danae Shepherd, owns a passenger starship, but there are also merchant ships, warships, and freighters. Ground transportation is solar-powered, including solar cycles and solar cars. There are also electric trams driven by androids for mass transport around the station.

Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Mars Station?
Anti-grav (to move heavy items, hands free) and an assortment of advanced medical devices, including scanners which can detect any internal illnesses or damage, Hemorrhage Freeze, probe androids for surgery, fusion lasers for mending broken bones, synthetic blood, bone, flesh for restoring any damaged body part, and a machine that can restore neural pathways in the brain, just to name a few.

Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment.
Holo-vids, which are just 3D movies.

Is there a particular religion practiced?
All Earth religions are practiced openly and harmoniously (even Islam).

What is the political or government structure?
Mayor and city council that are elected.

Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The station police chief is the real leader. He controls the police, the courts, and the council like a mafia boss.

Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
I’ve been to Maui, Bangkok, and Guangzhou, so it was easy to create futuristic versions of these places. I’ve also adopted children from China and Thailand, have volunteered in foster care, and visited many orphanages, so I have a lot of insight when it comes to homeless children. I have a special love for Asian cultures and mention many details when my characters travel to Thailand and China.

What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
Human trafficking, especially as it relates to children.

Author Autobiography:
Author Sterling R. Walker has been writing since she was old enough to spell. She earned a BA in English from North Carolina State University, with an emphasis in Creative Writing. The Orphan Ship is her first published young adult science fiction novel. It was awarded a 2012 silver medal from Children’s Literary Classics.
Walker lives in Holly Springs, North Carolina, with her husband and five of her six children, including two daughters adopted from China. Her oldest son is married, and she has one grandson.  

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?
My first three books are on Kindle, Nook, Apple, and Kobo, and in paperback. The trilogy is just on Kindle, for now. Click here to buy book one in paperback: http://www.amazon.com/Orphan-Ship-Sterling-R-Walker/dp/1484980360/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1456509169&sr=1-1
Click here to buy my new release on Kindle:

Where can readers connect with you online?

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Mars Station.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Fiori, in Realm Explorers Part XCII!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:

Anderson Atlas
Title of book and/or series:
Surviving the Improbable Quest
Brief summary of the story:
Allan mysteriously arrives on Lan Darr, a planet with three moons, poisonous plants, and watchful shadows. A stone wall towers over him, hiding a dense and ancient city. He needs to escape the dark forest whose trees are marked with blood and find his way home. Trouble is, Allan is a paraplegic and his wheelchair is nowhere to be seen.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
The inhabitants of Lan Darr are as advanced as humans were in the 1800’s and just as brutal to each other as well. The rulers of the city of Dantia own slaves and do as they please, especially at the expense of weaker individuals. Allan is in for quite a rude awakening when he’s shoved into a cage by an ornery creature shaped like an ostrich but with a much larger, crooked beak and bloodshot eyes.   
If we were to visit Lan Darr as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
First of all, I would recommend going with an armed group of guards. Once you’ve obtained the proper permits from Killian Crow, I’d recommend visiting the capital city of Dantia. It’s traversed by canals and the buildings are ten stories tall or more. The food is very diverse and Dantians do love their sweets.
What dangers should we avoid in Lan Darr?
The pyramid-shaped flowers have a sharp piston tucked inside their delicate petals that pack quite a punch. Its effects have been likened to sticking your finger in a light socket. If you run into this plant by accident, jump into the canal, then, while submerged, remove the piston from your skin. The pain will fade in an hour or so.
I’d also avoid the Jibbawk’s territory. It’s a hunter and always looking for its next meal. If you see a red ‘X’ on the trunk of a tree, get out of there.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Dantia?
Yes. Dantians serve crispy baguette style breads with different types of spreads. Nupkinkle spread tastes very much like whipped cream and cherries. Nupkinkle spread contains red seedpods. They’re soft and velvety and about the size of a nickel. The texture has frightened away many travelers, but bite into it and the juices are magnificent!
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Dantia?
Killian Crow and his policemen have various tools at their disposal, but most notable are the shock poles. Shock poles are powered by rare energy crystals and last a thousand years when used as a light source. When used in shock poles, they die in about five years. The underground Tinkers, a society of free thinkers, steal the energy crystals from shock poles so that the people of Dantia have a light source other than candles.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Dantia?
Narrow boats are used to traverse the canal system. It’s a wonderful, quiet way to get around the city. The city is thirty miles across and has many exciting events going on, including circuses and traveling sideshows. If you can’t get to them by boat you’ll have to walk.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Lan Darr that we don’t see on Earth?
Hetaphants are very popular. They are elephant-like creatures that are used to build things and to carry large stones to construction sites. They are intelligent and caring. They help Allan in a desperate time of need, to his surprise.
I’d also like to mention the pesky Chicubs that crawl into buildings and steal things and have similar dispositions as Earth ferrets, though not as cute.
Mytheather is also a wonderful plant. It’s as strong as steal and as flexible as a spider’s web.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in Dantia? 
The most famous of the Tinkers is Mizzi. He’s constructed blimps, a rudimentary engine and even powered exoskeleton legs for Allan with an energy crystal. He lives in humble surroundings, believing that his inventions are only to help others and not himself. When Allan meets him, Allan knows he’s found a friend on this strange planet. Hope seems a little more attainable.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Dantia.
The Testing. There is only one way for a slave to be freed in Dantia. They have to pass a series of dangerous, and sometimes fatal, tests. The tests change every year but they push the contestants to the very edge.
What is the political or government structure in Dantia?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Killian Crow is the leader and he rules with an iron fist. It is his way, or no way.
Author Autobiography:
Anderson Atlas is an author and illustrator from Tucson, Arizona. He’s driven to bring thrilling stories, hopeful messages, and such enchanting hooks that young adults will experience the spark that reading ignites.  
As an illustrator, Anderson is dedicated to pairing his stories with stunning visuals. He believes that reading is essential to happiness and so is art. Combining the two is a symbiotic act of his creation process.
When Anderson is not drawing or writing he’s hiking with his 6 year old daughter, playing guitar, reading, sailing or watching movies with his wife and step-son.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your book? 

Where can readers connect with you online? 
Thank you for reading and I sincerely hope you like Allan Westerfield: Off-World.

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Lan Darr.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the world of Cambrogi, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
Liam Gibbs
Title of book and/or series:
In a Galaxy Far, Far Awry
Brief summary of the story:
He calls himself Master Asinine. Don’t laugh.
With the might of the underworld at his back, Asinine plans to rule the—well, pretty much everything. He’s got a planet-destroying laser and just bullied the galaxy’s major criminal organizations into forming an unstoppable force he calls “The Bad Guys.”
Standing against him is his one-time comrade-in-arms Matross Legion, a somewhat neurotic green-skinned Trioxidillian. He and Asinine haven’t spoken since Asinine killed their best friend, which, as you can imagine, somewhat soured their relationship.
Gathering a small team of people with hyperabilities, Matross prepares to confront his old enemy. Trouble is, Asinine is also getting ready, and he has all the usual evil mastermind tricks up his sleeve—and a few surprises for an old friend. So don’t laugh at Master Asinine. At least, not to his face.
All bets are off in this book series that combines the most amazing parts of space operas and comic books.
Nothing is more dangerous than a halfwit who controls all crime!
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
In a Galaxy Far, Far Awry evolves in the galaxy of Renovodomus, a society that revolves around the advertising dollar and the hilarious inanity of its citizens. Even the military organizations are no exception, run by the whims of sponsors and corporate advertisers.
And, in a universe where super powers and absurdity run rampant, the advertising dollar might be the most dangerous controlling force to run the gears that operate society.
It’s all fun and games until someone loses…no, wait. It’s always fun and games in Renovodomus.
If we were to visit Renovodomus as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Check out Intergalactic Protection, the ruling military authority of the galaxy. Or stop by Space Cow, the most prevalent fast-food chain in the galaxy, and taste their Still Mooing Value Meal, pending the review of the cow’s endangered species status! Study hyperabilities at any of Renovodomus’s top universities, like that one…or that one over there!
What dangers should we avoid in Renovodomus?
Avoid the chicken at all costs. Oh, and heed all traffic signals and road signs.
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Renovodomus?
Anything unusual or distinct can be found at any of Renovodomus’s eateries. Try Space Cow’s Is It Beef? We’ll Find Out Together soft taco or Gastro Challenge’s You’ll Hope It’s Not Gangrenous turkey burger. And, hey, if you’re feeling adventurous, you’ll love Vegan Catapult’s Mouth in a Flower Bed, a lush salad rich with lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and soil! Nummy in your tummy!
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Renovodomus?
The most prevalent weaponry is the inborn superpowers, the hyperabilities, of Renovodomus’s citizens: eye lasers, fire control, self-multiplication, or the power of sarcasm!
Oh, and there’s no lack of fighting styles, which range from gunplay, horse-and-gunplay (they go really well together for that added craziness), and military-based hand-to-hand combat.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Renovodomus?
Technology abounds in the world of the future. Let’s start with the haunt control, the most prevalent voice-activated technology that controls the environment around you, so automated that it makes things seem haunted. Want a chair? Just ask your house to bring you one. Or how about latent technology, another software that stores objects in computer memory for later use? What a space saver!
Super futuristic space vehicles? No shortage there, with flying civilian transports (civ-trans) and military transports (mil-trans). You’ve also got starships, transports that operate on an interplanetary level, that come in several different classes, ranging from Trojan class to Titan class for those times you need to ship out an entire military!
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Renovodomus that we don’t see on Earth?
Futuristic animals come typically in two forms: the thundermammal (giant mammalian beasts used to herd and are good for eating when the family visits), and the gnawl (smaller than the thundermammal but no less tasty with a good barbecue sauce). Oh, and the rhinoceros, which is like the rhinoceros of today but leash-trained. They love their treats and walkies.
Sentient races come in all shapes: the Virillian, a reptilian race that doesn’t speak but acts rather antisocially toward each other and members of other species (you gotta wonder how they propagate); the Trioxidillian, a hairless, green-skinned species; and the Gharalgian, an orange-skinned species whose members have voices that sound high-pitched and grate on your spine.
Unfortunately the plant life in Renovodomus is not too exotic…except for the Death Ray Bulb, which may or may not try to eat you as you pass by! Ah, just kidding. It’ll probably only try to steal your wallet. 
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Renovodomus.
No disappointment here. Renovodomus’s national sport is extreme couponing, which is left undefined except that it involves clipping coupons, competitively shopping for the lowest prices…and bloodthirsty combat! The winner takes home the Voucher Cup. The loser? Well, let’s just say paying full price for a jar of pickles is a disgrace.
The other dominant sport is capture the flag, with a rabid fan base exceeding the millions and a league boasting no less than four hundred separate teams. Go, Mongolian Yurts, go!
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in Renovodomus as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
Since Terrans (humans) were the first settlers in Renovodomus, the clock operates the same as it does today, with days taking 24 hours and hours taking 60 minutes. Since the advertising dollar rules all, the most celebrated holiday is Boxing Day because of all its sales, and Christmas is now known only as Boxing Day Eve. But beware the sales season! It’s a cutthroat shopping period out there.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Renovodomus?  Please describe what it involves.
The only mentioned religion is Alaphan, which bears such a striking similarity to Christianity that….hmm…one wonders if it’s Christianity in the future.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
My inspiration comes from the loves of pop culture I held growing up as a child. I immersed myself in comics and science fiction, and so I took my interests—Spider-Man, Star Wars, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Futurama, The Tick, Spaceballs, X-Men, and innumerable others—and enthusiastically mashed them together into this super awesome series. I also love making people laugh—it’s my special gift—and so I want to give that gift to the world. Therefore, though this series is a superhero-inspired space opera, it’s also an extreme comedy, where the laughs put the reader in danger of snorting milk out of their noses in public.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
There are no hot-button topics in In a Galaxy Far, Far Awry. It’s a lighthearted world where the reader can escape the pressures of life. Sit back, have a laugh, and don’t worry about a thing. Not everything has to be dark and controversial, am I right?
What is your audience?
My amazing audience is both men and women ages 18 to 60 who love comics and science fiction culture. These are the people who frequent comic book stores, who love watching Star Warsor Star Trek, who hungrily wolf down helpings of Futurama. However, since there is no sex, no swearing, and comical violence in the books, the series is suitable for anyone aged 12 and over, depending on reading level. Since debuting my series, I’ve found a lot of children are interested in finding out more. And who am I to turn down a young reader?
Author Autobiography:
Liam Gibbs knew he was destined to write at age four, when he authored a breathtaking account of a cow who ate grass. The bovine saga failed to catch the public’s eye but earned the budding author parental acclaim. Since those early times, he’s gone on to write the novella Superpowered and humorous articles for various magazines.
A twenty-year veteran of the brutal world of hand-to-hand comic book fandom, Gibbs cut his teenage teeth on titles such as Spider-Man, X-Men, New Warriors, and other Marvel comics.
Gibbs graduated college with a degree in professional writing, which included classes on fiction writing and story structure. He lives on the balmy shores of Ottawa, Canada, where he relaxes by watching staggeringly awful horror and science fiction movies. A health and fitness nut, he shoots lasers from his eyes, uses the word exclusive incorrectly, and once wrestled an exclusive brontosaurus. True story.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? 
Two fantastic/unbelievably fantastic books in the series have been released so far, both in paperback and Kindle format.
Book 1, Serial Fiction Sideshow, can be found on Amazon.
Book 2, Home Sweet Home Invasion, can also be found on Amazon.
Where can readers connect with you online?
Readers can connect with the series and its author in so many places.
·      Like the series on Facebook
·      Follow the series on Twitter
·      Connect with the series on Linkedin
·      Chat the series up on Google+
·      Trade snapshots with the series on Instagram
·      Come by for a visit and a quick coffee at the series’ web site
·      Get the latest news dropped right in your e-mail with In a Newsletter Far, Far Awry

·      Holler at the series’ author by e-mail (he’s a nice guy)

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Renovodomus.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the Biblical/Fantasy realm of the Tethered World, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name:
John Thornton
Title of book and/or series:
The Colony Ship Eschaton (Completed ten book series, beginning with Recovery of a Colony Ship)
The Colony Ship Vanguard (Completed eight book series beginning with Finding the Vanguard)
The Colony Ship Conestoga (in progress series with three books, beginning with Quest for the Conestoga)
Brief summary of the story:
Set about 170 years in the future, the Earth is a radioactive wasteland.  The last remnant of humanity lives in Dome 17, but the dome is failing.  Scientists have developed two new and unproven technologies: faster-than-light travel, and teleportation.  Both have significant limitations, but offer hope. 
Roughly one hundred years before, the people of Earth launched seven enormous generational colony ships each having immense biological habitats containing flora, fauna, and people.  These seven ships (Vanguard, Marathon, Warren, Conestoga, Eschaton, Trailblazer, and Zubalamo) were sent on separate journeys to distant solar systems with the hopes that in several generations, the colony ships would find a new home for humanity.  However, all seven ships were considered lost.
The desperate people in Dome 17 seek to locate one of those lost colony ships by sending two person adventurer teams in faster-than-light scout ships.  The FTL technology can only carry so much mass, so the scout ship and two pilots are the maximum amount that can be sent.  The mission is to find one of those colony ships and if it is still functional build a teleportation receiving pad on that ship.  Then the people of Dome 17 will use a sending pad to connect to the newly built receiving pad and teleport the survivors onto the colony ship thus escaping the dying Earth and failing dome.  It is a race against time, technological problems, and the unknown in an attempt to save humanity.
Each series follows the team of adventurers to a separate colony ship.  Therefore the three different series all start in the same place, Dome 17, but then each series tells what happens with the missions to those ships.   
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
There are three basic ‘worlds’ in my novels; Dome 17, the mechanical aspects of the colony ships, and the biomes on the colony ships. 
The first ‘world’ is the sterile and dry life of humans in Dome 17.  There are no animals, flowers, or any type of biology except for the food rations that are grown in rigidly controlled ways.  Water is precious.  Every part of life is tightly controlled and regulated, as the fifteen hundred people wrestle to keep the dome functional, and understand what is happening.  They are desperate to survive, and plan to use their new and unproven technology in the attempts to reach a colony ship.
The colony ships are gigantic and comprise the other two ‘worlds’ if I can use that term.  Basically they consist of a core needle ship which houses the propulsion systems, navigation, and mechanical aspects of the spacecraft.  So there are lots of technology places and engineering as you would expect in a huge spaceship.  The needle ship carries eight separate biological habitats.  The other part of the colony ship, the third ‘world’.  These enormous cylinders are placed in piggyback fashion on the needle ship and have different ecological climates inside, from tropical to savannah to coastal plains, to aquatic zones, ect…  The biological habitats were designed to mimic the natural environments of Earth.  These biomes also serve as the homes for the generations of humans who will live there until the colony ship reaches its destination world. 
However, all seven of the colony ships have suffered some kind of failures.  The novels describe how the ships have failed, and what the adventurers discover as they explore those derelict ships.  
If we were to visit the colony ships as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Each colony ship is in a different condition.  Some of the habitats look very beautiful, while other may not be functional at all.  To the people from Dome 17, who have never seen animals, or plants, or any natural setting, the biology is amazing.  So watch for the reactions of the adventurers to things they have only read or studied in history books.  Also observe for the interacts between the hundred-year old colony ship technology and the new and advanced technology the adventurers bring with them from Dome 17. 
What dangers should we avoid in the colony ships?
Be very careful.  Nature and technology may have changed drastically in the hundred years the colony ships have been in flight.  Watch out for the animals that are still roaming the habitats, but also be aware that some humans may still be living some kind of life on those ships.  How has their technology worked?  How has it failed?  And will the adventurers from Dome 17 find a safe place to go?    
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in the colony ships?
The Dome 17 people are used to processed food ration bars and strict controls on water.  The people who live in the biological habitats have a totally different idea of food. 
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in colony ships?
As part of the limited equipment the Dome 17 people are able to bring in the FTL scout ship, they each have a high tech pistol which is fusion powered.  However, Dome 17 was a stable and internally safe place, so they are not used to fighting or combat at all.  The wild animals of the biological habitats, and colony ship humans may be very different.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to the colony ships?
The faster-than-light scout ship is very limited in cargo space.  So the two adventurers have only the basic gear needed to build the teleportation receiving pad.  Fusion packs, molecular torches, pistols, medical kits, and a set of data sticks and data stick readers.  Additionally, they do have an artificial intelligence system (an AI) built into the scout ship.  The AI has its own personality and the goal of assisting in making the mission a success.  Each AI is self-aware, sentient, and able to verbally interact with the adventurers via a personal com-link.  It is unknown to the adventurers what the affects of faster-than-light travel will have upon them and their equipment.  
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in the colony ships that we don’t see on Earth?
All the life in the colony ships originated on Earth, but has been in the colony ship’s biological habitats for one hundred years.  So there may be variations on different predators, prey, and plants.  Also, as isolated biomes, each colony ship might have had mutations, or new strains of disease.  The adventurers hope to find stable, safe, biological wildernesses on the colony ships.  The plot involves what they do find. 
Since the colony ships have been in space on their journeys for one-hundred years, there is the possibility that alien lifeforms may have discovered them. 
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in colony ships?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
One of the colony ships, the Eschaton, was built for a religious group.  They saw it as a form of Noah’s Ark to save them.  Spirituality, dreams, and visions still play a significant role in some of those people’s lives. 
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in the colony ships?  If you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
Permalloy is a new type of super-hard metal which was used to construct the colony ships.  It is spun as a liquid and then hardened into whatever shape is needed.  There are also technological methods of altering gravity to provide for Earth normal gravity in the biological habitats.  The colony ships have built in artificial intelligence systems, but they are one-hundred years inferior to the ones the adventurers have. 
Additionally, there are automacubes, robotic maintenance drones, which tend to the engineering needs of the colony ships.  None of the adventurers know the functionality of any of the systems on the colony ships.       
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in your books.
In Dome 17 the people play a game called ricochet ball.  This helps them to keep fit and provides an entertainment outlet.  
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same in the colony ships as on Earth? What holidays or special events are celebrated regularly there?
The biological habitats were designed to mimic Earth, so there is a solar cycle.  This gives the biomes day and night rhythms. 
Is there a particular religion practiced in the colony ships?  Please describe what it involves.
Religious practices vary depending on which colony ship is investigated, and what its specific background was.  Also, the intervening years have allowed any humans to survive to adopt new and unique religious practices. 
What is the political or government structure in the colony ships?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
These are great questions, and the plot involves the adventurers trying to uncover just who or what is in control of the colony ships.  Originally each ship had a flight crew that oversaw the operations of the colony ship, as well as a separate government looking out for the people living in the biological habitats.  What remains of those original designs is revealed throughout the stories and varies from colony ship to colony ship, and even from biological habitat to habitat.  For example, the people in the tropical habitat may have a whole different way of operation from those in the coastal plains habitat. 
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit the colony ships?
There is a huge clash of cultures between the humans from Dome 17, and those humans who have survived on the colony ships.  Levels of technology, societal expectations, and the difference between living in Dome 17 and living in a biological habitat play a big part in the stories.  
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Oh dear, well, yes.  Everything in my life has shaped and influenced my writing. 
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I strive to write realistic characters.  So the people in my books deal with all kinds of emotions.  From elation over the first sight of an animal, to fear of the unknown, to deep depression, to post-traumatic stress, I write about people who are not superheroes, but individuals caught up in circumstances greater than they have ever encountered before.  How will they relate to each other?  How will they deal with loss?  How will they cope with the deaths of friends? 
Author Autobiography:

I have a widely diverse background. I worked as an ICU RN for 10 years in various, cardiac, surgical, and medical units. I was at the bedside when a myriad of people died.  I also saw some wonderful stories of triumph over adversity.
I also have an advanced case of arthritis which has resulted in my having seven total joint replacements, and stopped me from continuing to work as a nurse.  I have worked part time visiting the elderly, shut-ins, and others for the last 18 years.  
I am married, have four grown and married daughters, and three pets.  Two silly dogs and an ancient cat (18 1/2 years old) share our home with us.  
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?  
My books are available on Kindle for only $.99 each, and in paperback.  The easiest place to get them is on Amazon. 
Where can readers connect with you online? 
I have a Facebook page, which is the best place to contact me.  
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the colony ships.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the Star Realm, in Realm Explorers Part LXXXIV!
-Annie Douglass Lima
On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Welcome to the Release Celebration for
Dark Deeds
By Michelle Diener

Dark Deeds is book two in the Class 5 Series. If you missed Michelle’s release­day message, go read it HERE, if you missed learning more about the characters from the series, go HERE, and don’t forget to grab your copy of Dark Horse, book one, while it’s on SALE for 99¢! There’s a fabulous Amazon eGift Card giveaway as well. Enjoy the exclusive excerpt below…

Dark Deeds   (Class 5, #2)Dark Deeds
(Class 5 #2)
by Michelle Diener
Adult Sci­Fi
Paperback & ebook, 340 Pages
June 4th 2016
Far from home . . . 
Fiona Russell has been snatched from Earth, imprisoned and used as slave labor, but nothing about her abduction makes sense. When she’s rescued by the Grih, she realizes there’s a much bigger game in play than she could ever have imagined, and she’s right in the middle of it.
Far from safe . . . 
Battleship captain Hal Vakeri is chasing down pirates when he stumbles across a woman abducted from Earth. She’s the second one the Grih have found in two months, and her presence is potentially explosive in the Grih’s ongoing negotiations with their enemies, the Tecran. The Tecran and the Grih are on the cusp of war, and Fiona might just tip the balance.
Far from done . . . 
Fiona has had to bide her time while she’s been a prisoner, pretending to be less than she is, but when the chance comes for her to forge her own destiny in this new world she grabs it with both hands. After all, actions speak louder than words.

Stacking heavy boxes in the launch bay, Fiona heard a ship come through the gel wall. Hard.
There was a harsh grinding of metal on metal.
The smell of burning, the hot scent of friction, blew over her a moment before the smoke. Black and choking, it engulfed her before being sucked out through the air filters.
She crouched down behind the crates, grateful for the first time for the hood Captain Tak had forced her to wear for the last four weeks. It fitted tightly over her head, with strange, protruding ears, like a child’s whimsical winter hat, and the bottom half covered her mouth, ending just below her nose. It helped filter out the noxious fumes.
The loud grating sound ended with a shrieking crash that cut off abruptly, and in the sudden silence she heard a loud clang. She guessed the ship’s ramp had just hit the launch bay floor.
She’d never been allowed in the bay when one of the smaller merchant vessels entered to do business with the Garmman trading ship she was on. Hury always came and dragged her back to her cell long before they arrived, only letting her out when they were gone.
So, this wasn’t a scheduled arrival. And she didn’t think every landing was quite so hard, or the launch bay would look a little worse for wear.
She peered around the high stack of containers and froze.
The ship that had come through was badly damaged, but she hardly noticed that.
It was the occupants who had her unwavering attention.
They came cautiously down the ramp, shockguns raised. They were slender, almost willowy, with hair that grew long and thick. Some had grown it to their shoulders or lower, others had cut it level with their ears. The pearl white of it contrasted with the delicate peach of their skin.
They moved like a slick, well­trained team, and there was something predatory about them. They were in a sort of uniform, not identical, but close enough. Dark pants and shirt, boots that ended well above their ankles. The contrast of the dark color with their pastel skin and hair made them all the more astonishing.
The launch bay door opened to her left and she turned to see Hecta and Nark stop dead in the doorway, mouths open at the smoldering ship, the damage to the bay.
Without any sign of hesitation, two of the peach people lifted their shockguns and fired.
Hecta and Nark went down, and two other interlopers ran over to them, pushed them clear of the doors and hit the button to close them again.
One signaled to another of the group, and he ran over, took out a tiny silver rectangle and pressed it to the keypad next to the door. She heard the locks engage, locking the Garmman crew on the other side of the launch bay.
Fiona bent her head for a moment, sucking in a breath through the thick fabric of her hood.
They could kill her.
But she was going to die here anyway.
It would be drawn out for a little longer, as some of the crew got up their courage to follow Captain Tak’s unspoken request, but they would beat her to death sooner or later.
She rubbed her hip where Hury had kicked her yesterday, and knew it was true.
These people might kill her right now, but it was well worth the risk.
She started to rise, and felt the hard plastic­like ears built into her hood wobble. She crouched back down.
Captain Tak wanted her to wear the hood to hide what she was, and also to make her look like something she wasn’t. It had become really important to him that she not be seen without it.
And anything that Tak wanted, she was determined to do the opposite.
She wasn’t sure who the aliens in front of her were, but for all she knew, people who wore hoods like hers were their worst enemy. Whereas they couldn’t have any negative history with a human.
She got a good grip and pulled the hood off her head, and just to make sure, slid it between two of the containers, completely out of sight.
The lingering smoke caught immediately at her throat, and as she stood and took a step out from behind the stack, she couldn’t help coughing a little.
Ten shockguns turned in her direction, and her heart gave a jump as they bared their teeth.
They had incisors, their lips pulling back over their gums to expose them fully.
It brought baboons from nature documentaries to mind.
She slowly raised her hands to show she was unarmed. Then held her breath as they watched her, and she watched them right back.
The pupils of their eyes were red, and she pushed down her rising panic at their very interested gaze.
She may have made a mistake.
One of them cocked his head to the side, and gestured for her to come closer.
Before she’d seen the teeth, the eyes, she’d been willing enough to take the chance. Now she had to force herself to step slowly out of the shadows and into the harsh light of the landing area.
“Grih?” The one who’d motioned her forward asked.
She nodded, relieved. “I do speak Grih. And Garmman. And a little Bukari.” Fitali was too strange for her, she hadn’t come close to working it out yet, and Tecran made her uneasy, made her heart beat faster and her hands shake. She had skipped over all the Tecran language lessons.
“I mean, are you Grihan?” He spoke Garmman, his voice sibilant, his sharp incisors peeking out as he spoke.
She frowned. He thought she looked Grihan? “No.”
One of the team circled behind her, and she turned her head to keep him in sight.
She flinched when he suddenly moved right in front of her.
“Too short. And the ears.” The finger he reached out had too many joints and he touched the tip of her ear, shockgun resting directly against her chest as he did it.
She shuddered, forcing herself to keep still.
They weren’t that much taller than she was, although close up she saw that while their limbs were slender, every muscle was defined.
“Pity. We have a Grihan battleship chasing us and it would have been good to use you as a hostage.” The leader stared at her, and she saw there was a sly and calculating look in his eye. “What are you, then?”
“I’m a prisoner.” She took a breath when the gun lifted slightly off her chest. “I wanted to ask if you’d take me with you? Help me escape?”
The leader barked out a laugh. “No.” He looked back at his still­smoking ship. “How can we get out of here?”
Suddenly, the shockgun was back on her chest, and she could hear the whine as it got to full strength.
If a Grihan battleship was chasing them, then the Grih would come here to look for them, surely? That meant another group to appeal to for help.
All wasn’t lost. 

Exclusive Excerpt from Dark Deeds

I am so thrilled that Dark Deeds, book 2 in the Class 5 series, is out, and to share some of the love, I have part of the first chapter as an excerpt for you today! Dark Deeds is the sequel to Dark Horse, which is on sale for 99c at the moment, until January 9th, when it goes back to its usual price of $4.99.
— Michelle Diener
Chapter One

Stacking heavy boxes in the launch bay, Fiona heard a ship come through the gel wall. Hard.
There was a harsh grinding of metal on metal.
The smell of burning, the hot scent of friction, blew over her a moment before the smoke. Black and choking, it engulfed her before being sucked out through the air filters.
She crouched down behind the crates, grateful for the first time for the hood Captain Tak had forced her to wear for the last four weeks. It fitted tightly over her head, with strange, protruding ears, like a child’s whimsical winter hat, and the bottom half covered her mouth, ending just below her nose. It helped filter out the noxious fumes.
The loud grating sound ended with a shrieking crash that cut off abruptly, and in the sudden silence she heard a loud clang. She guessed the ship’s ramp had just hit the launch bay floor.
She’d never been allowed in the bay when one of the smaller merchant vessels entered to do business with the Garmman trading ship she was on. Hury always came and dragged her back to her cell long before they arrived, only letting her out when they were gone.
So, this wasn’t a scheduled arrival. And she didn’t think every landing was quite so hard, or the launch bay would look a little worse for wear.
She peered around the high stack of containers and froze.
The ship that had come through was badly damaged, but she hardly noticed that.
It was the occupants who had her unwavering attention.
They came cautiously down the ramp, shockguns raised. They were slender, almost willowy, with hair that grew long and thick. Some had grown it to their shoulders or lower, others had cut it level with their ears. The pearl white of it contrasted with the delicate peach of their skin.
They moved like a slick, well­trained team, and there was something predatory about them. They were in a sort of uniform, not identical, but close enough. Dark pants and shirt, boots that ended well above their ankles. The contrast of the dark color with their pastel skin and hair made them all the more astonishing.
The launch bay door opened to her left and she turned to see Hecta and Nark stop dead in the doorway, mouths open at the smoldering ship, the damage to the bay.
Without any sign of hesitation, two of the peach people lifted their shockguns and fired.
Hecta and Nark went down, and two other interlopers ran over to them, pushed them clear of the doors and hit the button to close them again.
One signaled to another of the group, and he ran over, took out a tiny silver rectangle and pressed it to the keypad next to the door. She heard the locks engage, locking the Garmman crew on the other side of the launch bay.
Fiona bent her head for a moment, sucking in a breath through the thick fabric of her hood.
They could kill her.
But she was going to die here anyway.
It would be drawn out for a little longer, as some of the crew got up their courage to follow Captain Tak’s unspoken request, but they would beat her to death sooner or later.
She rubbed her hip where Hury had kicked her yesterday, and knew it was true.
These people might kill her right now, but it was well worth the risk.
She started to rise, and felt the hard plastic­like ears built into her hood wobble. She crouched back down.
Captain Tak wanted her to wear the hood to hide what she was, and also to make her look like something she wasn’t. It had become really important to him that she not be seen without it.
And anything that Tak wanted, she was determined to do the opposite.
She wasn’t sure who the aliens in front of her were, but for all she knew, people who wore hoods like hers were their worst enemy. Whereas they couldn’t have any negative history with a human.
She got a good grip and pulled the hood off her head, and just to make sure, slid it between two of the containers, completely out of sight.
The lingering smoke caught immediately at her throat, and as she stood and took a step out from behind the stack, she couldn’t help coughing a little.
Ten shockguns turned in her direction, and her heart gave a jump as they bared their teeth.
They had incisors, their lips pulling back over their gums to expose them fully.
It brought baboons from nature documentaries to mind.
She slowly raised her hands to show she was unarmed. Then held her breath as they watched her, and she watched them right back.
The pupils of their eyes were red, and she pushed down her rising panic at their very interested gaze.
She may have made a mistake.
One of them cocked his head to the side, and gestured for her to come closer.
Before she’d seen the teeth, the eyes, she’d been willing enough to take the chance. Now she had to force herself to step slowly out of the shadows and into the harsh light of the landing area.
“Grih?” The one who’d motioned her forward asked.
She nodded, relieved. “I do speak Grih. And Garmman. And a little Bukari.” Fitali was too strange for her, she hadn’t come close to working it out yet, and Tecran made her uneasy, made her heart beat faster and her hands shake. She had skipped over all the Tecran language lessons.
“I mean, are you Grihan?” He spoke Garmman, his voice sibilant, his sharp incisors peeking out as he spoke.
She frowned. He thought she looked Grihan? “No.”
One of the team circled behind her, and she turned her head to keep him in sight.
She flinched when he suddenly moved right in front of her.
“Too short. And the ears.” The finger he reached out had too many joints and he touched the tip of her ear, shockgun resting directly against her chest as he did it.
She shuddered, forcing herself to keep still.
They weren’t that much taller than she was, although close up she saw that while their limbs were slender, every muscle was defined.
“Pity. We have a Grihan battleship chasing us and it would have been good to use you as a hostage.” The leader stared at her, and she saw there was a sly and calculating look in his eye. “What are you, then?”
“I’m a prisoner.” She took a breath when the gun lifted slightly off her chest. “I wanted to ask if you’d take me with you? Help me escape?”
The leader barked out a laugh. “No.” He looked back at his still­smoking ship. “How can we get out of here?”
Suddenly, the shockgun was back on her chest, and she could hear the whine as it got to full strength.
If a Grihan battleship was chasing them, then the Grih would come here to look for them, surely? That meant another group to appeal to for help.
All wasn’t lost. 

Dark HorseDark Horse

(Class 5 #1)

by Michelle Diener
Adult Sci­Fi
Paperback & ebook, 381 Pages
June 15th 2015
Some secrets carry the weight of the world.
Rose McKenzie may be far from Earth with no way back, but she’s made a powerful ally­­a fellow prisoner with whom she’s formed a strong bond. Sazo’s an artificial intelligence. He’s saved her from captivity and torture, but he’s also put her in the middle of a conflict, leaving Rose with her loyalties divided.
Captain Dav Jallan doesn’t know why he and his crew have stumbled across an almost legendary Class 5 battleship, but he’s not going to complain. The only problem is, all its crew are dead, all except for one strange, new alien being.
She calls herself Rose. She seems small and harmless, but less and less about her story is adding up, and Dav has a bad feeling his crew, and maybe even the four planets, are in jeopardy. The Class 5’s owners, the Tecran, look set to start a war to get it back and Dav suspects Rose isn’t the only alien being who survived what happened on the Class 5. And whatever else is out there is playing its own games.
In this race for the truth, he’s going to have to go against his leaders and trust the dark horse.

Image of Michelle   Diener
Michelle Diener writes historical fiction, fantasy and science fiction. Having worked in publishing and IT, she’s now very happy crafting new worlds and interesting characters and wondering which part of the world she can travel to next.
Michelle was born in London, grew up in South Africa and currently lives in Australia with her husband and two children.
When she’s not writing, or driving her kids from activity to activity, you can find her blogging at Magical Musings. or online at Twitter, at Google+ and Facebook.

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