Having seven sons is a honor above no other. Which is why she is a disappointment. The only girl of seven children, she brought shame to her family. Who knew something like this could be turned into a book, but Rachel Rossano has done just that with her book, Seventh Born. Read on to learn more about the book and enter the giveaway.

About the Book

In a world where seventh born sons are valued for their strength and power, she is born a daughter.
Zezilia Ilar is the disappointment. Born after six brothers, she was supposed to be the son to restore her family’s prestige. She intends to remedy her shortcomings by being a dutiful daughter, marrying well and producing children, preferably a set of seven sons. But when someone offers her an alternative, she begins to dream of more.
In a society that worships a goddess, he follows the Almighty.
Hadrian Aleron, as a seventh son of a seventh son, stands to take up the second highest position in government, Sept Son. His main qualification for office is his birth. Despite preparing for this role from childhood, he does not desire what is to come. As a follower of the Almighty, he knows he will be the target of many, and his faith might eventually lead to death.
            Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079Z2PPJL
            Kobo – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/seventh-born-2

About the Author

Rachel Rossano lives with her husband and three children in the northeastern part of the United States. Homeschooled through high school, she began writing her early teens. She didn’t become serious about pursuing a career as an author until after she had graduated from college and happily married. Then the children came.
Now she spends her days being a wife, mother, teacher, and household manager. Her evenings and free moments are devoted to her other loves, writing and book cover design. Drawing on a lifelong fascination with reading and history, she spends hours creating historical feeling fantasy worlds and populating them with characters who live and breathe on the page.
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Rachel is giving away an eBook of her book. You can enter here. Your odds of winning increase with every person you refer so spread the word!  Good luck, and I hope you win!

Excerpt/Guest Post/Review/Character Spotlight


Name – Zezilia Ilar
Her parents also followed the tradition of giving a child the same number of names as their placement in the family. More names usually meant more prestige. Her names are Zezilia Septima Calypso Aldyne Dulcia Tulliola Olethea Ilar (which means: gray-eyed, seventh born, she who hides, little winged one, sweet, little quiet one, honest, cheerful). Her parents and friends frequently call her Zez.
Physical Appearance – Tall for a young woman, she has a nose a bit too long for beauty according to some, changeable gray eyes, and a thick mane of dark mildly curly hair.

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Although she is the youngest of her siblings, all brothers, she holds her own in keeping up with as many of their activities as she can manage to join. Eager to please, she is acutely aware of the fact her parents, especially her father, are deeply disappointed she wasn’t the seventh born son they had hoped to raise. However, she is strong willed and not too remorseful. Instead she focuses on her interests of spending time outdoors and studying.

Tour Schedule

April 9
Bookish Orchestrations – Introductory post
Just A Glimpse – Guest Post
April 10
Rachel John Writes– Book Review
Annie Louise Twitchell – Book Review
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima – Character Spotlight       
April 11
God’s Peculiar Treasure Rae – Character Spotlight     
April 12
Rebekah Lyn Books – Book Spotlight
Frances Hoelsema – Book Spotlight
Hunting for Truth – Book Review and Guest Post
April 13
Reading On The Edge – Book Spotlight          
Ember’s Reviews – Book Review
With a Joyful Noise – Character Spotlight
April 14
Bookish Orchestrations – Giveaway winner