On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for

Legacy of the Heart
By Danica Favorite, Stacy Henrie, Tina Radcliffe, Terri Reed & Sherri Shackelford

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from Stacy Henrie

Thanks for being a part of the LEGACY OF THE HEART tour. . . . We hope you enjoy this collection of sweet inspirational romance.
— Stacy

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“If you love a mix of historical and contemporary, this is the perfect collection for you. Each story gives readers a taste of each individual author’s style and voice, so it’s also a great way to ‘meet’ some authors you’ve perhaps never read before. The stories are all unique and sweet, with tender romance, humor, and lots of heart. A great weekend read!”

Uplifting Reads – Review

“So these five stories, all woven together by this mystical locket, all have their own charm (pun somewhat intended). I think romance readers will find that at least one of these couples and stories appeals to them. Another great summer day read.”

Cafinated Reads – Review

“This was a good, quick read. I enjoy reading anthologies and this is one of the best collections of romances I’ve read in quite some time. These authors truly knew what to bring their fans and gave them a beautiful book filled with hope, longing and inspiration.”

Remembrancy – Review

“Each author in Legacy of the Heart lends her voice and style to the overall collection that has a strong cohesion with the introduction of the locket. A definite must-read from lovers of novellas, lovers of romance, or lovers of a great story collection.”

Christian Bookshelf Reviews – Review

“Legacy of the Heart was a wonderful novella collection. I enjoyed all five of the stories and liked how some were historical and others were contemporary. The way the locket played a part in each novella was interesting and I really enjoyed how it connected them.”

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“I enjoyed all five of these stories. I did find them predictable but I did not care. Such a good, sweet, clean, and romantic book. I give Legacy of the Heart 4 1/2 stars. It is most definitely worth a read.”

Heidi Reads… – Review

“I enjoyed the stories in this collection and seeing the locket pass from one character to another. The first two stories are historical, and the last three are contemporary.”

Splashes of Joy – Review

“Legacy of the Heart is a collection of 5 really wonderful romance stories. For me, reading these stories in the order that’s in the book was better for me to understand and get the full stories. . . . What interest and fun it was to see this locket play out in each other the stories, in its own way. I highly recommend this book for those looking for a good clean romance collection.”

Among the Reads – Review

“I enjoy novella collections that have a common thread woven through them like this. The authors did a great job with the continuity of the theme. I was impressed by the way the characters who were introduced in one story were so naturally and seamlessly carried into the next as the main character.”

Brittany McEuen – Review

“Legacy of the Heart was such an enjoyable novella collection! . . . I liked the continuity that the locket brought to the collection, yet, I also appreciated that the novellas were each unique in the way the locket played into the plot. . .

This is definitely a good collection to grab hold of for fans of sweet and inspirational romance!”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Legacy of the Heart
By Danica Favorite, Stacy Henrie,
Tina Radcliffe, Terri Reed & Sherri Shackelford
Inspirational Romance, Novella Collection

ebook, 378 Pages

June 22nd 2018 by Beyond the Page Publishing

An antique locket with the power to inspire everlasting love unites the five stories in this stunning collection of historical and contemporary inspirational romance novellas!

In Heritage of Love, Danica Favorite takes us to the Chicago world’s fair, where a chance encounter will spark an opportunity for true love, if only the young couple can first overcome polite society’s rigid rules . . .

Stacy Henrie tells the story of a sheriff desperate to escape the matchmaking efforts of the women in his small town, only to discover that his attempts to sidestep them may lead to eternal love and happiness in By Any Other Name . . .

Tina Radcliffe’s Forget Me Not paints the picture of a charming antique store, where love will blossom when two strangers learn the secret about a long-ago hurt and a love that never died . . .

In The Lost Locket, Terri Reed introduces readers to two people who have given up on love and will fight their undeniable attraction until it may be too late . . .

And in Winning the Fireman’s Heart, Sherri Shackelford shows us two long-time friends forever searching for the perfect mate, until a gesture of kindness reveals the love that’s always been waiting for them . . .

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleKobo
About the Authors
A self-professed crazy chicken lady, Danica Favorite loves the adventure of living a creative life.

She and her family recently moved into their dream home in the mountains above Denver, Colorado. Danica loves to explore the depths of human nature and follow people on the journey to happily-ever-after. Though the journey is often bumpy, those bumps are what refine imperfect characters as they live the life God created them for. Oops, that just spoiled the ending of all of Danica’s stories. Then again, getting there is all the fun.


A USA Today bestselling author, Stacy Henrie is the author of more than a dozen inspirational historical romance novels and novellas. Her books include Hope at Dawn, a 2015 RITA Award finalist for excellence in romance. Born and raised in the West, where she currently resides with her family, Stacy enjoys reading, road trips, interior decorating, chocolate, and most of all laughing with her husband and kids.


Originally from Western, N.Y., Tina Radcliffe left home for a tour of duty with the Army Security Agency stationed in Augsburg, Germany, and ended up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. While living in Tulsa she spent ten years as a Certified Oncology R.N., followed by a move to Colorado, which led to a career as a library cataloger. A freelance writer for over twenty years, Tina is an RWA Honor Roll member, a two-time RWA Golden Heart finalist, two-time ACFW Carol Award finalist, and a 2014 ACFW Carol Award winner. She currently resides in Arizona, where she writes fun, heartwarming romance.


Terri Reed’s romance and romantic suspense novels have appeared on Publishers Weekly Top 25, Nielsen’s Bookscan Top 100, have been Amazon Bestsellers and featured in USA Today, Christian Fiction Magazine, and Romantic Times Magazine, finaled in the Romance Writers of America’s RITA contest, National Reader’s Choice Award contest, and American Christian Fiction Writers’ The Carol Award contest.


Sherri Shackelford is an award-winning author of inspirational, Christian romance novels for Harlequin/HarperCollins Publishers. A wife and mother of three, Sherri’s hobbies include collecting mismatched socks, discovering new ways to avoid cleaning, and standing in the middle of the room while thinking, “Why did I just come in here?” A reformed pessimist and recent hopeful romantic, Sherri has a passion for writing. Her books are fun and fast-paced, with plenty of heart and soul.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends August 1st

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Grab Our Button!
On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement
By Stacy Henrie

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

I’m excited to share with readers my fifth Love Inspired Historical, which is also the first in a three book series set in and around Sheridan, Wyoming in the late 1890s and early 1900s. This particular story was fun to write because I was able to give a nod to my love of England through my British hero Edward and give my smart, no-nonsense heroine Maggy an unusual profession as a female Pinkerton agent…

Happy Reading!

— Stacy

Janice’s Book Reviews – Review

“I fell in love with the main characters and descriptions of the scenes were very vivid. . . . This is my first book by Stacy Henrie, I will definitely have to read more of her books. I really enjoyed this book.”

Heidi Reads… – Review

“I always love how Stacy Henrie’s books transport me to the setting with rich historical details. The characters really came to life against the backdrop the author set and while it’s a relatively quick read, that’s partly because I couldn’t put it down! . . . Loved the sweet romance and fascinating history!”

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

“You are going to ruin this investigation,” she hissed. “Could you have looked any more appalled at playing the role of my fiancé?”

“Are you mad?” Edward countered, keeping his voice equally low. “Of course I’m going to be shocked and downright annoyed when you announce such a ridiculous fiction.”
Maggy crossed her arms and glared at him. Her eyes had turned a dark cobalt. “There wasn’t time to ask how you felt about it. Besides I told you that I was coming up with a role.”

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement is a fabulous historical that should not be missed. I had it read in just a few hours and it was time well spent. I highly recommend this for those who love a good, sweet, clean, heartwarming book that, also, has a touch of mystery and suspense.
A well deserved 5 plus stars.”

The Power of Words – Review

“Stacy Henrie brings something intangible to every story that she writes; she just has a special touch that’s hard to define. All the details that I love are present in The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement – character depth, historical detail, humor, romantic tension. And then there’s the emotional tug that comes from characters who don’t seem fictional at all, but easily identifiable people who face similar struggles as we might, only in a different setting. While I’ve enjoyed all that I’ve read by this author, this book holds a special place in my heart.”

Paulette’s Papers – Excerpt

Unpinning her hat, Maggy used it to fan her flushed face. She shut her eyes and willed herself to breathe through the pressure in her chest. She was safe—no one was going to harm her ever again. Especially not a man. Detective skills weren’t the only things she’d learned in the last six years; she’d also learned how to take care of herself.

SilverWoodSketches – Review

“I was surprised by the depth and sincerity of Henrie’s writing. In such a light genre, many inspirational authors shy away from the grittier aspects of the time period. Henrie handles both the bad and ugly with honesty and a deeper message of hope. As Maddy slowly watches the way Edward weaves his faith through his daily life, Henrie also urges us to “see His hand in everything.” The impact of Edward’s faith in God and in Maddy, as she unravels the mystery is more than empowering, it’s a reminder of the true meaning of redeeming love.”

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“The romance is sweet and tender and very believable and the setting is hot, dusty, and perfect for the times. I couldn’t put it down and was swept away for a time, which was completely fine with me. If you love historical mystery romances, dime novels, and mysteries, this one is for you.”

Books n BaublesReview & Character Interview

“I couldn’t put the book down, the story kept me on my toes….just when I thought I knew what was going on things changed slightly and I started second guessing my thoughts. It really is a great story I highly recommend you read it!”

Q: What was your first impression of Edward?
A: Ha! Stubborn and reserved, for sure. But also handsome and kind to his staff.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“Peppered with humor and gentle truth, The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement is a great read from start to finish! Henrie’s sense of timing shines, as well as her ability to create dimensional characters who quickly feel like dear friends. The friendship-turned-romance is swoony and sweet, and the suspense gives the plot purpose without overpowering it. Stacy Henrie’s novels are always wonderfully enjoyable, and this one is no exception!”

Faithfully Bookish – Excerpt

“Are you always this obstinate, Mr. Kent?” Maggy asked, jerking his thoughts back to the unpleasant scene unfolding on his porch.

She was accusing him of obstinacy? He climbed the steps in an effort to keep her from barging her way inside. An action he wouldn’t put past her. “Are you always this persistent?”

Her eyes brightened with amusement. “I wouldn’t be one of Pinkertons best detectives if I weren’t.”

Cafinated Reads – Review

“I loved this book! It’s a quick, captivating read and I loved the writing style of Ms. Henrie. She has a beautiful way of pulling the reader into the heart of the story instantly and making them feel apart of the whirlwind of fun. I loved Edward and Maggy’s characters. They were perfectly chiseled and true-to-life.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

His unexpected show of confidence in her abilities to come up with a solid cover story brought her earlier idea forward at last, in full form. “I’m Maggy. Edward’s fiancée,” she finished with a triumphant smile. “Isn’t that right, darling?”

Turning toward him, Maggy only had a moment to register the shock in Edward’s gray eyes before his mouthful of tea came spewing out—all over her.

Remembrancy – Review

“A feisty, capable and determined detective—who happens to be female—and a British transplant to Wyoming intent on proving his worth as a rancher combine for a delightful read…

With memorable characters and plenty of culprits, this book is a suspenseful, yet delightful, read.”

I Am A Reader – Excerpt

“Fine.” Edward let his shoulders slump. “I won’t get into fisticuffs with Howe.”

One corner of Maggy’s mouth lifted. “You would get into fisticuffs for me?”

He sensed she meant it in a teasing way, but he couldn’t bring himself to jest about something he felt strongly about. “Yes, Maggy.” He placed his hand over hers where it still rested near his heart—just as it had the other day when they’d stumbled into each other. “I would.”

Among the Reads – Review

“I’m always so glad to find new authors I like. Stacy Henrie is now on my “buy as soon as it is released list”. The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement was a great story with mystery, romance, and life lessons about the love of God.”

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Review

“The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement was just like its predecessors, a truly fun read with delightfully generous amounts of romance and danger. And the overarching theme that each person is of value is an important reminder to every person who has ever doubted their own worth…which is probably every single one of us.”

Bookworm Nation – Excerpt

Stepping in front of him, she gripped his face between her palms. The heat of the fire baked her back, but she wouldn’t give up on Edward, not without a fight. And a fight could well be the result of what she was about to do.

She tipped his head toward her. Then, ignoring the steely quality in his gray eyes, she pressed her lips firmly to his. His jaw stiffened briefly beneath her hands, but Maggy didn’t let it deter her. She poured all the fears and joys she’d experienced over the last month into her kiss.

For the Love of Books – Review

“I really enjoyed this story! I loved the characters, the story line, the dialogue, Stacy’s writing style. It was all done beautifully.”

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement
by Stacy Henrie
Inspirational Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 288 pages

February 1st 2018 by Love Inspired Historical

Undercover Fiancée

The Pinkerton agent that Edward Kent hired is intelligent, capable—and unexpectedly female! Though shocked to learn that Maggy Worthing will be investigating the threats to his Wyoming horse ranch, Edward needs to find the culprit. And if that means a temporary engagement to give Maggy a cover story, he’ll play along with the feisty detective.

Maggy always gets her man—at least when it comes to solving crimes. The young widow refuses to marry again and land under another husband’s thumb. Unmasking Edward’s enemies will earn her a longed-for promotion…but the heart has its own mysteries. Could working together with the handsome English aristocrat spark a real and loving partnership?

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleKoboiBooksGooglePlay
About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Stacy Henrie is the author of western romances and the Of Love and War series, which includes Hope at Dawn, a 2015 RITA Award finalist for excellence in romance. She was born and raised in the West, where she currently resides with her family. She enjoys reading, road trips, interior decorating, chocolate, and most of all, laughing with her husband and kids.

Tour Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive a $40 Amazon e-gift card (open internationally)
– 1 winner will receive a signed print copy of Stacy’s novella anthology, LOVE FOR ALL SEASONS (US only)
– Ends February 14th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Renegade’s Redemption
By Stacy Henrie

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops

you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author
Ever since sharing some of Tex’s story in my last Love Inspired Historical book about his twin brother Tate, I’ve eagerly anticipated the chance for readers to get to know Tex better—through his own story this time. A legendary, charismatic outlaw, Tex was a fun and complex character to write. So, too, was his reunion with the girl he left behind eight years ago Ravena Reid.
Hearts & Scribbles – Character Descriptions 
An identical twin, Tex looks just like his brother Tate with their matching blue eyes and brown hair, but their similarities end there. Tex is charming, fun-loving, and never in one place for long. But when he realizes Ravena needs help with her farm, he offers to stay and help, if only to atone for leaving her behind years ago. In the process, he comes to face-to-face with his past, his mistakes, and his long buried faith. Before long he’ll have to make the toughest decision of his life—to stop running or not from everyone, including himself. 
“This story was such an amazing journey for me. Filled with rich characters, precious children, a wounded past, and best of all…forgiveness and a second chance at love.
THE RENEGADE’S REDEMPTION was impossible to put down. I read the entire book in one sitting, it’s that good. “
Heidi Reads… – Review
“I loved the various personalities of the orphans that Ravena cares for and how it shows her compassionate nature. She struggles with her long-held feelings for Tex and forgiveness of others and self is a big theme in the story. There is some action as Tex’s outlaw background catches up with him but I appreciated that he came to terms with it of his own volition before he was forced to by circumstances. Lovely romance between a stalwart young woman and a charming rogue!”
I Am A Reader – Excerpt
“Ravena,” Tex called as she reached the door.

She blew out a sigh and turned to face him. “Yes?”

“Thank you for this. But you said one night and I won’t stay longer than that.”

Gripping the edges of the tray until they dug into her palms, she willed the words she wanted to say to reach her lips. Yes, Tex, you have to leave. I have enough concerns right now, without worrying about you and the fragileness of my heart.
Sylv.net – An Old Flame
Can past hurts be overcome and forgiven in order to have a second chance at love? In my newest Love Inspired Historical book, that’s what Tex Beckett and Ravena Reid must decide.
Tex and Ravena grew up together on neighboring farms in Idaho. They were inseparable friends, though Tex’s twin brother Tate often tagged along with them. As they grew older, Tex and Ravena realized their friendship had developed into something more. Though different in temperament—Ravena is far more serious, and Tex is fun-loving and eager for adventure—they complemented each other and shared a deep love.
“This Historical fiction is full of action, suspense, drama and romance. The reader will be unsure of the ending until the last pages. The characters are defined well and the reader feels very endeared to them. The background scenes are portrayed well. The story steadily flows smoothly until the very end. The reader’s interest is held throughout the tale.”
“Vivid characters with lots of personality join forces with swoony romance, adorable children, and a heartfelt message of redemption and restoration. Stacy Henrie is skilled at knowing the right combination of each of those elements to achieve a ‘just right’ balance and a smooth story. If you’re a fan of stories set in the late 1800s West then you need to definitely make time to read Stacy Henrie’s books as well!'”
“Stacy Henrie has done it again! Her novel Renegade’s Redemption is simply splendid!! This western romance is filled with plenty of adventure and romance that readers will not want to miss. In addition there are themes of inspiration, forgiveness, and redemption that will tug at the heartstrings of readers. . . . This sweet historical romance novel is a fantastic sequel to The Outlaw’s Secret that readers will adore.”
“I enjoyed the gentle chemistry between these two and the way they each worked through trust issues. I love the descriptions of their every day lives and the way the past and present fit together. There are many things to be resolved and through journeys of self-discovery and responsibility, a satisfying conclusion resulted.”
Mel’s Shelves – Review
” I devoured it quickly and love the way it all came together! I love Stacy Henrie’s writing style and she is quickly becoming a favorite author! If you enjoy clean historical romance, you will want to read both of these books!”
“Tex and Ravena were great characters. The book flowed gently and easily, weaving in daily life events with the rekindling of friendship and love. The children in this book were a fantastic addition and really gave the story a feeling of family and love.”
Wishful Endings – Excerpt
For one moment, Tex knew the familiar thrill of a clean escape. Then the sheriff shot at him again. This time the bullet found purchase. It struck Tex in his right side, and his body jerked hard to the left in reflexive response. He clung to the horse with trembling arms to keep from falling as searing fire registered through his shock.
Paulette’s Papers – Five Fun Facts about The Renegade’s Redemption
1. The final scenes of this book take place on Independence Day. And while I knew the release date for the book was in July 2017, I didn’t pay much attention to which day. So it was serendipitous and lots of fun when I realized it was releasing on Independence Day.
“The road for this unlikely pair seemed impossible, and I loved how everything was resolved. . . . I enjoyed The Renegade’s Redemption very much and look forward to much more from Stacy Henrie.”
“The Renegade’s Redemption is a sweet historical romance with strong themes of forgiveness and trusting in God. The story begins and pretty much ends with a bang, and the pages in between are sure to keep readers anxiously turning them to find out what happens with Tex, Ravena, and the orphans.”
Cafinated Reads – Review
“This is a truly wonderful story of seeking one’s faith, relying on God, forgiveness and redemption. Ms. Hernie will steal you away with this book and leave you wanting more instantly! This 5 star book is the second in a series, and while I wasn’t confused and it could be easily read as a stand alone, I do plan to go back and read book 1 and see where it all began with Tex. Hats off to this talented author who is now on my favorites list!!”
Brooke Blogs – Review
“I really enjoyed this sweet story. I quickly found myself attached to the characters and immersed in the setting. I loved this story so much. The setting and time period was just perfect. The Renegade’s Redemption is well-written and a quick read. If you are looking for a sweet, clean romance, give this one a try. You won’t regret it.”
And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

The Renegade’s Redemption
by Stacy Henrie
Inspirational Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 288 pages
July 1st 2017 by Love Inspired Historical

Refuge for the Outlaw
When Tex Beckett arrives at Ravena Reid’s farm, he’s eight years too late for the elopement they’d once planned—and it’s far too early to win her forgiveness. He’s seriously wounded, though, and she can’t turn him away, though she knows better than to trust him. Yes, it’s wonderful having help with the farm, and with the orphans she fosters, but if she opens her heart, she’ll get hurt again when he leaves. And Tex always leaves.
As a notorious bank robber, Tex is used to danger. Yet reuniting with the only woman he’s ever loved is the riskiest thing he’s ever done. All he wants is to stay with Ravena and the children. But can he build a new start before his past catches up with him?

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository
Other Books in the Series
The Outlaw’s Secret
by Stacy Henrie
Christian Historical RomancePaperback & ebook, 288 pages
February 7th 2017 by Love Inspired Historical
Lawman in Disguise 
Getting taken hostage by a gang of train robbers wasn’t in dime novelist Essie Vanderfair’s plans, but interviewing these men could make her career soar. Especially since the gang includes legendary outlaw Tex Beckett, better known as the Texas Titan. Tex is famed for his protection of women and children, so she’ll be fine…right? 
Keeping the gang in line was hard enough before a stubborn, beautiful writer interfered. Now Tex is scrambling to keep Essie safe, to gather evidence against the gang and most of all to hide his dangerous secrets. First, that he’s a detective working undercover. And second, that he’s not the Texas Titan at all, but Tex’s twin brother, Tate Beckett.
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository
About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Stacy Henrie is the author of western romances and the Of Love and War series, which includes Hope at Dawn, a 2015 RITA Award finalist for excellence in romance. She was born and raised in the West, where she currently resides with her family. She enjoys reading, road trips, interior decorating, chocolate, and most of all, laughing with her husband and kids.


Tour Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive  copies of The Express Rider’s Lady and The Outlaw’s Secret, and a $10 Amazon e-gift card (US only)
1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon e-gift card (open internationally)
– Ends July 22nd

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Outlaw’s Secret
By Stacy Henrie
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out…

Launch – Note from the Author

I’m so excited to introduce readers to the Becketts brothers—one a lawman, the other an outlaw—in my next two books releasing from Love Inspired Historical. In THE OUTLAW’S SECRET, you’ll meet Tate Beckett, a Pinkerton detective posing as his outlaw twin brother Tex. You’ll also meet Essie Vanderfair, a dime novelist in need of a great story. And she hopes to find it when she begs to go along with the gang of train robbers that Tate has infiltrated. These opposites-attract characters were so much fun to write as were the outlaws Essie meets and interviews.

Bookworm Lisa – Review

“There were several instances that brought a smile to my face and I wanted how to know they were going to get out of the mess they were in. This is a fun book that is set in the “Old West”. There are outlaws, lawmen, and a feisty heroine.”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review & Interview

“This was a fun book. The characters were likable and flawed just enough.”

Q: What other genre, one day, would you like to write? Why or why not?

A: Though I’ve tried my hand at writing contemporary, I enjoy writing historicals much more. I’ve also dabbled with the idea of writing historical women’s fiction, but I love a good love story so I don’t know that I could pull off writing something without having a romance at its heart.

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“I love a romance that makes me swoon and this one does just that. Not only are the romance and characters well done, the setting is fantastic too. I felt myself transported back to the late 1800s and loved being a part of that time–when I wasn’t shivering in my boots with fear. I also really enjoyed Essie’s writing moments, which are often thoughts–she’s an interesting character with a vivid imagination and has me engrossed in her ideas. I’m definitely looking forward to what this author writes next!”

Hearts & Scribbles – Meet Tate and Essie 

Born and raised in Idaho, Tate Beckett is an identical twin. But his brown hair and blue eyes are about the only thing he shares with his brother Tex. Tate’s brother is the infamous outlaw known as the Texas Titan and Tate feels duty-bound to atone for his brother’s crimes by tracking down other outlaws in his job as a Pinkerton detective agent…

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“The Outlaw’s Secret has it all – action, adventure, romance, humor, faith and depth. It will make you smile and it will twist your heart too. It will make you hold your breath – for the kisses and again for the nail-biting action. Essie is such a fun heroine, and Tate is most definitely swoonworthy. Another fun and sweet novel by Stacy Henrie that I highly recommend!”

I Am A Reader – Undisguised: the Pinkerton National Detective Agency

While operatives were required to abide by a code of ethics—including things like not accepting reward money and working with local law enforcement—Allen Pinkerton was a staunch believer in the end justifying the means. That meant that sometimes in order for an operative to track down a criminal, the detective might have to “become” a criminal in a sense—just as Tate does by posing as his outlaw twin brother in order do to bring down the Fletcher gang.

The Power of Words – Review

“There’s nothing typical about Stacy Henrie’s newest release and she has become one of my favorite writers in the Love Inspired line. The Outlaw’s Secret has it all – character depth, humor, romance, suspense, and rich historical detail. It’s well written, entertaining, and refreshingly unusual in storyline.”

Seasons of Humility – Review

“On the romance side, it’s fun to watch Tate/Tex and Essie dance around each other, both mistrusting in turn and each fiercely determined to follow their own goals. Their journey includes moments of danger, threats to budding feelings, and a few twists.”

Kathleen Denly – Interview

Q: As an author, I often get asked how much of myself I put into my characters. So I’m curious, if you were on that train instead of Essie, how would you handle the situation?

A: I would’ve been terrified! And unlike Essie, I would have chosen to stay seated and silent and hopefully unseen.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“This was such a fun adventure. The story started off with a bang and took off from there. I settled right in and enjoyed the ride!”

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

Tate Beckett’s jaw was clenched so tight he thought it might snap. Of all the rotten misfortune. He had to run into a nosy, busybody like Miss Essie Vanderfair on his first job with Fletcher’s gang. If he wasn’t careful, this woman, with all her probing questions, would figure out he wasn’t the Texas Titan after all. Then his covert work, posing as his outlaw twin brother, would be finished.

Mel’s Shelves – Review

“Once I started reading this book, I settled in and didn’t want to put it down. It moves at a fast pace and there was never a dull moment. I enjoyed it from beginning to end and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good, clean western romance!”

Falling Leaves – Excerpt

Fletcher’s mouth curled up in a sneer. “Try me, Tex.” He lifted his hands in a mock gesture of innocence. “But now your life is tied with hers.” He walked away, adding over his shoulder, “I think you’re smart enough to figure out what that means.”

Singing Librarian Books – Review

“Stacie Henry has masterfully written a story that readers will be enthralled with from page one until the very end. This is a fairly quick and easy read that will inspire the romance in all of us! Henry has a distinct way of writing that will draw readers in as they leave the world of reality behind and enter the enjoyable and entertaining world of the Wild West.”

Colorimetry – Excerpt

Sure enough she spotted the impression of horse hooves in the dirt and a partially trampled sagebrush farther on. If she kept heading in that same direction, she would eventually stumble into the trio.

She bent forward over the horse and coaxed it to go faster. There were interviews to conduct. And no one, not even a handsome, sly, back-stabbing Texan, was going to stop her.

Zerina Blossom’s Books – Interview

Q: Is there anything you would like to say to your fans or readers?

A: Thanks for your support! I’m excited to share Tate and Essie’s story with you. If you read it and enjoy it, then look for Tex’s story in July, when you’ll find out where the Texas Titan was while Tate was impersonating him to take down Fletcher’s gang.

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Review

“The Outlaw’s Secret delivers humor, romance, faith, and some wonderfully exciting moments where death is only a step away from both hero and heroine. . . . Fans of Stacy Henrie and of western historicals will surely not be disappointed in the thrilling pages. . .”

Heidi Reads… – Review

“I was glued to the pages to find out when Essie would discover Tate’s secret, when they would give in to the chemistry building between them, and if the real Tex would make an appearance. Another great western from Stacy Henrie with suspense, action, and romance!”

Her heart beat faster as she opened her mouth and said, “Call me Essie. It’s only fair.”

A low chuckle sounded in her ears. “Try to get some sleep, Essie. We’ve got another long ride tomorrow.”

Smiling in triumph, she closed her eyes, but it was still some time later before she could turn her thoughts from the silent figure guarding the camp. And from the memory of her name on those nice, masculine lips.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

The Outlaw’s Secret
by Stacy Henrie
Christian Historical Romance

Paperback & ebook, 288 pages
February 7th 2017 by Love Inspired Historical

Lawman in Disguise

Getting taken hostage by a gang of train robbers wasn’t in dime novelist Essie Vanderfair’s plans, but interviewing these men could make her career soar. Especially since the gang includes legendary outlaw Tex Beckett, better known as the Texas Titan. Tex is famed for his protection of women and children, so she’ll be fine…right?

Keeping the gang in line was hard enough before a stubborn, beautiful writer interfered. Now Tex is scrambling to keep Essie safe, to gather evidence against the gang and most of all to hide his dangerous secrets. First, that he’s a detective working undercover. And second, that he’s not the Texas Titan at all, but Tex’s twin brother, Tate Beckett.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook DepositoryHarlequin

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Stacy Henrie is the author of western romances and the Of Love and War series, which includes Hope at Dawn, a 2015 RITA Award finalist for excellence in romance. She was born and raised in the West, where she currently resides with her family. She enjoys reading, road trips, interior decorating, chocolate, and most of all, laughing with her husband and kids. You can learn more about Stacy and her books by visiting her website at stacyhenrie.com.


Tour Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive print copies of LADY OUTLAW and THE EXPRESS RIDER’S LADY + $10 Amazon Gift Card (US only)
– 1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card (open internationally)
– Ends February 18th

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Express Rider’s Lady
By Stacy Henrie

We hope you enjoyed experiencing a little of the historic Pony Express trail as one of its riders helps a lady to get to California! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out now…
Launch – Interview with the Author

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

I hope readers take away that we can each do hard things; that we don’t have to let others’ imposed stereotypes have sway in our lives or our hearts. Also, no matter where we are, the Lord is aware of us.

Heidi Reads… – Review

“So, this is now my favorite book in the Love Inspired line. . . . Lots of action and adventure kept the pace moving and I couldn’t put the book down. Highly recommend!”

The Power of Words – Review

Sparrow Hawk

“With its epic scope and beautiful writing, The Express Rider’s Lady ranks among the best of Love Inspired books that I’ve ever read. I’m glad to have discovered the writing of Stacy Henrie.”

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“I enjoyed the descriptions and characters in this sweet historical story. I’ve always been a bit fascinated with the Pony Express and how their system worked. Imagining the speed, danger, and dedication these riders experienced is exciting and I loved getting a taste of that.”

Min Reads and Reviews – Review

“This book is pretty much close to perfect. . . . Stacy does an amazing job in writing this era. The setting itself is a character. I really enjoyed this book.”

Babs Book Bistro – Review

“A great read and page turner. I did not want to put the book down. I had to see of the Pony Express could pull this off. The characters work well together and a nice sweet story.”

Savings in Seconds – Review

“As the characters encounter situations both perilous and mundane, they must learn to work together. . . . I enjoyed the banter between the characters, too. The story has a strong faith element, hidden behind the scenes.”

Literary Time Out – Review

“I loved this book. The story was great, and moved along at a good clip. . . . I would definitely read this again, and highly recommend it to anyone who loves historical romance. Hopefully you will love Delsie’s grit, and Myles character just like I did.”

Wishful Endings – Character Descriptions
James Marsden. Photo by JOHN P JOHNSON – © 2015 HBO via Westworld Facebook here..

Myles Patton is a rider for the newly created Pony Express, riding the trail from St. Joseph, Missouri to Guittard’s home station in Kansas and back. And while he has a way with horses, his people skills are a bit lacking. . . . the more Delsie learns to handle herself in the saddle and on the trail, her confidence begins to grow. She’s stronger than she ever thought she was—and her feelings for Myles are growing stronger too.

Lily Collins. Glamour Spain (November 2012). Image obtained via Lily Collins Daily.
Mom with a Reading Problem – Review

“The Express Rider’s Lady by Stacy Henrie is such an endearing, heart-warming romance with adventure and the lure of the wild west! . . . Overall I really enjoyed this book. It was easy for me to get lost in their adventure. I honestly didn’t want to stop reading! If you enjoy inspirational romance, than I highly recommend you get a copy of this book.

Backing Books – Review

“The premise was not one I had heard of before and, while it did seem a little far fetched, it was fun and interesting. I liked Delsie’s determination to make things right with her sister and her willingness to do most anything to make it happen.”

Seasons of Humility – Review

“This has to be one of the best Love Inspired books I’ve read to date. The Express Rider’s Lady is just my type of story: a Western journey with a delightful mixture of humor, peril, and tender romance. I truly enjoyed the adventure!”

I Am A Reader – Five Reasons to Date a Pony Express Rider
Adventurous Spirit

Express riders had to be adventurers at heart. To face what they did daily, in order to deliver the mail, they must have thrilled at the prospect of conquering danger over and over again. They didn’t observe life from the safety of the sidelines—they threw themselves into the fray and made a name for themselves that has endured.

Singing Librarian Books – Review

“Fun characters and a wonderful plot, readers will not want to put this novel down. I would recommend this novel to readers of historical romance.”

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review

“Like all good romance stories, this one is full of sweet moments and crazy moments too. The trip has a lot of action and the characters are ones you will fall in love with while you are reading. I love the ending of the story! If you’re a fan of clean, Christian romance, you will definitely love The Express Rider’s Lady.”

Mel’s Shelves – Five Reasons Why Being a Pony Express Rider Was the Ultimate in Adventure Professions

With only a trusty steed and a pistol or two for companions, Express riding was not for the lonely or afraid. Riders would spend hours in the saddle, only encountering people at stops every twelve to twenty miles, and then for just a few brief minutes as the mail saddle was thrown onto the back of a fresh mount. A number of riders were also orphans with little or no family waiting for them back at their home base.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“Stacy Henrie did a fantastic job of giving her characters depth and humanity. Their stories unfold gently and I felt like I was right there getting to know them. . . . I really loved this book. It was a great western historical fiction.”

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Mapping out The Express Rider’s Lady & Review
“Pony Express Map William Henry Jackson” by William Henry Jackson – Illustration: William Henry Jackson, American artist. Text: Howard Roscoe Driggs. Scan: US Library of CongressPhoto image obtained/rendered by Gwillhickers. Restoration by Crisco 1492. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons.

I used a hard copy map, one which included the entire Pony Express trail on it, to mark where Delsie and Myles would be stopping each night. Not only did this help me know which home stations they would be lodging in, but I was also able to see which prominent settlements or landmarks they would pass by on a given day. All the stations mentioned in the book were actually used by the Pony Express.

“A truly sweet historical with some surprising twists and turns. . . . If you are looking for an exciting and romantic reading escape into the Old West days gone by, you should definitely check out Stacy Henrie’s appealing story The Express Rider’s Lady.”

Dixie n Dottie – Review

“This was a beautifully written story that involves a lot of adventure, trust, love and experiencing the unknown. . . . Anyone who enjoys reading historical fiction with adventure and romance should read this book. You will love it! “

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“The Express Rider’s Lady by Stacy Henrie not only provides a sweet romance but also gives readers a compelling glimpse into the perilous conditions once common to cross terrain we now take for granted. Smooth writing, vivid settings, and heartstopping action bring the characters and the history to life. A quick read, as typical to the Love Inspired line, but very entertaining!”

Zerina Blossom’s Books – Reaching California in Time
“Pony-express-joseph”. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Commons.

Delsie Radford, the heroine of THE EXPRESS RIDER’S LADY, must travel from Missouri to California in just eighteen days if she wants to be to her sister’s wedding. But would such a feat have been possible?

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is a slightly predictable, but heart-wrenching, story with enough twists and adventure to keep the reader’s attention. It also teaches a few good lessons on misconceptions most experienced in life.”

The Express Rider's LadyThe Express Rider’s Lady
by Stacy Henrie
Adult Christian Historical Romance

Paperback & ebook, 288 pages
February 9th 2016 by Love Inspired

Westward Wedding Journey

Delsie Radford is going to make it to California, no matter the danger or difficulty. Her father may have kept her and her sister apart, but Delsie refuses to miss her sister’s wedding—even with only eighteen days to get there. And she’s found the perfect escort in Pony Express rider Myles Patton.

Myles can’t believe it when a pretty socialite hires him to take her cross-country through rough terrain and dangerous territory. Surely she’ll quit before they reach their destination—he’s known girls like her before. But the longer they ride together, the more Myles notices Delsie’s toughness and kindness beneath her polished exterior. And though they may be worlds apart…they might just be perfect for each other.

Stacy Henrie has always had a love for history, fiction, and chocolate. She earned her B.A. in public relations before turning her attentions to raising a family and writing inspirational historical romances. Wife of an entrepreneur husband and a mother to three, Stacy loves to live out history through her fictional characters. In addition to author, she is also a reader, a road trip enthusiast, and a novice interior decorator.

Website – Goodreads – Facebook – TwitterPinterest

Tour Giveaway

$50 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
Print copy of The Express Rider’s Lady (US only)
ebook of The Express Rider’s Lady (open internationally)
Ends February 19th

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