In the Double Agent’s Service 
Annals of Alasia Book 6 
by Annie Douglas Lima 
Genre: YA Fantasy Adventure 
Erik would give his life to protect King Jaymin. However, when an old enemy shows up with new schemes, that may not be enough. 
Anya longs to be noticed by the king’s handsome bodyguard. But as she finally gains Erik’s attention, the notorious spy and double agent Dannel blackmails her into fulfilling a favor she has owed him for years. Anya is forced into a terrible choice: save Erik’s life, or protect her homeland. 
Can Erik and Anya thwart an assassin and prevent a war before Dannel destroys everything that matters to them and to the kingdom? 
Goodreads * Amazon
King of Malorn 
Annals of Alasia Book 5 
Life as the king’s younger sister should be exciting.
Not for Princess Kalendria. She’s sick of the dissent and of constantly having her family undermined by those who think they could rule Malorn better than King Korram.
Hoping to lighten the mood in the palace, Kalendria plans a ball to celebrate her seventeenth birthday. It doesn’t hurt that their handsome Alasian ally King Jaymin has promised to attend, and she’s been waiting for him to notice her for as long as she can remember.
But unfriendly forces have their own party plans. When Kalendria, Korram, and Jaymin barely survive an assassination attempt, their only recourse is to flee into the wilderness. Tracked by unknown assassins, they must figure out whom they can trust and who is behind the plot. Can Kalendria help her brother reclaim his throne – oh, and catch Jaymin’s attention while she’s at it – before they are all killed and war destroys both kingdoms? 
Goodreads * Amazon
The Nameless Soldier 
Annals of Alasia Book 4 
What do you do when you’re the only survivor?
Nineteen-year-old Tarvic bears the name of a mighty hero from Alasia’s past. However, the young soldier feels anything but heroic when he regains consciousness to find himself the lone survivor of a brutal attack by invaders from the neighboring kingdom.
Forced to leave his identity behind, Tarvic is thrust into civilian life in the role of protector to three war orphans. When the four of them encounter a mysterious stranger, he must choose between keeping the young girls safe and taking on a mission that could help free his kingdom. Can Tarvic live up to his noble name and find a way to balance his duty and his dreams?
The Nameless Soldier is the fourth book in the Annals of Alasia, but the first four books can be read in any order, and each one can stand on its own. 
Goodreads * Amazon

Prince of Malorn 
Annals of Alasia Book 3 
Prince Korram is heir to the throne of Malorn, but Regent Rampus is determined to stay in power. Can Korram find a way to overthrow him before Rampus strikes him down? 
One major obstacle stands between seventeen-year-old Prince Korram and the throne that is his birthright: Regent Rampus. Temporary ruler of Malorn, Rampus has no intention of giving up his position when the crown prince comes of age – or of allowing the prince to live long enough to reach that age. 
Desperate to build an army of his own to stand against the regent, Korram treks into the Impassable Mountains to try to recruit the one segment of Malornian society not under Rampus’s control. But can he lead a band of untrained hunters and gatherers to victory against the full might of the Malornian military? Or will they all be crushed by the grasping hand of the regent before the prince can claim his rightful throne? 
Prince of Malorn is the third action and adventure novel in the Annals of Alasia fantasy series, but the first four books can be read in any order, and each can stand on its own. If you like superb world- building, finely crafted fantasy cultures, and gripping survival stories, you’ll love Annie Douglass Lima’s coming-of-age saga. Download Prince of Malorn now to start the adventure today! 
Goodreads * Amazon
In the Enemy’s Service 
Annals of Alasia Book 2 
Enslaved when invaders take over Alasia, ten-year-old Anya discovers ways to spy on the enemy and slip information to the resistance. But then she uncovers a disturbing reference to her own family and is confronted by a stranger who seems to know her secrets. Holding her life in his hands, he claims to have proof that Anya’s father was involved in the betrayal that led to the Invasion itself. Can Anya help save her kingdom without putting her father in danger … and can she learn the truth about what happened before it’s too late?
In the Enemy’s Service is the second book in the Annals of Alasia, but the first four in the series can be read in any order, and each book can stand on its own. 
Goodreads * Amazon
Prince of Alasia 
Annals of Alasia Book 1 
Twelve-year-old Prince Jaymin, heir to the throne of Alasia, barely escapes with his life when invaders from neighboring Malorn attack. Accompanied by his young bodyguard, Jaymin flees to a nearby town to live in hiding. There, surrounded by the enemy soldiers searching for the missing prince, his life depends on his ability to maintain his disguise.
As the danger intensifies and the Malornians’ suspicions grow, Jaymin seeks desperately for a way to save his kingdom and himself. Then he stumbles upon a startling discovery that will challenge his assumptions and forever change his view of Malorn and the events that altered his life.
Prince of Alasia is the first book in the Annals of Alasia, but the first four in the series can be read in any order, and each book can stand on its own. 
Goodreads * Amazon

Annie Douglass Lima considers herself fortunate to have traveled in twenty different countries and lived in four of them. A fifth-grade teacher in her “other” life, she loves reading to her students and sparking their imaginations. Her books include science fiction, fantasy, YA action and adventure novels, a puppet script, anthologies of her students’ poetry, Bible verse coloring and activity books, and now a cookbook. When she isn’t teaching or writing, Annie can often be found sipping spiced chai or pomegranate green tea in exotic locations, some of which exist in this world. 

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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 
Author’s name: Annie Douglass Lima
Title of book and/or series: King of Malorn (Book 5 in the Annals of Alasia)
Brief summary of the story:
Life as the king’s younger sister should be exciting.
Not for Princess Kalendria. She’s sick of the dissent and of constantly having her family undermined by those who think they could rule Malorn better than King Korram.
Hoping to lighten the mood in the palace, Kalendria plans a ball to celebrate her seventeenth birthday. It doesn’t hurt that their handsome Alasian ally King Jaymin has promised to attend, and she’s been waiting for him to notice her for as long as she can remember.
But unfriendly forces have their own party plans. When Kalendria, Korram, and Jaymin barely survive an assassination attempt, their only recourse is to flee into the wilderness. Tracked by unknown assassins, they must figure out whom they can trust and who is behind the plot. Can Kalendria help her brother reclaim his throne – oh, and catch Jaymin’s attention while she’s at it – before they are all killed and war destroys both kingdoms?
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:

The first half of King of Malorn takes place mostly in the kingdom of Malorn. I’m choosing not to focus on that setting in this post, since I featured Malorn in a previous edition of Realm Explorers after Prince of Malorn was published. The second half of the book is set partly in Malorn and partly in the bordering kingdom of Alasia, which I also featured previously in Realm Explorers, when I focused on Prince of Alasia and again for The Nameless Soldier.

This post will focus on a new and relatively tiny nation known as Karvasi Territory, which our heroes must pass through on their journey to safety from Malorn to Alasia. Formerly known as the Western Wilderness, this area was part of Malorn until just before the beginning of King of Malorn. Long inhabited by bandits who attacked and robbed travelers and the few settlers who lived there, the Western Wilderness (sometimes called Bandit Territory) has always been dangerous. Malorn’s government finally decided it wasn’t worth the expense and manpower to protect it, and they gave the land to the bandits, requiring all Malornian residents to leave. (King Korram was furious about this decision, but his High Council outvoted him. Since Malorn is a constitutional monarchy, the king does not have the power to make decisions that the rest of the government disagrees with.)
See the triangular area to the west, between the two rivers and the mountains (enlarged in the image below)? That’s where the Karvasi live.
If we were to visit Karvasi Territory as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Stay away! Karvasi Territory is no place for tourists. The bandits (or Karvasi, as their race calls themselves) do not welcome outsiders. You may find yourself stopped and forced to pay a “toll” before you go on. Furthermore, the land is dry and rocky, full of thornbushes and coarse brush, and only a few crops can even grow there. You may be lucky enough to find a stream for water, but in general, the land itself isn’t even friendly.
However, if you find yourself forced to travel through Karvasi Territory, there are a few sights worth seeing. One of the streams there winds through a ravine of reddish rock, in which you can see a scenic waterfall. (The scene depicted on the book cover actually takes place in that ravine.) However, there aren’t many safe paths into or out of the ravine. If, like Kalendria and her companions, you find yourself trapped in there and in a hurry to get away, beware! The waterfall is located at a dead end. Unless you can climb straight up the cliff, your enemies will likely catch you.
What dangers should we avoid in Karvasi Territory?
The Karvasi, of course! Apart from robbing travelers, if they think you mean them harm, they will likely kill you, especially if you are Malornian. However, they do have a cordial trading relationship with the Alasians, so if you can convince them you’re Alasian, they’ll be more likely to let you live. If you must travel through their territory, I recommend bringing a gift of food, tools, or other supplies for them. If you ask nicely and they can see you don’t pose a threat, they might even be convinced to give you something in return. But they know that the Malornian government has ceded the land to them, and that no one is supposed to pass through without their permission now, so they don’t take kindly to the sight of anyone else in their territory. Unfortunately for them, the Malornian government recently sent a large number of soldiers through their land to guard the Telleck River against the Alasians army (after all, the Alasians have reason to believe the Malornians recently assassinated their king). So, the Karvasi have been grumpy about that and inclined to resent anyone they see.

You’ll want to avoid those Malornian soldiers, too. Nothing much has happened since they set up camp by the river, and many of them are bored and looking for trouble.

Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Karvasi Territory?
Once Malorn’s government ceded the land to them, the Karvasi built a village and planted gardens, but those haven’t started producing yet. At this point, most of their food comes from birds or rabbits that they hunt or whatever they can trade from the Alasians. However, since so many Malornian soldiers are camped out by the Telleck River, trade has been difficult lately, and the Karvasi have been tightening their belts.

If they have enough to spare and decide that they like you, you may be served a type of round, flat bread folded around slices of cooked meat (rabbit is most common), seasoned with a variety of herbs. They may also include sprigs of raw green onion or other vegetables and leftover fried eggs.

What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Karvasi Territory?
The Karvasi fight with short, curved scimitars. Some (like the burly Blenniel, one of the men our characters encounter) are experts in unarmed combat, and many are proficient with the longbow. They make a particular type of poison that they often smear on their blades and arrowheads, so even if they don’t strike a killing blow, a scratch that merely breaks the skin will leave their victim dead in minutes. So I recommend avoiding fighting with them if at all possible – unless you dare to challenge one of them to unarmed combat, as King Jaymin’s bodyguard Erik does.

What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Karvasi Territory?
The Karvasi travel on foot. Others who pass through their territory might use horses, carts, or wagons. Boats are common on the two rivers that form part of their border.

Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Karvasi Territory.
At this point, the Karvasi have to put a lot of energy into trying to survive and avoid their enemies. They don’t have a lot of time for games or fun activities. However, they do enjoy contests of strength and skill, such as the one in which Erik pits himself against their best warrior. Of course, the stakes are extremely high, so I suggest enjoying such activities as a spectator, not a participant, unless you’re quite confident in your own abilities.

What is the political or government structure in Karvasi Territory?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The Karvasi are ruled by a chief named Raddiek. He is in charge not only of the residents of the hidden village our heroes stumble into, but of thousands more Karvasi waiting back in the mountains to the west. When he sends word that it’s safe, the rest will come and join the first wave back in their ancestral homeland.

Author Autobiography:
Annie Douglass Lima considers herself fortunate to have traveled in twenty different countries and lived in four of them. A fifth-grade teacher in her “other” life, she loves reading to her students and sparking their imaginations. Her books include science fiction, fantasy, YA action and adventure novels, a puppet script, anthologies of her students’ poetry, and Bible verse coloring and activity books. When she isn’t teaching or writing, Annie can often be found sipping spiced chai or pomegranate green tea in exotic locations, some of which exist in this world.

Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? 

King of Malorn is available in both paperback and Kindle formats here.

You can see the rest of the Annals of Alasia here.

Or, take a look at all my books on Amazon here.

Where can readers connect with you online? 

email: [email protected]



I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Karvasi Territory.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
Are you an author of a sci-fi or fantasy novel that takes place in another world? Click here to find out about having it featured on Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 

Author’s name: Annie Douglass Lima
Title of book and/or series: The Nameless Soldier (book 4 in the Annals of Alasia)
Other books in the series:
Prince of Alasia
In the Enemy’s Service
Prince of Malorn
Brief summary of the story:

What do you do when you’re the only survivor?

Nineteen-year-old Tarvic bears the name of a mighty hero from Alasia’s past. However, the young soldier feels anything but heroic when he regains consciousness to find himself the lone survivor of a brutal attack by invaders from the neighboring kingdom.

Forced to leave his identity behind, Tarvic is thrust into civilian life in the role of protector to three war orphans. When the four of them encounter a mysterious stranger, he must choose between keeping the young girls safe and taking on a mission that could help free his kingdom. Can Tarvic live up to his noble name and find a way to balance his duty and his dreams?
The Nameless Soldier is the fourth book in the Annals of Alasia, but the series can be read in any order, and each book can stand on its own.
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
Alasia has long been a peaceful kingdom, with only occasional minor border skirmishes with neighboring Malorn. There hasn’t been an actual war in six generations … until recently when the Malornians attacked, invading suddenly with no apparent provocation.

If we were to visit Alasia as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Alasia is a peninsula, with hundreds of miles of beautiful coastline. It’s winter now, so not an ideal time for swimming or sunbathing, but the scenery would still make for a gorgeous stroll along the water in many areas.

Ordinarily, I would suggest visiting the king’s palace in the capital city of Almar, if you can manage to get an invitation. But the palace has been taken over by Malornians and turned into their headquarters, so it would be best to stay away.

For a taste of local culture, try visiting one of the large markets, where vendors sell everything from fresh baked pastries to leather goods to homemade cheese. There are taverns and restaurants where you can stop for a drink or a meal, but you’ll want to be careful. Malornian soldiers frequent many of them, and some go around looking for trouble.

What dangers should we avoid in Malornian-occupied Alasia?
Try to stay away from Malornian soldiers if you can. Lately they have been pillaging crops and livestock from farming communities. After one very close call at the farm where he’s staying, Tarvic finds a creative and unusual way to make sure anyone else who passes that way won’t steal from them. The soldiers also sometimes harrass civilians in the cities, so it’s best to give them a wide berth and not make eye contact as you pass. If you travel into or out of Almar, the capital, you can expect to be stopped at one of the roadblocks. If you cooperate, chances are you won’t be harmed, but they’ll want to search your cart or wagon. (Rumor has it they’re looking for someone ….)

Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in Alasia?
That depends on your budget or whom you’re visiting. Tarvic and the three girls he ends up helping don’t have money to spare, though they have access to milk and butter thanks to the family’s cows. Their meals tend to consist of watered-down soup or thin slices of bread with plenty of butter and tall glasses of milk. However, if you can afford to eat at a restaurant, you could dine on roast beef and other hearty fare.

What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Malornian-Occupied Alasia?

The Malornian soldiers carry swords around with them, but they don’t allow Alasians to bear arms in the city. If you arrive with a weapon, you can expect to have it confiscated as you enter town. Tarvic is a trained hunter and makes good use of the sturdy bow and arrows that once belonged to the girls’ father. Later he seizes the opportunity to use them for more than just hunting ….
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Alasia?
Most people ride on horseback or in a cart or wagon if they have one. At one point Tarvic and the girls are forced to make a journey on foot, bringing supplies along in a wheelbarrow.

Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in Alasia.
Like most Alasian soldiers, Tarvic enjoys card games, though he learned his lesson about playing for money when he lost two days’ pay to a man in his company named Dannel. He was surprised to learn that the girls under his care know most of the same card games he does, and the four of them often play in the evenings. The youngest girl, Sennie, doesn’t have much concept of strategy and needs lots of help from her sisters, but the four of them have a good time together just the same.

What is the political or government structure in Malornian-occupied Alasia?  Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Officially, Malorn is ruled by the teenage Prince Korram (his father King Kerman died a few years ago). Young Korram is technically now the ruler of Alasia as well. However, since Korram is not yet eighteen, a regent named Rampus assists him in the rule of both kingdoms. Partway through the story, Rampus moves to Alasia to oversee his – er, Korram’s – new conquest.
Author Autobiography:
Annie Douglass Lima spent most of her childhood in Kenya and later graduated from Biola University in Southern California. She and her husband Floyd currently live in Taiwan, where she teaches fifth grade at Morrison Academy. She has been writing poetry, short stories, and novels since her childhood, and to date has published seventeen books (four YA action and adventure novels, five fantasies, a puppet script, six anthologies of her students’ poetry, and a Bible verse coloring and activity book). Besides writing, her hobbies include reading (especially fantasy and science fiction), scrapbooking, and international travel.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books?

Click on the following links to see or purchase the books on Amazon:

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The Nameless Soldier
Prince of Alasia
In the Enemy’s Service
Prince of Malorn
Annals of Alasia: The Collected Interviews (not available for purchase, but click on the link to tell me your email address and I’ll send you a free copy!)

Where can readers connect with you online? 

Sign up for my email list to find out when I release a new book (and receive a free copy of Annals of Alasia: The Collected Interviews):

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Malornian-occupied Alasia.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to another world in next week’s edition of Realm Explorers!
-Annie Douglass Lima

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The Nameless Soldier is book 4 in the Annals of Alasia young adult fantasy series. Haven’t read all (or any) of the others? That’s okay! The books can be read in any order, and each one can stand on its own.


What do you do when you’re the only survivor?

Nineteen-year-old Tarvic bears the name of a mighty hero from Alasia’s past. However, the young soldier feels anything but heroic when he regains consciousness to find himself the lone survivor of a brutal attack by invaders from the neighboring kingdom. 

Forced to leave his identity behind, Tarvic is thrust into civilian life in the role of protector to three war orphans. When the four of them encounter a mysterious stranger, he must choose between keeping the young girls safe and taking on a mission that could help free his kingdom. Can Tarvic live up to his noble name and find a way to balance his duty and his dreams?

Where to Get a Copy:

Click here to buy the ebook or paperback from Amazon.

Not sure if you’ll like the story or not? Take a look at the first chapter and see!

The Nameless Soldier
Chapter One


Tarvic woke to the sound of a distant yell, abruptly silenced. He pushed his blankets aside and sat up, puzzled, but heard only the light patter of rain on the canvas. “What was that?”
Drevel, his roommate in the barracks and tentmate out on campaigns like this, stirred and rolled over. “What?”
“I heard something. Someone shouting.”
“It’s probably just another drill.” But Drevel sat up too, shoving his own blankets away, as Tarvic crawled over and untied the tent flap.
A blast of wintry air and raindrops greeted him as he leaned out, peering across the tent-studded hillside. Clouds hid the moon and stars, and on every side the thick dark of the forest leaned in from the edges of the large clearing. But the telltale flickering light of distant torches sent shadows leaping over tents and across the open spaces between them. Why would someone be using torches out here? Any soldier in camp had easy access to lanterns among the supplies.
Something was wrong. Very wrong. Tarvic pulled back into the tent and yanked on his breeches and jacket.
They both heard the next yell, closer this time, and then the unmistakable clash of swords. Both men snatched up their own swords, jamming their feet into their boots and fumbling for shields. From all around them, shouts of alarm erupted as men in their company woke up.
And then the enemy was upon them. Horses exploded through the camp, trampling tents and the soldiers just crawling out of them. Riders leaned low off their mounts’ backs, swinging swords and waving torches.
Halfway out of his tent, Tarvic threw himself flat on his face to avoid a slash that would probably have decapitated him. He scrambled to his feet, only to be knocked off them again by a blow that he barely caught on his shield.
Light, shadows, horses, blades, rain. Chaos raged through the clearing to the sound of crashing metal, pounding hooves, shouts of challenge and desperation. Tarvic regained his feet and fought as best he could from the ground while enemy riders thundered around him. Dodging and ducking, he aimed for the men’s legs and tried to keep out from under their horses’ hooves. With no idea who he was fighting or why, his only goal to stay alive for the next heartbeat, he dodged and darted through the tumult looking for spots where horses and enemy swords weren’t. All around him, men fought and ran and crumpled to lie as limply as the trampled tents.
Slipping and stumbling in the mud, Tarvic felt a surge of satisfaction as his sword met flesh and an enemy yelled in pain. And then the man wheeled his horse and charged back toward him, and Tarvic turned to flee.
He tripped on something soft that groaned. Pain shot through Tarvic’s wrist as he caught his fall, and only a quick roll saved him from being trampled as the man’s horse cantered over him.
Its rider wheeled again, and Tarvic rose to his knees, barely raising his shield in time to protect his face. The force of the blow threw him backward, jarring his already sore wrist.
Another horse leaped over him, and Tarvic cried out in pain as a hoof struck him on the shoulder. He stumbled to his feet, ducking low to present as small a target as possible, and ran through the melee.
He saw fewer people on foot now, more obstacles in the mud. Was it cowardly to flee from a battle you couldn’t win? Nothing in Tarvic’s eight months in the military had prepared him for this. Not counting occasional minor border skirmishes, the kingdom of Alasia hadn’t seen an actual war in six generations. Besides routine patrols, city peacekeeping, and the frequent drills and training, the military’s primary duties involved escorting merchant wagons through robber-frequented stretches of rural highway and keeping an eye on the sections of coastline where seafaring raiders were known to attack. Tarvic had never fought in a battle that involved more than a handful of opponents at a time, and none of those opponents had been anywhere near this organized — or this deadly.
If we escape, we can regroup somewhere safer and — A hard blow to the back knocked him to the ground again as another horse pounded over him. Giving up all pretense of courage, Tarvic scrambled to his feet once more and fled for the edge of the clearing and the relative safety of the trees beyond. I can’t do anything here. They’re going to slaughter us all!
He was practically there when another rider appeared in front of him, leaning low with sword outstretched. Tarvic almost impaled himself on the blade, raising his shield just in time. He fought back frantically as the man slashed, swinging his weapon again and again. I need my horse! Military training had included nothing about how to fight a mounted enemy from the ground. But Lightning was tethered in the row of makeshift stalls on the far side of the camp, probably prancing restlessly under his blanket and wondering why his rider didn’t come to spur him into battle.
Tarvic didn’t even see the blow that almost killed him. His ears barely registered the thudding of more galloping hooves from behind, nearly drowned out by the rain and the sounds of battle. But the world exploded in light and pain as something struck the back of his head harder than anything had ever hit him before.
He lurched forward, feeling his sword drop from limp fingers. Managing two steps before his legs buckled, he was just conscious enough to recognize the urgent need to crawl. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Or they’ll kill you out here. That was the only thought left in his mind as he pulled himself toward the concealing shadows behind the line of tree trunks. And then even that faded, giving way to darkness.

Want to know what happens to Tarvic? Click here to purchase the book and find out!

About the Author:

Annie Douglass Lima spent most of her childhood in Kenya and later graduated from Biola University in Southern California. She and her husband Floyd currently live in Taiwan, where she teaches fifth grade at Morrison Academy. She has been writing poetry, short stories, and novels since her childhood, and to date has published seventeen books (fantasy, YA action and adventure novels, a puppet script, anthologies of her students’ poetry, and a Bible verse coloring and activity book). Besides writing, her hobbies include reading (especially fantasy and science fiction), scrapbooking, and international travel.