To Save a Race

When Duke Callon divorces his wife and decides on an uncanny way of choosing his next duchess, Arianna’s left with little choice. Faced with the intricacies of politics, Arianna struggles to find her place. Just as she thinks she has her footing, a decree, issued with the blessing of her husband, calls for the extermination of her entire race.
A young innocent girl, a capricious duke, and a decree that will change everything. What will it take to save a race?
Follow along in this one of a kind Steampunk Biblical retelling of an Old Testament classic by Kandi J Wyatt.
Character Interview with Arianna
What is your name? Do you have a nickname?

Hi, my name is Arianna. I’ve never had a nickname until recently. My husband calls me Thair after the brightest star in the sky.
Since my readers can’t see you, what is your hair color? Eye color?

Unlike my uncle and other Anduvians, I have blonde hair and blue eyes.

Who are your friends and family? Who do you surround yourself with? Who are the people you’re closest to? Who do you wish you were closest to?

The All-Seeing One has truly blessed me with friends and family. I barely remember my mother and have no memories of my father, but my uncle has taken good care of me. When he didn’t think he could teach me what I needed to learn, he allowed my best friend’s family to become my foster family. I loved living with Pasha and her family. Her brother, Kenden, has been like a big brother to me.

Recently, I’ve left my foster family’s home to live in the duke’s castle. While here, I’ve made friends with my personal servant, Cara. I’ve also found favor in the eyes of Ayudal. He’s the man who was in charge of the beauty pageant. That’s a whole other story. I guess, the pageant is why I’d like to become closer to the duke.
What is your favorite occupation?

Up until a few weeks ago, I would have said climbing trees and playing with Pasha’s kitten were my favorite pastimes, but now, I guess, reading and needlework have taken their place.

What is your most treasured possession?

I have a necklace that was my mother’s, a bracelet from Uncle Marcos, and a pendant that Kenden gave me for my last birthday. Those are probably my most reassured possessions.

What is it that you most dislike?

Oh, now, you’re meddling. Ayudal is trying to teach me to curb my emotions, but really, it irks me to think of the duke making decrees that totally change people’s lives with no thought of the consequences! How dare he! Oh, sorry, but you asked.
What is your motto?

I’m not sure if I really have a motto, but I do believe that the All-Seeing One is in complete control. He’ll work everything out according to His plans. I might not like it, but in the end, it really is the best for me.
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     Even as a young girl, Kandi J Wyatt, had a knack for words. She loved to read them, even if it was on a shampoo bottle! By high school Kandi had learned to put words together on paper to create stories for those she loved. Nowadays, she writes for her kids, whether that’s her own five or the hundreds of students she’s been lucky to teach. When Kandi’s not spinning words to create stories, she’s using them to teach students about Spanish, life, and leadership.
Where to find me:
Where to find the book:

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