In the Darkness of the Pit
The Light Shines Brightest
Drums summon the chieftain’s powerful son to slay a man in cold blood and thereby earn his place among the warriors. But instead of glory, he earns the name Draven, “Coward.” When the men of his tribe march off to war, Draven remains behind with the women and his shame. Only fearless but crippled Ita values her brother’s honor.
The warriors return from battle victorious yet trailing a curse in their wake. One by one the strong and the weak of the tribe fall prey to an illness of supernatural power. The secret source of this evil can be found and destroyed by only the bravest heart.
But when the curse attacks the one Draven loves most, can this coward find the courage he needs to face the darkness?
Coming May 25, 2015


ANNE ELISABETH STENGL makes her home in North Carolina, where she lives with her husband, Rohan, a kindle of kitties, and one long-suffering dog. When she’s not writing, she enjoys Shakespeare, opera, and tea, and practices piano, painting, and pastry baking. She is the author of the critically-acclaimed Tales of Goldstone Wood. Her novel Starflower was awarded the 2013 Clive Staples Award, and her novels Heartless, Veiled Rose, and Dragonwitchhave each been honored with a Christy Award.
To learn more about Anne Elisabeth Stengl and her books visit:

By Anne Elisabeth Stengl
(coming May 25, 2015)
He heard the drums in his dreams, distant but drawing ever nearer. He had heard them before and wondered if the time of his manhood had come. But with the approach of dawn, the drums always faded away and he woke to the world still a child. Still a boy.
But this night, the distant drums were louder, stronger. Somehow he knew they were not concocted of his sleeping fancy. No, even as he slept he knew these were real drums, and he recognized the beat: The beat of death. The beat of blood.
The beat of a man’s heart.
He woke with a start, his leg throbbing where it had just been kicked. It was not the sort of awakening he had longed for these last two years and more. He glared from his bed up into the face of his sister, who stood above him, balancing her weight on a stout forked branch tucked under her left shoulder.
“Ita,” the boy growled, “what are you doing here? Go back to the women’s hut!”
His sister made a face at him, but he saw, even by the moonlight streaming through cracks in the thatch above, that her eyes were very round and solemn. Only then did he notice that the drumbeats of his dream were indeed still booming deep in the woods beyond the village fires. He sat up then, his heart thudding its own thunderous pace.
“A prisoner,” Ita said, shifting her branch so that she might turn toward the door. “The drums speak of a prisoner. They’re bringing him even now.” She flashed a smile down at him, though it was so tense with anxiety it could hardly be counted a smile at all. “Gaho, your name!”
The boy was up and out of his bed in a moment, reaching for a tunic and belt. His sister hobbled back along the wall but did not leave, though he wished she would. He wished she would allow him these few moments before the drums arrived in the village. The drums that beat of one man’s death . . . and one man’s birth.
His name was Gaho. But by the coming of dawn, if the drums’ promise was true, he would be born again in blood and bear a new name.
Hands shaking with what he desperately hoped wasn’t fear, he tightened his belt and searched the room for his sickle blade. He saw the bone handle, white in the moonlight, protruding from beneath his bed pile, and swiftly took it up. The bronze gleamed dully, like the carnivorous tooth of an ancient beast.
A shudder ran through his sister’s body. Gaho, sensing her distress, turned to her. She grasped her supporting branch hard, and the smile was gone from her face. “Gaho,” she said, “will you do it?”
“I will,” said Gaho, his voice strong with mounting excitement.
But Ita reached out to him suddenly, catching his weapon hand just above the wrist. “I will lose you,” she said. “My brother . . . I will lose you!”
“You will not. You will lose only Gaho,” said the boy, shaking her off, gently, for she was not strong. Without another word, he ducked through the door of his small hut—one he had built for himself but a year before in anticipation of his coming manhood—and stood in the darkness of Rannul Village, eyes instinctively turning to the few campfires burning. The drums were very near now, and he could see the shadows of waking villagers moving about the fires, building up the flames in preparation for what must surely follow. He felt eyes he could not see turning to his hut, turning to him. He felt the question each pair of eyes asked in silent curiosity: Will it be tonight?
Tonight or no night.
Grasping the hilt of his weapon with both hands, Gaho strode to the dusty village center, which was beaten down into hard, packed earth from years of meetings and matches of strength held in this same spot. Tall pillars of aged wood ringed this circle, and women hastened to these, bearing torches which they fit into hollowed-out slots in each pillar. Soon the village center was bright as noonday, but with harsh red light appropriate for coming events.
Gaho stood in the center of that light, his heart ramming in his throat though his face was a stoic mask. All the waking village was gathered now, men, women, and children, standing just beyond the circle, watching him.
The drums came up from the river, pounding in time to the tramp of warriors’ feet. Then the warriors themselves were illuminated by the ringing torches, their faces anointed in blood, their heads helmed with bone and bronze, their shoulders covered in hides of bear, wolf, and boar. Ten men carried tight skin drums, beating them with their fists. They entered the center first, standing each beneath one of the ringing pillars. Other warriors followed them, filling in the gaps between.
Then the chieftain, mighty Gaher, appeared. He carried his heavy crescent ax in one hand, and Gaho saw that blood stained its edge—indeed, blood spattered the blade from tip to hilt and covered the whole of the chieftain’s fist. Gaher strode into the circle, and the boy saw more blood in his beard. But he also saw the bright, wolfish smile and knew for certain that his sister had been correct. The night of naming had come.
“My son,” said the chief, saluting Gaho with upraised weapon.
“My father,” said Gaho, raising his sickle blade in return.
 “Are you ready this night to die and live again?” asked the chief. His voice carried through the shadows, and every one of the tribe heard it, and any and all listening beasts of forests and fields surrounding. “Are you ready this night for the spilling of blood that must flow before life may begin?”
Gaho drew a deep breath, putting all the strength of his spirit into his answer. “I am ready, Father.”
Gaher’s smile grew, the torchlight flashing red upon his sharpened canines. He turned then and motioned to the darkness beyond the torchlight.
The sacrifice was brought forward.

Click on the picture to order your copy!
Enter to win one of three FREE advance reader copies of Draven’s Light!
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Welcome to Realm Explorers!  In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors.  Enjoy your travels!  And don’t forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book. 
Also, you can enter to win a free copy of one of her books this week!

Author’s name: E. Kaiser Writes 
Title of book and/or series:  The Thaw: series, Winter’s Child, Winter Queen, & Prince of Demargen
Brief summary of the story:  
Infused with a strong Christian ethic and a historical feel, they’re set in a quasi-Victorian world where portals to fairyland show up every once in a while. Angels move unseen, doing their work, but sometimes in special cases the Master sends them to interject in a person’s life, and change it forever.

Good vs. evil, patience vs. recklessness, and the undeserved gift of grace for those who pray for it; the Thaw: series begins with Winter’s Child, (combining Snow Maiden/Schneekind/Snegurken with Anderson’s Snow Queen) where a barren king and queen pray for a child, and when in their loneliness, they make one out of snow, their prayers are answered in a special, and unusual way. 
                Sometimes, when we get what we wish for, we don’t know what to do with it. 

The story continues with Winter Queen, when princess Ilise allows her avoidance behavior to isolate her from the world… and it’s only when she takes the final step that she realizes the wall she’s built in the name of safety is also the one that will hold her prisoner forever… unless she discovers how to destroy it.
                   The only one who can break a neurosis… is the one who has it.

Third in the series is Prince of Demargen, which finally settles the matter of the Devil’s Mirror. The whole world knows his guilt, and is absolutely correct about it, but how far can a man go to regain respect so swiftly lost?
Or is an honorable death the best a fallen star can hope for?
                   The only person who can help him… is the one he most deeply wronged.

Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
I had a lot of fun setting the Thaw: books in a world that was much like Europe, but without all the wars. So if fairytales are often set in Middle Ages type feel, just imagine that being updated to a Victorian-style era, and going from there.
When planning this my brainstorming partner/sister and I definitely knew we didn’t want to be “in the real world” because it is definitely a fairy tale world. So we basically drew heavily from the map, cultures and customs, and changed anything we felt like. It was a lot of fun!
For one thing, we wanted to utilize the Norse cultures, but we wanted our Noran to be more towards the middle of the map. So we switched where Norway and Sweden are, Noran is interior and Svesser is on the outside.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to Noran?
The North kingdoms use horses and carriages for land travel, sailing ships for sea voyages, and ferries for crossing rivers. Further north, into the Wild Lands, the folk up there use dog teams and reindeer hitches to pull sleds and sledges through the wintery months.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Noran that we don’t see on Earth? 
The Thaw: books are set in a world pretty much like our own, although the Angels that orchestrate its seasons are sometimes sent on small missions to interject into the lives of mortals and carry out the will of the Master.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of people in Noran?  If there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
 Magic has been actively outlawed in the world of our main characters, and this ban has been so effectively maintained for over a thousand years has passed, years measured as the Age of Reason. For in this era inexplicable happenings have virtually disappeared.  But the portals to fairyland are beginning to be unsealed, which can lead to the dangerous and rather more rampant effects that exist on the other side of that veil.
Items of prohibited power are leaking back into society, and people have become so used to their safe lives that the first incidents blindside everyone.
But certain individuals rise to the challenge, to keep the ways shut, and make sure the avarice of fairyland stays on its own turf.
Is there a particular religion practiced in Noran?  Please describe what it involves.
There is only one religion in the Thaw: books, and that is so self evident to everyone involved that it ceases to deserve the term religion. It is universally acknowledged that the Great King of All is watching, and when death claims us we slip out to stand before Him in a judgment that will be final, and for which our mortal lives are simply a preparation.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
 We moved around a lot while I was growing up, but that most often seemed to end up in the northern states. I remember a winter in Minnesota that was so-o cold, and the way the frost covered the windows… looking out over the blue white hills with their trees all bare and gray against a sunrise… The Northern Rockies are no slouches either when it comes to winter weather… so I didn’t have to do much research to write the Cold North type of scenes! Since the kingdom of Noran is somewhat based off of Norway, I did get to do some fun research on traditional foods, etc. I found a list of Finnish dishes and based a lot of the meals in the books on those… and they made me hungry, I can tell you that! J
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I don’t think there are any “hot button” topics, unless the use of Angels and having a massively Christian underlayment to a fairytale retelling is controversial. Perhaps a few might think so, but to me it is the most natural thing in the world!
Author Autobiography:
Born in the Midwest, I had a unique childhood of many moves, giving me the opportunity to experience an array of locales and characters all over the nation. We always had three things; faith, family and animals… and I always had dreams. Now we’re finally back on the Plains and make our home on a farm filled with critters!
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? 
Thaw: Winter Queen is available here.
And Thaw: Prince of Demargen will be available soon!
Where can readers connect with you online? 
Check out my blog, E. Kaiser Writes-A-Blog where there is a giveaway running through the 20th!
 My author website   
And the usual stuff… which I’d love to connect on! (I’m not super techie, and most everyone I know on any of these I met online… so I’d love to meet more!!! )
 Oh, oh, OH!!!! You’ve GOT to go check out the Pinterest group boards for these books! So much fun… (we’ve opened it for fans to pin, so sometimes the name spellings aren’t correct, or everything on there isn’t “straight from the author’s mind” but it is so inspiring to see readers getting excited about the tales! If you’d like to join, just message me on there!!!)
Winter Queen board, 

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Noran.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to Westering, in Realm Explorers Part XXXIII!
-Annie Douglass Lima


Where can readers connect with you online? 

Check out my blog, E. Kaiser Writes-A-Blog

My author website

And the usual stuff… which I’d love to connect on! (I’m not super techie, and most everyone I know on any of these I met online… so I’d love to meet more!!! )

 Facebook Author page:


Amazon author page, (with links to all my books!)

and… Pinterest:


 Oh, oh, OH!!!! You’ve GOT to go check out the Pinterest group boards for these books! So much fun… (we’ve opened it for fans to pin, so sometimes the name spellings aren’t correct, or everything on there isn’t “straight from the author’s mind” but it is so inspiring to see readers getting excited about the tales! If you’d like to join, just message me on there!!!)


Winter’s Child,

 Winter Queen,

 Prince of Demargen,

I hope you all enjoyed the trip to _______.  Questions about the world or the book?  Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!  

Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.

Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Westering, in Realm Explorers Part XXXIII!

-Annie Douglass Lima

Happy New Year from all the Authors in the Ultimate Reading Quest

This year, all the other Quest authors and I want you to enjoy your reading experiences more than ever! So in 2015, the Ultimate Reading Quest has more, more, more! More authors and more books, means that more mystery, more danger, more intrigue and more edge-of-your-seat adventure awaits you! 

We want you, our readers, to be able to fill that Kindle, tablet or E-reader you got for Christmas, with fabulous reads to take you through 2015. The Quest is so much fun! Who doesn’t love searching for treasure? The ULTIMATE READING QUEST is about finding books that are perfectly suited to your reading taste by clicking on different choices. 

To thank you for participating, the authors have decided to give away oodles of prizes for FREE! Enter your name to win Amazon gift cards and free books from authors! Plus a whole store of treasured books are just waiting to be discovered by you!

Enjoy your journey as you travel through the QUEST! Don’t forget to enter the raffle on the first page of the Quest. And please feel free to leave comments or questions for the authors of the Quest. We would love to hear from you. What are you waiting for? 

Click on the button above or below.  In the new page that opens, scroll down to where it says, “Do you like to read fiction or nonfiction?” to get started on your QUEST for the next ULTIMATE READ!


Synopsis: After graduating from the Secret Seminary, Hannah and Simon are ready to return to their homeland. Their training has equipped them to carry the gospel to a country ravaged by darkness and despair. If necessary, they’re even prepared to face the North Korean labor camps, but the hardest part of their mission isn’t the hunger, cold, and incessant danger. The hardest part is cutting off contact with one another.

In this world of spies, secret police, and informants, staying together might not just compromise their ministry. It could cost them both their lives.

A Christian romantic suspense from the author of The Beloved Daughter, which won awards from Women of Faith, Grace Awards, Readers’ Favorite, The Book Club Network, and more.

You can also sign up below to help spread the word about Alana’s fundraiser to help rescue North Korean refugees on a modern-day underground railroad.

Torn Asunder by Alana Terry 

Torn Asunder is the newest suspense novel from award-winning author Alana Terry. Torn Asunder is the story of Hannah and Simon, two North Korean refugees who sneak back into their country to serve as underground missionaries. In this world of spies, secret police, and informants, Simon and Hannah learn that staying together won’t just compromise their ministry. It could cost them both their lives.

Torn Asunder launches today for just 99 cents, and all book sale proceeds today support the work of Liberty in North Korea, an organization that runs an underground railroad for North Korean refugees. You can get the paperback or the ebook for 99 cents for a limited time only. And remember the best news ~ Your purchase will help save a North Korean refugee!

Excerpt from Torn Asunder:

Simon gritted his teeth. His head felt like it was sinking. The general kept his voice level and pleasant as he slipped the device over Simon’s pinky. “Now, you just tell me who you delivered your Bibles to, and I’ll let you leave here with everything intact.”

Simon tried to swallow. His whole jaw was swollen from his scuffle in the woods. He shut his eyes and hoped the general couldn’t feel him tremble.

General Sin chuckled to himself. “Silly me. I forgot.” He slid the device off Simon’s finger. “This kind of tool won’t work on a big, strong man like you.” He strode over to Hannah and yanked her hand before Simon could even cry out. He jammed her ring finger into the opening.

Simon struggled against his iron restraints. “Let her go!”

Hannah sucked in her breath. General Sin still glared at Simon. “This is your last chance. Give me the names, and I’ll release her unharmed.”

Simon’s field of vision blurred over. He wanted to scream. The metal from his handcuffs sliced open his wrists. He pictured himself breaking free and tackling the general to the ground.

“Better talk.” General Sin yawned. “I hate getting my uniform messy.”

Hannah’s hand trembled, but she didn’t make a noise.

“Three …”

Simon clenched his jaw, unable to tear his face away from Hannah’s wide, terrified eyes.

“Two …”


Want more? Buy Torn Asunder on amazon now. And remember, all book sales today will be donated directly to Liberty in North Korea, a group committed to seeing North Koreans achieve their freedom in THIS GENERATION.

Want to help spread the word? See below to click and tweet, or share this image on your timeline. Then be sure to scroll down to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a $100 gift card, surprise grab bag ($60 retail), great CD from Cherie Norquay, and free prizes to everyone who enters! And don’t forget to leave a comment and tell us what you think of Hannah and Simon and those like them who sneak into hostile mission fields to share the gospel.

Post by Alana Terry.

Are you on twitter? Just click to tweet ~

Tweet: Buy a book. Save a refugee. Torn Asunder by Alana Terry. All proceeds today to @libertyinNK. #99cents #suspense

Tweet: New release Torn Asunder, Christian #suspense set in #NorthKorea. All proceeds today donated to @libertyinNK #99cents

Or copy and paste into an email or Facebook status:
Torn Asunder is a new Christian suspense novel by Alana Terry about two North Koreans who serve as undercover missionaries. It’s on sale for only 99 cents, and all book proceeds today will be donated to Liberty in North Korea’s underground railroad for North Korean refugees.

Did you help spread the word? Enter the Rafflecopter drawing at the bottom to claim your prizes!

Annie’s Review:

This is truly a gripping as well as a sobering story.  As I read about the characters and the difficulties they faced, I had to keep stopping to pray for Christians in North Korea and around the world who really are going through situations like that right now.  This is fiction, but it reflects the hard fact of religious persecution that most of us in the West seldom think about.  Though many of the events in the story were extremely unpleasant, the book is nevertheless an interesting read and was hard to put down.  The characters are vivid and so real that I felt I knew them personally.  The author has done a beautiful job of bringing romance and hope out of a dark and serious story.

If you enjoy this book, you may want to read the other two in her series as well: The Beloved Daughter and Slave Again.  All of them can stand alone, but they do share a few characters and settings.  I enjoyed the others and highly recommend them all!

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Through Prism Book Tours.

We’re celebrating the RELEASE of
Flury: Journey of a Snowman
By Tony Bertauski

An Introduction to Flury

     Frosty had a magic hat.
     There was no explanation, just a special hat that turned a pile of snow into a walking, talking best friend. Flury is more than that. And doesn’t smoke.
     Born on the North Pole, Flury was created by an ancient race of elven that evolved during the Ice Age and continues to live in the polar ice today. Technologically advanced, they sustain themselves with innovation and wisdom. But even the most peaceful settlements encounter danger, such as polar bears. That’s why they invented abominables.
     What we call snowmen.
     The life of an abominable doesn’t magically spring from a top hat. The heart of an abominable is a metal orb—an intricately carved sphere that generates an electromagnetic field and builds a body of snow around it. Abominables are intimidating and selfless. They run, they fly. Above all else, they protect.
     In the late 1800s, Malcolm Toye was part of an arctic voyage that ended in disaster. The survivors of the expedition never saw him again. Malcolm had wandered into the snowy landscape to be saved by a patrolling abominable he would come to know as Flury.
     His rescue, however, became more of a curse than a blessing when the elven refused to allow him safe passage back home, insisting they remain secret from humanity. Malcolm was destined to live out his days among the elven, pining for home.
     Longing for his wife.
     Malcolm escaped by stealing the metal orb of Flury. Quietly, he arrived back in the United States to settle down and resume a normal life. But there was nothing normal about it. As the years went by, his estate becomes shrouded in mystery and rumors.
     A hundred years will go by before the mystery is solved.
     Oliver Toye, a teenage type 1 diabetic, will discover the magic hidden on his grandmother’s property. He’ll read about Malcolm Toye’s journey when he finds a set of leather bound journals. He’ll see the snowman trapped on the property, and the other things that haunt the forest. Most importantly, he’ll uncover Malcolm Toye’s master plan to harm others. And why he wants to.
     Flury will come to Oliver’s rescue more than once.

Flury: Journey of a SnowmanFlury: Journey of a Snowman
(Claus #3)
by Tony Bertauski
YA Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Holiday

Life hasn’t been kind to Oliver Toye.

As if juvenile diabetes isn’t enough, he’s forced to live with his tyrannical grandmother in a snow-bound house. He spends his days doing chores and the nights listening to the forest rumble.

But when he discovers the first leather-bound journal, the family secrets begin to surface. The mystery of his great-grandfather’s voyage to the North Pole is revealed. That’s when the snowman appears.

Magical and mysterious, the snowman will save Oliver more than once. But when the time comes for Oliver to discover the truth, will he have the courage? When Flury needs him, will he have the strength? When believing isn’t enough, will he save the snowman from melting away?

Because sometimes even magic needs a little help.

AmazonBarnes & Noble

About Tony Bertauski

During the day, I’m a horticulturist. While I’ve spent much of my career designing landscapes or diagnosing dying plants, I’ve always been a storyteller. My writing career began with magazine columns, landscape design textbooks, and a gardening column at the Post and Courier (Charleston, SC). However, I’ve always fancied fiction.

My grandpa never graduated high school. He retired from a steel mill in the mid-70s. He was uneducated, but he was a voracious reader. I remember going through his bookshelves of paperback sci-fi novels, smelling musty old paper, pulling Piers Anthony and Isaac Asimov off shelf and promising to bring them back. I was fascinated by robots that could think and act like people. What happened when they died?

I’m a cynical reader. I demand the writer sweep me into his/her story and carry me to the end. I’d rather sail a boat than climb a mountain. That’s the sort of stuff I want to write, not the assigned reading we got in school. I want to create stories that kept you up late.

Having a story unfold inside your head is an experience different than reading. You connect with characters in a deeper, more meaningful way. You feel them, empathize with them, cheer for them and even mourn. The challenge is to get the reader to experience the same thing, even if it’s only a fraction of what the writer feels. Not so easy.

In 2008, I won the South Carolina Fiction Open with Four Letter Words, a short story inspired by my grandfather and Alzheimer’s Disease. My first step as a novelist began when I developed a story to encourage my young son to read. This story became The Socket Greeny Saga. Socket tapped into my lifetime fascination with consciousness and identity, but this character does it from a young adult’s struggle with his place in the world.

After Socket, I thought I was done with fiction. But then the ideas kept coming, and I kept writing. Most of my work investigates the human condition and the meaning of life, but not in ordinary fashion. About half of my work is Young Adult (Socket Greeny, Claus, Foreverland) because it speaks to that age of indecision and the struggle with identity. But I like to venture into adult fiction (Halfskin, Drayton) so I can cuss. Either way, I like to be entertaining.

And I’m a big fan of plot twists.


Blitz Giveaway
– $25 Amazon gift card and ebook of Flury: Journey of a Snowman (open internationally)
Ends November 22nd

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Prism Book Tours


Welcome to the

Cowboys & Christmas

Blog Tour!

A kickoff of new holiday romances by Shanna Hatfield
and a fundraiser for the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund

An Interview with the Luke and Filly Granger of Hardman Holidays

Two key characters from Shanna Hatfield’s historical holiday series, Hardman Holidays, visit us today. Set in the western town of Hardman, Oregon, this series of sweet romances highlights determined women and the men who fall for them in the 1890s.  

Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Granger. Tell us a little about how you met.
Luke: Let’s just say Filly is the best bargain I’ve ever made.

Filly: (Blushes and squeezes Luke’s hand) My father imprisoned me on our farm from the time I was fourteen until Luke showed up one day to call in a debt long past due. In lieu of his payment, Luke ended up taking me. Chauncy Dodd, the pastor at the church and Luke’s dear friend, insisted we wed, so we did.

So you married a complete stranger?

Filly: I remembered Luke from when we were in school, although he was a few years ahead of me. All the girls had a thing for him. Even back then, he was so handsome and charming.

Luke: (Kisses Filly’s cheek) I vaguely recalled her from school, but hadn’t seen her for years. The day I brought her off the farm, she wore a dirt-colored dress and rag on her head. When Chauncy talked me into marrying her, I had no idea I was getting such a beautiful bride, both inside and out.  

Tell us what it’s like living in Hardman. Don’t you have family in town nearby?

Luke: My sister, Ginny, and her husband, Blake, live in Hardman. He’s a magnificent wood craftsman and Ginny writes for the newspaper.

Filly: Don’t forget about Ginny’s artwork. She creates wonderful paintings and sketches, sometimes to accompany her articles for the paper.

Luke: And then there’s my folks. They just finished building a huge house in the middle of town. My mother vowed she’d never again live in Hardman the last time they left, but with the arrival of our baby, Maura, Dad and Mother decided to move back.

Filly: They’ll be arriving right before Christmas, along with Blake’s parents. They’re sailing over from England and will meet Mother and Dad in New York City before they all travel to Oregon.  

What’s the most exciting thing going on in your town this Christmas?

(Filly glances at Luke and smiles) Luke: Arlan Guthry, my friend and assistant at the bank I own, found a broken-down magic wagon on the side of the road a few months ago. The prestidigitator who performs phantasmagorical wonders didn’t have enough money to pay for the repairs so she accepted a temporary job as schoolteacher until Christmas.

Filly: Alex and her magic wagon have certainly livened things up in town.

Luke: Especially when it comes to Arlan. He’s head-over-heels in love with Alex the Amazing, but for some reason refuses to admit it.

Filly: (Gives Luke a saucy smile) It’s an affliction several men in town bear.

Thank you for joining us. Any parting words for our readers?

Luke: Thank you for hosting us today. If you enjoy sweet holiday romances set in the past, I hope you’ll consider reading our stories in The Christmas Bargain, The Christmas Token, and The Christmas Calamity. 

Where to Find The Books

christmas bargain cover
Travel back to a different time with the historic Hardman Holiday Series,
beginning with The Christmas Bargain.
The Christmas Token Cover lr
The Christmas Token

The Christmas Calamity Cover
The Christmas Calamity


You’re Invited to PARTY!

You’re invited to join in the online Cowboys & Christmas Facebook Party Thursday, Nov. 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (PST). Drop in anytime during those four hours to enter to win great prizes, chat with guest authors, and more! Here’s the link to the party: The third book in the Hardman Holidays sweet Victorian romance series releases that day! The Christmas Calamity takes readers back to Hardman just in time for the holiday season. Preorders are available now for just $1.99 on Kindle. You can reserve your copy here: In addition, the first book in the Hardman Holidays series, The Christmas Bargain, will be available free that day, as well!

Prize Basket

Enter to Win Prizes!

To enter the drawing for an Amazon gift card, autographed books, chocolates, original western artwork, and more fun goodies, fill out this form.

Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund®

Now through Dec. 24, Shanna will donate 10 percent of the net proceeds from all her book sales to the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund. JCCF logoThe JCCF is a non-profit organization that assists rodeo athletes who’ve sustained catastrophic injuries and are unable to work for an extended period.  

Shanna Hatfield 2About Shanna Hatfield

A hopeless romantic with a bit of sarcasm thrown in for good measure, Shanna Hatfield is a bestselling author of sweet romantic fiction written with a healthy dose of humor. In addition to blogging and eating too much chocolate, she is completely smitten with her husband, lovingly known as Captain Cavedweller. Shanna creates character-driven romances with realistic heroes and heroines. Her historical westerns have been described as “reminiscent of the era captured by Bonanza and The Virginian” while her contemporary works have been called “laugh-out-loud funny, and a little heart-pumping sexy without being explicit in any way.” She is a member of Western Writers of America, Women Writing the West, and Romance Writers of America. Find Shanna’s books at: Amazon | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | Apple Shanna loves to hear from readers! Follow her online: ShannaHatfield | Facebook | Pinterest | Goodreads | You Tube | Twitter

The ULTIMATE READING QUEST starts here! Click on the button above to join the Ultimate Reading Quest. Find authors who write the kind of books you like!  Down below, you can enter a giveaway to win an Amazon gift card or free books!

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To post this Grand Finale (we’ll send you the HTML code) and add your Social Media to the Rafflecopter, 
email us at PrismBookTours(at) with “The Better Man GF” in the subject line.
A Themed Tour through Prism Book Tours.

We’re blitzing the GRAND FINALE for
The Better Man by Amy Vastine!
The Better Man, which is the beginning of the new Chicago Sisters Series, is set in the busy city of Chicago, but is full of family, friendship, and love. It’s also from the clean romance Heartwarming line of books from Harlequin.

Did you miss any of the tour? You still have time to go back and check out all the stops and enter the amazing giveaway!

Launch – Intro and Excerpt
The Better Man is the first book in the Chicago Sisters Series, which introduces us to the three Everhart sisters, Lucy, Kendall, and Emma. All three sisters live in the Lincoln Park area, and even though the story has a big city backdrop, the focus is still on family and community. These sisters always have one another’s backs, even though they couldn’t be any different…
Colorimetry – Guest Post
In The Better Man, the heroine of the story is an interior designer. This profession was born out of my love of all things HGTV, of course. I think I can lose whole days to that channel. I love all the shows about surprise makeovers and house flippings, but my favorite is Property Brothers…
The Written Adventure – Guest Post
Kendall Montgomery is the middle sister and the heroine of The Better Man. Her sisters are always there for her, even if they drive her a little crazy sometimes…. Despite their different views on life, Lucy and Emma never fail to support their sister through the toughest times of her life…

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review
Kendall is facing reality now. She’s a very talented and gifted designer and artist and is now able to use those abilities to make a living. Based off of her life experiences and relationships, she’s a little gun-shy, with good reason. I loved watching her evolve. Being a mother isn’t easy and doing what’s best for your kids isn’t always easy, either, but, as Kendall learns, the hard things are often the most rewarding.

Book Freebies, Contests, Sweepstakes, and Giveaways – Guest Post
Today I thought I would introduce you to Max, the hero. In my mind, Max always looked like and had similar personality traits as the character Ryan Gosling played in the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love. Easy on the eyes, charisma and charm, and let’s not forget great fashion sense. Max is always well put together and did I mention he often has a five o’clock shadow? I love a guy with a little scruff!..

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review
This story is so sweet! I love the characters, and can’t wait to read more books about Kendall’s sisters. Amy has definitely become one of my new favorite authors!

The Wonderings of One Person – Guest Post
The hero in The Better Man is new to Chicago. Max has recently moved there from Los Angeles. To help a guy out, I thought I would suggest a few romantic spots in the Windy City that he or anyone here for a visit might want to consider…

SBM Book Obsession – Excerpt

“Trevor’s been gone just over a year,” she said wearily. The anniversary of his death had led to Simon’s regression. It seemed every time Kendall thought they were making some good progress, something would set him back. She was not going to give her son another reason to worry. “Simon does not need to see me running around with men on dates. He needs me home. He needs to know I’m not ever going to leave him.”
His father had left. His father had left them both.

“Avoiding a date here and there isn’t going to make him better.”

My Love for Reading Keeps Growing – Excerpt
Nana!” Simon burst into the foyer, his drawing clenched in his hand. You wont believe it! Youll never believe who we saw today!
Kendall gave her mother an apologetic grimace, but Nana was too startled by Simons verbosity to notice. Who? Who did you see?” she asked, crouching down to his level. He handed her the picture hed drawn.
My dad! We saw my dad right down the street!
Kelly P’s Blog – Guest Post

In the story, a young widow and mother is hired to remodel a restaurant managed by a man who happens to look exactly like her dead husband. It’s a messy romance but one that I hope wins your hearts…

J.R.Richardson Fics – Review
And the twist. Which I refuse to ruin for you. But let me just say, Amy. Well flipping done, my friend. Because you know I love stuff like this. And the way you wove this tale, and took me along for the ride, quite willingly, I might add . . . and revealed everything just the way it was supposed to be revealed, at the exact time it needed to be revealed . . . made me smile so big. I just love the way my heart was happy for (almost) everyone, in the end.
Pretty Girls Read Books – Excerpt
He mirrored her movement to keep her from escaping and put a hand on her arm when she tried once more to move around him. It was the first time he’d touched her since their disastrous introduction. Kendall couldn’t stop the déjà vu that it prompted. The last time she saw Trevor alive, she’d been storming away and he’d tried to stop her. The memory jolted through her like an electrical shock.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Max said firmly. “I will be here. Every day. Whether you want me here or not.”
Getting Your Read On – Review
The relationship between Max and Kendall grows slowly and as it does, we learn more back history about them both.  The unfolding process was well written.  Max and Kendall struggle separately and they struggle together.  Of course, my favorite bits are when they support each other.
Deal Sharing Aunt – Excerpt

The three of them got busy painting and embellishing the costume. Their collective laughter created a lightness Kendall hadn’t felt in a long time. Seeing Simon act like a normal six-year-old freed her from the year’s worth of guilt and worry she’d been carrying around. This wasn’t like having Trevor around. It was better.

My Devotional Thoughts – Review
There are a couple of things about the book that truly stand out as dynamic stylistic characteristics. For one thing, the author switched back and forth between the man’s and women’s perspective. Not all authors have the knack for doing that, but this author does. I also appreciate the fact that the author introduces a child who is grieving the death of his father in a unique way. I found that to be a realistic element that will connect with others who have been in that position.
Southern Chelle – Review
I love books like this that grip you and you don’t want to put them down! (This was a book that did that.) The Better Man seemed to have a different storyline than any other book that I have ever read. It was extremely refreshing to read totally new content.
Undercover Book Reviews – Review

First time ever reading from this author and was completely impressed. Her work is well written and easy to follow. This particular storyline is heart grabbing.

Bookworm Lisa – Review
I am enjoying this story.  Two separate people, each with a child with a need to be parented.
The hard obstacle to overcome is that Max look like Kendall’s deceased  husband, It lends a unique situation to the story… 
Reader Girls – Excerpt
Winner!” Max jumped her last checker and threw his hands up in the air, victorious. Im pretty sure you cheated,” Kendall mumbled.
Dont be a sore loser.
Im not, but I was killing you. Your massive comeback is fishy, admit it.
Maxs mouth dropped open. That is a lie. There was nothing fishy about my comeback. You opened up that side for my guy to get through!”                                  
Are you going to give Max kisses because he won?” Simon asked, completely putting an end to their playful argument.

My Life, Loves and Passion – Review & Excerpt

“It’s better that you rip the Max Band-Aid off now rather than later,” Lucy said while they cooked. “Simon will get over it. So will you. It’s always better to be the one who walked away instead of the one left behind.”

“Which one were you again?” Kendall asked, recognizing that Lucy’s guard was down.

“Ha-ha. I’ve been both. At the same time,” she added. “Now, stop making this about me.”

I Am A Reader – Guest Post
At the heart of the story is Kendall and Simon, a mother and son who are both still grieving the loss of their husband/father. Kendall struggles with how to help ease her son’s anxiety after his father’s death. Feeling helpless is something to which all parents can relate. Kendall is sensitive to her son’s needs and has to find a way to balance what he wants with what he needs. It’s not always so easy to distinguish between the two…
Lola’s Reviews – Review

I really enjoyed this story, it had some really sad and some really happy moments. The characters where what made this book shine, they all had a past, personality and motives, even the side characters. This book has a fun and quirky cast of characters and I enjoyed seeing them interact with each other.

Wishful Endings – Review
The Better Man was quite an original story and one I haven’t read before in this genre. The leading man looks almost exactly like the heroine’s dead husband and this causes all sort of issues because they have to work together. Sparks definitely fly, both good and bad, but the author kept a great balance between heavier issues (such as Kendall’s son who has become mostly mute as a way to deal with his father’s death), humor, and then those sweet romantic moments.

The Better Man (Chicago Sisters)The Better Man
by Amy Vastine
Adult Romance 
Harlequin Heartwarming
January 1st 2014

Kendall Montgomery’s six-year-old son has barely spoken in the past year, locked in his world of silent grief. Then one day, he spots his dead father across a crowded street.

Max Jordan moved to Chicago to be closer to his own son and prove he can be a better father than his deadbeat dad. His striking resemblance to Kendall’s husband and his track record with fatherhood make her determined to keep her distance…until Max helps her little boy come out of his shell. But can she trust him with their future? How can she be sure he won’t take off just when they need him most?


Amy Vastine has been plotting stories in her head for as long as she can remember. An eternal optimist, she studied social work, hoping to teach others how to find their silver lining. Now, she enjoys creating happily ever afters for all to read.
Amy lives outside Chicago with her high school sweetheart-turned-husband, three fun-loving children, and their sweet but mischievous puppy dog.
Website – Goodreads – Facebook – Twitter

Tour-Wide Giveaway

– Gift Card Grand Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card and a signed paperback (US) or ebook (INT) of The Better Man

– US Grand Prize: Signed paperback of The Better Man plus swag (shown above)

– 5 copies of The Better Man (paperback for US and ebooks for INT)
– Ends October 5th

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Prism Book Tours

Book Blurb
The church was empty when I dragged myself out of the pew and headed out the door.  As I opened the door, the corner of my eye caught a flicker of movement which I chose to ignore.  I walked down the steps and was nearly bowled over by two wild boys.  With arms grown strong and quick from man-handling two brothers growing up, I grabbed the two boys before they had a chance to escape me.
Anna Stuart is comfortable with her life.  She may be a 30 year old spinster, but she has her routine and enjoys taking care of her father and older brother.  One letter shatters all her routines, comfort, and enjoyment.  After learning of her brother’s death, Anna feels like her life will never be the same again.
Then she meets two motherless boys.  Did God place them in her life to lead her to a new vision of life?  Can she trust God to give her the desires of her heart before she even knows what they are?

Food in the 1870s
By Faith Blum
One of my beta-readers challenged me to add the food and the price paid in one or more of the scenes where Anna goes shopping. At first, I was rather intimidated with the task of finding the prices she would have paid back then, not to mention what kind of food they ate. With no refrigerators or freezers, fresh meat would have been difficult unless they bought it from the butcher or killed an animal themselves. They also had to can everything that wouldn’t keep otherwise.
I’ve never been very good at figuring out what to type into the search engine so I can get the results I am looking for. Sometimes I get it the first time, sometimes it takes a few wording changes, and sometimes I totally fail. When I finally decided to bite the bullet and do some research, I struck gold.
Not only did I find a wonderful list of what the prices were in 1870, but the list also included how much it costs for everything and anything that they sold during that time period. From horses, to buggies, to weapons and ammunition to chairs, material, and jewelry. It was the perfect list!
But that wasn’t all! I also found three online recipe books from that time period. I was thrilled! I now have recipes to include in my stories and can describe in further detail how my characters make them. Here is one of the scenes that I doctored up after my research success:
Friday was similar to Wednesday except that instead of going through clothes in the morning, I spent the morning shopping for material and food. I bought flour, butter, lard, sugar and the material needed for new shirts. The total I spent—with Pastor Jenkins’ money—was actually less than either of us were anticipating; only $1.70 instead of the $2.00 I was anticipating.
After school, the boys finished their homework and we scrubbed the kitchen down. The Jenkins men would have a cold supper, but it would be in an extra clean kitchen and at least two of them didn’t care as long as their da wasn’t doing the cooking.
The kitchen was clean, the table was set and supper was on the table. Pastor Jenkins wasn’t home when I left, but I had to get home or my da and Caleb would be grumping that their supper wasn’t ready. I left the boys with careful instructions on how to behave and what to do before their da got home.
When I stepped outside, I took a deep breath and worked up the energy to walk home. I couldn’t wait until their house was scrubbed so I could get on with some of the normal chores for once. Chores like bread baking and doing the laundry. Chores I used to dislike.
Do you ever have trouble researching things online? Do you have a favorite website for historical information?  Feel free to answer in the comments below!
About the Author

An avid reader, Faith Blum started writing at an early age. Whether it was a story about the camping trip that summer or a more creative story about fictional characters, she has always enjoyed writing. When not writing, Miss Blum enjoys reading, crafting, playing piano, leading on the Holy Worlds Christian Writing Forum and playing games with her family (canasta, anyone?). As a history enthusiast who has been fascinated for years with the Old West, Faith has endeavored to create a clean, fun, and challenging Western story. Faith lives with her family on a hobby farm in the Northern Midwest, where she enjoys the many cats they have.
Find Faith on:
Click here to preorder Be Thou My Vision.

To enter the giveaway for an Advanced Reader copy of Be Thou My Visionand an ebook copy of Aundy by Shanna Hatfield go to Faith’s blog and leave a comment to either ask her a question, or make a comment about what you think about the article.
To post this Grand Finale (we’ll send you the HTML code) and add your Social Media to the Rafflecopter, 
email us at PrismBookTours(at) with “SciFi GF” in the subject line.
Sci-fi Tour
A Prism tour though Prism Book Tours.

Are you interested in reading about futuristic societies where there are aliens and space travel, technological advancement, robots and utopias? If so, then check out the books that were featured on this 
Sci-Fi Tour! 

September 2nd – Launch

September 3rd – Halfskin and Clay by Tony Bertauski hosted at Beck Valley Books

We’re often convinced if we just get this, whatever this is, our suffering will end. Yet with all of today’s advancements, why does utopia still seem to be something achievable only after death while dystopia our human inheritance?

Can technology change this?

Suppose that medical bioengineers invent a synthetic stem cell, a biomite, that can replace any cell in your body…


Halfskin (Halfskin, #1)Halfskin
(Halfskin #1)
276 Pages
Biomites are artificial stem cells that can replace any cell in your body. No more kidney failure, no severed spines or blood disease. No cancer. Pharmaceuticals become obsolete. With each dose of biomites, we become stronger, we become smarter and prettier.

We become better.

At what point are we no longer human?

AmazonBarnes and Noble
Clay (Halfskin, #2)Clay
(Halfskin #2)
278 Pages
This psychological thriller will keep them second-guessing every move while they elude Marcus Anderson and the governing agency that seeks to rid the world of biomites. But in the end, they’ll all discover just how deep the betrayal goes.
AmazonBarnes and Noble
Tony Bertauski: During the day, I’m a horticulturist. While I’ve spent much of my career designing landscapes or diagnosing dying plants, I’ve always been a storyteller. My writing career began with magazine columns, landscape design textbooks, and a gardening column at the Post and Courier (Charleston, SC). However, I’ve always fancied fiction.

And I’m a big fan of plot twists.


September 4th – The Glory by Mister JMI hosted at Nocturnal Predators Reviews
In need of Glory 

Frustrated and embarrassed by its struggle to defeat the Tikal rebels, the United States Space Force dumped its resources into the development and construction of a new class of warship. After nine years of research and development, trial and error, the final product was beyond impressive. Integrating the bleeding-edge of current technologies and completely inventing new ones, the new warship was an absolute marvel. The ship was a perfect harmony of the highest levels of speed, agility, weaponry and defensive capabilities. The awe-inspiring warship was leaps ahead of everything else in the known universe…

The GloryThe Glory
(The Glory #1)
579 Pages
The Glory and it is a fun, funny, exciting, character-driven sci-fi book that follows Adam Whitlock in his journey to join the United States Space Force in hopes of becoming captain of The Glory, the best ship in the fleet. Meanwhile, brewing tensions between the humans and a group of alien races is on the verge of becoming a full-scale war.

Founder of Fictitious Fox Publishing, author of The Glory and owner of a sweet head of hair, Mister JMI is a longtime lover of the art of storytelling.

At the age of 12, Mister JMI knew he wanted to become a writer. Unfortunately, his dream was delayed for over a decade to suffering from a severe case of chronic procrastination. Now fully recovered, Mister JMI is ready to unleash a deluge of exciting, funny and fantastic stories for your entertainment.

So sit back, relax and enjoy.


Would you like a receive a copy of The Glory? Send an email request to this email.

September 5th – Parched by Georgia Clark hosted at Mythical Books

How to Research A Sci-Fi Novel 

(if You Know Nothing About Robots) 

I did a ridiculous amount of research for my second novel, Parched. So much so that when compiling it all for this guest blog post for the Prism book tour, I found myself wondering 1. I am crazy and 2. If knowing it was going to take as much time as it did, if I’d do it all again. (Answers are ‘yes’ and ‘yes’).

My jumping off point for Parched was this: a girl in love with a robot. What did I know about robots? Well, I’d seen Bladerunner a few dozen times…

312 Pages
Robots, renewable resources, and romance get tangled together in this thrilling futuristic adventure novel about a utopian city struggling to keep its peace.

“Bold futurist adventure with unusual romance, riveting action and ominous ecological red flags.” —Kirkus Reviews

AmazonBarnes and NobleIndie Bound

Georgia Clark is an Australian writer and performer based in Brooklyn. She is the author of the young adult novels SHE’S WITH THE BAND (Allen & Unwin) and sci-fi/romance PARCHED (Holiday House). Widely published online and in print. Won some awards/grants/residencies. Has a play on at the NY Fringe festival. Pretty keen on cheese plates. 

Tour-Wide Giveaway

$15 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
Ebooks of Halfskin and Clay (INT)
Signed copy of Parched (US Only)
Ends September 14th
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Prism Book Tours