On tour with Prism Book Tours
Welcome to my tour stop for the
A Little Blackmail
Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
by Helen Conrad
Special Price!
A Little Blackmail is only $0.99 for Kindle from now until Sunday, May 25th!

A Little Blackmail
Destiny Bay Romances – Forever Yours
(Sweet Edition #2)
by Helen Conrad
Adult Romance
Paperback & Ebook, 172 pages
March 28th 2014 by Doorknock Publishing
Sometimes you have to break the rules to right a wrong.
Janet Cardona is usually a by-the-book good girlbut when Matt Carrington won’t give her cat back, she sees red. Rules mean nothing when there’s an animal to be saved. So when she’s caught in a burglary and blackmailed for it, she finds she can’t refuse. Matt only needs her to pretend to be his wife for a day or two so that he can run a scam he’s involved in. But once the pretense gets going, he begins to yearn for the real thing. Now Janet has to decide if she can let herself fall for a con man.
Recipes for Crab Open-faced Sandwiches and Basic Asian Soup included.
Purchase from Amazon.
[Pin, share, or tweet this image for an extra entry in the giveaway.]

Helen Conrad is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 90 romances (over 15 million copies sold) published under various pseudonyms with Harlequin, Silhouette, Loveswept, and others. She is currently revamping and rewriting much of her backlist—mainly into the Destiny Bay Romances Series. The first six, the Forever Yours Series, are being rewritten as Sweet Editions.
Website – Facebook – Goodreads
A Little About the Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
From Author Helen Conrad
“The Destiny Bay Romances take place in the sort of beach town I’ve always loved–and now I live in one! But writing about beach towns came first and this series is centered on the rich, influential Carrington family living along the California Coast, and in Hawaii. These are good-looking, fast-driving, hard-hitting men and women whose impulses lead them into trouble every time–and inevitably to fall in love.
The original series includes language and love scenes that aren’t, for the most part, especially harsh and explicit–but some of my readers from my years writing sweets for Harlequin as Raye Morgan have asked if we couldn’t have sweet and clean versions–and I thought–what a good idea! 
These are basically the same stories…but with the conflicts softened a bit, the language cleaned up, and no explicit love scenes. There are still a few adult situations, but they’re muted. Consider these the PG versions. 
I hope you enjoy them!”
Tour-Wide Giveaway
– US Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and paperbacks of Run Run RunawayA Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
– INT Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and ebooks of Run Run RunawayA Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
– 2 sets of ebooks of Run Run RunawayA Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast (INT)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The other stops on this tour:
Run Run Runaway
May 12 – Book Intro
May 13
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima
Christy’s Cozy Corners
Kelly P’s Blog
My Ereader and Me
May 14
I Am A Reader
All That’s Written …
May 15
deal sharing aunt
The Wonderings of One Person
Katie’s Clean Book Collection
May 16
The Reading Diaries
Mythical Books
Tressa’s Wishful Endings
i blog 4 books
May 18
Getting Your Read On
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing
The Written Adventure
A Little Blackmail
May 19 – Book Intro
May 20
Kelly P’s Blog
deal sharing aunt
May 21
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing
Tressa’s Wishful Endings
All That’s Written …
I Am A Reader
My Ereader and Me
May 22
The Wonderings of One Person
Mythical Books
May 23
Katie’s Clean Book Collection
The Reading Diaries
i blog 4 books
May 25
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima
Getting Your Read On
The Written Adventure
Christy’s Cozy Corners
Moving Too Fast
May 26 – Book Intro
May 27
Kelly P’s Blog
deal sharing aunt
My Ereader and Me
May 28
All That’s Written …
Mythical Books
I Am A Reader
May 29
The Wonderings of One Person
Katie’s Clean Book Collection
May 30
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing
Tressa’s Wishful Endings
The Reading Diaries
i blog 4 books
Jun 1
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima
Getting Your Read On
The Written Adventure
Christy’s Cozy Corners
June 2 – Grand Finale

Are you a blogger and want to receive information about new tours? Go HERE.

Are you an author or publisher and would like to have us organize a tour event? Go HERE.

He looked over at Janet on the bed, her dark hair spilled out in a midnight cloud. She looked like an angel against the white sheets. It had been a long time since a woman had captured his natural male inclinations like this one had. He tried to hide it with jokes and lighthearted banter, but it was there. It never left him.
But he knew better than to make an attempt at seduction.  And when the urge surfaced, he raged at himself silently. She doesn’t trust you. She doesn’t want you. Leave her alone. 
“Tell me, Janet,” he said aloud. “What’s your theory? Why do you think I’m doing all this?”
“To somehow get your hands on Mavis’s money,” she said promptly, then grimaced. How could she be so attracted to a man she suspected of being such a jerk?
He laughed ruefully. Darn it all, in a way, she was right. “So you really think I’m a con artist, do you?”
Janet turned away as he rubbed himself all over with the yellow towel. “If you’re not a con artist, why are you so concerned with keeping her happy and unquestioning?”
“Maybe it’s because I like her. Maybe it’s for her own good.”
“Or maybe it’s for some other reason. Like finding out something about her that you can use for blackmail.” That came off the top of her head, but once she’d said it, she rather liked it.
He laughed aloud. “Is that your theory? What a larcenous mind you have, kiddo. Why did you agree to go along with this little masquerade if you thought I was such a crook?”
“Because you were blackmailing me.  So I figure it might be your go-to con system.”  She lifted her chin and challenged him in the dark.  “The more I can learn about how you do it, the better prepared I’ll be.”
He stepped out of her line of vision and dropped the towel from around his hips, slipping into pajama bottoms.  Then he came back close to the side of the bed. “Not a bad idea, sweetheart. And it turned out you were pretty good at it, didn’t it?” His voice was soft with teasing. “We’re both good at it. Hey, what do you say we team up, travel all across the country . . . Make a fortune.” Without waiting to be invited, he sat down on the edge of her bed.
She glared at him, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell him to move away. She liked having him close like this. “Deceiving people?” she accused.
His eyes glittered in the moonlight. “Sure. We’d be great.”
“Like Bonnie and Clyde?”

“Much classier than that. Matt and Vanessa. And no bloodshed.” He pretended to shudder. “Nothing so messy and common.”
Zondervan’s YA Imprint Blink launches…
The Blink Tour!

Each stop on the five-city tour will feature a combination of seven prolific YA authors, including Golden Heart finalist Carey Corp and HonestlyYA blogger Lorie Langdon (DOON); Christy Award finalist Lisa T. Bergren (REMNANTS); co-founder of readergirlz Lorie Ann Grover (FIRSTBORN); Robert Treskillard (THE MERLIN SPIRAL series); Christy Award winner Jill Williamson (THE SAFE LANDS series); and Jonathan Friesen (AQUIFER), whose first YA novel Jerk, California received the ALA Schneider Award.

Events will feature a reading and Q&A, tons of swag up for grabs, and even bigger prizes to win in the grand prize giveaway at every stop.

Can’t make it in person?  
Meet the authors on the virtual Prism Tour!
Enter to win copies of each featured book…

Sunday, May 11 – Tour Launch Blitz
Contact [email protected] to share this post!
Monday, May 12

 – Tressa @ Tressa’s Wishful EndingsLorie Langdon & Carey Corp: Doon (Doon #1)

Carey Corp  Doon (Doon, #1) Lorie Langdon
Tuesday, May 13

– Meet the authors in person at School Events in the Atlanta Area

– Kathy @ I Am A Reader:  Lisa Tawn Bergren: Season of Wonder (Remnants #1)

  Season of Wonder (The Remnants #1)  Lisa Tawn Bergren
Wednesday, May 14 
– 6:00 pm at THE BOOKSELLERS AT LAURELWOOD, 387 Perkins Road Extended, Memphis, TN 38117. Robert Treskillard,  Lorie Anne Grover ,  Jonathan Freisen
– Amber @ The Wonderings of One PersonRobert Treskillard The Merlin Spiral Series: Merlin’s Blade, Merlin’s Shadow, Merlin’s Nightmare
Robert Treskillard
Merlin's Blade (The Merlin Spiral, #1) Merlin's Shadow (The Merlin Spiral #2) Merlin's Nightmare (The Merlin Spiral #3)
Thursday, May 15 
– 7:00 – 9:00 pm at SALT LAKE CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY, 210 East 400 South, Conference Room A, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.  Lorie Ann Grover,  Jill Williamson,  Jonathan Freisen,  Lisa T. Bergren
– Bonnie @ A Backwards Story: Lorie Ann Grover: Firstborn

Lorie Ann Grover   Firstborn
Friday, May 16 

– School Events in the Phoenix Area
– Laura @ ColorimetryJill Williamson: The Safe Lands Series: Captives & Outcasts

Captives (The Safe Lands, #1) Jill Williamson Outcasts (The Safe Lands, #2)

Saturday, May 17

– 4:00 pm at CHANGING HANDS, 6428 S McClintock Drive, Tempe, AZ 85283. Lorie Ann Grover, Jill Williamson, Jonathan Freisen,  Lisa T. Bergren.

Sunday, May 18 

– Lisa @ Bookworm LisaJonathan Friesen: Aquifer

Aquifer Jonathan Friesen
About Blink: Blink brings true stories and fiction to YA readers. The literature published by Blink is a positive reflection of what is inspiring and heartening while maintaining a tradition of imaginative and exciting storytelling that will bring readers to the edge of their seats, immerse them in a heartrending love story, or engross them in a story of a life well-lived. Readers will see themselves in all facets of Blink’s literature and will find new levels of entertainment that enrich and uplift. For more information please visit http://blinkyabooks.com/ or visit us on facebook and Twitter.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/blinkyabooks

Tour-Wide Giveaway
May 11 – 27, 2014
Must be old enough to enter (see Rafflecopter). USA/Canada only. 6 Winners!!
Merlin’s Blade, Merlin’s Shadow, and Merlin’s Nightmare (Paperbacks)
Captives & Outcasts (Paperbacks)
Doon (Hardcover)
Firstborn (Hardcover)
Aquifer (Hardcover)

Season of Wonder (Hardcover)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Prism Book Tours
Are you a blogger and want to receive information about new tours? Go HERE.
Are you an author or publisher and would like to have us organize a tour event? Go HERE.

Intro to Run Run Runaway
From Author Helen Conrad
Run Run Runaway is the Sweet Edition of My Little Runaway, the story of Reid Carrington and Jennifer Thornton.

They say you can’t go home again—but Jennifer’s going to try.

It’s not her idea. In fact, she fights it—but she’s always been in love with Reid Carrington and she knows how much he wants her to make the attempt—so she takes the leap, risking her own happiness. Meanwhile, Reid thinks he’s going to make her come back to face her responsibilities, but he ends up learning a few things about himself—and about Jennifer—that change his life for the better.
This sort of story always appealed to me. It’s actually a story of self-sacrifice. We all have times when people we love don’t understand why we do things we feel we have to do. Jennifer leaves home so she won’t have to tell her parents a truth they don’t want to know about her brother. They see it as selfish willfulness. She knows it’s really just the opposite. But her sacrifice is worth it to preserve their peace of mind. And once Reid fully understands her motives, he loves her more than ever. Still, it isn’t easy getting there!
Run Run Runaway
Destiny Bay Romances – Forever Yours
(Sweet Edition #1)
by Helen Conrad
Adult Romance
Paperback & Ebook, 169 pages
March 28th 2014 by Doorknock Publishing

It seemed like a good idea at the time.
The trouble is, when you run from your problems, you often find out your biggest obstacle is along for the tripit’s you! Reid Carrington realizes that when he finds Jennifer and recognizes the quiet desperation in her eyes. Can he save someone who doesn’t want to be saved? Or like a lifeguard rescuing a swimmer, will she pull him down into the undertow in the end?

Recipes for Jennifer’s Mango Salsa and Tilly’s Bruschetta included.
Purchase from Amazon.


“Jennifer Thornton, when are you going to grow up?”
Her head shot up at the familiar voice, but the late afternoon sun was behind him, wrapping him in a mantle of light spears. All that stood out was a set of very wide shoulders and the vague outline of dark glasses hiding his eyes.
“Who says I have to grow up?” she asked lightly, reaching under her chin to unclip the strap on her helmet, then pulling the hard hat from her head and shaking her full head of chestnut curls free. “I learned long ago that grownups never have any fun.”
She peered into the shimmering light, trying to see his face. That voice was so familiar.
“There’s a lot more to life than fun,” he said softly. “You must be twenty-three years old by now. Haven’t you learned that yet?”
“Twenty-four,” she corrected automatically. She knew who it was now. Leaning back, she let loose the natural smile that so many called irresistible.
“Reid Carrington,” she said, letting out a long sigh as she said it.  It had been ages since she’d said that name aloud, but she’d never forgotten it. It was written on her heart.  A bubble of happiness rose in her throat. “You always were trying to teach me something, weren’t you?”
“Was I?” He stepped closer, and she could see the outlines of his handsome face. “The way I remember it, you were the one trying to teach me.”
Despite herself, Jennifer blushed, then bent to hide her smile. If he was going to bring up the silly way she used to chase him when she was a kid, she’d deny everything.
What a crush she’d had! Every summer, she’d spent the long, lazy days mooning over the handsome older boy next door. She must have made his life miserable.
“It has been a long time,” she said, wishing she could see him better. “Almost five years.”
“You look the same.” His voice had a curiously emotional quality, and she frowned, wondering why. “Just the same.”
“You look different.” She pulled herself up to stand before him, and now she could see his face clearly. All of it except the blue eyes. They were still covered by the dark glasses.
“You look very Junior Chamber of Commerce, now.” She grinned, examining his wrinkle-free slacks and the expensive pale blue shirt with the little polo player over the pocket. “Or is that an insult? Should I say Junior Stockbroker?”
She laughed softly, enchanted with seeing him again. He brought back all the good memories of the past. The ugly stuff that she tried so hard to blot out had nothing to do with Reid. She’d often wondered over the years how he was doing.


[Pin, share, or tweet this image for an extra entry in the giveaway.]
Image of Helen Conrad
Helen Conrad is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 90 romances (over 15 million copies sold) published under various pseudonyms with Harlequin, Silhouette, Loveswept, and others. She is currently revamping and rewriting much of her backlist—mainly into the Destiny Bay Romances Series. The first six, the Forever Yours Series, are being rewritten as Sweet Editions.
A Little About the Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
From Author Helen Conrad
“The Destiny Bay Romances take place in the sort of beach town I’ve always loved–and now I live in one! But writing about beach towns came first and this series is centered on the rich, influential Carrington family living along the California Coast, and in Hawaii. These are good-looking, fast-driving, hard-hitting men and women whose impulses lead them into trouble every time–and inevitably to fall in love.
The original series includes language and love scenes that aren’t, for the most part, especially harsh and explicit–but some of my readers from my years writing sweets for Harlequin as Raye Morgan have asked if we couldn’t have sweet and clean versions–and I thought–what a good idea!
These are basically the same stories…but with the conflicts softened a bit, the language cleaned up, and no explicit love scenes. There are still a few adult situations, but they’re muted. Consider these the PG versions.
I hope you enjoy them!”

Tour-Wide Giveaway

– US Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and paperbacks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
– INT Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and ebooks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast

Prism Book Tours
Are you a blogger and want to receive information about new tours? Go HERE.

Are you an author or publisher and would like to have us organize a tour = event? Go HERE.
To post this Grand Finale and add your Social Media to the Rafflecopter, 
email us at PrismBookTours(at)gmail.com with “Meant to Be Mine GF” in the subject line.

A book tour hosted by Prism Book Tours.


Meant to Be Mine
by Becky Wade

Happy Mother’s Day! In Meant to Be Mine, Celia has been living as a single mother and then later in the story has to figure out who she is as a woman as her daughter becomes less dependent on her. We want to thank all you moms out there who give so much of yourselves to do what you do!! It isn’t easy being a mother all the time, but it is also one of the best jobs for all the love given and received.

Meant to be Mine (A Porter Family Novel, #2)

Meant to Be Mine
(A Porter Family Novel #2)
by Becky Wade

Christian Romance
May 2014 by Bethany House Publishers
Ty Porter has always been irresistible to Celia Park. All through high school—irresistible. When their paths cross again after college—still irresistible. This time, though, Ty seems to feel exactly the same way about Celia. Their whirlwind romance deposits them at a street-corner Las Vegas wedding chapel.
The next morning they wake to a marriage certificate and a dose of cold reality. Celia’s ready to be Ty’s wife, but Ty’s not ready to be her husband. He’s a professional bull rider, he lives on the road, and he’s long planned to settle down with the hometown girl he’s known since childhood.
Five and a half years pass. Celia’s buried her dreams so that she can afford to raise her daughter. Ty’s achieved all of his goals. Or thought he had, until he looks again into the eyes of the woman he couldn’t forget and into the face of the child he never knew he had.
How much will Ty sacrifice to win back Celia’s trust and prove to her that their spontaneous marriage can still become the love of a lifetime?

Did you miss any of the stops along the tour? 
You can go back and check them out now!

May 5
Tressa’s Wishful Endings – Review
“It had a perfect mix of romance, heartbreak, well-fleshed characters, inspiration, hope, and a small-town setting….Truly a well-written, heartfelt, and enjoyably sweet story!”
I Am A Reader – Excerpt
     “I’m not Mrs. Porter.” Teasing tinged her voice. She didn’t want to be too hard on him, not when the notion of him wanting to marry her was so outrageously flattering.
     “Determined to wait until after the ceremony, huh?” He tipped the dealers and requested a tray so that he could pack up his chips. “You coming?”
     “Definitely.” She didn’t want to tell him this, at the risk of seeming pathetic. But she’d follow him anywhere.
Rina’s Reading – Review
“Read this if you enjoy contemporary romance with twists, cowboys and cute little girls. And great (clean, but sweep you off your feet) kisses.”
May 6
The Wonderings of One Person – Excerpt
     There he was.
     She forgot how to breathe.
     He was striding down the sidewalk towards her, a few shops away and closing, looking up, probably to find the sign that said Jana’s.
     She’d anticipated that he’d look handsome. But ‘handsome’ was something you might say about a male model in a magazine ad; it was too stiff and flat an adjective for Ty Porter.
     Ty Porter had the kind of appeal that pulled your gaze to him and wouldn’t let you look away.
JoJo’s Corner – Review
“I think this story will ring true and resonate with many readers- that love isn’t always like a Disney fairy tale. If you’re a fan of great love stories with memorable characters- don’t miss this one!!!!”
Heidi Reads… – Review
“I was surprised by how much I loved this book! The secret baby theme isn’t my favorite, but the author was so skilled in portraying the complex emotions of the characters, I was immediately drawn in and couldn’t put the book down!…I definitely recommend this book and can’t wait to read the rest of her books!”
May 7
Copywrite1985 – Review
“Ty Porter and Celia Parker got married in Vegas after dating four days. It shouldn’t have worked, and for a long time, it didn’t. But God had a plan to save the bull rider and the baker’s marriage, and He carried it out despite their stubbornness, bitterness, and inability to forgive. This reader really enjoyed being along for the ride.”
Kindle and Me – Review
“I am so glad that I read this. It delved deeper into all aspects of relationships with their sacrifices and trust issues. It was an eye opener for me. I definitely will be reading the rest of the series.”
Redpillows – Review
“This is truly a fun read and the simpleness of the story is beautiful. The author has also brought out the strong belief people have in God and in the end how that can shape or change a person’s life if you just believe. This is a beautiful story of love, understanding and trust, the lengths to which people can go to protect the ones they love or to gain the trust of the people they love.”
Little Lisa – Spotlight
“I LOVED THIS BOOK! I loved the banter, the romance and the theme of forgiveness! I couldn’t put the book down and recommend it to all!!!”
Add Librarian – Review
“It’s romance with just the right touch of faith at it’s heart. The characters are spot on and the pacing is fantastic.”
May 8
Katie ‘ Clean Book Collection – Review
“I absolutely loved the journey Ty and Celia went on in their discovery of what truly matters in life. The journey to true love isn’t always easy, but it can be so much fun, as well as sweet and romantic.”
Christy’s Cozy Corners – Excerpt
     “Aw,” he crooned. “Watching me ride gave you a little thing for me, didn’t it sweet one?”
     She turned a withering look on him. “What kind of a thing?”
     “A burning love kind of a thing.”
     “Admit it, you missed me while I was gone.” 
     “Not in the least.” 
     “Still hate me?” 
Tell Tale Book Reviews – Excerpt
     If he could feel a calm sort of kindness toward Celia, that would be good. That’s what he’d been going for tonight.
     Instead, when she’d opened her door, pleasure had rushed through him at the sight of her. After years on the road, seeing her standing in front of him with a bright, good-smelling house behind her had felt like coming home. The kind of home that had nothing to do with her fool apartment.
The Written Adventure – Excerpt
     Once Pummeler had disappeared down the passage where all bulls disappeared, Ty lifted his hat, smiled at the crowd, and turned in a circle to acknowledge their support. The down-home commentators with the chicken-fried-steak accents called him a ‘fan favorite’ and a ‘three time world champion’ and ‘third in the season’s standings’.
     “Nice try, Pummeler.” Celia shook her head and fast-forwarded. 
     Ty rode again and stayed on again. 
     Unfortunately no one would be denting Ty’s arrogance tonight.
Elle in Organic Shoes – Review
“If you are looking for a cute story full of witty banter and to sink your teeth into be sure to check out this book as well as Becky Wade’s other stories.”
Life Isn’t Always a Fairytale – Review
“I just got through Becky Wades new book called Meant to Be. If you haven’t read any books by Becky, I highly recommend it! She is a delight….It’s truly great and I give it five stars!”
May 9
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing – Review
“I just loved everything about this book. I loved that it made me mad, and laugh and cry. I mean, when an author does that to me, I just want to jump up and down. I know, kind of crazy, but I love it when a book can bring such emotions out of me….It was sweet, funny, and just an all around great read.”
Batch of Books – Review
“It’s official. I’m a die hard Becky Wade fan. I love her books. They are real and heartfelt stories that I connect to….I would highly recommend this book to fans of Christian fiction and romance. It’s a beautiful reminder that marriage is sacred to God.”
Getting Your Read On – Review
“The Christian elements are there but aren’t overpowering. The story really shines through and I enjoyed it all a lot. In fact, when I finished this book, which is the second in the series, I went right to Amazon to check out the other books by this author.”
Coffee Books and Me – Review
“I just love the simplicity and the beauty of the story. It’s about love and forgiveness. It’s one of those books you want to read if you want to relax and unwind.”

About the Author

During her childhood in California, Becky Wade frequently produced homemade plays starring her sisters, friends, and cousins. These plays almost always featured a heroine, a prince, and a love story with a happy ending. She’s been a fan of all things romantic ever since.
Becky and her husband lived overseas in the Caribbean and Australia before settling in Dallas, Texas. It was during her years abroad that Becky’s passion for reading turned into a passion for writing. She published three historical romances for the general market, put her career on hold for many years to care for her kids, and eventually returned to writing sheerly for the love of it. She’s delighted to be penning warm, wry, and heartwarming contemporary romances for the Christian market. Her CBA debut, My Stubborn Heart, was a finalist in both the RITA and INSPY awards. Undeniably Yours kicked off her Texas-set Porter Family series. Her newest contemporary romance, Meant to Be Mine, has just hit shelves!

These days Becky can be found failing but trying to keep up with her housework, sweating at the gym, carting her kids around town, playing tennis, hunched over her computer, eating chocolate, or collapsed on the sofa watching TV with her husband.

Website * Goodreads * FacebookTwitter * Pinterest
Tour-Wide Giveaway

Prize #1: $50 Visa gift card and a paperback or ebook copy of Meant to Be Mine (open internationally)
Prize #2: 1 lb. of Starbucks coffee and signed copies of Undeniably Yours and Meant to Be Mine (US Only)
Prize #3: Box of See’s Chocolates and signed copies of Undeniably Yours and Meant to Be Mine (US Only)

May 4 – 18

a Rafflecopter giveaway 
Prism Book Tours
Are you a blogger and want to receive information about new tours? Go HERE.
Are you an author or publisher and would like to have us organize a tour event? Go HERE.
Today I’m excited to welcome author Jill Stengl to my blog to talk about her new novel of the French Revolution, Until That Distant Day.  I had the opportunity to ask her a question about the characters, as you’ll see below (and make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom to enter the giveaway for an autographed copy of the book and some Parisian tea, shown in the last picture!).  But first, here’s a little more information about the book and its author:

Back Cover Description
Colette and her brother Pascoe are two sides of the same coin, dependent upon one another in the tumultuous world of the new Republic. Together they labor with other leaders of the sans-culottes to ensure freedom for all the downtrodden men and women of France.
But then the popular uprisings turn bloody and the rhetoric proves false. Suddenly, Colette finds herself at odds with Pascoe and struggling to unite her fractured family against the lure of violence. Charged with protecting an innocent young woman and desperately afraid of losing one of her beloved brothers, Colette doesn’t know where to turn or whom to trust as the bloodshed creeps ever closer to home.
Until that distant day when peace returns to France, can she find the strength to defend her loved ones . . . even from one another?
“Jill Stengl is one of the rare authors with the ability to transport the reader to another world–a delightfully rich world of scent and sight and sound.” – Kim Vogel Sawyer, bestselling author of Echoes of Mercy

“Award-winning author Jill Stengl has created her greatest work yet in the inspiring and moving Until That Distant Day.” Jill Eileen Smith, bestselling author of the Wives of King David series.
Author Bio
Jill Stengl is the author of numerous romance novels including Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award- and Carol Award-winning Faithful Traitor, and the bestselling novella, Fresh Highland Heir. She lives with her husband in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin, where she enjoys her three cats, teaching a high school English Lit. class, playing keyboard for her church family, and sipping coffee on the deck as she brainstorms for her next novel.

She blogs at Books, Cats, and Whimsy. Do stop by and follow her to keep up with all her writing and reading-related activities!

Question from Annie:

Tell me about one of your characters who you would NOT want to know in real life.  What makes this character interesting, and why does he/she work well in the story?

Answer from Jill:

The first character who came to mind was Pascoe, because he would exhaust me mentally and emotionally and I already have enough people like that in my life!

But I think the person I would truly be most uncomfortable around would be Arnaud Lamorges, owner of the weapons forge. Arnaud is a huge, physically powerful man with a straightforward mind: He cannot imagine his leaders among the sans culottes behaving or speaking dishonorably or deceitfully. This blind trust and his lack of education make him a useful tool to unscrupulous politicians. He is both a faithful friend and an implacable enemy. His mere physical presence would be intimidating to me!

He loves his young wife with single-minded devotion and would do anything in his power to make her happy, yet she also fears him for reasons she keeps to herself. Arnaud’s role in the story is crucial, and my heart aches for him yet.
Thank you for a fun question, Annie. That one made me think! And thank you for joining my blog tour. J

Until That Distant Day Launch Tour Schedule (visit any of the blogs below to see more information about the book and read more people’s questions and the author’s answers):

May 5
Tales of Goldstone Wood
Edgy Inspirational Romance
Fullness of Joy
The Inkpen Authoress
Covers and Ink
May 6
Blooming with Books
Quoth the Girl
The Wonderings of One Person
May 7
The Writer’s Window
Jill Eileen Smith
The Writer of Dream Things
May 8
Letters from Annie Douglas Lima
Rina’s Reading
To Find a Castle
May 9
To Be a Person
Writings of Rosie
May 10
Seasons of Humility
Notes by Oywen
The Overweight Bookshelf
May 11
Too Read or Not Too Read
Bluerose’s Heart
May 12
Mel’s Shelves
Labor Not in Vain
Creative Madness Mama
May 13 – Giveaway Winner Announced
Tales of Goldstone Wood
Prizes for the Giveaway!

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To post this Grand Finale and add your Social Media to the Rafflecopter, 
email us at PrismBookTours(at)gmail.com with “Geography GF” in the subject line.

On Tour with Prism Book Tours


The Geography of You and Me
by Jennifer E. Smith

The Geography of You and MeThe Geography of You and Me
by Jennifer E. Smith
YA Contemporary Romance
April 15th 2014 by Little, Brown for Young Readers

Lucy and Owen meet somewhere between the tenth and eleventh floors of a New York City apartment building, on an elevator rendered useless by a citywide blackout. After they’re rescued, they spend a single night together, wandering the darkened streets and marveling at the rare appearance of stars above Manhattan. But once the power is restored, so is reality. Lucy soon moves to Edinburgh with her parents, while Owen heads out west with his father.

Lucy and Owen’s relationship plays out across the globe as they stay in touch through postcards, occasional e-mails, and — finally — a reunion in the city where they first met.

A carefully charted map of a long-distance relationship, Jennifer E. Smith’s new novel shows that the center of the world isn’t necessarily a place. It can be a person, too.

Did you miss any of the excerpts we shared on our tour? 
You can go back and read chapter one in its entirety, but here are some snippets:
Tour Launch

The two main characters, Lucy and Owen, from The Geography of You and Me first meet in New York, but then keep in contact from different places around the world before meeting up in New York again.

The author, Jennifer E. Smith, shared some of her favorite places in the world in preparation of Geography’s release. We’d like to re-share them with you!

A Backwards Story – Chapter One, Part 1

On the first day of September, the world went dark.
But from where she stood in the blackness, her back pressed against the brassy wall of an elevator, Lucy Patterson had no way of knowing the scope of it yet.

Literary Meanderings – Chapter One, Part 2

When the elevator had wrenched to a stop, their eyes met, and in spite of the situation, she’d found herself wondering—ridiculously—whether he recognized her, too. But then the lights above them had snapped off, and they were both left blinking into the darkness, the floor still quivering beneath them. There were a few metallic sounds from above—two loud clanks followed by a sharp bang—and then something seemed to settle, and except for the faint beat of his music, it was silent.

Book Briefs – Chapter One, Part 3

The boy turned to face her, and though it was still too dark for details, she could see him more clearly with each minute that passed. She was reminded of a science experiment her class did in fifth grade, where the teacher dropped a mint into each of the students’ cupped palms, then switched off the lights and told them to bite down hard, and a series of tiny sparks lit up the room. This was how he seemed to her now: his teeth flashing when he spoke, the whites of his eyes bright against the blackness.

A Life Bound By Books – Chapter One, Part 4

“I think we’ll be fine,” he said, his voice reassuring; then, with a hint of amusement, he added: “Unless, of course, you’re afraid of the dark.”

“I’m okay,” she said, sliding down the wall until she was sitting on the floor, her elbows resting on her knees. She attempted a smile, which emerged a little wobbly. “I’ve heard monsters prefer closets to elevators.”

The Reading Diaries – Chapter One, Part 5

This time she laughed. “What’s up there, anyway?”

“The sky.”

“You’ve got keys to the sky?” she said, and he knitted his fingers together, lifting his arms above his head in a stretch.

“It’s how I impress all the girls I meet in the elevator.”

Colorimetry – Chapter One, Part 6

“I know. Hard to believe school starts tomorrow.”

“Yeah, for me, too,” he said. “Assuming we ever get out of here.”

“Where do you go?”

“Probably not the same place as you.”

“Well, I hope not,” she said with a grin. “Mine’s all girls.”

The Wonderings of One Person – Chapter One, Part 7

He considered this a moment. “Yup,” he said finally. “That pretty much sums up my feelings about New York.”

Lucy nodded. “You would prefer not to,” she said. “But that’s just because it’s new. Once you get to know it more, I have a feeling you’ll like it here.”

“Is this the part where you insist on taking me on a tour of the city, and we laugh and point at all the famous sights, and then I buy an I ♥ NY T-shirt and live happily ever after?”

“The T-shirt is optional,” she told him.

Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf – Chapter One, Part 8

His eyes caught hers through the darkness, and the elevator felt suddenly smaller than it had just minutes before. Lucy thought of all the other times she’d been crammed in here over the years: with women in fur coats and men in expensive suits; with little white dogs on pink leashes and doormen wheeling heavy boxes on luggage carts. She’d once spilled an entire container of orange juice on the carpet right where Owen was sitting, which had made the whole place stink for days, and another time, when she was little, she’d drawn her name in green marker on the wall, much to her mother’s dismay.

I Am A Reader – Chapter One, Part 9

Across the elevator, Owen rested his head against the wall. “It is what it is…” he murmured, letting the words trail off at the end.

“I hate that expression,” Lucy said, a bit more forcefully than intended. “Nothing is what it is. Things are always changing. They can always get better.”

Bookfever – Chapter One, Part 10

“It won’t help anything,” she said. “Worrying.”

“Exactly,” he said. “It is what it is.”

“Nope,” she said. “Nothing is what it is.”

“Fine,” he said. “It’s not what it isn’t.”

Lucy gave him a long look. “I have no idea what you’re saying.”

“Or maybe you’d just prefer not to,” he said, sitting forward, and they both laughed. The darkness between them felt suddenly thin, flimsy as tissue paper and even less substantial. His eyes shone through the blackness as the silence stretched between them, and when he finally broke it, his voice was choked.

You’ll have to find out what happens between Lucy and Owen by grabbing a copy.

Jennifer E. Smith is the author of This Is What Happy Looks Like, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, The Storm Makers, You Are Here, and The Comeback Season. She earned a master’s degree in creative writing from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, and currently works as an editor in New York City. Her work has been translated into 27 languages, and her next young adult novel, The Geography of You and Me, will be out in Spring 2014.

Website * Goodreads * Twitter * Tumblr
Tour-Wide Giveaway
– Hardcover copy of The Geography of You and Me
– ebook copy of The Geography of You and Me
– Open internationally
– April 8 – 22

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Prism Book Tours
Are you a blogger and want to receive information about new tours? Go HERE.
Are you an author or publisher and would like to have us organize a tour event? Go HERE.
To post this Grand Finale and add your Social Media to the Rafflecopter, 
email us at PrismBookTours(at)gmail.com with “Rock Star GF” in the subject line.

A themed tour with Prism Book Tours

The Rock Star Tour Grand Finale for

What Goes on Tour
By Claire Boston

There’s still time to check out the tour stops, download What Goes on Tour 
for a discounted price, and enter the giveaways. Check it all out below!

What Goes on TourWhat Goes on Tour
by Claire Boston
Adult Contemporary 
Ebook, 282 pages
February 11th 2014 by Momentum Moonlight

What goes on tour, stays on tour … or does it?
Few people know that socially awkward Adrian Hart is actually rock god Kent Downer, and that’s the way Adrian likes it. His privacy is essential, especially now that he has guardianship of his orphaned, ten-year-old niece, Kate. But when the nanny quits in the middle of his tour Adrian finds himself in a bind.

Until Libby Myles walks into his life.
Libby has only ever wanted to become a full-time author and prove to her parents that she can make it on her own. On the surface, the temporary job as the nanny for Kent Downer’s niece looks perfect—the pay is fabulous, the hours are short and Kate is a big fan—it’s the rock star that’s the issue.
Arrogant and way too attractive for anyone’s good, Kent Downer has enough swagger to power a small city. But when he’s out of costume he’s different—shy and uncertain. For Libby it’s a far harder combination to resist. She needs to find a balance between work, writing and ignoring her attraction to the rock star, because if she falls for him, it could mean the end of her dream.
But when a horrible scandal is unleashed—putting young Kate in danger—there’s more heat between Libby and Adrian than just sexual attraction. Libby must figure out if Adrian ever cared for her, or if it was all just part of the show …
SALE! What Goes on Tour for $2 (50% off)!!
Purchase through Momentum’s store from April 8-15.
Click on the “Buy Direct” button and use this coupon code:
Tour Launch

What did author, Claire Boston, say about what she hopes readers take away with them after they’ve read What Goes on Tour?

I’d love it if readers enjoyed the novel and maybe took with them that people are often different from their public persona.

Coffee & Books & Art – Excerpt

Nerves clenched in a death grip in Libby’s stomach. She ignored them, taking some more chocolate, then shifted her weight, lifting her knee so she was sitting sideways on the couch.

All the better to observe the rock star. She needed the distraction. He was attractive, if you went for the bad boy type, with his designer stubble and dark brooding eyes. Libby imagined some women would get a thrill to have those eyes focused on them, even for a moment.

The Written Adventure – Author Interview

7) Which of your characters do you favorite and why?

That’s like asking a mother who their favourite child is! There are things I love about each of them but I guess if I had to choose, Adrian would be my favourite in What Goes on Tour. He was such an interesting character to get to know and I liked working through his issues with him.

All That’s Written – Guest Post: Research & Review

…I also contacted my favourite talk show and asked what happens behind the scenes, before the show is aired. Were there rehearsals? How much makeup had to be applied? What happened after the show? Again there was a really useful response, explaining everything that happened and I realised I had to make a couple of adjustments to my story to incorporate them.

“Well done. No, very well done. It’s not often I find a romance that captures me like this. This is romance in its purest form without being mushy.”

The Wonderings of One Person – Author Interview

What was the inspiration for What Goes On Tour?

The question should probably be who was the inspiration for What Goes on Tour and the answer is Marilyn Manson. I was watching a music video show on television and Marilyn Manson appeared. I wondered what made him create his persona and from there my mind drifted off into a series of ‘what ifs’ and day dreams. It only took about five minutes sitting on the couch to come up with Adrian/Kent and the story progressed from there.

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Guest Post: The Writing Process

Each writer has their own process, their own way of building a story and it can evolve over time. I have friends who plot everything and those who plot nothing and both work for them. And that’s what it’s about. You have to find a process that works for you. I’ll still try out different methods when I hear about them to see if they can work for me and sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t.

But no matter what my writing process involves, one thing remains constant – the love of writing itself.

Kelly P’s Blog – Author Interview

What are you working on right now?

I’ve just finished the dirty draft of a contemporary romance. It’s based around childhood sweethearts who split up just after high school and have just been reunited.

Angels With Attitude Book Reviews – Author Interview

What would you have done differently if you were the main character of your book?

That’s a tricky question because when I’m writing, I constantly fight the urge to make the situation too easy for my character or to have them act like I would act. If I was Libby I would have stood up for myself a lot quicker than she does.

Deal Sharing Aunt – Guest Post: The Path to Publication

If I had to give one piece of advice to aspiring authors it would be to never give up. Nothing happens quickly in this industry and you need to learn your craft before you get to the submission stage. Even after that, it’s very subjective so you need to persevere until you get your manuscript in front of the right person.

C&F: Contests & Freebies – Guest Post: Inspiration

Who is he? Marilyn Manson. 

I was watching one of those music video shows and he came on screen with his dark hair, pale skin and dark makeup and I wondered what made him make up the persona of Marilyn Manson. My brain spiralled through a range of what ifs: 
  • What if it was the only way he could perform in front of people? 
  • What if he was nothing like the character he portrayed? 
  • What if he was the exact opposite? 
  • What if it was his way of hiding from the world? 
And so the character of Adrian/Kent was born…

Tressa’s Wishful Endings – Review

“It is well written with fully-fledged characters, and a happily-ever-after ending. I would recommend this to those who enjoy Adult Romance.”

Bajgajka Loves Books And Giveaways – Excerpt
Libby shifted in her chair and his intense brown eyes met hers. Her heart jolted. He looked slightly horrified, though much friendlier than the cheetah last night.

Though he barely resembled the rock star, Libby was sure it was him. “Hello, Kent.”
The surprise was a shooting star across his face.

“You recognized him!” the girl said as she handed back the notebook. “No one does when he’s not in costume.”

Colorimetry – Playlist

I’ll admit I don’t listen to music when I’m writing. I find it distracting and if I’m having a particularly difficult writing day then I find myself singing along to the songs rather than thinking up what should happen next. Having said that, songs often inspire ideas or help me set the mood for a scene, so I will listen to playlists to help me stay in the mood.

My Love for Reading Keeps Growing – Playlist

When What Goes on Tour first came out I decided to have a book launch. It was reasonably low key, at the local library, with about 70 friends, family and writing and reading enthusiasts attending. . . . wouldn’t it be great if we could get a real rock star to play as people arrived (because a rock star would really love to perform for free at a debut author’s small book launch!). . . . instead I put together a playlist of rock tunes to set the mood of the night. . .
MI Bookshelf – Excerpt

Libby was just Libby, interesting and kind.

And that was another problem. He couldn’t deny he was attracted to her and he had to add that to the equation. The nanny he hired had to be the best for Kate’s well being and nothing to do with him. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t hire anyone he was attracted to. But he also didn’t have a lot of choice.

New Syndrome Book – Excerpt

Libby stood up. She should go. This was their time together and she’d be back in a couple of hours when Adrian had to go to work. “I’ll leave you two and come back in time to make dinner.”

“Stay.” Adrian and Kate spoke simultaneously and then grinned at each other and said, “Jinx!”

Adrian turned to Libby and was more hesitant. “That is, if you don’t have any work of your own.” His gaze was sincere.

“She doesn’t. She’s already halfway through her edits,” Kate said. “You could play a game with us. Uncle Ade said we could play the dancing game today.” She jumped up and snatched the computer game cover. “There are lots of songs to choose from.”

Creating Serenity – Guest Post: Adrian/Kent
The first time Libby meets Adrian, he’s dressed as his alter-ego Kent and this is what she sees.

The other red couch had a single occupant. Not the kind of person you wanted to meet in a dark alley, late at night. 

Kent Downer stared straight at Libby, one hand in his lap, the other over the top of the couch, his long, rangy legs crossed at the ankles. She smiled, but he didn’t respond, staring but not seeing, his attention somewhere far more interesting than these four walls. She took the opportunity to study him. Short, spikey black faux-hawk, pale skin and the thickest black eyeliner she’d ever seen on a man. His clothes were black too. Skinny-leg jeans, plain, fitted T-shirt and a waistcoat that hung unbuttoned at the sides. Stereotypical rock star. She’d never be able to use him in one of her books – she’d have to make him different in some way. Otherwise she’d get the comment from her editor – “Don’t make him a cardboard cut-out.”

When she meets him again, as Adrian, this is her impression.

He was the same height and build as the rock star but that was where the resemblance ended. His dark hair was combed flat, and his white muscle T-shirt and blue jeans made him look like the boy next door.

Mel’s Shelves – Review & Excerpt

“The plot was more complex than I originally thought it would be and I enjoyed it. There were some twists and turns and I knew how I wanted it to end, but wasn’t sure if it would turn in that direction. . . . If you enjoy contemporary rock ‘n roll adult romance, this is the book for you!”

He got her so flustered, being so close. She turned to put some distance between them but stopped as he took her hand.

Heat rushed up her arms. Adrian drew her closer to him.

Her heart slowed and beat heavily in her chest.

“You’ve helped me a lot in these few short days.” He took her other hand so she was facing him directly.
What was he doing? She had to stop this.
Brooke Blogs – Guest Post: Libby

When Kent has an anxiety attack, he uses the image of Libby to help calm himself.

“Kent closed his eyes and focused on the sensation, visualizing her face; her emerald green eyes, her small nose, her hesitant smile and the straight, chocolate brown hair that fell past her shoulders.
She was attractive, in an unassuming way, and he concentrated on that hum of attraction he’d felt when he’d first noticed her in the green room.”

Then a little later in the story he sees her again, in a far different light.

“She was wearing a black leather jacket and green top that made her eyes more emerald, but it was the skinny-leg jeans and high heels that attracted his attention. Where the heck had those legs come from? They went on and on and the jeans clung to them like a second skin.

Platypire Reviews – Review

Within the first two chapters of What Goes on Tour, I was hooked. It was interesting to see how Adrian/Kent’s and Libby’s relationship unfolded, and because it wasn’t rushed, it felt believable. I think that’s a contributing factor of why I liked both characters.

Dividing by Zero – Review & Interview

This novel was well-written – the plot was interesting and entertaining; the characters were by and large believable. . . . I kept turning the pages even when I should have gone to bed, because bedtime came around just as I was reaching the part where the scandal subplot was unfolding, and I had to keep reading to find out what would happen next. This being the author’s debut novel, I’m doubly impressed with it, and can’t wait to read her next book!

If you were to adapt this book for the big screen, who would be in your dream cast?

I’ve been asked this question a few times and every time I come up with a different answer! There are so many talented actors and actresses out there. For Adrian I’d probably go with Benedict Cumberbatch; for Libby, Rose Byrne; and for Kate, Annie Rose Buckley.

Claire Boston was a voracious reader as a child, devouring anything by Enid Blyton as well as series such as Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, The Baby-sitters Club and Sweet Valley High. Then one school holidays when she’d run out of books to read her mother handed her ‘Hot Ice’ by Nora Roberts and Claire instantly fell in love with romance novels.

The love of reading soon turned to a love of writing and she struggled to keep within the 1500 word limit set by her teachers for her creative writing assignments. When she finally decided to become serious about her stories she joined Romance Writers of Australia, found her wonderful critique group and hasn’t looked back.

When Claire’s not reading or writing she can be found in the garden attempting to grow vegetables, or racing around a vintage motocross track. If she can convince anyone to play with her, she also enjoys cards and board games.

Claire lives in Western Australia, just south of Perth with her husband, who loves even her most annoying quirks, and her two grubby, but adorable Australian bulldogs.

Website *  Goodreads * Facebook * Twitter
Tour-Wide Giveaways
$50 GC & ebook of What Goes on Tour
10 ebooks of What Goes on Tour
March 31 – April 20

a Rafflecopter giveaway 

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Prism Book Tours
Are you a blogger and want to receive information about new tours? Go HERE.
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Friendship – Four Week Mini Bible Study By Ashley Ferris

About the Book:

Let’s explore the gift of friendship- what a devoted friendship looks like, how to handle the waiting period, and how to deepen current, valued friendships. If you are in a season where you find yourself light on friends, I want this study to be an encouragement that this season will have an expiration date. If you are in a place where you feel you have many friends, I hope you can use this study to evaluate the depth and purpose of those friendships. It may spur you to take risks to deepen some already beautiful friendships. It may also help you see that there are some unhealthy ties that may need to be prayed over and potentially ended. Finally, if you have friendships that are deep, but you tend to pull away when you are confronted, I hope you will see the value that lies before you. I pray that you will endure uncomfortable conversations with deep friends (that you know have your best interests at heart) in order to grow in friendship and as a daughter of the King.

Connect with author Ashley Ferris here:Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


We are so excited to celebrate this Kindle new release with you by hosting a giveaway! Just enter for your chance to win a Kindle copy of Friendship – Four Week Mini Bible Study and a $50 Amazon gift card! a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: Some affiliate links have been used within this post! This giveaway is sponsored by the Becoming Press Book Launch Bloggers.

Meet Archibald.
Hundreds of years ago, when Archibald was a kitten, no one thought he would survive. The tiniest of the litter, while his brothers and sisters got loving homes, Archibald was forgotten.
Sad and unloved, he sat down, determined to never get back up. That was when God spoke to Archibald for the very first time. He said, in a way only God can speak to someone inside their heart, where no one else can hear, “You’re not alone, Archibald. I am always with you.”
Archibald perked up his ears, but couldn’t see where the voice had come from. “Where are you? Why can’t I see you?” he asked cautiously.
“It would be difficult to understand unless I show you.”
“Then show me.”
“Very well. Close your eyes.”
Archibald closed his eyes where he sat on the hard dirt ground. He first became aware of his own breathing, in and out evenly through his nose and mouth. Then he felt his heart speed up and slow down.
God spoke again, “I created you, Archibald. I am within and around you. I preserve your life.”
The wind increased. It ruffled Archibald’s black fur and he shivered. He opened his eyes to see the branches of the trees around him swaying. A bird burst into song and flapped its wings loudly, flying away.
“And You are in the breeze through the trees and the birds of the air?” Archibald asked, astonishment making his eyes grow wide.
“I am.”

Join Archibald on his first adventure, as he discovers God’s purpose for his life and meets Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Some say cats have nine lives, but Archibald only had one. However, while he was looking for his forever home, God placed Archibald in different lands and times to see amazing miracles that He did for His people. With lessons intertwined within each story and four devotionals included for you and your child at the back of the books in the series, these stories are sure to become a favorite. Each book also includes a “Find the Hidden Character” fun feature for younger children to look for as they listen. Included devotionals written by Karen Michelle Ricci. See the reviews and buy a Kindle or Paperback copy on Amazon.  Win a Paperback Copy of Archibald’s First Bible Adventure below, Archibald and the Fiery Furnace by Laura J. Marshall.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To post this Blitz and add your Social Media to the Rafflecopter, 
email us at PrismBookTours(at)gmail.com with “Eva’s Blitz” in the subject line.
We’re kicking off the release of Linda’s new Harlequin Heartwarming novel and sharing an excerpt with you below! Once you’ve checked out the book info and read the excerpt, enter the two fabulous giveaways!

Eva’s Deadline

by Linda Hope Lee
Paperback or ebook, 368 pages
April 1, 2014 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Eva Sinclair finally had it all: the Seattle sea-view condo, the fancy blue car and the assistant editorship at the city’s hottest magazine. Everything she fought for since the day she walked out on her father and the Willow Beach Herald, his beloved small-town newspaper.

With one call from Mark Townson, her father’s protege, it was all gone. Her father. Her career. Her independence. And, quite possibly, her mind. Because fulfilling her father’s final wishes meant meeting a one-year deadline as Mark’s coeditor at the Herald. That’s what they call an impossible deadline. Especially when the sparks begin to fly.

Read an Excerpt now HERE!

Harlequin * Goodreads * Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Kobo

Praise for previous books by Linda Hope Lee:
For Tell Me No Lies: “Well-written . . . fast-paced . . . highly recommended.” 

-Joyce Koehl, Romance Reviews Today 

For Dark Memories: “An emotional drama and puzzling suspense . . . churns with guilt, passion, and intrigue.” 

Romantic Times  

For Finding Sara: “A modern Western, packed with secrets, intrigue, and old-fashioned romance.”


For Loving Rose: “A heartwarming read that will tug at your heartstrings.”


“What a beautiful story!” 


Linda Hope Lee writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and mysteries. She enjoys traveling especially to small towns in search of story ideas. She’s also an artist, specializing in watercolor, pen and ink, and colored pencil. Photography provides inspiration for both her writing and her art. She lives in the Pacific Northwest, where many of her stories are set.

Website * Facebook * @LindaHopeLee

Blitz-Wide Giveaways
April 1-15

Giveaway #1:
$50 Amazon Gift Card – International

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #2:
3 paperback copies – US and Canada
3 ecopies – International

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Are you a blogger and want to receive information about new tours? Go HERE.
Are you an author or publisher and would like to have us organize a tour event? Go HERE.