On Tour with Prism Book Tours
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

The core of the story is never to give up because God is always working behind the scenes and can bring people into our lives or change our circumstances right when we most need it. Another big aspect of the book is that things and circumstances don’t define us. Our faith and how we live do.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review & Guest Post

“An exceptional story of life and love. I love the way the author shows us parts of life of a hero of the military. The things they go through and the pain and suffering it brings to family and friends. . . . I highly recommend this story to everyone who like to read and receive a lift as an extra reward.”

My Publishing Journey

I’ve been writing for a long time. Ever since I was eight, to be exact. I still have the ugly, beat up, green notebook that I wrote my very first little stories in. I had no idea then that I would be a published author. It wasn’t even something I aspired to. I just loved to tell stories, something I inherited from my mom. I might not have even started writing if I hadn’t seen her doing it first. . .

underneath the covers – Excerpt

She waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t. Instead, he switched the topic back to her. “What about your parents? What do they do?”

“Well, my dad’s a farmer and my mom was always a stay-at-home mom.” Simple and straightforward. They loved their lives, and she had loved growing up in it. However, her dreams had always been a bit beyond that. Maybe she’d been foolish.

“A country girl, then.”

Unbidden, a tiny laugh escaped Alex. “Yes, pretty much. A country girl with big dreams.”

ACME Teen Books – Kids, YA & NA Too! – Review

“What an outstanding and feel-good-in-the-end book! Two characters, both living a life other than what they had planned, both struggling emotionally. . . . I adored their love story and how they were able to help each other and the faith that finds it’s way back into their hearts. . . . I highly recommend this book to all lovers of Christian Contemporary Romance lovers!”

Hallie Reads – Guest Post

No Chance Meeting Character Casting

It’s always great for an author when they can have someone “cast” as their character. It really helps bring the character to life in our minds. Here are a few of my celebrity casting choices for the characters in No Chance Meeting. . .

Locks, Hooks and Books – Excerpt

Had Alex received the text two weeks ago, she would have ignored it for a few days, hoping Mindy just thought she was busy and forgot to call. She tapped on Mindy’s name to bring up her contact information and stared at the call button. She would have to be honest about how she had been lately. Mindy would know just by her voice if she tried to conceal her struggles. Did she really want to delve into it? However, today had become about making things right. She hit call. The phone rang twice before Mindy’s voice filled her ear.

“Alex! I’m so glad you called!”

“Hey, Mindy,” she said through a smile.

“It’s so good to hear your voice.”

“Yours too.” Really, her friend’s bubbly enthusiasm was like a balm. She should never have avoided calling.

The Power of Words – Review

No Chance Meeting by Jaye Elliot is a character-driven romance with realistically flawed characters and strong spiritual themes. I’m a firm believer in the way God is always working behind the scenes, leaving nothing to chance, so the title is especially meaningful. It’s refreshing to see a Christian fiction book where God is actually the main character.”

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Guest Post

How I am Like/Not Like My Character

Writers always leave pieces of themselves within a story. This can be especially true in regards to their main character. Here are 5 ways my main female character, Alex, and I are alike and then 5 ways we are not alike. . .

Splashes of Joy – Excerpt

“Alex,” she said cheerfully when she looked up. Her gaze drifted to Riley and then back to Alex, sparkling with curiosity.

Alex paused with Riley at her side. “This is Riley Conrad. We work together and . . . he’s my boyfriend. He’s taking me out to dinner tonight.” She shared a quick smile with Riley.

Dia looked positively delighted. This would certainly dominate tonight’s conversation with her friends.

janicesbookreviews – Review

“I loved Alex’s and Riley’s story. . . . This is a new author for me. I enjoyed her writing. I loved how Alex and Riley were so supportive of each other. I plan on reading more by the author.”

Jorie Loves A Story – Interview

Chance meetings, meet-cutes and serendipitous encounters are some of my favourites within Romance & Sweet Romance – how did you want readers to react to the one you’ve given Riley & Alex? What did you love about setting the scene itself and giving a first look at how your life’s trajectory can alter itself in one singular moment?

Elliot responds: The first meeting between Alex and Riley isn’t the cute, swoon-worthy or funny meeting that a lot of romance novels have. Alex is at the lowest point in her life. It’s absurd to her that she, a girl who’s never been on a date in all her near-thirty years, would meet someone right then. But I love it because it shows that God is working even when we think our lives have hit a dead end. He can bring people and things into our lives right when we need them most, even if, in our human minds, the timing seems ridiculous. The whole theme of the book is that things don’t happen by chance. They are part of God’s plan.

JeanBookNerd – Guest Post


1. I wrote No Chance Meeting for NaNoWriMo 2016. It was the first time I ever participated in NaNoWriMo. I wasn’t sure I ever would and really didn’t think I’d actually make it to 50,000 words. I ended up completing the month with over 60,000. . .

Beauty in the Binding – Excerpt

She moved toward the kitchen counter. “Do you want coffee?”

“Always.” With a cheeky grin, Mindy slid onto one of the barstools on the opposite side of the counter.

Alex filled the coffeemaker with the coffee Riley had brought her after his appointment. While waiting for it to brew, she peeked over at Mindy, who was checking her phone.

“He kissed me the other night.”

Mindy’s eyes shot up, and her phone rattled on the counter. Her mouth fell open with a squeal. It was a good thing Alex had given her the news now instead of after handing over the coffee or her friend might have choked in her giddiness.

Heidi Reads… – Spotlight
Tell Tale Book Reviews – Guest Post

Top 10 Romantic Pairings

​I’m a hopeless romantic, so I tend to do a lot of shipping fictional characters. Here is a look at my top 10 in no particular order. Only one pairing is actually from a book. I’m a very visual person, so I tend to do more shipping of characters from movies and TV than I do for books. I’m sure I’m forgetting some, but these are the ones that jumped to mind immediately. . .

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

Riley turned to Alex with a smile and held out his arm, drawing her closer. “Granddad, this is my girlfriend, Alex Jennings. Alex, my grandfather, Joseph Preston.”

His smile grew even brighter, if that was possible, and he held out his hand for Alex to shake. Though his skin was wrinkled, his grip was strong.

“I’m very pleased to meet you, Alex. It’s about time Riley found himself a good woman.”

It was impossible not to grin at his enthusiasm. “I’m very pleased to meet you as well, Mr. Preston.”

Remembrancy – Review

“Elliott tackles the difficult topic of depression with grace and gentleness, never glossing over the internal battle that Alex wages on her emotions. The faith element of the book is also authentic to the story. I’ll be watching for more from this author.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post…

No Chance Meeting
(No Chance Love #1)
By Jaye Elliot
Christian Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 393 Pages
February 11th 2020 by Living Sword Publishing

Alex Jennings is done with life. After losing her brother in Afghanistan, everything has collapsed around her. Getting laid off from her day job and failing in her art career, she has nowhere left to turn. She once had faith to believe that all things would work together for good, but that faith died with her brother. Now she just wants the pain to end.

Riley Conrad served thirteen years in the military until three bullets sent him home. After a year and a half of physical therapy and scraping together a living, all he wants is to live a simple life and perhaps even open the coffee shop he dreams about. However, the weight of failing his parents’ expectations doesn’t make it easy, and working as a bartender isn’t getting him anywhere fast.

Could a “chance” meeting between Alex and Riley set them both on the path God always intended?

(Affiliate link included.)
Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo

About the Author

Jaye Elliot is an award-winning author, country girl, and hopeless romantic at heart. She loves a good hero and will always sigh happily during the lights scene in Tangled. She writes from her home in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, which she shares with three cats she considers her kids. When not writing romance novels, she pens fantasy and adventure stories as Jaye L. Knight.
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Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a signed copy of No Chance Meeting, a coffee mug, a bag of chocolates, and a hand painted watercolor bookmark (US only)

Ends March 4, 2020

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Author Interview

What was your motivation behind Promise for Tomorrow? Why did you want to write it?

My motivation was to tell a story based on actual events that happened in my family. This book is dedicated to my parents. They had to make the difficult decision, just like the hero did in this story, to sell the family’s farm ground. I witnessed their sense of loss and also their triumph in the years following the sale as they remained steady in their faith and true in their relationships. I wanted to write the story because I detected much potential for the sharing of testimony to the power of faith.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is a great story with a sweet romance. It has plenty of heartache and hardships as well as positive uplifting situations in the story. . . . I recommend this book to others who like a good romance.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

A fragment of memory returned. “Karen.”

She glanced up with a question in her eyes.

“When I woke up a few minutes ago, what did I say to you?”

She blushed. “You called me an angel.”

“Then I wasn’t seeing things.” His hazy mind was finally catching up to his vision. “I said that because of how you look right now.”

Two Points of Interest – Review

“There were a few places were the book was a bit slow but, I enjoyed the plot twists. I enjoyed the part where the kids were playing pranks with each other even though, I felt for Karen.”

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

Promise for Tomorrow is the first book I have read by Michelle DeBruin. . . . After reading this, I realize she has a great talent at storytelling. . . . I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy clean historical fiction.”

Heidi Reads… – Interview

What message would you like readers to ultimately take away from the book?

I would like readers to take away from my book the message that faith wins. Every day. All the time. This is true because God is faithful, and he carries us through trouble to the beautiful plans that he has dreamed up for our lives. When everything seems to be going wrong, or things don’t turn out the way we expect them to, we can still rest in the promises God has made to us because he will deliver and work his plan in our lives in his own good time.

janicesbookreviews – Review

Promise for tomorrow is the second book in the series. I did not read the first book. This book is written as a stand-alone, but I would still recommend reading the first book. I plan on reading . . . Hope for Tomorrow.”

Wishful Endings – Guest Post

The Top Ten Facts to Know About the Series and Characters

1. The character of Karen Millerson, the heroine, is based on my grandmother, Elizabeth Van Zante. She grew up during the 1920’s and then accomplished the completion of her college education during the depression, earning her bachelor’s degree in math and Latin. She went on to teach math at two different high schools before marrying my grandfather in 1947. . .

Pause for Tales – Review

“If you are looking for a sweet romance on the prairie look no further than Promise for Tomorrow. . . . Through it all however, Karen and Logan did make a great team. Especially all that was thrown their way. Their story made for an enjoyable read to pass the time with.”

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Excerpt

After a few moments Mama murmured, “Oh, my goodness.” Her gaze returned to him. Joy radiated on her face. “You’ve gone and fallen in love with our own dear, sweet Karen, haven’t you?”

Logan bit his lip. Never in his wildest dreams did he see things coming to this. Mama really should mind her own business more often.

“This is tremendous!”

Apparently no answer form him meant a “yes” in his household.

Peaceful Pastime – Review

“I love a clean, sweet romance with obstacles that the characters must overcome and this one has plenty of obstacles and plenty of faith to get through the hard times. . . . There are characters I rooted for and some others who just annoyed me but in this book I always wanted Karen and Logan to live their best possible live because they deserved it after everything they went through.”

Kimber Li – Guest Post

The Inspiration and Research for Promise for Tomorrow

The inspiration for this book, and for the entire Tomorrow series begins with the creation of the heroine of the story, Karen Millerson, who is a schoolteacher. She is from Chicago and has the training to teach English at a high school level. This character is based on my grandmother, Elizabeth Van Zante. She grew up during the 1920’s and then accomplished the completion of her college education during the depression, earning her a bachelor’s degree in math and Latin. She went on to teach math at two different high schools before marrying my grandfather in 1947. . .

Historical Graffiti – Review

“What a wonderful book full of faith. Michelle D Bruin has a delightful way with words that truly warms the heart. . . . If you love historical romances with a Christian background, then don’t miss this amazing book. You’ll find yourself lifted up as you read without even realizing it. Beautifully written Michelle!”

I’m Into Books – Guest Post

Top Ten Tips in Teaching at a Country School and Running a Dairy Farm

This list is based on the real-life experiences of the heroine and hero of the Tomorrow series, Karen Millerson and Logan De Witt.

Young women receiving their training to teach school should understand that they can only teach as single women. Marriage means the end of a career. This is because school administrators want to encourage married women to set a high priority on their own homes and families. . .

Reading Excursions – Review

“Despite having not read the first book, I was able to get right into this one. . . . This reminded me of a more grown-up version of “Little House on The Prairie”, which is probably why I really enjoyed it. . . . Beautiful, inspiring, and timeless are just some of the words to describe this book. The cover is simple, colorful, and just gorgeous. It drew me in as if in advertising a place to stay at the farm.”

Library Lady’s Kid Lit – Interview

What is your favorite genre to read? What about that genre draws you?

My favorite genre to read is also the genre I write in, Christian Historical Fiction. I’m drawn to this genre by the things I learn about a historical era or setting, as well as by the layers of spiritual truth written into the story. Christian fiction serves as an effective tool to demonstrate how faith shapes us and how God works in a person’s life.

Savings in Seconds – Review

“If you’re looking for a clean romance with a strong Christian theme, Promise for Tomorrow is a sweet choice. It’s not a complicated story, and the characters pride themselves on living a simple life. . . . I appreciated how the characters praised God for the positive in every situation, no matter how bleak the day looked. If you’ve read Amish fiction before, this book has a similar vibe.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post…

Promise for Tomorrow
By Michelle De Bruin
Christian Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 290 Pages
November 19th 2019 by Mantle Rock Publishing

Living a life of faith isn’t going the way Logan and Karen hoped until some special visitors arrive and offer them their future back.

Karen Millerson dreamed of teaching high school but now finds herself boarding with a farm family and teaching country school. She is engaged to marry Logan De Witt and is getting prepared to share in ministry with him. But when she gets blamed for the tragic fire at the school, Karen’s future grows uncertain.

Logan De Witt is working to clear his family’s name with the bank. But when he breaks his leg, hindering his ability to work the farm, Logan is faced with life-changing decisions. When his best friend can’t offer the help he requested, can Logan find a way to care for his family and court Karen at the same time before his love for her destroys all of them?

(Affiliate links included.)
Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository

Other Books in the Series

Hope for Tomorrow
By Michelle De Bruin
Christian Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 294 Pages
October 23rd 2018 by Mantle Rock Publishing LLC

When Logan De Witt learns of his father’s sudden death, he returns home to the family’s dairy farm. During his stay, he discovers his mother’s struggle with finances and his younger sister’s struggle with grief. Concern for his family presses Logan to make the difficult decision to leave his career as a pastor and stay on the farm. As a way to make some extra money, he agrees to board the teacher for their local school.

Karen Millerson arrives from Chicago ready to teach high school but her position is eliminated so she accepts the role of country school teacher. Eager to put her family’s ugly past behind her, Karen begins a new career to replace the trust she lost in her own father who had been in ministry when she was a child.

Logan and Karen both sense a call from the Lord to serve him, but neither of them expected that one day they would do it together.

Can Karen learn to trust again? Will Logan lay aside his grief in exchange for God’s purpose for his life?

(Affiliate links included.)
Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository

About the Author

Michelle De Bruin lives in Iowa with her husband and two teenage sons. She has a bachelor’s degree in Religion with a Christian Ministry emphasis, and in Music. Michelle is the spiritual services provider for an organization that offers services for people with mental and physical disabilities. She has been a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) since 2015. Michelle writes inspirational historical romance about people who live in rural communities. Characters that bring to life the delights of farm and small-town living, whispers of Dutch heritage, and Christian faith make Michelle’s stories distinct. A romantic at heart, Michelle is always on the lookout for glimpses of God’s love through the window of a good story. Her first book, Hope for Tomorrow, released in 2018. The sequel, Promise for Tomorrow, released November 2019.

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Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a signed print copy of Promise for Tomorrow, chocolates, and a winter-themed quilted table runner (US only)
Ends February 26, 2020

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Author Interview

What was your motivation behind THE FIFTH AVENUE STORY SOCIETY? Why did you want to write it?

The idea came after I spoke to a local writers group. One of the leaders mentioned their “story circles” and an idea was born. The Story Circle was the original title and had seven characters instead of five. But from the beginning it was about a group of strangers discovering who they were as they told their stories. The idea hit me so profoundly I went home from the meeting and wrote a synopsis in minutes and fired it off to my agent. He wrote back, “Love it!” The story felt right. I could “see” it so I knew I had to write it.

Hearts & Scribbles – Spotlight

Cover Lover Book Review – Review

“As always, Rachel Hauck’s character development is spot on. She created a world filled with believable characters and a story with a beautiful, spiritual thread. Wonderful storytelling. “

Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

The door opened, and the discussion crashed to a stop. Jett rose to meet who he believed was the fifth member of this weird, cockamamie “society.”

“Lexa?” If possible, the world stopped spinning. His heartbeat slowed, and his thoughts careened together.

She moved across the threshold with ease, hitched her backpack on her shoulder, and raised her sparkling hazel gaze.

“Jett? You’ve got to be kidding me.” She had more heat in her eyes than the flames in the fireplace. “Did you do this? Send that stupid invitation?”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is an interesting, unique tale of how one event resulted in opening new discoveries in five individuals which changed each of their lives path forever. It is a story of freedom, unity, redirection, understanding, tolerance, acceptance, and many more topics.”

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

“We still don’t know why we’re here.” Chuck glanced at each of them, his attention lingering longer on Coral than the others. “Don’t you want to know who sent the invitation?”

“What if the invitations were some promotional thing for the library? Sent to five random people. I get stuff ‘to the resident of’ all the time,” Lexa said, the presence of Jett starting to seep into her skin.

Did she want to punch him? Yell at him? Run away and never clap eyes on him again? Hug him? Yes, yes, all of the above.

Two Points of Interest – Review

“The story started strong and tapered off towards the middle. However, I am glad that I stuck through the novel because I love[d] seeing the true story of each character unfold. I enjoyed seeing that each character was able to find themselves and find each other.”

The Power of Words – Review

The Fifth Avenue Story Society by Rachel Hauck is a moving story that goes on my “best of the best” list. The bookstore setting is atmospheric and charming, the characters rich and endearing, and every word of the prose is to be treasured. It’s a story of friendship, renewal and second chances, with a few heartwarming moments that moved me to tears. . . . Highly recommended.”

Adventures of a Travelers Wife – Review

“I give this book a resounding 5 out of 5 stars for the amazing characters and their individual stories, for the story of friendships coming from nothing, and for showing how the faith of one can affect many. I highly recommend picking this book up to read.”

Jorie Loves A Story – Review

“Rachel Hauck is my new favourite in Contemporary INSPY . . . From the choices of her words to how she tucks in references which cross-relate to the revelations she’s making about her characters; Hauck has this innate ability to connect you to her story and gives you a reason to ache for another chapter, another moment in this world she’s created with a story you don’t wish to exit. . . . by the time I first reached the Fifth Avenue Story Society’s meeting space, I knew how much I was loving this experience . . . I was beyond smitten and dearly delighted that this became the first Hauck novel I read and it definitely will not be my last! Ooh, my dear stars… the joy of it!”

Savings in Seconds – Review

“This book is bound to be a movie at some point. The characters (and there are several) each have their own spunky personalities that need to be shared with the world. I love the contrast between them, from their backgrounds to their livelihoods.”

Peaceful Pastime – Review

“If you haven’t read any books she’s written so far than I have no hesitation in recommending you start with this one. I absolutely loved the premise and the characters . . . I thought The Fifth [Avenue] Story Society has some heartbreaking moments but also there is hope, hope for new beginnings, hope for brighter futures and best of meeting new people who will change your life for the better.”

Christian Chick’s Thoughts – Excerpt

“I still say people can live selflessly, you know. There are couples who get along, don’t argue. Marriages where love conquers all.”

“Really?” Jett’s expression conveyed his doubt. “I’ve never seen one.”

“Well, you’re looking at the remaining half of a solid, giving marriage.” Ed glanced around the circle. “Granted, you don’t see much of what Esmerelda and I had in these modern times. All I see here is you kids with heartbreak. I don’t know what happened to you, Chuck, but I can see pain in your eyes.” He patted his new friend’s broad shoulder. “Lord only knows what happened with Coral and you two.” He waved at Lexa, then Jett. “Esmie and I chose the way of love. It was the sixties, so naturally love was on our minds. We decided things together, and when she was right, I said sorry. When I was right, she made my favorite pot roast.” He fell against his chair. “She made the best pot roast.”

Paper Ink & Lizard – Review

“Stepping inside The Fifth Avenue Story Society by Rachel Hauk is like stepping inside the library itself–warm, cozy, and with a bit of mystery. . . . The Fifth Avenue Story Society offers a little bit of something for every type of readers, and is a wonderful fit for those who enjoy cozy reads involving bookstores, family, and business, with maybe even a little romance.”

Splashes of Joy – Excerpt

“One day when you’re like forty or fifty, you’ll look back on your life and wonder what happened to the Jett Wilder who hoped, who dreamed. You’ll be completely unaware that your shallow, lonely existence was carved out by a faded, twisted memory of a morning on a mountaintop. That you’re haunted by the ghost of your dead brother.”

“That won’t happen. What you just said.”

“In some ways it already has, Jett. Between you and me.”

Edits and Reviews by Leslie – Review

“Hauck’s writing quickly draws the reader in, and it’s easy to feel a part of the unlikely group. Character development is strong. I loved that the story was told in multiple POV’s, as it gives the reader the full picture, and you’re really able to connect with each person. . . . I had a hard time putting this one down, as I couldn’t wait to see how things turned out in the end.”

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review

“Before you do anything else, go put this book on your TBR pile! However you keep track of the books you want to read…whether you add them to Goodreads or you write them down…do it now. You need to read The Fifth Avenue Story Society.

This is a story that you will never forget. . . . I felt this story so deeply. The characters’ stories aren’t my stories, but that’s the point. Deep down, we’re the same.”

Red Headed Book Lady – Review

“I love Rachel’s books. I love her stories and how they can be very realistic and believable!! Her writing is amazing!! She [definitely] wrapped up the ending to this story very well . . . Wonderful plot and Characters that you can believe in and some you can even make friends with.”

Reading Excursions – Review

“I found myself not being able to put it down. . . . This book was heart-breaking, frustrating, and touching to read. It even had a haunting sadness to it. Still, there were elements of hope and even some humor. . . . My heart nearly broke at one point when it looked like everything was falling apart. Yet, at the end, everything came together and in a beautiful way.”

All excerpts from The Fifth Avenue Story Society by Rachel Hauck. Used with the permission of the publisher, Thomas Nelson. Copyright © 2020 by Rachel Hauck. Learn more at TNZ Fiction.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post…

The Fifth Avenue Story Society
By Rachel Hauck
Christian Contemporary Romance
Hardcover, Paperback, Audiobook & ebook, 400 Pages
February 4th 2020 by Thomas Nelson

An invitation to join The Fifth Avenue Story Society gives five New York strangers a chance to rewrite their own stories.

Executive assistant Lexa is eager for a much-deserved promotion, but her boss is determined to keep her underemployed.

Literature professor Jett is dealing with a broken heart, as well as a nagging suspicion his literary idol, Gordon Phipps Roth, might be a fraud.

Uber driver Chuck just wants a second chance with his kids.

Aging widower Ed is eager to write the true story of his incredible marriage.

Coral, queen of the cosmetics industry, has broken her engagement and is on the verge of losing her great grandmother’s multimillion-dollar empire.

When all five New Yorkers receive an anonymous, mysterious invitation to the Fifth Avenue Story Society, they suspect they’re victims of a practical joke. No one knows who sent the invitations or why. No one has heard of the literary society. And no one is prepared to reveal their deepest secrets to a roomful of strangers.

Yet curiosity and loneliness bring them back week after week to the old library. And it’s there they discover the stories of their hearts, and the kind of friendship and love that heals their souls.

Praise for the Book

“Hauck inspires and uplifts with this mix of tales.” – Publishers Weekly

(Affiliate links included.)
Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Target | Christianbook | TNZFiction
About the Author

Rachel Hauck is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA TODAY bestselling author of The Wedding Dress, which was also named Inspirational Novel of the Year by Romantic Times and was a RITA finalist. Rachel lives in central Florida with her husband and pet and writes from her ivory tower.
Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Bookstagram Tour

Check out the Bookstagram Tour here, which has its own giveaway (ends 2/16)!

February 10th:
February 11th:
February 12th:
February 13th:
February 14th:

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a print copy of The Wedding Dress (US only)
Ends February 19, 2020

Grab Our Button!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

Sam grinned at her and winked.

She stopped. No way. This was weird.

“Oh, come on.” He leaned out the door, grasped her forearm, and pulled her in. With the door shut, the three of them sat shoulder to shoulder . . . thigh to thigh. Kimberly rolled down her window and tried not to think about how, even on a day so hot she felt like a roast duck, the sensation of Sam’s warmth against her side was exquisite.

Jules fired up the engine, and Sam shifted the vehicle into first. “Okay, Jules, take us on a tour. Pretend we’ve never seen the farm before. Take us to all your favorite spots and tell Kim about them.”

My Devotional Thoughts – Spotlight

Uplifting Reads – Review

“I like watching Sam and Kimberly going back and forth, continuing to spar but then learning to appreciate each other, becoming friends, and developing a slow burn of a relationship. Secondary in this story is the relationship between Jules and her ex-boyfriend Mick. All four of them have so much to work through, and together it seems more possible.

And I especially loved having the Australian setting for this one for something a little different in my reading.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

“Mick, can I ask you something?”

He swiveled to look up at her. “My response to that question has never stopped you before.”

“What’s your girlfriend’s name?”

He dropped his gaze and grimaced.

She clenched her teeth. She’d been an idiot. There was no girlfriend. And that joyful unicorn currently shooting rainbows around her brain could shut up, because any soft thoughts toward Mick were unwelcome here.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“The characters are very endearing and the dedication to family and God, inspiring. There is so much of real life challenges portrayed, the whole story felt real. . . . This is a great book for older Young Adults to read, as it is for Adults.”

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

Ahead of her, Sam walked toward the yard gate, oblivious to the jealousy that oozed through her veins. Between Butch, Jules, and Mrs. Payton—due home in a couple weeks for Christmas—Sam had a real family. A real family with a real home.

A home now under more threat than they realized.

In addition to getting her Wildfire work done, Kimberly had spent late-night hours since she’d arrived scouring the six months’ worth of financial documents Jules had given her, looking for a way to free up the cash they needed.

Red Headed Book Lady – Review

“I loved the story and even got a few laughs out of it as well. . . . I finished this book all in one day. It was so good that I couldn’t put it down. Plus, it made my cold afternoon go by faster. I love a good story like that.

I highly recommend.”

Becky on Books – Review

A Girl’s Guide to the Outback is a cute, sweet, and funny read. . . . Ms Kate does do a good job of showing how paralyzing their fears are, though, and allows them to work through them, giving us a very sweet HEA in the end.”

ACME Teen Books – Kids, YA, & NA Too! – Review

“What great spunky and sassy characters! They were magnetic and completely drew me into the story. I loved that there was not only the primary romantic couple but a secondary one as well! . . . The accents were cheery and adorable, reading about the cattle and sheep ‘stations’ (ranches to all you Americans) goings-on and just living day to day life in the sunny Outback ‘Down Under’.

All in all, a fun and romantically recommendable book!”

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review

A Girl’s Guide to the Outback is a hilarious, inspirational rom com, and you’re going to love it! . . . I’m not going to spoil this completely adorable book for you because I know you will love it, and I want you to discover all of the swoon-worthy, heart-wrenching, heartwarming, and inspiring moments yourselves. Not only are the main characters well-developed, but the supporting characters also are. . . . A Girl’s Guide to the Outback is a Christian romance book, and I found moments of deep wisdom within its pages.”

Cover Lover Book Review – Review

“One thing I love about Rom-coms is they are fun and light. That’s one of the things that sometimes bothers me too. But The Girl’s Guide to the Outback doesn’t only include lightness and humor, it also contains a meaningful vein of faith, trust, dealing with fear, and following God’s path for our life. . . . This slow-burn romance is a mixture of sparring fun and uplifting change and put me through many emotions. I was most pleased with the thread of inspiration it instills.”

Jorie Loves A Story – Review

“. . . it had moments which made me smile . . . . I found a compelling story about seeking out the personal truths in all our journeys and owning those truths even if it means making radical changes in our lives.”

Splashes of Joy – Review

“I really enjoyed this interesting story from author Jessica Kate. . . . The cast of mixed characters give a lot of flavor to the story. There are many times you will find yourself laughing, and there are some sad moments a[s] well. The Christian lifestyle was weaved throughout the story in a somewhat subtle way. And it had a sweet ending. . . . If you are looking for a humorous, sweet yet crazy read, this is one you will love.”

Peaceful Pastime – Review

A Girl’s Guide to the Outback penned by Jessica Kate is such a delightful read. Parts are filled with humor but there are serious undertones which the author blended perfectly. . . . I became involved and invested in this novel because the story is fascinating, moves at a great pace and I loved the setting. I like that this novel is suitable for all ages which is why I highly recommend it.”

Paper, Ink, & Lizard – Review

“Jessica Kate imbues the story with wit and humor all the way, adding an element of pure fun. But that doesn’t mean things don’t get heavy, as emotions spike and relationships go sideways. And even though things don’t work out the way they were expected to, the end of the story is satisfying enough to make any reader melt in her seat.

A Girl’s Guide to the Outback is a humorous story filled with life, laughter, and a whole lot of cows, perfect for those who love clean romance with a little bit of comedy.”

Getting Your Read On – Review

“What a cute book! I loved the setting and I loved getting to know the characters in this book. They had depth and personality. This author is great at creating scenes that I can easily visualize in my mind and I love how it all played out so vividly.”

Remembrancy – Review

“I enjoyed Jessica Kate’s debut novel, but she’s outdone herself in The Girl’s Guide to the Outback. Kate’s sophomore release felt much more rom-com to me than her first book, yet there was still some wonderful depth to the story amidst the humor. . . . I adored that there are two romances in this book (Jules and Mitch are the second couple) and the peek into a lesser-known side of living in Australia.”

Reading Excursions – Review

“. . . while this starts off as a hate/love, romantic comedy, there is so much heart and depth to it. . . . This is an absolutely adorable, heart-warming, and light-hearted read with serious messages throughout. The writer’s style was easy to follow and she moved the story along more and more. So much so that I found it hard to put this book down. It was just **THAT** good! Even when the writer threw in a realistic, heart-stopping, and shocking tragedy – I had to keep reading.

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“I am giving A Girl’s Guide to the Outback a very well deserved five plus stars. I have already highly recommended it to my friends. Readers who enjoy a sweet romance will not want to pass on this one. I loved it!”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post…
A Girl’s Guide to the Outback
By Jessica Kate
Christian Contemporary Romance
Paperback, Audiobook & ebook, 368 Pages
January 28th 2020 by Thomas Nelson
How far will a girl go to win back a guy she can’t stand? This funny, sweet, and romantic story proves that opposites do attract—and that God has a sense of humor.
Samuel Payton is a passionate youth pastor in Virginia, but below the surface, he’s still recovering from the blow of a failed business and insecurities he can’t shake. His coworker, start-up expert Kimberly Foster, is brilliant, fearless, and capable, but years of personal rejection have left her defensive and longing for a family. Two people have never been more at odds—or more attracted to one another. And every day at work, the sparks sure do fly.
When Kimberly’s ambitious plans for Sam’s ministry butt up against his risk-averse nature, Sam decides that obligations to family trump his work for the church. He quits the ministry and heads home to Australia to help his sister, Jules, save her struggling farm. As Kimberly’s grand plans flounder, she is forced to face the truth: that no one can replace Sam. Together they strike up a deal: If Kimberly comes to work on Jules’s dairy farm and lends her business brains to their endeavor, then maybe—just maybe—Sam will reconsider his future with the church.
As Kimberly tries her hand at Australian farm life, she learns more about herself than she could’ve ever expected. Meanwhile Sam is forced to re-evaluate this spunky woman he thought he already knew. As foes slowly morph into friends, they wonder if they might be something even more. But when disaster strikes the farm, will Sam find it within himself to take a risk that could lead to love? And will Kimberly trust God with her future?

(Affiliate links included.)

Bookstagram Tour

Check out the Bookstagram Tour here, which has its own giveaway!
February 3rd:
February 4th:
February 5th:
February 6th:
February 7th:
About the Author

Australian author Jessica Kate writes inspirational romances with wit, sass, and grit. Jessica is a screenwriting groupie, cohost of the StoryNerds vlog and podcasts, and her favorite place to be—apart from Mum and Dad’s back deck—is a theme park. She has traveled North America and Australia, and samples her favorite pasta wherever she goes—but the best (so far) is still the place around the corner from her corporate day job as a training developer. She loves watching sitcoms with her housemates and being a leader in a new church plant.
Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a print copy of Love and Other Mistakes by Jessica Kate
US only
Ends February 12, 2020
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours


Go to Smashwords HERE and enter QU46N at checkout to grab the first three books for only 99¢!

Shadow and Stone
(Frey Saga #5)
By Melissa Wright
New Adult, YA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook
February 4th 2020

No bargains unpaid.

After a perilous clash with the fey, the changeling who betrayed the paramount of their laws–and threatens the safety of both realms–has gone into hiding. As Frey and her Seven recover, concealed plans and furtive bargains begin to unravel, putting in danger their old guard and new.

They’re on unsteady ground.

Scattered and healing, those sworn to protect the North and its lord work to secure their footing. They are running out of time to cure the darkness poisoning the fey lands, before it overflows into the rest of the realm. But Ruby has gone missing, and this time it seems of her own accord.

They’re out of time.

If they don’t stop her, she’ll face the deadly changeling alone. But more forces are at play than it seems, and the fey lord confined on his lands by treachery and two half-human elves has made a bargain of his own.

(Affiliate link included.)
Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords

Guest Post: What You Need to Know About the Frey Saga

New to The Frey Saga? Check out what you need to know to jump into this world of magic, elves, and fey. (Warning: this post containers spoilers for the first three books.)

Types of magic

Magical energies are divided into light, dark, and that of the fey. These energies to do not play well together (and neither do their owners).

What makes Frey special?

Freya, Lord of the North and the Dark Elves’ Kingdom, is a halfbreed. She’s not only able to use the magic of both the light and dark energies, but she’s also half human–a weakness as far as any of the North are concerned. She’s managed to keep her throne despite that though, in no small part due to her rare ability to control animals. She’s been known to use birds of prey, wolves, and mountain cats, and readers can expect a few larger beasts as her talent grows.

Who’s the villain?

It depends on who you ask. Light elves oppose the methods of the dark and dark elves the light, but both hate the fey. The fey court is headed by the fey lord Veil, whose power is strong enough to shift the seasons. Veil—like all fey—engages in dangerous games and relies heavily on deceit and trickery.

Cast of characters

Frey’s high guard is known as the Seven, a once ragtag band of elves turned warriors including a halfblood fey, her horse trader brother, the strongarm, the wizards, the quick one, and the brooding hero/love interest: Chevelle.

The story so far

After meddling with powers and making deals with the fey, Frey’s predecessor was removed as Lord of the North. A great many lives were lost in the battles that followed, including Frey’s mother, and as heir to the throne Frey has much work ahead of her to set things to right. She’s finally settled into her place as ruler and her Seven and guard are loyal and true, but a darkness was set free during that meddling that threatens not only her people, but all elves and fey.

What’s next

In The Frey Saga Book V: Shadow and Stone, Frey faces her biggest challenge yet. A deadening of magic is spreading through the kingdoms and one of her Seven has gone missing. As fey treacheries and past secrets unravel, Frey’s duty as Lord might force her into a bargain that could destroy them all.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author
Melissa is the author of the Frey Saga, Descendants Series, and Shattered Realms. She is currently working on the next book, but when not writing can be spotted collecting the things she loves at Goodreads and Pinterest. Contact her through the web at www.melissa-wright.com.
Website | Blog | Goodreads | BookBub | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram

Bookstagram Tour

Follow the tour here! Get extra entries in the giveaway
below when you follow and comment on each stop!

February 4th: @jhannabass
February 5th: @mythical_books
February 6th: @acmeteenbooks2019
February 7th: @canadianbookaddict
February 8th: @leslielmckee

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive an ebook box set of the first three books in the series (Frey, Pieces of Eight, and Rise of Seven) and a $20 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally (as long as winner is eligible to receive prizes)
Ends February 10, 2020
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Note from the Author

Welcome to Grace-by-the-Sea, a Regency spa village where everything is designed for your comfort and delight. Just don’t look too closely at those who pass silently in the night. . .

Bookworm Lisa – Review

The Matchmaker’s Rogue was a pleasure to read. I loved the characters. The eccentric residents and the “crazy” aunt all added a wonderful feel to the book. . . . It was the perfect blend of romance, mystery, and townsfolk. I can’t wait to see who is matched in the next installment of the series.”

Jorie Loves A Story – Excerpt

One of the reasons Jesslyn Chance loved the village of Grace-by-the-Sea is that it rarely changed. The same hot mineral water had been bubbling out of the limestone cliffs since before the Romans had landed in the little horseshoe-shaped cove below. The same families fished from the cove, farmed the chalk Downs above, worked at the spa, married at St. Andrew’s Church, and had babies who grew up to marry and have more babies.

For the last hundred years, the same sorts of people, from young misses nervously awaiting their come out to venerable military gentlemen nursing war injuries, had come to drink the spa waters and bathe in the sea. The village had grown up to cater to the needs of its guests, boasting shops and conveniences few of its size ever managed. It was all very civilized.

Until you introduced a rogue.

Among the Reads – Review

“It was such fun reading and trying to figure out who to trust and who the smugglers were. . . . While things wrapped up neatly, they didn’t. The ending hints at much more to come in this series: more mysteries to unravel, more adventures. I can’t wait!!”

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review

“I’ve read books and novellas by Regina Scott before, and I am a fan! Her characters are always so well written and lively. The characters in The Matchmaker’s Rogue are no exception. . . . The Matchmaker’s Rogue is a mystery that will keep you guessing and a romance that will leave your heart feeling happy. I can’t wait for more Grace-by-the-Sea books.”

Beauty in the Binding – Excerpt

“You see it, don’t you?” her aunt whisper, nodding toward the man approaching them across the polished floor of the Grand Pump Room. “He’s a pirate, a rogue. He’s out to steal our greatest treasure.”

Jess took a deep breath and raised her head. “Larkin Denby is no pirate. His mother and sisters live in Upper Grace. Very likely he’s merely here for a visit.”

Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

“Good afternoon, Mr. Denby,” she said, launching into her prepared speech. “Welcome to the spa at Grace-by-the-Sea. I am your hostess, Miss Chance, and this is my assistant Mrs. Tully. If you have any questions or would like an introduction, you have only to ask.”

His head snapped up. Though he held her gaze only a moment, as was proper, she felt as if he were memorizing every feature, from the blond curls clustered around her face to her gloved hands resting on the table beside the book. His smile bloomed, and something inside her bloomed with it. “Miss Chance. How nice to see you and your charming aunt again.”

Andi’s Book Reviews – Excerpt

“Mr. Denby will get on with the others famously,” she assured her aunt, letting go of her cautiously. “Look, he’s talking with the general like a gentleman.” The two men chatted, strangers making idle conversation as so many of their guests did. Then Lark moved on, leaving the general smiling as he rubbed the paunch straining his waistcoat.

“Mr. Denby doesn’t fit in the spa,” Maudie argued. “He doesn’t look the least bit ill. He has no limp, no squint, no sign of a scrofulous cough.”

“Neither did most of our visitors to arrive this summer,” Jess pointed out. “Not everyone comes to the spa because they are ill.” She tidied the stack of pamphlets, noticed her hands were trembling, and shook them out. At this rate, her aunt might suggest that Jess take the waters!

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“I love Regina’s writing and this one is probably among one of my favorites I have read by her to date. . . . I am giving The Matchmaker’s Rogue five plus stars. I can not wait to see what happens next in the Grace by the Sea series.”

Becky on Books – Excerpt

“I am your devoted servant, sir,” he told the commissioner. “But surely there are other ways to identify these smugglers than to spend my time sipping the waters.”

“I don’t care if you sip them, dunk yourself in them, or pour them on the ground,” the commissioner had replied, face tight and eyes steely. “Our source says the man we’re after sails from Grace Cove, and we have reason to believe he moves among the gentry, perhaps even the aristocracy. Where else would you expect to find him but at the spa?”

I’m All About Books – Excerpt

Yet it was her eyes that drew him. Large, wide-spaced, and a delicate blue, they made her look as if she were perpetually amazed by the world around her.

He and Jess had been close when he’d visited eight years ago, the only two people that young at the spa then. They’d spent every day together, talking, walking, dancing at the assembly, attending church. Nothing had come of it. Nothing could come of it. They were too different—her content with life, him determined to see and do more. Still, perhaps she would indulge in a little gossip now.

“Mr. Denby?” she persisted in that soft, lilting voice. “Might I be of assistance?”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“I loved this story about Jesslyn and Lark. It is a sweet romance but has a lot more to offer with all that happened in Grace by the Sea and the spa that is so important to the families that live there. . . . I highly recommend this book to others to read and enjoy.”

Remembrancy – Review

“Scott combines intrigue, romance, and small-town loyalty with a setting and characters I want to visit again. Not to mention an ending that makes me want to discover more about this sleepy little village. If you’re a fan of Regency and haven’t read Regina Scott’s books yet, you’re missing out.”

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“Regina Scott’s books are always great reads, but I’m pretty sure that The Matchmaker’s Rogue is my favorite of hers so far. I can’t wait for book 2 to release – especially after the way this book ends! A story with romance, intrigue, adventure, and endearing humor, The Matchmaker’s Rogue is the perfect next read for fans of Jen Turano, Tessa Dare or Mary Connealy.”

The Power of Words – Review

The Matchmaker’s Rogue is filled with charming and sometimes quirky secondary characters. . . . In addition to the criminal element of smuggling, there’s also the concern of spies and passing of England’s secrets to Napoleon. The author skillfully aroused this reader’s suspicion of almost all of Grace-by-the-Sea residents . . . . The ending arrives at a very satisfying conclusion, with the village coming together in a unique way. Very little is quite as it seems on the surface! I hated to leave Grace-by-the-Sea and its many endearing characters, but there’s the promise of much more to come.”

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Excerpt

He smiled at her. “I’m staying at the Mermaid for a few days, and I find myself wondering what to do for entertainment.”

“It depends on what you find entertaining.”

Said in such a disarming tone, he should not hear iron beneath the words, yet he did. She was being polite but letting him know she expected him to respond in kind. This was no time for coy comments, teasing remarks. She was no longer the young lady looking for companionship to while away the summer.

Singing Librarian Books – Spotlight

Historical Graffiti – Excerpt

Over the next while, she looked for her opportunity. But it soon became apparent she wasn’t the only one interested in the Newcomer.

“And what can you tell us about Mr. Denby?” Miss Montgomery, the eldest sister, asked over tea that afternoon.

Jess handed her a snowy white porcelain cup of the steaming brew from the wheeled teacart she or Maudie generally rolled from chair to chair. “His family lives nearby, a mother and two sisters.”

Red Headed Book Lady – Review

“My second book by this author and once again she has written another wonderful story.
Great characters with a great plot that will keep you reading until the book is finished.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post…

The Matchmaker’s Rogue
(Grace-by-the-Sea #1)
By Regina Scott
Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 272 Pages
January 8th 2020

Grace-by-the-Sea: Where romance and adventure come home.

Polished Jesslyn Chance has one of the most enviable positions in the little Regency coastal village of Grace-by-the-Sea. She is the hostess of the spa, arranging introductions and entertainments and playing matchmaker to the ladies and gentlemen who come to take the waters, promenade through the shops, and dance at the assembly. But when a rogue returns from her past, Jess finds herself suddenly at sea.

Always an adventurer, Larkin Denby left Grace-by-the-Sea to right the wrongful death of his father. Now he’s back on a mission: to identify the mysterious Lord of the Smugglers who allegedly sails from Grace Cove and takes England’s secrets to France. But Grace-by-the-Sea is the perfect little spa town, run by the still oh-so-perfect Jesslyn Chance. When the village’s future is threatened, Jess must work with Lark to solve the mystery and protect the town’s own. In doing so, the matchmaker of Grace-by-the-Sea may just find that the best match for her is the rogue who stole her heart years ago.

(Affiliate links included.)
Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository

About the Author

Regina Scott started writing novels in the third grade. Thankfully for literature as we know it, she didn’t sell her first novel until she learned a bit more about writing. Since her first book was published, her stories have traveled the globe, with translations in many languages including Dutch, German, Italian, and Portuguese. She now has more than forty-five published works of warm, witty romance.

She loves everything about England, so it was only a matter of time before she started her own village. Where more perfect than the gorgeous Dorset Coast? She can imagine herself sailing along the chalk cliffs, racing her horse across the Downs, dancing at the assembly, and even drinking the spa waters. She drank the waters in Bath, after all!

Regina Scott and her husband of 30 years reside in the Puget Sound area of Washington State on the way to Mt. Rainier. She has dressed as a Regency dandy, learned to fence, driven four-in-hand, and sailed on a tall ship, all in the name of research, of course. Learn more about her at her website.

Website | Blog | Goodreads | Bookbub | Facebook | Pinterest

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive print copies of all six books in Fortune’s Brides series (Never Doubt a Duke, Never Borrow a Baronet, Never Envy an Earl, Never Vow for a Viscount, Never Kneel to a Knight, and Never Marry a Marquess)

US only
Ends January 29, 2020

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Why Ammar wrote The Heart of Aleppo

In an over-politicized world, my wish is for this work to humanize those we call “refugees”. The Heart of Aleppo is not about the politics of the Syrian Civil War or any other conflict. Its aim is not to convince readers to support any faction or political party. Instead, this story is about the unbreakable spirit of humanity. It is about how humanity often shows its true strength during the darkest times. . .

Paulette’s Papers – Excerpt

Two days before Nabeel leaves for the last time, I find him standing at the kitchen counter with his friend, Zakariah. I don’t know his rank, but Zakariah serves directly under Nabeel in the army and only lives two miles down the road. The two of them always seem to be on leave at the same time.

Their voices are low, almost secretive, but I catch the look in Nabeel’s eye. Except back then, I didn’t recognize it.

“What are you guys talking about?”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This “stand alone” novel is a bittersweet tale of family, friendship, war, and sacrifices. It is a highly recommended reading material for Young Adults and Adults alike. It raises several good discussion points. It is ideal reading for Book Clubs.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

He looks back at me with a smile, but it fades when he sees my expression.

“What’s wrong, Zaid?”

I glance at the ground before replying, “I don’t think I want to be a doctor anymore.”

“Why not?”

“…I don’t think I can.”

He takes a few steps towards me before crouching down to come to my eye level, urging me to continue. “Ms. Farooq said I’m not smart enough.”

Paper, Ink, & Lizard – Review

The Heart of Aleppo starts with an explosion of action that drags you into the story immediately. That momentum slows at points, but picks up near the end, making it easy to breeze through in one sitting.”

Andi’s Young Adult Books – Excerpt

He takes a deep breath and glances down at my feet. His eyes look like he’s weighing something, wondering if he should say it or not. When he does speak, his voice is different. It’s no longer speaking to me as his younger brother but as his friend. “You know, Zaid, Zakariah was joking about what we were talking about.”


He nods before his gaze focuses back on me. “Not even a few weeks ago, my soldiers and I were in a bit of a… well, situation.”

Library Lady’s Kid Lit – Review

“As with most war stories, the story told in The Heart of Aleppo is heartbreaking. Ammar Habib does a great job with the voice of a 13-year-old enduring the destruction of Aleppo during the Syrian Civil War. One of the things that impressed me was Habib’s ability to tell the story without including the politics of the war. It is truly a story of the spirit of humanity in difficult circumstances.”

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

The foul stench is everywhere. It floods the buildings and road. It’s in every crevice. It’s soaked into the very brick and mortar of these streets I used to know.

We walk in a single file: Salman up front and me in the back. The sack quickly grows heavy on my shoulder, soon seeming as if it’s filled with bricks. But I trudge on. The weight of the sack is nothing compared to what my heart is feeling right now as I see the city I call home—a city that has stood for over 7,000 years—suddenly turned into wreckage.

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Excerpt

Not even a day and a half ago, we walked from school to the bus stop. The roads were crowded with cars, trucks, and buses blaring their horns. The sidewalks were packed with pedestrians and merchants. Now, it’s a ghost town. It’s as if there was never any life here.

The city is… hollow.

A wall of smoke and smog surrounds me on all sides, preventing me from truly seeing anything clearly. Is it a blessing or a curse? I don’t see any of the destruction until I’m right on top of it. If Salman was even five more steps ahead of me, he would be lost behind the wall. We’re out on an open street; yet, it feels as if I am trapped in a prison. The dark walls of this prison follow me, not allowing me to escape their grasp.

Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

Every step is harder than the last. My feet become weighted stones. I almost can’t feel the uneven and cracked concrete underneath me. It’s as if I’m moving in a trance. I don’t know where I am or where I’m going. I’m simply walking through the abyss and listening to the only sound: my soft footsteps.

The longer we travel and the heavier my sack becomes, the more a fear grips me. The fear that we don’t know if we’re fleeing danger or walking into a den of hungry wolves. The fear that by the time we do reach home, what happened to Jari may have already happened to everyone.

ACME Teen Books – Kids and YA Too! – Excerpt

Every time I look up above, hoping to catch some sight of the heavens, all I see is smoke. It’s blocking out any light from the stars. There will be no relief tonight.

I notice a silhouette up ahead. It… it appears to be the minaret of a masjid. Hope is suddenly injected into my heart. With every step, the minaret breaks out of the smoke, and I can better perceive the masjid itself. I see its domed roof. It’s standing tall above all the destruction. If it’s still standing, it’ll be safe inside, right? Nobody will come into a masjid and harm us.

My Life, Loves and Passion – Excerpt

Salman hops down to join Fatima. I follow him. My feet hit the ground hard, shooting a shot of pain up my legs. The sack violently smashes against my sore upper knee, and I almost fall over before Salman catches me. That hurt more than I thought it would. As I rise back up, the foul odor immediately hits me.

The fear-striking silence surrounds me once more. It’s my only companion. The hollow sound of silence is worse than gunfire and explosions. Worse than screams. Worse than terror. Because mixed into this silence is abandonment and suffering.

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

The Heart of Aleppo is a very powerful read. . . . I am giving The Heart of Aleppo a well deserved five stars. I highly recommend it for all readers. It is definitely not one to be missed.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post…

The Heart of Aleppo:

A Story of the Syrian Civil War
By Ammar Habib
YA Contemporary

Paperback & ebook, 252 Pages
July 26th 2018

Winner of the 2019 Independent Press Award
#1 Bestseller in “Coming-Of-Age” Fiction
#1 Bestseller in “Asian-American” Literature

From the ashes of the Syrian Civil War comes this story of hope, love, and courage…

After standing for over 7,000 years, Aleppo’s ruin came overnight. Separated from his family during the night the rebels attacked the city, thirteen-year-old Zaid Kadir is lost in the middle of a war zone. Alongside his friends, he is forced to survive the dangers of a civil war he does not even fully understand. Zaid witnesses the destruction of the brutal Syrian Civil War as it grows more deadly by the day and rips his city apart. However, as he braves this destruction, as he desperately tries to survive this catastrophe, he discovers something. Zaid realizes that it is in the darkest hours when humanity’s spirit of hope burns brightest.

(Affiliate link included.)
Goodreads | Amazon

About the Author

Ammar Habib is a bestselling and award-winning author who was born in Lake Jackson, Texas in 1993. Ammar enjoys crafting stories that are not only entertaining but will also stay with the reader for a long time. Ammar presently resides in his hometown with his family, all of whom are his biggest fans. He draws his inspiration from his family, imagination, and the world around him.


Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a signed copy of Habib’s national award-winning novel, Memories of My Future (US only). Memories of My Future is an historical/inspirational novel that was published in 2016. It received several accolades after its release, including the Independent Press Award in May 2017.

Ends November 13, 2019

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Sword of Soter
By Ralene Burke
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Author Interview

For those new to the series, what should they know?

Yes, the series is written from a Christian worldview. In fact, the trilogy was inspired by the premise question, “What if the Armor of God were real?” But, no, I did not endeavor to preach or convert or anything like that in the story. It is just a fun epic fantasy adventure!

Life is What It’s Called – Excerpt

Karina thrust the sword toward Tristan’s gut, but he sidestepped her advance. She stumbled forward a couple of steps, then growled, spun around, and lunged again.

“No.” Tristan batted her blade away with his and swatted her behind. “You’re too impatient. You have to wait for the right opening.”

Karina sucked in a breath. The more she trained with Tristan, the more she wanted to take the dull blade in her hand and run him through. Releasing a long breath, she squared her shoulders, turned around slowly, and smiled as sweetly as she could manage. “I am sorry. I have no idea what has come over me.”

JeanBookNerd – Guest Post


Interviewer: Welcome one and all to the Sword of Soter panel. We have got the noble questers for the sacred armor with us today: Karina, Queen of Aletheia and Prophetess of the Creator; Tristan, Prince of Tzedek; Rashka, Guardian of Shadowed Wood; and Sam, Knight of Aletheia.

Sam (growls): I am not a knight.

Karina: Of course, you are! You have shown more courage and strength of character in the last weeks than most of the knights of Aletheia have shown in lifetimes. It’s an honor that would have been bestowed upon you more officially if we’d been in Aletheia.

Sam: Thank you, Your Highness.

Candrel’s Crafts, Cooks, and Characters – Interview

4.) What drives you as a writer?

I am an encourager and a “fix-it” type person. As a writer, I seek to combine both of those traits in a way that can inspire and encourage readers. That can be pretty difficult in fiction, but I don’t mind the challenge. I live for the days when I hear from a reader and they say that my stories helped them in some way.

Remembrancy – Excerpt

Tristan stared off in the direction of the sound. “That definitely lends to the mystery of what lupens are doing this far south.”

Another howl echoed through the chasm and across the plains. Karina took a step toward Tristan. An answering bay came from the east, from the distant woods. More than one? Her heartbeat skittered.

A chorus of howls brought frightened whinnies from the horses. Dom stomped his feet. “We need to go, Prophetess.

Wishful Endings – Guest Post

Top 10 Things to Bring on a Quest

We’re going on a trip…a journey…a QUEST.

First, we have to pack. Now, this ain’t a trip to the Bahamas—we can’t bring 3 suitcases on a plane to unload onto a cart and then into a car. If we’re lucky, we’ll have a horse to strap a couple extra small bags to. . .

Hallie Reads – Review

“I enjoyed getting to know Karina and the characters that surround her on her quest, as well as the challenges they face and overcome. An uplifting spiritual thread, too, can be found throughout the two stories. All in all, these books left me ready for the next one.”

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Excerpt

“And what has you two stooping to eat humans again?” The woman paused before the two ogres and raised her head to meet their glares with one of her own.

Bogey jerked his thumb in the other ogre’s direction. “Madge’s stomach.”

“What have I told you two about engaging with innocent folk?” The mysterious woman crossed her arms.

From here, Sam could tell her eyes were a beautiful emerald green, the same color as her dress. No wonder she hid so well on her approach. Whoever she was, at least she seemed to be on his side. Or at least on the side of not letting the ogres eat him.

Faithfully Bookish – Interview

What did you learn or discover about yourself (or your characters) while writing Sword of Soter?

R: Well, I discovered I could write 10k words in a single day on multiple Saturdays. Ha! Life was kind of hectic, and I kept having to catch up on my word count goals.

On a more serious note, writing Rashka’s story in this book, helped me work through some of my own issues of “trying to do it all on my own.”

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

Armor of Aletheia and Sword of Soter present an action-filled allegory of faith set against the backdrop of good vs. evil . . . the author has clearly drawn some intricate world-building and left some intriguing possibilities for the third and final book in the trilogy. A great choice for young adults, to entertain as well as strengthen their faith.”

Paulette’s Papers – Excerpt

She opened her eyes to a shimmering green flame, reminiscent of the bonfire from their night in Greenhorn. She shrunk against Tristan’s side. He nudged her farther behind him and stood, pulling his sword.

Masculine laughter rose from amid the unusual flames. Rashka, her face a stoic mask, rounded the fire with her bow poised as she made her way toward Karina.

“What is happening?” Karina asked.

“I do not know, Prophetess.” Rashka fixed her gaze at the fire. “Stay back.”

Library Lady’s Kid Lit – Review & Interview

“After reading Armor of Aletheia earlier this fall, I was eagerly anticipating Sword of Soter. Ralene Burke did not disappoint. Burke continues the epic adventure begin in book one. Some of the characters continue in Sword of Soter and new ones are introduced. . . . If you enjoy epic fantasy like Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia, I highly recommend Sword of Soter.”

Who did you have in mind as you wrote the book?

The Sacred Armor trilogy was written for those who are still searching for their calling. Or those who have found their calling but are unsure they are worthy of it or how to embrace it. Each character is the story is called to something they are uncomfortable with for different reasons, much like we are.

Andi’s Young Adult Books – Excerpt

Holding his monocle, the man offered a deep bow, to which Karina nodded. There was something familiar about him. “Greetings, Queen Karina. How nice to see you again. You are welcome indeed. I am sure you have forgotten by now, but I am Bormain, steward of the roy—by the Creator, Tristan Lemur, is that you?”

Karina fought to maintain her composure as she turned to Tristan, who stiffened before holding out his hand in greeting. “Bormain, my good man, it is good to see you again.”

Bormain looked a bit flustered. “I did not realize we had two royal guests.” He quirked a brow. “Much less that you were traveling together.”

Colorimetry – Guest Post

Building a Storybook World

One of the best aspects of being a fantasy writer is the freedom to build our own story worlds. Granted, to an extent, we are still bound by the laws of science. But there is still massive freedom in creating a new world, including geography, creatures, and cultures. . .

Inspirational Reading Adventures – Interview & Review

Q: Which genre is your favorite? If you could only write or recommend readers read one, what would your ‘go-to’ genre be?

A: FANTASY! I love that fantasy allows us to expand our imagination, to create new worlds, new peoples, new creatures. We can explore all the stuff we face in real life, but in a way that is removed and still provides a sense of escape.

“If I enjoyed the first, I loved reading Sword of Soter! From the start, I was quickly pulled back into to this series, and having already met some of the main characters, this one holds more character growth and I loved all the awkward tension as Tristan and Karina learned to work together both with each other, and with others. I also felt this one is a smoother read, and the pacing was much better.”

Red Headed Book Lady – Guest Post

#SHINEBeyond in Soter

Readers often ask me where I came up with the #SHINEBeyond tagline and what exactly it means. And I’m all too happy to take the time to answer as this philosophy is something dear to my heart. Essentially, #SHINEBeyond was a culmination of all my work in writing, editing, and ministry—a cohesive theme seen in everything I tried to do. . .

Romancing History – Excerpt

As the steward opened the door, Karina cleared her throat. “Please remind the king that my business is urgent. I need to take my leave as soon as possible.”

“I will, Your Majesty. Enjoy your stay at the palace.” And then he was gone.

Karina turned back to the room. Tristan stood in the corner not bothering to hide his smirk. Rashka paced by the windows, looking out over the courtyard below and the sea beyond. Lady Moriah and the two handmaidens stood off to the side, watching them expectantly. What now?

Singing Librarian Books – Spotlight

Locks, Hooks and Books – Excerpt

Sabreen clasped her hands together and held them near her heart. “And you found her.” The words sounded sarcastic, yet there was a hint of some other emotion—something Sam could not determine.
He chuckled. “Yeah, I found her with a bounty hunter.”

She gasped. “How did you all get away?”

“We didn’t. Turns out the bounty hunter was helping her. At least he was by then. After he kidnapped her. After he took her to Faramos.”

Paper, Ink, & Lizard – Review

“. . . Burke’s passion for Christ shines through the pages of Sword of Soter through her characters, especially the main character Karina. Sword of Soter is a pleasant story and great for reading on rainy days.”

J. L. Mbewe – Review

“Ralene Burke knows how to weave a story! . . . Sword of Soter was an enjoyable read that kept me turning the page to see what will happen next.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post…

Sword of Soter
(Sacred Armor Trilogy #2)
By Ralene Burke
YA Fantasy, Christian
Paperback & ebook, 275 Pages
September 25th 2019 by Elk Lake Publishing Inc




Karina, Tristian, Rashka, and Sam venture forth into the wilderness of Soter on the next leg of their quest to retrieve the Armor of the Creator. With the ancient evil already affecting the kingdom, nothing in Soter is what it seems—from what skulks beneath the canopies of the woods to what lies within the sleek white and gold of the capitol city to the people Karina and Tristan have known since they were children.

Danger lurks around every corner. Discerning who to trust is paramount to staying alive and discovering the location of the Temple of Soter. Yet, to Karina’s horror, Faramos’s reach finds them time and again. The longer they are forced to dawdle, the more people are affected by the growing panic in Soter, and the closer Faramos is to taking over the Three Kingdoms. Can Karina retrieve the information they need while Tristan keeps his brother at bay? Or will the entire quest disintegrate before they even arrive at the temple?

(Affiliate link included.)
Also available on KindleUnlimited.

Other Books in the Series
Armor of Aletheia
(Sacred Armor Trilogy #1)
By Ralene Burke
YA Fantasy, Christian
Paperback & ebook, 268 Pages
August 29th 2018 by Elk Lake Publishing Inc.
The death of her king changes Karina’s life forever. Fleeing the royal house, she must leave her life behind to seek out the Armor of the Creator—to save the very people who now hunt her.
Faramos, the evil warlock waiting to unleash hell, knows the Creator has already chosen his warrior, so he sends his bounty hunter to retrieve her. After Tristan abducts her, he witnesses Karina’s gentle nature and strong independence, and he finds he can’t complete his assignment.
Together, they set out to retrieve the armor and defeat the hordes of creatures sent to destroy them. But is Tristan’s heart secure as he faces certain death for defending the queen? And will Karina have the courage to become all the Creator intends her to be? Failure will condemn the world to eternal darkness.
(Affiliate link included.)
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & Noble
Also available on KindleUnlimited.
About the Author

Whether she’s wielding a fantasy author’s pen, a social media wand, or a freelance editor’s sword, Ralene Burke always has her head in some dreamer’s world. And her goal is to help everyone #SHINEBeyond their circumstances! Her fantasy novels are available on Amazon.
When her head’s not in the publishing world, she is wife to a veteran and homeschooling mama to their three kids. Her Pinterest board would have you believe she is a master chef, excellent seamstress, and all-around crafty diva. If she only had the time . . . You can also find her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or at her website.

Bookstagram Tour

This has its own giveaway, so go check it out! Enter at each stop for extra entries.
October 28th: @TheReadingCornerforAll
October 29th: @h.szott
October 30th: @mamabear_reads
October 31st: @brenyandbooks
November 1st: @bookishdelightz

Tour Giveaway
One winner will win a prize pack that will include print copies of Armor of Aletheia and Sword of Soter, a plush blanket, a tumbler with candy, a journal, and a pen all inside a half-bushel basket inlaid with a gorgeous book print material.
US only
Ends November 6, 2019
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
By Jody Hedlund
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

In addition to enjoying a sweet love stories set in the midst of exciting adventures, I hope that readers will take away a few nuggets of truth that they can apply to their own lives. Evermore specifically talks about the importance of gaining wisdom, and it’s my hope that readers will be inspired to seek more of God’s wisdom in their lives.

It’s All About the Romance – Excerpt

“I shall ride the final course.” I grabbed the great helm. “You know I have the better chance at vanquishing Lord Mortimer.”

“No, Adelaide.” Mitchell reached to divest me of the helmet, but I sidestepped him and thrust it on before he could wrest it away.

“I shall pretend I am you, and Lord Mortimer will be none the wiser.” My voice was hollow against the conical metal hood that covered my entire head except for the narrow eye slits and the small pricked breathing holes. I fumbled at the leather chinstrap, determined to tie it into place before Mitchell stopped me.

Library Lady’s Kid Lit – Review

“Jody Hedlund has done a good job of making her readers care about the characters. . . . The fantasy elements remain consistent with those in the prequel. I look forward to reading the additional books in The Lost Princesses series once they are released.”

Andi’s Young Adult Books – Excerpt

“We need this victory more than any other.” I stiffened my shoulders as Mitchell began to thread the belt from my cuirass to the cross-shaped hole at the base of the helm. Though I couldn’t see Mitchell anymore, I sensed his troubled gaze upon me. With the customary Langley brown hair and eyes, he was small of stature for a man, more scholarly and interested in his studies than in tournaments. However, like any good nobleman’s son, he’d been trained to use both his mind and body.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“Jody Hedlund has a gift for writing. No doubt about it. This Lost Princesses series falls right in my sweet spot for reading. I am transported to the world she created with characters I can love and root for without even thinking about it. I love it.”

Colorimetry – Excerpt

“That monster will not have you,” Mitchell had declared viciously after the hunting party. “Though you would be harder to control than a wild coyote, I would sooner marry you myself.”

I’d laughed at Mitchell’s passionate declaration. Only months my elder, he wasn’t my cousin by blood or birth. In fact, we weren’t related in any way. But I saw him as none other than my true kin. We’d been inseparable growing up, and he was my steadfast friend.

Remembrancy – Review

“Once again Hedlund delivers an engaging and well-balanced tale full of adventure, danger, romance, and characters becoming who God intended them to be.”

Jorie Loves A Story – Excerpt

Even now, I held out my gauntlet-gloved fingers and waited until I felt his hand in mine. “We shall prevail, Mitchell,” I assured him. “And if Lord Mortimer ever discovers our duplicity, he will certainly put his thoughts far from me, for he will not be able to abide a wife who has knocked him from his horse.”

I didn’t wait for Mitchell’s response. Instead, I shoved aside the tent flap and proceeded toward the lists. With spurs jangling and armor clanking, I joined the other knights with an air of confidence from years of training.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

Evermore is a masterpiece of fiction – this whole series is shaping up to be so. Adventure, romance, bravery, courage, loyalty, godly wisdom, and true love (even from unexpected sources) are all wrapped up in a tale laced with legend and intriguing possibilities. You’ll want to keep reading, unable to put it down, but at the same time you won’t want it to end.”

Bookworm Mama – Excerpt

Mitchell handed me a lance made of solid oak and decorated with red and white to match the Langley heraldry. I braced the long weapon under my arm and against my ribs, tilting it slightly forward to maintain my balance. I pressed my thighs into Roland’s flank, needing to become one with the beast. This tournament was a partnership. I couldn’t succeed without Roland’s cooperation—his measured speed, his balance against the pressure of our opponent, and the ability to sense my needs.

Bookworm Lisa – Review

“I LOVE this series. That’s all there is to it. . . . This story has many elements that I love. There is action, adventure, strong female characters, romance, medieval setting, self-sacrifice… if I don’t stop now it could end up being a very long list.”

All-of-a-kind Mom – Review

“The setting is delightful, the twists and turns, engaging, filled with danger, and yes, even suspense. You never know just what to expect. This story kept me reading, and left me wanting more. I can’t wait to read the last two books in this series!!”

J. L. Mbewe – Excerpt

“God be with you.” Mitchell gave my gloved hand a final squeeze. He spoke with confidence, but I could still distinguish a thin strand of anxiety in his tone. Not only was he worried about his mother the same as I was, but so many responsibilities had fallen on his shoulders, including the weight of the earldom, a weight that had been growing steadily heavier.

As the youngest of three brothers, Mitchell hadn’t expected to carry such burdens. But Norbert had died in youth, and Christopher had run away five years ago. Older than Mitchell and me by two years, Christopher had a courage of both body and spirit I admired greatly. While I’d never been as close to Christopher as I had to Mitchell, I still held him in the highest regard.

Britt Reads Fiction – Review

Evermore is book one in The Lost Princesses series. Adelaide and Christopher were so wonderful in this novel. Both of these characters had a real heart for doing right and caring for others. . . . This story was captivating from start to finish.”

Shalini’s Books & Reviews – Review

“. . . the story caught my imagination and wonder with its gripping tale which bespoke of adventure and a promise to keep me enthralled from the first page. . . . An exciting tale the book foretold, a brilliant author the words revealed, and a plot which galloped at a swift pace made this a perfect read in the lazy afternoon.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

Through my eye slits, I focused on my opponent on the other end of the list. Lord Mortimer was a formidable foe. Nigh on thirty, he was strong and experienced. But a greater weakness than his left side was his arrogance. He would expect Mitchell to come at him with his usual quick and powerful thrust. He would pride himself on knowing Mitchell so well.

But if God looked upon me graciously this day, I would deliver a thrust Lord Mortimer wasn’t expecting.

Heidi Reads… – Review

“The author did a great job of giving the reader a sense of her character and personality before the action and adventure swept the story into a faster pace. . . . I easily connected with the characters and felt the danger and excitement as I read. I’m looking forward to the next two books and am *very* appreciative that there won’t be a long wait for them!”

Adventures Thru Wonderland – Review

“As with Always, I was delighted to read this! . . . The characters in this series are so real, and combined with the attention to detail that makes it easy to picture each scene . . . impossible to put down!”

Backing Books – Review

“The moment I realized that Adelaide was able to fight on her own, though not perhaps as well as an Elite Guard, I knew that she was going to be an interesting character. . . . For anyone looking to pick up this series, know that it is a sweet, fairy tale like romance.”

Paulette’s Papers – Excerpt

The bugle call rent the air, clear and strong, quieting the crowd. Roland started forward, needing no urging on my part. His pace was perfect, providing adequate speed but smooth enough I could keep my balance.

With the thundering of horse hooves filling the silence, I focused on the part of Lord Mortimer’s armor I intended to hit. I ground my teeth together, tightened my grip, thrust the lance, and then braced for impact.

bluestockings_and_books – Review

“I love how all of the books are connected and different pieces of the puzzle! Very clean. Jody Hedlund is such a great author!”

Among the Reads – Review

“I enjoyed the burgeoning romance between Adelaide and Christopher and the way they fought their attraction to one another. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen and was surprised by some of the events. . . . While the story is listed as Historical fiction, I would consider it more of a fantasy. Young adults (and adults) who enjoy fantasy should consider reading this interesting series.”

Kathryn Cooper Writes – Review

“Incredible! I loved this teen historical fiction with romance and adventure! I went straight from reading the novella to this first book in the trilogy. . . . I loved this YA Christian Fiction! I plan to read the next two books as soon as they are released!”

What’s Beyond Forks? – Review

Evermore is the first book in the Lost Princesses series by Jody Hedlund. This story was packed with suspense and adventure. There was always something happening. It kept me thoroughly glued to its pages. . . . This book has so much going for it. I highly recommend this one.”

Singing Librarian Books – Excerpt

We returned to our respective corners of the list, raised our lances, and then began to ride toward each other once again. I bent closer to Roland, needing his strength, begging him for it. Then I put all thought out of my mind, save one—the target on Lord Mortimer’s chest.

Roland’s gait lengthened. His canter quickened. And the pounding of his iron-shod hooves echoed the thud of my heart. I sensed we were working together. We were a team. And this time I had to hit my mark.

Simply Susan – Review

“Hedlund has excelled once again with her medieval tale. Truly, I think this is her forte. She does a magnificent job with these stories. I love this time period and she is wonderful at it. I loved every minute and now I can’t wait for the next lost princess’s tale!”

Read Write Breathe – Review

Evermore started with an opening that one would expect from A Knight’s Tale . . . Quite humorous as the switch takes place . . . this is a need to read not to be missed novel.”

Hallie Reads – Review

“. . . I loved these stories. Fun, heartfelt, exciting, they embody everything I expect from a medieval story, and each character proves to be strong and capable, in his or her own way, seeking the truth of God through the experiences. I cannot wait to return to the adventure in the next two Lost Princesses stories, and in the meantime, I highly recommend Always and Evermore.”

Teatime and Books – Review

Evermore is one of the best books of the year! I absolutely loved this tale and the whole series! . . . I truly loved this tale, it is just filled with so much adventure, magic, and romance! If you love fairytales and a good romantic trope, than this is the book for you!”

Romancing History – Review

“From the very beginning I was intrigued with Hedlund’s characters, especially the heroine, Adelaide . . . the plot moved quickly with twists and turns that kept me swiping the electronic pages of my Kindle long after I should have gone to bed. . . . As a writer of historical romance, I found this medieval tale packed full of historical details. . . . Readers who enjoy YA fiction or historical romance will enjoy this book.”

Splashes of Joy – Review

“I love a good fairytale, and author Jody Hedlund writes just that in her new medieval series. I love the characters, and how they develop so well into the story. I was pulled into the story from the beginning, and this was a hard one for me to put down, once I started reading. . . . You can’t go wrong with “Evermore”.”

Aunt Addie’s Bookshelf – Review

“. . . seriously, you need to read these books! . . . These books weren’t just all about romance though! In “Evermore”, it was about jousting, uncovering secrets buried for over seventeen years, fleeing a tyrant all while trying to gain the love and support of the people!

Red Headed Book Lady – Review

“Another wow for Jody Hedlund! She delivers yet another exciting medevil tale and doesn’t disappoint!! . . . This story is full of action everytime you turn around and that is what I like in a book.”

DEEKAY | Daily Dose of Reading – Review

“Lots of great action, amazing and intense plot, smooth and clean storyline. I didn’t know it will be this good. There are so much happening in the story that gave me so many feelings about this book. . . . I loved the storyline and the plot, and I can’t wait to read the other two books that will focuses on Princess Maribel and Princess Emmeline.”

Harlie’s Books – Review

“This is such a great book. . . . Ms. Hedlund has written a wonderful story with an evil king, princesses, knights and a world that I wouldn’t mind living in. I can’t wait to meet the other princesses.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post…

(The Lost Princesses #0.5)
By Jody Hedlund
Christian YA Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 136 Pages
August 13th 2019 by Northern Lights Press

A fierce elite guard. A loyal lady in waiting. They must work together to save three princesses from certain death.

On the verge of dying after giving birth to twins, the queen of Mercia pleads with Lady Felicia to save her infant daughters. With the castle overrun by King Ethelwulf’s invading army, Lady Felicia vows to do whatever she can to take the newborn princesses and their three-year old sister to safety, even though it means sacrificing everything she holds dear, possibly her own life.

Gravely wounded in battle and knowing all is lost to his enemy, the king of Mercia tasks Lance, one of his fiercest elite guards, to protect his family along with keys to an ancient treasure. As Lance makes plans to sneak the princesses out of the capital city, he doesn’t need or want Lady Felicia’s help.

With the dark enemy in pursuit, Lance and Felicia must put aside their differences to outrun King Ethelwulf and prevent him from killing the princesses. In a desperate attempt to hide the young girls, Lance and Felicia agree to a marriage of convenience, a decision that will change their lives—and hearts—forever.

(Affiliate links included.)
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository
Also FREE through KindleUnlimited

(The Lost Princesses #1)
By Jody Hedlund
Christian YA Historical
Paperback & ebook, 222 Pages
August 27th 2019 by Northern Lights Press

An ancient key. A secret treasure. And a princess destined to use them both to fight evil and restore peace.

Raised by a noble family, Lady Adelaide has always known she’s an orphan. Little does she realize she’s one of the lost princesses and the true heir to Mercia’s throne…until a visitor arrives at her family estate, reveals her birthright as queen, and thrusts her into a quest for the throne whether she’s ready or not.

Unable to tolerate King Ethelwulf’s cruelty and lawlessness, Christopher Langley left Mercia years earlier, training a group of rebels in neighboring Norland. When he returns home after his mother’s death, he discovers that not only is Adelaide all grown up, but she’s also the rightful queen of Mercia.

When King Ethelwulf discovers Adelaide’s location, he’ll stop at nothing to capture her and the key she holds to the ancient treasure. Christopher is just as determined to protect Adelaide so she can lead the growing rebellion. When feelings ignite between the two old friends, forces threaten to destroy their love and rip them apart forever.

(Affiliate links included.)
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository
Also FREE through KindleUnlimited

Other Books in the Series

Coming late September and October. Pre-order now! (Affiliate links included.)

About the Author

Jody Hedlund is a best-selling and award-winning author who loves fairy-tales and happily-ever-afters. She makes her home in Midland, MI with her husband and five teen-aged children. When she’s not writing another of her page-turning stories, you can usually find her sipping coffee, eating chocolate, and reading.
Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive the prequel and all three books in The Lost Princesses series (Always, Evermore, Foremost and Hereafter) in paperback or ebook (winner’s choice, if winner is outside the US ebooks only)

Ends September 25, 2019
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Mind of Mine
By C. F. E. Black
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Interview with the Author

What motivated you to write this particular story?
Two reasons: First, I fell in love with the characters and the idea of sharing thoughts. I just couldn’t get the characters out of my head once they arrived. Second, I want to encourage teenagers. I have been working with teenagers since I graduated from college, and I just can’t explain how great they are to work with every day. They deserve all the love and encouragement we can give them, and I hope my books do that. I hope this book in particular tells teenagers that they matter, that their thoughts and opinions matter, and that (really important to me) they take the time to consider how they define themselves.
Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

As I stand, I try to ignore the spinning in my head. Pru eyes me gripping the side of my chair for support. Marcus is rising, his arms boasting grooves and bulges as he pushes himself up. He sees me staring, and for just a moment longer, I wait to look away.

All sixteen of us are standing now. Dr. Yamaguchi says in her hypnotic voice, “To whom much is given—”

As one, we say, “—much is expected.”

Remembrancy – Review

Mind of Mine is an interesting YA science fiction read but also a cautionary tale. Life on the other side of the fence comes with its own difficulties.”

Andi’s Young Adult Books – Excerpt

Only when I am with Marcus does the opaque white door before me not freeze my insides. Only with him am I not afraid of what happens behind this door. Streaming with Marcus is the one thing that feels like it belongs to me, even more than my research, which could be deleted at the touch of a button. Marcus cannot be deleted from my mind, nor I from his. And that makes me feel like, at least to him, I exist as an individual.

That is why we do this, after all. To remind us—most often just me—who we really are. Especially after a punishing day of deluge in the box—a day spent hooked up to fifteen other minds crashing simultaneously into my own—I need a grounder. I need this.

Colorimetry – Excerpt

Someone shuts the chamber doors and the lights above us dim. A man in a charcoal suit emerges from beneath us into a shaft of light on the stage. The Director. Daddy, as I like to call him. My teeth grind against each other.

“Thank you, Order members, for coming to this impromptu meeting.”

Like we had a choice.

Fiction Aficionado – Review

“Wow! This one definitely sucked me in. I love it when speculative fiction explores a premise that seems to promise so many benefits—for example, overcoming our perceived shortcomings and limitations—but ends up demonstrating that the sacrifices made in the process actually de-humanize us rather than elevating us to a higher way of living. . . . this story really did have me hooked from cover to cover. I look forward to seeing more from this author!”

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

The rooftop. Oh, the air! The stars, hidden behind the city’s haze, pale in comparison to the blinking lights of Atlanta—each light a testament to human ingenuity and the desire to push harder, further, against the night. Marcus sits on the concrete, back facing me. He looks over at the sound of the door announcing my arrival. His smile flips into a frown in less than a second.

A week and a half have passed since they cut off our paired streaming. In almost eight months, a week hasn’t gone by without an exhilarating dose of Marcus’ emotions and the grounding feeling that I mean something to him. Until now.

Jypsylynn – Review

“The question at the heart of the story is a complex one with no right answer. The story is compelling, sharp and thought provoking. Although it is speculation, the premise is plausible. I liked V because of her daring. She questions the system that she has always accepted. I enjoyed the story because it really gives you something to think about after the last page. The ideas will stay with you. I’ve become a fan lately of speculative fiction, and Mind of Mine is a great example of excellent story telling in this genre. Definitely try it out!”

I’m Into Books – Excerpt

“Let him alone.” Pru’s stony voice edges in from the doorway. Her arms are crossed and her mouth flat.

Flavius whips an angry glare at her. “He’s been boxed. Can’t remember who he is. It’ll come. Just give him a minute.”

“Leave him,” Pru demands. “Each time one of us gets the box, it affects us all. Let him suffer. Maybe then he won’t do whatever it was again.” She spears me with her gaze then spins on her heel and disappears.

Jessica Belmont – Review

“I love that this is a debut because there is so much right about this book. The plot is captivating and keeps you drawn in. I really enjoy C.F.E. Black’s writing. She really knows her audience and pays close attention to what she’s writing. Fantastic. I recommend checking this one out!”

Red Headed Book Lady – Review

“A wonderful debut by C.F.E Black and a new to me author!!

This is more of a YA and if you love sci-fi then this is for you. A great mixture of both!!”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post, if you haven’t already…

Mind of Mine

By C. F. E. Black
Young Adult SciFi
Paperback & ebook, 302 Pages
August 7th 2019 by Illuminate YA
Raised to put science over self, V must link her brain with fifteen other people, making her one of the world’s smartest humans. With this privilege comes a life dedicated to continual research inside a secluded facility, a life devoid of freedom.
But V is losing her identity and unable to predict which face will peer back at her from the nearest mirror. Escaping this life will mean freedom to think for herself—and abandoning everything and everyone she’s known and loved.
When your thoughts and speech are no longer private, freedom comes at a price. But for V the price may be her life.
(Affiliate links included.)
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository
About the Author

If you’re a teen, I work for you.

I write for you. I teach for you.
Seven days a week I seek to shine light into the world-darkened lives of young people, whether it be in a high school Spanish class, a youth group Sunday school class, or a coffee shop with my computer writing my next book.
I want my writing to be a bright spot on a dark shelf, a source of truth among many lies. You guys deserve books like this.
I live in north Alabama with my son, two droopy hound dogs, a cat named Sprinkles, and my superhero husband. No, really, he saved my life once. It’s a cool story.
If you want to know more about me, my writing, or my escapades as a teacher, please visit my blog.
Mind of Mine is my first novel.
Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a print copy of MIND OF MINE and a $25 Amazon gift card
US only
Ends September 4, 2019

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