On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the books featured, you
will find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, and the giveaway below:
February 11th: Launch
February 12th: Maggie Dallen – Love at First Fight – Excerpt

Follow the Author: WebsiteGoodreadsFacebookTwitterInstagramBookBubNewsletter
Find the Book: GoodreadsAmazon

Snippet from an excerpt from Love at First Fight (find the full post here):
When I met her gaze again she had her lips pressed together and her eyes were still narrowed but this time I got the sense that she was actively trying not to laugh.
As if she could read my mind she arched her brows and shook her head. “Nope. Not gonna happen. You might be able to fool everyone else in this school into thinking you’re some sort of white-hat-wearing hero but you cannot charm me, Jason Connolly.”
I let out a little snort of amusement at that description. “White hat, huh? I always thought I had more of a knight-in-shining-armor vibe going on.”
February 13th: Robin Daniels – Perfectly You – Excerpt

Follow the Author: WebsiteGoodreadsFacebookTwitterInstagramBookBubNewsletter
Find the Book: GoodreadsAmazon

Snippet from an excerpt from Perfectly You (find the full post here):

For a moment, I forgot what I was doing and leaned into him. Wow, he smelled unbelievably good. Like soap and dryer sheets and something a little sharper that I couldn’t identify. I needed to ask him what cologne he wore, because it was incredible. I could smell him all day. Not to mention that his chest was a lot firmer than one would guess, since he hides it under baggy button-down shirts all the time.
Andy cleared his throat and I pulled away. He looked embarrassed again. He really needed to get over that, and I was going to help him, starting right now. “Sorry.” I grinned. “You smell amazing. Your cologne is yummy enough to eat. I could sit here and sniff you for the rest of the class.”
He choked on his spit and quickly put his fist over his mouth to stifle his laughter. “Please don’t.” He was trying to sound horrified, but his face gave him away. He appreciated the compliment.

Follow the Author: WebsiteGoodreadsFacebookTwitterInstagramBookBubNewsletter
Find SECRET GIRLFRIEND: GoodreadsAmazonB&NiBooksKobo
Find SECRET LIFE: GoodreadsAmazonB&NiBooksKobo

Snippet from an excerpt from Secret Girlfriend (find the full post here):
Seven lockers down Chris Kent was making out with Cheryl, the way-too-perky head cheerleader.
I tried not to stare, but when his hand slid past her waist and over her hip, I slammed my locker shut and stormed off in the opposite direction. Not that anyone noticed. The problem? Not only was I that gorgeous jock’s secret girlfriend—I also had a secret power.
I’m invisible.
Okay, not invisible invisible. But, in the not-so-mythical land of Highschoolia where blending in equals obscurity, I rated a negative seven JD on the Jane Doe to Lindsay Lohan Visibility Scale. I’d have been the first to tell you I didn’t mind. Well, typically.
February 15th: Kayla Tirrell – Courtside Crush – Guest Post

Follow the Author: WebsiteGoodreadsFacebookTwitterInstagramBookBubNewsletter

Find the Book: GoodreadsAmazon

Snippet from the fun facts guest post (find the full post here):
Courtside Crush is a Romeo and Juliet retelling, which means I drew heavily on the play for inspiration. 
Here are some fun facts about this new release:
—The prologue is a quote straight from Romeo and Juliet that was tweaked ever so slightly to make it fit the high school where Courtside Crush takes place. 
“Two teams, both alike in dignity
In fair Marlow Junction, where we lay our scene
From basketball grudge to new mutiny
Where rival love makes rival schools unclean”
-Probably not Shakespeare

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $15 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
1 winner will receive a paperback copy of LOVE AT FIRST FIGHT by Maggie Dallen (US only)
1 winner will receive a signed paperback copy of PERFECTLY YOU by Robin Daniels (US only)
1 winner will receive copies of SECRET GIRLFRIEND & SECRET LIFE by Bria Quinlan (if in the US: choice between the 2 paperbacks or the ebundle, if outside the US, the ebundle)
Ends February 20, 2019

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Courtside Crush by Kayla Tirrell for

Courtside Crush

(Varsity Girlfriends #1)
By Kayla Tirrell
YA Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 225Pages

February 12th 2019

So much for senior year being the best part of high school.

It all started when I caught my boyfriend cheating on me.
I did what any girl would do—I got revenge. Of course, it didn’t stop there. Thanks to a condemning video, I also got eight weeks of community service and athletic probation right before basketball season is supposed to start. (There goes my spot as captain!)

Thankfully, there’s a guy at Marlowe Junction’s Helping Hands who makes passing the time more enjoyable. He’s gorgeous, funny, and a huge basketball fan.

Too bad he’s also my brother’s biggest enemy…

Courtside Crush is a modern-day retelling of Romeo and Juliet, perfect for anyone who likes their sweet romance with a dash of drama. It is the first book in the Varsity Girlfriends series.

Guest Post: Fun Facts
Courtside Crush is a Romeo and Juliet retelling, which means I drew heavily on the play for inspiration. 
Here are some fun facts about this new release:
—The prologue is a quote straight from Romeo and Juliet that was tweaked ever so slightly to make it fit the high school where Courtside Crush takes place. 
“Two teams, both alike in dignity
In fair Marlow Junction, where we lay our scene
From basketball grudge to new mutiny
Where rival love makes rival schools unclean”
-Probably not Shakespeare
I even had a sticker made that I’m giving to anyone who orders the e-book or paperback. (You just have to send a screenshot of your purchase and your address to any of my social media inboxes to claim one!)
—Many of the characters in Courtside Crush have counterparts from Romeo and Juliet, though it’s not always obvious. We have Romeo and Juliet, of course, but I also included an evil Count Paris, a gender-bent Friar Laurence, a kind-hearted Mercutio, a ginger Tybalt, and a snooty Rosaline. (Can you figure them all out?)
—When I write, I tend to get stuck on a handful of songs. Is it any surprise I listened to a lot of Taylor Swift—specifically Love Story. I just couldn’t help myself!
—After I finished writing Courtside Crush, I bought my very first Funko Pops. They are little versions of Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. I still remember watching the “modern” version of Romeo and Juliet back in the 90s. It was eye-opening to see the “stuffy” play in “real life”. 
—I know NOTHING about basketball. Absolutely nothing. But my co-writers both insisted we tackle that sport in our joint series. This meant I had “DO THE SPORTS THING” in my draft—a lot. In fact, they had to basically write some of the sports scenes for me. (Whoops!)
Courtside Crush just released on 2/12/19 and it’s my favorite book I’ve written to date. I hope you love Jackson and Charlie as much as I loved writing them!
About the Author

Kayla has loved to read as long as she can remember. While she started out reading spooky stories that had her hiding under her covers, she now prefers stories with a bit more kissing.

When she gets a chance to watch TV, she enjoys cheesy sci-fi and superhero shows.

Most days, you’ll catch her burning dinner in an attempt to cook while reading just one more chapter.

Kayla lives in the sunshine state with her husband and three boys.


Tour Schedule
(Links won’t work until the posts go live.)
February 16th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $15 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
1 winner will receive a paperback copy of LOVE AT FIRST FIGHT by Maggie Dallen (US only)
1 winner will receive a signed paperback copy of PERFECTLY YOU by Robin Daniels (US only)
1 winner will receive copies of SECRET GIRLFRIEND & SECRET LIFE by Bria Quinlan (if in the US: choice between the 2 paperbacks or the ebundle, if outside the US, the ebundle)
Ends February 20, 2019

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Perfectly You by Robin Daniels for

Perfectly You

(Perfect #2)
By Robin Daniels
YA Contemporary Romantic Comedy
Paperback, Audiobook & ebook, 298 Pages

September 1, 2017

Ivy Nixon is the student body Vice President at Franklin High School. Each year, the school holds a date auction to raise funds for the senior class graduation party, and this year, Ivy’s in charge. Planning the event is a huge task and Ivy is determined to prove she can get the job done right. Unfortunately, she’s still one participant short and her deadline is looming.

Andy Walker, her cute but socially reclusive art class table mate, is her last resort. He may not be popular, but he’s funny, talented, and full of surprises. With a makeover and some major social marketing, Ivy is sure he could fetch a decent price at the auction.

Andy reluctantly agrees to help, but the more time Ivy spends with him, the more her feelings shift from professional to romantic in nature. To top it off, she’s done her marketing so well, that other girls are starting to notice Andy too. Come auction time, will Ivy be able to let him go to the highest bidder? Or will she find a way to keep him for herself…

For a moment, I forgot what I was doing and leaned into him. Wow, he smelled unbelievably good. Like soap and dryer sheets and something a little sharper that I couldn’t identify. I needed to ask him what cologne he wore, because it was incredible. I could smell him all day. Not to mention that his chest was a lot firmer than one would guess, since he hides it under baggy button-down shirts all the time.
Andy cleared his throat and I pulled away. He looked embarrassed again. He really needed to get over that, and I was going to help him, starting right now. “Sorry.” I grinned. “You smell amazing. Your cologne is yummy enough to eat. I could sit here and sniff you for the rest of the class.”
He choked on his spit and quickly put his fist over his mouth to stifle his laughter. “Please don’t.” He was trying to sound horrified, but his face gave him away. He appreciated the compliment.
“Okay.” I threw my hands up in surrender. “But fair warning…if I’m having a bad day, I may lean over and smell your neck to induce a calming effect. When that happens, don’t punch me.”
Andy shook his head, bewildered by the turn our conversation had taken. “I’ll try not to punch you, if you decide to randomly press your face against my neck.”
“When you say it like that, I sound like a psycho stalker.”
Psycho and stalker are your words, not mine. But, if the shoe fits…” He trailed off, and I smacked him on the arm.
“Ouch!” Andy rubbed the place I’d just hit. “I’m only kidding. I don’t think you’re a psycho stalker. I’ve never seen any indication that you’re a stalker. You’re more likely a plain old psycho.” He was grinning nice and big now, and I couldn’t help but grin back.
Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Robin is an overgrown child who fancies herself a bit of a comedienne. She loves to laugh, crack jokes, create flirty characters, write witty banter and believes in happy endings. Robin lives outside of Phoenix with her wonderful husband, five crazy kids and naughty labradoodle puppy. When not writing or reading books, she’s probably binge watching Netflix and overdosing on Diet Coke.

Tour Schedule
(Links won’t work until the posts go live.)
February 16th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $15 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
1 winner will receive a paperback copy of LOVE AT FIRST FIGHT by Maggie Dallen (US only)
1 winner will receive a signed paperback copy of PERFECTLY YOU by Robin Daniels (US only)
1 winner will receive copies of SECRET GIRLFRIEND & SECRET LIFE by Bria Quinlan (if in the US: choice between the 2 paperbacks or the ebundle, if outside the US, the ebundle)
Ends February 20, 2019

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Love at First Fight by Maggie Dallen for
Love at First Fight

(Geeks Gone Wild #1)
By Maggie Dallen
YA Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 226 Pages

January 13th 2019

Band Geek vs Quarterback…

One humiliating photo, a stupid prank, and a hashtag that goes viral. That’s how my senior year goes from predictable to absurd in a heartbeat. This year is supposed to be easy. I’ve finally scored first chair in band, my college applications are done, and all my friends and I have to do is survive one more year of high school before our real lives can begin. Instead, I find myself in trouble with the principal, humiliated in front of the entire school, and fighting with my neighbor—AKA star quarterback, Prince Charming, and nicest guy on the planet.

And that’s just on the first day back at school. Trust me, it only gets worse from there. As #GeeksGoneWild trends on social media, my friends and I are the targets of an online witch hunt. But they’ve picked on the wrong people and retaliation is severe. As the tension escalates, it soon becomes clear that someone needs to step up and put an end to this nonsense. If that means playing nice with the quarterback, I guess that’s what I have to do. Now if someone could please tell my heart that this new friendship is just for show. And the kisses…oh, the kisses. Someone please remind me that they don’t mean a thing.

When I met her gaze again she had her lips pressed together and her eyes were still narrowed but this time I got the sense that she was actively trying not to laugh.
As if she could read my mind she arched her brows and shook her head. “Nope. Not gonna happen. You might be able to fool everyone else in this school into thinking you’re some sort of white-hat-wearing hero but you cannot charm me, Jason Connolly.”
I let out a little snort of amusement at that description. “White hat, huh? I always thought I had more of a knight-in-shining-armor vibe going on.”
Her frown was exaggerated. “Never going to happen. I’m immune to your charms.”
“Never say never.”
She rolled her eyes but reached for the failed pop quiz I’d laid out between us as a weird sort of olive branch. She scanned it briefly, her eyes bright with new interest that was entirely academic. “Okay, fine,” she said, sliding the quiz back to me. “Let’s get this over with.”
“That’s the spirit.”
She arched a brow as she flipped open my book so we were on the same page. “You’re currently witnessing the cruel and unusual punishment that has me paying for your friends’ idiotic idea of a joke. Don’t tell me I ought to be happy about it.”
She met my gaze evenly and I tried not to flinch. She pointed to the chapter heading on my book. “Read this.” Then she sat back with folded arms. “You’re only my problem until next week. That’s when my punishment ends.”
I opened my mouth to make another flippant joke, but stopped. The fact that she was here being punished wasn’t funny, especially since she wasn’t the one who should’ve been paying. So instead, I met her gaze and gave her a small smile that held no teasing. “Then I guess we’d better get started.”
Other Books in the Series
Coming in March…

About the Author

Maggie Dallen is a big city girl living in Montana. She writes adult and young adult romantic comedies in a range of genres. An unapologetic addict of all things romance, she loves to connect with fellow avid readers on Facebook, Twitter or at www.maggiedallen.com. To keep up to date with her new releases (and for giveaways, sale alerts, and sneak peeks), sign up for her monthly newsletter here.

Tour Schedule
(Links won’t work until the posts go live.)

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $15 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
1 winner will receive a paperback copy of LOVE AT FIRST FIGHT by Maggie Dallen (US only)
1 winner will receive a signed paperback copy of PERFECTLY YOU by Robin Daniels (US only)
1 winner will receive copies of SECRET GIRLFRIEND & SECRET LIFE by Bria Quinlan (if in the US: choice between the 2 paperbacks or the ebundle, if outside the US, the ebundle)
Ends February 20, 2019

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Marine’s Return
By Rula Sinara
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Note from the Author

Thank you for stopping by my book release tour for THE MARINE’S RETURN, the sixth and final book in my ‘From Kenya, With Love’ series for Harlequin Heartwarming. I’ve loved everything about writing this series, from the romance and characters, including the endearing orphaned baby elephants, to ‘traveling’ to the breathtaking setting of Kenya’s Serengeti ecosystem and Masai Mara regions every time I sat down to type. You can read my Dear Reader letter from the Prism Release Blitz that took place the first week of January and find out more about the series as a whole HERE

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review

“The Marine’s Return is so well written. I love the characters, and reading about the familiar characters from the other two books I read was so enjoyable. Chad and Lexi’s interactions are so much fun to read. In fact, you’re going to love how two other characters come together too! . . . I highly recommend The Marine’s Return because of the amazing characters, descriptive setting, exciting story line, and sweet romance.”

underneath the covers – Excerpt

A single, lonely acacia tree graced the top of it like one of those paper umbrellas used for decorating fancy drinks. Only there was nothing fancy about this place. He hadn’t seen the hill from the camp. The view would have been blocked by the trees flanking the exam tent, but he did recall seeing a hill and some outcroppings from the chopper. The rest of the area spread into farmland and savannah prairies, with the occasional tree dappling the landscape. He had to admit, Lexi was smart. She knew exactly where he’d want to go.

“A vantage point,” he called out over the engine noise in acknowledgment of her plan.

“A sensible starting point. Some people get so obsessed with the details that they lose sight of the big picture.” She pressed her lips together and gave him a quick side glance.

No comment.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This novel addresses some of the many sacrifices made by those in armed forces and their families. Additionally it address, illegal poaching, and the inner strength individuals fin within themselves. . . The characters feel very real and the background scenes are vividly portrayed in script. The reader will, truly, feel herself/himself connected to the characters and the African terrain.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

A thorny acacia-branch fence formed a protective thicket around each of the homestead villages. The Masai women, men and children, dressed in their famously vibrant colors, dotted the earthy hues of the drought-stricken landscape like precious gems. The stark opposite, it occurred to him, of the camouflage he’d been accustomed to in the war-ravaged regions of Afghanistan.

His sister, Maddie, who used her position as a lawyer to fight for the human rights of Kenya’s indigenous tribes, had used that word. Precious. She’d said that the Masai and other tribes were precious, and the beauty of their culture and the people were in danger of being lost to the greedy. His mother had devoted her life to helping the Masai, too. As was Lexi. And here he was, ready to get in the way. Who was the enemy here? He’d grown up in this place and everything—from the people to the surroundings—was a part of him. But whose side was he on now? Protecting Lexi would mean taking critical care away from others. She was right.

Splashes of Joy – Review

“I really did enjoy this story. This is the first book in the series that I have read and I hope to read more from this author. I enjoyed the creative characters and the way they seem so realistic. I have not read very many books set in Kenya, so this part of the book was very interesting to me. I enjoyed the scenes at the clinic as well as the surrounding areas. The talk about the wildlife, and especially how they could he at the sounds of the wild.”

Among the Reads – Review

“Kenya is a country on my list of places I would love to visit. And I enjoyed being able to do that vicariously through The Marine’s Return.”

The Power of Words – Review

“Compelling and emotionally gripping, The Marine’s Return concludes the epic six-book series that will live on in my memory and that I highly recommend. . . . Romance fans will be delighted with Chad and Lexi’s story, but The Marine’s Return is so much more than a typical romance. Sinara’s writing flows easily across the page, conveys rich and vivid characters and scenes, and captured me emotionally from the first page.”

Deal Sharing Aunt – Review

“This is a book that everyone should read. . . . This was a fun book to read, and I liked there was a lot of family in it. Even though it is part of a series, I did not feel as though I was missing any information, and was a great stand alone for me. . . . The ending was a great fit, and I enjoyed it”

Baroness Book Trove – Review

“The Marine’s Return by Rula Sinara is fabulous. I thoroughly enjoyed the story, the characters, the setting, and family. Lexi and Chad are such beautiful characters, their story adds splendidly to the others in the From Kenya, With Love Series. I haven’t read the first five books but if I find the time I will be reading them. We are given a glimpse of the others throughout the story, and I fell in love with all of them.”

E-Romance News – Excerpt

Lexi’s footsteps stopped suddenly. He turned and caught her wincing and touching her side. For a moment he was in Kabul, on one of his early missions, not far from the embassy. A car bomb had detonated and shots were being fired. Screams pierced the air. A woman was running down the street, trying to find shelter. He saw the bullet hit her. She grabbed her side and crumpled to the ground.

In less than five seconds he was at Lexi’s side with his arm around her back, helping her to ease down onto a small boulder.

“What’s wrong? Are you in labor?” He quickly dried his forehead against his shoulder.

“What? No! I’m okay. I just need to sit a minute.”

EmpowerMoms – Review

“I enjoyed reading about the culture and way of life and the different struggles and dangers they face there. . . . Good story line and characters! Clean romance. I enjoyed reading it!”

Becky on Books – Review

“Another winner! . . . I love each story in the From Kenya…with Love series–not only do the characters feel like old friends (a feat that they manage even if you haven’t read all–or any–of the other series books) but the setting is absolutely amazing. Even though I’ve never been to Kenya, I almost feel as if I have once I finish one of these books. The Marine’s Return is no exception to this rule! . . . I really enjoyed Chad and Lexi’s story. It’s a solid blend of relationship drama (past and present romantic relationships, as well as family ones) and situational.”

Harlie’s Books – Review

“The first book that I have read by this author; last book in the series; the setting is in Africa, and I really didn’t know what to expect. Well, let me tell you this book surprised me in ways that I never saw coming. Seriously. I read a lot of Heartwarming books but this one just grabbed me and wouldn’t let go. . . . I tell you this every time I read a Harlequin Heartwarming story, please read this line. Its character heavy, sweet/slow building romance that anyone can read and in the end finish with a smile on their face. I do every time and this time, I’m still thinking about it.”

Book Reviews & More by Kathy – Excerpt

She was too aggravating and stone-headed.

And she thinks you’re good-looking.

Why did that matter? It didn’t. It shouldn’t. It was just that she’d never mentioned the scars on his face, his limp or his missing arm. She seemed to look right past all of it, and that got to him. Did he want her to notice? Did he need her to acknowledge what he’d been through and how he was suffering? He abhorred pity yet, at the same time, did he want it? Expect it?

He closed his eyes and exhaled. She wasn’t like everyone else. Something about her unsettled him. Perplexed him.

Remembrancy – Review

“With a touch of mystery, a second romance thread, and appearances from characters from the other books, Rula Sinara brings her series full circle while displaying the beauty and dangers of life in Africa.”

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“Chad and Lexi were great characters that I enjoyed getting to know. The story is one that was sweet, clean and heartwarming. It did tug at my heart at times, too. . . . Great read!”

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“A great ending to the From Kenya, With Love series! . . . The story line was quickly entrenched in emotions and intrigue, and watching Chad and Lexi connect was rewarding. Getting to catch up with so many of the past members of the series was a wonderfully fitting ending. Absolutely loved it and sorry to see the series end!”

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“If you haven’t read this series yet, you simply must. Start at the beginning for full effect, though each book can be read as a standalone. The Marine’s Return engages readers from start to finish, and Chad and Lexi’s multi-dimensional stories tug at the heart.”

Hallie Reads – Review

“Take a trip to Kenya with Rula Sinara’s final From Kenya, With Love book, The Marine’s Return. It’s an adventure, full of romance and danger, that contemporary-romance readers shouldn’t want to miss.”

Wishful Endings – Review

“THE MARINE’S RETURN takes readers to remote Africa as a woman tries to bring medical help to indigenous tribes and as a man tries to come to terms with his new reality after losing a limb serving in the military. The story is full of heart, conviction, friendship, family, and sweet romance. Recommended to fans of the series and of sweet romance. . . . This was a sweet story that tugged on my heart. An excellent ending to the series. I’m looking forward to more from this author!”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

The Marine’s Return
(From Kenya, with Love #6)
By Rula Sinara
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
January 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming

He can’t be her hero…

But he made a promise to keep her safe

Wounded marine Chad Corallis just wants to be left alone. Until he discovers his best friend’s very pregnant widow is in danger. A dedicated nurse, she refuses to leave her Serengeti medical clinic when it’s threatened by poachers. Chad is honor-bound to protect her, but who will save him from falling for his best friend’s wife?


Other Books in the Series

About the Author

National and USA Today Bestselling author Rula Sinara lives in rural Virginia with her family and crazy but endearing pets. She loves organic gardening, attracting wildlife to her yard, planting trees, raising backyard chickens and drinking more coffee than she’ll ever admit to. Rula’s writing has earned her a National Readers Choice Award and HOLT Medallion Award of Merit, among other honors. You can discover more about Rula at her blog A Writer’s Rush, on Twitter, on Facebook as RulaSinaraAuthor or on her website www.RulaSinara.com, where you can also sign up for her newsletter.

Tour Giveaway


– Autographed print copies of the first three books of the ‘From Kenya, With Love’ series – The Promise of Rain, After the Silence and Through the Storm.
– A set of three, 15x15in canvas tote bags featuring the first 3 covers of the ‘From Kenya, With Love’ series.
– A 12×18 Harlequin Heartwarming tote bag
– A ‘Teenie Beanie Baby’ (TY trademark) elephant named ‘Peanut’
– Bookmarks
Open internationally
Ends February 6, 2019
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for

An Alaskan Proposal
By Beth Carpenter

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

. . . AN ALASKAN PROPOSAL is the fourth story in the Northern Lights series. It’s a classic “fish out of water” romance, set in Alaska. There are dogs, and outdoor scenes, and Leith’s niece Emma, who is a bundle of energy. I think you’ll like it. Thanks to all the bloggers and reviewers on this tour.
And if you’re making any fresh starts this new year, I hope they lead to happily-ever-after.
— Beth
“An Alaskan Proposal by Beth Carpenter is delightful. I enjoyed visiting the spectacular places in Alaska along with Sabrina. . . . The story was fabulously written, and descriptions of the scenery were superb. It makes me want to visit Alaska even more. The characters all had their quirks and traits. . . . I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a great romance.”
What was she doing here, climbing a mountain, in Alaska, in the rain? Sabrina didn’t hike. She didn’t wear ugly boots and plastic ponchos. At least the old Sabrina didn’t. The new Sabrina—the one she’d pretty much created out of thin air—loved spending time outdoors. At least that was the story she’d sold Orson Outfitters’ management during her job interview, and that was the story she intended to live up to. Today’s team-builder outing was her first test.

You’d think all those hours at the gym would have prepared her for this, but it turned out running on a treadmill and hiking rough trails weren’t quite the same. Her muscles complained, forcefully. Still, she couldn’t quit, or everyone would know she was an impostor.
“Carpenter weaves another compelling story in An Alaskan Proposal – the setting, the characters, the writing style all perfectly on point. I loved the banter between Leith and Sabrina, their developing friendship, and those kisses! Tal & Boomer absolutely delighted me, and I hope we get to spend more time with them (in Volta’s story perhaps?). It’s always great to visit with old friends from previous books in the series, too, but this book works nicely as a standalone if you’re just starting here.”
Sabrina didn’t even own rainwear. Well, technically there was that vintage Laura Wilkes umbrella she’d gotten at an estate sale, but Sabrina considered that more art than protection. Dealing with rain hadn’t been a big part of her life as a fashion buyer in Scottsdale. But that was then.

Now Sabrina was doing the nature thing in Alaska, and she wasn’t equipped for it. Fortunately, Clara, being the experienced mom she was, carried extra folding ponchos in her glove compartment and had loaned Sabrina one at the beginning of the hike. It had done the job, but Sabrina was glad the rain had finally stopped and she could peel it off.
Book by Book – Review
“Take another trip to Alaska with Beth Carpenter’s latest Northern Lights novel, An Alaskan Proposal. Full of outdoorsy adventure and entertaining banter, it’s a contemporary romance not to be missed. . . . A fun and romantic story, it’s sure to please other lovers of contemporary romance as well (even without reading the rest of the books in the series). Pick it up today!”
It was the Alaskan setting of this series that initially drew me to it, and it’s Beth Carpenter’s smooth writing, warm characters, and creative storytelling that keep me coming back to her books. . . . This is just a great series that I wish could go on and on, for there’s many more stories to tell. . . . Highly recommended.”
Okay. A tent. Let’s see what she had to work with. Sabrina opened the drawstring at the top of the bag and dumped everything out. Hmm. A bunch of nylon, two short bundles of colored sticks, small metal sticks with hooks on the ends and…oh, instructions. Good. She grabbed the paper and looked at the picture. Step one: spread tent on the ground.

Clear enough. She unrolled the nylon and spread it in a neat rectangle. Presumably the heavier side was the bottom, and the net side went up. So far, so good.

Step two: assemble shock-corded tent poles. Was that stick in the picture the big one or one of the little ones? Another gust sent a shiver up her arms. She stamped her feet. It was hard to concentrate when she was so cold.

“Beth Carpenter’s descriptively toned voice makes us feel like we’re right there in picturesque Alaska in the latest from her Northern Lights series! The gorgeous setting is divine, the characters nab our attention quickly and their sweet love story warms soul throughout. Lots of heart, riddled with emotion and just an overall fun read. A nice addition to this wonderful series!”
Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt
Sabrina turned to see Clara and all the other employees gathered behind her staring at the tent and at her. Super. Walter pushed through the crowd.

“What happened here?”

Sabrina swallowed. “It was my fault. I thought it would save some mess and equipment if I heated the beans in the fire.”

Walter narrowed his eyes. “You put the cans in the fire without opening them?”

Sabrina nodded.

“Any casualties?”

“Only the tent.”
E-Romance News – Excerpt
“Like I said, we don’t really teach basic woodcraft. Maybe you could register for a course from the University of Alaska, Anchorage, this fall.”

“Fall is too late. My assignment here ends September first, when the store managers send in their evaluations. Only the top half move on to the next level of training. Besides…” She paused, taking a sudden interest in the worn vinyl floor.

“Besides, what?”

She took a breath and looked up. “After putting down deposits on my apartment and utilities, I’m a little short on cash right now. I thought maybe we could work out some sort of barter arrangement?”
“The characters are so personable, they feel real: They will truly “win your heart”! . . . The dreamy Alaskan setting is perfect and described well. . . . I offer a Five Stars rating for this incredible, well written novel.”
Kimber Li – Excerpt
Dinner at his sister’s had gone just about the way he’d expected. Volta, with all the subtlety of a locomotive, had seated him next to the new nurse at the table and kept throwing out random pieces of information designed to force them to bond. “Leith, Marley’s blood type is B negative, just like yours and mine. That’s only two percent of the population. Interesting coincidence, huh?”

What did you say to something like that? Marley had seemed like a perfectly nice person, but after going through a divorce three years ago, Leith had decided the safest route was to avoid getting involved with women, period. So, when Volta made a point of asking him if he had a date for the wedding in front of Marley so that he’d almost be forced to invite her, it had given him great satisfaction to assure her that, yes, he did have a date. He’d almost laughed out loud at the expression on his sister’s face when her plot failed.
Heidi Reads… – Review
“Another great book in the Northern Lights series! I really enjoyed the easy friendship that developed between Leith and Sabrina. . . . I loved the Alaskan setting and all the camping and exploring described. . . . A great cast of characters made this a well-rounded story.”
Becky on Books – Review
“Such a sweet romance! . . . I love the Alaskan setting of this series, and the people in it are just wonderful too. I loved Sabrina and Leith, and watching them go from two people who aren’t quite sure what to make of the other to friends to more was just delightful.”
Colorimetry – Excerpt
She pretended to be studying the instructions, hoping he’d walk away, but he remained where he was. “I’m Leith Jordan.”

“Sabrina Bell.”

He nodded. “So, Sabrina. Why are you here?”

“For the team-builder, obviously.”

“No, I mean why are you in Alaska? Why didn’t you stay in Arizona?”

“I came for the job.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You came all the way to Alaska to work at the Orson Outfitters store?”
Remembrancy – Review
“Through Sabrina’s eyes, Beth Carpenter gives readers a taste of the majesty and beauty of Alaska and through Leith and his niece, the readers get to experience some of the many adventures. Oh, and there’s a sweet romance full of mutual attraction and plenty of chemistry brewing in there too.”
Wishful Endings – Excerpt
“Stop!” Leith finally yelled loud enough to get through to her. She turned. The creature at the corner of the parking lot looked toward him as well.

Sabrina scowled at him. “What? I just want to help that dog. He seems shy. I wonder if someone abandoned him.”

“The reason he’s shy around people is because he’s not a dog.” Leith grabbed her elbow and dragged her back toward the safety of the Land Cruiser. “He’s a wolf.”
“I just loved the chemistry between Sabrina and Leith. . . . I could not put it down until I was finished with it a few hours later. . . . I am giving An Alaskan Proposal a very well deserved five plus stars and I highly recommend it. I can not wait to go back to read the previous books in the series and look forward to more by Beth Carpenter in the future.”
EmpowerMoms – Review
“I absolutely loved this book! . . . I loved the imagery of Alaska and the feel of community I got from reading this story. The main characters Sabrina and Leith were great. . . . I really enjoyed it and would recommend it.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

An Alaskan Proposal
(Northern Lights #4)

By Beth Carpenter
Contemporary Romance

Mass Market Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
January 1st 2010 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Can he teach her survival skills—

without endangering his heart?

When Sabrina Bell taps Leith Jordan for a crash course in conquering the great Alaskan outdoors, he figures he’s on safe ground. They’re polar opposites and his spectacular home state’s just a pit stop for the hotshot fashionista. So no one’s more surprised than Leith when he starts falling for her. Now he’s a man with a plan: get Sabrina to fall in love with Alaska…and, hopefully, with him.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Once upon a time …

when Beth Carpenter was a little girl, she read everything she could get her hands on, and entertained herself on the school bus by making up stories in her head. Not a lot has changed. She’s still consuming books like M&Ms, and spends her days creating happily-ever-afters for her imaginary friends.
She lives in Alaska and Arizona with her husband and an aggressively affectionate fifty-pound lap dog. She loves to hear from readers.

WebsiteGoodreadsFacebookTwitterPinterestAn Alaskan Proposal Pinterest Board

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a book tote, a print copy of A GIFT HORSE by Beth Carpenter, and a $25 Amazon Gift Card
Prize open to US continental residents – If winner doesn’t have a US mailing address, the alternate prize is a $25 Amazon card and two e-books (A GIFT HORSE and THE ALASKAN CATCH).

Ends January 30, 2019

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
No Safe Place
By Sherri Shackelford
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

Welcome to this blog tour! I’m excited to share the journey with you. My latest release is near and dear to my heart because this book starts a new adventure for me…

The Power of Words – Guest Post

Forensic Accounting
“Follow the Money”

Accounting might not seem dangerous, but hiding money is integral to nefarious activities. In the opening scene of Jack Ryan on Amazon, Jack is seen tracing the financial dealings of a suspected terrorist. What Jack discovers leads him on a harrowing adventure to the Middle East, but the spark of his investigation was a rather mundane series of financial transfers…

Splashes of Joy – Review

“I thoroughly enjoyed “No Safe Place” by Sherri Shakelford! I love fast pace detective stories and this one kept me on the edge of my to seat the entire time I was reading it. In fact, I read this one in one setting! . . . “No Safe Place” will take you on a wild and scary journey, through more horrific scenes than you want to think about, but in the end, it will leave you thinking about this book and the characters long after you finish reading.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

Her heart racing, Beth took the stairs two at a time and pushed open the door to the parking garage. Only a couple other cars remained. Keeping her back straight and her gait purposeful, she crossed the distance.

The sound of her heels striking the concrete echoed through the cavernous, empty space. Pausing beside the car, she dug in her purse for her keys. Normally she kept them at the ready when exiting a parking garage. Corbin’s unexpected appearance upstairs had distracted her.

As she fumbled with her purse, she dropped the bag. “Calm down, Beth.”

Jorie Loves A Story – Review

“In my experience, this particular imprint is notorious for grabbing you by the throat straight-off the first page and never quite letting you feel released til you conclude the story! No Safe Place accomplishes this. . . . Ms Shackelford has a knack for Contemporary drama – she alights you inside her scenes with a certain kind of polish and flair for understanding the ready details you need to see in a scene to know its the modern era. . . I love finding Contemporary authors who are in-tune with this modern era and who can write realistic impressions of the people any of us could meet on the street.”

Colorimetry – Guest Post

Homeland Security

The details are sketchy, and the government has been tight-lipped, but various reports have concluded that the worst cyberattack in US history started in a cybercafe in Afghanistan. An American Pentagon worker (presumably), using the internet services of a foreign café, picked up a ‘cyber worm’ on his computer. He then transferred data from the infected computer to a thumb drive. The virus hitched a ride. When that same thumb drive was plugged into the Pentagon computer system, the worm went wild…

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is an action packed, suspenseful, romance novel you will not want to miss! . . . Each chapter leaves the reader anxious to discover, “What happens next?” . . . The characters seemed very real, and the scenes were well described so the reader felt he/she was a part of them.”

Simply Kelina – Review

“I really enjoyed the writing style. This is not the first book written by the author, but it is the first within the suspense genre. I would not have known this while I was reading. I think she did a great job with the pacing and thrilling aspects of the story.”

Labor Not in Vain – Review

“Great tension between the characters, and a well paced plot, there is a lot going on. I liked the complexity of the plot perfect within this format, it fit well and kept me hooked, there was a lot going on but I never got lost. A book well worth reading, and great first foray into suspense for Ms. Shackelford!”

By The Book – Review

“If you are looking for an adrenaline-laced, romantic suspense to start off your reading new year, then you need to check out No Safe Place by Sherri Shackelford! This book has it all — engaging characters, danger and intrigue aplenty, and romantic sparks. . . . All in all this book would be a great companion for a weekend getaway or staycation. Suspense and HEA — what are you waiting for!”

Wishful Endings – Guest Post

My Favorite Suspense Books

Like many people, I got hooked on romantic suspense after reading the classic, Rebecca by Daphne DuMauier. Lately, I’ve been addicted to the Orphan X series by Gregg Hurwitz. Another favorite is Alex Kava, whose first book was set near where I live. The latest book I read was The Far Empty, by Scott J. Todd…

Heidi Reads… – Review

“This is my kind of suspense book. Not so intense that I’m biting off all my nails and can’t go to sleep, but engaging and compelling and has me turning the pages to see what happens next. . . . This is a story that I didn’t want to put down and felt that great feeling of satisfaction as I finished. Highly recommend to fans of light romantic suspense!”

Faithfully Bookish – Guest Post

Tips on Hiding

When I bought the book, Playing Dead: A Journey Through the World of Death Fraud, my husband was a little worried. The book was written by Elizabeth Greenwood, and I used her name as the inspiration for my heroine, Beth Greenwood.

The book is a fascinating look into the underground world of ‘making people disappear.’ Believe it or not, there’s an entire underground industry dedicated to helping people fake their death—should the need arise…

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“I enjoyed No Safe Place. . . . Beth and Corbin’s story was one that kept me on the edge of my seat. I never knew where they would end up. I could not put the book down until the end.”

Among the Reads – Review & Interview

“Sprinkling just enough wit throughout the story to keep it from being overly suspenseful, author Sherri Shackelford has Corbin and Beth fleeing from one place to another in an attempt to elude their pursuers. . . . Readers who enjoy authors such as Dana Mentink and Tanya Stowe are bound to enjoy this one as well. . . . I want to be sure to read more books by this author!”

Can you tell us a little about what inspired No Safe Place?

I really enjoy stories about regular people who are forced into extraordinary circumstances. I liked the idea of someone with a very ho-hum job in a boring office building who is thrown into incredible danger. I also like stories where people are ‘on the run’.

Book by Book – Review

“No Safe Place by Sherri Shackelford gives readers a quick, suspenseful (and romantic!) read, and I quite enjoyed it. . . . I recommend adding it to your TBR today!”

The Becca Files – Review

“Fast paced with plenty of action, No Safe Place was a rather quick read for me. I finished the whole book in just two sittings and in less than a day. It quickly grasped my attention and held me until the end. . . . I’d easily recommend it to fans of suspense.”

EmpowerMoms – Review

“I absolutely loved it! . . . Great characters, great story line, clean romance. I highly recommend reading this suspenseful, action packed book! I read it in one night because I couldn’t put it down-it was awesome! I can’t wait to read more books by this author.”

The Barefoot Reader – Excerpt

The accountant was running. Innocent people didn’t run. She’d been Corbin’s first suspect since her name had come up in the previous audit. Didn’t help that she’d spent the past week behaving like a textbook example of a guilty person. She was edgy and jumpy—rarely leaving her desk—even for meals. She didn’t want anyone messing with her computer. She didn’t want anyone to know what she was doing. Innocent people had nothing to hide.

Strike one.

Corbin pushed open the door to the garage, and his blood froze.

Author Loraine D. Nunley – Review

“I loved the page turning suspense and the push-pull of the romance. . . . This was a fast paced suspense with a good romance topped with relatable characters.”

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Review

“Sherri Shackelford delivers up non-stop adventure and suspense in a race for survival that crosses state lines. . . . I really enjoyed this book and I am definitely looking forward to more exciting romantic suspense from this talented author.”

Harlie’s Books – Excerpt & Review

There was a bullet hole in the hood of his car, and the woman sitting next to him had become a liability to a terrorist cell laundering money. Corbin didn’t know the extent of her knowledge, and he wasn’t letting her out of his sight.

She raised the canister once more. “All right. But I have the pepper spray, remember?”

“I’m not likely to forget.” That stuff was potent. Residue had both their eyes watering in the confined space of the car. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I did save your life. A simple ‘thank you’ would suffice.”

“Corbin is a dream. He is definitely going on the book boyfriend shelf for me. . . . Beth is just one of those heroines that you truly root for in a book. . . . The plot itself is [relevant], very fast paced (love), realistic and interesting. Yes, interesting. . . . I really loved this book. Corbin and Beth stole my heart and I have a new author to read from a beloved Harlequin line.”

Two Girls and a Book – Review

“No Safe Place is a fast past and well written book. From beginning to end I found myself completely caught up in the lives of Beth Greenwood and Corbin Ross. . . . I thought this book had the perfect amount of suspense, well-developed characters and most important, a surprise and oh so sweet sending.”

Min Reads and Reviews – Excerpt

Beth shut the train’s inner door and tugged the curtains over the square window of her private 
roomette—a tiny space featuring two facing seats and an overhead bunk that pulled down. The heels finally chugged, and the train lurched. She exhaled her pent-up breath. As the station faded into the distance, her pulse gradually slowed to a normal rhythm.

An hour into the trip, she almost felt as though she could breathe normally again.

A knock on the door sent her heart leaping into her throat.

Remembrancy – Review

“Shackelford maintains a perfect balance of intense action and personal moments between Corbin and Beth, making their building attraction natural and authentic. . . . Corbin and Beth are people of faith with an inner strength that makes them do the right thing no matter the personal cost which had me rooting for them from the get-go. . . . I hope to see more romantic suspense reads from Shackelford in the (near) future.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

No Safe Place
By Sherri Shackelford
Christian Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 224 Pages
January 1st 2019 by Love Inspired Suspense

He lives by the law.

She’s running for her life.

After forensic accountant Beth Greenwood uncovers a money-laundering scheme tying her company to the organization that murdered her mentor, she knows she needs to go into hiding. With ruthless killers in pursuit, she’s forced to rely on homeland security agent Corbin Ross’s protection—even as his investigation suggests Beth is complicit in embezzlement. Can their uneasy alliance develop into something deeper—and keep them alive?


About the Author

A former naval reservist with a top-secret security clearance, Sherri writes rapid-fire suspense featuring captivating characters and heart-pounding romance. She’s authored more than a dozen novels for Harper Collins publishing, including both historical and contemporary suspense.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will win “A Little Bit More Romance Box,” which includes the following items in a Decorative Box (pictured):
– Romance Bubble Bath
– Classic Cover Harlequin Notebook
– Collectible Addition Book of Romance Poems
– Romance Bath Bomb
– Scented Candle
– Fuzzy Socks
– Books: No Safe Place and His Substitute Mail-Order Bride by Sherri Shackelford, and Undercover Memories by Lenora Worth
US only
Ends January 23, 2019
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
By Samantha Durante
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

I am *so* thrilled to be kicking off the Stuck (Stitch Trilogy, Book 3) tour! We’ve got lots of awesome stops planned with exclusive Stitch Trilogy content you won’t find anywhere else, plus a big giveaway to celebrate the arrival of the long-awaited conclusion of the series!…

Andi’s Young Adult Books – Guest Post

A Tale of Three Book Covers

Even a writer has to admit that (as the saying goes!) a picture is worth a thousand words. It comes as no surprise, then, that *almost* as much thought must go into cover design as into the book itself.

When designing the covers for the Stitch Trilogy books, I had several goals in mind:
Captivate: Of course, a cover needs to get readers interested, and one of the best ways to do that is to make it pretty!

Signal: The cover’s job is also, naturally, to give readers some clues as to what is in the story by referencing the genres and major plot points.
Unify: And, finally, knowing that this was going to be a multi-book series, I needed to come up with a consistent theme that would tie each cover together.

So how did I accomplish all this? By driving my cover designer crazy, of course! 🙂 …

Candrel’s Crafts, Cooks, and Characters – Interview

2.) Tell us about the rest of the series.

Over the course of the trilogy, you join our protagonists as they uncover the sordid truth and dark history of their society, Paragon, a place set in a world much like our own but with some important (and chilling) differences. In fact, some members of this society are so blinded to the truth that they don’t even realize they are, in fact, living in Paragon… which is something you get to experience firsthand in Book 1. (Trying not to give away too many spoilers here!) In Book 2, we learn more about how this world came about, and in Book 3, the main characters struggle against nearly insurmountable odds to try to bring those responsible to justice. And of course, there’s some romance along the way!

Paulette’s Papers – Guest Post

Playlist: Music to Go with Stuck (Stitch Trilogy, Book 3)

It’s no secret that I love words (I am, after all, a writer). But sometimes, nothing captures a feeling *quite* like a song. So without further ado, here is a selection of hand-picked songs to go with several of the most pivotal chapters of Stuck (Stitch Trilogy, Book 3):…

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

Not a Bear

“But how can we continue to keep this from everyone?” Janie interjected. “It’s not right. They deserve to know!” she hissed.

Alessa shrugged in defeat.

Yes, she thought, just like Isaac deserves to know that his brother might still be alive – but she couldn’t bring herself to say anything about that, either, knowing the guilt would eat him alive. She at least had to be sure first. She had to know it was really Joe.

Lisa Loves Literature – Review

” I really liked the first two books in this series, and I waited 5 years between book 2 and this one. There was one point I know that I even reached out to the author to find out if this one was coming soon, because I needed to know what would happen next. . . . There was just so much going on in this book! . . . if you haven’t started the series yet, you are the lucky one to get to start with all three of them out now. You can sit down and read them all, back to back, and get all the feelings that will come with a good series.”

Why Not? Because I Said So! – Review

“I’ve waited a long time to read this last book in the Stitch Trilogy. I loved this series from the first book. It was so unique and had so many twists and turns that kept you reading. Guess what? Things haven’t changed in this third book: It’s still has so many unique things in the story line and the the twists just keep on coming. . . . If you like the Dystopian and Sci-Fi genres, you need to put the Stitch Trilogy on your To-Read list immediately.”


“There’s plenty of action, intrigue and betrayal. But there’s also bravery, romance and hope. . . . A perfect finale to a series that fueled my imagination and captured my heart.”

Bri’s Book Nook – Review of STITCH

“This premise for a science fiction novel is so unique, and that truly drew me in. . . . I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a new upper YA or NA science fiction trilogy with a strong female main character.”

Colorimetry – Excerpt

Happy Pills

“Seriously, Alex?”

Deion chuckled and shook his head at the sight of his best friend – shirtless, sweat gleaming off his abs – precisely positioned so that anyone passing by the construction site would get an eyeful of his chiseled physique.

“First of all, it’s only 50 degrees out –”

“58,” Alex argued, heaving another stone on top of the wall he was building for this set of Paragon’s latest drama. “That’s almost in the sixties.” He paused to swipe a dusty, rippling forearm across his brow, brushing the fringe of straight black hair from his striking, angular eyes, which were narrowed against the sun.

Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile – Review

“It’s been a privilege to follow along with Samantha Durante since this trilogy first started! I felt a little woeful as I started to read Stuck, only because I knew that this was the end of my time with these characters. After completely falling in love with the last book, I knew that this finale was going to be a rough read for me either way. It’s the end of an era, really. It’s been fun! . . . If you haven’t started this trilogy yet, you’re in for such a treat. I envy you. I really do.

Lovely Reads – Spotlight

Chapter Break – Interview

Is there anything you would like people to take away from your book?

There are SO MANY things I’d like people to take away from the Stitch Trilogy! First, that things aren’t black and white. Just like real life, no one in my books is infallible, and anyone can make a mistake that can really hurt other people – and this can happen on a small or very large scale, even with the noblest of intentions. Second, that anyone can make a difference. It would be easy for anyone living in that world (or any world!) to feel insignificant and powerless, but the characters work really hard and work together to make things better, and they manage to do so even against odds that seem insurmountable. Third, that inclusivity and diversity of thought are good things, especially when it comes to leadership – otherwise you’re almost certain to further exploit already marginalized groups, and foster a lot of ill-will. And finally, that love conquers all. At the end of the day, even (perhaps, especially) when the world has gone to hell, all we have is each other. Be selfless. Be brave. Be kind.

Words Are the Breath Of Life – Review

“Stuck is a phenomenal completion to a wonderfully complex, challenging, and heartfelt adventure. My heart jumped for joy when I found myself finally reading the last chapters of this brilliantly original and deeply captivating journey full of heart, hope, and love. . . . I have been looking forward to this elusive ending, and I found myself completely and totally satisfied in every way a story can offer. . . . Samantha Durante has once again left me in awe of the depth of her brilliant creativity and boundless heart.”

Books & Such – Guest Post

Quiz: Where Do You Rank in Paragon Society?

Over the course of the Stitch Trilogy, we’ve gotten to know several different groups within the society of Paragon, from plucky rebels and manipulated citizens to mastermind Engineers and bloodthirsty Stuck. Where do you fall amongst these ranks? Take this quick quiz to find out!…

fundinmental – Interview & Review

1. What made you decide to be a writer?

I don’t know if it was a *decision* so much as a compulsion! I’ve always loved to write, ever since I was a kid. I got away from it for a few years in college and afterwards, but even as a software engineer, I managed to“sneak” writing into my job. So when it came time for a major life change (moving back across the country to be near my family), I knew it was a good time to see if I could shift gears and get back to doing what I’d always loved.

“If you love having your emotions ramped up to a fever pitch, if you love white knuckled reading, if you love apocalyptic/dystopian novels and are looking for an original storyline, you may want to grab the Stitch trilogy.”

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Guest Post

Style in Dystopia: 3 Ways to Style a Jumpsuit

Dystopian societies aren’t often known for their embrace of individuality and free-thinking… which unfortunately means their fashion trends tend to lean towards the sterile and conformist, at best.

But don’t let that post-apocalyptic thinking get you down! As the characters of the Stitch Trilogy show, there are lots of ways you can buck the trend and give that old standard-issue jumpsuit a fresh spin…

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

(Stitch Trilogy #3)
By Samantha Durante
YA Dystopian, SciFi
Paperback & ebook, 306 Pages
December 15, 2018

3, 2, 1… BOOM.

Things are finally looking up for the Resistance. Sure, Alessa is still processing the revelation that the best friend she’d presumed dead is miraculously alive, though far from well… And her boyfriend is being manipulated under threat of blackmail. But her quest for justice against those behind the systematic extermination of the world population is so close to victory she can taste it.

And then in a matter of seconds, everything Alessa believes in is shaken to the core. Months of preparation are obliterated. The people she cares for most are lost.

But Alessa is still standing. And Paragon must pay.

The odds are grim, but unexpected allies surface in the most unlikely of places: A new pair of citizens still under the colony’s rule who notice something amiss in the latest drama. An old adversary who realizes the error of her ways. And a veritable army of inhuman power and terrible strength, with an insatiable thirst for vengeance. The trustworthiness of each of these factions is yet to be proven, but without many other options, Alessa may have to take what she can get. Especially since the Engineers, never to be outdone, also have a few more tricks up their sleeves…

The long-awaited final installment in the riveting Stitch Trilogy, Stuck will have readers gripping their seats as Alessa and a handful of intrepid survivors usher their harrowing journey to a close, risking everything as they endeavor – once and for all – to set things right.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleSmashwordsKobo

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Samantha lives in Westchester County, New York with four of the five loves of her life – her husband, son, younger daughter, and cat – and carries her fifth love, her stillborn daughter, in her heart. An avid reader herself, Samantha’s dream is to bring the same delight to readers that other authors have brought to her life. In addition to penning novels and writing candidly about grief, she is also a sometimes freelance writer/consultant – though more often than not these days she’s on full-time mom duty! A former software engineer, Samantha said goodbye to the corporate world in 2010 to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams and lifelong love of writing. Learn more at www.samanthadurante.com.

Tour Giveaway

1 First Place Winner will receive: Signed Print Copies of All 3 Books in the Trilogy, a Limited-Edition Stitch Scarf, Bookmarks, and a $15 Amazon Gift Card
3 Second Place Winners will receive: eBook Copies of All 3 Books in the Trilogy for You *and* a Friend, plus a $5 Amazon Gift Card
– Open internationally
– Ends December 27th
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Launch for
Days of Fantasy for Christmas

We’re excited to be sharing books from 13 fantasy authors with you this holiday season! Each
day different author and book or series will be featured. There is also a fabulous giveaway!
If you love reading fantasy, or are looking for a gift for someone who does, join us on this tour!

Tour Schedule
(Links won’t work until the posts go live.)
December 1st: Launch
December 2nd: Gillian Bronte Adams – The Songkeeper Chronicles
December 3rd: Morgan L. Busse – Mark of the Raven
December 4th: Evangeline Denmark – Curio
December 5th: Kate Avery Ellison – A Gift of Poison
December 6th: J.M. Hackman – Spark
December 7th: Ronie Kendig – Embers
December 8th: C.E. Laureano – Oath of the Brotherhood
December 9th: Belle Malory – The Twelfth Keeper
December 10th: Melissa McShane – Voyager of the Crown
December 11th: J. Ellen Ross – The Remembered Queen
December 12th: Jennifer Silverwood – Silver Hollow
December 13th: Melissa Wright – Blood & Brute & Ginger Root
December 14th: Morgan Wylie – The Age of Alandria Series
December 15th: Grand Finale

Books on Tour

Blogs Participating

Among the Reads
An Indie Adventure
Andi’s Book Reviews
Angela Walker’s Reviews
Book by Book
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Tour Giveaway

Grand Prize #1: Winner will receive a FIRE HD 8 TABLET along with the following ebooks (open to those who are eligible for the Fire Tablet in their area can receive Kindle gifted copies of ebooks):
– CURIO, MARK OF BLOOD and ALCHEMY (The Curio Prequel), and THE ICE CHILD (a holiday novelette) by Evangeline Denmark
– A GIFT OF POISON by Kate Avery Ellison
– THE TWELFTH KEEPER by Belle Malory
– SERVANT O THE CROWN or VOYAGER OF THE CROWN (winner’s choice) by Melissa McShane
– SILVER HOLLOW by Jennifer Silverwood
– THE FREY SAGA (Books 1-3) ebook box set by Melissa Wright
Grand Prize #2: Winner will receive the following print books (open to continental US residents):
– ORPHAN’S SONG by Gillian Bronte Adams
– MARK OF THE RAVEN by Morgan L. Busse
– SPARK by J.M. Hackman
– ABIASSA’S FIRE 3-book collection by Ronie Kendig
– The complete set of SONG OF SEARE TRILOGY by C.E. Laureano
– SILENT ORCHIDS by Morgan Wylie
Ends December 19, 2018

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Release Blitz for
Dream Of Me This Christmas Eve
By L.A. Sartor

Dream Of Me This Christmas Eve
(Star Light ~ Star Bright #4)
By L.A. Sartor
Contemporary Romance, Christmas
ebook, 127 Pages
December 1st 2018

Boulder, Colorado, attorney Maximillian Henderson III is in a bind. His new law office won’t open on schedule unless he finds immediate help to finalize his building’s renovation.

Award-winning designer Caroline Young is visiting Boulder for a family wedding and has promised to stay through Christmas. Meeting Max at the wedding and hearing his problem, she accepts his plea for help. But if she can make him see past his own nose, she could make it even better.

Creating a new design only works if she commits to staying longer. By doing so, she puts her heart and her treasured independence at risk.

Max is aware her life and business are in California, and a long-term relationship is impractical. Still she adds vibrancy to his plain black and white world, and his dream of her on Christmas Eve convinces him to try.

On Christmas Day, Caro reveals that she must return home for a vital meeting, breaking her promise and his heart.

Max has new plans for his office but no Caro. Can he convince her to return to him and find a way to meld their lives?

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Feel this? Seriously, she wanted him to do what? After that sigh, he wasn’t sure he should. “Why are you so excited about an afghan?”
“Not just any old afghan, this one is vicuña. Seriously, feel it.”
If he hadn’t reached out to take it from her, the throw would have fallen to the floor, and Max had an idea that would have been akin to sacrilege in Caro’s eyes.
Despite himself, he held it up to his cheek. Soft, supple … Whoa, his thoughts were spinning in wild directions, all because of the woman sitting in front of him. “Nice.”
“Nice? Do you know what vicuña is?”
“Nope, can’t say that I do.”
“It’s the wild relative of the llama. Pretty rare these days. The Incas believed the critters were reincarnations of lovely young maidens, so only Incan royalty were allowed to wear the fleece. Their wool is incredibly expensive. Nevertheless, I’d love to find some.”
Max handed her back the throw, only to see her again bury her face into its softness. And damn if his body didn’t heat up a few degrees thinking about her nuzzling his neck with the same passion. Sucking in a lungful of the chilly air wafting through the front door cleared his mind. Just. “First, how do you know all this? And second, what would you do with the wool if you were to find and then afford it?”
“First, I love random facts. My teachers hated that, especially when I spouted off in class, answering a question with a fact or even another question.”
“And yet you were valedictorian of your high school class. Phi Beta Kappa, and magna cum laude at university.”
“How’d you know?”
“Brice. He talks about you all the time.”
“Oh, did he tell you that I knit?” She gestured Vanna White style to the sweater still topping her maid-of-honor gown.
Max felt his brows rise in surprise, and there was nothing he could do to stop his obvious reaction to her last reveal. Knitting seemed like such an old-fashioned art for a free spirit like Caro.  He prided himself on reading people—it was one of the traits that made him a successful attorney. Yet Caro, in the past few hours, delivered him one surprise after another. His interest level in her ratcheted up and went beyond his physical attraction.
If she agreed to his plan, this could be an interesting week ahead, matching wits and wherever anything else led. “You read structural and interior design plans, right?”
“I create design plans for structural engineering. So yes.”
“My designer has the flu and can’t finish the work on my new office building. I could use your expertise to help complete the final phase so it’s open by the new year.”
“I’m not really an interior designer.”
“It’s a bit more than that.”
“How much more?”
She pulled the afghan up on her lap a little higher and he realized the draft continued.
“Hold on a sec, I’m going to see if the door was left open. It’s letting in minus-degree cold.”
Everyone had left the house. He closed the slightly ajar door, feeling instantly warmer, then returned to Caro and perched on the sofa’s arm.
“Okay, so you’re not an interior designer. And you asked how much more.”
She nodded, then poured a bit more champagne into her glass and sipped.
“The building is old and I’m having a lot of work done to the interior. And some new windows added. And—”
He stopped when she held up her hand. Uh oh.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

I started writing as a child, really. A few things happened on the way to becoming a published author … a junior high school teacher who told me I couldn’t write because I didn’t want to study … urk … grammar. I went to college, moved a few times, came home and found the love of my life (that is another novel worthy story, but for later), and got married.

We were super busy with our respective careers, mine a custom jewelry business with my mom, who was also teaching metalsmithing at the time, and my husband a crazy law career. We had two fur babies, Fudge (and briefly her brother Smudge, but sadly he didn’t live very long) and Two. Our cats would sleep with us and when they’d stretch out to their full length, we’d end up sleeping on the edge of the mattress.

I have always been a voracious reader and one night after throwing a particularly bad book at the wall (even putting a small ding in said wall), I realized that I could do better. I told my husband, and he said go for it. I called Mom and she revealed the junior high teacher story and she told I’d been writing all the time up to that point.

That blew me away. I didn’t remember any of it. But I started writing again, nearly the next day, pen and paper, learning, making mistakes, winning contests, nearly getting an agent, becoming disenchanted with the publishing industry and moving away from novel writing to screenwriting, getting a contract for a script and doing really well in screenwriting contests.

But none of that was making me much money. After numerous scary robbery drills I wanted to move away from my bank job (yes, this is many years later and a lot of stuff in between) and write full time for the green stuff.

My husband told me repeatedly that independent publishing was becoming a valid way to publish a novel and people were making big dollars. I didn’t believe him even after he showed me several Wall Street Journal articles. I thought indie meant vanity press.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I started pursuing this direction seriously, retired from the bank and hit the keyboard, learned a litany of new things and published my first novel. My second book became a bestseller, and while I’m not rolling in dough, I’m absolutely on the right course in my life.

So if you have a dream, pursue it as hard as you can. Life can get in the way, but never give up.

Please come visit me at www.lasartor.com, see my books, some pictures, some screenplays and sign up for my mailing list. I have a gift I’ve specifically created for my new email subscribers. And remember, you can email me at [email protected].


Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive ebooks of all four books in the Star Light ~ Star Bright Series and a $15 Amazon eGift Card
US only

Ends December 2nd
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