On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Welcome to the Book Blitz for
The Blood Race Series
By K.A. Emmons
Check out snippets from the month-long tour and enter the giveaway below…

The Blood Race

(The Blood Race #1)
By K.A. Emmons
YA SciFi, Fantasy

Paperback & ebook, 321 Pages
July 27th 2017

All Ion Jacobs ever wanted was to be normal. But when you’re capable of killing with your very thoughts, it’s hard to blend in with the crowd.

Running from his past and living in fear of being discovered, Ion knows he will never be an average college student. But when Hawk, the beautiful, mysterious girl next door unearths his darkest secret, Ion’s life is flipped upside-down. He’s shocked to discover a whole world of people just like him — a world in another dimension, where things like levitation, shape-shifting, and immortality are not only possible… they’re normal.

Forced to keep more secrets than ever before, Ion struggles to control his powers in the real world while commuting between realms — until his arch enemy starts a fight he can’t escape. Now he has sealed the fate of the Dimension, severing their connection to the real world, and locking himself inside forever. But a deadly threat hidden in plain sight may cost Ion more than just his freedom — it may cost him his life.

The Blood Race is the first book in K.A. Emmons’ riveting new sci-fi/fantasy thriller series. If you like epic urban fantasy, fresh takes on super powers, deep allegories, raw emotions and intricate plots that surprise you at every turn, you’ll love the first novel in Emmons’ page-turning series. Grab your copy of The Blood Race and delve into a new dimension today!


Worlds Beneath
(The Blood Race #2)

By K.A. Emmons
YA SciFi, Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 333 Pages
July 1st 2018

I used to think that seeing was believing, but now, as I struggle to stay alive below the ravine, I begin to realize that – good or bad – I will see whatever I believe.

“Who are you, Icarus, that the earth opens its mouth to receive your blood?” Sensei’s words were my last thoughts before I fell into the bottomless ravine, plunging toward my own death, and bringing about Hawk’s at the same time. Or so I thought.

I woke up underwater. I awoke in a strange and unfamiliar world, filled with maze-like forest, shadows, and nightmares seemingly as vivid and dangerous as reality. I had no idea who I was, or how I got there – I couldn’t remember anything, until I remembered her: Hawk. The other half of my soul.
I knew that in order for her to stay alive, I had to survive and find a way out. But that’s easier said than done when you’re trapped in a realm as deadly as your every thought – and dominated by a hierarchy of ravenous wolf packs.
Alerted by a dream, I realize that Hawk has left the Dimension to come find me. For an instant, I rediscover hope. But that hope quickly burns to ash when I realize that we may not be the only ones down here. Someone else with a thirst for her blood may have survived the fall too. And I may have just lured her right into the jaws of a predator even fiercer than the wolves.

A Tour Recap

July 1: Author Interview with Jameson C Smith

If the characters of The Blood Race trilogy could jump into any other fictional world, where would they go? Oh, hands down Narnia. Because that’s where I’m trying to “jump into” every day of the week, yo. I’m still checking those closets.

July 2: Guest Post with Hot Town Cool Girl: Top 5 Tips for Aspiring Writers

#5 JUST DO IT. so many of us spend a heck of a lot of time, debating about whether we should write a book, thinking about how we would write it, wondering if we’re good enough, or psychoanalyzing every single detail.

July 3: Book Review of World’s Beneath on Stories and Soulspeak

“Worlds Beneath is a captivating novel that pulls the reader in from the first page.”

July 4: Author Q&A on Plottinger Twist


July 5: Q&A with Author at Unicorn Quester

July 7: Book Review of World’s Beneath at Inkwell

July 9: Book Review of World’s Beneath at Paper Pizza

“What made the second installment in The Blood Race series so incredibly amazing was THE CHARACTERS.”

July 11: Author Interview at Ivie Writes

Kate: “…we are NOT the things that have happened to us. We are not our pasts. Letting go is hard, but one of the most important things you will ever do.”

July 12: Author Interview at Elly Lily

July 13: Author Interview at Rebecca Morgan

I’m also a surfer, karate enthusiast, and military wife.

July 14: Guest Post at The Book Sprite

Each time I sit down at the desk in the morning with my cup of coffee, I don’t have a map or a plan, or a binder full of notes…

July 15: Book Review of World’s Beneath at Totally Graced

“The ending, in typical Kate style, KILLED ME, and I am already counting down the days until Book 3 comes into the world.”

July 16: Book Review of The Blood Race at The Red-Hooded Writer

“It’s deep. It’s full of powerful themes, breathtakingly complex characters, and intense twists and turns that had me on the edge of my seat. If you want something emotional, gritty, fantastical, fast-paced, and theme-focused, I highly recommend The Blood Race!”

July 17: Guest Post at Christ is Write

Be the lighthouse on the cold and craggy isle, flickering vanilla beams into the billows of the storm.

July 18: Author Interview at Writings From a God Girl
July 19: Author LIVE at Livy Lynn Blog
July 20: Review of World’s Beneath at Rock and Minerals for Him

“Kate has a way with describing scenes that makes one feel like they’re in it without being too wordy.”

July 21: Guest Post at Audrey Caylin

Write about the things that make your soul hum.

July 23: Book Review of World’s Beneath on PoeTree

“The plot is brilliantly woven and full of vibrant, real characters with wonderful depth and raw emotion. Amid the tense action, thought-provoking dialogue and text often had me slowing down to savor the book.”

July 25: Guest Post at Musings of a Creative Spirit

The sheer joy I get when I sit down in the morning with a cup of coffee to write is immeasurable. And that’s my favorite part of writing.

July 27: Interview at Authoring Arrowheads

My writing zone at the moment is being lost in my head in my cozy, colorfully painted office, with coffee and a soundtrack of Vermont rainfall pattering against my window.

July 28: Book Review of The Blood Race at The Calico Books

“There were so many unique and such fierce characters. I especially loved Icarus, Hawk, and Fin. They had so much depth! I loved watching the growth and maturity that happens in this novel…”

July 29: Book Review of The Blood Race on Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors

“The character development, the fascinating originality of the Dimension, the Christian allegory woven through, it was really good.”

July 31: Book Review of The Blood Race and Author Interview at Oh So Priceless

“The concept is completely original and you’re immediately drawn in and enthralled by the story. I started reading it and I just could not put it down!”

About the Author

When she’s not hermiting away in her colorfully-painted home office writing her next science fiction, passionate story-teller and adventurer Kate Emmons is probably on the road for a surf or hiking trip, listening to vinyls, or going for a power run. Emmons’ debut novel The Blood Race is the first book in her YA science fiction/fantasy thriller series. Get connected with Kate on your favorite social platform, and be sure to check out http://kaemmons.com/.

Blitz Giveaway

– 3 winners will win an ebook of THE BLOOD RACE

– Open internationally
– Ends August 19th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Nice to Come Home To
By Liz Flaherty
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

Thank you so much for joining me on the debut ride for Nice To Come Home To. It’s the third book in a mini-series from Lake Miniagua, and Cass and Luke’s story was such a satisfying one to tell. I have to admit I got a little selfish in the writing of it…

I hope you enjoy the trip with me this week. There will be giveaways, excerpts, some blog posts where I hope you join in the conversations, and…did I mention giveaways?

— Liz

Nicole’s Book Musings – Review

“I really enjoyed this book. It’s a make you feel good book. The story was great and had me eagerly gobbling up this book. It had it’s funny carefree moments, but also serious hit you right in the heart moments. . . . All the characters are well written and makes you want to be part of this little town.”

Declarations of a Fangirl – Cass’s & Luke’s Tips on Running an Orchard

Thank you so much for having me here today!

Cass Gentry writes a cozy mystery series and has spent most of her adult life in California. Although she played volleyball in high school, that was twenty years ago. She’s not a country girl—much less an outdoorsy one, but when her mother dies, Cass inherits half of an apple orchard on Lake Miniagua, Indiana…

Reading is my SuperPower – Review

“Another great contemporary (clean!) romance from Liz Flaherty, set in the quaint Indiana town of Lake Miniagua. I loved watching Cass and Luke’s relationship move from business colleagues to a sweet friendship to something even sweeter. Great characters, a beautiful setting, and humor as well as heart abound – not to mention the gentle message of accepting yourself, flaws and all, and accepting the painful parts of your story with grace and self-forgiveness.”

Hearts and Scribbles – Excerpt

“Mr. Rossiter?”

The voice came as he was locking the door of the apple barn behind him. He turned, squinting into the setting sun. “Yes? We’re closed, but can I get you something quick?”

“I’m Cass Gentry.”

“Oh.” The sun moved enough that she became less of a silhouette and more of the tall, slender person he remembered from Marynell’s funeral. She wasn’t as slim now, and the cap of light brown hair was almost certainly her own, but he’d have recognized her anywhere. He extended his hand. “Nice to meet you. I expected you earlier today.”

Remembrancy – Review

“Liz Flaherty brings this series full circle. Don’t worry, if you haven’t read the other two books, you won’t be lost, but if you have, Nice to Come Home To is that much sweeter. As Cass learns that some friendships survivor tragedy, that family is what you make it,and that accepting herself—flaws and all—is the only way to live fully. And maybe, just maybe, falling in love isn’t something to fear.”

Among the Reads – About Brothers and Sisters and Teenagers

Thank you for having me here today.

The only teenagers I raised were the ones I’d known since birth, whose diapers I’d changed and whose personalities I’d had something to do with and who I loved more than I ever thought it was possible to love anyone…

Inside the Mind of an Avid Reader – Review

“Nice to Come Home To by Liz Flaherty is a wonderful read. . . . This book touches so many emotions and heartfelt situations. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Royce, Cass, Zoey, Lucas, and Seth. These characters are all absolutely wonderful and each have their own story to tell.”

E-Romance News – Excerpt

When Luke gets his first clue that Cass isn’t going to be a silent partner…

Cass beamed, her eyes lighting. The expression opened a place in him he’d thought was permanently closed. Oh, boy. “I love the orchard, and I love everything you’ve done to it.”

Encouraged, he asked the question that had lingered uppermost in his mind since they’d toured the orchard earlier in the day. “Do you know what you’d like to do? Stay a silent partner like your mother was? Sell out? I don’t have the money, but having a financially savvy brother-in-law has ensured I have good credit.”

It was as if he’d slapped her. The light left her eyes and her beam faded to a polite smile. She started to speak, then stopped, turning her head to gaze out at the lake. Spangled with moonlight, starshine and colored lights on boats cruising the calm water, it was a good thing to look at. Calming and exhilarating at the same time.

What had he said? Whatever it was, she was neither acknowledging nor answering.

Splashes of Joy – Review

“Cass and Luke’s story is a beautiful and heartwarming one. I enjoyed watching the two work closely together, attractions were noticeable, but they were so determined to not fall in love. . . . I appreciate so much that this is a good clean, fun, and enjoyable book to read!”

Book Lover in Florida – Excerpt

When Luke is still being a pain in the neck about the coffee shop…

“Tell me again why we can’t just have the coffee shop in the center corridor of the barn. It’s plenty big enough and access is right there from both entrances. That leaves the side areas for offices or even other little shops if this thing takes off.” Luke looked both tired and impatient. And on the edge of angry.

Cass wasn’t good at standing her ground—it wasn’t something that had ever worked particularly well for her. But… “Because the coziness factor would be gone. It would never be quiet or intimate or conducive to working.” She had said all this. She knew she had. Who knew that under that straight, silky hair of his, Luke Rossiter had such a thick head?

Britt Reads Fiction – Review

“I really enjoyed this sweet story. There are other stories related to this one, all set in this quaint community. However, the author did a really good job of making this book readable as a stand alone. I had not read the other stories and had no trouble diving into this one.”

Handcrafted Reviews – The Idea Trail

I’m not much for having ideas. I mean, I like the idea if having them, but I think when the Lord was wiring my brain, He gave me frizzy hair instead of ideas—that’s all I can figure. Naturally enough, one of the most frequent questions a writer is asked is, “Where do you come up with your ideas?”

Er…what ideas would those be?

But with Nice to Come Home To, released this month from Harlequin Heartwarming (squealing and jumping up and down here—aren’t you glad you can’t see the frizzy hair?), I can pinpoint the idea trail. Want to come along?…

Book by Book – Review

“So, if you’re in need of a heartfelt contemporary romance to read, check out Nice to Come Home To. I enjoyed experiencing the ups and downs with Flaherty’s immensely likeable characters and smalltown community, and I’m sure you will, too.”

Becky on Books – Meeting the Protagonists of Nice to Come Home To

Thanks for having me here today!

Characters, and the development thereof, are my favorite parts of writing books. They usually come to me pretty fully developed, scars and all, long before I know their stories. This is fun.

But then the characters do exactly what everyone else does—they change…

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“An emotional rollercoaster that will leave you smiling! This story was quick to draw my attention with it’s in depth details of what each character is feeling as the setting is laid out. We get not only the potential romance of Cass and Luke, but also several feel good moments between the older characters and with the teens. It’s a complex story with many pieces pulling at our hearts, but it comes together well. Memorable, sweet and very enjoyable. Loved it!”

My Life, Loves and Passion – Excerpt

A kissing kind of day…

Luke’s distinctive rap came on the door at that moment, and the women laughed as Cass went to open it. He called, “Evening, Zoey,” and pulled Cass onto the porch, wrapping his arms around her. “This is probably wrong on so many different levels, but I can’t care right now. It’s a kissing kind of day.” The last words were murmured against her lips, and all she could do was swallow a sigh.

They’d avoided physical contact beyond the occasional one-armed hug, even though they’d talked all around the subject. The conversation always ended with the assertion that neither of them was interested in dating anyone, much less someone they were in business with. If they got a little hormonal, well, that was just the way it was. They were adults, after all—they could handle themselves. Besides everything else, they were in charge of two teenagers whose hormones made their own look like rank amateurs.

My Devotional Thoughts – Review

“I did enjoy and connect with the two main characters–Cass and Luke. Both are a little bit older and have been married before. That already made them more interesting and relatable to me. The story was sweet with a little conflict here and there, but never more than what the reader would want.

…I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a solid romance with heart, soul, and lightheartedness.”

It’s All About the Romance – Breast Cancer

Thank you so much for having me to visit!

Breast cancer has affected my life. I lost my mother to it, my friends Dottie and Inge, and others. I have friends who are fighting it now. When you read Nice to Come Home To, you won’t see their names in the dedication—that happened years ago when I wrote One More Summer—but the disease still attacks. All too often, it still wins…

underneath the covers – Excerpt

When Cass finds out where the music is…

Later that day, walking through the orchard with Misty keeping her company, Cass looked through the branches of a pear tree, loving the picture the nearly leafless limbs made against the pale blue sky.

She eyed the tree trunk where it divided. It made her wish she had one of the orchard’s ladders out here. It had been a while since she climbed a tree just for the sake of climbing it. The last time had probably been when the volleyball team camped near the creek at the back of the Worths’ farm.

There weren’t enough leaves left on the tall Bartlett pear tree to offer the whispering accompaniment to her thoughts she remembered from those days, but still…it had been a while.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…
Nice to Come Home To
By Liz Flaherty
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
August 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Will an apple a day…

Keep love at bay?

For Cass Gentry, coming home to Lake Miniagua, teenage half sister in tow, is bittersweet. But her half of the orchard she inherited awaits, and so does a fresh face—Luke Rossiter, her new business partner. Even though they butt heads in business, they share one key piece of common ground: refusing to ever fall in love again. But as their lives get bigger, that stance doesn’t feel like enough…


Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Liz Flaherty was a little nervous about retiring from her day job, but making quilts, more family time, traveling at the mere mention of “why don’t we go…” and becoming a Harlequin Heartwarming author have made the past years more fun and exciting than she could ever have imagined.
Tour Giveaway

5 PRIZE PACK WINNERS WILL RECEIVE: a backlist book, dish towel, magnet, and notepad (picture includes an example – not a complete prize)

US only
Ends August 15th
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Welcome to the Book Blitz for
The Rancher’s Twins
By Carol Ross
Learn more about the start of this new Harlequin Heartwarming seriesread an
excerpt from this first book, sign up to review them all, and enter the giveaway below…

Note from the Author

Funny how the waning twilight of life shines so brightly on one’s mistakes. Nearing his eightieth birthday, family patriarch Elias Blackwell can only hope it’s not too late to rectify a few of his. Namely, his relationships with his five grandsons, Jonathon, Ethan, Ben, Tyler, and Chance. With both the operation of the Blackwell Family Ranch and the boys’ upbringing entrusted to him after the tragic death of his son and daughter-in-law, he made a mess of both. Now the boys are scattered to the winds and the family legacy is in jeopardy. Bringing his family back together is going to take every bit of the ingenuity, shrewdness, and tenacity Elias is known for. And, yes, maybe it’ll even take a bit of deception to instigate the Return of the Blackwell Brothers.

Each subsequent book in the series will release as follows:
The Rancher’s Twins by Carol Ross, August 1st
The Rancher’s Rescue by Cari Lynn Webb, September 1st
The Rancher’s Redemption by Melinda Curtis, October 1st
The Rancher’s Fake Fiancée by Amy Vastine, November 1st
The Rancher’s Homecoming by Anna J. Stewart, December 1st
In book one, The Rancher’s Twins, single father and rancher Jon Blackwell needs help. His five-year-old twin girls are out of control, it’s calving season, and his grandfather is MIA. Hiring a real nanny, a professional childcare worker from an accredited agency with years of experience, turns out to be the best decision ever. Lydia is amazing. She adores the girls. The girls love her. Even as Jon wonders if she’s too good to be true, he finds himself smitten, too. What he doesn’t know is that Lydia isn’t a professional at all. She’s on the run and using the ranch to hide out. Just when Jon begins to believe that life might actually be as sweet as Lydia’s smile, her past shows up and threatens to destroy them all.
― Carol

The Rancher’s Twins

(Return of the Blackwell Brothers #1)
By Carol Ross
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
August 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

She’s not the country nanny he advertised for

But she could be perfect for him…

Jon Blackwell needs a woman ready to tackle the duties of a cattle ranch and two lively, take-no-prisoners twin girls. But ever since Lydia Newbury showed up at his six-generation Montana spread, the frazzled single father is rethinking, well, everything. The Philadelphia dazzler is a marvel. What he doesn’t know is the secret that has Lydia on the run…



THAT WAS THE moment Lydia realized that she’d talked herself into a corner. She didn’t want to lie to him. Of course, she was sort of lying to him by being here as it was. But that was different. She’d had no idea that she’d fall in love—with him, his girls, the ranch, Falcon Creek. “I just kind of fell into it. All the jobs and experiences I’ve had seemed to point me in this direction. When my friend saw the position available, he encouraged me to take it.” That felt good, truthful. “And I’m so glad I did. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“But…how is that possible?”

“What do you mean?”

“Stuck out here in the middle of nowhere taking care of someone else’s kids? This is the life you want?”

Lydia stared back at him, hoping her heart wasn’t showing in her eyes. “Um…” She turned and held her arms out in front of her. “This isn’t exactly nowhere. Pretty sure it’s the most beautiful place on earth.”

“I’m not trying to put you on the spot here, it’s just that I’m wondering why.”

In that moment, she wished she could tell him everything. But what would he think of her? There wasn’t a situation in the world that would cause Jon Blackwell to run from his problems the way she’d always run from hers. Maybe, she could tell him a little, though. Tanner’s warnings surfaced but she brushed them away. She’d keep things vague.

“Well, Jon, I’ve made some mistakes. I haven’t had great luck with relationships.” With a little grimace, she went on, “There’s no luck involved. It’s more that I get involved with the wrong guys. The last one was a real piece of work. I had a difficult time getting out of the relationship.” Gripping the rock she’d gathered, she continued, “That’s part of the reason that I took this job, to get away from him. I needed to get out of Philadelphia.”

Jon’s eyes homed in on her like a laser beam. “Lydia, did some guy…? What are you talking about? If someone hurt you, I’d like to know about it.”

Lydia’s heart fluttered helplessly in her chest. She couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to have a man protect her for once, or at least to not want to hurt her. And not just any man, but this man, who was strong and smart and good. Too good, maybe, because he ended up with a woman who took advantage of that goodness. She ignored the little voice that reminded her that she was currently doing the same.

But she didn’t want to be. She wanted to protect him, too, from the wiles of Ava and Marilee. She wanted to help him in every way that she could—take care of his girls, support him on the ranch and keep him from working too hard. She wanted to be his partner. And love them all in the way they deserved.

“Um…he didn’t hurt me physically.” Lydia had often thought he wanted to. She suspected he’d been abusive in other relationships. “But he could be rough and the threat of more was always there. Verbal abuse, yes. I worked for him so that made it all worse.” She sighed. It was so difficult to explain without explaining. “At the end, I lived in constant fear.”

Lydia watched his mouth flatten out to a thin, angry line. “You deserve so much better.”

“Thank you. I know I want better.”

“What do you want?” His voice was low and deep and somehow made her want to cry a little.

You, her heart answered immediately. It hurt that she couldn’t say it, so she looked out at the view again. Doing her best to lighten the moment, she tossed the rock from the cliff and answered in a teasing tone, “Oh, I don’t know. Not much really. Just love, safety, security… And someday…maybe my own horse.”

Her attempt at levity didn’t work.

Jon looked out toward the horizon. He was still and appeared calm. But Lydia knew him better now. Tension radiated from him and she knew it wasn’t anger. Her breath stalled as her pulse began to pound fast and hard. His expression was pure Rancher Blackwell—grave and solemn and almost unreadable. Almost, because she could see the vulnerability there. She knew he had feelings for her, too. The attraction between them had been simmering hotly since he’d kissed her on Easter. What she hadn’t known was what those feelings entailed or how strong they were. But now she did. And at that moment, all of the reasons why they couldn’t be together flew out of her head. Which left only her heart, aching and craving his love. Just say it, she silently pleaded. Because no matter what happened long-term she wanted to hear the words at least once in her life from a person she wanted to hear them from.

He faced her again, his gray-blue gaze ensnaring hers. Her heart jumped into her throat. “What if I told you that I want those things, too? And what if I told you that I didn’t ever want to let you go, not even when the girls leave for college?”

Review Opportunities

Interested in reviewing the series? Sign up for each book by clicking on its cover.

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Carol Ross grew up in small town America right between the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade Mountains, in a place where you can go deep sea fishing in the morning and then hit the ski slopes the same afternoon. The daughter of what is now known as free range parents, she developed a love of the outdoors at a very early age. As a writer, Carol loves to breathe the life she has lived into the characters she creates, grateful for the “research material” that every questionable decision, adrenaline-charged misstep, and near-death experience has provided.

Blitz Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card and a copy of THE RANCHER’S TWINS (print to US/CAN and ebook to international)
– 3 winners will each receive a copy of THE RANCHER’S TWINS (print to US/CAN and ebook to international)

– Ends August 5th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Welcome to the Book Blitz for
The Heart of Aleppo
By Ammar Habib
Learn more about this new Young Adult release, read an excerpt, and enter the giveaway below…

Why Ammar Wrote The Heart of Aleppo:

Writing Playlist for The Heart of Aleppo
3. “Despair

I personally believe that the Syrian Civil War is one of this generation’s greatest tragedies. With the way it is proceeding, it’ll be remembered by future generations in the same manner that we remember the Rwandan genocide and the Bosnian War of the 1990s.
The motivation for writing The Heart of Aleppo was simple: I wished to bring more global attention to this crisis. Although the characters are fictitious, this novel accurately depicts the events that transpired in Aleppo during the summer of 2012. I hope that reading this will lead readers to have a greater understanding of the plight those in Syria face, as well as those in other war-torn regions. If this work helps garner more attention for those in Syria, then I will have considered this project a success.
In an over-politicized world, my wish is for this work to humanize those we call “refugees”. The Heart of Aleppo is not about the politics of the Syrian Civil War or any other conflict. Its aim is not to convince readers to support any faction or political party. Instead, this story is about the unbreakable spirit of humanity.  It is about how humanity often shows its true strength during the darkest times.
I truly hope that these themes of hope and strength will resonate with readers. I know that simply writing this The Heart of Aleppo changed me as a person, and it made me more aware of everything that transpires in the world around me. Although the world will never be perfect, I believe that if we keep our faith in the human spirit and keep striving to always better ourselves and those around us, then we can create a little piece of heaven on earth.

The Heart of Aleppo:

A Story of the Syrian Civil War
By Ammar Habib
YA Contemporary

ebook, 235 Pages
July 26th 2018

After standing for over 7,000 years, Aleppo’s ruin came overnight. Separated from his family during the night the rebels attacked the city, thirteen-year-old Zaid Kadir is lost in the middle of a war zone. Alongside his friends, he is forced to survive the dangers of a civil war he does not even fully understand. Zaid witnesses the destruction of the brutal Syrian Civil War as it grows more deadly by the day and rips his city apart. However, as he braves this destruction, as he desperately tries to survive this catastrophe, he discovers something. Zaid realizes that it is in the darkest hours when humanity’s spirit of hope burns brightest.


Two days before Nabeel leaves for the last time, I find him standing at the kitchen counter with his friend, Zakariah. I don’t know his rank, but Zakariah serves directly under Nabeel in the army and only lives two miles down the road. The two of them always seem to be on leave at the same time. 
Their voices are low, almost secretive, but I catch the look in Nabeel’s eye. Except back then, I didn’t recognize it.
“What are you guys talking about?”
Seeing me enter and hearing my voice, they both look my way before exchanging glances. That gleam in Nabeel’s eyes disappears.
I excitedly run up to the two of them. “Tell me!”
Nabeel looks back down at me as he stops leaning against the counter. Reaching down, he ruffles my hair. “You’re too young to know about that, Zaid.”
“Aww, what’s that about? I’m not part of the group now—”
My brother playfully flicks me on the forehead as he crouches down a little. “I’m sorry, buddy. Maybe next time.”
“You’re always saying that.”
Zakariah laughs as he comes closer to me. He puts his hand on my shoulder. “That’s just not fair, Nabeel. You’re a horrible brother for leaving Zaid out like that.”
I see a concerned expression momentarily wash over Nabeel’s face.
However, Zakariah glances up at Nabeel and shoots him a quick wink as he continues. “Why don’t I just tell you then?”
My eyes light up. “Really! You’re the best, Zakariah.”
Coming to his knees, he puts his arm around my shoulders and leans close, acting as if he is about to tell me the world’s biggest secret. “You see, Zaid, your brother and I were having a discussion about which one of us would win in a wrestling match. We all know that I’m stronger, but he just won’t admit it.” He sighs and shakes his head as he looks back at Nabeel. “But you agree with me, don’t you, Zaid?”
I don’t hesitate to respond. “No way!”
He moves his head back in surprise. “Huh?”
“Sure you’re pretty strong, but my brother would beat you!”
Zakariah is slow to reply, taken aback by the statement. “C’mon, Zaid. You do realize that I’m older than him—”
“Age has nothing to do with it, Zakariah! My brother was the school’s wrestling champion. He wouldn’t lose to you.” I whip my head to look back at Nabeel. “Right, big brother?”
Nabeel is slightly smiling now.
With a chuckle, Zakariah rises back to his feet. “Alright, alright. Well, I best be off, Nabeel. We can finish our little discussion next time.”
Nabeel shakes his hand. “Give my greetings to your folks.”
“I will.” Zakariah grabs my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. “See you, Zaid—no, sorry: Dr. Zaid.”
Did he really just call me that? How did he know?
Hearing Zakariah’s footsteps grow faint, I turn back to Nabeel. He opens the fridge door and rummages through it.
“You told him?” I ask.
Nabeel doesn’t look my way. “I tell everyone.”
I watch him pull out a pound of chicken meat rolled up in brown paper as he turns back to me.
“Aisha is visiting her parents tonight and Abbi and Ummi are having dinner with friends. So looks like it’ll just be you and me.” Nabeel shoots me a wink. “I’m going to make some shwarma for dinner. Just the way you like it: tomatoes, lettuce, onions, lots of chicken, and even more spices.” He starts setting the ingredients on the countertop. “I went by Sohail’s shop today. The mangoes he was selling were ripe, so I picked some up. We can have them for dessert. That is if we have room.”
He looks back at me with a smile, but it fades when he sees my expression.
“What’s wrong, Zaid?”
I glance at the ground before replying, “I don’t think I want to be a doctor anymore.”
“Why not?”
“…I don’t think I can.”
He takes a few steps towards me before crouching down to come to my eye level, urging me to continue.
“Ms. Farooq said I’m not smart enough.”
“She did?”
“I got the lowest score in the class on the last math test. She said I’m not cut out for it.”
“I didn’t realize Ms. Farooq could tell the future.”
I don’t respond.
“Did you tell Abbi or Ummi?”
I shake my head.
He takes a deep breath and glances down at my feet. His eyes look like he’s weighing something, wondering if he should say it or not. When he does speak, his voice is different. It’s no longer speaking to me as his younger brother but as his friend. “You know, Zaid, Zakariah was joking about what we were talking about.”
He nods before his gaze focuses back on me. “Not even a few weeks ago, my soldiers and I were in a bit of a… well, situation.”
“What happened?”
“We were in Homs. The people we were fighting—the rebels—had heavy control of some neighborhoods. We were trying to take them back. It was…”
A silence ensues as he searches for the word.
“Difficult.” Nabeel pauses. “Some soldiers were pinned. The army tried an airstrike to break the rebel lines. It was a heavy bombardment that leveled entire streets. The cost was high. But we couldn’t break their lines.”
I don’t interrupt him.
“Our intelligence said it was a lost cause. We were ordered to abandon the soldiers. They said we would lose more men than we would save. But even the army’s ‘intelligence’ doesn’t know everything.” He looks away. “Zakariah and I disobeyed our commanding officer. As did our men. Those soldiers that were pinned weren’t just men. They were my friends… my brothers. And I would never abandon them, even if it led to…”
For a moment, his eyes again display that same gleam, but it disappears as quickly as it came.
His gaze again meets mine. It’s firmer this time, stronger. “It doesn’t matter what people say, Zaid. It doesn’t matter what the facts say. All that matters is what you say. And, maybe more importantly, what you do.”
I hang on his words, unable to say anything.
“Why do you want to be a doctor, Zaid?”
“I’ve always wanted to.”
“But why?”
“Because… I don’t want to see people suffer. I… I want to be the one to help others. I want to save lives, make a difference and put others before myself. I want to make this world a better place. Just like the Imam always talks about.”
Nabeel smiles. “Never forget that. And never go back on your word. No matter what happens. Please never forget one thing, Zaid: I love you. No matter the circumstance—no matter if I’m so far from you that you may never see me again, know that I’m with you.” He presses his finger against my heart. “I believe in you, Zaid.”

About the Author

Ammar Habib is a bestselling and award-winning author who was born in Lake Jackson, Texas in 1993. Ammar enjoys crafting stories that are not only entertaining but will also stay with the reader for a long time. Ammar presently resides in his hometown with his family, all of whom are his biggest fans. He draws his inspiration from his family, imagination, and the world around him.

Blitz Giveaway

In conjunction with the release of The Heart of Aleppo, the author is running a giveaway from July 26th to August 3rd. The prize is a signed copy of his national award-winning novel, Memories of My Future. Memories of My Future is an historical/inspirational novel that was published in 2016. It received several accolades after its release, including the Independent Press Award in May 2017.

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for

The Truth Between Us
By Tammy L. Gray

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Interview with the Author
1. What was your motivation behind writing THE TRUTH BETWEEN US?
One of my goals in writing is to have a deeper meaning come through the story. Since this book is the second in a series, I always knew April and Sean would get their happy ending, but choosing the inspirational thread was a little more challenging. I wanted to show how even the strongest of people can hurt in silence. April is tough, guarded and defensive. But she also has a myriad of wonderful qualities—loyalty and kindness—if she would lonely allow herself to love. As her arc progressed, I could clearly see her need to understand unconditional love and did my best to show how God’s love doesn’t come with strings or conditions. 
Remembrancy – Review
“In The Truth Between Us, Gray focuses on how the unconditional love of one person covers over years of fighting to measure up to others expectation, seeking acceptance to the point of losing who you are meant to be.
It’s not an easy road to traverse, there are switchbacks, wrong turns, potholes, and deep ruts to navigate along the way. But with friends to navigate her back to the route, April just might find herself.”
Chapter 1 – Sean

Nine months, twenty-seven days, and four hours.

The last time he’d had contact with the woman he was supposed to marry. The woman who’d chosen misguided loyalty and lineage over his unconditional love. 

Sean drummed his left fingers against the steering wheel, his right hand occupied with the ring April had so easily returned. He slid the smooth gold onto his pinky, the same way he had in the jewelry store to measure its size. It stopped at his knuckle, the light bouncing off the diamond in an array of beautiful colors. 
“The second book in Tammy Gray’s Bentwood series, and it was just as attention-grabbing as the first!This one has April as the main character, and I was completely hooked into her and her life!
I was enthralled and captivated by her story…
Ms. Gray skillfully wove life lessons, and much truth, into this story line. We need to let go of who we think others are demanding us to be, and look for the person God wants us to be.”
“When I started reading The Truth Between Us, I wasn’t sure what to think. . . . But as I kept reading and got to know them each better, I found myself drawn into the story, which ended up being a beautiful tale of redemption and forgiveness.
…Though it took me a while to get into, The Truth Between Us is a really engaging story, and I’ll definitely be coming back for book three.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed this story and am thrilled to have discovered the writing of Tammy L. Gray. The Truth Between Us is an extremely well-written relationship drama with a strong, compelling plot and themes of grace and redemption. Honestly, I never wanted to put it down.”
Uplifting Reads – Review
“They have such a beautiful and rich past together, stretching way back to their early days. And it just feels like so much was a misunderstanding that they never had a chance to work through. Reading this was a great way to relax on a hot summer’s day. I want to read the first book in the series now, to get a better understanding of this book. And I would be interested in reading the next one to follow up on where everyone goes, and to figure out what is happening with some of the other characters.”
“I appreciate how Tammy Gray has met these characters where they are at, largely broken and faithless. The subtle introduction of Christianity is unseen and realistic, given entry by the desires written on their hearts, the natural law, and those God has put in their path.”
Chapter 2 – April

She slipped away quietly and continued toward the altar as if the wedding march were playing through the wind. A melody imprinted in her soul with each careful step. 

At the front, the white wooden arbor draped with lace and held together at the corners by bouquets of pink roses, was just like the one April had seen in a magazine, but Sean had staunchly vetoed the idea of a fancy arbor, not wanting anything to distract from the beauty of their venue.

Or the beauty of his bride, he’d said, ruining her chance to argue. He was the only person she knew who could make her cave with so little effort.
C Jane Read – Review
“Once I connected with the characters I couldn’t put the story down. This is an emotional story filled with a powerful message of discovering yourself, a wonderful example of unconditional love and what trust really means.”
“The Truth Between Us takes us on a roller coaster of emotions, from passion to anger to hurt to redemption and everything in between. Sean and April are complex characters and their story is as layered as they are. Tammy L. Gray is extremely skilled at writing in such a way that the reader feels part of the story too, and nothing feels forced or out of place. The sweet ending and the undertones of redemption do not cancel out the rawness of the story itself, rather it gives the journey an edge of grace that makes it all worth it.”
Book by Book – Review
“So, if you like to read romantic, character-based fiction, add The Truth Between Us to the TBR. Tammy L. Gray tells the story so well that it’s hard not to enjoy it. I know I certainly did (so much so that I’m once again left very eager to read more of the series), and I recommend it.”
“With The Truth Between Us, I had nothing to worry about, and here’s why: Sean Taylor.
I had a hard time liking the other main characters until later in the book. But Sean, I loved from the start, for the same reasons all the Bentley Brats love him: he’s funny, he’s daring, he’s passionate, he’s authentic.
…I found a story that shows the great impact of being loved unconditionally, and how very different that kind of love is from the conditional kind.”
Faithfully Bookish – Excerpt
Chapter 3 – April

The hostess smiled at her warmly, and April motioned toward the man already standing to greet her. Aiden had secured a table next to the towering windows at the back of room. They faced north, allowing the sky to reflect the beauty of dusk without the spotlight of the setting sun. With the light to his back, a halo encircled his blond head and saintly face. Lucifer himself would be jealous of the effect.
Wishful Endings – Excerpt
Chapter 3 – April

“I pay attention.” His tone was casual, as was the way he dismissed the waitress with a nod. “Especially to people who fascinate me.”

“Careful Aiden, one might think you’re flirting.” She was amazed at the ease in which she threw out those words when warning sparks were firing through her body. “You forget I’ve known you too long to be charmed by your looks and good manners. You offered a proposition. Get to it.”
– Sean

Sean wasn’t sure about anything anymore except that in three days he’d be face to face with the two people who’d trampled his heart. “Surprising her is the only way I’ll know if we still have a chance.” She was too good at hiding her feelings. Too good at shutting out every single emotion she didn’t want to feel.

“Okay. But know this. If a blow up occurs, I will take her side.” Andrew had abandoned the Duncan kingdom and had admitted more than once that he didn’t understand his sister’s choices. Still, his loyalty was unwavering.
“This is a great story. I shows just how evil people can be and how power and money can tear a family apart.

The characters are well-developed and I enjoyed the group of friends. The way they continued to remain close for so many years was fun to see…
I would recommend this book to other readers.”
“There’s an abundance of depth and richness and beauty to this book and the series it’s in, to its characters and their relationships, and to the themes present throughout. I’m very much looking forward to revisiting all these characters that tug on my heartstrings, that make me think, and that have become real to me in Ms. Gray’s next addition to the Bentwood Series.”
Among the Reads – Review
“I really loved Sean. He was so alive. His love for April was so incredible it almost hurt to see. He’d loved her ever since they were kids. Waiting patiently. It was the kind of love every girl dreams of. A sacrificing, forever kind of love. Sigh…
This book chews you up, spits you out and then puts you back together again. It leaves you with tears in your eyes and yet a satisfied kind of warmth in your chest at the end…”
Christen Krumm – Review
“If you are needing a sweet escape from this summer heat (and let’s be honest … with the heat wave this week, who doesn’t?) you aren’t going to want to miss Tammy L. Gray’s The Truth Between Us.
The newest addition to Gray’s Brentwood series is every bit as toe tingling as I hear the first one is…
I felt like this book was down to earth. It was a little bit gritty — just like you’d encounter in real life, and I found that very refreshing.”
Heidi Reads… – Review
“I’ve been eagerly anticipating April and Sean’s story since meeting them in the first book and wondering how on earth the author planned to get them back together. . . . They have great chemistry, even when they are in the midst of conflict, and the process of reconciliation was gratifying. I appreciated the positive influence of Caroline, a newcomer to the group of longtime friends, and once again I’m anxiously awaiting the next book in the Bentwood series!”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

The Truth Between Us
(Bentwood #2)
By Tammy L. Gray
Inspirational Contemporary Romance
ebook, 252 Pages
July 12th 2018

Nine years to win her. Three years to love her. And one decision that destroyed it all.

April Duncan was raised with three clear truths: the family name is absolute, ambition and success rule over every emotion, and love always comes with strings attached. Image was everything in her carefully crafted world… until the mirror cracked.

Sean Taylor was April’s best friend, the one man who taught her it was okay to let her guard down and to rely on someone. She trusted him. She loved him. Which made his deception the darkest kind of cruelty.

Now, nearly a year later, she’s ready to leave her failed engagement in the past and get back her life and her estranged family, even if it means dating a man solely for his connections. She’ll never again choose love over loyalty.

Sean has spent his entire life breaking barriers, facing challenges, and never giving up. Until one impossible choice destroyed his future and left him no option but to flee from the woman who annihilated his heart.

Now he’s back in Bentwood and determined to make her hear the truth and rebuild the trust he shattered. But April has become a mere shell of the woman who claimed his heart long ago.

Winning her back is more than just seizing a victory, because if he fails… the girl he’s loved for a lifetime will disappear forever.

The Truth Between Us is the second book in the Bentwood series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but it is recommended that you begin with book one to get the full experience among this tight group of family and friends.


Other Books in the Series

Until I Knew Myself
(Bentwood #1)
By Tammy L. Gray
Inspirational Contemporary Romance
ebook, 264 Pages
March 8th 2018

RITA Award-winning author Tammy L. Gray delivers an unforgettable new series following five struggling friends in search of the true meaning of family through secrets, betrayal and the unexpected influence of an outsider…

Tyler Mitchell grew up an orphan, taken in by his best friend’s family when he was only sixteen. Even though ten years have passed, and he’s been given everything he should ever want—a loving home, an adoring girlfriend, a successful career, and lifelong friendships—Tyler has always felt a foreigner in his own life.

When a surprising phone call reveals the death of his biological grandfather, Tyler’s seemingly perfect life starts to unravel. The people he loves most in world have kept from him the greatest secret of all—knowledge of his father’s family.

Now hunting for more information about his past, Tyler discovers nothing is quite as it seems. And the definition of family is far more complicated than choosing between blood and loyalty.


About the Author

Tammy L. Gray lives in the Dallas area with her family, and they love all things Texas, even the erratic weather patterns. She writes modern Christian romance with true-to-life characters and culturally-relevant plot lines. She believes hope and healing can be found through high quality fiction that inspires and provokes change.

Her characters are real, relatable and deep, earning her a 2017 RITA award in the Romance with Religious and Spiritual Elements category.

When not chasing after her three amazing kids, Tammy can be spotted with her head in a book. Writing has given her a platform to combine her passion with her ministry.


Tour Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive a Kindle ebook of UNTIL I KNEW MYSELF, book one in The Brentwood Series, and a $10 Amazon eGift Card
– Open internationally
– Ends July 25th

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Man’s Best Alibi

Something strange is happening in the mountains of Sanctuary 

Veterinarian Ember Burns makes a grisly discovery and it leads authorities to the body of a man in the woods above her home. Although the circumstances are suspicious, the only witness is her dog and the death’s ruled a suicide. 

But things aren’t that simple. When Ember looks into the man’s local connections, it creates more questions than answers. Including the source of an unusual rock, and what he was really doing in the mountains. 

As a mysterious illness sickens the local animals, Ember’s battle to save them leads to a startling discovery. She races to prove both the cause of the animals’ symptoms and how the man died, but will it be too late?

How does a $25 Amazon gift card & 16 eBooks sound?

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Discover the town of Sanctuary!

Book #1, You Can Lead a Horse to Murder is on sale for only .99!

Author Tara Meyers
At nineteen, I was recruited into a secret government program, where my memory was erased … wait — that’s the outline for a potential book. Sorry, my real biography isn’t quite as interesting, but I’ll give it a shot!

I live in the Pacific Northwest, and when I’m not writing, I’m out beach combing with my dogs for sea glass, or hiking in the rugged Cascade Mountains. It’s the perfect backdrop to fuel my creative genius. *rubs hands together evilly*

You’ll find all my adult romantic suspense and cozy mysteries here, and on my OTHER profile (secret identity ;)) Tara Ellis, I keep my middle grade and young adult books. Check them out, You might like those, too!

Hello All!

Welcome to my post for the blog tour release of The Thief, the Damsel, and the Dragon by Angela R. Watts! Today I’m going to tell you a little bit about this book, a sweet, clean, and summery contemporary romance with strong Christian themes.

~ About the Book ~

“… the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.” ~ Psalms 91:13

Edward Prosner is going to steal from the small town mayor of Fall Springs, North Carolina. He’s got a flawless plan of action and is determined to return honor and justice to his father’s good name. The problem he faces? He needs a date for the mayor’s dinner party.

Lucy Levitt is a huge romantic at heart, but with her family’s ranch and her part-time job, she has no time for dating. She believes God will place her soulmate in her life when the time is right. When the new man in town asks her out, how can she say no?

The first date seems ordinary enough, but then they begin to realize that they can’t fight their dragons alone.

~About the Author ~

Angela R. Watts

Angela R. Watts is a sinner saved by Yahweh’s Grace and she strives to glorify the King in all she does. She’s a homeschooled highschooler who lives with her loving family and ranch animals at Step By Step Sanctuary, Tennessee. She’s been writing stories since she was tiny and hasn’t stopped since, though she also enjoys ranch and housework, painting, babysitting, and watching sunsets.

Blog: thepeculiarmessenger.wordpress.com
Facebook: Angela R. Watts
Twitter: PeculiarAngela
Goodreads: Angela R. Watts
Pinterest: AngelaRWatts
Instagram: angelar.watts

I’m not the only one participating in this blog tour!

Look – there’s a whole bunch of other bloggers joining up!

Be sure to check out their posts!

~ The Schedule ~

Monday, July 2nd
Review & Author Interview // Julia @ Julia’s Creative Corner
Review & Author Interview // Michaela Bush @ Tangled Up In Writing
Review // Loretta @ Just Writing
Tuesday, July 3rd
Book Spotlight // Faith Blum @ Bookish Orchestrations
Review // Chloe @ Purely by Faith
Review // Grace Maples @ Proclaiming His Excellencies
Book Spotlight // Annie @ Letters from Annie Douglass Lima
Wednesday, July 4th
Review // Hannah Gridley @ The Heart of the Rose
Author Interview // Medomfo @ Writings from a God Girl
Thursday, July 5th
Author Interview // Malachi Cyr @ Brainstorms with Rain
Review // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries
Friday, July 6th
Author Interview // Sarah Willoughby @ R535
Author Interview // Kate Willis @ Once Upon an Ordinary
Review // Abigail McKenna @ Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors
Review // Gracelyn Buckner @ Literatura
Saturday, July 7th
Book Spotlight // Abigail Harder @ Books, Life, and Christ

Book Spotlight // Faith L. Potts @ Stories by Firefly

And last but not least, the giveaway!

~ The Giveaway ~

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Thanks so much for reading my post!

Faith Blum has a new book. And it’s not a Western! *gasp* It is a fairy tale retelling set during the time of King Saul. Read on to learn more about the book.

About the Book

A wicked priestess, a morally corrupt king, and two children stuck in the middle…

Hadassah and Gidal love their parents and will do anything for them. When Priestess Basmat tell Ehud and Jerusha to pay their debt, they cannot and she takes Hadassah and Gidal as her slaves for two years.
The priestess works them hard, but there are two other servants to divide the load with, so they cope as well as they can. Then King Saul comes in disguise requesting the priestess’s other services—as a medium.
Will Hadassah and Gidal trust Adonai to take care of them? What will happen after Priestess Basmat comes face-to-face with the prophet Samuel?
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D939ZPL
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40227896-trust-and-obey

About the Author

Faith Blum is a small-town Wisconsin girl. She’s lived in, or outside of, small towns her whole life. The thought of living in a city with more than 60,000 people in it scares her, especially after some interesting adventures driving through big cities like Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.
Faith currently resides in the middle of the state of Wisconsin with her husband and their cat, Smokey. She is blessed to be able to have writing as her full-time career with household work and cooking to do on the side. She loves to paint walls as long as she doesn’t have to do hallways or ceilings.
When not writing, you can find her cooking food from scratch due to food allergies (fun), doing dishes (meh), knitting, crocheting, sewing, reading, or spending time with her husband (yay!). She is also a Community Assistant for the Young Writers Workshop and loves her work there. She loves to hear from her readers, so feel free to contact her on her website.


Faith Blum is doing a giveaway with her blog tour. She is offering a paperback copy of Trust and Obey as well as a magnet with the cover on it! You can enter here.

Tour Schedule

June 26
Bookish Orchestrations – Introductory Post
Frances Hoelsema – Book Spotlight
Rachel Rossano’s Words – Book Spotlight
June 27
RockandMinerals4Him – Book Review
Shannon’s Blog – Book Spotlight
June 28
Wildflower Acres – Book Spotlight
June 29
Purposeful Learning – Book Review
The King and His Kingdom – Book Review
June 30
Bookish Orchestrations – Giveaway Winner

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Battle is O’er
By Laura Vosika

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read [The Battle is O’er]?

I hope they’ll feel as if they walked beside Shawn and Niall for a time, and all the rest in the story, that the inhabitants of the Blue Bells world have become people they knew and cared about. And many readers seem to very much feel that way. I hope they’ll carry with them the beautiful story of a man who recognizes his flaws and makes a decision to turn himself around. I hope they’ll remember the humorous moments and the poignant moments and smile long after the book is closed.

“…I enjoyed every bit of plot that I read and could take the storyline seriously. . . . I would recommend this to lovers of fantasy novels, and now-complete series with complex storylines, characters, and worldbuilding.”

Among the Reads – Excerpt

Clive moved in silence beside him for a time, flashing his light around the cells that opened on their right, and down another passage.

“That one comes to a dead end,” Shawn said. “I’ll take a look. Stay here. Be ready for anything.”

He followed the passage, quickly, his mind on Niall. His brother would be searching too, neither of them knowing if Simon had crossed or not. He hoped Niall would be okay—not ambushed by Simon. He hoped he wouldn’t be ambushed himself, nor Clive, nor the chief. He doubted they could take on a medieval knight with years of brutal warfare under his belt.

E-Romance News – Excerpt

Yes, Let’s Go Back to the Old Couple
Inverness, Present

“So you want to tell me where you were for a year?” his mother asked. “I’ve given you plenty of space, but I’ve waited long enough and I think you owe me some answers.”

Shawn stared into the fire. “An old couple in the west of Scotland?”

Carol snorted. “One of many stories you’ve told. if it were true, you’d have said so from the start.”
He took another long drink, letting the tea thaw out his insides. “What has Amy told you?”

Carol shook her head. “Nothing I can make sense of. A ring from Robert the Bruce. You turned up in the tower of Glenmirril. None of it makes sense.”

Shawn set the tea mug down, rose, and lifted the linen shirt made by Christina, revealing the scar.

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

Simon Arrives at Claverock
Claverock Castle, Northumbria, December 1317

Simon stared up with pride at the great stone walls of Claverock, at his banners snapping on its towers. His steward had kept the place up. It was all worth it, he thought. He drew breath. This was his moment! “Open the gates!” he bellowed up at his towers. “Your Lord of Claverock is home!”

Men looked down from the walls above the gatehouse. One pointed and shouted. Two ran, and soon the portcullis creaked, lifting. His steward raced through, falling to one knee, as he cried, “My Lord! My Lord, is it really you? We thought you dead, my Lord!”

Niall and Company Meet Christina Coming Home
Scottish Highlands, December 1317

They were two days into the ride, when a scout came racing back to them, spurring his garron. “Lochmaben ahead!” he shouted joyfully. “Milady Christina rides with them!”

Cheers rose from the men of Glenmirril. Relief washed through Niall. Their ruse with James Angus had not entirely silenced the whispers, though Margaret had been stalwart in looking down her nose at those who did so, reprimanding them and silencing them. He was grateful the rumors had not diminished the love of the people of Glenmirril for Christina.

Niall Meets Joan
Creagsmalan, Southwest Scotland, January 1318

Niall waited in the hills outside Creagsmalan as Conal, Lachlan, and Owen rode in. He and Hugh sat on a pair of boulders, watching sunrise spill light over the water beyond the town.

“Are ye sure she’ll believe it?” Hugh’s eyebrows suddenly furrowed. “Surely she knows the Bruce will not return his lands until he swears fealty.”

“Hope,” Niall said. “She wishes to believe it. Moreover, Bruce is known for mercy. She will count on that, for she does not wish to leave Scotland.”

Becky on Books – Excerpt

Angus Warns Shawn

“Sit down. We need to talk.” Angus’s voice snapped Shawn’s attention back to the hospital room. Angus sat in a wheelchair by the hospital window, wearing jeans and a heavy fisherman’s sweater, a book in his hand. He laid it down on his lap.

“You’re up!” Shawn stopped in the doorway, feigning energy. In truth, he’d had multiple late nights, on top of a heavy load of arranging for the album Ben wanted out yesterday. He wanted nothing more than to be in bed, asleep. But when he collapsed in bed, he turned and rolled restlessly through the dark hours with nightmares—if he slept at all.

“Shut the door.”

“It is full of action, danger and romance, plus more…”

“I found the novel to have an interesting premise with realistic characters and development. I like that the story was told from the past, future, and present. Overall, it was an interesting book…”

Simon Meets Eamonn Again

“Good to go home to your young bride, eh?” The man gave a wink as he waved for a stable boy.

Simon grinned. It felt odd and light on his face. Smiles, in his experience, had always been a deliberate tensing of muscles. This time, his features moved on their own, without his will, and his heart lifted, too.

“Cat’s got your tongue,” the man laughed. “She must be a fair delight to the eyes!” He slapped his horse on the rump and melted into the crowd, leaving Simon alone and feeling foolish in the midst of the courtyard, as more men poured through the gates.

Beck Valley Books – Spotlight

Daily Waffle – Excerpt

Amy Sees the Pool

He mentioned it as we entered his foyer. “By the way, I put in a pool.” A pool in the yard, I thought, a small pool or a hot tub on the deck. But this—this is beyond what anyone would conceive from, “by the way, I put in a pool.”

I stand on the terrace where Shawn loved to barbecue. Black velvet sky shows overhead. Starlight shines down—but now it pours through a glass ceiling. I catch my breath as I take it in—on my right, a room like a medieval castle vault; stone walls with Gothic arches at intervals, alternating between windows of leaded glass and stone niches framing….“Sconces,” I breathe. “You put in sconces.”

“They’re electric,” he says defensively. And then, with the child-like joy I loved, the innocent joy that made me believe his public self was the facade: “You like it?”

Mel’s Shelves – Excerpt

Beatrice and Simon
Northumbria, England, 1318

Beatrice’s head shot up as the door burst open, yanking back from her husband’s embrace.

“Sir Kenrick….” The guard, Erol, stumbled to his knees, shoved by a man in chain mail.

“Lord Claverock!” Kenrick jumped forward, reaching to help his man up off the floor as he said, “Why did you not send word you were coming? I’d have met you in the hall.”

Beatrice backed up, gripping her shift close as she studied her cousin. She’d not seen him in years, not since he’d been a vile boy, dropping spiders in her hair. The malice in his eyes had not changed.

Koops Konclusions – Spotlight

The Battle is O’er blends the excitement of a modern thriller, with the immersive details of the best historical fiction. Vosika clearly shows her writing chops here, drawing her story forward with a cast of colorful and relatable characters living through extraordinary circumstances. I’d highly recommend this to fans of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series.”

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

Escaping the Bishop’s Palace
Linstock, 1318

“Is he dead?” Lachlan whispered, looking at the man on the frosty ground.

Owen shook his head, working at the bolts on the huge doors. “A potion is all. He’ll appear to have fallen asleep at his post.” At the same moment, they heard a shout from the courtyard. Owen eased the door open a crack. They slipped through, onto the dock that ran alongside the castle wall and pulled the door shut behind them.

Lachlan scanned the river, whispering, “Conal!” His breath hung in the air.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

The Battle is O’er

(The Blue Bells Chronicles #5)
By Laura Vosika
Historical Time Travel, Fantasy

Paperback & ebook, 470 pages
March 23rd 2018 by Gabriel’s Horn Press

In the gripping conclusion to The Blue Bells Chronicles, just as Shawn is steadily regaining all he feared he had lost forever—his career, his son, and even Amy’s heart—he learns of MacDougall’s vengeance against Niall, for the act Shawn himself committed. He wrestles with a prophecy and an ancient letter that never changes, a letter that details the fate of his own son, if he cannot stop it—and possibly the fate of the world itself, as he learns of Simon Beaumont’s plan to use his knowledge of the future to destroy it.

Shawn’s selfishness once cost him everything. His newfound selflessness may do the same.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Laura Vosika is the author of the beloved series, The Blue Bells Chronicles, a tale of time travel, action and adventure, romance and redemption, ranging across modern and medieval Scotland. She runs Gabriel’s Horn Press, and is active in poetry as a member of the League of Minnesota Poets, routinely performing at local open mics. She has appeared in The Star Tribune, and on WCCO and Channel 12, and hosted Books and Brews with Laura Vosika on AM 950.

Tour Giveaway

l winner will receive a print copy of Blue Bells of Scotland (book one in the series) and a Team Shawn or Team Angus t-shirt (US only)
1 winner will receive an ebook of Blue Bells of Scotland (open internationally)

– Ends June 27th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Her Family’s Defender
By Kim Findlay
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they read it?

People can change. Troy grows into a better man, and we see that reflected through Bridget’s responses to him through the course of the story.

Also, what you see on the surface isn’t always the truth. Michelle judges Troy based on what she sees – a hockey player without any problems, which is a stark contrast to her own life. She discovers there’s more to his story. Michelle is dealing with her own problems, beyond the financial pressures that are apparent on the surface. And those rise up unexpectedly.

Mostly, I hope readers enjoy these characters, and the journey they take to find their HEA.

It’s All About the Romance – Troy’s Tips on Parenting

Kids will lie about their bedtime.

Beer is not an appropriate snack…

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“This book is so sweet, delightful, heartwarming and, at times, emotional. I thought it was pretty good. Michelle and Troy were great, relatable characters, with perfect chemistry.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

If only it could have been Mitch, still with them in every way. Coming in hot and sweaty from a run and pulling her into his embrace while she squealed, and he pretended not to understand what she was squealing about…

Troy raised his eyebrows. “Hello?”

Michelle forced herself to glance up, and she saw amusement in his eyes. He thought she was tongue-tied from staring at his naked chest. As if. Yes, she was staring at him, but she could handle an attractive body. It was remembering the past that would bring her down.

The Power of Words – Review

“Her Family’s Defender by Kim Findlay is different from typical books that I read, in that it brought me into the world of Canadian ice hockey, and I thoroughly enjoyed it…

Kim Findlay has crafted an entertaining story that romance fans will enjoy, even those not particularly interested in sports (like me). I look forward to much more from this author.”

I Am A Reader – Troy

He’s gone from winning the Stanley Cup, hockey’s highest prize, to battling cancer, and now he’s figuring out who he is after these experiences. He’s 6’2″, in excellent physical shape, and he’d agree that he’s good-looking. But his life is changing…

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is a well-written book. There are things that happen to us in our lives that are hard to deal with and difficult to put behind us.

This book is a wonderful love story with people who are dealing with many of the hardships we all have to deal with. “

E-Romance News – Excerpt

What did he want from Michelle anyway? He remembered all his own arguments against dating mothers. They had responsibilities, and that wasn’t something he wanted to take on. And just as important, they had kids, and kids shouldn’t be hurt.

Right now, though, the idea of responsibility wasn’t scaring him. It wasn’t a vague thing anymore; these were two kids he was attached to. Being responsible for them sounded okay. Better than okay. Being part of their family tonight, and the taco night…he’d truly enjoyed that.

And he’d move heaven and earth to make sure those two weren’t hurt.

Hardcover Feedback – Review

“I loved this book! From when Michelle and Troy first meet until the end this was such an enjoyable and fun read…

I’d recommend Her Family’s Defender to fans of contemporary romance, it was just wonderful.”

Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader – Review

“Her Family’s Defender is the Second book in the A Hockey Romance series by Kim Findlay. . . . This is a great family friendly romance and I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“If you are craving a sports romance that will make you smile and swoon, with characters you’ll quickly come to care about, then Her Family’s Defender is a great choice for you! The Canadian setting was a nice change of pace and, even though I know basically nothing about hockey, I really enjoyed that dimension to the story as well. Additionally, I loved the role that the characters from book 1 played in this novel despite the fact that I have yet to read their particular story. A cute story with layered characters and a sweet message!”

underneath the covers – Michelle

Michelle is focused on her family. She grew up in a military home, moving around, and enlisted herself, where she met and married another recruit. He came back from deployment suffering from PTSD, and eventually committed suicide…

Britt Reads Fiction – Review

“Her Family’s Defender was an nice story. I really liked Troy, who began the story as a quintessential bachelor, but by the end was intricately entwined in the Robinson family…

I liked Michelle. . . . I enjoyed their family dynamic, and especially enjoyed the way Troy fit right in.

…I enjoyed this title and look forward to reading more from this author.”

Stacking My Book Shelves! – Excerpt

“I don’t need a babysitter,” Angie spat out, giving her mom the side eye. “But Mom’s afraid to leave us completely alone at night.” For twelve the kid could really give attitude.

“If you don’t want a babysitter, what are you doing here?” Troy asked.

Angie sighed, burdened by these slow-witted adults. “Mom doesn’t trust us. She got someone to come for the night, just as if we were babies, but that person canceled. I can take care of my brother. I just need a responsible adult I can call if anything happens,” Angie retorted.

“Am I responsible enough?” Troy asked with a grin.

Remembrancy – Review

“As a hockey fan who is enjoying cheering for her team in the playoffs, what more could I ask for than a hockey romance? How about one with miscommunication and dislike between the guy and gal? Or with a couple of kids in the mix?”

Colorimetry – Occasions when coffee is required
When the handsome hockey player across the hall knocks at your door early on a Saturday morning to offer hockey tickets…

Nicole’s Book Musings – Review

“I really enjoyed this one. . . . This book had all the feels, but also a good amount of humor. I just gobbled this book up.”

Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

If he was honest, the day he’d been told the cancer was gone had been incredible, in a completely different way.

But that victory had been humbling and private, and something he hoped never to repeat again. The Cup he intended to win again if he could.

He wasn’t going to tell all that to a twelve-year-old, though, so he simply said that not much could top hoisting the Cup over your head.

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“Emotion filled and reality laced! From the first page, we are captivated by the emotional journey these two characters are embarking on as they set out to pick up the pieces of their ravaged lives and find a way to carry on. . . . Overall, a solid read.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…
Her Family’s Defender
(A Hockey Romance #2)
by Kim Findlay
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
May 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

He has home advantage…

But she’s got a strong defensive play.

Hockey star Troy Green never gives up. Not on the ice. Not when he battled cancer last year. And not when it comes to his new neighbor, Michelle Robinson. Troy only wants to help the struggling single mom and her sweet kids, but soon he’s falling for her. Is Troy finally ready to trade in his bachelor life and become a family man?

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequinKobo
Other Books in the Series

Crossing the Line
(A Hockey Romance #1)
by Kim Findlay
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
March 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Icebreaker or endgame?

Can two devoted athletes make room in their lives for love?

Mike Reimer knows from experience that hockey and relationships don’t mix. And hot-tempered swim coach Bridget O’Reilly couldn’t be more wrong for the widowed pro goalie, aka the Iceman. As the playoffs approach, Mike’s growing feelings for her could melt the hardest heart. But what if being with Bridget means letting down his team…and, worst of all, himself?

About the Author

Kim Findlay lives in Toronto, Canada, with her very handsome husband, two strapping sons, and possibly the world’s cutest spaniel. When she can get time away from her accounting business, Kim can be found traveling, sailing, reading, or writing, depending on the season, time of day, and her energy level. You can find her at kimfindlay.ca, @missheyer74, or on Facebook.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon e-Gift Card and an ebook of Crossing the Line

– Open internationally
– Ends May 9th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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