On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Release Blitz for
Everywhere You Want to Be
By Christina June
We’re excited about this new release! Check out the interview with the
author, the author’s playlist, and enter to win a copy of your own below…
Author Interview

What inspired you to write EVERYWHERE YOU WANT TO BE?
EVERYWHERE YOU WANT TO BE is about a girl who believes she has exactly one final chance to make her vision come true. Inspired by Little Red Riding Hood, Matilda Castillo, or Tilly, finds herself in the “wilds” of New York City the summer after she graduates from high school. A dancer who spent all of senior year injured, she secretly dreams of joining a professional company and vows not to let anything—or anyone—take away her shot. I really wanted to do a New York book and having written Tilly as a dancer in IT STARTED WITH GOODBYE, the set up was too perfect.
Would you tell us a little more about your main characters?
I like Tilly because she’s focused and determined. She’s a list-maker and works hard, no matter what she’s aiming for. And, I love that along the way, she realizes that she can’t reach her target alone. In New York, she rooms with Charlotte, also a dancer, who is fun and funny and pushes Tilly out of her little safe bubble. They’re dancing for Sage, a choreographer who Tilly relates to because they’ve both had life-changing injuries, and working with a troupe of girls, including one who targets Tilly as her main competition. And then there’s Paolo, the guy Tilly pushed away but who has shown back up unexpectedly. He’s a little bit of wish fulfillment—the boyfriend teen-me thought she wanted.
What is your favorite part of the book?
There’s a scene near the beginning where Tilly is on the Highline, which is an elevated park repurposed from old train tracks. I won’t spoil it, but the focus is on forgiveness and being vulnerable. I was able to weave in historical facts about the Highline, which I learned on an amazing walking tour as I was doing research for the book. I also really liked writing Tilly’s mother, Belén, who appeared in IT STARTED WITH GOODBYE as the “evil stepmonster.” It was really eye-opening to draw her through a different lens.
What do you hope readers will take with them once they’ve finished reading it?
I hope that readers will connect with Tilly’s journey to overcome a setback and choose her own path, and also identify with the power of having a support network. Just as I was finishing up this book, I lost not one, but two very dear high school friends. It really hit home for me how influential and special those friendships in our teen years can be. How ironic was it that I’d just completed a story where the protagonist discovers the beauty of allies at the same time my own allies were taken. The silver lining of these tragedies was rediscovering that those friendships—separated by age and distance—don’t fade or fizzle, but can be joyfully resumed as if no time had passed.
If you could sum the book up in one sentence, what would you say?
A girl fights for her future while dancing in New York City the summer after graduation.
What is something unique about you? Any writing quirks or favorite snack foods?
Probably my biggest writing quirk is that I marinate on the plot and characters for a long, long time, before I ever write anything down. I heard another author say once that she writes the entire first draft in her head before typing a word and I definitely relate to that. I like to have everything worked out in advance, which makes for pretty quick and clean drafting. When I’m writing, I like coffee or tea, sometimes munching on popcorn. When revising, I get so involved, I rarely stop to eat or drink anything.
What are you working on next?
I am working on editing my third book, which comes out in 2019. This one is also a companion, loosely inspired by Hansel & Gretl. It follows Ashlyn, who appears in IT STARTED WITH GOODBYE, and was arrested along with Tatum in the beginning of the book. This story takes place a year later as Ashlyn, finishing up a year at boarding school, learns her father is going to jail, her mom is going to rehab, and she’s being shipped off to work at a wilderness retreat center with her estranged cousin. Ashlyn is definitely the most complicated character I’ve written, so it’s been a challenge—but a good one! I’m excited to send her out into the world.
Everywhere You Want to Be
By Christina June
Young Adult Contemporary

Paperback & ebook, 288 Pages
May 1st 2018 by Blink

From author Christina June comes Everywhere You Want to Be, a modern tale inspired by the classic Red Riding Hood.

Matilda Castillo has always done what she was told, but when she gets injured senior years, she watches her dreams of becoming a contemporary dancer slip away. So when Tilly gets a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend the summer with a New York dance troupe, nothing can stop her from saying yes–not her mother, not her fears of the big city, and not the commitment she made to Georgetown. Tilly’s mother allows her to go on two conditions: one, Tilly will regularly visit her abuela in New Jersey, and two, after the summer, she’ll give up dancing and go off to college.

Armed with her red vintage sunglasses and her pros and cons lists, Tilly strikes out, determined to turn a summer job into a career. Along the way she meets new friends … and new enemies. Tilly isn’t the only one desperate to dance, and fellow troupe member Sabrina Wolfrik intends to succeed at any cost. But despite dodging sabotage and blackmail attempts from Sabrina, Tilly can’t help but fall in love with the city, especially since Paolo, a handsome musician from her past, is also calling New York home for the summer.

As the weeks wind down and the competition with Sabrina heats up, Tilly’s future is on the line. She must decide whether to follow her mother’s path to Georgetown or leap into the unknown to pursue her own dreams.

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In EVERYWHERE YOU WANT TO BE, Tilly and her fellow dancers are preparing for a performance at the end of the summer. There’s a lot at stake, both for the dancers and the choreographer, Sage. The piece is about fighting your demons, both external and internal, so the music I listened to while writing often reflected that, in the artist’s life, their lyrics, or the mood of the song.

“And each of you is going to do a little self-reflection while you’re here.” A collective groan echoed softly through the room. Sage chuckled. “Nothing you can’t handle. The theme I want you all to remember while you’re dancing is ‘slaying the dragon.’ That could mean an actual dragon, like in a fairy tale. It could mean defeating an enemy in a war, like Joan of Arc. It could mean something within yourself. But you need to do some thinking on what, or who, inspires you to keep going. Get a book. Watch a movie. Observe the people in your life.” Sage’s voice grew quieter. “Some of my favorites are the ones who battled and lost. For example, I’ve often used the music of Amy Winehouse and Janis Joplin in my pieces because you can hear them wrestling with their emotions when they sing.”

Here’s my playlist on Spotify.

Other Books in the Series

It Started with Goodbye
By Christina June
Young Adult Contemporary

Paperback & ebook, 304 Pages
May 9th 2017 by Blink

Sixteen-year-old Tatum Elsea is bracing for the worst summer of her life. After being falsely accused of a crime, she’s stuck under stepmother-imposed house arrest and her BFF’s gone ghost. Tatum fills her newfound free time with community service by day and working at her covert graphic design business at night (which includes trading emails with a cute cello-playing client). When Tatum discovers she’s not the only one in the house keeping secrets, she finds she has the chance to make amends with her family and friends. Equipped with a new perspective, and assisted by her feisty step-abuela-slash-fairy-godmother, Tatum is ready to start fresh and maybe even get her happy ending along the way.

About the Author

Christina June writes young adult contemporary fiction when she’s not writing college recommendation letters during her day job as a school counselor. She loves the little moments in life that help someone discover who they’re meant to become – whether it’s her students or her characters. Christina is a voracious reader, loves to travel, and hopes to one day be bicoastal – the east coast of the US and the east coast of Scotland. She lives in Virginia with her husband and daughter. Christina is the author of IT STARTED WITH GOODBYE, EVERYWHERE YOU WANT TO BE, and the forthcoming NO PLACE LIKE HERE.

Release Blitz Giveaway

1 winner will receive an ebook of IT STARTED WITH GOODBYE and EVERWHERE YOU WANT TO BE

– Open internationally
– Ends May 5th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Bachelor Remedy
By Carol Ross
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Note from the Author

Welcome, welcome! I’m so excited to once again be on tour with Prism Book Tours. Bachelor Remedy is the fifth book in my Seasons of Alaska series. The hero, Tag James, has made a guest appearance in every previous book. In addition to his reluctant status in Rankins as the town’s Most Eligible Bachelor, he also has the distinction of being my Character Most Requested to Get His Own Story. Tag is everyone’s favorite – in his world and mine! When I set out to find a heroine to win his heart I knew she’d have to be really special – and a little unexpected. I think Ally is his perfect match, even if they do get off to a rather, er, muddy start. I hope you enjoy Tag and Ally’s story!

Ally my best,

It’s All About the Romance – Excerpt

“What I’m saying is that I can’t let you win.”

Sliding her gaze toward the hand still on her shoulder, she said, “Thanks for the warning. Better be careful, though. All this looking out for me and I’ll wonder about your intentions.”

He went hands up, palms out, eyes wide, like she’d just caught him robbing a bank. “No, no. I don’t… I’m not thinking about you…like that. I promise.”

An invisible pain hit her in the chest, so sudden and powerful that she brought a hand up and placed it there. She glanced away, forcing a smile that felt brittle enough to crack her face. How could she have been so stupid? He could have any woman he wanted. Why in the world would he consider…whatever it was she’d been thinking?

Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader – Review

“You do have to pay attention to what you are reading. If you are a reader that skims as they read you may miss some great details of this book. Tag and Ally both are familiar with the medical field but Ally likes to stay true to her roots as well. They mesh so well together. This is an excellent read.”

underneath the covers – Interview

5) What inspired this book?

In a general sense, the main character, Tag James, was overdue for an HEA. He’s made an appearance in every previous Seasons of Alaska book. Readers seem to love him almost as much as I do, and I’ve received the most requests for him to get his own story. So there’s that.

When it came to setting him up with the right woman, I knew I needed a strong conflict. Ideally, one that had them at odds externally and internally, so that he couldn’t easily brush her off. Tag is a pilot who owns an air transport company that does emergency medical evacuations. Since health and alternative medicine is sort of a hobby of mine, it seemed like a good place for them to butt heads. I think it worked out beautifully and I hope readers do, too!

Remembrancy – Review

“The combination of combustive chemistry, tormented tension, an ex-girlfriend set on getting her man back, and an abundance of opinionated family members make this book a great read.”

Paulette’s Papers – Excerpt

He went with “Yes, I am. That’s exactly what I’m going to say. Except it’s I… I shouldn’t have—”

She interrupted, “You mean I shouldn’t have? I kissed you.”

“No, I mean, I know you did. But I shouldn’t have let you.”

“Let me? You seemed to enjoy it. In fact, you kinda took over there at the end. Which is no surprise. You’re used to being in control, huh? To having things go your way?”

“No! I mean, yes, of course, I enjoyed…kissing you. Obviously. But we shouldn’t have. And we’re not going to do it again. I should have, I mean I shouldn’t have…and, yes, I like being in control of…certain things. But what does that have to do with this? I don’t even know what I’m saying…” Words lost, thoughts jumbled, he scraped a restless hand along the bench beside him.

Becky on Books – Interview

What are you working on right now? What can readers look for from you in the next year?

I’m currently working on Book 6 in my Seasons of Alaska series. This is Iris and Flynn’s story. And all I’m going to say about it is that Flynn is not having an easy time taking their relationship out the friend zone!

My next book comes out in August and I could not be more excited about it! The Rancher’s Twins is the first in a five-book, multi-author continuity series called Return of the Blackwell Brothers.

Here’s my pitch: When their grandfather goes AWOL five hot rancher brothers are called home to help on the family ranch. They’re bucking family issues, wrangling their personal demons and getting all tangled up in love! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist – it’s my first rancher book.)

It’s been such an incredible experience to work on this project with my four best author friends – Cari Lynn Webb, Melinda Curtis, Amy Vastine, and Anna J. Stewart. The books will be released one per month, August through December.

E-Romance News – Excerpt

She froze.

So did he. Then he sighed because what he wanted to do was pull her close and wrap his arms around her.

“Look, Ally, I’m the one who is let down. I like you, obviously. I’ve already told you that. And I’m beyond flattered that you would even entertain the thought of being interested in me.”

She stepped toward him, right into his comfort zone, and his pulse took off like a helicopter rotor at full speed.

“How could any woman not be interested in you?” Her voice was all soft, like she was about to tell him a secret, and his blood went hot as he remembered what happened last time she’d gotten this close…

The Power of Words – Review

Bachelor Remedy is a sweet romance, as one would expect from the Heartwarming line, but there’s an unexpected complexity and depth in this story that I loved. Carol Ross is an excellent writer and her words flow smoothly across the page with wisdom and emotion. Family members from previous books in this series are involved, but this story easily stands alone.

…Bachelor Remedy is a wonderfully entertaining read. Highly recommended.”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Reviews

“This was a delightful tale of adventure, intrigue and romance….

This is a fast-paced tale of the rescue services we often take for granted, set within the majestic land of Alaska.

The story was very well-written, captivating the reader’s interest most of the time.” – LAWonder10

“Such a good story. I really like the relationships with Tag and his family and extended family.
The characters are well-developed and easy to feel their emotions. They all have distinctive personalities. I found myself really liking all of them…

I would highly recommend this book to other readers.” – Vickie

I Am A Reader – Excerpt

“James. Tag James,” he supplied.

“Tag, huh?” Reaching out, Rita gave his shoulder a playful nudge. “You’re it.”

Wait… What? Was this woman hitting on him while Ally was sitting right here?

Rita thrust her ID in Ally’s general direction with a flat “Thanks, hon.” Eager blue eyes remained fastened on Tag. “Is this little cutie your daughter?”

Ally slid a hand across the table, threaded her fingers through Tag’s and pitched her voice to sweet. “Wife, actually. Thank you, Rita, for your meticulous and painstaking commitment to the law. You’re a credit to your profession.”

“Oh…” Rita drawled, her pale cheeks turning nearly as pink as her lip gloss. “Um…you’re welcome. Are you guys ready to order?”

Janice’s Book Reviews – Review

Ally and Tag make a really great couple but he is just not sure of the age difference. Love how he flies patients to other hospitals or from the site they got injured… I enjoyed all the characters of the book but I believe Ally was my favorite.”

Locks, Hooks and Books – Excerpt

She realized she was staring when he asked, “Is something wrong? Am I too early? I know I’m not late.”

“Um, no. I was just admiring your…you, to be honest. Your eyes change colors, sometimes green, sometimes brown. You’re so…”

Right before her, his eyes darkened, and he made a sound, part chuckle, part incomprehensible mutter while grasping the back of his neck in that way he did when he was uncomfortable. He took a step toward her. Her heart jumped toward him. She wondered if he was going to kiss her. That would be a nice change, since she’d been the one making all the moves up to this point. Which was funny, now that she thought about it, because she’d never kissed anyone first. Ever.

Until him.

Harlie’s Books – Excerpt & Review

“Noted,” she replied calmly. “My turn.”


Ally almost laughed at his look of utter confusion. “You said we were establishing ground rules. You gave me yours. If this works the way I think it does, then it’s my turn to outline my rules?”

Narrowing his gaze, he studied her like he was puzzling out this detail. His eyes burned into hers, and she couldn’t tell if they were green or brown. Inexplicably, the back of her neck began to tingle.

“Ms. Ross writes a true winner in the line and of course, I’m one of their biggest cheerleaders. They are heartwarming, funny, relevant with romance abound. Ms. Ross delivers a winner!”

Nicole’s Book Musings – Excerpt

Ally felt the back of her neck prickle. Her gaze swept across the sea of people and quickly latched onto Tag’s. His knowing grin paired with a quirk of one brow suggested he’d been waiting for her to catch sight of him. A furnace blast of heat radiated from her core all the way out through her skin. She returned the smile, and the next thing she knew they were moving toward each other.

“Hey,” he said, stopping in front of her. “Nice of you to come today.”

Among the Reads – Review

“I think my favorite part of the story was the basketball game at Tag’s family gathering. It had some great laugh out loud moments in it.

Bachelor Remedy is a great book to pick up for a nice romantic read.”

Two Points of Interest – Review

“I enjoyed the fact that this book had a character of Native American descent. . . . I did enjoy Carol’s writing style and look forward to reading other books by her.”

Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

“Are you…serious with this?” Slipping an arm behind him to grip the back of the bench, she inched toward him, studying his reaction. “Do you really not…?”

She scooted closer. Desire and terror looked to be at war on his face. He stared at her lips and leaned away from her at the same time. She would have laughed if it wasn’t so exasperating.

“Not what?” The question sounded strained. He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.

Ally planned every beat of her next move because she wanted to catch him off guard, wanted to see the heat flare in his eyes, wanted to elicit a reaction without giving him time to think.

Hardcover Feedback – Review

Bachelor Remedy was a fun read, that kept me up late trying to finish.

I loved the setting and think the cover perfectly captures this book…

If you enjoy clean contemporary romance novels, I think you’d like reading Bachelor Remedy.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

Bachelor Remedy by Carol Ross has a vivid setting, engaging characters, and an electric chemistry between the protagonists. The small town feel adds to its charm, and lots of twists and turns keep reader interest high. While Tag and Ally may appear to be opposites in many ways, they actually have a lot in common where it really matters. There is still plenty to be said for the whole ‘opposites attract’ theory, however, and their witty banter and sizzling romantic tension prove why. A sweet story with just enough spice to be swoony!”

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

“Did you or did you not see a woman who you interpreted as too young for this job and then decided that you’d teach her a thing or two? You, with your wisdom honed from years of experience, would come to the aid of an inexperienced, newbie female colleague?”

“No!” That he was not doing. “Nope. No way. Don’t even try that on me.”

“Don’t try what on you?”

“There’s no misogyny or ageism or sexism or racism or any other ‘ism’ going on here. I have four sisters and a boatload of female cousins, all of whom are younger than me. Each one is equally as smart and capable as I am, more so in many, many ways. This isn’t about any of that. This is about your workplace attitude, your approach and your lack of respect. After your behavior yesterday, I would have come in here today if you were an eighty-six-year-old man wearing a honey badger suit.”

Deal Sharing Aunt – Review

“I wanted these two characters to be alone, away from their lives, and just fall in love. However they had obstacles in their way. I would love to find out how they are living 10 years down the road. I am giving this book a 5/5.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below and also check out the special post and exclusive giveaway at Harlequin Junkie on April 25th!
Bachelor Remedy
(Seasons of Alaska #5)
by Carol Ross
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
April 1st 2018 by Harlequin Superromance

She’s the most unconventional woman he’ll ever meet…

and the cure for a perennial bachelor?

Raised by her healer grandfather, former army medic Ally Mowak knows her alternative approach to traditional medicine puts her at odds with most of her Alaskan town. That includes Tag James, the rugged transport pilot with the sprawling family and political ambitions. Ally couldn’t be more wrong for the aspiring senator. Then why does everything feel so right when they’re together?

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Other Books in the Series

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Carol Ross grew up in small town America right between the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade Mountains, in a place where you can go deep sea fishing in the morning and then hit the ski slopes the same afternoon. The daughter of what is now known as free range parents, she developed a love of the outdoors at a very early age. As a writer, Carol loves to breathe the life she has lived into the characters she creates, grateful for the “research material” that every questionable decision, adrenaline-charged misstep, and near-death experience has provided.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon e-gift card and a copy of Summer at the Shore (signed copy to US and Canada, ebook to international)

– 2 winners will receive a $5 Amazon e-gift card and an e-book of Summer at the Shore (open internationally)
– Ends April 25th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
Never Doubt a Duke
By Regina Scott

This sweet Regency romance is the first book in her new Fortune’s Brides series.
Coming May 18th 2018…

After spending the last ten years following her late husband on campaign, the irrepressible Jane Kimball finds herself badly in need of a position to support herself. Marriage holds no appeal; she’s not likely to find a husband like her Jimmy again. But when Miss Thorn of the Fortune Employment Agency offers her a post with the Duke of Wey, Jane feels drawn to help the lonely widower with his three daughters. He may seem a bit aloof, but Miss Thorn’s cat Fortune approved of him. Why should Jane doubt a duke?
Alaric, Duke of Wey, commands his staff, his tenants, and the halls of Parliament, managing vast holdings in England and across the seas. Why is it he cannot manage his own daughters? As an old danger rears its head, he comes to rely on Jane’s practical nature, her outspoken ways to navigate the waters of fatherhood. And when necessity dictates he take a wife, thoughts turn to an unlikely governess who might make the perfect bride.
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleSmashwords

Grab your FREE ebook from Amazon here!
About the Author

Regina Scott started writing novels in the third grade. Thankfully for literature as we know it, she didn’t sell her first novel until she learned a bit more about writing. Since her first book was published in 1998, her stories have traveled the globe, with translations in many languages including Dutch, German, Italian, and Portuguese. She now has more than forty published works of warm, witty romance. She and her husband of 30 years reside in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. Regina Scott has dressed as a Regency dandy, driven four-in-hand, learned to fence, and sailed on a tall ship, all in the name of research, of course.
Cover Reveal Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive ebooks of the five books in the Uncommon Courtships series: An Uncommon Christmas (novella), The Unflappable Miss Fairchild, The Incomparable Miss Compton, The Irredeemable Miss Renfield, and The Unwilling Miss Watkin
– Open internationally
– Ends April 28th

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Release Blitz for
Beyond a Darkened Shore
By Jessica Leake
Beyond a Darkened Shore
by Jessica Leake
Young Adult Historical Fantasy

Hardcover & ebook, 384 pages
April 10th 2018 by HarperTeen

The ancient land of Éirinn is mired in war. Ciara, princess of Mide, has never known a time when Éirinn’s kingdoms were not battling for power, or Northmen were not plundering their shores.

The people of Mide have always been safe because of Ciara’s unearthly ability to control her enemies’ minds and actions. But lately a mysterious crow has been appearing to Ciara, whispering warnings of an even darker threat. Although her clansmen dismiss her visions as pagan nonsense, Ciara fears this coming evil will destroy not just Éirinn but the entire world.

Then the crow leads Ciara to Leif, a young Northman leader. Leif should be Ciara’s enemy, but when Ciara discovers that he, too, shares her prophetic visions, she knows he’s something more. Leif is mounting an impressive army, and with Ciara’s strength in battle, the two might have a chance to save their world.

With evil rising around them, they’ll do what it takes to defend the land they love…even if it means making the greatest sacrifice of all.

Praise for the Book

Beyond a Darkened Shore is thrilling and romantic. This is a must-read for lovers of fantasy, mythology, and folklore.” – Kody Keplinger, New York Times bestselling author of The DUFF and Run

“With undead armies, flesh-eating spirit horses, and a powerful heroine, fantasy, romance, and historical-fiction readers will have a great time.” – Booklist

“While Morrigan and Odin are terrifying, raven-haired Ciara is the star. Beautiful, strong, and independent, she is the perfect warrior princess. Epic historical fantasy filled with deadly creatures, simmering romance, and nonstop action.” – Kirkus Reviews

Grab a signed copy from Fiction Addiction
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The waves viciously beat against the worn rock, sending sprays of white water into the air. It should have been deterrent enough, but the Northmen were relentless. Their longship had already landed. Men poured from its side like a wave of death. As I took in the square sail—white with a crimson skeletal dragon—my heart beat a furious rhythm in my chest. I’d fought countless Northmen in battles throughout our kingdom, but the sight of that sail still made every muscle in my body clench in warring fear and anger—and memory.

My clansmen’s blood staining the earth red—

—my sister’s hand in mine as we tried to escape—

—her eyes wide as the blood trailed down her throat, and me, screaming, screaming—

I shook my head, banishing the memories before they could weaken my mind further. Sleipnir snorted and pawed the ground in response. Like other horses, he could sense my emotions. But unlike other horses, my apprehension only made him bolder.

Fergus wheeled his horse over to me and spat on the ground. “Let us pray the blood of the raiders will flow this day.”

I glanced at the men assembled beside me and frowned. A Northman longship of the size of the one on our shore could hold at least sixty men, far more than our own crew. “The battle can go no farther than this cliff—not this time.”

“I will cover you as best I can,” Fergus said. “You search for their leader.”

I tightened my grip on the hilt of my sword. My arm muscles tensed, and my heart pounded. Anticipation of the battle was always the hardest: the prickling adrenaline, the torrent of memories, the cold dread. I endured it all because my sisters and mother were huddled in fear in their room. We were the only things preventing them from being killed.

I snapped my attention back to the battle. The Northmen had begun the treacherous climb to our stronghold. With any luck, we would pick them off as they emerged at the top of the cliff. The Northman raiding strategy was always to ambush. Instead of recognizing such actions as dishonorable, they seemed happy to live to fight again. They wouldn’t expect us to be waiting for them, and if we could defeat their leader quickly enough, they might retreat. There was no dishonor in retreat in their eyes either, not when their strategy to ambush meant they were usually slinking into a castle and catching its warriors unawares.

Holding the high ground was our advantage. We had to make it count.

With a shout, the first man made it to the top. He showed a momentary flash of surprise that we were lying in wait for him, but he recovered quickly. Battle-axe raised and shield in front of his chest, he charged. More of the enemy followed, their armor and long beards making them indistinguishable from one another. My clansmen made rivers of their blood.

About the Author

Jessica Leake is the author of the adult novels Arcana and The Order of the Eternal Sun, both with Skyhorse. She worked for years as a psychotherapist, but even though she loved her clients, she couldn’t stop writing. She lives in South Carolina with her husband, four young children, lots of chickens, and two dogs who keep everyone in line. Beyond a Darkened Shore is her YA debut. Visit her at www.jessicaleake.com.

Release Blitz Giveaway

1 winner will receive a copy of Beyond a Darkened Shore + $25 Amazon Gift Card
US only
Ends April 14th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Hensley’s Latest Novel Captivates Audiences
Latest release from author Dr. Dennis E. Hensley to hit stores this April
The Man Who Could Transfuse Time
By The Vine Press
Inspirational Science Fiction
Release Date: April 24, 2018
Identifiers: LLCN: 2017956826 | ISBN-13: (trade) 978-1-63564-020-5 | 978-1-63564-021-2 (ebk.) Listed in the Christian Advance Catalog and available via Spring Arbor

Short Book Description:
He holds the power to make the young old and the old young again.
Ian Moore is pursued by those who would exploit his gift for their own selfish and destructive means. Hunted and threatened, he is forced to risk his life as time rapidly slips away. In a last, desperate attempt, he must risk a plan that will either bless or curse mankind forever.

Full Book Description:
He holds the power to make the young old and the old young again.
One night amid the tremors of death in the intensive care unit, Nurse Peggy Chandlar witnesses an incredible phenomenon that compels her to find out what really happened to Dr. Francis Anderson.
Ian Moore is pursued by those who would exploit his gift for their own selfish and destructive means. Hunted and threatened, he is forced to risk his life as time rapidly slips away. When the use of his powers gives Dr. Anderson new life, his years of hiding may have come to an end.
Haunted by the fear he will die before he can find someone worthy enough to possess the power of the gift, Ian sees only one solution. In a last, desperate attempt, he must risk a plan that will either bless or curse mankind forever. 

Author Bio:
Dennis E. Hensley is the author of more than 60 books. He holds a Ph.D. in English and is a professor of professional writing at Taylor University. Dr. Hensley served in the United States Army and was awarded six medals for service in Viet Nam. He has been a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Oxford University and at York St. John University in England and at Indiana University and Regent University and other colleges in America. He and his wife Rose have two grown married children and four grandchildren.

For more information see www.bythevinepress.com.

Now, click on the link below to enter the giveaway! The winner will receive an autographed paperback of The Man Who Could Transfuse Time, a $25 Amazon gift card, a $10 Starbucks gift card, and The Man Who Could Transfuse Time coffee mug!


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Having seven sons is a honor above no other. Which is why she is a disappointment. The only girl of seven children, she brought shame to her family. Who knew something like this could be turned into a book, but Rachel Rossano has done just that with her book, Seventh Born. Read on to learn more about the book and enter the giveaway.

About the Book

In a world where seventh born sons are valued for their strength and power, she is born a daughter.
Zezilia Ilar is the disappointment. Born after six brothers, she was supposed to be the son to restore her family’s prestige. She intends to remedy her shortcomings by being a dutiful daughter, marrying well and producing children, preferably a set of seven sons. But when someone offers her an alternative, she begins to dream of more.
In a society that worships a goddess, he follows the Almighty.
Hadrian Aleron, as a seventh son of a seventh son, stands to take up the second highest position in government, Sept Son. His main qualification for office is his birth. Despite preparing for this role from childhood, he does not desire what is to come. As a follower of the Almighty, he knows he will be the target of many, and his faith might eventually lead to death.
            Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079Z2PPJL
            Kobo – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/seventh-born-2

About the Author

Rachel Rossano lives with her husband and three children in the northeastern part of the United States. Homeschooled through high school, she began writing her early teens. She didn’t become serious about pursuing a career as an author until after she had graduated from college and happily married. Then the children came.
Now she spends her days being a wife, mother, teacher, and household manager. Her evenings and free moments are devoted to her other loves, writing and book cover design. Drawing on a lifelong fascination with reading and history, she spends hours creating historical feeling fantasy worlds and populating them with characters who live and breathe on the page.
Follow Rachel on:
Newsletter Sign Up – http://eepurl.com/4sbsv


Rachel is giving away an eBook of her book. You can enter here. Your odds of winning increase with every person you refer so spread the word!  Good luck, and I hope you win!

Excerpt/Guest Post/Review/Character Spotlight


Name – Zezilia Ilar
Her parents also followed the tradition of giving a child the same number of names as their placement in the family. More names usually meant more prestige. Her names are Zezilia Septima Calypso Aldyne Dulcia Tulliola Olethea Ilar (which means: gray-eyed, seventh born, she who hides, little winged one, sweet, little quiet one, honest, cheerful). Her parents and friends frequently call her Zez.
Physical Appearance – Tall for a young woman, she has a nose a bit too long for beauty according to some, changeable gray eyes, and a thick mane of dark mildly curly hair.

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Although she is the youngest of her siblings, all brothers, she holds her own in keeping up with as many of their activities as she can manage to join. Eager to please, she is acutely aware of the fact her parents, especially her father, are deeply disappointed she wasn’t the seventh born son they had hoped to raise. However, she is strong willed and not too remorseful. Instead she focuses on her interests of spending time outdoors and studying.

Tour Schedule

April 9
Bookish Orchestrations – Introductory post
Just A Glimpse – Guest Post
Faith, Loyalty, Adventure Blog – Book Review
April 10
Rachel John Writes– Book Review
Annie Louise Twitchell – Book Review
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima – Character Spotlight       
April 11
God’s Peculiar Treasure Rae – Character Spotlight     
Romantic Typewriter Gardens – Guest Post
The World of the Blue Bells Chronicles – Book Review
April 12
Rebekah Lyn Books – Book Spotlight
Frances Hoelsema – Book Spotlight
Hunting for Truth – Book Review and Guest Post
April 13
Reading On The Edge – Book Spotlight          
Ember’s Reviews – Book Review
With a Joyful Noise – Character Spotlight
Views from the Window Friend – Book Review
April 14
Bookish Orchestrations – Giveaway winner

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Bad Boy Rancher
By Karen Rock

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

The Cade and Loveland family drama continues with the third book in my Rocky Mountain Cowboys series! The Cade and Loveland ranching families, neighbors who’ve been feuding for over a hundred years, are full of such interesting and complicated characters who face, and overcome, personal challenges in unique and inspiring ways to find true love and happiness…

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“From the toe-tingling romance to the larger-than-life characters, Karen Rock does a fabulous job of delivering this story! I was completely captivated from the very first chapter…

This is a book that is full of hope and connections and I loved every minute spent in this small Rocky Mountain town.”

The Power of Words – Review

“I fell in love with this series with the first book, Christmas at Cade Ranch, and the stories just keep getting better, maybe because I’m crazy about this family and look forward to each return visit. The issues this story touches on are relevant and real – addiction, PTSD, survivor guilt…

Bad Boy Rancher is a moving and highly entertaining story in every way.”

I Am A Reader – Excerpt

“Surprise!” Justin’s family shouted.

Javi ran around him chanting, “Happy birthday! Happy birthday!”

Justin backed up a step. “No.”

His mother, Joy, strode through the doorway. She shoved silver strands behind her ear and peered at him anxiously from behind frameless glasses. “It’s been a long time since we…we wanted to do something nice, honey… Wanted to celebrate…”

His boots dropped down one tread. “No.” He would not, couldn’t celebrate his life. Not when his twin brother lay six feet under, buried along with Justin’s broken promises, the ones they’d whispered to each other in the womb: fidelity, unity, brotherhood.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“Bad Boy Rancher by Karen Rock is another excellent book in the Rocky Mountain Cowboys series! It doesn’t shy away from gritty issues like PTSD, survivor guilt, addiction, etc. But it also provides plenty of humor and sweet, tender moments. And of course toe-curling swoonliciousness. This is truly a heartwarming story as well as a stellar romance with great character growth. I’m looking forward to more books in this series!”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

Brielle’s cell phone buzzed on the seat beside her. She risked a glance down at the number, recognized it as her new employer’s, then reached for it, slowing as she approached an intersection.

Her fingers closed on the metallic rectangle just as the dark shape of a biker raced into view, barreling straight at her.

Her pulse slammed in her veins.

Was he crazy?

A Slice of Life – Review

“When it comes to realistic behavior and human emotions, KarenRock doesn’t disappoint, and the third book in her Rocky Mountain Cowboys series, Bad Boy Rancher, is no exception…

The author delves deep into the human psyche in order to express the emotions Justin, Brielle, and others feel throughout this Rocky Mountain Cowboy journey, providing a compelling and informative read.”

Two Points of Interest – Review

“I found the main characters to be enjoyable and realistic. Both Justin and Brielle are flawed and want each other but try to overcome the obstacles in their “relationship”…

A very enjoyable read for anyone who loves romance novels or a fan of this series.”

Deal Sharing Aunt – Review

“Cowboys are not my favorite genre, but Justin is not your ordinary cowboy. He is full of guilt and tries to cheat death. He can not get over the loss of his brother. During a chance encounter, when he is tempting death, he meets Brielle. She is a strong woman. What a great heroine….

This was a really fun read, and I can not wait to read more about these characters.”

Faithfully Bookish – Review & Excerpt

“I’m so thankful for stories that tackle tough issues to stretch and grow our compassion and understanding. I definitely recommend this story to readers who enjoy a little more heat in their sweet romance and everyone who loves a good underdog or cowboy or adventurist hero and thoughtful storyline.”

“What are you afraid of, Justin?”

That snapped his spine straight. “Nothing.” “Then prove it. I dare you to spend the next ten weeks here, at the clinic.”

“Dare?” Was she joking? This wasn’t kid stuff… To him, it was life-and-death. And the way Brielle got under his skin, opened him up, was downright dangerous. If he accepted, he’d need to keep his distance. “I’m not going to any group talks.”

She pondered that a moment then sighed. “Fine. Go only if you want to, which I’m betting will be plenty.”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Reviews

“I really loved this book from start to finish. I have loved this Cade clan from the start and their’s something about this family that just makes you rally around them. I can’t wait for Jewel’s book.” – LAWonder10

“You did it again, Karen Rock! I love the Cades and the Lovelands. This series of books is so good… I highly recommend this book to other readers. It’s a great read.”- Vickie

Busy Bumble Bee Book Reviews – Review

“This book has all the feels in it. I’ve known from the start of these Cade family member’s that I have wanted to get to Justin’s book. And Mrs. Rock does not disappoint with this one…

I really loved this book from start to finish. I have loved this Cade clan from the start and their’s something about this family that just makes you rally around them. I can’t wait for Jewel’s book.”

Remembrancy – Review

“In Bad Boy Rancher, Karen Rock tackles topics that are difficult: addiction, depression, and PTSD to name a few. Each of the members of Second Chance is unique in their circumstances yet the same in that they are on their way to healing. Rock’s ability to humanize these disorders is top-notch.”

Janice’s Book Reviews – Review

“I enjoyed visiting the Cade family again and loved the addition of the pug in the story. Also really enjoyed Javi in the book, the little boy in the first book. This is really a good series.”

E-Romance News – Excerpt

“You don’t want to lose anyone else.”

This close, Brielle could smell Justin’s minty, warm breath. “No,” she admitted.

“Then get to know them. Come to my ranching workshop tomorrow.”

“I don’t know if I can,” she confessed. “It’s not easy for me…like it is for you.”

His short laugh rushed across her cheek. Their eyelashes tangled. “You think it’s easy for me? I hate talking to people.”

Harlie’s Books – Review & Excerpt

“Yall this series. I’m telling you, READ IT!!! Ms. Rock nailed Justin to a tee. Okay, so I may be partial to Ms. Rock because I’ve read her since she started but every one of her books in this series is heartfelt, at times funny, the men are sexy as heck and the heroines are perfect for them. Every couple has baggage and it’s quite a ride to see them work it out separately and then together for the all-important HEA.”

Are you ready to go?” There was a brief catch in Brielle’s voice as Justin tucked her loose scarf into her coat collar.

“There’s something I want to show you first.”

“Maybe another time.” She twisted a cross pinned to the lapel of her jacket. “I’ve still got work to finish and—”

Her words cut off as he laced his fingers in hers. “Work will be there in the morning.

This won’t.”

Nicole’s Book Musings – Review

“I really love this series because it just pulls all the emotions and feels out of me. This book is intense with the emotion… I couldn’t have been rooting any more for these two to find a HEA. It’s definitely a book you don’t want to pass up. “

Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang! – Excerpt

Justin pressed a finger beneath Brielle’s chin, tipping it up until their gazes tangled. “Stop hiding from me,” he murmured, his voice hoarse with the strain of keeping himself in check.

“I’m right here,” she whispered.

The enticing scent of raspberries emanated from her, and he nearly groaned with the torment. He traced the outline of her lips with one finger.

She started to pull away, but he halted her by sliding his fingertips over the smooth flesh of her upper arms. Her answering shiver was both rousing and scary. It amazed him that he kept her captive with no more than his touch.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“This book is like the perfect storm. It has all the elements coming together to make it so enticing to me…

I loved that both these main characters were strong yet not. They both had broken bits that needed fixing and healing yet they were still fighting the good fight. The attraction was zingy and instant and it just kept building. The kissing was yummy.

This is such a great series. I’m loving it. Each book can stand alone but I would highly recommend reading them in order because you will be happier and more satisfied if you do.”

underneath the covers – Excerpt

Justin traced her jaw with the callused pad of his index finger. “Do you still believe in God?”

The moon disappeared behind clouds, and the light coming through the stained-glass windows dimmed.

“I do, but I don’t hear Him anymore. He stopped answering me after my breakdown, stopped talking through me—like He blames me, too. Bill wasn’t the only suicide. Another member of his squad killed himself on leave, with his personal handgun. A couple months later, a third member of his company overdosed. A year later, Stan Dobbins, one of the only survivors of the group ambushed before Easter, redeployed for the third time and shot himself in the head.” She leveraged herself up to face Justin. “That’s why I’m not stronger.”

“You haven’t healed yet. Didn’t you tell me therapy’s hard work?”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Bad Boy Rancher

(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #3)
by Karen Rock
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 368 pages
April 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

He’s not the only one who needs saving…

But maybe they can save each other?

Dark, brooding, dangerous…and possibly suicidal. Renegade rancher Justin Cade was exactly the kind of man former army chaplain Brielle Thompson needed to avoid after escaping the horrors of Afghanistan with an honorable discharge—and PTSD. The whole point of moving to the remote Rocky Mountains of Colorado was to leave the darkness behind, not fall back into it. But falling she is…


Other Books in the Series

Christmas at Cade Ranch
(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #1)

by Karen Rock

Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
November 7th 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming

The Christmas they never had.

James Cade has one priority: keep the family ranch running smoothly in the wake of his younger brother’s death. With Jesse’s ex, Sofia Gallardo, and her young son, Javi, stranded at Cade Ranch over Christmas, this task just got a lot harder. The longer Sofia and Javi stay, the harder it is to imagine the ranch without them. James couldn’t save his brother from his inner demons, but he can give his nephew a secure future. Maybe more—if he can figure out how to trust Sofia, and stop feeling like he’s betraying Jesse. Because trying to stop thinking about beautiful, determined Sofia is impossible.


Falling for a Cowboy
(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #2)
by Karen Rock
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 368 pages
January 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Doesn’t he get that she’s blind?

Barrel racer Amberley James wants to join the premier rodeo circuit more than anything, but she faces the ultimate hurdle when she loses her eyesight to a rare genetic condition. All she’d ever wanted seems out of reach. Giving up is the only option…until her best friend and local hero Jared Cade steps in. The last thing she wants is Jared’s help. But his persistence at encouraging her to get back in the saddle is ridiculously annoying. And undeniably inspiring…


About the Author

Award-winning author Karen Rock is both sweet and spicy—at least when it comes to her writing! The author of both YA and adult contemporary books writes sexy suspense novels and small-town romances for Harlequin and Kensington publishing. A strong believer in Happily-Ever-After, Karen loves creating unforgettable stories that leave her readers with a smile. When she’s not writing, Karen is an avid reader who also loves cooking her grandmother’s Italian recipes, baking and having the Adirondack Park wilderness as her backyard, where she lives with her husband, daughter, dog and cat who keep her life interesting and complete. Learn more about her at http://www.karenrock.com or follow her on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/karenrock5.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive print copies of CHRISTMAS AT CADE RANCH and FALLING FOR A COWBOY by Karen Rock, WISHES AT FIRST LIGHT by Joanne Rock, A SKY FULL OF STARS by Samantha Chase, WHAT IT TAKES by Shanon Stacey, and FAMILY TREE by Susan Wiggs (US only)
1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon Gift Card (open internationally)

– Ends April 11th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!
On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Release Blitz for
The Soldier’s Homecoming
By Patricia Potter
The Soldier’s Homecoming
(Home to Covenant Falls #5)
by Patricia Potter
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
April 1st 2018 by Harlequin Superromance

He’s looking for roots. She won’t be tied down.

Army ranger Travis Hammond needs to heal physical and emotional wounds. A job in Covenant Falls checking out equine therapy programs for veterans is a start, but it’s only temporary. And he doesn’t need a partner, especially some reporter with the persistence of a terrier and irresistible green eyes. Like Travis, Jenny Talbot’s just passing through town. Unlike Travis, Jenny knows exactly where she’s going next—back to the Middle East, as soon as she recovers from her own war injury. But there’s a bend in the road for both of them.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin


Travis led the way around a stand of trees, and suddenly they faced the falls. Water tumbled over a high cliff to the rocks below. A rainbow arched above it. A cool breeze carried spray to where they stood, sprinkling them. A look of pure enchantment crossed her face, turning it from attractive into beautiful. He had the damndest urge to take Jenny in his arms and hold her against him.

If it had been just a physical reaction, he could step away. Her delight, though, made him smile inside – and he hadn’t done that in a long time. He started to reach for her, to touch her. Snap out of it. Keep it strictly business.

Travis stepped back. Away from temptation.

“It’s beautiful,” Jenny said, licking at the moisture around her lips with her tongue. It was a natural enough reaction and sensuous without intent. He was suddenly warmer. He wanted to put his arms around her and share that sense of awe.

Bad idea. He wasn’t ready for another relationship, even a short one, and suspected she wasn’t ready for one, either. She’d been injured and was using this time to heal. He’d met many military correspondents during his years overseas, and most were as addicted to the adrenaline as soldiers were. She would be gone in a few days, and after he completed a short project for a friend, he would, too.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Patricia Potter is the USA Today Bestselling Author of more than fifty books. She has received numerous writing awards, including RT Storyteller of the Year, its Career Achievement Award for Western Historical Romance and its Best Hero of the Year Award. She is a seven-time RITA finalist and three-time Maggie Award winner. She has served as president of Romance Writers of America. The Soldier’s Homecoming is her fifteenth book for Harlequin.
Prior to writing fiction, she was a reporter for the Atlanta Journal and president of a public relations firm.

Come back for the upcoming tour, launching next week here!

Blitz Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally
– 1 winner will receive signed print copies of THE SOLDIER’S PROMISE, TEMPTED BY THE SOLDIER, A SOLDIER’S JOURNEY, and THE SEAL’S RETURN (US only)
– Ends April 6th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Grab Our Button!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Forever a Father
By Lynne Marshall

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Author Interview

Q. What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

A. I hope readers understand that past struggles may hold us back, but it is possible to move on and enjoy life and love again. Hope is the word I’d love for readers to remember. No matter how tough things may be, never give up hope, because hope can sometimes work miracles. It did for Daniel Delaney and Keela O’Mara, oh, and little Anna, too.

Among the Reads – Review

“I enjoy books with children in them, especially when the author gets their behavior consistent with their ages. Author Lynne Marshall created such a lovable character in Anna, the almost 5-year-old daughter of Keela. . .

I also really appreciated that the tragedies in each of their lives were explained early on in the book instead of having the hints throughout and them not revealed until the end. It helped to better understand their motivations.”

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

Dear Reader,

I’m so happy to share my twenty-fifth Harlequin book, Forever a Father, the launch book for The Delaneys of Sandpiper Beach trilogy. In book one, I introduce Daniel Delaney, the eldest brother, and Keela O’Mara, a young lady from Ireland who works for him. The more I got to know Daniel and Keela, the more I rooted for them and their happily-ever-after. If any couple deserved it, they did, but both had been disillusioned by love and have the emotional scars to prove it.

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“Adorably sweet and heart-wrenching all in one! My heart was stolen by a four year old! 🙂 Such a great story! . . The Delaney family is really down to earth and fun to spend time with, and I’m looking forward to more to come in this trilogy!”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

Keela had never seen her daughter smile so much.

Every time she watched “Doctor Dan” with Anna, Keela’s heart warmed and her thoughts wandered to a secret and special place.

Suddenly, he got serious and turned to Anna. “Maybe it’s time you dropped the doctor part and just call me Dan?” He glanced at Keela, as if to get her approval about letting Anna call him that. She nodded.

Deal Sharing Aunt – Review

“This is a story that will have you crying along with the characters. Especially at the end of the book. I really liked the family togetherness and how they spent time together with extended family. I hope that the next two books in the series keep us updated on this couple.”

Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang! – Excerpt

A lyrical laugh eased out of Keela’s mouth, and it never failed to grab his attention. She might as well be singing.

“I’d never say that, Mrs. Haverhill. You’re in great shape—”

The sixtyish lady tossed Daniel a deadpan look that seemed to say, Do you believe the crock she’s feeding me? More, please.

He smiled and added a benevolent nod.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is a touching, yet, endearing tale of two people whose situations were very different, yet, both had been betrayed. Each were coping in the best way they could. Would it be enough?

The Book Cover was well-chosen and the Title passable but perhaps not a great choice. However, the development of the characters and portrayal of the background scenes were realistic to the point the reader felt he/she was a part of the story.”

Paulette’s Papers – Excerpt

Keela’s phone rang and she stepped inside her office to answer it. With the copier going, Daniel couldn’t hear the conversation, but as he gazed through the large office window, he noticed her brows were lowered. She said something else, then glanced toward the ceiling in a frustrated manner while listening. Just as his copies were done, she hung up, her shoulders slumped and her usual smile inverted. “Thanks for the too-late heads-up,” she raised her voice to the phone on her desk.

Jorie Loves A Story – Excerpt

“I need help!” She used her outdoor voice, which startled him, and he jumped out of his chair to assist her by lifting her under the arms. Man, she was light, hardly weighed anything. So vulnerable and completely dependent on him. So trusting. Precious. She pushed the button for water, but her mop of curls got in the way. Her face got wet and she giggled. He almost smiled.

“Here,” he said, balancing her on his bent knee and thigh, and holding her hair out of the way with one hand. She slurped to her heart’s content, coming up only when she needed to breathe.

It’s All About the Romance – Excerpt

“You’re smart!” Why did everything she say come out like an exclamation? Still, her compliment caught him off guard and he cracked a smile for the first time that afternoon. Okay, so she was kind of cute.

He glanced at his watch again. All of fifteen minutes had passed since he’d been handed the job of childcare provider, and Keela wouldn’t be through until five. Now what should they do?

Busy Bumble Bee Book ReviewsReview

“This is the first book I have read by Mrs. Marshall and it was a great start to a new series. It was sweet, tender, and touching.

I really liked Daniel and Keela’s characters. I thought they were just right for each other. . .

I really enjoyed this book. I thought as I mentioned above that it was sweet and tender. I loved Daniels family and their family bond. And I can’t wait for his brothers books.”

Nicole’s Book Musings – Excerpt

Anna nodded, as serious as a little kid could be. Keela took the tiny, tangerine-colored backpack covered in animated movie characters off the child’s shoulders, unzipped it and fished out some crayons and a coloring book. “You can make some nice pictures for Daddy for when you see him next.” Then she escorted the girl to the chair opposite Daniel’s desk. The one he reserved for his patients. There was a small table with assorted magazines next to it. She could color on that. She was so tiny, and probably worried about the big mean-faced man. He tried to smile to ease her concerns, but failed. It wasn’t her fault she’d been stuck with him, old mean-face, who was still hurting and lost and, so far, unable to move on.

A Striking Viper, Caught in a Tangled Web – Review

“Ms. Marshall works hard to establish a sense of the characters and the town and community for her readers. . . . overall, this was a sweet romance to read. I enjoyed reading how the two of them worked to overcome their own insecurities to take a chance on love.”

Becky on Books – Review

“Forever a Father is a sweet romance about two people who are starting over…but who both have many issues in their past that are standing in their way. . . . The book is the first in The Delaneys of Sandpiper Beach series, and introduces us to a charming town and family that has two more single sons whose stories are due to follow soon.”

underneath the covers – Excerpt

She’d imposed her daughter on him, and what could she expect—that he’d love it? Thank the heavens it had ended well and she still had a job. But a flare of sadness made her think how Anna’s own father hardly ever wanted to spend time with her. At least Daniel had taken her for ice cream, maybe not because he wanted to, but because he was a decent guy. That alone made him different from her ex.

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

The day she’d first met Daniel Delaney, she’d tried her best to remain professional but knew her dire need for employment cracked through her job-applicant veneer. Please hire me. Please. Please. Please? His natural good looks had set her off-kilter, but she’d quickly focused beyond his shocking green eyes and his sturdy rugby build, the charming Irish smile she’d recognize anywhere. There was absolutely no reason for her to notice his stylishly cut, thick brown hair, but she had.

Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader – Review

“He doesn’t know exactly what is about her and her little girl but they make him want things he didn’t think he would ever want again.
This story is a sweet romance and good read.”

Brooke Blogs – Excerpt

Daniel finished assessing his last rescheduled patient, then went to his office, ready to pick up where he’d left off earlier, practicing his presentation for tomorrow, before he’d been interrupted by Anna. Even though the clinic was empty, he closed the door. The winding tangle in his chest since Anna walked in, reminding him of what he’d lost, pinched tighter. He sat, squeezed his eyes closed and, covering them with his hand, pressed his temples with thumb and fingertip. He stayed like that for a few moments, listening to his breathing, fighting off the pain, the grief, grasping at the calm that always eluded him at times like this. Don’t do it. Do. Not. Do it.

Simply Kelina – Review

“It was a very quick read as it is only a little over 200 pages. I will say, this moved very fast. . . . I ended up enjoying this story though. If you are looking for a cute read, I definitely recommend this.”

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Forever a Father
(Delaneys of Sandpiper Beach #1)
by Lynne Marshall
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 224 pages

March 1st 2018 by Harlequin Special Edition
GoodreadsAmazonB&NBook Depository


“Will you be my dad?”

Ask me anything but that.

Once upon a time, Dr. Daniel Delaney had it all. But he lost it in the blink of an eye, and he won’t let himself fall again—not even for his dedicated new assistant, Keela O’Mara, and her adorable, lonely little girl, Anna. Resisting a starry-eyed four-year-old is tough enough. Denying her perfect, loving single mom may be more than Daniel can handle…

Other Books in the Series (coming soon)

About the Author

Lynne Marshall has been traditionally published with Harlequin as a category romance author for more than ten years with over twenty-five books, and more recently with TULE Publishing, she has also gone hybrid with self-publishing. She is a Southern California native, has been married to a New Englander for a long time, and has two adult children of whom she is super proud. She is also an adoring grandmother of two beautiful little girls, a woman of faith, a dog lover, a cat admirer, a meandering walker, a curious traveler, and an optimistic participant in this wild journey called life.

Tour Giveaway

3 winners will receive their choice of one print book from Lynne Marshall’s Home in Heartlandia series: A DOCTOR FOR KEEPS, HER PERFECT PROPOSAL, and FALLING FOR THE MOM-TO-BE (if US, winner will receive their book signed)

Open internationally
Ends March 7th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!

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Book Blurb:
War threatens. The game board is set. But the Minstrel is missing…
Advancing his growing power, the Dread Prince breaks free of his prison and brings a faction of dragons under his control, stirring unrest and hatred in the newly united kingdoms of Tellurae Aquaous.
When the dragon wards of Kallayohm are targeted in a ruthless attack, the High King travels there to administer justice. But the trial results in a crippling blow that leaves him reeling.
On the heels of defeat, an unexpected message from the erstwhile Minstrel arrives, pleading with his friends for rescue. Together, the High King and his companions must follow the fragile trail, braving peril and darkness that will test the measure of them all…
Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Minstrels-Call-Song-Book-ebook/dp/B079CLZYZB/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38524538-minstrel-s-call?from_search=true

The other books in Jenelle’s series are on sale for several days.  King’s Warrior and Second Son are on sale for 99 cents each and Yorien’s Hand is on sale for $1.99 from Feb. 27 – March 6.

King’s Warrior: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008UCLDV0/
Second Son: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00L74XNAM/
Yorien’s Hand: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B019E76B4I/

Rafflecopter Giveaway:
I am giving away 1 Dragon Sword, 1 252-piece puzzle of the artwork for Minstrel’s Call, and 1 signed paperback copy of Minstrel’s Call. (Due to standard-postal shipping restrictions of blades outside the continental USA, and the lack of reliable dragons these days, I cannot offer the sword to winners outside the U.S. However, if someone outside the U.S. wins that particular item, I will send them a $35 Amazon Gift Card instead).
Click here to enter the giveaway: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/6c7e337d20/?
Author Bio:
Jenelle Schmidt grew up in the northern-Midwest. She now resides with her husband and their four adorable children in the wilds of Wisconsin. Jenelle fell in love with reading at a young age during family story-times when her father would read out loud to her and her siblings each night before bed. Her imagination was captured by authors such as Madeleine L’Engle, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Lloyd Alexander. It wasn’t long before she began making up her own stories and sharing them with her family. To this day she enjoys creating exciting adventure tales filled with poignant themes and compelling characters in the fantasy and sci-fi genres.
Author Links:
Website/Blog: http://jenelleschmidt.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JenelleLeanneSchmidt/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JenelleLSchmidt/
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Jenelle-Leanne-Schmidt/e/B008J4H9ZS/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3636.Jenelle_Schmidt
MONDAY, February 26 = Welcome post from Jenelle
+ interview with Kyle Shultz
+ guest post for E.E Rawls
TUESDAY, February 27 = guest post for DJ Edwardson
+ book spot from Catherine Chant
WEDNESDAY, February 28 = book spot from CL Wells
THURSDAY, March 1 = book spot from Annie Douglas Lima 
+ character interview with Kendra E. Ardnek
FRIDAY, March 2 = book spot from Bryn Shutt
+ newsletter release with Sarah Ashwood
MONDAY, March 5 = book spot from Dawn Roberto
+ guest post from Liv. K Fisher
TUESDAY, March 6 = ARC Review from Deborah O’Carroll
WEDNESDAY, March 7 = book spot from Nancy Moors
+ character interview with Kandi J Wyatt
THURSDAY, March 8 = author interview with Kendra E. Ardnek
FRIDAY, March 9 = book spot with Laurie Lucking
+ Tour End/giveaway winner post with Jenelle