On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Focus On Love
By Candee Fick

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Author Interview

Q: What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

A: Since it’s a sweet romance, I want readers to leave with a sigh, a sappy smile, a warm fuzzy feeling, and a new book boyfriend in Ryan. I want readers to have experienced the highs and lows of the journey along with Liz and then participate vicariously in her victory. But mostly along the way, I hope readers feel the tug toward a deeper or new relationship with the Creator of everything who still wants to be their personal Friend.

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

At least she’d finally seen Jerry’s true colors. But was it too late to fight for her place? If she needed to stay, completing her degree would have to wait.

She squared her shoulders and faced her dad. “Logo designer aside, do these shirts mean I can finally start working with you? Because I’d love to see us expand into new areas and revamp our website.”

Dad waved a hand dismissively. “Jerry’s full of ideas for doing all that. What we really need is office support.”

More of Jerry’s words came flooding back to her. “You don’t need a business degree to answer the phones and stuff envelopes.” Liz’s stomach clenched along with her fists.

Better to know the truth than to cling to hope. “Are you ever going to give me a chance to step behind the camera?”

Remembrancy – Review

“This book does exactly what the title suggests. It focuses on love. . . .the love of family as well as friends, . . and a healthy helping of God’s love are all represented within its pages. . . .

I was a bit disappointed when I reached the end of this book. Liz and Ryan are people I could have hung out with for another hundred pages. But I will take comfort in the hop of another excellent read from Candee Fick in the future.”

Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang! – Guest Post

Can You Really Find Love on the Job?

My husband and I met while working at a private high school. He taught math while coaching football and baseball. I taught chemistry and coached cross country and track.

We might never have talked outside of polite conversation at staff meetings, except for the fact we had a handful of matchmaking students in common. Have you ever been around hormonal teenagers especially near Valentine’s Day? They latched onto the idea that the single teachers at the school really should get married and brought up not-so-subtle hints about every other week.

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

“You look happy.” The man’s intense gaze swept over her face and she resisted the urge to squirm when he nodded, as if he had her figured out.

“I just got a miracle. Didn’t think God did those anymore, at least for me.” She really needed to thank Dani for praying.

The man smiled, and the serious expression on his face transformed into a look of one who enjoyed life. Laugh lines emerged beside his eyes, along with a deep dimple to the right of a crooked smile reminiscent of Grandpa O’Neill. “I believe He’s got a few more miracles up His sleeve. At least I hope so. Actually, that’s why I’m here.”

“Are you an actor?” With this handsome man around, the theater could get interesting.

His eyes widened in surprise and then shifted toward the ticket window with its display of show posters. “No.”

The Power of Words – Review

“Focus on Love is the first book I’ve read by Candee Fick and I really enjoyed it. Set in the Wardrobe Dinner Theater world of Colorado, we meet Liz and her two roommates, Dani and Gloria. Dani’s story was told in the previous book, Dance Over Me (which I’m eager to read), and Focus on Love is Liz’s story, which stands alone. . . .

The ending felt a little rushed, but hopefully we’ll see more of Liz and Ryan in the next book. Focus on Love is a sweet and entertaining read that I thoroughly enjoyed.”

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Excerpt

“So is this guy any good, or does he just have a business card?”

Liz reached under the bed for her laptop and turned it on. “He has a website listed, so he might have a portfolio online. We’d better check him out and save Mr. Sheridan the hassle.”

“Sure.” Dani whacked her with a pillow. “Check him out or check out his work?”

Heat rose in her face. Curse her pale complexion. “Both?” Except, after Jerry the Jerk, the last thing she needed was to date another photographer.

I Am A Reader – Guest Post

Ten Workplace Romances On the Big Screen

In fiction—and in real life—romance can blossom in the middle of a working relationship. Come to think of it, each of my previous two novels have also featured couples falling in love while keeping up with the day job. But rather than discuss specific books with workplace romances—which perhaps not all of us have read—I started thinking about other stories we romance-genre-lovers can talk about. The stories on the big screen. The “chick-flicks” that make us smile.

So, without further delay, here are ten popular movies (including two classics) where two lonely hearts working together find love.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“Another sweet romance from Candee Fick! The warm characters move right into your heart, and the dinner theater atmosphere (with its delightful nod to C.S. Lewis’ Narnia) is vivid and unique. In fact, the photography and theater elements in Focus on Love give readers a fascinating picture into each of these creative worlds. Ryan and Liz are very relatable characters, and their attraction is palpable. (Some great kisses too!) Overall this is a heartwarming story of love and grace in various forms, and a great choice any time of the year!”

Colorimetry – Excerpt

Within minutes, she had almost tripled the number of pictures on her memory card with a variety of solo and group shots. One of the actors suggested they silently sneak onto the stage itself since the curtain was down and the audience was making plenty of noise while eating their dinners. Soon she had close to live-action images, taken with the large props and backdrop, to add to her collection.

The buzz of energy grew each time the shutter clicked as Liz sank deeper into a creative zone. How was it possible to have such laser-targeted focus on her subjects that her camera almost became a natural extension of her imagination?

She hadn’t felt such freedom in years.

Paulette’s Papers – Guest Post

Liz Foster’s Practical Tips to Balance Work and Love (and Life)

Today I’d like to introduce you to Elizabeth Foster. In addition to acting at The Wardrobe Dinner Theatre, you’ll often find her with a camera strapped around her neck. Still, since it’s February and love is in the air, I thought I’d ask Liz about mixing romance with the theater.

Theater romances are unique. Of course, there’s the typical proximity factor because the cast spends so much time together during rehearsals and performances. However, sometimes an onstage romance between two characters bleeds over into a backstage attraction too, but those usually don’t last because it’s hard to tell when the acting ends and reality begins.

Wishful Endings – Excerpt

About a hundred feet from the front doors, she spotted the tall cowboy exiting a large truck parked nearby, and her stomach whirred like her fast-action shutter.

Of course, it had to be nerves about showing her pictures to the Sheridans in front of the professional photographer—nothing to do with how handsome he was.

Ryan grinned as his long stride brought him quickly to her side. “Fancy meeting you here this morning. Liz, right?”

Faithfully Bookish – Review

“This author has been recommended to me by a couple of my dearest bookish friends so I had high expectations for this story yet Focus on Love did not disappoint! I’m so happy with this experience and I look forward to reading the author’s backlist and future works.”

Cafinated Reads – Excerpt

Liz nudged her camera bag out of the way of her feet and swiveled to face Ryan during the drive.

Of course, from this angle she could easily admire the muscles in his forearms below the rolled-up sleeves of his dress shirt as he steered into traffic. A suit jacket hung on a hook behind his seat.

“My mom served on the foundation’s board for several years.”

“Wait a minute… I didn’t think you were from around here.”

“I’m not.” He glanced over with a grin. “I grew up on a ranch in Montana.”

Among the Reads – Review & Guest Post

“I simply loved Focus on Love! It is such a lovely story of faith, love and learning the incredible love that God has for us.”

Ryan Callahan’s Version of “Should I Stay or Should I Go?”

Today, I’d like to introduce you to award-winning photographer Ryan Callahan. My first question is how did a Montana cowboy like you end up working for the Bricker Communications empire?

Glad to be here. (Tips his hat) My adventure started because of a photo contest I saw advertised in my uncle’s camera shop. The grand prize was a trip to tag along with a famous photographer on a shoot. Well, he looked past my inexperience and eventually lobbied to get me an internship with the company. I’ve since moved up the ladder and my mentor is now the CEO. You could say it all started with a lucky break, but I know it was a God-thing.

Locks, Hooks and Books – Excerpt

“I should have guessed you’d be out here with a camera.”

She turned to face Ryan as he leaned out the open window. “You should have seen it. It was magical. And gorgeous.”

“Yes, I see.” He eyed her rather than the trees.

A sudden warmth flooded her cheeks as she swung her camera bag around to her side and hurried around to the passenger side of his truck. She’d be wise to remember that while flirting was fun, it was too soon to feel anything more than friendship for Ryan, no matter how tempting.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“I would highly recommend this book to other readers. It is a sweet love story and also has several life experiences that the characters have to make decisions about and then endure them.”

underneath the covers – Excerpt

“Do you want to help me with the middle?” Liz grinned as the little girl nodded like a bobblehead doll. Soon she straddle-walked behind Hannah as they packed the snow tight, then angled their path to intersect where the guys smoothed out the giant base. The activity tugged at memories of the year Grandpa O’Neill had helped her build a snowman and stole Grandma’s scarf for a decoration.

“Hannah, that’s the best middle I’ve ever seen.” Ryan’s praise brought a sweet smile from the precious little girl, filling more of the lonely spots in Liz’s heart. “But do you think Liz can lift it up here?”

“You could help, you know.” Liz paused to straighten a kink out of her back.

“I could.” He waggled his eyebrows, then moved to face her.

With his arms under hers, they lifted the middle section and then sidestepped toward the base. One could imagine they were almost hugging … if not for the icy mass between them.

And only if one were prone to imagining the start of a romance where friendship grew.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Focus On Love
(The Wardrobe Dinner Theater #2)
by Candee Fick
Inspirational Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 192 pages

February 13th 2018 by Bling! Romance

Free-spirited Elizabeth Foster turned her back on her father’s photography business to pursue musical theater, but a career on the stage remains second to a career behind the camera. The possibility of a one-show contract means she’s a few weeks from unemployment forcing her home, and her dreams of pursuing professional photography reemerge. With photography and theater opportunities unfolding before her, Elizabeth faces her biggest challenge yet—listening to her heart.

Meanwhile, sought-after photographer Ryan Callahan has put his career on hold to help his sister’s family, but the promise of a bigger assignment could lure him away so he can begin building a family of his own. With professional opportunities and personal obligations pulling at him, Ryan faces his toughest challenge—balancing family, relationships, and work.

If given the choice, what dreams would develop for Elizabeth and Ryan? And will they learn to trust each other enough to focus on love?


Other Books in the Series
Dance Over Me
(The Wardrobe Dinner Theater #1)
by Candee Fick
Inspirational Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 268 pages
September 2016 by Bling! Romance
Danielle Lefontaine, a fledgling actress raised to the lullaby of Broadway, searches for her long-lost brother and her place on the stage, but a jealous cast member and numerous fruitless leads threaten to drop the curtain on her dreams and shine a spotlight on her longing for a place to belong. 
Meanwhile, Alex Sheridan is living his dream except for someone to share it with. When Dani dances into his life, he hopes he’s found the missing piece to his heart but fears the bright lights of the stage could steal her away. Will the rhythm of dancing feet usher in their deepest desires or leave them stranded in the wings?

About the Author

Candee Fick is a multi-published author in both fiction and non-fiction. She is also the wife of a high school football coach and the mother of three children, including a daughter with a rare genetic syndrome. When not busy with her day job, writing, or coaching other authors, she can be found cheering on the home team at sporting events, exploring the great Colorado outdoors, indulging in dark chocolate, and savoring happily-ever-after endings through a good book.

Tour Giveaway
There are two specific prizes below for this tour. You can also find a giveaway on Goodreads here and another release celebration giveaway here.

1ST PRIZE: 1 winner will receive autographed copies of Catch of a Lifetime, Dance Over Me and Focus On Love, as well as a $25 Shutterfly gift card

2ND PRIZE: 1 winner will receive an autographed copy of Focus On Love

US only
Ends February 28th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
Bound Beauty
By Jennifer Silverwood

This YA Dark Fantasy is volume three in the Wylder Tale Series
Coming winter 2018, cover designed by Najla Qamber Designs

Beware the bond between blood and beasts…
Vynasha has united the warring human and forgotten clans of Wylderland, claiming her majik and power as curse breaker. Her brother, Ceddrych keeps their nephew safely hidden away while Vynasha and her new allies fight against the feral beasts roaming their borders.
Meanwhile, her friendship with the Iceveins family deepens, unveiling a love she never expected. But her majik is still bound to the cursed prince she left behind and he isn’t done fighting for her soul.
Darker forces walk in the forests, all drawn to Vynasha’s light and the shade of a corrupt Enchantress haunts her waking dreams. A war is about to begin, between the forgotten people of Wylderland and the evil power of Bitterhelm.
Prophecy and Forgotten unite in the epic third chapter of the Wylder Tales Series, a gothic re-telling of Beauty and the Beast.
The Wylder Tales Series
Craving Beauty (Vol. 1)
Wolfsbane’s Daughter (Vol. 1.5)
Scarred Beauty (Vol. 2)
Bound Beauty (Coming 2018)

Grab the first book, Craving Beauty, for FREE! You can find your preferred format here.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Jennifer Silverwood was raised deep in the heart of Texas and has been spinning yarns a mile high since childhood. In her spare time she reads and writes and tries to sustain her wanderlust, whether it’s the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania, the highlands of Ecuador or a road trip to the next town. Always on the lookout for her next adventure, in print or reality, she dreams of one day proving to the masses that everything really is better in Texas. She is the author of two series—Heaven’s Edge and Wylder Tales—and the stand-alone titles Stay and Silver Hollow.
Cover Reveal Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive signed print copies of Craving Beauty and Scarred Beauty and an ebook of Wolfsbane’s Daughter (US only)
– 1 winner will receive ebooks of Craving Beauty, Wolfsbane’s Daughter and Scarred Beauty, and a $20 Amazon e-gift card (open internationally)
– Ends February 23rd
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Have you ever had a hard time loving someone? I think everyone probably has at one time in their life. But what would your life be like if you’ve never had the courage to love anyone? Faith Blum explores that idea in her new book, He Hideth My Soul. 

About the Book

He’s never had the courage to love anyone…
The only thing Otis Miller has ever wanted to be is a doctor, and he wants to be the best. A surprise talk with his Aunt Eleanor days before his twenty-first birthday leads to a visit from his grandfather’s lawyer and the discovery that he is the heir to a large fortune. With all the papers signed, Otis heads to Chicago to follow his dream.
After graduating from Jenner Medical School, Otis goes to the mine he owns in Colorado to see how things are and to provide medical care for everyone in town. He finds horrible working conditions and learns to make difficult decisions that will be best for all.
Will Otis learn to let God cover him in the depths of His love? Can Otis hide in God’s presence whenever he doesn’t know where to go next?
Note: 50% of my income from this series will go to the World Orphans organization.

About the Author

Faith Blum is a 20-something author of multiple books in various genres. She loves to write, read, play piano, knit, crochet, sew, watch movies, and spend time with her husband.  She lives in Wisconsin in a small town with her husband and cat where she can write to her heart’s content during the day. Faith’s goal in her writing is to encourage Christians in their walk with Christ.


Faith is giving away three prizes! The grand prize is a paperback of her new book. First and second prizes are both an eBook of He Hideth My Soul. Enter here for the chance to win!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule

February 20
Bookish Orchestrations – Introduction Post
Creating Romance – Book Spotlight
Rachel Rossano’s Words – Book Spotlight
February 21
Rebekah Lyn Books – Book Spotlight
February 22
Ruth’s Real Life – Book Spotlight
February 23
February 24
Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections – Post from the author
February 26
Bookish Orchestration – Giveaway winner post


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement
By Stacy Henrie

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

I’m excited to share with readers my fifth Love Inspired Historical, which is also the first in a three book series set in and around Sheridan, Wyoming in the late 1890s and early 1900s. This particular story was fun to write because I was able to give a nod to my love of England through my British hero Edward and give my smart, no-nonsense heroine Maggy an unusual profession as a female Pinkerton agent…

Happy Reading!

— Stacy

Janice’s Book Reviews – Review

“I fell in love with the main characters and descriptions of the scenes were very vivid. . . . This is my first book by Stacy Henrie, I will definitely have to read more of her books. I really enjoyed this book.”

Heidi Reads… – Review

“I always love how Stacy Henrie’s books transport me to the setting with rich historical details. The characters really came to life against the backdrop the author set and while it’s a relatively quick read, that’s partly because I couldn’t put it down! . . . Loved the sweet romance and fascinating history!”

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

“You are going to ruin this investigation,” she hissed. “Could you have looked any more appalled at playing the role of my fiancé?”

“Are you mad?” Edward countered, keeping his voice equally low. “Of course I’m going to be shocked and downright annoyed when you announce such a ridiculous fiction.”
Maggy crossed her arms and glared at him. Her eyes had turned a dark cobalt. “There wasn’t time to ask how you felt about it. Besides I told you that I was coming up with a role.”

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement is a fabulous historical that should not be missed. I had it read in just a few hours and it was time well spent. I highly recommend this for those who love a good, sweet, clean, heartwarming book that, also, has a touch of mystery and suspense.
A well deserved 5 plus stars.”

The Power of Words – Review

“Stacy Henrie brings something intangible to every story that she writes; she just has a special touch that’s hard to define. All the details that I love are present in The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement – character depth, historical detail, humor, romantic tension. And then there’s the emotional tug that comes from characters who don’t seem fictional at all, but easily identifiable people who face similar struggles as we might, only in a different setting. While I’ve enjoyed all that I’ve read by this author, this book holds a special place in my heart.”

Paulette’s Papers – Excerpt

Unpinning her hat, Maggy used it to fan her flushed face. She shut her eyes and willed herself to breathe through the pressure in her chest. She was safe—no one was going to harm her ever again. Especially not a man. Detective skills weren’t the only things she’d learned in the last six years; she’d also learned how to take care of herself.

SilverWoodSketches – Review

“I was surprised by the depth and sincerity of Henrie’s writing. In such a light genre, many inspirational authors shy away from the grittier aspects of the time period. Henrie handles both the bad and ugly with honesty and a deeper message of hope. As Maddy slowly watches the way Edward weaves his faith through his daily life, Henrie also urges us to “see His hand in everything.” The impact of Edward’s faith in God and in Maddy, as she unravels the mystery is more than empowering, it’s a reminder of the true meaning of redeeming love.”

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“The romance is sweet and tender and very believable and the setting is hot, dusty, and perfect for the times. I couldn’t put it down and was swept away for a time, which was completely fine with me. If you love historical mystery romances, dime novels, and mysteries, this one is for you.”

Books n BaublesReview & Character Interview

“I couldn’t put the book down, the story kept me on my toes….just when I thought I knew what was going on things changed slightly and I started second guessing my thoughts. It really is a great story I highly recommend you read it!”

Q: What was your first impression of Edward?
A: Ha! Stubborn and reserved, for sure. But also handsome and kind to his staff.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“Peppered with humor and gentle truth, The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement is a great read from start to finish! Henrie’s sense of timing shines, as well as her ability to create dimensional characters who quickly feel like dear friends. The friendship-turned-romance is swoony and sweet, and the suspense gives the plot purpose without overpowering it. Stacy Henrie’s novels are always wonderfully enjoyable, and this one is no exception!”

Faithfully Bookish – Excerpt

“Are you always this obstinate, Mr. Kent?” Maggy asked, jerking his thoughts back to the unpleasant scene unfolding on his porch.

She was accusing him of obstinacy? He climbed the steps in an effort to keep her from barging her way inside. An action he wouldn’t put past her. “Are you always this persistent?”

Her eyes brightened with amusement. “I wouldn’t be one of Pinkertons best detectives if I weren’t.”

Cafinated Reads – Review

“I loved this book! It’s a quick, captivating read and I loved the writing style of Ms. Henrie. She has a beautiful way of pulling the reader into the heart of the story instantly and making them feel apart of the whirlwind of fun. I loved Edward and Maggy’s characters. They were perfectly chiseled and true-to-life.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

His unexpected show of confidence in her abilities to come up with a solid cover story brought her earlier idea forward at last, in full form. “I’m Maggy. Edward’s fiancée,” she finished with a triumphant smile. “Isn’t that right, darling?”

Turning toward him, Maggy only had a moment to register the shock in Edward’s gray eyes before his mouthful of tea came spewing out—all over her.

Remembrancy – Review

“A feisty, capable and determined detective—who happens to be female—and a British transplant to Wyoming intent on proving his worth as a rancher combine for a delightful read…

With memorable characters and plenty of culprits, this book is a suspenseful, yet delightful, read.”

I Am A Reader – Excerpt

“Fine.” Edward let his shoulders slump. “I won’t get into fisticuffs with Howe.”

One corner of Maggy’s mouth lifted. “You would get into fisticuffs for me?”

He sensed she meant it in a teasing way, but he couldn’t bring himself to jest about something he felt strongly about. “Yes, Maggy.” He placed his hand over hers where it still rested near his heart—just as it had the other day when they’d stumbled into each other. “I would.”

Among the Reads – Review

“I’m always so glad to find new authors I like. Stacy Henrie is now on my “buy as soon as it is released list”. The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement was a great story with mystery, romance, and life lessons about the love of God.”

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Review

“The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement was just like its predecessors, a truly fun read with delightfully generous amounts of romance and danger. And the overarching theme that each person is of value is an important reminder to every person who has ever doubted their own worth…which is probably every single one of us.”

Bookworm Nation – Excerpt

Stepping in front of him, she gripped his face between her palms. The heat of the fire baked her back, but she wouldn’t give up on Edward, not without a fight. And a fight could well be the result of what she was about to do.

She tipped his head toward her. Then, ignoring the steely quality in his gray eyes, she pressed her lips firmly to his. His jaw stiffened briefly beneath her hands, but Maggy didn’t let it deter her. She poured all the fears and joys she’d experienced over the last month into her kiss.

For the Love of Books – Review

“I really enjoyed this story! I loved the characters, the story line, the dialogue, Stacy’s writing style. It was all done beautifully.”

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement
by Stacy Henrie
Inspirational Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 288 pages

February 1st 2018 by Love Inspired Historical

Undercover Fiancée

The Pinkerton agent that Edward Kent hired is intelligent, capable—and unexpectedly female! Though shocked to learn that Maggy Worthing will be investigating the threats to his Wyoming horse ranch, Edward needs to find the culprit. And if that means a temporary engagement to give Maggy a cover story, he’ll play along with the feisty detective.

Maggy always gets her man—at least when it comes to solving crimes. The young widow refuses to marry again and land under another husband’s thumb. Unmasking Edward’s enemies will earn her a longed-for promotion…but the heart has its own mysteries. Could working together with the handsome English aristocrat spark a real and loving partnership?

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleKoboiBooksGooglePlay
About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Stacy Henrie is the author of western romances and the Of Love and War series, which includes Hope at Dawn, a 2015 RITA Award finalist for excellence in romance. She was born and raised in the West, where she currently resides with her family. She enjoys reading, road trips, interior decorating, chocolate, and most of all, laughing with her husband and kids.

Tour Giveaway

– 1 winner will receive a $40 Amazon e-gift card (open internationally)
– 1 winner will receive a signed print copy of Stacy’s novella anthology, LOVE FOR ALL SEASONS (US only)
– Ends February 14th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Falling for a Cowboy
By Karen Rock

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

…I hope you enjoy this inspiring come-back story brimming with romance and uplifting values that reinforce the importance of overcoming challenges through strength of will and determination, never letting limitations stop you from achieving your dreams and how friendship is the strongest foundation upon which true and lasting love is built. Other themes include: disabilities, respect, self-worth and faith.

— Karen

I Am A Reader – Excerpt

But here—here she couldn’t hide from it. In the real world, her vision blossomed into a bigger problem and she shrunk into someone incompetent, dependent, weak, a person she never wanted to be.

“I can handle a fifteen-hundred-pound stallion at fifty miles an hour. But this—I can’t deal with this. What am I supposed to do with my life?”

She’d been planning on trying out for the ERA Premier tour team again at their end-of-summer qualifiers. Now she’d never be good enough to ride with them.

Or ride at all…

The life she’d always wanted ended before it’d even started, and she had no contingency plan.

Nicole’s Book Musings – Review

“This is a feel good, heart warming story. . . . Also reading best friends Jared and Amberley grow even closer was beautiful. I would highly recommend this one because you have the feel good story, but also the story of two feuding families going on is also intriguing.”

It’s All About the Romance – Excerpt

“I’ll do it!” The rail had to be on the lowest setting, six inches above the ground. No challenge at all. She could do it blindfolded.

Or legally blind.

Amberley set her jaw, wheeled Harley away and brought him into a trot that carried her swiftly to the blurred shape of the gate. She couldn’t quite judge the height, or her proximity, just yet. Unease fluttered in her belly. How many paces to it? Time to jump?

Relying on instinct, she squeezed Harley’s sides at the right moment, but he balked. She flew over his head and landed flat on her back. At the children’s cries, she struggled to sit up, but the fall had knocked the wind out of her.

The Power of Words – Review

“The author’s writing flows smoothly and she has crafted a beautiful story with more complexity than most romances. A beautiful Colorado setting, feuding families, career choices, children with disabilities, and a very special horse named Harley make for a deeply satisfying read. . .

Falling for a Cowboy is a thoroughly entertaining read that touches the heart.”

Janices Book Reviews – Review

“I loved the name Amberley and her character. It would be so hard to lose your eyesight. The 2nd in the series and definitely a good series. Such an inspiring book with Amberley and Jared overcoming her blindness and with the horse therapy program for children with disabilities.”

Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

“Amberley.” Jared breathed her name like an invocation, barely breaking their kiss.

“Hmm?” She threaded her fingers his crisp hair, unable to open her eyes.

His lips slid across her jaw, nibbling her earlobe. “You’re beautiful, babe.”


He called all of his girls babe. Especially when he couldn’t remember their names.

Tension locked up every inch of her. She propped an eye open. Then the other. Despite her lack of vision, she could see this disastrous moment clearly. In minutes, he’d gone from treating her like a child to seducing her like one of his flings. And she was neither.

Remembrancy – Review

“In Falling for a Cowboy, Karen Rock peels back the layers of fear and helplessness that come from Amberley’s loss of sight. She also shows readers the true meaning of friendship—encouragement, and support when one is at their lowest point, standing ready to do anything to assist, pushing the right buttons to motivate from fear, and calling each other out when necessary.”

Brooke Blogs – Excerpt

“Just because he lost his wings doesn’t mean he’s not a Pegasus anymore.” Jared helped Emily off the saddle and down the stairs.

Emily threw her arms around Harley’s neck. “You’re a real Pegasus, Harley. You are.”

Harley’s head bobbed in a flash of black and silver, and Amberley smiled through the tears that sprang to her eyes.

Jared was right. Wings didn’t make a Pegasus. Working limbs, perfect eyesight…they didn’t make a human either. What we imagined and strived to be counted. Real strength rooted itself inside, where it mattered most.

I Love Romance – Review

“Amberley is the kind of heroine you hope to find, but never knew you were searching for. Jared is a walking dream that steps from a imaginative figure into real life. Falling for a Cowboy blends heartbreaking realism with courageously inspiring characters. . . . Falling for a Cowboy is phenomenally fascinating storytelling.”

Getting Your Read On – Review

“I’m loving this Rocky Mountain Cowboys series! . .

I loved the inclusion of children with physical challenges as Amberley struggled to come to grips with her new challenges and the message that with the right help and love we can all do amazing things. Helping others brings joy and this book brought this out. There were lots of feel good moments to be had in this story.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

Her blond brows lowered and met over the straight bridge of her nose. “I should have bought out your share.”

“Glad you didn’t.”

An exasperated noise escaped her pale lips. “I trusted you.”

“Trusting me is the smartest thing you can do, darlin’.”

“Don’t call me that!”

Her vehement tone caught him off guard. He called lots of woman darlin’. Why did she act like it meant something?

Because you mean it when you say it to her, a voice said inside him.

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“Karen Rock does a really amazing job at bringing these two broken characters together in a way that gives them strength in many facets. She’s a very good storyteller and I felt right at home in Carbondale, Colorado and could picture the rodeo circuit/life pretty vividly. I loved seeing more of the characters from her previous books and I can’t wait to read more about this family, as each book is centered on one of the siblings.”

underneath the covers – Excerpt

“Amberley, please,” Jared pleaded, his voice as raw as a bruise. “I’ve got two left feet and a swollen tongue around you lately. Nothing I say or do comes out right. I don’t know if we’re coming or going, but I know I want to find out. Give me a chance.”

He framed her face with his hands then leaned over and kissed her. Thoroughly, sweetly, wonderfully. For a moment, everything stilled: her breath, movement, her heart. The world, possibly.

“No!” She shoved his chest.

“No?” His eyelashes blinked rapidly, brushing against her temple.

“It’s not that easy.” Her breathing slowly returned to normal, though her heart still pumped overtime. “You don’t get to decide when and where and how.”

“But I thought…”

“If you want me, you’re going to have to work for me.”

Granny Loves to Read – Spotlight

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is the perfect story! I love the Cade family and if I could, I’d like to join them. This book has a wonderful story about overcoming hardships and roadblocks in our lives and about true friendships…

I highly recommend this book to other readers. I can’t wait to read another story about the Cade family.”

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

” It’s uplifting and inspirational to anyone who has ever felt less than. A well-built plot with many familiar characters. The storyline drug a bit in the beginning as a lot of inner thoughts were being portrayed rather than dialogue, but overall an enjoyable, uplifting read!”

The Bookworm Chronicles – Excerpt

“What was my time?” she gasped.

“Wasn’t clocking you.”

“Will you next time?”

“So, you’re not quitting?”

“Never!” She laughed, exhilarated, pumped with enough adrenaline to lift her right off this saddle and into the sky. “Let’s go again.”

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“I was hooked from the beginning of Falling for a Cowboy and did not want to put it down until I had the whole thing read. Such a fabulous and heartwarming story. I just can not put into words how much I enjoyed it and how sad I was having to tell Amberley and Jared goodbye.

I would give it 100 stars if I could.

Highly recommended.”

Busy Bumble Bee Book ReviewsReview

“…I knew this series would be fine reading the books just on there own. This is a sweet second chance story that packs an emotional punch. . .

I found this to be a sweet and touching story. I loved the characters and really liked the other Cades.”

Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang! – Excerpt


That single word sent a tremor through her skin. “Sweetheart?”

“You don’t like darlin’.” She could feel the smile in his voice and wondered if her heart might explode in her chest.

“You’ve never called me sweetheart before.”

Jared’s strong hands cupped her shoulders, and he released a breath. “Plenty of times. Just not out loud.”

Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader – Review

“Falling For a Cowboy by Karen Rock is the second book in The Rocky Mountain Cowboys series. This series is about the Cade family. You will absolutely adore them. Jared is a heartbreaker without even trying and Amberley is his strong willed best friend. This is a friends to lover romance and it is amazing.”

Book Lover in Florida – Excerpt

“Why do it?”

“Because—because.” She hesitated, stumbling over her usual answer about winning. Competing had stopped being about scoring the top spot, she realized. It was about something bigger than that—inspiring herself and others like Dean and the rest of the Spirit Ranch kids. “Because it’s better than sitting home and wishing I’d tried.”

“Even if you don’t win?”

“Just giving it my best means I’ve already won,” she said, the words rushing from some deep part of her. The truth. Showing up for competitions meant she was someone, not nothing like her father would have said.

Sorry, Daddy, but I don’t believe I’m nothing. And I don’t believe you’d think that either. You promised I’d be okay after you passed. You told me I was strong.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“It won’t take many paragraphs for you to fall in love with Falling For a Cowboy by Karen Rock. A toe-curlingly swoony cowboy. A strong heroine. Best friends to more. Adorable kids. A sweet horse. And moments to cheer proudly like any good sports-rags-to-riches story provides. Oh, and did I mention the yummy kisses? (Whew… still fanning) The Cade family continues to be entertaining and inspiring, and I think Karen Rock gets better with each new book. Excited for the next one!”

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Falling for a Cowboy
(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #2)
by Karen Rock
Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 368 pages
January 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Doesn’t he get that she’s blind?

Barrel racer Amberley James wants to join the premier rodeo circuit more than anything, but she faces the ultimate hurdle when she loses her eyesight to a rare genetic condition. All she’d ever wanted seems out of reach. Giving up is the only option…until her best friend and local hero Jared Cade steps in. The last thing she wants is Jared’s help. But his persistence at encouraging her to get back in the saddle is ridiculously annoying. And undeniably inspiring…

Other Books in the Series

Christmas at Cade Ranch
(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #1)

by Karen Rock

Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
November 7th 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming

The Christmas they never had.

James Cade has one priority: keep the family ranch running smoothly in the wake of his younger brother’s death. With Jesse’s ex, Sofia Gallardo, and her young son, Javi, stranded at Cade Ranch over Christmas, this task just got a lot harder. The longer Sofia and Javi stay, the harder it is to imagine the ranch without them. James couldn’t save his brother from his inner demons, but he can give his nephew a secure future. Maybe more—if he can figure out how to trust Sofia, and stop feeling like he’s betraying Jesse. Because trying to stop thinking about beautiful, determined Sofia is impossible.


About the Author

In a quest to provide her ELA students with quality reading material, educator Karen Rock read everything out there and couldn’t wait to add her voice to the genre. In addition to her work as a Young Adult romance novelist, she’s now an author for Harlequin’s Heartwarming line and thrilled to pen stories that moms can share with their teenage daughters. She’s loved Harlequin books since she spent summers going through her grandmother’s Presents books that she passed along in paper grocery bags each year. As half of the writing duo J.K. Rock, Karen also pens young adult romance. When she’s not busy writing, Karen enjoys scouring estate sales for vintage books, cooking her grandmother’s family recipes, reinventing her gardens to suit her moods and occasionally rescuing local wildlife from neighborhood cats. She lives in the Adirondack Mountain region with her husband, her very appreciated beta-reader daughter, and two Cavalier King cocker spaniels, who have yet to understand the concept of “fetch” though they know a lot about love. For more information about Karen’s upcoming books, check out her website.


Other Heartwarming Books by the Author

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card along with print copies of HIS KIND OF COWGIRL, A COWBOY TO KEEP, and CHRISTMAS AT CADE RANCH by Karen Rock
– US Only

– Ends January 24th
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On tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
by Brynn Chapman

The BONESEEKER CHRONICLES is a four book series, following the life, love and misadventures of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson’s children. We hope you enjoyed learning about them! If you missed any of the stops you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

BONESEEKER, is book one of the four book series, chronicling the adventures and love story of Arabella Holmes and Henry Watson. . .

All my books plop my characters into real, strange anomalies and events that happened once upon a time. Bella appeared in my imagination fully formed, and Henry wasn’t long to follow her. As is his way…

I hope you enjoy reading it, and spending time in their company as much as I do.

— Brynn

Singing Librarian Books with Interview

5. What do you want readers to take away from reading Boneseeker?

I am a character writer. If you remember my people, find yourself thinking about them, wondering what will happen to them—well that’s the goal. As a copious reader myself, that was always my litmus test of the writer’s worth.

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“Boneseeker by Brynn Chapman is compelling and intriguing. The familiarity of Holmes and Watson makes way for the next generation, and Bella & Henry hold their own quite nicely. While some aspects of the plot could have been a little tighter, overall this is an enjoyable read that is perfect for a chilly winter’s night.”

Wishful Endings – A Study in Sensory

(Get it—instead of a Study in Scarlet)

Bella has been with me so long now, I honestly can’t recall when the idea formulated. I believe it was while watching Robert Downey Jr.’s interpretation of Sherlock Holmes. There are a number of scenes in the movie which were “Ah-ha” moments for me…About Holmes’s brilliance, and his inability to play well with others.

I lecture about sensory processing—which in case you have never heard of it, here is a definition…

Biblio Virgo Blogs – Review

“For a person who doesn’t typically read mystery books I really enjoyed Brynn Chapman’s Boneseeker. I remember when I was little I read the entire Nancy Drew series but this book is much more complex than those tween novels. . .

Filled with violence, suspense and questions, this books makes a great read. . .

I recommend this novel for mystery and historical fiction lovers aged 16 and up as you not only get to sort through clues but you also get a taste of history in the mix.”

YA/NA Book Divas – Excerpt

“Human footprints, preserved in rock, measuring thirty-three inches, with six toes.”

“I must see your notes.”

My eyes open wide, my hand shooting to my hip. “I don’t have notes.”

“Of course you don’t.” He sighs. “Would you write some for me?”

I walk back to the bed and sit. “I suppose.”

“We lesser mortals appreciate notes.

It’s All About the Romance – Holmes and Watson, Like Father, like son…and daughter

For the record, I have, to date, read 90 percent of the Sherlock Holmes canon—and his predecessors, Wilkie Collins et al.

The new Sherlock Holmes characters in the recent films, however, ignited a fire in my brain. The following is from my author’s notes in the Book, BONESEEKER…

Colorimetry – Excerpt

“This! This is what I mean, Earnest. She”—he jabs an accusing finger at Arabella—“she is impulsive and arrogant and unnatural. She should not be considered for such an important expedition. A woman is much better suited for curation.”

Father steps forward, staring Stygian full-on despite the fact he’s a head taller. “Sir. You’ve forgotten innovative and cunning and possesses her father’s talent for ciphering and detection. Is this expedition not about bones?”

“Of course.”

“I dare venture no one on this eastern seaboard could match Miss Holmes’s knowledge of bones.”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – She Blinded Me with Science

This is a hashtag I often use when discussing BONESEEKER. I am an ardent student of science.

I have dissected cadavers, dug through troughs of arms and legs at University, to ensure your specimen was not missing any muscles so as to miss them on the practical exam. I have witnessed a craniotomy (post mortem), plastic surgeries, among others.

I have toured asylums, and have an ongoing obsession with historical medicine, when did what occur, and how?

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

I hear a bawdy laugh, and I wrench my eyes away from her earnest gaze, scanning the dance hall. I scan over the myriad of colors and gowns and faces and finally, I see her. My heartbeat bombards my ribcage. My hands are sweating. While they are in Priscilla’s hands.

This is not normal. Not for me, anyway. I am dumbstruck. Arabella is so lovely I can scarcely breathe.

She stands, hesitating at the top of the stairs, undoubtedly searching the crowd for familiar faces.

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

“It is interesting to read with the children of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson. Like their fathers, Arabella Holmes and Henry Watson are quite the team. The two sure do find themselves in quite a suspense filled adventure. There are some action-packed scenes that kept me on the edge of my seat, making me want to continue to turn the pages. . .

I can not wait to see what happens next.”

Lukten av trykksverte – Review

“Personally I really enjoyed reading the book, especially the portrayal of how it is to have anxiety and Asperger’s and it was a bit refreshing that the love story between Arabella and Henry was downplayed a bit (no offence to YA authors, but sometimes love stories take up too much space in a book).”

SilverWoodSketches – Review & Excerpt

“Bonseeker is so layered and complex but very accessible to old and new fans of historical fiction. An absolute must-read for fans of strong corset-wearing heroines and the requisite danger of the best Holmes mystery.”

“For the love of all that’s holy, Henry. That’s almost like being married to Holmes.” He gives a little shudder.

“I daresay you’re one to talk. For years, you chose a life with Holmes over matrimony, so that argument is full of holes. Do as I say, not as I do?”

Father’s face softens, and he lifts a placating hand. “I love Arabella too, you know that. But, be reasonable. She doesn’t fit into polite society.”

“Neither does Holmes and he’s almost legendary now.”

“She is unruly, headstrong, and will never, ever listen.”

“I know. She fascinates me.”

A Night’s Dream of Books – Interview

Maria: What type of research did you have to do for this novel?

I do a copious amount of research for every novel. For BONESEEKER, I expanded my library and study of Forensic Anthropology books ( I do have an anthropology minor), and also made a study of historical non-fiction resources on murders and relevant science beliefs, and societies of the time period. The science of phrenology, for instance, was very much alive and en vogue in 1910.

Bookworm Lisa – Review

“This book contains elements that I love… suspense, Nephilim, mystery, and a little romance. I also love that the characters are children of two beloved literary characters, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. . .

If you love Sherlock Holmes, mystery, and a little of the paranormal. You should definitely give this book a try.”

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…


(The Boneseeker Chronicles #1)
by Brynn Chapman
Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 213 pages

January 10th 2018 by The Wild Rose Press, Inc

Aspiring scientist Arabella Holmes doesn’t fit the role of a 1900s lady. Her father, Sherlock, landed her a position at the Mütter Museum to pursue her dream of becoming a purveyor of abnormal science, or what her father calls a “Boneseeker.”

Henry Watson’s two-fold mission at the Mütter Museum is to join their team of forensic anthropologists in unearthing unusual antiquities and to watch over Arabella. If only he could get her to speak to him, instead of hurling knives in his general direction. Assigned to a most secret expedition to investigate a mysterious skeletal hand discovered in upstate New York, Arabella and Henry are soon caught in a scientific debate, and the search for the truth may have deadly consequences for those involved.

Are the bones from a Neanderthal? Or are they living proof of fallen angels known as Nephilim?

Watson and Holmes must put aside their differences, trust their instincts, and rely on one another to survive to uncover the truth.

*This is a new version of a previously published edition

Praise for BONESEEKER:

Winner of the New Jersey Romance Writers Golden Leaf Contest

“Creative, meticulously researched, and terrific fun!”  ~Grace Burrowes, NY Times Best Selling Author

“The characters, the setting, the descriptions and the mysteries and relationships all work together seamlessly to create a truly wonderful story that I completely adored.” ~Best Books Ever Blog

“The settings are intriguing and the way they are described make you feel as if you are immersed in the story. I could feel the gloom and damp. That is rare in so many books! Boneseeker is a book I highly recommend, and I give it 5 stars!” ~Christy’s Cozy Corners Blog

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleWild Rose Press

About the Author

Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love–not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger’s syndrome. Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society’s downtrodden. In fiction, she’s a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. Her ancestry tree claims she’s a descendant of the House of Stuart.

Other Books by the Author

The Requiem Red

Tour Giveaway

GIVEAWAY #1: To enter to win a BONESEEKER audiobook and the pictured charm necklace (“And though she be but little, she is fierce.” – Shakespeare), send a copy of your kindle purchase of BONESEEKER to [email protected]. US only.

GIVEAWAY #2: To enter to win a BONESEEKER ebook and a $10 Amazon Gift Card, enter via the Rafflecopter below. Open internationally. Ends January 24th.

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

We’re celebrating the release of
A Mistletoe Kiss
By Jennifer Faye

A perfectly sweet holiday romance to cozy up to the fire with!
Read an excerpt from the book and enter the giveaway below…

A Mistletoe Kiss

(Tangled Charms #2)
by Jennifer Faye
Contemporary Romance
ebook, 236 pages

December 19th 2017 by Tule Publishing

Jaded by love, Suzanna Simms has resigned herself to focusing on her art business. But with Christmas quickly approaching, she receives word that her family is returning to Marietta. And Suzanna failed to mention that her latest relationship had ended abruptly. Now she’ll have to admit to her family that she failed at love—again.

Enter Sergeant Jake Hamilton, a new resident to Marietta and Suzanna’s next door neighbor. He’s not looking for anything permanent, he’s just passing through Marietta for the Christmas season, hoping to keep to himself. But when Suzanna’s family mistakenly assumes that Jake’s her boyfriend, he agrees to continue the charade.

Suzanna is certain she’s immune to his rugged good looks and sexy smile until they find themselves standing under the mistletoe. When Jake finds her kiss sweeter than her sugar cookies, he knows he’s in trouble. But it’s too late by then… the Christmas charade is on.


There was something in the air…

Change was coming to Marietta.

Or more than likely it was a bit of wishful thinking.

Tomorrow was the first of December, when the Christmas frenzy kicked into high gear. Suzanna Simms usually found this to be the most fabulous time of the year. But this year, she just wanted the holidays to quietly pass her by. She rushed into the kitchen. Her gaze immediately moved to the clock on the microwave. It blinked “PF.” Power failure. Apparently the power had gone off last night just long enough to reset all of the clocks in the house, including her alarm clock.

A glance at her phone let her know she only had two more minutes before she was late for work. That never happened to her. She hated to be late for anything. And today they were switching the autumn decorations for Christmas ones at her jewelry/craft shop, Tangled Charms.

Suzanna grabbed the coffeepot and poured it into her mug. She’d never make it through the morning without some strong caffeine. She glanced in the kitchen cabinet for the lid. Suddenly the hot liquid scorched her skin. She righted the coffeepot. Setting it aside, she rushed to the sink. As cold water soothed the burn, she assured herself there was definitely something amiss in the air.


She glanced down at Pixie. “Hey, girl. I didn’t forget you. Honest.”


The black-and-white six-month-old kitten rubbed affectionately over Suzanna’s legs. Suzanna bent over and scratched behind Pixie’s ear. When Pixie wasn’t testing her boundaries, she was the sweetest furbaby. And she wanted her breakfast. First, Suzanna sopped up the coffee from the countertop. And then she placed a bowl containing canned cat food on Pixie’s mat. Satisfied that her morning chores were complete, Suzanna slipped on her coat and red scarf.

With her coffee in one hand and her oversized purse slung over her shoulder, she rushed out the door of her townhouse. A gust of icy cold air rushed past her. She snuggled deeper in her coat. December had blown in with a distinct chill. And so another blustery winter was about to descend upon Marietta, Montana.

She was halfway down the sidewalk when she spotted movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head to find a big—make that a ginormous—brown-and-white Saint Bernard running toward her. Its ears flapped as it ran and its jowls did the same. The closer it got, the bigger it seemed. Why couldn’t it be a Chihuahua or a Yorkie?

The breath caught in Suzanna’s throat as her palms grew clammy. Please stop.

She took a step back. There was no way she was going to outrun that dog. It let out a deep bark. Woof-woof.

And then all two hundred pounds or so of the dog was standing in front of her. She stared at it and it stared back at her with big brown eyes.

She should say something—do something, but panic had her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. And her heart felt as though it were lodged in her throat. She’d been afraid of dogs since she’d been bitten when she was young.

She should look around for someone to help her, but she didn’t dare take her gaze off the dog. The dog began sniffing her shoes and her jeans. What was it thinking? The dog circled her—

“Rufus, what are you doing?” asked a male voice.

The dog glanced up. Woof!

Once the dog ran to the man, Suzanna relaxed her stiff muscles and glanced over at the man.

“Don’t worry. He won’t hurt you.” The man sent her a friendly smile as the dog sat down next to him.

It was cold out, quite literally, and here this man was strutting around outside in a short-sleeved black T-shirt. It clung to his muscled chest, broad shoulders, and bulging biceps. She swallowed hard and struggled to recall what she’d been about to say.

Her gaze lifted up and up. My he’s tall. At least six feet of muscle. His jawline was chiseled with some scruff on it. His hair was short—like military short. And his eyes were blue. Not just blue. But a sky blue, the kind that she could get lost in for hours. He was quite a sexy package.

“You must be my new neighbor.” The townhouse next to hers was up for rent. She just hadn’t realized anyone had moved in.

About the Author

Award-winning author, Jennifer Faye pens fun, heartwarming contemporary romances with rugged cowboys, sexy billionaires and enchanting royalty. Internationally published with books translated into nine languages. She is a two-time winner of the RT Book Reviews Reviewers’ Choice Award, the CataRomance Reviewers’ Choice Award, named a TOP PICK author, and been nominated for numerous other awards.

1 winner will receive an ebook of SPRINKLED WITH LOVE and a $10 Amazon eGift Card
4 winners will receive an ebook of SPRINKLED WITH LOVE
– Ends December 23rd

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Christmas in a Small Town
By Kristina Knight

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

One of the themes throughout the Slippery Rock series is home. I think what it holds in common for all of us is a feeling of safety. Of belonging. While Levi has always belonged in Slippery Rock, and has always had plans to improve his family’s dairy farm – and the town – Camden has never felt she belonged anywhere. She shows up looking for home, and Levi needs to stop and really see his home.

My family’s special project for this new series is continuing with the release of Christmas in a Small Town, too. We’re donating a portion of the proceeds from the Slippery Rock series toward providing Sweet Cases from TogetherWeRise to foster children. Most children going in to foster care have nothing but the clothes on their backs. Sweet Cases are duffel bags given to children coming in to care, and once given, the bags remain with that child, giving them a sense of home and, hopefully, a sense that they aren’t alone. Each duffel includes a warm blanket, a teddy bear, hygiene kit, and art supplies.

“Sure, Calvin and Bonita’s place. You’re gonna continue on this road till you hit the grocery store. At the light you’ll turn south for a couple of blocks before taking Double A Highway West out of town. You’ll turn back north a few miles out when you see the county road sign, then follow 251 until you get to their lane. Can’t miss it. Bonita bought Calvin one of them big mailboxes a few years ago, in the shape of a collie. I swear you could fit a small child in that thing.” He tapped the roof of her car. “Nope, we don’t see many cars like this one around town. You have a nice evening, ma’am.”

Camden’s mind swirled with the information the older man had offered up. Straight to the grocery store, follow that road to the highway, follow the highway to the county road that would lead to the farm. She could handle this. Camden put the Porsche in Drive and waved to the older man as she pulled back onto the road that led through Slippery Rock.

Teatime and Books – Interview

Can you tell us about your current work-in-progress?

– I’m finishing up a sports continuity with three writer friends – we’re writing about three brothers, all sports heroes, who are coming to terms with a Big Family Secret. It’s been really fun to write!

Hearts & Scribbles – Kristina Knights’s Favorite Holiday-Themed Movies

Every year around Thanksgiving, I get the bug. No, not the flu bug. The holiday movie bug. Thanks to bebe, we have a towering stack of just about every Christmas movie you could imagine – from the original Miracle on 34th Street to The Polar Express. During the holiday season, Friday and Saturday nights become movie nights, sometimes the three of us gather in the living room with the big Christmas tree lit up and binge on holiday cartoons, sometimes we’ll disperse to different rooms to watch the movies we want to see.

Jorie Loves A Story – Interview

You’ve created quite an interesting life for Camden – being scorned in love and then, having another charm her as she’s returnt home – what surprised you the most about Camden’s character for finding strength to face her adversities in romance?

Knight responds: Her strength, in general, surprised me. She allowed herself to be dictated to for most of her life, and so when I started writing her, I thought she would need more reassurances that she was doing the right things. But once she was out of that situation – her domineering mother, specifically – she really stood on her own. She was really fun to write!

“This story was a good one but was quite repetitive, slightly dragged out, and well-written but not to the extend of captivating the readers attention. except in portions of the story. . .

The Characters were very well developed and felt very real. The scenes were described in a way easily visualized.” – LAWonder10

“I love small towns and I loved reading this story. It has a lot of fun things happening. I love the way all the friends ended up back in their small town, still as close knit as ever.” – Vickie

“You guys didn’t play with me when I went to defense. How would you know what I looked like?”

Collin blinked. “High-definition TV. Replay shows. And, you know, we did play with you all through junior high and high school. Doesn’t matter if you’re quarterbacking or playing the defensive line, like you did in college and the pros—the Levi Walters focus is the same.”

“Also, and I don’t think we can emphasize this enough, at least three of your throws pushed the dart through the board and into the wall. So what’s up?” Aiden rolled his bottle of beer through his hands, making it scrape against the table.

Nicole’s Book Musings – Kristina Knight’s Favorite Holiday Traditions

Traditions are my favorite thing, whether it’s sitting in a field, getting eaten by chiggers while waiting for the 4th of July fireworks or strolling along a lake front, watching a parade of boats, decorated for Christmas. Traditions, to me, make every holiday more special because, while you’re in the present, the act of repeating a stroll with the Christmas boats or a snowy picnic brings back memories. It makes the experience richer, somehow.

In Christmas in a Small Town, there is a town festival, complete with a street fair and holiday lights and even a regatta so the townspeople can see the lights from the lake. Those are all memories I have from my small town upbringing, but there are even more. Here are a few of my favorite holiday traditions.

“I absolutely adore this town and every time I visit I am blown away. I would love to live in this place. Kristina always brings it to such life. . . . This book is a friends to lovers romance. If you have not visited Slippery Rock you need to go grab the entire series from Harlequin or Amazon!!! You will not be disappointed.”

“It’s a nice-looking dress, though.”

“Not my style.”

“I find that hard to believe. You wear it too well.”

Because she’d been trained to wear it well. Her mother had started her on the pageant circuit when she was nine, and after her father died, the pageants had become almost weekly occurrences. Still, having a stranger comment on her appearance was nice. Maybe a little stalkery, but nice. “Yeah, well, it’s not like it takes a special set of skills to wear designer clothing.”

“I don’t know about that.”

Deal Sharing Aunt – Interview

Does writing energize or exhaust you?

It exhausts me, but in the best way! When I’m really into a book and all systems are go and the words are flowing it’s so energizing! Sometimes I can write like that for hours on end, I love it! It’s only after I stop for the day that the exhaustion comes in – my eyes get tired, sometimes my shoulders will ache (especially if I’ve forgotten to make a few trips to the kitchen or laundry room to work out those kinks!), and I’ll even have trouble holding conversations with people! A few weeks ago, I had one of those writing days, and that evening was a craft night at our church, and I had the hardest time talking to my friends – just because I couldn’t find my words!

Becky on Books – Review

“Christmas in a Small Town is a feel-good, Christmas time romance. . .

While their romance was all that is adorable, their relationship’s conflict felt a little lacking. . . . Still, overall this was a very cute story and a nice addition to the series.

It was fun to see the rest of the Slippery Rock gang again; don’t worry, though, this one would also work just fine as a standalone if you haven’t had a chance to read the rest of the series.”

Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang! – Kristina Knight’s Hodgepodge Tree

This will come as a complete surprise to all of you, I’m sure, but I’m not completely organized at Christmas. I know! What? Kristina loves her planner and her lists and checking things off the lists! How can she not have an organized Christmas?

Okay, so maybe I do have an organized Christmas – we decorate at a certain time, and we bake at certain times, and I do try to have my shopping done by a certain time….but that is where the organization ends. I have friends that are organized right down to which bough of the tree which ornament goes on. And the ornaments are only certain colors and shapes and sizes.

The idea though, kept nagging at her. What if Granddad wanted to rejuvenate the school? For her time with the trainer in Kansas City, she knew competition dogs were sought after and could sell for high amounts of money. Training fees on top of that. . .

If she could get just one dog ready for competition, she could help her parents rejuvenate Harris Farms. Could have a real reason to stay here rather than return to Kansas City.

Maria: Do you have any special memories of living in a small town yourself, or did you grow up in a big city?

Kristina: I grew up in a very small town — fewer than 2,000 people, 47 people in my graduating class. It was great! There were summer festivals, parades, lots of down time. At the time (my high school years), I always felt like there should be something more, something bigger, but as an adult, I’m very thankful for my small town roots!

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

Christmas in a Small Town

(Slippery Rock #4)

Kristina Knight
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
November 1st 2017 by Harlequin Superromance
Running out on her wedding was the best decision ever! 
A cheating fiancé sends Camden Harris fleeing to her grandparents’ home in Missouri. When her ex follows, determined to win her back, Camden makes a deal with neighbor Levi Walters: they’ll pretend to be in love and she’ll support his plan to buy her grandparents’ land. 
The boy from her childhood has grown up into an impressive man. His charm, good looks and sweet gestures make it difficult for Camden to remember this is fake. And Levi’s kisses only confuse her more.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Once upon a time, Kristina Knight spent her days running from car crash to fire to meetings with local police–no, she wasn’t a troublemaker, she was a journalist. Her career took her all over the United States, writing about everything from a serial killer’s capture to the National Finals Rodeo. Along the way, she found her very own Knight in Shining Cowboy Boots and an abiding love for romance novels. And just like the characters from her favorite books, she’s living her own happily ever after. 
Kristina writes sassy contemporary romance novels; her books have appeared on Kindle Best Seller Lists. She loves hearing from readers, so drop her a line!
Tour Giveaway
– 1 winner will receive a signed copy of Famous in a Small Town and some fun swag
– US residents only
– Ends December 20th

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
It’s the Grand Finale for
12 Days of Fantasy for Christmas
We hope you enjoyed getting a glimpse into books from these 12 fantasy authors! If you missed any of the stops, you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below. And don’t forget to enter the awesome Fire Tablet and ebook giveaway, if you haven’t already…
November 30th: Launch
Partial Excerpt (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):
He was real.

And he was gorgeous.

I straightened and walked toward him, but the closer I got, the more I realized that he wasn’t quite the guy from my dreams. I shook my head, unable to make sense of it. He had the same tall, muscular build. The same copper skin and dark eyes. The braid running down his back was exactly the same as the one I’d seen in my dreams.

But his face was slightly different. Younger with higher cheekbones.

Those eyes, though.

December 2nd: W.R. Gingell – Excerpt

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Participating Blogs:

Teatime and Books
Adventures Thru Wonderland
Rockin’ Book Reviews
La libreria di Beppe
The Books You Read
Min Reads and Reviews
Nicole’s Book Musings
Wishful Endings
100 Pages A Day

GoodreadsAmazonB&NSmashwordsKoboGoogle PlayiBooks
ebook SALE for 99¢ through December 13th

Partial Excerpt (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):

Poly was obliged to dissuade her hair from clasping Luck to her side before he could disentangle his arms, by which time she was feeling hot and bothered and misused.

“Don’t look at me like that,” said Luck, his eyes very green. “I don’t particularly like being co-joined to you, either.”

Poly, who hadn’t thought she was looking in any specific way, blushed.

Taking unfair advantage of her confusion, he added: “I thought princesses were meant to take lessons in charm and deportment.”

December 3rd: Nikki Jefford – Guest Post

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Participating Blogs:

Partial Guest Post (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):

Wolf Hollow – A Holiday Playlist
Civilization might have fallen, but that doesn’t mean the shifters in Wolf Hollow don’t know how to celebrate! Usually it’s all about full moons and claiming ceremonies. While there isn’t electricity, they have their drums for music making and dancing.
Here’s a playlist of their favorite holiday tunes to beat out on the drums…

December 4th: K. D. Jones – Excerpt

Follow the Author: WebsiteGoodreadsFacebookInstagram

Participating Blogs:

Singing Librarian Books
Bookworm Lisa

GoodreadsAmazonAmazon UKAmazon CAAmazon AU


Partial Excerpt (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):
A shadow stepped forward; a soft orange glow lit up a handsomely chiseled face with hard eyes.

Her brows steepened as she gazed upon the huntsman. “What are you doing here?”

His eyes were hungry. And very black.

“You are beautiful, even in rags,” he said, taking a step forward and eyeing her up and down. “What a waste.”

December 5th: M. L. LeGette – Excerpt

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Participating Blogs:


Partial Excerpt (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):

Dawn was steadily creeping over the rooftops of the houses as they walked. Toad glanced at her. She was scrawny and her yellow-blonde hair was long and braided, wispy, brittle ends poking out at odd places. She was as plain as a broom with her second-hand clothes. He had been surprised to discover her to be so drab, what with her owning a Spit-Fire (they were common, but still costly) and being such a fluent reader. Then again, Wilson could read so that didn’t say much.

December 6th: Belle Malory – Excerpt

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Participating Blogs:

Find The Twelfth Keeper Series on Amazon

Partial Excerpt (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):

Maybe their souls really were here together. Somehow, some way—but that couldn’t be possible. She shook herself, trying to shake away the feeling. Believing this was all real would only drive her further down the road to insanity. She was already having trouble getting a grip on reality as it was. She needed to stay grounded. Rational. Outside of here, she had a life to live. Believing in the reality of this Phoenix would make her want to give all that up.

“What are you thinking about?” Phoenix joined her by the edge of the pool and looked up at the skylights.

Telling him the truth would only ruin the moment. “I’m thinking about how we should spend our time here.”

December 7th: Melissa McShane – Guest Post

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Participating Blogs:

Singing Librarian Books
Locks, Hooks and Books


Partial Guest Post (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):

The Making of Willow North

Willow North, the main character of Pretender to the Crown, was never meant to be anything but a throwaway line. Background: my series The Crown of Tremontane was written out of order, with the third book, Agent of the Crown, written first. In that book, the main character, a princess and a spy, mentions Willow in passing, saying she always felt sorry for her because it was such a frivolous name. That was it—Willow was just a bud on the North family tree, a passing joke to give my spy princess depth.

December 8th: Sara C. Roethle – Excerpt

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Participating Blogs:

GoodreadsAmazonB&NKoboGoogle PlayiBooks
Or grab the trilogy on Amazon.

Partial Excerpt (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):

Noticing my distraction, Allison took a break from her monologue to turn and follow my gaze. “Who’s the hunk?”

“That creep has been staring over here since we sat down,” I grumbled.

Allison smirked. “He’s hot, maybe you should go teach him some manners.”

I raised an eyebrow at her comment. “I will never understand your taste in men. He looks like an overly-primped jerk.”

Allison raised both of her eyebrows in surprise. “My Xoe, you sure are feeling judgy today. That’s supposed to be my job.” She rose from her seat and looked over at Creepy Guy.

Realizing her intent, I reached for her arm and tried to pull her back down. “No way Al,” I chided. “Don’t even think about it.”

December 9th: R.K. Ryals – Excerpt

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Participating Blogs:


Partial Excerpt (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):

“Light a mage-fire!” the red coated man ordered.

I was screaming now, the sound shrill. The other men looked at their captain with wide eyes.

“And risk the trees?” a young soldier asked. The older man’s gaze moved to the private, and the boy shifted uncomfortably.

“The trees will not burn. Light a fire.” The captain’s voice was low and commanding with a threatening undercurrent no one seemed willing to test. 

A hand was over my mouth now, and I looked up wildly only to find myself peering into Jarvis’ youthful face. 

“Quiet, miss. They’ll only burn you as well,” the boy whispered against my ear. Even at thirteen, the boy was the same height as me, and he was strong. I fought him desperately, but he didn’t loosen his hold. “You’ve always been nice to me, miss. Please,” he begged.

December 10th: Jennifer Silverwood – Trailer & Excerpt

Follow the Author: WebsiteBlogGoodreadsFacebookTwitterTumblr

Participating Blogs:

Brooke Blogs
Becky on Books
Singing Librarian Books
Daily Waffle
Locks, Hooks and Books
The Books You Read

GoodreadsAmazonB&NBook DepositorySmashwordsiBooks

Partial Excerpt (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):

The beast’s life had been forfeit the hour the Prince locked her in the dungeon.

She often dreamed of glittering gems beneath a canopy of starlight and soft silks against satin skin. A perfect wolf moon gleamed in the glass skylight above so silvery beams blended together with the hazy glow of a dozen candelabrum. Joy filled her every step as they danced together, her hand in his, smile lines about his perfect silver eyes. He was like the moonlight and she filled with all the warmth of the sun. His words blurred together in her memory, full of promise and hope until her light died. It was the last moment of her life she could remember and though she could not explain how she knew this, the moment her dreams died.

All dreams die in the damp dim of the dungeon of Castle Bitterhelm.

December 11th: Melissa Wright – Excerpt & Chimera Generator

Follow the Author: WebsiteBlogGoodreadsTwitterInstagramBookBub

Participating Blogs:

Becky on Books



Partial Excerpt/Guest Post (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):

What Sort of Monster Are You?

QUEEN OF IRON AND BLOOD, book two in the Shattered Realms series, takes place in a world of monsters. Check out the exclusive excerpt below, and use the Chimera Generator to create your own!

A figure waited on the ledge above him, silent, dark wings still. Hunter could feel her though, the ancient energy recharged like the rest of his world. “I cannot leave them sleeping,” he told her. “The risk is too great.” If Malkyn killed Hunter, if he were not able to return, these new Iron Bound would never be awakened. It would be an eternal wasting away, a thousand-year massacre.

December 12th: Morgan Wylie – Guest Post

Follow the Author: WebsiteGoodreadsFacebookTwitterYouTubeInstagramAmazon

Participating Blogs:

Becky on Books


Partial Guest Post (read the entirety here or on one of the participating blogs):

Character Interview
Hello! Thank you so much for having me today!! I wanted to share some things that you may find interesting about my main character Kaeleigh from The Age of Alandria series.
*Ahem, throat clearing*
ChelExcuse me, Morgan, but I think if anyone is going to talk about Kaeleigh it should be me! 😉 *Chel bounces behind me. 
Me: Well, hi Chel, I didn’t know you would be here, but I should’ve known better. Where’s Finn?
*Chel nods to the back of the room* 
*Finn stands at the back of the room, arms crossed, and scowling* 
Chel: Oh Finn, relax. I’m not going to share anything Kaeleigh wouldn’t want people to know.
*Finn Slinks over from where he was skulking in the corner with a cheesy grin* 
Finn: I know, that’s why Chel and I will take it from here.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will win a FIRE HD 8 TABLET from Amazon along with the following ebooks:
– TRITON’S CURSE by Sarra Cannon
– MASQUE by W.R. Gingell
– A WHITE SO RED by K.D. Jones
– THE TWELFTH KEEPER by Belle Malory
– TEMPEST by R.K. Ryals
– CRAVING BEAUTY be Jennifer Silverwood
– REAWAKENED by Morgan Wylie
Open to US residents or those who are eligible for the Fire Tablet in their area (those who are not, can receive cash value through PayPal)
Ends December 17th

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for

His Frontier Christmas Family
By Regina Scott

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

Snow, homemade ornaments on the tree, family gathered round in faith—what better way to celebrate the Christmas season! Family and Christmas form the heart of my December release, His Frontier Christmas Family, part of my Frontier Bachelors series from Love Inspired, set in pioneer Seattle…
I hope you have a wonderful holiday this year. Be sure to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed copy of His Frontier Christmas Family and a set of rustic Christmas decorations. 
Merry Christmas! 
Regina Scott

underneath the covers – Excerpt

The forest was still, as if everything was waiting. In defiance, she bent and picked up another diaper, hanging it alongside the others. It didn’t matter who was watching or why. She had one goal: to keep her, Frisco, Sutter and Mica safe until Adam returned. She’d protected her family most of her life, starting with her younger twin brothers after her mother had died of influenza, now with them and Mica. She knew what she was doing.

Still, this feeling was too much like the last time she’d lived on the gold fields, five years ago at the Vital Creek strike in the British Territories. At fifteen then, she’d just started getting her womanly curves. Most of the miners had noticed.

“You don’t strike it rich, Murphy,” one had told her father, “you let me know. I’ll buy your daughter off you.”

Becky on Books – Review

“…Callie and Levi’s story in His Frontier Christmas Family is a feel-good story that both puts you in the holiday spirit and inspires you to want to hold your own family members just a little bit closer–a perfect read for this time of year! Callie, Levi, Sutter, Frisco, and Mica are all highly likable characters who it’s easy to root and cheer for (even when those twins are getting into mischief!)”
“This story was a slow, steady burn. It didn’t hurry me through, but it didn’t put me to sleep either. The characters were unique, sweet, and unpredictable enough to maintain my interest in what happened next in their lives.”
Now Callie frowned. “You were at Vital Creek?”

“To my sorrow,” he admitted. “Scout Rankin and I had a claim at the opposite end of town from yours. I met Adam in a card game at Gillis’s. He cleaned me out.”

Just when she wanted to trust him! “Now I know you’re lying. Preachers don’t gamble.”

He smiled, and something inside her bubbled up as warm as a hot spring. “I wasn’t a preacher then.”
The handsome stranger moved closer yet, carefully, as if unsure whether she’d hit him or snatch up the baby and run. She considered doing both, but he was close enough that she could see the lines fanning out from the corners of his eyes. Worry lines, Ma had called them, and she’d had her share. What worried this man?

“That’s a heavy burden,” he murmured. “I can see why your brother Adam wanted me to help.”
Heidi Reads… – Review
“This has been a wonderful series and I’ve enjoyed following the Wallin family as each member finds love. Levi’s story is one of redemption as he tries to make up for the mistakes of his past and learns about forgiveness. His match with Callie is perfect as he partners with her to care for her brothers and baby niece, and they grow to depend on each other emotionally as well.”
Even if he’d been a minister eight years instead of eight months, Levi thought he’d have stumbled telling Callie Murphy what had happened to her brother. Adam had been so alive, so feisty, so determined to strike it rich. It was hard for Levi to believe all that energy had been snuffed out.

“Are you sure?” he’d asked the two grizzled miners who’d stopped by Wallin Landing with the news and to bring him Adam’s belongings and the note to the Murphys.

They’d hung their heads, avoided his gaze.
Deal Sharing Aunt – Excerpt
Callie Murphy was either the most suspicious woman he’d ever met, or the wisest. She was also plenty brave, ready to lay into him with that stick. Having been raised in the gold camps and now living so far out, she probably had to take precautions. He hadn’t intended to look dangerous, but then, he’d used his boyish charm too many times in the past to think that danger couldn’t look pleasing.
Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt
“Your sister has done a good job,” he said, gaze moving from face to face. “But even Callie has to get tired once in a while.” 

How did he know? She’d been so careful not to let her brothers see it. Neither of them knew the nights she broke down and cried, trying to think of a way to change their circumstances. She was up before they were, in bed long after they climbed to the loft. There weren’t enough hours in the day for tending to the claim let alone all the washing and cooking and cleaning. 

Adam and Pa had both promised better things. 

He took a step closer and spread his hands, as if intent on making his case. He had nice hands, strong-looking and not too soft, like he could wield a pick or shovel if he needed to. He was slender for a man, but those broad shoulders and long legs seemed made to crouch beside a stream for hours panning.

And when had she started judging men by their ability to hunt for gold!
“His Frontier Christmas Family is delightful in every way. It will hit you in all the feels and leave your heart cozy warm and Christmasy. Swoony romance, adorable kids, and a large lovable family make this the ideal wintry weekend reaad!”
“I remember how it felt to lose my pa,” Levi said, in a quiet, thoughtful voice that was respectful of what they were feeling. “I was eight when he was killed in a logging accident.”

So maybe he knew a little about loss. Her little brother Frisco didn’t respond, but his twin Sutter raised his head. “What did you do?”

“I relied on my family and friends,” he said.

Now Frisco looked up at Callie. “You’re family, Callie. What do you think we should do?”
“I love the characters in His Frontier Christmas Family as well as the story. Like I said, Christmas books are my favorites. They make you feel warm and cozy inside. I definitely recommend this to all sweet romance lovers.”
I Am A Reader – Excerpt
Callie took a step closer to Levi. Her hair was parted down the middle and plaited to hang on either side of her face, making her look sad and worn. But even if it had been pinned up like most ladies wore it these days, he thought she’d still look sad. She certainly had reason.

“Did they give him a good burial?” she asked.

If someone from Seattle had asked him that question, he would have extolled the wisdom of the minister who delivered the eulogy, numbered the attendees who had honored the deceased with their presence and described the casket and the flowers. After watching men die in the northern wilderness, he was fairly sure what Callie was really asking.
“His Frontier Christmas Family was such a sweet historical romance and a totally fun read! Regina Scott has crafted a delightful tale of love and family, of finding forgiveness and finding a place to call home. I truly fell in love with the heroine’s precocious little brothers as they provided some real laugh-out-loud moments with their crazy antics.”
Backing Books – Excerpt
“A man I knew at Vital Creek was fond of saying that life is for the living,” he murmured. “What do you want to do with your life, Miss Murphy?”

She made a face. “Not so much a matter of wanting as what must be done. Frisco and Sutter need to go to school, learn a trade. I won’t have them dying with a pan in their hands, too. And someone has to raise Mica.”
“His Frontier Christmas Family is book seven from Regina Scott’s Frontier Bachelors series. I have read several of the books in this series and I believe this one is my favorite. It is a sweet and heartwarming story. I do have to admit I was like Callie and not sure what I thought of Levi at first but that quickly changed when I kept reading. I enjoyed watching Levi and Callie grow throughout. “
“You don’t believe I’ll take care of you all,” he said aloud.

She shrugged as if she didn’t believe much of anything.

He released her shoulders. “I want to help you, Miss Murphy. Adam supported me when no one else would. I want to honor his wishes.”
“The book kept getting better and better the more I read of it. Love the children in the book, especially the twins. . . . Loved his family, his sister trying to play matchmaker for Callie to different ones. Loved that there was a Christmas play in the book.”

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…

His Frontier Christmas Family
(Frontier Bachelors #7)
by Regina Scott
Christian Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 288 pages

December 1st 2017 by Love Inspired Historicals

A Family Made at Christmas

After taking guardianship of his late friend’s siblings and baby daughter, minister Levi Wallin hopes to atone for his troubled past on the gold fields. But it won’t be easy to convince the children’s wary elder sister to trust him. The more he learns about her, though, the more he believes Callie Murphy’s prickly manner masks a vulnerable heart…one he’s starting to wish he was worthy of.

Every man in Callie’s life chose chasing gold over responsibilities. Levi—and the large, loving Wallin family—might just be different. But she can tell he’s hiding something from her, and she refuses to risk her heart with secrets between them. Even as they grow closer, will their pasts keep them from claiming this unexpected new beginning?

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin
Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Regina Scott started writing novels in the third grade. Thankfully for literature as we know it, she didn’t actually sell her first novel until she had learned a bit more about writing such as vocabulary, sentence structure, and plot. After numerous short stories and articles in magazines and trade journals, she got serious about her novel writing. The Unflappable Miss Fairchild was her first novel to be published (March 1998).
Besides her novels, Regina Scott has had published three Regency novellas (“The June Bride Conspiracy” in His Blushing Bride, “Sweeter Than Candy” in A Match for Mother, and “A Place by the Fire” in Mistletoe Kittens). Two of her novels, A Dangerous Dalliance and The Twelve Days of Christmas, have been translated into German. A Dangerous Dalliance and The Incomparable Miss Compton have been translated into Italian. Starstruck and Perfection have been translated into Dutch.

Regina Scott and her husband are the parents of two sons. They reside in the Tri-Cities of southeast Washington State and are members of the Church of the Nazarene. Born in 1959 and raised in the Seattle area, Regina Scott is a graduate of the University of Washington. She comes by her writing talent naturally–both her parents are excellent writers in their vocations as teacher and electrical technician. Her mother envisioned the plot for “Sweeter Than Candy,” the novella which was written as a tribute to her.

Regina Scott is a devout Christian and a decent fencer; owns a historical, fantasy, and science fiction costume collection that currently takes up over a third of her large closet; and has been known to impersonate an independent consultant specializing in risk communication.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will win an autographed print copy of His Frontier Christmas Family along with a set of rustic burnt-wood Christmas decorations the Wallin family would be pleased to own.

US only

Ends December 13th