Faith Blum’s newest novella is available! This one is double trouble! Not only is it about twins, but these twins have reckless and adventurous spirits. When they go against their family, they run into more trouble than they bargained for.

About the Book

Just as I am, without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Eve and Evangeline Collins are adventurous twins who decide to take a risk and head west as mail order brides. Their parents are less than pleased, but do nothing to stop them. Eve and Eva don’t realize their danger until they stop just outside Cheyenne. Will they ever see their family again? 

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for

The Bridal Bouquet
By Tara Randel
We hope you enjoyed getting to know more about flower shop owner Kady and undercover DEA agent Dylan as they face someone who threatens Kady’s life and the possibility of finding love. If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out now…

Launch – Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

I love to read and any book that makes me sigh at the end is a keeper. As an author, I want to sweep readers away to a world they can lost in. With The Bridal Bouquet, I wanted to write a story that makes readers laugh, sigh and worry about the welfare of my characters. This book delivers all.

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Author Interview & Review

4. You are the author of ten novels, correct? Which novel did you find the most enjoyable to write? In what ways?
Twelve, actually. It sounds so weird to say that. I’ve enjoyed writing the Heartwarming books, mostly because I love romance and weddings, so it’s a good mix. Honestly, The Bridal Bouquet was probably my favorite. I loved the premise from the beginning, which gave me lots of ways to go in the story. I also loved the suspense element. This added layer gave me areas to explore that I had so much fun with. I also write mysteries, so the more I work on these types of books, the more fun I have.
Also, I had a blast creating the hero’s brothers. The family dynamics took off out of the blue and I gladly went for the ride. I never expected the boys to take over. Maybe they’ll have their own stories in the future…
“This was a delightfully, refreshingly, “clean” story about a woman obsessed about winning a floral convention entry. It wasn’t just vanity, she had a lot depending on it. It would affect the rest of her life! . . . I totally loved it!”

underneath the covers – The Language of Flowers
Because of her love for flowers, Kady is convinced that discovering the personalities of her bride and groom is the important first step. Some brides know right away what their floral theme will be, but for others, Kady quizzes the couple to help with the final decision. What is their outlook on love, romance and marriage? Do certain colors have an emotional response for the couple? Upon gathering all the information, Kady then picks the perfect flowers to personalize the special day.

Mel’s Shelves – Creating the Perfect Wedding…from the Florists Point of View
In The Bridal Bouquet, Kady’s dream is to take the family floral shop into the world of weddings. Love and romance may not be on the table for Kady at the beginning of the story, but her love for flowers remains steady throughout, a plus when coming up with fresh ideas for her clients.

Becky on Books – Author Interview & Review

Where did the inspiration for this book come from?
This is the fourth book in The Business of Weddings series. My editor and I discussed coming up with three wedding professionals for this book contract and the first one was a florist. I knew I wanted to have suspense elements in this story, so I plotted with this in mind. I love hunky, Alpha males and the DEA hero in this book fits the bill! Also, researching flowers was lovely. The history behind bouquets is quite interesting.
“A sweet romance with a touch of romantic suspense–a fun read!”

JoJo’s Corner – Review

“I absolutely LOVE wedding stories and Tara Randel’s The Business of Weddings series is one of my favorites! . . . This novel is full of humor, memorable characters and romance combined with elements of suspense. I give The Bridal Bouquet 5 long stemmed roses out of 5!”

Bookworm Lisa – Review

“As a reader, you know most of the things going on behind the scenes, just waiting for the characters to discover them. For me, it helped to cheer them on and hope that everyone is happy when it all comes out in the open. I really can’t say a lot more, because I like this book and am giving it a high recommendation.”

EskieMama Reads – The History of Flowers and Weddings
Today, weddings are as different and special as a bride’s vision. There are so many reasons a bride picks certain flowers; personal taste, sentiment, elegance, romance, to name a few. From full-blown, colorful bouquets to brides carrying a single stemmed rose to make a statement, the choice of flower for all wedding related events are vast. But where did the tradition of wedding flowers originate?

deal sharing aunt – Excerpt

Blowing out a relieved breath, she looked over her shoulder, glimpsing the most unusual pair of blue eyes she’d ever seen. Actually, blue wasn’t entirely correct. A hint of silver turned them an unusual shade of metallic gray. The man’s somber expression matched the concern she read there and his very handsome face garnered all her attention.

“Steady there.” His husky voice spoke close to her ear, sending a waterfall of shivers over her skin.

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review

“I loved The Bridal Bouquet! Kady and Dylan are so much fun. I love the banter between them. There is also another romance that develops in the book, but I won’t spoil it for you. The plot is both romantic and suspenseful. If you are a fan of clean romance novels, you will surely love The Bridal Bouquet.”
Harlie’s Books – Review

“Oh my, a sweet contemporary that I read twice. Yes, twice. I loved, just loved this book. I’m a sucker for flowers so this book was right up my alley. . . . In the end, I loved the sweet romance of Kady and Dylan. It wasn’t rushed and had a few twists in it that I LOVED. Plus, the suspense element is on point for these characters.”

Hardcover Feedback – Review

“I loved reading The Bridal Bouquet! The characters were well written and I liked almost all of them, with the exception of the ones you aren’t supposed to like. . . . The romance between Kady and Dylan was so sweet! I loved watching them getting to know each other and see their feelings for each other grow.”
23 Review Street – Review

“The Bridal Bouquet is a sweet, romantic story that has handsome DEA agents, amazingly strong women and an wonderfully written story that will make you wish it wouldn’t end. I would recommend anyone who loves a unique love story and of course a wedding!”

Getting Your Read On – Review

“I loved Kady. There was something so human about her and her need to find acceptance and support from the people she loves. . . . This book was a clean romance with a touch of suspense and danger. It kept me interested from beginning to end.”

With Love for Books – Tips for Choosing a Florist for Your Wedding & Review
In The Bridal Bouquet, Kady Lawrence, co-owner of the Lavish Lily, works with brides to make the dreams of their big day come true. As any wedding professional, she advises her clients to research, then choose a florist who will carry out the vision. Flowers are an important statement at a wedding, and the bride and groom need to communicate their wishes in order for a florist to carry out the theme.

“The Bridal Bouquet is a quick and easy read and it’s very enjoyable. I think it’s an amazing read with a heartwarming theme.”

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“I love a good romance, but when there are other elements involved, it really draws me in. With a mystery and some suspense involved, this story really turns into more than the light, fluffy read, like I was expecting–there’s more meat to the book. . . . This is a great read for those who enjoy a clean, contemporary romance with some suspenseful threads woven in.”

Bloomfield of thoughts – Review

“The book is a clean romance novel and can be read as a stand-alone book as well. The book depicts the usual boy meets a girl and falls in love, the story though is a simple read for anyone who loves romance novels.”

Colorimetry – Top Wedding Flowers 
Many types of flowers are popular for weddings. Some brides know the exact flowers they want for their special day, others need a little help deciding. A professional florist, like Kady Lawrence from The Bridal Bouquet, work with brides to make their dreams come true.

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“There’s romance, there’s deceit, there’s family drama, there’s criminal activity … what more could we want?”

The Bridal BouquetThe Bridal Bouquet

(The Business of Weddings #3)
Tara Randel
Adult Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages

June 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Who will catch a lifetime of love?

Winning the annual wedding bouquet design competition may be the closest Kady Lawrence gets to the altar. She has to come in first or risk losing the shop that’s been in her family for generations. Her main competition is Jasmine Matthews. But it’s Jasmine’s son who’s caught Kady’s attention. 

Kady has no inkling Dylan’s a DEA agent on a case in Cypress Pointe, and Dylan wants to keep it that way…until Kady’s targeted. Determined to keep her safe, Dylan risks a lot more than blowing his cover…he risks losing Kady forever.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

Other Books in the Series
Magnolia BrideMagnolia Bride
(The Business of Weddings #1)
Tara Randel
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 209 pages
July 1st 2014 by Harlequin Heartwarming
Married for a day, in love for life 
Nealy Grainger knew that returning to Cypress Pointe meant an inevitable encounter with her teenage crush, and momentary husband, Dane Peterson. She could handle it. She wasn’t the wounded girl who’d left Cypress Pointe years ago, heartbroken and furious when Dane had annulled their marriage the day after they’d eloped. 
Now one of L.A.’s most in-demand celebrity event planners, Nealy’s only come back for a vacation and to help with her sister’s wedding—not for a reunion with her long-lost love. But the more their paths cross, the more the sparks fly! Maybe their connection isn’t over just yet….,

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

Honeysuckle Bride

Honeysuckle Bride

(The Business of Weddings #2)
Tara Randel
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 201 pages
December 1st 2014 by Harlequin Heartwarming

One part happiness. Two parts love.

Relocating to the coast of Florida after becoming guardian of her best friend’s twin daughters could be the best move LA celebrity chef Jenna Monroe ever made. This is her chance to create a stable, loving home—something she never had. But can she be the mother the girls need?

Wyatt Hamilton thinks she can. The rugged charter boat captain, who came home to Cypress Pointe still grieving the death of his son, has faith in her. But the feelings he awakens in Jenna both exhilarate and frighten her. Because Wyatt no longer believes in forever… Unless she can convince him otherwise.

Tara Randel is an award-winning, USA TODAY bestselling author of eleven novels. She is currently working on new stories for Harlequin Heartwarming, as well as books in a new series, Amish Inn Mysteries. Her next Heartwarming, part of The Business of Weddings series, will be released in June 2016. Visit Tara at Like her on Facebook at Tara Randel Books.

Tour Giveaway

ONE WINNER will receive a tote bag including the first three books in The Business of Weddings series (US only)
ONE WINNER will recieve a $25 Amazon eGift card (open internationally)
Ends June 24th
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Firefighter’s Refrain
By Loree Lough
We hope you enjoyed the reviews, guest posts, and excerpt!
If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out now…

Launch – Welcome to the Tour!

And in The Firefighter’s Refrain, we introduce Sam, making ends meet as an academy instructor while waiting for his dreams of becoming a Nashville recording artist to come true.

Finn Leary has been more or less on her own from the age of 12, when she started waiting tables to help care for her younger sister and problems-riddled parents…
So while Finn likes and admires Sam, she doesn’t want to, because it means putting her heart in someone else’s hands, someone who—like her parents—will eventually let her down.

underneath the covers – Sam Marshall

Sam Marshall was born into a big, loving, tight-knit family out west, and doesn’t understand anything about Finn.
The challenge, he realizes, is bridging the gap between himself and Finn…without doing or saying something that will put him in the Finn Castoffs boat with every other guy who has tried and failed to woo her.

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Favorite Recipes from Finn Leary’s The Right Note Café

The Right Note Café Apple Pie & Sweet Tea…the Right Note Way

“The ending was so cute! I definitely recommend this book, and series, to anyone who enjoys clean contemporary fiction.”

“I really enjoyed the way the story flows. There’s a sweet gentleness to it and the way the characters are developed and interact with each other just warms my soul. Lessons of love, forgiveness, patience, overcoming fears, and independent strength are predominate feelings woven throughout these words.”

Ciara scooped crushed ice into identical red-plastic glasses. “You know, I think, I think that Sam guy likes you.”

“All of my customers like me,” Finn teased.

“Yeah, but he’s the only one who stares at you that way.”

“What way?” Finn looked across the diner, straight into the big blue eyes of Sam Marshall, whose dimple appeared at the same time as his charming, slanted smile. It didn’t appear rehearsed, like the flirtations of so many other star-hopefuls that frequented her Right Note Café.

“This book was good. I felt like the plot swirled in the same place at times without a lot of forward movement so for me, it was the characters that made this book shine.”

Becky on Books – Review

“A sweet romance–third in the series, but worked just fine as a standalone….I finished the book with a smile…”

I Am A Reader – Nashville Setting

Some scenes in The Firefighter’s Refrain take place in Finn’s diner, The Right Note. Others happen in Sam’s classroom and on-site as Sam instructs soon-to-be firefighters.

Nashville is a unique blend of old and new, and pulses with the hopes and dreams of would-be stars who put all they have into every performance delivered from the stages of a hundred old-fashioned pubs, entertain tourists from all over the world. They don’t call it Music City for nothin’!

Wishful Endings – Being a Country Singer

As someone who spent a few years singing for my supper, I know a little about what it takes to ‘make it’ in the competitive music industry. (Suffice it to say I didn’t possess all of these traits, or I might have a few album covers hanging on my walls, instead of books on the shelves!)…

LibriAmoriMiei – Review

“This is a well-written novel that grabbed and held me from page one. Good plot, lovable characters and a sweet ending. I could only put it down with great difficulty.
If you love clean and romantic stories this book is perfect for you.”

Teatime and Books – 10 all-time favorite Country songs & 10 Ways to Sing a Love Song

There’s something genuine and gritty about good old-fashioned Country music. Whether toe-tapping or tear-inducing, each song manages—in the span of a few stanzas—to reach deep into our souls, to make us laugh, or cry, or remember the good times…and the bad…

“A couple of loners with huge hearts connect and enjoy getting to know each other!…
When Sam meets Finn at her cafe, he’s instantly drawn to her. When he hears she’s not up on musicians, he tries to keep his distance, but he can’t help but like her and her adorable kid sis.”
We hope you enjoyed meeting the last of the Marshall boys, Sam, and the gal he’s interested in, Finn, who both have their own dreams and struggles. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below…

The Firefighter's Refrain (Those Marshall Boys, #3)

The Firefighter’s Refrain

(Those Marshal Boys, #3)
by Loree Lough
Adult Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 368 pages (large print)
May 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

He’s a man who wants it all…if only he could have it….

Dreams of stardom took musician and firefighter Sam Marshall far from his Colorado roots. Starting fresh in Nashville hasn’t been easy, especially after an injury on the job, but he’s working his way to the Grand Ole Opry one open mike at a time, teaching at the fire station to make ends meet. Yet Sam’s intentions are shaken when he meets the lovely owner of a local café. Suddenly, Sam’s dreams are filled with her. Too bad that as the daughter of country-music wannabes, Finn Leary’s been there, done that. She’ll never choose a musician. So how can Sam possibly get the girl and keep the guitar?

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

Other Books in the Series

Once a MarineOnce a Marine

(Those Marshal Boys, #1)
by Loree Lough
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 377 pages (large print)
February 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming
Does she even need a hero?
Summer Lane is no damsel in distress. For the past two years, she’s been battling her way back from her worst nightmare, all by herself. So she doesn’t need the fabulous former Marine Zach Marshall swooping in to save her.
But she needn’t worry. Zach has hung up his shining armor. His instinct to rescue has only brought him heartache, and he’s not about to risk it all again–even though everything about Summer makes him yearn to help.
Will she accept his challenge to step up and conquer her fears on her own–even her deepest fears, like trust…and love?

Sweet Mountain Rancher (Those Marshall Boys, #2)Sweet Mountain Rancher
(Those Marshal Boys, #2)
by Loree Lough
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 385 pages (large print)
September 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming
He can say no to everyone but her…
Nate Marshall used to be a yes-man… until being so agreeable cost him dearly. But Eden Quinn has a way of getting him to reconsider his “just say no” policy. Which is how a bunch of troubled teens end up at his ranch for the weekend. Nate can’t help but be attracted to the woman who keeps them in line.
This cowboy knows Eden’s no damsel in distress, yet hers isn’t a one-woman job. If she must do everything on her own, how can he help her… let alone get her to fall for him?

Bestselling author Loree Lough once sang for her supper, performing across the U.S. and Canada. Now and then, she blows the dust from her 6-string to croon a tune or two, but mostly, she writes novels that have earned hundreds of industry and “Readers’ Choice” awards, 4- and 5-star reviews, and 7 book-to-movie options. Her 105th book, Sweet Mountain Rancher, #2 in “Those Marshall Boys” series for Harlequin Heartwarming, released in August, 2015. Also new on the Latest Release list, Guardians of the Heart, (#2 “Secrets on Sterling Street historical series from Whitaker House). Next up, Healing of the Heart, #3 in the “Secrets” series…and a brand new 3-book series for Harlequin Heartwarming, releasing between 2016 and 2017. Stay tuned for more in 2016 and beyond!

Tour Giveaway

ONE WINNER will receive a $25 Amazon gift card and The Firefighter’s Refrain (signed print if US, ebook if outside US)

ONE WINNER will receive Those Marshall Boys Series, Once a MarineSweet Mountain Rancher, and The Firefighter’s Refrain (signed print if US, ebook if outside US)

ONE WINNER will receive The Firefighter’s Refrain (signed print if US, ebook if outside US)
Ends May 20th

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We’re at it again! This time 28 great Fantasy Authors have banded together to bring you an awesome prize. What prize? Maybe I should’ve said PRIZES! That’s right, the winner of this giveaway gets a $50 certificate AND an ebook bundle of 28 wonderful flinch free fantasy novels. 

Why flinch free? We’re all members of the Clean Indie Reads Site, which means while not all our books are for children, you won’t find anything more graphic than a low PG-13 rating. So if you’re a parent with active teen readers or just enjoy your fiction without a lot of graphic violence, sex, or language, this is a great giveaway for you to enter. 

Take a look at our community on Facebook: 

Join our Facebook event (May 6-7) to meet some of the authors and win even more prizes! 

Here’s our website: 

 Also, did I mention these books are fantasy? That’s right! Magical worlds, mythical creatures, and marvelous adventures, at your fingertips. You can enter using the Rafflecopter at the bottom.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I’m excited to announce that my young adult action and adventure novel, The Gladiator and the Guard, is now available for purchase! This is the second book in the Krillonian Chronicles, sequel to The Collar and the Cavvarach

First Things First: a Little Information about Book 1: 

Bensin, a teenage slave and martial artist, is desperate to see his little sister freed. But only victory in the Krillonian Empire’s most prestigious tournament will allow him to secretly arrange for Ellie’s escape. Dangerous people are closing in on her, however, and Bensin is running out of time.  With his one hope fading quickly away, how can Bensin save Ellie from a life of slavery and abuse?

What is the Collar for, and What is a Cavvarach?

The story is set in a world very much like our own, with just a few major differences.  One is that slavery is legal there.  Slaves must wear metal collars that lock around their neck, making their enslaved status obvious to everyone.  Any slave attempting to escape faces the dilemma of how and where to illegally get their collar removed (a crime punishable by enslavement for the remover).  

Another difference is the popularity of a martial art called cavvara shil.  It is fought with a cavvarach (rhymes with “have a rack”), a weapon similar to a sword but with a steel hook protruding from partway down its top edge.  Competitors can strike at each other with their feet as well as with the blades.  You win in one of two ways: disarming your opponent (hooking or knocking their cavvarach out of their hands) or pinning their shoulders to the mat for five seconds.

Click here to order The Collar and the Cavvarach from Amazon 
for $2.99 a discounted price of just 99 cents through May 30th!


And now, The Gladiator and the Guard, with another awesome cover by the talented Jack Lin!


Bensin, a teenage slave and martial artist, is just one victory away from freedom. But after he is accused of a crime he didn’t commit, he is condemned to the violent life and early death of a gladiator. While his loved ones seek desperately for a way to rescue him, Bensin struggles to stay alive and forge an identity in an environment designed to strip it from him. When he infuriates the authorities with his choices, he knows he is running out of time. Can he stand against the cruelty of the arena system and seize his freedom before that system crushes him?

Click here to order The Gladiator and the Guard in Kindle format from Amazon 
for $2.99 a discounted price of just 99 cents through May 30th!

Click here to order The Gladiator and the Guard from Smashwords (for Nook or in other digital formats) 
for $2.99 a discounted price of just 99 cents through May 30th!

Connect with the Author Online:

Now, enter to win an Amazon gift card or a free digital copy of The Collar and the Cavvarach!

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On tour with Prism Book Tours.

We’re thrilled about Harlequin Heartwarming books being available in select local US Walmarts! Find out if they’re at a Walmart by you here

Here’s what some Harlequin Heartwarming authors had to say:

“I am so excited that Heartwarming books are now available at Walmart, so some lucky girl can go visit her aunt and possibly stumble across one of MY books and fall in love!”
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“I was thrilled to find a home in the Heartwarming line. Writing these sweet romances that emphasizes the emotional adventure of falling in love feels almost like a calling and now, that dream I thought I’d achieved has now grown. The Heartwarming line is now available in select Walmarts!”
— Anna J. Stewart

“I’m thrilled that I’ll get to add more Heartwarming books to my bookshelves now that Heartwarming paperbacks will be available at Wal-Mart. A Heartwarming story will be within reach no matter if I pick up my Kindle or a paperback… there’s nothing better than that.”
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About the Authors
(Each picture linked to the author’s website.)
Celebration Blitz Giveaway
$20 Walmart Gift Card
US Only
Ends April 4th
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  Title: Drawn To You
  Author: Liwen Y. Ho
  Genre: Christian Romance, Asian American Romance
  Release Date: March 21, 2016

  Blurb: Wanted: A man who can handle his alter ego. Quick reflexes recommended. Feisty and adventurous, art teacher Sam Koo is used to getting what she wants, including talking her way out of traffic tickets. When it comes to money matters though, she’s a lost cause. Her studio is in trouble, and there’s no way of charming herself out of this mess. Police officer Lucas Choi is the last person she expects to rescue her. Handsome and rule-abiding, he was the best—and worst—part of her high school experience. When they meet a decade later, he’s still on her case and quick to point out her flaws. Their differences drive each other crazy, but also draw them closer. The attraction is tangible, yet so are Sam’s fears. Will she choose to protect her heart or trust the only man who ever rejected her?

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Add to Goodreads.

 ***This novella is part of the Taking Chances series, but each book in the series is a STANDALONE book.***

Can love overcome the past?
Can love be colorblind?
Can love embrace differences?

Liwen Y. Ho works as a chauffeur and referee by day (AKA being a stay-at-home mom) and a writer by night. In her pre-author life, she received a Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Western Seminary, and she loves makeovers of all kinds, especially those of the heart and mind. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her techie husband and their two children, and blogs about her adventures as a recovering perfectionist at

Blog * Facebook * Twitter * Goodreads * YouTube

  BookBlast Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card (Open Internationally) Ends 3/31/16 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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On tour with Prism Book Tours.

Welcome to the Re-Release Celebration for

Pieces of Eight
By Melissa Wright
Pieces of Eight, a YA/NA Fantasy, has been re-released with a fantastic new cover! Check it out and enter the giveaway below…

(Frey Saga #2)

The story of Frey continues in this, the second book of the series.
After revealing her dark history, Frey is forced to join with a group of strangers whose pasts seem to intertwine with her own. She struggles to regain her memories and her full power, only to discover there is more danger on the other side. Except now, there is no turning back.

Other Books in the Series
(Frey Saga #1)

Unaware she’s been bound from using magic, Frey leads a small, miserable life in the village where she’s sent after the death of her mother. But a tiny spark starts a fury of changes and she finds herself running from everything she’s ever known.

Hunted by council for practicing dark magic, she is certain she’s been wrongfully accused. She flees, and is forced to rely on strangers for protection. But the farther she strays from home, the more her magic and forgotten memories return and she begins to suspect all is not as it seems.

FREE in ebook everywhere.

(Frey Saga #2.5)
Molly dreamed her whole life of living in a world of magic… until the day she walked into one. This short story falls between The Frey Saga Book Two: Pieces of Eight and the third book, Rise of The Seven.

Rise of the Seven
(Frey Saga #3)
As Frey works to regain control of the North, a small silver dagger nearly brings her end. She raises her guard and proves her abilities, but another attempt on her life, from what appears to be fey, reveals not all are pleased with her return. If she could only figure out the force behind the attacks, she might be able to relax enough to decide what to do about her other problem… Chevelle.

About the Author

Melissa Wright is the author of the Frey Saga and Descendants Series. She is currently working on the next book, but when not writing can be found collecting the things she loves at Goodreads and Pinterest.

Re-Release Giveaway

$10 Amazon eGift Card, signed copy of FREY, and swag
Open internationally

Ends March 16th

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Express Rider’s Lady
By Stacy Henrie

We hope you enjoyed experiencing a little of the historic Pony Express trail as one of its riders helps a lady to get to California! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out now…
Launch – Interview with the Author

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

I hope readers take away that we can each do hard things; that we don’t have to let others’ imposed stereotypes have sway in our lives or our hearts. Also, no matter where we are, the Lord is aware of us.

Heidi Reads… – Review

“So, this is now my favorite book in the Love Inspired line. . . . Lots of action and adventure kept the pace moving and I couldn’t put the book down. Highly recommend!”

The Power of Words – Review

Sparrow Hawk

“With its epic scope and beautiful writing, The Express Rider’s Lady ranks among the best of Love Inspired books that I’ve ever read. I’m glad to have discovered the writing of Stacy Henrie.”

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“I enjoyed the descriptions and characters in this sweet historical story. I’ve always been a bit fascinated with the Pony Express and how their system worked. Imagining the speed, danger, and dedication these riders experienced is exciting and I loved getting a taste of that.”

Min Reads and Reviews – Review

“This book is pretty much close to perfect. . . . Stacy does an amazing job in writing this era. The setting itself is a character. I really enjoyed this book.”

Babs Book Bistro – Review

“A great read and page turner. I did not want to put the book down. I had to see of the Pony Express could pull this off. The characters work well together and a nice sweet story.”

Savings in Seconds – Review

“As the characters encounter situations both perilous and mundane, they must learn to work together. . . . I enjoyed the banter between the characters, too. The story has a strong faith element, hidden behind the scenes.”

Literary Time Out – Review

“I loved this book. The story was great, and moved along at a good clip. . . . I would definitely read this again, and highly recommend it to anyone who loves historical romance. Hopefully you will love Delsie’s grit, and Myles character just like I did.”

Wishful Endings – Character Descriptions
James Marsden. Photo by JOHN P JOHNSON – © 2015 HBO via Westworld Facebook here..

Myles Patton is a rider for the newly created Pony Express, riding the trail from St. Joseph, Missouri to Guittard’s home station in Kansas and back. And while he has a way with horses, his people skills are a bit lacking. . . . the more Delsie learns to handle herself in the saddle and on the trail, her confidence begins to grow. She’s stronger than she ever thought she was—and her feelings for Myles are growing stronger too.

Lily Collins. Glamour Spain (November 2012). Image obtained via Lily Collins Daily.
Mom with a Reading Problem – Review

“The Express Rider’s Lady by Stacy Henrie is such an endearing, heart-warming romance with adventure and the lure of the wild west! . . . Overall I really enjoyed this book. It was easy for me to get lost in their adventure. I honestly didn’t want to stop reading! If you enjoy inspirational romance, than I highly recommend you get a copy of this book.

Backing Books – Review

“The premise was not one I had heard of before and, while it did seem a little far fetched, it was fun and interesting. I liked Delsie’s determination to make things right with her sister and her willingness to do most anything to make it happen.”

Seasons of Humility – Review

“This has to be one of the best Love Inspired books I’ve read to date. The Express Rider’s Lady is just my type of story: a Western journey with a delightful mixture of humor, peril, and tender romance. I truly enjoyed the adventure!”

I Am A Reader – Five Reasons to Date a Pony Express Rider
Adventurous Spirit

Express riders had to be adventurers at heart. To face what they did daily, in order to deliver the mail, they must have thrilled at the prospect of conquering danger over and over again. They didn’t observe life from the safety of the sidelines—they threw themselves into the fray and made a name for themselves that has endured.

Singing Librarian Books – Review

“Fun characters and a wonderful plot, readers will not want to put this novel down. I would recommend this novel to readers of historical romance.”

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review

“Like all good romance stories, this one is full of sweet moments and crazy moments too. The trip has a lot of action and the characters are ones you will fall in love with while you are reading. I love the ending of the story! If you’re a fan of clean, Christian romance, you will definitely love The Express Rider’s Lady.”

Mel’s Shelves – Five Reasons Why Being a Pony Express Rider Was the Ultimate in Adventure Professions

With only a trusty steed and a pistol or two for companions, Express riding was not for the lonely or afraid. Riders would spend hours in the saddle, only encountering people at stops every twelve to twenty miles, and then for just a few brief minutes as the mail saddle was thrown onto the back of a fresh mount. A number of riders were also orphans with little or no family waiting for them back at their home base.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“Stacy Henrie did a fantastic job of giving her characters depth and humanity. Their stories unfold gently and I felt like I was right there getting to know them. . . . I really loved this book. It was a great western historical fiction.”

Tell Tale Book Reviews – Mapping out The Express Rider’s Lady & Review
“Pony Express Map William Henry Jackson” by William Henry Jackson – Illustration: William Henry Jackson, American artist. Text: Howard Roscoe Driggs. Scan: US Library of CongressPhoto image obtained/rendered by Gwillhickers. Restoration by Crisco 1492. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons.

I used a hard copy map, one which included the entire Pony Express trail on it, to mark where Delsie and Myles would be stopping each night. Not only did this help me know which home stations they would be lodging in, but I was also able to see which prominent settlements or landmarks they would pass by on a given day. All the stations mentioned in the book were actually used by the Pony Express.

“A truly sweet historical with some surprising twists and turns. . . . If you are looking for an exciting and romantic reading escape into the Old West days gone by, you should definitely check out Stacy Henrie’s appealing story The Express Rider’s Lady.”

Dixie n Dottie – Review

“This was a beautifully written story that involves a lot of adventure, trust, love and experiencing the unknown. . . . Anyone who enjoys reading historical fiction with adventure and romance should read this book. You will love it! “

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“The Express Rider’s Lady by Stacy Henrie not only provides a sweet romance but also gives readers a compelling glimpse into the perilous conditions once common to cross terrain we now take for granted. Smooth writing, vivid settings, and heartstopping action bring the characters and the history to life. A quick read, as typical to the Love Inspired line, but very entertaining!”

Zerina Blossom’s Books – Reaching California in Time
“Pony-express-joseph”. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Commons.

Delsie Radford, the heroine of THE EXPRESS RIDER’S LADY, must travel from Missouri to California in just eighteen days if she wants to be to her sister’s wedding. But would such a feat have been possible?

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is a slightly predictable, but heart-wrenching, story with enough twists and adventure to keep the reader’s attention. It also teaches a few good lessons on misconceptions most experienced in life.”

The Express Rider's LadyThe Express Rider’s Lady
by Stacy Henrie
Adult Christian Historical Romance

Paperback & ebook, 288 pages
February 9th 2016 by Love Inspired

Westward Wedding Journey

Delsie Radford is going to make it to California, no matter the danger or difficulty. Her father may have kept her and her sister apart, but Delsie refuses to miss her sister’s wedding—even with only eighteen days to get there. And she’s found the perfect escort in Pony Express rider Myles Patton.

Myles can’t believe it when a pretty socialite hires him to take her cross-country through rough terrain and dangerous territory. Surely she’ll quit before they reach their destination—he’s known girls like her before. But the longer they ride together, the more Myles notices Delsie’s toughness and kindness beneath her polished exterior. And though they may be worlds apart…they might just be perfect for each other.

Stacy Henrie has always had a love for history, fiction, and chocolate. She earned her B.A. in public relations before turning her attentions to raising a family and writing inspirational historical romances. Wife of an entrepreneur husband and a mother to three, Stacy loves to live out history through her fictional characters. In addition to author, she is also a reader, a road trip enthusiast, and a novice interior decorator.

Website – Goodreads – Facebook – TwitterPinterest

Tour Giveaway

$50 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
Print copy of The Express Rider’s Lady (US only)
ebook of The Express Rider’s Lady (open internationally)
Ends February 19th

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Prism Tour Grand Finale for
Someday, Maybe by Jenny Piper
The Long Way Home by Janet Purcell

If you missed the inspiration behind these books or reading their first chapters, go back and do so now…

Bookworm Lisa – Inspiration for The Long Way Home

“The Long Way Home began germinating in my mind after I visited the Andrew Wyeth exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and studied the paintings on display about which I would write a review in my weekly fine arts column in the Times of Trenton newspaper. The image of Christina Olson dragging herself uphill in Wyeth’s painting Christina’s World haunted me. I saw it as a figurative painting and yet as a still life. Her life had been stilled by her unexplained disability.”

Beck Valley Books – Excerpt from The Long Way Home

Callie screamed and jumped back. She ran out of the room, slammed the door and, with all her weight against it, looked frantically around for some way to keep it shut. There was nothing. The door didn’t have a lock and there was no furniture close enough to push against it.

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Time Passes
“Time passing is something that is an integral part of the story in ‘Someday, Maybe’ and in ‘Moving On’, too. We never know what is going to happen to us. Everything changes – or does it?”
I Am A Reader – Excerpt from Someday, Maybe
When he’d first seen her, a neat, spriggy little thing, she had worn her hair in tight, dark pigtails, and he’d liked that. When she had grown up and had it cut in a fashionable sort of style he’d been a bit disconcerted, but as time had gone on she had let it grow a bit and some- times put it up so that it sat on her head like a plump, soft, scented cloud, and he had loved it. Today, so early in the morning, it was tousled, unwashed and unbrushed and smelled of the cold morning and of chicken feed, but he didn’t care. He adored it.

Sunpenny Publishing ebook SALE

THE LONG WAY HOME and SOMEDAY, MAYBE are both on sale for 99¢ (US)!


WATERY WAYS is also on sale for 99¢ through February 13th and BRIDGE BEYOND BETRAYAL is on sale for 99¢ from February 20th through March 5th.

Grab a copy of one or all while you can during the sale!

The Long Way Home

by Janet Purcell
Adult Fiction
Paperback & ebook, 237 pages
April 7th 2015 by Sunpenny Publishing
When Callie Vinerelli gives refuge in her Cape Cod home to a storm ravaged stranger, the hidden secres of her house on the dunes begin to emerge. She becomes enmeshed in the violence and tragedy of the past that left accomplished artist Christina Burroughs a paraplegic and stole her beloved daughter from her. Those still unresolved events invade Callie’s life, causing chaos and intrigue, life changing relationships, justice and peace to Christina’s descendants -and new love to herself.

Amazon – Amazon UK – Barnes & Noble

Someday, Maybe
by Jenny Piper
Adult Fiction
Paperback & ebook, 306 pages
November 6th 2013 by Sunpenny Limited
In a ramshackle old cottage with an outside lav, and a rickety ladder up to a draughty attic bedroom, Jim and Mary Norris slog in all weathers to make a living from their market garden, and to bring up their little girl, Patsy. But at times Jim’s guilt is overwhelming as he watches his beloved Mary working her frozen fingers to the bone, almost dropping with weariness – not exactly what she’s been used to in her genteel upbringing as the niece of well- off local gentry, who cut her off when she married “beneath her”. But she never complains; she loves Jim madly and they are blissfully happy together.
Until her accident – and the nightmare that follows them all through the next 30 years. Mary’s gradual descent into madness overshadows even Jim’s second marriage and children, but the shocking climax is something no-one could have foreseen.

Janet Purcell is a professional artist and writes a weekly fine arts column and feature articles for The Times of Trenton (NJ). Her interior design features appear regularly in DesignNJ magazine. Her articles have appeared in Woman’s Day Special Interest Publications, Bridal GuideAmerican Spa, and many other magazines and travel guides. Her travel stories have frequently been published in the New York PostCountry Discoveries, and in Princeton, New Jersey’s Packet Publications’ community newspapers. Her previous novel, Singer Lane, was published in 2008 and her third novel, Rooster Street, is awaiting publication. Though not a trilogy, many of the same characters are found continuing their lives in each of the three books. Her paintings can be seen at

Deeply thought-provoking, Jenny Piper is a wonderful author who makes no bones about her handling of delicate subjects . Her skill as a story-teller is a delight to the heart and soul, and is right up there with the best of them. She lives with her husband in rural Hampshire, and has been variously an actress, an artist, a teacher and a psycholo- gist, but has had a lifelong love of books and nowadays spends much of her time writing.

Tour Giveaway
$10 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
Ends February 18th

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