On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Review & Excerpt Tour Grand Finale for
Make Me a Match
By Melinda Curtis, Cari Lynn Webb, & Anna J. Stewart

Did you enjoy meeting Cooper, Ty, and Gideon, three childhood friends all grown up and seeking love? If you missed any of the excerpts or reviews, go back and check them out now…

Launch – Intro to the Compilation

And in Kenkamken Bay, Alaska, childhood friends: Cooper Hamilton, Ty Porter and Gideon Walker are family: they’ve dreamed together, failed together and stalled out in life together. And now they plan to change their futures together as match-makers.

Heidi Reads… – Review

“. . . once they put their efforts into helping the single members of the community improve their social lives the stories got more fun as they came up with interesting group activities to do in the dead of winter. The first two stories were okay but I loved the third one!”

I Am A Reader – Excerpt from Baby, Baby

The inner front door opened and a woman stepped in. She was wrapped from neck to snow boots in a reddish-brown parka that made her look like a stuffed sausage. Conversation in the room died away as every pair of male eyes turned toward her. She peeled off her knit cap, revealing shoulder-length, glossy blond hair and artfully applied makeup.

Christian Chick’s Thoughts – Review

“Sometimes, novellas that are connected but are written by different authors don’t feel cohesive, but in this case, the collection flowed seamlessly from one novella to the next.”

Colorimetry – Excerpt from Baby, Baby

And the witty, handsome man she’d met ten months ago with the mischievous smile? He wasn’t witty—he was speechless. He wasn’t handsome—his dark hair brushed his shoulders unevenly and grew from his chin in short, thick stubs. He wasn’t smiling—his lips formed a shell-shocked, silent O.

Zerina Blossom’s Books – Excerpt from The Matchmaker Wore Skate

Kelsey Nash, the beautiful, backstabbing columnist, had returned to K-Bay. The pretty looks belied an icy inner strength; the watered-down bourbon doe eyes camouflaged a shrewd nature.

deal sharing aunt – Excerpt from The Matchmaker Wore Skates

Ty leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Let’s be clear, K.J., we’ve seen these ladies before. They’ve taken our survey before. You’ve done nothing for me.”

Wishful Endings – Excerpt from Suddenly Sophie

As gray as Gideon saw his world, Sophie lightened up any space she walked into with her ebullient and gregarious personality—character traits Gideon both appreciated and worried about. Not everyone was as protective as he was prone to be when it came to Sophie Jennings.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“The first book sets things up and the last one ties things together. I liked that each book was by a different author. It helped separate the characters and define them as individuals with their own voice.”

Mel’s Shelves – Review

“The authors did an amazing job of making the stories seamless. The major characters were in each of the stories and they were consistent. I also love that the stories are all clean! If you’re looking for a fun Valentine’s Day read, check this one out!!”

Thoughts of a Blonde – Review

“4 STARS! . . . This is a compilation of three short stories that revolve around a group of friends.”

Underneath the Covers – Excerpt from Suddenly Sophie

If she’d ever doubted the universe was determined to make her its comic relief, she now had solid proof. Stuffy Gideon probably disapproved of Sophie’s tendency toward taking chances, but what was the point in living if you weren’t going to go after life with a bit of gusto and purpose?

Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review

“I loved that each story has a unique voice, which is really pronounced by having a different author write each one. I enjoyed my time in Kenkamken, Alaska with these great people!”

Make Me a Match: Baby, Baby\The Matchmaker Wore Skates\Suddenly SophieMake Me a Match
by Melinda Curtis, Cari Lynn Webb, and Anna J. Stewart
Adult Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
February 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Three bachelors turned…matchmakers?

BABY, BABY: One special night with Cooper Hamilton gave Nora Perry a precious gift. But no way is the sweet-talking salesman the right guy for her…or is he?

THE MATCHMAKER WORE SKATES: Former pro athlete Ty Porter could get burned when he falls for the beautiful reporter who ruined his career—and could now expose his most zealously guarded secret!

SUDDENLY SOPHIE: Gideon Walker has a long history with free-spirited flower shop owner Sophie Jennings. But when the banker-matchmaker fixes her up with potential candidates, he realizes he’s made a terrible mistake…

Award winning, USA Today bestseller Melinda Curtis writes the Harmony Valley series of sweet and emotional romances for Harlequin Heartwarming, and the sweet romantic comedy Bridesmaid series. A Memory Away is Book 6 in the Harmony Valley series. Brenda Novak says: “Season of Change has found a place on my keeper shelf”. Melinda also writes hotter romances as Mel Curtis. Jayne Ann Krentz says of Blue Rules: “Wonderfully entertaining.

Cari Lynn Webb lives in Alabama with her family. If she isn’t at her computer, she can usually be found: picking up her daughters from school, dropping off at swimming or soccer practice or running into the grocery store for that one thing she forgot on her shopping list. She loves escaping into a romance and her e-reader can usually be found in her passenger seat. Visit her at: www.carilynnwebb.com.

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You’ve met Anna J. Stewart (or someone like her) before. She was the girl who spun in circles on the playground hoping her Wonder Woman costume would magically appear before playing cops and robbers a la Charlie’s Angels–as Sabrina (she was the smart one). Anna was the girl in the back of the class with a paperback romance hidden in her algebra book (and yes, she failed algebra).

Growing up in the 70′s and 80′s meant there weren’t a lot of YA books, so she ventured early into mainstream fiction and read Stephen King’s CARRIE at the age of 8. Discovering Nora Roberts and romance novels early in high school opened her eyes to the wonders of storytelling and the beauty of a happily ever after.
So here she is, many years later with an English degree from CSU Sacramento, an RWA Golden Heart nomination behind her, countless stories in her head, and a serious addiction to STAR TREK, SUPERNATURAL, and SHERLOCK. She recently wrapped up a nearly 8-year stint working as assistant to NYTimes bestselling author Brenda Novak where she helped run Brenda’s annual online auction for diabetes research. When she’s not writing or reading (which she never has enough time for!), she’s working on dollhouse miniatures and tolerating her overly-affectionate cat named Snickers (or perhaps it’s Snickers who tolerates her).
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Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
Copy of Make Me a Match (print if in the US, ebook if outside the US)
Copy of A Memory Away by Melinda Curtis (print if in the US, ebook if outside the US)
Copy of The Bad Boy from Butterfly Harbor by Anna J. Stewart (print if in the US, ebook if outside the US)
Ends February 12th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
Fear of Falling
By Catherine Lanigan
Coming March 1, 2016, from Harlequin Heartwarming…

(Shores of Indian Lake #5)
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 Pages

Her best bet is to stay away

Was Olivia hearing this right? The one man in Indian Lake she’d found truly intriguing since, well, forever—the hopelessly handsome heir to the region’s most successful farming operation, Rafe Barzonni—was involved in horse racing? That made him, and her sudden attraction, downright dangerous. He wasn’t just out of her league. He was a gambler. Like her father. With the shame of her father’s racetrack betting addiction still haunting her, Olivia can’t be part of that world. Rafe’s world. She can’t trust him, or his magnetism. But there’s something deep in his incredible blue eyes that keeps drawing her closer…

AmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

The Other Books in the Series

Catherine Lanigan is the bestselling author of over thirty published titles in both fiction and non-fiction, including the novelizations of Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile, as well as over half a dozen anthologies, including “Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living your Dream”, “Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul”, “Chocolate for a Woman’s Heart”, Chocolate for a Woman’s Spirit”. Ms. Lanigan’s novels have been translated into over a dozen languages including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, and Japanese. Ms. Lanigan’s novels are also available on audio-cassette, CD and on electronic format. A prolific writer, she is always writing wonderful stories. She has several titles only available in ebook format on Amazon.com Several of her titles have been chosen for The Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Clubs. Her novel, The Christmas Star, won the Gold Medal Award Top Pick from Romantic Times Magazine for December, 2002, and has also won Book of the Year Romance Gold Award from ForeWord Magazine as well as Book of the Year Romance from Reader’s Preference. In March, 2006 Divine Nudges: Tales of Angelic Intervention and the second in Lanigan’s Angel Watch series of books, was published by HCI, the Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher.

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Want to join the upcoming tour? Click on the banner to go to the sign-up!

Cover Reveal Giveaway

$25 Amazon eGift Card
3 ebooks of Fear of Falling
Open internationally
Ends February 7th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Tevanon and Kensic: TurlotTevanon and Kensic: Turlot
by Tyson Clarke
MG/YA Fantasy

Paperback & ebook, 304 pages
October 19th 2015

Upon the shores of the Laughley Sea, in the shadows of the jagged Northland Mountains and not so far south as the blistering Aronee Desert, there exists a land of lush forests and golden plains. This land is known as Lynsid, a once great nation that has suffered through more than a decade of demoralizing wars. The brothers Tevanon and Kensic were born to Lynsid like their parents and grandparents before them. They know no other life and have never been outside the borders of their homeland. Lynsid, however, is on the verge of collapse and rumors of a Vlagen invasion spur a mass migration. At first, the brothers have no intention of leaving their birthplace, but soon enough they have no choice and find themselves on the trail to a land called Turlot where their Great Uncle Welksley resides.

At just thirteen-years-old, Tevanon is already highly skilled in swordsmanship, and his nine-year-old brother Kensic is mentally gifted. These attributes are useful, but the journey to Turlot will test not only their brawn and brains, but also their faith and tactfulness. The brothers learn quickly the world is filled with endless adversity. Treachery is in plain sight, evil sorcery is silently stirring, and an immortal army is lying in wait! If the brothers wish to survive, they must be vigilant, they must be brave, and they must believe in themselves.


Avor, Wix and Hedik surveyed the dead brigands in hopes of finding one of them alive so as they could question him. As they meandered through the scattered bodies, they found men from every nation, men of light skin and dark, short of stature and tall, and the weapons they carried were equally assorted. The question, of course, was what brought together this reckless collection of thugs and criminals? What was their purpose?
“Water,” a voice grumbled. “Water.”
Avor followed the voice to a man lying on his stomach with a trench-like gash spanning the width of his back. This man appeared to be of Irbanian descent, having the light brown skin and dark black hair of that race of people. His beige colored shirt was soaked in blood, his face smeared with sweat and dust, and his hand still wrapped around the grip of his curved short sword. “Water,” he said again no louder than before.
“What is your name?” asked Avor as he knelt beside the man and reached for his leather flask.
“Latu, my name is Latu.”
“Open your mouth, Latu.”
Latu opened his mouth and Avor attempted to pour in some water. As the wounded man lapped at the liquid he was so yearning, he mumbled, “Thank you.”
“Who do you report to?”
“A man come through… Dezvil, lookin’ fer men… who wasn’t afraid to die. He paid up front in silver and said if we join him, there would… be gold, and no end to it… water, please…”
Avor poured more water into Latu’s mouth.
“Who was this man?” asked Avor.
“He called himself Akarid.”
“The sorcerer?”
“I don’t… know… he wore a black… robe… with yellow…” Latu’s voice was fading with his life.
“Yes, the sorcerer, but Akarid has been dead for five hundred years.”
Latu was dead as well.

Tyson Clarke attended San Jose State University where he studied creative writing and film production. Post graduation, he found success as a technical writer then pursued other interests before rediscovering his passion for writing stories with encouragement from his wife and biggest fan.

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Tour Schedule

January 11th: Launch
January 12th: Christy’s Cozy Corners
January 15th: Rockin’ Book Reviews
January 17th: Colorimetry
January 18th: Singing Librarian Books
January 19th: Life as Leels
January 20th: deal sharing aunt
January 22nd: Teatime and Books
January 24th: Grand Finale
Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
Print copy of Tevanon and Kensic: Turlot (US only)
ebook of Tevanon and Kensic: Turlot (open internationally)
Ends January 30th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!
On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Welcome to the Release Celebration for
Dark Deeds
By Michelle Diener

Dark Deeds is book two in the Class 5 Series. If you missed Michelle’s release­day message, go read it HERE, if you missed learning more about the characters from the series, go HERE, and don’t forget to grab your copy of Dark Horse, book one, while it’s on SALE for 99¢! There’s a fabulous Amazon eGift Card giveaway as well. Enjoy the exclusive excerpt below…

Dark Deeds   (Class 5, #2)Dark Deeds
(Class 5 #2)
by Michelle Diener
Adult Sci­Fi
Paperback & ebook, 340 Pages
June 4th 2016
Far from home . . . 
Fiona Russell has been snatched from Earth, imprisoned and used as slave labor, but nothing about her abduction makes sense. When she’s rescued by the Grih, she realizes there’s a much bigger game in play than she could ever have imagined, and she’s right in the middle of it.
Far from safe . . . 
Battleship captain Hal Vakeri is chasing down pirates when he stumbles across a woman abducted from Earth. She’s the second one the Grih have found in two months, and her presence is potentially explosive in the Grih’s ongoing negotiations with their enemies, the Tecran. The Tecran and the Grih are on the cusp of war, and Fiona might just tip the balance.
Far from done . . . 
Fiona has had to bide her time while she’s been a prisoner, pretending to be less than she is, but when the chance comes for her to forge her own destiny in this new world she grabs it with both hands. After all, actions speak louder than words.

Stacking heavy boxes in the launch bay, Fiona heard a ship come through the gel wall. Hard.
There was a harsh grinding of metal on metal.
The smell of burning, the hot scent of friction, blew over her a moment before the smoke. Black and choking, it engulfed her before being sucked out through the air filters.
She crouched down behind the crates, grateful for the first time for the hood Captain Tak had forced her to wear for the last four weeks. It fitted tightly over her head, with strange, protruding ears, like a child’s whimsical winter hat, and the bottom half covered her mouth, ending just below her nose. It helped filter out the noxious fumes.
The loud grating sound ended with a shrieking crash that cut off abruptly, and in the sudden silence she heard a loud clang. She guessed the ship’s ramp had just hit the launch bay floor.
She’d never been allowed in the bay when one of the smaller merchant vessels entered to do business with the Garmman trading ship she was on. Hury always came and dragged her back to her cell long before they arrived, only letting her out when they were gone.
So, this wasn’t a scheduled arrival. And she didn’t think every landing was quite so hard, or the launch bay would look a little worse for wear.
She peered around the high stack of containers and froze.
The ship that had come through was badly damaged, but she hardly noticed that.
It was the occupants who had her unwavering attention.
They came cautiously down the ramp, shockguns raised. They were slender, almost willowy, with hair that grew long and thick. Some had grown it to their shoulders or lower, others had cut it level with their ears. The pearl white of it contrasted with the delicate peach of their skin.
They moved like a slick, well­trained team, and there was something predatory about them. They were in a sort of uniform, not identical, but close enough. Dark pants and shirt, boots that ended well above their ankles. The contrast of the dark color with their pastel skin and hair made them all the more astonishing.
The launch bay door opened to her left and she turned to see Hecta and Nark stop dead in the doorway, mouths open at the smoldering ship, the damage to the bay.
Without any sign of hesitation, two of the peach people lifted their shockguns and fired.
Hecta and Nark went down, and two other interlopers ran over to them, pushed them clear of the doors and hit the button to close them again.
One signaled to another of the group, and he ran over, took out a tiny silver rectangle and pressed it to the keypad next to the door. She heard the locks engage, locking the Garmman crew on the other side of the launch bay.
Fiona bent her head for a moment, sucking in a breath through the thick fabric of her hood.
They could kill her.
But she was going to die here anyway.
It would be drawn out for a little longer, as some of the crew got up their courage to follow Captain Tak’s unspoken request, but they would beat her to death sooner or later.
She rubbed her hip where Hury had kicked her yesterday, and knew it was true.
These people might kill her right now, but it was well worth the risk.
She started to rise, and felt the hard plastic­like ears built into her hood wobble. She crouched back down.
Captain Tak wanted her to wear the hood to hide what she was, and also to make her look like something she wasn’t. It had become really important to him that she not be seen without it.
And anything that Tak wanted, she was determined to do the opposite.
She wasn’t sure who the aliens in front of her were, but for all she knew, people who wore hoods like hers were their worst enemy. Whereas they couldn’t have any negative history with a human.
She got a good grip and pulled the hood off her head, and just to make sure, slid it between two of the containers, completely out of sight.
The lingering smoke caught immediately at her throat, and as she stood and took a step out from behind the stack, she couldn’t help coughing a little.
Ten shockguns turned in her direction, and her heart gave a jump as they bared their teeth.
They had incisors, their lips pulling back over their gums to expose them fully.
It brought baboons from nature documentaries to mind.
She slowly raised her hands to show she was unarmed. Then held her breath as they watched her, and she watched them right back.
The pupils of their eyes were red, and she pushed down her rising panic at their very interested gaze.
She may have made a mistake.
One of them cocked his head to the side, and gestured for her to come closer.
Before she’d seen the teeth, the eyes, she’d been willing enough to take the chance. Now she had to force herself to step slowly out of the shadows and into the harsh light of the landing area.
“Grih?” The one who’d motioned her forward asked.
She nodded, relieved. “I do speak Grih. And Garmman. And a little Bukari.” Fitali was too strange for her, she hadn’t come close to working it out yet, and Tecran made her uneasy, made her heart beat faster and her hands shake. She had skipped over all the Tecran language lessons.
“I mean, are you Grihan?” He spoke Garmman, his voice sibilant, his sharp incisors peeking out as he spoke.
She frowned. He thought she looked Grihan? “No.”
One of the team circled behind her, and she turned her head to keep him in sight.
She flinched when he suddenly moved right in front of her.
“Too short. And the ears.” The finger he reached out had too many joints and he touched the tip of her ear, shockgun resting directly against her chest as he did it.
She shuddered, forcing herself to keep still.
They weren’t that much taller than she was, although close up she saw that while their limbs were slender, every muscle was defined.
“Pity. We have a Grihan battleship chasing us and it would have been good to use you as a hostage.” The leader stared at her, and she saw there was a sly and calculating look in his eye. “What are you, then?”
“I’m a prisoner.” She took a breath when the gun lifted slightly off her chest. “I wanted to ask if you’d take me with you? Help me escape?”
The leader barked out a laugh. “No.” He looked back at his still­smoking ship. “How can we get out of here?”
Suddenly, the shockgun was back on her chest, and she could hear the whine as it got to full strength.
If a Grihan battleship was chasing them, then the Grih would come here to look for them, surely? That meant another group to appeal to for help.
All wasn’t lost. 

Exclusive Excerpt from Dark Deeds

I am so thrilled that Dark Deeds, book 2 in the Class 5 series, is out, and to share some of the love, I have part of the first chapter as an excerpt for you today! Dark Deeds is the sequel to Dark Horse, which is on sale for 99c at the moment, until January 9th, when it goes back to its usual price of $4.99.
— Michelle Diener
Chapter One

Stacking heavy boxes in the launch bay, Fiona heard a ship come through the gel wall. Hard.
There was a harsh grinding of metal on metal.
The smell of burning, the hot scent of friction, blew over her a moment before the smoke. Black and choking, it engulfed her before being sucked out through the air filters.
She crouched down behind the crates, grateful for the first time for the hood Captain Tak had forced her to wear for the last four weeks. It fitted tightly over her head, with strange, protruding ears, like a child’s whimsical winter hat, and the bottom half covered her mouth, ending just below her nose. It helped filter out the noxious fumes.
The loud grating sound ended with a shrieking crash that cut off abruptly, and in the sudden silence she heard a loud clang. She guessed the ship’s ramp had just hit the launch bay floor.
She’d never been allowed in the bay when one of the smaller merchant vessels entered to do business with the Garmman trading ship she was on. Hury always came and dragged her back to her cell long before they arrived, only letting her out when they were gone.
So, this wasn’t a scheduled arrival. And she didn’t think every landing was quite so hard, or the launch bay would look a little worse for wear.
She peered around the high stack of containers and froze.
The ship that had come through was badly damaged, but she hardly noticed that.
It was the occupants who had her unwavering attention.
They came cautiously down the ramp, shockguns raised. They were slender, almost willowy, with hair that grew long and thick. Some had grown it to their shoulders or lower, others had cut it level with their ears. The pearl white of it contrasted with the delicate peach of their skin.
They moved like a slick, well­trained team, and there was something predatory about them. They were in a sort of uniform, not identical, but close enough. Dark pants and shirt, boots that ended well above their ankles. The contrast of the dark color with their pastel skin and hair made them all the more astonishing.
The launch bay door opened to her left and she turned to see Hecta and Nark stop dead in the doorway, mouths open at the smoldering ship, the damage to the bay.
Without any sign of hesitation, two of the peach people lifted their shockguns and fired.
Hecta and Nark went down, and two other interlopers ran over to them, pushed them clear of the doors and hit the button to close them again.
One signaled to another of the group, and he ran over, took out a tiny silver rectangle and pressed it to the keypad next to the door. She heard the locks engage, locking the Garmman crew on the other side of the launch bay.
Fiona bent her head for a moment, sucking in a breath through the thick fabric of her hood.
They could kill her.
But she was going to die here anyway.
It would be drawn out for a little longer, as some of the crew got up their courage to follow Captain Tak’s unspoken request, but they would beat her to death sooner or later.
She rubbed her hip where Hury had kicked her yesterday, and knew it was true.
These people might kill her right now, but it was well worth the risk.
She started to rise, and felt the hard plastic­like ears built into her hood wobble. She crouched back down.
Captain Tak wanted her to wear the hood to hide what she was, and also to make her look like something she wasn’t. It had become really important to him that she not be seen without it.
And anything that Tak wanted, she was determined to do the opposite.
She wasn’t sure who the aliens in front of her were, but for all she knew, people who wore hoods like hers were their worst enemy. Whereas they couldn’t have any negative history with a human.
She got a good grip and pulled the hood off her head, and just to make sure, slid it between two of the containers, completely out of sight.
The lingering smoke caught immediately at her throat, and as she stood and took a step out from behind the stack, she couldn’t help coughing a little.
Ten shockguns turned in her direction, and her heart gave a jump as they bared their teeth.
They had incisors, their lips pulling back over their gums to expose them fully.
It brought baboons from nature documentaries to mind.
She slowly raised her hands to show she was unarmed. Then held her breath as they watched her, and she watched them right back.
The pupils of their eyes were red, and she pushed down her rising panic at their very interested gaze.
She may have made a mistake.
One of them cocked his head to the side, and gestured for her to come closer.
Before she’d seen the teeth, the eyes, she’d been willing enough to take the chance. Now she had to force herself to step slowly out of the shadows and into the harsh light of the landing area.
“Grih?” The one who’d motioned her forward asked.
She nodded, relieved. “I do speak Grih. And Garmman. And a little Bukari.” Fitali was too strange for her, she hadn’t come close to working it out yet, and Tecran made her uneasy, made her heart beat faster and her hands shake. She had skipped over all the Tecran language lessons.
“I mean, are you Grihan?” He spoke Garmman, his voice sibilant, his sharp incisors peeking out as he spoke.
She frowned. He thought she looked Grihan? “No.”
One of the team circled behind her, and she turned her head to keep him in sight.
She flinched when he suddenly moved right in front of her.
“Too short. And the ears.” The finger he reached out had too many joints and he touched the tip of her ear, shockgun resting directly against her chest as he did it.
She shuddered, forcing herself to keep still.
They weren’t that much taller than she was, although close up she saw that while their limbs were slender, every muscle was defined.
“Pity. We have a Grihan battleship chasing us and it would have been good to use you as a hostage.” The leader stared at her, and she saw there was a sly and calculating look in his eye. “What are you, then?”
“I’m a prisoner.” She took a breath when the gun lifted slightly off her chest. “I wanted to ask if you’d take me with you? Help me escape?”
The leader barked out a laugh. “No.” He looked back at his still­smoking ship. “How can we get out of here?”
Suddenly, the shockgun was back on her chest, and she could hear the whine as it got to full strength.
If a Grihan battleship was chasing them, then the Grih would come here to look for them, surely? That meant another group to appeal to for help.
All wasn’t lost. 

Dark HorseDark Horse

(Class 5 #1)

by Michelle Diener
Adult Sci­Fi
Paperback & ebook, 381 Pages
June 15th 2015
Some secrets carry the weight of the world.
Rose McKenzie may be far from Earth with no way back, but she’s made a powerful ally­­a fellow prisoner with whom she’s formed a strong bond. Sazo’s an artificial intelligence. He’s saved her from captivity and torture, but he’s also put her in the middle of a conflict, leaving Rose with her loyalties divided.
Captain Dav Jallan doesn’t know why he and his crew have stumbled across an almost legendary Class 5 battleship, but he’s not going to complain. The only problem is, all its crew are dead, all except for one strange, new alien being.
She calls herself Rose. She seems small and harmless, but less and less about her story is adding up, and Dav has a bad feeling his crew, and maybe even the four planets, are in jeopardy. The Class 5’s owners, the Tecran, look set to start a war to get it back and Dav suspects Rose isn’t the only alien being who survived what happened on the Class 5. And whatever else is out there is playing its own games.
In this race for the truth, he’s going to have to go against his leaders and trust the dark horse.

Image of Michelle   Diener
Michelle Diener writes historical fiction, fantasy and science fiction. Having worked in publishing and IT, she’s now very happy crafting new worlds and interesting characters and wondering which part of the world she can travel to next.
Michelle was born in London, grew up in South Africa and currently lives in Australia with her husband and two children.
When she’s not writing, or driving her kids from activity to activity, you can find her blogging at Magical Musings. or online at Twitter, at Google+ and Facebook.

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Release Celebration Giveaway

$50 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends January 10th

On tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Blitz for
Sophie’s Quest
By Sonja Anderson

Sophie’s Quest is currently only 99¢ for Kindle!

Interview with Author Sonja Anderson

1. What is your motivation behind Sophie’s Quest? Why did you want to write it? 

The character of Sophie Topfeather popped into my head many years ago when I was teaching a multi-faith class at St. Mary’s International School in Tokyo, Japan. According to many stories, owls are supposed to be wise, and it felt like we could use a wise owl in our class to help me answer all the kids’ great questions about God. Then, about fifteen years ago, my five-year-old daughter got into heated discussion about God on the playground with two other students from different religious backgrounds, and my wise owl popped back into my head again. I wanted to write a story that would help her understand others better in our diverse community, and for her friends to also understand her.

2. What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it? 

I hope that first of all, they take away the feeling that they have made some special friends on the journey, and want to know what happens next! I also hope and pray that readers will have developed compassion for others who believe differently than they do, and an increased desire to know the true Sky Painter–Jesus, Immanuel, God with us.

3. Do you have a favorite scene? 

I love all the scenes with Sophie and Timley, but some of my favorite scenes are between the Great Wise Horned Owl and Timley’s very frightened mother. Their love for their missing children helps them forge a strong bond that is very special.

4. What is something about you that is unique?

I write from home with a view of Puget Sound. While writing Sophie’s Quest, I would watch container ships go by and imagine Sophie and Timley on board.

— Sonja

Sophie's QuestSophie’s Quest
by Sonja Anderson
Middle Grade Adventure
Paperbook & ebook, 2260 Pages

June 7th 2015 by Sunberry Books

Sophie Topfeather loves to collect people-things with which to decorate her life and home. When she finds a golden necklace, she is intrigued by its shape and shows it to her grandfather, the Great Wise Horned Owl of the Park. His reaction only stirs her interest even more; he calls it a holy symbol, and then a ‘t’ for ‘trouble’! All of which sets our young owl off on a Quest to learn its true meaning. Little does she know that a day-dreaming, over-protected, adventure-seeking Pirate – er, mouse – named Timley has leapt into the brim of her hat as Sophie flies off on her Quest! And suddenly, their adventure takes its own turn as they find themselves on board a ship bound for the Holy Land. Thorns and thistles! Has the trouble started already? Can Timley convince Sophie she should not—I repeat, NOT—eat him?

This is also the story of the mysterious Sky Painter, who seems to be with them—no, leading them—on their Quest. So, why is he always leading them straight into trouble? Was the Great Wise Horned Owl right all along? Come along on the Quest to find out! Cross oceans with Sophie and Timley to a land of mosques and synagogues, markets and Bedouin tents, and, like our unlikely friends, you may never be the same again!

Amazon – Barnes & NobleAmazon UK

Sonja Anderson
Author Sonja Anderson has a Master’s degree in Education and a Bachelor’s degree in History, has worked as an elementary school teacher, a resident counsellor in a children’s home, taught Sunday School, and has served for 12 years as the Christian Formation Coordinator for the North Pacific Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and the NW Christian Writers Association. Married with two daughters, she has called Seattle home for over 20 years.
Connect with the publisher, Sunpenny Publishing Group, on their website, Facebook, or Twitter.

Blitz Giveaway
$10 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends December 5th
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seaside christmas

He can’t stand her. She thinks he’s crazy. Will their feelings stay etched in permanent ink? Cruz Hunter has always stuck out in his small hometown. Now that he’s covered in tattoos, the residents peg him as even more of an outcast. It seems like the whole world is against his dream of opening a local tattoo parlor. When he finally finds the perfect place for his new business, Cruz discovers a pastor and his daughter have already bought it. The only thing more irritating than the change in his plan is Talia, a beautiful and feisty argument in a dress. Cruz would like nothing more than to have her out of his life and his mind, but for some reason, she’s the only thing he can think about. If Cruz and Talia can stop arguing long enough, opposites may do much more than attract.

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StacyMeet the Hunter brothers of Kittle Falls…
The Seaside Hunters novels are a series of contemporary sweet romances. They’re set in the beach town of Kittle Falls, following the Hunter brothers as they make their way back to their hometown and find the loves they couldn’t elsewhere. Each book is a standalone.

Author Stacy Claflin I don’t stick to a single genre in my writing, reading, or viewing. My favorite shows include Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Pretty Little Liars, Lost Girl, Vampire Diaries, and Once Upon a Time. I’ve been writing and telling stories for as long as I can remember. As a kid, my story telling would get me into trouble because I would try to convince others that my stories were real. When I’m not busy writing, I like spending time with my family and friends. I also educate my kids from home.

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$50 Book Blast Giveaway
Enter to win an Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

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Ends 12/20/15  
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by readinglight.com. 


After ditching a full-time career and moving to a small hobby farm to enjoy a slower pace and a healthier lifestyle,  isn’t  everything supposed to be idyllic or “peaches and cream” as they say in the South?  Well, not exactly …

In this second installment of the I.T. Geek to Farm Girl Freak series, follow the author as she holds on for the ride, “along the bumpy road of rural life” where her friendly neighbors become not so nice and her farm animals evolve into completely coddled pets – with her Royal Palm turkeys becoming the most pampered ones of all.

Available on Amazon:

I.T. Geek to Farm Girl Freak: Along the Bumpy Road of Rural Life (Book 2)

Daily updates of the happenings on the farm and the latest adventures of the farm animals can be found at: I.T. Geek to Farm Girl Freak on Facebook

Click on the link below to enter the New Release Giveaway! 

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About the Author:

S.A. Molteni is a retired systems engineer. She is also currently a hobby farmer, avid traveler and an author of several award-winning short stories. She lives on a small homestead with her husband and a menagerie of farm animals.

S.A. Molteni can be found on the following social media sites:

Blog – http://samolteni.blogspot.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/author.samolteni
Twitter – https://twitter.com/samolteni 

On tour with Prism Book Tours.

When the Right One Comes Along (K-9 Trilogy, #1)When the Right One Comes Along
(K-9 Trilogy #1)
by Kate James
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 293 Pages

October 1st 2015 by Harlequin

Brought together by disaster. Kept together by love.

In the aftermath of a deadly earthquake, it’s chaos for trauma surgeon Jessica Hansen. Among the many victims, one patient stands out: San Diego Police K-9 search and rescue officer Cal Palmer.

Cal vows to help Kayla, a child orphaned by the disaster. But he needs Jessica’s help. Will their shared concern for Kayla and for Cal’s canine partner, Scout, allow them to put aside their personal torments and discover the difference love can make?

Amazon – Barnes & NobleHarlequin – iTunesKobo


He signaled to Scout, ordering him to do a quick search to make sure they weren’t leaving anyone behind. The dog didn’t give any indication that there was anyone else present.
A light vibration had Cal bracing himself again and grabbing for Scout’s collar. The rumble passed and he exhaled.
Back in the atrium, he strapped Scout into the hoisting harness and tugged on the guywire, signaling to the firefighter to lift him out. When the harness came back down, Cal secured himself in quickly, and gave the two tugs to let Adam know he was ready. He could hear the winch kick in and he began his slow ascent.
He was almost at the top of the atrium, nearing the elevator shaft, when he felt what seemed to be a gust of air whoosh down the opening. Simultaneously, the building shuddered again, and Cal started to swing and twirl on the hoisting rope. With the next tremor, he was catapulted toward a solid interior wall. He leaned back to try to control his motion and was able to maneuver sufficiently to cushion the impact with his legs when he collided with the wall. The force sent him careering backward. Just as he was twirling around once again, another rumble emanated from the ground beneath and seemed to rise up to engulf him. An ominous grating sound followed.
Cal’s blood ran cold as he watched a ceiling beam tear loose to his right. Still anchored to a column by some rebars, it hurtled toward him like a battering ram.
He thrust back and as far out as possible, and flailed his legs to increase the swing of the rope. Unable to control his spin, he was propelled in the opposite direction from the one he’d intended, right into the path of the beam.

Kate James 2.jpg

Kate James spent eight years of her childhood living in foreign countries as her professional parents travelled on business. She lived in four countries and spoke five languages before settling down in Canada again to attend university. After graduating with a degree in civil engineering, she held a variety of positions in the field of real estate development and operations, and ran three substantial organizations. While her writing during this period was mostly business related, including presentations and speeches she delivered both nationally and internationally, her passion is and always has been fiction.

Kate’s business and personal experiences enable her to write fiction with a deep, often first-hand knowledge of what she is writing about. This approach makes Kate’s stories richer and more vivid.

Kateís goal is to entertain you with well-written, engaging stories, set in intriguing places and with strong, likeable characters. ìI hope my stories bring you pleasure and entertain you. Nothing pleases me more than receiving feedback from people who have chosen to spend their valuable leisure time with one of my books,î notes Kate.

Kate married her husband, Ken, in an elegant, ocean-front wedding on a tropical island. When they are not traveling, they split their time between their properties in southern and central Ontario in Canada.

Website – Goodreads – Facebook – Twitter

Grand Prize: Spa Gift Basket and a print copy of When the Right One Comes Along (US/CAN only)

2nd Prize: $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of When the Right One Comes Along (print if US/CAN, ebook if international)

3 ñ 3rd Prizes: copy of When the Right One Comes Along(print if US/CAN, ebook if international)

Ends October 16th

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On tour with Prism Book Tours.

Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army (The Earthman Jack Space Saga, #2)Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army
(The Earthman Jack Space Saga #2)
by Matthew Kadish
YA Sci-Fi
Paperback & ebook, 663 Pages

September 15th 2015 by Twelve Oaks Media

After his heroic battle against the Deathlords on the Ghost Planet, Jack Finnegan is looking forward to arriving at Omnicron Prime, the capitol planet of the Galactic Regalus Empire -the largest and most advanced civilization in the universe.

Things are looking bright for Jack. He has his unconventional group of friends, his mystical spaceship, and the girl of his dreams -Princess Anna. Not to mention a secret mission that could save Earth and everyone he cares about.

But things get complicated when he arrives at Omnicron. Not only is Jack uncomfortable being thrust into the spotlight for his courageous actions to save the universe, but he soon finds life in the Empire isn’t everything he’d dreamed it would be.

His friends abandon him to pursue their own interests. Greedy and cunning politicians conspire to steal his spaceship. Even his relationship with Anna is strained now that she’s gone from being “the girl next door” to the most powerful woman in the universe.

But beneath all that lies a new and terrifying threat from the Deathlords. A threat that grows in secret, slowly spreading throughout the Regalus Empire like a plague, and it threatens to destroy from within the only thing powerful enough to stop the Deathlords and their malicious rampage throughout the galaxy -the Empire itself.

Worst of all -Jack is the only one who knows about this new threat, and no one will believe his warnings.

Suddenly, the Empire is no longer safe for Jack and his friends. Even the people they’ve come to rely on the most can no longer be trusted. As those he’s sworn to protect turn against him, how can Jack hope to save the day?

Fighting the Deathlords was one thing. Fighting the “good guys” is quite another. Will Jack be able to find the strength to be the hero the universe needs?

Or will he finally be defeated by this Secret Army?

Amazon – Book Depository

Also in the Series
Earthman Jack vs. the Ghost Planet (The Earthman Jack Space Saga, #1)
Earthman Jack is like Harry Potter meets Star Wars. A sweeping, epic space opera full of adventure, humor, magic, and coming of age. Fun for readers of all ages!
AmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository

6 Star Trek Books All Sci-Fi Fans Should Read (Even If They Don’t Like Star Trek)
If you’re a Trekkie, then chances are you’ve picked up a Star Trek-themed book before.  But the barrier to entry to some of these novels may be rather large if you aren’t a fan of the TV show.  The good news is that some Star Trek novels are so good, they can appeal to any fan of sci-fi, even if they don’t like Star Trek!  Here are the top 5 Star Trek books sci-fi fans should check out if they’re looking for a good read.
Enterprise: The First Adventure by Vonda N. McIntyre – Before J.J. Abrams gave us a new version of Captain Kirk’s origins, Nebula winning sci-fi author Vonda McIntyre wrote this masterful novel about a young Captain Kirk having to come to grips with his command — including the uptight Spock, who considers his new captain to be a loose cannon (sound familiar?). For fans of later Star Treks who’ve never quite understood why the Kirk/Spock/McCoy relationship is so important to the series, McIntyre does a great job of establishing and developing that relationship, and showing just why that particular trio are so epic. This is a great place for people unfamiliar with Star Trek to start, for obvious reasons.
Planet of Judgement by Joel Haldeman – From the author who brought us The Forever War, Planet of Judgment has a lot of the great Star Trek staples, some big philosophical questions, and lots of huge space-opera action. The story centers on the Enterprise stumbling upon a rogue planet in space, orbited by a sun no larger than a pea – a circumstance impossible to explain by any known scientific law. Assuming the star to be an artificial construct, a landing party is dispatched to the planet’s surface, and becomes trapped.  Unable to contact the Enterprise, Captain Kirk must battle to solve the riddle of a planet where no equipment works and the laws science don’t seem to apply.  This is also one of the most adult of the Star Trek novels (not surprising, if you’ve read any of Haldeman’s other works), with the redshirts getting their faces ripped off and the Enterprise crew actually talking about sex.
Harbinger by David Mack –The first novel in the fan-favorite Star Trek: Vanguard literary spin-off series which focuses on Starbase 47, otherwise known as “Vanguard.”  In essence, this book is like the pilot episode of a new Trekshow, with lots of new characters and great themes to kick things off, so a new reader won’t get lost.  The tale centers around the Enterprise being damaged after traveling to the edge of the galaxy and stumbling upon an unknown Federation space station dubbed “Vanguard.”  Captain Kirk is puzzled over the existence of this starbase, and it eventually becomes a focal point of contention among the Tholian Assembly, the Orion Syndicate, and the Klingon Empire, who are suspicious about the Federation’s motives for exploring and colonizing such a little-known region of space. 

Prime Directive by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens – These two authors have a long and varied career with Star Trek, but their first novel in the Star Trek Universe is arguably the best they’ve ever done.  At the story’s center is one of the most in-depth analysis of Starfleet’s most cherished law: The Prime Directive.  This epic story examines what happens when Captain Kirk breaks the Prime Directive, causing a huge disaster in which the Enterprise is all but destroyed. Kirk is shamed and drummed out of Starfleet in disgrace, and the rest of the Enterprise bridge crew has to scatter and go into hiding, enacting an elaborate plan to bring Kirk back.  The book pushes the characters to their limits and shows that, even when things are at their worst, this crew is at their best.
Redshirts by John Scalzi – Aside from the obvious Star Trek reference in the title, this book isn’t really a Star Trek novel.  However, it does have a lot of fun playing with tropes from science fiction, referencing everything from Stargate to Dune, but especially Star Trek.  When the main character joins the crew of the starship Intrepid, he is expecting a relatively easy gig working in a lab.  He soon realizes, however, that something very strange is going on, and low-ranking crew members are dying almost faster than they can be replaced.  A group of low-ranking crewmen (the “redshirts”) decide the only way to survive their stint on the Intrepid is to figure out what is going on.  To save themselves, they embark on a strange journey that blurs the lines between reality and fiction.  The book becomes increasingly meta and philosophical as the story progresses, and there is also an undercurrent of irony and humor as the adventures of the crew become progressively more and more outrageous. Redshirts has a bit of a Hitchhiker’s Guide-esque tone at times, and is just laugh-out-loud funny at others. This book pokes a lot fun at itself and the science fiction books and shows it draws from.
Earthman Jack vs. The Ghost Planet by Matthew Kadish – Okay, so I’m biased since I wrote this myself.  But I can’t deny the influence Star Trek had on me.  If you enjoy action, excitement, and humor, then you should also read this novel, because it is my love-letter to all things science fiction, and has even been called “Harry Potter meets Star Trek.”  And the best part is you can download it for free from my website!  So now you really have no excuse not to read it.
Author Profile Headshot

About The Author:  Matthew Kadish is a Renaissance man, certified evil genius, and novelist.  Much like Scottish cuisine, the bulk of his creations are based on dares.  He is the most talented writer ever.  His mother tells him so every day.  Get a free copy of his book Earthman Jack vs. The Ghost Planet at www.EarthmanJack.com.  His latest novel, Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army, is available now.

Matthew Kadish is an independent author and world-recognized evil genius. When he isn’t writing or being evil, he enjoys relaxing at the beach and videos of puppies. Much like Scottish cuisine, most of his literary works have been based on dares. He currently lives in Las Vegas and always bets on black, because Westley Snipes has yet to steer him wrong in life. He is the most talented author ever. His mother tells him so every day.

WebsiteGoodreads – FacebookTwitter

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway
$20 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
3 copies of Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army (Print to US entrants, ebook to International)
Ends October 2nd

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On tour with Prism Book Tours.

It’s the Fantasy Prism Tour Grand Finale for

By W.R. Gingell

Servant of the Crown
By Melissa McShane
The Frey Saga
By Melissa Wright

If you love fantasy, we hope you enjoyed the exclusive content shared on the tour. 
If you didn’t get a chance to check out each book and their stops now…

by W.R. Gingell
NA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 300 Pages
August 10th 2015

She’s not a princess . . . but then, he’s no prince.

Polyhymnia is deep in enchanted sleep. High in a tower, behind an impenetrable barrier of magical thorns, she sleeps, dreams, and falls ever deeper into her curse.

Woken by a kiss, Poly finds herself in an alien world where three hundred years have passed and everyone she has ever known is dead. Luck, the enchanter who woke her, seems to think she is the princess. Understandable, since he found her asleep on the princess’ bed, in the royal suite, and dressed in the princess’ clothes.

Who cursed Poly? Why is someone trying to kill her and Luck? Why can’t she stop falling asleep?

And why does her hair keep growing?

Sometimes breaking the curse is just the beginning of the journey.

Amazon – Book Depository

“What If…” Guest Post @ Mythical Books

With Spindle my what if? was what if Sleeping Beauty wasn’t actually the princess? From that first little seedling of what if? I also ended up with what if she slept for more than three hundred years instead of one hundred? I was fascinated with the thought of how much life would have changed for her. Language would have evolved and passed her by, her loved ones and family would almost certainly be dead, and both the political and social aspects of life would have changed completely.

More at Mythical Books.

W.R. Gingell

W.R. Gingell is a Tasmanian author who lives in a house with a green door. She spends her time reading, drinking an inordinate amount of tea, and slouching in front of the fire to write. Like Peter Pan, she never really grew up, and is still occasionally to be found climbing trees.
Website – Goodreads – Twitter

Servant of the CrownServant of the Crown
(The Crown of Tremontane, #1)
by Melissa McShane
Adult Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 405 Pages
July 15th 2015 by Night Harbor Publishing
Alison Quinn, Countess of Waxwold, is content with her bookish life—until she’s summoned to be a lady-in-waiting to the Queen of Tremontane’s mother for six months. Even the prospect of access to the Royal Library doesn’t seem enough to make up for her sacrifice, but Alison is prepared to do her service to the Crown. What she’s not prepared for is Prince Anthony North, Queen Zara’s playboy brother, who’s accustomed to getting what he wants—including the Countess of Waxwold.
When the fallout from an unfortunate public encounter throws the two of them together, Alison has no interest in becoming the Prince’s next conquest. But as the weeks pass, Alison discovers there’s more to Anthony than she—or he—realized, and their dislike becomes friendship, and then something more—until disaster drives Alison away, swearing never to return.
Then Alison is summoned by the Queen again, this time to serve as Royal Librarian. A threat to Tremontane’s government, with her treasured Library at stake, draws Alison into the conflict…and into contact with Anthony once more. Can they work together to save the Royal Library and Tremontane? And can she open her heart to love again?

Exclusive Excerpt @ Brooke Blogs

“Without thinking, Alison whipped her hand out of his grasp and brought it around hard to slap the Prince’s face. The sound of her bare palm striking his cheek carried unnaturally far in the crowded, overfull ballroom. The dancers nearest them stopped to stare, and their stillness spread outward until half the floor was occupied by unmoving figures. The music went ragged and then stumbled to a halt. The Prince stood with his hand pressed to his cheek, his eyes wide and unblinking in surprise. Alison felt her breath coming in short, quick pants that left her dizzy…”

More at Brooke Blogs.

Melissa McShane

Melissa McShane grew up a nomad, following her family all over the United States, and ended up living in the shadow of the Wasatch Mountains with her husband, four kids, and three very needy cats. Her love of reading was always a constant during those uncertain years, and her love of writing grew out of that. She wrote reviews and critical essays for many years before turning to fiction, and was surprised at how much she liked it. She loves the fantasy genre and how it stretches the imagination.

Website – Blog – Goodreads – Pinterest

The Frey SagaThe Frey Saga
by Melissa Wright
YA/NA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 779 pages
February 1st 2013

This collection includes The Frey Saga Book I: Frey, Book II: Pieces of Eight, the short story Molly, and Book III: Rise of the Seven.

Unaware she’s been bound from using magic, Frey leads a small, miserable life in the village where she’s sent after the death of her mother. But a tiny spark ignites a fury of changes and she’s suddenly being hunted by council and forced to rely on strangers for protection. But the farther she strays from home, the more her magic and forgotten memories return and she starts to suspect the band of strangers are not what they seem. They help her find her rightful place and destroy the bonds, but securing her future might be more than she can do with magic alone.

Exclusive Excerpt of book I, Frey, & Sneak Peek of book IV, Venom and Steel @ Beck Valley Books

    “The library was chaos. Books and pages, precious scrolls and ancient casting ledgers strewn over the wood plank floor. I’d never seen this room molested by their madness and the shock of it had me stumbling to a standstill. They had lost all regard for it, broken their own rules. They were a wild people, but they did have at least some barriers.
    If there was one thing the fey respected, it was knowledge.”

Melissa Wright is the author of the Frey Saga and Descendants Series. She is currently working on the next book, but when not writing can be found collecting the things she loves at Goodreads and Pinterest.

Tour Giveaway
$30 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
Signed copy of Spindle (Us only)
Print copy of Servant of the Crown (US only)
Ebook of The Frey Saga (INT)
Ends September 18th

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