Annie’s Author Services

Need someone to walk you through the publishing process? Not certain how to format a paperback or ebook? Want to make sure dangling participles or unclear antecedents don’t distract readers from your characters’ adventures? I’m here to support you in the mundane details so you can focus your creative juices on what only you can do: helping your hero win the day!

My Credentials:

As an independently published author, I’ve written and published over a dozen fiction and nonfiction titles in both ebook and paperback formats over the last decade. A classroom teacher for nineteen years, I have also helped students polish and even publish their own writing. My background in teaching grammar has given me a solid foundation in the correct application of English that I regularly put to use in editing other authors’ manuscripts. No matter where you are in your author journey or what your writing needs are, I’d love to use my experience to help you achieve your goals!

Services I Offer:

Looking for help with something else?

Contact me to let me know what you have in mind, and I’ll see what I can do!

Writing Coaching for New and Aspiring Authors

Do you have a wonderful story idea but aren’t sure how to turn it into a book? I’ll work with you to plan and outline an exciting plot, develop strong and unique characters, and begin writing your novel. Want support along the way? I’ll help you create realistic writing goals that fit with your schedule and hold you accountable to meeting them.

Contact me to discuss the kind of help you’d like. Together we’ll make a plan involving video calls and/or regular email communication and settle on a price based on what kind of assistance you need.


Although line editing for actual errors in grammar, punctuation, etc. is my specialty, I also check for repeated words and comment on awkward phrasing, passive voice, wordiness, unclear descriptions, etc. In addition, I point out big-picture issues like inconsistencies in the plot or problems with character development when they stand out to me.

Before I quote you a price, I’ll ask to see a few pages from your unedited manuscript. I’ll edit them for you, making note of how many and what kinds of errors I find, to help me estimate how much time and work would be involved in the whole project. At that point, I’ll give you a quote (along with my edited version of your pages), and you can take a look at my work and decide whether you like my style.

Interested? Contact me with any questions or to send me some sample pages for a quote.


I've worked with Annie Lima on the editing of two of my books. She has an eye for detail, catching all the things that slipped past everyone else. When I added an extra scene to a previously published book, she was willing to edit that even though someone else had already edited the rest. I've worked with several talented editors with my books, and Annie is by far the best... She also has an ear for what sounds funny or choppy, and points those areas out so I can improve them. She is easy to communicate with and efficient in her work. I look forward to working with her on many more books. I highly recommend her editing services.

– M.L. Farb

I'm an editor for a digital marketing company, but if my bosses ever discovered Annie, I'd be out of a job. She has better grammar and proofreading skills than anyone I know, and when I need someone to edit my writing, I turn to Annie. Her work is impeccable.

– Brad Francis

Annie is a joy to work with. She draws attention to mistakes without coming across as critical. She doesn't just catch typos, she teaches as she goes so each of my subsequent WIPs have had fewer grammatical errors.

– ReGi McClain

I have been using Annie Douglass Lima's proofreading services for a couple of years now. Her attention to detail and terrific scheduling flexibility are two of the things I appreciate most!

– Savannah Jezowski

Annie recently proofread my  50k novel and did an outstanding job. She was thorough, pleasant and professional to work with. Highly recommended.

– Lara Wynter

Paperback and eBook Formatting

Have you written a book but don’t have the know-how (or time) to format your manuscript so it will look right on an e-reader screen or printed page? I will turn your manuscript into a professional-looking product that will reflect well on you as an author. Turnaround time is usually less than a week. Depending on the complexity of formatting needed, I can often get your manuscript back to you within 24 hours.

Fill out this form to get started.


Contact Me

Formatting Services

Easy, Tasty, Gluten Free

Annie converted my cookbook into multiple formats, catching some errors I had missed along the way. She went the extra mile to make sure all the formats I needed were right. I strongly recommend her services, and look forward to working with her again.

– Marne Platt

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Me

Formatting Services

What does your ebook formatting involve?

The following features are included in my basic ebook package:

  • Your cover image (please note that I don’t design covers – I will just make sure the image you provide is included in the ebook)
  • Title page and other simple front matter as needed (dedication, etc.)
  • Table of contents (with titles linked to each chapter)
  • Maintaining your italics, bold print, etc.
  • Professional layout that meets industry standards for ebooks and provides a great reading experience
  • “About the Author” page with links to your social media if desired
  • Blurbs/previews of your other books in the end matter with buy links if desired
  • Publication-ready manuscript returned to you in Mobi and ePub formats; other formats may be possible upon request
What’s not included in a basic ebook formatting package?

The following features in ebooks may cost extra:

  • Illustrations (pictures, tables, graphs, etc.)
  • Songs or poetry
  • Footnotes, endnotes, etc.
What does your paperback formatting involve?

The following features are included in my basic paperback package:

  • Title page and other simple front matter as needed (dedication, etc.)
  • Maintaining your italics, bold print, etc.
  • Professional layout that meets industry standards for paperbacks and provides a great reading experience
  • Headers and footers (these normally include page numbers, author’s name, and book title)
  • Print-ready manuscript returned to you in PDF format and as a Microsoft Word document; other formats may be possible upon request
What’s not included in a basic paperback formatting package?

The following features in paperback books may cost extra:

  • Table of contents

  • Illustrations (pictures, tables, graphs, etc.)

  • Footnotes, endnotes, etc.
Do you format children’s picture books?

Sorry, no, but I can recommend people who do. Just ask!

What do you charge for your formatting?

Prices (in U.S. dollars) for the basic packages are as follows:

Word Count



Ebook & Paperback

Less than 20,000




20,000 - 50,000




50,000 - 100,000




More than 100,000




What if some aspect of your formatting doesn’t turn out the way I want?

Just let me know what you’d like changed. I’ll dialogue with you about what you have in mind and make adjustments as necessary until you’re satisfied.

What if I spot a typo or something else I need to change after you’ve formatted my manuscript?

No problem! Just send the new version my way – I’ll make unlimited minor changes for up to a year after our initial agreement at no extra charge.

I’m interested in your formatting services! How do I sign up?

Simply fill out this form.

Formatting Services

How and when should I pay?

After we've decided on which services you'll use, I'll invoice you with various payment options.

Self-Publishing Support


Daydreaming of the World

I had never written a book before so I reached out to Annie for some advice. She is a joy to work with and always ready to offer improvement in my writing or encouragement. I will always appreciate the time she put into mentoring me.

– Kaitlyn Taylor

Are your characters ready to meet the world, but you’re not sure how to get them out there? I can help you set up a self-publishing account through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and walk you throu gh the steps necessary to publish your manuscript as both an ebook and paperback. Just email me at [email protected] to schedule time for a video call.

You will need the following:

  • A complete manuscript, edited and formatted for both Kindle and paperback (if need be, I can help you with the editing and formatting first - see those sections above for more information)
  • A book cover (a jpg with just the front cover for a Kindle book; a single PDF containing the front cover, back cover, and spine for a paperback) 
  • Book description (the same as your back-cover blurb)
  • Your bank account and tax information (don’t worry, I won’t see that) - Amazon requires those as you set up your publishing account

Cost: $29.99

Bonus Freebie: 

At no extra charge, I will help you pick the keywords and categories most likely to get your book noticed on Amazon. I’ll also guide you through the process of requesting extra categories for your book, beyond the two that Amazon allows you on your book’s KDP page.

Contact me to discuss the kind of help you’d like. Together we’ll make a plan involving video calls and/or regular email communication and settle on a price based on what kind of assistance you need.

Submitting Published Books to Sites that Promote Free and Discounted eBooks

Are you tired of spending hours looking up sites where you could promote your books and then filling out tedious forms to submit your books for their consideration? Time is money, and those are hours you could be spending writing! Wouldn't you rather pay one (very low) fee to have someone do it for you?

For $2.99, tell me the next time when your book will temporarily be free, and I will submit it to up to 39 book promotion sites. They may or may not all decide to feature the book.

Or, for $2.99, tell me the next time when your book will temporarily be 99 cents (if it's permanently 99 cents, that's fine too; just pick some dates when you want it featured) and I will submit it to up to 36 sites that accept 99 cent books. They may or may not all decide to feature the book.

Or, for $1.99, tell me the next time when you would like your permafree book to be featured, and I will submit it to over a dozen sites that accept permafree books. They may or may not all decide to feature the book.

Another option: instead of paying the fees mentioned above through PayPal, you could buy one of my books instead. 🙂 Most of the ebooks are $2.99 or less; feel free to pick any one of them at any price (as long as it's not free at the time) and either download it for yourself or "gift" it to a friend. (I emailed Amazon to make sure this doesn't violate their terms of service, and they assured me it's okay.) If you choose this option, simply take a screenshot or forward me the confirmation email from Amazon that shows what book you bought. You can send it to [email protected], and indicate on my form that you've done so.

*Sorry, but I won't submit erotica or books promoting religions other than Christianity. Don't take it personally if that's what you write. We can still be friends! 🙂 But I can't in good conscience help to promote those books.

Click here to fill out my form and let me submit your book to up to 16 promo sites for you for about the cost of a cup of coffee! (There's a link to pay through PayPal at the end.)

Contact Me