The Trouble With Rane is an adventure-packed, humorous, science fiction enovella from Robert Beacham. At 18,000 words it’s long enough to get your teeth into but short enough not to demand too much of your time.
Although there’s an earlier short story (available for free here) this is our first proper introduction to Ranger extraordinaire, Ceras Rane – a highly-trained individual whose skills and deductive abilities are only surpassed by his remarkable luck.
Going “Outside” on Earth provides more dangers than just the toxic atmosphere – but that’s just the start of Ceras’ problems. There’s intrigue, deceit, secretive departments within law enforcement, androids, corruption, gun battles, aliens, a huge space station, a moon colony, drug smuggling… even a cat or two.
Oh, and it’s only 99¢ – how can you lose?
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